#Collector i love you AAAA
rzyraffek · 2 years
Everyday life with slashers!!!(part 2)
(Swf) Request open
The Collector
Can somone explain why people call him Asa Emory, i never seen this name in movies
Has No clue how to cook, you leave this man alone in kitchen for 3minutes, your house is going to be in fire
He will give you Moths from his collection
He let you name his dogs, but dont get attached they might die
If he knows that you are sensitive to gore stuff he will ban you from going to his hideout(maybe you are allowed but only with him constantly next to you)
Hes not fan of physical touch, if you hug him because you are scared or need support, hes alright with that but dont expect him to hug you every time he gets a chance
Thomas Hewitt
Great at cookin, and suprisingly, cooks not only meat. But please buy him a new pan
Will pick you up, no matter how much you weight, have you seen this man? He stronk
Loves cuddles, but only in privite places, but He holds your hands very often
Somedays theres a lot of victims to deal with and he is so tired and stressed afterwards
He never dated anyone, so basicly anything 'sexy' you do will make him blush and giggle like teenage girll😳😳
He is definitly into tights, will hug them and lay on them
Billy Lenz
I know this silly possum men was in part 1 BUT I Just love him too much okay
He will steal all your blankets and make cocoon
due to horrible traumatic past and never diagnosed mental illnes he has weird relationship with girls. So you better be a man or the most Saint and patent girll ever (or another nonbinary possum person)
He talks to your plushies and figurines(if you have any).
Billy has 2moods: 1 😳please hug me😩hell yeah huggies😈I may not commit crimes today🤯 AND 2 hissss👽stay away🤨u smeel?😒(stink), Billy no like you anymor🙄
He is huge simp, one complement and you got this man doing backflips just for you babe
The man from Hush
Probably knows how to fish, buy him one of this hats that say "fish fear me, women love me"
Wants to tattoo your name on his arm😨
Probably plays COD
Loves kisses on cheeks
If you find masks atractive, and he will find out, he will wear mask around you wayyy more often
Hugs from behind>
Loves watching boring movies with you so you can Fall asleep on him(he wont move a muscle)
Loves when you try to kiss his face( hihih human shmol can reach him)
Loves to pick you up and just walk around with you
When you fall asleep on him he wont move till you wake up. He is patent dont worry he enjoys it
Gives you Skulls, claws, theeth, ect as sign of undyjng love to you
If you are an artist he secretly wants you to paint his nails and armor. Will wear it with pride
He is like cat, when you scrach him in good places he will just instantly lay down and sleep. Will hug you, so prepare for heavy arm resting on you for about a hour
When you try to tickle him he will be like🤨🤨"mate if you trying to attack me, try using fists, not fingers?".After that you explain to him what tickling is, he probably will pretend that he has some just to see you try your best in tickle fight😈😈😈he may let you win. "Oh nooooo*totaly dramatic gasp* my human mate wooon aaaah those tickles aaaa myy weakness nuuuu *explodes* " (the lack of commas and big leters was on purpose, he did not change his voice even once)
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hollowsart · 4 months
I so badly want Paldean Fates Pokemon cards.. the booster packs cuz I am not a game player, but also I want sooooo bad to have some cool shiny Pokemon cards aaaa..
I want whatever thing will get me the most booster packs, but I am not an avid card collector (don't have the money for that lifestyle dsjhdfh) so I have no idea what would actually a good investment. the little enamel pins you can get in some of those big box packages look so good.. I want those pins.. I love enamel pins.. they're so cool and so pretty..
me rn thinking about the enamel pins and shiny cards:
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herobrinna · 1 year
ok so ive spammed my friend with toh thoughts a bit to much so time to ramble here i suppose. (sorry in advance thisll be very disjointed and go from one random point to another).
my main take away from the finale is that it felt a bit... hollow?
like dont get me wrong, the animation was so fucking good. getting more titan and collector lore was also so cool (and hellooo The Titan being such a genderqueer royal? absolutely love how natural toh rep is, like its just thrown out there and no one questions it, just how shit is, absolutely bangers- *gets shot*). and aaaa, the aged up re-designs of all the characters are so good, especially like the detail how all the hexsquad have a flapjack tattoo.
yet there are so many bits that just feel off? like they couldve been handle better (even with the cut runtime the show had).
first lets start with the Collector who just got done dirty, like their whole arc was about the fear of being alone again, yet at the end they decided to leave? just like that? like would it not make more sense for him to stay with Eda, to learn to control his powers better and make new friends. especially them leaving to "mature" or whatever doesnt really make sense, like how can they grow as a person if they dont interact with others, if they dont get exposed to different opinions and believes and all that.
and i dont really like Collie, but it still feels like he deserved better, especially after taking up so much runtime.
actually you know what wouldve made the show better? not introducing the Collector in the first place.
no but think about it, why waste so much runtime on a character that didnt even exist before the show was cut (and thus had very little foreshadowing and buildup to his introduction) and then to not even give them a sweeter ending?
if anything the show shouldve stuck with the Day of Unity being the true finale. like honestly if DoU happened over the 3 specials they actually had plenty of time to flesh out all the existing characters further, maybe there could have been even a little more time for more slice of life moments. but then the whole bit with Collie just feels likes taking away precious time, that his character could have only worked if the show wasnt cut, but if it wasnt cut he wouldnt have existed in the first place, so man idk.
and on the topic of the DoU, holy shit Belos got done dirty, im actually mildly mad at his demise.
like it just overall doesnt make sense thematically.
like, ok this is gonna be hard to phrase, and i would like to straight away say i dont think Belos should ever be redeemed, just gonna use other characters redemptions as example.
so toh throughout its enite runtime is really set on showing that everyone deserves a second chance for as long as they want and are willing to change. we see this with Lilith who was pretty much immediately redeemed at the beginning of s2, and whilst many people say it was rushed, or she didnt deserve it, i think otherwise. like throughout s1 she only tries to get Eda into the Emperor's coven out of the belief that Belos will cure her, cuz yknow, she feels really fucking guilty for cursing her sister, and even then she doesnt really force Eda that much into joining, like there are many moments of weakness were Lilith couldve dragged Eda to the emperor, but she didnt, she gave Eda many chances to join on her own. and again the only reason she even wanted Eda to be in the coven was to right her mistake of cursing her. so after going through that guilt for years of course shed be forgiven quickly, as she showed that she wants to change, be better and all that.
we see this with Hunter as well, though his redemption was more gradual, yet still his past wrongs arnt brought up, like how he patronised Eda and Luz during his first meeting, or attacked Amity in eclipse lake, cuz he was also doing shit out of the belief of helping people, and clearly wanted to change for the better, so why bring up his past wrongs when hes a better person now and all that.
why bring this up?
well with Belos toh brought up an interesting dilemma, what do you do with a person that doesnt want to change, thats stuck in a loop of his short sighted beliefs in a system thats ready to accept and help anyone that tries to change regardless of their past?
and the answer to that being to just kill him?
like how does that solve anything? he died thinking he was in the right, that witches are still spawns of satan or whatever tf. it just feels like it goes against what the show established.
now dont get me wrong, the scene of him trying to manipulate Luz for the millionth time and her just staring him down completely unfazed is amazing, it says more than any actual words could ever. what isnt is then Raine, Eda and King immediately stomping him afterwards, which again, just proofs Belos' point that witches are "evil" from his perspective. (how did he even die from that when even mf Collie wasnt able to kill him? and ne got hit by a car and that *still* didnt kill him either, it just feels like he shouldve survived that)
so imagine if instead of them stomping him down they decided to imprison him, that will of course also have the effect of saving him from the boiling rain. so now Belos has to live with the fact that it was witches that saved him, the same witches he'd never show that kind of mercy to, the same witches he would murder the second he got the chance, and what makes it worse is the fact that the human, the one he oh so creepily obsessed over didnt even do anything, wouldve left him suffer in the boiling rain if she had the choice.
and just generally, letting him actually *live* with the consequences of his actions would have been so much more fitting. like dying is easy, wayy too easy, an escape from consequences, but actually living with said consequences, well thats delightfully horrific.
and his death isnt the only way that they done him dirty, the Titan also basically just said that Belos is just evil and theres nothing more too it, when there literally is?? like hello what were all thos Hollow Mind paintings for if not to show that Belos aint just pure evil, how he is a victim of shitty circumstances, yet how despite that it doesnt excuse the extent to which he took shit to.
and the just forgot about that?
... oh right, they forgot the memory paintings even existed untill someone posted their own redraws of them, no wonder they fucked Belos' character up so much :/
man im getting tired from rambling this much lol
but overall its just toh has so many missed opportunities, i could go on and on about them, although not like my rambles make any sense probably, and many people have def explained similar point much better so im just gonna shit up now.
(and of course im gonna rewrite this for my oc x Belos au <3 )
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
do you kno any fics with excellent characterizations of style as in they feel like real people? 🙏
Oh dude I think I get what you mean here, like real people with problems, not idealized but not so out there with unrealistic scenarios, right? Lmao I hope I’m right here.
Collector by cement_shoes THIS!!! Them growing up, the beauty of someone having your back and the little things that matter, it’s a fairly quick read too and left me feeling very warm inside lmao
A quiet place (where I can scream how I love you) by sleep2thefr33zing. Another coming of age fic that feels so real and the prose of it sucks you RIGHT IN!!! This author has so many bangers frfr
Why Remind Me by Kasen WHEN I SAY THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE ONESHOTS dude it’s so, so relatable with the teenage awkwardness and childhood memories and so sweet!!!
The Scenic Route by hollycomb it’s a classic in the fandom for a reason, the tension is so incredibly poignant, the fact that it’s from Kyle’s perspective makes the miscommunication even more intense, it really truly feels like a best friends to lovers story that isn’t forced
No One Saw Me, Not In The Way You Did by kiritilla BRUH!!!!! I am SO beyond in love w this one it’s painful in how well developed the history with the characters is, their individual struggles, the beginnings of reconciliation being ripped apart, our two main boys just struggling to get by, UGH I love this one
Advil and Apple Juice by Kuchi this is another that’s a tale of the boys growing up together and always taking care of each other it’s so so AAAA one of my favorites I’m not kidding
Sign of Devotion by messie2624 OH MY GOD THIS ONE IS SO CUTE it’s just them as kids playing elf king and knight and it feels so nostalgic I actually cried the first time I read this so wholesome and full of childhood whimsy
There are definitely more, so I may add to the list at some point but OHHHHH MY GOD y’all I love getting asked for fic recs
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Your Annoying Tumblr Mutual strikes yet again !!
I'm gonna ask you a few questions :> (these are all so random lmao) (as always, feel free to ignore ^^^)
✰ how long have you been on tumblr?
✰ how did you come up with your url/username?
✰ what’s your phone’s lock screen?
✰ do you have any piercings//tattoos? (any you’d like to get?)
✰ do you wear glasses//contacts?
✰ has anyone ever told you you have a "celebrity look-alike"? if yes, who?
✰ best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
✰ are you a collector of anything in particular? If yes, what?
AHHH HII !!!! <3 for the record, i don’t find you annoying at ALL, if anything, i find you so so fun and you seem so lovelyyyy 💞
✰ probably like, 3 years now ??!!! it feels craaazy how long its been !!!!! and i’ve had quite a few blogs on here actually but i think this one’s here to stay :))
✰ OHH so basically, mine used to be darling-im-moonstruck, which for some reason i can’t get it back :( cause i looove the moon, and moonstruck is such a pretty word cause like, it’s about being too in love to think straight, and that’s quite literally me heudkwkd, but while i’m unable to get it back, i’m using wonderstruck which was inspired by enchanted by ts <3
✰ OOH it’s this pretty blue ribbon pattern but i’m planning to change it to something more special to meee just you wait !
✰ nope !!!! but i would loooove to get a simple, cute tattoo in the future, possibly. also as for piercings, i would LOVE to get them, my only concern is that im on the swim team of my uni, so i need to able to swim :’)
✰ nope !
✰ omggg i dont think so, i’ve gotten one once i believe, i can’t remember the person’s name 😞
✰ OHH literally ANYTHING, any compliment i get, i will store it in my heart and i will keep it in there so that it’s safe and loved and warm forever <3
✰ OH so so, i love to collect things in general that mean sooo much to me ? like i preserve flowers i get, i keep letters and receipts and old tickets in a folder, i display any cute little trinkets given to me, i just cherish everything i get sooo much, like memories are so important to me can you tell im sentimental shdjajdjf
HII I HOPE YOU HAD A LOVELY DAY TOO !! YOU DESERVED IT AAAA, YOURE SO SWEET :( ALSOO i’m so sorry i’ve answered this late, i am so forgetful it is such a problem 😭 but i will ALWAYS appreciate you sending these questions to me, they’re so so fun to answer !!!
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suinumi · 2 years
Hello tumblerraria community i have a question albeit a silly one aaaa
Does yall give your npcs names? I personally name my npcs after my mobile play-through names since i got attached and it was my first platform
id thought id give out my npcs names:
Guide: Brett ( I have the BIGGEST soft spot for any guide with this name and i actually try to get a guide with this name when i enter hardmode flkddflk)
Painter: i head-canon my painter to be called Stefano (BUT i also really like carlo too since he was my first painter on pc, also it matches with the dye traders name a lil)
Dye Trader: Kamni
Stylist: Roxanne
Party girl: Candy
Nurse: Hannah
Dryad: Nata
Angler: Peter (ik its not a terraria name, but the angler always gave me APH sealand vibes so i named my angler after him)
Travelling merchant: Mercer (it used to be Shipton but i gave him so much headcanons and lore that he kinda became a different character, hes now my oc hahaha)
Merchant: Mortimer
Clothier: Arthur
Truffle: Cremini
Arms dealer: Demetrius
Steampunker: Vivian
Demolitionist: Norkas
Princess: Alice
Star Merchant: Liu Xing
Golfer: Gunner Mclovin
Zoologist: Mackenzie
Mechanic: Sally
Tax Collector: Woodrow
Goblin Tinkerer: Nork
Wizard: Elric
Cyborg: Theta
Pirate: Captain Morgan
Skeleton Merchant: RATTLES MAGOO (i love this name lmao)
Witch Doctor: Konah
Tavernkeep: Moe
I thank thats all, If anyone sees this, i lowkey wanna know what you guys call your npcs so feel free to respond :0
I also have a lot of heacanons but i always feel like I’m spamming when i post something that doesn’t nt have a drawing and its just me rambling njsfjnsdf
So if it is annoying, just lemme know ty ahaha-
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For a week I was worried almost for nothing. I was thinking that Raine could die. They won’t survived from Belos...goopies hands. Or something worst could happen to the Collector (I love him). Still. NOTHING!
It’s a fully happy ending. Fully happely ever after. And I satisfied myselfe to see how Belos/Philip DIE!!!! 
But. Let’s just be clear. This is the second death/reborn from Disney. The first was Anne. The second one is Luz. I’m seriosly!
I was so happy to see the Collectors past. Not in picture. An fully backstory from him, which is TALLED not tells from another persone (Sorry, Masha). To see King’s dad...WHAAAATTT? You know. This character waas showing like 2-4 minutes. And you know what...I LOVE HIM!!! He combine two sides. Eda character and King’s MIGHTY. I love the reference he made. It was cool.
HARPIA LILY!!!! GOD!!! She's not as cool as Eda, but... Did you see her? AAAA!! I would like to know how she became friends with her owl beast. She looked so sweet. Not as hot as her sister. But Lilith is cute.
And....the only one thing that I was not happy. Brr...It’s backstory Philip and his brother Caleb. I know we all heard their story in “Thank to them”. But its almost Dana didn’t want to tell his story full. Ok. Maybe she doesn’t like Belos (because c’mon I’ve seen how creators were mercy to Megatron from Transformers Prime), but still. We don’t know about his older brother AT ALL!!! We even don’t know how he get his cursed. Was it because of the glyph plus his is a human?
Why did Caleb leave him or betryaed him. And even Caleb love Evelyn. Their past in the mystery in Owl House.
One episode. Just one full episode in “The Owl House” in the second season. Could change everything. She could tell us after “Hollow Mind”. But not from Belos visions....from Flapjack visions. But that just my thought about it. 
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So based on a Modern AU of Hercules, what kind of Girly-Girl Media would Persephone be into?
My Little Pony? Care Bears? Strawberry Shortcake? Barbie? or something else?
Also, I'm curious to know more about your Modern AU based on Lore Olympus (even though you're not into it) if you have any other headcanons but I would like to know how a Modern Disney! Hadephone would work in a Alternate Story.
AAAA I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!! Thank you for asking lol!!! I love when people ask about my AUs and ocs and fics and stuff like that! Lol it just makes my day to know that people are actually interested in my dumb little ideas lol! 😁💕💕
But yeah! You are correct lol! The modern au is based slightly off of Lore Olympus, but only a little bit, not a lot lol 😊
Anyways, modern Persephone really likes Hello Kitty and the Sanrio brand. She does like Barbie, Care Bears, and My Little Pony a little bit (she thinks those brands are cute as well and she does love unicorns in this universe too lol), but not as much as she loves Sanrio. She loves anything pastel colored or cute honestly lol. I think Persephone would really love Build-A-Bear Workshop too and I like to think Hades takes her there whenever she sees a new plush she really wants (and yes I think Persephone is totally a plushie collector because I too am a plushie collector lol, she is a self insert oc after all lol!).
Persephone (just like Hades) also likes to play video games. Her favorite games are Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Stardew Valley, and Little Big Planet. She also likes to play Mario Kart, any of the Kirby games, Mario Party (with friends, of course, because it’s more fun that way lol), and Super Smash Bros. Hades will sometimes ask her to play first person shooter games with him like Borderlands or Call of Duty and she’s surprisingly pretty good at those, but it’s not her cup of tea.
As for headcanons, well, this modern AU (as I mentioned before) is pretty much an “office romance” sorta thing, so I guess I’ll give headcanons for that lol!
Hades drives a fancy, black sports car.
Cerberus does exist but he’s not gigantic like in the Hercules universe, he’s pretty much the size of a Great Dane lol.
Pain and Panic are his personal assistants.
Persephone drives a cute little pastel yellow sedan.
Hades mainly wears corporate or business casual clothes, but on the weekends or when he hangs out with friends he likes to wear more punk clothing like leather jackets and ripped jeans.
Persephone’s clothing style for work is kinda retro and similar to dresses or outfits from the 50s or 60s. Lots of knee length dresses and and skirts with little cardigans or sweaters and all pastel colored. Her casual wear is mainly just modern girly outfits. Denim jumpers or overalls with cute shirts or cute graphic tees with matching skirts or shorts.
Just like in Hercules and the original Greek lore, Hades is rich and has a really nice little townhouse bachelor pad.
Persephone lives in an apartment not too far from Hades’ townhouse (this is before they get married, of course lol).
Persephone doesn’t have any pets in this AU, but she does volunteer at the animal shelter sometimes when she’s not working.
Before working in the actual office, Persephone used to work part time in the daycare center of Olympus Inc. (the name of the company lol).
Hades and Persephone love going to little cafes. A lot of their dates are pretty much coffee dates lol.
Hades loves to have lunch with Persephone at work and will always take the opportunity to have lunch with her if she’s able.
Sometimes Hades will bring Persephone lunch or grab her favorite coffee for her just so he can see her.
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
aaaa go go bunny go!!! if i wasn't already following you i'd follow you know just to be your 500th ahah <33
also! i am nowhere near rested (woke up early bc the power went off and then on thus lighting up all the lights in the house ahah fun times) and i just came from like, four hours of a very boring train ride with very annoying neighbours (but hey!! at least i read good scara fics eheh) but it's okay! i'm officially on vaycay now so that means i can sleep and cook to my heart's contempt :)
also i missed talking to you so here berry goes talking about genshin people!
hope heizou finally decided to come home to you ;;;; i've been now waiting for his c6 for ages but he's being a bit shy ahah
also ohhh you play on european server too? that's cool eheh it means one day i could show you my teapot :333 i always love taking friends there :) (once my friend and i held a wedding there lmaooo)
having ayaka on your alt does seem cool ngl... i love ayaka's playstyle but she always came in periods where i couldn't afford pulling for her ;; it's okay tho i like keeping my title of my group's official husbando only collector :'
also you're joking but i seriously do love being carried around so just know i'd talk your ears off scara for hours all while giggling because i'm having that much fun
and ye cold strawberry tea is like my favourite :' i drink lots of its warm variety in the winter but when it's summer i have to drink it cold or else i'll die
well, with this i'll go back to trying to see if there's anything worth watching on tv (spoiler: there won't be) :33 but fun fact tho!! since i'm currently in a house with no wifi but my hotspot i had to download a bunch of long books and fics beforehand to have something to do and i ended up going overboard so now i have like twelve 100k+ installments to read :' (one is a scara-centric fic and i can't wait for it) ;; and maybe hopefully i'll pick up writing just to add the rest of the harbingers coffdottoreandpantalonecoff to the french au lmao
goodnight my sweetheart, i hope for your rest to be filled with golden lined dreams 💕
lots of affection,
- 🍓
currently writing this with the fattest migraine but here we go hehe >:)
I missed you too <3 no luck on that stupid detective, his cons are just non existent rn lmfao but it’s okay, he still hits hard even at c0, and it’s not like I care for cons anyway, I’m just happy to have the character, cons are a plus :,)
Yes !! I’m on all three servers but Europe is my main one, I’d love to come see your teapot !! Just,,, don’t judge mine. It’s a mess,,,,, a comforting mess but still a mess.
I have ayaka on my main and my alt, and she’s just as good on both of them. I actually think she might be the best Cryo character in the game since she continuously has Cryo attacks just by pressing the sprint button, it’s very useful. She makes fighting the hydro abyss herald so easy,,, I would definitely invest in getting her on her rerun if there isn’t a cryo catalyst out by then. I’m actually considering getting shenhe for my ayaka, wow she’d be such a unit,,, I have a lot of 5 stars throughout my accounts, I just don’t reveal which ones in case someone sees and tries to steal my account. It happens a lot,,, but maybe it’s just me being paranoid.
I don’t have the strength to carry anyone but I can try to give you a piggyback for 2 minutes ehe
Ah, so that’s where the strawberry icon comes from :,)
Woah that’s a lot but hey you’ll be entertained !! I’m glad you found a scara one, pretty sure he’s your favourite right? I know he’s at least one of them, but is he the favourite?
See you in the other ask you sent <3
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TJEYRE OPE N🏃🏃 what if mc had a little plushie of them and took it with them everywhere 👉👈 totally not yearning for their merch rn
(AAAA I KNOWWWW! I want my MC plushie to get here noooooowwwww!)
MC and…Plushie MC
This man cannot for the life of him figure out why MC carries around a plush toy. The closest thing he’s seen in all his years is Levi carrying around his body pillows and whispering ominously to them…
But other than that, it’s very much a shrug it off kind of thing. If MC ever loses it, he’ll help look because he’s not a heartless bastard. (His heart is shrivelled, but it’s still there.)
Just to let MC know, the great Mammon is NOT jealous of the toy. He’s just… not a fan of it. Alright?
The way MC cuddles the doll all close to their heart… that should be reserved for Mammon! Their first man! And to be honest… Mammon’s not completely convinced that the sheep… isn’t alive…
It’s uh… creepy…
Lmao mood. Levi is a collector of merch, and plushies are often merch. It’s safe to say he has plenty of plushies scattered around his room.
When he notices how gentle and loving MC is with their beloved sheep doll, Levi actually debates letting MC cuddle is prized life-sized Azuki-Tan plush.
…mmm… maybe not yet… but it’d be just so moe…
*insert Satan is a sucker for cute things here*
The real action comes when MC gives Satan the doll to hold when they have to go make dinner.
I recommend you all watch the Boys in the House videos on Obey me’s official YouTube channel and watch how Satan’s VA treats his MC doll.
A moment of silence for the lamb. (Hehehehehehe-)
While Asmo isn’t a stranger to plush toys, he’s very confused as to why MC feels the need to carry their sheep plushie around so often.
Asmo’s most prized plush-friend sits on one of his dressers, it’s a pink teddy bear dressed in full BDSM gear. It’s name is Christian Pink.
Rest assured, if asked, Asmo makes a great plushie-sitter. Buuuut the sheep plush may be returned wrapped in shibari. (Christian Pink needed company)
One word, or- noise. AWWWWWWWWW!
Beel finds MC’s love of the plushie adorable, and won’t hesitate to make it known in his own blunt Beel-y way.
He might get crumbs all over it though- so be sure to not ask him to plushie-sit while he’s eating.
He stole MC’s life, their heart, and now he’s stolen their plushie. Little emo bitch-
Anyway~ after MC admonishes him for his awful theft, Belphie still likes to cuddle with the plushie almost as much as he likes to cuddle with MC.
The plushie just smells like them… okay??? Belphie also tends to accidentally leave the plushie in random spots around the house, and from that terrified shriek, it looks like Mammon found it.
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solargeist · 2 years
i just!! they’re such an interesting character because despite being thousands(?) of years old they are presumably still a child, which honestly makes sense as it seems they weren’t given an opportunity to grow up, instead being trapped for what i presume was wreaking havoc/being too powerful and endangering everyone.
from an outsider’s standpoint, he’s likely perceived as one of the bad guys, but from what we know he isn’t necessarily a bad person at all. he’s a child—an all-powerful child that could probably reshape the entire world in the blink of an eye, but a child nonetheless. he probably doesn’t really want to hurt anyone, he wants attention, he wants to play, he wants a friend that DOESN’T LIE TO HIM. he has the values of a child: playtime, pinkie promises, friends—he isn’t acting out of malice and i highly doubt he even realizes how powerful he is, because he’s just used to having these abilities and using them on a whim.
it seems they only hurt people when told lies and promises are broken—like a child throwing a temper tantrum. they don’t understand the weight of their actions. they are in the stage of their life where the world revolves around them and their playtime, which is perfectly normal for a child. we don’t know of their history, but they have obviously suffered centuries, perhaps millenia, of neglect; they want to be the center of attention more than ever. they likely don’t understand the permanence of death, either—getting rid of belos wasn’t out of anything other than a child lashing out at someone who upset them. they probably didn’t do it with the intent of “i want you to die,” they did it moreso from a “you broke a promise and hurt me and i’m mad at you so i want you to go away” perspective. i have a feeling they might not even know that they killed him.
basically the collector is just. a neglected, isolated child lashing out at the person who neglected and isolated them, then clinging onto someone new who made them a promise because they still want to believe they can trust someone and that someone wants to play with them. he clearly isn’t aware of how much damage he’s caused; he is still a child and likely perceives a lot of what’s happening as a game.
anyways i love him a lot he deserves better
I AGREE ! I don't think the collectors gonna be.. the BAD guy necessarily ? Especially following Belos who was fr fr evil as hell, I think the collector just doesn't know how to control himself! But that is still scary to the rest of the cast. I think i'd be a little sad if he gets locked away again ahaha I can't wait to see how much the boiling isles changes, what the collector has done to it, and how King is handling him. I also don't think Belos is dead ? Since they made a point to animate a piece of him falling onto Hunter's shoulder, but who knows.... I Am excited for Hunter to see the town tho... to see those statues..
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spiritgenie · 2 years
alright, clouds on the horizon, i am scared, i really hope theres not a death
starting at the portal door...
"what if it's asll changed" collector...its changed a lot...belos isn't ready
oh, belos isn't making another grimwalker until he's dealt with hunter...
also collector really wants to be free, and we are seeing some cracks in their relationship
oh no.....the day of unity...
kikimora was demoted????
amity wanting to tell her mom the truth
also alador getting suspicious about how much security they need
what was their deal...
amitys grounded?!?!? oh no!
the cats! :D
will we be able to see lux's palismen now? :D
"the language of love"
eda wanting king to keep him being a titan a secret?
briefing time
so luz isn't going to be the one who chooses?
shes letting her palismen choose what it is
thats so adorable and wholesome
but also
Luz worried about eda
and girlfriend rescue mission time
they are strong
amity is really worried about luz....
eda being disquiesed as raine and first thing she does is take off her head
raine feeling doubt about giving eda a sigel
man kikimora really let herself go
is king hearing the collectors voice???
do they have a connection??
king following a trail??
is he hanging out with king?
ODALIA KNEW?!?!?!?!?
being taken to belos...
where the collector is....
the theory...
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clowntiggles · 2 years
Small headcanon time: I feel like Collector always tries to protest or threaten the ler at the start, but soon enough just melts into the tickles. They try to hide their love for it so much, but they're not fooling anybody XD
this is so cuuuute aaaa
Tumblr media
(I also hc that they have a melt spot behind their ears/jawline so do with that what you will ,,)
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edgyonporpoise · 2 years
Owl House S2 Binge Thoughts
Okay so, first of all, that one joke I can’t remember which episode but that one joke from Luz with “If we had time for 20 more adventures, maybe I would!” was just- Gh, you can feel the salt from the limited run, and it’s delicious, drag those bitches. Second, the fact that Hunter is simultaneously scared to death and smitten with Willow is a fucking mood, him knowing it wasn’t her because she wouldn’t be scared of him? Mmh, chefs kiss. Third of all, the moment the budget increased I was like- ACH DANA YES PLEASE and they DID IT! ON SCREEN! MORE CANON LESBIAN KISSES! THE TWO OF THEM ARE SO CUTE I feel like I would have liked Alador’s arc to be a little longer but, aforementioned cancelled seasons, I still liked him. I enjoy that they let Odalia stay a bitch. Everyone can change but not everyone will.
 A little bummed we didn’t get to see more of the kids fighting the Belos goop in the finale, but... Okay so, as they were teasing The Collector through the season, I eventually didn’t like it a bit? Until he showed up on screen, it was weird that there was suddenly this other villain above Belos when he’s always been shown as this ridiculously powerful thing to overcome, able to manipulate the flesh of the titan itself, it felt a little cheap. And then he showed up as a shadow on the walls. And I shivered. A child, who’s scared and trapped and alone, but... More than that, he’s bored. This reality is a game, and I had my sneaking suspicions but the moment someone mentioned that The Collector was a “child from the stars”, I felt bliss roll through me. THAT is how you do a villain a step up from the all-powerful emperor. Make it cosmic! Power doesn’t matter against something like that!
When he dragged the moon around with a wave of his finger, I literally squeaked out “oh my god!” at one o’clock in the goddamn morning, because I love it! And obviously the kids are going to find a way to stop him but I really really really hope it’s not through strength. When your villain can drag the stars at his whim, when he can pull apart reality as he chooses, beating him in a fight would be off, even if he’s all like “Pfff, I let you win because it was fun!”. No, we’re going to have to beat this cosmic child with the power of motherly love or some shit and I can’t wait. I love this show I love it, down with Disney, up with lesbians, up with COSMIC HORROR! (Or maybe cosmic friendship, I’m down for that too.)
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Pretty new here but just wanted to tell you I loved the collector thing you wrote !! (Also the hunter hcs:D) your writing is just so good and I’m glad I found this blog recently aaaa <3
Welcome! I appreciate your taking the time to tell me this, and hearing that you enjoyed those works so much made my day.
Writing that story about the Collector was challenging, but it has some of my favourite descriptions and scenes I've ever written. If you're wanting more of The Owl House, I've been thinking about writing for Kikimora as well as Emperor Belos.
Thank you again for saying this! I hope you have a good day tomorrow!
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pawjamas · 3 years
I FORGOT THERE’S an old gen mlp convention called the mlp fair located right here in florida where you can look at and buy old vintage mlp toys/other vintage toys and talk to collectors n stuff AAAA it’s supposed to be in June of next year….i would love to go w/ gf omgg it’s so nice that it’s literally Right here that it happens! special interest indulgence….
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