#Constitution of Canada
rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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On December 6, 2001, an amendment was made to the Constitution of Canada to change the province’s official name to Newfoundland and Labrador.
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clove-pinks · 7 months
Another Valentine's Day rolls around, and I know what most of you are thinking: Where are the War of 1812 Valentines??
Have no fear, I've got you covered!
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vox-anglosphere · 2 months
Is it just me or do you also wish the Canadian Royal Family had Canadian styles. Like yes I know with “personal union” it’s one and the same so why change it, but like, I mean. What are the Prince and Princess of Wales to Canadians? Wales is in Canada, but it’s our Monarchy just as much. I daydream of the Canadian Govt passing a law that gives them titles as such, eg. Prince of Niagara, or the Duchess of St. Laurence, or idek. In one way not doing so keeps the Britishness of the Monarchy as its core… idk. As a fellow Canadian monarchist what do you think :)
A timely theme for these cynical times. Since earliest settlement Canada has always been a monarchy, including Quebec - so I appreciate your interest very much.
Our constitution is the most monarchical in the world. For Canada to forsake the Crown, it would require a referendum plus the unanimous consent of all ten provinces. The chances of that are nil - and if it isn't broken, why try to fix it?
As for titles, I believe Canadians should receive whatever honours the sovereign wishes to bestow on them. It should be a royal prerogative.
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bopinion · 14 days
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2024 / 36 - Abridged vacation edition
Aperçu of the week
“Human dignity is inviolable.”
(Article 1 of the Basic Law, Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Bad News of the Week
It is well known that life in Afghanistan is not exactly a paradise. The Taliban rule with an absolute power that interferes so deeply in people's everyday lives that it can safely be described as invasive. Now a new law of the guardians of morality is coming into force, which - of course - further restricts the lives of women.
Men are not allowed to wear shorts or to practice martial arts. And must grow a beard if working in public service. But that is nothing compared to the restrictions for women. They are only allowed to attend school up to the 6th grade, are virtually excluded from working life, must always be fully veiled and are not even allowed to leave the house without a male escort. Now even singing or speaking out loud is forbidden - with the threat of a prison sentence. Why? Because the female voice is seductive and men should not be tempted.
Ravina Shamdasani from the UN Human Rights Office in Geneva puts her horror at this development into words: “The newly passed law cements a policy that completely erases women in public life, silences them and takes away their independence by trying to turn them into faceless, mute shadows. That is intolerable!”
The fact that the German government wants to negotiate with the Taliban right now about the repatriation of rejected asylum seekers is at least as intolerable. This is, of course, a reaction to the completely exaggerated cries of the extreme parties that the allegedly excessive migration is the root of all evil. And, in my opinion, it calls into question the principle of asylum. Because the definition of “imminent threat to life” should also include the absence of fundamental human rights: a life that is not worth living is just an existence.
Good News of the Week
German democracy is celebrating its 75th anniversary. After the darkest chapter in its history, the Germans have created the foundations of a liberal, egalitarian society with a democratic basic order. With a classic division of powers in the legislative, executive and judicial branches, unshakeable principles of human rights, freedom and social participation as well as balanced federalism.
The Bundestag (parliament) and Bundesrat (representation of the federal states) are therefore celebrating their birthday. They look back on the past with satisfaction, but express concerns about the future. Liberal democracy is under pressure from authoritarian forces worldwide, says former Federal Minister of the Interior Gerhart Baum in a speech. At 91, he is also a contemporary witness and knows what he is talking about. Bundestag President Bärbel Bas commented: “We can overcome crises - despite tough controversies. Our democracy is strong and resilient against all those who want to harm it." If she is right, Germany can look to the future with confidence.
Personal happy moment of the week
My own children finally got to meet my sisters' children (from my youthful stay abroad in Canada 37 years ago). And it was as if they had known each other forever. I would be very happy if that would last - even across the Atlantic and across time.
I couldn't care less...
...that the US Republican campaign team feels disadvantaged that the film “The Apprentice” about the dubious rise of Donald Trump is now being released in US cinemas before the elections. The guy is already getting away with his delaying tactics in so many (even court!) proceedings that I'm pleased about every confrontation that actually takes place. And that confronts him with his infinite body of lies.
It's fine with me...
...that an international comparative study has now also confirmed the positive effect of a cell phone ban in schools. Researchers at the Chair of School Education at the University of Augsburg came to this conclusion and published their findings in the journal Education Sciences: a smartphone ban has measurably positive effects on the social well-being of pupils and on their learning performance. Our school has been doing this since the first iPhone. And is obviously right to do so.
As I write this...
...the - voted out - democrats in the eastern German states are trying to form majorities without the radical right-wing AfD (Alternative für Deutschland / Alternative for Germany). This party owes it above all to the very young and the very old voters to have become the second strongest (in Saxony) or even the strongest (in Thuringia) party in the state elections. Sometimes democracy has to act against the declared will of the voters in order to protect itself.
Post Scriptum
The summer of 2024 was warmer than ever before since complete records began in 1940. According to the EU climate service Copernicus, the current year as a whole is also heading for a record high. In the past, people would have been happy about “the nice weather”. Today, people are afraid of the next forest fire and water sources drying up. And we are still not prepared to do what is necessary.
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sad--tree · 3 months
ghost movie was really excellent !!!! got me all hyped up and wanting 2 see ghost again except like. im seeing rammstein tomorrow so. minor wires crossed there. ALSO i rlly liked the end credits w/ the new song im glad i waited n didn't listen when it dropped bc it really hit hearing it 4 the first time during the credits w/ that imagery n stuff...
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golyadkin · 1 year
if I opened up commissions would anybody be interested?
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canadian-riddler · 2 years
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In this book, in sixty years Canada not only changes from a constitutional monarchy to a parliamentary republic, but we elect a robot as Prime Minister
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xicoindia · 2 years
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🇮🇳Celebrating, 73rd CONSTITUTION DAY OF INDIA.🇮🇳 Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is known as the father of the Indian Constitution. He was the then Law Minister who introduced the final draft of the Constitution in the Constituent Assembly. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar played a key role in the making of our Constitution.
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in-sightpublishing · 7 days
Rossland rejects Catholic Church tax exemption
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://www.bchumanist.ca/rossland_rejects_catholic_church_tax_exemption Publication Date: September 10, 2024 Organization: British Columbia Humanist Association Organization Description: The…
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dmseiithegr8 · 3 months
https://urbantoronto.ca/news/2023/05/church-conversion-addition-progressing-high-park-and-annette.52668 #fairuse #reincorporationofthejunctionandhighpark Donovan Searchwell Tyjah Sports and Entertainment Management #krmc #bankofnovascotia #TDBank #cityoftoronto #bionichelifesciences #Ontario #canada #metrolinx #sunnysidedevelopment #estateofmsvjsearchwell #doctrineofinheritance #allbelongstoGod
This is just another example of outsiders who feel that they can come and destroy our historical values and community established through dedicated hardworking residents the vast majority Christian, noting the Masonic history among other that the developers and their investors didn't consider or investigate #homework before starting such a project as big as this, especially without any #architect noted/referenced on site and involved with this mess. This is the second #gentrification of a historic church, the first Annette Street and Medland Avenue, instead of buying out all the homes on each side of Pacific Avenue and Medland up to the P parking lot, this would have been an incredible opportunity to finally address the need for parking #underground and above ground #Revenue in the Junction, second a community center with a dedicated daycare among a community gathering place, a place we can gather for community activities, events and meetings minus the politicians. This project needs a influx of money, but firstly the unit's must be all sold, I can assure that, but want to acquire this project that I can complete it and will go exclusively after those I grew up with and their families as well open to all Greeks who want to be back in the area, noting that I will build also for their aging parents as well that they can remain close and out of the reach of evil and under the protection of God in this Masonic community #13commandments #13disciples #Mohammad #13commandments #WhiteSupremacy
#capitalism #rootofevil #stockmarket #intestatelaws #lawsociety
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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On December 6, 2001, an amendment was made to the Constitution of Canada to change the province’s official name to Newfoundland and Labrador.
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tmarshconnors · 5 months
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CANZUK (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom) are nations where the cultures of all four countries are extremely similar and they share the same language. All four are liberal democracies based on parliamentary systems including a constitutional monarchy. All four are multi-cultural and multi-ethnic with a rich fabric of peoples. Within a CANZUK agreement, each country would keep their de facto sovereignty and have the independence to draft its own laws. Each would negotiate their own trade agreements with other nations. Current alliances such as NATO would remain as is. Features of CANZUK: Free movement of workers, and students Access to national healthcare via reciprocal agreements Recognition & transferability to all universities/colleges Recognition of all trade certifications Job swapping to gain further skills Joint military training and procurement including manufacturing of military hardware Joint business ventures and financial partnerships Joint research and development in medicine and sciences
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llewelynpritch · 6 months
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andrasthehun · 6 months
Zooming with Cottage Neighbors
April 2, 2024 I push the join button on Zoom and face 18 somber people on the screen, members of our cottagers’ association. Nobody speaks. With a look of expectation on their faces, they appear serious. I ask: can you hear me? Some say yes. I grab my glass of wine while Kathy brings our dinner at 7 pm. We decided to eat our dinner during the Zoom call. Looking at the Zoom participants, I ask…
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agentfascinateur · 10 months
Ex Lege Everywhere
The UN should require that allies not break their own domestic laws, let alone international law, humanitarian law and rules of war (military necessity, distinction, proportionality, humanity (unnecessary suffering), and honor (chivalry) - while supporting foreign conflicts.
~ AgentF
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immaculatasknight · 10 months
Battling the beast
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