#Colin dhmis x reader
cherrygummycandy · 2 years
Roommate wanted
DHMIS main trio x Roommate!Reader
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(I lied, I was going to post a different pic but forgot I had this in my drafts!)
Bright colors shine through the windows of the small pink house, cascading off the checker print tiles. This light however, was suddenly dashed with a grunt from a green feathered bird as he slammed shut a curtain. "Ugh, can't the sun move somewhere else, it's ruining my light..." The bird grumbles, readjusting the mirror he has set up on the kitchen table. "Y'alright?" A tall red man asks absentmindedly from the other side of the table, not bothering to look up from his paper. "No! I'm not alright. I'm trying to brush my hair, and the sun is blinding me." The third and final member of the table perks up at this, now interjecting.
"But, you don't have hair, you're a bird." The yellow boy says, head tilted in confusion as he shovels cereal into his mouth. "Feathers are hair for birds, idiot." Duck snaps, The yellow one looks down sadly at this, a slight whine as he goes back to his cereal.
After a few minutes, Red sighs and puts down his paper. "Y'know, I thought something would have happened by now." He says. Duck's brow furrows as he looks up from his mirror, setting down his comb. "You're right, I'm bored. Someone do something. Call someone." He orders. "Call someone? Do we have a phone?" Yellow asks. "Nah, I think that electric person took it a few days ago, remember?" The three shiver at the memory of the small electric girl, and the sounds she made when they swapped her batteries. Duck snaps out of it first, and throws his mirror off the table. "Well, find something to do-" "What's this?" Yellow interjects, picking up the newspaper.
"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" Duck screeches, only to be ignored by Red. "It's a newspaper." "But what's this say?" Yellow points to an ad, that reads 'Roomate wanted, apply at address below'. Red takes the paper from him, looking closer. "S' a roommate ad. Y'know, for people you live with, like us." He explains, before pausing. His eyes narrow. "Huh. This is our address." Duck snatches the paper. "Our address-" He looks up, even more annoyed. "You put out an ad for another roommate? Am I not enough?". Red shakes his head. "I didn't put out an ad, and he probably didn't either." He glances at yellow. "I don't even think he can read." Red continues to examine the ad, trying to ignore Duck's squabbling. In all this noise, Yellow seems to be the only one to hear a knock on the front door. He hops down from his chair, and heads out of the kitchen. "Where's he going?" Duck asks. The two follow him and peek around the doorframe, watching as he opens the door.
"Uhm, hello?" You greet, looking down at the odd yellow fellow. "Hello!" He greets you, staring up at you blankly. You wait a few moments, but he doesn't go on. "Oh, for god's sake-" A green bird in a tweed jacket pushes him aside with a grunt. "Who're you?" He asks, eyeing you up and down with furrowed brows. "I'm Y/N, I saw an ad in the paper." You reach into the bag hanging at your side and pull out the scrap of paper. "Yeah, says here 'Roomate wanted'.". You try to hand the bird the paper, but he swats it away. "We've seen the ad, we didn't send it! Go away!" He squawks, attempting to shut the door. A red foot stops it from closing all the way, and a much larger red figure looks down at the bird. "Hold on now, come on. You wanted something to do today, maybe we could use a new roommate." The red man proposes.
"What, No! There's three of us! Just three of us!" The bird exclaims. Once more, the two characters argue back and forth, leaving you confused and feeling awkward on there doorstep. "I'm Yellow. It's nice to meet you, roommate!" The yellow man says, extending a hand happily. "Wha- Oh, no! My name isn't roommate, my name is Y/N." You correct, shaking his hand gently. "So Roomates your last name?" Before you can respond, the duck coughs loudly to get your attention.
"Alright, Roommate. We have decided to allow you to stay here, as long as you're entertaining to me." Duck says. "No, I made the decision you could stay, I pay the rent." Red says. "Do you?" He rolls his eyes. "We've got a spare room, upstairs, to the left. You can set up there." Red offers. "We can have bunk beds!" Yellow exclaims, and Red shakes his head. "No, they'll have their own room." Duck nods in agreement. "But... how can you have bunk beds in two different rooms..." Yellow trails off.
"Thank you! I'll go drop my stuff off now." You thank them and head past the duck, into the house and up the stairs. "You think they'll last?" Duck asks, glancing at tred. "W-what?" Yellow asks, worry evident in his voice. "I mean, anyone new we meet pretty much leaves at the end of the day, so they probably will too." Red shrugs. "I mean, I guess it's possible. Just enjoy it while there here." He heads back into the kitchen. "But, I don't want them to leave, I like Roommate." Yellow whines. Duck only scoffs. "Please you just met them." He moves to follow Red, before stopping and turning back to say,
"and there name isn't roommate."
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
May I request a Colin X Reader dhmis thing where reader is trying to do some online classwork while having to work around Colin’s Haphephobia (fear or discomfort when being touched)
"..why do we need math, Colin?"
"Who knows? You might become a secret agent or an architect some day! It may be beneficial to you!"
“Uh..I think that’s something only Mr. Briefcase should tell me, but thanks.” You chuckled awkwardly at Colin’s remark. 
‘Thank god that guy’s not around to sing about jobs I’m unqualified for.’
Fortunately, the computer teacher didn’t intend on dragging you into his digital home to give you an obnoxious lesson on the Internet. He ceased hostilities with your friend group and visited your place to assist you with homework.
However, you did forget about one important detail while spending your study session with him:
That being his severe aversion to being touched.
You could barely touch the keyboard to input numbers and letters without him getting extremely stressed.
Hell, even trying to log onto your school assignments was difficult.
He would be fine one moment, and the next...he got angry, eyes bloodshot, if you so much as let your hand linger on the spacebar for a millisecond too long.
It was certainly tough to work around.
You wanted to do most of the typing and work to take some stress off of Colin's processors, but he insists he’s only doing what he’s made to do:
Be a computer.
"So I guess we just gotta figure out the formula based on the information given, right?”
“Correct! I have it right here, my friend!” He grinned as he displayed the formula on the screen. “Now we just need to take the variables from the problem, substitute them into the equation, and we’ll be on our way!”
You smiled lightly at that catchphrase of his. “We’ll be on our way” held so much enthusiasm and promises of great results.
He was excited to share this journey with you--even if it was just simple math homework.
It certainly gave you the motivation to stop procrastinating and start working.
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warren-your-friend · 2 years
How different dhmis teachers react to you asking them on a date & what they are like as you date them:
I'm bored and hyperfixated and I need words for NaNoWriMo.
cw: some mentions of alcohol (Time Child), obsessive and controlling behavior (Warren), and implied depression (Unemployed Brendon)
Warren the Eagle:
-Warren seems shocked at first, taken aback by your advances when he wasn't even sure you wanted to be his friend. -Hearing this, you feel a bit bad that he hadn't realized you two were friends, but as you say that to him, he starts to panic a little, thinking he's upset you. (And he really REALLY doesn't want you to change your mind) -You pull him into a hug, and it only takes half a millisecond before he is holding you back tight. -"Yes!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!" He holds you tight and you can't quite back away now, so you just melt into the hug, letting him tell you all about how excited he is. -As a boyfriend, he is obsessive and no small amount of jealous. -If you don't really have anyone else, he will happily take up every waking moment you have. -He has major insomnia and may end up watching you sleep, but only when you already know that he's spending the night. -If you do have people you care about and want to spend time with (whether family or friends) when he isn't there, he'll be too afraid of losing you to outright tell you that you can't do it, but he WILL guilt you and if you do happen to fall in love with him, he will get under your skin. -If you get involved with him, its best to involve him. If the people in your life can stand him long enough to get to know him, your relationship will go a lot smoother. -This guy is also a MASSIVE cuddler and very big on public displays of effection.
Colin the Computer:
-Colin was surprised by the question, but it's sort of hard to tell from the way that he responds. -He considers it and for a moment, you think he's going to say no, but really his mind is seven steps ahead and he is looking up places that would be fun to go to, while also not being too awkward for a first date. -When he finally speaks, it's to tell you that he's found live music festival at a park near you. There's dancing and food and it'll be a ton of fun! -You feel your heart swell with joy, your face getting hot. -If you aren't so sure about how well you dance, he is determined to teach you. To him, as long as you're close, any dancing is going to be perfect. -As a boyfriend, he is a lot of fun but rather energetic. -How close you are will determine how much physical contact there will be between you, so don't expect kisses on the first date, unless you have been friends for a good while. -Once you've dated for a while, he will ALWAYS be wanting to hold hands though. -He is SO much fun, if you're an extravert. -He's an introverted extravert, though. So don't worry too much if you aren't, he'll always want to recharge his own batteries at home too.
The Briefcase (Lucky Mo):
-Mo is all business when it comes to dating. He is dating to find someone to marry. Family means a lot, but he doesn't actually want children. -If you're rude to his brother, he is probably going to reject you immediately. -But if you don't encourage his brother or are unmotivated by the concept of working yourself, he's also probably going to reject you as well, though he will always encourage you to 'try harder', even as a friend. -If you have a job (whether or not you actually love it) and try to stay positive for Brendon, Mo will be a very encouraging lover and will want to go on as many dates as possible, as long as it works out around your schedules. -He's a very loyal boyfriend, dependable and encouraging. -He can be boring if you aren't proactive in finding things to do though, so be ready to make most of the choices for movie nights and where you go out to eat etc.
Unemployed Brendon:
-Brendon isn't sure what to say when you ask him out. -He's not used to people who love him for who he IS, rather than who he could be. -Yes, you will probably have to read his novel and if you didn't know it already, it's very sad with a very bittersweet ending. -You'll actually be surprised by how well written it is though and wonder where on Earth he got his inspiration from. He doesn't seem to want to talk about it though. -As a boyfriend, he is a bit of a nervous wreck, especially in the beginning. He doubts himself a lot, his ability, his life choices and most of all… if he is worthy of love at all. -His relationships with his parents are in tatters and his brother just keeps pushing and pushing him to do better. -His brother believes in him and while you can see the love behind it, you can also see the way that the stress of never being good enough wears down on Brendon… -But he loves you a ton, very fast. He's not as obsessive and jealous as Warren is, but he will always want to be around you. -He doesn't intentionally guilt you, but you know he can't help but feel like you're 'embarrassed' by him, if you don't take him places with you. -If you can encourage him to go to therapy, you'd actually have a healthy, loving relationship with Brendon. -You're paying for the therapy though. -And pretty much everything else.
-When you ask 'Tracey on a date, she had sorta been under the assumption you were either already dating or on a date, at the very least. -So she just continues conversing about whatever she had been thinking about, because of COURSE she wants to go on a date with you, silly! -She'll take you on walks through cities or late night parties in the city when everything is lit up, particularly in the summer. -Lots of life and energy comes with Tracey. -She's sort of a combination of Colin and Mo, in that she has all sorts of energy and loves to do things (she also has a great sense of humor), but she is also much less touchy than Colin and working with the electric company, she has a steady income to do just about anything. -The downside to Tracey is that she ALWAYS has energy. -She is extremely outgoing and she is a definite extrovert. -Don't expect 'downtime' with Tracey. She's up and out of the door early for a jog and likes to party hard on weekends. -She's the sort that will invite friends over for dinner on a work night, but the friends don't even show up until 8:00pm and you have to be up at 6:00am. -She's also not particularly tactile, so while she loves kisses and hugs, she's not really going to be holding your hand everywhere, or wrapping her arms around you while waiting for the bus. -Then again, she thinks you're super cool even on days you don't like yourself and she can SHRED on that guitar, so it all equals out, yeah?
-It's less that you've asked them on a date and more that you found yourself on a date, unsure of where. -You only realize its a date, when T.C. wraps an arm around your waist pulls you into the VIP section of a very loud, very colorful club, introducing you to the bouncer as their date. -It's a TON of fun, but by the end of the night, you're exhausted and ready to go home and T.C. just sort of drops you off and goes back to the club and you're left kinda wondering what happened and why they thought to bring you at all. -They kinda leave you on read for a few weeks, until they show up on a long weekend, wanting to party again. -This is going to keep going until you make yourself less fun to hang out with. Oh well, looks like you're stuck with them!
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sillypuppetsposts · 2 years
Henlo! May I ask a Colin x overthinker!Reader? Thank you sm <333 ALSO you're doing gods work, og teachers are getting love!!!
a/n ;; FIRST COLIN REQUEST EVERYONE CELEBRATE RN. anyways yes!! fr you guys are at my feet praying to me at the sight of seeing og teacher content 😇😇
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he always is trying to reassure you
like he’ll be like, “according to my statistics, everything is going to be ok!! trust me i’m a computery guy s/o!!
And i can see why you overthink,
your in the fucking dhmis universe
like if my life was like that i would just jump off a cliff
whenever your overthinking starts to take a toll on your mental health, he’s always open
therapist colin arc (real)
he even lets you touch him
not too much but is always holding your hand or giving you a quick hug
my fav malewife
if someone says something that triggers your overthinking
he will pummel them to the oblivion
don’t test him
he’s poked someone in the eye with his pointer
rip bozo
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mozzdie24 · 2 years
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-Basically, he’s the bipolar one who keeps having mood swings and is very obnoxious but you’re the only one who can tolerate or even encourage it because oh well you still love him so of course you two end up together.
-He has a very strange system when it comes to physical touch.
-Gets mad if you touch him without consent, will touch YOU without YOUR consent, but sometimes will almost fry his own circuits from you touching him
-The relationship is very complicated. Not to mention the fact you’re dating a literal computer.
-Because of that y’all don’t really do that much romantic stuff. You’ll give him a kiss on the head, he’ll try his best to return it, but it’s an occasional thing.
-He does tolerate cuddles every so often. Again, it varies, mostly depending on his mood.
-When Colin is in a good mood, cuddles and physical affection as a whole are a must for him. So it’s easy to tell when he’s in a good mood.
-But what you do most of the time is more calmer activities like watching a movie or going to the park.
-Colin’s invited you to his digital world several times, and even though you trusted him, it was just too far out of reach for you. If you didn’t understand it, you didn’t want it.
-When you two first met, he was a bit skeptical of you, but your endless curiosity piqued his interest.
-You’d go online on Colin more and more often looking for information and he got more used to it, rather enjoying your company. It was nice having someone who appreciated him as much as you did.
-While Colin could come off as braggy or obnoxious, it DOES come with some insecurity and it felt good to have confirmation from others every once in a while.
-So basically a Leo.
-As he warmed up to you, he would interact more friendly and let your hands roam the keyboard without stopping you every few sentences.
-He doesn’t feel it when not in his humanoid form, but it still bothered him for people to touch parts of him.
-You were merely the exception for a while until Colin started looking forward to your visits. He had started to get to know you better.
-After a few months, you suspected he had taken a liking to you, but you didn’t say much about it. You knew the computer had feelings, but you doubted he had THOSE feelings.
-Until something slipped out of his search history.
-Oh, no, no, it wasn’t anything PG-13, just some harmless “how to confess to crush” stuff you teased him about. Then he started acting all weird and you narrowed it down to, yup. He had feelings for you.
-It was a little weird, but also kind of sweet considering your first meeting.
-Nonetheless, he asked for a chance and you gave him one. You felt a LITTLE better seeing him in his humanoid form.
-After the first week or so of “dating”, you began to develop a crush on him, too. And once that got out, Colin was clingy as ever trying to fluster you. He found it hilarious.
-What a hypocrite.
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n0r3ality · 2 years
Ty for the ask anon! This is my first time writing fanfic since like 2018 so its probably shit. Sorry in advance..
Collin the computer with a jealous reader
💾He had become a bit too engrossed in his work online, and kept brushing you off when you tried talking to him
💾He was working on a prototype for a smartphone, and was spending a lot of time talking to his work partner about things they needed to fix in the code
💾It takes him a second to realize why you were suddenly being so clingy
💾He finds it a bit cute, but also feels really bad
💾He lets his partner know that he's signing off for the day, and apologizes for ignoring you
💾Mans just has lazer focus
💾He's literally a computer tho so it makes sense
💾He'll help you make dinner and set up a movie
💾Will cuddle you if you want but he's a block of metal so it probably wont be comfy 💀💀
💾Very sweet boi
💾Will tell you little facts about the movie while you watch it bc he's a fucking nerd
💾Makes sure you know that you're the most important thing in his life :)
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samithefungus · 2 years
A request for Colin x Reader
[Fluff ]
The two are online friends but never met in real life, until one day. The Reader visits Colin and the two, despite being nervous, get along great.
I hope you can do something with it and take as much time as you need. <3
Thank you for the request, I did my best and I hope you like it <3
Colin x Online Friend Reader
WARNINGS: Nothing this time
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-You weren't a big fan of online friendships, in fact you only knew one person online that you were really close with, it's a guy named Colin
-You met him a couple of years ago; initially you only talked about more and less only, then you started getting closer and opening up more to each other
-You two liked talking together, plus you found that you had a lot in common...
-But you haven't met yet
-This kind of bothered you a little bit, as already mentioned, you were not a fan of online friendships
-You wanted to meet your friend, so you planned to meet him
-You asked Colin what his address was and you and Colin decided on a day when you going to visit him
-He lived quite far from you, so you had to take the train
-You decided to take the train early in the morning so that you could spend more time in person with Colin
-You arrived at the station long before your train arrived, but with your unluck it was late
-You were now at the station without the sun having risen yet waiting for the train with the anxiety of being late and making a bad impression
-After about half an hour your train arrived and you got on it
-You arrived that morning at Colin's house and knocked on the door
-Colin opened the door and you greeted each other, you held back from hugging him because you knew he didn't like to be touched
-You two walked into the house and sat down on the couch
-Neither of you said a word; it was easier for you to talk online
-There was a silence that made both of you get nervous
-You saw Colin abandoned stiffly, instead you were fiddling with your fingers when your leg trembled a bit
-You finally decided to break the silence by saying, "You know Colin, I was going to bring some board games, like Monopoly, Chess or stuff like that, would you like to play?"
- "I'd love to play Chess," Colin replied.
-So you pulled the Chess out of your backpack and you and Colin started playing
-Initially you two were a little tense about playing against each other, but then the game carried you away
-No need to say that Colin won
-You obviously asked for a rematch and it took you 7 more games to accept the fact that you couldn't beat him
-Disheartened you looked around and noticed a Console
- "Is that yours?" You asked
- "No, it's my sister's, I was going to introduce her to you, but she's not here today" Colin answered you (one of my Headcanons is that Colin and Electracey are siblings, so for here Colin's sister I mean Electracey)
- "Do you want to play it?" You said
- "Actually my sister doesn't want me to touch her things" He answered you
- "Afraid of losing!" You said to convince him and strangely you seriously convinced him
-Colin took the first video game he found and put it in the Console and you two started play
-In the end Colin beat you at every game...
-Seriously you thought you were going to win against him, he's a computer
-Anyway it got dark and you had to leave, but before you said goodbye to Colin and then said, "Bye Colin, how about next week you come over to my house?"
-Colin nodded and said that was a good idea
- "Well, then just remind me to send you my address" You replied, then left
-You ran to the station, but this time the train was early and you had missed it, so you would have to wait for the next one
-While you were waiting you chatted a little with Colin; first you sent him your address so you wouldn't forget, then you talked a little bit about random things just to keep you occupied until the train arrives
-In the end your other train was cancelled and there were no other trains that want where you lived
-You had no alternative, so you write to Colin and ask him if you could stay at his house for the night and then take the train the next morning
-He said yes and picked you up at the station
-You had planned to sleep on the couch, but Colin told you that he had an extra room for you
-You arrived at his house and Colin showed you to your room and you immediately jumped into bed and felt asleep, because you were really tired
-The next morning you woke up early and went to catch the train, managing to catch it on time
-As soon as you arrived at your house you wrote to Colin to reassure him, because when you left his house he was still asleep
-He texted you back with a thumbs-up emoji and then wrote back, "See you next week <3"
-All of this made you smile a bit and now you can't wait for next week
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randoms-fandoms · 1 year
DHMIS request info!
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I don’t write character x character for this one, sorry!
Characters I will do “x reader”s for (can be romantic or otherwise)
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amooo1023 · 2 years
*sigh* This is your fault but. Colin x reader romance headcanons
You did this. How do you feel?
I feel pretty good about myself not gonna lie. Anyways, I'll gladly write this. I hope you enjoy!
Colin x reader (romantic headcanons)
This is an already established relationship.
He's a little bit more okay with you touching him. You could be a bit affectionate with him at times. But again only with his consent.
He doesn't get as mad as he gets if you touch him without his consent. He might yell at you or all of the sudden be across the other side of the room. But after that not much else.
He's not sure how he feels about having romantic feelings for you. To be honest he hasn't gotten the hang of it quite yet.
If he's flustered you can easily hear his fans humming. If you comment on this Colin might immediately get defensive. He also might immediately tell you that his fans hum when he is looking at a moron. (He's lying)
Horrible at flirting since he's so used to advertising oats. He'll literally never get better at flirting.
He doesn't need sleep. But he'll sleep anyway so he doesn't get bored at night. He sleeps on a desk near to your bed.
He gets annoyed when you have to eat. Since he doesn't have anything else to do when you eat. You keep suggesting for him to talk with you if he's bored. But his digital mind can't understand how you can eat and talk to him at the same time.
You don't go on dates with Colin that often. It might be once a month or two but that's all. Unless you suggest having a date in his digital world he keeps talking about. Which he perks up immediately to.
To be honest the dates in there feel way too weird. But he likes it since you two can do almost whatever you two want in there.
He causes a bit of problems for you since you sometimes get angry neighbours knocking on your door. It's not always too serious of course. But there has been times when Colin has given a few children PTSD about songs. Which isn't great news for you.
The cops might think of you as a threat sooner or enough but you're willing to test your luck.
He still likes singing to you. Though his songs not being malicious for now. He's not great at singing but he likes it.
He sucks at board games. Unless it's chess. He's great at chess (He's a computer of course he's good at chess.) You literally can never beat him.
He's a lot more calmer in the evening but at every other time he's not calm at all.
He gets to touch you, but you not so much. Sometimes he's right in your face and touches your nose. He's been doing that a lot lately because he finds it funny.
He might be on your table for a few seconds and immediately when you turn around he's gone outside annoying a few children. Whenever he does this you have to go outside and get him back into your house. You can't have him causing more PTSD.
Overall your relationship with Colin is both hectic but also calm and fun.
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trashcanfanfics · 2 years
heyy i was wondering if i could request some DHMIS writing?
If possible could i please get some human! tony and colin x reader poly headcanons, just general things like how that relationship would go :D
If not that’s completely 100% a-okay!💕
Had to reacquaint myself real quick omfg
*First off, Colin HATED you in the beginning
*It was Tony who wanted to pursue you first and that made Colin MORE mad because how dare you?!
*HE liked Tony, and he...doesn't hate you as much as he thought he did?
*He guesses that you look okay...and you seem nice....and you don't touch him without warning/permission...
*Okay maybe he likes you a little
*You go around the house, respecting everyone's boundaries and taking things in stride
*They both found this admirable
*Tony, on the other hand, liked you from the start
*He left you flowers and notes (with the time he started and the time he finished writing in the corner)
*It was actually him that organized you, Colin and him to have a private discussion about a poly relationship
*You eagerly agreed, which shocked them both (mostly Colin)
*And things kinda went on from there
*You and Tony regularly get on the others about personal space and respecting everyone's boundaries (for Colin's sake)
*Colin screeches at people who try to bad mouth/get too close to you
*They both hate leaving you alone around the others, especially Paige, they're all so dangerous
*Harry questions your life choices at least once a week
*He's also seen you run from Steak with Colin in your arms and Tony chasing Steak while shouting profanities so...he has a good reason to
*You all bond by sitting and talking about common interests
*Colin is surprisingly the one to get you up and moving in the morning, despite Tony already being up
*You still don't know how he keeps getting into your room
*Tony feels like the den mother of the thruple, but it's really you
*You're the one making sure they aren't at each other's metaphorical throats and when they have arguments, make sure they don't scream
*Overall, invest in some ear plugs and just listen to them ramble and you'll be fine
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sillypuppetsposts · 2 years
May i request a colin x reader🤭
a/n ;; IM SO SORRY FOR BEING GONE FOR LIKE 2 MONTHS??? I got sucked into the undertale fandom but im still here!?? ALSO SCHOOL IS BEING A BITCH TO ME … 🙁🙁
tw ;; swearing and mentions of death 😨😨
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SMART BF MOMENT ( also malewife )
yeah,,, like this dude is super smart, one wrong statement and he’s pulling the whole bee movie script out of his ass
he literally is the tall king, like goddamn boy you so close to heaven for what
He isn’t used to physical affection, please let him take his time adjusting to this new life style
he’s the type of person to correct you while your speaking out loud like…
“Yeah they’re really cool!”
“um s/o it’s *they’re…”
When he’s sick or whatever, he accidentally spews out AD or SPAM scripts, it’s kinda funny and sad at the same time.
fights with tony,… 24/7
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sillypuppetsposts · 2 years
ims o sad rn…. there r barley ne og teachers x readers on tumblr ☹️☹️ guys send in the ogs for me for a bit!!! i wanna write abt them,,
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sillypuppetsposts · 2 years
requests are open !!
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♡ dhmis m.list
♡ welcome home m.list
♡ read this before requesting!~
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sillypuppetsposts · 1 year
- SHRIGNOLD!!!! (please request him more frequently then others!!! i write for him the best)
-red guy
-yellow guy (PLATONIC)
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n0r3ality · 2 years
Hello, my name is Edgar and i write fanfic (dhmis only on this acct)
Feel free to send requests :)
What I will write:
📓Romantic stuff
📓Nsfw(unless it involves a minor, or is a weird fetish or some shit)
📓really any angst/gore
What i will NOT write:
📓Character x character
📓Character x OC
📓Weird fetish stuff
📓Any ask that I dont feel comfortable doing
(Probably more but i cant think of anythinge else atm)
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sillypuppetsposts · 2 years
Can you do a Sketch x reader x tony where theyre in a polyam relationship and sketch is very playful and teasing and tony gets flustered easily. if not comfortable no pressure!
a/n ;; ofc i can :))) !! totally comfortable with this! idk why the fandom made them absolutely despise each other but!
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who allowed you 3 in the house./lh
anyways, oh god you’re like,, the middle ground of this relationship
you always have to calm down Tony when he gets too flustered and also comfort Paige when their pouting
You and Tony are kinda like the a bit more mature ones, while Paige is the goofball
i love him though!
Tony and Paige suck ASS at cooking, so you cook…
and if u can’t cook, you usually get Steve/Steak Guy or Doi/Yellow Guy will cook for you guys
Shrignold ridicules you daily
he’s in his homophobic phase 😒😒
anyways Tony is more of the person in the relationship who gives affirmation
while Paige is the one who is the more handsy person (cuddles,hugs)
You’re the only one that Duck, Red Guy and Yellow guy trusts out of you three
Their still trying to warm up to Paige and Tony after what happened in webseries!Dhmis
They have competitions to see who flusters you more.
Tony is surprisingly good at flirting
like woah mister take me out to dinner first man
Paige shows love my cuddles and kisses
Tony shows love by little notes and gifts
poor Colin has to clean up your guy’s mess
Colin malewife arc…
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