#Council Chamber
johnbrace · 2 years
Wirral Schools Forum (Wirral Council) 22nd November 2022 Part 4 of 4
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eightbitpale · 3 months
I just rewatched the rako hardeen arc and it once again hits me how incredibly fucked up that was. Like good lord what were they thinking
And I say this not in a Jedi critical way per se but more in a Jedi flabbergasted way??
Bc clearly at SOME POINT the council had a conversation about what to do about the whole chancellor-assassination-plot thing, and what i want to know is whose pitch was “hey Kenobi what if we hire a bounty hunter to shoot you off a roof in front of your padawan and grandpadawan, then we hold a fake funeral for you (to which we will invite your ex/our political rival, and also not Cody) and then we use the machine from the 1997 Action Thriller Face/Off starring Nick Cage and John Travolta to violently transmutate you into the aforementioned bounty hunter (whom we will have in the meantime arrested) then after a brief stay in Supermax Spaceprison you can infiltrate Count Dooku’s secret team-building saw trap cube (designed by famed criminal mastermind Stabbada Badguyman) in order to save the galaxy. Do you. Do you think you’d be up for that”
And obi-wan, fresh off Zyggeria and about halfway through the worst year of his life is just like
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mattastr0phic · 3 months
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Absolution's O5-6 "Cowboy", Micah [Chamber]
Notes: - "Chamber" is his chosen last name after it was erased in Myriad's antimeme. He does not share this name with his siblings, to his disappointment. - The anomalous mycelium is implanted into his body and rooted around the spine for stabilization, it may stretch out as long as it needs and acts as whips by Micah's direction, but feeds off of his energy. - The riding crop transforms from both a sword as a secondary weapon/tool when the mycelium needs to be severed, and may also become a cane for when the pain in his body from its roots is literally too much to stand. - Addresses the community factors of the Foundation's members - those living unveiled or otherwise, these people have homes to go to and families they want safe. They are his herd, and he will manage it as best he can. - Often disregards his own health for those he is meant to protect; has two bodyguards assigned to him not just for his protection but also as his caretakers. - Can understand the will of animals but ignores it best he can, while he personally believes their lives are equal he cannot let it get in the way of his work. Anomalies are tools, and he is not one of them, he tells himself. - Abandoned his duties once before to indulge himself which resulted in both his partner and the flock of sheep they were looking after to be killed by an anomaly. The number of screams still haunts him.
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 3 months
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My favorite scenes in season 2, I am done with the men in their lives
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alphieart · 2 months
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There are thoughts I have about this man that will never see the light of day.
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catherine-sketches · 2 months
I’m manifesting Aemond going inside the council room only to find Aegon sitting there on the head of the table playing with the marble orb that his brother gave him
“Thank you, brother, for all your efforts. But I think I shall preside over the council today”
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julietwiskey1 · 3 months
In the trailer it is interesting that we get more of a clarification on how large Jinx’s bombing of the council tower was. The large stone table were broken, but still recognizable. At least some of the chairs aren’t total ruins. And the floor seems to be intact.
It wasn’t some large nuke that would take down a city, doesn’t even seem to have destroyed a tower beyond the room it was shot into.
So far for Jinx’s attacks it hasn’t harmed more than the people she was targeting. Enforcers and the council. The people of Piltover who are viewed as responsible for Zauns suffering.
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
Anakin is simply. Delicate. Okay. Fragile. All very well for people with things like emotional resilience and a backbone but some of us crumple like wet tissue paper. easily bamboozled. should have been sent to the seaside for his health, really. arsenic paint got under his skin.
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bittersweetbonbon · 2 months
i love it when o5s are just. literal shadow creatures. not even identifiable as human anymore. they're a different species entirely. just a number and silhouette. that's all they need to be.
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In the aftermath of the right-wing U.S. Supreme Court's potentially deadly rampage against federal regulators, its ruling in support of the criminalization of homelessness, and its decision to grant former President Donald Trump sweeping immunity from criminal prosecution, Sen. Bernie Sanders said late Monday that nation's highest judicial body is "out of control" and must be reined in before it can inflict even more damage.
"Over the years, among other disastrous rulings, this right-wing court has given us Citizens United, which created a corrupt, billionaire-dominated political system," Sanders (I-Vt.) said in a statement. "It overturned Roe v. Wade, removing women's constitutional right to control their own bodies. Last week, the court chose to criminalize poverty by banning homeless encampments in public spaces—forcing more poor people into the cycle of debt and poverty."
"With the Chevron case," the senator continued, "they have made it far more difficult for the government to address the enormous crises we face in terms of climate change, public health, workers' rights, and many other areas. And, today, the court ruled in favor of broad presidential immunity, making it easier for Trump and other politicians to break the law without accountability."
Such far-reaching and devastating decisions, Sanders argued, highlight the extent to which unelected Supreme Court justices—with the backing of right-wing billionaires and corporations bent on sweeping away all regulatory constraints—have arrogated policymaking authority to themselves with disastrous consequences for U.S. society and the world.
"If these conservative justices want to make public policy, they should simply quit the Supreme Court and run for political office," said Sanders. "At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, billionaire control of our political system, and major threats to the foundations of American democracy, it is clear to me that we need real Supreme Court reform. A strong, enforceable code of ethics is a start, but just a start. We'll need much more than that."
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Sanders did not make specific reform recommendations beyond an ethics code in his statement Monday, but he has previously suggested rotating judges off the Supreme Court—which would effectively end lifetime appointments.
The Vermont senator's progressive colleagues floated a range of possible actions following the high court's presidential immunity ruling on Monday, including adding seats to the Supreme Court and impeaching individual justices.
"Today's decision, along with the court's decision to overturn Chevron, is an assault on the separation of powers under the Constitution," Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said in response to the court's ruling in Corner Post Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
"An extremist Supreme Court stacked by Donald Trump has snatched power away from an elected Congress and handed lawmaking power over to a few far-right unelected judges," Warren added. "This Supreme Court is undermining the foundations of our democracy; Congress must restore balance by adding more justices to the court."
The Supreme Court's recent flurry of rulings has already thrown existing cases into chaos and opened the floodgates to new corporate-backed lawsuits against longstanding federal regulations.
The Washington Post reported Sunday that "mere hours after the Supreme Court sharply curbed the power of federal agencies" by scrapping the Chevron doctrine, "conservatives and corporate lobbyists began plotting how to harness the favorable ruling in a redoubled quest to whittle down climate, finance, health, labor, and technology regulations in Washington."
"The National Association of Manufacturers, a lobbying group whose board of directors includes top executives from Dow, Caterpillar, ExxonMobil, and Johnson & Johnson, specifically called attention to what it described as regulatory overreach at the [Securities and Exchange Commission] and the Environmental Protection Agency," the Post noted.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation's largest corporate lobbying organization, and the American Petroleum Institute were also among the big business groups applauding the fall of Chevron, fueling calls for Congress to codify the doctrine into federal law.
The American Prospect's Hassan Ali Kanu wrote Tuesday that the high court's latest term has "demonstrated how lacking our system is in terms of safeguards that can prevent or correct the Supreme Court when it oversteps its authority or engages in unjustified exercises of power."
"President Joe Biden's commission to explore Supreme Court reform produced a number of viable and sensible options," Kanu continued. "Congress could curtail or end judicial review, the power the court aggregated to itself to exclusively interpret the Constitution."
"Even more modest proposals could further democratize the Court and judiciary, like prohibiting them from declining to apply laws passed by Congress unless they have at least a supermajority vote; or implementing sortition, random assignment, and rotation into the process of appointing or assigning judges to the Supreme Court," he added. "At this point, when a six-member majority is literally declaring a former president who appointed three of them to be functionally above the law, against all prevailing opinion, scholarship, analysis, and experience, the case for court reform couldn't be clearer."
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johnbrace · 2 years
Wirral Schools Forum (Wirral Council) 22nd November 2022 Part 3 of 4
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evedaser · 2 months
rewatching merlin is so wild because 80% of your thoughts will be comprised by one of the following:
"holy shit how did no one figure it out they're so unsubtle"
"... pretty..." (drooling, regardless of the character's moral alignment)
"wait... THAT'S what worked!!!???"
"you can't seriously have just said that"
"and you expect me to believe they aren't gay"
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mattastr0phic · 3 months
Micah kiss? Micah kiss!!!!
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O5-Cowboy Status: Kissed
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bibannana · 2 years
*loud music coming from the Council room , it can be heard all around the Temple*
Obi-wan *opens the door*: What in the blazes are you doing?
Quinlan *sitting serenely on a chair*: Meditating.
Aayla *bopping her head to the beat*: Care to join us Master Kenobi?
Obi-wan *shakes his head*: I know you better than that Quin. Where is the alcohol?
Valara *appearing from behind one of the seats holding an armful of bottles*: Master Kenobi.
Alexandria *topples out from behind Quinlan when he stands from his seat*: Oh hey Obi!
Obi-wan *looks around before closing the door*: Pour me a shot.
Kit *pops into view from behind his chair*: Shots?
Hondo *cheering*
Obi-wan *blinks*: On second thought just pass me the bottle.
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As of today, on this VERY IMPORTANT day, Stoick is stepping down and giving the chiefdom to Spitelout Jorgenson, who has banished the Haddock's and restricted women's rights.
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sw5w · 9 months
I Do Not Believe the Sith Could Have Returned Without Us Knowing
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:24:36
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