#Computer Lab Exercises
thedeafprophet · 2 years
I still find it amusing when I was diagnosed with scoliosis a few years back (13 degree curvature, nothing major) and they phoned us with like. Suggestions of surgery and stuff???
Like...bruh I'm not getting **spinal surgery** over a minor thing with currently very few life effects, are you out of your mind????
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#hmm its been an interesting week i suppose#very busy in a good way. but that is always how it starts. i make myself so busy and it feels good and then i wobble and fall out of my body#so im feeling wary. also bc ive been under sleeping more than ususal but im not really tired but im also not boiling out of my skin with#energy. i just feel ok. so thats good. but also a demon in the back of my head is always like: then stay up all night. lets see how far we#can push this. which is not good. and in fact ive been proscribed like basically emergency mood stablizers to knock me out if i start like#losing my mind and not sleeping lol. bc i dont wanna b getting ready for something big and like completely unavailable to control my#ability to think. and ive also been proscribed birth control to get a handke on my fucked up hormones. so we'll see if that makes things#less all over the place. hopefully it works bc im so busy i kinda dont have time to like freak thr fuck out#but i am a lil apprehensive bc like i can count on my hormones to make me feel things when a lot of the time i dont have much emotional#range. so its like fuck finally i can cry abt this. or like fuck this is so beautiful. but then i also cant function sometimes#so i guess i just gotta see what happens. sigh. also the typical frustrating in having to read so much. like ppl hear im dyslexic and r like#oh do u want accommodation? like literally wtf r u gonna do to help me as a grad student? it just takes an agonizing amount of time to#understand thing. i have my computer read to me and i suffer. theres literally nothing else to b done abt it. and fucking next week i have#to teach a fucking lab abt reading scientific papers. they have to read a paper in class. fuck off. those r the types of exercises that make#me feel so fucking stupid. like do this thing right now. read it right here and answer questions abt it. and i fucking read it and retain#fucking nothing. im fucking 26 and literally in my grant writing class i have to apologize to every person before i give them feedback like#lol sorry i can barely fucking read. i fucking cant understand language. its fine but it sucks. theres nothing to do abt it. it just makes#me mad i have to teach a class that would have made me cry as an undergrad. so ill prob hold their hands thru it more than the other TAs#will. bc fuck u im not making them read a whole fucking paper in class. fuck u#plus the frustration of not being able to express myself well in thr moments. like theres a delay in my brain so i feel so dumb when im#trying to convey myself off the top of my head. like give me time and ill write it all out for u i just cant actually process wtf ur saying#to me. also i probably spaced out for a sec so i missed part of the convo lol. frustrating but at this point its just how it is. it makes me#more empathetic when i have to teach i guess. like listen ive got all kinds of fucking learning probs i just wanna help u learn something#how can i help? fucking dyslexia. god. i dont wanna prep for class this weekend. ive gotta show up like yea i kno reading papers is hard at#first but it gets easier! fuck u. its worth the suffering if i enjoy to topic but its always suffering. but thats what i get for going into#academia. thr dr who proscribed me stuff was like well sounds like u have a stress trigger and ur a phd student where life is stress... u#gotta figure out whats gonna work for u. sometimes thats a career change. not in like a pushy way just like: if what u do makes u suffer#then wtf r u doing? and hes got a point. but in contrast to what i was doing this is a massive improvement#well see if its manageable. ugh. i just wanna draw#unrelated
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pucksandpower · 3 months
Racing Hearts
Lando Norris x cardiopulmonary technician!Reader
Summary: you’ve had a way of making Lando’s heart race since the moment he met you
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You glance down at your clipboard as your next patient walks into the exercise physiology lab. “Lando Norris?” You ask, looking up with a smile.
The young British man grins back at you. “That’s me!”
“Excellent! I’m Y/N, I’ll be your technician today. We’re just going to do a simple cardiopulmonary exercise test to get some baseline numbers before the start of the season.”
Lando nods, looking around the lab curiously. “No problem, happy to be poked and prodded in the name of science and fast cars.”
You laugh as you gesture for him to take a seat. “Don’t worry, I promise to be gentle,” you joke. “I’m just going to put some electrodes on your chest to monitor your heart rate, then we’ll get you on the treadmill for the test.”
“Sounds good,” Lando says, settling onto the exam table.
You start placing the sticky electrode pads across his chest and ribs, trying not to blush at his shirtless state. Formula 1 drivers really are fit underneath those racing suits.
“So how’s preseason training going?” You ask conversationally as you work. “Think McLaren has a chance this year?”
Lando grins. “I’m feeling good! Me and the team have been putting in a lot of hard work over the winter. I’m definitely aiming higher than 6th in the championship.”
You smile as you finish placing the electrodes and motion for him to stand. “That’s the spirit. Alright, hop up on the treadmill and we’ll get you moving.”
Lando steps up onto the machine and you start it up slowly, increasing the speed in measured increments. “I’ll take you up to a brisk jog, then we’ll keep you there for about 10 minutes while I monitor your heart rate, breathing, and oxygen levels,” you explain.
“Sounds gucci,” Lando replies with a thumbs up, his breath starting to quicken as the treadmill pace increases.
You make sure the electrode leads are secure, then step back to observe the incoming data on the computer screen. Lando’s lean legs stride smoothly along the treadmill belt as you keep a close watch on his vitals, making notes on your clipboard. After a few minutes, you frown slightly at the heart rate readout. It seems unusually elevated for an elite athlete like Lando, even at this moderate jogging pace.
“How are you feeling Lando?” You call out. “Everything okay?”
“All … good,” he huffs out, face flushed from the exertion.
You hesitate, glancing between him and the concerning heart rate values on the screen. “It’s just that your heart rate is a bit higher than I would expect,” you say slowly. “Are you feeling any chest pain or tightness?”
Lando shakes his head. “No, no, nothing like that. I feel fine!” He insists breathlessly.
You bite your lip, still frowning. “Your heart rate is quite high though, over 85% of estimated max. For an experienced athlete I would expect values closer to 70-80% at this pace.”
“Oh … yeah, maybe it’s a bit high,” Lando acknowledges, starting to breathe harder. “But don’t worry about me, I’m fit as a fiddle!”
You reach over to slow the treadmill slightly. “Let’s bring the pace down a bit. I’m concerned about these heart rate readings. We should really have you checked out by a cardiologist before the season starts.”
Lando grabs the front handrails, shaking his head stubbornly. “No, no that’s not necessary, really! I’m fine, just maybe didn’t warm up enough.”
You give him a skeptical look. “Lando, as your technician I have to advise getting this looked at. Your heart rate is elevated beyond normal parameters.”
Lando chews his lip, glancing away evasively. “Um, well … maybe there’s a reason for that.”
You raise your eyebrows at him. “What do you mean? Like a medical condition you haven’t told me about?”
“No, no nothing like that!” Lando says quickly. He mumbles something under his breath you can’t quite make out over the whir of the treadmill.
“Sorry, what was that?” You ask, leaning closer. “I couldn’t hear you.”
“Oh, uh … it was nothing,” Lando mutters, face reddening further.
You stop the treadmill completely so you can hear him better, folding your arms over your clipboard. “Lando, if there’s something I should know that’s affecting your test results, you need to tell me. As your technician, I really think we should get your heart looked at just to be safe.”
Lando locks eyes with you for a moment, hesitation written across his features. He mumbles again under his breath, so quietly you can’t discern the words.
You hold his gaze firmly. “One more time, please. It’s really important that I understand what’s going on so I can interpret these results accurately.”
Lando breaks eye contact, looking down at his feet. He kicks lightly at the motionless treadmill belt, before finally whispering. “It’s you, alright?”
You blink in surprise. “Me? What do you mean?”
Lando glances up at you briefly, his face now tomato-red. “You’re … the reason my heart rate is high,” he mumbles.
You stare at him in confusion. “I don’t understand. What are you talking about?”
Lando groans, covering his face with his hands. “Because … I really fancy you, okay?” He admits, the words muffled into his palms. “You’re just … totally gorgeous and sweet and it makes me nervous and … my heart rate goes mad around pretty girls I like.”
Your eyes widen in understanding, feeling your own cheeks flush bright pink. “Oh! Oh ...”
Lando peeks out at you between splayed fingers. “Yeah, so that’s why it’s high. Not because I have some underlying heart condition.” He gives you a sheepish smile. “Just because my technician is really fit.”
You let out an awkward laugh, suddenly feeling shy. “Wow, uh … I’m flattered, Lando. I didn’t realize ...”
Lando drops his hands from his face, looking at you earnestly. “Sorry, is that weird? I know we just met and you’re doing your job.” He fidgets with the electrode wires across his chest. “Don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
You smile warmly back at him, feeling butterflies in your own stomach. “Don’t be silly. It’s not weird at all. Honestly, I, uh … also think you’re really cute,” you admit with bashful grin.
Lando’s eyes light up. “Yeah?” A wide, delighted smile spreads across his face.
You nod, laughing softly. “Yeah, I may have been trying not to blush myself with you shirtless here in my lab.”
“Well I’m certainly not complaining about the view either,” Lando says cheekily.
You smack his arm playfully. “I’m being professional here!”
“And doing a great job,” Lando says, smile softening. “But maybe once we’re done with all this boring medical stuff … we could get dinner? If you want?” He looks at you hopefully.
Your heart flutters with excitement. “I’d really like that.” You smile at each other giddily for a moment before you clear your throat. “But first, we really should finish your assessment properly.”
Lando laughs, nodding. “Of course, you’re the boss!”
You roll your eyes affectionately. “Alright, hop back on the treadmill. And this time just focus on your breathing and try not to make eyes at the pretty technician,” you tease.
“No promises there,” Lando quips with a grin as he steps back onto the belt.
You just smile and shake your head as you start up the machine once more, unable to keep your own heart rate from quickening in anticipation of what promises to be a very special dinner date after the test is complete.
Several Months Later
You glance down nervously at your paddock pass as you make your way through the crowded paddock. As an unofficial member of Lando’s training team now, you have full access to the exclusive behind-the-scenes world of Formula 1. But despite months of dating the British driver, the glamorous circus still feels surreal.
Dodging golf carts and important looking people with headsets, you head for the McLaren garage. Lando had told you to meet him there before the start of the race. Your heart flutters, as it always does at the thought of seeing him again.
“Y/N!” Lando greets you brightly as you enter the garage. Engine roars echo around you as mechanics make final tweaks to the cars before wheeling them to the grid.
“Good luck today!” You tell Lando, leaning up on your toes to kiss him sweetly.
“With you here, how can I lose?” He grins down at you. His energy is infectious.
You chat together as the cars are lined up on the starting grid, Lando bouncing excitedly in his race suit. You squeeze his gloved hand. “Be safe out there.”
“Always am, love.” He winks before pulling on his helmet and climbing into the cockpit.
You make your way back to the McLaren hospitality suite to watch the start of the race. Your heart pounds as the lights go out and the F1 cars launch forward in a roar of engines. Lando makes a clean getaway, slotting into P5 heading into the first turn.
The race unfolds smoothly, Lando maintaining his position in the top five. You watch tensely on the monitors, hands clenched.
But on lap 38, disaster strikes. Heading into a fast sweeper, the Red Bull of Sergio Perez attempts a risky overtake maneuver on Lando’s inside. They collide in a shower of carbon fiber and a plume of smoke.
You gasp sharply as Lando’s car spins off into the gravel trap, coming to rest against the barrier at an abrupt stop. The McLaren crew monitor the radio channels anxiously.
“Lando, are you okay mate?” His engineer asks urgently.
“Yeh … I’m okay ...” Lando’s labored voice comes back. “Bit winded but I’m alright.”
You breathe a deep sigh of relief along with the crew. The medical car is quickly dispatched to the scene. Lando climbs unsteadily from the battered car, sitting down in the gravel trap as he awaits assistance.
Your adrenaline surging, you take off from the garage the moment you see Lando is out of the car safely. Jogging through the paddock, you make your way swiftly to the medical center.
As you rush in, Lando is just being helped onto an examination table by two medics. He’s dusty and sweaty, his hair sticking up at all angles from where he pulled off his helmet. But otherwise he seems intact.
“Lando!” You hurry over, emotions welling up at seeing him battered but in one piece.
“Y/N, hey ...” Lando greets you with a weary but reassuring smile. He reaches for your hand which you clutch tightly.
One medic cuts away the top of Lando’s racing suit, placing electrodes on his chest to monitor his heart rhythm. You hover anxiously as they check him over.
“Heart rate is quite elevated,” the doctor frowns as he reads the monitor. He glances between you and Lando with concern. “Any chest pain or tightness?”
Lando huffs a small laugh, shaking his head. He looks up at you, his green eyes glinting. “Nah, doc. She’s the reason for the fast heartbeat.”
You feel your cheeks flush as Lando grins. The medic looks confused.
“See, ever since Y/N came into my life, she’s made my heart race a mile a minute,” Lando explains cheekily.
You smack his arm but can’t help laughing too. Trust Lando to still be flirting from a hospital bed.
“Ah, young love,” the doctor chuckles. “Well, your heart may beat for her, but let’s still do a full check to be safe.”
Lando nods agreeably, though his gaze stays fixed on you. He winces slightly as they palpate his ribs and abdomen, checking for injuries.
You cling to his hand, emotionally drained from the scare but overwhelmed with relief that he seems okay. Lando keeps stealing glances at you through the examination.
Finally the doctor steps back. “All done. Amazingly, you’ve escaped with just some bruising. No breaks or internal injuries. You were lucky today.”
The medic packs up his equipment. “Get some rest and ice those sore spots. But overall good news. No reason you can’t race in two weeks’ time.”
“Phew, that’s a relief!” Lando says. He thanks the doctors as you help him down from the table.
Arm wrapped supportively around him, you make your slow way out of the medical center towards the McLaren motorhome.
“Thank you for being here,” Lando murmurs, leaning his head on your shoulder as you walk.
You kiss his dusty hair. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You scared me to death out there!”
“I know, sorry about that, love. It happened so fast.” He lifts his head to look at you sincerely. “But I’m alright. Just grateful to have you by my side.”
You stop, turning to face him fully. Reaching up, you caress his cheek gently. “I’ll always be right here by your side.”
Lando’s eyes shine. “Is it cheesy to say you make my heart race in the best way?”
Laughing softly, you pull him into a tender kiss. For this brief moment, nothing else matters but the two of you.
Lando sighs contentedly when you eventually pull back. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
You squeeze his hand, smiling up at him. “The feeling’s mutual. Now let’s get you rested up. I want my favorite driver back to full fitness ASAP.”
With his arm wrapped warmly around your shoulders, you’re reminded that no matter what challenges life brings, your hearts will keep racing together as one.
It’s a quiet night and you and Lando are cuddling in bed together after a long day. Lando’s arms are wrapped securely around you, your head resting comfortably on his chest. His fingers idly trace delicate patterns along your back as you lay pressed close, breathing in sync.
Though it’s late, you can tell Lando’s mind is still wide awake, trailing far from the coziness of your shared bed. His pensive silence prompts you to prop yourself up on one elbow, looking down at him with a curious smile.
“Penny for your thoughts, love?”
Lando blinks up at you before giving a small, distracted smile. “Oh, it’s nothing really ...”
You raise a knowing eyebrow. “Lando, I can always tell when something’s on your mind.” You brush a lock of hair back from his forehead tenderly. “Talk to me?”
Lando chews his lip, eyes darting away evasively. Finally he lets out a long breath, arms tightening around your waist. “I guess … I’ve just been thinking about when I picked you up earlier today.”
You think back to the afternoon when Lando swung by your lab after work like usual. “What about it?”
“Well, when I pulled up out front, I saw one of your patients leaving the exercise center,” Lando explains. His brow furrows slightly. “Some tall, muscular bloke in running shorts.”
“Oh, that was probably Brandon — he’s a sprinter I had in for VO2 max testing,” you reply casually before pausing. “Wait … you’re not jealous, are you?”
“No! No, of course not,” Lando says quickly. But the way his eyes shift away makes you think otherwise.
You frown slightly, snuggling closer against his chest. “Lando, you know you have absolutely no reason to be jealous. I only have eyes for you,” you murmur reassuringly.
Lando sighs, arms tightening around your back. “I know, I know. It’s stupid ...” He trails off, looking conflicted.
You lay a comforting hand along his jaw. “Talk to me, love. What’s going on in that head of yours?”
Lando meets your earnest gaze, emotions swirling in his eyes. “I just … I wonder sometimes why you picked me, you know? You meet guys like that every day. And I’m just ...” he shrugs self-consciously.
Your heart squeezes at the vulnerable admission. You tenderly stroke Lando’s cheek. “Hey … you listen to me. You’re the only one I want. All those other athletes are just patients to me. But you ...” You smile down at him adoringly. “You’re the one who makes my heart race with just a look. The one I want to spend all my time with. The one I love with my entire heart.”
The corner of Lando’s mouth lifts in a faint, tentative smile at your words. “Yeah?”
“Absolutely,” you whisper fervently. Leaning down, you capture his lips in a sweet, loving kiss. “You’re my once in a lifetime, Lando. My soulmate. Meeting you was destiny.”
Lando’s arms wrap tightly around you again, the last of the tension fading from his frame. “I’m sorry I got all insecure like that. I know I’m being silly.” He presses an apologetic kiss to your hair. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
You nuzzle your face lovingly against his neck. “You were just yourself — that funny, charming, incredible guy I fell for the moment we met.” You lift your head to meet his eyes again. “I never stood a chance. My heart was yours from the start.”
A smile breaks across Lando’s face at last. “I really am the luckiest bloke in the world, aren’t I?”
“Damn right you are,” you say teasingly, making him laugh. Your expression softens. “But truly, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. My heart only races for you. It always will.”
Lando’s eyes gleam with renewed confidence and adoration as he rolls you both over so he’s hovering above you. “Well in that case, what do you say we get your heart racing again?” He murmurs playfully, brushing his nose against yours.
You grin up at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I’d say you’re on.”
Lando’s smile widens as he dips his head to meet your lips in a passionate kiss. Your pulse immediately quickens at his touch, heart thrumming as you arch up into him.
When Lando finally pulls back for air, his eyes are dancing. “Yep, definitely racing,” he laughs breathlessly, lifting your hand to his lips to kiss your pulse point.
You shake your head in amusement, heart overflowing with love for this man. “You’re the only one for me. Today, tomorrow, and always.”
Lando’s smile softens to something tender and reverent. “And you’re my once in a lifetime, Y/N.” He brushes his thumb along your cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whisper. And as his lips find yours again, you let yourself get lost in his kiss, your racing hearts beating as one.
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bigwishes · 3 months
Big Man on Campus
(a trade with @alphajocklover)
Trent had been going to college for almost 4 years at this point, he was 21 and steadily approaching his 22nd birthday and approaching his graduation even faster. He had spent most of his time inside, working on his computer engineering degree or gaming. He didn't really care for the college party scene, he'd much rather stay in his tidy little single all weekend until monday classes.
but when it finally sank in how close it was to being over Trent couldn't help but have a little bit of regret, should he have hit the gym with the other guys on his floor? should he have joined the casual rowing team just for some fun and exercise? was computer science really what he wanted a degree in? Senior doubt and regret flooded his mind, but there was still an upside. 4 months were left, 4 months he'd make the most of.
Trent went on the college forums looking for something to do, he thought about a few of the options but found two that he really liked. The first was a dungeons and dragons club the second was listen as an exercise club but it also seemed to be a project for two sport science students.
Transformation Experiment Ground: "Our names are Brody and Clark, we are looking for young males on campus who are out of shape looking to get in shape and help with our experiment. Come form a sense of community, get the body you desire and help us with our research!" Monday came and classes went. Normally Trent would go home and smash out a few ours gaming but it was time for his clubs to start. First he had the sport experiment thing, the only issue was he only had a few minutes to get to the dnd club across campus, but he wasn't sure how sweaty he'd get or if he'd need a shower. He just had to hope there was a shower at the campus gym.
Trent checked his phone, he thought he was going to the campus gym but the address was for a room in the athlete scholarship dorms. Trent walked passed the gym and into the building next to it. The halls had photos of previous college athletes plastered up between the doors.
Finally he arrived, right on time, room 223. Trent raised his hand to knock when the door suddenly swung open. Standing before him was a jacked guy with spiked blonde hair in a black tank and grey sweat pants and standing next to him just slightly down the hall was an equally jacked dude with shaggy brown hair in the same outfit.
"hey bro what's up I'm Brody and just over there is Clark"
Brody stuck out his hand but when Trent went to shake it he realised Brody was waiting for a fist bump not a hand shake, Trent awkwardly closed up his hand and bumped Brody's fist. Clark let out a douchey laugh that echoed out the door.
"Come in man, come in"
"You are, the only one comin" Clark sighed
"oh, was I the only one who signed up?"
Trent started to get anxious, guys who looked like this normally bullied him and now he was going to be on his own with them for an hour. Trent made his way into the room, following Brody and Clark.
The athlete dorms were so much bigger than the other rooms he'd been in. There was a large lounge space with a small kitchen, a door to a private bathroom and two bedrooms either side of the lounge.
In the corner of the lounge there was a small fold out chair and table. On the table were 5 green vials and what looked to be an oculus rift stripped down to its basic components.
"so ummm, where do we start with like a workout plan?"
"nah dude, I mean I can totally write you one but this is a bit more of a series of practice experiments" Brody said as he walked over to the small table
"get him hooked up man, I'm gonna grab my laptop with the video"
Trent followed Brody over to the small fold out chair
"its nothing too fancy but our class mates got the actual sports lab, apparently our experiment is pseudo-science"
"what exactly are you guys studying?"
"we are trying to see if active suggestion and nutrients redirection can get people to actively pursue fitness"
"oh damn, I just thought this was like, a workout class" Trent sat down as Brody began setting up the make shift visor. "if you don't mind me asking, what are you guys majoring in?"
"well I'm getting a double major in bio-chemistry and psychology"
"and I'm getting a double major in computer engineering and software development" Clark said as he walked back in carrying an open laptop
Trent's jaw almost dropped to the floor, he'd come here thinking he was going to be made to workout by two dumb jocks who were just going to scribble times on a napkin, but instead he's participating in a proper experiment designed by two people probably leagues smarter than him.
"okay man its real easy, we are gonna hook up an image display for a few minutes and you'll take a shot of this" Clark said as he handed over one of the small green vials.
"errrr, is it safe?"
Clark burst out laughing and Brody couldn't help but crack a smile.
"yeah man, its just a diet supplement you can get offline, fda approved, basically it tells your muscles they want to hold water and your fat cells to burn"
Trent downed the green liquid as Clark flicked the visor down over his eyes. There was a short beep sound before images began to flash on the visor. Flashes of guys working out, of dumbbells and the words you are a jock and you love working out and muscle.
Trent couldn't help it, he burst out laughing.
"I'm sorry guys this is so corny" He laughed.
The other two began to chuckle as well as the room filled with laughter.
"Look dude, Its the closest thing I could find on YouTube, its about the suggestions" Clark laughed
Suddenly the lights in the room began to flicker and all 3 globes in the lounge burnt out at once.
"what the-" Brody and Clark said in unison, but they were interrupted when sparks began to fly off the oculus. They rushed to try and take it off Trent but were shocked by the electricity. Sparks shout out of the power point in the wall and the two boys watched helplessly as Trent began to convulse in his seat.
Trent let out a painful and stalled out moan as the electricity travelled over the oculus and shocked his temples.
The room was dark was illuminated every few seconds by a shock or spark and the two boys could swear they could see something, something happening to Trent's body. A few more seconds passed before it finally stopped.
Brody and Clark stood there stunned, the sound of beeping could be heard from the kitchen as the oven entered safety mode, but a more concerning noise echoed in the boys ears. The sound of sizzling. Clark carefully walked over to the curtains and opened them, the room filling with light and showing them what had happened to Trent.
He sat in the chair with his head slumped forward, his chin hitting his chest as smoke was rising off the device on his head and all over his body. But what the two saw in the dark wasn't a trick of the light, Trent had indeed gotten bigger. His skinny fat body had expanded, he'd become more lean, his muscles more pronounced and most of the fat on his body had melted away.
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Trent let out a moan as a string of drool fell from his mouth
"OH THANK FUCK HE'S ALIVE" Clark cried out with a sigh of relief.
The two rushed over and pulled the device off his head. Trent's eyes instantly responded as he looked up at the two of them.
"wooahh bro, huhu, that was intence" Trent mumbled
"yeah, thank god you're okay" said Brody.
Trent lifted his arm to the side and flexed his bicep and let out a dumb chuckle.
"errr, dude, real quick, what's your name?"
"Trent, duuuhuhuhu, you fuckin forgetful bro?"
Trent seemed okay but something was wrong, even with the short interaction the three of them had, Clark and Brody knew something had happened to him.
"hey Trent, what are you" Brody asked
Trent smirked as he lifted his other arm, completing a double bicep pose.
"a jock, duuuhuhuhu"
Trent stood up and effortlessly pushed passed the two as he started heading towards the door.
"well at least we know his motor functions weren't damaged"
Clark and Brody quickly followed him
"Dude, I really think you should go to the medical centre"
"Nah bro, I got dnd like NOW I gotta boost"
"wait Trent!" Clark yelled out "err, dnd thats an interesting hobbie for a jock, what else are you into"
Trent spun around on the spot with a big smirk on his face
"glad you asked dude, I love three things, gymmin, gamin, dndenin..dndin.....dndining....." Trent's voice trailed off as he tried to finish forming his catchy sentence
"and, what about your major? what are you studying?" Brody asked
"errr huhuhu, like, what's a major?" Trent said turning around to leave again
"I mean, yeah, but it seems like his core interests and that jock hypno video have combined into a new personality, I dunno if we friend his brain more, re-wrote it"
Trent walked out the door into the crowded hallway. Students were all talking over the top of each other in front of their dorm rooms trying to work out what was going on. The two boys raced out to follow Trent.
"Trent dude wait!, errr, tell me about your dnd character" Brody called out desperately trying to stop him from leaving
Trent continued to power forward through the crowd, pushing through them like water with his new powerful body.
"well bro, I was gonna play some like, lil spell caster dude, but like, i dunno bro, numbers are hard, so like, I think I'm just gonna play, like, some sick fucking, roided out minotaur with a huge axe"
Brody was struggling to keep up with Trent, they both had already lost Clark to the sea of students. Brody grabbed onto the back of Trent's shirt which caused him to stop and turn around.
"woah lil dude, if you wanted some action all you had to do was ask, I got an 8 inch python with your na-"
"WHAT!, ha, oh, no dude, errr, that's" Brody's face turned bright red as he got flustered.
"no? damn too bad, you lil fuckin, science dudes are kinda cute"
Brody was stunned, some how all this muscle and new persona had also added a level of charm to Trent that dug right through to his core. But it was too late to grab his attention again. Trent had already pulled away and gone off out of Brody's sight...
One week had passed since the extreme power surge that had hit the Athlete Scholarship Dorms. There almost wasn't a single incident other than a few blown light bulbs and some damaged electronics....almost. The college had found out about Trent, no matter how hard Brody and Clark tried to hide it. However the two got off lucky. Both the College and the investigation into what happened deemed it was an accident that unfortunately resulted in what was being called "Personality Death". Trent had an entirely healthy body and brain with no signs of damages, but something had happen to completely re-write who and what he was.
The college couldn't let Trent graduate, he couldn't even remember what he had enrolled for, but the college still found a purpose for him. The hid the extreme and sudden body transformation from the investigation and gave Trent a 'job'. His official title was research assistant but he was too stupid for any serious work. His real job was to sit there and be injected with experimental steroids. Forced to grow like some roided out lab rat. Not that he cared, every time Trent put on even an ounce of muscle he'd spend hours in the mirror flexing. He was the biggest guy on campus.
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[6 years later]
"okay babe, just hold still"
"aahhh, fuck, it feels so good when it goes in"
"you are so weird, I hate getting injections"
"well huhuhu, when you got a sexy lil piece of meat to do em, its a huge fuckin turn on dude"
Brody stood up from the kitchen table and began to clean up the injection kit, chuckling as he did it.
"Trent, that's so cheesy"
Trent stood up, the sound of wood scraping against the floor filled the room as he effortlessly and accidentally moved the entire dining table.
"will it make me look like Captain America huhuhu?"
"babe...seriously, I think we passed the Captain America stage about 150 pounds ago"
"then hit me with all 6 and make me the hulk" Trent pressed his body against Brody and the table.
Brody was no stranger to 300+ pounds pressing against him "I said no Trent" a slight grin cracked across Brody's face, 'besides, for all I know that one shot will add another 50 pounds, we gotta wait and see."
Trent stood there staring into Brody's eyes with an expression that could only be described as a computer failing to load a basic program 10 times in a row.
"Then jab me with all 6 and give me" Trent stopped to count on his fingers, "120 pounds of muscle" a large smirk crept across his face, proud he was able to do the math in his head.
Brody rolled his eyes and chuckled
"that'd be 300 pounds babe" Brody packed up the rest of the kit and left the kitchen.
Trent went to follow after him, he had hit the gym already today so no other thoughts existed in his mind other than getting attention for how big he was from Brody, but as he walked out the kitchen he caught a glimpse of himself and began flexing in the lounge room mirror, completely forgetting what he had been doing just 2 seconds again...
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He was so proud of the roided lab rat he had become...
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dovveri · 5 months
doctor's advice
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synopsis: y/n decides to go to the leading plastic surgery clinic in korea bcs she's sick of feeling the way she does about how she looks. she catches the attention of dr. im nayeon, the head of this practice who thinks y/n is way too pretty to warrant any of those feelings she has about herself.
warnings: this is lowkey just smut oops, fingering, oral, body image issues - so a lil angsty in the beginning
w/c: 4.2k
a/n: this one is kinda all over the place and i lwk hate it but i needed to finish it so i could get over this writing block like i did kindaaa have a vision for it but i gave up halfway and just turned to sex which is why it doesn't flow well LMAO but hey! doctor nayeon is hot so!
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"can i get your full name please?"
"y/n l/n."
the receptionist smiles at you, typing something into her computer and handing you a form, "alright y/n, just fill in this form and someone will be with you in a bit."
you nod, accepting the form and taking a seat in the waiting room of the plastic surgery clinic you were currently at.
you scan over the details of the form. most of it was just demographic information, asking you your age, gender, a little about your daily activities, whether or not you actively exercised, all the simple questions.
you were feeling a little desperate when you finally decided to make a first consultation at the most well-renowned plastic surgery clinic in seoul. you had been thinking about doing it for a while now, but lately the feeling of disgust at being in your own body was overwhelming.
your parents didn’t understand why you’d want to do anything to the body they brought into this world. your friends thought plastic surgery was an excessive response and that it could potentially be dangerous. but none of them understood what it felt like to wake up everyday and be reminded that you were stuck in this body, the fear that no-one will ever be able to love you and that you’d consequently end up alone for the rest of your pitiful life.
your grip on the pen grows a little tighter as you remind yourself why you’re here.
you feel a set of eyes on you as you’re getting to the end of the form, so you look up, locking eyes with a gorgeous woman in a clean white lab coat, curious eyes behind a set of thick spectacles that frame her face perfectly. with all your experience analysing how you look you can't help but think she would be the perfect reference for your surgical procedures.
but you're also hit with thoughts of why is she looking at me? is she judging me? i bet she's judging me. fuck what is she looking at? is it my legs? my arms? my nose? is she thinking i'm an unsolveable case? fuck i shouldn't have come here. i should go now-
"hi, y/n?"
you're snapped out of your thoughts when you realise the pretty woman is now standing in front of you.
"y-yes." you curse at the stutter but she pays it no mind, offering a smile.
"the receptionist gave me your name. i'm dr im but you can call my nayeon. do you want to come with me?"
your eyes widen when she introduces herself. dr im. the most well-renowned plastic surgeon in the industry. you heard rumours that she had waitlists up to 20 years long and that you couldn't get an appointment with her except through referral. she was the one who brought this clinic its reputation of the leading plastic surgery clinic in the country.
"i-i'm sorry there must be some mistake? i didn't think the dr. im would be my advising clinician today."
she smiles again, "well no i wasn't meant to be but i came to grab some files from the front desk and i saw you and asked jiyeon," she gestures to the receptionist who handed you your form, "and found out you were here for an advisory session and forgive me if i'm being forward but i just thought you were beautiful and wondered what you possibly could've wanted to get done."
you feel your cheeks rapidly heat up as you gape up at her in shock.
"i can call back the previous doctor who was assigned to you if you want! i didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable i'm sorry if i-"
you interrupt her quickly, "no no! sorry that was just a surprise to me i definitely wasn't expecting that from you but um- yeah sure we can go now i'm fine with you being my doctor."
she grins then, and you're entranced by her slightly larger front teeth that make an appearance, "great! follow me."
you stand up a little frantically, gathering all your things and quickly following dr im.
it's more of an office than a doctor's room, you note the expensive leather and framed awards and certifications hanging on her wall, the neatly organised desk and pretty flowers that decorate and give the room some colour.
you sit cautiously in one of the chairs in front of her desk as she moves to sit in hers
"water?" she offers you.
you shake your head no, glancing down at your hands and fiddling with them just to be able to do something.
she looks over your form very briefly before looking back to you with a kind smile. "so what were you hoping to get out of coming here today y/n?"
you can't look up at her, "u-um just... y'know. like... everything..."
she cocks her head, "everything?"
"yeah like... face, body, all of it."
nayeon frowns, "that would be quite an expensive procedure."
"oh money's not really a problem. i've saved up a lot for this." you try to joke a little, if only to ease your own nerves, "worked my ass off all throughout high school and college so i could do this one day."
"you don't want to spend that money on anything else?"
you're confused and finally look up at her, "well i mean sure there are plenty of things i could spend it on but this is something i've thought about for a long time now and i'm finally ready to do it."
she's quiet for a little, seeming to be deep in thought, before she speaks up, "y/n... has someone made you feel like this?"
you frown, your sweaty hands gripping your pants tighter, "i'm sorry what does this have to do with my appointment?"
"i want to make sure you're doing this for the right reason. wanting to alter your entire body is a big decision and it can have lasting impacts. i don't want you to regret it afterwards."
you're getting more and more frustrated. this was a famous plastic surgeon who dealt with thousands of surgeries and has probably met cases like yours but she still doesn't seem to understand you. just like your parents and your friends, no-one understood.
"why does it matter to you? i want to get lots of things done that’ll make you lots of money and that really should be your only concern."
she narrows her eyes at you, “y/n, i couldn’t care less about the money. look around.” she gestures to her office, all the expensive trinkets and decorations she has lying around, “i have enough money to support a family for 100 lifetimes. what i do care about are my clients-”
you burst, “what do you know?! you’ve probably spent your whole life being adored for everything you do. people probably fall over themselves just to get a chance to talk to you! you’ll never understand how it feels to be unloved, to hate yourself when you wake up every morning and look in the mirror, to think everyone’s always talking about you, looking at you, judging you, you’re so beautiful you couldn’t ever know!”
she’s surprised at your sudden increase in volume. you had kept all of this in for so long, you felt like if you ever told anyone else they’d just think you were complaining but it was so much more debilitating than that. you couldn’t talk to your parents or your friends out of fear they’d think you were too needy or attention-seeking or whatever. nayeon was the first stranger who had shown they cared for you and you took that as a sign to release all your years of pent up frustration at her.
“i- i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to explode like that i-“
“it’s okay y/n. i’m sorry you’ve had to feel like this for so long on your own. but i just want to say, i’m not one of those people. i know it’s hard to believe when you look at me and what i’ve accomplished, but i find it hard to believe no-one loves you. and sure i judged you when i first saw you but not negatively. i told you i thought you were what i thought to be the perfect model for other people’s procedures and i was curious what you wanted to change about that.”
she’s collected herself and responds to you calmly, only with the curiosity of a scientist in her eye.
you’re unsure how to respond to her, feeling more than a little awkward now after your accidental outburst.
you attempt to clear your throat to start, “right… um so-“
“why don’t you take off your clothes and show me what you’d like to have done?”
you blush a bright red at her response, nodding slightly as you both stand and you begin to strip. you leave your underwear on as she stands in front of you, running her eyes over your body.
“um… so i guess if we’re starting from the bottom… i wanted to slim my calves down and shape them a little better… obviously um my ass i’d like to be a little rounder-“ you gesture to your various body parts as you talk, and she’s nodding, eyes focused, hands reached out as you feel goosebumps litter your skin when she gently probes the areas you're talking about.
"would you mind taking off your underwear? i just need to get an estimate of what you're talking about."
you blush again as you nod shyly, peeling the offending piece of item off you and turning as she prods and pokes again.
"um... yeah so i was also thinking a tummy tuck? just to tighten all the skin here-"
the feeling of her fingers on your body is slowly driving you insane. you're shivering a little as she runs her hand along your lower stomach, humming a little.
"um also like y'know, a boob job-"
she gestures for you to take off your bra and you do so, now standing completely naked in front of the doctor.
her hands come up and cup them, your nipples are hardening in the cool air of her office, "what size were you thinking?"
"i-i- u-um-" she squeezes a little and you take a deep inhale, trying to calm yourself, your eyes glued to the ceiling as she fondles you, "m-maybe one up?"
she hums and you feel a thumb brush across a nipple whether intentionally or unintentionally and you're suddenly clenching your thighs together praying she doesn't notice.
"so also um arm lifts, a face lift, kinda wanna hollow out my cheeks a little more and maybe highlight my cheekbones? lip fillers and a new nose, all of my scars obviously, and probably a brow lift too..."
her hands are on your face now, cupping your cheeks and she's close enough you can see the small specks of gold in her eyes and the little mole under her left eyebrow. your breath hitches as her eyes meet yours, they're so full of wonder and curiosity and you're reminded of the fact that you're very naked right now and standing in front of an extremely pretty woman.
she hums again, eyes dropping to your nose, than your lips, and you unconsciously wet your lips in tension, watching as her eyes trace the action.
then all of a sudden she's gone, moving back towards her chair and turning on her monitor. you quickly scramble for your clothes, hurriedly putting everything back on as you join her, blushing at the slightly sticky feeling between your legs.
"okay so we can do everything you just said. i'm going to need a few references-"
"you can use yourself for most of them."
she raises an eyebrow at you, a slight lift in the corner of her mouth.
"i appreciate the compliment y/n but if you're going to play that game then i'd like to say i wouldn't want to be sitting here discussing what to change about you in the first place."
"what would you be doing then?"
there's a glint in her eyes and you swallow, "helping you realise how there's nothing to change. eventually i'd get you to help me take a few pictures maybe, as reference for future customers who come in."
"and how would you do that?"
"how would i make you feel beautiful?" she's standing up and rounding her desk, taking her glasses off and placing them on her table, and you're looking up at her feeling strangely defiant.
"well yeah it'd be pretty hard knowing how much i hate myself-"
her arms now bracket the sides of your chair and she's leaning down with a clear smirk on her face.
"i'd touch along here," she's trailing one of her hands up your arm, leaving goosebumps in her wake, "here," she reaches your neck, then up to your face, leaning in to speak into your ear now, "everywhere just so you know exactly what i'm talking about. and i'd make you feel so good like you've never felt before, and i'd keep doing that until you realise just how crazy you drive me."
your eyes are lidded when you speak up again, voice hoarse and deep, "try it."
she's all in your space now, climbing into into your lap, lips closing around your ear lobe as she sucks. your eyes close and you groan a little when her hips meet yours, tilting your head back distantly wondering how the fuck you got yourself in this situation but quickly shaking that thought off when you feel her move towards your neck, licking and sucking.
soon enough she's moving up your jaw and towards your lips, one hand on your shoulder, the other one at your waist. she stops just short of your lips with a little smirk on her face as you share the same air.
your eyes meet her in a blaze and you surprise her when you yank her down, she moans when that brings your hips together even closer and you capture her lips with impatient want. her hands are tangling into your hair now, pulling lightly as your lips slide against each other, your breath hitching when she licks a tongue along your top lip.
“these- fucking- lips-“ she’s breaking away between kisses for air, panting softly.
“i can’t believe- you’d want to do anything- when i could kiss these- all fucking day-“
she’s breaking away again, leaving you chasing as she places pecks all across your face, “new nose? please this slant is perfect. these cheeks are adorable and these eyebrows shape your pretty pretty face just right-“ she’s kissing every inch of your skin, moving back down to your neck and nipping at your collarbone.
her hands are at the bottom of your shirt, sneaking up to caress the lines of your stomach and you let out a sharp inhale when one hand comes unashamedly up to cup your breast.
“how could you be making those pretty sounds if this wasn’t your body i was touching hmm?” she’s lifting your shirt over your head, sliding her hands everywhere.
"breast implants?" she scoffs as she brings her hands behind your back to unclasp your bra, flinging it behind her and moving her hands straight to cup your tits. "please darling look how perfectly these fit in my hands. and the way they spill out between my fingers if i squeeze like this-" you moan unabashedly now when she gropes and grasps.
"god i could just hold these all day-" she's dipping down, a tongue tracing the top of your breast, the hot feeling against your skin driving you absolutely mad as you roll your hips against her with a whimper.
she pushes you back down roughly with her hips, looking up at you, her hands never stopping her fondling at your breasts, she is obscene. "don't do that now sweetie. i'm meant to be taking care of you and showing you just how pretty you are to me. so you're gonna sit there and look pretty while i do exactly that mmk?"
she's taking a nipple into her mouth now, licking and sucking, and you hiss when she bites down softly, feeling her mouth turn upward at the sound.
she lavishes your breasts, leaving you quivering and flushed in her wake, she makes small comments in between periods of sucking marks into the side of your tits, her tongue has never once left your body since she started, wet trails leading everywhere.
she's kissing down your stomach now and you suck in a breath as she sinks to her knees in front of you, looking up at you with those curious eyes, completely clothed still in her white labcoat, mouth wrecked and lips in a pretty little pout. she's spreading your legs and you're fighting a little against her, embarassed at the fact that her face would be so close to you and she could see every little detail of your arousal.
she tuts but shuffles back a little, letting you close your legs again but she picks one up and starts feeling along your calf, pressing gently at the muscles there and feeling you unclench in relief.
"these don't need anything done either. you're just a little tense here. some stretching and a good massage will work those kinks right out and you won't even notice them anymore."
she's pressing down on all the pressure points to release the tension in your calves, and you moan slightly in pleasure as your head lolls back, eyes squeezing shut, cool air hitting your wet breasts, nipples perking at the lack of attention and you shudder.
you're helpless when she starts spreading your legs again, miraculous hands moving up to your knees, still kneading and massaging, then up to your thighs.
then her mouth is on you again, hot and wet against the inside of your thighs and you're squirming, breathing picking up as the tension in the room multiplies tenfold. you don't dare look down at her afraid the sight may just push you over the edge.
but hands come shooting down to her head when that tongue, that fucking tongue, licks a gentle strip from the bottom of your cunt to the top, stalling at the hood of your clitoris and pushing it back only to place a small peck on the nub and moving back down to drink in the essence flowing out of you.
"f-fuck dr im i-i-"
she stops, looking up at you with a quirk of an eyebrow, a lustful darkness seeping into her curious eyes, "call me that again."
"doctor im?"
she's back to lapping at your pussy and you moan, closing your thighs around her head, one arm raised up and holding on to the back of the chair to keep yourself upright.
"so fucking delicious. my god i could just tie you up and eat you out for hours."
you're whining, cunt clenching at her words but she's prying your folds open with her fingers, enamoured by the way your hole only seems to leak more with every action she takes, then she's licking into you and you cry out at the feeling. her tongue lashing against your walls as she moans at the taste of your core, sending shockwaves of pleasure right up your spine.
you can't take much more but she's lifting your ass and gripping, tugging you closer to her so she can explore even more of you.
eventually her mouth comes up for air and she's grabbing and kneading your ass cheeks, "these?-" her voice is a lot more gravelly now, thick with lust and she's panting slightly, "you don't know how perfect these are. they're the exact amount of firmness but still soft enough that i could use your ass like a pillow and you're talking about shape?" she sends a light slap up into you and you gasp, only clenching even harder around nothing, "just look how that rippled for me darling you need to know how fucking hot you look right now and how much you turn me on just from looking at you."
she almost sounds like she's growling with the low tenure of her voice and she's tugging you back into her, kissing your clit and sucking it into her mouth.
"d-doc- i- i- oh fuck- i'm gonna-"
she offers no response, just humming into you and you rut your hips into her at the vibration, completely helpless and positively dripping.
soon enough you're spilling over, coming with a moan, your back arching and she's licking you through it, you're completely blissed out heaving in effort before you slump back down into the chair.
but she doesn't stop. you're feeling overstimulated as she continues her assault on your pussy and you're lightly tugging her hair upwards trying to get her to come up but she's shaking her head no, and then shaking her head to tongue you side to side and you're building up all over again.
"w-wait d-doc i- i can't i just- doc-"
she looks up at you then, and holy fuck you almost came again at the sight. her slightly disheveled hair, eyes glazed over, mouth open and tongue sticking out absolutely ruined.
she's moving back up your body, kissing along places she's already left her mark on. "what did i say about sitting still and looking pretty baby? hmm?" a long finger finds its way to your folds and you're clenching in anticipation. "i said i'd make you cum as many times as it'll take for you to realise you're hot right? i'm not one to take back my words sweetie."
"f-fuck i- oh shit doc i-"
she's pushing into you torturously slow, a teasing smirk against your neck, "hm?"
"nggh fuck please- please i need- fuck- i need you- oh shit-"
"this?" another finger joins her but she stays hilted inside you, unmoving as you wriggle under her.
"ah- y-yes! p-please move- oh fuck i- please-" you're babbling at this point, almost incoherent but she's sliding out of you and then pushing in oh so wonderfully.
she's back to mouthing at your nipple, the sensitive nubs sending flares of heat down to your core, "so so pretty."
"i- yes- i- oh fuck-"
her fingers are entering you at a faster pace now, the wet sounds of your fucking filling the empty office.
all of a sudden there's a loud knock at the door and she stills inside you, looking up in slight alarm, nipple popping out of her mouth.
"doctor im your 3pm is here."
you can't help but clench around her fingers and she whips her head back down to you, wiggling her fingers a little at the feeling and you gasp.
"tell them to wait! i'll be another 10 minutes."
she's started moving inside you again and you bite your lip trying to keep quiet.
"alright." the sound of footsteps walking away is quiet before nayeon is driving into you again with renewed vigour.
she's hitting the spot inside you that's making your toes curl, her lips are back around your nipple sucking and licking, and then she's using a hand and pressing down lightly on your lower stomach stimulating your g-spot both from the inside and outside and you cry out around her as you come.
you're panting as she brings you back down, caressing your face and pushing your hair back, moving up to leave kisses all across your face again.
you're only able to open your eyes after a minute or so, blinking dazedly at her as she smiles and plants a kiss on your lips.
"listen... if you want... how about you give me a chance to make you feel loved, to show you how beautiful you are, and if you still feel that way about yourself afterwards, then i'll do all those surgeries for you personally, no more questions asked." she's soft against you, and you can't help but nuzzle your head into her neck, still a little boneless.
"okay?" her eyes are bright as she pulls back so she can face you.
you nod with a lazy smile and she's hugging you, kissing your face again murmuring sweet you're so prettys and you did so wells.
too soon and she's lifting herself off you, helping you back into your clothes and standing by the door.
"i'm sorry that i had another appointment. i totally forgot. but i've got your number in my files so i'll message you after work today okay? maybe if you're free tonight we can grab something to eat together?"
you're shy as she's sending you off, nodding a small yes.
"okay don't ghost me now yeah?"
you blush, "y-yeah. see you dr. im."
"nayeon please. you can call me nayeon when we're not... y'know-" she sends you a wink and you only blush more, only barely stopping yourself from bowing to her in apology.
"alright n-nayeon."
"there we go. i'll see you in a bit okay y/n?"
you smile and walk out the door she's opened for you. it would still be a long way before you could be happy with yourself, but you thought maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to postpone your surgeries for a little and see what im nayeon likes so much about you.
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littletism · 4 months
🎒✏️🍎 weekend activity for littles! turn your house into a school! 🍎✏️🎒
prepare your schedule the night before! what classes will you do at what time? what order will you do them in? write it down! set alarms on your phone for when each class will be, so you know when to switch!
don’t forget to prepare worksheets, activities, and make sure you know what rooms you’re using! if you have a cg, this job is best suited for them!
class ideas: math, spelling, writing, social studies/history, science, art, music, etc!
“downtime” class ideas: naptime, free time, movie time, free draw, computer lab, play time
wake up bright and early! get dressed, brush your teeth, brush your hair, and get your school supplies! go into the room that you’ve designated as your classroom!
if you have a cg, have them be your teacher for the day! if you don’t have one, that’s okay! you can do all of this by yourself pretty easily.
if the room has a closet, use that as your cubby! hang up your bag and any other belongings in it!
get ready for your school day! sit down on the floor like you would in a preschool or kindergarten classroom, and get ready to learn!
ideas on what to do for each class under the cut (to avoid this post being way too long!)
print out some math worksheets (or download and do them digitally, bonus points if it’s on a tablet with a stylus for extra realism!) and work on them! do whatever level of math is most accessible to you!
count stuff! count your toys, blocks, stuffies, anything! make problems and equations by taking away items, adding items, dividing items, etc and solve them!
play math games! multiplication .com has a lot of accessible math games, or you can use the flashpoint program to play math games from your favorite tv shows!
print/download handwriting practice sheets and practice writing your letters!
if you have a cg with you, have them read a book out loud to you! make sure to pay attention, and be prepared to write about what was just read to you!
read your favorite book, and create a book report based on it with pictures and decorations!
do spelling worksheets and exercises!
social studies
practice geography by identifying states or countries on an unlabeled map! start with your own country, then move on to other countries to make it more challenging!
learn about history by watching educational history cartoons!
do a cultural interview! find someone in your life whether it be a friend, a partner, or a family member and interview them about their heritage and culture! if you can’t find someone, write about your own culture!
use a store bought science kit and play around with it! write down everything you’ve learned.
make slime or oobleck! there’s countless recipes online that teach you how to make them! they’re both super easy to make.
draw a diagram of our solar system! label the planets properly and write one fact about each one!
draw your family! could be your biological or found family!
finger paint!
watercolor paint!
make pottery out of clay or play doh!
make a collage of your favorite things! print out pictures of stuff you like and glue it to a piece of paper!
sing along to your favorite songs! pull up sing-along versions of songs from disney movies or karaoke versions of your favorite songs!
if you have any kind of instrument, play it! try to play simple songs on it like mary had a little lamb or hot cross buns!
if you’re regressed a bit older, study sheet music! teach yourself what all the symbols mean!
nap time
take a 30 minute break to nap, or just lay down and rest! put on a soft lullaby or a quiet song you really like.
to make it more “school-like”, nap on the floor! preferably on a fluffy rug or mat, so it isn’t uncomfortable or bad for your back! lay out your favorite blanket, pillow, stuffie, and hit the hay!
play time / free time
just play!!! have fun and play with your toys, your stuffies, play dress up, etc!
if it’s nice outside, go play outside!
draw a picture!
read your favorite book!
if you’re an over-achiever, do some more worksheets!
computer lab
go on your computer or laptop if you have one, and play some educational games, watch educational videos, etc!
when you’ve done an adequate amount of learning, you earn free time! use this to play any fun game you want! (minecraft, roblox, animal jam, fun flash games, etc!)
field trips
(may require a cg if you can’t take yourself places when small!)
take a trip to a museum!
go to the library! find a cool book you find interesting and read it!
take a walk around town! write down all the interesting things you find in nature like animals, bugs, plants, etc!
end of the day
when your “school day” ends, have your cg grade how you did! if you don’t have a cg, grade yourself! but be honest, of course. if you get a good grade, you’ll get a reward!
i know this is elaborate and may seem silly, but i’ve heard a lot of littles say an elementary school environment would be really beneficial to them! i hope this helps some of you who are yearning for that!
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Lips anon! The wife deciding to do some at home excersize stretches to get herself back into shape after popping out a baby lol
Miguel gets very intrigued and decides to join her...in gray sweatpants 🤭
He thought it was appropriate, she can't just (unintentionally) tease him with those tight leggings and sports bra 😈
He's a tease. And he knows it. 😌
Even though Miguel had said that you hadn't changed a bit after giving him Benjamin, you had decided to do something about it.
Some of your favorite clothing had stopped fitting you, the pieces would be either too small on the chest or too tight in your thighs and glutes.
Despite feeling a bit dysmorphic, you had decided to exercise at home, after putting Benjamin to sleep and helping Gabi with her homework. You moved some of the furniture aside to create a bit more of space so you could stretch properly.
Tight magenta high waisted leggings only snugged your form, and the sports bra, a blue one that still had the tag and was forgotten in the back of your drawer, held your breast with care and firmness. Making the curve of them to pop out a bit more than intended.
Hair in a lazy ponytail, swayed as you stretched. You would bend, test your limbs flexibility, and work out. You had pulled some of Miguel's dumbells and equipment out.
Thirty minutes into it and you were a sweaty mess. Miguel had stayed at home, something about the lab being closed off for maintenance. He was working on his computer when you started working out.
The way you stretched and bend over just made his mind to be flooded with all those good times you had been having lately. But when you bent to reach your toes, he just swallowed at the sight of your rear.
He stood and returned minutes later with his grey workout sweatpants. You were doing the downward dog stretch, he took a hold of your hips, which startled you.
"Lo estás haciendo mal. You're gonna hurt yourself. Lemme" (You're doing it wrong.)
His large hands pulled your hips up, positioning you in all fours with ease. You whipped your ponytail aside and stared at him with a sweet yet playful smirk.
"Careful, chula. The kids are around." He wouldn't be subtle when passing his hands over your butt, and gave it a firm squeeze as he nodded.
"Rico." (Delicious)
"Miguel" You half warned half laughed as he helped you to stretch properly.
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redflagshipwriter · 4 months
Halfa Cass
Chapter 6 Preview
(The night Cass came home)
Tim rounded on Bruce as soon as Cass went up the stairs. “Something happened,” he said firmly.
Bruce nodded, brows furrowed up. “I agree. She was shaken. I observed that she was reticent and avoided eye contact at a conversational juncture where she normally does not.”
Tim agreed with a grim, sister-analyzing nod. “Her typing speed was significantly reduced. She was carefully choosing her wording.” Tim scanned over her brief report again and frowned. “There's not an electrical shock that would short out her suit without killing her.”
“So it wasn't electricity, or there was another factor.” Bruce frowned at his screen so hard it was probably cowering inside the code. “Neither Black Bat nor Marvel have any particular scientific competence. I would suggest-”
“Yeah.” Tim cut him off. He rolled his neck and thought it over. They sat quietly for a few minutes as Tim typed up his initial proposal. He broke the silence. “I'll hit up Young Justice and see who has time tomorrow to have a redux of all our creepy lab tours. There's something really weird about that place.” He paused. He side eyed Bruce. “Captain Marvel was right, huh?” He kept his tone deliberately innocent. “What a good catch on his part. I wonder how many people on monitor duty saw the town was dark and didn't think anything about it.”
Bruce grunted. He rolled a few inches back from his computer and picked up a stapled stack of reports. He began reading them intensely.
Tim interlaced his fingers and gave a stretch. Something popped in his back. “If only you'd believed him and let me go along with Black Bat when she said she was leaving,” Tim said wistfully. He was mostly just being a dick. They needed to find out what happened, but everyone was fine. This was a prime opportunity to needle at Bruce's weird reflexive hateration towards his most cheerful Justice League teammates.
Bruce lifted the reports just a little higher to block off his face.
Tim left it at that and shut down for the night. Tim had really just been killing time until Cass got back for the night. He hit up the group chat with his mission proposal before he went to bed.
He belly flopped on top of his mattress without bothering to pull the covers over top and powered off easily for his clockwork 7.5 hours. He had weird dreams about Cass getting electrocuted. He woke up feeling unsettled.
“I know she said she got electrocuted,” Tim muttered. He sat up in bed. “But this seems dramatic. She's fine. She walked home and typed up a report.” He rubbed at his breastbone. He didn't know why he was so unsettled.
…Alright, that was a lie. Tim reframed his perspective a little more honestly.
No, no. He did. It was anxiety. He needed to feel he had control over the safety of his family. The way everyone had gone horrified and silent on comms when Cass’s suit reported a flatline to the main computer-
Tim’s stomach lurched. He took a minute to go through some breathing exercises.
It was just a false alarm. It was fine. Except that it had been truly terrifying and it proved that there was something seriously wrong with either their current tech or something extraordinary going on in some decommissioned mad scientist lair.
Fuck. He didn't like unknowns. He was eager to get to the bottom of this Amity Park incident.
Tim fished his phone off the charger and checked the group for responses, heart beat still pounding in his ears. So far, he'd heard yesses from Kon and Bart. Unfortunately, Cassie hadn't viewed the message yet.
He typed up meeting coordinates for the guys and sent it in the same chat. Hopefully Cassie would see it in time, but if not, three was probably enough for the trip.
Making specific plans settled his anxiety enough for him to find some appetite. He ended up very glad that he'd gone to breakfast.
He got an unexpected assist from both Cass and Damian on his point re Bruce's hateration at breakfast the next morning. Tim watched gleefully as they psychologically manipulated their father with opposite approaches.
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mariacrow · 1 year
This is my first time asking for a request-
Can you do Dreadwing and Predaking and use the trope their in love with reader and reader is oblivious to their them.
(Take all the time you need 🐝)
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Dreadwing x reader x Predaking
2nd person
female reader
love triangle
AU where the reader is the only human on the Nemesis, working as an assistant in the lab or repairing
AU where Dreadwing is alive
oblivious reader, envy, possessiveness, stalking
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Your oblivious state is kinda excused considering you're neck deep in lab work. Lord Megatron won't let you BREATHE. In fact, Predaking noticed you caught Dreadwing's optic, he was stalking you, following you around the Nemesis and checking lab's security cameras, often seeing you with Dreadwing. That's why he told Megatron the commander is keeping you away from swift progress. He was trying to keep you focused. He knows how much you love playing with giant robots and get easily distracted by them. Or he was just jealous because he was fond of you as well and wanted you all to himself.
You stayed longer this evening, not leaving the work undone. you were sitting on a control panel in the lab, struggling to navigate through the decepticon high tech and reach any touch pad - it's like a goddamn exercise every time you work on their computers.
Dreadwing came back after a successful mission and immediately went to check on you. Dready has a cruuuush~
Well it's not like he was expressing it. He was keeping it strictly to himself but he's never able to hide a light blue blush in his cheek plates when he feels your small, tender touch on his forearm or when you give him a wide, honest smile.
"Miss Y/N." he said while approaching you, always formal no matter what.
"Commander Dreadwing." you said respectfully as you took your eyes off the computer for a millisecond to look at him.
"Why are you still working at this hour?" he asked while curiously looking at what you're doing.
"I can't leave the work undone. I need to note today's formula progress, Shockwave's orders." you said while still struggling with the control panel's touch sensitivity.
"I am quite sure that is Knockout's job."
"He was needed... elsewhere. By elsewhere I mean he needed an urgent buff job." you said through a light chuckle.
That made Dreadwing smile a little while not taking his optics off of you.
"Do you require any assistance?"
You looked at him and sighed, stretching your back, "I'm almost done anyway. But I really think they should've found someone with bigger hands for this job." you said with a pinch of humor again as you continued storing data.
"I think so too. You are... far too small for this."
SIZE KIIIIIIIIIINK. His own words made him start daydreaming. He stared thinking of your petite, fragile body in his servos, holding you with great tenderness, trying his best not to hurt you. As he was taking a better look at you, he started wondering how your hair feels like, how your skin feels like, your clothes even...
He cleared his throat before he spoke: "Y/N... I was wondering if-"
He was interrupted by the lab door opening and the heaviest footsteps on this ship approaching. You both turned around to see Predaking proudly walking with his servos behind his back and his huge chassis puffed out.
"Commander Dreadwing. I was sent by lord Megatron himself to check on our assistant. Am I perceiving an act of distraction?" Predaking asked.
"No, I was merely-" Dreadwing got interrupted by him again.
"I was asking her." unpleasantly said the predacon.
"Uhm.. n-no, sir, commader Dreadwing wasn't distracting me at all, he was simply.. keeping me company. It can get too quiet in here." you tried keeping a positive tone.
"Hm. Understood. Is the work done?"
"Almost, sir."
"Almost!?" displeased predacon started, "You are far past the deadline!"
"But sir, Shockwave told me-"
"It does not matter what Shockwave told you, Megatron is your lord and master and he wants those notes delivered NOW!" he lied just to get Dreadwing out of the lab.
"Predaking, she is doing her best-"
"Commander Dreadwing, I do not recall asking for your opinion. I will ask you to leave the laboratory and stop keeping our comrade away from progress." Predaking said in a monotone manner.
Dreadwing didn't want to make a scene even though he REALLY wanted to beat his robo lizard aft. He frowned as his upper derma danced in irritation.
"Very well." was all the wise commander said before leaving, being a bigger person. All he wanted to do is ask you out, dam.
"Sir, he really wasn't-" Predaking interrupted you as he very gently placed his giant servo on your shoulder.
"Let me do the work for you, little one."
"Do not fret. That was merely a part of an act. I do not need Dreadwing reporting to Megatron about this." even though Dreadwing was the first one to offer help. Predaking knew because he was behind that door all along.
"If you say so, sir, but I'm almost done-"
"You will take full credit for your work." Predaking, the king of interruption, gently wrapped his servo around you, picked you up and placed you on the floor.
"Get some rest, Y/N." he said with a mild grin on his face before he turned around to face the computer as he started putting a cherry on top of your work.
You smiled back at him and said your goodbyes and goodnights as you walked away.
Predaking: ...why are you still here-
Y/N: door sensors don't work for me- *standing there in front of huge closed door like🧍‍♂️. You're too small for door sensors on the Nemesis to see you*
Predaking: oh- right- *as he rushed to help you open THE GODDMAN DOOR* how do you manage to open doors when there is no one around to help you-
Y/N: I throw stuff at the sensor🧍‍♂️
Predaking: oh. 🧍‍♂️
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Dividers belong to @straywords 🖤
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fafnir19 · 4 months
I did'nt know if you still took requests but I grew up kind of nerdy. I had a dad that was like that, always into computers and books. As I am now almost 40, I would like to know what my life would have been like had my dad been a bodybuilder or just more athletic.
As you step into the sleek, futuristic VR lab, a tingling excitement fills you. The dimly lit room is filled with humming servers and flashing monitors. Dr. Smith, the head of R&D, greets you with a warm smile. "Welcome. Are you ready to test our latest creation?" You nod eagerly, fumbling with the VR-remote as Dr. Smith explains, "This prototype VR system can simulate alternate timelines based on your past decisions. It's a glimpse into what could have been if you made different choices." As you step into the sleek, futuristic VR chamber, the air hums with anticipation. The prototype VR system gleams with promise, surrounded by a tangle of wires and blinking lights. Your heart races with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.
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"Are you ready to begin the simulation?" a voice crackles through the speakers. You nod, swallowing hard, your father's IT prowess echoing in your mind. "What would you change if you could?" the voice whispers in your ear. "Hmm, I wonder how this will turn out," you mumble to yourself, take a deep breath and declare, "I want to change my father from being an IT-nerd to a fitness coach." As the words leave your lips, the room shimmers and shifts before your eyes. The room you find yourself in is eerily familiar yet strangely different. The walls are plastered with posters of modern-day superheroes instead of the old-school bands you used to love. Your gaze falls upon the sleek gaming setup in the corner, a stark contrast to the clunky computer your younger self once had. Your reflection in the mirror reveals a scrawny teenager staring back at you, a stark contrast to your 40-year-old self. The VR system's effects seem so real, yet you're aware it's still the current year.
As you sat in your room, immersed in the virtual reality experience, the door creaked open, and in stepped your father. His appearance had transformed into that of a fitness coach, looking determined and energetic.
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He began, "Son, I've found the perfect sport for you." "Sigh... Dad, can we talk about this? I've tried so many sports already, and they're just not my thing," you countered, a hint of frustration creeping into your voice. Your father, now fixated on his newfound passion for fitness, insisted, "But you haven't tried cycling yet! It's the perfect blend of exercise and fun. You'll love it, I promise." Frustration turned to exasperation as you realized he wasn't going to back down. "Dad, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm just not as sporty as you. Can't we find something else to do this summer?" His brow furrowed, and with a determined gleam in his eye, he declared, "No arguments this time, son. You're going to that cyclist's camp for the summer, and that's final." You let out a defeated groan, knowing it was futile to fight against his newfound fitness obsession. Reluctantly, you mumbled, "Fine, I'll go to the cyclist's camp. But I'm not promising I'll enjoy it." Your father nodded, satisfied with your acceptance, and left the room, leaving you to contemplate the summer ahead filled with cycling adventures.
Some weeks later you find yourself among picturesque mountains in the hated cycling camp. You pedaled hard on the race bike, feeling the strain in your muscles as you tried to keep up with the rest of the cyclists in the camp, but to no avail.
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You were feeling the strain in your muscles and the sweat running down your back, as the coach approached you. "Hey, I've got something for you," he said, handing you a pair of sleek glasses.
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You put them on, and suddenly the world around you shifts, numbers and data streaming across your vision. Your speed and heart rate, along with the optimal pace and cadence – all displayed in glowing letters.
The information overwhelming you at first. You let out a frustrated scream, "What is this? I can't see anything with all this data in my face!" The coach chuckled, "Just give it a chance. Focus on the line, that's all you need to see." Despite your initial resistance, you forced yourself to concentrate on the slim line that appeared amidst the sea of statistics. It was the perfect course, guiding you through the twists and turns of the cycling track. As you continue riding, the glasses gradually limit your view of the environment until all you can see is the slim line indicating the optimal course. Finally the environment fades away completely, leaving you with only the essential data.
You panic at first, feeling disoriented without being able to see your surroundings and so you couldn't help but protest, "I can't see anything else! How am I supposed to ride like this?" The coach's voice was stern, "Trust the glasses, trust the process. It will help you focus and improve your skills." Reluctantly, you continued to ride, adjusting to the restricted vision. It was frustrating at first, but gradually, you felt your mind quieting down, focusing solely on the slim line in front of you. It was strangely calming, allowing you to block out distractions and concentrate solely on the ride. As days turned into weeks, you found yourself improving dramatically. Your movements were smoother, your reactions quicker. The coach nodded in approval, watching as you navigated the course with precision. Despite the progress, you couldn't deny that you still didn't enjoy sports.
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One day, as you pedaled through another successful training session, you felt an unfamiliar sensation stirring within you. Arousal. At first, it was a mere flicker, but soon it blazed through your veins, igniting a fire you never knew existed. Your body reacted without your consent, your member throbbing insistently within the confines of your tight cycling suit, creating a visible bulge that couldn't be ignored. Just as you were lost in this strange mix of pleasure and confusion, the VR system abruptly announced, "Ending VR-Test; leave VR experience or stay to turn VR into reality. VR conversion to reality starts soon." At that very moment, your glasses projected a command to accelerate your speed and cadence on the bike, a directive you found impossible to resist. You obeyed, feeling the rush of the wind against your face as your pleasure heightened with each passing moment. Faster and faster you rode, your body responding eagerly to the physical exertion. Your arousal peaked, your cock growing so hard it felt almost painful. And then, in a climax of both pleasure and exhaustion, you finally succumbed, falling from the bike in a euphoric daze. Your breath comes in ragged gasps, a sense of both satisfaction and confusion washing over you. "Conversion VR to reality completed in 3 ... 2 ... 1," the VR system announces, jolting you back to reality. Panic sets in as you desperately try to end the experience, but it's too late. The VR remote dissolved into thin air, leaving you trapped in your teenage-self in this new, perplexing reality.
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As you lay there, grappling with your newfound circumstances, the coach approached with a knowing smile. His gaze fell upon the cum-stained cycling suit, a clear indicator of the glasses' influence on your desires. "The brainwashing glasses have obviously done their task," he remarks, his tone laced with amusement. "Your body's desire is now intertwined with cycling. You'll become a pro cyclist in no time." Still grappling with the bizarre turn of events, you reluctantly nodded in agreement. What choice did you have in this altered reality?
With a gentle yet firm tone, the coach suggested, "You might want to consider shaving your body hair. It could make you faster on the bike, you know." Feeling overwhelmed by the abrupt changes thrust upon you, you hesitantly agreed and made your way to the shower after the grueling training session.
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As you attempted to shave yourself, the unfamiliarity of the task led to a few accidental cuts with the razor. Suddenly, a fellow cyclist appeared by your side, offering a helping hand. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he took over the task of shaving you, his skilled hands gliding smoothly over your skin. The sensation of the razor against your inner thighs and pubic area triggered an unexpected reaction. A rush of arousal surged through you, causing a noticeable reaction in your groin. Embarrassment flushed your cheeks as you struggled to contain your body's instinctual response. The other cyclist, noticing your discomfort, reassured you in a calm voice, "Getting a boner is a completely natural reaction, especially in a situation like this. And besides, you're rather cute." His words were oddly comforting, easing some of the tension that had coiled within you. Before you could fully process his kindness, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. Surprised yet strangely intrigued by the unexpected gesture, you couldn't help but entertain the fleeting thought, "Maybe my new life isn't that bad after all." Meanwhile, the coach, who had been observing the scene unfold, couldn't help but smirk at the dynamics taking shape within the team. "The side effect of the glasses, turning the boys bi, certainly creates an interesting new dynamic, wouldn't you say?" he mused, his eyes glinting with amusement at the unfolding changes in the team's dynamics.
Enjoy the ride of your new life, cyclist!
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lovelylotusf1 · 9 months
Inspired by the lovely @wisteria-wisteria and her Pinterest roulette posts. I present to you an AU:
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Lestappen - Coding rivals.exe
Don't know yet if I'll do anything larger with it so I'd love if someone adopts the idea! Give it a new and welcoming home!
Max Verstappen, a brilliant hardware engineer who is mostly focused on robotics, is partnered up to work with programmer and game designer Charles Leclerc. From the moment they meet, he despises his new coworker. Charles is everything he isn't - all smiles and polite questions, a laid-back attitude when it comes to his work and yet somehow constantly praised by others. The predestined programmer, they call him. Max thinks it's all very ridiculous.
But they need to work together to meet the looming deadline. Maybe they'll even learn to appreciate the other's company along the way...
Small scene after this universe's InchidentTM:
"Mr Verstappen. What happened?" His boss's cold voice greets him the moment Max sits down in the overpriced meeting chair. The board of directors stare at him, disdain obvious in their postures, but their faces are carved into polite masks.
Max glares at Leclerc, who is sitting across from him. Even now, he doesn't look like he gives a single damn about the situation he has brought them into, that unnervingly pleasant smile still plastered on his face. Max wants to wipe it off.
Leclerc is slumped in his chair, glasses askew and in his normal working attire consisting of a sweater thrown over a shirt. There is a small coffee stain on front of it, reminding Max of what brought them into this situation in the first place.
"It's just unfair. He pushed a glass of coffee onto the robot, so I pushed it back onto his computer. It's not fair, right?"
Before he can give further explanations, he is shot down, "Thank you, Mr Verstappen. What is your perspective on this matter, Mr Leclerc?"
Leclerc straightens and lets his eyes sweep over the room. Max doesn't miss the fact that he pointedly doesn't look at Max and a small pang of annoyance flashes through him.
Leclerc says, "Nothing. Just an inchident in the lab. We will have the code restored and the robot running by next week."
Max needs to remember all the self-control exercises he taught himself in order to not jump over the table, drag Leclerc towards him by his stupid oversized sweater and yell at him until that guy's ears ring.
Of course, he can say that easily. He just needs to write a few lines of code that the automatic backup hasn't caught. But Max will have to build the hardware from scratch, the delicate electronics fried beyond repair. Oh, how he would like to strangle Leclerc for that.
His boss is apparently pleased by this response. He nods. "Very well then. Get back to work and fill out the provided reports. I don't want to repeat this, the funding is already minimal and you don't want to make your budget even tighter than it already is."
They are dismissed and walk back to the robotics lab in silence, their steps echoing off the blank walls. At least it would be silent if Leclerc's annoyingly smooth voice didn't disrupt it, "I know you don't like me. But at least pretend that you do when other people are around. It will be easier if you let some of my charm work on you, non?"
That fucker has the audicity to wink at him and it is the most awkward thing Max has seen in his entire life.
Max almost snarls. He'd rather be caught dead than enjoy Leclerc's company.
(I don't know why a robotics guy would work with a game dev but just let me fantasize about my AUs without worrying too much about realism)
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takeyourcyanide · 2 months
I Know That The Writing’s On The Wall
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Fandom: Soul Eater
Character: Franken Stein
Word Count: 744
Tags: Minor Violence, Blood and Gore, Random & Short, Nausea, References to Addiction, Descent into Madness
Summary: Four separate signs of the times. Things, happenings, signs that were present at the beginning of Stein’s episode of madness. Sort of like documentation.
Notes: This is another defrag fic, a bit of an exercise to hopefully get me back into the groove of writing, as there is a fic I’d really like to finish. May the head fog clear.
I contemplated even posting this one.
The title is inspired by a lyric in the song ‘Candy’ by Paolo Nutini. I can also recommend Marina’s (formerly known as Marina and the Diamonds) cover of the song. Both are quite lovely, in my opinion.
I would like to add that this fic is technically four separate chapters on AO3. Here you go, anyway.
A gust of wintry air cascaded out of the vents, embracing Stein, even despite whatever warmth the stitched-up lab coat he’d slept in provided him. It left his screw frigid to the touch, though he allowed his fingertips to ache as he rather sloppily turned it.
A bird, somewhere not too distant, chirped in the same cadence, in the same tone for a solid minute or so. The pleasant scent of stale cigarette smoke mixed with the lingering scent of various different chemicals soothed the exhausted restlessness causing his limbs to gradually tear apart.
He’d walked through the simultaneously welcomed and agitation-inducing darkness of his laboratory, his body moving on its own towards the kitchen.
‘Perhaps a little piece of my brain remembered some semblance of a former routine,’ he pondered, as he forced something bland, something tasteless down his throat, suppressing a repulsed gag.
He attempted to distract himself from his terribly slow chewing, from the taste and the texture of the unwanted food in his mouth, swallowing.
He stared down at the rest of the bar he held, grimacing. He allowed himself a sigh, as he tossed the item into the trash with the rest of the food he couldn’t bring himself to finish without vomiting.
Stein cranked his screw, the loud screeching in his ears a sound he was long desensitized to.
“Okay, class,” two words managed to successfully leave him, directed to the ones with the expectant and oddly concerned gazes. “Today, we’re going to……
“Are we dissecting something again?” An annoyed grumble came from somewhere in the front row.
“No. ..We’re…”
His head began to violently throb with each frantic turn of the protruding steel.
‘Think, Goddamnit!’
“We’re.. um..”
“Are you-“
“Oh! Yes. Yes, that’s right. We’re going to be delving further into the history of the field of phasmology.”
Fingers massaging his temples, a bluish light flooding his eyes.
Each sentence he tried to read appeared as an entirely different sentence at first, before his second reading.
He spun in his chair once, twice.
He bit into his lip, and he turned his screw.
He whipped his head around, the sensation of a hand touching his scalp, tugging on his hair an obnoxious, somewhat unnerving distraction.
He was unable to focus on his work.
He banged his head against the painted wood of his desk, exacerbating his already disorienting headache.
Stein, with a sigh, pushed himself and his chair away from his computer, allowing the screen to darken until it became blank, until the only thing he could see on the screen was a reflection of himself and his worn appearance.
Reminders of dissection and cigarettes left his body and him in agony.
They were all-consuming, all that he could possibly think about, save for the frequent agitated ramble.
He’d pace the halls, he’d jerk and twitch.
He’d dreamt numerous times that he had the comfort of a cigarette hanging from his lips, the comfort of nicotine relaxing his rattled mind, the comfort of the taste and smell of smoke looming on his tongue, looming in his nostrils, and looming in the air around him.
He’d dreamt of a warm body lying on, strapped down to his dissection table, as he’d bring his scalpel of choice down onto the softness of the subject’s skin, digging the blade, with precision, down into the tissue, leaving an incision teeming with blood, shining under his surgical light, in its wake. He’d dreamt of removing each layer - flesh, fat, and muscle - leaving organs and bones left to collect and thoroughly analyze with a giddy, ear-to-ear smile on his face. He’d dreamt of injecting a subject with hydrogen peroxide. He’d even dreamt of harvesting an individual’s bones for the sake of creating his own *authentic* ‘classroom skeleton’ of sorts.
And each time he’d wake up, he’d wake up horrendously pained and disappointed that he could not live within those dreams.
Or perhaps he could. Would it be worth it to go down that path? Would it be worth it to sacrifice all that he had built for himself, all that he had promised to himself as soon as his deterioration became far more overtly imminent?
Anything to experience that cocktail of pure euphoria, sadistic pleasure, and the complete satiation of his supposedly “morbid” curiosities, no? Anything to take the edge off and refresh himself, no? Anything to be in touch with who he truly was, with what his soul truly was, no?
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wheelie-sick · 3 months
My Gait Lab/Gait Evaluation Experience 🚶
I couldn't find anyone else documenting their gait lab experience so I wanted to share mine
under a cut cause this is long 😭 I like giving detailed explanations because I appreciate them so I included all the details
my gait eval was done for a potential future surgery to gather information on my limb difference (miserable malalignment syndrome), if you're having your gait eval is happening for another reason it might look different. I had my gait evaluation done at the gait lab at the Children's Hospital of Colorado, different gait labs might do this differently
before my gait eval I answered a questionnaire asking questions about my reason for getting a gait eval, my concerns with my gait, and my pain levels. I also had to sign a consent form to be recorded.
at my eval I had to wear shorts, the shorter the better. I came into the appointment with shorts, if you did not I imagine they would have you change into their shorts. I wear a sleeve on my leg to cover scars, I was allowed to keep this on for the first 2 parts but not the third. my top did not matter. I had to take off my shoes and socks.
the first part of my evaluation was spent taking measurements and evaluating my strength. most of the measurements were taken of angles of my legs, ankles, and hips. I had to lay on my back and stomach. the PT was very accommodating of me during the part where I had to lay on my stomach-- this can push my patellas out of place and is very painful because of this so I had trouble doing some of the movements for the measurements and had to take breaks. I also had the rotation of my legs measured again, this might not be measured if you don't have a rotational difference. during this step they used marker at several points to mark things for measurements and the cameras.
during the strength evaluation I was expected to give resistance to the PT trying to pull on my leg and foot. I was also asked to do some basic movements with my legs. if you've ever had a strength evaluation in physical therapy this is the exact same thing.
from there we moved on to the first part of the gait evaluation. in a different room with a large, high contrast pad and many cameras I was asked to walk in different ways while I was recorded. from memory I walked back and forth several times and walked backwards. I was allowed to keep my leg sleeve on for this.
after this part was done I had many sensors placed on my legs. several sensors measured my muscle impulses to make sure my muscles are moving at the correct times. to attach these sensors they cleaned my skin with an alcohol wipe and lightly sanded my skin. the sensors were stuck on with adhesive but were wrapped in vet wrap for extra security. small orbs were used for the cameras to pick up and have a point to connect the "dots" on the modeling software. these were stuck on using adhesive but most were on top of the vet wrap. I had to take my leg sleeve off for this.
me in all my sensor glory:
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[ID: a person standing with vet wrap around their legs in multiple spots and several round stickers. he is smiling with his hands at his side. a black box covers his feet saying "devotees leave me alone" he is standing on purple tiles in a brightly lit room with a rudimentary computer model of his legs in the background]
after all the sensors were attached I had to do several simple exercises to make sure they were working. I was also asked to walk in front of the cameras once. I then had the chance to rest for a minute while the sensors were connected on a modeling program.
once the sensors were connected in the program I walked back and forth many, many times on an area with purple "hopscotch" tiles and a large black tile. the purple hopscotch tiles measure the force on each leg with each step while the black tile measures the pressure across your feet.
I had all the sensors taken off once I was done with the walking. they did not hurt to remove, even with leg hair!
the results will take 4-6 weeks to receive. I will have a follow up appointment to discuss them and the options for surgery. I'll probably update this post with what the follow up appointment looks like
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stargazerbibi · 5 months
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[ 15th april, 2024 • DAY 64/145 ]
wasn't ready to have to go back to classes straight away ;-; but at least Computer Graphics (CG) seems super cool and the lab teacher explains really well so i'm happy
-> classes (total: 3h30)
-> had lunch with my friends
-> checked out this event that my uni organizes every year for students to network and get to know possible companies (there was a super cool game section so we played Mario Wonder on their switch)
-> revised C++
-> read the chapters on the design patterns Composite and Visitor (for Comp)
-> solved 3 exercises to practice for tomorrow's Comp minitest
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moistmailman · 5 months
Voices of the Void AU
When Pyrrha first got her degree she imagined her job would be more worthwhile; something that she can be extremely proud of that will make leaps and bounds in her fields of work. That’s the reason she worked her ass off for the degree in the first place. Yet here she is, in the middle of bumfuck nowhere eating a pack of instant ramen all alone at night, hundreds of miles away from any other human.
When they told her she was going to be pretty isolated from society the redhead didn’t know they meant in the middle of a deep forest where the only source of companionship she had were deer and a stray cat that roamed around. The loneliness isn’t even worst things about this entire job though. Granted, the loneliness is terrible but it’s not the worst.
It’s the silence.
There’s no TV, radio, game, basically anything to occupy her during any downtime. Not even any books or newspaper to distract her from the deafening silence that surrounds her entire life now. The redhead actually picked up the habit of talking to herself just to fill the room with some sort of sound that isn’t just the occasional buzzing of one of the machines. This lab is slowly draining her sanity.
The lab in question was a complete wreck when she first arrived too, and it took an entire week just to make it hospitable. Well, as hospitable as a prison that is. Still beats the complete state it was in when she first arrived though. Pyrrha has no idea how the place became such a mess, but she does know that the last person who was stationed here nearly went insane from isolation and probably had some sort of episode that caused them to destroy the place. 2 months into the job and Pyrrha really can’t blame them. Although, the thought of possibly following in their footsteps makes the job even more demanding despite the job itself being pretty bare boned.
All Pyrrha really does for her work is collect signals that are from space while occasionally fixing satellites. Easy on paper, terrible in action since you’re all by yourself with nothing but your thoughts and occasional paranoia. The signals in question aren’t really interesting either. They take a long time to download and when you listen to them it’s mostly just static, loud noises or the ever so interesting deafening silence of space.
“What a fulfilling career.” She quietly said to herself as she taps her finger on the desk. “Graduated at the top of my class for this.” The degree hanging on her wall seems to be completely useless to her at the moment. Just a visible reminder what she studied her whole life for isolation and silence. She blew a raspberry in frustration.
Although today was, at the very least, somewhat interesting since she did got a semi out of the ordinary signal this morning that she is currently refining to make it more clear. Over the loud static it partially sounded like something was speaking, but since it’s in the human nature to try and find patterns in things, this isn’t really anything to go on without further proof. In fact, this isn’t even the first signal that sounded like something was speaking. So she’s not exactly that excited over this whole ordeal, but at least it’s better than most of the signals she finds. Doesn’t make the burning glare from her diploma go away though. If it could laugh at her then it would.
A beep alerted the redhead to the machine to her right. After several hours the signal is finally refined and ready to be played. She slurped up the noodles hanging from her mouth before putting the container on the table. Pyrrha then stood and nearly stumbled from being light headed. Sitting down for hours on end isn’t really that good for your body and standing up quickly doesn’t really help either. She really has to get outside more often. Maybe she’ll fix some of the satellites in the morning to get some exercise.
With a quick motion, Pyrrha removed the signal from the machine and placed it into the computer to her left, which plays back every single signal that she finds. One pressed button later and it started to play. Again, this isn’t the first thing she found that sounded suspicious. An unrefined signal is barely hearable over all of the loud static, and occasionally you’ll might hear something in it since your brain is probably slowly going insane from the lack of any communication at all. So the redhead’s hopes weren’t exactly high at the moment.
That soon changed pretty fast though when the signal played. It sounded strange and out-worldly, which is normal for her job since she’s is quite literally listening to things that are possibly millions of light years away; but this one is different. It sounded…..it sounded like something is speaking. She can’t make out what they were saying but the more she listened to it the more it becomes obvious that this isn’t one of her normal signals. Sitting up from her chair and scooting closer to the computer, she listened closely. Maybe she finally went insane and is hearing voices now?
“It’s going to be a downward spiral, isn’t it?” She thought to herself. “First I’m going to hear voices, then I’m going to trash the place like the other guy and get placed in a room with mattresses for walls….still homier than this lab though.”
Although the more she listened the less she believed it was all in her head. This is pretty clear honestly. She can’t really make out what it’s saying, but it still there, hidden behind slight static. Something is trying to communicate or at the very least just trying to speak. Almost as if it’s speaking some sort of English but horribly. Nothing it’s saying is coherent.
Pyrrha closed her eyes and listened hard, trying to see if she can recognized anything at all. A single word would be huge for her work. A giant breakthrough honestly, making the entire silent hell she was tormented to worth it completely. No longer will her degree hang there on the wall mockingly like a smudge.
And then finally it happened. She recognized something. A single word from this entire signal that is more clear than anything else on it. But the word itself baffled her since she doesn’t understand why it’s being relayed to her in the first place. She rewinded the audio and replayed it. Then rewinded it again afterwards and play it once more. Rewind repeat, rewind repeat, rewind repeat. She did this for 5 minutes and each time that word pierces though the gibberish like a knife. It’s like listening to a foreign language and in the middle of a sentence they randomly say an English word.
“What the heck?” Pyrrha mumbled to herself as she stands up, deciding to move even closer to the computer just to make sure that she was in fact hearing what she was hearing. “Is this a random radio signal or something?”
The distinct word she heard was beautiful…..
Saphron couldn’t help to chuckle at her brother. Poor guy was really struggling with this, not that she can blame him. Humans are weird creatures that have multiple form of languages on their planets, which is pretty unheard of for the rest of the galaxy. Doesn’t help that the language in question is pretty confusing in the first place that is full of inconsistencies. Like how the hell doesn’t tomb and bomb rhyme? It make sense. Who even made this stupid language.
Regardless of the dumb language, her brother is trying his damndest to get his message across to some female human that he’s trying to woo. She doesn’t even know how he found her in particular out of the billions of people who live on the planet, especially since she’s seem to be completely isolated from everyone else on the planet. Yet he somehow he saw her and immediately fell hard. Although he’s kinda doing a terrible job at speaking since he seems to be butchering the already butchered language. She doubts anyone would be able to decipher anything he’s saying; he practically invented a new language at this point. Although, he seems to have the word ‘beautiful’ down pretty well.
“Will you stop snickering and just try to help me?!” His brother groaned, causing her to snicker louder.
“Okay, fine. You’re not speaking clear enough.” Saphron instructed. “Speak more clearly, and more confidently too. You’re like a dead fish right now. No human girl would want that.”
“A dead what?”
Saphron sighs. “You know Jaune, how are you expecting to even talk to this human woman if you don’t even know the basic things about this planet?”
“I’ll get to that part later! Don’t rush me!” “Jaune groaned out, rolling his eyes. “Can’t you just tutor me on English more! Please!”
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ralfmaximus · 6 months
Here's the complete list of DHS flagged search terms. Don't use any of these on social media to avoid having the 3-letter agencies express interest in your activities!
DHS & Other Agencies
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Coast Guard (USCG)
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Border Patrol
Secret Service (USSS)
National Operations Center (NOC)
Homeland Defense
Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Task Force
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Fusion Center
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Secure Border Initiative (SBI)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS)
Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Air Marshal
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
National Guard
Red Cross
United Nations (UN)
Domestic Security
Domestic security
Law enforcement
Disaster assistance
Disaster management
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
National preparedness
Dirty Bomb
Domestic nuclear detection
Emergency management
Emergency response
First responder
Homeland security
Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative
Shots fired
Explosion (explosive)
Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT)
Organized crime
National security
State of emergency
Bomb (squad or threat)
Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb
HAZMAT & Nuclear
Chemical Spill
Suspicious package/device
National laboratory
Nuclear facility
Nuclear threat
Biological infection (or event)
Chemical burn
Hazardous material incident
Industrial spill
Powder (white)
Blister agent
Nerve agent
North Korea
Health Concern + H1N1
Food Poisoning
Foot and Mouth (FMD)
Small Pox
Human to human
Human to ANIMAL
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Drug Administration (FDA)
Public Health
Agro Terror
Tuberculosis (TB)
Water/air borne
Norvo Virus
World Health Organization (WHO and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
E. Coli
Infrastructure Security
Infrastructure security
CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources)
Computer infrastructure
Communications infrastructure
Critical infrastructure
National infrastructure
Airplane (and derivatives)
Chemical fire
Port Authority
NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center)
Transportation security
Body scanner
Failure or outage
Black out
Brown out
Service disruption
Power lines
Southwest Border Violence
Drug cartel
U.S. Consulate
El Paso
Fort Hancock
San Diego
Ciudad Juarez
Mara salvatrucha
MS13 or MS-13
Drug war
Mexican army
Cartel de Golfo
Gulf Cartel
La Familia
Nuevo Leon
Narco banners (Spanish equivalents)
Los Zetas
Meth Lab
Drug trade
Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers)
Barrio Azteca
Artistics Assassins
New Federation
Al Queda (all spellings)
Environmental terrorist
Eco terrorism
Conventional weapon
Weapons grade
Dirty bomb
Chemical weapon
Biological weapon
Ammonium nitrate
Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
Abu Sayyaf
FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia)
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna)
Basque Separatists
Tamil Tiger
PLF (Palestine Liberation Front)
PLO (Palestine Libration Organization)
Car bomb
Weapons cache
Suicide bomber
Suicide attack
Suspicious substance
AQAP (Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula)
AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan)
Home grown
Extreme weather
Forest fire
Brush fire
Tsunami Warning Center
Mud slide or Mudslide
Power outage
Brown out
Emergency Broadcast System
Cyber Security
Cyber security
DDOS (dedicated denial of service)
Denial of service
Cyber Command
Cain and abel
Brute forcing
Mysql injection
Cyber attack
Cyber terror
Social media
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