#Creative thinking
reality-detective · 2 months
Work smart not hard. 🤔
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 3 months
Divergent vs. Convergent Thinking
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Future ADHD
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smoking-witch · 6 months
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First GIF I've ever made. It's of myself. If you liked it, plz tap buttons so I know you want me to make more gifs like this
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bbdon · 3 months
This will probably be my only post but I hope maybe one Harvey fan out there will enjoy this mind worm of an idea I’ve had. I always like imagining music videos with songs. It helps with my stress. So I may of thought of one to go with the song Vienna by Billy Joel (because I found it in a Harvey themed music list). Just imagine during the whole song it’s a brief summary of Harvey’s life, like his childhood and love for planes to him entering college to be a doctors, ending with his life in Stardew. As the song ends; Harvey noticing Farmer running past, them noticing each other and introducing each other. Somehow I imagine it done in watercolours and sketchy lines but whatever. I know, it’s probably corny as hell 😅
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incidentalcomics · 1 year
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For more comics on overthinking, check out my latest book.
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toyastales · 1 year
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I love the beautiful arch tucked under the staircase. The terracotta rust hue accentuates the creative design choice.
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getcareless · 6 months
Triolet Poem #46
You can't have cake and eat it too. You can't have two sides of a coin. If it is fake then see it through, you can't have cake and eat it too. You can try take or leave it true or meet halfway where both sides join. You can't have cake and eat it too. You can't have two sides of a coin.
"Two Sides Of A Coin", JEP
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juno-writes · 6 months
Corpse Writing Excersize
A paper would be passed around and we would each write a sentence or two, then the original writer would edit the writing to make it make sense. Here was mine!
Oliver loved the color red. This was because he was normal. As normal as can be. Sure, he loved a lot of things: grapes, playing catch, picking berries, hugging trees, but what he loved more than anything else was the color red. At the moment, he was peeking out at the magnificent sculptures from his hiding place behind the clock tower. He admired how the giant iron bodies reached out toward the sky or danced in among the grass. He thought how amazing it was that they had been built thousands of years ago and amazing how people were thinking and feeling the same things as he was as he glanced at the sculptures.
Something he often wondered behind the clocktower, was if people thought the same way about the sculptures. Did they see them for their true beauty? Or did they just see them as a symbol of wealth in a capitalist society? He knew both were true to some degree, and it both saddened him and excited him. He often wondered if one day he wouldn’t feel so alone, but somewhere in the back of his head he knew that would never happen.
“Why would you ever think that you would be viewed as anything more than a poor boy with a useless dream?” He would tell himself. He often looks up at the sky and thinks to himself “what does the color purple taste like?” to “am I going insane?” 
Then, at the end of the day, he would go back home, the woman working that day would scold him for being out too long, and he would rush to bed. Instead of going to sleep though, he would think and dream about the sculpture of the woman with the bow, always about to tip over, or the boy reading a book, “what book was he reading?” Oliver would think out loud accidentally. But all in all, he was happy with the clock tower and gazing at the sculptures from afar.
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chuckbbirdsjunk · 2 months
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zufluchts-worte · 2 years
I believe we live two lives one where our mothers birth us and one where we have to birth ourselves
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devanshusstuff · 19 days
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reality-detective · 1 month
* * * News Interruption * * *
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redrabbitbones · 1 year
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“sweet as honey
my dreamy boy
words dripping down my throat
creating a warmness inside
life was so bitter
so dull before you
but the sun shines brighter
and the skies bright blue
like your eyes
so memorizing
different shades and hues
all perfectly come together
like atoms going to fuse
our veins running together
soft finger tip tattoos
our minds on forever
he’ll never leave me bruised”
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ceezedby · 3 months
Faced with this prompt my first response would have been to try and decode it, which I'm pretty sure fails the "write a story idea" part of the test 😂
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests 15yos in multiple countries for reasoning and problem-solving skills, and apparently also creative thinking skills.
In this example, story ideas set in the year 2983 would be considered more conventional and therefore rate lower for creativity.
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 6 months
For a long time, one of my favorite pastimes has been watching documentaries of not just animals and ecosystems, but also other countries. It started as a little to go out and investigate what I found most interesting in those documentaries, from funny facts about certain animals to customs of a country or tribe in books and magazines
That habit kind of died out as the years passed, but it wasn't until relatively recently I came to realize how in reality that habit never died, but simply developed into something similar. A passion for word building.
That one thing that always fascinated me about every cartoon, anime, or even artist's work I got invested in was their worlds, about how different it was from the real one and all the intricacies in it no matter how small.
Let me tell you, you can't show me a screenshot or drawing of a character and expect me to just accept the design and move on, oh no, I'm going to stare while my mind brainstorms every possible speck of information about them, where they come from, what they usually wear, their accent and language, habits related to their culture, their relationship with other characters with different backgrounds than theirs, and so on and so on…
The more alien and "exotic" the designs the more obsessed I'm going to get over it. I don't care if those are background characters or are pretty much irrelevant to the rest of the story, this is my hyperfixation and nothing is going to take that away from me.
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