#Could also have illusionists who change their faces completely
the-punforgiven · 1 year
Realizing it's my own fucking story and I can worldbuild however I want is SO fucking dangerous I could say that curses are incredibly easy to perform in this world but they require you to know someone's face to cast them and then it'd be a small leap to say that masks helmets and other face coverings are commonplace because of this and bam I'm already like halfway to never having to draw a fucking face again
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sparrowrye · 7 months
Alastor x Fem! Reader {soulmates} Part 2
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies you also die. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes.
Part 2 summary: Escape is futile
Part Pilot
"And the winner is Python!"
I turned my head from the bloody sight. I had brutally murdered an innocent fighter like myself. But I had to do it. It was my only chance out of here and they were far too mentally gone to even have a chance at a normal life.
I pushed myself up on one foot and limped to the gate. The crowd above roared my fighter name and bets were being collected. My master picked me up and looked down at my injured foot. Usually a head collar was strapped on to keep me from using magic against him, but he had recently gotten more comfortable without it.
I flicked my wrist behind his back. The sweat from my forehead jumped off and sliced through his throat. He dropped me and fell, clutching his throat. I scrambled to my feet and bolted around the cages containing my brothers and sisters in fighting. I ran past the unknowing guard at the gate and into the crowd.
I could taste the sweet taste of freedom beyond those fences. All I had to do was hide in the woods until dawn. It was easy. The crowd didn't know what was happening and people often tried to run out on a poor bet. No one would interfere.
Except one.
Rope wrapped around my throat and snapped my head backwards. The force slammed my back into the cold ground. I coughed violently as I pulled the rope loose. Spit fell out of my lips as I looked up. Standing on the other end of the rope was Striker, a Full mage who liked to terrify others with his illusionist demonic appearance.
He pulled on the rope and it tightened again. I slipped my hand under it and tried to dig my chin between my neck and it. He pulled even tighter, rougher, and pulled me forward, forcing me to fall on my stomach. I sent wind and dirt but he casted a shield of around himself.
I looked to the side and pretended to lift something. His glance was all I needed. I leaned forward and pulled the rope over my head. I barely made two steps before something caught my foot. I tried to pull that one off but the ropes kept coming. My neck, my shoulder, my wrist, and my knee. I flailed and threw every magic I could at his ropes. Yet it did nothing. A Slight hand was no match for a Full mage.
Henchmen appeared and pulled the ropes in different directions. It was mere seconds to have me completely immobile on the cold ground. Striker stepped inches from my face before kneeling down and grabbing my chin. He lifted the rope around my neck at the same time, painfully contorting my neck in what felt like a 90 degree angle.
"Looks like you're mine now, sweetheart," he purred, "'til the day you die." He let go of my head and my face slammed down into the pavement.
I jerked my head up from the pillow with a yelp. I found myself in an old, dusty room with sunlight streaming in from the window. I sat up and examined every inch of the room. How the hell did I get here?
I tried to think past the nightmare but was met with a mental block. Who's house was this? Why am I here? When did I change into a white gown? Who's bed is this?
I put my feet on the cold carpet and padded over to the window. I looked out at a wide open sea and a sheer cliff-face. That's when it connected. I had evaded the worse fighter master for five years and landed right in the claws of the Radio Demon.
A light knock came at the door. I dove into the corner and put my hand up, ready to cast at a moment's notice. But the person who entered wasn't the Radio Demon, but a different one. He resembled a combination of a cat and bird, his entire body covered in gray and white fur and his wings a gorgeous bright red. He had a black top hat sitting between his ears.
"You're awake," he said, "Good. Your clothes are in the wardrobe. Alastor wants to speak with you before he leaves so hurry up." He shut the door.
My neck hairs bristled at being told what to do. I didn't waste five years of freedom to be told what to do again solely because my soul happened to be bound to the worse Full mage of the century.
Yet there was nothing I could do.
I opened the wardrobe to find old dresses that looked like they were from the 1930s. Maybe the 40s or 50s? They were old, that much was obvious. Not my style, either.
Now he's dressing me.
I swallowed hard and picked a long skirt and button down. I locked myself in the bathroom, grateful that it had a lock, and quickly dressed. The sink had a bowl of water in it which told me this old house didn't have working pipes.
I gently splashed my eyes with the ice cold water to wake myself up. I found an old brush in one of the drawers and brushed out my messy hair. It had taken nearly three years to really understand how to take care of this hair. I had grown it out after escaping the rings to make myself more unnoticeable.
I let out a sigh. I closed my eyes and took a moment to ready myself for the next encounter with the mage. He couldn't kill me. He would kill himself in the process. If he tried to keep my in a cage like the others a little self harm should do the trick. I had options. I could handle this. I had handled worse. Right?
Outside the room wasn't much better off. The floorboards caved under my weight and spewed dust up in my face. I sneezed a few times on my way down, careful not to touch anything in case it disintegrated upon contact.
The staircase to the foyer was tight and narrow. I could clearly see the deep purple and dark brown accents of the house now. It didn't exactly look pretty. Though I couldn't imagine much thought was put into any part of this old house.
I turned at the last step to find my soulmate standing by the cold fire. He seemed to be looking at something before he spun to face me. His eyes looked me from head to toe and back again. My fingers tightened into a fist subconsciously.
"Mm, it'll do." I bristled at the comment but he crossed the living room in seconds to stand in front of me. I took a step back. "How did you sleep?"
"Come sit, I have much to tell you before I leave." He stepped to the side and gestured to the room. His other hand was behind his back holding his cane; the cane that made me feel like I was always being watched with the creepy little eye on it.
I looked up at his red eyes before forcing myself to walk into the room and sit on one of the hideous old chairs. He sat on the other one on the opposite side of the fireplace and crossed his legs elegantly. I crossed my ankles and put my hands in my lap. I hated dresses but I had watched enough women and explored the internet enough to know how to sit 'properly'. He seemed like the type to correct me on manners.
"I'll make this simple since I have places to be," he started, "My rules are very simple. Rule number one, you're not to leave the premises. You have until the tree-line before you're considered off this property. Rule number two, you can go anywhere in the house except for my room and office. They're beside each other on the second floor. Don't worry, they're locked so you can't mistake them for another room." His eyes narrowed a tad. "Rule number three, don't bother me. You can do anything you like, request nearly anything from Husker, but do not disturb me."
"May I ask a question?" I ventured. My head was tilted down a little and my eyes glared up at him.
"Yes you may." He laid his cane on his lap.
"If you want nothing to do with me, why the hell are you keeping me here?"
"Silly girl," he chuckled, "I told you last night. I need not worry about my soulmate dying in wasteful ring fights. If you die, I die. Not to mention, if people discovered we were connected you would undoubtedly find yourself against very powerful mages that could kill you in half a second." I gritted my teeth, unsure of how to respond. "And as I said last night, you should be grateful that I'm providing you with a safe haven."
"A safe haven that's about to collapse?" I remarked, looking around at the dusty boards and picking at the old ratted chair.
"Well," he laughed, "if you're bored you could always fix up the place."
"Can't you do that with your oh-so-powerful magic?"
"I have more important things to use my magic on. Besides, your Slight magic should be enough to fix up the things you need." I was about to argue when he abruptly stood up. "Well, I must be going now. I do hope I won't have to remind you of my rules. They are rather simple and easy to follow. Good day." He didn't bother to use the door, disappearing into the shadows and melting into the floor.
I stared at where he had disappeared for a long moment. My eyes then trailed around the room, examining its every inch. It was quiet. Too quiet.
Boards creaked and I looked over to see Husker appearing from the hallway. "I'm sorry to hear that you have a shitty soulmate," he said, sounding genuinely apologetic.
"I never believed in soulmates, really." I stood up to walk over to him. We looked roughly the same height until I got closer and discovered to be a few inches taller. "Is there a reason why you're...here? With him?"
"I'm under Alastor's service for an extended period of time," he answered, turning back down the hallway. I followed him through the narrow entryway and came to an old kitchen. "He told me I'm to fulfill most of your requests."
"Why do you listen to him?"
"For my own reasons," he growled, "I'm not about to let you run off, if that's what you're trying to get at. He can't kill you but he can kill me, and he will if I let you run off."
"Right." I quietly left the room to explore the rest of the house. Next to the kitchen was the dinning room. It was full of random old furniture that looked like someone had dumped the insides of a victorian home here. It circled back to the staircase and sitting room. On the other side of the sitting room was a library study. The books looked like they were nests for spiders, moths, and bookworms.
Upstairs had another sitting room but was mostly filled with old bedrooms and bathrooms. I quickly discovered which rooms belonged to Alastor. Directly across from 'my' bedroom were two locked doors side by side. So long as he came and went at early or late hours of the day, I could avoid him easy.
Escaping shouldn't be hard, though. A pang of guilt went through me as I thought of Husker having to deal with the repercussions. He was obviously a Full mage if he could conjure up a demonic illusion like that. Though what for while he was here, I'm not sure. Perhaps a scare tactic. I shook the thought from my head. I had killed people with my bare hands on the concept of "Me or them". This would be no different.
"Say," I found Husker drinking something in the kitchen, "could we fix the pipes so we can have running water?"
Husker shrugged. "Sure. You want to help?" The side glance his black eyes made me want to incline.
Outside had a cool, ocean breeze crossing the field. I instantly found the tree line Alastor spoke of. The first challenge of escaping would be crossing the field. There was nothing to hide behind or use for a shield. I had to buy time to cross the field and take shelter in the dense trees.
Husker went to the side of the house where an old well stood a few paces from it. He put his hands on the ground and seemed to search through the earth. A moment later he snapped his black eyes open and looked up at me.
"Clean out the well and dig further down until you reach water." He said as he pointed to the stoned circle. I stood on the side that put it between me and Husker. I had heard too many tales of people losing their life to a deep well.
Husker fixed the pipes underground and through the house while I fixed the source. I knew my next request to him was to allow me more clothes that fit my style. And more pants. I kept quiet until the brown water turned into pristine, clear running water from all the faucets.
I dried my hands on my dress in the kitchen and asked, "How did you know I had magic?"
"Alastor told me."
"I've also seen you in the fight rings before."
"You what?" I bristled.
"Relax," he grabbed the same bottle from the counter, "I wasn't a master or anything. I was running the bets and gambling." That didn't make me feel any better. How could he just let them keep those fights going? His appearance gave me my answer.
So I changed the subject. "How would you suggest I ask you for different clothes? These aren't exactly right for me." I looked down at the elongated skirt.
He let out a sigh and pulled out a phone. My heart quickened. "Find what you're looking for and screenshot what you want. Then tell me your size."
"You know, that's not exactly how sizes for women work," I tried. "One size in one store could be very different than another."
"Then pick one store and tell me what sizes," he replied. My heart dropped and I took the phone from him.
I gave myself a week before my first escape attempt. I had to know Alastor's schedule and Husker's routine. I also need to ensure they weren't bracing for my first attempt. A week should be long enough, surely.
Alastor left in the mornings before or right at dawn and returned at some point well after dusk. Husker preferred to be in the living room or on the outside porch drinking alcohol. I guessed that he had some kind of magic that kept the effects of alcohol to a minimum so he could still keep an eye on me. I made it a habit to join him on the porch most of the time, reading the one book I could think of off the top of my head for him to get.
Alastor had made two more rules since my arrival. Well, one official rule and one implicit. The explicit one was no unsupervised internet access. No phone, no computer, nothing. I had no connection to the outside world.
The implicit rule was my clothing style. Any 'modern' clothing that was even close to being considered immodest disappeared from my wardrobe the next day. This meant he was keeping a close eye on me despite his rules to keep as much distance between the two of us as possible. I had to be careful. I didn't know what type of magic he was using and if he could see me at any point.
But I was ready.
It was a blue evening, the setting sun hidden behind a raincloud. The rain hadn't quite reached us yet but the strong gusts were moving the clouds closer and closer. As much as I didn't want to escape on a rainy night, it was the best chance I had. Muddy conditions and rain made it difficult to see and operate in. For most people. Most likely for Full mages who were used to having everything handed to them on a plate thanks to their power.
Husker had just finished another one of his whiskey bottles and went inside for another. I whispered an apology as the door closed and I stood up from my chair. I used my magic to push against the wood from underneath so they didn't creak. I jumped the stairs and as soon as my feet hit the grass I ran.
I pushed wind against my back to help carry me across the field. My heart pounded in my ears as I reached the tree line and disappeared behind the closest large tree. I sank to the ground and peaked around the tree. I didn't see Husker yet.
I turned and ran further into the forest. The wind from the storm made it easy to maneuver through the dense forest. I had no idea where the closest town or city was but I needed to put as much distance between me and the house as possible.
There was no notion of time as I kept running. My legs burned and chest hurt but I didn't dare stop until I could barely stand. I pushed through the pain and veered off to the side, hoping they would search in the other direction. The rain had started and trees bent against the strong winds, pushing back as best they could. I took this as my cue to find a hiding spot until the storm cleared up.
I picked one of the trees and started pulling up the dirt and roots. I would dig myself a little burrow and wait out the storm. The wind pulled aggressively on my clothes and hair. It felt incredibly strong for a storm and it made my blood run cold. I frantically looked around in search of the bright red of Alastor's coat or Husker's wings. This wasn't natural wind. This was from magic. They were searching for me.
The trees practically uprooted themselves as the wind pushed against them, opening the forest floor to the sky for a moment. I briefly saw Husker's red wings in the sky before the trees cut my line of sight. I dove to the side before the trees opened again. I felt like a field mouse running from a coyote in the field grass.
Husker dropped through the canopy and locked eyes with me. He curled his claws inward and the tree branches reached for me. I pushed against them with wind and snaked through their reaches. I stayed as close to the ground as I possibly could. I needed someplace to defend, somewhere that he couldn't reach me. The forest was proving to be a horrible idea.
Wind and fire were my best friends as I evaded and burned the branches that grabbed at me. Husker went back to the skies and attempted to create a wall with the trees. A branch caught my foot and dragged me towards its trunk. I opened the earth near it and pulled its roots up. I used the storm and pushed the tree all the way down. I jumped into the ditch and pulled the roots back over me, partially covering me from the sky. Husker flapped overhead, arms crossed.
I dug into the earth and filled it up behind me. The further down I went the farther I was from the reach of the trees. Several times he tried to catch me with the roots but he couldn't see me anymore. I had broken his line of sight. That's how you defeat a Full mage, I realized. If the mage couldn't see you, then they didn't know what they were doing.
I picked a random direction and started tunneling again. I didn't get far, though, as I realized my great fault. I had filled most of the earth behind me and it cut off my airway. It was freezing this far down and I was lacking oxygen. I was suffocating. I was already sweating and exhausted but not I was truly fighting for my life.
Praying that they were digging after me in the original spot, I start tunneling back up. Going up was far easier than going down but I was already exhausted, physically, mentally, and magically. I had to take several stops, struggling to breathe.
After what felt like an hour, I reached tree roots. I grabbed hold of one and used the last of my magic strength to pull myself through the dirt. I clambered through the dirt and sucked in the fresh air. I frantically looked around, half expecting Husker to jump on me from behind. But he was nowhere in sight. The light rain had turned into a downpour but the tree I was under gave me enough shelter from it.
I looked around for several moment before collapsing against the trunk. I took deep breaths of the sweet fresh air and let the rain drops patter on my face. Had I done it? Were they digging after me or looking elsewhere for my tunnel exit? It didn't matter. I just needed a few minutes to recover.
"Well done."
My breathing caught in my throat. I looked up to see Alastor leaning against the tree staring down at me. His smile was still plastered on his face and the sarcasm was heavy. I scrambled to my feet and backed away from him.
"I must say I'm impressed that you managed to evade Husker but I'm sorely disappointed that you can't follow simple instructions." He was leaning forward enough this he was at my eye level and creeping towards me.
“I'm disappointed you thought I would just stay put like a pet," I returned with heavy breathing. I was so tired. I didn't know if I had the energy to run from him.
He chuckled at my retort. "I knew you would attempt to run. You watched my schedule. You knew I wouldn't be back until later. I know exactly how your mind works."
“Do you, now?" Using my peripherals, I willed the roots from the nearest tree to uproot and wrap around his legs, making sure not to touch him yet. "Then you'll know that a cornered animal fights back until they die." I snapped the roots tightly around him. He looked down and I ran. I was so tired but desperation kept my blood boiling in all my fights.
I used the strong wind and rode it into the sky. I threw myself as high as I could and looked around. It was nothing but trees. No town, no city, no house, absolutely no sign of humanity. I was in the middle of nowhere.
I dropped into the trees and hide among the branches, eyes desperately scanning the ground. I leaned back to sit on my heels but the strength in my arm had disappeared. I lost my grip on the branch and fell backwards, hitting branches on my way down.
I landed hard on my back and felt a crack run through my spine. I sucked in a gasp of air and stared up at the gray sky. I gripped at the wet grass and tried to pull my strength back in. Alastor appeared above me a moment later, smiling down at my paralyzed body. He knelt beside my head so his ugly yellow smile came closer to my face.
"This suites you," he said, "this desperation. You're trying so hard to escape no matter what it does or if it kills you." He pushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. "Unfortunately for you, it matters to me because we share the same fate."
"Fuck you."
His smile lessened slightly. "I'll add another rule for you to follow." He grabbed my throat and hoisted me to my feet. His claws dug painfully into my skin until I could feel my blood soaking my shirt. He pushed me against a tree and leaned in close to my face. I pulled on his wrist and tried not to cough in his face. "Rule number five. Never speak to me in such a way again." He paused. "Words like that are unbefitting for a woman."
"You can..." I struggled to speak clearly, "you can...keep me here but...but I'm...but I will not play...play by your rules." My heart was racing as his grip tightened even more so. He dies if you die. He dies if you die. I repeated in my head.
He let go of me and I fell face first into the ground. I gasped and coughed up spit as I rubbed my throat. "Give it time." I saw his feet walk around to stand in front of me. "I can be very persuasive."
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olliethescribe · 1 year
Hi everyone, I’m completely insane. I was rewatching The Clothes Don’t Make The Turtle to make a future chapter of Only Brooches more accurate (I’ve gotten a lot incorrect about The Magic Townhouse, unfortunately). This is my master list of details for TCDMTT - thought y’all would like it too.
The Magic Townhouse hosts an annual ‘Night of A Million Secrets’ - hence the masks and fancy attire. This is the year they happened to get Houdini’s journals.
So they weren’t always under TMTH - this is a new addition 
Leo would bring up that they have Houdini’s journals this year. Ron would know as every magician that works there is aware of it.
Back of ticket: “Exclusive private clubhouse for members of The Magic Townhouse. All members and guests are required to dress in evening or business attire that is conservative, formal & elegant. - The following are ALL prohibited: Casual wear or athletic attire, denim, work boots, sandals, flip-flops, shorts, rompers &” it cuts off there ):
In my AU: Ron gets his top hat from Madie (Madam?) Hats, a magician who works exclusively with animals and animal magic 
Hypno replaced so many fucking posters with his own face and visage in this - it’s hilarious 
He also depicts himself with five fingers, which is odd considering he only has four
There are several secret doors and panels - which imply multiple routes in and around the townhouse (keep in mind for Potluck - Warren doesn’t have to get trapped in a broom closet. He could get stuck behind a magic bookshelf) 
Leo is very informed on magic - is aware that Houdini is the ‘greatest illusionist in history’ and that Hypno can ‘alter the very fabric of reality’ or ‘something even cooler’
He also knows all of the secrets of the townhouse and can name the busts of each magician - knows about every secret passage (just not how to activate them)
All of the turtles have a passion for fashion - only Leo seems to be kinda chill with Hypno 
Despite all of them enjoying fashion, the turtles are typically naked
For the AU: Donnie should be the one that gives Ron advice on the magic boom box - I feel like they’d have a good time collaborating on this 
There’s a Mezmer Ron poster on the wall (:
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In fact, it calls him ‘The Magnificent Mezmer Ron’
Magicians as pointed out by Leo: John The Kaiser (inventor of the pinky shuffle) - Leo is also a massive fan of his - John is not a fan of Hypno (calls him an amateur despite Hypno being established, called him a thug. This is starting to feel kinda racist /hj) - guess this bitch is also at the Potluck 
Why the fuck does every magician have an accent? 
There’s a secret vault 
It has a secret password that Leo refuses to hear
Hypno’s just stuffing those journals into his arms like a pro 
“I was so close! How did you get out of my ingenious fashion trap?” “Did you learn the power of self love in order to break free?” (He smiles when he says it)
He also smiles in a really cute way as he waves goodbye after bending reality 
“What is it with magicians and their hatred of normal doors?!” - Raph (I don’t think he’ll ever come around to like Hypno)
“Pastor-rayna” - spell that shoots cards, also traps the victim in a card
“Asotherio!” - Spell that makes paintings come to life and beat up a teenager /hj
“Deli-anais” - allows the user to escape into different containers of varying sizes and shapes 
Hypno doesn’t say a spell with Leo, is literally performing a trick for him where he saws himself in half. It’s really sweet until the other turtles show up 
Venus DeMagic - the queen of quick change - according to Leo
Love how it’s easy to tell which posters Hypno added after the fact since they’re his human form with his villain name
Hypno woke up the second those shadow hands grabbed him - he wouldn’t have screamed otherwise 
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The leader of the cultists were wondering who interfered with the ritual? It was all set up and now everything had gone to hell! Not for the city but for them! Fortunately the leader had a back up plan, he knew better than to only rely on one thing and yet he felt something was off.
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"Do you like my adjustments to your plan? I feel like its better then what you had in mind originally."
The leader turned and launched a demonic energy spear at who was sitting on top of a box just for well in the cultist opinion it was a female so her to jump off avoiding the spear like it was a casual day. Finding the smile she was giving off irritating as she bowed.
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"I wonder, which demon did you sign a contract with to do that? That's certainly above the pay grade of normal cultists. Then again this entire situation is that. Say, care to chat for a bit?"
The answer was no. The cultist leader seeing that spears wasn't going to be enough charged in directly materializing a sword which was swung at the other, yet it was stopped by a tail. Both the sword and tail were covered in an equal amount of demonic energy.
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"This feeling, you've been in touch with Argosax somehow. Yet that thing normally not one to be so active."
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"Okay, this is worse than I thought, you're even scamming those idiots who worship my true form. Don't you have any limits?"
"I'm just doing us both a favor. Eliminating your worshipers and also using them to pave the way for my god. So for the sake of Argosax, I have no limits!"
The devil deflected a few more swings now that they weren't playing charades. Yet the reason for the voice change was simple. The number of tails went from one to nine. Which was why they usually doesn't imitate kitsune, how kitsunes body behaves means by default they have to hide the extra tails to be perfect.
Oh well, there's no need too this time thus with a snap of their fingers, an explosion rang out sending the Argosax Worshiper flying through a wall. Which they casually walked over too and jumped out the person shaped hole. Then has to sign and claps their hands together.
"Appear and obey my will."
They weren't an illusionist even if they knew how to make illusions so they simply created demonic knights to intercept the minor demons trying to interfere. Honestly they could end things immediately but Argosax wasn't even from this world! They should've died in the world they was originally from but hopped over to theirs. So they were trying to draw out whatever the other was keeping hidden.
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"Demonic energy spear, materializing a sword, the minor demon summoning. What else could they ha-Oh, a whip."
They casually hopped over the swing of a whip then kicked off the air to launch themselves towards the worshiper. They got a good feel for what they can do now, they offered themselves up to be an extension of Argosax. Oh well, its just an extension in the end.
"Show your true face Devil!"
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"Naw, You're not worth it. You'll only see it in Hell, not before you die and I take away one of that things worshipers. Speaking of which, right about now. I reversed it so everyone responsible is dragged to 'my' hell. Well, not alive mind you."
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"So your soul is now mines and you're the only one who knows the truth of who ruined things yet you can't say a thing~ After all, no one would believe this appearance is the Devil they worship, who appearance I'm borrowing to short to fit the role and not as scary as me~"
The worshiper wondered what that meant till the Devil held up their hand and in return a massive hand that could hold the city in its grasp rose up. Yet the only ones being held in it was the Devil's targets. Once they close their hand, the massive hand also closed and proceeded to drag everyone in its grasp down to hell.
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"Tell me how it feels to spend a millennia of being tormented after dying later. After all, your deaths will be as painful as possible and from there the true torment begins~"
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"Okay, job complete. Now for the clean up so there's absolutely no trace of what just happened. This is why Rirune a bit naive, he doesn't handle problems thoroughly. But if he did, he wouldn't be him."
Lucy stretched a bit, glad to be back in her preferred appearance.
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
One of a Kind
@amazingmsme I didn't want to post the thing you sent just because of the minor minor spoilers (I hate that we've lost a grip on spoiler culture on the internet so I am overcorrecting to keep my blog safe!) but what you sent was too goddamn cute. Have an unedited thing I wrote in one go. This takes place in the nebulous, non-existent gap between episode 5 and 6! I still haven't see the finale so....this is canon-adjacent-adjacent I guess. Enjoy!
Spoilers for the Loki series under the cut!
Cataloguing variants had always been time-consuming, but somehow Loki was making it take longer. Mobius knew that Loki should’ve gone through his stack already, especially with his reading speed, but he was just staring at one particular file and huffing at increasing volumes.
Alright, I’ll bite.
“I’d ask what you’re thinking about, but I know you’re gonna tell me.” Mobius thumbed through his file on another Loki, one who’d defected from Thanos in 2012 to join the Avengers. They’d pruned him pretty early. Mobius still regretted not being able to pick his brain for a little while longer.
“These other variants are incredible,” Loki scoffed.
“I agree.”
“I don’t understand it.” He stared at Mobius, brow furrowed, and alright, they clearly weren’t getting any more work done.
“Lokis tend to be extraordinary. It’s kinda a thing with you guys.” Mobius slid his files aside.
“Right, but in comparison, I am at the lower end of the bunch.” Loki frowned, gesturing as if this was a matter of grave importance.
“Okay, you lost me.” He folded his hands on the table and squinted at Loki.
“We have an alligator, an illusionist whose powers dwarfed my own, a child who killed Thor, a President--though I can’t fathom wanting to be a part of the American political system--and an enchantress. Those are the variants that we know about. So why am I here helping you?”
“You’re the best of the bunch.” The simplest and truest answer. Loki didn’t seem to buy it.
Mobius dragged his chair around the table and put it in front of Loki, effectively pinning him against the table--well, he could just stand up and walk away, but Mobius knew he wouldn’t. It was part of their thing.
“What are you doing?”
“Just gettin’ closer.” Mobius slotted his knees between Loki’s and pulled his chair as far in as it could go.
“I can see that. Why?”
“I just wanna be close to you, that’s all.” He gave his best convincing grin. Loki visibly softened.
“Loki, you are a genius with a good heart. You’re here because you are, at least in my book, a hero.” Mobius gave his knee a steady pat. Loki puffed with pride.
“Go on.”
“Wow, you are on a perfect swinging scale of narcissism. From self-deprecating to king of the world in no time flat.” Mobius laughed.
“Thank you.” Loki adjusted his tie, missing or ignoring everything but the word ‘perfect’. Mobius bit his lip on a chuckle--he really shouldn’t inflate an already dangerously-large ego, but Loki needed it, he thought. His confidence was all air, after all--smug posturing designed to fill the void of something genuine. Loki could use genuine, for a change.
He looked Loki up and down slowly, deliberately, and an absurd little idea took root in the back of his mind. It had worked in the Time Cell, so maybe...
“Why are you looking at me like that? Wh--Mobius. Mobius. Stop it.” Loki leaned back as much as he could. Mobius grinned and hovered his fingers just over Loki’s torso, dangerously close. Loki sucked in his stomach, looking frantically between Mobius’s hands and his face.
“This r-really isn’t necessary.” The wobbly smile on Loki’s lips told Mobius the exact opposite.
“Nervous giggler, huh?” Mobius twitched his fingers and Loki jumped.
“Perfect! Then you’ll hear what I have to say.” Mobius set his fingers adrift, passing languidly over Loki’s spots but never landing anywhere.
“Sylvie’s my favorite because she’s wild and unpredictable. I can never quite figure out what’s goin’ on in that head of hers, regardless of her being a Loki, and it fascinates me. You know I love my puzzles, and cracking open her head like a walnut has been a real highlight of my career.” Mobius’s fingers over Loki’s knee got the first giggles to bubble out, sweet and fluttery, and it took all of his strength not to chase them down.
“But you? You’re incredible. Quick wit, a quicker knife hand, and a will to survive that I haven’t seen in--” Mobius whistled lowly-- “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it. Plus, you’re pretty cute. Or, so I’ve heard.”
“You had me wrapped around your finger when we brought you in. I mean, you could talk a desert into bloomin’.” It was the first time in a few thousand Loki’s that he’d genuinely almost been fooled--something about this one, his Loki, just got to him in a way that the others never could.
“I still have you around my finger.” Loki’s smile and rosy cheeks ignited a gentle warmth in Mobius’s chest. Gentle, rolling chuckles flowed steadily from him, walls completely broken down, and if Mobius could keep one memory forever, it would be this.
“Oh, and that laugh. I’m almost jealous. Literal music to my ears. Y’know, the other Loki’s never laughed like this? It was always this fake, snooty chuckle that used to make my skin crawl.
“But not you. You’ve got this damn beautiful giggle. It’s like the old saying goes: every time a Loki laughs, a puppy is born. Or angels get their wings. A little bit of both.” Mobius let his fingers drift upwards to Loki’s ribs and he whined, pitching forward until his forehead hit Mobius’s chest.
“T-That’s not a thing.” The color on Loki’s face had matured into a wonderful shade of cherry, his voice pinching from the sheer volume of emotion--Mobius could actually see him working through it in real time. Another favorite thing that he could never express aloud--how earnestly and easily Loki wore his emotions.
“He speaks!” Mobius swooped his hands in, never touching but threatening, and Loki yelped around some more giggles.
“Stop it.” Loki swiped at his hands, but even at close range, he couldn’t coordinate enough to catch Mobius.
“You’re right, my bad. It’s rude to keep you waiting.”
“Wh--no, nonono, that’s definitely not what I meant--”
“You make it so easy for me,” Mobius sighed wistfully, seeking out Loki’s trick rib as easy as breathing. Loki shrieked, crumpling in Mobius’s arms, and Mobius held him as he deftly took him apart.
“You are a Loki, alright? There’s no doubt about that. But you’re you, and I like ya. Stop worryin’ about the others.” He wormed his fingers under Loki’s arms, then spidered across the backs of his ribs and up towards his shoulders.
“Excellent point. You also have me. That’s a pretty big deal--I’m one of a kind, y’know. Limited edition. So there’s that.” His hands found solace beneath Loki's jaw, pulling forth jumpy squeaks between...purrs? Huh. He made a note of it as he scribbled his fingers up Loki’s thigh, dodging swatting hands like a stubborn bug. Loki pulled his knee up to his chest, head tilted back in open-mouthed laughter, and Mobius followed him.
“Who’s got an ego now?” Loki smirked, eyes crinkled, and Mobius summoned his best dramatic gasp.
“You take that back!”
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seacottons · 4 years
sir kiss me ; — c. san x reader
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pairing: choi san x reader
wc: 4.7k
synopsis: if only you knew how much of a monster your soulmate was, you would've never went out of your way to look for him.
notes: circus!au, soulmate!au, magician!san, supernatural beings, violence, drugging, kidnapping, brief unconsented touching.
Nobody knows why or how, but everyone is born with an intangible red string tied around one of their fingers. It's said that the string is connected to one's heart, a figurative extension of the aorta. No one can see any other thread but their own.
It stretches for a few yards and suddenly cuts off, fading away into nothingness.
On the other end of every string is a person's soulmate, and only when the two meet, the other half of the red thread becomes visible.
The red string symbolizes the unification of two intertwined destinies; it is a force so powerful that no one can comprehend the mechanisms of it.
 Every one in this world will meet their soulmate eventually, and when they do, their string becomes as taut as guitar strings, and they have a longing tug in their hearts towards their partner.
You've noticed lately that your red string doesn't dangle in the air as much as it used to before, nor does it pool into a mess when you sit idle. It's become a bit stiff, and you have no idea why. 
You've been living alone in this fairly large town for years, and never has your string come this close to being taut and rigid. 
Not much has changed. Life took its usual mundane path.
The wind undressed all the trees of their gold and red leaves. Wagons in the town's markets were filled with heavy goards and pumpkins, and the scent of fresh bread and roasting chestnuts continued to fill the air.
For that reason, you had a small assumption that maybe it had to do with the sudden, traveling circus appearing in town. Their steam train was parked behind the eastern part of town, the colorful logo of Circus Wonderland standing out amongst the earthy terrain. Advertisements were plastered onto the town's stucco buildings, and no one could miss the the immensely large chapiteau the workers have been setting up for days now. 
You were quick to snag a pass, knowing they'd run out quick with how much the townsfolk craved amusement and entertainment. The opening night was flocked with a large and impressive crowd, but thankfully, you arrived in time to have a seat right up front. 
With the influx of people around and lack of breeze, you felt yourself heating up quite uncomfortably. A whisper of autumn's breeze danced your way with every flap of the tent's curtains as new spectators walked in.
Swallowing nervously, you peered down to your lap, gaze trained on the taut, red string tied around your finger. Your instincts had been right after all. A sudden feeling of uneasiness washed over you.
You hadn't mentally prepared yourself to meet your soulmate. What will you tell them? Will they like you? What if they end up not wanting to be with you? What if you end up not even finding your soulmate in the first place?
A round of applause and cheers filling the arena ripped you from your thoughts. You perked up to see a young ringmaster welcoming the crowd with a charming smile and sweet words, a few strands of blue hair framing his face. 
His voice blared over the microphone in his hand, introducing himself and announcing the next few acts to come, the very first being equestrian demonstrations.
A wave of gasps rushed from the spectators as a sudden herd of horses rushed in from the back of large big top, their braided and bejeweled manes bouncing in the process. Colorful headdresses, bridles, and feather plumes adorned each horse as they all trotted in a uniformed circle around the ring curb with such precision, it left everyone in awe. 
The equestrian master, Mingi- if you recalled the ringmaster's words, stepped onto the center of the ring, beaming quite proudly at all of the horses who bowed their heads to the crowds. He tipped his leather hat at the band in the back to signal the start of his performance, and the dozens of horses instantly snapped into motion. Some galloped with the beat of the drums, while others performed tricks and posed for the starstruck spectators.
The performance came to an end too quickly for your liking, and you subconsciously found yourself clapping enthusiastically at the bowing master and his horses, your jaw slack with wonder and amusement.
Uniformists rushed out to clear the ring of the props and prepare for the next act. You quite enjoyed the ringmaster's charming ways of exciting the crowd. Despite his small stature and pretty face, you can practically feel the waves of authority he exuded. One sharp look to the band and they cease their music instantly. One snap of his fingers and the uniformists quicken their pace even more so.
The circus was filled with amazing entertainers and performers. Clowns and elephants were a light-hearted, comedic act, but the ventriloquests, jugglers, escape artists, and contortionists were just as entertaining. A few performers that stood out were the death-defying, trio acrobats who went by the name YunWooSang. 
The white safety netting proved useless as the three seemed to fly in the air as they jumped excitedly onto the trampolines and swung from trapeze to trapeze. One of them even daringly made it across the tightrope whilst blindfolded. 
The red haired man with inhumane strength was also one of the highlights of the show. Metal, wood, and cement bent to his will and strength. For comedic relief, the ringmaster gave the unamused man a sack of freshly waxed apples, whispering in his ear and gesturing to the crowd. The other merely rolled his eyes and nodded, turning his attention to the red fruit. The crowd cheered as the ringmaster bought the microphone to the man's stoic face as he belted out graceful notes, all the while snapping the defenseless fruit in half and throwing the pieces into the frenzied audience.
The tall, black haired tiger tamer bowed to the applauding crowd before exiting the arena after others quickly moved the three large felines to the back. The crowd grew deafly silent as the white suit-tailed ringmaster made his way towards the illuminated center. With just a shot of his hand in the air, the music ceased abruptly. Even through the dark, you can make out the uniformists rushing to settle new props around the ring's perimeter.
"Did you all enjoy Seonghwa's act?" He threw a smirk to the restless crowd, shaking his head in amusement at the wave of enthusiastic cries, "Alright, then. We saved our best and biggest act for last," a roaring drum roll suddenly erupted from the band in the back, and the lights dimmed considerably, "For the grand finale tonight, ladies and gentlemen- please give a warm welcome to our very own illusionist and magician, San!"
Within an instant, after the lights above illuminated the entire arena, your breath caught into your throat. The deafening applause now suddenly seemed miles away and underwater, your own heartbeat dominating every audible sound around you. 
The past performances were so entertaining, that you completely forgot about the initial reason you came here in the first place. 
Raising your hand up ever so slightly, your eyes trained onto the taut string tied to your finger. It had become as stiff as a guitar's and no longer sagged like power lines. Your eyes roamed from past the metal bars, onto the arena, and finally stopping to the man in all red attire standing proudly in the center ring. He raised his hand in greeting, the string between the two of your forms rising with every movement of his hands. Behind him stood several of his assistants.
You suddenly shrunk into your seat, stuffing your hand into your coat's pockets and holding your breath. You couldn't even decipher the words escaping his mouth, the gears in your mind suddenly reeling to a halt. All you knew was that he had the smoothest voice you've ever heard, and your stomach flipped just as much as the acrobats did.
If he noticed the completed string stretching into the crowd, he didn't show it, instead going on with the show. He performed several jaw-dropping acts with the help of his assistants. 
You were too mesmerized by the acts that you failed to notice the magician's red eyes lingering on your form.
The crowd laughed light-heartedly when the magician gave one spectator a scare with one of his tricks. He smiled and tipped his head down apologetically.
"For the next act, I'd like to have one of the spectators come down and volunteer," San's rich voice boomed within the arena. Several hands shot out in excitement, the majority wanting to jump at the opportunity to witness the illusionist's tricks first hand. 
San's eyes flickered onto numerous spectators, before his traveling eyes stop at your form. Your heart rate spikes instantly, breath ceasing in your throat at the smile he shoots you. A red gloved hand reaches out to point at you, and you notice it's the same finger with your string tied onto it. The excited shouts slowly come to a dying halt, and San waits patiently for the crowd to cease their talking.
"You," he drawls out, making you sink a little further in your seat. Was it possible he was pointing to the person behind you?
"The one with the red string," his words only affirmed your suspicions, "Please come down here."
The people shuffle in their seats, hushed murmurs traveling like waves within the crowd. Many wide eyes ogle at your form, while a few people from the crowd congratulated you in regards to your completed red string. 
You gulped thickly, quickly shaking your head at the magician, who in turn rolled his eyes at your meek reaction. With a snap of his fingers, you're engulfed in a puff of smoke before finding yourself standing in front of him in the center arena. Your stomach lurched at the sudden change of gravity, knees wobbling and arms desperately reaching out to grab at the man's velvet coat to stop yourself from falling. You swallowed down the sensation of wanting to vomit your innards and took a deep breath before the magician helped stabilize your form upright with a light-hearted laugh, "I apologize for that, my dear."
"How did you do that?" you ask weakly. He gives you a look of amusement.
"A magician never reveals his secrets," he murmurs as he gazes down at you speculatively, brow quirking up as he takes ahold of your hand, where the string barely stretched an inch between the two of you now. He was so much more handsome up close. You felt the tips of your ears warm at the sudden realization of the close proximity between your frames. A feeling of self-consciousness washed over you, and you could only wish such a moment like this occurred without hundreds of eyes watching you, "If I had known I were to meet my soulmate today, I would've put on a much better show for you."
He spoke into his microphone headpiece, voice echoing within the arena. You hadn't noticed the way the ringmaster's gaze darkened from the back of the arena, eyes suddenly watching your form quizzically. A few heads popped from the back curtain, and hasty whispers were exchanged between the other performers and the ringmaster. The scattered applause around you startled you, and you smiled in embarrassment at the magician, who in return brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, "Your name, beautiful?"
"Y/n," you shoot him a small smile, eyeing the red and black triangles painted onto his eyelids.
He grips your wrist, pulling your arm upwards before announcing to the crowd that you'll be a part of the final act of the show. He maneuvers the microphone from his face to lean down and whisper into your ear, "How well do you do with heights?"
You drew in a fortifying breath in an attempt to calm your erratic heartbeat, "Not so well, actu-"
He brings a cup to your lips, and you wonder where on earth he had managed to obtain it seemingly out of the blue, "Here. This'll help with the nausea in case." You eye the liquid contents warily, and he notices with a simple quirk of his brow, "Don't worry. It's just some of our liquid magic. A befitting name, right? Nothing harmful."
You down the liquid and wince at the burning sensation in your throat, and you assume that it's only some type of alcohol. You listen intently to the magician's instructions, eyes trained onto his red eyes that shined like rubies. You feel his breath ghost your face as he points up towards the thin tightrope up above. You hardly concentrate on his words, too preoccupied with dazing at his chiseled face. He was absolutely breathtaking with wide shoulders and black tresses framing his face.
"Is there a word I can say if things get too overwhelming?" 
He casts you a look of amusement, lips quirking up, "A word?"
He gives it some thought, before snapping his fingers, "I've got it. Three words actually. Say them anytime, and I'll stop the act," a glint of mischief flashes within his eyes as he faintly brushes the pad of his thumb across your lower lip, "The magic words are: Sir Kiss Me."
You want to smile at the play on words, but your nerve-wrecking thoughts left no room for humor.
He gives a simple nod to the band and they begin playing.
 Two of the three acrobats suddenly joined the two of you, the men running into the arena with nothing but tight fitting trapeze pants, their broad shoulders and chiseled muscles on full display. One of them eyes your form up and down with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"San, you're one lucky bastard if that's your soulmate," the raven haired male shoots you a flirtatious wink, ignoring the daggers the other shot at him.
"Shut up and get to it, Woo," San ushered one of the acrobats to begin performing their previous act. The black haired trapeze artist ran a hand through his long, inky locks, throwing the magician a mischievous grin. While jumping from the trampoline up to the trapeze, the sound of a loud bang startled you and the spectators. A puff of smoke erupted around the acrobat, and when it cleared, he was nowhere to be seen. 
The magician snapped his red leathered fingers once more, another bang following afterwards. The lights suddenly directed towards the back, where the very same artist waved enthusiastically to the crowd. 
The crowd grew silent when another bang sounded from up above. The drums and suspenseful music filled the arena as a puff of smoke caught everyone's attention, and from it emerged the third acrobat standing gracefully still on the tightrope above. Your eyes widened considerably. The male literally appeared out of thin air. San's head suddenly snapped to peer at you, and before you had the chance to blink, you were suddenly engulfed in another plume of smoke, before finding yourself in the arms of the blonde acrobat meters above the ground. 
Your frame tensed considerably, arms hastily wrapping around the male's neck with a loud cry of fear. You didn't dare look down, your eyes scrunching shut in fear. Laughing at your frightened expression, he clicked his tongue in dismay, arms reaching to unwrap your limbs from his frame before tipping you down the tightrope, "Don't give me that look. You're in good hands."
Before your frame succumbed to gravity, you felt your heart drop almost immediately. A silent scream caught into your throat as you plummeted down to the safety net. Just before you reached it, two hands shot out and grabbed at your frame, gripping your frightened form with so much precision and care. You were met with the sight of the tallest of the three acrobats swinging onto the trapeze with the back of knees. Your trembling pupils took in the sight of his lips quirking up mischievously as he suddenly threw your frame like a rag doll towards the raven haired man, who in return held you in his arms whilst standing as still as a statue on the swinging trapeze bar. Within the entirety of it, your eyes had remained squeezed shut tightly.
"Don't be afraid, sweetheart," he cooed mockingly, lips outstretched into a coy smile, "Wooyoung's got ya."
The fast paced performance left no room or time for anyone to observe exactly how it was done, and even the most rational spectator experienced a moment of doubt when watching the act.
With a wave of the magician's hands, four more bangs and puffs of smoke followed suit, and the three acrobats found themselves standing in front of San, their hands intertwined as they bowed gracefully to the cheering crowd. You jolted upon realizing you were held in the magician's awaiting arms, your frame scrambling to stand. San placed a hand onto the small of your back, urging you to bow along with him towards the cheering crowd. 
"You never did say the words, hm? I knew you could do it." Regardless of the many eyes watching you attentively, he turns to you, hand cupping the side of your face whilst thumbing the apple of your cheek with a small smile, "Stay after the show. We have a lot to talk about."
You can only nod faintly, head light from the adrenaline coursing through your veins. A man came to escort you back to your seat, and your turned back to glance at San's retreating figure. You hasten your pace as a wolf-whistle and degrading comment thrown your way reached your ears, and you gave the spectator a quick glare before making yourself to your seat. 
A few minutes tick by, and you notice your vision grows a tad bit blurry. The blue haired ringmaster enters the center once more, large grin plastered onto his face. He tips his head in gratitude at the cheering audience, before raising the mic to his face, "Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Circus Wonderland, we want to thank you all for your splendid patronage and love you've given us tonight. We hope we've scared the life out of you."
You noticed his eyes flash in your direction momentarily, but you dismiss the thought.
"Unforeseen circumstances beyond my control have taken place tonight. Unfortunately, we will not be able to give you another night of performances."
His words seemed to blend together, and you furrowed your brows, shaking your head in an attempt to clear your head. Just what did that magician really have in that concoction to make you this dazed?
A sudden wicked smile taking over his features made your heart stop for a second. The ringmaster's dark orbs illuminated a bright red as he chuckled at the confused spectators, "You will all go back home and forget the events of today," a gloved hand reached up to point a finger at you and ruby eyes trained on your confused expression, "except you."
You watched in bewilderment as the crowd quietly made themselves down the platform and out of the tent. The spectators all shared the same empty, mindless gaze as they trudged robotically back home. Blue wisps of light swayed around their bodies like halos and stretched into the ringmaster's waiting palm, and the overhead lights began flickering repeatedly.
"Inform the others that I want everything loaded into the train this instant," the man snapped to an assistant to his right, "Leave no sign we were here, or I will personally tie you to the train tracks."
 Voices from the back sounded out, and you noticed the abandoned tickets on the floor burned, the ashes dancing  into the air as nothing more than dust. Your head snapped back to give the ringmaster a wary look, body instinctively jolting up to blend in with the crowd. A sudden wave of dizziness hit you like a tidal wave, and your knees wobbled whilst you attempted to regain your footing. 
"Where do you think you're going?" an amused chuckle rang from the blue haired male as he suddenly vanished from the center arena and beside you. Before you had the chance to jump from his prying hands, he leaned in close, eyes glowing like rubies in sunlight, "It's a shame we can't have your life-source like everyone else here. After all, you've cost us a whole 'nother night of regaining our energy from you humans."
Fear yelled at you to escape, hide, run away; hell, to even fight back, but your drugged state made it impossible for your body to cooperate properly. You didn't want anything to do with your soulmate anymore. You made a pathetic attempt to crawl away, only to have the ringmaster grip you by the back of your coat. You clawed at his arm harshly, desperately wanting to escape his claws.
"Shouldn't you be in the back making sure everyone's packing," a familiar voice called from thin air. The blue-haired male's annoyed face vanished as a puff of smoke enshrouded your figure. You found yourself on the dirt ground behind the curtains of the arena, stomach flipping at the shift in gravity.
Peering up dazedly, you give the magician a confused glance, your figure stumbling to stand up to walk away. The sound of a few thuds caught your attention, and your breath suddenly came to a halt upon noticing the very same man from the crowd tied onto the wooden frame the knife thrower previously used. A thick ribbon gagged his mouth, and his wild, tear-filled eyes shot at you desperately for help when another knife was flung carelessly above his head, lodging into the wood. Splinters flew out upon impact, and the man quivered in fright, tears streaming down his face. The harsh winds of autumn nipped at your face, and you shrunk into yourself to find some warmth. Your surroundings spun and you began seeing double.
"Ah, Y/n. Nice of you to join us back here," San drawled simply, ignoring the rushing uniformists and other artists in the back, "Care to help me gut this man like the animal he is?"
This man was a monster.
The set of gleaming knives floated dangerously above his head, their sharp tips pointing into the direction of the constricted male. You shook your head as quickly as you could, instantly regretting it as you felt the onslaught of a mind-splitting headache. You desperately attempted to form words, wanting to ask what was going on, what he was, and to let the traumatized man go, but everything felt too heavy, and you couldn't properly think or hold your weight upright. No, you didn't care about any of that. You only wanted to flee from this nightmare.
"No worries, sweetheart," his sweet voice chimed like bells, juxtaposed by the ravenous, menacing look in his dark eyes, "I wouldn't want to soil you with this filth's blood anyway."
You turn your head away, a voice in your mind telling you the next scenes will plague your thoughts far beyond many sleepless nights.
To San, there was something so oddly satisfying about seeing the man's limbs outstretched and cuffed, awaiting the knives threatening to rip him into shreds. With a shrug of his shoulders and a flick of his finger, the knives surged forward, lodging into the man's chest and joints. He cried out in anguish, veins on his neck prominent as he struggled in his confines, desperate to flee the monster in front of him, "Oh, don't worry. You'll have the privilege of forgetting this night like the others," his brows shot up as a condescending smile crossed his features, "and you're also going to forget how it feels to speak as well."
Without an ounce of hesitation or empathy, San ripped the scarf from the man's mouth, and watched in amusement as one of the floating knives reached down harshly to rip past the seam of the man's lips, only to carve out his tongue. The muscle dangled limply by a thread of tissue, and San drank in the sounds of the man's clear cries of agony, his frame convulsing in pain.
"Mm, I guess our bloodsuckers can clean this mess up," he hummed lowly to himself, eyes watching as streams of blood dripped down the man's chin, patches of blood blooming on his other wounds as well, "Jongho! Seonghwa, he's all yours now. I think I might've killed him."
He peered down at your slumped figure onto the floor, chuckling to himself at your blown pupils and unfocused, dazed look overtaking your features, "Go to sleep now, y/n. It's going to be a long ride."
His mouth moved to form more words, but it was as if the audio somehow became distorted and disconnected from reality. A dark mist fogged your vision, the glowing red of his eyes and satisfied smile blurring and melting with all of the other colors around you, and you felt as light as a feather. You were aware of the sensation of falling. 
You were falling.
And then, nothing.
You awoke in a progression of steps that seemed to take an onslaught of hours. It felt like you had awoken from a drunken stupor. Your arms and legs felt much heavier than usual, and you had no energy to lift your head up, as if your neck could hardly sustain the weight. Disoriented thoughts filled your mind to the brim. A strange taste lingered at the back of your throat, and your mind drew blank as you attempted to process the events of last night. Was it last night? You had trouble recalling the sense of time.
As the thick fog of sleep slowly seeped away, you realize there's an odd, cold sensation around your wrists, and upon shifting them slightly, you realize they're bound with metal. A feeling of dread and fear overtook your expression. Despite the racing thoughts plaguing your mind, your body just felt too heavy and disconnected from your mind. 
Lolling your head to the side, you make out a small bedroom and a few windows. Trees and greenery rushed past the windows, the moon shining brightly in the night sky. You listen to the sound of a train moving steadily on railway tracks. Slowly, you come to the realization the events you thought were a dream were indeed reality, and this must've been one of the sleeping cars of the steam train.
Panic struck you like lightning, and you struggled to rip your confined wrists from the metallic headboard. The clanging of metal caught the other person's attention, and a chill travelled down your spine at sound of footsteps, before catching the sight of the magician looming over your frame with a smile playing on his lips.
The moonlight casts a silver glow around his dark silhouette, and his ruby eyes darkened with a predatory gleam as you gave him a wary and confused look, body stiffening in fear. You attempted to scoot away when the mattress dipped as the man settled beside you, hand reaching forward to cup your face. From your peripheral vision, you can see the crimson thread tying the two of you together. Your head snapped away from his touch with a soft whimper of fear, making him chuckle to himself.
"Where are you taking me?" you slurred, thrashing when he made another attempt to touch you. Unshed tears pooled like diamonds in your eyes, and among the melting colors of your vision, you still could clearly make out the glowing red of his orbs. You wanted to ask a million more questions, but your tongue felt too heavy and mind too slow.
"Wherever I'm going, my dear. You're mine whether you like it or not. You're going to spend the rest of your life with me, whether you want to or not, " his eyes glinted red as he leaned in to nuzzle the junction of your jaw, hand gripping a fistful of your hair to keep you in place as his lips pressed tender kisses against the column of your neck, "Welcome to Circus Wonderland."
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH58
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 58: Purgatory Reunion (X)
This familiar address reminded Qi Leren of someone—Mrs Kathleen. One of the powerful figures in the Village of Dusk’s Slaughter Secret Society branch, Qi Leren had used the identity of "Red" to go undercover there, and had infiltrated the Slaughter Secret Society through her. She and her subordinate, Ashley, had left a deep impression on him, especially after he learned that they had escaped pursuit of the Trials Court.
The Nightmare World was so big, Qi Leren hadn't expected to meet her in the Underground Ant City.
Not good, Qi Leren thought. Mrs Kathleen must have a grudge against his "betrayal" and "utilization" in those days. Now she had sent someone to invite him fair and square. She wasn’t surprised that he had come here.
If she was not strong enough, she could pretend that she hadn’t seen him. That she had invited him meant she needed him for something.
Qi Leren has a guilty conscience and couldn't help thinking about a strategic retreat...
His hand was gently shook, and Qi Leren jolted. It suddenly occurred to him that this time he wasn’t alone.
He still had Ning Zhou!
When a man fights for too long, he thinks of solving any problems by himself, because when in danger, he can't pin his hopes on others. The only person he can rely on is himself.
This was a kind of maturity, but it was not a kind of helplessness. If someone can be a little prince and a little princess in a castle all their life, who would want to face the ups and downs of the outside world alone? After all, the wind was cold enough to bite at one’s skin, and the rain was violent enough to break through their armor.
Qi Leren raised his head and looked at Ning Zhou. Ning Zhou's eyes behind the mask also looked at him. It was a firm and indomitable look. He suddenly felt at ease. Maybe he would encounter difficulties and dangers, but as long as Ning Zhou was by his side, he would have endless courage.
Relieved, Qi Leren turned back and smiled at the manager who had invited them: "What are you waiting for? Lead the way."
They went up the stairs through a hidden door in the underground casino. The decor on the second floor was no longer a decaying and old gambling house, but a clean and tidy reception room. The white marble floor was gleaming, but the sofa where someone should sit was empty.
The manager pulled open the curtain of the reception room. Behind the curtain, there was a translucent curtain of light that rippled like a water’s surface, making the figure behind the curtain blurred, but it was still faintly visible that it was a woman's appearance, which was the long-lost Mrs Kathleen.
"That group of desperate gamblers are all rotten to the core, aren't they?" The woman behind the scenes laughed and made no secret of her contempt for this group of gamblers.
"It's a perfect match for a fugitive with her head hidden," Qi Leren also laughed.
This was really mean. When Qi Leren switched to his "Red" persona, his speech was much more vicious than usual, and most of the time it can be called malicious provocation.
"...Long time no see, Mr. 'Red', you still have the same style, still so... sharp-toothed and clever-tongued."
"But you’ve become secretive." Qi Leren smiled mockingly, took Ning Zhou, and sat down on the sofa in an ostentatious manner. He looked at Mrs Kathleen behind the curtain with his fingers still writing in Ning Zhou’s palm behind his back: Barrier, with a question mark added.
He wanted to know whether Ning Zhou could break this barrier enchantment.
"Necessary caution can save people's lives at critical moments, such as when the Trials Court encircled the Slaughter Secret Society branch." Mrs Kathleen's tone was light, but she was careful, full of the malicious intent of wanting to kill someone quickly.
Ning Zhou's reply was simpler than Qi Leren's. He only drew a check mark in his hand.
The light touch made Qi Leren's hand shiver, and he almost lost control of his tone.
"So you hide yourself behind an 'absolutely safe' barrier, and then tell your poor men to prepare to catch both of us?" Qi Leren laid out her plan bluntly.
Mrs Kathleen chuckled and took a sip of black tea before slowly saying, "A safety barrier is very important. For example, this one in front of you is enough to stop all attacks below a half-field."
Mrs Kathleen was full of confidence in the security of this enchantment, and also full of confidence in beating these two people. It had only been a month or two since the Slaughter Secret Society’s Village of Dusk branch collapsed. At that time, she had witnessed "Red’s" strength and that of the exorcist who cooperated with him.
Absolutely less than half-field level, otherwise the Slaughter Secret Society branch would have been completely annihilated.
These days, Mrs Kathleen, who had been pampered for many years, was resentful. She used to live a secret but comfortable life in the Village of Dusk. Her subordinates flattered her, supported her, and pinned their hopes for survival on the seeds of slaughter she gave them, but all this was ruined by this person.
She had to flee with the only surviving subordinate, Ashley, to the strange Underground Ant City. If she hadn't happened to meet a past lover in the lower city, and the lover happened to have a certain degree of power, she would be in a worse situation now.
However, how could a cautious life be compared to the reckless life she had previously had? Ashley, her only subordinate, was still missing.
Mrs Kathleen frowned. She could sense her subordinate, and was sure that he was still alive. But another horrible and evil force had cut off her control over her subordinate. She could only vaguely feel that Ashley was still in the Underground Ant City, but she didn't know what had happened to him...
"I'm not interested in your enchantment. If you wanted to kill me you could have already tried, instead of hiding your head in a turtle shell. Tell me, what do you want with me?" Qi Leren asked lazily.
"What about you? What did you come here for?" Mrs Kathleen asked.
"I'm looking for someone." Qi Leren has no intention of hiding.
"Looking for a gambler? I don’t believe it." Mrs Kathleen chuckled. "I’m guessing you're looking for the Court’s missing informant, the guy who came here the other day to inquire about the gambler."
Sure enough! The Court’s informant who came to investigate the Illusionist’s disappearance fell into Mrs Kathleen’s hands.
"Oh, what about him?" Qi Leren asked.
"Don't worry, you can see him soon," Mrs Kathleen said softly, fiddling with the feather fan in her hand.
Qi Leren's heart sank. It was likely that the informant's situation wasn’t good. However, it was also possible that Mrs Kathleen was using him, the informant of the court, and she couldn’t kill him until she drained the information from him.
"But I'm curious, the Illusionist unexpectedly also came to the Underground Ant City, also came to the casino; what is he doing here? Are you still chasing me?" asked Mrs Kathleen.
Qi Leren narrowed his eyes. It seemed that the informant who came to find the gambler to verify the Illusionist’s whereabouts had confessed this matter, so Mrs. Kathleen was wary, and she had found a barrier enchantment from who knows where to protect her own safety. She also arranged manpower in the underground casino. As a result, there was no new information about why the Illusionist had gone missing after leaving for the Dragon Ant Queen’s palace. Instead, Ning Zhou and Qi Leren had just gotten tied up in Mrs Kathleen’s issues.
Alas, this was really a pitfall of miscommunication.
"Think of it as him going shopping," Qi Leren said lightly.
Mrs Kathleen choked a bit, then laughed angrily: "What about you, what are you doing in the Underground Ant City?"
Of course, Qi Leren couldn't speak about the facts, but he couldn’t casually say something that wouldn’t make sense...
Beside him, Ning Zhou suddenly moved. This move made Qi Leren's mind flash. He leaned over Ning Zhou's neck in confusion and smiled at Mrs. Kathleen behind the curtain: "We came for our honeymoon!"
Mrs Kathleen: "..."
Ning Zhou: "???"
Mrs. Kathleen, who felt teased and humiliated, finally couldn't sit still. She stood up from her chair and snapped, "Since you don't want to say anything, go to hell and say it!"
With her furious voice, the door of the sitting room was violently kicked open, and a group of thugs rushed in, most of whom were strong lower demons. They surrounded the two people on the sofa, but did not rush to start attacking.
"Actually, it won’t take so many people to deal with you two." Mrs Kathleen smiled haughtily and clapped her hands. The barrier between her and them changed its shape, and began to expand from a curtain of light. In just a few seconds, it turned into a sheet of light, trapping them inside.
"This enchantment can protect people, and of course it can trap people. This is a half-field item. Although I can't use cards like you foreigners, items are still useful. I have to say that there are some interesting things..."
Mrs Kathleen's arrogant words hadn't been finished yet before Ning Zhou, who was gaining speed, had already waved out his sword—
The low-key and restrained Sword of Judgment swept away the light curtain. Before it, the light curtain, which was strong enough to resist all attacks below a half-field, was just like ordinary glass, and instantly fell apart.
The broken pieces of the light curtain were falling, and Mrs Kathleen's stunned expression behind the barrier seemed to freeze at this moment. Her horror and disbelief twisted into a clown-like expression on her face.
"Do it, do it!" She suddenly came to her senses, screaming and shouting.
The lower demon around them howled and rushed forward, but before running even a few steps, they were frightened into kneeling on the ground by a terrible force—the powerful oppressive feeling was like an iron tower on the top of each demon's head, which was more dignified than terror and more horrible than majesty.
Every demon's mind couldn't help but see a similar image: an ancient dragon as big as a mountain, raising itself high and staring at the demons at its feet that were each smaller than one of its scales...
This was no longer a simple gap in ability, but a crushing hierarchy between different creatures.
Mrs Kathleen fell to her knees with a gasp, and supported herself against the ground with both hands awkwardly. The oppressive feeling that went straight to her soul made her unable to conceive thoughts of resistance. The cruel and bloody power divide between demons determined that a powerful devil wanted to kill a weak demon, and it would barely need to work to do it.
Unless the pressure was released, it would be enough for a lower demon to collapse and die.
Terrified sweat dripped down her forehead. At this moment, Mrs Kathleen's heart was desperate and fearful.
This was the full force of destruction, which is terrible to behold... She had experienced the cruel war more than 20 years ago, that is, at that time, she had betrayed her human identity and thrown herself into the Devil's camp, changing from a poor human girl in a border town to a Devil’s follower, and finally she herself became a demon.
She had even seen the Destroyer with her own eyes. Handsome and silent, he wore a uniform and walked through the cheering army of demons, as if everything he ruled over was nothing but trivial things in the world. He didn't deliberately release his force, but his whole body was full of destructive power, which made her unable to forget. Even though the appearance of the Lord of Destruction in her memory had already blurred, the sensation of his force still lingered.
In the more than 20 years since the fall of the Destroyer, she had never been amazed by any power. Even though she had joined the Slaughter Secret Society, she always maintained a calm and mocking attitude towards the crazy believers in the Secret Society. She despised the crazy believers, and from the bottom of her heart, she didn't think there was anything remarkable about these three new Devils.
However,ever since the fall of the old Devil King, the Underworld was leaderless. Although they had gained power, they were not truly "Devil Kings".
After all, none of them had started the ceremony.
Without this ceremony, whether it was Power, Fraud, or Slaughter, it was just a pseudo-Devil King with an empty title. In the past 20 years, there was only one Devil who was truly recognized as a Devil King in the demon world.
But the Destroyer had fallen. Who was this person who also used the force of destruction, and was infinitely close to the field level?
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kyoonqs · 4 years
iluso amor ; first part.
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↬ summary: Cora has always considered herself elusive, easy to bore and adventurous to the last fiber of her body. One day for no apparent reason, she appears in front of the manager of a globetrotting circus passing through the city where she is temporarily staying to fill her life with magic. Baekhyun, as serious as he is handsome, has no intention of playing a role other than on the main canvas of the circus. He decides to separate Cora from her life of fantasies created by her travels and sets out to show her reality as raw and cruel as he knows it. Or so he believes.
Will time run out too quickly before love and passion devour him and he decides to risk everything for a love that lasts… Forever?
↬ pairing: baekhyun x cora fem!reader.
↬ circus!au ; illusionist!baek x hitchhiker!oc ; strangers to lovers au!
↬ genre: fluff ; romance ; angst ; drama.
↬ length: 2.8 k words.
↬ tag list: @changshapatrol @spacebyuns @fluffyhunnie @soos-goddess @hoho-cham @shadoukiti @sunbyun21​ @mangobaek​ @suhotly​ @pororodks​ @bbhbae​ 
If you’d like to be tagged for future chapters, please let me know! 
↬ masterlist.
↬ author’s note: this is my first time writing a series, hope you enjoy it and any feedback will be appreciated. thanks for reading! ♡
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Vanilla, caramel and butter scents invaded her nostrils the moment she stepped on the re-centering and she reminded herself that from now on she should get used to the smell due to her timely madness. Beyond her view, occasionally blocked by some old trucks, a red and yellowish-white circus tent loomed along with several smaller tents and a host of caravans. The largest tent, dotted with gold stars, had a large, deep blue sign bearing the name of the circus and its owner. In addition to a few tethered horses, Cora saw a number of huge cages with animals and all kinds of unsavory people, including some pretty dirty men, most of them encrusted with mud and rust.
She was beginning to regret the moment when she had ripped the worn out brochure from the lamppost and the idea of joining the circus scene rose out of boredom. Yes, that was the case, curiosity had killed the cat and she could not contain herself that late afternoon when she had driven her bicycle past the front of the tents and the multicolored costumes of the artists had simultaneously caught her eye. But now it was not like that, the moment she advanced towards the train car where she was to present herself for the position, everyone stopped what they were doing and fixed their eyes on her. Without thinking too much, she stepped forward steadily as her sneakers sank into the sandy ground and she staggering as she stared at the ticket booth where the same brochure she was carrying was presented.
Away from the scrutinizing stares that once haunted her, she took the steps of the carriage two at a time and froze when she saw him inside. He had hair as dark as molten chocolate and chiseled features that would make his face look too beautiful if it weren't for the firm jaw and menacing frown. Men who possessed that brutal appeal had always attracted her but at that moment she would have chosen someone less intimidating to interview her. She tried to calm herself by reminding herself that she would not have to spend more than a couple of hours with him and that it would all be over as soon as she explained clearly why she was applying for the job, which she was still completely unaware of.
She cleared her throat and began with her introduction, first name, last name, place of birth, previous jobs and reason why she was there - from the latter she omitted boredom as a possible factor. The man in question did not give her a single glance and, of course, did not speak a word. She stared straight ahead, the unyielding lines of that hard profile making her skin tingle.
–“I, I want to learn about the trade...” She swallowed.
–“I'm really interested in the job, whatever it is...” She swallowed again.
Until the man in front of her turned his head and looked at her, she didn't realize what she had said. He arched a dark brow with mild curiosity, as if he wasn't sure he had heard correctly. Her impulsiveness took control and she felt her lips tremble, for it was clear that they didn't share her problems in restraining her inappropriate thoughts.
The metal legs of the chair where he was sitting screeched against the hard floor of the wagon. He stood up, ironed the wrinkles of his pants with his hands and looking into her eyes for the first time, he said in a stern and inflexible voice:
–“You are hired. Meet me after the last show behind the main tent.” And without further ado, he passed her by without giving any other explanation.
She could barely suppress a sigh. She directed a furtive glance at the boy, still nameless and wondered what she had gotten into but an irrelevant part of her was dying for new adventures and without a doubt, he would be the greatest from that precise moment.
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–“Ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to begin! Come closer everyone!”
The man who made the announcement was the same man who was encouraging people to buy tickets the day the circus had arrived in town, although now he was wearing a red master of ceremonies jacket. At that moment Cora appeared before the young man in the carriage, leading a black horse by the reins with one hand. It was then that she realized that he was not only the manager of the circus but also one of its performers.
He was dressed in a velvet jacket, a velvet vest with nothing underneath and black trousers tucked into high leather boots that snuggled over his calves. A jewel-encrusted band of all colors surrounded his torso accompanied by fine iridescent chains and some ribbons of razo that fell from his pocket. He also carried a rolled whip hanging from one shoulder. Curious about the skills he would display in the arena –she had gotten one of the dancers to tell her when they would leave and to her surprise it would be the next morning– she followed the man with his eyes. At that moment he saw her. The decision she had made had been too recent to seek a way out and she still did not feel comfortable talking to him. Cora tucked her hair nervously behind her ear and refuse to take her gaze from the horse following him when he began to walk towards her.
–“There are unsavory people hanging around the circus. Until you know how everything goes, stay where the rest of the audience is, always” he told her as he adjusted some rings on his slender fingers.
–“Understood.” She responded, since she had just promised herself that she was going to put forth her best effort and not get carried away by first impressions that day. 
 –“Come in and take a look at the show.” His tone was firm, despite the fact that she was already heading back to where she was previously. 
 –“Wait! What is your name!?” She asked hastily, not realizing that perhaps she had sounded somewhat desperate.
He glanced at her over his shoulder with the corner of his mouth slightly curved. “Baekhyun!” He said, chuckling, and with that he returned to his place in line with the rest of the artists.
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She was still feeling hot as she circled the crowd and entered the tent through the back entrance. She found a free spot in the stands. They were weathered white-painted planks of wood, hard and narrow, with nowhere else to rest one’s feet but on the seat of the spectators in the row below. But she quickly set aside her feelins of discomfort the awkwardness when the lights dimmed, a drum roll crescendoed and a spotlight illuminated the emcee on center court.
–“Welcome to the happiest circus in Valencia, welcome to Gran Fele Circus!”
The music exploded, played by a band consisting of two musicians with drums, a synthesizer, and a consola. A lively version of New York, New York began to play and a white horse entered in the arena with a girl who carried a flag with the name of the circus. The other artists followed, carrying colorful banners, smiling and waving to the crowd.
It was the troupe of acrobats that caught Cora's attention; three handsome men and a beautiful woman –whom she identified as the dancer who had helped her earlier– named Laia, dressed in gold sequins, shiny leggings and thick makeup. They were followed by a group of horsemen, clowns, jugglers, and trained dogs.
Baekhyun entered the arena alone, riding his fierce horse, and unlike the other artists, he didn’t wave his hands or smile. As he circled the track, he seemed such a distant and mysterious being. He was no stranger to the presence of the people, but somehow he remained isolated and gave a strange dignity to the colorful display. 
As the show progressed, Cora was amazed at such talent. 
Suddenly, the lights went out and the music died away. A blue spotlight illuminated the master of ceremonies, the only one occupying the dark center court. His voice turned dramatically low and a haunting, folk melody began to play in the background.
–“How many times have we wondered if we were crazy? How many times did someone make us doubt our actions? How many times has someone come before us with the idea of changing our thinking? Sanity makes us useless, many times it is better to be crazy. Life is made for taking risks and if you don't think so, let the next person convince you otherwise...before time runs out.”
The lights began to gradually increase in intensity, the music resounded and Baekhyun entered the middle of a path that seemed illuminated by small streetlights, thin beams of light that danced around him and that were reflected in the small sequins of his suit. With indisputable ease, he untangled the whip dangling from a waistband and sliced through the air in all directions with it. Small particles, like glitter, floated in the air suspended around him. He performed a series of skillfully executed feats that were both daring and dramatic. They had brought a few accessories onto the floor during the emcee's presentation: ribbon targets, fluorescent balloons, chandeliers, and more. Circling the runway, he popped the balloons one by one, and a bright red explosion, like drops of blood, shot through the air with each snap of the whip.
The lights dimmed until only he was illuminated by the spotlight, and he grabbed a second whip and made them pop and dance in all directions with such masculine grace, Cora gasped. The dance was increasing, with faster and faster movements and, as if by magic, the two whips became one. With a powerful twist of his arm, Baekhyun lifted him above his head to set him off in flames. The audience gasped, the lights went out, and the flaming whip danced wildly through the darkness. When the lights came on again, he had vanished.
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–“What are you doing here? Hasn't anyone taken you to the motorhome yet?”
Cora roused herself, her eyes snapping open. Looking up, she saw the same deep brown eyes plaguing since afternoon that day. For a moment, she couldn't remember where she was but then everything came to mind: the circus, the manager, the show, his whip.
She suddenly became aware of Baekhyun's hands on her shoulders, it was the only thing that had kept her from falling off the old stool that she had been seated on while waiting for him. She had decided to wait there since it was the most illuminated area around the tent, next to government mandated public toilets where there was still a queue to pass them.
She shifted uneasily under his hands and tried to regain her balance with the idea that he would release her.
–“Could you tell me what time it is? I've lost track of it waiting here for you.”
–“It's about 30 minutes to midnight,” Baekhyun put his hands in the pockets of his coat. Instead of the suit he donned for the show, he wore jeans ripped at the knees and a white t-shirt printed with the word ‘Supreme’ in terms of design. Despite the casual attire he didn’t look any less intimidating.
–“Look dulzura, you will have to get used to my presence, since I will be your guide and housemate from now on”. It wasn’t as if Cora hadn’t tried to do it before, in fact she had been attracted to him the moment she met him, only his personality –and now a whip– had slowed her down. He, at her lack of response, muttered something under his breath and after a sigh, spoke again.
–“Come on dulzura, I'll show you where you'll sleep for the next few months.” He turned and left at a fast pace to where the group of caravans were together, paying little attention to the fact that she had luggage that weighed a ton, the consequence of her idea to buy a memorable garment from each city she had visited until now.
–“Wait!” Her scream had an edge of hysteria, but he seemed not to hear it as he continued walking toward the line of caravans. She rubbed the sole of her sneakers across the ruff, gathering some on the toe of it as she dragged her foot. With a gasp, Cora started walking again. Baekhyun approached two vehicles that were parked next to each other. The closest one was a modern white caravan, it looked spacious inside and on its roof you could see a satellite dish. Next to it was another caravan, dented and rusty that appeared to have been silver previously. She begged to herself that it was the space caravan and not the other.
He stood in front of the ugly rusty trailer, opened the door, and disappeared inside. Cora grunted but conceded since she had stayed in worse places. Perhaps the inside wasn’t as hideous as it looked on the outside. Baekhyun reappeared at the door a moment later and watched as she approached fighting with her backpack towards him. When she finally reached the metal step, he offered her a cynical smile.
–“Home, sweet home, dulzura. Come in and settle”.
Cora had always found the Spanish language something to delight in but this was the third time the nickname had come out of his mouth directed at her and she could swear that the way the word rolled on his tongue and briefly hissed before pronouncing the syllable "zu", surely it was close to the song of the angels that received you when you entered paradise.
She sniffed and climbed the four steps that separated her and...the interior was much worse than the outside. Narrow, messy, it smelled musty and old, with a hint of  mothball. In front of her was a miniature kitchen, the countertop metal, it had spots with peeling paint. To the right of the kitchen, the faded upholstery of the small sofa was barely visible under a pile of books, newspapers, and men's clothing. In addition, she saw an old, medium-sized refrigerator, wooden cabinets, and a bed with rumpled sheets.
Baekhyun stared at her blankly, genuinely doubting whether she had noticed. 
–“It is a small caravan as you can see, but it is comfortable and cozy in the cold. It's all there is and all I have.” 
The bed took up most of the back of the caravan, nothing separated it from the rest of the "rooms", the only thing that seemed to be secluded was the bathroom –which she would make sure to explore as soon as she had the chance. On the sheets there were tangled clothes, a towel, and something she couldn't make out from where she was standing.
–“I think I'll sleep on the couch, it would be better…”
He gazed absently at the tip of his foot, then looked up. She stared into those dark eyes –which depending on the light could be paler or even more blackened– and she felt a chill run down her spine, followed by another strange sensation that she did not want to examine further. 
He slowly raised his hand, adjusting a lock of hair that had been tousled while she was struggling with her backpack, Cora froze and pursed her lips as she felt the softness of his thumb brush the hollow under her ear with something that it seemed like a caress.
–“Do whatever you want, dulzura. I have to go, I still have things to do.” 
Cora gasped when she realized she should have felt danger but her skin had taken the brush of his thumb with pleasure. She felt Baekhyun's insolent hand move away from her hair as he pulled away from her, even though he had left something light on the trailing of her ear. The trailer door swung on its hinges. Baekhyun looked at her and stepped out of it, dropping his gaze from her face to a nonexistent point. Once he was out of sight, she reached for the object that was barely tickling her cheekbone and held the geranium between her fingers with a furtive smile on her face.
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↬ This is all for this chapter, I promise to try to write more in the following parts. I will try to update every Saturday. Honorable mention: Oliv (@changshapatrol​) without her this story would be nothing, thank you for your patience and trust in me. I love you, a lots ♡   
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Daminette/Maribat Fairy Tail Au Part 1
Marinette grew up in a world filled with magic
Although Marinette's own parents weren't wizards, but bakers, she inherited her Gramdfather Fu's magic, celestial magic
She was able to summon spirits to help her with the help of silver and gold gate keys
The silver gate keys are pretty common, as far as gate keys go
The gold keys were a lot more rare as there was only 12 of them
Marinette already had 3, Tikki spiritof creation, Plagg spirit of destruction and Wayzz spirit of protection
They were her Grandfather's keys and he passed them down to her when he retired.
She also had a magic yoyo gifted to her by Tikki after her Grandfather had given her Tikki's key when he started training her
So when Marinette turned 16 she decided to follow in her Grandfather's footsteps and join a boarding guild
She ended up joining the Miraculous Moth guild, a guild that had a large amount of members, but nothing like Justice League, who had almost half the amount of members, but was about 10x more powerful
Their guild stamp was a pointy looking moth
Marinette had decides to get hers on her left shoulder in red
The guild master was Gabriel Agreste
Nobody was really sure what type of magic he had, but there were always a new rumor floating around that said something different.
Some said he had transformation magic
Others said he had solid script magic
Few thought he had absolutely no magic at all
And het there was some who whispered that he was a celestial wizard
Marinette didn't give the rumors much thought
She was too busy getting to know her new guild mates
She made some great friends and even made up a team with Adrien (Gabriel's son), Alya, and Nino
They were a pretty good team
Adrien was an equip mage
He can summon different weapons and armor
Alya was a solid script mage
She can create create materials by writing words out in the air
And finally Nino was a sonic mage
He can produce and control sound waves and use it against enimies
They were called Team Adrien
Marinette joined their team a week after joining the guild
The three had already been a team before hand for a couple of years
So because of this Marinette felt like a stranger looking in sometimes
Either way they made a good team
Though they were a little destructive
Luckily for them Tikki can fix everything with her miraculous ladybug spell
They had a pretty good team for about a year than somebody new joined the guild
Her name was Lila Rossi and she was an illusionist mage
She claimed to be a great independent wizard and even was offered a spot at Justice League
She told stories about saving villages and people from evil wizards and monsters
Everybody was so amazed by her, but Marinette has her doubts
She couldn't explain it, but it was just a gut feeling, but Marinette tried to do her best to push that aside a welcome her with open arms
She even joined Team Adrien
And that's when stuff really went down hill for Marinette
Lila started to make sly remarks about Marinette and celestial wizards in general
Stuff like how she didn't really contribute to fights and instead just let her spirits do all the work
Even though Marinette fights whenever she can using her yoyo
Or how Marinette is the weakest on the team
Even though Marinette could now summon 2 spirits at once something most celestial spirits can't even dream of doing especially with golden keys
She tried to ignore it, but as time went on it hurt more and more
And when her friends started to join in she tried to change that
She started to try and cast star dress
Which would allow her to share her powers with her spirits
And gave her a cute outfit with that
Her team mates didn't seem to understand or appreciate her attempts to gain more strength
They started to leave her behind for missions
They cut her part of the rewards down claiming because she didn't do as much work as the rest if them so she doesn't deserves an equal amount of the reward
Sometimes they were just abandon her to finish a job by herself then demand their part of the reward even though Marinette did all the work
The final straw came after a very dangerous mission
They were going up against a dark wizard who was kidnapping young women and selling them them into the slave trade
They took the job because the reward money was ridiculous and a golden gate key
So the team decided to use Marinette as live bait
Because she would get such a great prize for the mission
Which she was okay with
And she was successful in luring him out and was going to fight him until she realized her yoyo was gone
She then checked her keys and they were gone too
Marinette panicked and tried to hold the dark wizard back the best she can while yelling for her teammates
They didn't show up
In a last ditch effort Marinette tried to use star dress magic
Marinette felt a rush of magic fall over her
It had work
She was now wearing a read flowie dress that fell a couple of inches above her knees with a black ribbon tied around her waist and black fingerless gloves
Her hair was now down with a red headband and black flats on her feet with a new red and black pock a dot yoyo
She used her new yoyo to tie the creep up and her team finally showed up
Alya: Chill girl Lila pointed out that the wizard wouldn't go after somebody with magic items on them so we just grabbed them before you left
Alya held out Marinette's keys and yoyo and Marinette snatched them out of her hands checking everything over
Adrien: Calm down Marinette
Lila *tearing up*: Come on Marinette we weren't that far away
Alya: Stop being such bitch Marinette you're fine and look you finally did that stupid star dress thing you were trying to do
Nino: Yeah dudette if you're going to be like that maybe Lila should get that gate key instead of you.
Marinette just glared at the group and used Plagg to help her drag the wizard to the Grand Council gourds that were posted in the town
She dropped him off got the reward money and the gate key
It was the Key of Illusion Trixx
When her teammates asked where their shares were Marinette just glared at them again
The whole trip back was her team criticizing her about keeping the money for herself
Marinette remained silent during the whole ride back
When they got back to the guild Lila cried to anybody who would listen about how mean and selfish Marinette was for keeping the money
Marinette ignored her and walked up to Gabriel
Marinette: Sure I would like to resign from this guild
Gabriel: Are you sure Ms. Dupen-Cheng?
Marinette: Yes after today I don't feel welcomed her any more
Gabriel: Well it'll be a shame to lose a wizard with such assets. Are you sure about this?
Grabiel looked down at the keys rested on Marinette's hip before looking back at Marinette's eyes
Marinette: Yes I'm sure
Grabiel snapped his fingers and Natalie, his second in command, removes her guild mark
Marinette walked out of the guild receiving sneers and nasty remarks from her ex-guildmates
She walked out and never looked back
She went to her home town to live with her parents and help out with the backery
She needed a break from guilds and other wizards
So she and sometimes her spirits would help her parents out
Well Tikki, Wayzz and Trixx did Plagg mostly just ate all the cheese pastries
Marinette kept training though she even made it so she can do Dtar dress with Plagg and Wayzz
Her bound with Trixx wasn't strong enough to complete star dress with him yet
After a couple of months Marinette was walking through town when she bumped into 2 boys
Both boys had black hair and looked around the same age
But one had blue eyes and was paler than his partner whi had green eyes
Damian: Sorry miss but you'll have to come with use there's no time to lose
Damian grabbed Marinette's hands and continue running with his partner Jon
Marinette: What's going on?
Jon: We're wizards on a mission to stop a dark guild who's top members are currently chasing us, so we're trying to lead them away from the populated area to avoid casualties
Marinette: Okay there's a short cut to outside of town, This way!
Marinette pulled Damian down an alley with Jon following the 2
Marinette could hear the sounds of crashing at the entrance of the alley assuming it was the dark guild members
They burst out of the alley into the open field next to the town
They made it to the end of the field before they had to face the evil wizards
Marinette looked over the group of eight wizards
Each one looking tougher than the last
Damian: Get out of here miss we can take
Marinette: No way there are way to many people for the just the 2 of you
Jon: what can you do to help?
Hearing that lit a fire in Marinette
Marinette: This! Open gate of creation, Tikki!
Damian and Jon watch with surprise as Tikki appeared in front of them
Tikki: I'm here to help
Marinette: Tikki we're going against a team of dark wizards be ready for anything!
Damian: You're a cestial wizard?
Marinette: Yep and that's not all I can do. Star Dress Black Cat!
Marinette was surrounded by a bright light
When it faded she was wearing black combat boots with neon green thigh high socks
Black shorts with a neon green belt
And a black tank top with a hood attach that had cat ears on it, with the inside of the hood being neon green
Her hair was still in pigtails but now were resting in front of her shoulders
In her hands laid a bo staff
Damian in wonder and Jon a little scared: Wow
With Marinette's celestial magic, Jon's fire God-slaying magic, and Damian shadow dragon slaying magic they were able to take down the wizards with ease and soon all the dark wizards were capture
The group of teens handed over the wizards to the guards before they finally have a proper introduction
Marinette: I'm Marinette by the way, Marinette Dupen-Cheng.
Jon: Nice to meet you Marinette, I'm Jon Kent and this is my partner Damian Wayne
Damian grabbing Marinette's hand and kissing the back of it: It's a honor to meet such a powerful and kind wizard
Marinette blushing: O-oh I don't know about that, I'm not that powerful and anybody would have jumped in
Damian: I'm not so sure about that
Marinette ended up inviting the two back to the backery for a free lunch
They continue to talk just getting to know eachother
And a good amount of flirting went on between Marinette and Damian
They were laughing and joking around and Marinette felt like she gained something she lost when she left her team
They continue their conversation as they make it to the backery
Marinette introduces them to her maman and papa before taking them upstairs to make lunch for all of them
They continue to laugh and joke around and Damian insisted on helping Marinette cook
Jon: But you're an awful cook, you go around eating people's shadows before you cook.
Marinette: Eating shadows?
Damian *blushing*: Yes I'm a shadow dragon slayer, so when I get hungry I can eat shadows or darkness
Marinette: I thought all the dragon slayers were in the Justice League guild
Jon: Yeah that's our guild
Jon pulled down his shirt to show his blue guild mark which looked like a J and L put together with a star in the middle
Damian rolled up his sleeve to show his green guild mark on his left forearm
Marinette: You guys are a part of Justice League?!?! Oh no I must be holding you guys up! I'm so sorry!
Damian: Oh no, not at all! We're really not that busy! Right Jon
Damian gave Jon a pointed look as if it say not to upset the cestial mage
Jon: Right! We have plenty of time especially with the help you gave us today. We thought we would have to be here another week at least, thanks to you we can leave tomorrow
Marinette turning around to continue cooking: Well I'll be sorry to see you go
Damian grabbing Marinette and turning her around holding her by her shoulders: Then why don't you come with us? You said yourself you don't have a guild and you're way too talented just to stay here all your life
Marinette: I don't know I don't think I'm powerful enough to join Justice League
Damian: Are you crazy? You're more than powerful enough!
Jon jumping up: Yeah! And you can be apart of our team! If we stick together nothing can stand on our way!
Marinette still wasn't too sure until she felt her keys warm with encouragement from her spirits
Marinette: Okay I'll join you!
Damian and Jon smiled and Jon raised his hand for a high five, which Damian didn't reciprocate but Marinette did
Marinette turned back to continue cooking as Damian continue to pester her to help
Marinette finally relented and told him to chop the veggies
After lunch the two boys left for their hotel telling Marinette to meet them at the train station tomorrow at 11
That night Marinette told her parents her plans and they were over joyed for her
To them Marinette started to look like a cage bird staying in the bakery longing to spread her wings but start in a small cage
The next day Marinette packed up all her things and met the boys at the train station
The trip was long it felt even longer because poor Damian had motion sickness like all dragon slayers
At one point he ended up resting his head on Marinette's lap which seemed to help him a bit so Marinette's just let him stay there
As soon as the train stopped Damian perked up
They made it to the city of Gotham just in time for dinner
Jon dragged Damian and Marinette down the streets of Gotham determined to get her to join as soon as possible
Damian: Calm down Kent I want her to join just as badly as you do, but I don't think pulling her arm out of her socket will make her move any faster
Jon: I'm just so excited! Just wait until you meet everyone Marinette they'll love you! One of the guild master's mother was a celestial wizard like you, even owned Tikki before
Marinette: Guild Masters?
Damian: Yeah our guild instead of having only 1 master has 5. Because we have so many powerful members they felt it wouldn't be right for 1 person to have so much power, so instead we have 5
Marinette nodded her head in understanding
The rest of the walk to the guild was filled with Jon's babbling about Justice League and what Marinette could expect
When they made it to the front of the guild hall Marinette froze
All the bad memories from her old guild came flooding back
And with that all her worries about being accept came back with
Marinette was spiralling until she felt another hand engulf her smaller one
Marinette looked up to see Damian with a soft look on his face
Damian: Don't worry Angel you'll be great, and no matter what you'll have me and Jon right by your side
Marinette blushed at Damian's nickname for her looking over at Jon when she feels him take her other hand
Jon: He's right Mari you have us, no matter what
Marinette smiled squeezing the boys' hands before letting go of Jon's, but keeping a hold on Damian's hand
Not that he minded or planned on letting her hand go either
They opened the doors to the guild and found utter choas
There seemed to be some sort of brawl going on among the younger members
The guild hall was two stories and as Marinette looked up on the second floor she can see the older members of the guild calmly eating and chatting ignoring the antics of the younger members
Marinette stared as Damian and Jon maneuvered her around the guild pulling her down to avoid the bodies being thrown and Damian lifted her up to avoid one of the guild members who were sent skidding along the floor
They finally made it the bar area were Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, and Diana Prince stood watching the choas
Damian: Hello Father I have brought a new wizard to join the guild
Dick from across the guild: WHAT?!?!
Tim from another part of the guild: DAMIAN BROUGHT A GIRL HOME!
The members cheered and Marinette and Damian stuttered saying it wasn't like that
But it was too late Damian got pulled into the chaos by his brother loudly protesting and somehow joining in the brawl
Bruce sighed: So you wish to join Justice League Ms...
Marinette: Marinette, Marinette Dupen-Cheng
Jon talking to Clark: And she's really powerful dad, she helped us take down that dark guild we were sent to stop
Diana: And what magic do you wield little one?
Marinette: I'm a celestial wizard and I can also preform star dress with some of my spirits
Diana impressed: And what keys to you have?
Marinette: I have a few silver one, the clock and the cross, and I have 4 golden keys, Tikki, Plagg, Wayzz, and Trixx. I can do star dress with all of the gold ones except Trixx out bond isn't strong enough yet.
Diana: That's very impressive. You know my mother used to hold Tikki's key before she retired and gave it to her dear friend Fu Cheng
Marinette smiling: He's my grandfather, sadly he passed a couple of years back.
Diana: I'm sorry to here about your lost, but if Fu entrusted you with Tikki and his other spirits you must be a powerful wizard. I vote we let her join
Marinette: Thank you
Clark: If my son says she's worthy that's all I need, I say yes to
The two guild masters looked over to Bruce waiting for his answer
Bruce: I can sense a large amount of magic and magic potential in you. It's a yes from me to, and since that makes a majority we are pleased to welcome you into Justice League. As soon as Damian escapes his brothers he can help give you a guild mark
Marinette looked around scanning for Damian giggling when she finds him in a tousle with 3 other boys who she assumes are his brothers
Dick was holding Damian in a headlock as Damian clung to Tim's back pulling his hair as Tim tried to pin Jason to the floor as Jason tried to pull Dick down with him
Jon laughing with her: Yeah those are our dragon slayers. You of course know Damian. Dick is the one putting him in the headlock, he's a light dragon slayer and a great acrobat. Damian probably gets along the best with him out of all his brothers. The boy who's getting his haired pulled out by Damian is Tim he's a lighting dragon slayer, but can also do solid script magic and barely sleeps. I swear one time I saw him eat straight coffee beans. Finally the boy with white streak in his hair trying to pull Dick down with him is Jason. He's a metal dragon slayer who prefers to use his magic to make weapons. He's the only one of the brothers who isn't on a specific team. He usually just tags along with whatever team he feels like or goes on solo missions.
Damian sensing Marinette staring at him looks towards her blushing
He shakes his brothers off him trying to make his way over to Marinette only to be stop by Jason
Jason grabbing Damian's waist: wait a moment Demon Spawn we're not done with you yet!
Damian thrashing around: Release me Todd!
Tim messing with Damian's hair: Aww are we embarrassing you in front of you girlfriend?
Damian: stop it Drake!
Dick stepping in: All right guys that's enough we don't want to ruin Hatchlings (a/n: Get it because they're dragon slayers) chances with his girlfriend
Damian finally breaks away from his brothers rushing over to Marinette and Jon
Damian: Sorry about that my brothers are idiots. How did it go?
Marinette: They said I could join, Mr. Wayne said you could help me with my guild mark
Damian: Of course come with me
Damian grabbed Marinette's hand pulling her towards a side room as Jon went to go talk to his brother Connor
Marinette decided to get a pink guild mark on the top of her right hand
Marinette seemed to fit right in with the rest of the guild
There was no adjustment period like with her old guild she seemed to be able to join in right away
She learned when a brawl was about to start up and how to avoid flung guildmates
Though Damian still insisted on lifting her over skidding bodies
She and Diana formed a close bound that started with Diana telling her stories about her mother and Tikki and it evolved in a mentor/mentee relationship
Marinette also joined Damian Nd Jon's team helping keep them focus on missions and stop the few fights that broke out between them
Sometimes Damian's brothers would "kidnap" Marinette to go on missions with them which usually lead to Damian running after them and Jon following Damian
Marinette became close friends with Dick's girlfriend Kori, Barabra, and Stephanie
They would sometimes go on girl only missions together
When they return they would often find Dick, Tim, and Damian sulking that they were left behind
That's the end of part 1, I hate to do this to you guys, but I learned there is a limited to dots and it's 250. I'll do a part 2 soon because there is still more to tell. Part 2
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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 72: Ring Road
Chapters: 72/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: T
Relationships: Loki x Reader
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent),
Summary:  A funeral for a giant.
You woke up to the gentle alarm sounded by Loki's magic. You were warm, and comfortable, and...mildly sore, but not too bad.
Oh, right.
Loki was curled protectively around you, snuggled up so close, he was like a second blanket. The sun had not risen yet, but that didn't mean much at this time of year. The sun was rising later and later, setting earlier and earlier. Winter was close.
You rolled over in his arms to face him, but he was already awake, gazing adoringly at you.
“You're still here.” He murmured.
“Of course. Did you think I wouldn't be?”
“I'd hoped you would.”
“Hey. Hey.” You cupped his cheek. “I'm not going anywhere, okay?”
He helped you dress, sensual and loving touch smoothing the wrinkles in your clothes, then shared a light breakfast with you. He'd had you start sitting under a special lamp once the days had started shortening; this was common for humans in Iceland, he said. To maintain health. So you had a portable one you could take with you most places-to lessons with Saga, to his rooms, even to the council rooms and throne room, so you could have simulated sunlight wherever you went.
“It makes you radiant.” He said.
“I wonder what people here did before these were invented?”
“Suffered, probably.”
You ate, bathed in light.
“You have questions. I anticipated this. I do not know why I am so small compared to other Jotun, but I do know that I was born this way. I was not expected to survive, and so I was left to die in a special place, as part of a Jotun ritual.”
“That...sounds awful.”
“It is their way. In a way, Odin taking me with him was a final insult to their very culture. But it allowed me to survive.”
“Why can I touch you like this, but not like that?”
“This isn't an illusion. I am more than just an illusionist, I am a shapeshifter. You can touch me in this form, because it's real. When I am in Asgardian shape, I truly am Asgardian.”
He held out his milky hand, and you caressed his palm.
“Everybody else knows, don't they?” You asked.
Loki nodded. “Once I found out, I knew everyone else would eventually. I wanted to control the method of the revelation, so I...well I wrote a play.”
“A play? You can write too? Is there anything you can't do?”
Loki flushed. “A few things.” He admitted bashfully.
“I want to see it!”
“Not yet! I mean, we don't have facilities, or actors. We don't have the time. But someday, yes.” He seemed nervous. Maybe he was embarrassed about it. He never said it was a good play, after all.
“Loki, if you're Asgardian when you shapeshift into one, then why worry about being a Frost Giant to begin with? You can be anything, and it's real.” You asked.
“Humans are highly mutable.” Loki explained. “Your cultures move and change quickly. Even those whose identity goes back thousands of years will find that not all of their customs are exactly the same as they were. It's kind of admirable, actually.
But Asgard moves much more slowly. The war between the Frost Giants and Asgard is over, except that it isn't. It's barely been a single generation since then. Thor was born in the middle of that war; I was born at the end. It is within recent memory. I was raised around people who had fought, people who had lost loved ones. I was raised on the residual hate. It became a part of me.
Maybe that would be all I was grappling with, if I had known from the start. Maybe I would have had time to come to terms, to grow a thicker skin. But the centuries of lies on top of that; the man who raised me watching that prejudice grow in me and not bothering to do anything about it, as if he thought a lie could ever last forever with me around.”
“But it did, didn't it? Almost forever. Did you ever question?”
“Yes and no. I knew something was wrong, but I dismissed it. Ignored it. I didn't want to look into it.”
“The only person who can lie to you is you, huh?”
“Oh, stop being so insightful, will you?” Loki scowled.
“Sorry, can't. It's my job.”
Two days later, you were on the road again.
This was a funeral procession. You, Loki, and Thor, as well as ten einherjar and six masons, two cooks, and the Asgardian equivalent of a priest.
And, of course, the giant.
He had been tightly and carefully wrapped, almost like a huge mummy, to keep his head in place, and make him safe for transport and handling. He had been placed in a wooden cart, which would act also as his coffin. He had been veiled, and most of his possessions placed in the cart with him, along with what the Asgardians considered peace offerings. Honor, even towards an enemy, was a matter of common practice. After all, if one sent an opponent to Valhalla, it wouldn't do to leave them angry with one upon one's own entry.
And so a helmet had been placed with him, and a nice blanket, a pickax, a basket of wheat, and a pan flute. You had left him a book, but you wondered if that was any good as a gift. After all, a thousand years ago, your language hadn't existed in the form you knew. Saga had shown you what Old English looked like, and you hadn't even recognized it. It had made you feel strange and small.
Was it an appropriate gift? A book he couldn't understand? Or was it the thought that counted?
“We don't really do grave goods where I'm from.” You'd told Loki. “I don't really know what to give.”
“What do you value?” He'd asked. “If it means something to you, it should be fine.”
And so it had to be a book. Old stories of Americana-Mark Twain, and Maya Angelou, and Edgar Allen Poe. Little chunks of your culture over time, and from different perspectives. You hoped if he could read it in that big black hole in the sky, that he found some enjoyment from it.
You, however, were finding very little enjoyment on this trip. Not only was it violently cold, but the wind was a cruel whip that lashed at you until Loki draped his heavy cloak over your head, creating a tent. That kept the wind out, but also completely blocked your vision, forcing you to let him guide Acorn, instead of you.
Though Acorn was a sturdy and stalwart little thing, born and bred on the frigid Icelandic landscape, she was distressed by the Frost Giant in his cart. To keep her calm, Loki moved the two of you forward, closer to him, but that just increased your frustration.
You wanted to be close to Loki, and he clearly wanted to be too, but there was no time, no opportunity. You were frozen out on the road, and this was a funeral procession. There was propriety to observe.
From under Loki's cloak, you could not see any of the beautiful landscape around you, and while you were enveloped in his comforting scent, the cloak also blocked out what little sun the island got at that time of year. For the entire four day trip, you saw little light, other than the evening cooking fires when the procession set up camp.
Then, with the tents set up as a windbreak, and dinner cooking over the fire, you were able to look up as the crystal clear sky, scattered with diamonds and flowing ribbons of color.
You'd never seen the auroras before this, but you could see how people became enchanted by their otherworldly aura.
“It's like the Bifrost, isn't it?” You said to Loki, who was staring up into the night just like you were. He was tucked up close to the fire with you, stealing the only moments of intimacy the two of you could find. “Is that what they saw, way back when? A way to reach the gods? How many ways did people interpret this, if they didn't know the science behind it?”
“Knowing the science doesn't necessarily remove the magic, now does it?” Loki said. “We know how lightning and thunder works. We know what causes it. We know that men should not be able to command it, and yet...”
“Is it magic?” You asked, staring at the swirling colors.
“Perhaps.” Loki said. “Of a kind.”
There wasn't even any privacy to be had in the tents; they were large group affairs, meant to house several people each, with little dividers hanging between them. The best you could get was wriggling your hand under the divider to hold Loki's, but the cold permeated just enough that you couldn't do it for long. You eventually had to hunker down into your thick, fluffy sleeping bag until only your nose and mouth were exposed to the open air.
You dressed yourself in the mornings in very heavy, but much less elaborate clothing than usual. Loki had insisted that you wear some of your armor on the trip, your breastplate and helmet, just in case there were any opportunistic enemies out in the countryside.
“When you are writhing in my arms,” He had whispered into your ear. “I don't want it to be from pain.”
On Acorn's back, under Loki's cloak, you tried to come up with an appropriate blessing for the dead giant.
What could you say? You still felt some kind of responsibility. You hadn't tried to deescalate the situation. You hadn't tried to talk to the giant. Hadn't tried to calm him down, or warn him. Just threatened him, antagonized him, distracted him.
But the kids...He had already killed several people, injured Kolla right in front of you, and was threatening the children...
What would you have done, if you knew nothing about Frost Giants? If Asgardian prejudice had not been taught to you?
Screamed a lot and gotten squished probably.
Would it be insulting to the giant's spirit to beg forgiveness or show remorse? To consider his death a terrible accident that could have been averted? Would a warrior want words like that?
The funeral procession had traveled back to Akureyri to get onto the Ring Road, a highway that circled the entire island in a single, unbroken stretch of asphalt. It was much easier to navigate than cross country would have been, but went a little out of the way as well, taking you along the northern part of the island, when your destination was in the east.
It seemed they had drawn a lot of attention as well. There weren't many tourists at this time of year, only the most hardcore of explorers, but the Icelanders themselves used the road regularly. Every now and then you peeked out from under Loki's cloak to see an ever-changing entourage of people; on horses, in small cars or buses, all waving and calling out, either questions or encouragement, you weren't familiar enough with Icelandic to tell.
Loki and Thor took it well, chatting with people who were brave and careful enough to approach. Some of them expressed what you thought was probably fear or shock at the dead giant, but more reacted with curiosity.
That was the general reaction Icelanders had to Asgardians. Iceland was a Christian country, but not quite in the way that America was. The vast majority of Icelanders that you saw showed no hostility toward Asgard, even though they represented a major religious crisis. It was very different from the fractious contention Asgard generated back home. You definitely preferred this.
How long, you began to wonder, until you weren't American anymore? Was it possible, as an adult, to absorb enough culture from another land, that it made you something other than what you'd grown up as? Or would you always be a foreigner; exotic, but accepted?
The long road split off towards the eastern interior of the island, before reaching Rekjavik, leading you even further away from civilization, and into the wilderness. But Okjokull was a depressing reminder that civilization had reached out into the wilderness, and touched even the most remote of places.
Okjokull, or rather, just Ok now, had once been a glacier, covering an extinct shield volcano. Now, the volcano and the glacier were both extinct. Under Loki's cloak, you had studied on your phone, looking up pictures of the glacier back in the nineteen-eighties, when it covered the whole area. But now, the horses hooves ground the gravel of the exposed landscape; a barren area, with only a few scattered chunks of ice, here and there. Over the course of one human lifetime, the whole thing had disappeared.
It disturbed you. Icelanders certainly believed in climate change. They'd seen this happen. They'd held a funeral. And here you were for another one.
The masons fell into building, directing the einherjar. After getting permission from the government, Thor estimated it would take no more than a day and a half of hard work to build a decent barrow for the giant, whose decaying body might-might-help to rebuild the glacier.
If not, his presence here might become just another tourist destination, another relic of the islands past.
You watched them dig out a large hole, deep enough to roll the cart into, and cover it halfway. Then they began packing in the larger stones, building a large mound that would hold up under it's own weight. Next came a low wall, surrounding the entire grave at a distance of about ten feet, to indicate that this was no natural formation, and lastly, a bronze plaque, set into a large stone at the front of the fence, declaring what this was, and urging caution when approaching.
Thor had been correct; the entire thing was finished before nightfall on the second day. The entire entourage gathered as the priest said a simple farewell to the giant, and everyone present murmured their own blessings before releasing a glowing, golden orb of magic into the sky.
“If we meet in another life, I hope to learn your name.” You had said, while beside you, you had heard Loki mumble: “Rest. We will take care of them.”
Snow had begun to fall; fluffy white flakes sticking to everything. You wondered if it would get high enough to bury the barrow, as you were hustled off to sit on Acorn's warm back, wrapped up in Loki's cloak once more. Everyone packed up in a huge hurry: Thor told you that the procession needed to get back to the Ring Road quickly, before the smaller, country roads that led to Ok were snowed over. The Asgardians feared that if they got snowed in, you would be in danger of freezing, but the Ring Road was kept clear.
Once back on the open road, you peeked out from under the thick tent of Loki's fine cloak and gazed out over the wide countryside. Far in the distance, to the west, you could just barely see a dome of faint light that must have been Reykjavik. Loki had said he would take you there on the tour of the island he promised you this spring. But for now, this was as close as you would get.
It amazed you to think that you could traverse an entire country by horse so easily. Your old home just went on and on and on, forever and ever. It seemed no matter how many miles you traveled, there was always another mile of Iowa to go. Here, there was a single road that went all the way around. The country was self contained, surrounded on all sides by powerful and mysterious oceans.
A small flush of terror washed over you once again, at re-realizing how isolated and far away from everything familiar you really were. Floating in the frigid North Atlantic on a giant volcano, in the care of aliens. Participating in the funeral of a giant. Riding home on a horse, to hopefully fall right into bed with your divine, royal boyfriend.
Who even were you now?
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 11: Behind the scenes (Part 7)
Warnings: underage drinking
Author notes: that’s the last part for this chapter! I originally planned to finish the case with chapter 11, but it seems there is too much to tell and too much investigation to be done for me to be able to complete it... You’ll have the conclusion in the next chapter! As always, do tell me what you think, and how you feel about the story! ;)
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The atmosphere around the table was awkward. Uemura-san and his wife were staring intensely at me while I was trying to eat the delicious curry she had prepared, as quietly as possible. I felt so bad that I could barely swallow the food, but my hunger easily won against my pride, and I was forced to accept a second bowl of rice.
"Thank you… I'm sorry for the disturbance…" I said, almost inaudibly.
"Speak louder, express your gratefulness." The woman laughed.
We were not supposed to get along, but behind her false mockery, I could perceive she genuinely was worried about my well-being. Despite being a former enemy… She was able to care about a despicable person like me… It felt warm.
"You're right… Thank you for your hospitality." I stood up to bow to them.
"Honey, is she really the monster you described to me…?" She asked her husband.
"She looks like it, but she doesn't behave as such…"
They both looked surprised when I started laughing with them.
"I did tell you I left the Port Mafia with Dazai…" I told them once I calmed down "I… All of that is new to me and I still have a lot of troubles behaving… Like a normal person."
"If you are a normal person, why would you come for information? And why to me?" He sighed.
"I want to join the Armed Detective Agency." I stated "And I was put on a difficult case. However, due to my… Past, let's say past, my coworker… He did not fire me but that's close to it…"
"So… You're basically saying you're not a monster, but a clumsy girl who has troubles adapting…?" Hitomi-san summed up.
"That's about it…" I looked down "But I don't want to give up… A boy was kidnapped and I… I want to help him."
"But since the Agency is on the case…"
"I'm afraid they will be too late…! If they can't save him… I'm sure he won't die, but I don't want him to suffer… That's why I need information. From you, Uemura-san. You're the best I can think of…"
"Flattery won't get you my help. Besides, why should I lend you a hand? Can I even trust you? I offered you a meal, but that doesn't make us even."
"No, indeed… Pay it no mind, then. I'm glad I saw you were fine."
Bitterly, I bowed to them again, then left their home. I had hoped that, perhaps… Perhaps I could grasp that chance and convince them… But I had been delusional. No one would help me save Sakunosuke-kun. I had to investigate by myself, and I knew the perfect place for that. Hitomi-san accompanied me to the door, an apologetic look on her face.
"I'm sorry, but that's my husband's choice… I don't have access to the intelligence agency's resources anymore…"
"I'm touched that you even thought about it." I cracked a smile "Don't worry, Uemura-san isn't my last call. I just hoped that I could use… Less illegal means… Be well."
My next destination was an underground casino, formerly owned by none other than Uemura-san. It did not belong to the Port Mafia anymore, and the counter of its bar was a rich source of information. There was a man, well-known in the underworld, who was aware of anything that happened in the shadows of Yokohama. His services would be a bit pricey, but if it allowed me to save the boy… Moreover, he had never seen my face. When I used to meet informers for the Port Mafia, I would often use a mask to hide my true identity. It had been Dazai's idea… He thought my eyes were too recognisable.
The usually joyous chatters of the place brutally disappeared when I entered the casino. A woman, alone, in such a place, was never a good omen. I was not a prostitute nor a slave, and I knew what I was doing. Thus, I did know how to defend myself and no one would even dare approach me with salacious intents.
"Hey bartender." I took a stool "Give me a whisky."
"Sure thing, miss." He mocked me "Will it be all or would you like some appetisers with it?"
The entire bar laughed at me.
"I changed my mind. Give me a shot of vodka."
They laughed even more. Then quickly went quiet when I emptied the glass in one go.
"Now." I exhaled "Is the Fox here?"
"Calling for me?"
A young man appeared next to me. His malicious eyes shone with curiosity as he sat next to me.
"Look, if it's about the other night —"
"I'm not a girl you slept with." I interrupted him "Sorry to disappoint…~"
"Well, I would have remembered. Your eyes are as pretty as jewels~ So, how can the Fox help you?" He became more serious.
His order for a beer arrived and he took a sip of it.
"I need information. I'm willing to pay the price. Moreover, it has to stay a secret."
"That'll need a tip~" He hummed.
"As I said… I'm willing to pay the price."
"Sure thing, then. Tell me what you wish to know and my network will take care of it for you. May I know your name?" He smiled.
"Fuyuno Kasumi."
"That's obviously a fake one… Anyway… I'll contact you when I'm done, so —"
"I need them now."
"Hey, you… You know there is some delay…" He groaned.
"I. Need. Them. Now." I repeated, slower "I cannot wait for you to find your neighbour's cat…!"
"... How did you know…?" His cheeks reddened in shame.
"I also have my ways. However, I cannot obtain myself the things I'm looking for. Care to help me?"
"You remind me of someone, but since I didn't sleep with you… Come with me, and I'll get you what you came for."
I followed him towards his hideout, in an abandoned building of Yokohama. There, a dozen computers were working, connected to the diverse cameras of the town. The Fox made sure the windows were closed and no one could hear us before turning toward me.
"I'm listening to you."
"Two days ago, the young Taikin Sakunosuke was taken by a group of kidnappers. I want to know where he is."
His eyes widened, and he whistled.
"That's not going to be easy…! I heard about that. It's ridiculous… Besides, I'm not supposed to work for the police…"
"You're not working for the police, you're working for me." I shrugged the matter off "Can you help me or can you not? I'd prefer not losing my time."
"I can help you. There is nothing easier and, in fact, I can even tell you who and why he was taken away. Interested?" He grinned.
"Obviously. What's the price?"
"Well, I was going to ask you to remove that shirt of yours, but —"
"Do you want me to?" I raised an eyebrow "Because, honestly, you're losing our deal if I do that…"
"Rejected by low self-esteem…?! That's my first time, forgive me…" He acted dramatically before laughing "What about a million?"
"Sure. Now, my answers." I sat down.
"Coming, coming…"
He pulled out a map from a drawer and put it on the table in front of us.
"The boy is right there, in the offices of the Taikin company." He revealed "He was taken by his father. That's as simple."
"His father is away on a business trip…"
"That's true. Two days ago, a man with a passport bearing the name 'Taikin' took a plane towards China. However, the real one never left Yokohama."
"Why would he do that…?" I frowned.
"That's the tricky part of it. The thing is, Taikin is unhappy with his life. His wife is brainwashed and traumatised, and he had two sons who will end up fighting for his inheritance. And the men he paid for his family's sake betrayed him." He sighed.
"You mean, the mentalists…?"
"Yeah. His son isn't his son. He had two, right? Well, the youngest one is the mentalist Nazo Eita's."
My eyes widened. So they weren't twins…? Now that I thought about it, their eyes were of different colours… And on top of that… The illusionist had lied to me and I had not even been able to perceive it, despite my ability. I sighed. I had relied too much on The Sweet Appeals and had not paid attention to him as a being… That was my mistake. Or... Perhaps... Had he not been aware of it...?
"Is that just… A revenge…?"
"Indeed. His wife cheated on him with the mentalist and had a son. Taikin is angry and asks the other to put the woman under hypnosis to kill her lover, which she doesn't even remember to be her lover, since she was made to forget. I know, that's complicated. She doesn't even remember her second son."
"That, I could see with my own eyes… What's going to happen now…? Taikin Yumiko will go to jail, Nazo Eita is dead… And the son? He'll be abandoned…?"
The Fox did not answer me immediately, too busy typing on his computer.
"Ah! No, he's going to die, too…!" He exclaimed.
"... What…?"
"According to the recent transactions in our underworld, a bomber has just been paid to blow the Taikin mansion off." He told me "That'll be one million, please…!"
"It can't be…! Then, why was the Agency hired to protect the family…?!"
"Well, they would have found the kidnappers and the bomber, at some point, for they must have been paid to serve as decoys… And they would have lied about the culprit. That'll be an additional one hundred thousand~"
"They would have accused the last mentalist…" I mumbled "I'll pay you by the end of the day, I'm a bit in a hurry…!"
"Make sure you do, or I'll reveal the world that you are the Ogawa family's murderer." He menaced.
I stopped in my tracks.
"Wait… What…?"
"Ogawa Yōko… Did you think I would not recognise you? You used to wear a mask when you worked for the Port Mafia, but your voice is unchanged. Your personality, too. If you pay me, none will ever know about that." He simply said.
"It is knowing me very poorly to think that I won't keep my words. If I don't want to pay while preserving my secret, I could always kill you." I threatened.
"... Yeah, forget what I said…"
"I thought so. You'll be paid tonight."
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Like a House of Cards Ch. 7: Something Precious, Something Gained
Summary: As the dominos fall in the opposite direction, time ticks on.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
After the blast hit and Dark fell backwards, their form flicking and convulsing, the chaos around them froze in time.
Brody broke free of the magic pushing him away and both he and Wil raced over to Dark.
Wil took out his revolver and fired in the Guildmaster’s direction, screaming in a rage before leaping to Dark’s side.
“No! No!” Brody screamed as he raced over to Dark, tears starting to stream from his eyes. “She wasn’t supposed ta hit yeh.”[1]
“Darkling!” Wil knelt by Dark’s other side.
Brody began drawing up as much aura as he could muster as started trying to seep it into Dark’s battered body as carefully as he could so he didn’t worsen the damage. He looked up at Wil, “Make yerself fookin’ useful, will yeh Bubbles?”[2]
“Ohh, right,” Wil realized and placed his hands ever so gently on Dark’s chest, the touch gentle as the two of them began slowly seeping aura into Dark’s chest and tentatively their aura fused the horrid cracks up again.
The Entity’s souls, no longer screaming in agony, began to rouse again from their dazed state and Dark saw Wil and Brody leaning over him.
“Dark, sweet mother ‘a[3] Mary, yer[4] alive,” Brody gasped, setting his head on Dark’s chest as another round of sobs ripped their way out of his chest. “I thought yeh were gonna die.”[5]
The hunters all suddenly disappeared into a massive portal as a person in a long brown trench coat and blood stained bandages over his eyes. The blood from his bandages was starting to roll down his cheeks.
The entire group looked at this new Host, and the one who was still standing by Illinois.
“The fook[6]?” Marvin said, looking between the two Hosts.
The Dealer walked towards Dark, who was starting to settle in exhausted unconsciousness instead of imminent death, Wil looking up and frowned at the fact that he was now seeing double of one of his boys. Both he and Brody felt drained.
“Huh, I don’t recall getting drunk,” Wil commented.
“He’s not gonna[7] die, right?” Brody growled.
“Of course not, why would the Host want such a thing?” The Dealer scoffed. “The Entity should be fortunate that it will take another three years for the Guildmaster to amass that kind of magic again and by then the Entity will be more than fully recharged due to the vast empire he has accrued that he can get aura from.”
“Holy fuck, he’s still alive?”
J.J and Hearts appeared out of thin air.
Illinois and his siblings, except for the Host, braced for another attack.
“Hey, hey,” Hearts held his hands up in surrender. “We’re done, besides there’s no point in wearing the suits again now that Wilford’s alive.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Bim demanded.
“Well, we,” Hearts began patting his pocket in confusion, before groaning and rolling his eyes. “Logan’s still got the video, awww, shit, we were gonna[7] use that.”
Hearts looked up at the beanstalk not too far from them. A huge sunflower platform starting to bud and flower at the top. “Hold up, we’ll get Tech Avery and the Hulking Croak down and we’ll do the whole spiel then, when we’re—”
The Suit dodged as Ethan came out of nowhere to try and punch Hearts in the face. Hearts deflecting or dodging most of the strikes.
“What did you do to my dog!” Ethan demanded in an angry fury. “Stop wearing my fucking face.”
Then one of Ethan’s fists phased through Hearts’s face before he completely disappeared. Then he was swiftly kicked in the back so he toppled forward onto his face.
“We’re done,” Hearts told Ethan, parts of him materializing first before others. “I can kick your ass, but I really don’t want to.”
“You’ve killed dozens of people already,” Ethan spat, “why stop now?”
“Well maybe I like existing,” Hearts told him, “you ever think of that?”
“Why would that matter?” Ethan demanded, picking himself back up.
“I can’t tell if you’re being obnoxious or just plain stupid,” Hearts rolled his eyes, and looked around.
J.J casually snapped his fingers and a magical barrier sprung up and a wall of red and gold magic hit it. “Right on time, it seems,” the false J.J smiled.
“Yeah, I’d hate to tell the story twice,” Hearts smiled. “Hey Princey, are the others with you?”
“Odious scoundrel!” Roman shouted. He was standing with all the other Sides. All of them in their superhero outfits. Other heroes and villains began showing up since they’d been called over by the cracking dome and the burst of magic.
J.J dissipated the barrier.
Nate let out a sigh of relief as he counted all seven Sides. None of them had tried to kill each other for power or to get more of themselves back. He’d need to have a long chat with all of them, but right now there were other things to worry about.
“Where is that face stealing monster?” Roman demanded.
“Seeing as I still have my face, I think we are merely dealing with imposters,” Logan explained.
“Logic, now is not the time for semantics,” Janus hissed.
Logan fell silent, but he was looking at the two Suits. Hearts smiled at him in return.
“Hey, glad to see you’re all still doing well,” Hearts still had a huge smile.
Janus hissed at him in fury at the same time Logan yelled out, “FALSEHOOD!”
“Yikes, but that’s a discussion to have with our Logan,” Hearts smiled.
“That was nothing like Logic!” Roman shouted. “How dare you?”
“Well yeah, he’s not our Logic yet, give him about fifteen years and he’ll get there,” Nestor explained. “We’re from the future.”
There was a beat of silence before Roman began laughing, pointing his sword down at them, “Your tricks will not fool me, thou cretinous wretched. Tell them Deceit.”
All the other Sides had already been looking at Janus, who was staring at the two doppelgängers in a mixture of shock and apprehension.
“Deceit,” Roman growled, “now is not the time to play devil’s advocate.”
“That would explain the nanite technology and the fact that they know who we are,” Logan reasoned, a pit forming in his gut. Because if that Logan had been capable of that much sadism and outright, malicious violence . . .
“No. No!” Roman spat angrily at Janus,. “We are not even considering this.”
“Wait you guys are even thinking of considering this?” Ethan shouted. “It’s absolute horseshit!”
“Deceit’s a living lie detector,” Illinois called out. “He just also happens to be a really good illusionist.”
“It’s true,” Joan pushed three way past Janus and Remus and jumped down from a piece of rubble.
“So they’re telling the truth?” Joan looked at Janus.
“Unfortunately, it seems so,” Janus answered through gritted teeth.
Heart looked over at Brody, “Come on, Chase, if we can’t cheat with Logan’s video, we gotta do it together. I only want to do this once a round.”
“I’m not fookin’ leavin’ him ta get shot again!”[8] Brody shouted. “I don’t care if Host says it’s clear or not. I didn’t put up with all this bullshite[9] ta[10] watch him die.”
“Come on, he’s literally in the middle of what amounts to an army of magic, he’s not going anywhere,” Hearts tried to reason.
“Leave it,” J.J told him, his voice still grainy with whatever was helping him speak. “We need to get Logan back and it’s best to have this farce dealt with sooner rather than later.”
“Fine,” Hearts let out a frustrated groan, before pointing to J.J and then Brody. “This is J.J he’s a tactical advisor. This is Brody, part time hit man, and fulltime emotional crutch for an unstable eldritch demon.”
“And I am the Police Commissioner of the Egoton PD,” Hearts introduced, gesturing to himself, CP Nestor flashed a badge on his wallet that was usually carried around by Abe and reached around and grabbed a disk at the back of his neck and handed it over to the Dealer. “I’ll spare my name since it makes younger me a bit antsy despite half of the league already knowing who we are and where you live because you’ve been playing hero since you were fourteen.”
“The hell, you’re not me, you’ve killed people,” Ethan argued.
“Trust me, we’ve been targeting people who have killed or at the single rumor of an order from their Guildmaster they would kill. I have killed far better people, and I’m not claiming we’re saints but we did this town a favor.”
“You could have just told us upfront,” Logan grumbled. “It would have saved us all this trouble and bloodshed.”
Hearts started letting out an amused chuckle, J.J and Brody were decidedly not laughing, “Oh that’s funny, and you always say you don’t have a sense of humor. Did you know that you always ask that, every single time? Nah, you see, we tried that. A lot. So we’ve just been trying whatever sticks.”
“This is the tenth reset,” Brody frowned. “Thanks ta the anomaly an’ J.J here, we’ve been able ta remember all ‘a ‘em so we could make changes as we needed.”[11]
“We had to remove your J.J this time around because he refused to help,” Diamonds explained. “Speaking of which.”
He stepped to the side and snapped his fingers, a bubble of distorted time rippled out and J.J tripped through. He looked confused and bewildered, until he saw future J.J and jumped up to attack him.
Then there was another ripple of time and both J.J were standing there, the real one looking furious as Diamonds just stared back. “See? No one’s died, you should have just trusted me from the start.”
J.J looked around at everyone and he froze when he saw Jackie, who was standing next to Chase.
“Jackie?” J.J gave a shaky sign as he took a couple steps forward. The mute hero then raced over and hit Jackie with a hug, he was shaking in relief.
“Hey, Jay, you okay now?” Jackie asked in concern.
J.J nodded and held onto Jackie even tighter.
Hearts had the wherewithal to wait for the moment to pass before he pointed up to the beanstalk, “And our Logic just peaced out up there. He motioned to the beanstalk. “He’s got the drive we need where we explain everything and have actual video evidence to prove it. So you all can either wait in here, or we can send someone up to get him.”
Roman looked up at the beanstalk, finally sheathing his sword. “Fine, besides, we have unfinished business with him.”
“Excellent the Core Sides will be able to accomplish the mission with little to no bloodshed,” the Dealer smiled.
“They good or should we send someone else?” Nestor asked J.J and the Dealer.
“The Core Sides should be fine,” the Host asked for the two of them. “The Sides should not worry, the Host will not allow the Suits to escape. Especially since there’s a town to clean up.”
“I’m going with them,” Nestor decided. “Someone needs to help power him down afterwards and he won’t let that happen if he thinks the other Sides are still in danger.”
That caused a little bit of an argument but after a while everyone came to an agreement. Core Sides would go up with Nestor to retrieve their Logan and Patton. The three Dark Sides would stay down with the others and help clean up or wait for Dark to recover.
Janus did walk over to the beanstalk with them, halting Logan a ways away to talk. Mostly to plan in case Nestor double crossed them.
“I’ll keep an eye on things down here,” Janus decided, a small albino python sliding out of his sleeve and moving towards Logan. The logical Side letting the serpent crawl up his body until it was delicately wrapped around his wrist and then turned into a bracelet.
“Are you certain that you do not wish to join us?” Logan asked.
“If I go up there, I will strangle him with my own hands,” Janus warned.
“Alright,” Logan responded in understanding and walked back towards the spot the other Core Sides were standing with Nestor. Roman set his hand on the tree-like stem of the beanstalk and a rounded elevator carriage made of woven plants and flowers.
“Is that even safe, Princey,” Virgil looked at the carriage nervously.
“Of course why wouldn’t it be?” Roman leaned against the carriage with a huge smile.
Virgil frowned, “Are you serious?”
After some magic from Patton they all got into the carriage and it started to move up. The ride was quiet for a bit as the carriage began moving up.
“Why are you even coming up, don’t you have a future to hover over?” Virgil spat. “We can’t be that important.”
Nestor frowned, leaning forward in his seat, “Hey look, I’ve regretted many, many of the things I’ve done in my life but the time I spent with you guys was not one of them.”
Nestor pointed to Logan, “You’re not our Logan yet, but even at this point I owe you a lot. You fixed my crappy homemade suit into something that would protect me. You and Silver and Jackie helped give me a structure while I was still in school and doing hero work. I still hold those days in a special place in my heart, and regardless of what happens next that won’t change. But even after I still owe Logan a lot for really helping me out. I might have mentioned it but this city hates me. Dark dropped the police department in my lap and basically told me: “keep order in my city, bitch” and walked off to keep looking for Wil. Logan was there to help me. He helped me when no one else did or could.”
“Sounds like hell,” Virgil commented.
“For five years it was,” Nestor told him, “a lot of people who didn’t need to die, died. Hunters were killing anyone they thought could be a demon vessel after they found out how many demons were actually in the city. And while all that was going on, I had to stand up in front of the news and try and keep the peace in a city that was turning itself inside out. My mission was to save as many people as I could, and if a couple scumbags who were going to kill children and people who have nothing to do with heroes or villains then who cares?”
Logan’s brain was already going to dangerous places. He could see a logical chain of events that brought the Side from where he was sitting in-between Patton and Virgil, to wherever Spade was in his life. It was a dangerous slippery slope.
His future self had already been telling him things. And if these doppelgängers were truly from the future then he had to acknowledge that his other self’s warnings were true. That Virgil and Roman had died. That Patton had been hurt and needed protecting. That Deceit had to be trusted when he couldn’t trust anyone else.
And that the hunters were to blame.
These thoughts swirled his head as he evaluated them:
Did Patton deserve to be attacked for things he could not control? No!
Did a young man who was barely old enough to drink deserve to have the metaphorical weight of a city dropped upon his shoulders and left to run the police force on his own? No!
Did the people who callously murdered Virgil deserve to be left to walk free . . .
Logan hesitated. Apparently most of those people were now dead before they could kill Virgil and others like him. They also hadn’t yet done anything.
Objectively his head spun with the paradox. Given the chance they would have killed him. But they were too dead to actually carry out the deed anymore. We’re they still guilty of the crime?
The logical Side’s battered heart cried “Yes” but now Logan couldn’t be sure that was his mind and heart deciding those things anymore.
His future self had clearly been trying to make Logan think and act like him. If not for Ethan and Chase, he would have succeeded.
“Not sure how much I should keep telling you, either way, Lo’s gonna be pissed,” Nestor shrugged as the flower car continued to take them up. “Logan works kinda with Google these days. Patton started going full demon and got scared so he worked with Dark for aura to help sooth Pat, and then he worked with Google and Bing for safety.”
“Because he’s inorganic?” Logan commented, roused from his rather venomous thoughts.
“Yeah took a good five years for Lo to want to work with him, Google had been making offers for a long time before that,” Nestor scratched some rubble out of the back of his scalp. “We were all going through a lot and I kinda lost track of him for a couple of years since we were all so busy. Then he just showed up in Dark’s office one day a glitchy and angry mess.”
“I fail to see how if you were genuine that we would turn your assistance down,” Logan grumbled.
“Yeah, we’ll you weren’t the difficult one,” Nestor scoffed, looking out the window in thought for a couple seconds before looking back. “Look, Lo’s really protective of Pat, so just be careful, okay? Pat’s been through a lot.”
“Our anger and frustration is with your Logan, not your Patton, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
The cart finally came to a stop at the top of the beanstalk and opened into a lush and verdant garden entryway. Beautiful petals and pastel colored insects fluttering in the breeze.
There were the light sounds of conversation that the Sides and Nestor could hear coming from the next room.
Accessibility Translations
1. She wasn’t supposed to hit you
2. Make yourself fucking useful, will you Bubbles?
3. of
4. you’re
5. I thought you were going to die
6. Fuck
7. going to
8. I’m not fucking leaving him to get shot again!
9. bullshit
10. to
11. Thanks to the anomaly and J.J here, we’ve been able to remember all of them so we could make changes as we needed.
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hamliet · 5 years
The Rose and the Raven: Ciri and Cahir’s Journeys
Or the post analyzing their foiling throughout The Witcher Saga. 
While there are quite a few characters who undergo development in the saga, I’d say the four most complete arcs are Yennefer’s, Geralt’s, Ciri’s, and Cahir’s, because all four of them follow the same Jungian/alchemical structure. I’ll write something on Yennefer as the Red King and Geralt as the White Queen (no, those terms are not me mixing them up) later on, but for now I want to focus on Ciri and Cahir, because they are utterly necessary for each other’s arcs. They meet three times, and each of these meetings mark particular points in their development. 
In this meta, I’m going to focus specifically on the very blatant Jungian symbolism employed by Sapkowski. (Honestly the symbolism is basically Jung 101.) In particular, Sapkowski draws from Jung’s Psychology and Alchemy, which explores alchemy as a metaphor for individuation. Individuation is the main goal of Jungian psychology and literature, and it refers to a person reconciling with themselves to become a complete person, without repression, the best they can be. This “complete person/best person you can be” is akin to the philosopher’s stone in literary alchemy, and that is the journey of Yennefer’s, Geralt’s, Ciri’s, and Cahir’s arcs. Additionally, Cahir is Ciri’s shadow, and Ciri is Cahir’s anima. 
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NB before we continue: while anima/animus is often romantic in stories, it does not have to be; for example, Jung spoke of one potential frequent anima as a character’s sister. So while Cahir does say he’s in love with Ciri, I’m not delving into that debate in this post. Ty. 
The Black Raven: Cintra
Literary alchemy begins with the prima materia, the primary material that comprises the entire world and from which the philosopher’s stone will be formed (the reason alchemists want to form the stone? It creates the elixir of life, which grants eternal life. This is important for The Witcher’s themes). The Fall of Cintra is where the main saga begins, and it’s also where Ciri and Cahir meet. Cintra itself is not the prima materia; rather, Ciri and Cahir are. 
Cahir describes his mindset before the fall of Cintra as, essentially, the opposite of the ultimate goal of individuation:
A soldier does not question commands... He does not analyze them, he does not think about them, and he does not expect an explanation of their meaning. This is the first thing they taught us soldiers.
Whereas Ciri is quite literally a child at this point: innocent, mischievous, unaware of the horrors that await her. A child relies on adults to help them survive; they cannot individuate because they need people to care for them. 
Ciri is in a sense Cahir’s inner child. In Jungian works, true adulthood can only be achieved when the person learns to parent or care for their inner child. Later on, we hear that Child!Cahir is noted to be mischievous and fun, much like Ciri:
Small Cahir preferred running around the walls and fighting with his peers from families who came with their parents for the funeral, burial and ceremony. Cahir was devoted to making mischief by the walls.
But that changes with his brother’s death and his mother’s admonition:
“Remember, my son,” Mawr sobbed, clutching her child to her breast so hard he could not breathe. “Remember this day. Never forget who put your dear brother Aillil to death. It was those damn Nordlings. Your enemies, my son. Be sure to hate them. Never stop hating that damn nation of murderers!”
“I will always hate, Mother,” Cahir promised.
Jung comments that the inner child “represents the strongest, the most ineluctable urge in every being, namely the urge to realize itself;” i.e. someone has to connect with their inner child in order to be able to develop a sense of who they want to become and thereby achieve individuation. Cahir’s goals prior to meeting Ciri are to achieve fame and glory in war, but once he encounters his inner child, that gradually becomes less important. 
The first stage in alchemy is Nigredo, or the blackening. Nigredo is associated with night, death, dark nights of the soul, and specifically with ravens and crows as well. In fact, Jung called the darkest parts of Nigredo “the raven’s head.” (Yes, really.) 
The Fall of Cintra and Ciri and Cahir’s meeting takes place at night, and Ciri’s main memory of this is the knight with raven wings on his helmet, marking this as Nigredo in both of their developments. 
But even more than that, Nigredo can be divided into further steps. George Ripley’s Magnum Opus (which influenced Shakespeare, among other well known writers who shaped literary tradition) identifies the first stage as “calcination,” which refers to heating something to extremely high temperatures (thus, the blackening). To rescue Ciri, Cahir has to ride through literal flames. 
The second step is “dissolution/solution,” in which something dissolves. The bath scene is dissolution, as Ciri is covered in burns an coated in blood, feces, dirt, and smoke. However, this is traumatizing for Ciri, because she has no idea why this stranger who can’t even bring himself to speak to her is bathing her. Cahir regrets it as well. 
The next step is “separation.” Cahir falls asleep and wakes up to find Ciri gone. Jung cites this separation as being a particular separation of the anima and animus. But it’s this that gives Cahir time to reflect on his life choices and his allegiance to Emhyr (even if he doesn’t break right away with Emhyr): “I cried with anger against an emperor who likes chasing little girls. I cried for a year while sitting in a cell in the Citadel.”
Following their first meeting, Ciri has nightmares about Cahir, and Cahir has dreams about Ciri.
Ciri sees Cahir as a nightmare, a nightmare she needs to face rather than repress, in order to find hope for herself after all the trauma she’s been through. But at this point, she can’t quite do that, and at first is somewhat imprisoned by the nightmares. This marks Cahir as Ciri’s Jungian Shadow (the archetype Jung associated with Nigredo), which is essentially the part of ourselves that we try to repress. Ciri cannot remember exactly what happened with Cahir (a sign of repression), but she does remember his helmet and her fear. She is afraid of him in her dreams.
The White Monster: Thanedd
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Prison and repression are strong motifs in both Cahir’s and Ciri’s arcs, but the difference is that Cahir is the one who starts out imprisoning himself whereas Ciri’s is more natural as a result of her being a literal child. Cahir is not going to grow at all by taking Ciri prisoner, but he tries to do so because he himself is a prisoner. He’s a prisoner of his family’s role and then a literal prisoner in Emhyr’s dungeon, condemned to die for over a year. He’s allowed to go free specifically because he’s literally the only Nilfgaardian who has seen Ciri and thereby they need him. Thus the concept of Ciri sets him free, but you can’t be truly free when you’re seeking to imprison someone else.
Yet Cahir still dreams about the girl with a rose tattoo. Cahir sees Ciri as a rose (something beautiful rising from thorns/pain), as his destiny according to the line of thinking that destiny is hope. The rose is red, symbolic of Rubedo, or what Ciri will become and what Cahir needs to aim for: philosopher’s stones, capable of producing eternal life. 
I do think it’s important that the Ciri Cahir expresses himself as in love with is the one who appears in his dreams—as animas often do (Anima is the archetype of the Albedo stage, according to Jung). Jung says:
It belongs to him, this perilous image of Woman; she stands for the loyalty which in the interests of life he must sometimes forego; she is the much needed compensation for the risks, struggles, sacrifices that all end in disappointment; she is the solace for all the bitterness of life. And, at the same time, she is the great illusionist, the seductress, who draws him into life with her Maya – and not only into life’s reasonable and useful aspects, but into its frightful paradoxes and ambivalences where good and evil, success and ruin, hope and despair, counterbalance one another. Because she is his greatest danger she demands from a man his greatest, and if he has it in him she will receive it. 
Seductress doesn’t have to mean sexual in this context, FYI. Think of the anima as tempting/seducing the man to grow as a human being. The point is that it’s this dream that encourages Cahir to grow, thereby setting himself free on the path to individuation.
Their second meeting comes at Thanedd, signifying Albedo, or the whitening. If Nigredo is the process of breaking things down, then Albedo is the process of cleansing away the impurities. “Conjunction” is a term in which all the separated parts that can be salvaged from the Nigredo come together: for Ciri, in the persons of Geralt and Yennefer and the like; for Cahir, it’s more internal (again more fittingly, because he’s an older teenager at this point). What he has left to grasp cannot be grasped as who he is currently, but he’s freed because of Ciri, and needs to continue to pursue what Ciri represents. That’s kinda all that’s salvageable. 
They fight, and Ciri spares his life, marking Ciri’s decision towards individuation... because Ciri sees her inner child in Cahir, a bruised innocence she chooses not to kill:
There was no black helmet, no wings of a bird of prey, whose sound had pursued her in her nightmares. He was no longer the Black Knight of Cintra. Instead there was a pale dark-haired young man writhing in a pool of blood, a young man with blue eyes and his mouth twisted into a grimace of terror. The Black Knight of Cintra had fallen under the blows of her sword, had ceased to exist, the wings that caused her to be afraid were no more than limp feathers. The frightened boy, bent over, vomiting blood, was nothing. She did not know him, had never seen him before.... She was not afraid of him, did not hate him. She did not want to kill him.
She threw her sword on the ground.
This marks step towards maturity and towards reconciling with her shadow for Ciri. 
Sapkowski then focuses on emphasizing just where we are in Ciri and Cahir’s refinement, making sure we recognize the white motif in this scene. Like, we get it, Geralt has white hair. It’s repeated so often for the symbolic purpose (emphasis is mine):
A white-haired monster attacked them. He jumped from the wall. From a height it was impossible to jump without breaking a leg. It was impossible to land softly, turning a pirouette that blurred to the eye and killing a split second later. But the white-haired monster did it. And he began to kill.
The Scoia’tael fought fiercely. They had the advantage. But they had no chance. Cahir gaped in horror at the sight of the massacre that was carried out. The gray-haired girl who had struck him a moment ago was fast, was incredible agile as a cat who was protecting her kittens. But the white-haired monster who jumped upon the Scoia’tael was like a Zerrikanian tiger. The gray-haired girl from Cintra, who, for unknown reason, had not killed him, had seemed to be crazy. The white-haired monster was not crazy. He was calm and cold. And calmly and coldly killed...
When Cahir opened his eyes, the monster was right before him. ‘Don’t kill me...’ he whispered, abandoning his attempts to rise on the floor slippery with blood. The hand that had been wounded by the gray-haired girl had stopped hurting and was numb.
‘I know who you are, Nilfgaardian.’ The monster with the white hair kicked the helmet with the broken wing. You’ve stubbornly pursued her for a long time. But you couldn’t even hurt her.’
‘Don’t kill me.’
‘Give me a reason. Just one. Quickly.’
‘I..’ whispered Cahir ‘I was the one who took her from Cintra. The fire... I saved her. I saved her life...’
When he opened his eyes the monster was gone, he was alone in the yard, alone with the bodies of the elves. The tinkling water from the fountain, poured over the edge of the pond, washing the blood from the floor.
Not only is there emphasis on white, but there is emphasis on washing away blood, or impurities, for Cahir. His reputation in Nilfgaard cannot be salvaged; only his soul, which chose to save a girl once, can be. 
But guess what the next steps are in Albedo (if you said happy, you’d be sadly wrong): “putrefication” and “congelation.”
We see putrefication (focus on death and rotting) in Ciri, when she’s wandering the Frying Pan and trying to survive, her mind breaking and frustration and abandonment welling up inside of her. While this marks a darker, negative turn for her character, it’s actually very necessary towards getting Ciri to a place where she can accept her shadow self, represented in the person of Cahir. 
In Cahir, putrefication lands him captured, to brought to Nilfgaard chained in a coffin. This is not subtly symbolic of him listening to his mother and chaining himself to an idea of hate that was born in death and can only ever end in death. When Geralt (the white monster) frees him, he is reborn, in a sense, and given a second chance not in the same sense Emhyr gave him a second chance: he cannot spend a second chance doing what brought him there in the first place. No, he has to change. This is further symbolized by Geralt giving Cahir the knife and telling him to free himself or wait to be found by other Nilfgaardians, sharply contrasting with how Cahir was freed before (for the purpose of serving Nilfgaard). 
Congelation involves heat and requires lots of water, which is also seen in Ciri in the Frying Pan (for her, putrefication and congelation are kind of combined; this is not unusual in alchemical stories). When Cahir is freed from the coffin and when he later asks to join Geralt, Milva, and Jaskier, it is noted to be raining: “After the summer drought, the land was now soaked with water and the forest paths had turned to mud slides.”
Buildup to Stygga
So... I know I said I would be talking about their three meetings, and I am doing so, but technically there is another stage between Albedo and Rubedo (red), called Citrinitas (yellowing/golden). However, it’s most often compressed into Rubedo. So you could see Citrinitas as the buildup to Stygga and thereby part of Rubedo, and I kind of do, but I’m putting it in its own section for now. 
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Citrinitas focuses on the light, or fire. Basically, it’s where everything starts to go very, very wrong for Ciri. 
Life isn’t kind enough to let Ciri continue as an innocent, merciful child. She literally draws from fire to save the unicorn, but ends up in a dark place afterwards. The next stages are “cibation,” “sublimation,” and “fermentation.” Ciri’s journey through these stages are quite clear: cibation is with the Rats, in which she distracts herself but also feeds herself with skills she will later use in her journey, sublimation is when she literally travels to a different world for (with sublimation meaning solid becoming air, and Ripley describes it as “in the air our child must thus be born,” which very much reflects Ciri’s journey back to her world), and fermentation... Stygga. It’s also telling that Ciri encounters Jung’s archetype of the wise old man in Vysogota during these stages, because Jun associated Citrinitas with that archetype.
Cahir, however, has a slightly different journey. Cibation is when he joins the hansa and starts to learn from Milva, Geralt, Jaskier, and Regis--in particular, from Regis, his own wise old man archetype, he learns redemption. They feed him in a spiritual sense. Sublimation is when he finally reconciles with his inner child as himself, exemplified in his relationship with Geralt. 
For starters, Cahir acts like a child in punching Geralt for accusing him of betraying them, and is then treated by a child by Milva when she literally uses her whip to spank them apart. Then, Cahir gets injured and Geralt has to save him, which marks a moment at which both Cahir and Geralt reconcile with their inner child. (While I plan on writing a different post for Geralt and Yennefer, this point in Geralt’s development matters for Cahir’s own journey; hence its inclusion.)
Geralt has been blaming Cahir because he fears Yennefer has betrayed them, and so lashes out at someone he knows hurt someone he loves once, projecting his own insecurities and fears he abandoned Ciri onto Cahir. Geralt is only able to get over his distressed fears about Yennefer’s betrayal by acting like, well, a dad to a feverish Cahir, who opens up at last and keeps asking for reassurance like a child:
Cahir finally showed some signs of life, and shortly afterwards – miraculously – he stood up, cursed himself, and held his head. They continued on. Initially, Cahir moved quickly. Then, he slowed down. Then, he fell.
Geralt took turns carrying him on his back and dragging him, groaning, pushing against rocks.
“Geralt?” “Yes.” Cahir straightened the logs in the fire with the help of a leg bone he had found. “In the mine, as we fought… I was scared, you know?” “I know.”
“I've seen her constantly in dreams… I see her still, as a woman – beautiful, confident, provocative… with details, such as a fire-red rose tattooed in her groin…”
“What are you talking about?”
“I do not know, do not know, myself… But it was, and still is. I see her still, in the dreams, just as I had seen her in a dream back then… So, I agreed to take the mission on Thanedd. That's why I wanted to join you later. I… I still want to once again… to see her once again, to touch her hair, to look into her the eyes… I want to see her. Strike me dead, if you want. But I'm going to stop pretending. I think… I think I love her. I beg you, do not laugh.”
“I am not laughing.”
In a sense, Cahir’s role in regards to Geralt is giving Geralt a chance to see what Ciri has become before they reunite: an innocent mistreated by the world, a red rose striving to grow even among thorns, marked by her trauma but strong. Geralt helping Cahir is Geralt coming to terms with his inner child in both Cahir and in Ciri. And for Cahir, he comes to term with his inner child in himself, and acknowledges Ciri as not just his anima, but as a necessary part of the philosopher’s stone he��s becoming. Ciri’s tattoo is notably red, the color of Rubedo, of completion. The red rose is a sign of what Cahir has to pursue. 
The Red Rose: Stygga Castle
“Exaltation” is where, according to Ripley, all things combine at last. He quotes Christ from the Bible as saying: “if I exalted be/Then shall I draw all things unto me.” Hence, Stygga is where everyone and everything comes together, from Ciri to the Hansa to Bonhart to Vilgefortz and Yennefer to Emhyr himself. 
Exaltation is where “two contraries together shall meet.” By the time Ciri and Cahir reunite, they have both changed. This time, Ciri still is afraid, but then she recognizes the idea of redemption inside him, because it’s one she’s had to grapple with herself now. In doing so, she is no longer afraid of her shadow self. He apologizes and she sees him as a human and not as a nightmare, she accepts her shadow, thereby freeing herself from her fear that she is irredeemable. In other words, Ciri is brought closer to individuation than ever before.
Cahir, likewise, decides who he is and who he will be right there, thus achieving individuation and fulfilling the Jungian Self archetype (which is the archetype Jung associated with Rubedo). Cahir goes from being Ciri’s literal nightmare to being the one Ciri trusts to protect her from her nightmare in Bonhart:
“Run,” Ciri whispered, seeing who was coming down the second passage. “It is the devil incarnate. But he wants me and will not chase you… Go. Help Geralt…”
Cahir shook his head. “Ciri,” he said mildly. “I’m surprised at you. I cross the whole world to see you, and now that I found you, to redeem myself, to save you and defend you. And you want me to run away now?”
“You don’t know who you are dealing with.”
Cahir tugged on his gloves, removed his coat and wrapped it around his left arm. He waved his sword and swung it until it whistled in the air. “I would know.”
At the sight of the trio, Bonhart stopped. But only for a moment. “Oh,” he said. “There was a rescue? Your friends, witcheress? All right. Two more or less, it does not make a difference.”
Ciri suddenly thought of something. “Say goodbye to your life, Bonhart,” she cried. “This is your end. Here is your match!”
Undoubtedly she exaggerated. Bonhart caught the false note in her voice. He looked suspicious. “The witcher? Really?”
Cahir swung his sword, standing in position. 
Bonhart did not waver. “Well, well, the witcher is younger than I thought... It would be more sensible, in that case, to get out of my way and flee. I want this wench, I have nothing against you.”
“Strong words,” Cahir said calmly. “Let’s see what else you can do. Angoulême, Ciri, run!”
Cahir’s being equated with Geralt in the above fight with Bonhart is significant. Ciri is Geralt's innocent side, and Cahir his not-so-innocent side. That Cahir both is held accountable by Geralt and comforted by him is important for Cahir and Geralt’s respective growths. By growing towards Ciri, his anima, Cahir has become more like Geralt, and towards Cahir’s ideal self as well: a knight who really saves people. He has become a philosopher’s stone. 
The scene where Cahir dies describes quite a bit of red, noting that his blood falls at the feet of a statue like a sacrifice. He knows he doesn’t have much of a chance against Bonhart, but instead of the terrified boy begging Geralt to be spared, he’s willing to lay it all down to give Ciri a chance to escape. And he’s able to do it knowing that she expressed that she believed in him, and was trying to unnerve Bonhart to give Cahir the best chance possible. 
Cahir’s mother told him to fuel himself with hate, but in the end, Cahir died for love, and he was better for it. 
It’s also no coincidence then that after reconciling with her shadow in the person of Cahir, Ciri is finally able to defeat Bonhart. Nor is it a coincidence that she extends Bonhart the same mercy she once showed Cahir, sparking his redemption, to Bonhart. She can do this now, because she is no longer afraid of her mercy, her inner child, or of her darker side. She is fully herSelf. When Bonhart tries to kill her anyways, she is able to do what she has to do in that situation and without blaming herself. 
Only then does Ciri truly mature and then reunite with her parents in Yennefer and Geralt (black and white, as Ciri is gray in hair; not coincidentally). She is exalted, then, as the philosopher’s stone. She is able to express her innocence and darker instincts together, weeping when she is told to say goodbye to them, and it’s the sight of that innocent child, the one that coexists inside her now, that spurs Emhyr to free her.
Neither Geralt nor Yennefer. Never again.
That awareness, in one fell swoop wiped away her fake mask of courage. Ciri’s face contracted and contorted her eyes filled with tears, and her nose ran. The girl fought with all her might, but in vain. A wave broke the dam as the tears made an appearance.
The Nilfgaardians in salamander cloaks looked on silently. And amazed. Some had seen her on the stairs covered in blood, had seen her talking with the Emperor. A witcheress with a sword, who was defying the Emperor himself. And now they were stunned, seeing a simple girl crying and sobbing.
...She struggled, but to no avail. The more she tried to restrain herself, the more she cried.
“A strange thing, fate,” she heard him whisper faintly. “Goodbye, my daughter.”
Of note, exaltation is where “man and wife” are “bur[ied] together/To be after revived in the spirit of life.” Geralt and Yennefer are sealed in a bath to commit suicide together, but make love first, and Ciri’s being freed means that they do not have to die after all. As the philosopher’s Stone, Ciri is able to produce the elixir of life. 
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Multiplication is the next stage, which is less overt in the text because in literature it’s often quantity, but it can be quality as well. Ciri taking her own destiny in her hands before the council of mages increases her quality as the philosopher’s stone; thereby I’d call that multiplication. Cahir dies during exaltation, but you could perhaps see his sacrifice as a way of enabling the multiplication and projection of Ciri.
Ciri’s ability to produce the elixir of life is further seen in the end scenario, where Ciri spirits both Geralt and Yennefer away to Avalon. Whether they are literally alive or not is not clear nor important, because they have transcended life itself. They have become legends, living eternally in them, as has everyone who traveled with them. Ciri telling Lancelot her story is projection, the sharing of the legend, the stone, the elixir of life, with the whole world... or in this case, worlds. 
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datninjalyfe · 4 years
Stay, Part 1: Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Selfish Needs 
Katsuki tried so hard to remember how it happened last time.  How he and Izuku had even gotten to be alone together in the first place.  They hadn’t really even said anything.  They both just kind of read each other’s minds.  They synced together in a really harmonious kind of way and Katsuki didn’t know how to recreate that moment.  A text caught him off guard and he told Todoroki and Izuku to go ahead without him.  He waited and read the message from his mother: School called today.  We need to talk.
“Shit.” Katsuki said aloud.  He thought about calling her, right then and there.  He could just use his quirk to warm his body in the cold.  
“Hey there, hot stuff.” a voice said from behind him.  His quirk was set off slightly, but he suddenly grabbed his arms, muffling the crackling sounds when he saw Camie.
“What the fuck?” he asked her.  She exhaled deeply towards him and a phantom-like heart-shape flew out of her mouth.  “I could have killed you!”
“Yeah, sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” her voice was so sensual.  “But I originally came here to see your friend.  We were going to meet up, but then I saw you and thought, ‘Hmmmm, how do I get that yummy thing again?’” She giggled.  “Care to join us?” she said, eyeing him up and down.  The heart disappeared into the air when it touched his face.  He shook his head, but when he took a step forward, she jumped in front of him.
“Fuck, Camie.  I can’t.” he told her, pushing her out of his way.  “Have fun with Kirishima.”
She pouted and said playfully, “Aw, but I wanted to have fun with you!”  She grabbed the top of his pants, and started to unfasten his belt and for a moment, he didn’t want to stop her.  But when he looked down, the red light on his ankle bracelet blinked at him—a reflection in the snow, reminding him that he really needed to get back to the dorms.
“No.”  he said sternly as the lazily snowfall began to swirl in the wind.
“Let’s keep the night going.  I didn’t know how strong you’re quirk had gotten until the other night and I have to say,” she stood on her toes to reach his ear and whispered, “That really turns me on—,” He used an arm and pushed her out of the way.  
“If you want me to use my quirk to move you, I will.” he stared down at her.  
She rolled her eyes.  “Fine. I just—I don’t get to have fun. And the other night was so great. I hadn’t ever done anything like what we did.  I was just looking for it again.”
“I have other things to focus on.” he said sharply.  But she placed her hand on the front of his pants.  He took a deep breath, inhaling the cold air. “Don’t look so desperate.”
Her face drastically changed into slightly into a confused look, but there was a hint of jealousy in her eyes.  “There’s someone else, isn’t there?” she asked.  “Isn’t there?!”  
‘How the fucking hell did she know?’ He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to.
“Who is she?”  She thought for a moment.  “Is it the girl with the creation quirk?  Or the pink one who can spit acid or whatever?”  
He huffed, but then asked himself:  ‘Christ, has she studied our whole fucking class?’  Not wanting to listen anymore, he shrugged, putting one of his headphones back in his ear, and started to walk away.  “Let it go, Camie.  Let’s just call what happened the other night a one-time thing and move on.” he said.  “Try not to corrupt Kirishima.” he said, walking away.  To make sure she didn’t follow him, he turned around before entering the dorm and she was gone.  
He walked to his room and seeing his school work, he picked it up and unlocked his door. The amount of work he had to complete before tomorrow was insane, but he remembered he’d been gone for a while, so he figured Izuku had completed at least some of it.  He hummed and took his blue P.E. uniform off.  Trying to get his pants over his ankle bracelet was rough, but he wasn’t going to let it deter him.  He was going to see Izuku.  Tonight. To at least just ask Izuku to hold him if nothing else.  “I need a fucking shower.” Wrapping a towel around his waist, he opened his bathroom door that was in his room and turned the water on.  Steam started to fill the bathroom, but just before getting in, he heard a loud knock at his door.  
‘Izuku?’ he thought, his mind totally fixated.  He rushed to the door to find not Izuku, but Mr. Aizawa.  He gulped. ‘Fuck, could the ankle bracelet read minds too?  Did Aizawa know what he was planning?’  “Today’s lesson was hard enough and I have a lot of school work to do, so make this quick.”
Aizawa crossed his arms.  “I’ll dismiss the tone, but lose the attitude.  Anyway, that girl you went to see from Shiketsu?” he reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone, holding up a picture of Camie. “We got a call from her school.  Apparently, she’s missing.”
Finally, someone fucking noticed she was gone.  “No, she isn’t.  I saw her on the walk home.”  Aizawa’s hair started to go up and Bakugou changed his tone slightly. “She’s an illusionist and I walked into her trap by accident.  But don’t worry, I’m here for the night.”  
The question arose in his mind: should he tell Aizawa that maybe he should check on Shitty Hair?  He thought about the other day, how if the boys had just told the teachers what they thought Katsuki was going to do instead of fighting them, maybe things would have turned out differently.  Maybe Izuku wouldn’t have gotten hurt because of him.  He sighed and told Aizawa, “She and Kirishima have been texting each other. He mentioned to me that he wanted to go see her.”
“He—what?  He can’t leave his room with the faculty knowing.” Aizawa said, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a tracking device.  There were four green dots on it and when Aizawa hit a button, the screen changed to a 3D layout of the building, also showing where they were.  
“He��s figured out a way to take it off—” Katsuki said under his breath, but didn’t get a chance to finish.  Upon hearing that, Aizawa ran down the hall and pushed the door to the stairs open.  A few of the students opened their doors, exchanging looks with one another.  Katsuki, realizing he was still in a towel, moved back into his room, closing the door and then, with his back pressed against it, sank to the floor.  “Why can’t I just see him?”  He covered his face with his hands, breathing heavily.  After this, Aizawa would for sure make sure the boys couldn’t leave their rooms.  Remembering the water was still on from his shower, he decided taking one would be a good thing.  
Once inside, he pictured holding Izuku, their naked bodies pressed against one another.  Water hitting their shoulders, dripping down the sides of Izuku’s lean torso.  He pictured what the water would do to the wet curls, bending the hair into soft waves.  Katsuki leaned his back against the cold tile, letting his dick grow in his hands as he thought about the two of them.  The water wasn’t nearly as hot now and despite that, Katsuki let it run down his body.
But just as he started to enjoy himself, the school alarms went off. He cursed, knowing exactly why: Shitty Hair wasn’t in his room.
Katsuki found himself literally being thrown on the floor in Aizawa’s room next to Kaminari.  He was hoping Izuku might be next to come in, but it was just the two of them.  He knew exactly why he was there, but Kaminari, too?
“I’ll get to the point: Where is Kirishima?” Aizawa asked.  The two of them said nothing, only looking up at their teacher.  “You two have information about it, so tell me.”  They were both quiet until they heard Mr. Aizawa’s raised voice say, “I know both of you know something of importance.”
“I already told you, he’s going to see that Shiketsu girl.” Katsuki reminded him. “Earlier during our lunch break, we were talking and he has this fantasy that—,” he thought for a moment before saying, “—that it’ll somehow many him more of a man.”
Kaminari added,  “He said something about a sort of group thing?”  Even Katsuki could tell me knew something more.  He was a terrible liar.
Aizawa stood up straight.  “What group?”  
“He said he was going to a quirk fight.” Kaminari said at last.
Aizawa closed his eyes.  “Well, this should be interesting.”
“What’s a quirk fight?” Katsuki asked.  
“Illegal underground fights take place between groups.  There are really no rules to these fights.”
“Like the sports festival?” Katsuki asked.
“No.  They are normally fights to the death.” Aizawa told them.  Katsuki blinked.  How does Camie know where one is? But he truthfully didn’t want to know the answer to that question.  Like he was going to read Katsuki’s mind, Aizawa asked, “Is Kirishima going to fight?”
Kaminari raised his shoulders.  “I really don’t know.”
“Do you Bakugou?” Aizawa asked.  
Katsuki shook his head.  “This is the first time I’m hearing about it.”
“Fine.”  But the way he said it made Katsuki think Aizawa didn’t believe him.  Not that Katsuki could blame his teacher. “This does not give you an excuse to be reckless and take matters into your own hands. Go back to bed.”
The boys left, but there was a sullen feeling in the air.  An illegal fight? If Kirishima fought—'NO!’ His mind yelled at him.  His friend is not dead.  Did he owe Kirishima?  He didn’t even know where to start looking.  Kirishima was powerful, but all it takes is someone with a strong quirk to out match him and he’s gone.  
He unlocked his phone and sent a text: ‘Shitty Hair, you better be okay.’  But no response came.  It didn’t even say he read the message.  On the way back to their rooms, it looked like everyone from the class had gathered together.  No doubt by now, they had all figured out what was going on.  They all looked at the two of them, a few asking questions, which Kaminari answered hesitantly.  
“Are you okay?” Kaminari asked as Katsuki passed him on his way to his room.  He stopped and turned around.  
All eyes were on him.  He could feel them.  But no, he wasn’t okay.  He should have told Kirishima weeks ago he didn’t want to text Camie to ask her to come to the fucking dance.  Katsuki knew she was a wild card, yet he contacted her anyway.  He even fucked her, probably making Kirishima feel like once again he was beneath Katsuki and less of a man.  Katsuki’s eyes wandered around the room until they fell onto Izuku.  
“I’m going to bed.  None of you extras go after him or I’ll kick your ass.”
The others turned their attention to Kaminari, who was answering their questions as best he could. He started to walk away when he heard, “I’m worried about you, Kacchan.” Izuku told him.  
‘He…what?’  Katsuki turned and almost regretted doing so.  Izuku was standing so close to him.  ‘Why?  Has it always been you?’  He was so damn cute.  Even in this moment, Izuku’s curly hair was disheveled and he had dark circles under his eyes—he probably hadn’t gotten much sleep either, with all the extra work Aizawa gave them.  But there was concern in his eyes.  Of course he was concerned for Kirishima, but it was deeper than that.  Katsuki would know that look anywhere:  Izuku was worried about him.  Katsuki stepped towards him and asked, “Can we talk?”
Izuku looked a little surprised at that.  “Right now?”
“Yeah, now.” Katsuki said.  He looked at the group of people in the common area, and whispered, “But it can’t be here.”
“We could go to my room?” Izuku said.  His room?  He could feel his heart beating hard against his ribcage and has never agreed to anything faster.  The two of them walked over to the elevator and the doors opened.  He was so ready, after everything that had happened, to just be alone with Izuku.  As they entered the elevator together, Katsuki’s happiness soon disappeared because before the doors shut, he saw a hand stop them from closing entirely. The doors reopened and in walked Shinsou.  
He entered the elevator and when the doors shut, Katsuki asked, “What the hell do you want?”  
“I have a question for the both of you.” Shinsou said.  He looked at Katsuki.  The elevator started to move as he asked, “I could put you both to sleep tonight if you wanted.  Kaminari asked me for the same thing a couple nights ago.  The effects seem to wear off when I fall asleep, so if it’d be hard for you guys—,”
Everyone was quiet in the elevator and they all got off at Izuku’s floor.  “Sure.” Izuku said at last.  “It’ll keep me from wanting to go get him.  Kacchan said he wanted to talk to me first—,”
“We’ll talk later or whatever.” Katsuki said.  Maybe this was a sign?  “Just try not to do anything stupid, nerd.”
“Yeah, you too.” Izuku said before heading off into his room. Katsuki got a quick peek at his ass as he walked away.  He smirked as he got on the elevator, but just before the doors closed, Izuku took one look back, over his shoulders at Katsuki.  Katsuki shuddered at the quick glance from Izuku.  It took all of Katsuki’s might to not tell Shinsou to go fuck himself, step off the elevator and go after him.  
But the doors closed and Katsuki took a quick look at Shinsou.  “You know I hate you, right?”
Shinsou shrugged his shoulders and placed a hand behind his head. “A couple of the other students asked me to put them to sleep for the night.  School’s been cancelled for tomorrow, so you could probably sleep in if you wanted to.  I thought you wouldn’t get any sleep otherwise.” Shinsou said calmly.  
“Who else are you putting to sleep?” Katsuki asked.  
“So far just Kaminari and Midoriya.  But I assume others will ask as well.” Shinsou said.  “It’s a simple yes or no.  I just thought I’d ask since he was your friend.”
The elevator door opened on their floor and they stepped out.  The obvious answer for Shinsou was yes, but Katsuki had been looking forward to seeing Izuku alone.  He didn’t even want sex, he just wanted Izuku, to be in his arms, having Izuku rub his shoulders, run his fingers through his hair.  “Up to you.  I’ll be awake for a bit and I’m only down the hall from you.  Let me know—,”
“Yes!” Katsuki said loudly. Katsuki cleared his throat. “Yes, I want you to put me to sleep.” Shinsou started to walked away as an idea popped into Katsuki’s head.  “Shinsou!” Shinsou stopped walking and turned. Katsuki walked over to him and said quietly, “I have a request.”
Shinsou raised an eyebrow.  “I don’t really take requests.  But I guess since you’re the one who is probably affected by this the most, then it depends on what it is.”
They were now in front of Katsuki’s door.  “I want you to change your voice.”
“What?” Shinsou asked.  
“I just—it’s my fault Kirishima’s out there.” Katsuki told him.  
“So, you want me to change my voice to Kirishima’s?” Shinsou asked. “That’s what you’re asking?”
“No.  Not exactly.” Katsuki said.  He opened his door and pulled Shinsou inside the dark room.  “The other night, Deku and I—I don’t know how to explain it, but he kind of lured me to sleep.”  
Shinsou didn’t seem surprised.  “Huh.  You want me to change my voice to Midoriya?  Why not actually get him to—lure you back to—,”
“Dammit, I know how it sounds!” Katsuki banged his hands against the desk.  A small crackle came from his hands.  “But it’s not like that. And we’re on house arrest and Aizawa can track our movements through the dorm.” Katsuki said.  “Otherwise, I would have asked him to help me out in person.”
Shinsou thought about it for a moment before saying, “How did he lure you to sleep?”
Katsuki’s didn’t make eye contact with Shinsou as he said, “He just held me.”
“That’s it then, huh?” Shinsou asked and Katsuki nodded.  “Sure, get into bed and close your eyes. Otherwise you’ll know it’s just me. I’m gonna go get the voice changer.” Katsuki climbed into bed, hearing the door close behind him.  He pulled the blanket over him and waited for a moment before hearing a knock at the door.
“Kacchan?” chills ran down Katsuki’s spine at the sound. “Kacchan, it’s me.” the voice said.  Katsuki’s heart pounded loudly in his chest.  It sounded exactly like Izuku, but Katsuki knew better than to open his eyes. If he saw that it was Shinsou with his voice changer, he would certainly feel differently. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah.  Come in, nerd.” Katsuki said, closing his eyes tighter hearing the creak of the door open and close behind him.  His head suddenly became lightheaded as he heard two footsteps enter the room.  He exhaled, realizing he had been holding his breath the whole time.
“Kacchan.” the voice said again and he felt a weight at the foot of the bed.  “Let me hold you again.  Like the other night.”  Katsuki nodded and wanted to open his eyes as he felt the weight on the bed shift.  The weight of a body overtook him, mounting from atop Katsuki.  Don’t you dare open your eyes.  he told himself.  Just let this happen.  “Don’t move.  Keep your eyes closed.” The flute whispered, feeling a warm breath on his ear.  He felt even more lightheaded than before, but his eyes were now sealed shut.  So, this is what it’s like to be brainwashed by Shinsou?  It feels so real.  He felt strong fingers wrap around the back of his neck.  
“Shinsou—,” Katsuki started to say, but the other hand covered his mouth. 
“I’m not Shinsou.” The hand moved away from his mouth and he felt warm lips press against his, softly at first like kissing a cloud.  Katsuki started to move his hands, to touch him, to feel his body, but his wrists were grabbed and he was pinned against his mattress. “Don’t move again or I’ll leave. Nod if you understand.”  It was Izuku’s voice, but there was no whine, no strain in it.  It was commanding.  Katsuki nodded.  He felt the heat from his body melt through him.  He didn’t care if this was Shinsou or not, Katsuki wanted it.  Their lips crashed together again, kissing until they were both gasping for air.  He tasted citrus tea and as saliva was swapped, passion pulsed through him. He couldn’t tell if he tasted desire or if it was his own that he drank up.  He was so sure it was Izuku, refusing to listen to the persistent doubts in his mind.  “Do you want this from me, Kacchan?”
“I want you, Deku.”
“Then sleep, Kacchan.” and Katsuki’s world went almost immediately black.
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gmfgravitymayfall · 4 years
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Well, isn’t this perfectly timed, the Owl House just started airing again a couple days ago, and I just finished Luz’s character sheet. For the record, I know Luz’s Devil Breaker arm doesn’t look anything like Overture, Nero’s defult Devil Breaker, but I already said I wanted to give Luz different Devil Breakers. This is just a fill in, until I get a better idea of what Luz’s Devil Breakers will look like. 
Design wise, I tried to combine Nero and Luz’s looks like I did with Dipper. Although, In this case I put more emphasis on Luz’s design. Luz will have the least in common with her DMC counterpart than the previous characters. Dipper and Mabel have some parallels with Virgil and Dante/ Especially in their sibling dynamic; with Mabel and Dante being the loud, flamboyant, free-spirited twin, and Dipper and Virgil being the smarter, more serious, disciplined twin. 
But Luz and Nero don’t really have that much in common personality wise. Their stories parallel each other fairly well, and that’s why I choose her, but most of Nero’s anger and resentments are going to be absent. Self-doubt, however, is something Nero and Luz both have issues with. 
Luz was born and raised in Fortuna City by her single mother, Camilla, but never knew who her father was. The only thing Camilla told her was that she nursed Luz’s father back to health after finding him hurt, and that his name was Mason. 
Fortuna was a supernatural hotspot, and a widely known gathering spot for witches around the country. And some point shortly before Luz was born, the Emperor’s Coven became the sole political power in the city. 
Luz, like many children growing up in this new reality of Fortuna, dreamed of becoming a witch and Joining the Emperor’s Coven. Unfortunately, Camilla couldn’t afford to get Luz a proper teacher. 
Luz tried to study magic on her own, but could only learn very basic light spells. 
When she was a teenager, Luz discovered an older witch named Eda living in a sentient house in the woods. After spending days badgering her, Eda eventually agrees to teach Luz magic in exchange for working for her. 
Eda is derisive of Luz’s desire to join the Emperor’s Coven, saying Fortuna City was a better place for witches before Emperor Belos took control. 
While working for Eda, Luz meets her sister Lilith, a famous and well respected member of the Emperor’s Coven, and Lilith’s own apprentice Amity Blight. 
While their first encounters were rocky, Luz and Amity bond over a shared love of fantasy books and become friends. They eventually realize they have deeper feelings for each other and start dating. 
Luz also becomes friends with other witches in training, Willow a plant witch and Gus an illusionist.
After years of training, Luz, Amity, Willow, and Gus all join the Emperor’s Coven, but are all in different positions. Amity joins Lilith in the political structure of the Coven, Gus joins the Coven’s R&D department, Willow effectively becomes a doctor, (Specializing in studying magical plants for their medicinal proposes) and Luz joins the Coven’s guards. 
Shortly after joining the Coven, Luz and Amity are helping some teachers show a group of witchlings around the woods near Fortuna, when a Demon attacks them. Luz fights the demon off, but her right arm is badly injured. 
However, this causes her arm to change into the Devil Bringer. Luz shows her transformed arm to Eda, but she couldn’t give a solid answer to what happened. Her only guess was that Luz had some kind of demonic heritage, and points out that she still doesn’t know who her father is. 
Fearing what others, Amity especially, would think of her now, Luz does whatever she can to hide her Devil Bringer arm. 
During a Coven gathering, where Amity was presenting various developments in the Coven’s research, Mabel crashes through the stained glass ceiling and shoots Emperor Belos in the face. 
Luz fights Mabel after she kills a few more Coven guards. Mabel only seems to be playing with Luz, but after she points out the Devil Bringer, she just leaves. 
Luz asks Lilith if she can go after the “Woman in Pink” by herself, hoping to see if she knows more about her arm, and is given permission to do so.
During her journey, Luz uncovers a conspiracy to use the Yamato, a demonic katana, to open a Hell Portal. A conspiracy that Lilith not only knows about, but tries to kill Luz to protect. 
Luz breaks into the Coven’s R&D department and takes the sword for herself, awakening even more of her latent demonic powers. 
Luz, with the help of Eda, Mabel, Wendy, and even Lilith, defeats the resurrected Emperor Belos. But not before he manages to kill Eda. 
After Belos is dead for good, Eda gives Luz her Owl staff. And Mabel allows her to keep the Yamato, despite saying it belonged in her family. 
After Emperor Belos almost destroyed Fortuna City, The Emperor’s Coven completely falls apart. Only the most loyal Coven members remain, but their number is so low they have little to no power left. Everyone else splits into smaller covens, or continues their studies alone.
Luz and Amity get a small apartment together, and Luz decides to open her own branch of Devil May Cry. Performing a ritual (With Amity and Wendy’s help) to transfer Eda’s house demon, Hooty, from her home to an RV. 
Luz meets a young gun smith named Tulip who asks for her help to find weapon plans that the Emperor’s Coven had. After raiding the Coven’s ruins, Luz asks Tulip to be her partner in Devil May Cry. 
One day, a mysterious man comes to Luz and Amity’s home, rips off her Devil Bringer arm, and leaves her bleeding out on her garage floor. 
Mabel and her new client, Wirt, explains to her that the guy who attacked her is a powerful demon, Urizen, who is planning an invasion of the human world using the demonic Qliphoth tree. 
After Mabel is seemingly defeated by Urizen; Luz, armed with Tulip’s newest invention the Devil Breaker arms, sets out to take down Urizen along side Wirt. 
After Wirt and merges with Urizen to restore Mabel’s twin brother, Dipper, Mabel tells Luz that Dipper is her father. Mabel also says that she is going after Dipper by herself, as Luz shouldn’t have to kill her dad. 
After a talking to Amity over the phone, Luz is determine to stop Mabel and Dipper’s duel, so much so she’s activates her full Devil Trigger. Something that also regrows her arm.
Luz is able to defeat Dipper in a duel, and convince the Pines Twins to work together to destroy the Qliphoth. Leaving Luz behind to protect the world in Mabel’s absence. 
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH57
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 57: Purgatory Reunion (IX) {cw: torture}
At this moment, Qi Leren’s shock was completely written on his face, and this surprise and shock sent the wrong message—Ning Zhou's hand trembled and suddenly let go.
"Wait!" Qi Leren realized that he had made a mistake and quickly took Ning Zhou's hand. "I was just a little surprised. I didn't mean it. I'm, I'm very happy."
This joy was sincere. Although Qi Leren thought this progress was too fast, unexpectedly, he didn't want to refuse, but thought that this was also quite good. They had experienced too many separations and tortures, so these people who loved each other should be together. Besides, he had already received Ning Zhou's ring—one on his tombstone at Undead Island and one on his left hand when he’d woken up in the tree tomb. He had also wished to give this heart to Ning Zhou in return—in the letter he’d written to Ning Zhou that was not received.
"Really?" Ning Zhou asked.
Qi Leren nodded hard: "Really!"
Ning Zhou smiled; the gloom in his heart immediately dissipated, and the uncontrollable thought of wanting to destroy everything quietly sank to the bottom again.
Qi Leren was still looking at him, and his brown eyes were a little uneasy, but there wasn’t even the slightest reluctance, which convinced Ning Zhou that he really was willing.
The person he loved had returned to him with the same strong and meaningful emotions. Even if God didn't bless them, they were still inseparable.
This thought had given him peace of mind, and his world was no longer withering and dead at last. The warm sunshine illuminated this barren land and made him reborn.
So he took his hand again and walked forward firmly.
The underground casino mentioned by the contact Celia was located in a remote part of the lower Underground Ant City. The rail cars weren’t directly connected to the lower part of the city, so Qi Leren and Ning Zhou had to get off the bus outside it and enter on foot.
The chaos of the Underground Ant City became more and more prominent in the lower city. Within the boundary of the upper city, there was at least a basic order, and there were few violent conflicts in the streets. However, when the two entered the lower city, the world they could see was almost a hell: dirty old streets, ragged pedestrians, and eyes that were numb or malicious... In the shadows of the street corners, Qi Leren even saw several bodies, which seemed to be an inescapable element of this place.
There was the scent of blood in the air, and Qi Leren's five senses had been enhanced after breaking the shell. The consequence of a keen sense of smell was that he could smell these unpleasant smells more easily than before.
Following the clue given by Celia, the two people who were dressed in disguises came all the way to the underground casino. The skinny doorman standing by the entrance secretly glanced at the two strange guests wearing masks. The tall one stood straight and was out of place in the lower city. The shorter one was dressed in an exaggerated sexy leather coat, and glanced at him and gave him a tip of copper coins.
The doorman hurriedly pushed open the door, and with its opening, the bloody and absurd world behind the door appeared.
It was like a greedy beast driven by desire, constantly devouring life.
Both human beings and demons became confused once they entered this trap, would lose their senses, bet everything on their person, and be ruined.
The world behind the door was a crimson hell, and the strong scent of blood made the people who had just set foot inside hold their breath. The floor of this dark underground casino was soaked with a layer of blood! Stepping a foot down, the sticky blood splashed on his shoes, and even slowly seeped in, and the sticky and disgusting feeling made Qi Leren's hair stand upright.
Crazy cries echoed in this dark underground world. Both humans and demons stared at the chips on the table excitedly, and went crazy whether they won or lost.
There was also a gambler who was being punished in the corner of the casino. He was stripped naked and hung upside down from the ceiling. Several lower demons laughed and urged him to bet: "There’s a 'leg' missing, will the next one be the left leg or the right leg!"
The gambler who had fainted from the severe pain of castration had a bowl of pain-killing medicine poured down his throat, and he choked up with tears, whining and groaning.
A little hellhound knelt in the pool of blood, licking its lips and excitedly watching the blood bubbling up between the legs of a castrated gambler. Fresh blood was as delicious as wine for demons.
"I bet my left leg! Left leg! Betting high! This one must win!" The gambler who had been called back by the pungent demon blood widened his bloodshot eyes and shouted at the top of his lungs.
The dice on the gambling table were lifted, and the gambler's fanatical expression instantly solidified on his face.
The demons smiled grimly, and cut off one of his legs. The gambler screamed hysterically, but he only got a casual glance from the other gamblers. They laughed and laughed at the unlucky goner who had lost everything, and didn’t feel that every time they bet, they were moving closer to him.
Ning Zhou frowned, and all the absurdity and depravity here made his skin crawl. This wasn’t the first time he had come to the demons’ territory, nor the worst place he had ever seen, but...
Ning Zhou looked at Qi Leren beside him. His face was hidden behind half a mask, showing his tight mouth. From his body language, his mood at the moment was just as heavy and tense.
However, when a scantily clad female dealer came up to them, Qi Leren’s manner changed immediately.
In a moment, Qi Leren half turned, and committedly took his arm. He looked up and whispered in his ear: "You keep quiet, let me ask about things."
Ning Zhou's ears turned red, and he couldn't help but feel glad that the lights here were dim enough. However, Qi Leren, who had already broken his shell, could completely see his red ears and shouted “cute!” in his heart.
The dealer stood in front of the two men. She should have stood closer, but these two gays may not welcome her approach, so she politely asked, "Is this your first time here?"
"Why, are we not welcome?" Qi Leren's voice changed. Although it was still a male voice, it was more delicate and feminine than ordinary men. The deliberately drawn out tone was full of ambiguous dissatisfaction.
"How can that be?" the dealer quickly apologized. "What do the two of you want to play?"
Qi Leren pointed to the table with the most people: "Let's play whatever’s there."
The dealer led the two men to go forward with light steps, her slender high heels sticking on the foul blood.
The gambler who was being punished in the corner had already lost his legs. He was put down, whining and crawling in the pool of blood. The little hellhound opened its mouth and bit his wound. The lower demons laughed and talked over their glasses while urging it on.
"Whether I bet big or small, you double your chips and bet against me," Qi Leren whispered to Ning Zhou.
Behind his mask, Ning Zhou looked puzzled.
"Believe me, getting rich depends on this trick." Qi Leren showed a weak smile.
The dealer handed them exchange chips and enthusiastically helped two people place their bets. In her eyes, the two men were really strange. Not because they were wearing masks, but because...
"Low." This person wearing a half-mask casually gathered a few chips and carelessly threw them into the low area.
The dealer silently turned her attention to the other person, and sure enough, the man put double chips in another area.
The other gamblers at the table made random bets, and no one noticed this slightly weird scene.
The dice rolled, and the result was self-evident.
The chips in front of the man wearing a half-mask decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the chips in front of his companion were increasing. After several rounds, he finally felt bored. He pointed to the chips in front of the two of them and motioned for the dealer to put them away. He held the man's arm and whispered with him, and he also giggled.
As if he was aware of the dealer's sight, he turned his face slightly, and his eyes hidden behind the mask swept over her coldly, but there was a charming smile on his mouth: "I don't like you looking at my man with eyes like that. Next time you look at him like this, I’ll dig them out."
"I'm sorry." The dealer immediately lowered her head, intently looking at her blood-stained feet, and never looked at the two men.
"Good girl. This is a reward for learning politeness." The man stuffed a chip into her bra and laughed maliciously. "When I look closer, your makeup is really thick. I’ll remind you that your facial features are really not suited for this kind of heavy makeup."
With that said, he returned to the man's side and he muttered a few words.
The dealer kept her head down and let herself be silenced under the strong aura of these two men. 
"By the way, I want to ask you about someone." The man wearing a half-mask lazily uttered a name.
The witness had been a frequent visitor to this underground casino, and he is also the last person to see the illusionist. He had claimed to have met the Illusionist who wore women’s clothing in this underground casino. After that, both the Illusionist and this person disappeared, and even the informants who came to verify had disappeared.
It was risky to ask directly. Qi Leren didn't expect to get the answer he wanted from an ordinary dealer. He just wanted to test how deep the water here was.
"I’ve heard the name... but I haven’t served him before. Let me ask for you?" the dealer asked carefully.
So the two men sat down in front of a coffee table in a quiet corner of the underground casino, and there was no overwhelming scent here. Qi Leren just squeezed into the same sofa with Ning Zhou—he had a very honest reason: it was so that they could quietly communicate at any time.
The female dealer who had just left came back with a tall male dealer. He looked like a higher-up and his face was reserved and arrogant: "Hello, I heard you’re looking for someone?"
"Trying to find a friend," Qi Leren said lightly.
"He hasn't come for several days. Maybe he walked into the pub and couldn’t climb back out." The dealer seems to be familiar with the missing witness, but his tone was full of the coldness and indifference particular to this place.
"Which pub?" Qi Leren asked carelessly.
The male dealer's expression changed slightly. He asked with slight suspicion: "Aren't you his friend?"
A mistake, he had said the wrong thing. Cold sweat flowed down Qi Leren, and Ning Zhou held his hand tightly.
Qi Leren's nervous brain was running at a rapid speed, and he switched from a state of casual handling to a state of first-level alert. He had to round up his words and at least explain why he was a "friend" of that person, knowing the underground casino he loved but not the pub he loved.
"Friend?" Qi Leren's smile was even more fake. The deep ridicule and disgust beneath it were completely written in his smile. "Can you call someone who doesn’t pay back his debt a friend?"
The male dealer suddenly realized that he was a debt collector.
This wasn’t surprising. In this place full of gamblers, the debts of this group of people added up to an extremely horrible number, which was enough for them to sell everything they owned, whether it was their wives, their children, or their own bodies.
"I heard that he often comes here. It's a pity. If he used the time he spent gambling here to sell his ass instead, he wouldn't owe so much." Qi Leren dragged out an ambiguous sound and looked at the gambler amidst the crowd in the distance. His smile grew colder. "Or does the fool prefer to lose his hands and feet here, but doesn't want to work hard to pay his debts?"
The two dealers also looked at the man. He had already lost his legs and arms, leaving only a bare head hanging from his neck as he slowly died in a pool of blood. The demons around him were cutting his tongue and belly, and choosing the best parts from the blood-covered table.
The light steps of a woman came from behind them.
Qi Leren didn't look back, but Ning Zhou did, looking at the shameless woman.
The two dealers stood up from their chairs together and said respectfully, "Manager."
The female manager took a few steps forward again, gave Qi Leren an appraising look, and saw his slightly exposed leather coat from his half-mask, and then saw his boots covered with silver ornaments.
"Mr. Red?" Her face pulled into a grandiose smile, "is it really you? I haven't heard from you for a long time."
Qi Leren was startled. Red? How could this fake identity he had fabricated while undercover with the Slaughter Secret Society have acquaintances in Underground Ant City? He had never seen this woman at all.
"The Mrs is waiting for you, please be sure to join us."
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