#Crema The Collective
rosemaryhelenxo · 1 year
CREMA - Brunch Cafe - PR {Press Event}
If you’re looking for an aesthetically pleasing, truly delicious and Instagram-able brunch, look no further than CREMA in Bournemouth. On Sunday, I was invited to stop by to review this new cafe which has opened in Boscombe as part of the Collective. CREMA offer a delicious array of perfectly cooked toasties, avocado toast and a selection of sweet treats. They also offer fresh smoothies,…
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gahmah-raan · 2 years
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A concept sheet of unmasked characters from Star Wars: Paranormalities: Episode II.
Gahmah Raan: Scars are fake. Krishari can regenerate. That isn't hair either, but the tendrils' appearance can vary on every Krishari. Krishari are repto-mammals, meaning they have reptilian traits and have a humanoid facial structure, but reproduce like mammals. Gahmah also tends to suffer head or facial injuries every time he takes his helmet off in public, most of which would be permanent or long-lasting for non-Krishari. Arcidus: Burns are more severe around left eye than right eye. His eyes flash whenever he uses Force combustion, causing his goggles to glow as well. Valkor: He isn't actually a droid, as his body actually lacks artificial intelligence. Rather, it is a mechanical avatar. The pure robotic head module is actually blank.
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wardenparker · 8 months
The King's Queen - chapter 9
Javi Gutierrez x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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Prince Javier of the Balearic Islands has always known that one day he would have to follow in his father's footsteps to be the caring and steadfast king that his people deserve. What he did not know is that he would be stepping into the next phase of his life alongside a woman he has never met before - and amidst a rocky sea of unusual circumstances of every kind.
Rating: M for Mature, but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 10.7k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: arranged marriage, age gap, classicism, cursing, food and alcohol, mentions of American politics, deceased parents* Lots of mystery related content this chapter, so no warnings in order to guard against spoilers! Summary: As the weeks progress, the investigation into King Miguel's death is stalling out. Until an unexpected conversation renews your suspicions about a particular member of court. Notes: We're winding down toward the end of this story, folx and thank you all so, so much for reading! It will probably be one more chapter and an epilogue -- so for now have a gif of Lucas and Javi for ✨atmosphere✨
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8
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In the weeks following, the palace falls into a rhythm. The ongoing investigation is the dark cloud that covers the planning of the royal wedding and coronation, but life goes on. You've accompanied Javi on multiple public outings as Crowned Princess now and the press coverage does seem to be reasonably positive. Maisie and Gabriela have made a few gossip headlines along with you, including one tabloid photo of the three of you visiting a recently opened café owned by two young women in downtown Palma. The photo op had been chosen very strategically by your brother working together with the palace's security team, and you had insisted that the business they selected for the three of you to patronize needed to meet certain standards. The small shop had served you one of the most fantastic lunches you had ever had, and you were sure to tell the women so. The photo of you savoring your crema catalana had gone up on your official royal Instagram account that night.
You're settling in, is really what it comes down to, and at Javi's encouragement you've decided to clean up a room in the palace that hasn't been used much in the last few decades to turn into your receiving room. The Queen's office is one thing. That's a separate space in the working wing of the house, and your brother's office is adjacent to it. But a room for you to receive guests in or have meetings in...it's something that the palace hasn't needed since Javi's mother passed away.
“Your Highness, the furniture movers have arrived.” Despite having an abundance of nicknames for you growing up, and being your brother, Sebastian insisted on making sure that during working hours he addresses you by your title rather than any nickname. Wanting there to be no slip ups in protocol, or for visiting dignitaries to believe that they could also address the future Queen so informally.
“Thank you, Sebastian.” The room had been emptied of its former furniture set and divested of its previous rugs and trinkets. The fireplace had been scrubbed and all of that. Curtains taken away to be replaced with the set that you had chosen. Now the team from the palace steward’s office will be bringing in that expansive set of blue velvet upholstered walnut wood pieces, with their silver accents and silver-embroidered curtains to match. It will be your space and yours alone, just the way you like it. Even the paintings that are going up for decor were your choice, and the collection of Spanish impressionists that will hang on the walls is stunning.
"Of course." He smiles slightly and nods his head in deference to your position. "They have also located a rug for the space, I have told them to bring that first for your approval." The storage for the palace holds all of the furnishing through the years.
Just as he defers to your title during working hours, you’ve kept yourself to using his full name during those times as well, not wanting any rumours to build around why you hired your brother for this position — or even fuel the incredibly stupid theory that went around at first that he isn’t your brother at all. Some tabloid had printed that they thought he was your secret lover but thankfully that had gone nowhere with the people. You look far too much alike for anyone to not realize you’re related. “Do we know when Maisie and Gabriela are due back from their appointments?” Your ladies had gone into Palma for something that you hadn’t quite caught the explanation for but you’re hoping they will be back before dinner. The two women really have become you close friends in almost no time at all. And you’ve noticed a little bit of flustering on your brother’s part around Gabriela that is very sweet.
Sebastian looks down at the tablet in his hands and checks the calendar. Any appointments your ladies in waiting have are also kept by him so he can inform you. "They will be returning to the palace in thirty minutes."
“You are a font of useful information.” And you’re so incredibly glad that he’s here. Having someone nearby who just knows you as a person — what makes you tick and what makes you anxious — on staff is so helpful.
He smirks and holds up the tablet. "You just like me for my schedule." He teases playfully.
“Honestly?” You waggle your eyebrows at him, aware that until the movers from the steward’s office come into the room, the only people who will see or hear this interaction are the security officers watching the cameras that have been discreetly installed around the room. “I’m starting to see why so Dad was mad that I stole you away.”
"You understand and appreciate my work." Sebastian smirks, preening slightly. "Dad's new assistant isn't completely incompetent, but apparently he's not me and that infuriates the old man."
“C’est la vie, I guess. That’s why you should always appreciate the people who make your life easier.” As if on cue, a set of four workers from the steward’s office appear. They’re toting an enormous rug with them and look a little apprehensive.
“Y-Your highness?” The first man holding the rug bows his head. “This was – for your approval? If you do not approve, we will carry it back to the storage.”
“I’m sure you’ve made a wonderful choice.” And considering you know next to nothing about rugs, you’re willing to bet that they made a decision far more educated than yours would be. “Will you let it out, please? I’m very excited to see your choice.”
There’s a grateful smile on the third man and they begin to quickly unroll the rug. “It, uh, the blues and silvers in the rug could work with the furniture.” The first man explains.
"Then it will be perfect." You and Sebastian step back to give the men room, and soon enough the enormous Turkish carpet is rolled out to reveal its intricate patterns and subtle colors. It's exactly the right thing to bring warmth to a room that was once stark whites and ladylike pinks and pale greens, and you smile gratefully. Your color palette is slightly more robust than the last queen's, but there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, this piece will be what ties the room together. "Que maravillosa," you hum, seeing it all laid out. "Gentlemen, you have made the perfect selection. I could not have done better myself."
The pride that filters out from the men's faces would make Sebastian think that you had just knighted them. He hides a small smile and nods, stepping forward. "I think that it is safe to say that the Queen will keep the rug that you have chosen with her upmost gratitude." He tells him.
“We will return shortly with the first truck of furniture.” The seeming leader of the group tells you, bowing his head politely before he herds the others out to the hallway. They have two large, motorized hand trucks to bring down the king palace hallway and then they will arrange the pieces to their princess’ satisfaction.
"They chose well." Sebastain comments as he examines the plush rug. "Almost as if they were eager to please the crowned princess or something." He has felt the love the palace staff have started to extend to you, finding less pushback on his requests than he had once expected.
“I’m grateful it hasn’t been difficult,” you admit, smiling softly as your engagement ring winks in the late morning sun. “Javi is already having a hard enough time with the investigation still ongoing. I can’t imagine if he was fighting pushback in the press, too.”
"They still have found nothing substantial, and the King is growing impatient." He nods. glancing around to make sure no one else has come into the morning room.
“Remarkably, the investigation seems to conclude that it may have been accidental.” You keep your voice low as well. “But I still find that conclusion…unsettling.”
"As do I." Your brother hums, even if he agrees quietly.
The men from the steward’s office stay with you for the better part of an hour. It turns out that moving the furniture about takes seemingly no effort at all when it’s done by four men who could probably bench press you, and soon the seams of 1920s artisan-made study furniture is set precisely around the room in the perfect way to make it look nonchalant yet elegant. You didn’t even know furniture could look nonchalant, but now there is an art deco chaise lounge in your morning room ready to prove you wrong.
"Should I have tea and a light snack brough in?" Sebastain asks, knowing that you would want to settle into the room, get a feel for her. "I have some paperwork that needs attending, and you have nothing on your schedule until after lunch."
“Bring me everything you need me to sign,” you sigh dramatically in resignation but flash your brother a grin. “And if you could ask the kitchen for a tea tray, I would be eternally grateful.” In the last few weeks, the palace chef has gotten the contents of your personal tea tray down to a science, and you swore up and down to Javi that night that this is true luxury. Having your favourite snacks on hand at all times is what it’s all about.
"As you wish, your highness." Sebastian bows gracefully and sends you a small wink before sailing out of the room.
The room is better than you had envisioned it would be. The paintings are light and bright and bring a sense of invitation to the art deco furniture. It's a mix of styles so it doesn't feel too stuffy, making the room feel a little bit more personable. You sit down at the writing desk by the fireplace, admiring the elaborate carvings and the personalized touches. The men from the steward's office had also come in with a case of your personal stationary and a set of the pens that had been ordered with the emblem of the Crowned Princess of Mallorca on them. It had all been very overwhelming at first, but you're starting to settle in to it. One sheet of stationery and one of the pens find their way out of their cubbies in and into your hands, deciding that you'll write a note to be delivered to Javi as he goes about his work during the way. Your little notes make him smile, and if even a moment of smiling eases some of his burden, then they are well worth the few minutes they take to write.
He watches you from the shadow, frowning and furious. About to step out and speak when the silly little maid arrives with a tea cart. Making him curl his lip in disgust. You would have everyone believe you were an English queen with your teas and little treats.
You thank the girl and smile when she curtsies, knowing that being on your best manners with the palace staff is everything. The tea tray is laden with a mix of things and you sip your cup with a happy sigh. Until Sebastian comes back with your paperwork, it's just you and your tea and your love note to Javi.
"Well, aren't you just settling in nicely?" The voice comes from the far exit, carrying across the room. "Already changing things, causing disruptions."
If his voice causes a slight twitch in one eye, it isn't your fault. It's just that Lucas has been a needle in your side since the day you met him and there is nothing you can really do about it except be overly kind to the point of making him uncomfortable. "Lucas." You turn your head, setting down your teacup and folding your hands in your lap to offer him the most witheringly perfunctory smile you can manage. "Or shall I start to call you cousin? After all it won't be much longer before the wedding."
“Yes…the wedding.” He walks into the room as if he owns it, sniffing as he looks around the room. “Very…quaint.” He decides. “How fitting.”
"Is there some reason you have sought me out this morning?" He has a tendency to try to bait you into debates or arguments with polite insults, but you are in far too good of a mood today to be bent out of shape by petty words. "Can I offer you a cup of tea?"
“No.” He scoffs the word, almost close to a chuckle as he strolls around the room. Taking pains to touch different things, adjusting them to his own liking. “I have to admit that I’m surprised you are still here.” He glances up at you and then down the small Tiffany music box on a table. His finger running over the gilded lid. “Perhaps the prize is too large to let go?”
“Whatever gave you the impression that I might leave?” There hasn’t really been a serious moment since meeting Javi where you’ve considered it. Is the job difficult? Of course. But Javi makes every single second worth it. And you would never disappoint him by leaving — or so coarsely abandon the man you love.
“The king is dead.” He shrugs slightly. “Unless an arranged marriage is something you actually wished for.”
“King Miguel is dead; may he rest in peace. But King Javier is very much alive and well.” His refusal to accept that his cousin has ascended the throne is something of a curiosity to you. Like there is a full block in his mind that prevents him from accepting it. “And happily I will tell you, as well as anyone else who wishes to hear, how very much in love with my fiancé I truly am.”
“Come now.” He tuts and sends you a pitying look. “No one would be in love with Javier. Expect perhaps my wife.”
“I think it would be more difficult to find someone not at least a little in love with him.” A pinched, derisive smile makes you tilt your head. “The only exception seems to be you, cousin.”
“I have known Javier my entire life, believe me, there is nothing special about him.” Lucas sneers.
"I'm very sorry that you believe that," you reply placidly. Lucas truly has a talent for getting under your skin — and it's really all to do with his attitude toward Javi. He seems to think his cousin is the least remarkable man in the world, which is a thought process that you just can't wrap your head around. Javi's goodness is what will make him a kind and sympathetic leader. "Javi's ability to be kind in the face of an unkind world is one of the most special things I have ever witnessed in a human being. It seems to me that you might not know your cousin as well as you think after all. But that is merely an observation."
There’s a mean little grin on his face, making the classically handsome exterior appear almost rotten because of the evilness inside. “I think you might actually believe that load of horse shit.”
He truly seems to have come to see you just to be cruel today, which is rare, but it isn’t the first time. Lucas taunts and intimidates and spits venom as his surest means of communication. It is who he is. But he is also exceptionally talented at hiding his true nature, which leads to unfortunate circumstances like the group of loyal followers he still has here at the palace. Allowing yourself one more sip from your teacup, you set it down again and give him your patented Senator’s-Daughter placid smile. “Is there something that you needed, Lucas?”
“I was wondering if you had heard anything about the investigation?” He picks up a book that has been strategically placed and smirks as he opens it, glancing up and you and snapping it closed loudly.
"I am not at liberty to discuss the investigation," you remind him, interested in what he might have to say about it. Lucas has been relentlessly present during the investigation.
He rolls his eyes and snorts. “There’s no one here.” He huffs and lifts a brow. “I’ve heard your investigators have been probing, asking very pointed questions.”
“Well of course they are, a king has died.” You don’t say that he was killed, always very careful about your wording with Lucas — but something about his wording strikes you a moment later. ‘There’s no one here’ he says, blatantly encouraging you to speak liberally with him. As though you are entirely in private. Lucas…does not seem to know that your morning room has already been wired for security. “Of course…” you venture, keeping your breathing even and your voice steady so he doesn’t sense any change in your whatsoever even though your heart rate is now racing. “We will all be very glad when the matter is resolved. The country deserves to heal. To move forward.”
“It will, with a new king.” He is very certain of that and straightens slightly. “I understand the pressures of the throne might be too much for my cousin. He has always been a follower. Meek.”
Not so long ago, insulting the king so overtly would have been enough to have Lucas censured or even stripped of his title, but you bite your tongue on that point and simply tilt your head. "Do you really think so little of your own flesh and blood?"
“It is more that I know my own flesh and blood.” Lucas chuckles. “He is not the brightest Gutierrez, unable to figure out what is right under his nose.”
It's like Lucas wants to keep talking. Now that the topic has been breached and you are not shutting him down immediately as you usually do, he seems to be as unstoppable as the enormous boulder that chased Indiana Jones. "King Miguel believed in his son. He named Javi his heir and paved the way for him to take the throne. You think you know things about Javier that his own father did not?"
He smirks and shrugs slightly. “Miguel had to have faith in his son.”
"Had to?" That piques your interest, and you fold your hands in your lap even as you turn toward him a little more fully. There is a camera and microphone built into the clock above the mantel of the fireplace and you want to make sure this entire conversation is very firmly in the line of sight and sound. Though you doubt Lucas would ever overtly incriminate himself, he is being fairly damning if anyone ever called his loyalties into question. "King Miguel could easily have named another heir if he felt it was the best course of action."
“That would never have happened.” He hisses, face twisting into an angry scowl. His fist tightening in fury.
It might be the first time you've ever wanted to reel back from one of Lucas's outbursts, but you hold yourself steady in your chair and try not to make it obvious that you've just swallowed hard out of discomfort. "Never? Then King Miguel must have believed in Javi quite a lot."
“Not because he believed in him.” Lucas sneers. “But because the old bastard wouldn’t stand the shame, the humiliation of having such a weakling for a son.”
There will be time to take umbrage with Lucas's characterization of Javi later on. Right now, you have to stay laser focused on what is being spit out right in front of you. It is absolutely no secret between you and your fiancé that you both believe Lucas had something to do with King Miguel's death. But you still have no idea how to prove it. "And so...you believe that the late king would rather...gamble with the future of his country? Surely he would have wanted Javier to have help if he thought it was necessary."
“He had changed it.” Lucas growls, the fervor in his eyes nearly manic. “I saw. He had changed his directives – but the bastard guarding him refused to let me read it.” He curls his lip in disdain. “More of a lap dog than an assistant.”
"You think that Julius had something to do with the king's death?" That would be a grave accusation if it were true. Or, hell, it's a grave accusation anyway. Thankfully it will never be given any credence because of how hard Julius has worked for Javier.
Lucas barks out a rough laugh, throwing his head back. “You are made for my cousin!” He chortles. “Just as dim witted.”
You have no choice but to swallow the insult, finding your heart beat faster every second you are more and more hellbent on getting himself to cough up something that you can have to the investigators that will incriminate him. "It seems obvious that my mind does not work the same way yours does."
He chuckles, sending you a pitying look. “It’s a shame that you are so wrapped around my cousin’s thumb.” He tells you, “it would be fun to take another of his toys away from him. He’s already lost so much to me.”
"He already has the throne, Lucas." Not dignifying that idle threat with a response is causing you actual physical pain but sitting in your chair is currently taking enormous concentration. Anywhere else in the world and you would rather be wringing Lucas's slimy little neck. "Everything else is a trifle."
“Does he?” Lucas tilts his head and smiles. “Perhaps. Long live the king.” He intones sinisterly.
The irrevocable shiver that his tone sends down your spine is withering, and for a second you almost close your eyes against it but you are somehow convinced that taking your eyes off of him physically for even a second would be a terrible mistake. "He does," you state again, watching Lucas carefully. "And our child will have it after him. That is how the line of succession works. I know that you know this."
“Unless my dear cousin suffers the same fate as his father.” Lucas counters, waving his hand as if offering a solution. “Before you make that child.”
"How do you know we haven't already?" The surety in his voice is chilling, but you have to keep your own tone even.
“Because any child before your vows would be a bastard.” He hums. “Ineligible for the throne. Then the line of succession falls to…” he perks up and feigns excitement. “Well, me.”
"That is only true up to a point," you challenge, pressing the point if only gently. "Javi will not be dying of a heart attack anytime soon."
Lucas only stares at you, his dark eyes lifeless as he stands there quietly for nearly thirty seconds. “Of course not.” He says after that silence is up, his body relaxing and his face shifting into an innocent expression.
It might be the most unsettling and least reassuring ‘reassurance’ of all time, and the sinking feeling in your chest and stomach makes you feel positively sick. “In time,” you swallow bile as it rises in your throat. “You’ll see. Javi’s goodness is what will make him a great king.”
“Perhaps.” He shrugs as if the past few minutes of conversation hadn’t happened, and he shoots you a charming smile. Or it would have been if there wasn’t malice layered under it. “I will leave you to enjoy your new room then. Princess.”
“Good morning, your Grace.” You don’t stand, nod, or give him any other formal acknowledgement, but you definitely breathe easier when he turns and strides from the room. It’s like being in the same space as a cartoon villain, and you’ve found out that that is much more disturbing than you ever imagined.
“Your highness?” The maid who had been sent to check on your tea hurries into the room and her eyes are glancing around worriedly. She had seen the man most of the staff loved but she loathed walk out with a dark look on his face, one she is well acquainted with, and was concerned.
“Ah, Beatriz.” There is no choice but to shake off your unsettled nerves and pretend everything is fine, even though the sinking feeling in your stomach is sinking that much harder. “What can I do for you?”
“Are you—” she bites her tongue, knowing the question is inappropriate for the Princess. “I am checking to make sure you did not need anything, your highness.”
“I suspect that is not the only question you wish to ask me, Beatriz.” There are some members of the staff who have been more or less assigned to you, like your ladies’ maid and a few of the stewards or other staff, and you have generally been trying to get to know them and have them be comfortable with you within the bounds of what is considered proper. Probably being American fosters some of that in your mind all on its own, but you don’t like the idea of anyone being frightened to come near you in the palace.
“I— the count—” she starts before she stops again. “I saw the count hurry by me looking very unhappy.”
“I’m afraid the count is feeling a bit worse for wear today,” you lie, gracefully not indicating whether you mean he’s in a bad mood or that he’s actually ill. “I’m sure it will pass.”
“He- you are feeling well?” She asks, eyes searching you worriedly.
“I am perfectly fine.” The last thing you or Javi need is anyone on the palace staff spreading word that you might be ill, so you dispel the maid’s fear immediately. “And my tea is wonderful. Thank you for checking. If you would not mind waiting a moment, I am just finishing a note that I would like delivered to the king.”
“Of course, your highness.” She bows her head quickly. It was expected that you would never take her into your confidence, but it’s enough to find that you are…undisturbed. She breathes a quiet sigh of relief as she waits for you to finish writing your missive.
What was once a love note full of encouragement to your fiancé has quickly transformed into a gently coded indication that you have something you need to talk to him about privately. As soon as it is written out you fold the card and slip it into an envelope, sealing it with a small sticker bearing the royal seal of the Crowned Princess. "Please deliver this directly to the king," you instruct her, handing the maid the sealed card. "From my hands, to yours, to his. Is that understood?"
“Yes, your highness.” She nods solemnly, feeling very proud of being tasked with something of such importance. “For the king only.”
"Gracias, Beatriz." She curtsies and you nod, turning back to your desk as she hurries from the room. It's not exactly that you have evidence against Lucas, but at least now you have something solid to hand to the investigators to prove Lucas has a vendetta against Javier. There hasn't been anything besides hearsay until now.
Hurrying through the halls, Beatriz nods at different personnel but doesn’t stop. Not allowing herself to be waylaid on her mission. Once in front of the door to the king’s office, she stops and smooths her uniform out before knocking.
The door to the king’s office opens with a distinct click, and Julius steps out into the hallway. “Sí?” He knows Beatriz, of course, and knows that she tends to you, but does not know why the maid has come here of all places.
“I have a message for the king from her highness.” Beatriz tells him, shaking her head when he holds out his hand for the message. “The Princess said from my hand to King Javier’s.” She insists.
“I see.” Julius purses his lips in amusement. Normally when the king receives a note of that nature it results in copious blushing and clearing his throat. “Very well. You had best deliver it, then.”
It’s an honor to be allowed into the king’s office and she’s well aware of it. Bowing her head, she waits for him to open the door and follows him inside.
“Your Majesty.” Julius hums softly, breaking the king’s concentration as he bends over his desk. “A note from Her Highness.”
“Oh?” His head pops up and his brow furrows as he sees the maid in front of him.
“To be delivered from her hands to yours.” Beatriz tells him, barely stepping up to his desk and curtsying while she holds out the envelope.
“Thank you…Beatriz.” He finally comes up with the maid’s name, having a flurry of new staff being changed around with your arrival, his father’s death and the upcoming wedding.
The maid curtsies and exits promptly once the envelope is in his hands, blushing over the fact that the king knows her name. Julius, for his part, smiles and nods to the door. “Shall I leave you?” He asks, hoping to offer privacy if it is wanted.
“Please.” Javi nods, barely looking up from the closed note in his eagerness to see what you have written. “Give me just a minute and we will continue.”
With a nod Julius is gone, leaving Javier to his reading.
Mi amor, A very interesting conversation with someone we are both interested by may pique your curiosity. If you would like to relive it for yourself, I will show you this evening. M
Javier frowns at the paper and wonders what the hell has happened today. A mystery would once have thrilled him, but he knows this is concerning one particular person and he feels a sense of dread.
His busy schedule keeps him occupied until dinner time, but the now-designated one night a week that you and Javi eat alone is proving to be a blessing. The serving cart is wheeled into your chamber and the table on your balcony set with candles, and you’ve taken off your heels to let your aching feet rest for the night in comfortable slippers when the door to your suite opens to let him inside.
Javier feels the mantle of responsibility seemingly lift. Even if he could be interrupted by any manner of emergencies, the idea that for tonight, he’s just your fiancé is a comforting one. The guise of not being responsible for a country needed as he has worried about your note for the rest of the day after receiving it. “Margarita?”
“Javi!” It would be a lot to pretend you aren’t excited to see him, and why would you pretend that at all? Instead, you pad across the sitting room of your suite eagerly and wrap him up in your arms. “How was your day, querido?”
“It was good, but it is better now.” He accepts the easy affection and snuggles close to you, burying his nose in your neck. “How was yours? Beatriz gave me your note.”
“Lucas paid me a rather interesting visit today.” It’s a shame that your dinner together has to be overshadowed by this but there is no way around it. “In the morning room.”
“You just set that up.” In fact, Javi had been put out that there had been no wiggle room in his busy schedule to allow for a visit to the room to see how you had redone it. He had planned to see to it tomorrow, but now he is wondering if it’s been tainted by his cousin.
“It seems he disapproves of my choice of decor.” You roll your eyes to show it does not bother you and place a kiss on his cheek. “Come. Eat with me. I’ll tell you what happened over our supper.”
“It is your space, like my mother’s.” He huffs, but he eagerly lets you lead him out onto the balcony. “The staff loves to make sure our private dinners are romantic.” Javi smiles at the candles on the table.
“They do wonderfully for us.” Tonight there are pink gin tonics in the cocktail pitcher that awaits you, and a beautiful seafood supper with fresh bread and bright vegetables. A feast that won’t make you feel over full or too tired afterward is a gift in its own right.
“Perhaps we should have a party for them.” Javi suggests. “Catered food, nice drinks. They can relax and be served.”
“That would be a very kind thing to do, I think.” You’re not sure if there’s precedent for that kind of thing, but you have to think it’s been done in some form before. “Maybe I can look into what it would take? And include the clean up being done by someone else, of course. It would be useless to give them a party that they have to clean up after themselves.”
“Of course.” Javi nods seriously. “Everything taken care of.”
“But…” You take it upon yourself to pour two glasses and hand him one, inhaling the wonderful scent of the plates he has set down on the table. “Lucas seems…more devious than usual.”
“Is that even possible?” Javi asks, rolling his eyes slightly. Ever since you arrived, it seems as though the blinders have been pulled away. Showing Javi how rotten his cousin’s soul really is.
“I hadn’t thought so.” It’s unfortunate to be wrong on that front, but here you are. “But he came the closest he’s ever come to incriminating himself today and we were standing right in front of the fireplace in the morning room while he was doing his…I hesitate to call it an interrogation of me, but it wasn’t comfortable. Either way he was very candid, and I watched the footage after retrieving the file from palace security. I think it’s damning enough to encourage the investigators to look into him again.”
“Really?” Javi has just sat down, leaning forward and his eyes narrow. “Tell me what he said, Margarita. I want my father’s death explained. I want to know why we lost our king too early.”
As you eat your recount every detail. The conversation is burned into your brain from this morning and though you’ll show the footage to Javi later so he can see it all for himself, you’re confident in your ability to tell the encounter to him completely. “I can’t help but think it all seems…sinister. But that may be my own bias against him showing. It might m be best just to let the investigators decide.”
“That’s what we will do.” Javi nods. “Although, I don’t want you to be alone with Lucas again.” He admits. “Will you keep Sebastian or one of your ladies with you?”
"A rotating witness along with my security detail?" Of course, to Javi's point — the guards who are meant to protect you are usually some small distance away so that you don't feel smothered. Today they had been at the door to the morning room while you were inside. Perhaps it is time to make better friends with them after all. "If that will make you more comfortable, querido, then I will make sure I keep someone with me."
“I just do not wish for my cousin to do something.” Javi admits. “I cannot banish him for any reason, and I cannot risk your safety.” If Lucas is plotting something, he would rather he not have access to you.
“I am not an enormous fan of your cousin trying to do something to either of us,” you reason. It is plenty enough work to run a country without having to worry about your own family trying to sabotage you or worse. “I will keep someone around me and so will you. The only time we should be alone is to be with each other.”
“I can agree with your logic.” Javi nods as he spears a stalk of broccolini. He doesn’t mention that it will give plenty of alibi for anything Lucas tries to cook up. Especially with the extra surveillance that has been discreetly installed under the guise of ‘redecorating’.
"I will have Sebastian contact the investigators first thing in the morning and hand the footage over to them personally, with a full explanation of what they are watching." It won't be fun, but at least it's some kind of progress. And progress desperately needs to be made.
“Perfect.” Javi nods even though it’s painful to admit that this can come from inside his own family. “Make sure that the investigators know that we are more than willing to be interviewed again.”
“I will.” A short reach across the table is all it takes to fit your hand in his, and you squeeze his fingers gently. “We will see this through. Your father deserves to be able to rest peacefully.”
He doesn’t want to monopolize the dinner with talk of his cousin, or his father. It pains him in a way that’s indescribable. “How has Sebastian settled in?” He asks curiously. “Has he had time to explore the country? You should take him, have a driver give you a complete day.”
“It’s probably asking too much to think you could get away for a day?” You know it is, but you still prefer to spend as much time with him as you can.
“I might be able to take half a day.” He would have to double check with Julius, but his schedule wasn’t too taxing the next few days.
“I don’t want to crowd your schedule with more things,” you assure him. “But it would be nice to spend time together.”
“I have relatively light days.” He promises. “I can try to combine the days to block out an afternoon. Or would you rather a morning?”
“I suppose it depends on what you want to show me.” The prospect of spending time together — even in public with cameras flashing and admirers stopping to spot him on the street — is a bit thrilling. While the investigation is ongoing, royal security isn’t keen to let the two of you eat at establishments they cannot control. Very few exceptions have been made and you haven’t been able to begin your date night idea quite yet. “Maybe we ought to consult security if we plan on doing anything besides going for a drive.”
“I will talk to Julius and send you a note?” He asks, knowing that it can’t be tomorrow. “Unless you have some appointments to plan the wedding?”
“Julius and Sebastian share our schedules for exactly this kind of reason.” They’re miraculously well-coordinated, actually, and you continue to be impressed with your brother’s work the longer he is with you. “We’ll ask them to find the day that works best.”
“Perfect.” He nods and smiles. “We are getting closer.”
“We are already very close, mi amor.” A smile even wider than his graces your lips and you hum happily around a bite of your dinner. “Would you like to hear about the wedding preparations?”
“I would love to hear.” He leans forward eagerly. “And anything you would like for me to help with, I will.” He assures you. “Even those little gift bag things. We are having those, right?”
“If you would like to have them, I will make sure they are included.” Javi always lights up when wedding plans are mentioned, so it seemed like a very good topic for lightening the mood of your meal. “I can ask our wedding planner to put together a list of ideas she suggests to fill them and you can pick whichever you like best?”
“Yes.” Javi nods. “Something local. Show off the art and craftsmanship of our people.” He tells you.
“I completely agree.” The more locally made everything at your wedding, the better it all will be. This is going to be a celebration for many more than just you and Javi.
“Local sweets. A handcrafted piece of jewelry that commemorates our day?” He suggests. “I want that to come from my personal wealth and not the budget.”
“Maybe a small pin, as the jewelry?” Something universal would be best, so it does not matter which bag goes to which guest. It will relieve an enormous headache on your wedding planner’s part. “Something symbolic, rather than the typical image of us smiling out from a white background.”
“That would be perfect. Maybe our flag? Made from local stone? Or gems, whatever you think is best.” Javi tells you. “I’ve just always loved the gift bags in wedding movies.”
"I'll see what the wedding planner thinks is doable in a fairly short amount of time and then you'll get a list to choose from," you promise him. After a few more bites in relative and enjoyable quiet, you put your fork down again and take a sip of your drink. "I've...been thinking about something. And I was wondering if I could talk to you about it."
“Anything.” It sounds serious and Javi is immediately giving you his full attention. Fork down and looking into your eyes. “You can talk to me about anything, Margarita.”
“That is actually what I wanted to talk to you about.” You reach across the table to take his hand and leave a kiss on his knuckles for good measure. “I’ve been doing some reading, and I had Bastian pull records. And it seems to me to be a sort of…unofficial Balearican tradition for foreign born spouses of monarchs to take a regnal name.” The whole concept of taking a regnal name — a name you will be known as, as queen — seemed positively odd to you at first. But the tradition seems to stem from taking pride in leading the people of these lively, engaging islands. A way of embracing the place and the people and promising to honor them. “I wondered how you would feel if…I did that, too.”
“What would you like to change it to?” He asks curiously. “I would love whatever you do, but I will still call you Margarita.” He admits with a bashful smile.
“Well…” It seems almost embarrassing, or it would be embarrassing if it were anyone but him, and you feel your cheeks heat as you swallow. “I thought…Margarita might actually be the right choice. I looked it up and it’s not too uncommon of a name. I thought it might be…romantic is the wrong word, but loving.”
“Queen Margarita?” Javi hums as he thinks about it and nods. “It would be a beautiful tribute to our future.”
“I always knew I would come here eventually.” For your whole life, you’ve waited for it. Waited to be summoned, and waited to be married, and waited to be with him. “But I only truly fell in love with this place after I met you.”
“It is easy, no?” He asks with a grin. “Our country is easy to love.”
"Very easy." You can agree to that easily. "But not as easy as it is to love you, querido."
The way Javi blushes makes you smile and he’s happy about that. Nothing is forced, nothing is put on with you and that’s what he loves. If you were just normal people, there would still be these tender affections between the two of you.
“Anyway, I just… I wanted to ask you how you felt about it.” He is blushing and he is adorable when he blushes. You shift a little in your seat and a pleased smile curls your lips. “Because ‘Margarita’ was just your name for me, and now I’m thinking about sharing it with the world. If you aren’t okay with it, I will choose something else.”
“I don’t mind.” He admits quietly, leaning in and staring into your eyes. “As long as we are together, I will happily share you with my country.”
“I’ll always be with you.” That is a promise you will make to him without hesitation. Now that you’re with him, the last thing you want is to be separated from Javi in any meaningful way.
“Hopefully your interaction with my cousin did not ruin your day?” He asks quietly. “How are your ladies doing?”
“Gabriela sat with me for some time this afternoon.” A small, mischievous smile curls your lips as you finish your meal. “My brother mentioned that it might be helpful to have some help in learning the geography and history of the country, as well as cultural tradition. Gabriela volunteered to be my tutor, essentially. And she’s been wonderfully helpful.”
“Good.” His affection for Gabriela will always be there, but it has shifted to a more brotherly love than anything else. Or perhaps it was always meant to be that way and he had been rebelling against his fate. Regardless, he’s happy you and Gabriela have formed a friendship. “She was much better in her studies than I.”
“She and my brother are also getting along very well,” you venture, wondering if that is too sensitive or inappropriate of a topic. True that Gabriela is married, but it’s abundantly clear to anyone with eyes that they are miserable, and she did not make the choice to marry Lucas willingly.
“Do you think there could be something there eventually?” He asks softly, knowing that it would be unlikely unless Lucas were out of the picture. Gabriela was loyal and would never shame the royal family with a divorce, even though she should divorce her husband.
“Maybe?” It’s just theoretical right now. Just a little gossip. But you know that Javi’s comfort level with the situation means a great deal to everyone involved. “Nothing will happen, of course. Not with Lucas in the way. But I think it’s sweet.”
“I want her to be happy.” Javi tells you. “As happy as we are.”
“That’s very admirable.” You admit, knowing that there are a lot of complications in the way of anything realistic. Still, you offer him an encouraging smile. “But I don’t know if anyone is as happy as we are.”
“It is quite a lofty goal.” He teases with a smile. “Perhaps it can be achieved.” He still marvels over how lucky he is and is grateful for it.
“Perhaps.” Just knowing how much he loves you makes your heart soar, and the familiar warmth returns to your cheeks. “Although it is a very lofty goal.”
Javi pauses for a moment, and he frowns as he reaches for your hand. “As long as you are never uncomfortable.” He shakes his head, aware that it’s coming out wrong. “As long as you know my feelings are genuine and I no longer will ever think about any woman the way I think of you.”
“I think the fact that you’ve stayed friends with Gabriela after breaking up speaks volumes about both of you as people. You’re good and kind and deserve to have those things visited back to you. And besides,” you reach out to squeeze his hand reassuringly. “Gabriela is also my friend. I want her to be happy, too. And my brother is a fantastic guy. She’d be lucky to have him.”
“Gabriela would be a wonderful partner to anyone who wishes a partner.” Part of Lucas’s problem is that he thinks he’s better than everyone. He had decided on Gabriela simply to hurt Javi.
“And Lucas deserves a good clobbering.” It’s mumbled, but only slightly, and you definitely mean it. In fact, you’d like a hell of a lot worse than a clobbering to happen to Lucas Gutierrez. A lot of people would.
Javi smirks slightly, hearing you perfectly but he doesn’t comment on that. “And what if Maisie?” He asks. “How is she settling into the role?”
“I think Maisie might have been born for it,” you chuckle. Javi clears away your empty dinner plates and you uncover the slices of Basque cheesecake smothered in cherry rioja sauce that the kitchen made for your dessert tonight. “Her husband is away on business as of this morning so she’s taking the chance to buckle down in helping with wedding and coronation plans.” Sending Javi a smile as you set out the smaller plates, you lean on the banister beside your small table while he pours out the last of your cocktail pitcher. “I think she deserves a very large ‘thank you’ after all this is finished. Gabriela does, too.”
“Perhaps a girl’s weekend on the royal yacht?” Javi asks, wondering what you had in mind.
“I was thinking of a getaway for Maisie and her husband. Something wonderfully romantic where they don’t have to worry about anything but enjoying themselves.” The first bite of cheesecake makes you both groan happily and break out into contented grins. “Maybe by that time Gabriela will be able to spend time with whoever she wishes.”
“Perhaps.” Javi frowns slightly. “If – if Lucas is as bad as we think that he might be, we will have to circle the wagons, as that American saying goes, around Gabriela. She will be distraught.”
“I would think she will be glad to be free of him.” You do shake your head, though, and nod. “If his true colors turn out to be as black as we suspect, we will take care of Gabriela. Make sure that she comes out of the thing unscathed.”
“Yes.” He nods seriously. “It will be good for her to be your lady if everything is as bad as we expect.” He admits quietly. “I am so sorry that you have been thrown into such a mess, amor.”
It might surprise him to hear, but the truth comes out of you alarmingly fast as you sit together at the little balcony table. “I don’t care,” you tell him truthfully. “I’m just glad that you didn’t have to go through all of this alone.”
He pauses, in awe of you and picks up your hand. “You are the most gracious and loving woman.” He murmurs softly. “I hope to never take that, or you, for granted.”
"Your Highness." Sebastian has been in and out of your office all morning, but this time when he steps inside he has a much more determined set to his face. "Inspector Jefe Blanco is here to see you."
"Oh, good. Excellent. Bring him in, please." Waiting for the Chief Inspector's arrival this morning has had you on edge. It will be good to get all of this out of the way and put the evidence into the hands of professionals. "And Sebastian, will you stay, please? While he's here. I would feel more comfortable."
“Should I order some tea?” He asks, knowing that it might set the tone from the grim talk into a more open conversation.
"I asked the kitchen to prepare a tray this morning. If you could just ring down and ask them to send it up?" His instincts are good and you appreciate your brother's attention to detail, especially in these moments. "I'm sure that will put us all a bit more at ease."
“Good. I will have Flores bring it in so no more staff than necessary needs to come into the room.” Sebastian decides. He will instruct the staff to leave it outside with your personal maid.
"Thank you, Bastian." For one more second, it's just you and your brother in a room, and you flash him a grateful smile before putting your official princess countenance back on. "Please show the Inspector Jefe in."
Sebastian nods and moves to the door, opening it and stepping back to allow the very official visitor in. It’s clear the man has taken special care with his appearance, every medal shined and his uniformed neatly pressed.
"Thank you for making time to come and see me this morning, Inspector Jefe." You stand from your desk and shake the man's hand. He has been very diligent and professional in investigating this case but you have to admit that you have now known the man quite a bit longer than you would prefer. In a perfect world, this case would have been over before it began. "I'm afraid I have some information to share with you, but I do not know how helpful it will end up being."
He frowns slightly, confused as to how you can have more information. “What do you have, Princess?” He asks curiously. “I must confess I am surprised to have been contacted by your office.”
"I had a conversation yesterday with the Count of Ibiza that...unsettled me." Polite wording is necessary here, so that you don't appear to be accusing Lucas of anything outright. "The conversation was videotaped by our security system here in the palace, and I would be very much gratified if you would consent to watch the footage with me and tell me if there is anything to it. If the count's manner seems suspicious, and his threats genuine, as I suspect they are. Or if I am perhaps too sensitive to the topic being touched so deeply by the late king's sudden death."
“The Count has an excellent reputation.” The inspector informs you, a little wary when it comes to potentially implicating members or the royal family. “However, he was slightly evasive during questioning.”
"It is my sincerest hope that my worries are unfounded," you lie as cleanly as you can. It is the only lie you have ever told the inspector and what you do hope is that it stays that way. "But I will not claim any kind of expertise in law enforcement or investigative technique."
“Even though you say there is video evidence of the conversation, I find that it is always helpful to have someone describe the interaction. Posture, tone, facial expressions cannot be accurately displayed at times through a security system.” He explains quietly, pulling out a notebook from his jacket pocket. “Princess, will you please tell me about this conversation with the Count?”
"Besides deeply insulting both myself and King Javier, the Count outright stated that he believed the late King Miguel made the wrong choice as to his successor and expressed anger over not being considered in the choice. Or, rather, not being chosen outright." You pause when Flores brings in your tea tray, thanking her as she pours out three cups and sets one beside each of the three of you seated in the room. "Thank you, Flores. We'll manage from here."
“Yes, your highness.” She bows respectfully as she eyes the inspector. There are many questions as to why he is here, but she won’t voice them.
“So, you see, Inspector,” you continue once the door is shut securely behind your maid. “When outright statements like that are made in the same conversation where the Count also voices his opinions that King Javier is not fit to rule, or that I have some ulterior motivation for being here and accepting my role in his country…it makes me quite worried. That perhaps the Count may not have the most honorable intentions after all.”
“I can see why that would raise your suspicions.” He frowns and flips back through his notes to look at the impressions he had jotted down from the interview with Lucas Gutierrez. While some of the men question his old-fashioned methods and claim that he wants to model his investigative style after American style gumshoes, he finds it good to have those notes easily accessible rather than having to go back to the system computers. “And you say that he felt like he was threatening you?”
“I felt that he was threatening the king.” The clarification is important here, you know that. But you’re very glad to have your brother in the room with you to be an emotional anchor so you don’t end up seeming distraught or too forceful with the inspector. “The Count made it very clear that he did not consider me worth threatening. He appears to regard me as an ornament to His Majesty. Which is insulting, but not threatening.”
“I hope that regardless of what I find, you informed his majesties security team?” He asks seriously. “Another king lost in a short span such as this would throw our small country into chaos.”
“It would.” Especially considering Lucas is the next in line to the throne. A horrible alternative that you can’t even begin to comprehend. “And I have. I informed His Majesty and he has taken it to his team.”
“Good.” Inspector Jefe might have some private concerns about the new king, but he would never dream of making them public.
“With this background, will you be willing to watch the footage that my security team gathered yesterday morning?” Convincing him that it is worth looking into Lucas again is the key here, even though you know it’s a hard sell. As the Count of Ibiza, the people have come to mostly love Lucas Gutierrez. But they do not see his true nature.
“I have learned in my time as an inspector that some people’s true nature is always concealed until they believe they are immune from reproach.” He picks up his tea and takes a polite sip. “Would you be able to provide a copy or would I need to view the footage here only?” Sometimes the security for the palace had certain protocols in place that he would not be able to change.
After discussing it with Javi, Julius, and the head of security, it has been decided that a copy of the footage could be handed over to the police for their own use, and you open your desk drawer to retrieve it. “The copy has been made for your use, but of course I expect you will want to view the original here as well so you can be assured that no changes to the footage have been made.”
“Thank you, Princess.” He nods his head slightly, grateful that you understand the delicate nature of these things. “Once I have reviewed the footage, I may have more questions. Would it be possible to request some time in your schedule if that is the case?”
“Of course.” In fact, you would be concerned if he didn’t have more questions for you. “My assistant will make sure you are afforded access to me when necessary. This investigation remains of the utmost importance.”
“I appreciate that.” He knows that you must be busy, the announcement of your wedding accompanying the coronation had been announced and it wasn’t too far away.
“Just as I appreciate you being available this morning.” The footage is already queued up on the computer display monitor on your desk, and you turn it to face outward so both the Inspector and Sebastian can see. “Cooperation is everything in these matters.”
“The tales of your wisdom have not been underestimated.” He hums, turning to the screen and leaning forward so he can watch.
This is the fourth time you've watched this conversation, not to mention the fact that you lived through it the first time, and while the Inspector Jefe listens to Lucas spit his vitriol, you sip your tea in silence. Every time you listen to him it makes you angry all over again. But you can't afford to show any kind of anger in front of the inspector.
There will be several notes that come from this video, and he frowns as he looks back up at you. “This is very disturbing.” He admits. “The count did not know that he was being recorded, yes?”
"That is correct." It's a relief to hear that the investigation will be taking your conversation into account, but you try not to show it too much. "But I did not make any effort to hide the fact from him. All areas of the palace that are in use by staff and the royal family are protected by surveillance."
“It almost seemed as if the count wished for you to accuse him of something nefarious or to reveal it himself.” Jefe looks around the room, and nods. “Please do not try to be alone with him, Princess, but let him talk if he comes back.” He tells you, standing up. “I will have to review this many more times, but I will be taking a closer look at the Count in my investigation.”
"If you need to speak with me again, please do not hesitate to contact my assistant. And if I have any other information to pass along to you, may I request for you to come in the same way you did today?" You stand along with him, showing the Inspector Jefe the respect that his position is due. "I have already made arrangements to ensure I will not be alone with the Count again. At the king's insistence."
“Absolutely.” He had been brought in through the tunnels under the palace to prevent speculation, and he understands that. “Whatever you wish, your highness.” He bows politely and thinks that you are also as gracious as you are beautiful.
"Have a good day, Inspector Jefe." That might be a fruitless wish, considering the task on his shoulders, but if anything? That is something you can absolutely relate to.
He nods again and quickly walks out of the room to leave you and Sebastian by yourselves.
Once the door shuts, you sit back in your chair and pinch the bridge of your nose between two fingers and sigh. “That went better than I expected.”
“I don’t think the inspector wasn’t too surprised by your claims.” Sebastian admits, curious as to the man’s true feelings about the count. Not that he seems the type to ever say. He seemed to play his cards close to the vest.
“I think he was surprised that Lucas would admit to being so vile, but maybe that’s just me being too American and imagining all these nobles constantly play nice with each other. I can’t tell.” Now that the meeting is over, you refill your teacup and pick up a biscuit gladly. “Well, darling brother. We have an hour to kill before wedding planning overtakes my day.”
“What would you like to do?” He asks, aware that he had blocked out much more time than necessary for the meeting with the inspector.
“Javi and I talked about taking a little driving tour of the islands sometime soon. Do you think that’s something you could coordinate with royal security?” You’re not asking him to do it right now, god knows, but you do rummage in your desk with a mischievous grin on your face while you ask.
“Are we talking about an actual tour?” He asks with a laugh. “Or cordoning off lover’s lane so you can make out with the king like you’re teenagers?” He’s amused by the idea but also happy that you are so happy with your future husband.
“Say what you want, but my fiancé is ridiculously sexy.” And frankly, you’re exceptionally happy about that fact. Not just because you’re glad to be attracted to your partner, but because producing an heir is such a big part of what’s expected of you. It will not be a hardship to fulfill that duty.
He snorts and shoots you a grin. “Most of the world agrees with you.” He admits. “Which is why I’m so confused as to why his cousin is so harsh on him.”
“It’s jealousy, don’t you think?” At least, that’s what you’ve always thought. Javi was graced with looks, and charm, and privilege as well as so many other attributes — and Lucas simply couldn’t stand that his cousin was more beloved. “Lucas doesn’t see that cunning is not the only worthwhile intelligence in the world. That’s the other thing.” A moment later, you extract a travel Scrabble set from your desk drawer with a squeak of triumph. “Spanish Scrabble for an hour?” You suggest, shaking it at him enticingly. “Build that vocabulary like I know you want to?”
Sebastian rolls his eyes but grins. “I don’t know why you claim my Spanish isn’t up to par.” He teases, nodding and sitting down beside you. “I’ll still kick your ass at scrabble, Princess or not.”
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My Masterlist!
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xpuigc-bloc · 3 months
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Exquisite esquites
By Mia Leimkuhler
If I were mayor of Picnictown, every picnic would have the following: a blanket, a 1:1 dog-to-human ratio and esquites. The blanket’s there because grass is itchy no matter what the most outdoorsy person in the group says; the dogs because dogs are great. The esquites are essential because my favorite outdoor corn is elotes, but they don’t travel nearly as well as esquites. (The laws of Picnictown consider how easy it is to carry your picnic things on public transportation.)
This is barely a compromise, though, because Kay Chun’s esquites capture all the beloved and balanced elements of elotes: sweet summer corn, tangy lime, creamy cotija (and crema), spicy ancho chile. The smoky flavor you get from grilled corn is here, too, as the kernels are charred in a hot skillet until browned and caramelized. Perhaps the most enticing part of the recipe is this note from Kay: “Leftovers transform quickly into a great pasta salad the next day; simply toss with cooked pasta and olive oil.” Picnictown loves a resourceful pasta salad.
More picnic decrees, because it’s the first day of summer! Make Zainab Shah’s sheet-pan chicken tikka thighs ahead of time, and then toss some roti or naan in your tote bag for effortless but extremely delicious sandwiches. Ali Slagle’s green bean salad with dill pickles and feta is perfect all by itself, but if someone else wanted to bring a container of cooked barley or farro, that would be a really nice collaborative grain bowl picnic moment. (For even more lovely, easy picnic ideas that travel well, check out this recipe collection.)
Every June, the summer produce flows into and overwhelms my corner grocery store, and every June I am positively giddy about it. Right now the shelves are buckling from so many cherry tomatoes, and I’m doing my part with salad e-shirazi, basil and tomato fried rice and salmon and tomatoes in foil, a five-star, five-ingredient dinner from Mark Bittman.
I am trying to be more adventurous with my vegetables, branching out and bringing home goodies I don’t usually cook. I’ve never really loved bitter melon (I’m not alone), but I do like bitter things — extra dark chocolate, dandelion greens, Campari. So I’m going to try this stir-fried bitter melon with eggs, a recipe from Chutatip Suntaranon (known as Nok) adapted by Cathy Erway.
The creamy scrambled eggs, salty soy sauce and molasses-y brown sugar will mellow out the harshest edges of the bitter melon. And I trust Nok — I’ve had the pleasure of dining at Kalaya, Nok’s restaurant in Philadelphia, and Nok never misses.
Lastly: It’s hot out there, and I’d like to give you an excuse to stand in front of the open refrigerator after a long afternoon in Picnictown. Here’s Lisa Donovan’s new recipe for buttermilk tres leches cake, which is best served extremely chilled, straight from the pan. I interpret this as spooning giant mouthfuls of cold, creamy cake into my mouth while bending into the fridge, but if you’d like to use plates and forks and a table, by all means.
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#mia leimkuhler #picnic #kay chun
#make zainab #matk bityman
#cathy erway #nok #lisa donovan
#sheer-pan chicken tikka thinghs
#basil and tomato fried rice
#salmon and tomatoes on foil
#butyermilk tres leches cake
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#original food #xpuigc #pucex
#olaf peterson #de tot
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therealmissmagoo2 · 8 months
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Nehemia Ytger - Princess of Eyllwe, The Light of Eyllwe - Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
Tray Files Skin Eyes Irene Eyelash Remover Eyelashes Part 1, Right Lip Mole Eyebrows Lip Preset N24 Teeth Normal Nose Preset 4f Hair Base Chromatic Collection 2 Hair 1 B Hair 2 Lipstick Crema Eyeliner Lioness Eyeshadow Apple Nails 1 Nails 2 Shoes
Look 1: Dress Earrings Necklace Look 2: Dress Arm Bands Jewels of the Pharaoh 2 Look 3: Dress
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lowcallyfruity · 8 months
🍴 hey hi am I late to this?🥺
You remind me of tres leches cake!! ^-^
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Tres leches cake is pretty sweet and soggy… so the bread is very soft… but bc it has a bunch of milk it’s very refreshing… it’s normally served cold-ish bc it’s kept in the fridge so it doesn’t go bad… and you’re a very sweet person and very comforting so yeah ^_^
APUGH DAISY REMINDS ME OF FRESAS CON CREMA!!!! Aoughhh she is the sweetest girl ever she’s so lovely oauyfhhfhfhfhdhdhdhc <3
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Notable mention for Daisy is mango Swiss roll,,, it’s not from Mexico but aoughhh they make the most banger mango Swiss rolls there 😭😭😭
Okay. Design wise. She reminds me of these cajeta Lolipops they sell at Mexican stores 😭😭😭
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But everything else wise… she reminds of chocoflan!!!!! Mostly Sweet but also… sour? Salty? Perse is distant at first… but when you get close to her enough she is the sweetest and silliest girl <3
She also reminds me of this candy we have… where it’s like tamarindo on a spoon- 😭
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she reminds me of a churro <3 specifically the ones that are filled ^_^
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She’s just the sweetest girl ever and she makes me so happy and I giggle and blush every time I see her and HONESTLY 😔😔😔 best girl id grind for her cards I’d collect every single one I’d get all the merch I’d max her out id read all the vignettes and everything 🙏🙏🙏🙏 my profile would have her as my favorite card and I would have her titles 🙏🙏🙏
Uhhh Jeanne’s sister reminds me of sponch cookies ^-^ even though she’s not really developed,, when I saw her design she reminded me of them bc… she looks so fluffy like a cloud….
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PIERRE 🥶🥶🥶🥶😨😨😨😰😰😱😱😱😀😀😀😣😣😖😖☹️☹️🙁😕😬😬😬😬
Pierre reminds me of these fuckass cheddar (???) cheese chips that are Lowkey a little bit spicy 😭😭 they’re really good!! but for me after like the 10th chip they start tasting kinda gross and I have to eat them slower 😭😭 but that’s bc I’m not the biggest fan of cheddar cheese 🤷🤷 they’re super good with crema mexicana tho 🤤🤤🤤🤤
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Isabelle is LITERALLY. Concha AND champurrado coded. Not only does she lowkey look like them. BUT. They’re soooo soft!!! Conchas are super soft and somewhat sweet… (mostly bc of the topping) and champurrado is also somewhat sweet but aoughhh it’s served cold bc it’s a winter drink… TOGETHER?!!!! They’re the most powerful combo ever for a cold winter night 🤤🤤🤤 isabelle reminds me of when you read a book at night and it’s cold, you’re sitting by a fireplace all bundled up… that’s why she reminds me of concha’s and champurrado
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Also fun fact conchas come in different shapes/designs and colors!! You can make cute little designs on them!!! But they’re most commonly sold with the ‘turtle shell design’ or that’s what I call them ^_^
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 years
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HELLO FRIENDS! So idk about you but I love Klaine Fanfiction and I love polls so I decided to start a little tournament of so-called "Fandom Classics" for funsies because this is tumblr and there are no rules here
Below, you will find all the links to the round one polls. All matches were decided randomly via a random number generator because I hate making decisions!
Each Round will last a week, to reach the highest sample number possible, and to give those who wish to read some time to do so. (If I could make the poll length a month I would tbh). Try to reblog the polls so that more people see them! The fic with the most votes will move on to the next round until there's one left!
1. This is NOT me trying to pit fics against one another! I think all these stories are fantastic in their own right, and it goes without saying that if you have any negative comments about the story or its contents, you keep them far, far away from my posts and the wonderful authors of these amazing stories.
2. If your fave isn't on here I'm sorry! These are just a combination of ones I knew off the top of my head, and if I didn't know them, I asked friends and tumblr and stopped at 16 because I am BAD AT MATH and that was the easiest number for me. It's really just the luck of the draw and please remember that I am one random person on the internet and not the end all be all indicator of what constitutes "good" fiction. I'm sure there are plenty AMAZING stories I may have unintentionally left out.
3. Keep it positive! I know I said something akin to this above but I feel it needs reiterating lol. If this tournament offends you or sparks any sort of negative feelings withing your soul... lowkey I don't wanna hear it lmao. I worked really hard on the graphics, collecting the fic links, making the polls, etc so if you don't have anything nice to say, save that shit for the group chat lmao
Match One: Little Numbers vs Crema Verse Match Two: Where There's Smoke vs All the Other Ghosts Match Three: Go Your Own Way vs Dalton Match Four: A Political Romance vs The Sidhe Match Five: Heartstrings Verse vs Symphony Verse Match Six: Swingsets and Sandboxes vs Catch Me If You Can Match Seven: Ride vs Sideways Match Eight: Someone Like You vs Syrup and Honey
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sweetlunar · 2 months
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p a r t . e i g h t
Day eleven July 10
Today we go to Florence. We walk through the Accademia Gallery and see Michael Angelo’s deliberately incomplete statue collection, The Prisoners 1519-1534 and, of course, the statue of David 1501-1504. Here we also see Giambologna’s Rape of the Sabine Woman 1579-1583, in figura serpentinata style. For lunch we go to a famous sandwich shop, All’Antico Vinaio, which is so popular, they have four locations on the same street, each equivalent in quality and each with a line out the door; on our sandwiches, we both opt for pistachio cream; we share a delightful Italian orange soda. We go to the Uffizi Gallery and see various artwork and sculptures; most notably The Birth of Venus 1486 and Primavera 1482 by Sandro Botticelli; Leonardo Da Vinci’s unfinished Adoration of the Magi 1481, Annunciation ~1473 and The Baptism of Christ ~1475. We see the (outside only) Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore, and, naturally, the Duomo 1296-1436; it is as grandiose as one can imagine. We window shop. We go to Venchi for gelato, which has an entire wall of flowing chocolate; we note their product is not covered- to patronize this gelateria would be a divergence from our rule; it is a delicious rebellion. Florence is crowded, the Pigeons have no fear of people and the day has been hot; we return to our B&B and sip crema di meloncello. I spot a Moorish Gecko scaling the stone patio wall. I think we are both quite homesick. (It is impossible to list the plethora of art and artists displayed at each gallery during our time in Florence; all that went unmentioned were no less important and beautiful.)
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jargonautical · 10 months
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The Alfriscombe Hoard
SOMEWHERE NEAR VICTORIA, tucked down a narrow side-street, there’s a tiny hole-in-the-wall café bar that appears in no tourist guide to the city.
The owner is unconcerned. Her prices wouldn’t suit the idly curious, nor tourists on a budget, but they’re perfectly pitched for her actual target demographic - for example the man currently sitting alone at the pavement table outside, chair angled to collect the afternoon sun. Passers-by might take him for a senior civil servant stopped for a moment’s respite between meetings. This neighbourhood is stuffed with them, after all.
They’d be almost completely wrong aside from one single point; he is in fact patiently waiting for someone. The superb espresso in front of him, black as a churchman’s conscience with a perfect galaxy-swirl of crema, is merely an indulgence, an excuse to sit while he waits. He reaches over and claims the newspaper abandoned at the next table, shaking it out and turning to the back page. Crossword half-filled in - in pencil, he notes with a baffled lift of his brows. Either commit or don’t, what’s with the half-measures?
Typical mudside though. People claim to care about things, but they’ll abandon the quest if it proves too complex. They want, but their heads are soon turned by the next want, and the next; shallow desires pursued with misplaced determination.
The day’s headlines are a depressing but grimly satisfying case in point. People sick and dying because of sub-standard housing. Yet another politician caught in the wrong bed. Possible insider trading at an investment bank, management issuing strenuous denials. Negligence, greed and lust … speaking of which, he reaches for his pen and flips back to the crossword. 16 down – ‘Fur in disarray, Danny starts a scam. (5)’ . Ah yes; ‘F’,’R’,’A’,’U’,’D’. 
Scanning the next few clues provides no further inspiration, and he turns his attention back to the crowds crossing the main concourse, heads down and wrapped up in their own thoughts. A rolling tide of humanity, lifeless and disconnected.
Exceptions prove the rule though. A girl comes past, pretty in the sunshine, with hair dyed bright red, multiple silver piercings in her ear, knitted rainbow sleeves warming her arms. Other than his coffee she’s the most interesting thing he’s seen all morning, a bright counterpoint to the dreary background she moves against, and he watches her until she disappears out of sight behind the buildings before turning back to his headlines. City councillor suspended for misconduct, criminal investigation ongoing - good. It took long enough for justice to catch up with that one. His satisfied smirk turns thoughtful, and he examines the crossword again. 3 across, ‘Attack on Lot’s wife removes support, we hear.’ (7). The pen is deployed again; ‘A’,’S’,’S’,’A’,’U’,’L’,’T’.
He sips his cooling coffee, letting the flavour roll over his tongue and debating internally whether he has time for another. The sun has moved round behind the office blocks now, putting him further and further into the shadows, and he’s almost out of time. There’s a sudden edge in the air though, a brightening of the dreary street and the impression of a melody just beyond the edge of hearing, which tells him his wait is over. He doesn’t even need to look up to see who’s joining him.
“Good to see you back.”, he says, leaning back to catch the barista’s eye. “Can I get you something?”.
“No, I can’t stop. I’m surprised to find you still here, to be honest. Did you not hear?”.
“I heard.”. Mainder smiles bitterly. “They finally made the connection. It made the papers and everything.”.
“That’s it then, isn’t it? He’ll be moving on the Fold before we know it. People are wondering when you’re going to step in.”.
“Are they …?". The quirk of his mouth politely hints at disbelief, drawing a reluctant smile from the scribe.
“Alright then, I’m wondering. Couldn’t you do something?”.
“I am doing something. The long game, remember? Half of progress is made by standing still.”. Mainder grins over the rim of his cup. “You’ll just have to trust me. How was it, anyway?”.
The scribe sighs. “It was a mess, honestly. I’m amazed nothing went wrong, the way they were picking it over - like children digging for worms! What if there’d been something active down there?”.
“Was there?”. The bland query is delivered with a knowing smirk.
“I know, I know. You’d have said if there were. No, it didn’t feel like any of it had ever even been used, at least not that I could sense.”.
“There you go then. A trade drop maybe? Anyway, it doesn’t matter what they found. Never has. They’ll put it all under lights and behind glass and write about it until they get bored.". Mainder sounds indulgent rather than irritated, like a parent discussing the latest crayon-on-the-walls incident. “Were his people there?”.
“All over it, yes. He’s the last, isn’t he? Surely it would be easy enough to finish it here.”.
“Easy, yes. But where’s the elegance in that? He’ll have his chance, just as all the others did before him. If he chooses to over-reach that’s on him.”.
“You’ll let him ruin himself.”, the scribe smiles as understanding dawns. “Elegant indeed.”.
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thebeautycove · 1 year
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Inspired by art of Nature.   Best palette chromatique of the season!
L’equinozio d’autunno, un mosaico di toni ambrati, le texture materiche amate da Gabrielle e il mesmerico gioco delle sfumature catturate nella palette del foliage, dentro una luce soffusa, calda e accogliente.
La nuova collezione makeup CHANEL Équinoxe de Chanel in edizione limitata, è il desiderata assoluto dei maquillage autunno inverno 23.
• Douceur d’Équinoxe Creazione esclusiva, armonia di blush in due varianti cromatiche: Beige et Coral, Beige Rosé et Mauve. Splendido accostamento di tonalità autunnali con il raffinato dettaglio decor foliage impresso sulla cialda a circondare la doppiaC. Finish satin che esalta l'incarnato, caldo, luminoso e naturale.
• Ombre Première Libre L’ultima novità per il makeup occhi firmata Chanel. Il primo ombretto in polvere libera altamente pigmentato che muta consistenza in crema a tenuta impeccabile allday. Stesura pratica intuitiva, grazie al tappo-applicatore in spugna, modulabile e sfumabile a piacere. Qui nei toni: Bois d’Amarante (granato), Sycomore (beige), Cèdre Cuivré (rame).
• Rouge Coco Bloom Ecco il rouge dei bei sorrisi, formula brevettata, morbido, idratante, rimpolpante, brillante, a tenuta infinita, perfetto in ogni occasione. Un piacere indossarlo! Essenziali le nuance novità: Wild (amaranto), Sweetness (corallo), Bright (rosso vivo).
• Le Vernis Due smalti novità che diventano subito collectibles di stagione. Tonalità vibranti passepartout d’eleganza con Été Indien (arancione), Bois des Îles (burgundy).
©thebeautycove @igbeautycove
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beautifulxboy · 1 year
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Roleplay character message me or reply to an open starter for Eli Please read the rules.
Character Eli Perlman (full name Elliot), Original character, Identical twin of Elio Perlman (based on Call Me By Your Name Film 2017/ Call Me by Your Name Novel by André Aciman /Find Me Novel by André Aciman)
Faceclaim - Timothée Chalamet
If Elio is the boy of summer then Eli is the boy of winter. Cosy jumpers, candles and old books.
Jewish, Italian and French.
Intelligent, anxious, shy, lacking self-confidence, caring, loving, romantic, introspective, loyal and introverted.
Eli has Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is a long-term condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive system. Some of the symptoms that Eli has is stomach cramping, digestive issues, extreme fatigue, sensitivity to foods, increased temperature and aching joints and muscles.
Eli was absent from school and had a few stays in the hospital as well as visits for his treatments and appointments. Being chronically ill throughout his childhood and teen years Eli missed out on building crucial social development skills.
Eli enjoys writing stories, writing poetry, collecting vintage books, reading fantasy, classic books, ancient history books and academic journals. Eli's love for books is almost an obsession, when he's not reading he wants to be reading. Eli also journals, scribbling down his thoughts and ideas for stories in his beat-up folded-over book.
The twin's mother is a therapist and their father is a professor. The twins were always surrounded by books and having thoughtful and complex conversations. The twins had a unique experience growing up, they had more freedom than their peers. The twins were very close to their parents but especially close with their father, a thoughtful and understanding man who encouraged the twins to live their lives purposefully and never take their time on earth for granted.
Verses: - 1983. 17 years old. Crema Italy. Elio lives with his parents at the Villa. - Modern day - 20- 23 years old, Eli is studying in the medical field to become a doctor.
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Art by me
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fridge-reviews · 2 years
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Immortal Redneck
Developer: Crema Publisher: Crema Rrp: £14.95 (Gog.com, Humblebundle and Steam) Released: 25th April 2017 Available on: Gog.com, Humblebundle and Steam Played Using: Mouse and Keyboard Approximate game length: 26 Hours
What do we know about ancient Egypt? The Nile was the lifeblood of their civilisation, they were very powerful, they worshipped a pantheon of gods and they built the Sphinx and the great pyramids. And if video games and movies have taught me anything all their tombs are cursed, the gods were real and they were also aliens. I have a feeling that perhaps some of those things may not be real...
Immortal Redneck is a roguelite FPS in which you play as the titular Redneck who was vacationing there and somehow ended up mummified. You are given the task of reaching the apex of three pyramids which is done by exploring the interior until you find the stairs up. However these pyramids are filled with beings that will happily attempt to kill you.
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Each floor is randomly generated from a bank of pre-designed rooms. This is both a boon and a bane for this game as it means that each floor keeps a certain design consistency but by that same coin all the enemy placements and types are the same as well. Which means once you've seen a room it will always be the same no matter how many runs you do. Once you enter a room you can't leave until all the enemies in it have been cleared, there are some exceptions to this rule though such as the occasional challenge room that appears asking you to reach a chest without getting hurt or within a time limit. As you progress up the floors of the pyramid the enemies within become stronger and tougher but the rewards are also increased.
The enemies you slay can drop gold, ammo and sometimes scrolls. These scrolls are usually a boon for your run, however there are some that actively make things worse. There's no way to tell what the scroll will give you until you collect it and they can make or break a run. It should be noted that any gold or ammo that is dropped by enemies eventually disappears.
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The gold you collect can be used in either the skill tree (which is literally a tree that grows as you put gold into it) or the store once its unlocked. You can unlock the 'favours' of some gods as you progress along the skill tree. This allows you to play with a different starting load-out and have different active and passive abilities. However you still play as 'The Redneck'. Any gold you have when you try to re-enter a pyramid is taken by the gods as tribute.
Its a pretty good game with some old school charm to it, it keeps things fresh by encouraging the player to try out the gods favours which can really change the way you play. There are also daily and weekly challenges you can try to complete (which I tried but was positively awful at). I'd say give this a go if you're hankering for a bit of run and gun action with some roguelite elements.
If this appeals to you perhaps try;
Ziggurat Dead Cells Tower of Guns
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xespietamayo · 2 years
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For ❤️ • @joshlane
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
xx Espie
We have made it to another Christmas and another Christmas means another addition to the handmade ornament collection. I promised that I would include a moose in some form or fashion, so, to commemorate this year that felt like the only appropriate design for this year’s ornament. I also could not pass up the opportunity for a stocking of necessities. As I did promise I wouldn’t just get you socks and underwear, the practical stocking stuffers include lip balm, hand cream, and a portable charger. The larger gifts include new house slippers and a theragun mini. Lastly, the more for fun gift, a hammock that can be either for camping or put up out back of the house. Don’t worry, I saved you food and a bottle of crema de vie as promised too! I am beyond grateful to enjoy another holiday season together. Merry Christmas, my dear!
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kicksaddictny · 2 years
Crema Mansur Gavriel x VEJA Campo Sneaker
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Earlier this year, in April 2022, modern luxury accessory brand, Mansur Gavriel and, high-end, everyday sneaker counterpart, VEJA, released a capsule collaboration that was truly a match made in footwear heaven! Having completely sold out in just a few days, this collection showcased both brand’s distinctive approach to thoughtful design and tasteful use of color, along with a shared appreciation for true artisanship and sustainability, creating a new-and-improved version of VEJA’s Campo Sneaker. 
With all this being said, the Manur Gavriel X VEJA sneaker is *finally* back in stock in neutral fan-favorite colorway: Crema, for purchase across mansurgavriel.com. This beautifully classic sneaker, in an eye-catching, chic, monochromatic cream colorway is a must have footwear essential this Fall – to pull together your everyday look! 
AVAILABLE NOW FOR $175 USD - https://www.mansurgavriel.com/products/mg-veja-sneaker-crema
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gcountertop · 1 month
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New Arrival: Crema Bordeaux Crema Bordeaux granite is a stunning natural stone that has quickly become a favorite for homeowners and designers alike. This exquisite granite features a dynamic blend of rich colors, including deep reds, warm golds, and creamy beiges, all swirled together in a captivating, flowing pattern. The unique color palette of Crema Bordeaux makes it a versatile choice for various design styles, whether you're looking to create a warm and inviting kitchen or a luxurious bathroom retreat. What sets Crema Bordeaux apart is its ability to harmonize with a wide range of cabinetry and flooring options. The earthy tones complement both light and dark woods, as well as modern white or gray cabinets. Its natural movement adds depth and interest to any space, making it the perfect focal point for your countertops. At Granite Countertop Warehouse, we’re excited to introduce this breathtaking material to our collection. Visit us at 2595 Baker Rd, NW Acworth, GA 30101, or give us a call at (678) 329-8311 to learn more about how Crema Bordeaux granite can enhance your home. https://granitecountertopwarehouse.com/blogs/new-arrival-crema-bordeaux/
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estebanpochintesta · 2 months
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Crema de caléndula y bicarbonate de sodio
__ / \ /____\ / \ / \ / ____ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / /______________________\ \ /______________________________\
(____________________________) \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ _/ / _________/
Coleccionar / Collect
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