#Computer Science An Overview
techtoio · 3 months
The Edge of Innovation: Why Edge Computing Is a Big Deal
Staying updated with the ever-evolving world of technology is vital. At TechtoIO, we pride ourselves on being at the edge of innovation. Edge computing is one of the most revolutionary developments transforming the technology landscape today. But what exactly is edge computing, and why is it such a big deal? Let’s dive into this fascinating topic to understand its significance and potential impact on our digital future. Read to continue
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starillusion13 · 1 year
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M.Masterlist Series ML
Pairing: poly!ateez × f!reader (A Yandere AteezOffice Au)
Genre: Mature, Angst, Yandere, SMUT
Warning: The upcoming events in the story will contain themes like stalking, violence, obsession, manipulation, possessive behaviour and restraining acts. Do not kill me for not warning you. This is an Yandere story so you are well aware of what to expect more. For SMUT I WILL GIVE THE WARNING IN THE BEGINNING.
W.C: 3K
For my beloved: @oreharuuu
Network: @cultofdionysusnet
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
(open! dm me/ send ask/reply here)
Hello, Can we be friends please?
*under the cut*
"Ugh....I am so tired and can't even make myself ready to attend today's class." The lazy ass of your is not having a little bit of energy to got to show yourself to the university. This is your last year in this university as a computer science student and still you are not giving a proper attention to the classes.
Last week, you got a letter from the principal to maintain the attendance before the exams or she will mark you absent. Like WTH! Its not like you are a bad student. You are pretty good with extra knowledge in some co-curricular activities. You are always praised for this but you just always feel tired to leave your room.
Walking through the passage around the hall, you glance at your wrist watch showing you having more ten minutes before the class. Suddenly you felt someone hangs their hand around your neck and you already know who this can be.
"Why are you always so energetic?" you giving him a pout but he makes a cringe expression. His smile is so contagious that even if you are in your gloomy mood, you will automatically smile when looking at him for once.
"Why are you so tired always?" mimicking your tone, he is laughing loudly for which the few students passing by are looking at you both as if they can see the most amusing creatues on this planet.
"Yaa Beomgyu!" you hit his arm.
"What Y/N!" you ignored his look and then turned to your right to enter the class and he followed you closely behind still laughing at you.
Entering the class, you can see some students were gossiping something in a group but it was loud enough for you to hear it.
"Have you heard about them before?"
"Professor Kim told some of the students that they are here for some special projects from a well-known hiring company. They have come here to hire some students from the last year as their special recruit."
"We are in our last year so maybe we can have chance for getting in that company. Then we can marry those handsome boys."
"You are really over excited for stupid things, shut up."
"Beomgyu, who are they talking about?" you asked your friend hoping to get some detailed updates of your university. Maybe you should attend more classes to know what's going on all around, always staying in your dorm is not going to help you with your company recruitment. You groaned in frustration about all these thoughts. You both took your seats to wait for your professor.
"Oh! There are these two new boys. I mean they look like students but they are CEO of Blue Bird Organization. The one I want to get into but don't have enough good result for that."
"Okay! But isn't that company too strict for the CV overview and interview process?" You are still confused as to why this company is coming to your university for special projects.
"Hello students! We all know what is the special occasion we are going to have on next week. This is your last year and you all will be looking for different jobs in different companies but we have some good news that BBO (Blue Bird Organization) is here today for some special students." Professor Kim announced to the whole classroom while making his way towards the chair and placed his file on the table in front. He is now looking at you all for seeing the reactions to his statement. All the students nodded and you just copied them.
Suddenly, the door slammed open. You were focused on Beomgyu's gossip updates on university so you didn't mind who has entered the room. Your professor greeted them.
"Hello! Mr.Kim", a professional voice spoke up. The voice has a youthful charm and all students were focusing on the new comer. Another male followed the previous person. They both with serious and bored expression shook hands with your professor.
"This is the class where you can interview the students." Your professor's words caught your attention and then you looked up to see two new persons standing beside him. Both are in professional business suites; one in blue set and the other in black. The one in blue standing near your professor looks so younger and people may mistake him as a school student and the other one who is leaning in front on a desk has some sharp features, the jawline is enough to cut your daily vegetables.
Your eyes went wide when they caught you staring at them. They both smirked at you. Weird. You look away towards beomgyu to see if he saw it or not but oh boy, he is dozing off beside you. You smacked his head to keep him awake.
"Ouch what?" You showed him the front of the class.
He quickly managed a proper composure in general to face them. When you again looked in front then you still saw them glancing at you while talking with your professor. Then they both glared at your form.
Now What did I do?
"Okay class! I will leave you with them. Have a nice interview!" Mr. Kim wished you and you all greeted him farewell. As soon as he left the class, the whole class becomes pin drop silent.
The two males looked at each other and gave you all a professional greetings and smile, "Hello We are from BBO recruitment team. My name is Choi Jongho, CEO of The Health Data dept." pointing to the male leaning on a desk, "and he is Jung Wooyoung, CEO of Online Investment dept."
The second male spoke up this time, "we will take your CVs today and then the rest of the processes will be depending on that evaluation." Every student was submitting their CV but when you went to submit, the younger one spoke up, you think as far his name is Jongho.
"Miss YIN, we would like to have a talk with you later." Later? Maybe because of your poor attendance or something wrong with your CV. Wait!
You haven't submitted the CV yet then how come he knows your name. This is a bit too creepy.
"Do you know me?" you asked him when standing exactly in front face to face with him. He raised his eyebrows on your tone. You quickly apologized and referred him with respect 'Sir'
The other man coming beside you and arranging all the papers they have gathered in total while placing them in a bag, *Well we can have this conversation later. Don't forget to come to the Room 13, we have asked for that from your school department." You nod on their words and went back to your seat.
You didn't have more than one class today and now that class is over and you are making your way towards the room, you have been told by the two males to meet them into. You are very tensed and sweating nervously as to why suddenly they had told you to meet them out of all the students in the class.
Its not like you are any extraordinary student but pretty good though than the average. Your contemplating thoughts kept you so busy that you didn't notice that you are literally standing at the footsteps of the door. Your hesitant hands balled up in a fist knocked the door with the knuckles. You then heard a faint 'Come in’.
Entering the room, your sense hits with fresh sandal aroma and you inhaled softly to let in the nice smell to calm down your senses. The aroma was as if arranged in advance for you to feel a bit less pressured. You kept your head lowered in case you mistakenly disrespect them again in some other way.
"Look up Y/N." This is a new voice rather deep, you haven't heard it. Looking up abruptly, you are met with a shocking surprise to see three other males similarly in suit sitting around a center table staring at you. The one spoke right now is really tall while in a sitting posture with a well-built physique and sharp small eyes making him more attractive.
"I'm sorry. sir."
"Y/N?" Another new voice spoke up this time, a bit smoother but has a dominative tone, "Don't you remember us?". You look at the man with confusion.
Know them. How? I know they are from the top company but that doesn't mean that they have to boost it on your face this way.
"I'm sorry but l'm not getting what you are saying sir.?
Wooyoung spoke up, "Y/N. This is me, your Woo. We used to be bestfriends back in middle school but then you moved to a different city and we lost contact." Eh? Middle school bestfriends? Since when am I having these?
"I don't remember it sir.”
"Don't need to call us sir. Call us by our name. My name is Kang Yeosang. The first one was Song Mingi and this one is Jung Yunho." He smiled at you and you returned a little smiling gesture and then looked towards jongho, who was having a mischievous look on his face.
"It's okay sir. No problem."
"When we have said something to do then do it that way for your betterment." Yunho shows his full dominating self towards you and staring with emotionless eyes.
Okay…. at this point you are literally scared to speak anything in front of them. You clasped your hands before you in nervousness. Yeosang noticed it and come near to your standing figure near the door.
Rest of their eyes following both of yours movements.
"It's okay YIN, you don't have to be afraid of us. We are ....friends?" He was assuring you to feel free around them and consider them as your friends but he himself was not sure of the fact.
Jongho grinning like a little boy comes near you, "yes we were and we are still. Maybe you can't remember those days but we still adore those....memories."
"Oh okay." You are still not sure what to response them in return when you are trying hard to remember any of your childhood memories with them. If I was so close with them then how come I didn't think about them for once?
"Anyways Wooyoung and Jongho, we will go and have a talk with the principal and" Mingi turns towards you with a smile, "it was great to see you after so many years and you can't even imagine how much each one of us is overly excited to interact with you."
"It's same for me though as to get to know some old friends but sorry I still can't remember anything."
Yunho interjects, " you don't have to think hard on that. It really doesn't matter to recall past memories when we can create new ones." You smiled at him on his sweet words and he returned the gesture.
Yeosang was already halfway out of the room with Mingi when he suddenly spoke up, " YIN? Do you want to know your memories with us?"
Memories with them? Now what suspense movie shit is going on?
"Um. I really don't know but-"
He smiled at you and left the room. They don't know how much it irritates you when people don't let you to complete your sentence.
"You look so irritated." Yunho's voice startled you and scoot a bit away from his close proximity. He smirked and left the room.
You exhale a sigh with getting all these new information. Suddenly them coming to your university for a special project and then having a meeting with you personally only to let you know that these five new individuals who you haven't encountered ever in your life are claiming as your best friends and even you have so many memories that they adore.
But why can't you remember it?
"You look thoughtful?" Jongho spoke while taking all his belongings from the table. Wooyoung is busy fixing his look on a small mirror, brushing his thick black hairs back. You glanced there and shook your head sideways in reply.
"Let's go Jongho. We have to take our orders from the store on our way back home. "
"Should I leave?"
"Oh yes. Do you mind to give me your phone once?"
You hesitated and to which Wooyoung repeated his words in a serious tone, " Do you mind to give me your phone once?"
Jongho eyed Wooyoung but the latter is still extending his hand towards you. You waited for a few moments and then handed over your phone to him.
"Don't worry. It's just my phone is not working properly for poor network or something like that and I need a help for something and I know Jongho won't give me his phone." Jongho glared at the talkative man and you know this little joke calmed your busy mind for a while.
After typing few things with a keen focus for ten minutes, Wooyoung returned your phone. You looked at the screen and turn it off. You three exited the room and went towards the exit of the building.
Beomgyu has already left with his other friends because they have their match to attend and you are least interested to go there with them when you know damn well how chaotic they can be together sometimes.
Your thoughts got interrupted when Wooyoung suddenly holds your hand halting your steps. You blinked at him to continue,
" You are not submitting your original CV for interview and may I know why?"
"How do you know?" You didn't expect that your casual drafted CV will matter to them as they will simply cancel your name.
"THAT'S not your concern. We are your friends and we will help you to get into this big company. So come with me tomorrow there and I will let you to meet the two bosses of the company."
"I'm going to the parking lot Wooyoung. You come after having talk with her." Wooyoung nodded on Jongho's words and turns back to you.
"I'm not having any particular ambition in life and don't know what to do with my life but still I have to look for a job. It generally sucks. I don't know why you are so persistent to make me join the company."
"We are friends. Friends should..... help each other."
You hearing the same reason for everything as they are your friends, you asked him again.
"So you are telling me.....we are friends?" You eyed the boy with a still confused face as why he is so much eager to help you and trying to convince you as his old friend.
"Yes cupcake! now please come with me for the interview to this office and to submit your resume. I am more than happy that they are looking for a new worker and apparently you are also searching for a job to start after this semester ends." The boy with so much of excitement and eagerness is waiting for your reply.
"Okay, but look I still can't remember you and still trusting you. So how come you think they would react to my plain resume for this big company?"
You are not sure of your capability for this company where so many highly qualified well-beings apply but still get rejected and this random boy claiming your bestfriend from old town is urging you to apply there.
You looked around the streets to take a final decision with a calm breath releasing, "I will apply but don't get high hopes of me getting into it. I am sure they are not going to take me in."
The boy in front of you smirked and put his hand firmly on your left cheek slightly brushing the lower lip for a blink," Oh trust me, they will love you to join their company."
"I don't know how to give life advices but maybe they can consider you a path for your career and....... future and maybe ........ our friendships."
"Your words are so sketchy."
"Yes the way I am sketched perfectly as a sexy man."
You chuckled on his words. He winked at you and went away running towards the parking lot. You turned on your heels to go to the dorm and take off these information.
"Did she agree to join?" Setting himself comfortably on the passenger seat, Jongho asked turning towards the man on his side.
"Not really. She just agreed to come with me tomorrow but she is not willing to join because she has no hope for getting in."
"Did you said anything more?"
"No but I would like to tell her about-*
"Wooyoung! You know hyung said everything has a time to reveal them and we can't just say it reluctantly."
"But I was going to ask her about to go on a date."
Wooyoung laughed loudly and started the engine of the car. The most expensive car in the parking lot gained everyone's attention and everyone eyed it with jealousy and admiration until it went out of their eyesight.
"Hyung would have dealt with you for either ways."
Jongho grinned showing his gummy smile and Wooyoung groaned.
Reaching your front door of the dorm, you grinned happily to return back and getting inside, you groaned when you plopped yourself on the bed as you were really tired and overwhelmed.
The story begins in the next chapter. This chapter is just a so so type. Hehet.
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literary-illuminati · 2 months
2024 Book Review #34 – Children of Memory by Adrian Tchaikovsky
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I have had this on my list for long enough for my request that the local library get a copy actually result in me getting my hands on it. It’s the third instalment (the last? I’m not sure – the ending here felt like far less of a natural conclusion than the ending to either of the previous two) of what is for my money some of the absolute best space opera (maybe even just science fiction writ large) of the last decade. I actually opened it with a real sense of trepidation; Children of Ruin had ended on an optimistic, open-ended note, with the creation of an interstellar and inter species society that was both deeply aspirational and incredibly alien. I wasn’t sure how a book from their perspective would even work. Thankfully, my fears were basically misplaced – there’s definitely a drift in tone and focus from where the series started, but the thematic heart’s still there, and this was overall a joy to read.
Following the end of Children of Ruin, we have a nomadic society of uplifted spiders and squids, Humans (the capitalization signifies infection by an engineered retrovirus to help with empathy and accepting/valuing the Other), the formerly all-consuming alien microbal parasites of Nod (who have agreed to only assimilate the identities of those who expressly consent to the process), and various instances of Avranda Kern (millennia old upload of a meglomaniacal mad scientist who is by a quirk of history now the OS all computers run on). After making tentative Second Contact with a half-terraformed world now inhabited by a civilization of debatably-sentient crows, an exploration ship takes on a pair of them as ambassadors before finding their way to way what seems to be a struggling but holding on colony founded by one of the last arkships of refugees to escape the ruins of Old Earth. .
Intercut with this is the narrative of that arkship arriving, very much the worse for wear after two thousand years and change hurtling through the void with its crew and cargo in cryo. The world is hardly what they hoped for – only ever half-terraformed, breathable atmosphere and some basic engineered microbal life, but entirely lacking any sort of biosphere – but it’s not like they have another option. They make the best of it they can, using what working technology they have to bootstrap a basic ecosystem of pigs and trees, a few species of bugs and fungi, enough to farm and build with. And the core crew holds out hope that the faint trace of a strange signal buried in the hills near their colony might lead to something more.
Intercut with that is the story of Liff, a young girl in the colony as things take a turn for the worse. That’s when things start to get weird.
The best way for me to get across the central theme of this whole series is ‘more star trek than star trek’ (or at least, than any star trek produced since I’ve come of age). It believes is absolutely nothing so strongly as it believes in the pure and perfect virtue of curiosity, that the point of existence is to discover, and to share what you have discovered with those around you. It is an oft-repeated point that the overwhelming majority of the universe is cold and empty, and anything different is worth seeking out and treasuring for its own sake – that every shred of diversity is the cosmos is a wonder in its own right.
Which is the entire purpose our protagonist’s civilization has set themselves – the distributed fleet of pathological scientists and novelty-seekers, leaving behind teeming cities and orbital habitats for a life seeking the mysteries of the universe with tiny circles of peers. It’s very Starfleet, in its most idealistic and elevator-pitch form.
And even beyond them, curiosity, discovery and exploration are treated as basically heroic wherever they’re found – Captain Holt and the Enkidu might have been doomed, but they’re still presented as deeply and wholly admirable for trying.
It goes beyond that, too. This is one of vanishingly few space opera settings I can think of with a cast full of distinct and dissimilar species, where none of them are orcs. Or dragons, for that matter. No matter how monstrous and horrifying a species seems – spiders the size of your head, the mad remnant of an ancient demiurge, all-consuming and replicating alien parasites – the answer is diplomacy, outreach, communication. Both sequels in the series have begun with a civilization formed through the total (though not seamless) integration of alien societies from the last book into a greater whole. The parasites from Children of Ruin best exemplify this, I think – convinced that consuming and assimilating everything it can reach will result in nothing but a universe of itself, compared to walking through the world with a soft touch and appreciating all the different dynamics that can develop through so many myriad perspectives. And now one of them is basically the book’s main protagonist (and very guilty about all the nonconsensually-eating-people thing).
Whereas in Memory it’s not exactly subtle that the intolerance and violence against social deviants is presented as basically a symptom of material scarcity and desperation. When Landfall is doing well, the little band of infiltrators – strange, nonverbal artist, discomfortingly informative schoolteacher, standoffish and thoroughly gender nonconforming woodswoman – are affectionately tolerated and appreciated for what they can do. When the harvests are bad and the forests are rotting – well who even needs abstract art or history lessons to begin with? They’re lashed out at, used as just one of a growing set of scapegoats, and when things are dire enough, again and again, they end up on the noose. Intolerance is a self-harming reflex, a wounded animal lashing out because it can neither understand nor change the actual source of its pain. Again, Star Trek but moreso.
The ‘moreso’ does a lot of work in this comparison, to be fair. The series shares Star Trek’s deep love of science just like it shares its pathological liberalism – it’s just consistent about it. The crew explorers are casually transhuman (transarachnid, transcephlopod, etc) - immortal and physically enhanced, capable of sharing and downloading both memories and skills, visibly aging or carrying scars only as a fashion statement. It is treated as a casual fact of life that letting an experiment progress might mean going into cold sleep for decades or centuries, if there is no better way for a group of six on a small ship to while away the time while they wait. Technology has conquered scarcity on anything like a personal scale, and the explorers take full advantage.
Which is probably downstream of the books not being particularly caught up on ‘humanity’. I mean, humans are there – are very important! - but to the extent they’re the axis the universe turns upon, it’s only the ghosts of the old empire. Modern humans are just one part of interstellar civilization, and not even its most numerous or prominent. Humans have a unique way of thinking (as does everyone else) but no monopoly on heroic drive or virtue.
Curious Corvids
Each book in the series feels marketed around a different uplifted animal arising from the ruins of humanity’s imperial glory and galaxy-spanning hubris. This is not wrong, but it definitely becomes less right as the series progresses.
Children of Time is about the spiders. There’s humans too, sure, but I’ve yet to see a single person who read for the Gilgamesh plotline. By wordcount and thematic focus and just what makes it an interesting book, it is about the evolution of Portid intelligence and civilization across the millennia. The real protagonist of the novel is the species.
Children of Ruin is still kind of about the uplifting of the Squids. Senkovi’s efforts and relationship with them gets a decent amount of focus, as does the development of their civilization after the terraformers’ death. They just share top billing with the alien aliens, and rather than just being the climax of the story Second Contact is the real meat of the entire plot.
In Children of Ruin the introduction of the corvids almost feels like a publisher mandate – their history and backstory is basically brushed over in the prologue and one interlude, Second Contact basically a triviality. It’s not that they’re not important to the book or its themes, or that they’re not interesting (in both cases they very much are!), but they feel like a b-plot. Supporting what the book is about, not defining it.
Which to be clear, is from a writing perspective almost certainly the correct choice – ‘Children of Time but with a different species’ would still be fascinating, but it really doesn’t cohere as a continuing and linked series. I just think you could have dug some more meat out of the abbreviated history given there. What fanfic is for, I suppose.
It’s a funny sort of distinction that unlike the others, the corvids aren’t technically uplifts – the considered opinion of the series is that while spiders and squids would require millenia of nanite-assisted directed evolution to develop anything that looks like human-level sapience, in the right environment crows would just Do That (admittedly with the addition of alien radiation scrambling DNA and increasing mutation rate by an order of magnitude or two).
The other trend with the different uplift species as the series has gone on is that with each book they become neurologically and psychologically weird. The spiders had Understandings and a bunch of predator- and cannibal-instincts, but they’re still each an individual intelligence. The squids are a central brain and a bunch of semi-autonomous limbs which are only barely on speaking terms with the conscious mind. And now the crows are not individually intelligent at all – they think and live in pairs, one observing and recalling, the other analyzing and inferring, actual intelligence appearing only in the dialogue and interaction between the two. Which makes chapters from their POV very entertaining, at least.
Sentience and Identity
The book’s very interested in both – it’s probably the most central and explicit theme of the entire thing. Our crows, having given the matter thorough and careful reflection, eventually decided that they weren’t sentient at all (that nothing is, really) – or at least, that’s the series of sounds they make when asked. Our other main characters include:
an alien parasite which has assimilated a copy of a woman’s consciousness and now imitates her so well she often forgets she’s anything else
a copy of a sliver of an instance of an upload of an ancient terraformer, who for a nontrivial period of time was running on hard that was mostly ant colony
an extremely detailed simulation of someone who could have but never did exist
(arguably) the simulation they are running on.
The book comes down pretty solidly on a ‘if it quacks like a duck’ model of personhood – and cheats a bit in terms of giving most of the above POV chapters and obvious internal monologues – but the question of who counts as sentience and as a person, and of what ‘sentient’ and ‘person’ even mean – are ones that various characters spend a lot of time and angst on.
The answer the book arrives at isn’t exactly a surprise – see above, more star trek than star trek – but it’s still an interesting angle to look at everyone from.
Genre Ambiguity
The book is clearly, self-evidently science fiction, but Tchaikovsky still has a lot of fun playing around with some fantasy tropes and imagery in it. Liff is an adolescent who dearly loves her book of ancient fairy-tales, and so our view of Landfall and the world beyond it, which means basically her entire plotline is narrated with a fairy-tale sensibility. In fairness, Kern and the crows do an excellent job accidentally seeming like a witch and her familiars. Landfall’s whole deal seeming a lot more like a fairy curse than anything from the inside doesn’t hurt, either.
While it’s science fiction, Memory is definitely softer science fiction than the previous books in the series. In general, human- and human-descended technology all at least has the convincing appearance of rigour and plausibility, while anything alien falls solidly into the real of space magic plot devices. So we get elaborate narration on the exact details of how the crew of the Enkidu bootstrap a functional ecology around Landfalll before their high technology begins giving out, but the simulator buried in the hills Just Works. Which as neat a way to do the division as any, really, but there’s a real shift in tone from Time where just about everything feels like it’s from the first category. I mean, they have fTL now!
This isn’t really a book I’d call groundbreaking – Children of Time has much more of a claim to novelty in both subject and presentation – but it’s one that I think solidly achieves everything it tries to? The writing’s good, the characters all cohere, the themes are explored intelligently. Plus, Kern is probably one of my favourite characters of all time.
So y’know if you don’t have major issues with spiders, multiple POVs and unclear timelines, or existential angst, would solidly recommend.
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raspberryarchives · 11 months
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i can't believe i never posted this one here? it was for school. sources under cut
TURING TEST_LOVE, from Soft Science by Franny Choi
Rocket Men: The Epic Story of the First Men on the Moon by Craig Nelson
The Overview Effect: Awe and Self-Transcendent Experience in Space Flight (paper)
WHY ARE YOU HAUNTED? by @filmnoirsbian on tumblr
Tarantulas on the Lifebuoy by Thomas Lux
Computer wiring tunnel inside an abandoned coal power plant, photo by Bryan Buckley (posted to reddit)
Several photos of an abandoned power plant by @urbanrelicsphotography on tumblr
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centralbunnyunit · 11 months
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This one needs a caption - This is Bill Altemus and Lee Harrison with the Animac, right as it was about to be trashed.
The ANIMAC was a prototype machine and the first working capture rig which could animate 3d figures in real-time. Lee Harrison, together with Edwin J. Tajchman, received the National Academy of Television Arts and Science award for their Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Development.
You can learn more about this marvel of 80s tech in chapter 12.2 of the book "Computer Graphics and Computer Animation: A Retrospective Overview": link
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hasanthehung · 7 months
The Meeting
It was late.
My eyes strained at the computer screen after the word-count completed. 70,000 words. "Only 50,000 more to go" I sighed. I removed my glasses, stretched my now permanently arched back and raised my hands above my head, letting them fall limp by my side, before standing up for the first time in hours.
I was in my final years of a Political Science PHD at Princeton. It was tough going - you just had to take a glance at my tiny apartment, the curtains constantly drawn to limit the presence of the outside world, the stacks of books and piles of paper strewn on any available surface and the boxes of take-out tentatively placed in the kitchen sink to guess.
Writing this damned thesis was just the tip of the iceberg. As a PHD candidate I had lectures to give, as well as being an advisor to 3 undergrads who were more interested in extra-curriculars than in anything the oppressed PHD students could offer them. I couldn't blame them -Christ, I had BEEN them just a few years ago. Those long-gone days of waking up with a constant hangover, arriving late to lectures and usually sleeping through them had been the key to the student bodies morale, after all.
I checked my phone. 4:35 AM. Shit.
I had a meeting at 9 AM with a new undergrad I would be advising, but wasn't too bothered about it. Knowing how these advisory sessions usually went, this student would turn up late and only because they had to, with nothing prepared and probably concealing a hangover.
I needed to sleep. Like, now.
The phone buzzed. 8:45 AM. Shit.
I leapt out of bed, quickly showered and dressed in my usual fit; an oversized black hoodie, baggy jeans and baseball cap - The hood pulled up over the cap to hide my identity from the faculty or any other passers by that would - for the billionth time - ask with the best of intentions, "How's the PHD going?"- That dreaded question again.
I jumped on my bike and landed outside the PolSci building late. I ran up the steps, through the corridor and swung the door open to find, with true astonishment, the student actually sitting patiently at my desk, his head bent, scrolling on his phone.
"Hi, sorry I'm late"
"Oh hey, uh," He stood up and turned towards me, quickly parking his phone in his back pocket.
"No problem, uh, I'm Hasan, nice to meet you"
I was immediately worried.
Why? Because this guy was so freakin hot. He was tall enough to play for the NBA, broad enough to play for the NFA and the way he played with his short dark hair nervously as he waited for my response was adorable.
I didn't need any more distraction in my life. I had 2 years to finish this PHD, for Christs' sake.
It took a moment for me to come to my senses. I pulled my rucksack from my shoulder and approached him, offering my hand.
Those eyes.
"Intense" was the word I'd landed on. Dark and brooding.
And on closer inspection, he was much older than the usual undergrads were- He looked like he was my age- in his 30's, at least.
"Hey Hasan, I'm your advisor. I haven't seen you around, you've just arrived at Princeton?"
"Uh, yea uhm...I've got a degree in Political Science and was hoping to do a PHD here, I was told you could help me get the lay of the land?"
"Oh, of course!"
I obviously hadn't prepped for this meeting at all, as I never do- the students usually don't give a crap.
Much later on, I'd check my emails to realise this meeting was supposed to be an overview of the PolSci faculty, a de-briefing of what to expect as a candidate, and that this potential student was one of the top political commentators in the U.S.
This was all news to me. Especially the part were the man standing in front of me was famous and a major player in shaping the minds of millions politically.
PHD students are known to be "out of the loop" in general. We're too busy to keep up with the culture. But man, did it ever make sense.
This guy was made for the worlds eyes to look at him, and as he continued to speak, with his precise and deliberate choice of words, not to mention his deep beautiful voice, was made for millions to listen to.
Realising that this wasn't the usual boring check-in with an undergrad, I began;
"Well, in that case, lets get out of here. I'll take you on a tour of the campus and I know a great place for coffee that's empty around now, and to be honest, I need one. That cool?"
"Uh..totally, thanks"
After playing tour guide for less that 15 minutes, it became clear that this wasn't the usual prospective PHD student. Every undergrad that passed by took a double take, their eyes widening in disbelief and I could hear them whisper his name to eachother;
"Hasan! it's HasanAbi!"
"No, it not!"
"Dude, it freaking IS Hasan!!"
Hasan noticed this, too. He pulled a cap out of his back pocket and fished a pair of sunglasses out of his boldly coloured shirt pocket, pulling the collar up over his chiselled jaw and bending his head low. Not that it helped much - he towered above everyone in the vicinity.
"Wow, people seem to know you. Are you famous or something?" I asked.
"You could say that, I guess. In certain circles."
He shifted his feet uncomfortably and spent a little too long fixing the position of his cap over his dark locks. I knew not to press further. He obviously didn't want to get into the details just then.
"... Do you want to get out of here?"
"That would be great, thank you"
"Well there's my place, It's just up ahead, if you don't mind the mess? You'll get an honest idea of what your life will look like if you choose to take on a PHD, at least."
He smiled and lifted his head a little, relaxing. "I spend a lot of my time inside as it is, it'll feel just like home" He said.
We arrived at the run-down apartment block and as I fumbled with my keys, I could feel him standing behind me, waiting for some privacy. There was a heat... An electricity that seemed to buzz between him and I...Or was I just imagining it?
He switched position to lean his broad shoulders against the wall beside me as he waited, he seemed to be checking me out, cocking his head to the side and tipping his sunglasses down a little, watching me with a smirk on his face.
"Here, let me take your bag for you" He offered.
He moved closer to me, gently touching my arm as he took the strap of my rucksack and swung it effortlessly over his shoulder.
Was it me, or did his large warm hand linger a little too long on my body? I could feel my arm tingle as if my body knew before I did that something magical was happening.
He didn't move away. He stood behind me again, one hand holding the strap of the rucksack on his shoulder, the other hand reaching over my shoulder and landing on the wall in front of me, supporting himself. His breath touched the back of my neck, making me shiver. I imagined in that moment him enveloping me between those strong shoulders, feeling his breath all over my body.
The door opened and we entered. I was trembling. Trembling because of what had just happened, and also in anticipation of what could happen.
Now it was my turn to feel nervous. I didn't know who this guy was, but he was obviously famous, he probably owned some giant mansion somewhere in a tax haven, and now he had to sit in my little shitty studio apartment.
I mumbled something like "eh..just move those papers and take a seat, drop them anywhere."
The apartment was dark - as usual I had neglected to open the curtains. I quickly turned on the two lamps I possessed, then moved to the window and began to open them, suddenly his hand landed on top of mine and he said "I prefer it dark."
I couldn't speak, let alone turn around. His hand lingered on mine, then slowly moved downwards to my wrist. He grasped my wrist and swung me around to face him. Our eyes locked. Those intense, dark, brooding eyes. He smiled, then let my wrist go and bent his head, stepping away, embarrassed.
He began to move around my apartment, taking it in in the dim light cast by the lamps. He took off his cap and tousled his hair, his gaze landing on the many political posters I had precariously plastered on every available wall - all of my heroes were represented - Chomsky, Finkelstein, Reich, along with my favourite slogans "Tax the Rich" and "Capitalism is Voluntary".
He laughed.
"Your a Socialist?"
I didn't know how to take this. He was obviously famous, so obviously rich. If he was a political scientist, his views probably landed more to the right, I assumed. Most likely a talking head on Fox News and a Trumpian, at that.
"So what if I am?" I affronted.
All at once, his demeanor changed. He looked at me from across the room, a desire in his dark eyes that startled me. He began to peruse the many piles of books that scattered the floor of the apartment. He picked one up then sat down on the couch, thumbing through the heavily ear-marked and highlighted pages.
"Michael Albert is a hero of mine..." He was holding Parecon, my most cherished text.
I didn't think I could be more surprised by this man.
"You've read it? It's not on any degree-level reading list I know of..."
He lifted his arm and rested it on the back of the couch, tilted his head to the side, biting his lower lip. He moved his eyes from mine, to my mouth, to the curves and edges of my body, and didn't say a word.
I had never felt more vulnerable in my life.
He looked shy all of a sudden. He let my copy of Parecon fall to the seat, stood up and moved towards me.
"I...I'm a socialist too." He whispered. His voice had such an effect on me. It lulled me into a state of total desire.
He stood in front of me, his eyes filled with dark passion, but seemed unsure of himself.
"I...I'm a little..." He muddled, but never finished. His shoulders slumped, he looked away for a moment, his head lowered, defeated. Then, in a moment of hope, perhaps, looked into my eyes again, through the mass of black hair that had fallen over them.
I moved closer to him. The heat wasn't imagined.
His breath grew heavy. He pulled me into his arms, he bent his head and devoured by neck, ripping open my hoodie. I felt his hands moving down my back, edging me closer to him. I folded my arms around his neck after working my hands through his dark locks, our mouths saying everything we couldn't.
It happened right there on the floor, in between the piles of books in the dim lamp light, with Chomsky, Finkelstein and Reich watching over us.
Later, when he had left, I opened my laptop. I typed his name gingerly into the search engine. Maybe he made it all up to get an easy lay. Maybe he was another centrist cog in the machine. Who reads Parecon these days, anyway?
Maybe he had been lying.
He hadn't.
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spicysix · 1 year
now i don't hate California after all
“They arrived at the beginning of fall, and yet California was sunny, hot, and colorful. Jonathan saw it all gray. He hated the sun, the heat, the dryness. Hated how he was always sweating, bothered about the weather, about the place, about the people. Everyone was so nice, and cheerful, and happy. He hated it. He was miserable. Argyle was nice and cheerful and happy. He was sunny and warm and colorful. Jonathan hated him at first.”
rating: T
warnings/tags: it's a Jargyle fic, friends - there's weed. jonathan's POV, bisexual king johnny-boy byers, black cat VS golden retriever energy. he's just a lil grumpy guy :)
word count: 4k
author's note: HAPPY JARGYLE JURSDAY! and happy pride! 💛🏳️‍🌈 this is the first of a few fics i have planned to write and post this month, all with queer relationships. absolutely random note: I based Lenora Hills off of Barstow-California, based losely on the location shown on Murray's computer and the overview of the town. fic based on a song of the same name by my queen of queens, Carly Rae Jepsen. hope y'all like this, and hope i made justice by my dearly beloved stoners! 💛
↳ ao3
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Jonathan hated it at first.
Of course he hated it. How could he not? It was his whole world changed from night to day. Seventeen years of his life packed in a single morning into a few boxes into a truck across the whole country. Away from the few friends he had, away from the girlfriend he loved, away from all of the only things he ever really knew.
Jonathan feared it at first.
Of course he feared it. How could he not? His mother was alone, no husband, no boyfriend, no friends. His sister was alone, no boyfriend, no friends, no father. His brother was alone. He was alone. All they had was each other. What if it wasn’t enough? What if they were alone forever, thousands of miles away, and each others’ companies didn’t suffice?
But he also understood. How could he not? It was safer. A fresh new start, away from the dangers that haunted them, the ones that found them and the ones still lurking. Far away enough, hidden enough that they wouldn’t be found again. His mom would figure it out, Joyce always did. They could adapt, they could find new friends, they could still call and send letters to the old ones. They could go back for spring break, or for summer, or the ones left behind could come visit. It could work.
Doesn’t mean Jonathan liked it. Jonathan hated it, actually.
They arrived at the beginning of fall, and yet California was sunny, hot, and colorful.
Jonathan saw it all gray.
He hated the sun, the heat, the dryness. Hated how he was always sweating, bothered about the weather, about the place, about the people. Everyone was so nice, and cheerful, and happy. He hated it. He was miserable.
Argyle was nice and cheerful and happy. He was sunny and warm and colorful.
Jonathan hated him at first.
Saw that guy, first day of school, wearing a ridiculous shirt with more colors than the human eye can capture. The baggiest shorts Jonathan had ever seen, and they had a different psychedelic print on each leg. Fucking rainbow socks with hideous square-print Vans. He attracted all the attention around and yet, somehow, people didn’t seem to care about him one bit.
He was everywhere, too. Not just at Jonathan’s Math, Science, English and History classes, but at his woodworking elective as well. He shopped at the same grocery store that sold the snacks El loved, at the same farmers’ market Joyce got the best fruits, at the same craft store with Will’s favorite items, he worked at the best pizza place in town. Jonathan couldn’t escape him if he tried.
It took them a while to share their first words. Woodwork elective, Argyle needed someone to help him with a big project he had — it didn’t work, at the end, and he cut the huge wood plank into smaller pieces and made smaller things. For some reason, he saw Jonathan with a scowl on his face, pure disdain of how colorful and cheerful Argyle was, and decided to ask for his help.
Jonathan might’ve hated the guy, but he was raised well and polite. There was no actual reason for him to hate the guy too, so he helped. And hoped to never have to talk to Argyle again after that.
Of course that didn’t go as he hoped.
Argyle, who was once just a dude in the background of every scenario Jonathan walked into, was now purposefully centering himself in front of Jonathan’s lenses (his metaphorical lenses, because his actual cameras were kept in his bedroom. He couldn’t find it in himself the desire to take pictures of Lenora, its dry hot deserts and cheerful colorful people). Argyle talked to him, constantly, sat by Jonathan’s side at every Math, Science, English and History class, chose Jonathan as his woodworking partner from then on. Was Jonathan’s shopping buddy at the grocery, called out to Jonathan at the farmers’ market, gave Jonathan tips on what to buy for Will, delivered the Byers’ pizzas personally every time they ordered.
As they reached the end of the year, the weather cooled down a little — nothing compared to what they had back home in Hawkins, of course. But it was easier for Jonathan. It rained a little too, which helped with the dryness. People went for neutral tones and colors, and the sun didn’t bother his skin as much.
Argyle was still just as colorful, warm and sunny. Jonathan hated him. No one else seemed to notice him.
Will and El still didn’t seemed to have find friends too, which didn’t help with Jonathan’s anxiety and hatred. He was worried all of the time. About himself, about his siblings. His mom was doing fine at least, it’s been a while since Jonathan had to worry about her, thankfully.
“My man, you gotta chill a little,” Argyle said one day as they were leaving their woodwork elective, somehow noticing Jonathan’s tension.
Jonathan didn’t talk a lot, Argyle did most of the talking. He didn’t seem to mind.
“Have you ever tried smoking?” he asked.
“How would nicotine help besides getting me an addiction?” Jonathan countered.
Argyle clicked his tongue, “Not regular smokes, man. Nature’s goodies,”
“The devil’s lettuce?” Jonathan asked, and Argyle cackled loudly. Jonathan had never seen him laugh so hard. It wasn’t even that funny. Jonathan smiled just a little at the sound anyway.
“That’s right, man! Have you?” Jonathan only shook his head. “You wanna try? I bet it’ll do you some good, you look so pent up all the time, man.”
Jonathan didn’t know how Argyle knew that. Not like he had seen Jonathan in any other state if not pent up to know the difference. Jonathan’s small, rare joyful moments always happened at home. When Will was excited about something at school, when El was excited about a letter from Mike, when his mom was excited about a sell. When he was excited about a letter from Nancy. Those have been scarce.
Jonathan shrugged as an answer to Argyle’s offer.
“Well, if you ever feel like it, I can set you up.” Jonathan liked that Argyle didn’t pressured him.
They parted ways at the parking lot. Argyle was always driving the Surfer Boy pizza van. Jonathan’s car was dying a slow agonizing death, and he had been fearing the day the car would stop working.
That day had arrived.
Jonathan tried to ignite the car while waiting for his siblings to show up from wherever they were. But it wasn’t working, the car wasn’t starting and Jonathan hit his head on the steering wheel a few times with all that pent up anger inside him.
“Jonathan, you’re gonna get a hole on your forehead,” Will spoke as he knocked at Jonathan’s window.
“The car won’t start,” Jonathan complained, leaving the vehicle and checking his wristwatch. “Mom might be able to come pick us in between calls, maybe. This piece of shit.” He turned around and kicked the front tire. El giggled behind Will, Jonathan didn’t think it was funny.
“Hey man, I can get you and the younglings back home. I know where you live,” Argyle showed up from somewhere, Jonathan hadn’t noticed he was still in the parking lot.
“You know that sounds creepy, right?” Will asked. “Who the hell are you?”
Jonathan almost laughed, “He’s the pizza delivery guy, and he’s also in my year. Argyle, these are Will and Jane, my younger siblings.”
“You don’t look like a surfer boy,” El commented, noticing Argyle’s Surfer Boy visor. He’d probably head to work after school.
“And I am not one, little friend. Couldn’t hold myself standing up on a board, not even for a miracle. Maybe sitting down, on a pool, not on the ocean with the waves. But then it wouldn’t be surfing, now, would it?” Argyle said, that cheerful happy huge smile of his. Jonathan huffed, El seemed amused by the answer. “Shall we?” he asked, already heading for the pizza van.
“I should get the car towed first. I’ll call from the public phone over there,” Jonathan said and did as he said.
Argyle entertained Will and El as Jonathan called and waited for the towing, and as he talked to the towing guy when he arrived. He asked for the car to be taken to his house instead of the garage, because Jonathan didn’t have the money to pay for a fix. He’d have to save up, or try and do the fixing himself.
 He sat at the front with Argyle in the Surfer Boy’s van, Will and El went in the back and asked Argyle all of the possible questions to ask someone who works at a pizza place. He didn’t seem to mind answering them all. They also asked a lot about his hair, and Argyle told El he’d give her tips to grow her hair long and pretty like his. She looked radiant at the promise.
Jonathan kept it to himself all of the way back, but all of the rambling from his siblings and his colleague didn’t annoy him. They seemed to like Argyle, and that made the dude ease his way a little further into Jonathan’s own heart. That’s how it worked, isn’t it? The way into Jonathan’s heart was always going through his family first.
When Argyle stopped in front of the Byers’ house, Jonathan’s old Ford was already there, and he paid the towing people as Will and El entered the house.
“I can come pick you guys up tomorrow if you want,” Argyle offered when Jonathan went back to the passenger window to thank him for the ride.
“I don’t wanna bother,” he said.
“Nah, man, don’t worry, it’s all good. I’ll be here tomorrow then. See ya, dude,” he said and just took off.
Jonathan stayed there a little while longer, staring at the street where the van had rode by, confusion all over his face. That guy was the weirdest guy he had ever met. But he wasn’t so bad after all.
And then began their new routine. Argyle would always pick them up — most days on the brink of being late — and they would have all their classes together, and Argyle would drop them off after school. He kept easing his way in, and at some point Jonathan started easing his way out of the cave he had dug for himself, and Argyle wasn’t the one talking all of the time anymore. He didn’t seem to mind listening.
Jonathan talked about Nancy, and how she wasn’t sending letters that much anymore. Their plans to go to college together, and how Jonathan wasn’t feeling it as of lately.
Jonathan talked about his dad, and how he was an asshole.
Jonathan talked about his mom, and how she was working all the time, and how he had to be a responsible figure for his siblings.
“They’re twins, are they?” Argyle asked once.
“No, Jane’s my… well, sort of half sister. Her dad was a close family friend, and my mom adopted her when he passed, it’s… a long story.”
Jonathan didn’t talk about the Upside Down.
“They kinda look like twins, though. Wonder twins.” Argyle said, smiling. He didn’t ask. Jonathan was thankful for it.
Jonathan took Argyle’s offer for some weed one day, and after that it was… well, conservatives would call it ‘downhill from there’, but Jonathan finally felt at ease. He liked getting high, liked how his mind wandered away, how his fingers felt a little numb, how the bright colors didn’t bother him for once. How he started seeing some beauty in them.
Argyle’s clothes were still just as colorful, and he was just as warm and sunny. They smoked together, they laughed together, he talked to Jonathan and most important, he listened to him.
The worst of it all?
Jonathan didn’t hate him anymore.
Well, maybe not the worst. Maybe it was for the best.
Nancy and Jonathan broke up through the phone late November.
They didn’t call each other a lot. There were a bunch of reasons. Joyce worked on the phone, so it was busy most of the time. When it was free, either El or Will wanted to talk to Mike, and they could go on for hours. Bills could get expensive. And Nancy preferred the letters anyway. Jonathan thought the letters suited her well.
But they broke up through the phone. Maybe it was for the best. Not to taint the beauty of their past love letters.
Jonathan could hear the frown in her voice, and the tears. She could probably hear it just the same in his voice. He loved her, he did. But long distance was hard. And she wanted to go to Emerson, and Jonathan didn’t. His dream has always been NYU, and that dream might be all the way across the country very far away from him, but he could still dream about it. And Lenora Community wasn’t that bad, and Argyle would be there, and so would Joyce and Will and El. And god knows Jonathan couldn’t leave them, his family. Not even for the girl he loved. Not even for his dreams, much less for hers.
Argyle took him to an old junkyard and they smoked more weed that they ever had and they played ‘golf’, aiming the tiny balls into the old cars’ windows and whoever shattered more glass would win. Jonathan had a feeling Argyle let him win on purpose.
Argyle took him to Surfer Boy’s and baked a pie just for him and paid for it with his employee discount and sat across Jonathan on the table and told him insane stories about the kitchen staff and Jonathan had to hold his laughter or he would choke around a slice of pepperoni.
Argyle took him home in the van — Jonathan hadn’t fixed the car, because he didn’t have the money and because he didn’t have to, because Argyle picked them up and dropped them off and the kids liked him and Jonathan didn’t hate him either. As Argyle parked by the Byers’ house, he placed his hand on Jonathan’s shoulder, looked him straight in the eye and said:
“Plenty of other midwestern fish in the midwestern sea, man.”
Jonathan wasn’t so sure what to answer to that, so he just chuckled, left the van and went inside the house. Peered through the window as the Surfer Boy’s van took off, some weird dancy reggae loud coming from the stereo. He smiled to himself.
Christmas came, no colorful lights hung up on the Byers’ house.
Argyle gave him a coupon for a month’s worth of Surfer Boy’s pizza. Jonathan didn’t think they’d exchange gifts, but he ran as soon as he could to the little shop he knew Argyle got all his weed items from and brought him a new bong. Argyle loved it and they debuted it together on the back of the van, looking down on the town from the desert.
Some pine trees were decorated and the colorful lights on them weren’t as scary as they would be at Jonathan’s house. He didn’t hate them as much there. Argyle’s shoulder was pressed to his as they shared the bong, and his skin was warm and Jonathan tried not to think too much about how his lips were touching the same place as Argyle’s lips did when pulling in the smoke.
New Years Eve came, and Joyce wasn’t too mad about Jonathan not spending it with the family, not once he told her his plans. Him and Argyle traveled to Santa Barbara, to a New Years Eve Luau, of all things. Argyle had a bunch of friends there — Jonathan was his only friend back at Lenora. He wasn’t bothered by that. He could use some other friends too — Argyle was his only friend back at Lenora.
They smoked, of course, and they listened to music and Argyle even danced with a few other guys. He wasn’t too terrible. He tried to make Jonathan dance too, of course that didn’t happen, but Jonathan was content to just watch. It took him by surprise, that realization: he was content. The moon was in her full glory, it was weirdly cold for a night in California, the sound of the waves were soothing, Argyle’s dark brown hair flew around him and his dark brown eyes twinkled by the fire, and Jonathan was content to just watch him.
Some friend of Argyle lived there and he and Jonathan crashed at the dude’s living room pull-out, heater on blast and Argyle’s back pressed to Jonathan’s back helped too, because the guy was always so damn warm.
Argyle let Jonathan put on some of his cassettes on the ride back to Lenora, and Jonathan sang out loud along with The Clash and the Sex Pistols, and Argyle bobbed his head to the rhythm even though he didn’t seem to like that genre of music, and he said: “These dudes are kinda pissed at stuff, man. They suit you, and all that pent up anger of yours.”
Jonathan reassured him: he wasn’t as pent up, or as angry anymore. Argyle smiled wide at that.
School started again and even their woodworking teacher noticed Jonathan’s change of demeanor and came to tell him how happy he was that Jonathan was finally adapted to the move. The teacher kinda hated Argyle — well he was a menace in class, and his projects were always terrible ideas — and Jonathan wanted to tell the teacher he should thank Argyle for that. He kept his quiet, though, but Argyle seemed to understand the funny look Jonathan threw his way after the pep talk.
Jonathan took his camera — that same one Nancy had given to him on Christmas of ‘83 — out of its box for the first time mid January. Some biology project, and he decided to take pictures to illustrate his work about the local low desert shrubs. Lenora High also had a photography room, and it was better funded than the one in Hawkins High, and once Jonathan revealed his photos and showed them to Argyle, he looked incredibly admired, and asked Jonathan to take some pictures of his mushrooms — of course his project was about mushrooms. He payed Jonathan back in pizzas, of course. Jonathan didn’t mind.
Apparently Argyle gushed about Jonathan’s photos at work because later that month he had a gig with Surfer Boy Pizza’s marketing team. He was also booked for the opening of that roller skate rink downtown. And some early-thinking students hired him to take graduation pictures for them when the time came. Word ran through school and he joined the Yearbook staff, and oh god the school paid well. He could even fix his car if he wanted to — but he didn’t. He liked the van.
He used the money to buy more film, and he used the film to take pictures for himself like he used to. His passion was back, and suddenly he saw so much beauty in the California sun, deserts, colors. He saw beauty in the junkyard, broken, abandoned cars with windows crashed. He saw beauty downtown, the colorful storefronts and the busy colorful people passing by. He saw beauty in the suburbs, kids with their bikes reminding him of home but in a nostalgic way instead of the heartbreaking way he used to miss Hawkins when they had just arrived in Lenora.
Argyle, who was once just a dude in the background of every scenario Jonathan walked into, was now purposefully centered in front of Jonathan’s lenses — his actual camera lenses, and Jonathan was the one centering him there.
He saw beauty in the way Argyle chose his ice cream flavors by which one looked more colorful that day. He saw beauty in the way Argyle’s body would twist when he made a powerful throw with the gold club, strong enough to hit the furthest car in the junkyard. He saw beauty in the way the sun would hit Argyle’s long hair as El braided it for him when they went on a picnic for Joyce’s birthday. He saw beauty in Argyle’s wide laugh when Will said something snarky about a teacher, and he saw beauty in Argyle's soft smile when he noticed Jonathan was taking a picture of him.
“Gonna want to see that one, man,” he said and Jonathan only nodded. Argyle didn’t seem bothered to be his muse, and Jonathan somehow didn’t feel embarrassed to be caught on the act.
He did show Argyle the picture later when he reveled it. He showed all of them, and Argyle looked at them with fondness and looked at Jonathan with even more softness and something warm was happening inside Jonathan’s body that he could name if he wanted to — but he didn’t. He just let himself feel it.
Jonathan took couples' pictures on Valentine’s day, and with the money he and Argyle went to Santa Barbara again on the weekend, and Jonathan took pictures of Argyle sitting in the sand, of Argyle with only his feet dipped in the ice cold sea, of Argyle pointing at something beyond the horizon line from the pier, of Argyle lit and glowing by another luau’s fire.
They slept on the beach that time, because that other dude’s pull-out was booked already, but someone lent them a tent and theirs was just one of many, like a big beach sleepover, and Jonathan never felt hippier, and he never felt happier. He laid on his side and faced Argyle’s profile as he snored softly laying on his back, and Jonathan wanted his eyes to be a camera so he could picture Argyle’s face as he slept peacefully. And Jonathan never felt sappier, and he never felt happier.
As Jonathan woke up the next day he was the one being stared at.
“I’ve seen you taking pictures of me, man, but I have none of you,” Argyle said before even bidding good morning.
“I’m more of a behind the cameras kind of guy.”
“Well that has to change at least for once, because if you’re gonna keep a loving portrait of me in your wallet I want the same honor.” Argyle was smirking, which wasn’t common, and Jonathan laughed loudly, which wasn’t common. He felt high, and he hadn’t smoked since yesterday afternoon.
“I don’t keep a loving portrait of you in my wallet, Argyle.”
“Now I’m just offended. You gotta.” They both laughed again before settling.
The sun was high in the sky already, its light peering through the tent fabric and illuminating the inside, but it was like a refrigerator lamp because it was still too damn cold. Argyle’s body heat was comfortable, though. Jonathan was content.
“I’m not reading wrong into this, am I, man?” Argyle asked after a while.
Jonathan could lie or pretend not to understand the question if he wanted to — but he didn’t.
“You’re not,” he answered. “I’ll let you take a picture of me when I look more presentable.”
“You look pretty enough,” Argyle said, and that warm feeling inside Jonathan’s body creeped up to blush his cheeks, but he was still smiling. “You’ll let me keep it in my wallet?”
Jonathan could answer with actual words if he wanted to — but he didn’t. He just reached forward, leaned forward, and pressed his lips against Argyle’s.
He was warm, and sunny, and even his pajamas were colorful, and all that color bled into Jonathan’s life and painted his gray off. Jonathan hated it at first. Of course he hated it. How could he not? Pack all his belongings into a few boxes in just a few hours, take him out of his comfort zone, change his entire view of the world.
But as Argyle’s hand cupped Jonathan’s face, he was warm. He made Jonathan warm, from the outside and from the inside. Jonathan didn’t see it all gray anymore, no, he had an explosion of colors and he didn’t hate them.
Jonathan loved it. Of course he loved it. How could he not?
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cinerins · 4 months
Another Road – Expedition Overview
This is a general look at the direction and structure of the Atlantis expedition in my AU "Another Road" — I thought I might as well share my own ideas and concepts for a slightly different SGA setting here!
The team embarks on their journey about a year later, August 2005, after a 16 month period of training and preparation, following the discovery of Atlantis.
With an initial count of 200 volunteers, the expedition is comprised of several researchers previously stationed at the antarctic outpost, as well as additional candidates and military personnel approved by the IOA and HWC.
Given what they have thus far learned about the Ancients and the experiences gained in the Stargate program, there are a number of potential points of interest and expected risks to consider, before stepping foot into another galaxy.
As an international scientific project, the primary focus of the expedition is the gathering of information pertaining to the Ancients and research of their technological advancements. However, due to the unknown nature of the Pegasus galaxy, the research of any extraterrestrial life and technology is a general goal.
Peaceful, undisruptive exploration may be the ideal direction of such an undertaking, but the International Committee and Homeworld Command have come to agree, that a military component would be necessary as a precaution. Should they find it unwarranted, the selected personnel could simply aid in emergencies and the overall operations of the group.
The 16 month buffer serves to prepare for anything the team might find on the other side of the event horizon — be that a thriving society, or another abandoned outpost left to sleep in a wasteland. All members would've been required to learn the Ancient language (Alteran) and the basics of Gate travel, if they weren't familiar already.
Since the Ancients are genetic cousins, originating from Earth in this setting and have left a grand network of habitable locations throughout the Milky Way, it gives our team the hope of establishing a reliable base, even if they don't find anything alive.
The possibility of no return is a risk they are well aware of.
Each and every volunteer has been selected and vetted by the agencies involved, either with Weir's recommendation or approval.
Key factors are an extensive understanding of relevant fields (particularly regarding the Stargate and Ancients) and/or the possession of the ATA gene. There is much overlap of expertise among expedition members, the idea being to employ a wide array of knowledge and skills in as few people as possible.
Senior staff manages the overall decisions and is comprised of the representative leader of their given division, with Dr. Weir as head of the expedition as a whole.
The team features seven divisions, color-coded for convenience and each with departments as subsections, covering specific fields.
Cultural Division (red)
Head: Elizabeth Weir
Departments / Fields
-> Initial numbers: 15
Technical Division (purple)
Head: Peter Grodin
Departments / Fields
Technology & Engineering
Stargate Operations
Computer Science
-> Initial numbers: 31
Physical Science Division (blue)
Head: Rodney McKay
Departments / Fields
Quantum Physics
Wormhole Physics
-> Initial numbers: 20
Life Science Division (green)
Head: Veronica Weaver*
Departments / Fields
Botany & Agriculture
-> Initial numbers: 24
Environmental Division (yellow)
Head: Mercedes Torres*
Departments / Fields
Atmospheric Science
-> Initial numbers: 12
Medical Division (white)
CMO: Carson Beckett
Handle primary medical treatment and care, ensuring the overall well-being of all expedition members in the following points:
Physical Therapy
-> Initial numbers: 14
Military Division (black)
CO: Marshall Sumner / John Sheppard (later)
Offer assistance to the other divisions and the expedition as a whole, cover following responsibilities:
Emergency Management
Emergency Medical Treatment
Military Operations
-> Initial numbers: 84
*unoffical characters added to fill these positions.
The team is provided with enough supplies to cover each division's general needs, both work-related and personal, for about a year. If necessary, their use of equipment and gear can easily be extended, but water and food production would depend on the environment and resources they're met with.
Complete, long-term self-sufficiency should be possible, with access to the needed materials, but is not the intended goal of this expedition.
An emergency transmitter would've been used to send a signal to Earth, in case they cannot dial back and have found themselves trapped, with no means to support themselves beyond what they brought along. It would've taken a while to be received, but by then the Daedalus should've been fully operational and able to retrieve them, before their supplies run out.
If they are not heard from in any way within their first year (taking communications delay into account, given their distance) Earth would've presumed them dead and the mission a failure. However, if the mission was at least partially a success and they have access to safe food and water, but still no way to return, a number of satellites would've been launched to act as relay stations between the galaxies.
Sending a ship to and fro would be off the table, unless it was really worth the cost of such a long trip — say, if it was to rescue the group, or to transport artifacts and materials of significant value. The IOA would be reluctant to send off one of Earth's limited number of interstellar vessels, while they have more pressing uses among our own stars.
Either way, unless they found more convenient alternatives, the expedition would've expected to rely mostly on themselves.
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assassinus · 6 months
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» MEANING: Yeong [From Sino-Korean 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero", as well as other hanja characters that are pronounced similarly. It usually occurs in combination with another character, though it is sometimes used as a stand-alone name. This name was borne by Jang Yeong-sil (where Jang is the surname), a 15th-century Korean scientist and inventor.]; Mireu [From native Korean 미르 (mireu) meaning "dragon." It may be either derived from Old Chinese *mroːŋ (龍) or a cognate with 물 (mul) meaning "water."]
NICKNAME: Yeong, his last name, but he is mostly called by his given name, which is Mireu. After his birth, his father named him after his year of birth which is the Dragon.
AGE: 35-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 1988 May 29th, Sunday, Year of The Dragon.
OCCUPATION: Hacker and Assassin for Im Family.
ORIENTATION: Bisexual; Biromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender Male.
VERSES: City of Gods.
POWERS: He's badass.
STRENGTHS: Loyal, Adaptable, Strong, Brave, Passionate.
WEAKNESSES: Indecisive, Inconsistent, Proud, Loner, Anti-social [ sometimes. ]
FACE CLAIM: Lee Soo-hyuk.
HEIGHT: 6′0″ [183 cm.]
WEIGHT: 149 lbs. [68 kg.]
BUILD: Athletic. Mireu moves like a cat or so he's told.
GAIT: Confident.
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown.
EYE COLOR: Dark brown.
» SCARS: Various from fights...
» TATTOOS: Im Clan Tattoo like the other members.
HOMETOWN: Busan but he grew up in Seoul.
RESIDENCES: Busan, Seoul, Tokyo, New York, Bangkok.
FINANCIAL STATUS: He makes good money.
EDUCATION LEVEL: University graduate; the Im Clan made sure that he's educated especially after the head of the family realized he has talent in hacking and arms skills as well.
DEGREES: Computer Science Degree from ETH Zürich in Switzerland.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Mireu is fluent in his native Hangul. He speaks Japanese, Mandarin, English, Swiss, German, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and French.
PARENTS: Mireu considers Im Su-hyeon-ssi, Shiro's mother and head of the Im Clan as a parent/mother figure. He was told his father was a loyal member of the family who passed right after he was born. His mother was killed soon after. He was adopted by the clan and raised him as their own.
PETS: None.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: Mireu serves the head of the clan, Im Su-hyeon and he is loyal to the leader's children, including Shiro. He's acquaintances with Choi Mal-chin and Ahn Ji-hoon. He is exceptionally fond of Eun-bin [ Bunnie ] and treats her as a younger sister. He is one of the very few who doesn't call Eun-bin by her nickname. [ He's probably like how Mal-chin is to Eon... ]
FAMILY HISTORY: Mireu was an orphan who was taken in by the Im family. He grew up with the Im children. The fact that he was adopted was not hidden from him but he was not treated any different. He is loyal to the family and is legally named IM MIREU but he also uses his father's family name which Im Su-hyeon encouraged him to do.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: No time for relationships. He's serious about work. He's well aware of what happened to his family, especially his mother, and he feared that being romantically involved with another person might put them in danger.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Shiro, Mal-chin, Ji-hoon, Percy. If that's okay?
PHOBIA(S): Losing someone very important to him.
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sparkiekong · 7 months
Ugh!! Elita back on the smokes again!! Major yuck!! Major turn off. Somebody needs to tell her that. Also she needs to try harder to stop. Chosen one myass!! I bet Lyra and Cat are to blame somehow!
Hi there nonny. Sorry this is gonna be long winded...again.
TLDR: Yeah, it seems she's slipped off the wagon. Addiction is not an easy wagon ride! I'm afraid for some people it's much harder than others. The gang will have relapses and struggles just like anyone else who has addictive tendances. It's not going to stop entirely anytime soon, I'm afraid.
We depict a lot of these types things. Much of mine and @helenofsimblr's writing is taken from real world examples. history, mythology and we do copious amounts of research and add about 300% creativity. Smoking (even the underage smoking) is probably the LEAST worrisome topic in this story and much worse is to come. I hope you're ready nonny... the roller coaster has just started and it's not a smooth ride... It's also completely ok to unfollow for that reason alone if smoking is your line. I promise you that we are definitely going to go beyond that, so stay safe friend! It's quite ok to stop reading. I promise we won't be offended. This story is not everyone's cup of tea and that's ok.
If you're still interested in reading and it's just that I missed adding a trigger or you'd like an additional trigger, please let me know and I will add it. Especially if it's one that you like to use... At the end of the day we're all responsible for our own mental safety on the internet... I can only provide the trigger words to block. You have to do your part. Thanks for the ask friend. I hope you have a lovely and wonderful day.
Rest is under cut with a bit more examples of differences of KSU and IRL world and informational links on medical information on addiction:
There is a key thing to remember about this story and that is that the universe (lovingly called the KSU) is a kind of alternate universe to our own, some scientific developments happened at very different times to our own and smoking science has not yet caught up to ours. In some ways, it's got sort of a sixties feel and in others, it seems like future-vision. It can be a bit confusing, so I'll provide some examples!
A big example is that the KSU recently just discovered ultrasound tech that can be used to check on fetus health and that smoking is generally bad for one's health, but the KSU has been in space for quite a long time, is well established in space and have computers and cell phones... While the real world (the one you and I live in), ultrasound has been around for a long time and is quite advanced, the anti-smoking campaign has been going on for many years with decent success. However, we in IRL we have not until recently (maybe the last 10-15 years) been able to reliably get into space and back safely in various different countries. Admittingly, I don't track all space travel, just the ones that hit the trending list of my news app.
The rest of this is for people who are struggling to understand addiction and/or are suffering or watching someone suffer with it and are looking for understanding. Please! Talk with your family doctors or google your country of origin + addiction help and you can find the help that you or a friend or family member may need.
Here are a few links that explain a bit about addiction and why it's not always just as easy as "just don't do that" or "Stop".
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🎈 159 Random Fic/Art Prompts 🎈
A 159 random prompts to hopefully inspire your creativity!
A Game of Baseball
A Geographic Feature
A Great Explorer
A Hurried Look
A Large Dog
A Life of Crime
A Life of Song
A Well-Known Book
Animal Sounds
Around the House
At the Casino
At the Opticians
At the Racecourse
Baking a Cake
Beach Holiday
Bicycle Trip
Body Marks
Boiled Sweets
Bring Me a Shrubbery
Camping Tent
Cast Aside
Chemistry Lesson
Colourful Horse
Copy That
Counting Up
Definitely Not Clean
Definitely Not Warm
Different Type of Coffee
Doesn’t Really Care
Draw a Diagram
Driving Test
Exam Time
Family Members
Fast Food
Fears and Aversions
Feel Better Soon
Financial Matters
Floral Bouquet
Fluffy Animals
Fully Primed
Game of Cricket
Garden Pond
Get It Done
Get Ready for the Day
Getting a New Hat
Give It a Knock
Gone Dancing
Gone Swimming
Good at Something
Grand Prix
Hair Care
Holiday Island
Hotel Stay
In a Month
In the Ocean
Inside Your Head
Internal Organs
It Goes Bang
It Won’t Happen Again
It’s Just A Table
It’s Only an Overview
Job Application Form
Kitchen Implements
Lacking Courage
Laws of Science
Leisure Time
Logic Puzzle
Looking for a Bargain
Lots of Energy
Martial Arts
Math’s Hard
Medicine Cabinet
Morning Cereal
Mountain Climbing
Moving Around
Needing a Car Part
Not a Good Plan
Not a Secret
Not Everything
Not Feeling Too Good
Not Getting Much Done
Not in the Real World
Not Shutting Up
Not Very Sensible
Noxious Gas
Olympic Sports
On a Diet
On Another Planet
On the Computer
On the Outside of the House
On Top of the World
Out of the Norm
Party Games
Personal Qualities
Pizza Topping
Plant Flowers
Populated Area
Reading Music
Romantic Evening
Ruin It All
Second-Hand Account
Second-Hand Item
Security Service
Shades of Green
Shopping on the Internet
Sliding Around
Smell a Rat
Snorkelling Trip
Soft Drink
Solving Crimes
Something Funny
Somewhere to Sit
Somewhere to Stay
Styled Furniture
Take Flight
Take the Biscuit
Team Sports
Tell Me What You Think
That’s It
The Birds and the Bees
This Kind of Thing
Time for Sleep
Time for Tea
Total Failure
Travelling by Air
Try to Get Your Own Way
Trying to Sell You Something
Very Rich People
Visit to the Dentist
Visit to the Post Office
Visit to the Theatre
Windy Outside
Woodwind Instrument
Worn on the Legs
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doctorbrown · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 ⸺ 「 20 / 31 * LOCAL LEGEND 」
December 5, 2000, 22:54
1646 Riverside Drive, Hill Valley, California
Divergence: Twin Pines(α) — %.5382217
“Doc!!” Marty shouts, leaning so far back in the chair that, for a moment, he experiences that panic-inducing sensation of falling that has him scrabbling for the edge of the desk as his life flashes before his eyes. “Doc, he’s on! Joseph Cabret! He responded to our email! Get over here!”
Emmett grunts his acknowledgement, casting one last long look at the mess of wires hooked into the housing of the Flux Capacitor before he drags a second chair over to the computer. The cursor is already in place over the single unread email in the box and Emmett can see Marty’s finger twitching in anticipation, his eyes glued to the screen.
“Go ahead, Marty,” he prompts, only barely finishing the word go before the email pops open to an intimidating wall of black text. Marty whistles, scrolling down to the bottom of what looks like a very long-winded, very complicated scientific dissertation regarding alleged time-travel that reminds him of most of the papers scattered around the garage right now.
Dear 1.21_Jigowatts,
Emmett groans upon seeing their ridiculous username come back to haunt them in the reply and Marty throws him a lopsided grin and a shrug that says it’s way too late to change it now, Doc.
“It’s the Internet, Doc—who cares? Nobody knows who we are.”
That is the last time he lets Marty pick the name for something without reviewing it first.
Before I address everything you wrote in your email to me, I wanted to comment on your username. Were you aware of its significance in relation to time travel when you joined the forum or did you simply happen upon it by chance? Could it be that you’re a time-traveller too?
If so, I’d love to share stories while we can.
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the future, often all limited by the scope of your present time asking for answers to inconsequential things. The next election results, lottery numbers, things of that nature, as if that’ll verify my time-traveller status. And while I can’t say I’m surprised—I’ve studied your current time carefully and unfortunately, your time is remembered for being one of the most chaotic and selfish, so it’s not like I can fault those who ask—there are some, like yourself, who have been asking complex and meaningful questions that show a genuine interest in the possible future and in time-travel that I’m all too happy to answer, as best as I can.
To answer your simplest question first, the reason I stopped in this time is an entirely selfish one. Where I’m from, most of the people I care about have been killed. There was someone very important to my Dad and my family who was killed when I was very young that I wanted to finally meet. I know he's alive now, so I'm here. Even if you think it’s a waste of time, remember that time is of no consequence with the time machine.
Now, to the bulk of this message. I see you’re intimately familiar with the Everett-Wheeler model of quantum physics, which saves me a lot of explaining. You must be a man of science. That model is correct. When I say worldline, I refer to what you’d call an ‘alternate reality’ or an ‘alternate timeline.’ So, each individual worldline represents a set of paths and limits—possibilities, if you would—taken through space-time. These are all subject to the laws of special relativity. No two are exactly the same.
There is a device installed in my time machine that measures the change in each worldline I visit. Its inventor is dead, so I can’t tell you too much about how it works other than a general overview and how to read it, but from what I understand, it collects information from the ‘current’ worldline and uses that to establish a baseline. Then, upon the next jump, a second reading is taken of the new worldline and measured against the first one. The difference—or Divergence, as the device’s creator named it—is expressed in percentages. That's how I know.
The email continues on for several more paragraphs, each delving deeper and deeper into the realm of quantum mechanics with lengthy, detailed answers provided to each question they'd asked in their initial email. A dull ache throbs at the base of Marty’s skull as the words start to blur together and he leans back in his seat, needing a little more space between him and the screen.
Unlike him, Emmett has leaned forward, elbows propped up on the table and his fingers laced tightly together as he takes in every word, unable and unwilling to stop now.
For once, Marty can’t quite get a read on what his friend is thinking based off his strangely serious expression and the occasional noncommittal noise he makes while his eyes dart across the screen. The Doc’s thinking about something—he always furrows his brows like that when he’s deep in thought, puzzling out some scientific conundrum—that he knows he’ll share with him once he’s had the chance to process the information.
He himself isn’t quite sure what to think. After all, he’s heard some of these terms thrown around by Doc in the course of their testing and refinement of the Flux Capacitor. It has to mean something that Joseph Cabret knows it too.
Emmett finally breaks his attention away from the screen to train his still-thoughtful gaze on Marty.
“What do you think, Doc? You think there’s any truth to what he’s been saying the last couple weeks or you think it’s all bullshit?”
The words I look forward to your reply, JC stare back at them from the bottom of the screen and Marty doesn’t know why he suddenly feels self-conscious.
“I think—we can’t entirely rule out the possibility.”
“You mean—seriously?”
“I’m not saying definitively yes or definitively no. A lot of the science he talks about is sound. I’ve come to many of the same conclusions in my own work, as you’ve seen in the tests with the Flux Capacitor. We know time travel is possible. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean everything he says is true. Without any proof positive or photos of his time machine, we’ll have to take everything else he says with a grain of salt.” A flicker of uncertainty passes across Emmett’s face, there and gone in the span of a blink.
He pushes the chair back as Marty asks, “And?”
Emmett blinks. “I’m sorry?”
“I didn’t read all of that,” Marty admits somewhat sheepishly. “I tuned out somewhere around black holes or wormholes and I figured you’d fill me in if there was anything important on the science end I needed to know. But I watched you read it and I saw that look on your face. There's something else bothering you about this.”
He doesn’t answer right away and Marty doesn’t rush to break the silence. Finally, he sighs, turning back to the screen. “No, you’re right. There is something that jumped out at me, but let’s wait and see what else he has to share with us before I start getting ahead of myself.”
 “You’re going to answer him back?”
“Why not?” Marty beams, clearly pleased. “Let’s take a couple minutes to sit with this and then I’ll start working on our reply. If it all turns out to be for nothing in the end, at least we pursued the possibility rather than let it pass us by.”
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ghelgheli · 1 year
The Stuff I Read in June/July 2023
Stuff I Extra Liked is Bold
I forgot to do it last month so you get a double feature
Ninefox Gambit, Yoon Ha Lee
Heteropessimism (Essay Cluster)
The Biological Mind, Justin Garson (2015) Ch. 5-7
Sacred and Terrible Air, Robert Kurvitz
Wage Labour and Capital, Karl Marx
Short Fiction
Beware the Bite of the Were-Lesbian (zine), H. C. Guinevere
Childhood Homes (and why we hate them) by qrowscant (itch.io)
piele by slugzuki (itch.io)
بچه‌ای که شکل گربه میکشید، لافکادیو هرن
بچه های که یخ نزدند، ماکسیم گورکی
پسرکی در تعقیب تبهکار، ویلیام آیریش
Küçük Kara Balık, Samed Behrengi
Phil Mind
The Hornswoggle Problem, Patricia Churchland,  Journal of Consciousness Studies 3.5-6 (1996): 402-408
What is it Like to be a Bat? Thomas Nagel, (https://doi.org/10.4159/harvard.9780674594623.c15)
Epiphenomenal Qualia, Frank Jackson, Consciousness and emotion in cognitive science. Routledge, 1998. 197-206
Why You Can’t Make a Computer that Feels Pain, Daniel Dennett, Synthese, vol. 38, no. 3, 1978, pp. 415–56
Where Am I? Daniel Dennett
Can Machines Think? Daniel Dennett
Divided Minds and the Nature of Persons, Derek Parfit (https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118922590.ch8)
The Extended Mind, Andy Clark & David Chalmers, Analysis 58, no. 1 (1998): 7–19
Uploading: A Philosophical Analysis, David Chalmers (https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118736302.ch6)
If You Upload, Will You Survive? Joseph Corabi & Susan Schneider (https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118736302.ch8)
If You Can’t Make One, You Don’t Know How It Works, Fred Dretske (https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4975.1994.tb00299.x)
Computing Machinery and Intelligence, Alan Turing
Minds, Brains, and Programs, John Searle (https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X00005756)
What is it Like to Have a Gender Identity? Florence Ashley (https://doi.org/10.1093/mind/fzac071)
Climbing towards NLU: On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data, Emily M. Bender & Alexander Koller (10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.463)
On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? 🦜 Emily M. Bender et al. (https://doi.org/10.1145/3442188.3445922)
The Great White Robot God, David Golumbia
Superintelligence: The Idea that Eats Smart People, Maciej Ceglowski
Misc. Articles
Ebb and Flow of Azeri and Persian in Iran: A Longitudinal Study in the City of Zanjan, Hamed Zandi (https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110694277-007)
WTF is Happening? An Overview – Watching the World Go Bye, Eliot Jacobson
Using loophole, Seward County seizes millions from motorists without convicting them of crimes, Natalia Alamdari
Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens, Cathy J. Cohen, Feminist Theory Reader. Routledge, 2020. 311-323
Is the Rectum a Grave? Leo Bersani (https://doi.org/10.2307/3397574)
Why Petroleum Did Not Save the Whales, Richard York (https://doi.org/10.1177/2378023117739217)
‘Spider-Verse’ Animation: Four Artists on Making the Sequel, Chris Lee
Carbon dioxide removal is not a current climate solution, David T. Ho (https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-00953-x)
Fights, beatings and a birth: Videos smuggled out of L.A. jails reveal violence, neglect, Keri Blakinger
Capitalism’s Court Jester: Slavoj Žižek, Gabriel Rockhill
The Tyranny of Structurelessness, Jo Freeman
Domenico Losurdo interviewed about Friedrich Nietzsche
Keeping Some of the Lights On: Redefining Energy Security, Kris De Decker
Gays, Crossdressers, and Emos: Nonormative Masculinities in Militarized Iraq, Achim Rohde
On the Concept of History, Walter Benjamin
Our Technology, Zeyad el Nabolsy
Towards a Historiography of Gundam’s One Year War, Ian Gregory
Imperialism and the Transformation of Values into Prices, Torkil Lauesen & Zak Cope
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amparol12 · 9 months
Mastering the Dig: Your Roadmap to the Top 10 Data Mining Courses
In the digital age, where data is a valuable currency, the field of data mining has emerged as a critical discipline for extracting meaningful insights from vast datasets. Whether you're a student looking to ace your data mining assignments or a professional seeking to enhance your skills, a solid education is paramount. In this blog, we'll guide you through the top 10 data mining courses, with a special emphasis on the exceptional resource – DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com – known for its expertise in providing help with data mining homework.
DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com: Your Expert Companion in Data Mining When it comes to mastering the intricacies of data mining, DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com takes the lead. This website specializes in offering comprehensive solutions for data mining assignments, ensuring that students grasp the concepts and techniques involved. With a team of experienced tutors, DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com is your go-to resource for personalized assistance and in-depth understanding of data mining principles.Why Choose DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com?
Expert Tutors: Benefit from the guidance of experienced tutors who have a deep understanding of data mining concepts and practical applications.
Customized Solutions: Get tailor-made solutions for your data mining homework, addressing your specific requirements and ensuring a clear understanding of the subject.
Timely Delivery: DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com is committed to delivering solutions within deadlines, allowing you to stay on track with your academic schedule.
Affordable Pricing: Enjoy cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality of assistance you receive.
Now, let's explore other noteworthy resources offering top-notch data mining courses to further enrich your learning experience.
"Data Mining Specialization" by University of Illinois (Coursera) This specialization covers the fundamentals of data mining, including techniques for pattern discovery, clustering, and predictive modeling. It is a comprehensive program suitable for beginners and intermediate learners.
"Practical Machine Learning for Computer Vision" by Stanford University (Coursera) Delve into the intersection of data mining and computer vision with this course. Stanford University's offering focuses on practical applications, making it an excellent choice for those interested in extracting insights from visual data.
"Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R and Python" by Udemy Led by industry experts, this Udemy bootcamp provides a broad overview of data science and machine learning, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking a holistic understanding of these fields.
"Text Mining and Analytics" by University of Illinois (Coursera) Explore the world of text mining with this Coursera specialization. The course covers techniques for extracting valuable information from textual data, an essential skill in the data mining domain.
"Advanced Machine Learning Specialization" by National Research University Higher School of Economics (Coursera) This specialization delves into advanced machine learning concepts, providing a solid foundation for those interested in leveraging machine learning algorithms for data mining purposes.
"Data Mining and Analysis" by Columbia University (edX) Columbia University's edX course explores the principles of data mining and analysis, emphasizing real-world applications. It's suitable for learners seeking a practical approach to data mining.
"Introduction to Data Science" by Microsoft (edX) Offered by Microsoft on edX, this course introduces learners to the essentials of data science, including data mining techniques. It's a great starting point for beginners in the field.
"Mining Massive Datasets" by Stanford University (Coursera) For those looking to tackle large datasets, this Stanford University course covers the challenges and solutions associated with mining massive amounts of data, preparing learners for real-world scenarios.
"Data Mining and Machine Learning in Python" by Udemy This Udemy course focuses on data mining and machine learning using Python. With hands-on exercises, it's a practical resource for learners looking to apply data mining techniques using Python programming.
Conclusion: Embarking on a journey to master data mining requires access to high-quality resources and expert guidance. The top 10 data mining courses mentioned in this blog, with a special nod to DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com, cater to a variety of skill levels and interests. Whether you're a student seeking homework assistance or a professional looking to enhance your data mining skills, these courses provide a robust foundation for success in the dynamic field of data mining. Start your learning journey today and unlock the potential of data mining expertise.
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business-seo-simmu · 1 month
Top  Courses for Aspiring Developers: Elevate Your Skills and Career
Nowadays everyone wants to enhance their skills and career. Everyone wants to improve their skills and take their career forward. You  want to improve their skill and take your software development career to the next level.
Today’s tech-driven world, aspiring developers are in high demand. Here’s a guide to some of the top courses designed to elevate your skills and boost your career prospects in the field of software development. Developers use web development languages to help create dynamic web pages. The most common coding languages include Javascript, Python and C. we must constantly update our skills. We should assume good skills that will take our career forward. In this article, we will suggest courses that can help to make software developers. 
1. Full-Stack Web Development
 This course covers everything from front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end development with Node.js and Express. It’s ideal for those who want to become proficient in both client and server-side programming.
2. Data Science and Machine Learning
 This specialization includes courses on machine learning, data mining, and data analysis. It provides a deep dive into algorithms, statistical methods, and practical applications.
3. Cloud Computing
This course prepares you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam. It covers designing distributed systems, deploying scalable applications, and working with AWS services.
4. Mobile App Development
This series of courses is designed for aspiring iOS developers. It covers Swift programming, user interface design, and app development practices.
5. Cybersecurity
 This specialization covers essential cybersecurity concepts, including risk management, cryptography, and network security. It’s designed for those interested in protecting systems and data.
6. Game Development
This specialization covers game design principles, development processes, and interactive media creation. It includes courses on Unity and Unreal Engine, two of the most popular game development platforms.
7. Software Engineering
 This course provides a comprehensive overview of software engineering principles, including design patterns, testing, and project management.
8. DevOps
 This course introduces key DevOps concepts such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code. It’s ideal for developers looking to improve collaboration between development and operations.
By identifying the right courses and doing those courses, we can follow the path of success. As you consider the courses to take, we should do the courses in which we are interest.
Top  Courses for Aspiring Developers: Elevate Your Skills and Career
Nowadays everyone wants to enhance their skills and career. Everyone wants to improve their skills and take their career forward. You  want to improve their skill and take your software development career to the next level.
Today’s tech-driven world, aspiring developers are in high demand. Here’s a guide to some of the top courses designed to elevate your skills and boost your career prospects in the field of software development. Developers use web development languages to help create dynamic web pages. The most common coding languages include Javascript, Python and C. we must constantly update our skills. We should assume good skills that will take our career forward. In this article, we will suggest courses that can help to make software developers. 
1. Full-Stack Web Development
 This course covers everything from front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end development with Node.js and Express. It’s ideal for those who want to become proficient in both client and server-side programming.
2. Data Science and Machine Learning
 This specialization includes courses on machine learning, data mining, and data analysis. It provides a deep dive into algorithms, statistical methods, and practical applications.
3. Cloud Computing
This course prepares you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam. It covers designing distributed systems, deploying scalable applications, and working with AWS services.
4. Mobile App Development
This series of courses is designed for aspiring iOS developers. It covers Swift programming, user interface design, and app development practices.
5. Cybersecurity
 This specialization covers essential cybersecurity concepts, including risk management, cryptography, and network security. It’s designed for those interested in protecting systems and data.
6. Game Development
This specialization covers game design principles, development processes, and interactive media creation. It includes courses on Unity and Unreal Engine, two of the most popular game development platforms.
7. Software Engineering
 This course provides a comprehensive overview of software engineering principles, including design patterns, testing, and project management.
8. DevOps
 This course introduces key DevOps concepts such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code. It’s ideal for developers looking to improve collaboration between development and operations.
By identifying the right courses and doing those courses, we can follow the path of success. As you consider the courses to take, we should do the courses in which we are interest.
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examcracku · 1 month
List of SSC Exams
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts several examinations to recruit candidates for various positions in government departments and organizations across India. Here is an overview of some prominent SSC examinations:
SSC Stenographer
SSC Selection Posts
SSC CPO Examination Purpose: To recruit Sub-Inspector (GD) in CAPFs: These include roles in prominent forces such as BSF, CISF, CRPF, ITBP, and SSB, Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted), Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police: Group ‘C’. Pay Scale: Level 6 (Rs 35,400 to 1,12,400). Age Limit: 20 to 25 years. Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Examination Scheme: Paper-I: 200 MCQs (50 each from General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Comprehension), 2 hours, bilingual (Hindi and English), 0.25 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer. PST/PET: Physical tests for male and female candidates. Paper-II: 200 questions on English language and comprehension, 2 hours, 0.25 marks deducted for each incorrect answer. DME: Detailed medical examination.
SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) Examination Purpose: The SSC CGL exam is conducted to recruit candidates for various Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts in ministries and departments of Government of India. Pay Scale: Ranges from Level 4 (Rs 25,500 to ₹ 81,100) to Level 8 (Rs 47,600 to ₹ 1,51,100) depending on the specific post. Age Limit: Varies from 27 years to 32 years, depending on the specific post. Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent ( For all other posts Except Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator Grade-II ) . Examination Scheme: Tier-I: 100 MCQs (25 each from General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Comprehension), 1 hour, 0.50 marks deducted for each incorrect answer. Tier-II: Divided into multiple papers. Paper-I: Consist of 2 Sessions (Compulsory for all posts) Session I (2 hours and 15 Minutes): Section-I: Mathematical Abilities, Reasoning and General Intelligence (60 questions (30 each), 180 marks, 1 hour) Session-II: English Language and Comprehension (45 questions), General Awareness (25 questions) (70 questions, 210 marks, 1 hour) Session-III: Computer Knowledge Module (20 questions, 60 marks, 15 minutes) Session II (15 Minutes): Data Entry Speed Test Module (typing speed approx 27 words per minute) Paper-II: (For Junior Statistical Officer and Statistical Investigator Grade-II posts) Statistics (100 questions, 200 marks) Paper-III: (For Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer posts) General Studies (Finance and Economics) (100 questions, 200 marks) Note: There will be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Section-I, Section-II and Module-I of Section-III of Paper-I and of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-II and Paper-III.
SSC CHSL Examination Purpose: To recruit candidates for Group C posts, including Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), and Data Entry Operators (DEO) in various government ministries, departments, and offices. Educational Qualification: 12th standard or equivalent (for LDC/JSA). For DEO/DEO Grade ‘A’ in specific ministries: 12th Standard pass in Science stream with Mathematics as a subject. Pay Scale: Ranges from Level 2 (Rs 19,900 to ₹ 63,200) to Level 5 (Rs 29,200 to ₹ 92,300) depending on the specific post. Age Limit: 18 to 27 years. Examination Scheme: Tier-I: 100 MCQs (25 each from English, General Intelligence, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness), 1 hour, 0.50 marks deducted for each incorrect answer. Tier-II: Consist of 2 Sessions (Compulsory for all posts) Session I (2 hours and 15 Minutes): Section-I: Mathematical Abilities, Reasoning and General Intelligence (60 questions (30 each), 180 marks, 1 hour) Session-II: English Language and Comprehension (40 questions), General Awareness (20 question) (60 questions, 180 marks, 1 hour) Session-III: Computer Knowledge Module (15 questions, 45 marks, 15 minutes) Session II (15 Minutes for DEO and 10 Minutes for LDC/JSA): Data Entry Speed Test Module ( typing speed approx 35 words per minute).
SSC GD Constable Examination Purpose: To recruit constables (GD) in CAPFs, SSF, and Assam Rifles. The recruitment process includes a Computer-Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification. Educational Qualification: Matriculation or 10th pass. Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 (Rs. 21,700-69,100). Age Limit : 18 to 23 years. Examination Scheme: Computer-Based Examination: 80 MCQs (20 each from General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, English/Hindi), 1 hour, 160 marks (2 marks for each question), 0.25 marks deducted for each incorrect answer. PET/PST: Physical Efficiency Test (Male: 5 Kms in 24 minutes & Female: 1.6 Kms in 8.5 minutes). Physical Standard Test : Height - Male (170 cm) & Female (157 cm); Chest - Male (80 cm without expansion and with expansion 85 cm & Chest measurement for female candidates will not be taken).
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