#Clover Anon
lyranova · 5 months
Hello it's clover anon,
For the au event how about Nacht x reader in fairytale AU. Thank you
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Hiya Clover anon! Thank you so much, and as for how many requests I have about…15 now since I got two requests done 😆. So it’s a decent size! But since I don’t have many moodboard requests and you gave me permission to make one, I decided to do that (I also couldn’t decide on a fairy tale for Nacht, I’m so sorry 😭!). But I really hope you like this moodboard 🥺!
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writer-by-the-sea · 17 days
Elliott, how do you feel about pet names? Do you have any favorites?
~ ☘️
Oh I absolutely adore pet names!
I would say my favorite is, 'darling.' However, I also frequently use sweetheart, bunny, honey, babe, little farmer, my love... Really the list goes on!
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dead-dolphins · 12 days
Hello! I know handling a lot of things can be tiring for you, but I hope you allow yourself to catch a breath and enjoy the serene moment for awhile before you decide to continue your upcoming activities. Your readers, including me, are always rooting for you! Have a nice day, Ro! 🩷
Ps. I hope my presence won't bother you as I always try to send you a message 🥺
Your four-leaf clover anon 🐻🍀
YOU DON’T BOTHER ME AT ALL! OMG, Clover Anon! I’m so sorry for the delay. I’m really trying to catch up with everything, and I have so many questions that somehow got lost along the way. I’m so frustrated with myself for it, but please know that you don’t bother me in the slightest!
Rest assured, I ADORE YOU! Your patience and support mean the world to me, and I’m incredibly grateful for your understanding. Thank you for being so amazing and sticking with me through all this.
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
Hello my love,
Would you be willing to write a little blurb about Daniel or Sam (or both in a throuple) taking care of their lady on her period? I’m having a real bad one rn and I want to be pampered
your boyfriend looked up from his phone, frowning at the tone of your voice. you hadn't quite managed to maintain strong front you'd been putting up all day, and just being home was enough to make you feel like crying.
“what's wrong, bunny?” he asked, setting his phone on the coffee table and beckoning to you. “come here.”
you left your bag, your shoes, your sweater, everything in a pile on the floor, right in the middle of the walkway. you didn't have enough energy to care. you curled up next to him on the couch and let him hold you.
“bad day at work?” he asked, brushing his fingers through your hair.
you gave a pitiful whimper and nodded. “'m on my period. i feel really bad.”
“aw, lovie,” sam cooed. “i'm sorry. let's boss danny around, would that make you feel better?”
you couldn't help a small smile. “maybe.”
“hey danny,” sam called to your boyfriend. “we're gonna boss you around, okay?”
“let me put this load of laundry on,” danny said from down the hall. “and then you may.”
you stayed snug in sam's arms as you waited for danny to join you, and he came into the living room with a laundry basket a few moments later.
“pajamas?” he asked, setting the basket on the couch and starting to fold the mix of his, yours, and sam's clothes. he tossed you a well-worn t-shirt of his and some sweatpants of sam's.
“that was going to be my first order, actually,” sam said. “it's like we can read each other's minds, honey. how cool is that?”
danny chuckled. “very cool, love. but what did you do to our girl?”
“me?” sam said, playfully offended. “not a thing.”
“i'm malfunctioning,” you said, your voice muffled against sam's shirt.
“she's on her period,” sam translated.
“ah, i see.” danny nodded to the kitchen. “there's rocky road, and sam made vegan ice cream sandwiches if you want to try them.”
you looked up at sam. “you made vegan ice cream sandwiches?”
“yes, i did,” he said. “and you're welcome to eat them all if they help you stop malfunctioning.”
“she's not malfunctioning,” danny said sweetly. “she's going through the natural, intuitive hormonal cycle of her body. it's a beautiful thing.”
you winced when a particularly painful cramp spread across your abdomen. “doesn't feel very beautiful.”
“well, tylenol is a beautiful thing too,” danny agreed. “i'll go get you some, and sam can help you get in your pajamas. unless you need in the bathroom.”
you shook your head. “i think i'm good for right now.” you let sam help you out of your work clothes and into danny's shirt and his sweatpants, and you took the medicine danny brought you before you snuggled close to sam again.
danny finished folding the laundry and set it aside to be put away later. “i thought you were going to boss me around, bunny. i'm feeling kind of let down.”
you smiled. “can you put on a movie, please?”
“that's very bad bossing, sweetheart,” he said seriously, turning on the tv. “no please, next time.” he pulled netflix up. “what movie?”
“whatever you guys want,” you said, moving to lay with your head on sam's lap. you curled in on yourself, grimacing against the cramps that hadn't been knocked out by the medicine just yet.
“what about that grateful dead documentary?” danny asked sam. “you haven't had a chance to finish it yet, right?”
“you want to watch that?” sam asked, a little surprised.
danny smiled. “if you want to, love.”
“oh, well... sure, i'd like to finish it. thank you, honey.”
danny turned on the movie and went to turn off the lights to make things nice and dim for you. sam ran his fingers through your hair in a soothing motion, and though you were interested in it, you watched the documentary with flagging attention as the day's exhaustion and discomfort caught up with you.
“hey, bunny.”
you opened your eyes to see danny hunkered down by your side. you gave him a tired smile, and he smiled back.
“hi, dan.”
“hi, sweetheart,” he said softly. “do you need anything else?”
you nodded. “your hands.”
his brow shot up. “my hands?” he glanced up at sam and grinned when their eyes met. “in what, uh, capacity do you want them?”
you giggled. “get your mind out of the gutter, daniel.”
“now, i'm with danny,” sam teased. “can't just go around saying you need our boyfriend's hands and not expect him to be curious.”
“you want to fool around a little, bunny?” danny asked, a sweet and mildly amused kind of desire softening his face. “i'm sure we could arrange something.”
you smiled. “maybe later. what i meant was that i wanted your hands on my back, because they're nice and warm.”
“right, of course,” danny said with a smile. “sure thing, bunny.”
he straightened, fixing the pillows on the couch to make room for himself, but sam stopped him before he got settled.
“wait, danny,” sam said. he tipped his face up. “smooch.”
“hey,” you said. “i want a smooch too.”
danny chuckled. “fine.” he gave sam a kiss first. “a smooch for sammy.”
he kissed you next, soft and sweet. “and a smooch for bunny. everybody happy?”
you and sam hummed in agreement, moving to make room for danny next to you. you'd gotten a sectional for your shared apartment for this very purpose, so you could all fit; danny stretched out and propped himself on his arm behind you, splaying one hand over the small of your back and tracing little circles there.
“how's that, bunny?” he asked.
you cuddled closer to your boyfriends, tucking your feet close to danny, wrapping your arm around sam's legs, feeling their hands wander with an aimless, gentle comfort over you.
you gave a contented sigh, your period all but forgotten as you cuddled your favorite boys. “it's absolutely perfect.”
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darkships-daily · 10 days
todays darkship is:
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Andromeda Shun x Phoenix Ikki from Saint Seiya!
shipcest (brothers)
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genuinely tired of all this ship hate in this fandom. As long as it’s not an obvious pro ship (contestant x host/coderra) than please mind ur own business. It’s actually pissing me off scrolling thru takes blogs and ONLY seeing ship hate. There’s much worse things to worry about
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skyward-floored · 7 months
how many followrs do you have?
More than three and less then ten thousand XD
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imagination-confusion · 11 months
Oooo my own gay tag! I feel honored! I’ll come up with a gay anon name for myself! Also I looked at the 2 games they’re very interesting!
-Your gay anon Clover!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
quick question, what’s your total ao3 word count?
just checked my stats and the current counter is 2,061,204 !
god i have problems.
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earlysunshines · 11 months
sana being pampered by 3mix cause she's been overworked lately :((
Jeongyeon taking her from behind while sana is eating nayeon out, and jihyo just rubbing sana's back saying how good she's doing for them
shasha eventually falls asleep sucking on jihyo's boobs, her tummy bulging a bit cause of how well her unnie had filled her
and ofc, nayeon takes a picture for their growing collection
oh okAYY???????
wowww u have thoughts anon wow this is very different than the others
you’ve got some craaazzzyy thoughts wow
the thought of pampering sana is so nmmmmmmmmffff
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(S-Sorry, Hyness!) No! I won't let you! *Tugs other side of Hyness's hoodie* -☘
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[Out here playing tug of war with Hyness' arms, huh.]
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lyranova · 1 month
hello it's clover anon I was away for tumblr for a while because my device got damaged and I lost my old account. Can you ask your mother what she thinks about Nacht ? ( if she reached the last few episodes) and does she trust him? or her opinions on Mars x Fana?
Hiya Clover anon, It’s good to see you again! Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that you damaged your device and lost your old account 🥺🫂!!
I already asked for her opinion on Nacht but I’ll post it again! I’ll also ask her if she trusts him or not!
Okay, so, she didn’t remember Nacht until I showed her a clip (and it wasn’t until she saw Gimo that she remembered who he was XD!!). But she said from what she saw of him she was impressed by him and wants to learn more about him, but he wasn’t memorable (because he was only in the last three episodes, but i assured her that he will show up more in the next arc 😌!).
I asked her if she trusted him and she actually had to think about it!! She said “I’m iffy on him…on the one hand I want to trust him, but in the back of my mind the sirens are blaring saying ‘don’t trust him!!’” So right now, she says she isn’t sure if she should trust him or not! She’s leaning towards trusting him, but her brain is saying not too!
@loosesodamarble thought you would like to read~!
For Mars x Fana, she didn’t really remember them (and kept getting them confused with Licht x Tetia)…but she said she prefers them as seperate characters instead of a ship 😅. She said they’re cute and fine together as a couple, but she just likes them as individual characters!
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writer-by-the-sea · 18 days
hiiii!! I was wondering if you’d be able to write a letter to my farmer Clover, who’s currently seeking out the mermaid pendant to propose to a certain bachelor :)) she’s somewhat shy and was too nervous to participate in the flower dance her first year in town, much less to ask the man she fancied to dance with her, but in the past month she’s come out of her shell and worked up the courage to dance with everyone else! Something tooth rottingly sweet about how proud Elliott is of her for overcoming her shyness and how much he loves her and how beautiful she looked dancing that day would be absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for hearing me out nhdhdbdk
To my lovely Clover,
Spring may be my new favorite time of the year. Seeing you in your cute, ribbon covered dress; dancing with everyone in town left me in awe.
You're so beautiful when you smile. I can't even begin to contain my joy seeing you have so much fun. Our dance together was the cherry on top of a prefect day.
Did you know you were counting your steps? It was so adorable; I couldn't stop grinning at you. I wanted to pick you up by your hips and swing you around, to show the others how much you've grown in the last year.
I'm so proud of you, Clover. Last year, both of us were too shy to ask for a dance. Now? You're my main partner, but you also have the courage to dance with the others.
Emily finally has a friend to get wild with! I can't wait to see how you let loose at the Luau!
For now, feel free to stop by the beach anytime you want another dance. I have an old stereo, a few tapes with all the classics; and I would love to dance with you; barefoot in the sand while Moon River plays..
Gods, I love you.
I can't wait to see you again.
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dead-dolphins · 12 days
Hello, Ro! I just want to say how proud I am of you, I don't get to tell you this everyday, but I hope these words will always resonate with you wherever you are! The future days can be unpredictable and we never know what kind of challenges that we're gonna face later, but I believe in you, you're stronger than what you think! If things get too tough, don't forget to rest for awhile and enjoy the serene moment before you can continue your activities again. As always, thank you for providing us with your wholesome writings. Let us, your readers, be the ones who provide you strength, anytime and anywhere! Have a good day, sweet girl!!
Your four-leaf clover anon 🐻🍀🩷
Thank you so much for your sweet and supportive message! It really warms my heart to read your words.😭❤️
No, but seriously, I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. They really mean so much to me and give me a huge boost of motivation. I know I’ve been feeling like I’m not hitting the mark with my writing lately, and it’s been a bit of a struggle. But your support is incredibly uplifting and helps me push through. I promise there will be something new coming your way soon. I’m working hard to get back on track and bring you content that’s worth the wait.
I absolutely adore you, my dearest anon clover. Every time I see a clover now, it reminds me of you and brings a smile to my face!
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deux-jared · 1 year
I know your address :⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛
- 🍀
oh fuck oh shit
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whumpshaped · 1 year
I’m so late on your pain situation, I hope you’re feeling better or will feel better soon. Just wanted to say you don’t have to worry about updating when you’re hurting or even just not inspired in the moment. Take your time, I’m sure we’ll still be here waiting for you and your lovely stories when you’re ready.
- 🍀
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i just feel so bad for keeping everyone waiting. i wanna entertain!! and bring joy!!!! but of course instead im banging my head against stuff and then making rant posts abt it lol EMBARRASSING !!!!!!
also yea it feels much better than it did 7 hrs ago, i even got some sleep eventually, and my ice was ready by the time i woke up and all that. i just need to stop being lazy and eat smth and then itll be a great day. i'll be fine by tomorrow <3
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