#Connor's gonna have to wait a bit i fear
I'm being very Normal about the netflix show btw
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autumnscribbles · 10 months
friends | b.s
Summary: Y/n and Brad get into a fight, leading Brad to find support from his best friends and band mates.
Word count: 900 ish, a bit on the short side!!
a/n: hello friends!!! back with another brad imagine😎 i’ve been back into the groove lately (sort of) and i’m happy to have another imagine out! feel free to check out my recent conrad fisher one too!! anyway love y’all hope you like it❤️
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“I-I think you should go,” you whispered, the now silent room chilled you. You stared at him, across the room, his eyebrows slightly frowning as he gazed at you.
“Y/n,” he sighed. “It’s fine we just need to sleep and we’ll be alright in the morning.”
“Brad I really don’t want to this time,” you replied. “I think maybe you should stay with one of the boys tonight and we can talk in the morning, okay?”
“If that’s really what you want,” he answered, nodding his head.
He didn’t want to go, it was the last thing he wanted. He ached at the idea of walking out that door. He knew it was what you needed, but he couldn’t shake the fear that you would never let him back in.
The back of his throat stung as he held back his words, wanting to beg you. He knew there was no point. When you made up your mind, you stuck to it. If you needed space, you were going to get it.
“Okay,” he choked out finally. “I’ll go.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he said, a slight curve to the corners of his mouth. It comforted him in a way, knowing you wanted him back.
She just needs space. He told himself. That was all. It wasn’t over, it couldn’t be.
He walked out to his car, the sound of his feet on the pavement echoing in the late night air. The world felt still, asleep. He almost laughed at the irony. Everything being so calm while he felt destroyed.
He let out a heavy sigh as he sat behind the wheel, pulling his phone out as he decided what to text the boys.
Hey lads. Need a place to stay tonight if any of you are available. I’ll explain later x
The rest of the boys answered almost immediately, offering up their places to Brad.
Let’s all meet at Cons! Tristan texted.
Brad nodded to himself, thankfully Connor was the closest to his and your flat. The faster he could get there, the better. He drove in silence, nothing but the hum of the wheels to distract his mind.
He got to Connor’s, seeing everyone else had already arrived as well. Brad couldn’t help but feel a tenderness for his best friends in that moment.
He walked in, knowing Connor’s door would be open, and was greeted by the concerned looks of his friends. They didn’t bombard him with questions, but the questions were swirling in their minds. Tristan passed Brad a glass of red wine, giving him a friendly wink as he raised his own glass.
“We figured you’d need a drink,” he laughed.
“Definitely can’t hurt,” Brad chuckled, taking a small sip as they went to go sit down.
He sat on the couch, letting his tense muscles relax briefly as he leaned back. He shut his eyes, trying to find a way to tell the boys what happened. They all waited patiently, not pushing him.
He loved that about them. Even if he didn’t want to talk about something, they were there for him. Whether he needed to rant or just sit in comfortable silence, they never let him down.
“Y/n and I got into this huge fight,” he finally said. “She asked me to leave for the night. Said she wanted space. I don’t know if that means she’s gonna end things or not.”
“I’m sorry mate,” James muttered, placing a gentle hand on Brad’s shoulder. “Is it a fight you can come back from?”
“I don’t know,” he sighed. “I said some really horrible things, I wish I could take it all back. She probably doesn’t want me anymore.”
“You and Y/n are meant for each other,” Connor added. “I’ve never seen two people more meant for each other probably. We all know her, I don’t think she’d give up on you that easy.”
“You should have seen the way she looked at me when she told me to leave,” Brad said, the back of his throat stinging with the tears threatening to spill. “I don’t know how to forgive myself.”
“Mate we’ve all made mistakes, we’ve all gotten into bad fights with girlfriends,” James comforted. “You guys can and will get through this. I know she loves you, and she probably just wanted to sleep on it, let things cool off.”
“Maybe,” Brad shrugged. “Thanks guys.”
“We’re here for you,” Tris smiled. “I agree with James, I think you guys will work it out once you’re both fresh tomorrow.”
“I really hope so,” Brad sighed. “I can’t lose her.”
“Y/n is a smart girl,” Connor added. “She wouldn’t let you go that easily.”
The boys drank wine and chatted what felt like all night, until eventually their eyes became heavy. Connor set up the guest bedroom for Brad before turning in for the night.
Brad lay on the bed, emptiness lingering beside him. He wished he was in bed with you, where he was supposed to be. He went over everything the boys said; how you were meant to be, how she wouldn’t leave you this way, that she needed space.
He hoped they were right. Even if they weren’t, they still comforted him and made him feel like there was hope.
Hope that he’d walk through that door tomorrow, and you’d be standing there with open arms.
Sometimes all you needed to see it, were your friends.
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nicolesainz · 6 months
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Electric Touch (BC21)
Author’s note: I miss seeing Chilly in the pitch. Hope he’s coming back soon and healthy. Until then, here’s a small fic for my Chilly baes.
Ben Chilwell x f!reader (Mason Mount’s sister)
Summary: No one really knows how shy Ben Chilwell is around you. Well, besides you. No matter the boys that surround you, he knows that you two will end up together, even if he doesn’t have the guts to talk to you.
Warnings: extreme fluff
“I swear if you don’t go talk to her, guy in nine o’ clock will hit on her and that won’t be a pleasant sight for either of us” Mason said to Ben in a loud manner as he couldn’t really whisper with all the beating music.
“I can’t, okay? It’s just too much. And, your sister isn’t a one night type of woman. She would never allow a douche like him to hit on her.” Ben took a sip of his drink and went back to talking with Connor.
“You know she won’t guard herself forever, right? At some point she’ll get tired of waiting for you to open up and be with someone who can phrase a proper word.” Mason grabbed his friend by the bicep and turned his head to face at Y/N.
She was the most enchanting woman Ben had ever met in his life. Sweet, charismatic, innocent, caring but most of all patient. And he needed someone that was patient. Ever since they met back in 2020 when Ben transferred from Leicester to Chelsea, she was one of the few people to welcome him at the club, despite only being Mason Mount’s younger sister.
Y/N had told some of the boys that she fancied Ben, including her brother and others who had left the club. She was willing to wait for him. She knew that Chilwell was shy and not the kind of man to hit on a woman, only wanting to satisfy himself.
And Ben knew she’d wait for him too. But with what Mason had just said, the clock was ticking and he needed to act soon. Very much indeed a handsome man, approached her side, offering her a drink in a red cup. That’s when Ben’s blood started boiling.
“Chilly’s gonna explode” Reece said as he laid eyes on his angered friend, whose ‘love of his life’ as he had named her, was approached by another man who was about to ask her to dance.
Ben watched carefully as the scenes unfolded. Her being nervous around the strange man, declining the drink given that she was feeling a bit dizzy and trying to remove herself from his grasp.
Y/N eyed Ben and when she got comfortable with his presence, she mouthed at him ‘help me’. Suddenly, to Ben, the words ‘fear’ and ‘shyness’ were foreign. He marched all the way to the side of the woman of his dreams and tried to shove away the guy who was trying to hit on her.
“Better knock it off buddy. Not nice to hit on taken ladies” Ben stiffly said to the man opposite him, immediately wrapping his arm around Y/N’s waist.
“I don’t see her boyfriend dude. So, why don’t let me take care of this angel?” The guy tried to flirt with Y/N but her expression clearly showed disgust.
“You’re talking to him right now. And I don’t think her brother would appreciate it either” Ben pointed to Mason and when the guy realized who the two men are, his face turned whiter than snow.
“Bro, I’m so sorry. Never happen again. Have a good night” and the strange man left the club without a date but certainly leaving Ben with Y/N alone.
“I don’t have the words to thank you Chilly! I was worried there for a second” Y/N gives Ben the biggest hug he’s ever received and he grasps onto her tightly, not wanting to let her go.
“I’ll always protect you Y/N. Even if it doesn’t seem like it.” Ben kissed her cheek softly and held her a bit longer in his arms. She loved how comfortable she could be around Ben and right now, a hug from him was all she needed.
“Can I tell you a little secret?” Y/N mumbled to Ben’s chest but he could still hear her words.
“Go ahead sweetheart”
“Don’t listen to what my brother says. I will wait for you as long as you want. You’re the one for me” As much as Ben appreciated the dedication, he was finally ready to confess. He was ready to say those little words that crept inside his heart from the moment he first laid eyes on her.
“You don’t have to wait much, because you and I know that I love you so much, Y/N. And it was about time I said it” Nervousness was the only thing he was feeling right now, worried about the reply he’d get.
“Benjamin James Chilwell, I love you more than anyone on the planet. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.”
“Good, because I’m not planning on it. Your words are the only I trust. And I’m hoping that I can be the perfect man for you.”
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wjehfshs · 1 year
I forgot to take my meds so I’m gonna do some silly short imagines/scenarios with COD and DBH characters x reader
Warnings??: swearing. Cringe and uncreative :3, but I’m having fun so… reader being chaotic and silly
Mentions of smoking/cigars at one point and blood at one point but not too bad
A really fucked up looking cake made by reader and Connor
Somewhat Connor x reader
Price being basically the dad of everyone
Hank and Connor being the best father son duo
Hank kinda being a father figure overall
Hank also creating an abomination
OOC Connor??? Sorta??? Idk if headcanons about Deviant Connor count as OOC we don’t really see much of Deviant Connors personality.
COD imagines
Reader: who’s got their hands on their favourite food and they’re devouring it (may or may not be inspired by me at dinner earlier today)
Everyone else: looking on in fear and awe, their food basically untouched as reader is basically oblivious to the world
Soap: “Jesus fuckin Christ lad/lass, could ya slow down?! It’s givin’ me a stomach ache just looking at ya”
Reader: who stops dead in their tracks, food stuffed in their mouth as they are mid chew, fork with more food on it held up in midair as if they are about to take another bite. And they start slowly chewing again as they slowly descend back into their episode of shovelling food down their throat
Soap: “that’s fuckin it, bloody hell im eatin in my room” as he picks up his plate and walks off
Reader: walking back inside with a plastic tub that seems to be wet and heavy.
Price: “what have you done this time.”
Reader: “noooothing” they smile a little to themselves as they try to conceal their laughter
Price: “let me look in the tub. Now.”
Reader: backing off not wanting to make him angry.
Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Rudy, Alejandro, and Graves: All siting peacefully in the main area.
Price: in the background “Why the fuck did you bring a fucking baby Shark inside?!”
Ghost: covered in glitter, absolutely pissed beyond belief “would you like to tell me why there was a bucket of glitter sat on top of my door?!”
Reader: “well that’s actually a funny story you see…” starts booking it in the opposite direction
Ghost: chasing after them at full speed, still covered in glitter, leaving a glitter trail behind him.
Everyone: very confused as to why there is a glitter trail eventually leading to a locked door with a glitter covered Ghost banging on it with reader crying/laughing behind it out of both fear and it being the funniest shit they have seen all day
COD headcanons
I like to imagine Gaz really likes Beyoncé so if he’s ever put on cleaning duty he will wait until everyone’s asleep and he’ll listen to Beyoncé with his headphones on while cleaning, he’s definitely been caught a couple times by Price or Graves or something. He never lived it down but it still didn’t stop his love for Beyoncé.
Soap really loves olives, like, REALLY loves them so much so to the point where every time they get a supply of Olives they have to lock them away so Soap doesn’t take them too his room and eat them all in one sitting (side note: I hate olives, I really fucking hate olives)
Ghost likes hello kitty because it reminds him of the softer things in life (which he doesn’t really get to see much I can imagine) so back at home he has a bunch of hello kitty stuff such as plushies all placed neatly on his bed along with some other stuff like bed sheets, but he refuses to take any of it with him on missions even if he can keep it in his room in the Barracks because he’s just so scared that if the Barracks get attacked his plushies will either get dirty/bloody or straight up “injured” and he just loves them too much to let that happen, just quietly he thinks if that where to ever happen his entire world would fucking crumble in front of him (self inserting myself a bit bc I love my plushies this much too and I love hello kitty)
Price although he smokes cigars he knows how it can make Gaz worry (worried son moment frfr) so he’s trying to stop so he’s taken up chewing a shit load of gum. He will sneak in an occasional cigar if he gets too stressed out on a mission. He just needs that relief for a second but he swears he’ll stop next time (he doesn’t).
Soap likes to collect bath toys, ever since he got his nickname “Soap” he’s taken a liking to collecting bath toys (specifically rubber ducky’s) whenever he’s back at home.
Graves is a full blown homosexual but he’s too scared to admit it so he denies it every time.
DBH imagines
Hank: getting home after reader and Connor (deviant Connor, sorry I really only write deviant Connor bc he holds a special place in my heart and any kind of Connor hurts me) get a day off “Hey im homeeee…”
Reader: covered in flour and butter
Connor: the ends of his fingers are charred black a bit from the oven and he has icing bits in his hair
Reader and Connor collectively: “We made you a cake! :D”
The cake in question:
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Hank: literal fucking tears in his eyes out of pure terror and stress. “…Thanks guys, I’m not. I’m not hungry right now but I’ll eat it later” as he slowly shuffles to his room with a shell shocked look on his face.
Connor and Reader: Looking at each other with the stupidest and biggest smile on their faces.
(This is inspired by a tik tok audio)
Connor: who’s deviant but is still used to being a machine so he analyses every single little thing. He walks up to reader. “You’re hair smells different today, did you use a different shampoo?”
Reader: slowly turning around with a scared smile on their face. “That’s actually really… creepy”
Connor: (in his head) “creepy? Am I. Creepy?” But on the outside he looks like he’s on the verge of tears
Reader: who sees his expression and immediately hugs him just to assure him they’re not mad just giving him a heads up that it’s kinda weird, they still love him tho (either platonically or romantically)
Hank: in the kitchen making something
Connor: “Hey Hank, what are you making?” As he makes the mistake, the traumatic life changing mistake of looking in the pot
Hank: who’s boiling fucking raw chicken with nothing but hot water. “Chicken.” He says bluntly as he cleans up and puts the chicken on the plate and eats it while it’s completely unseasoned and practically raw
Connor: from the sheer shock of the encounter he goes into overload and he’s getting warning systems all over telling him sometimes wrong
Reader: who has to sit Connor down as they try not to gag from Hanks creation he dares to call a “meal”
DBH headcanons
Neither Hank nor Connor can cook for shit so 90% of the time it’s either microwaveable food or take out for Hank.
Since Connor turned Deviant he developed social anxiety but when he’s around people such as Hank or reader he’s so silly, he gets so stupid and funny it’s so cute to see him like that (I want to squeeze him and put him in my pocket then have him surgically inserted into my heart permanently I love him so much)
Connors autistic
Hanks Bi
Connors Pansexual
Connor and Hank so father son activities such as play catch outside and walk Sumo (with reader ofc)
Hank had his house renovated to have an extra room put in for Connor (and if you also want to live there an extra room for you but if your romantically in a relationship with Connor you would probably just have a bed put in Connors room and Connor, although he doesn’t need sleep, he’ll go into sleeping mode with you on the bed as you two cuddle)
Connor saved up enough money to buy a phone so once he got it all set up the camera roll is just filled with pictures of Sumo, other dogs he saw in public while out, him and Hank taking selfies, Hank who once got drunk and stole his phone and took pictures of himself, you and Connor selfies, (if you two are romantically together, sometimes just pictures of you, many, many pictures of you) and, you, Hank, Sumo and him all in a photo together. Maybe a couple of photos with his other friends too such as Markus etc etc but it’s mainly those.
Connor love’s physical touch, platonically, romantically, all of it. Every day he gives Hank a good morning hug, and a good night hug (best son ever fr) and every time he sees you he squeezes you into a tight hug and won’t let go for a good minute (if you two are in love he’ll also pepper your entire face with kisses for that entire minute finishing off with a smooch on the lips)
Ok that’s all for now, I love Connor fr he’s my favourite I would die for him.
I know this was super cringe but I had sm fun doing this.
Ok it’s like 2AM I should go to bed
Bye bye!
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aces-and-angels · 1 year
thoughts on ilw ch 21 (spoilers below)
first, a deep dive on matthias x mc:
Matthias McQuoid: a man ready to let the world burn if it meant he’d get his greatest wish... which poses a very important question: 
Is it possible for Matthias to have a happy ending? 
Ch 21 gives us readers the classic villain’s monologue- a peek into grandpa Matty’s twisted mind. A part of me was waiting for the ball to drop- to make Lincoln proud and finally be able to say Matthias is an evil bastard. Period. No discussion needed. But then he comes at me with ‘I wanted to spend an eternity with my family by my side’ and I can’t help feeling the slightest pang of sympathy. Grandpa Matty, complex till the bitter end 😭 
How could someone determined to do absolutely anything for his loved ones be so bad? While Matthias can claim he’d move heaven and earth for his loved ones (and he damn well near does), it’s not received with open arms. Instead, it drives them further away until he’s left with a dead wife and a son who wants nothing to do with him. I fear that an MC romancing Matthias faces a similar, tragic fate. 
They say, "a villain would sacrifice the world to save you*"
*but in the case of grand-daddy Matty, only until you no longer serve him. he’ll sacrifice the world, but never himself
MC x Matthias’ plan to make Devon/Noah the new anchor is only a temporary fix. Eventually that anchor will weaken. Yes, you could argue that he’d just wash, rinse, and repeat the same steps he did with Devon/Noah for the rest of time without batting an eye:
Manipulate the world to his will
Bask in his riches
Spend another millennia with MC at his side #dearcreature 
Who knows? Maybe that’s how their arc will end come ch 23. Bring me the epilogue scene of Mathias and MC sipping cocktails poolside. Let the villain have his cake and eat it too, right? 
This particular scene makes me think otherwise:
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Matthias’ cruel nature is no secret to MC, regardless of their relationship status with him. Romancing him, however, allows MC to justify it. But that doesn’t stop that bit of doubt from creeping up. What happens when they're no longer enough? Deep down, they already know the answer. But as of right now, Matthias loves them. Wants them. Ironically, they voice out this hidden fear to Adrian: 
“It’ll never be enough. No matter how much you get, you’ll always want more.”
Stripped down to his most basic parts- Matthias is a selfish, self-serving man. One who takes, but never gives. He commands, but will never follow. It’s not an if, it’s a when; after enough temporary fixes, Matthias will want a permanent solution on his quest towards unlimited power/immortality and no amount of ‘love’ will stop him.
If we’re defining a happy ending as getting everything you want, then yes, it is possible for Matthias to have one. In fact, it is guaranteed. MC’s happily-ever-after with him, however, will always come with strings. 
me @ my matthias romancing mc: wake up and love yourself hoe 
now, onto some general thoughts:
man, what. a. ride. the whiplash from going between these incredibly wholesome moments to these gut-wrenching death sequences is way too jarring. *continues to see what other atrocities i can unlock*
we finally get to see lincoln’s item in action- and as speculated- we can time-travel bitches🔥 how many ways can our scooby gang die in the next two chapters??? the answer will probably traumatize me. 
as someone who was blindsided by jocelyn’s betrayal, her flashback scene was amazing to read. the call outside the school, why she wasn’t immediately at MCs side after the cave collapsed- it was all right there 😭
adios to gunnor- im gonna miss his feisty ass lol. ilw has made me a connor stan, so that connor x mc reunion was *chef’s kiss* perfection
the ily scenes 🥺🥺🥺 
s/o to the peeps in the ilw discord for sharing screenshots of the good, the bad, and the positively horrifying. yall are real ones ♥
one down. two to go. happy finale weekend!
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maiemorrae · 6 months
Archival Art #3 Group Portrait
Today I pulled out the first drawing I had done from the archive that featured Aleksandr (Connor) and Cynthia (Melody). Around this time in our campaign, I was really starting to flesh out Ellis' background. Originally this campaign was supposed to just be a one-shot but it grew into so much more very quickly.
When I would share my drawings I would usually write up a little snippet to go with it. These would usually either be bits of dialogue from the scene that it was depicting or in this case Ellis' thoughts as she reminisced on the photos. This was still a bit early into me using markers but I had a good time making the photo look like it was distressed. Maybe it wasn't able to be preserved as well during her time in hiding? I think I also vaguely remember that I wasn't quite using the right paper so colors weren't blending as clearly. Unfortunately, that is the case for all of these picture series...
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At the time I thought getting the picture made was silly… Connor convinced me, money wasn’t a thing to him and it would make Melody happy. ��Why shouldn’t we celebrate?!,” she said, “We’re finally Wardens and together we’re gonna protect Doskvol!” … forever we’d said.
The outfits they were wearing were the uniform designs I had come up with for the Spirit Wardens. I remember I sat for a while at the time thinking of what color I wanted the stand out to be. I think I was floating between red, white, and green for the most part. As you can see I went with the red since I liked the more harsh vibe a red and black color scheme gave off. Having seen my latest seeker uniform designs you can see I kept the same color scheme. When initially coming up with this I was mostly thinking...
"What color is gonna make me freak out the most if the GM says I spot?"
Let me tell you that definitely was realized at a later point in the campaign. I do have a pic from that session and I can't wait to share that because the story of that one has my favorite moment and most genuine fear I've felt in a TTRPG.
Created 7/31/20
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musicaldaydreams · 2 years
OCtober Day 7: Dream
Art opens his eyes to a familiar, misty-pink landscape, and he can’t remember ever being so relieved. Cresselia is floating there, preening at her feathers, so she doesn’t see him arrive— doesn’t notice him at all, until he’s reaching out for her. She stretches her neck out to meet his hand.
“Mom,” he says quietly. “…I’m glad you’re here.”
“What happened?” she asks, and he can hear the edge in her voice, the beginnings of anger at something she doesn’t even know yet, for his sake. It nearly makes him cry. (Nearly, but only nearly. He’s fourteen now, and he won’t cry as easily as that.)
“The boat… there was a bomb,” he says. “I don’t know where Ava and Scarlett or Nogac are. I’m okay, but… it’s good to see you,” he repeats, looking a bit sheepish.
Cresselia immediately reaches up a wing and surrounds Art with it, looping it around him protectively. “A bomb? That is… like an Electrode, correct? Why was it on the ship?”
“They don’t know. I’m with this guy named Connor, he’s pretty cool, but he was looking into the lady who did it. We’re gonna try to get to town tomorrow, see if anyone can help us find the others.”
“They had better help,” Cresselia says, and again, Art hears the edge of her anger. “I wish that region you’re in were closer to Sinnoh. Arrith, is it? I could search for your friends’ dreams and lead you to them.”
“Ayrith,” Art corrects, and for the first time since arriving in his dreamscape he smiles. “It’s… pretty far. But it’s only for two weeks. As soon as I find the others we’re going to head off and visit the city like Ava promised.”
“I certainly hope so,” Cresselia says. “And I think you will find them. I cannot find your Prinplup, but I can feel him dreaming somewhere in the distance.”
Art, again, feels a massive wave of relief. He hasn’t let himself consider any other possibility, but he knows it was there, waiting for his fear to take hold. He’s been running from it. “…Thanks, Mom,” he says, and gives the Pokemon a lopsided hug from next to her wing.
Cresselia leans her head down to rest it on the boy’s. “Nothing to thank me for. Just keep your head up, and do not forget to keep that feather with you at all times, you understand? If I cannot find you, I will come over there, no matter how far it is.” Her tone turns stern, and Art rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah,” he says. “I know. But I’m fine. Connor’s really cool, and we’ll probably run into everyone else in the morning.”
“This is the second time now that you have told me he’s ‘cool’,” Cresselia says slyly. “Does my boy have a bit of a crush, perhaps?”
Art’s face goes as pink as the mist around him. “What? No! Moooom!”
Cresselia laughs, even as Art grumbles and protests and insists it’s ‘not like that’. It probably isn’t. But it’s done what she meant it to do— distract him from his worry— and she’ll count that as a win in her book.
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raindownforme · 3 years
“I love you” in Comic Sans
Charlie Slimecicle x reader [they/them used] (CW: slightly sexist undertones)
“CHARLIE.” Their voice echoed through the trees as they ran. y/n hurriedly weaved through the thick woods towards where they hoped their friend would be. “CHARLIE. CHARLIE I NEED HELP.”
“Jesus Christ with what?” Hearing Charlie’s voice in the distance washed a wave of relief over them as they neared a familiar cliff face. y/n made their way though the secret entrance all the way to the top where the small dug-in home was. Charlie was standing near the wall of glass overlooking the woods.
“Charlie, I have a problem.”
“Oh shit okay.”
y/n stared at him for a moment, not sure how to address the issue without being incredibly blunt. “I need a husband.”
“I- wh- uh- what?” He sputtered as if he was wrapping himself around the subject. He didn’t quite look at them.
“Schlatt trapped me in a contract months ago and he literally phrased my only way out as my permanent death or being in ‘control’ of some other man. Which he also stated meant a husband.”
“Right. And you need to be married to get away from Schlatt?”
“I knew you’d get it!”
Charlie watched as y/n went to rummage through their assorted clothes and armor pieces. “y/n, where are you gonna get someone who would do that; Who would marry you that quickly and also do it just to defy Schlatt?”
Their voice was slightly muffled as they continued searching for something. “What, are you saying I’m not marriage material?”
Charlie felt his cheeks grow warm as he stammered again. “NO! I mean you are, it’s just Schlatt, but you’re still mariable! Marriage-able? You’re worth it!” The words seemed to put from him like a waterfall, but y/n payed no mind.
“Here! I found it.” y/n pulled out a long flowey cape from deep within a chest. Whatever material it was drifted and flowed as if a breeze was carrying it, and the soft blues and greens danced in sunlight. “It’s a marriage cape! Some old traditional thing my parents did, but you wear it over armor or something. Suppose I can’t get married without this. Even if it’s fake married.”
Charlie watched as they swung it over their shoulders. It was the perfect length, landing just slightly above the ground. They swirled the cloak around their feet, laughing at the way it felt, and Charlie stared: entranced by what he was seeing. y/n looked so happy as they danced in the sunlight, Charlie almost thought he’d never seen anything as beautiful, if he hadn’t already seen them every day before this one.
y/n placed a hand on his shoulder and lightly shook him. “Charlie, are you listening?”
“YEah. Yeah no i am.”
“Right. So I need your help finding someone that could marry me. I suppose I could ask Cooper or Joko...”
Charlie felt a hot anger bubble deep inside him. “No! Not them.” He felt himself blush again. Was he jealous? No. He couldn’t be. Right?
“Okay, maybe someone with more power then? I mean Sparklez is royalty to him. Also I feel like Techno has some sort of stature here-”
“No! Not them either.”
“Well why not then?”
Charlie sat silent for a minute, unsure of what to say. “Me. Marry me.”
y/n began blushing and stared at the ground as they fussed with the edges of their cloak. “Why? That’s a lot of risk for you with Schlatt. I know you guys are friends.”
“But we’re more of friends. Yeah me and Schlatt have known each other for a while, but it’s you.”
“It’s me?” y/n felt an awkward smile creep onto their face. “And what does that mean?”
Charlie froze for a minute as the two stared at each other. He could see how much their face had flushed, but he wasn’t sure if it was the sunlight or something else. “I’m, more, friends with you than I will ever be with Schlatt. And that’s because you’re different. I feel different about you.”
They stared at each other, until y/n started laughing. “God this must be the most awkward we’ve ever been!”
Charlie smiled a chuckled a bit. “Yeah. I mean if we get married, I can always tell you-“ Charlie rushed over to the kitchen table, then came back holding a basket of fruit. “How I love you berry much.”
y/n kept laughing. “Oh god I don’t know if I can’t stand our fake marriage.”
Charlie’s smile grew wider. “y/n, I’d love to call you my significant otter!” y/n doubled over, holding their stomach as they laughed, and Charlie kept going, laughing his way through his own jokes. “This might sound cheesy, but you’d make a really grate partner!”
“No no no one more. Come here.” They both lowered to the floor, sitting close to each other as Charlie took y/n’s hand in his. “We’ll make a nice pear. Meow and for ever.”
y/n erupted into laughter, leaning slightly on Charlie. They both kept laughing for a while, laughing even harder every time they made eye contact. They stayed laying on the floor for what felt like hours.
y/n turned their head to look at Charlie. “Hey, do you think you’ll be okay?”
He turned back to look at them, confusion riddled all over his face. “Why?”
“Because it’s Schlatt.” y/n turned to look back up at the ceiling. “It’s a big risk for you. I’m not going to ask you to put yourself on the line like that.”
“It’ll be okay. I mean yeah he’s scary but in the end it’s just him versus me and you. We’ll be okay.”
“Okay. But you better not tell me you regret this tomorrow.”
Charlie chuckled and looked back at the ceiling too. “There’s no way I’ll regret this.”
Charlie and y/n sprinted out of Schlatt’s office to the elevators. Just moments earlier, they had stood in front of Schlatt, hands laced together, telling him they were to be married.
“And why is this? Do you hate me that much y/n?” Schlatt’s voice had felt laced with venom.
“I love Charlie.” y/n squeezed his hand tighter and Charlie swallowed whatever fear he had been struggling to hide. “This has nothing to do with you, but with legality in mind I had to tell you.”
“Well then,” Schlatt stood from his seat and gestured to Connor, who was only a few feet away from him, to do the same. “I can’t say you didn’t follow my rules. But until I see a certificate you’re still mine.”
“Schlatt,” Charlie took a step back, trying to pull y/n with him. “What are you doing?”
“Connor.” He turned towards his lap dog, who pulled a bright blue diamond sword from the hilt on his left hip. “Get the guy. But y/n is mine.”
And now, y/n and Charlie were stuck in the ever slow elevator and they knew Connor was racing down the stairs to kill Charlie.
y/n looked at him, eyes wide with fear. “Charlie I’m so sorry. I should never have gotten you into this I am so, so sorry.”
“It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay it’s a little messy right now but we’ll be okay.” Charlie stared at the doors, dreading the moment they opened. They were only two floors from the bottom. “You have any weapons?”
“No. They took my axe at the check in. You?”
“I have one enderpearl and some buttons.”
“Why do you always have buttons.”
“Pun material.”
They sighed, a slight smile betraying any annoyance they tried to give off. “Okay. Then when we get out you enderpearl out of here and maybe I’ll see you later.”
y/n’s grip loosened, but Charlie grabbed on tighter, now staring at them, with the pearl in his other hand. “I’m not leaving you. Maybe the pearl can take the both of us.”
The elevator dinged and y/n took a deep breath. “Whatever happens, happens.”
As the doors opened, Charlie felt time slow. Connor was a few feet away racing towards the two of them. Charlie and y/n, still holding hands, raced towards the front doors. Charlie launched the enderpearl through the open front doors, and he felt himself launch with it.
Charlie blinked for a second, then seemed to wake up in a shallow lake with his clothes entirely soaked. He rummaged around for a second in the mud, looking for his glasses, but someone tapped him on the shoulder instead.
“I found them.” He could see a blurry y/n holding his glasses, and he had never been more relieved to see anyone than in that moment.
“Are you okay? You’re not hurt right?”
“I mean, might be a little bruised, and I think I broke my wrist. But other wise good.” y/n looked down at him, smiling. “I’m glad we’re okay. Now come on, Schlatt’s gonna hunt us down until we get that certificate.”
Charlie gladly took their good hand in his and stood up. “How do we even get one?”
“Well I guess we need an officiant or or something. You think Traves would do it?”
“I think Ted is closer. He’s just east of here right?”
“Sure. But where’s east?”
“Uhhhh, opposite of the sun?”
“Oh. Right.”
The two trudged on, making it to Ted’s house hours after the sun had set. As they approached the door of the dark abode, Charlie felt himself looking over his shoulder more and more. y/n noticed, and paused before knocking on the door.
“Charlie, Ted wouldn’t betray you. It’s Ted.”
“Even then he can’t make us married right now. We’d have to stay a night here and then get married.”
“Because you need the cape. You said you can’t do the fake wedding without the cape.”
y/n stared at him, wonder washing over them. They didn’t seem to realize Charlie would care about something as minuscule as that.
In their state of bewilderment, Charlie had gone to knock roughly on Ted’s door. The odd couple heard a few muffled noises from inside; mostly someone falling and a groaning sound, and the clattering of some sort of metal.
“What????” The door swung open and y/n staggered backwards, but Charlie caught them with an arm around the waist. Ted squinted at the two of them. He wasn’t wearing his glasses, his hair stood straight up, and his shirt was both backwards and inside out. “Oh. Charles.”
“Yeah. Hey, Ted.”
Ted waved lazily, then looked over at y/n. He seemed to think for a moment, then turned back to Charlie and gestured towards them. “Who’s this?”
“Oh. Right. Uh well this is y/n-“
“We’ve met before Ted.” y/n waved at him and he turned to squint at them again. “It was like a month or two ago. I was one of Schlatt’s lackeys.”
“Oh. Wait then why are you here?”
“Well,” Charlie interjected. “We’re getting married.”
Ted didn’t react. He blinked a few times, staring at Charlie, then shut his door.
Charlie sighed and pounded on the door. “Ted, come on man we need help. Ted-“
The door flew opened and Ted stood with a smile on his face, his shirt the right way, and his round glasses resting on his nose. “You’re getting married??”
“Yeah, we are, and I can explain in the morning but right now we need somewhere away from Schlatt-“
“Get in here Charles!” Ted pulled Charlie into a hug and led him through the door. He looked back at y/n and furrowed his brow. “Hey your hand okay? It’s kinda purple.”
“Oh.” They looked down at the limp joint. “Just broken I think. Do you have anything I could wrap it with?”
“Yeah of course. I should have a potion or something that could help, too.” Ted led y/n over to a set of chests near a brew stand and began looking through the lot of things. He pulled out a red potion and some off-white bandages. “Here. Drink this and it should be better by the morning. And these will hold it in place just to make sure.”
Charlie took the bandages from Ted as y/n downed the drink. Charlie began to gently wrap y/n’s wrist, holding it as if it were glass and he could damage it more than it already was. y/n smiled at him, then looked back up to Ted.
“Thank you. For all of this.”
“Of course, Charles is one of my best friends.” He looked towards Charlie, then back towards y/n. “Why’d you guys come to me anyways?”
“Well, we need an officiator, and Charlie thought of you. I mean, if you wouldn’t mind that is.”
Ted’s eyes seemed to sparkle at the idea. “Oh my god! Of course!” He picked up Charlie from behind and flung him around like a rag doll in a hug. “Oh my god I’m so excited! Who are we inviting? When? Can I wear the milk suit? Do you have a suit charlie? Oh my god we’ll get you a suit. And what about y/n? A suit? A dress?”
y/n laughed. “There’s a cape back at my house that I was gonna wear.”
Ted frowned. “How are you going to get it then?”
“I’ll work it out.” Charlie was almost too quiet but y/n still heard him. They turned to him and smiled so wide their cheeks hurt.
“And how’s that Charlie?”
“Oh I’ll just push around a few buttons.” He pulled the buttons out of his pocket from earlier and y/n erupted into laughter. Charlie blushed a bit at the reaction, but fell into laughter too. Ted stared at the pair, a thought working through his mind.
“Alright you two. Time for bed.”
“Oh come on no need to sound like my dad.”
“y/n, it’s four in the morning. Come on you’re getting married tomorrow. You guys can take the living room.” Ted led the two of them to a set of gray couches that faced each other. He grabbed a few blankets from some shelves nearby and handed it to the two of them. “Sorry it’s all I’ve got.”
y/n shrugged and went to sit on one of the couches. “I’ll be fine. I’ll see you both in the morning?” The boys nodded and Ted went back to his room. Charlie turned off the light and went to lay on the other couch, covering himself with a fluffy blue blanket.
“I’m kind of excited for this. Who do you think we should invite?”
“Oh everyone.” y/n stretched as they yawned. “Anyone and everyone. Especially my bestie Traves.”
“Hey! I thought I was your bestie!”
“I’m literally marrying you.”
y/n laughed. “Charlie of course you’re my bestie. I’ll let Traves have second place.”
“And what about me?” Ted’s booming voice echoed through the house and the other two laughed.
“Don’t worry Ted you’re MY bestie.”
“Shut the fuck up Charles.”
y/n turned to look towards the ceiling, but Charlie still stared at them. “Goodnight, Charlie.”
“Goodnight y/n.”
y/n sat straight up on the couch. Sunlight danced around every inch of the room, but when they looked to the left of them, Charlie wasn’t there.
“Charlie?” They yelled out into the unfamiliar house. They threw the blanket - that they only remember Charlie falling asleep with - off onto the floor and stood up. “Charlie where are you?”
They ran towards a doorway and ran straight into someone wearing stark white. They backed up, trying to be anything but dizzy, just to see it was Ted.
“Hey look who’s up!”
“Where’s Charlie?”
“He went on an errand, said he’d be right back.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Maybe half an hour?”
y/n paused for a moment, eyes wide, then turned and tried to run to the door, but Ted grabbed their arm and pulled them back in. y/n wrestled against his grasp. “Let me go Ted! Schlatt’s looking for him he’s gonna kill Charlie!”
“He went by nether, Schlatt can’t catch him there. He will be back momentarily. And before he gets back you should eat something before you pass out!”
They knew Ted was right. They relaxed in Ted’s grip and followed him to the kitchen. Ted gestured to a wide array of boxes. “I have every single cereal. Please take some.”
y/n had been fully engaged in a bowl of Frosted Flakes when they heard the door open. Mouth full, they met eyes with Ted, then dashed for the door.
“Charlie?” They choked slightly on their food as they ran, but they couldn’t help feel disappointed when it was Traves instead.
“y/n!!!” Traves ran to hug them. “Charlie came over and told me you were getting married!!! I’m so excited!!! Oh and hi Ted!” Traves let go of them a little to wave at Ted.
“Hi Traves. Come inside why don’t you.”
“Oh.” Traves looked back towards the door he had left open. “I’ll get it!”
y/n sighed as Traves released them. “Traves, when did you last see Charlie?”
“Not super long ago?”
y/n nodded and went back to their cereal. Traves looked over at Ted with confusion and Ted sighed. “We haven’t seen him for almost an hour now. I think y/n’s really worried about him. They think Schlatt’s going to try and kill him.”
“Oh. Wow.” They stood in silence for a minute, not sure of what to do. “He’s going to come back. He was so excited to marry them. It’s nice they love each other like that.”
“I thought it was leverage.” The boys stared at each other with confusion. “y/n said it was a political thing with Schlatt. That’s why he’s trying to kill Charles.”
“Oh. It makes sense they’d pick him. They’ve been in love with Charlie for forever.” Traves went to sit on one of the gray couches in the open front room.
Ted sighed and took a seat near Traves. “Thank god for that because he’s been pining over them all night and it’s going to make me vomit.”
Everyone sat in silence - save for the scraping of y/n’s spoon against the bowl - for a while. By the time there was any new noise, the sun had moved just barely farther across the room.
But that new noise was more exciting than anything else.
Of course the three of them all knew what a nether portal sounded like, so they all knew what it sounded like when someone went in and out, and when someone fell out holding something that made a loud bang. Ted and Traves ran towards the stairs leading towards Ted’s basement, as did y/n. At the bottom of those stairs, past a set of oak wood doors, lay Charlie at the foot of Ted’s nether portal. He was flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, with armor pieces around him and a cloth bag on his chest.
“Charlie!” Traves smiled wide and glanced at y/n standing behind him.
“Where’s y/n?”
“Right here!”
“Wait don’t look!” Charlie slapped a hand over his eyes and Traves forcefully turned y/n around. “It’s bad luck! I can’t see you! You can’t see me!”
“Charlie, it’s been hours.” They tried to act annoyed, but they still smiled at the boy’s antics.
“Oh! I brought your cape! And your fancy stuff. I figured you’d want to get married in that. The capes in the bag, and so’s my suit. And there’s some of your armor on the floor. Just in case.”
y/n giggled. “Any armor for you?”
“Uh. I have a sword this time! And my shield and helmet. I didn’t think much more of it was my wedding style. Oh I invited a couple more people!”
“Okay, but Charlie where are we even doing this?”
“Oh. I mean there’s a church in town.”
“The purple church?”
“Yeah! I mean we should make it kind of official. I know it’s not the prettiest but you can save that for your real wedding.”
y/n felt something in their chest drop. “Yeah. Real wedding. But are you sure there?”
“Schlatt’s gonna want authentic.”
y/n nodded, then remembered Charlie couldn’t see them. “Right. Well I guess we better get ready then.”
“Yeah! Meet me there in two hours, okay?”
“Yeah! I’ll see you then.” y/n allowed Traves to grab the cloth bag from Charlie and then steer them upstairs.
Ted sighed and Charlie took the hand off his eyes. “Charles, this is ridiculous.”
“What is?” The lanky boy picked himself up off the ground.
“This! You spend the whole day pining after them and then cut them straight off of it. And then do it all over again! The first thing y/n asked me this morning is where you were. What had happened to you. If Schlatt has gotten you. And then you go around inviting people to your wedding, gathering clothes for the two of you, and then remind them it’s all fake. That’s just mean Charlie.”
“Hey, before I offered to marry them, they were gonna marry Cooper!”
“And why didn’t they?”
Because-“ he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Because I was jealous.”
“I knew it! You’re not as much of a trickster as you think Charlie. You’re not showing them anything-“
“Well I just don’t want them to marry anyone other than me.”
“Then fucking say that Charlie!”
He sighed, taking a moment before he could say something he didn’t want to. “Ted, it will be fine. If they want to get un-married to marry someone else later, then I will deal with that.
Ted rolled his eyes. “Fine. But I’m officiating this, I should get a little say.”
“You’re already wearing the milk suit, I think you had enough say.” Charlie started walking towards the stairs. “I’m sorry I got angry. But my feelings don’t really matter right now.”
Charlie walked upstairs and went to sit in the living room. After waiting for a moment, Traves came out from a hallway, holding the cloth bag from earlier.
“Here you go.” He handed Charlie the bag. Charlie reached inside and pulled out his only suit; a navy blue three piece suit with a pear-green traditional tie.
Charlie smiled, looking at the cloth in his hands. “Thanks Traves.”
“No worries! I’ll see you later.” Traves walked down a short hallway and knocked on a dark oak door.
“Come in.” y/n’s voice came from inside the room. Traves opened the door and saw them sitting on a chair facing a full length mirror. They were wearing black slacks, black shoes, and a long-sleeved black shirt that fit them quite well. It was a stark change from their usual jeans and a colored shirt, but it looked nice to Traves. He looked a bit to the left to see the cape Charlie had brought draped over another chair.
“Hey, why don’t you have that on yet?” y/n turned to look at him with slightly red eyes and he frowned, lightly shutting the door behind himself. “y/n, what’s wrong?”
“Charlie is such a good person.” They almost choked on their own words. “He offered to marry me because he knows that I had to get away from Schlatt and he went out of his way to go to my house and get the cape that he knew I wanted to be married in and these stupid clothes that are really nice. And it is gonna hurt so much when he wants to marry someone else.”
Traves went and sat next to them, wiping gently at a tear. “Why would he want to marry anyone else?”
“Oh come on.” They gave a half hearted laugh. “Do you really think Charlie loves me the way I love him?”
“I mean you were the one to say that he went out to do all of this for you.” y/n smiled and looked down at their lap. Traves frowned and took one of their hands in his. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I am.” y/n pulled Traves into an awkward side hug from their seated position. “You’re the best Traves.”
Traves smiled into the hug, before gasping and letting go. “I need to get dressed! I can’t wear a hoodie to your wedding! I’ll be right back.” He ran towards the door, but turned back quick. “You better be wearing that by the time I’m here.”
y/n laughed as Traves ran out of the house. They stood and slowly walked over to where the cape laid. Gently, y/n picked it up and swung it over their shoulders. They ran their hand across the silver ornate clasp and down the soft flowing sides. They flipped up the the loose hood and let it rest just over their hairline. They forced a small smile and stared into the mirror. “I will be okay.”
There was a knock at the door and y/n jumped. “Hey it’s Ted.”
“Oh. What’s up?”
“Uh, me and Charles are going to make sure everything’s set up at the church, so we’ll see you down the aisle in an hour?”
“Yeah! Oh and Traves-“
“Don’t worry I saw him leave. I know he’ll be back in time to get you there.”
“Good. I need someone to walk me down that stupid aisle.”
Ted laughed. “We’ll see you soon then.” He went back down the hallway to where Charlie was standing waiting. Ted could tell he was anxious; he was tapping his foot and rolling his sword in his hand. His shield rested upright against a wall. When he heard Ted coming he looked up with a nervous smile.
“Are they good? They okay?”
“Yep. I told them we’re going and they know how to get there.”
Charlie nodded slowly, then looked back up at Ted. “And Traves? They’ll need him-“
“He’ll be back sooner than you were.”
Charlie nodded and picked up his shield. The two boys walked down the stairs and into the large portal. A familiar warbling feeling washed over them as they stepped into the hell-hole of a dimension. They continued down the path Ted had constructed until they reached the main hub of portals. There were a few odd people running around or some standing in conversation. There was a group standing by the spawn portal, who turned and walked over to Ted and Charlie.
“Hey guys!” Condifiction walked up to the two, followed by Grizzly, Jawsh, Macro, and Cooper. They each wore some sort of appropriate dress. Condi looked around at their small group. “Where’s y/n?”
“They’re back at Ted’s right now. They’re gonna meet us there with Traves in a little bit.”
“Oh cool. Small ceremony then?”
Charlie nodded. “The smaller the better.”
“I mean you did invite all of us.” Macro interjected.
“Actually, I don’t remember inviting Jawsh.”
“You didn’t invite me. I was just there.”
The group stared at Jawsh for a moment, but Ted interrupted the silence first. “We should get going. We still have somethings we need.”
“Oh maybe we can help.” Cooper started digging through his pockets. “What do you guys need?”
Ted began listing off his fingers. “A book, something to write with, and some flowers. y/n doesn’t have a bouquet.”
“Does y/n want a bouquet?”
“They didn’t say they didn’t. And with the circumstances I figure it could be safe.”
Cooper looked at Ted with confusion. “Circumstances-?”
“Later. But I think we can get some books from cooper’s store and the flowers-“
“They like the blue cornflowers. There are some behind the tree.” Cooper seemed slightly surprised to see Charlie speak. “And we’re doing this because it’s the only way she gets out of Schlatt’s custody.”
Everyone seemed to pause for a moment before Ted spoke again. “Everyone ready?”
Charlie nodded, rolling his sword in his hand again, and stepped into the portal. Everyone followed behind him.
Back at Ted’s house, y/n was pacing the hallway. “You should have been here a while ago!”
“I know! I told you I got distracted and my dogs-“
“Traves, we need to go.”
“Just a minute!” His voice was muffled coming through the door. y/n groaned and leaned against the door. The wedding was supposed to be in twenty minutes, and Traves was somehow the one still getting ready.
“I don’t even care if you have your tie on right we just need to leave!” y/n looked at the clock on the far wall and went back to knocking on the door. “Traves!”
The door swung open. “Okay!” Let’s go!”
y/n grabbed on right to Traves’s hand and the two ran towards the downstairs portal. They made it through the purple wall, through the tunnel, and all the way to the other portal. A little dizzy from the portal, they ran out of the massive tree onto the paths. They stopped, slightly out of breath, and looked around.
“Yeah Traves?”
“Why isn’t there anyone around?”
He was right. The streets were completely empty. Of course all the automatic lights and water features were on and you could hear a far away spider, but there was really no one.
“I guess we keep going? Right?” y/n turned towards Traves, who was still staring out at the town. It wasn’t desolate or abandoned, it was just empty. And it didn’t make sense.
Traves didn’t respond, but the two kept walking towards the church. The sun had started to set by the time they were there, and there were hushed voices coming from the few people standing in front of the church. As they got even closer, y/n felt panic run through their blood. Through the tinted windows they could see Charlie waiting for them, but in the way were Schlatt and Connor arguing with Cooper.
“I know for a fact you weren’t invited.”
“Oh please they’ll want me here. Speak fo the devil, Y/N.” Schlatt shouted out at them. They gripped on to Traves as they approached y/n’s former employer. “Thought I’d make a customary appearance.”
“Customary?” y/n glanced over at Cooper, who gave a slight shrug.
“Yeah you know, last man that was I charge of you gets to give you away to the next.” He threw an arm over their shoulder and pulled them tight against his body. He was somewhat taller than them, and he smelled slightly of alcohol and an obnoxious cologne. y/n glanced between Traves and Cooper, waiting for anyone to do something. “Let’s get this wedding started!”
y/n watched as Cooper escorted Connor through the doors. Traves gave y/n a worried look before following them inside. They took a deep breath and closed their eyes.
“Cooper said there wasn’t any music so I’d assume it’s when ever you want.”
“Why are you here, Schlatt.”
He slid his arm into the crook of her elbow, holding it so tight they thought he was going to tear it out of the socket. “Because you’re not bullshitting me out of this contract.”
Par t 2 here!
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wellimaginethat · 3 years
Stitches: Part One
Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Sister!Reader
Requested?: Yes
Word Count: 3099
Author’s Note: This idea was super cute and I loved it, wish I could have gotten it written sooner for the lovely requester but stupid writers block hit. I decided I am going to make this into two parts
Trigger Warning(s): Hospital, needles, panic attack, injury, needing stitches, being bullied, physical assault
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Y/N Rhodes is the younger sister of Connor, she’s been being picked on at school and it escalates to where she needs stitches and ends up in the ED, where she has a panic attack due to a fear of needles and hospitals, so Connor shows up to save the day.
Chicago Med Tags: @bethii1, @drakelover78, @lorenakaspersen​ (want to be tagged? message me!)
Y/N = Your Name
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High school is rough, especially when you’re being bullied. But you tried to shrug it off and ignore it, but that just seemed to make it worse, so you tried talking to the teachers and the principal and that is how you landed in the ED.
You were brought in by the ambulance because you were pushed down a flight of concrete steps, luckily you didn’t get hurt too badly but the school called the ambulance regardless.
You absolutely hated hospitals, or rather you were terrified of them. You didn’t really have a reason for being afraid of hospitals, but they freaked you out. Everything about hospitals freaked you out. The doctors, the nurses, needles, the noises. Everything. And given that you were already upset over what happened, it just made it all worse.
When they wheeled you in, you heard the paramedic talking to a nurse.
“Sixteen year old female, pushed down a flight of concrete steps outside the high school, has a massive gash on her forehead and possibly some broken ribs.”
When they got you into the room, the nurse the paramedic had been talking to and a red headed doctor walked in.
“Hi my name’s Dr. Halstead, can you tell me your name?” The doctor asked
“Y/N Rhodes.” You managed to get out, your eyes were darting around and you looked uneasy.
The nurse looked at the doctor before looking at you. “You’re Connor’s little sister, aren’t you?” You nodded silently, feeling almost like a little kid. Dr. Halstead peaked out of the room and you heard him call your brother to your room.
The minute Connor walked in his face fell and he rushed to your side, checking you over and especially taking a look at the gash on your head. “God, Y/N, what happened?” He asked you in an incredibly worried tone, looking at you with an almost scared look in his eyes.
“Jake pushed me down the stairs at school.” You told him weakly, scared and sad. “He was mad because I told the principal about him.”
Connor nodded before looking at Dr. Halstead and nodding for him to head out of the room so they could talk.
The nurse approached you then with a soft smile. “My name is Maggie, how about I get an IV hooked up to get you some pain meds to help?” She asked you in a soft voice, noticing how scared you seemed.
“A-an IV? Doesn’t that involve a needle?” You asked, stuttering a bit. You shook your head violently, causing yourself to see stars, when she nodded. “No...no needles.” Maggie seemed hesitant but nodded a bit. “Alright, how about we wait on that until your brother gets back? Maybe he can ease your worries?”
You nodded a bit and watched as Maggie also stepped out of the room.
“I’ll talk to Goodwin about it, see if she’ll allow it this one time.” Connor told Will as they talked about five feet from your room, you couldn’t hear them but could see that Connor was discussing something with your doctor and it made you curious.
“Talk to Goodwin about what?” Sharon walked up behind him after hearing her name, looking at Connor.
Connor took a breath, thinking how best to broach the subject to her to convince her. “My sister was hurt.” He started out. “And she’s scared of hospitals and doctors and pretty much everything involving medicine.”
“I sense I know where this is going.” Sharon stated but waited for him to continue.
“Let me treat her.” Connor stated.
Will crossed his arms, waiting for Goodwin to tell him no.
Before Sharon had the chance, Connor spoke again. “She’s absolutely terrified and I’m afraid if someone else treats her it will cause her to have a panic attack.”
“And you think if you treat her you can avoid this?” Sharon asked him, skeptically.
Connor slowly nodded, a bit hesitant. “I believe so, yes. I know it goes against the code of ethics-”
Sharon cut him off, glancing over into your room and seeing how frightened you seemed before looking back at your brother. “I will make an exception.” She told him. “Due to the circumstances, I feel it’s in the patient’s best interest.”
Connor was beyond grateful and relieved. “Thank you.” He told her before heading back to your room. “Hey.” He said softly, moving over to take another look at the gash on your head. “So it looks like you’re gonna need stitches, okay?” Your eyes widened and you shook your head. “No no no no…” You started to panic.
Connor gently placed his hands on your shoulders. “Hey there, look at me.” He said softly, waiting until you looked at him. “It’s going to be okay, alright? I’m gonna take care of you and it’s all going to be okay.” He said softly.
You nodded silently but your eyes were still full of fear.
“Now Maggie is going to give you an IV, I want you to focus on me while she does that.” Connor said softly as Maggie took your arm in her gloves hands. “Just focus on me.”
You kept your eyes on him and winced when you felt the plastic tighten around your bicep, trying to brace yourself for the needle.
“Just keep focusing on me.” Connor said softly.
You squeaked when you felt the needle pierce the skin in the crook of your elbow but you managed to not panic or black out, which was an amazing feat.
“You did good.” Connor said softly, standing to get what he needed. “Now I’m going to have to give you a shot to numb the area so I can stitch up the gash, okay?”
“Wait!” You said quickly, stopping him before he had a chance to even get the syringe ready. When he looked at you, you met his eyes. “Just give me a second to prepare myself.” You said quietly, still trying to work through the emotions of getting the IV.
Connor nodded and set the syringe down on the sterilized tray, waiting until you were ready.
You took a couple of deep breaths before you nodded. “Okay...I think I’m ready.” You told him and he picked the syringe up.
“Do you want to hold my hand?” Maggie offered softly, holding her hand out to you.
You smiled weakly and nodded, taking her hand as you squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself.
It went a lot better than you or Connor was expecting, soon enough the area surrounding the gash was numb and Connor was able to start stitching it up. Luckily, if the gash left a scar it was along your hairline so it would be less noticeable, and you’d be able to hide it with your hair.
“Alright, almost done.” Connor said as he did the last stitch and tied it, cutting off the excess and setting it off to the side before taking a seat. “Now, tell me again what happened.”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. “Jake’s been bullying me for a while now, but it just keeps getting worse. After he beat me up yesterday, I told the principal and then today he attacked me again and pushed me down the steps outside of school when I was trying to leave.” You explained, looking at your hands. “It just keeps getting worse.”
“Sounds like maybe we should inform the cops.” Maggie remarked softly.
“Why? They probably won’t do anything.” You were convinced that you’d just have to deal with it.
“What he did today qualifies as assault.” Connor told you gently, agreeing with Maggie and nodding to her.
She disappeared out of the room, probably heading to call the police.
“It’ll just make it worse!” You exclaimed, worried, wanting Maggie to stop before she got the cops involved.
Connor hushed you gently, moving to sit on the bed beside you. “It’s not going to get worse.”
“You don’t know that!” You insisted, trying feebly to push him away when he carefully pulled you into a hug.
“I do know that, because I’m your big brother.” Connor told you. “And big brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters. I’m sorry I didn’t know what was going on before otherwise I would have done something a lot sooner.”
You sniffled. “What if the cops don’t do anything?” “Well then I guess I’ll just have to have a talk with Jake’s parents.” Connor replied.
“His parents can’t do anything, he’s eighteen.” You replied quietly, leaning into the hug more as exhaustion took over you. You just wanted to go home and pretend nothing happened.
“Well that means he’s an adult and the cops should do something considering he attacked a minor.” Connor told you, trying to ease your worries. He glanced out of the room and noticed your dad was standing at the nurse’s station. “I’ll be right back.” He told you softly, kissing the top of your head before pulling away from the hug slowly.
“I want to know where my daughter is.” Cornelius demanded of the nurse.
“I just need a name, sir.” The nurse tried to tell him in a polite voice.
“I’ve got this, Doris.” Connor told her, gaining the attention of his dad. He wasn’t thrilled to see him, but the two had an unspoken agreement that they would play nice whenever you were around. “She’s in here.” Connor motioned to where you were, leading your dad in.
“Dad.” You were honestly happy to see him, even though he was a pretty absent father, you still adored him and you were kind of his pride and joy for now, favoring you over your two older siblings.
Cornelius walked over. “What on earth happened?” “A boy attacked her at school.” Connor told him, crossing his arms. “Did you know she was being bullied?”
“Bullied?” Cornelius looked at Connor and back to you before looking back at your brother. “I had no idea.” Connor scoffed. “Figures.” He muttered under his breath, looking out of the room and taking his attention off you and your father as he watched for the police to arrive.
After your brother’s dramatic exit, you and your father both fell silent. You were keenly aware of the fact that your father favored you compared to your siblings, and that he and Connor had an especially strained relationship for some reason. Neither of them ever put you in the middle of it and they always attempted to play nice in your presence, keyword being attempted. As a child, you weren’t aware of the fact that they had issues, but now that you were getting older it was rather hard to ignore, especially in tense situations like this.
You could hear different sounds coming from different rooms in the ED and it made you uncomfortable, causing you to shift on the bed.
“Are you alright?” Your father looked at you with concern in his eyes.
You nodded silently at first. “Yeah. I’m fine.” You finally managed to reply in a quiet voice. “I just really don’t like hospitals.”
“Well after you’re released we’ll take you home and you can rest in the comfort of your own bed.”
You smiled tiredly at him and nodded. “Sounds good.”
It was a while longer before the cops finally showed up to ask you some questions, and that was when Connor finally came back into your room.
“Miss. Rhodes, can you tell us what happened?” A female cop asked you in a polite tone, like the kind adults use with children who seem upset.
You shifted on the bed again. “There’s this kid I go to school with and he’s been bullying me for a while now.” You told her, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear nervously. “It’s been getting worse and worse and today he pushed me down the front steps at school.”
The female cop wrote what you said down, nodding as she did so. “And what did you say his name was?”
You pulled your lip in between your teeth, chewing on it nervously.
Connor walked over to you and gently touched your arm to comfort you.
“Jake. Jacob Smith.” You corrected yourself, taking a deep breath. 
“And how long has this been going on?”
You thought about the question, trying to pinpoint just when Jake started bullying you. “About a year or so. It started when I was a freshman and just continued on. I think it was my second semester as a freshman.”
The cop nodded and was about to speak before your dad interrupted.
“We want to press charges.” He insisted.
You shrunk down a bit in your seat, knowing how your father could treat people, already embarrassed.
“We understand, Mr. Rhodes, but we do need to conduct an investigation into this first.”
“An investigation? Look at my daughter, she’s in the hospital for Christ’s sake! She’s traumatized!” He did have a point, but you knew the cops were just trying to do their jobs.
That’s when the male cop spoke up. “We understand that you’re upset, sir, but we need you to calm down and let us do our job.”
That didn’t bode well with your father.
“Dad, please.” You begged quietly, looking up at him with tear filled eyes. “Just let the cops do their job.”
Cornelius had a hard time saying no to you, given that you were the baby of the family and his favorite child, so he slowly backed down and took his seat at your bedside again.
“I hate to say it, but our dad has a point.” You brother spoke up, thankfully much calmer than your father. “She was attacked by this boy and it did cause her both physical and mental harm, so we would appreciate it if you could make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Both cops nodded to him. “We’ll talk to the witnesses, it was reported so we’re sure it will be a pretty open and shut case, but we do need to conduct an investigation.”
“We understand.” Connor told them, glancing over at his father before looking back at the cops. “Or at least I do.” He said in a lower voice as he walked out of the room with them.
It was a few minutes before Connor came back into the room.
“Thank you.” Your father told him tightly. “For agreeing with me instead of them.”
Connor didn’t respond, just shook his head a bit. He knew if he responded it would just lead to an argument and he didn’t want to put you through that.
“Can I go home?” You asked him quietly as he walked over to your side. “Please? I’m exhausted and I hate the hospital.”
Connor nodded. “I know you do.” He looked at your dad. “How about you come fill out the discharge papers so we can get her out of here?”
Cornelius nodded and stood up. “We’ll be right back.” He told you softly, touching your hand gently before following your brother out.
“You need to watch yourself around the cops.” Connor warned him once they were out of your earshot.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Connor turned to face him. “It means you need to be nice otherwise nothing will get done.”
Cornelius scoffed at that. “I know how to deal with people, Connor.”
“No you know how to push people around and buy them off.” Connor retorted, crossing his arms. “Just back off this time, let the cops do their jobs.”
Cornelius walked past him and to the nurse’s station. “I’d like you to discharge my daughter now. Y/N Rhodes.” As soon as the papers were signed, he went back to your room. “Alright, we’re good to go.” He gave you a smile.
You looked past him. “Where’s Connor? Isn’t he gonna come say goodbye?”
“He had to get back to work.” Your dad told you, but you could tell he was lying. Something happened and you knew it and it made you feel like your stomach was sinking into a black hole. You swallowed around the dry lump in your throat and nodded, trying to pretend you didn’t suspect anything. “Oh. Okay.” You could write the sadness off as not getting to say goodbye to your brother. You got up from the bed slowly.
“Do you need some help?”
You shook your head. “I’ve got it, thanks.” You waved him off as you grabbed your backpack from the floor before heading over to him. “I’m so ready to get home.” You breathed out, simply exhausted. “I just want to change into my pajamas and curl up in my bed.” You had plans to watch movies the rest of the afternoon.
Your dad nodded and walked out of the hospital with you, leading you over to his car.
Once you were home, you did exactly what you said you would, changed and curled up on your bed. You fished your phone out of your backpack before tossing it to the floor beside your bed. When you turned it on you saw you had a bunch of text messages from your friends asking if you were okay, you decided you’d respond to them in a bit, wanting to text your brother first. 
It took you a few minutes and a few erased attempts before you decided on what to say. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that we’re home. Sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye, dad said you had to get back to work. I love you, talk to you later. And with that you hit send before you began replying to all your friends.
The rest of the night you stayed in your room, texting your friends and watching movies. The housekeeper checked on you a few times, but you didn’t see or hear from your dad at all the rest of the night, which honestly wasn’t that unusual. You may be the favorite, but you were pretty sure he only remembered he had kids when it suited him or he was forced to remember.
Eventually, despite the fact that your head began to throb, you were able to fall asleep. The next morning you were rudely awakened by your alarm clock alerting you that it was time to wake up and get ready for school, which you immediately dreaded after remembering the events of the prior day. You got dressed before picking your phone up and checking it, only to see you got a text from your best friend informing you that Jake had gotten arrested.
Part Two Coming Soon...
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captain039 · 3 years
We can take care of each other
Hank x reader x Connor
Warnings: ABO, poly relationship, swearing, police things, Intimate, sexual, harassment, Daddy Hank, anxiety, angst
Previous chapter <-
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You awoke slowly and groggily. You grumbled at the light shining in through the small crack in the curtains. You pulled your covers over your head before you heard movement. You frowned body tensing as you slowly stood. You quietly opened your door and peered around. You frowned when you saw Connor before you remember he had stayed the night.
“Sorry detective did I wake you?” You jumped when he spoke.
“No, the sun did” you huffed and yawned as you came out. You sat down at the kitchen table and tried to wake up a bit more.
“Would you like breakfast?” He asked.
“Just give me ten minutes” you answered rubbing your eyes. He sat down in front of you while you stared at the table.
“I’m not a morning person” you said chuckling.
“It’s alright, neither is the lieutenant” Connor smiled and you snorted lightly.
“That I know” you chuckled leaning back and closing your eyes again.
“I’ll make you some breakfast, it’ll wake you up” Connor said as he stood.
“You don’t have to make me breakfast” you chuckled looking to him.
“I just have cereal” you stood and opened your top cupboard. You glanced at the three types and sighed. Connor was behind you probably analysing your cereal.
You froze when a hand touched your naked back. You had worn a singlet that had a low back, your hair thrown up messily and shorts on.
“Connor?” You muttered not daring to face him.
“Detective may I ask a personal question?” He said in a serious tone. You gulped and nodded slowly turning around as his hand slipped.
“Yeah” you whispered looking to him.
“You told me yesterday that you had bonded with Hank” he began and you cursed yourself silently.
“Not a proper bond” you said and he frowned.
“In my head I get a mental bond with people I trust and have been around the longest, it just happens” you shrugged.
“Like my family I guess” you trialed off.
“Am I apart of that family?” He asked head slightly tilted.
“Of course” you said frowning.
“But I have no scent” you frowned again at his words.
“You smell like washed clothes and Connor?” You shrugged.
“Do you like Hanks scent?” His questioned confused you as you tilted your head.
“I do?” You said unsure. His LED whirred a little and he stared ahead at nothing.
“Did something come in?” You asked.
“Chelsey is being admitted to the hospital, she’s calling for you detective” you froze. You rushed to get dressed and quickly grab a piece of bread as breakfast. You looked to Connor who was already dressed and nodded.
At the station you saw the ambulance outside and commotion inside. You pushed past people Connor right behind you. You found her pretty easily, shaking on the floor in the corner, medics around her.
“What happened?” You asked one of the medics.
“She went into an episode, she kept saying Y/n” you nodded as she spotted you.
“Y/n” she said and rushed to you and you froze as she clung to you tightly. You didn’t know what to do, the woman had obviously made you her safe space. You blinked a few times body beginning to shake also.
“Detective” Connor said softly as you gulped.
“Miss Chelsey I need you to let go of the detective” Connor said calmly.
“What’s going on?” You heard Hanks voice.
“Hank” you muttered. Connors hand rested on your shoulder while Hank knelt by you. Chelsey hid as you rested on your knees, she awkwardly laid on you.
“Hey” Hank spoke softly cupping your cheek. Your eyes were blurred a bit as you tried to focus on him. This was a little too much, you never had someone cling to you with this much need and fear, you were the one to do the clinging.
“What’s wrong with her?” Hank had snapped at the medic.
“I don’t know” she said stepping back. He was tense and letting off a worried alpha smell.
“She’s gone into some kind of shock lieutenant” Connor spoke this time.
“I suggest we take her out of here” he added.
“No!” The woman around you cried and you flinched.
“Hank” you mumbled again.
“What is it?” He asked quickly.
“What do you need me to?” He added.
“Hank hold her” Connor spoke.
“What?” The alpha frowned.
“Chelsey isn’t going to let go, but she needs to calm down or they’ll both end up in hospital, please Hank, I cannot do this” Connor spoke almost desperate, his hand on your shoulder tight.
“Jesus” Hank muttered.
“Y/n” you looked to the alpha.
“I’m gonna sit down ok?” He said and you nodded. He sat behind you and you leant back.
“You’re alright” Hank said no doubt glaring at anyone who looked at him.
You began to calm down, things cleared and your mind wasn’t so fuzzy anymore.
“Chelsey” you said softly and she looked up.
“We need to get you to a hospital” you whispered and she nodded.
“I need help” you glanced back to Hank.
“Yep” he stood with a grunt and helped you up with the girl clinging to you. You turned to Connor who had a worried look, eyes glancing you up and down. You gave him a small nod and slowly walked out the police station and into the ambulance with Chelsey.
After she was admitted she got put under anaesthetics to calm her down and give her some rest. You were still off as you left Connor and Hank had waited outside for you. You felt wrong almost the feeling she gave you, you don’t know why. You couldn’t take care of her, you didn’t know how to.
“I can’t help her” you said softly.
“I can’t take care of myself how am I supposed to support and help her!” You shouted slightly before leaning against the car.
“Hey, nobody’s forcing you to take care of her ok?” Hank said.
“The hospital and the department will deal with her” he added.
“Detective” Connor said as you stared at the ground.
“I can’t-“ you lifted your hands seeing them shaking. It was like old memories were being brought up, past trauma. You had issues with alphas in the past, you were easily submissive and pushed around, you couldn’t defend yourself. In school it was worse, despite being able to go to a special school with limited people they were still around. You always sought guidance and wanted someone to hold your hand even when you were teenager. You hated feeling alone and not able to do anything by yourself.
“Lieutenant I think we should take the detective home” Connor said.
“Yeah” Hank helped you into the front seat. You sat staring out the window till you pulled up to his house.
“Lieutenant?” Connor asked confused.
“She needs someone Con” he sighed getting out.
They both helped you into the house and you sat on the couch. Hank gave you a blanket and Sumo jumped up and rested on your lap.
You felt eyes on you while you tried to redirect your mind, almost like you were malfunctioning.
“I think she’s malfunctioning” Connor said.
“Connor she isn’t a fucking robot” Hank sighed.
“No, but she’s trying to reprogram her thoughts” Connor could read you easily and you were thankful for it. You were in a sense trying to reprogram yourself you guess, back to your normal self.
“Well I ain’t leaving her till she’s good again” Hank said finale and sat down on his single seater.
“Sit down Connor” Hank sighed and he did. Connor sat on the three seater by Sumo gently petting the dog. You stayed quiet for a while till you leant your head back and sighed.
“I’m sorry” you finally spoke.
“The fuck you sorry for?” Hank said.
“Malfunctioning” you smiled.
“We all malfunction sometimes” Hank muttered.
“I’m not use to people clinging to me like that” you explained.
“I’m usually the one doing it, I’m sorry” you sighed and Hank frowned.
“What’s wrong with being clingy?” He asked.
“It’s annoying” you shrugged.
“I know it annoys you, I’m in your pocket all the time and I’m sorry I just-“ Hank cut you off.
“Shut up, you’re not annoying me, the only who annoys me is goof face over there I still have him around don’t I?” Hank looked you in the eye and you nodded.
“You don’t annoy me, I’m just a grumpy old alpha ok, I don’t mean to be a dick” he sighed running a hand down his face.
“I just am” he leant back looking away.
“Your not old or a dick” you mumbled.
“I am” he scoffed softly taking a sip of his beer.
“And you don’t even know what I’m doing” you sighed looking to Connor.
“I’ve known you for a while detective, I have ideas of what you are doing” Connor said.
“Though I may not be alpha, beta or omega I still understand your needs” he said and you smiled sadly.
“I just can’t help them in a way an alpha could” he added and your heart broke a little.
“Well shit” Hank laughed making you frown.
“Whats funny?” You asked.
“Connor” he said smirking.
“How am i funny lieutenant?” He asked tilting his head while you frowned confused.
“I forget both of you have never had partners” he sighed.
“Connor you have a thing for Y/n” he said and you flushed.
“What thing?” Connor asked.
“You like her” Hank added while you brought the blanket to your mouth.
“She is my friend” Connor said not getting.
“Fuck sake, you wanna be with her” Hank said gesturing to you. Connor frowned and blinked but made an ‘o’ face when he got it. Hank sighed sitting back a frown settling on his face though.
“Is something the matter?” Connor asked.
“No” Hank said bluntly and you frowned.
“Hank?” You said softly and he tsked getting up.
“You can sleep out here or kick me out of my bed I don’t care” he grumbled and went to his room. You frowned watching him leave shoulders sagging.
“I think the lieutenant disapprove of my feelings” Connor said.
“No he’s just-“ you sighed.
“Do you disapprove of my feelings detective?” He looked to you, puppy eyes boring into you.
“No! No, I’m just not use to having some like me like that Con” you flushed.
“I don’t know how it would work though” you sighed torn between Hank and Connor.
“Something bothers you” he stated giving you his attention.
“You and Hank-“ you sighed.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with Hank, I’m torn between you and him” you said sighing.
“I want you both to be happy and with me” you mumbled as Connors eyes squinted.
“You want both of us? As partners?” He asked and you nodded pulling the blanket close again.
“I don’t want one” you mumbled.
“I just don’t know what to do, Hank doesn’t see me like that” you said sadly.
“I’m just the stupid kid he has to look out for” you sighed. You held Sumo close, hugging him as you cried softly. Connor stood up and you frowned as he left in the direction of Hanks room. You sighed not knowing what he was doing.
“You love me right Sumo?” You asked and he licked your face.
“Yep” you made a disgusted face as he gave a silly lopsided grin with his tongue hanging out.
“You’re so cute” you squished his cheeks together.
“Detective” you jumped when Connor called you. You dreaded moving but went anyway with the blanket wrapped around you. You followed Connor into Hanks room, he sat at the end of his bed leaning on his hand.
“The lieutenant doesn’t believe me” Connor said making you frown.
“Believe what?” You said confused.
“That you want us both” you flushed at his words.
“Me and the lieutenant have experienced some intimate moments” you kept your eyes on the ground as Connor spoke.
“Only because you wanted to experiment” Hank snapped lightly.
“Fucking-“ Hank sighed. You were blushing furiously.
“Would you like to experiment detective?” Connors voice went low and deep and you almost melted at the sound. You were flushing like mad legs shaking slightly as you walked over to Hank. Hank looked up to you back straightening as he did. You gulped nervously as he looked down again.
“Fuck it” he mumbled and you yelped when he pulled you to his lap. Hank captured your lips and held his arm around your waist to keep you up. You were lost for a moment before kissing back. You shuddered at the feeling of being on his lap, your blanket now a pile on the floor. You didn’t notice Connor till his hands were on your hips. Hank had moved his hands higher up to hold you steady. Connors hand slipped under your shirt to feel your skin. You made a small noise in Hanks mouth and he gave a soft growl. Connors hands were cool on your overly heated skin, you were getting breathless as Hank kissed you roughly. Connor was feeling you, gently squeezing your soft flesh before you felt his lips on your neck. How Connor knew what to do was beyond you but you didn’t want it to stop. You pulled back breathless as Hank attacked the front of your neck instead. Connors hand moved to the front of your stomach, gently squeezing your tummy. You flushed embarrassed before his hand snaked to your pants.
“Connor” you mumbled and Hank hushed you gently.
“Hank” you whined as he kissed you again.
“We got you omega” Hank whispered into your mouth. Connors fingers eagerly slipped between your underwear and down through your folds. The android hummed against your neck before his lips left your skin. You whined but Hank growled in warning to keep focused on kissing him while Connor teased your clit. You gasped as he gently rubbed giving Hank access to inside your mouth. You had to pull back out of breath. You breathed heavily leaning against Hanks shoulder as he kissed and sucked along the side of your neck.
“Connor” you whined back arching slightly as his pace quickened. His fingers began to vibrate and you moaned at the feeling as he moved quickly. You came quickly too the stimulation to much. You panted and trembled as Connor ran his finger through your juices. He pulled his hand out and you frowned as he lifted his fingers to Hanks mouth. You flushed when Hank sucked on them eagerly moaning at your taste. Connor stood up too but Hank grabbed him and kissed him. You leant back slightly watching, eyes fixated. Hank pulled back breathless and Connor licked his lips. You were blushing like mad, body still trembling slightly as Connor kissed you gently. You leant to him almost chasing him as he left. You hid in Hanks shoulder then and he chuckled arms holding you tightly. Connor nudged his nose gently to your neck sighing.
“You should both rest” Connor said and you nodded eyes not daring to meet either of them. You got off Hanks lap with shaky legs, you picked up the blanket and wrapped it around yourself.
“No couch” Connor blocked your way before you could go there. Hank chuckled lying back in his bed arms behind his head. You saw his clear bulge and flushed like mad scurrying to the bed and lying down. Connor closed the curtains and you frowned when he went to leave.
“Connor” Hank called and he turned around.
“Come here you idiot” Hank sighed. You shuffled to move to the middle and Connor laid down beside you.
“I don’t sleep” Connor said.
“I don’t care” Hank said and you laughed quietly.
“You leave again and I’ll break your legs” Hank muttered lying down and getting comfortable.
“Noted” Connor said.
You closed your eyes but rolled over to face Connor. He laid stiffly, hands rested on his stomach as he stared at the ceiling. You looked to him silently asking hoping he’d see your eyes.
“Connor” Hank mumbled.
“Yes lieutenant?” Connor answered.
“You have to pay attention” Hank said and Connor looked to you.
“Oh” he said opening his arms. You smiled lying on his chest, leg hiked up on his. Hank spooned you from behind and you sighed contently. You saw Hank grabbed Connors other hand and you smiled finally closing your eyes for a needed rest.
Next chapter ->
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peninkwrites · 2 years
Wake Up. Ch 12 of ?
Punz feels betrayed. Tommy doesn't.
(CW: abuse and suicidal thoughts)
crossposted to ao3
Ch 1
Ch 11
Ch 13
Punz resists the urge to bombard Wilbur with questions.  That’s not how he would act normally, and since Wilbur isn’t at his throat, there clearly isn’t much suspicion to worry about there.  And poor Connor– He hadn’t really seen anything.  He’d been dead before he hit the ground, he’d never had any indication of Punz working with Dream and it seems he’s fallen for Punz’s little sob story about just trying to get Tommy somewhere safe with ease.  This is the part where he bows out, if he wants information, he has a better place to get it, and if he’s honest, he has no fucking clue what Dream is playing at sending Wilbur back out.
“I think I’m gonna go home,” Punz stands, a hand going to his side as his ribs protest at the movement just as his leg threatens to give out.  Fuck, that hurt.  “Phil, can I have another health pot for the road?”
“Yeah, yeah sure, mate, do you want someone to walk you?  I can look for… I dunno, an old sword for you to use as a walking stick or something?” Phil passes him the potion.
“What happened?” Wilbur has been staring at the floor like a man at the foot of a deathbed, waiting only for bad news, but now he looks up, noting Punz’s injuries.
“Dream.  What else?” Punz says flatly.  “Look, I’m tired, Connor can fill you in on the rest.”
“I’m tired too!  I’m the one who died today,” Connor says.
“Fuck, I’m sorry about that too, man.  I could’ve… acted faster, I dunno,” Punz sighs.
“Hey, quit beating yourself up.  We were all a little thrown off by that, huh?  I’m just glad you like, tried to stay with Tommy or whatever.  I dunno,” Connor shrugs.
“You did?” Wilbur stares between the both of them.  “I’m sorry, I know– I know you’re tired, but please.”  He stares at him, something far too vulnerable and desperate behind his eyes.  He doesn’t even offer a question, he just looks at Punz, thinks of Tommy, and says please.
It unnerves Punz a bit.  “I was the one watching him.  When–” Punz stops with an appropriately heavy sigh.  “When Dream showed up.  Killed Connor.  Shot me in the leg before I could take a step and kept me down with this,” he gestures bitterly to the bandages wrapped around his torso.
“And what did you do?”  Wilbur isn’t pitying.  Not like the others.  He’s still desperate, but now he’s sharp too.
Punz stares at him, irritated.  “Besides… bleeding out?”  He says coldly.
“No, before then.  Okay, he shot you in the leg.  What the fuck were you doing when he had to switch over to his sword?” Wilbur sounds like he’s trying his best to cut Punz open again with his words, and for a moment of genuine fear, only a moment, Punz thinks maybe he does know something.  Some indication of Punz’s loyalties that had slipped through the cracks, despite Punz’s avid efforts to avoid Wilbur’s cell on his visits to Dream’s little hideaway.  But that look in Wilbur’s eyes… it’s not suspicion.  He’s wholeheartedly and furiously accusing Tommy’s protector of not doing enough, no treachery needed.
“Wilbur,” Phil is as scolding as he can manage when he’s treating his undead son like glass.
“No, it’s fine,” Punz keeps his voice steady, calm, but he cuts out that self pitying bullshit, that dramatic guilt of oh if only I could have done more, that might work on Connor, even on Phil, but not Wilbur.  He doesn’t know the man well, but he knows something of him from his louder acts.  Wilbur knows theatrics are bullshit because that’s all he was ever good at.  Punz is good at his job too.  “I’ll go through this step by step for you, Wilbur.  And I mean step by step.  Just to get you caught up on the amount of wasted efforts have gone into trying to keep Tommy safe, okay?” Punz puts out a hand as if to tell Wilbur to hold that thought, because he’s not stopping.  “See, Sapnap has been planning patrols to look for Dream constantly, and somehow I have gotten myself roped into it.  We run into Ponk and Sam– You know, Sam hasn’t left Ponk’s side since the rescue and he was very much right to, because he’s made the mistake of working for Dream in the past and got a target put on his back for failing him, so Dream shoots Ponk.  Dream shows up right there,” Punz points out the front windows toward the aquarium tunnel.  “And Tommy is also nearby, of course.  With Tubbo, obviously, because Tubbo has been watching Tommy like a hawk since he got back.  Along with the night shifts we’ve all been taking to keep Tommy safe.  But Tubbo– honestly reasonably, needs to go after Dream.  Kill him, kill the problem, right?  And Sapnap has already taken off, and Sam is freaking out because Ponk is fucking shot, so I offer to look after Tommy.  Easy, right?  Dream went the other way, and we are surrounded by other people.  Sure, Sam is occupied but he’s a good fighter.  Ranboo, I don’t know, but the kid seems tough enough, and Phil is right there too.  I almost feel ornamental, he’s so safe.”
Punz laughs, sarcasm with a hint of viciousness.  “And you know what our dear Tommy does?  Tommy, who every bleeding heart on the server has been slaving away to protect?  This kid runs away.  He bolts, and maybe I should’ve known right then the job was more trouble than it’s worth.  And Sam is currently busy getting covered in Ponk’s blood, but that sweetheart looks like he wants to follow him, but obviously he should stay with Ponk, so I say I’ll go after him.  Bring him back– It should be easy, right?  So I head toward Tommy’s house.  And I’m right.  He’s there, freaking out.  And I make my first mistake.  Tommy doesn’t want to go back, he wants me to leave him alone, etcetera etcetera, typical poor terrified Tommy shit.  And I humor him.  I don’t leave, obviously, but I don’t take Tommy back the way we’d come, I think, oh, the smart thing to do is to work our way around.  Tommy didn’t want to go back to Phil’s, so I was thinking maybe we’d hide out by the docks or Niki’s old place or something, but first I try to get us away from the main path and here comes Connor, who it is not my job to protect.  He’s a liability– no offense–”
“None taken?”
“–so I basically tell him to fuck off.  He doesn’t.  I keep moving.  And we find ourselves outside of the prison.  And Connor gets in my way.  So we are not moving.  And then Dream arrives.  Dream who is supposed to be on the other side of the fucking server getting beaten up by Sapnap and Tubbo.  But no.  First he comes around the corner, out by the prison, after I have spent the last five minutes bickering with Connor over letting me take Tommy somewhere.  So instead of looking out for Dream, my whole job, I am looking at him.  That’s my next mistake, right?  That mistake is what got Connor an axe to the neck.  Dream leaves his axe and has his crossbow out.  He is out of range of me.  I have my sword and I get to take one step forward.  Dream shoots me in the leg, it starts to give out, and I make another mistake.  Okay?  I already had my sword out, I could’ve swung at him,” Punz smiles, sharp and bitter, this time the facade has nothing mournful, only a cold assessment of his own work.  “And I grabbed Tommy.  Okay?  I had a split second, and in years of cold hard training to be one of the best goddamn mercenaries on this server instead of swinging my sword, protecting my bad side, all the practical things I have done my whole life, I got stupid.  I got emotional and my first instinct was to grab Tommy and try to pull him back.”  Punz sees it change.  The look in Wilbur’s eyes– not pitying or accommodating in any way, but a change nonetheless.
Punz finishes strong.  “So yeah.  Dream got to take a cheap shot between my ribs.  And for that, Wilbur, I am sorry.  I really am.  So if you have to know, those were my mistakes.  And that is why I had to lay there on the fucking ground while Tommy walked out of there with Dream.  And yeah, I failed, and this part won’t make you feel better, Wilbur, but even then, at least I fought harder than Tommy did.  Tommy has been protected for weeks and it’s on my watch he decides to make it harder every step of the way.  Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Wilbur falls for it.  Hook, line, and sinker.  It’s something unkind and cruel and maybe a bit too close to home for the self loathing former president, that Wilbur will believe.
Wilbur shakes his head with the morbid, fanatical smile of a grieving man.  His voice tremors.  “You’re right.  Doesn’t– It doesn’t make me feel better.”  He laughs, something more like a sob.  “You should’ve fought harder.”
“Yeah.  Well, not like I can do anything for him now.  So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go home and rest without the company of a miserable asshole looking for a target– sorry, a target other than himself.  Your projection could use some subtlety, Wilbur.  Best of luck to you all.”  With that last snide comment, again, just cruel enough to be trusted– and maybe Punz gets a little satisfaction from it as well– he leaves them to it.
Wilbur watches Punz leave with full acceptance.  He knows his scolding Punz for not fighting hard enough is inane considering it’s not like he did any better.
“Wil?  Can I have a look at your head?” Phil says gently.
“What?  Oh, yeah right,” Wilbur grudgingly leans forward.  “Ow, fuck–”
“Sorry, just hold still, mate,” Phil winces sympathetically.  “You wanna take off your coat?  I’m gonna try and get some of the blood out of your hair.”
“Doesn’t matter I’ve been damp for weeks.”
Connor laughs, reminding Wilbur of his presence.
“You alright?”
“Huh?  Me?” Connor seems surprised.
“Yeah, you–” Wilbur stops with a gasp as cool water pours down his head.
“Sorry, sorry you said it didn’t matter!” Phil fusses over him.  “Don’t think you’ll need stitches, that’s something.”
“Lucky me,” Wilbur sighs.  “And yeah, Connor, you fucking died today.  So, you alright?”
“Yeah!  Yeah, it was pretty quick.  So,” Connor shrugs it off, a hand going to the raised scar across his neck.  “I… I guess I just feel bad about Tommy.  Like, last time I wait too long to say stuff, and that ended up being bad for him.  And this time I thought ‘you know what.  If he seems all freaked out, this time I’ll stay with him.  Make sure he’s okay,’ and I tried to do that, and I think I ended up making it worse.  Like.  Tommy looked like he was gonna puke or something, and Punz was basically forcing him to keep moving, so I got all bitchy and tried to cut him off.  I dunno what I was thinking.  Even if Punz was being pushy it was because Tommy seemed like, shell shocked or something.  He wasn’t like, bullying Tommy.”  Connor sighs.  “Stupid of me.  So.  I’m sorry too.”
“What do you mean last time?” Wilbur turns reproachful as Connor’s words catch up to him.
“Oh– Yeah, so.  Forever ago I saw Dream revive Tommy.  When the whole server thought he was dead?  That time?  And I was like, holy shit!  Tommy’s not dead!  Why’s he sneaking around, right?  And like, it was probably like 2 am or something I was barely fucking awake.  He’s like, talking to Dream about something, Dream helps him up, and they start leaving.  And I just sorta went ‘okay looks like Tommy just faked his death good for him.’  And didn’t tell anyone, because like.  Clearly Tommy didn’t want anyone to find out.  He walked out of there with Dream when he could’ve gone to L’Manberg or whatever.  And now I know he’d been… I guess brainwashed?  I don’t know it’s not all really clear to me, but when I thought I was just letting a guy fake his death I was actually like, helping this other guy get away with kidnapping a kid.  So,” Connor nods solemnly.  “I fucked up.  And I think about it a lot.  And then this time I tried to help him and it didn’t do shit.  So.”
Wilbur looks for the coldness that had come to him when Punz had said his piece and finds he doesn’t have any anger left.  Not for this poor bastard who had never had a job to do or someone to protect.  Maybe later he’ll think about it more, think about what Connor getting his head out of his ass sooner could’ve prevented, but right now the only person worthy of scorn is himself.  He’d known what his task had been and had had the opportunity, and when it came down to it, he just wasn’t strong enough.  The only reason he hasn’t left to find a ledge to throw himself off of is Phil’s incessant worrying over his shoulder.  He misses when it had just been Tommy he had to try to protect.  He’s back among the living and all that is is a dozen more people for him to fail.
“I think I’m gonna go sit outside.  I haven’t… it’s been a long time since I’ve been outside,” Wilbur stands unsteadily.
“Yeah, sure.  Want me to come with you?” Phil hovers, looking like he wants to help Wilbur stand.
“No.  I just– I just need some time,” Wilbur presses a hand to his eyes as the room still tilts.  He focuses on keeping steady and makes it out the door.  He stops at the edge of one of the platforms, in this strange, new world they’d pieced together on top of the crater he had left them with.  Wilbur had brought them all that pain, all that destruction, and now he has the luxury of sitting on top of his reckoning, alive and well.  There’s water filling the crater.  Tiny, darkly colored fish flit through the shadows underneath.  Wilbur can smell the water.  He feels wind tugging gently at his hair and the shadows of clouds shift and change to occasional sunbeams.  Wilbur tucks his knees into his chest, grabbing fistfulls of his hair, eyes shut tight.  He doesn’t know what right has to cry when he’s the one that made it out.
Punz’s story had been a careful web of half-truths.  The irritation was true.  Punz had done his job perfectly and Dream rewards him by freeing one of their lab rats.  Dream had been the one insisting they needed both, they just had to get Tommy to test the revive book on two subjects and of course now that he has Tommy he changes his mind.  Punz does return to his home, but not to rest.
You whisper to Dream: stasis?
Dream doesn’t reply, but in a moment Punz feels that familiar jolt in his stomach of falling through space before he hits the trap door, pain shuddering through his wounded leg.
“Everything good back on the Mainlands?” Dream helps him steady, a hand on his arm.  Punz was supposed to stay there and keep an eye on things.  Dream assumes something went wrong for him to come back so soon.  To be fair, something had gone wrong.
“Yeah,” Punz brushes Dream off irritatedly.  “Except, it was weird, everything was going to plan, the hunters I saved your ass from came back, but they weren’t empty handed, huh?  No, Wilbur fucking Soot comes walking back into town– And I thought to myself– hey, that’s weird!  He’s supposed to be in a fucking cell, a hundred blocks under water, where he can’t tell anyone fucking anything!”  Injured or not, Punz shoves Dream back into the wall, his shouts echoing through the dome.
There’s a splash in the water on the other side of the room.  Punz turns around sharply, about to go for his sword, but instead he sees Tommy, standing just inside the doorway, staring at him, looking almost impressed.
“What’s… what the hell is he doing out?!” Punz isn’t shouting anymore, still sharp, still irritated, but unnerved as well.  He’d easily avoided Wilbur who had been confined to a cell at all times, but this?   Considering his participation in Tommy’s abduction, he can’t help but feel like Tommy isn’t supposed to be here.  Not where Punz has to see him at least.
“It’s not like he can go anywhere,” Dream scoffs.
“So you’re just letting him wander around the base?!” Punz asks incredulously.
“What’s your fucking problem, then?!” It’s Tommy who replies because of fucking course it is.
“Does he know where his room is?” Punz keeps talking to Dream, staring at that mask instead of the kid behind him.
“Yeah.  I already gave him the grand tour,” Dream has the audacity to sound amused.
“Go there, then, Tommy,” Punz turns back, pointing in the other direction of the hall.
Tommy doesn’t move.  He glances between Punz and Dream, waiting.
“Yeah, go,” Dream waves him off.
Tommy gives Punz an almost taunting look, eyebrows raised, a poorly buried smirk.  Waiting for Dream’s orders is as close to telling Punz he isn’t the boss of him as he can get.
“And hey, when Punz asks you to do something, you do it,” Dream adds.
Tommy scowls.  Still, he’s quick to make his exit while he has the chance. 
“I don’t need you to defend me from a teenager,” Punz snaps.
“What, were you gonna go over there and actually hit him to make him listen to you?  Because that’s what you’d have to do,” Dream says it like a challenge, a test of Punz’s willpower.
Punz buries the urge to snap back: I could have done that if you’d given me the chance, but the truth of it was he hadn’t made any move towards Tommy, he’d just stood there and let Tommy look smug.  “…You still screwed me over– don’t change the subject.”
Dream scoffs, brushing him off.  “Okay, I can see you’re mad–”
“Mad?  Oh, do I seem mad to you, Dream?!  What gave you that idea–  Maybe it’s because you just decided to put me at risk– and for what?!” Punz steps forward, jabbing an accusing finger against Dream’s chest.  “You were the one who said we needed them both!  That was your fucking excuse for me helping you play your little mind games, sneaking around all of Tommy’s little guards, and the moment you get your fucking way you let Wilbur go?!”  Punz can’t help it, he shoves Dream back again.  He knows Dream won’t be afraid to hit back, Punz injured or not, but he’s so fucking tired of Dream’s shit.  “Do you forget I am the one who had to run in and save your ass when your starving unarmed prisoner managed to get you on the ground?!  Maybe I’m fucking mad Dream because you gave me no warning about this little part of your plan and we had no fucking insurance that he didn’t see me before he blacked out, how about that, Dream?!”
“...And did he see you?  Did he say anything?”  Is all Dream says, without any anger, maybe mild interest.
It’s fucking infuriating.  “No!  No, as far as I can tell, he didn’t see shit.  Got on my case about losing Tommy, but no.  If he knows, he’s stronger than I thought.  I don’t think he would’ve been able to restrain himself if he thought I’d helped take him.  You know what they’re like,” Punz finally steps back.
“Well, then no harm no foul, right?” Dream shrugs.
“Fuck you, man.”
“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Dream saunters over.  “Things changed, opportunities presented themselves.”
“Opportunities?  What do you mean opportunities presented themselves?”
“I got rid of the lodestone, sent those idiots on a wild goose chase, and now Wilbur is out there to keep them occupied with all of his bullshit, right?”
“Explain.  Explain better.”
Dream sighs, leaning against the glass.  “Okay, fine.  I gave Wilbur the Lodestone.  Tubbo found him instead.”
“So?  You could’ve just dumped it somewhere.  Or broken it.  Attached it to a mob or something send them chasing after that.”
“Tell me, Punz.  Right now, according to all those poor desperate people back in L’Manberg, what is their best connection to find Tommy?”
Punz eyes him warily.  “...Wilbur?”
“Yes, Wilbur.  And tell me, Punz, what would you think if your enemy took someone and let another prisoner go?”
“...There was a trade.”
“Right again!  And between Wilbur and Tommy, who does L’Manberg like more?”
“And if instead you got the annoying, manipulative guy who blew up your nation, who appears out of the woods, clearly misleading you by design, would you trust that person?”
“See, Punz?  Now, when you tell me what those little pawns are up to, if they start noticing a certain trend, who is the last person who had a connection with the evil monster Dream that’s been terrorizing them?”
“Wilbur,” Punz’s anger has faded to irritation.
“Exactly.  Not you, but Wilbur.  Sure, they might not blame him for it, probably assume it’s to protect poor little Tommy, but they won’t go pointing fingers at you.  Not for a while, at least.  In the list of targets they might wager is working with me, I mean, Sapnap would make the list, probably.  Then maybe Sam.  I mean, he built me the prison, and I shot Ponk, not him.”
“Connor.  I’ve been trying to push the idea that it might be Connor.”
“Wait, really?”  Dream sounds delighted.
“Yeah.  He saw you revive Tommy and didn’t say anything, and he was there when you took him last time.”
Dream laughs, sharp and wheezing.  “Oh my god!  That’s perfect.  See if you can keep doing that.  Connor getting arrested or something from getting accused of working with me.  That would be so funny.”
“Okay– Let’s say I believe you let Wilbur go as some clever plan to keep my cover– you were the one saying we needed both of them,” Punz is still reproachful.  “I have spent weeks sneaking around helping you scare that kid all so he wouldn’t put up a fight.  It’s fucking insane.  You could’ve grabbed him at the very start when I said I spotted you by L’Manberg!  And you– what, you talked to him?  Tommy can’t put up a fight.  And if not him– you could’ve taken literally anyone on the server, like, you could’ve taken someone who wouldn’t have been missed.  Like… I mean, like Connor for instance!”
“All of my research so far has been using Tommy.  It’s important to be consistent.”
Punz eyes him doubtfully.  “...Right.”
“And yeah, letting Wilbur go was a bit of a spur of the moment decision, but it’s not permanent.  You think that idiot is going to stay out there knowing I have Tommy here?  These people– It’s too easy.  Their attachments make them weak.  Wilbur, with all of his self loathing bullshit, I’d bet he’ll kill himself by the end of the week and tell Tommy he’s coming to help him.”
Punz mulls this over, pacing the dome, the water splashes annoyingly.  “Okay, fine.  I still think you’re a dick, but fine.  I–”  He stops, irritation returning sharply at the outline of a figure trying to make himself small and hidden in the shadows of the corridor.  There’s nowhere really for him to hide, but Punz has to give Tommy some credit.  He’d managed to go unnoticed in the darkness between sea lanterns this long.
Dream follows his gaze.  He moves carefully along the wall, keeping out of sight of the doorway.  Punz is surprised Tommy can’t hear him coming, but the sound of the water must echo, it’s hard to follow.  Tommy yelps as Dream drags him back out by the hair.
“Having fun there, Tommy?” Dream forces Tommy to look at him.  “I let you have full run of the base and this is how you repay me?!”  He tugs on Tommy’s hair until he cries out to emphasize his point.
“L-Let me go– I’ll go I–”
“Arguing, now?  Really?  What the hell has gotten into you?  Have you really forgotten everything I’ve taught you?” Dream turns scolding.  Then he turns to Punz, throwing Tommy at his feet.  “Will you do the honors?  You’re the one that told him to leave.  He disobeyed you.”
Tommy scrambles back, putting some distance between them but the only other option is getting in reach of Dream so he stops.  He looks up at Punz, not quite scared, but wary.  This is a test.  From both Dream and Tommy.  Punz doesn’t see why it should matter who does it.  Tommy hits the ground with a split and bloody lip either way.
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
Sooo….I kinda feel like everyone loves Azriel simply because we don’t really know him…. Like, his backstory is super interesting, and he has that whole “tall,dark and mysterious” thing going on, but I feel like the fandom loves the version they’ve created of him. Which is fine, but I think we have to acknowledge that SJM is kinda good at ruining her characters. *cough* Rhysand *cough* Feyre *cough* Tamlin….and I could go on. I fear that if we get a book where Azriel is a main, everyone will be disappointed.
That is a totally fair and valid fear!
I do agree that's probably a reason why people love him. The other reason is because Az is your standard "sad boi", and A LOT of people, especially readers, seem to love a good sad boi. Or, at least, a lot of readers in my life do. 👀 Personally, I don't. I fell in love with Cassian basically the moment we met him and have never faltered - that's my type. I've posted about it, but my three biggest SJM world crushes are Cassian, Connor Holstrom, and Aedion Ashryver (don't get me wrong, I do looooove Rowan, but Aedion was the one that just had me like 'awwww 😍😊'). So, like, yeah...and while, yes, there's obvs a physical aspect to that, in reading, that's not what makes you fall in love. And those three definitely also have very similar vibes, especially Cassian and Aedion, who can both have some comic relief aspect, and are happier bois.
Anyway, enough about me, the point is that a lot of people seem drawn to the sad boi type, too, whether they can help it or not. And hey, we all have our trauma that makes us like what we like, so def. no judgment from me on that.
As for being afraid she'll ruin his character, I get where you're coming from. Especially after reading the Bonus chapter because, I'll admit, I was disappointed in what we saw from Az in his mind.
That being said, SJM loves Az, so at least, if she does ruin him, it won't be purposeful, similarly to Rhys. But, I also think that she has a lot of room to help him grow. SJM, in my opinion, hasn't ruined characters when they were the main. I mean, for the first three books Feyre was really the only MC, with a bit of Rhys POV at times, and we loved Rhys so much! And some of us loved Feyre...I was iffy on her at times, cause she's always been just a bit too perfect, but I def. never hated her, and I often did like her.
However, I know a number of people that hated Nesta before ACOSF, and after it were like "shit, this badass is queeeeen". Which, yes, accurate, how dare you not figure it out sooner. 👀 And while Cassian could have had more development, and been a bit better, I didn't feel like he got ruined in ACOSF either. Even with his flaws, I still ended up loving him more. I need a man like that...one that'll wait for me and fight for me, like, ughhhh...seriously, can I have one??
But, yeah, SJM didn't really ruin Rhys until ACOSF, and we finally saw him through eyes that didn't have a "Rhys is the best" filter. It probably also didn't help that we fell in love with Nesta and so many of us relate to her in one way or another. But, we also have to remember that there are people out there who still don't like Nesta, and they don't feel Rhys was ruined. It's okay to be wrong sometimes. My point with that is that, in the end, it'll be as much about ourselves, what we related to and how we see those actions. Me, I saw a male who couldn't be sympathetic to a struggling female, and held her to a double standard and couldn't forgive her for the things she did years ago when she was basically a child, and nothing she could do would be enough. Not even literally save his brother's life. And yet, he'd forgive the other sister even though she did less than Nesta did when they were humans, isn't the one who attempted to get Feyre back from the Fae lands (I mean, seriously, does no one in the book remember that Nesta traveled to the f*ing wall as a human to try and get Feyre back?!), and did very little during the war. Not trying to insult E\ain, just pointing out what happened and how Rhys is holding a double standard, forgiving one sister solely because she's "nice" and hating the other, most likely because Nesta was representing on the outside what everyone else was feeling on the inside. And, Rhys is your typical WASP - you hide those emotions, you do not show flaws in public, outside your home everything is fine, repress repress repress.
Okay, sorry, Rhys rant over, and if anyone was ever curious where I stood on Rhys (and hadn't seen other posts where I def. brought it up), now you know. I'm not sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, while I understand the fear, and that feeling is totally valid, I'll say I'm not super concerned. Because SJM is good at putting us in the perspective of who she's writing from, and that will hopefully help us long-term in his book, even if maybe at the beginning it's rough cause Az hates himself.
My biggest fear is definitely more that we'll be disappointed because we all like Az (or love for some) and many of us are likely building up this potential story in our heads a lot - kinda like what you said about the fandom making our own Az. Or reading fics doing the same. I won't deny, that's probably my biggest fear. It's not that she'll ruin Az, but just that she'll do things differently, and I may be a bit disappointed...esp. if she doesn't make Gwyn the dom. 👀 After reading a fic with femdom Gwyn (not super BDSM, just, like, she's the dom in the relationship), I can't not want that...so, like, SJM, plz. I know it's probs not gonna happen, she writes relationships where the guy is the top, BUT IT COULD!
And, if it doesn't, then she better f*ing make E\ain the dom to Lucien's sub...I'm sorry, but considering her personality outside of the bedroom, it's just so right, and we need a femdom relationship in her world.
So, yeah. I get your fear. It's fair. The fanon version of Az does exist, for sure. I think canon Az is likely going to be darker, for sure, at least at the beginning, which is going to be difficult but really put us on a true journey. But, in the end, it also might be something we have to check ourselves on, because it wouldn't be fair to SJM for us to be disappointed because we created something we love with her character, and then she showed us that the character she created is different.
I understand, I feel you. But don't worry too much. <3 I will just leave you with a little nugget from the true nugget, Newt Scamander:
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blue-fidelity · 4 years
~ “Smile in the face of Tragedy”
Chapter 2: New King
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x Henderson!reader, Steve Harrington x best friend! reader
Chapter Summary:
A wild night reveals secrets and broken hearts. At least Billy & (Y/N) have each other.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, drunk!Billy, sad!Steve (that is a warning 🥺)
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“(Y/N)! It’s Halloween!”- Halloween? (Y/N) woke up to the sound of her brother yelling excitingly. If she wasn’t mistaken, she could hear the Ghostbusters theme playing loudly from Dustin’s room. She groaned, burying her head in her pillows while running her hands through her hair.
This is not how she planned to wake up this morning.
Before closing her eyes to regain a little more sleep, her alarm clock looked her right in the face. 7:15. Another groan came from her. Perk up (Y/N), it’s your favourite holiday! She pushed herself up, swinging her legs on the side of the bed. (Y/N) definitely knew the high school students weren’t going to be wearing costumes to school. So before Billy picked her up, she’d head home to get changed.
Billy- (Y/N) didn’t think she’d be able to forget yesterday. The way he held her, the way he kissed her forehead. His embrace was so comforting- she nearly melted into him. The smell of dry cigarette smoke and cheap cologne haven’t been able to leave her senses. It was like everything that came with him, it was intoxicating, and she couldn’t get enough of it.
As she stepped out of bed, she moved her hips slightly to the music coming from her brother’s stereo. When she made it to her drawers, she contemplated what she should wear today. Just because she wasn’t going to wear a costume, didn’t mean she couldn’t look spooky, right? She grabbed her “Chistine” t-shirt, it was one of her favorite horror movies. Pairing it with a black acid wash skirt, some fishnets, and her usual chuck taylors, she strutted confidently out her bedroom door.
She walked into the bathroom to find Dustin clad in his Stantz costume, brushing his teeth. He looked so cute! “Hey Doctor Stantz, ‘lookin pretty badass”, she grinned, patting him on the back. “Thanks (Y/N)! I can’t wait to see the guys in their costumes, Halloween’s gonna be so great!”, he cheered, spitting out his tooth paste. He quickly ran out of the room to fetch breakfast, leaving (Y/N) time for her hair & makeup.
Bright red lipstick and heavy black eyeliner, hair slightly curled.
When she stepped into the living room, she saw her mom enthusiastically taking polaroids of Dustin. She couldn’t help but smile, hoping her mom would save her some for her picture board. (Y/N) sat on the couch beside her cat Mews, scratching the back of his ears as he purred in contentment. She giggled at the various poses her brother made in front of the camera.
Her mom had finally stopped taking photos, noticing her on the couch. “(Y/N) darling! I didn’t see you come in, can I get a photo of my two children?”, she questioned, looking at her with pleading eyes. (Y/N) couldn’t say no! “Of course!”, she said, standing up from the couch.
She placed an arm around Dustin’s shoulders, teasingly taking him in a headlock, rubbing her nuckles on his hair. To this he laughed, playfully pointing his fake proton blaster at her. It was the perfect picture. Perfectly trapped in the moment of two great siblings, simply having a good time.
(Y/N) gathered her things, making sure to take one of her mom’s homemade muffins for breakfast. She had made them a couple days before, but they still were delicious. Even though (Y/N) desperately needed coffee, she decided against it. She was already running a bit late, and as much as she hated the stale stuff from the cafeteria, it’d have to do. Dustin had already slipped out the door to head off on his bike, he really must’ve been eager to see his friends.
Before making her way to her motorcycle, she slipped her jean jacket on and hugged her mom goodbye. Claudia looked at her intently, ruffling her curled hair. (Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully, “Alright mom, I gotta go! ‘I’m gonna stop here after school though, k?”, she opened the front door. “Okay have a good day sweetie! ‘I’ll see you before your party!”. (Y/N)’s mom knew about the party, whether she knew there was going to be alcohol involved, it was better off not knowing.
Sliding the keys into the ignition, she sped off to the school. She could never get enough of the mysterious backroads of Hawkins. It scared her, obviously. With all the things that happened the previous year, she couldn't help but wonder if things still lurked in the depths of the forest, hiding till they could strike. Waiting and waiting till they can catch someone else and drag them to that horrible place. Her body trembled at the thought of it. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of the memories. Eyes turning back to the road, she removed one of her hands from the handles, trying to reach for the button of her stereo. It had turned onto some random radio station that was playing Halloween tunes.
“Happy Halloween ‘Morning Ghouls and Goblins of Hawkins! Here’s a spooky throwback from ‘1982 for y’all on this fine dreary morning, ‘Blood Bitch’, by Cocteau Twins!” - the radio host introduced, was he really supposed to swear on radio? Well, no one really had a filter these days.
The song added to the eerie atmosphere of the cold morning, making her uneasy. She pushed through her thoughts, trying to just focus on getting to school. It was Halloween! No need for being pent up on past trauma. The station had eventually turned to a happier song, putting her in a better mood. What better to put a smile on your face then the ‘Time Warp” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show? She bobbed her head happily to the familiar tune, singing along to the lyrics.
School today had been an absolute drag! Last period (math) was nearly done and (Y/N) was desperate to get out. She could see some of her mutuals were anxious as well, probably too excited to wait for the party tonight. She was excited as well, maybe a little bit of the fact that she’d be spending more time with Billy?
(Y/N) would hate for him to think she’d be using him as a rebound. Even though it seemed that way, she really should’ve forgotten about her feelings for Steve awhile ago. (Y/N) really loved Steve, but he’d always been so oblivious, but- that was just Steve. He would’ve never known of her feelings if she didn’t tell him. Which she never did, in fear of obvious rejection. Then here was Billy Hargrove, whether it be his flirtatious nature, she could see herself really falling for him. The one thing she knew she wouldn’t do was dive in too quickly. She wouldn’t make the same mistakes, for her and for Billy’s sake.
She was finally released from the rechedouness that was her math class-running straight out the door right as the bell rang, nearly having winded Mr. Henry. After taking a quick stop at her locker, she walked outside to find her motorcycle. (Y/N) was nearly there till a skateboard hit her feet, stopping her in her tracks.
“I’m so sorry! It slipped right out from under me-” a voice of a young girl called, her breath shaky. (Y/N) looked down at the girl shuffling to grab her skateboard, she had never seen her before. The mysterious teen with the red hair looked around her brother’s age, so why was she so unrecognizable? Wait- could it be?
Billy’s step sister.
“Hey, hey it’s all good!”, (Y/N) gave her a reassuring smile. “Hey- not to sound weird or anything-”, she chuckled nervously, “But, are you new here? ‘You see I got a younger brother ‘about your age, and you got an unfamiliar face”. The girl stared at her skeptically, but still replied. “Yeah, just moved here from ‘California, what are you ‘looking to set him up or something?” she questioned sarcastically. ‘Damn she was quite the firecracker. “Nah frankly I think you're a little out of his league”, (Y/N) winked. To this she got a laugh out of her. “Well, it was nice weirdly meeting you, ‘I’m Max!”, she introduced herself. “Well Max, ‘I’m (Y/N), if you're interested in someone helping you out with that kickflip, ‘I used to do some skateboarding myself”, she offered. Max beamed at her offer, “Really? That’d be so great!”, “Alrighty then, if you see me around, don’t be shy to ask!”.
Little did (Y/N) and Max know, Billy was watching them. Billy knew (Y/N) was genuinely kind, but not that kind. It wasn’t necessarily cool to be seen with a middle schooler. He figured he wouldn’t look too much into it, but something about seeing (Y/N) with her, didn’t sit well with him. Billy gave Max a dirty look as she skated up to the camaro. “You're late again”, Billy started. “I had to get catchup homework”, Max stated. “Jesus! I don’t care- who was that girl you were talking to?”, Billy asked, even though he already knew who she was. “Just some high schooler- she offered to help me learn some skateboarding tricks' '. So she skateboarded too, huh? “That’s rich. Just, get in the car, will yah?”.
(Y/N) entered the door with a ‘skip in her step. She really needed a reason to lose herself, forget about the world around her. Tonight was going to be perfect for that. Expecting to be greeted by her mom, she noticed no one was there. She knew Dustin was heading to Mike’s right after school, ‘but her mom was nowhere to be seen. She probably had to work later hours again. ‘This meant she had the place to herself! (Y/N) still had a few hours before Billy picked her up. So she figured she’d get into her costume, and then fix herself something to eat.
The Sarah Connor costume was simple. Gray tank top, black jeans, sunglasses, a chunky belt and combat boots. (Y/N) already had all of this in her regular wardrobe, so it’d be a pretty easy costume. Of course she didn’t have a rifle to complete it, even though she could’ve asked Nance. She wasn’t about to show up to a house party with a gun. It would have been pretty cool though.
She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, clad in costume. Now it was time to remove her makeup and untame her curled hair. “Mr. Crowley” by Ozzy Osbourne was currently spinning on her “Blizzard of Ozz” vinyl. She mouthed her lips to the lyrics as she straightened her hair, her (Y/H/C) locks falling in straight whisps on her head. Replacing her once extravagant makeup with a more nude look, she looked at herself pleased.
A total badass look, you might say.
It was only 4:30, and Billy was coming over at 6 o’clock. She had way too much time to kill. Making her way to the kitchen, she scoped the fridge. Enough ground beef for two burgers, and she knew they had leftover buns. Maybe Billy would be hungry when he got there, and if she was making dinner for two- she didn’t want to start too early. So she’d head back to it in about a half an hour. Meanwhile a coca-cola would hold her down, she was pretty firsty.
(Y/N) now laid in her bed, bored. ‘Blizzard of Ozz was still playing, it just switched onto “Steal Away (The Night)”, her ears perked up to the upbeat tune. She couldn’t help but dance around, hopping happily on her bed as she belted the lyrics along with Ozzy. Pointing at the poster of him that was plastered on her wall, she shouted the chorus. It’d be pretty funny if Billy were to walk in on her singing her heart out, what would he think of that? She rolled her eyes at the thought, he’d probably think she was crazy. The song ended, turning to the next one. (Y/N) took this as her cue to start on dinner.
Flipping the patties in the pan, she sighed at the smell. She did cook a pretty ‘mean burger. Dustin loved when she made them, he always said the added rosemary was the perfect touch. (Y/N) grew up with her mother teaching her how to cook. Claudia Henderson had worked in a number of restaurants, usually in the kitchen or as a waitress. She now helped run a popular Inn a little outside of town, and it was her favourite place she’s ever worked in. (Y/N) probably figured it was a busy night, considering she didn’t come home at her usual hour.
5:45 and the burgers were ready and plated, the aroma running through the room. Billy was ‘going to be here soon, and she was giddy with excitement. Before she knew it, the bell rang. Fuck he was early. “Coming!” she called, slowly making her way to the door. ‘There he stood; a cocky grin on his face with his arm propped up on the door ledge. She took time to take in his minimal outfit, tight jeans & a leather jacket, no shirt. His abbs were on full display- (Y/N)’s mouth watered just at the sight of him. “See something you like, sweetheart?” he smirked. “Maybe-”, (Y/N) stammered. “It’s aight, I see something I like to,'' he whispered the last part into her ear, letting himself in.
“She cooks too? ‘I guess looks can be deceiving”, he motioned to the burgers. (Y/N) blushed, “I figured we could eat before we fill ourselves with alcohol”. They delved into the burgers, she couldn’t help but laugh when Billy moaned at the taste. “Darlin- I haven’t had a burger like this in awhile, ‘the ones down at Benny’s don’t hold anything on these”, he praised. “That must be a high compliment, because ‘Benny’s are pretty good”, she smiled at him. (Y/N) put the dishes into the dishwasher, quickly running to her room to grab her polaroid camera. “Where are you ‘heading princess?”, she’d never get tired of his little pet names. “I’m just grabbing my camera- I want to get some good shots tonight!”.
(Y/N) came back with her camera bag, a big grin on her face. “You ready to head out?”, he questioned. “Yeah, just let me get my jacket”, she took her jacket from the hook. “Ready”. He guided her to the camaro, opening the passenger door. Billy never opened the passenger door for girls! ‘(Y/N) really did something to him, huh? “Such the gentlemen”, she smirked. “Anything for you dollface”. He slid into the drivers side, placing his keys into the ignition. “Music?” she questioned, “Sure thing, feel free to look through the cassettes in the glove box”. She searched through the assortment of tapes, varying from Metallica, Def Leppard, RATT, Mötley Crüe, Hanoi Rocks, AC/DC and more. She settled on Hanoi Rocks’s, “Two Steps From The Move” album. It had just come out that summer, and it was one of her favourites. Not to mention she had a HUGE crush on Michael Monroe.
“Hanoi Rocks huh? I like your style”, he nodded in approval, till turning his eyes back on the road. “Got any specific fave tracks?”, (Y/N) questioned. “Track 8”. She was surprised he chose this one, considering it was one of the more “cheesy” songs. ‘It did have a pretty ‘rockin guitar riff in it though, she’ll give him that. Billy contentedly thumped his hands on the steering wheel, speeding up a bit. Rolling both of their windows down, (Y/N) was surprised to see him singing along to the lyrics. It was a bad attempt at a Finnish accent, sure, but it was still really cute. (Y/N) joined him, jumping in at the chorus. They banged their heads to the tune, continuously singing the lines. (Y/N) really felt alive in that moment. ‘She couldn’t remember the last time she had this much fun, and they haven’t even gotten to the party yet.
They pulled up to Tina’s, teens were already rallying in. ‘It was going to be a wild night. Before Billy could open up his trunk to get the kegs, (Y/N) stopped him. She pulled out her camera, “Hargrove! Smile!”, she grinned, pointing the camera at him. ‘He rolled his eyes, posing for the picture. The photo was of Billy playfully doing the devil’s horns symbol, with his tongue stuck out. She giggled, “This is one for the board!”. “Well Hey Sarrah Conner- let me take a pic of you!”, he said, trying to grab the camera from her. She handed the camera to him, smiling that he remembered her costume name. Letting her sunglasses shade her eyes, ‘she smirked brightly at the camera, ‘Billy quickly snapping the shot. He handed the polaroid to her, she shaked it and placed it in her bag with the one she took.
Billy held one of the kegs while (Y/N) grabbed the other, walking into the crowded house. It was overwhelmingly loud. They could feel the heat coming off the numerous teenagers that littered the home, their bodies moving to the heavy beats of the stereo. Tina was in the kitchen, and had noticed the pair walk in. “Billy & (Y/N) are here with more kegs!”, she shouted, ‘causing the crowd to go wild. Someone had taken the one from her hands and motioned Billy to follow them into the backyard, leaving her alone. She grazed over the sea of teens, trying to spot anyone she knew. She noticed Steve and Nancy dancing freely in the living room, Nancy nursing a drink while Steve had a big smile on his face. She figured she’d grab some punch and then see what Billy was doing in the backyard, most likely a keg stand. He was the new ‘king after all, Tommy was probably expecting him to beat Steve’s record.
‘As luck would have it, she was right. She stood on the back porch with a cup of “pure fuel” in her hands, watching the teens crowd around him as he bent over the keg. They shouted various numbers, counting the seconds as he chugged down the beer. (Y/N) cheered with them, looking at him with bright eyes. His torso was glistening, beads of sweat running down his toned chest. Her cheeks flushed red just at the sight of him. The enthusiasm got louder as he finished the stand, spitting spews of beer out of his mouth. “That’s how you do it Hawkins! That’s how you do it!”, more cheers. Tommy passed him a cigarette and escorted him into the house, the gang shouting his name as Mötley Crüe’s, “Shout At The Devil” played on the speakers. Billy spotted her on the porch, grinning wildly at her. He shoved her into his side with his arm, hugging her tight. Tommy glared at the interaction. Never in her time with being friends with Steve has ‘Tommy liked her that much, and it seems things haven’t changed.
Typical Tommy.
(Y/N) was enjoying the feel of Billy's embrace a little too much. She knew he was already partially drunk, and she was feeling a nice buzz that she wasn’t planning on getting rid of anytime soon. Someone had to drive them home. ‘Tommy paraded them up to Nancy and Steve, (Y/N) wasn’t sure if it was to torchure her or show off Billy, probably both. ‘Billy and Steve stared each other down as if they were going to kill each other, it was really intense. Too intense for her liking. Still hooded under Billy’s arm, she shot Steve a sympathetic look. ‘As if to say ‘I’m sorry’ with her eyes. “We got ourselves a new keg king Harrington!”, Tommy declared. “Yeah eat it Harrington!”, another guy shouted. Somehow in ‘Billy and Steve’s stare down, Nancy had slipped away.
“You see Harrington- not only that, but I stole your girl away too”, Billy retorted. Oh shit- this wasn’t good. Steve glanced over at her, a nervous look in his eyes. “I don’t know what you're talking about man-”. How did Billy know about (Y/N)’s past feelings for Steve? “Well you see, this lovely lady under my arms thought the world of you, and frankly I- I just don’t see why! Point being, she has me now, you can go fetch that slut you settled for.” This interaction was making neither Steve nor (Y/N) happy, it left them feeling both angry and confused. Steve scoffed, chasing after Nancy. He was going to want to talk to (Y/N) about this later.
Steve really didn’t know what to make of what Billy had said to him. Mainly, it sounded like a warning; but he didn’t think Billy intended for it to be that. (Y/N) and him had been best friends forever, and even if he didn’t necessarily like Billy, there was no harm in her being friends with him, right? Though, something about what Billy said hinted that he meant more than just friends. Had (Y/N) liked him, loved him even? Was Steve really oblivious all these years- no, it couldn’t be. If he was being honest, he harboured a small crush on her in the beginning of middle school, but then Nancy came into his life. Nancy Wheeler hit him like a freight train right in the heart, and he then became a lovesick puppy. He couldn’t get enough of her. That’s when Steve began to realize, the jealous glances over the years, the slight distaste of Nancy that came off her.
But, why did it matter if (Y/N) loved him? He still had Nancy, or so he thought.
Tommy had left, leaving Billy and (Y/N) in the corner of the living room, an uncomfortable silence stirring between them. “Billy-how did you-“, she wondered in a whisper, but Billy cut her off. “You really don’t think Tommy would’ve told me? Besides, everybody knows”. She didn’t need to hear the last part. Besides, why did it matter if everyone knew- it didn’t matter to her anymore. “Does that bother you?”, she asked worriedly. Billy chuckled darkly.
“Darlin- you got nothing to worry about, I’m your new king now”.
Next thing she knew, they were on the dance floor. Billy had pulled her into the crowd of sweaty bodies, grinding on each other. Some people were making out, others chugging alcohol till they fell limp to the floor. She stared nervously at the rowdy teens, her body shaking. He noticed her agitation, placing a hand on her cheek, turning her to face him. He smelt of cheap beer and stale cigarette smoke, and a hint of cologne. She was caught with that intoxicating sensation again, making her hazy. His icy blue eyes peered into her (Y/E/C) ones, “Just feel the music princess- everything will be just fine”.
‘Their bodies moved comfortably against each other to ‘Billy Idol’s, “Flesh For Fantasy”. A perfect song choice in the moment. ‘(Y/N) was very much sober and very much aware of what was happening. Aware of Billy’s strong grip on her waist, aware of his hips moving against hers. Normally this would’ve been cutting close corners for her, but she was looking for an opportunity to lose herself. What better way than this? She ran her fingers through his thick blonde curls, her hips swaying a bit more. He sighed in contentment, making her shiver. His face was currently buried into her neck, placing soft kisses on her collarbone.
They continued their heavy sway for a while, Billy had started to form a hickey below her ear. She was definitely not going to be able to cover it up tomorrow, but she really didn’t care if people saw it- she wanted people to know that she wasn’t desperate. That she didn’t need Steve anymore. She wasn’t exactly sure what she meant to ‘Hargrove, but she knew that she wasn’t planning on leaving him anytime soon. (Y/N) felt him remove his lips from her neck, his hot breath waving over her. “Mhmm- left a pretty big mark sweetheart-“ he mumbled. She hummed in return, removing her hands from his hair.
The rest of the night consisted of more dancing, and Billy getting more intoxicated than he was before. Really drunk Billy- let’s just say it was quite the sight to see. He was a giggling mess, slurring his words and stumbling on his feet. “(Y/N)- has anyone ever told you-“ he hiccuped, “That you were gorgeous?”, another hiccup. She giggled at his comment, “Tons of people- but I bet no one sees me like you do huh?”, she supported him up against the kitchen counter. “Absolutely no one!” He cheered in a high pitch voice, damn he really was a mess. She tried to wrap his arm around her shoulders snatching his keys.”Hey- what are you doing?”, he gestured to the keys, “Getting you home-“, “Wait! Can we go to your house please?? I can’t wake up my dad letting him see me like this- he’ll kill me”, he pleaded. “Fine- just, try to be as quiet as possible, I got a sleeping family too”.
(Y/N) took him out of the house, nearly carrying him. She waved goodbye to a few mutual friends who were still conscious, muttering a soft “See y’all tomorrow, hope we aren’t all hungover”. This earned a few laughs from her classmates, bidding her and Billy a goodnight. Unlocking the passenger side to the camaro, she set Billy down lightly on the seat. “Being so ginger with me sweetheart- I’m not made of glass ‘you know��, he joked. “Whatever tough guy- let’s just get you to a bed, mhm?”. Placing her hands on the steering wheel, she realized she hasn’t driven a car since the summer, and a camaro is definitely nothing close to a station wagon. She took a deep breath- she could do this, no sweat. Besides, there was no way she could bring herself to ruin a car as beautiful as this one.
Billy must’ve passed out while they were driving, because when she pulled into her driveway, his eyes were sewn shut. She had to admit- he did look pretty adorable when he was sleeping. She tried to resist the urge to take a photo of him, but she couldn’t help herself. Pulling out her camera bag that was littered with pictures from tonight, she snapped a quick photo of him. The flash startled him, waking him up. “Sweetheart- were you taking photos of me in my sleep? That’s just creepy”, his voice was groggy. “How could I not when you were laying there looking like an angel?”, “Pfft- ‘darlin, I am a demon, Satan himself! ‘Ain’t no way I’m an angel!”, he scoffed.
“Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but Lucifer was once an angel”.
Fumbling with the keys to her front door while trying to help Billy regain his footing was hard. He was just about to lose consciousness again when she finally got the door open, it shouldn't have been as much of a challenge as it was- but Billy had a lot of weight to him. She didn’t notice the lights were still on till she saw her mom sitting in her reading chair, Mews on her lap and clad in a cat costume. Shit- what was she gonna say about this? “Oh! Mrs. Henderson- I see where (Y/N) gets all her good looks from!”, Billy squealed, “Ugh can it Billy! Mom I can explain-“ she shushed Billy, staring wide eyed at her mother. “Sweetie- you clearly had a wild night, just take this pound of muscle to your room, and we can talk about it while he crashes, okay?”- (Y/N) nodded quickly, dragging Billy to her room.
Billy flopped down on the bed, giggling wildly. “Honey! We’ve known each other for two days, don’t you think we ‘oughta know one another better before I sleep in your bed?”, (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the blubbering idiot. “This was your idea dumby! Just get under the covers and keep it shut, will you?”, she glared at him, closing the door and heading back to the living room.
“So no Steve, huh? He’s the one who usually spends the night”, her mom said softly. “Different reasons mom- I’m just trying to figure out who’s a bigger piece of work”, she huffed. “Well he’s quite the looker, ‘makes me wonder how you keep up with him”, Claudia smirked. “Mom! He’s new here- he just happened to notice me first”, (Y/N) blushed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “Besides- what are you doing up so late?”, (Y/N) stared at the clock, “It’s nearly 1 o’clock”. “Busy night down at the Inn, just needed a little time to myself after Dusty went to bed”, she sighed, but (Y/N) knew she wasn’t finished. “Also wanted to see what mess you brung home, it’s always a new thing with you”, her mom laughed. “Billy’s- interesting, but I’m not sure, doesn’t seem like the most faithful type”, she sighed. “He may surprise you, and besides- if he hurts you he’ll have to suffer the wrath of your brother!”, Claudia giggled, smiling at her daughter. “Anyways- I’m gonna head to bed, early day at work tomorrow, you gonna go join the guy?”, she pointed down the hall. “Yeah yeah I’ll join the idiot in a second- just gonna get some water”, (Y/N) said tiredly.
Snuggling up on the couch, she sipped her water. The quietness was calming, the fact that everyone was at rest and she was the only one around southend her in a way. The fact that Billy was sleeping soundly in her bed, gave her a different feeling. Things with him- had gone by so quickly, and it was only just beginning. It was nice being with someone where the relationship had lasted longer than more than a few hours. Her past flames- had simply been one night stands, meaningless things to shy her away from Steve, but Billy was different. She actually liked him, and even though he came off as a jerk- he seemed really sweet on the inside. Though, she couldn’t help but wonder how Steve was feeling right now, the bomb had been dropped on him nearly two hours ago- it must be overwhelming to know your best friend was holding back feelings for so many years.
(Y/N) was just about to head to bed, till she heard a knock on the door. Who was here at this time of night? She opened the door slightly, and who she saw she didn’t expect. There Steve stood, his face red and puffy with tears in his eyes. His body was shaking, his shoulders were slumped over. He looked awful. “She- doesn’t love me- it’s bullshit! It was all bullshit!” He stuttered as his body continued to quiver. (Y/N)’s heart ached at his words, what had Nancy done this time? She didn’t know what to say, it’s not like she could’ve let him in. So, she just pulled him into a hug, “Steve-you can’t keep coming here like this- it’s not my job to fix you”, she tried to explain. “I know! I just don’t have anywhere else to go”, he cried. “I can’t tonight- it just isn’t the right time.” (Y/N) was attempting to tell him in the best way possible that Billy wasn’t there, but Steve caught on. “He’s here, isn’t he, Billy?”, Steve muttered angrily. “Out of all the guys in Hawkins- you chose him to get over me, that’s just flattering!” . Steve was making her feel sick, “Steve- I know you're hurting but you can’t take it out on me like that- it isn’t fair”, she pushed away from him. “I’ll talk about this with you tomorrow- when you're in the right state of mind, okay? Just please leave”, she pleaded. “Fine- I’ll see you tomorrow”, he breathed out harshly, walking back to his car.
She was on the edge of a breakdown, heart racing and choked up tears running down her face. This is not how she expected her evening to end- seeing Steve like that, broken and beaten again. (Y/N) thought she’d never live to see Steve crumble in her arms one more time- and with that she could’ve rested easy. At least she wouldn’t have to be alone tonight, she had someone waiting for her. Trying to stay quiet, she tiptoed down the hall. Opening the door, she walked in to see Billy sleeping soundly, the pink hue of her bedside lamp illuminating his features. She took notice of his leather jacket, jeans and boots scattered on the ground. That meant he was only in his boxers. Before joining him she slipped into an oversized AC/DC t-shirt and looked in the mirror, her hands grazing over the purple mark that had formed on her neck- the little bastard.
When (Y/N) laid in bed, even in his sleepy state Billy could notice the slight dip in the mattress. He groaned, “What took you so long…?”. (Y/N) chuckled softly at his tiredness. “Just an unexpected visitor, nothing to worry about”, she smiled reassuringly. “Well as long as you're okay, that’s all that matters”, he kissed her temple, pulling her into his chest. She snuggled into his side, sighing contentedly. She needed this. “Thank you”, she mumbled mindlessly. “For what sweetheart?”.
“For helping me start fresh”.
The couple held each other comfortably, sleep taking over them. (Y/N) rested her head on Billy’s torso, as he lazily made circles on the small of her back. Everything was blissful in that moment. Perfect. She’d deal with Steve tomorrow, for now, she had Billy Hargrove. Billy Hargrove with his strong hold and warm comforting body, Billy Hargrove who made her feel safe.
Author’s note:
Hope you all love the second chapter! Feedback is always appreciated & as always if you want to be added to the taglist comment down below ❤️!
Tag-list: @theblueslytherin @oopsiedoopsie23 @lulu-yuming @merc12-us @soullesstaco @unded-bride @holychocopie @nikkixostan @ellesimagines
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Hope // Jay Halstead x Reader
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Description: Jay and Reader get kidnapped for all the wrong reasons. 
Requested: Yes
Warnings: Rape/Sexual Assault
Words: 3363
Pairings: Jay Halstead x Reader
“Can you tell me what he looked like?” you asked the scared woman who was laying in the hospital bed, knees pulled to her chest as she hugged them close. The bruises were already starting to form on her face and arms, knowing there were more that were scattered and hidden under the gown. You’d kicked everybody else out, leaving just you and her to talk about what happened to her. It was the least you could do to make her feel more comfortable, a little more safe after everything she’d been through. 
You hated these cases with a burning fire. Nobody should have to go through what this girl went through, should have to suffer with knowing it happened for the rest of their life. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right to have that part of you violated in such a violent way, to be forced to give a piece of yourself over. 
“He was tall,” she told you meekly. “A little taller than your partner that was in here earlier. A little younger though.” You could see the tears brimming in her eyes, voice shaking as she held onto herself a little tighter. “White. Blonde hair. But...his eyes are cold. Every time I close my eyes I can see that stare.”
“We’re gonna find him and we’re going to put him away for a long time,” you assured her, gently resting your hand on her forearm. A part of you was surprised she didn’t pull away, instead looking at you.
“It was his eyes, Detective,” she told you again, voice almost a whisper. “Like he has no soul. My momma always told me you can tell who a man is through his eyes. He isn’t a man though. He’s a monster.” 
“Focus on getting you better, Tanya. We’ll focus on getting him,” you told her before standing up, leaving her to her own thoughts. 
Jay was waiting for you in the hallway, arm draping across your shoulders to pull you closer. You could feel him press a kiss to your temple as you sighed, hating these cases. 
“She’s just a kid,” you finally said softly once the two of you were safely in his truck, away from prying ears. “She’s fifteen, Jay. And this is something that she’s going to carry with her for the rest of her life.” 
“That’s why we’re going to find him. So that way she knows he won’t hurt anybody else. And she’ll be able to live her life with that small assurance,” he reminded you, squeezing your hand. “Starbuck?” You just nodded, staring out the window. You hated these cases. 
“We’ve got a hit from the pod footage,” Adam announced two days later, your head snapping up from the computer screen. 
You didn’t register your own movements until you stood behind him, staring at the man on the screen. Tanya wasn’t wrong. He looked to be slightly taller than Jay, mid-to-late twenties, dirty blonde hair. You couldn’t see his eyes, though. There was something that caught you by surprise. A second offender walking next to him, seeming to talk to him. The footage was from ten minutes before Tanya was attacked, piecing it all together. 
“And better yet, we have an ID on him,” Adam added, scooting back. You had to side-step out of his way as he grabbed the photograph off his desk, plastering it on the whiteboard. “Zachary Wells, twenty-eight, one prior for assault and battery, did two years. And his buddy. Connor Woodcock, thirty-one. No prior convictions, but he has a long sheet of allegations of sexual misconduct since he was a teenager. The two went to high school together.” 
Now that you looked at the pictures, you understood what Tanya was saying about Zachary’s eyes. The picture they had was his mug-shot from when he was arrested. There wasn’t something right about to look in his eyes. 
“Do we have a LOA for either of them?” Jay asked, perched on the corner of his desk as he twirled the pen in his hand, staring at the pictures. 
“52nd and South Ellis.” Adam had barely gotten the words out by the time you had your jacket in your hands, walking down to the car. With you back turned, you didn’t see the look that Adam and Jay shared, one of worry and concern. Yet, Jay still followed you downstairs without a word. 
“Look who’s finally waking up,” you heard someone coo next to you, fingers tracing along your collarbone. 
The ringing in your ears was finally dying down, vision coming into focus. You could feel the digging pain of zip-ties around your wrists behind your back as you struggled against their hold before realizing it was pointless. You couldn’t figure out what was happening until you focused on the touch against your skin. It wasn’t Jay, that much you were certain of. It felt wrong, fingers more calloused than your boyfriend’s. He smelled of liquor and sweat, and when you finally looked at him, you truly understood what Tanya was telling you. There was nothing behind his eyes, no soul it seemed. 
“Leave her alone,” Jay groaned, your head whipping over to look at him. 
Blood dripped down from a gash at his hair-line, shoulders slumped as he looked over at you. When your eyes met, you knew it was bad. You had no idea how long you’d been there, and weren't sure if you were at a secondary location or the same house you’d rolled up to to question Connor and Zachary. 
“How about you keep your mouth shut?” Zachary snapped, pushing himself up to walk over to Jay. 
A fist met a face, hearing the distinct crack and a groan of pain. Just hearing the contact made you wince, knowing it had to have hurt. Zachary took one more look at you before going up the stairs. You could vaguely make out the sounds of him talking to someone, but couldn’t make out the words.
“Jay? Jay are you okay?” you asked, concerned by his lack of movement and the blood gushing from his now-most-likely-broken nose. 
“Ugh, yeah. Yeah. How are you?” he countered. Always the gentleman, always wanting to make sure you were okay. 
“I’d be better if I wasn’t zip tied.” You heard him groan again, this time with a bit of a chuckle behind it. “How long was I out?”
“I came to about twenty minutes before you did. I don’t think they moved us, so it shouldn’t be too long before the team realizes we’re gone.” You couldn’t help but nod, hope creeping back in just a tiny bit. “Do you think…?” He didn’t have to finish his sentence for you to understand what he was asking. 
“No. No, nothing,” you assured. This time, Jay was the one to nod. “How did this even happen?” 
“No idea. Just...let’s hope the team realizes we’re gone sooner than later.” 
You didn’t know what else to say, letting your eyes drift shut. Your head was pounding, but that was the only other ache despite your wrists. The only way you could think that it all happened was that they managed to get the drop on you guys when you knocked on the door. It was the last thing you remembered, knocking on the door. 
“Y/N!” Jay whispered in a harsh voice, bringing you back to the world of the living. Your eyes fluttered open, looking around the dimly lit basement. Your eyes met his, worry and concern more evident than before. Blood was caked on his face, mostly dried by that point. 
“It’s going to be okay, Jay,” you assured him, hearing heavy boots coming down the stairs, though you didn’t believe it yourself.
Fear rose as bile in the back of your throat, swallowing it down as Zachary and Connor came into view. You didn’t say anything, didn’t think you could as you tried to anticipate what was about to happen. There had to be a way you could disconnect from it before it happened, had to be a way to make sure it didn’t affect you like it seemed to with Tanya and probably the countless other girls they’d assaulted. 
“Just look at me,” Jay instructed as he caught your eye. A part of you could only hope that they at least took you upstairs, that Jay wouldn’t have to watch this. 
“She’s a lot prettier up close, that’s for sure,” Connor told his friend, kneeling in front of you, roughly grabbing your chin with one hand, turning your head to look at him. “We’re gonna have our fun with you. A lot of fun.”
“Get your fucking hands off her!” Jay snapped. Connor didn’t loosen his grip, if anything he held you tighter in a bruising grip. 
“What do you think, Zach? Think we should make him watch? Maybe that’ll put him in his place, make him realize who the boss actually is,” Connor continued, voice steady as you stared into his equally empty eyes.
“I think that’s a wonderful idea, Connor.” Your heart dropped, knowing they weren’t going to take you upstairs. Zach walked over to Jay, roughly grabbing him by his hair, keeping him facing you. 
“It’s okay, Y/N,” Jay told you with as much of a nod as he could considering Zach was giving him little room to move. “I’m right here. It’s gonna be okay.” 
“Gagged or ungagged, that’s the question. I mean, nobody’s gonna hear you besides us,” Connor mused, mostly to himself. “It’s always a shame we have to gag them. I mean it’s fun to hear them beg and scream, though that just fuels the desire...the-the need.” 
“You’re a fucking sicko,” you spat at him, though it didn’t phase him. 
“Oh now, sweetheart,” he continued calmly, “that’s no way to talk to me.” 
You could feel his hot breath on your face before his lips were against yours, rough and wet. You wanted to gag at the contact, almost did. Yet you didn’t, letting him do whatever he wanted. Fighting it...fighting him as much as you wanted...You couldn’t. Not with Zach standing right over Jay. The thought crossed your mind, yet you knew that if you tried to fight then they might kill Jay. Sacrificing everything was better than sacrificing him. 
The cool blade of a knife was against your skin, cutting your shirt and bra along the middle as Connor pulled his mouth away from yours. Jay was struggling against his binds, against Zach’s hold, yet he was getting nowhere. 
“It’s okay, Jay,” you assured him, repeating his own words. “I’m gonna be okay.” 
“This is going to be even more interesting,” Connor said, hands sliding up your exposed stomach and chest. “Do you see what I see, Zach?”
“What do you see, Connor?” his friend answered, grip tightening in Jay’s hair. 
“These two...they love each other.” He leaned close to your ear, whispering his next words. “Once I’m done with you, sweetheart,” he said softly, you being the only one able to hear him. “He’s never going to want to touch you again. He’s going to leave you far behind. Because I’m going to have my way with you. And he’s going to know that I was the one that made you feel good. Not him.” 
“If you’re gonna do it, then do it,” you replied, looking him in the eye with as much bravery you could muster. “Because it doesn’t matter what you do to me. You’ll never break me. Because you’re a coward! Weak and pathetic.” 
You barely processed the sting of the slap across your face before he pushed you down on your back. The uncomfortable pressure on your shoulders from your hands still being zip-tied behind you caused you to cry out in pain, knowing your joints weren’t supposed to move that way. This time, you listened to what Jay had told you, keeping your eyes on his. 
Connors hands were on your skin, hearing the distinct sound of a belt unbuckling. The rustle of jeans being pushed down. The bile rose again, willing it down. Willing it away. If only you could will your emotions off. But you couldn’t. As much as you wanted to detach from this situation, to just not be there, you were. And you were going to have to live with it for the rest of your life. Like Tanya. Like every other man and woman who had been forced into this situation. 
And for the first time, you understood why they acted the way they did. You understood why Tanya sat on that hospital bed with her knees to her chest. Why she didn’t want Jay in the room. Because Connor and Zach stole something from her that day. They stole her peace of mind, the idea that she could ever be safe again. 
His lips were on your neck now, seeming to savor his time. He figured he had all the time in the world, treating you like his own play-thing. His actions were calculated, none of them rushed as you felt his erection rub along your still clothed leg. The one thing you would never be able to understand was how people got off on this? What was so satisfying about forcing somebody into sex? 
Tears welled in your eyes, rolling down your cheek. Jay sat stiff as a statue, the only indication he was alive was his gaze meeting yours and the sharp rise and fall of his chest with each breath. 
“It’s okay,” you told him again, voice shaking as you did so, bottom lip quivering. Quickly, you took it between your teeth, trying to calm yourself down. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Connor told you with a soft moan as his hands found the buckle of your pants, making quick work. 
You’d lost that hope you’d been holding onto as he pushed the fabric of your jeans down your legs. The team may find you, but it would be too late. Everything would be different. Until you heard the sound of someone forcefully breaching the front door. As soon as you heard it, you knew it was going to be okay. 
“Help!” you screamed before Connor’s hands were around your throat. You didn’t want them wasting time searching the rest of the house before going to the basement. You didn’t want them wasting any time in getting him off you. Your vision swam again, this time the darkness began creeping in on the edges of your vision before it all went dark. 
“How you feelin’?” Hank asked you when you opened your eyes again.
No longer were you in the cold, musty basement of that house, waking to find yourself in a hospital bed. Your body ached, memories flooding back. Yet, the first thing you asked wasn’t about you.
“Where’s Jay?” you countered, sitting up slightly and wincing at the pain in your shoulders.
“He’s here. A couple rooms over with a broken nose. He’s gonna be okay. Now, back to my original question. How you feelin’?”
“Like I got hit by a truck, Voight. My shoulders more than anything. Did he…?” Voight quickly shook his head no. You couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. 
“We got there just in time,” he assured you. “They both resisted so they might have found themselves with a couple bullet wounds of their own. Let’s just say, Kim’s a better shot than we might have previously thought. Connor isn’t going to have enough use to hurt anybody else.” Of course it would be Kim to shoot a rapist in the dick. 
“Good. When can I go home?”
“The doc said you should be good to go tonight. I figured you’d want to leave with Jay when they finished bandaging him up.” You nodded in agreement, hoping it wouldn’t be too long. All you wanted was to take a shower. “I’m giving the two of you two weeks off to heal. And I don’t just mean physically, Y/N. You’ve been through a lot today. Talk to someone about it.”
“I will. Has anybody told Tanya?” A part of you hoped they hadn’t, wanting to be the one to tell her. Yet, you wouldn’t be upset if somebody else did. 
“Yeah. Kim let her know after the medics brought you and Jay in. Get some rest. Call if you need anything.” You nodded again as he left the room, leaving you to your own thoughts. 
It was a little over three hours later that you and Jay were walking into your apartment. Will had brought you some clothes from your house, knowing the clothes you’d worn to work were ruined. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you stepped into the safety of your own home. 
“I’m gonna go take a shower,” you told Jay softly, brushing your fingers against his arm before walking away. 
The feeling of the hot water on your skin was soothing, yet you wanted to scrub every trace of Connor off you. You wanted to get rid of the feeling of him touching you, of his lips on your skin, of his breath on your face. You wanted to get rid of all the memories of that basement. You didn’t want to have to remember any of it. Yet, it was one of those days that were going to be plastered in your mind for the rest of your life. 
When you left the shower, your skin was raw and red and stinging. Yet, the stinging feeling overpowered the feeling of his touch. You got dressed in sweatpants and one of Jay’s t-shirts before joining Jay in bed, letting your head rest on his chest as his arms wrapped tightly around you. As much as you didn’t want to, tears came to your eyes as you cried, letting the pent up emotions flow out of you. 
“You’re okay,” Jay whispered softly into your ear as he held you tight. “You’re home. You’re safe.” He kept repeating those three phrases over and over until you started to believe him. Your sobs died down into sniffles until you no longer had the energy or the will to cry. 
“When he whispered in my ear,” you told Jay, voice cracking still despite your lack of tears. “He told me you’d never want to touch me again because you would have known he was able to make me feel good.” 
“I’m with you, no matter what, Y/N,” he corrected. “I know he didn’t get that far, but even if he had, I’m with you. Through thick and thin. Nothing that ever happens to you will ever change that, I promise.” 
“How can you promise, Jay?” Genuine confusion evident in your voice.
“Because I love you too much to blame you or judge you when it comes to things you have no control over. Because I’ve known since the day we met that you were going to be a big part of my life, no matter what. Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Nothing can change any of it. Kidnappings, shootings, assaults. You’re still the girl I fell in love with.” You looked up at him, seeing a soft smile on his face. You tried not to focus on the bruising around his eyes from the broken nose, or the busted lip. 
“I wished they would have taken me upstairs...when we heard them coming down. So that way you wouldn’t have had to watch any of it,” you admitted. 
“I’m glad they didn’t.” Your brows furrowed, letting him talk. “I didn’t want you to have to go through it alone. I wanted you to know that I was there for you.” You couldn’t help but let out a shaking breath, gently cupping his cheek as you kissed him softly. 
It felt right. Like the two of you fit together perfectly. Nothing like Connor and his forceful, rushed actions. No. This kiss -- you knew -- was full of love and understanding. And you knew for sure that nothing that happened to either of you was ever going to change that.  
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Show me yours
Blurb night- 1.8k words
(Request: Maybe more catholic school H but there bestfriend and there both v innocent and its their first time trying _______ (whatever you want) just a thought? (For the possible blurb night.)
 “Did you hear what Lily was saying about Connor?”
y/n looked up when she heard Harry’s voice, the two of them in his room trying to finish their shared art project. They had to do a joint painting of the schools logo for the competition being held to pick a new art piece for the Catholic school. Y/n was currently trying to fix her minor mishap of mixing the purple too dark on the lower corner of the canvas.
“No? what happened?” her attention was divided between the art and Harry’s bite of gossip he was finding the correct verbiage for. “Lily said her and Connor did it!” his tone was slightly lower, whispering the last word so no one would hear a slight blush creeping onto his face. The revelation made the girl snap her head towards her best friend, eye’s widened a bit. The two of them were rather sheltered, they had attended the same private Catholic schools from the time they were in kindergarten up to the present as they were both in their second year of secondary school. The most rebellious thing they’ve ever really done was taking a second sip of the communion wine during mass, so hearing that their classmates may have had sex was very shocking to the pair.
“No way!” the project now took a backseat, y/n now fully invested in the drama Harry was relaying to her. “I swear! She said they did it in the bathroom!” , “Oh my gosh!...did she say anything like detailed?” the girl was just as nosy as her best friend. She wanted every drop of information she could squeeze from him. Harry smiled awkwardly, nervous repeating the words he’d heard from the two teens in question. “Uh…well she said they had s-sex in the bathroom, and Connor said she uh…’went down’ on him at his house..” while y/n knew the basics of sex, she didn’t exactly know much beyond ‘sex is between two married people and makes babies’ , so she questioned his revelation. “what does that mean?” , Harry wasn’t sexually experienced by any means, he was a kiss-less virgin but he would be lying if he said he didn’t know what certain sexual acts involved…he may be a good boy but he’s also a teenage boy with internet access.
His blush grew a few shades darker, opting to clear his throat and make sure the door was closed while he tried to find his voice again. “Uh..well-“ a uncomfortable chuckle escaped him while he tried to choke out the dirty words. “It’s when a girl puts their mouth on a boys private parts…” Y/n gawked at Harry, totally shellshocked at the fact that was a thing! She couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to do that, “Wait what?! Isn’t that dirty? Don’t you pee from there?!” the girl was now standing on her feet her innocent mind trying to comprehend this new information. “Well…yea but I don’t think it’s dirty? If you don’t shower maybe, and the boy doesn’t pee in their mouth…” a nervous hand reached up to scratch the back of Harry’s flushed neck.
“that’s so…weird….h-have you ever done that?” Y/n asked him with a slight bow of her head locking eyes with him, “No! I’ve never done it! I’ve just s-seen it before tha’s all…” the boy shifted uncomfortably, “You’ve seen it? Where?”
Once again, a comically dramatic gasp ripped through the air from Y/n. she knew of porn, her brother had gotten caught watching it once and that’s the first time she found out people have sex on camera. That was another huge shock to her, yet this one seemed bigger.
“You watch porn?!”
“shush! you’re going to get me in trouble y/n” Harry shot her a glare, yanking her forward to sit on his bed with him, his palm moving to cover her mouth. “Don’t yell that! It’s a secret”  Harry cast a nervous glance towards his shut bedroom door before removing his hand from her face. Y/n giving his chest a nice swat with furrowed brows. “Don’t do that again, jerk” Harry simply rolled his eyes. “Then stop being so loud!”
Y/n pouted slightly, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing. “Or what?” she challenged “Or ill glue your mouth shut.” His fingers moved to flick her forehead, which was a mistake since Y/n then chose to start yelling “MISS AN-“ yet she was silenced by his hand once more. “I’m serious Y/n stop it!”
Y/n suddenly got an idea, decided she’d bargain her way out of this one.
Harry knew that look, his eyes widened realizing she was about to suggest something that he may not want to hear. Y/n was a sweet girl, but she had a bit of a bossy side too.
“If you show me the video, I won’t tell.”
Well, Harry expected something, but definitely not that one. “W-wait what?” he couldn’t believe Y/n had just asked him to show her porn! What was he supposed to say? He knew if he showed her he’d have to take a cold shower, but he didn’t want his mom knowing he watched the videos either. “If you show me the video I won’t tell.” Her statement was very level, the angelic doe eyes coming back to persuade him, and well Harry was a sucker for that look.
Soon enough the pair were sat against his headboard, Harry’s laptop open to a private tab with Pornhub opened on it. He chose on of his favorites, a simple pretty tame blowjob video.
“are you sure you want to see it?” his palms were sweating, knees twitching every few minutes trying to control himself and keep his pants from tightening. “Play it, Harry.” Y/n took control, tapping the space bar to start the video.
The logo played before it got to the video, a man sitting on his couch filming his girlfriend kneeling in front of him slowly moving to undress the man in front of her. Y/n watched the screen intently while the woman went to work, tugging the mans cock free and stroking it but Y/n being Y/n the video didn’t suddenly change the atmosphere like it does in a romcom, instead she was full of questions and comments.
“Wow, I didn’t know boys privates looked like that. It looks kind of like a snake.” Harry was happy Y/n wasn’t making the situation too serious, laughing a little breaking the tense atmosphere listening to her talk. He tried to focus his gaze more on the wall in front of him then the porn playing on his computer so he didn’t pop a stiffy in front of her. “Uh…kinda? I guess…” , “Does your penis look like that too?”
Harry choked on air a bit, suppressing a cough. He sweats he can feel himself burning alive from the blush on his face. “I don’t think my penis looks like a snake y/n, no. I think it looks like a penis.” His response got him a ‘hmph’ from his friend which he of course, laughed at. Yet he wasn’t entirely prepared for her next sentence.  
“Show me yours?”
This time Harry’s eyes were the ones wide as saucers, his jaw slightly slack and body gone tense. “What?!” Y/n giggled, finding his reaction a bit silly since they were already watching two people engage in oral, how is this any more shocking? “What? Show me yours” she shrugged slightly, Harry was trying to keep his head from exploding but an idea popped into his brain right before the urge to combust took over.
“I show you mine, you show me yours?”
“Harry I don’t have a penis.” Y/n replied with a ‘duh’ eye roll, causing an annoyed groan to come from her friend. “I am aware of that, smarty pants. I mean…if I show you my penis, you show me your boobs.”
He expected to get a smack or a immediate refusal from her, but surprisingly Y/n nodded, “That’s fair, I’m not putting your penis in my mouth just for the record.” She gave him a pointed look as her hands traveled up to loosen her uniform tie and start fumbling with the buttons of her shirt.
The boy felt frozen in place watching his best friend start to undress in front of him. His teenage boy mind was going crazy, this was the first time he was going to get to see boobs in person, he was a bit scared he might keel over and die from a hormone overdose.
“What are you waiting for? You’re supposed to show me yours. I’m not taking my boobs out if you’re not holding your end of the bargain up ,Harry.” Y/n’s hands stilled, giving him a pointed look that broke his trance quickly fumbling with his pants to shove them off his hips the outline of his plumping cock showing against the white and grey checker print of his boxers.
“Who’s gonna go first?”, his throat felt painfully dry while he talked swallowing hard after he finished. “You duh!” the girl pushed his shoulder lightly and pointed to his crotch waiting for him to reveal himself.
The boy took a deep breath, his hands shaking slightly as he tugged his cock through the flap in the front of his underwear. He grunted quietly, the cold air hitting his swollen tip. For a few moments nothing was said, Y/n quietly observed his organ taking in the details and pondering her thoughts before speaking, “Yours looks better than his, it’s prettier. Still kind of looks like a snake though.”
Harry sighed, he was glad she didn’t make a comment on his size or anything negative but the snake comment wasn’t exactly the erotic language he needed to get himself off, and then he remembered the deal. “Your turn.”
Y/n nodded, giggling a little bit as she unhooked the clasps of her bra and let them slip down her arms. Her breasts finally came into Harry’s view and god his balls were already constricting. He feared he’d really be the guy who cums in 2 seconds just looking at a girl, but this would be the right situation for it. Y/n didn’t have any clue how long boys lasted so if he was to bust then she probably wouldn’t tease him she’d just have more questions.
“God…they’re pretty Y/n.” The girl smiled shaking her chest a little so they bounced in front of his eyes. “Thanks, I grew them myself. I’m a b cup” she was adorable, so blissfully unaware of what she was doing for him. A smile and playful giggles still radiating from her while he was trying to keep himself from passing out.
“Can I touch-“
His request was soon cut off, not by Y/n but by the door swinging open and his shocked mother standing behind it.
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convindreamer · 3 years
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Mermay (Convin)
There are two types of merfolk: one that lives in the warm clear blue of the carol reefs and the other that lives in the colder darker depths. The ones that live in the warm waters look closer to human, apart from their tails; the ones that live in the cold waters have evolved to have webbed hands and scales on their torsos to help them swim faster. Connor is one of the warm water merfolk. Gavin is one of the cold water merfolk. They don’t mix. Cold water merfolk think the warm water dwellers are weak and soft and way too full of themselves. Warm water merfolk tell stories to their children at night that if they’re very bad the cold water dwellers will come and drag them down into the depths never to be seen again.
So ...
Gavin is out hunting for lunch, and he spots a particularly tasty looking red snapper so takes chase, his perfectly streamlined body torpedoing through the dim cold water; he snags his tail on yet another sharp rock outcrop, potentially adding to the numerous scars he already had along his tail and torso, but doesn’t stop until — he realises the water around him has got warmer, instantly making him uncomfortable. He looks up and realises that he’s closer to the surface than he should be and very far out of his own territory. The red snapper has gone and he’s surrounded by fish he doesn’t immediately recognise.
Needing to get his bearings he carefully climbs the nearest rock formation, his webbed fingers perfect for adhering to the craggy surface. The sun is hot and he closes his eyes and turns his head away from the blinding bright light. He shouldn’t have come up here. It wasn’t safe. He was too close to the land. Shielding his eyes from the sunlight he moved higher up out of the water and stopped, his heart beating a scared rhythm. There on a sandy rock, basking himself in the suns rays, was not only a warm water dwellers, but also the most breathtakingly beautiful mer he’d ever seen. Gavin could only stare, lifting himself higher on the rocks to see better. The mer was oblivious, enjoying the sea spray crashing on his tail and body.
Gavin caught sight of his webbed hands splayed on the rocks in front of him and shook his head, angry at himself for wasting his time daydreaming about this pretty poser. The twofers (this is what Gavin calls humans bc they have two legs) hunted in this area and if that dumb mer wasn’t careful he’d find his tail on the end of a hook, and himself carted off to some aquarium or other.
Gavin slunk back across the rocks and dove back into the too warm water. He was still hungry and the fish swimming around him were too small to do anything but dull the ache in his stomach. Damn that red snapper for getting away and leading him so far away from home. Gavin dove deeper, leaving the surface far below.
Several weeks later, Gavin’d almost completely forgotten about the pretty posing mer, with his perfect tail glinting into the sunlight, and his perfect smooth torso unmarked by a single scale, and his perfect hair swept back from his face — and then Gavin spotted a flash of movement above him, and it was him. The same mer he’d seen sunbathing beautifully on the sand, and he was swimming against the current, struggling to put distance between himself and the dark shadow of the twofer hunting vessel above. Gavin had seen this too many times not to know what was going to happen next. The twofers had obviously tagged the mer while he was on the surface and now they could pinpoint him with almost perfect accuracy. The harpoon came out of nowhere and pierced straight through the soft flesh of the mer’s tail, the hook catching and starting to drag him back and up. Gavin took chase, gaining speed, but the mechanism dragging the mer out of the ocean was faster. And then the mer grabbed onto a nearby rock outcrop and held on for dear life, the only problem being his stupid unwebbed fingers were useless at gripping and holding firm and soon he was only stopping his ascent by the skin of his finger tips.
Gavin saw the moment the mer saw him, he saw the instant flash of fear, but that didn’t stop him from pulling out his blade and hacking at the metal coil attached to the harpoon. The mer screamed in pain as the harpoon ripped deeper into his flesh but Gavin was intent only on getting him free. The metal quickly dulled his blade and Gavin threw it aside using his razor sharp teeth to bite through the last the few strands
The mer was free but had passed out due to the pain and Gavin did the only thing he knew to do and wrapped his arm around the mer’s waist speeding them away from the surface and down into the safety of the dark. Gavin couldn’t bring the top dweller home, he couldn’t be seen fraternising with their sort, so instead he took him to his private hideout.
The cave was small but they were still able to fit at a squeeze. Up close, this mer was even more beautiful than Gavin had thought, but he was bleeding out and Gavin went to work cleaning and disinfecting the wound, and he continued to keep the wound clean for the next day, only leaving to catch food, until the mer finally woke up.
Again Gavin saw that fear flash in his eyes, and his anger spiked.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna eat you.”
The mer looked around them, taking in the cave, the supplies, his bandaged tail and finally looked back at Gavin.
“Thank you for saving me.”
“Whatever,” Gavin snapped and went out to catch some fish.
Connor, that was the pretty mer’s name. A pretty name for a pretty mer, and he liked to talk. He found everything of interest. All the unfamiliar fish that swam by, and their unfamiliar tastes. He marvelled at the lichen on the rocks and almost got his fingers caught in a few oyster shells as he reached in to get the pearl and they clamped shut. In the end, Gavin got him a pearl and Connor beamed at him so happily, it made Gavin’s stomach do funny little backflips. Connor almost died with happiness when Gigi, Gavin’s catfish, turned up to say hello.
“You’re not what I expected from, well, from a cold water dwellers.”
“You were going to say ‘webber’, weren’t you?’
Connor looked chastised.
“I’m sorry, it’s just, I’ve been told my whole life that your kind are dangerous. I was told your webbed hands were slimy. But they’re not. They feel so nice on my tail.”
Connor blushed and then so did Gavin.
“You shouldn’t believe everything you’re told.”
Connor was able to swim a little now without too much pain, his tail was healing nicely, and they’d swim together, their tails sometimes touching, Gavin showing Connor all his favourite places; but oddly enough, whenever Gavin brought up the idea that Connor could probably go home soon, a subject both of them had been avoiding, Connor’s wound would suddenly feel much worse and he’d go back to hiding in the cave.
“We both know you’re fine now.” Gavin bit out reluctantly.
“No, it still hurts.”
Gavin levelled a look at him.
“I don’t want to go.” Connor admitted. “I like it here, with you.”
“You can’t stay here, Connor.” Gavin muttered. “You don’t belong here.”
They both fell silent.
It was true.
Their kinds didn’t mix.
This was just a fluke.
An accident.
It was never supposed to happen.
But it had happened.
“We can carry on seeing each other.” Connor says hopefully. “I can come down, you can come up, and we’ll meet somewhere in the middle.”
Gavin did want that. He really did. But if his kind found out, he’d be ostracised. They already lived in a delicate balance and it wouldn’t take much to tip things over into the worse.
“It’s dangerous.”
“I like you.”
“We shouldn’t.”
“I want to keep seeing you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Connor looked heartbroken but nodded, accepting Gavin’s decision.
“If you change your mind, I’ll be waiting.”
Gavin couldn’t take the risk despite how much he still wanted to see Connor, and he endured the next few angst filled weeks mourning his loss until he couldn’t take it anymore.
Going against his better judgement he swam as fast as possible to the rendezvous point Connor had given him, convinced that Connor wouldn’t be there, and his heart leapt when he saw that he was wrong. Connor was there, just as he’d promised to be, waiting patiently for Gavin. Gavin stopping, and did nothing more than float for the next few moments, just staring at his pretty mer, with his perfect tail and perfect torso and perfect hair that swept back from his face, and was just thankful that Connor hadn’t given up on him.
Gavin uncertainly approached and Connor turned slowly towards him and the smile that lit Connor’s face told him he’d made the right decision. Whatever came next, they’d face it, together.
And so they enter into a secret relationship, where they both have to be careful not to let anyone else know. Like Romeo and Juliet only in this one nobody dies and they all live happily ever after in the end.
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