#Cloves for Hair Growth
kikiskeys · 1 year
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nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
OCTOBER 1, 2022 | NATIONAL GREEN CITY DAY | NATIONAL CRYPTOCURRENCY MONTH | NATIONAL HAIR DAY | NATIONAL BLACK DOG DAY | NATIONAL HOMEMADE COOKIES DAY | NATIONAL FIRE PUP DAY | NATIONAL PUMPKIN SPICE DAY NATIONAL GREEN CITY DAY | October 1 On October 1 we celebrate National Green City Day to highlight the progress and innovations cities are making to become more sustainable. Read more… NATIONAL…
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violettduchess · 7 months
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A/N: This is my gift for @readerinsertfanfiction 💜 The moment I saw Cyran on your list, I was thrilled. I hope you enjoy!
A huge thank you to @ikemenlibrary for her support and friendship and for being a generous, caring host 💜
Prompt: A servant, someone who knew Cyran from before his time in Rhodolite
Cyran x AU Emma
WC: ~4k
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Obsidian: the Past
She runs across the cracked, sunbaked cobblestone streets, her treasure wrapped in a cream-colored tea towel and held protectively against her chest. Her worn leather shoes make a pleasing thunking sound against the stones as she hurries past dusty shop windows and faded porches, carefully dodging people on the street.
“Langsam, Emma!” someone yells as she flies past but she doesn’t listen to their warning. She can’t slow down. She has somewhere to be.
Finally she reaches the edge of town and takes a sharp left, leaving the cobblestones behind for a ribbon of dirt road that winds its way along tired hills covered with sparse sage-green grass and dotted with scraggly yellow dandelions. Another turn onto an even smaller path, a faint thing that meanders through the knee-high growth and then, finally, the faded barn comes into view. 
She smiles, pumping her young legs harder, willing them to swallow the distance faster and faster until she reaches the peeling, splintered wooden doors and haphazardly flings one open.
“Cyran? I’m here!!”
The boy, just shy of fourteen, turns away from the wooden beam he has been faux-sparring with, lowering the dull, well-worn practice sword he is so proud of. His hair gleams like fire in the hazy sunlight that shines through the pocked roof. 
Emma hurries over, gulping down huge breaths of musty air as she grabs his thin forearm.
“C’mon. I’m dying to see how they taste.”
Cyran laughs, struggling to sheath his sword as she drags him over to the blanket thrown over the hay in a cozy corner of the barn. This is their favorite place to meet, an escape from the outside world they discovered several years ago while exploring. It is here that Emma sometimes reads to him from one of her treasured books. She’s even shared stories she’s written, romantic tales of princesses and dragons, knights and monsters. Cyran is always the hero, the knight who slays the monsters and rescues the damsel in distress. Emma will change her roles in the stories. 
Sometimes she needs rescuing. 
But sometimes, she is the dragon.
Often they sneak treats to each other, hard biscuits or smoked meat or, if they are really lucky, sweet berries brought across the border from the lush neighboring country of Rhodolite. Cyran’s neighbor is a servant for some of the merchants that make the risky trips over and when he’s lucky, she manages to tuck away a few treasures just for him.
He settles himself down on the frayed checkered blanket and pushes his bright hair away from his forehead, eagerly watching as Emma drops down next to him, laying the tea towel down. Her face is flushed from her run and from the thrill of what she’s managed to bring him.
He nods, enthusiastically motioning for her to unwrap it already. He has hands that are too big for his young body, growing the way many boys do at this age, in odd fits and spurts. 
Emma leans forward, pushing up the sleeve of her too-big dress and carefully pulls back the edges of the tea towel.
The smell hits them first, the warm spice of cinnamon, the tang of nutmeg, the slight bitterness of the cloves, the unmistakable scent of ginger. It wafts up towards them, exotic and tempting. Cyran breathes in deeply and then sighs happily as he looks at her, eyes bright and admiring.
“It smells so good.”
Cyran had carefully been saving up the exotic store of spices, some of them gifts from his neighbors, others decadent purchases made at the market from his meager earnings made mucking stalls and chopping wood. He knew that Emma would be the one who would create something special with them. Young as she was, she was a talented cook and baker, able to make the most fantastic treats out of the simplest ingredients. And now that she had been given such a treasure trove to work with, she had spun pure magic.
The spiced biscuits are dappled dark brown and gold. When she hands him one, it is with a reverence that echos a priest giving communion or a child receiving a shiny new toy at Christmas.
Their gazes meet and she nods.
He returns the nod, staring into the warm depths of her soft brown eyes.
They bite into the cookies at the same time. Emma breaks into a proud smile as Cyran closes his eyes, savoring the medley of flavor and even better, the knowledge that she made them just for him.
“It’s good, isn’t it?" she asks, grinning. She sees the look on his face, the way he is practically melting with enjoyment.
He lifts his shoulder in a casual shrug, feigning indifference.
“I guess……”
He takes another bite, leaning back on one hand. “I mean, they’re ok. But you know, Hilde’s biscuits are also really good–OOF.”
She’s tackled him, throwing herself at him with all the force of a frenzied feline, her nimble fingers scratching at his sides. Cyran breaks into laughter, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and tries to squirm away from her.
“Ok ok Brown Eyes, enough!”
Emma lets him go, sitting back on her heels with a glowing, triumphant smile.
“Never say that about Hilde’s cookies again.”
He pushes himself up, heart pounding furiously in his chest. Only some of it is from laughing. He tears his gaze away from the unsettling beauty of her eyes, traveling up to her hair.
“You’re a mess. You got straw in your hair and your braid is a disaster.”
Emma turns and scoots until she is sitting in front of him. “Since it’s your fault….you fix it.”
Cyran heaves a sigh he doesn’t mean and then settles himself into a comfortable position, reaching forward and with a tenderness and care far beyond most boys his age, begins slowly picking the straw from her messy plait.
Emma’s eyes drift closed as she revels in the attention he’s giving her, the gentle way he untangles her braid and then very slowly begins brushing his fingers through her soft, chestnut-colored hair.
It feels comforting and safe.
It feels thrilling.
It feels like the early evening has come to a standstill and they have all the time in the world.
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But their time together is like a rose slowly losing its petals.
A petal falls as he tells her, wide-eyed and shaken, that his neighbor has been killed in her own home, throat opened in the dead of night and left smiling its ghastly red smile until she was discovered hours later. Emma rubs his back, not knowing what else to do. This is not the first death in their village as of late. And it will not be the last.
A petal falls as they lay, side by side, on the blanket in the hay, staring up at the patches of starry sky visible through the holes in the roof. “My parents are scared,” she whispers. He turns his head to stare at her profile and knows it isn’t just her parents who are frightened. “I’ll protect you,” he whispers, voice fierce with youth’s naïve promise. Her gaze remains on the silver stars but she reaches out, taking his hand and squeezes it.
A petal falls as she comes to their favorite spot, face pale as bone, to tell him that her family is leaving. Her father has contacted distant relatives that live far to the north, as far from Rhodolite and the dangers it poses as one can get. Cyran feels like his young heart may break right there in his chest and he will be forced to live the rest of his life with its pieces rattling around inside of him. Though filled with dismay, Emma’s eyes are as beautiful as ever. They shine with tears, rivaling any star they have ever spent time gazing at.
A petal falls as she rushes through the dark, on the night before her family is to leave, her throat burning with feelings she can’t quite name, waves too strong to try and understand for fear they will sweep her away. She bursts through the barn doors and finds him already there, his hair dark as garnet, damp with sweat. He has spent the entire day doing heavy labor, removing heavy wooden beams, hauling ancient and broken equipment, sweeping the dusty, straw-strewn floor. Several lanterns placed around the interior bathe the space in warm, yellow light. The barn is as clean and inviting as he can make it. He wanted to give her one more memory, something beautiful, that she can take with her on her journey away from here. Away from him.
Emma is frozen in place, soaking in all he has done, before finally stopping on the young man at the center of it. He’s breathing hard, his chest rising and falling unevenly. Already his shoulders carry the hint of what manhood will bring him: strength and breadth. Arms that with training will turn hard and sculpted, legs that will lengthen until he is taller than most. He is the faint beginning of what he will become. Emma wonders wildly if she will ever get the chance to see the finished masterpiece.
“Emma,” he says, his voice raw and rough, deeper than she has ever heard it.
She sets down the bundle she is holding, the one she carried so close on the way here, leaving it on top of a weathered wooden barrel.
“Cyran,” she answers, her muscles tense, like a fawn when it hears a crunching in the underbrush.
He starts forward, one hesitant step and that is enough. She flies towards him, throwing her thin arms around his neck and buries her face in his worn linen shirt, clutching him to her. There is power in her small frame, something fierce and bright, a hurricane in crystal. Cyran holds her close, his eyes closing as he breathes in her familiar scent. He’s been teased his whole life because of his last name, but she is the one who reminds him of a rose, who always smells so sweet.
The anticipation of loss that has them clinging to each other slowly ebbs and something else, something that has been burning low and quiet in every laugh, every touch, every glance begins to emerge. She is suddenly aware of the press of her chest against his, of how much taller he is, the earthy smell of his skin. She leans back to look at him and sees the same awareness mirrored in his dark eyes.
Outside a rooster crows, loud and discordant.
Cyran turns his head toward the sound and Emma, sparked by the frantic knowledge that she must leave, grabs his chin, pulling him back to her and rises onto her toes, pressing her lips to his.
It is a sunbeam bursting through gray clouds. A spark breathing life into a pile of dried leaves. It is hope and promise and wonder.
And heartbreak.
With a stifled cry, she steps away, turns and flees the barn, not wanting to see the look on his face as she leaves, not wanting that to be her last memory of him.
Cyran watches with a thundering heart as the door swings shut. Flooded with helplessness and misery, he notices the bundle she left behind. Tenderly he lifts it, undoing the sky-colored ribbon. It’s her favorite handkerchief, white with pale blue forget-me-nots painstakingly embroidered along the edges, and nestled inside are several of her spiced biscuits. His favorites.
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Rhodolite: The Present
Rhodolite is so much MORE than she expected. The streets are wider and cleaner and lined with greenery, more trees and flowering bushes and grass than in the entire garden of the palace in Obsidian. There are more people than she expected too, many standing under awnings and lampposts, peeking through windows and around doorways, watchful eyes in beautiful faces following the royal procession as it makes its way towards the palace. 
When she had been told by the Head Chef that they would be accompanying Prince Gilbert and his entourage to Rhodolite, Emma had felt a familiar ringing through the cockles of her heart. Rhodolite is where Cyran was rumored to have ended up. Whispers from the south had traveled her way, over the many years since they parted. He had joined the army when he was of age. He had left Obsidian for the verdure of Rhodolite. He was employed by one of the Princes there. Crumbs of information she had managed to gather, hoarding them tightly like precious drops of mana. 
He may not even be here, she reminds herself as her tired gray mare plods along down the street. She and the other servants are at the end of the procession and most of the people have turned away, not interested in anything but the dangerous Prince Gilbert with his sharp smile and blood-red gaze. 
Still, Emma finds herself scanning the crowds as they pass, looking for any head of red hair. She spots a few but they are never him.
As the overwhelming elegant palace suddenly rises towards the heavens before her, she draws in a sharp breath. 
We’re here…….
…….Is he?
The palace looms closer, a breathtaking monument of pale beauty.
And if so….how in the wide world will she ever find him?
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Cyran runs a hand through his thick mass of russet hair as his long strides make quick work of the pathway towards the training hall. It’s late evening and the young, freshly-minted knights are at the end of their training and he needs to make sure everything went well without him there. He knows Lucian is more than capable of leading them through their drills but Cyran has a responsibility to make sure. They are all under his charge.
Entering the hall, he sees several of the knights laughing in a corner. Some are sitting and catching their breath, others are pushing the heavy sandbags they sometimes train with back into their storage room. What he sees reassures him. They look tired and sore, yet satisfied, faces bright with the feeling of accomplishment a tough training session will leave behind.
He’s about to go look for Lucian, expecting a full report when he notices several of the knights standing by the wooden table at the far end of the training circle, the one usually covered with straps for shields and rope and other odds and ends. They’re smiling, far too widely to be discussing anything so mundane as weaponry. Several are chewing. He approaches the table, greeted by his men with smiles and respectful nods. Immediately he notices the tin: it’s round and black, covered with decorative golden swirls. 
“What’s this?” He glances towards the first knight at his left, a tall lad with sandy blond hair.
“They were brought here by an Obsidian servant. She said they were a present for us.”
Cyran frowns, a skeptical look on his face as he reaches inside the tin for one of the golden brown cookies.
“And you didn’t think to–” He was going to ask if they thought accepting gifts from strangers was a good idea when the scent hits him, cutting through the sweat and musk of tired men.
The warm spice of cinnamon, the tang of nutmeg, the slight bitterness of cloves, the unmistakable scent of ginger.
He goes still, the breath knocked from his lungs.
Could it be…..
Something in his face hushes the men around him. They watch, curious as Cyran lifts the cookie and takes a bite. 
The man who sees everything, ever watchful, closes his eyes as he chews and the knights are transfixed by the absolute stillness that has overtaken their leader.
And then those eyes open and something in them has begun to burn, bright and alive.
The other half of the cookie falls to the dusty ground as he turns on his heel and, practically jogging, exits the training area, leaving behind the half-eaten biscuit and a slew of surprised faces.
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The rose gardens are somehow even more beautiful in the twilight of evening. The red petals seem to have darkened, shedding their bright rose-red for a sultry scarlet. Shadows emerge from the trimmed hedges, stretching across the winding stone pathways, giving a visitor like Emma glimpses of hidden benches and secret dirt paths leading into clandestine corners of the gardens.
She has taken several of these more narrow, less-trodden paths, not at all afraid of getting lost. Her heart is a bird, flitting between dark branches, full of a nervous, tightly-wound energy she can’t quite explain. 
As the sky darkens to a deep navy blue and the first stars open their eyes, Emma pauses in front of a gray stone fountain. Two swans, nuzzling their beaks together, bodies curved towards one another as a blossoming flower rises above them, water spraying outward in celebration. She tilts her head, the romantic in her sighing at the way the two swans perfectly mirror one another, two halves of a whole, two souls in perfect harmony. So enchanted is she by the fountain that she doesn’t hear the footfall on the path, doesn’t notice the man who has stopped several meters away from where she is standing, the sight of her freezing him in his tracks.
She jumps at the deep voice, her eyes wide and dark as she turns towards the sound. The owner of said voice is standing, half in shadow, at the place where the small path to the fountain begins, beneath a shadowy arch of crimson roses. She is so startled, she doesn’t even register that he has said her name.
“Oh….s'il te plaît, excuse-moi,” she says quickly, doing her best to remember the phrases of the common language spoken in Rhodolite. “J'espère que ça va…” She trails off, trying to remember how to say she hopes she is allowed to be here but the man takes another step closer, leaving the blanket of shadows and stepping into the fading light.
Even the dusky hue of evening cannot hide the red of his hair.
A gasp as soft as the flutter of a bird’s wing escapes her. The young boy she knew juxtaposed against this tall, broad man before her sends her heart into a tailspin. Her hand flies to her mouth as she takes him in. She sees the same bright light of recognition and admiration and overwhelming emotion plain as day on his beautiful face.
“Cyran?” The word is a whisper, a breathless repetition of the name she has kept in her prayers for decades.
His eyes never leave her, almost as if he has the power to hold her there with his gaze, to keep her from vanishing into the realm of his dreams where she has lived for so long. Slowly, he reaches up and loosens the laces at the top of his tunic. His hand slides inside and when it emerges, he is holding a small square of cloth. As he slowly opens it, her heart falters.
It’s white, with pale blue forget-me-nots embroidered around the edges.
He holds it out to her, his chest rising and falling with every deep breath he takes. That handkerchief has lived next to his heart, in an inner pocket, one he has sewn into every shirt he has ever owned since the day he watched her leave.
“I think…..this belongs to you, Brown Eyes.”
She chokes back a sob, unable to contain the thunderstorm of emotion coursing through her and runs to him, falling into his arms as naturally as a willow bends to the wind, tears falling freely down her cheeks. Cyran wraps his arms around her, sheltering her, holding her the way he has imagined a thousand times. His throat burns with all the words he has ached to say, all those sleepless nights spent remembering the lilt of her smile, the music of her laughter, the bittersweet taste of her kiss.
Emma squeezes her eyes closed, breathing in the scent of him, at once so familiar and yet so strange. Her arms wind around his waist as she presses herself against him, drinking in the sensation of his body on hers. 
This is Cyran….her Cyran…..her….
A thought pierces her heart as she suddenly steps away from him, eyes wide, still so beautiful as they glimmer with the remnants of her tears.
“Oh…I…I didn’t mean…..you could be married. I shouldn’t have-”
His laughter is coarse, rough with emotion, a roll of rushing water as it careens over the lip of a cliff.
“As if I could ever love anyone else.”
As if summoned by the very word, the moon itself parts the soft gray clouds, flooding the small section of the garden with silvery light. The tinkling of the fountain fills the momentary silence. 
Cyran’s cheeks suddenly flush, a hot mixture of embarrassment and panic overriding the elation of the previous moment.
“I…..I don’t mean to presume of course that you feel the same. It has been a long time and…..” He trails off, wincing. Fluster is such an uncharacteristic state of being for Cyran. “Ah, shit. I’m sorry. I–” 
His words are cut off as Emma launches herself back into his arms, hugging him fiercely.
“Please, don’t apologize.” She tilts her head up to look at him, still in awe of how she sees the young man he was and the handsome man he has become in his beautiful eyes, in his exquisite face. “It has always been you.”
Cyran drags air into his lungs, hardly able to believe he isn’t dreaming. His rough fingers capture her chin, his thumb running over the sensitive skin just under her lower lip. 
Slowly, he leans down as she stretches upwards, eager and nearly trembling with emotion. 
He kisses her, his hand still cupping her face. Gently his mouth moves over hers as he tells her a wordless story of longing, of a bruised heart that learned to somehow keep beating. 
He kisses her, a strong arm pulling her closer, his lips and tongue weaving the tale of a young soldier who never forgot the girl with the tender heart and radiant spirit. The soldier who dreamed of her face during his darkest nights and longed for her laughter on days of sunshine.
She meets him, kiss for kiss, stroke for stroke, sliding her palms along his broad shoulders, clutching him as she answers his tale, confessing without words how he has never left her heart. How his smile was her light in times of worry and despair. How seeing him again has been her northern star from the moment of parting.
Only the moon knows how long they stand there, wrapped in each other’s arms, lost in each other’s yearning.
When they finally part, Cyran rests his forehead against hers, still keeping her tightly in his embrace. He may never let go again.
“You’re….in the employ of Prince Gilbert. I am here.” He frowns ever so slightly as he brushes several loose strands of hair away from Emma’s charmingly flushed cheek. “This could get complicated.”
Their gazes meet and she nods.
“Yes…..but we’ll figure it out.”
And suddenly he is carried back in time to an evening when her eyes shone just as brightly, just as excitedly, a young girl with something to give a young boy, a homemade cookie, an offering of love.
Her voice echoes across the years, that word wrapping itself around his battered heart, a balm, a blessing.
He returns the nod, staring into the warm depths of her soft brown eyes, tenderly stroking the silk of her hair, and answers her now as he did back then. 
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Tagging: @xbalayage @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @wordycheeseblob
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awesomeredhds02 · 7 months
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My Homemade Hair Growth Water recipe ♥️⬇️ 👩🏻‍🦰 Ingredients: 🌿 4 fresh rosemary springs 🌿 2 fresh mint springs 🌿 6-7 cloves 🌿 1 cinnamon stick 🌿 1 tablespoon ACV 👩🏻‍🦰 Directions: Boil 3 cups of water. While water is boiling make sure to wash rosemary and mint very carefully. Put rosemary and mint into the boiling water, add cloves and cinnamon stick, simmer for 15-20 minutes until the color is light brown (if it’s dark it’s burnt), then turn the heat off and let cool for 20+ minutes. Remove all of the ingredients from the water, add ACV and strain it all into the bottle. 🌿Store in the fridge up to 2 weeks, apply on your scalp twice a day with gentle massage, don’t rinse it off! ♥️
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professorchatwin · 2 years
"What did you do to me?" you whimper. Standing over you is the seemingly unimposing figure of the witch responsible for your current state. She kneels beside you, stroking your hair with the back of her hand. You shudder at the gentleness of her touch, the faint smell of cloves and her soap wash over you.
Your stomach answers before she can. Another growth spurt brings you closer to the floor. Your gravid belly wobbles below you and soon being on all fours won't be enough to keep it off the ground. She feigns innocence with a sweet, guileless look that sends pangs through your entire body, "think of it as personal growth. Now sit back honey, or you might get stuck there"
Terror breeds obedience and you're incredibly afraid. She helps you into a sitting position just in time for your gut to grow enough to start forcing your legs apart. The soft, warm sloshing motion going on between your legs works it's own kind of magic. The witch takes you in her lap, sinking her hands into the plump flesh she put on you. "You see," she purrs in your ear to the backdrop of the panting moans you struggle to keep down, "some potions just don't turn out right in a cauldron. They need a more lively vessel"
She kept explaining but they only thing you can focus your attention on is the gurgling of your growing belly and the waves of pleasure that crash over you when she touches you just so.
You try to take inventory of your body while you can still think straight enough to do so. You were never particularly fit but even so, the moobs- no, breasts sitting on top of your belly are new. Your arms, your cheeks, even your fingers all feel soft. Plump. Your thighs are getting thicker but that's not stopping your tummy from spilling down between them. Your pants burst long ago and every passing moment you can hear the elastic in your underwear pinging as it snaps strand by strand.
A bigger spurt of growth hits you and this time you can't resist. You moan. You aren't sure if that's when you started grinding into your own gut but the witch is laughing now, every gentle pat she places on your belly ripples down, giving you another hit of ecstasy.
She nips your ear, her off hand playing with a nipple through what's left of your shirt, "You know what tubby? I think you're my new favorite toy"
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clickerflight · 2 months
Clove: Epilogue
Author's Note: We are at the end. This is wild. I have a hard time finishing stories, and ages ago I started this and thought I would never finish it. But I came back to it and here we are. Here we are. If you have any questions about this story, anything more you want to know, please send me asks. I love everyone who read this, even if you didn't comment or reblog. Thank you.
Masterlist - Part 33
Content: Vampire whumpee, emotional angst, being immortal sucks sometimes, dead body/funeral
The funeral took place on the perfect day. It was warm, but a pleasant breeze swept through the air, stirring everyone’s hair and clothing. The trees rustled warmly, as though telling everyone that it would be alright. 
And it would have to be. 
Margaret lay in the box in front of them, Josh leading the ceremony in her stead. He was officially the village’s witch, with his wife’s help. There were tears in his eyes as he recounted a tale of the old lady bashing his knuckles for putting herbs in the wrong place only to care for the scrape she caused herself. 
“She never really knew her own strength sometimes,” he sniffled. “Or maybe she did and she just didn’t care. She was a good witch, and I hope to fill her shoes one day in taking care of this village.”
Ephraim bowed his head where he sat on a front row next to Benny. Hyrum sat on his other side, his little Goldenrod, who just couldn’t sit still. One moment he’d lean on Ephraim, fidgeting with the old fashioned ruffle tie Ephraim wore, then he would sit up and pick at his crooked fingers, then he would bounce his legs wildly. 
The fourth time Ephraim had to pull Hyrum back up into his seat on the bench as he bent down to look at something in the grass (the church pews having been pulled out for the funeral since it was so nice outside) it hit him through his grief how much of a blessing Hyrum’s constant fidgeting was. 
He opened his eyes and looked at Margaret, lying peacefully in the box and remembered how still and deathly Hyrum himself had been. Ephraim had often wondered if he really was a werewolf, and now his boy, not so little as he’d started a new growth spurt, was acting like a true werewolf. Stir crazy in the sun. 
Benny, on the other hand, was as still as the stones that marked the small graveyard they sat beside. He had helped dig the hole his sister would be going into, dirt still crusted under his nails. He’d started growing his hair long again, and he was wearing something much more sensible, a long brown overcoat overtop a cream linen shirt and black trews. The muscles in his jaw tensed, and Ephraim knew that Benny was trying to convince himself that it wasn’t his fault that he missed so much time with Margie. Trying to convince himself that just getting this last year was a blessing. 
Ephraim knew that argument well. He would continue to lose friends and loved ones, even Hyrum one day, but he was used to that now. Benny would have to learn to come to terms with it as well. 
As Josh went to sit down, Ephraim stood. There was no order to the speeches and anyone could decide to talk if they chose. Ephraim wondered if Benny would. He doubted it, looking back at his fledgling.
Ephraim got up by the casket and looked down at Margie’s face, marveling at how much peace he saw there. How did Josh manage that? He’d always imagined she would look just as stern in death as she was in life. Josh had better not be messing about with dark magic. Again. The man was too curious for his own good. 
Ephraim shook his head and looked out across the crowd. Everyone in the village had come to pay respects, and everyone except for the children were willing to put up with the funeral all afternoon if there were so many speakers. 
In fact, he could see in their faces they were looking forward to Ephraim’s speech; he who knew the witch so well. 
He cleared his throat and said, “About a year and a half ago I attended another funeral. In the fae realm.”
He glanced at Halia and Kortops who sat leaning on one another, Josh and Anna sitting next to them with a child who looked like Dimitri when he was a baby in Anna’s arms. The young lad had finally passed away during the winter while Ephraim and Hyrum had been in the fae realms, and while he had been distressed to hear he had missed the child’s last few months, Halia and Kortops gave them another child to share between the four of them, and shaped by the love of his new human parents, he was growing up to look like Dimitri, if a bit stouter and taller, his eyes more wild and free. Kortops reached over to run a hand over his changeling’s head, Halia smiling as Anna cooed to the baby who was babbling happily. 
“That funeral,” Ephraim continued, “Was the most splendid thing I’d ever laid eyes upon. There was a procession, feasts, and even decorations and food made by magic. However, in all of it, I don’t think a single fae you picked out of the crowd would have been able to tell you the name of the fae who had died.”
There was silence, people almost leaning forward in their chairs. Ephraim barely talked about the fae realms and everyone was desperate to know more. 
“Here, however, I know every single one of you knew Margeret. Every one of you ate her food, had her medicine, knew how a scolding from her felt. Everyone here remembers and honors her memory, and that is more precious than any fae decoration, food, or procession.”
He stopped, feeling choked up before he said, “She was a wonderful woman her whole life. Fearless and true. She never feared what others thought about her and stood for what she knew. Some may call that stubborn, I call that being a good witch.”
Ephraim turned fully to the casket and laid an undying hand on Margaret’s peaceful brow. “Rest now, daughter of Death. Rest now and return. Know that we will miss you, but we will….. Most of us will join you. Beloved and wonderful life burn out and give over to the night. Rest and know we remember you.”
He bowed his head over the funeral rites of an ancient culture he could no longer remember fully before he headed back to his seat. 
There were no more speeches after that. Ephraim had learned to try and go when he felt everyone important had gone at funerals. People told him he had a gift with words, and that there was no possible way to follow him. 
He went back over to the pews and nodded to Hyrum who was making big puppy dog eyes at him. Hyruym jumped out of his seat and ran after the other wolf pups as Ephraim called out, “Try not to ruin your clothes!”
A laugh came from behind him and he turned to find Tory standing there, hand on her hip. “He’s a werepup, Ephraim. You’re wasting your time. Your fault for putting him in those clothes in the first place.”
“Oh?” Ephraim said, raising an eyebrow. “Aren’t those your pups wearing funeral clothing?”
Tori looked over to the box where Margaret lay and sighed. “I wanted to show some respect to her, I guess. Ruined clothing seems the best way to go.”
Ephraim smiled warmly. He was glad to be getting along with Tory more these days. She had to take the brunt of protecting the village while he was gone, and it seemed she had a new understanding and respect for what he did. 
“I’ll keep an eye on the kids,” she said. “Looks like you still have more work to do.”
Ephraim glanced over his shoulder where she was looking to see Benny leaned forward, his head in his hands. 
“Yeah, looks like,” Ephraim said gruffly. 
He nodded to Tory before going and taking a seat beside Benny again. 
Benny didn’t move as Ephraim put a hand on his back. 
“I miss her, Ephraim… and I barely knew her,” Benny whispered. A sob escaped him and he pressed his face into his hands harder. 
Ephraim curled an arm over Benny and pulled him closer and tighter into his side. “I know…. I’m sorry, Benny. I really am.”
Benny trembled for a long moment. “And what if I never die?” he whispered, horrified. “I’ll never see her again.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say never. Life happens. I’ve seen plenty of vampires die, but we have been given this gift, this curse, to never know how long it will take to go with Lady Death and be welcomed home. It’s not easy, but there is still joy to be found in it.”
Benny was silent for a long time before he said, “I don’t want one of your sermons, Ephraim.”
“Okay,” Ephraim said placatingly. He ran a hand up and down Benny’s back as people started to help take pews back to the church, giving Ephraim and Benny space as the ones closest to the witch. 
They sat there, longer than mortals could stand but a short while for beings who lived as long as they did. They were the only ones left, their pew alone beside the graveyard. Maragret’s box had been closed, nailed shut and sprinkled with herbs and flower petals. Benny had shivered with every nail driven into the wood, and Ephraim crooned and chirped to him comfortingly the whole time. 
Ephraim didn’t worry about Hyrum. He had another child to take care of, and Tory would make sure Hyrum ate well. 
Sunset approached and Josh came back from attending to other duties, looking reverent and solemn. “It’s time. Lady Death waits.”
Benny sobbed again and Ephraim helped him up. 
After Benny recovered himself, he took one end of the casket, Ephraim taking the other, and they gently carried it to the hole, lowering it in. 
Ephraim began to fill the hole again, and, after a moment, Benny started to help, though he stopped halfway through to kneel by the hole, sobbing as Josh comforted him. 
Finally, the grave was filled and Ephraim, with dirt covered hands and sweat grimed face, helped Benny up. 
“Watch,” was all he whispered into Benny’s ears. 
Benny opened his eyes as Josh stood before the grave and gave the funeral rites of this culture. “Lady of Death and Skies, here lies a woman. Your beautiful daughter. Recognize her, and take her home. Let her know peace and happiness in the great expanse of your palace.”
Ephraim watched eagerly, and there, invisible to mortal eyes, a woman in dark purple silks and dark vails appeared. Her black wings swept the grass, her wide brimmed hat, like that of a fancy woman’s sun hat, was draped in vails that fell all the way to the ground around her. 
She looked up at the two of them. 
“Ephraim,” she intoned. 
Ephraim let go of Benny, bowing fully from the waist to Josh’s surprise. “My lady.”
She looked to Benny, giving him a soft smile. “She is safe with me,” she promised. 
She bent her knees, reaching down into the ground, coming back with something pale and glowing in her hand before she disappeared. 
“What…. Was that-?”
“The Lady Death,” Ephraim said softly. “This is the gift we have been given, Benny. We do not know when we will die, but we are not left without her comfort.”
“Lady Death? What? Did you see her?” Josh asked the two of them. 
Ephraim smiled at Josh. “A fraction of her, yes. Come on, Benny. There’s celebrating to be done. If you’re not drunk in the hour, slap me.”
The two of them made off into the village to take the edge off their sorrow with remembered joys of Margaret’s life and time well spent with friends. 
“Idiots, the both of them,” a wretched voice said, though as she spoke, the crackling quality faded. 
“Perhaps. But they are yours.”
“Yes,” Margaret said as she turned to walk with Lady Death to her palace. “That they are.”
Hey! Reminder that I have other stories you can check out, and I will be starting a new story soon since this one is finished. Again. Thank you for reading :D
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff 
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer 
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba @whumps-and-bumps @hellodecisionparalysis @scatteriskity
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{{AOT}} Levi Headcanon
Levi loves his collection of fine soaps and bubble bath stuff. The man has different ways to wind down after a shit day. And sometimes, that comes in the form of a hot shower or a soak in his oversized clawfoot tub, full of luscious and fragrant bubbles. 
He takes pride in his appearance, though it's not at the top of his priority list. He likes to feel nice. He also hates to smell icky. If he's out on a mission and they don't have a chance to shower or anything, fine. He can deal. But when he's home and just doing paperwork or something, yeah. He's gonna suds up, rinse down, and drive everyone crazy with how fucking amazing he smells.
If he's home and able to, he'll shower in the morning and before bed. It's how he starts things off on the right foot and ends things on a good note.
His internal alarm goes off at 5:15 every morning. Rain or shine. Monday through Friday, Saturday or Sunday. He. Likes. Routine. It helps him feel normal. As normal as someone can feel fighting giant freaks everyday.
He chooses which one he wants to use based on the mood he's already in or the mood he wants to be in.
MUSKY: Birch, Bourbon, Sandlewood, Vanilla, Cypress, Patchouli, Amber, anything deep and that reminds you of sex.
***He's feeling confident and WILL bend you over his lap if you cross him this day (when the fuck doesn't he).
HERBY: Lavender, Orange Oil, Minty, Eucalyptus, anything fresh and clean
***He's looking to have a chill kind of day. Let the cards land where they may, I can handle this, no problemo.
*Levi would die by his own hand before he ever said "no problemo"
SPICY: Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove, Cardamom
***He's really craving some time in - especially if it's raining or stormy outside. He wants to curl up with a book or with his s/o and just talk as little as possible. Maybe he's feeling a little amorous. (Fingers fucking crossed.)
UNSCENTED: Sans fragrance
***He's playing fast and loose to see what will unfold at his feet.
So, long story short, if he's smelling like:
BOURBON//SANDLEWOOD//VANILLA: Cross him. Push the mans buttons. He literally wants you to so he can teach you a lesson about how to be his best baby. 
EUCALYPTUS//MINT: Don't bombard him with a bunch of bullshit. HE DOESN'T WANT IT TODAY.
CINNAMON//CLOVE: Set up a little spot in your room on the bed with some reading material. Or lay out huge, fluffy blankets on the living room floor to watch the rain beat the hell out of the window. Run your fingers over the shaved part of his hair against the growth. It'll send chills down his spine. Maybe he’ll reciprocate. 
SANS FRAGRANCE: Try it. Dunno what to tell ya. 
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woodblxssomcrowned · 5 months
Tiny headcanons that I may or may not have mentioned before
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For a short period of time at around 11-12 years old Kaname was taller than Danma, but he hit growth-spurt and before long he raced ahead of her in height. By adulthood Danma is roughly 183cm tall and Kaname is roughly 170cm
Kaname scents Sandalwood 
Sandalwood incense is common in her household, and pretty much anything and anyone who spends a lot of time there will have the scent stuck to them.
Rose & Jasmine
An oil blend that Kaname uses for both her hair and body. It’s based on camellia oil, with rose and jasmine added to it as camellia oil is pretty much without a fragrance on it’s own.  She loves this scent. The combination of the rose and jasmine creates a fragrance that is warm, floral, sweet, slightly musky. It's sensual and uplifting, and works really well with the sandalwood that's almost always present as well.
Choji oil (clove oil)
Oil used for treating weapons. Usually only present on her hands.
One of my main inspirations for Kaname's body type is Addison Rae
There used to be a cat hanging around the Senju compound that was a very important company for Kaname when she went through her depression, after being rejected by the academy often left her feeling very lonely. When she was twelve, it stopped coming around and she never saw it again.
Before the founding of Konoha, when Kaname and Danma were between 0-8 years old, several months could sometimes pass without them barely seeing their father, and sometimes their mother too, as they were out fighting or on missions and had to leave their children behind with other members of the clan. It was rough, even if their reunions were usually warm.
Kaname have attempted to find various positions of civilian employment in Konoha, but was never able to. Some found her proximity to Hashirama a bit too much for them. Others preferred to give jobs to members of their own clans alongside the shinobi profession. Some shinobi clans were also a bit put off by her condition based on old superstitions, and were apprehensive about having her around. Civilian businesses that slowly set up shop in Konoha were usually also family run, and had their own members run it, who had usually been trained from childhood for the trade. The only trade Kaname had been trained for was that of a shinobi. The Senju had no side hussle. Had never needed one. And the wast majority of the members continued successful careers as shinobi after the village was founded, so no businesses were really attached to the clan. Frequently a teenage Kaname would come home deeply discouraged after another day of fruitless jobhunting and failed interviews. She was still supported by her family financially and lived with them...but she wanted to feel like she could do something for herself. Have an income so she didn't feel so much like a dependant who provided nothing.
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Lentil Spinach Hair Growth Soup:
One soup recipe that can help promote healthy hair growth is a lentil and spinach soup. Lentils are high in protein, iron, and biotin, which are essential nutrients for healthy hair growth. Spinach is rich in vitamins A and C, which are also important for maintaining healthy hair.
- 1 cup dried green or brown lentils
- 1 onion, diced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 carrot, diced
- 1 celery stalk, diced
- 4 cups vegetable broth
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- 2 cups fresh spinach, chopped
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp turmeric
- Salt and pepper to taste
1. Rinse the lentils under cold water and set aside.
2. In a large pot, sauté the onion, garlic, carrot, and celery in a little bit of olive oil until softened.
3. Add the lentils, vegetable broth, diced tomatoes, cumin, turmeric, salt, and pepper to the pot.
4. Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce heat and let it simmer for about 30 minutes, or until the lentils are cooked through.
5. Stir in the chopped spinach and let it wilt for a few minutes.
6. Adjust seasonings to taste and serve hot.
Enjoy this nutritious lentil and spinach soup regularly to help promote healthy hair growth.
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joyfulhealths-blog · 6 months
How to Grow Your Nails Fast
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In a world where trends change as quickly as the seasons, one thing that never goes out of style is healthy, strong nails. Whether you're into nail art or prefer a natural look, having well-groomed nails can boost your confidence and enhance your overall appearance. But what if you're struggling with slow nail growth? Fear not, as we delve into the intricacies of nail growth and explore effective strategies to accelerate the process.
Understanding Nail Growth
Anatomy of a Nail
Nails might seem like simple structures, but they are actually quite complex. Each nail comprises multiple layers of a protein called keratin, which provides strength and protection. Beneath the visible nail plate lies the nail bed, where new cells constantly form and push the nail forward.
Nail Growth Cycle
Nails, like hair, follow a distinct growth cycle consisting of three phases: the anagen (growth) phase, the catagen (transition) phase, and the telogen (resting) phase. Understanding this cycle is crucial for maximizing nail growth potential.
Factors Affecting Nail Growth
Diet and Nutrition
You are what you eat, and the same applies to your nails. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins is essential for promoting healthy nail growth. Incorporate foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to nourish your nails from the inside out.
Hydration Levels
Hydration plays a significant role in nail health. Dehydrated nails are more prone to breakage and brittleness. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water daily to keep your nails hydrated and supple.
Hormonal Balance
Hormonal fluctuations can impact nail growth. Women may notice changes in nail growth during pregnancy, menstruation, or menopause. Maintaining hormonal balance through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices can help support healthy nail growth.
Nail Care Habits
How you care for your nails can either promote or hinder their growth. Avoid harsh chemicals found in nail polish removers and household cleaners, as they can weaken nails. Additionally, refrain from using your nails as tools for tasks like opening cans or scratching surfaces.
You can also try this product ProNail Complex
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Tips for Faster Nail Growth
Maintain a Balanced Diet Rich in Essential Nutrients
Fuel your body with the nutrients it needs for optimal nail growth. Incorporate foods high in biotin, vitamin E, iron, and zinc into your diet. Consider adding supplements if you're not getting enough nutrients from food alone.
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is key to healthy nails. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your nails hydrated and prevent them from becoming dry and brittle.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Nail Trauma
Protect your nails from damage by avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals and minimizing trauma. Wear gloves when cleaning or doing dishes, and be gentle when filing or shaping your nails.
Practice Proper Nail Care Techniques
Trim your nails regularly to prevent breakage and promote growth. Use a gentle nail file to shape the edges, and always file in one direction to avoid weakening the nails. Keep cuticles moisturized and gently push them back rather than cutting them.
Consider Supplements and Treatments
Explore supplements and treatments specifically formulated to promote nail growth. Look for products containing ingredients like biotin, keratin, and peptides, which can help strengthen nails and stimulate growth.
Natural Remedies for Nail Growth
Coconut Oil Massage
Massage coconut oil into your nails and cuticles daily to moisturize and strengthen them. Coconut oil contains fatty acids and vitamins that nourish the nails and promote growth.
Garlic Paste Application
Apply a paste made from crushed garlic cloves to your nails and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing off. Garlic is rich in selenium and sulfur, which can help stimulate nail growth and improve overall nail health.
Lemon Juice Soak
Soak your nails in lemon juice for a few minutes to help brighten and strengthen them. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, which promotes collagen production and aids in nail growth.
Professional Treatments for Nail Growth
Nail Strengthening Treatments
Visit a nail salon for professional strengthening treatments like gel overlays or dip powder manicures. These treatments can provide added protection to weak or brittle nails and promote growth.
Nail Growth Serums
Invest in a quality nail growth serum containing ingredients like peptides, vitamins, and antioxidants. These serums penetrate the nail bed to nourish and strengthen nails from within, promoting faster growth.
Nail Extensions and Overlays
Consider getting nail extensions or overlays if you struggle with short or weak nails. These artificial enhancements can provide instant length and strength while allowing your natural nails to grow underneath.
Lifestyle Changes for Nail Health
Manage Stress Levels
Chronic stress can take a toll on nail health. Practice stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to promote overall well-being and support healthy nail growth.
Protect Your Nails
Wear gloves when performing activities that may expose your nails to harsh chemicals or excessive moisture. Protecting your nails from damage can help prevent breakage and promote faster growth.
Avoid Excessive Use of Nail Polish and Nail Polish Removers
While nail polish can add flair to your look, excessive use can weaken nails. Give your nails a break from polish occasionally to allow them to breathe and recover. When using nail polish removers, opt for acetone-free formulas to minimize drying and damage.
Nail Care Dos and Don'ts
Dos: Keep Nails Clean and Dry
Practice good hygiene by keeping your nails clean and dry. Use a gentle soap and water to wash your hands, and dry them thoroughly afterward to prevent bacterial or fungal infections.
Don't: Bite or Pick at Nails
Resist the urge to bite or pick at your nails, as this can cause damage and hinder growth. Instead, keep your nails neatly trimmed and filed to reduce the temptation to bite or pick.
Understanding Nail Disorders
Common Nail Problems
Be vigilant for signs of common nail disorders such as fungal infections, nail psoriasis, or ingrown nails. Prompt identification and treatment can prevent further damage and promote healthy nail growth.
You can also try this product ProNail Complex
When to Seek Professional Help
If you experience persistent nail problems or notice sudden changes in nail growth or appearance, consult a dermatologist or nail specialist. They can diagnose underlying issues and recommend appropriate treatments to restore nail health.
Growing your nails fast requires patience, consistency, and a holistic approach to nail care. By nourishing your body with a balanced diet, practicing good nail hygiene, and exploring natural remedies and professional treatments, you can achieve the strong, healthy nails you desire. Embrace the journey of nail growth, celebrate progress along the way, and flaunt your fabulous fingertips with confidence.
Please note that this article contains affiliate links to products that I believe may be beneficial for readers interested in enhancing their nail health and promoting faster nail growth. If you click on these links and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.
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witch-is-cauldron · 11 months
aaahhhh, so today i did a lot of work. i worked with some angels, yeshua, the morrigan and its been a long day.
The morrigan today told me to sit down and read my shadow work entries to give myself some closure on a situation that ive had for way too long. When i did, id tell her about everything I learned from each entry. She’d comment on it and we’d move to the next. I realized how fucking angry and sad I was. This session gave me a lot of peace and closure.
I bought some stuff for Lord Anubis because I’m going to start working with him and he requested dragons blood in his candle that i’ll make for him (since im making candles for my business i figured this would be practice).
I ordered that along with 6 other essential oils and a figurine of him. Hoping it all goes well. He’s got this kind of earth like energy that is very befitting to him so im looking forward to working with him.
Also i bought Cernunnos a rose quartz heart for he and his wife. hoping they liked it.
Every Wednesday is movie night with my familiar and guardian spirit. I was so tired yesterday i didnt want to it, so today i kept ot short and simple by watching Bobs Burgers (love that show). i appreciate their understanding to my situation and health.
Also to help my hair growth (i experienced hair thinning recently but its looking a LOT better) i boiled rosemary, fenugreek and cloves for an hour. With giving it the intention to thicken my hair and reduce hair loss, ive noticed significantly less hairloss and my hair is incredibly soft. I apply it only 2 a day, making sure to let it dry. Anyways, thats all i got! goodnight!
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mxearthcare · 1 year
Dear Diary
Maybe I should go back to school for chemistry
Esthetician ?… Aromatherapy,,,? And Homeopathy????
WARNING carrier oils and essential oils should be mixed before exposure to the skin. Also never put on broken or irritated skin.
Natural Topicals: in no order I’m ADD sorry
Boswellia Oil
Frankincense helps with radiation skin damage
White Willow Bark
Salicin helps with inflammation, muscular skeletal pain
Anti-prostaglandins muscular skeletal tension, t just, trauma, muscle pain, connective tissue
Bachelor Buttons, Stomach ache and arthritis
Helps with inflammation antioxidants glowing skin, hair growth, and skin cancer spot treatment
Benzocaine gel, mouth pain, sores and muscle pain
After exercise, arthritis, cramps, muscle soreness, pain
Tart Cherry
Headache and joint pain
Pain but can cause burning sensation on the skin
Topical omega 3 vitamin A and C great for oily skin and closing large pores
Oil anti-aging, bone pain, muscle pain, headache
Anti-septic, astringent, oily skin, pain, sleep, anxiety, soothing burns, and bites
Pain, swelling, inflammation *can trigger asthma or other breathing problems
German Chamomile
Cortisone, regenerative, repairing, brightening, clarifying, dark spots, and natural glow
Nourishing, skin, scalp, anti-fungal, dry skin, acne, blackheads
Anti-septic, skin, scalp, hair, acne, anti-bacterial, astringent, can also stimulate the cells
Licorice Root
Rosacea, acne, skin irritations
Anti-aging, uv reducer, wrinkles, astringent, oily skin, spotty skin, sagging skin, blood circulation, cleanser, and pore closer
Cleanser, shampoo, oil reducer, anti-aging, internally , thyroid
Centella Asiatica / Gotu Kola
Cream, wounds, scars, vit B, C, repairs skin tissue (1% of this herb is all you need)
Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, acne, hair, blood flow, to scalp, and hair growth
Oily skin, tone, swelling, astringent, anxiety, wound care, toner, anti-bacterial
Lemon Balm
Toner, acne, oily skin, anti-stress, anti-oxidant
Moisture, dry skin, sensitive skin, astringent, toner, cleanser
Hydration, plumping, skin cuts and bruises
Regeneration, inflammation, acne, astringent
Infection, skin irritation, wounds, cleanser, acne, detoxifier
Silica and collagen, circulation, skin firming, and acne
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hindkushofficial · 3 days
When it comes to enhancing your hair and hand beauty with a natural touch, nothing beats the timeless allure of Rachni Mehandi. Whether you are looking for a safe, chemical-free solution for dyeing your hair or adding intricate patterns to your hands, Hindkush’s Rachni Mehandi offers the perfect blend of tradition and natural care.
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Why Choose Rachni Mehandi?
For centuries, mehandi (henna) has been revered in many cultures for its ability to provide rich color and health benefits. At Hindkush, we’ve harnessed the finest, organically sourced Rachni Mehandi to give you vibrant color and nourishment for your hair and hands. Unlike synthetic dyes that are filled with harsh chemicals, Hindkush Rachni Mehandi is made from 100% pure henna leaves, which are dried and ground to perfection. “Rachni Mehandi for Hairs & Hand”
Key Benefits:
Natural Hair Dye: Gives your hair a rich, reddish-brown tint without any side effects.
Nourishes and Conditions Hair: Strengthens hair strands, adds volume, and makes hair silky and smooth.
Safe for Skin: Rachni Mehandi leaves a beautiful orange-red stain on the skin, ideal for traditional hand decorations.
Chemical-Free: Free from harmful chemicals like ammonia and parabens, making it safe for all hair and skin types.
For Hair Care
If you're tired of chemical-laden hair dyes that damage your hair, Hindkush Rachni Mehandi is your go-to solution. Henna works as a natural conditioner, providing deep nourishment to the scalp while promoting hair growth. It adds a beautiful reddish-brown hue to your hair, which can be darkened by combining with other natural ingredients like coffee or indigo powder.
How to Use Rachni Mehandi on Hair:
Prepare the Mixture: In a bowl, mix Hindkush Rachni Mehandi with water to form a smooth paste. You can also add ingredients like yogurt or lemon juice for added benefits.
Apply to Hair: Section your hair and apply the paste evenly from roots to tips. Make sure your hair is clean and dry before application.
Leave for 2-3 Hours: Let the henna work its magic by leaving it on for about 2-3 hours. For darker tones, you can leave it longer.
Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse your hair with lukewarm water, and avoid shampooing immediately after rinsing to let the color set in.
Result: You will be left with beautifully colored hair that feels soft, voluminous, and deeply nourished.
For Hand Decorations
Rachni Mehandi is also ideal for decorating hands, especially during festivals, weddings, and other celebrations. The intricate designs created with this henna powder are not only stunning but also leave a lasting stain that deepens over time. “Rachni Mehandi for Hairs & Hand”
How to Apply Rachni Mehandi on Hands:
Make a Henna Paste: Mix Hindkush Rachni Mehandi powder with water to create a thick, lump-free paste. You can add essential oils like eucalyptus or clove oil for a darker stain.
Fill a Mehandi Cone: For precision, use a mehandi cone to fill the paste and apply intricate designs on your hands or feet.
Let It Dry: Once applied, let the mehandi dry for at least 4-5 hours. The longer you leave it on, the darker the stain will be.
Scrape It Off: Once dry, gently scrape off the mehandi with a blunt object or tissue. Avoid washing the area with water for at least 12 hours for the best results.
Result: You will be left with a deep, vibrant color that lasts for days, adding a beautiful glow to your hands.
Why Hindkush Rachni Mehandi?
At Hindkush, we are committed to providing our customers with the finest herbal and natural products. Our Rachni Mehandi is sourced from premium-quality henna leaves grown in eco-friendly conditions. We ensure that no chemicals or synthetic substances are used in the production process, making our mehandi 100% safe for hair and skin use.
What Sets Hindkush Apart:
Organic and Natural: Our Rachni Mehandi is free from synthetic dyes and harmful chemicals, making it safe even for sensitive skin.
Long-Lasting Color: Enjoy vibrant, long-lasting color for both your hair and hands with just one application.
Eco-Friendly: We are committed to sustainable practices, ensuring that our products are not only good for you but also for the environment.
Whether you’re looking to nourish and color your hair or adorn your hands with beautiful designs, Hindkush Rachni Mehandi is the perfect natural solution. With its numerous benefits and rich color, this versatile product has become a favorite among those who prefer natural beauty treatments. Say goodbye to harmful chemicals and hello to the power of pure, herbal henna with Hindkush’s Rachni Mehandi for Hairs & Hand.
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Dandruff Dilemmas: Why Anti-Dandruff Products Are Your Monsoon Hair Care Heroes
The monsoon has arrived, bringing with it the pleasant smell of damp ground and the calming sound of rain on the roof. However for individuals who suffer from the irritating problem of dandruff, this time of year can be a nightmare. The humidity and moisture in the air can aggravate this issue, making it even more difficult to treat. Those small white flakes can upset your confidence, making you feel self-conscious and on edge, especially in social situations.
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But don’t worry, this monsoon season, don’t let dandruff get the better of you. Our anti-dandruff hair care products have come a long way, offering a number of alternatives to help you combat this bothersome issue head on. So, are you prepared to take control of your hair care routine and defeat the evil of dandruff?
This monsoon season, revamp your hair care regimen with our carefully chosen selection of go-to hair products that can tackle any seasonal hair condition.
These solutions, which range from hydrating shampoos to replenishing packs, are expertly designed to combat dandruff, relieve scalp itching, and restore balance to both oily and dry hair.
Glow Hair Shampoo: Your Monsoon Miracle
Our top pick is Glow Hair Shampoo, a breakthrough monsoon hair care product. It contains a combination of natural substances, such as:
Aloe vera hydrates and calms the scalp.
Reetha: cleans and eliminates pollutants.
Amalaki revitalizes hair with Vitamin C.
Papaya eliminates dead skin cells and improves scalp health.
Hibiscus promotes hair growth and increases volume.
Jasmine Oil calms the scalp and provides a pleasant smell.
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Glow Hair Anti-Dandruff Pack: The Monsoon Rescue Pack
Designed for the rainy season, this complete pack offers an efficient solution for a healthier, flake-free scalp and meets all of your monsoon hair care needs. This set includes:
Neem: Reduces dandruff and calms the scalp.
Madayanti relieves itching and provides nourishment.
Sasurastri Mrittika calms and promotes hair health.
Methi hydrates and strengthens hair.
Kamola Lebu Khosa: moisturizes and restores equilibrium.
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Glow Hair Solution: Monsoon Defence Anti-Dandruff Spray
Make this spray a regular component of your hair care routine to have gorgeous, flake-free hair during the monsoon. Infused with a potent combination of natural ingredients:
Fenugreek’s natural antifungal qualities help eliminate dandruff and flakiness.
Lemon provides a natural gloss to your hair.
Clove strengthens hair follicles.
Neem protects the scalp and hair from infections.
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Top Hair Solution: Monsoon Hair Spray Fortifier
Your go-to ally for addressing monsoon hair issues. This expertly prepared spray solves dandruff, prevents hair loss, stimulates growth, and increases density with a potent blend of ingredients:
Bhringraj stimulates growth and increases density.
Methi Oil Promotes growth and inhibits thinning.
Ginger oil stimulates circulation and development.
Jatamansi oil strengthens hair and promotes scalp health.
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Discover your monsoon hair saviors:
The monsoon season can be a real test for your hair. Humidity, frizz, dandruff and damage are just a few of the challenges you might face. But fear not! Our range of monsoon hair care products are here to rescue your locks and help you regain your confidence and feel great about your hair. This monsoon season is all about embracing the beauty of the rain, and we’re here to help you do just that — with a healthy, happy scalp!
Stay beautiful and flake-free all season long. Visit Glamour World Ayurvedic today to explore their range of anti-dandruff hair care solutions and its applications.
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aarogyanaturals · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to Ayurvedic Hair Care with Aarogya Kesha Oil
In the realm of hair care, Ayurveda offers time-tested solutions that are natural, effective, and holistic. One such remarkable product is Aarogya Kesha Oil, a purely herbal hair rejuvenating oil that embodies the essence of Ayurvedic wisdom. This guide will delve into the benefits, ingredients, and usage of Aarogya Kesha Oil, as well as explore general Ayurvedic hair care practices.
The Essence of Ayurvedic Hair Care
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, emphasizes a balance of mind, body, and spirit. Ayurvedic hair care focuses on maintaining this balance to promote healthy hair. According to Ayurveda, hair health is linked to the body's overall health and the balance of the doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Vata Dosha: Imbalance can cause dry, brittle hair and split ends.
Pitta Dosha: Imbalance can lead to premature greying, thinning hair, and scalp irritation.
Kapha Dosha: Imbalance can cause oily scalp and dandruff.
Aarogya Kesha Oil: An Overview
Aarogya Kesha Oil is a unique blend of herbal ingredients formulated to nourish the scalp, strengthen hair roots, and promote healthy, shiny hair. This oil is free from harmful chemicals and synthetic additives, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a natural solution to hair care.
Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
Bhringraj known as the "King of Herbs" for hair, Bhringraj promotes hair growth, prevents hair fall, and delays greying.
Olives, linseed, Trifala, Fenugreek and Black Kumin nourish the hair.
Improves hair density, reduces hair loss, and soothes the scalp.
Anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties help in treating scalp conditions and dandruff.
Cloves, Beetroot and Lavender increase blood - circulation in scalp and nourish hair roots.
Betel, Gokhru and Babool are blended for their anti-bacterial and anti-fungal action. They reduce dandruff and hair fall by natural cleansing of the scalp.
Benefits of Aarogya Kesha Oil
Strengthens Hair Roots: Regular use of Aarogya Kesha Oil fortifies hair roots, reducing hair fall.
Promotes Hair Growth: The herbal blend stimulates hair follicles, encouraging new hair growth.
Prevents Premature Greying: Ingredients like Bhringraj and Amla help maintain natural hair color.
Reduces Dandruff: Neem and Amla combat dandruff and soothe the scalp.
Adds Shine and Luster: Onion and Brahmi enhance hair texture, making it soft and shiny.
Natural and Safe: Free from harsh chemicals, Aarogya Kesha Oil is safe for all hair types.
How to Use Aarogya Kesha Oil for Best Results
Massage the Scalp: Take 3-5ml oil and apply it to your scalp and gently massage in circular motions for 10-15 minutes. This increases blood circulation and ensures the oil penetrates deeply.
Cover Your Hair: After massaging, cover your hair with a warm towel or shower cap. Leave it on for at least an hour, preferably overnight for maximum hair benefits.
Wash Off: Rinse your hair with a mild, natural shampoo. Avoid using hot water as it can strip away natural oils.
Regular Use: For best results, use Aarogya Kesha Oil 2-3 times a week.
Additional Ayurvedic Hair Care Tips
Healthy Diet: Incorporate a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Foods like spinach, nuts, and seeds are particularly beneficial for hair health.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your hair and scalp hydrated.
Avoid Excessive Heat: Limit the use of heat styling tools and protect your hair from excessive sun exposure.
Practice Stress Management: Stress can affect hair health. Practice yoga, meditation, or other stress-relieving activities.
Use Natural Hair Products: Opt for shampoos and conditioners free from sulfates, parabens, and artificial fragrances.
Embracing Ayurvedic hair care with Aarogya Kesha Oil can transform your hair care routine, leading to healthier, stronger, and more vibrant hair. By integrating this herbal oil and other Ayurvedic practices into your daily regimen, you can achieve the hair of your dreams naturally and holistically.
Explore the wonders of Aarogya Kesha Oil and experience the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda for beautiful, rejuvenated hair.
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hsnjourney · 2 months
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