#Crimson's Poll-Winners
milkteabinniechan · 3 months
♡baby, shock me - Chan
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pairing: bf! Chan x gn! reader
warnings: slight alcohol mentions, electro-stimulation!! submissive channie (new kink unlocked🔓 poll winner)
summary: A drunken night and the dare of a dog shock collar has Chan discovering that he desperately needs to feel that electric shock below the waist.
“Come on, I’ll do it. I don't care.” Chan’s words were slurred and his face was turning a crimson shade of red. You gave him a sly smile, knowing exactly how he gets when he’s drunk. Reaching a certain point in the night, a peak if you will, Chan begins to feel a surge of what experts call false invincibility. In this state, nothing can hurt him, nothing can affect him, or so he thought.
Seungmin tossed the dog collar over to Chan, momentarily thankful that no one was questioning why he owned a dog shock collar and no dog, and waited for Chan to put it on. Your sly smile turned to a look of concern when you saw the black straps tighten around his thick neck.
“Are you sure this is safe?” You asked Seungmin, who was now turning blurry in your vision.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s at the lowest setting, He’ll be fine.” Seungmin assured you with an undeserved sense of confidence.
You watched as Seungmin held the remote control, Chan giving him a cheerful thumbs up and a “go ahead.” You quickly snatched the remote from Seungmin, not trusting his promise to keep the shock at the lowest setting possible. You locked eyes with Chan, your thumb hovering just over the ON button. You hesitated for a moment, hoping that he would come to his senses, but he just gave you that happy-go-lucky smile. You sighed and pressed the button.
“Jesus Christ!” Chan yelped out, his body reacting instantly to the jolts of electricity now coursing through him. He shot up out of his seat, a jerked motion pulling him upright and standing now. “That’s the lowest setting?” He breathed out, his voice in a shaky tone.
“No, it’s not.” Seungmin laughed, holding his stomach and thoroughly enjoying the chaos he had created.
“Seungmin!” You gave him a firm smack on the back of the head.
As you and Seungmin argued back and forth about how dangerous that situation could have been, Chan stood there, entranced. He could still feel the residual tingles of the electricity. Leaving little speckles of jabs and jolts in his fingers and toes. His heart was still racing, his blood pumping fiercely through his veins. He felt so alive. You pulled away from your argument with Seungmin to see Chan still standing, longingly rubbing the shock collar around his neck. Your eyes wandered down to see the unmistakable twitch of his cock in his basketball shorts. Your eyes widened like saucers at the erotic sight, Chan getting so excited from electro-stimulation? 
Later that week, Chan and you had the whole apartment to yourself. He held you close to him on the couch while the two of you caught up on your favorite television series. The events of the other night still playing in your head like a dirty movie you kept on repeat.
“That shock collar was pretty wild, huh?” you said softly, your head resting on Chan’s chest. You could feel his body tense at your question.
“Uh, yeah… Wild.” he responded almost too calmly.
“Ya know, they make sex toys like that. Ones that give you a controlled shock…down there.” You lifted your finger and pointed playfully at Chan’s cock, that was already starting to wiggle a bit at the thought. No matter how calm his voice sounded, his cock would always give him away. You loved that about him.
“Toys, huh?” Chan’s voice broke a little from nervousness. He couldn’t stop his mind from picturing the sensations that would come with being electrically shocked on his most sensitive area.
“Yeah. Maybe we should try it? Could be fun.” You tried your best to not let your voice sound too excited. You wanted to ease him into this, if this is what he wanted to try. 
After much incognito internet research, the two of you ordered the Deluxe Power E-Stim Box Kit. Chan had seen it as similar enough to the dog collar only that instead of going around his neck, it would wrap around the tip and shaft of his penis. When the package finally, and discreetly, arrived. The two of you just stared at the unmarked brown box together. Soon the waiting became too much and you found yourself ripping into the box and pulling out the contents within. Inside was a hand-held device with a bright display screen that let you choose between eight different stimulation settings. Attached to that were long wires with too different bands at the ends. One band for the tip and one band for the base. 
Chan’s eyes scanned the device as he held it in his hands. Testing the weight and strength of it. Thankfully the bands stretched enough so they seemed that would fit well. He gave you a telling look and you made your way to the bedroom. Chan walked in after you holding his new toy, his heartbeat already picking up speed. You sat on your knees on the floor below him and helped him pull off his pants. He felt a heat start to pool in the core of his abdomen at the sight of you so eagerly pulling at his clothes. His cock bounced and bobbed at your nose, thankful for the freedom. You looked up and gave him a teasing smile, taking the toy from him so you could secure it yourself. The first strap around the base was a familiar sensation to Chan, having used cock rings before. But the next strap laid flush underneath his tip. He felt a shiver shoot down his spine at the sensitive skin being touched and moved so vigorously. You made sure both straps were secure before turning your attention back to Chan. He had the remote in his hand, but he eagerly handed it to you. He knew he wanted you to be the one to push the button, just like you had done with the dog collar.
You held the remote in your hand, a similar rush overcoming you again. “You ready, Channie?” 
Chan gave you a firm nod, his abdomen already flexing and tightening at the anticipation. You turn on the remote and choose the first setting, hitting the START button. 
Charged. Intoxicating. Waves of pleasure moved through Chan’s body like lightning. The sensation was so instant, so tense that he could hardly stand. A loud, guttural noise escaped his mouth at the rousing moment of contact. His legs shook violently as he tried desperately to catch his breath. You pause for a moment, unsure if the power was too much, the voltage too high. 
“Again.” His voice dark and husky, his head lowered. He had grabbed the bed next to him for a bit of stability. The look on his face was one of blissed out determination. And you wanted nothing more than to please him. So you did, you pressed your thumb again against the START button as another wave shot through his body. Chan’s cock twitched and jerked in sync with the electric waves crashing into him His legs nearly buckled beneath him as a strangled, raspy moan left his throat. Semen poured from his cock and onto your lap as waves of stimulation continued to smother him in ecstasy. With every jolt, a new rope of semen shot aggressively from his tip and onto your waiting lap.
“...Fuck.” He gasped, hardly able to hold himself upright. “That was fucking incredible.” He exclaimed in a breathless, pathetic whimper. “We have got to do that again…”
taglist: @simply-trash5 @sugawhaaa @trixiekaulitz @chrizzztopherbang @cassidymb121 @roanns-posts @staysinbloom @yaorzu-blog @bubblebisk @cotton-candycloudz @beautyinhypnosis @domicaru @strawberry31 @slxtmeri @newhope8 @tinyelfperson @dandelions-143 @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @msauthor @fun-fanfics @ell0thebell @stephanieeeyang @juskz @kimahreummm @readr1221 @kayleefriedchicken @ovulatingrn @hwnglixho @darthmaddie25 @queen-in-the-shadows @itgirlalisaa @miinhoo @greyaia
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poll-life-smp · 6 months
Welcome to Poll life, the next season of the life series! (allegedly) (probably not canon lol)
We are currently in Session 9, the finale
This blog is a fan-made life series concept, wher your blorbos will fight till there is only one left...
each session, polls will be posted with tasks, and you must vote for who would realize it first/best. The winners and losers will be given points accordingly, and the less you have, the more likely you are to die...
Why? because after some point, lethal polls will be introduced, where player with the least amount of points will be put in, ending in at least one death.
Each poll will give out ten points accordingly so
for a 50%-50%, it's 5 point each
but for a 55%-45% it would be a 6 to 4 ratio.
and a 86.3%-13.5%, for example, would be a 9 to 1
the less points you have, the more chances you have to die,
also to balance dying too, when a creator lose a live, they gain 25 points
^ it's the finale, the watchers no longer care about "rules"
So, are we ready?
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 2
Team : The Crimson Empire
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 4
Team : The Fam 2.0 (brother murdered!)
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 1
Team : None
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 6
Team : Crazy Girls
Number of lifes : 1
Kills : 5
Team : French Boys
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Number of lifes : 1
Kills : 3
Team : French Boys
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Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 2
Team : The Crimson Empire
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 0
Team : The Fam 2.0 (brother murdered!)
Number of lifes : 1
Kills : 1
Team : None
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Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 1
Team : Crazy Girls
Oli Orionsound
Number of lifes : 1
Kills : 3
Team : None
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Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 4
Team : The Crimson Empire
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 0
Team : The Rascals
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 1
Team : The Crimson Empire
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 0
Team : The Rascals
Number of lifes : Eliminated
Kills : 0
Team : None
Also a huge thanks to @the-mcyt-crackships-brackets admins for making some of the custom skins after i asked them where i could find some!!!
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Character Intro! Ninma
Hello y'all! I am currently working on making a post for Shela, the winner of the poll. However before I introduce you to a secondary character I thought it would make sense that you know both of the MCs. I previously introduced y'all to Narul, if you haven't seen that yet or if you are new to my WIP check out the pinned post on my blog or click here.
Send any questions you have about either of them!
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Art is the work of @faeporcelain ! i hope to do a commission or two with just Ninma in the future.
Intro continues below!
Note: Everything listed below is the case at the start of the story, and are not necessarily the case for the entirety of the book
Ninma is the youngest daughter of Hutbari, King of the City State of Labisa
Ninma was born and has spent her entire life within Labisa
Ninma is five years old though she is unusually small for her age.
Her father is King Hutbari, her mother is Zibatha (Hutbari’s 6th and youngest wife). Zibatha is the child of a Jezaai mother and a Namutian father. This makes Ninma ethnically, 50% Kishic, 25% Jezaai, and 25% Namutian.
Ninma has 14 siblings, of which she is the youngest
Partially due to Hutbaris desire that his children not become undully influenced by their mothers's foreign influences, Ninma spends very little time with Zibatha, and knows relatively little about her.
Despite her young age, at the insistence of her father, Ninma has been tutored on how to read and write and is quite adept at it, when she wants to pay attention at least
Ninma's favorite story or piece of literature is The Naked Lord and the Crashing Waterfall by the poet Ramu, a less than age-appropriate comedy. Much to Ninma’s displeasure, the tutor who allowed her to hear this tale was promptly banished from the palace grounds and replaced.
Ninma loves to climb and has already broken 2 fingers from various falls at the age of five.
Her favorite colors are yellow followed by red.
Her prized possession is the golden circlet which she wears on her head, given to her by Hutbari as a birthday present
Her favorite food is nubut tuntiwanash literally "ovened fish" or more simply "Baked fish". She is also quite fond of peaches, which being still new to Kishetal, introduced from the east, are an incredibly expensive delicacy.
And here is a bonus, an Excerpt from Book 1 Chapter 1
A pair of slaves wafted the king and his guests with fans of wood and parchment to cool the nobility and to shoo away the fat black flies that had a penchant for taking afternoon swims in the wine and the beer. A handful of the king’s children took seats around the pit. The king's once prolific proclivity for producing children had slowed considerably in recent years. A rumor had drifted around the palace that Hutbari had become particularly close with one of his young advisors favoring the young man's company over that of any of his wives. They often disappeared into locked chambers to discuss policy and foreign relations. These discussions must have been quite heated if the sounds the servants heard emanating from closed doors indicated anything. The king’s youngest daughter, Ninma, dipped her bread in the wine, so as to allow it to soak up the crimson liquid. No doubt the little princess was meant to be practicing her letters under the eye of a palace scholar but Hutbari was far too engrossed by the fresh bowl of wine in his hand and the scene before him to notice her.
@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms @roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe , @axl-ul By the way if anyone wants to be put into a taglist, please let me know by replying to this or messaging me!
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chuunibyou-showdown · 2 years
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Congratulations to our main bracket showdown winner, the Crimson Angel of Judecca himself, Anghel Higure! As a prize, he gets one of the most important things to a chuuni: bragging rights!
However, he can’t take the crown just yet -- Not until the victor of the loser’s bracket is determined and the two duke it out! Loser’s bracket will begin Thursday, 11:30 AM, Pacific Time
In addition, here are some main bracket stats:
Most Voted Non-Finals Poll: Gundham Tanaka VS Anghel Higure (587 Votes)
Tightest Match: Megumin VS Grimnir (49.6% - 50.4%)
Biggest Victory/Loss: Gundham Tanaka VS Kyokuya (89.1% - 10.9%)
Biggest Loss Culturally: Don Quixote (He will be missed)
My favorite tags:
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rocklemania-2024 · 6 months
Round One is coming to a conclusion tomorrow with the match up of The Byrds v. CSNY!!!
After that poll ends, the header image and the pinned post will be updated with the bracket for Round Two, in which there will be 8 matches.
In order to BRING THE HYPE for Round Two, I must ask…
Besides accepting propaganda submission, also feel free to tag this account with your Rocklemania predictions and theories!!!
*** all but the very last Round Two match is set. Today and tomorrow’s winners will face off in the last match of Round Two
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simplegenius042 · 6 months
The Repost on Fallout Casting for Megumi Fushiguccicakes for Jujutsu Kaisen Abridged react fic
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"I like gigantic, heaving sophistication. Sopping wet tenderness! And a big! Fat!! Gaping sense of compassion!!!" - Megumi Fushiguro, Episode 5 JJK Abridged (by The Schmuck Squad).
As stated in the first Megumi Fushiguro casting poll post here, the cast options will only include the characters who were in the tie. It is up to you to break this tie once and for all by voting for one of the Fallout characters below:
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Reasons To Why I Believe These Characters Should Be Casted listed below the cut:
Alph Dolen (my Fallout 3 Lone Wanderer OC, faceclaim Sam Blackensee) -> He's got daddy issues.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy/"Cass" (a caravan owner from Fallout New Vegas before the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan worked together to destroy it, Cass drunk her sorrows away at an NCR Mojave outpost, until Ryder showed up to get her contract, though managed to barter her way into getting Cass to give up her caravan name but ensuring she still gets the opportunity to start again. Impressed, Cass journeys with Ryder to New Vegas to find Benny, and Ryder helps her find justice and learn to live. Has a heart condition inherited by her father, John Cassidy) -> Cass has a father who abandoned her, like Toji did to Megumi, and her sarcasm bites.
Danse (from Fallout 4, a loyal Paladin in Maxson's chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, helps Nate get onboard the Prydwen and meet Maxson, a capable ally who warms up to Nate, despite his xenophobic beliefs, has a crisis after finding out his entire life has been a lie when discovering he was a synth the whole time and the group who gave him purpose have turned their back on him. Nate though doesn't give up on him and gets him out of the BoS without being killed, and gives him a place amongst the Minutemen, which Danse was greatly appreciative and grateful for. It's a long journey, but he is letting go of the hatred he had towards others and himself) -> Danse's sarcasm would probably be confusing. Also man understands the importance of BROtherhood, coming from the Brotherhood of Steel. Spends more time getting stronger to avenge his teammates than looking to get hitched.
Miria (from Fallout 2, Finidy's wife after both were caught in the act by Miria's father, Grisham, causing a shotgun wedding, and throughout their journey together they become closer and Miria becomes a rather cool fighter, unlike in canon but the mods are impressive) -> Perhaps the least "Megumi" like person here, but she would call someone out for being stupid probably (she's had to deal with Davin after all).
I've also created and will continue to update (until the first set of cast polling is done) a Master List for the poll results of the casted winners. You can find it right here.
You can find my Fallout OC profiles Master List right here, which also includes a link to the original post where I pitched my react fic idea. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this, chow!
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
I was tagged by the wonderful @frostbitebakery (although I think you tagged me maliciously and on purpose because I haven't written anything for days 😭)
And yes, I am aware that I'm writing way too many series for my own good---it's not my fault that every stand alone fic turns into a series because I get too many ideas!
No Pressure Tags - @happybean17 @shootingstarpilot @laurabwrites @itsgoldleaf @bubblew0lf1 @bluemaskedkarma
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ikeromantic · 9 months
Alice in College pt 6
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An IkeRev Central characters AU! Written for my IkeRev 1K Celebration, a boarding school AU was the poll winner. Approx. 6000 words (yes I should have split it in two. or made it shorter. but I just couldn't.) 6/6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Alice hurried after Blanc, glad of his grip on her hand as they ran. Most students were running away from the scene, holding their shirts over their faces to protect from the heavy smoke and the floating sparks in the air. Mousse and Dean were in the hall, directing the crowd and keeping the curious from coming in. 
Dean gave them a curt nod. “Glad to see you both. Blanc, are you sure it’s safe to take Alice further? You can leave her with me.”
“I’m afraid I feel better about it knowing she’s close.” He flashed Dean an apologetic smile. “I’ll keep her out of harm’s way.”
Dean looked conflicted, but waved them through.
They pushed past several students on their way, most turned unrecognizable by the smoke and ash in the air. For a moment, Alice thought she caught sight of Dean again, though he was half-hidden beneath an oversized black hoodie, his face partially covered by a purple scarf. But then she realized it must be Dalim. She waved, but he was too quick and she couldn’t catch his eye.
The two skidded to a stop outside a room she recognized, even with the charred doorframe and smoking carpet. It was the lab where Oliver and Loki were working on their improved magic crystal. 
“Oh no,” Alice gasped. She was the one to push forward now, into the room. She hoped none of her new friends were hurt. 
“What’s happened,” Blanc asked, his voice calm despite the sight within. 
Inside, Harr was staring crimson-eyed at a grouping of crystals held in a complicated mechanical device atop the table. He shook with effort, his outstretched hands encased in a bright white glow. He glimpsed Alice and his lips twisted into a frown. “No. Get- get out! I can’t hold it!”
She didn’t have time to really register what he meant. Blanc tugged at her hand to pull her away, but she jerked her arm free, her hands moving faster than her thoughts.
The crystals on the table shook, the light inside them growing to a violet wash so bright it hurt to look at. It overwhelmed whatever spell Harr was trying to cast, and the light around his hands winked out. 
“Stop!” Alice shouted, her hands held up in a blocking gesture. She felt something push against her, like a strong wind or a current in a river. Then the magic around her crackled, flashed, and died. The power of the crystals, drained. 
Harr’s gaze faded to his usual hue, and two dark-hued eyes stared out at her in surprise beneath his messy shock of hair. “What was that?”
Loki appeared behind Blanc, a squirming Oliver held in his arms. Both were singed, their faces a mask of blue and grey ashes. Loki’s hair still carried a tail of white smoke. “They didn’t blow up?”
Oliver bit his arm and finally wriggled loose. “You should have let me stay! I would have been able to disengage the chained -” He seemed to only just then notice Alice and Blanc. “What are you two doing here?”
Blanc exchanged a look with Harr. “We arrived just in time to see the crystals run out of power. Quick thinking from Harr to drain them.”
“Yes.” Harr grimaced. “It seemed like a good idea.” He crossed his arms, looking distinctly uncomfortable. 
Alice wasn’t sure if Blanc and Harr were confused about why the crystals stopped or if they were covering for her. Either was good, as far as she was concerned. She hadn’t meant to reveal herself to anyone else yet, but if it was just Harr and Blanc in on her secret, that seemed safe enough. 
“They shouldn’t have reacted that way to the infusion, though,” Oliver was saying as he stomped over to the table. “They held for the first three charges. I don’t understand.”
Loki took a breath and then laughed. It was such an unexpected sound that everyone in the room turned to look at him. He grinned at them. “I’m just so happy we’re all ok. I was really worried there for a minute. But I should have known. Harr is the greatest wizard in all of Cradle. He can handle anything.”
Harr’s ears turned bright red at the compliment. “That’s . . . really too much. I didn’t do anything. You were the one that thought quickly and pulled a friend out of danger.”
“I repeat, I didn’t need to be pulled anywhere.” Oliver’s sharp voice rang out, along with the tinkling sound of shattering crystal. “See? I already found the problem. The oscillating sync driver is missing, here.” He pointed at a small gap in the device that held the crystals. “It must have fallen out.”
Loki’s brows rose. “That’s odd. It was in pretty tight.” The two exchanged a heavy look. 
“Do you think someone might have -” Alice began to ask, but Dean appeared in the doorway, interrupting.
“Is anyone hurt?” Dean’s focus was on Blanc.
Blanc shook his head. “It appears the worst of it is some singed hair and carpeting. The table might need replacing as well. But thanks to -” his gaze slid over Alice, “Harr’s quick thinking, we avoided a true disaster.”
Dean let out a breath, his shoulders sagging. “Thank goodness.” His sharp blue gaze lifted again, fixing on Loki and Oliver. “Now I must ask what trouble were you two up to? If I’d known you didn’t have enough school work, I could have -”
Harr sighed. “Sometimes homework isn’t the answer.”
Blanc chuckled. “I’m afraid Silver’s right. Besides, now isn’t the best time to lecture. We’ve got cleanup to do.”
Dean shut his eyes a moment and pinched the bridge of his nose. Then he turned from them and focused on Alice. “Come along, my dear. I think everything is under control here.” Dean put his hand on her midback and guided her from the room.
Alice threw a hopeful look to Blanc, but he only gave her an apologetic smile. “I apologize Alice. I’m afraid I’m needed. I’ll have to make it up to you another day.”
Harr nodded to her as he lifted his silver mask back to his face. The others were too preoccupied to pay her exit any attention as Dean led her away.
“You were quite brave to run into the room as you did, if a bit foolish.” Dean chided her gently once they were in the hall. 
Alice shrugged. “I wanted to help.”
Dean took a breath as if he were about to say something, and then changed his mind. They walked a little way in silence, through empty, smoky halls. “You know,” he said finally, “I feel every time we’ve spoken, I’ve been wearing my teacher’s cap. But I’d like to get to know you as a person, Alice, perhaps as a friend?”
“Oh! Well that would be nice, I suppose.” 
He gave her a reproachful smile. “You only suppose?”
She let out a quiet laugh. “You are kind of intimidating, so yeah. I just suppose. All I know about you is that you’re pretty strict!”
Dean laughed aloud at that. “True. True.” He rubbed his chin. “I would like to change that. Learning is important but Harr isn’t wrong. Homework does not solve all ills. Nor does it win friends, besides, perhaps, Mousse.”
“You could start by canceling my detentions,” Alice ventured. 
He laughed again, harder this time. “Afraid not, my dear. But that was a very good try!” Dean wiped at his eyes, as if he’d cried from the hilarity. “What if, instead, I invited you on a little shopping trip? You haven’t gotten to see much of Central and I would enjoy being your guide.”
She barely took a moment to consider. “That would be great! When can we go?”
“This weekend? If you can stay out of trouble, that is. Barely here a week and I find you in the middle of every major carnage.”
“Pfft. Of course I can stay out of trouble. I just have bad luck sometimes.” Alice huffed. 
Dean patted her head affectionately, the way one might pet a puppy. “I almost believe you.”
For Alice, the weekend couldn’t come soon enough. She had her experiments with Dalim and Amon, and her shopping trip with Dean. Plus, Blanc was supposed to have brunch with her and some other friends. It would be a full weekend, and she was really looking forward to it. The rest of the school week flew by with so much to look forward to, nd Friday arrived before she knew it.
She was a little surprised when Dalim showed up to her last class of the day to drag her up to their secret laboratory. Apparently he was as excited as she to get started, Alice thought with a little grin. 
They took a roundabout path up to the closed section in the tower, meandering through several quiet hallways and empty classrooms. Dalim kept up a pleasant patter as they walked, but Alice thought he looked anxious. Maybe he was afraid to get caught, she thought. Or worried about the tests they planned to do tonight. 
“Is something wrong,” she finally asked just as they arrived at the roped off corridor. 
Dalim grinned. “Of course not, princess. I’m a little preoccupied, is all. Nothing to worry about.” 
Alice didn’t really buy it, but if he wasn’t going to tell her, she wasn’t going to pry. 
Amon was waiting for them at the entrance to the hidden lab, and unlike Dalim, he looked completely enthusiastic. His smile was wide and his eyes practically shone. “I was wondering if you’d really come or if you were going to chicken out,” he teased.
“Pffft. I’m not afraid. I told you, I want to find out what I can do. Especially after I -” Alice stopped herself, realizing she was about to admit she’d stopped the magical explosion of Oliver and Loki’s device. 
Dalim nudged her. “Well, come on. You can’t just stop in the middle like that. What did you do?”
“Yes, do tell.” Amon’s gaze flicked to Dalim and back again. 
“Well,” Alice took a breath, “I used my power. And it worked!” She explained what she’d done a little nervously, but excited too. 
Amon and Dalim listened with rapt attention, nodding, and asking questions as she went. “So who saw you do this? Harr? And Blanc?” Amon’s questions were rapid fire, his tone sharp.
“Yeah. Just them. Loki and Oliver got back a moment after. And Dean too. I don’t think they know anything. Blanc told them Harr did it.” Alice couldn’t help but notice the grimace on Amon’s face, his lips twisted in displeasure. “Is that bad?”
“It’s not great,” Dalim replied. He and Amon shared a weighty look. 
“It’s not important. They won’t tell anyone,” Amon said after an awkward beat of silence passed. “Let’s talk about something else. Like, this -” He turned and pulled a small, wrapped box from behind him. “It’s for you, Alice. I made it.”
She took the box from his hands, her lips turning up in a smile. “You made something for me? That’s so sweet!” Alice tore open the colorful paper and took off the lid. A thin silver bracelet sat atop a folded bit of cloth. There were tiny shards of magic crystal set in the silver, and they made it glow with a faint blueish light. 
“Put it on,” Amon urged her. 
“Maybe she can try it on later. We don’t want it to get in the way of our tests,” Dalim countered. 
“It won’t interfere with anything.” Amon gave his friend a sharp look. “I should know. I made it.”
Alice watched the little spat, wondering if this was Dalim being jealous. He certainly looked unhappy. She considered putting the bracelet away just to keep the peace, but it was so pretty. She lifted it and slipped it over her wrist. The moment she did, the bracelet seemed to tighten, and a tingling sensation spread across her skin. “A-amon? Is it . . . supposed to feel weird?”
He smirked. “That’s just the magic aura. The crystals give it some special properties. Like the fit. It’ll shrink or expand to the wearer’s size. And it helps keep you safe.”
“What? How?” Alice raised an eyebrow. 
“Not anything weird,” Amon chuckled. “It just turns red if you’re near something dangerous.”
She examined the bracelet closely, curious about how it worked, how Amon had crafted it. “Hm. Alright, that’s kind of neat. Thank you!”
Dalim frowned but said nothing else about the gift. “Alright, let’s get started with the testing. That’s what we came here for.”
Over the next few hours, Amon and Dalim cast a variety of spells. Some targeted Alice directly, others targeted something else to use against her. Time and again, she shattered the magic and stopped the casting. It didn’t seem to matter the power of the spell or what kind, though it did wear her out.
“It’s like running,” she sighed, rubbing her face. “In these little bursts. I’m completely exhausted.” 
Dalim patted her hand. “It takes a lot of effort, huh? Why don’t you rest? I’ll get you some water.”
Alice smiled at him gratefully. “Thanks, Dalim. I really appr- ow!” She turned quickly to see Amon channeling a little lightning zap at her leg, just above her shoe. 
He gave an unapologetic grin. “It seems you need to know there’s some magic being cast at you to break it. If you’re distracted, it hits you the same as anyone else. Isn’t that fascinating?”
Dalim scowled. “Very.”
Alice rubbed her leg. “Yeah, I guess. You better not have left a mark though! I’m going shopping with Dean tomorrow and I don’t want to have to explain it.”
“I’d like it if you hung out with us tomorrow,” Amon replied. “We need to try more tests, and see what your limits are. It’s going to take time.”
“She can do it on another weekend, Amon. She already has plans.” Dalim intervened for her. 
Alice wondered again if this was some jealous streak. They were both friends and she didn’t want them to argue, especially where she was involved. “Thanks, Dalim. We can meet up next weekend, instead? I’ll keep both days free just so we have plenty of time.”
Amon frowned and looked away. “Yeah. Ok. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” He stood up, still grimacing. “I’m out. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.” Dalim watched him go with an unreadable expression. He handed Alice a glass of water without commenting.
She took it and drank the whole thing. Breaking magic spells really was a lot of work. “Thanks for the drink. And for sticking up for me. But just so you know, I can take care of myself.”
“Of course you can, princess.” Dalim smiled at her. He took her hand in his, examining the bracelet. “You sure you want to wear this thing?”
“Yeah. It’s pretty and Amon did make it just for me.”
His lips twitched as if trying to turn downward, but Dalim kept his smile. “If that’s what you want, princess.”
When Alice got back to her room, she collapsed into bed, still dressed. She felt too exhausted for anything else. Her sleep was a dreamless dark, and in the morning she still felt tired. But her excitement at the planned shopping trip got her up and moving. 
Alice cleaned up and changed her clothes, picking a cute skirt and sweater combo for the trip. Then she practically ran to the cafeteria to meet up with Dean. He was waiting for her at one of the tables, and waved when he spotted her. 
“Good morning, Alice. I hope you don’t mind. I took the liberty of getting a plate for you.” Dean gestured to a plate with what looked like carefully measured servings of fruit, vegetables, eggs, toast, and cheese. 
“Thanks!” Alice sat down with a happy sigh. 
Dean smiled. “Oh good. I wasn’t sure what you liked, but I made sure to assemble the most nutritionally responsible foods, as recommended by the -” He stopped when he saw Alice holding back a giggle. “I suppose I still sound like a teacher, hm?”
“A little, yeah. It’s okay though. I know you mean it kindly.” 
He gave a rueful laugh. “I appreciate your understanding.” Dean relaxed back in his chair. “I’ve planned out a little tour for you. I was thinking we can visit the Cradle Museum, as well as a selection of shops in a circular route that will bring us back to the college at the end of the day. We’ll have about an hour at each stop, with a break planned for lunch.”
Alice did giggle now. “You have it planned to the minute, hm?”
“I guess I do.” He grinned. “But I can improvise as needed.”
After she finished her food, he held out his arm. “Let’s go. We’re about four minutes ahead of schedule!”
Alice took his arm and together they walked to the grand foyer and the huge entry doors she’d come in on her first day. Only, when she tried to step out, her body froze. A buzzing sensation cascaded over her skin, and the crystals on her bracelet turned an unsettling shade of crimson. 
Dean stopped when he realized she wasn’t moving. “What is it, Alice?”
“I . . . I think there’s something dangerous out there?” She eyed the bracelet, and then the open door. 
“I suppose there could be, but I won’t let any harm come to you.” Dean smiled encouragingly. 
Alice nodded, and tried to take a step forward, but her legs just wouldn’t obey. Her muscles trembled and she felt sweat break out on her forehead. The harder she tried to move forward, the worse she felt. Her stomach roiled and clenched, and her pulse raced erratically. “Dean, I - I’m not feeling well.”
He examined her face with a worried look. “You’re going pale.” He held his wrist to her forehead, “And you feel a little feverish. Did this just start or were you pretending to be alright earlier?”
“It just started. When we got to the door.” She stopped trying to move forward, and took a shaky breath.”
Dean shook his head. “I don’t think you’re up to a tour of Central today. But don’t worry. We can reschedule on a day you’re feeling better, alright?” He stroked her hair gently. “Your health and safety are more important than a shopping trip.”
Alice nodded, letting herself relax into his comforting touch. He was right, of course. If she was sick, she couldn’t very well go out. But she’d felt fine earlier. Right up until the bracelet turned red. Maybe it was trying to warn her that she was sick? She wished she knew more about how it worked.
Dean led Alice back to her room and settled her in bed. “Get some rest today, ok? I’ll come check on you later, when I get back from town.”
She nodded. “I will. I think I’m feeling better already.” And she was. The queasy weakness that affected her at the door faded when she turned to go back into the college. Alice felt fine now, but she didn’t want to trouble Dean. “I’ll see you later then.”
A little while after Dean left, Amon showed up at her door. “Hey! I thought you were going shopping today.” He cocked his head, his gold eyes twinkling with unexplained mischief. 
“I was, but I didn’t feel well after breakfast so we’re gonna reschedule.” 
Amon nodded sagely. “That’s terrible, Alice. But hey! If you’re bored, you can hang out with me and Dalim.”
“That sounds good. Thanks, Amon.” She gave him a small smile. “I don’t know how much fun I’ll be though. I feel better now, but I don’t know what made me feel bad. I might get sick again if we do anything too exciting.”
He chuckled. “I have a feeling you’ll be just fine. I’ll go grab Dalim and be right back.”
Amon returned a little while later with Dalim in tow. They had a bag full of magic supplies, like the things in their secret lab. “We can do some more testing, since you’re not going anywhere,” he told her with a grin.
Alice sighed. “I don’t know, Amon. It was pretty tiring yesterday.”
“Which is why we need to test more today.” Amon began taking out his equipment and magic crystals. 
She expected Dalim to protest or say something in her defense, but the blond was silent and didn’t make eye contact with her. Alice decided to protest again. “Amon, I really don’t want to do this today. I know you think -” She paused as the tingling sensation swept over her skin again. The crystals on her bracelet turned red. 
Amon raised an eyebrow. “It looks like it’s dangerous for you to not test today.”
Dalim nodded. “Yeah, princess. You should probably . . . just say yes.”
“ButI don’t w-w-” The word tangled on her tongue and her lips went numb. Alice took a breath, trying to settle herself. What danger could lie in just relaxing for the day? She didn’t know, but maybe Amon was right. Maybe there was something she needed to know. After a long moment, she nodded. “Alright. Let’s get it over with then.”
Amon spent the whole day pushing her limits. If the few hours she’d spent testing her power the night before were exhausting, today was grueling. A long distance run instead of a series of sprints. He and Dalim gave her no rest, no break, as they threw one thing after another at her. Amon kept checking a device in his bag at intervals, nodding and muttering to himself. 
It was only when Dean returned that she got a break. He knocked at the door, and sent Amon and Dalim into a frenzy of tucking away their tools. 
“If he asks,”Amon whispered, “we’ve been playing cards.”
“Oh - alright,” Alice breathed. She felt completely depleted, and her voice shook as she called out, ‘Come in!”
Dean opened the door, his eyes going wide as he saw her guests. “I didn’t know you’d have company.” His brows went up as he looked her over. “You look worse than you did this morning. You haven’t been resting. What have the three of you gotten up to?” 
His teaching voice was in full force and Alice felt like a child caught stealing candy. “We - we were playing cards?”
Dalim splayed a deck in his hand, holding them up for Dean to see. 
“Well, it’s clearly too much. Amon, Dalim, you should go.” Dean put a fist to his hip, one foot tapping impatiently.
Amon looked as if he might argue, but Dalim nudged him. They traded a meaningful look, and then Amon nodded. “Alright. We’ll see you later, Alice. Get better soon.” His smile was sharp and wide and full of secret meanings.
Alice couldn’t muster a smile in return. “Thanks for, uh, spending the day with me.” 
Dean watched them leave with a scowl. “I can tell they kept you from resting today.”
She felt a sudden urge to tell him the truth. To confess about her secret power, the tests, the lab in the tower - all of it. But the moment she thought of it, a shiver ran through her and her stomach roiled. The bracelet glimmered redly at her wrist. Alice opened her mouth and then closed it again, only nodding in agreement with Dean. 
He sighed. “I brought you a treat from the chocolate shop, but it’s probably better not to eat it now. I’ll go get you some soup instead.”
“I . . . yeah. That would be great,” she managed. When Dean left, she lifted her arm to look at the thin sliver strip, its crystals gleaming a friendly blue now. Alice wasn’t sure it was working as intended. It seemed to sense danger in all kinds of strange ways, and she was beginning to think it might be causing her to feel bad as well. She tried to tug it off, but the bracelet no longer fit over her hand. It caught on her thumb and the meat of her palm and wouldn’t budge. Alice felt around it, trying to find a catch. Anything that might help her take it off. She was still fiddling with it when Dean brought her soup back.
“What’s that you’re doing?” He set the soup down and came to lean over and look at the bracelet with her. 
“I was trying to get this off. But I think it’s on too tight and I can’t find a way to unlatch it.” Alice held her hand out to show him.
Dean took her hand gently in his, and ran his cool fingertips around the edge. He had an adorable habit of nibbling at his lower lip when he focused on something, and he was doing it now. 
Alice tried not to blush. He was only helping with the bracelet and didn’t mean anything. He probably had no idea how close he was sitting or how cute he looked. 
“Hmm. It seems well and truly stuck. We could probably cut it off, if you’re alright with breaking it.” 
“I’d rather not, unless it’s the only way.” Alice sighed. “It was a gift, and it would be rude to destroy it like that.”
Dean shrugged. “If you still can’t get the bracelet off, come find me. I am sure if we put our heads together, we’ll figure it out.”
Alice nodded. “Alright.” 
“Good.” He beamed. “Now eat up and then get some rest.” 
The next day, Alice woke well after dawn. Sunlight was streaming into her room from the window and the birds outside were singing. It felt like a beautiful day. Her body felt a bit sore from yesterday’s marathon testing, but good. Today was her brunch with Blanc, Harr, Oliver, and Loki. She was really looking forward to it.
After a quick shower, she got ready to go, and was only half done with her hair when Blanc knocked on her door. “Come in,” she called, turning to greet him.
Blanc stepped into her room, a joyful smile lifting the corners of his lips. “You are a lovely sight, dear Alice. Good morning!”
She felt her face heating at the compliment, but tried not to let it show. “Thank you, Blanc. It’s good to see you too.” She cleared her throat. “I’m almost done getting ready, if you’ll give me a minute.”
“Of course.” He leaned against the doorframe, relaxed. “Dean told me you weren’t feeling well yesterday, so I wanted to check on you a little before our meal. Are you up to it? If not, I’d be happy to bring you some treats to enjoy here.”
“I feel great. I don’t know what was wrong with me yesterday.” Alice frowned slightly. “I have some thoughts but . . .” Her eyes drifted to the bracelet, “I’m probably just imagining things.”
Blanc chuckled. “Well, I am just glad you’re feeling better.” 
“Say, do you know anything about jewelry?” She finished her bun, and pinned it in place with a little butterfly clip.
“Not really. I rather like watches though.”
Alice let out a breath, “I guess it’s nothing to worry about right now.” She stood and straightened her skirt. It was a frilly thing of lace and feather-light cotton, and the tiny flowers on it reminded her of the blossom-pink of Blanc’s eyes. “Let’s go, shall we?”
Blanc held out his hand. 
She started to reach for it, and felt the now-familiar race of unpleasant energy across her skin. It prickled almost painfully, a thousand tiny little sharpened points brushing up her arm and down her chest. Her hand dropped to her side, the bracelet gleaming a dim brick-red.
“Is something the matter, Alice?”
“N-no. Let me . . . let me just . . .” She tried to power through it, raising her hand again, brushing his gloved hand with her fingertips. The sensation grew stronger, and she felt her belly clench and her shoulders tighten. 
Blanc’s brow wrinkled in worry. “You’re going quite pale.”
“I’m fine,” she gasped. “Just -” A hot, blinding pain flashed behind her eyes, and she fell back into her seat. “Perhaps not,” she sighed, and put a hand to her face. The sensations were definitely coming from the bracelet, she thought. It must be malfunctioning. But how to get it off? Maybe Amon could help, since he made it.
“Alice.” Blanc stepped closer and knelt down to study her face. “Something is very wrong here. Will you tell me what is happening to you?”
“I . . . I don’t really know?” She held up her arm. “It’s something with this b-b-brrrrrr -” Alice found she couldn’t force the word out. Her jaw clamped tight against it, and her throat closed up. For a moment she struggled to breathe. 
Blanc’s eyes were wide and full of concern. “I’m going to fetch Harr. You wait here. Don’t move.” He hurried off, nearly at a run. 
Alice sat very still and tried to get her breath back. She couldn’t understand what was happening. It was as if the bracelet perceived danger from anyone other than Amon or Dalim. She couldn’t be around them, go places with them . . . She knew she should wait here for Blanc and Harr but she wasn’t sure they could help. She needed Amon to fix this thing, or get it off her wrist.
She went to the boys’ dorms to look for them. The place was quite different on a Sunday. Empty of the usual rowdy crowd as everyone spent time off campus or slept away their Saturday hangover. Amon’s door was closed when she got to it and raised her hand to knock. But the sounds of voices inside stopped her.
“Amon, this is not going to work. She isn’t stupid.” Dalim’s voice was strained, an octave higher than normal and loud.
“She is and it will. Give it a week and she’ll be eating out of my - our hands.” Amon’s reply, cold and arrogant.
Dalim sighed. “She’s going to realize it’s the bracelet and she’ll find a way to get it off. You’re pushing her too hard too fast.”
“You need to trust me, Dalim. I know best. This will work and when it does, we will own Alice’s power. Between my magic and her spell breaking, I’ll - we’ll be unstoppable.” Amon laughed.
“I just don’t think controlling her like this is a good idea. You should have let me just win her over my way. She’d fall in love and we’d get the same thing.”
Alice’s hand clenched into a tight fist, one she shoved against her mouth to keep quiet. She shook with pure fury. This whole time, they’d only pretended to be friends. Faked their affection. She felt sick with anger. 
Amon laughed again. “Love is fickle. Mind control is forever. When I finish breaking her, you can still romance her if you still want to. It’ll be even easier then.”
“That takes all the fun out of it.” Dalim sounded closer now, louder.
Alice wanted to stay and hear more, but she was afraid they would open the door and find her. She turned and ran down the hall as fast as she could go. Her heart was pounding so hard it hurt her chest, and her breath felt cold and sharp in her lungs. 
Harr and Blanc were waiting for her in her dorm room when she got back. She nearly knocked poor Harr over as she fled inside and slammed the door shut behind her. 
Blanc took her arm, steadying her. His lips were turned down in dismay. “Alice, where did you go? What is it? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I - Ah - mmmm -” She started coughing as her throat closed over the words again. Alice started to cry in frustration, sagging to the floor.
Harr looked confused and more than a little alarmed. “You said she was ill?” 
“I think so. But I don’t think it’s natural. She went from perfectly fine to trembling and pale in a heartbeat.” Blanc took a breath. “It might be a curse? Or some result of the accident earlier this week.”
Harr said nothing, but he took his silver mask off and set it aside. Then he knelt in front of her and took her hands in his. “Alice. Look at me.” His voice was soft and low, gentle like a summer breeze. “I think you want to tell us what’s wrong, and can’t. Is that right?”
She nodded miserably.
“Ok, good. That’s a start.” He gave her an encouraging smile. “I’m going to check you with my magic. I need you to stop yourself from breaking my spell. Do you think you can do that?”
Alice wasn’t sure. She didn’t know the extent of the bracelet’s power, but she knew she could try. She gave another nod, this one more determined. 
Harr’s thumb stroked the back of her hand reassuringly. “Alright. I’m going to start now.” His eyes began to brighten, turning first a deep cherry red, then a bloodied crimson, and finally the scarlet of a sunset sky. 
She could feel his magic pressing against her, feather-light and tender. Like a butterfly’s wings. As it moved over her, she felt the bracelet’s power wash over her skin again, fire hot this time, little embers burning up her arm and down her chest and back. 
Blanc made a worried sound as he saw her tremble. “I think you’re hurting her. Be careful Harr.” He laid a hand on her shoulder, hoping to comfort her.
Alice fought the sick feeling in her chest as Harr’s spell overlaid Amon’s magic. Part of her was trying to push back, to smash his power to little bits. And part of her was determined to keep that from happening. It was a war in her heart and in her head. 
The bracelet’s glow went brighter still, and Alice felt a flash of pain behind her eyes. Fireworks of the worst kind. A steady, rotten pulse that made her skull feel soft and overfull. She clamped her eyes shut.
“You’re doing great,” Harr whispered. “I found the source of the curse. It’s this bracelet. Do you recognize it?”
Blanc shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve seen her wear it before.”
“I see.” Harr set a fingertip against the silver length. “Alice, this might hurt for a moment. I need to know you’re ok with that. Are you?”
He sounded so worried for her, and so apologetic. She forced her head to move just a fraction, the smallest of nods. Even that sent a cascade of pain down her spine. 
Blanc hugged her gently from behind. “I’ve got you Alice. You can lean on me if you need to.”
She did, though Amon’s magic fought that too. Blanc’s warm embrace and the feel of Harr’s gentle grip reassured her. She was safe. With friends. People who cared for her.
Harr’s spell changed, the hum of it growing louder. Like a colony of angry bees, or a swarm of hungry hummingbirds, it trembled in the air and sent little clouds of dust spiraling through the room. 
The bracelet clung stubbornly to Alice’s wrist. It went hot against her skin, and then cold. It shook with its own force. The glow of its crystals was bright now, red like a flame. Then it broke. It snapped into three pieces and fell to the floor.
Free of its magic, Alice snapped a hand out and crushed what power remained in it. Her breath shuddered through her, relief and fatigue. 
Harr smiled. “There you go. Now. How did this happen?”
Alice, still resting in the circle of Blanc’s arms, told them everything. The hidden lab, the tests of her ability, the gift, and the conversation she overheard. As she talked, Harr’s expression clouded over. His shy, gentle look turned to a hard, stern grimace. 
“He won’t get away with it this time. We have proof now. Let’s see the school board dismiss these accusations.” Harr gave her hands one more squeeze and then stood. “I’m going to go make a formal report now. In the meantime -”
“I’ll keep her out of trouble,” Blanc promised. “But Harr, be careful. Amon’s been accused of worse and he always seems to get out of it.”
“Not this time.” Harr put his mask back on and left with a determined stride. 
Alice let herself be comforted, feeling better than she had in days. “Blanc, is it ok if I’m sad?”
“About what?” He stroked her hair gently. “Missing my fabulous brunch?”
She let out a small laugh. “Well, of course that. But . . . I really felt like Amon and Dalim were my friends. I wanted to - I thought - I don’t know. I think maybe Amon isn’t all bad. And Dalim is . . . I think he’s just doing what he thinks he has to.”
Blanc’s hand froze for a moment in surprise. Then he chuckled. “That’s just you, seeing the good in everyone. You really are too sweet, Alice.”
The End
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stardust-falling · 11 months
SVLPO and More Future Plans
SVLPO's Season 1 Finale, part two is being posted today! So there will be a little while before new chapters of Season 2 start coming out. For now, I wanted to go over my next plans for writing, and what to expect in the future.
First, I'll be finishing and posting the fics for my giveaway winners, planned to do so before the end of this month. These will be gifted to said winners on AO3, then the links posted all together here for everyone to read!
Next, I want to finish up Despite the Frost since it's all a matter of editing. I'll probably go back through the already-posted chapters and do a bit of revision, then move on to finish editing and posting the later ones.
At the same time, I'll also be working on the revisions for S1 of SVLPO. These will be available on my patreon for the lowest tier and up, and then updated altogether on AO3. I will also be posting a sneak peak of Season Two for SVLPO on Patreon. SVLPO season two will be early access with chapters released about twice as fast for patrons, when it comes out. Please consider joining, the more patrons I get, the more & more easily I will be able to write, and just $2 USD each month will let you read all early-access stories as well access to my original works when they come out.
I also have several other fics planned. I'm hoping to update at least a few more chapters of Crimson Fractal now, but there are around 10 or so different SVSSS fic ideas bouncing around in my mind, so expect a poll here to decide which one will be written alongside SVLPO season 2!
Anyway, thanking everyone for reading SVLPO season 1! I hope you've enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to sharing season 2!
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manonamora-if · 1 year
sooooooo.... the ifdb thingy is like long over. and you're done with the seedcomp right? can we have the poll for the fav games you made?
Are you the one who sent me this some weeks ago? If so, you didn't tell me what was your fav work :(
It hasn't technically been 2 months, but I have some free time, so let's do iiiiiit!
Since I can't add more than 10 items (and I have currently 12 & 1/2 games... SO FAR), you are getting only the English ones. So no La Petite Mort, or Le Jeu de la Dévotion, or the Competition winner DOL-OS. (maybe I should do some sort of face-off lol, at this rate I should have enough soon...)
If you haven't played some titles, you can find them all HERE :D
Also, if you have thoughts about your choice, or want to elaborate on why the game you pick is your absolute fave... post it in the reply, or send me an ask :D
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shivada-jade · 2 years
i present to you the winner of the poll: Dainsleif!!
can be platonic or romantic or whatever it doesn’t matter
warnings: light mentions of blood. one mention of needle for imagery…. Uhhhhh that’s about it . Some spoilers? Idk it’s dainsleif
The rocks collapsed to the ground. Dust and debris exploded. Dainsleif covered his mouth by using his elbow. He coughed.
His heart rate elevated. His hand lifted, trying to create the blue sparks to lift the rocks. He exhausted his magic helping other people escape earlier. He pushed through the boulders with all his strength. Water starts to collect in his eyes from the attacking dust.
The boulder didn’t budge. He punched the damn rock until his knuckles started bleeding. He unsheathed his sword and tried to slash his way through. Scratches barely showed on the rough rock. The rock deflected the sharp sword until it turned dull. Loud clashes and frustrated grunts echoed.
Dainsleif glanced behind him. His knights were now black dots, escorting people out out of the ruins of Khaenri’ah. Red and orange smog blurred his vision. He released his sword and it clattered on the ground- its purpose was done.
“Are you still in there?” Dainsleif yelled with his voice cracking at the end.
A muffled shout cried back, “Yeah!”
“Listen… I… I can’t get you out.” Dain’s bottom lift threatened to quiver. He gave up trying to push through the stubborn rock. His back leaned against the boulder. He stared at his bloodied hands. The liquid dripped down to the ground. He inhaled, but breathing to him was a thousand needles poking his lungs.
The other person took a moment to reply. “Oh,” they whispered. They paused and the Twilight Sword can imagine the unspoken sorrow. “Dain, I need you to listen carefully.”
His head tilted upwards so his tears wouldn’t fall down. He predicted the next words and waited for them to be spoken.
“I need you to try and escape with the others. Don’t mess with me by trying to say it’s your knightly duty.” 
Dainsleif stayed silent. He slid down the rock blocking his way through. He wrapped his arms around his knees. “Khaenri’ah,” he started slowly. “We were destined to fall according to the seven.”
He heard no response and took it as a sign to continue. He felt the need to spew words, even if it didn’t make sense. “I am bound to my duty. I left Halfdan in charge. I know he can do well.”
His arm draped across his eyes. He was sluggish. His body wanted to shut down. He coughed. “Are you still there?”
“Yeah. I’m here, Dain.” The voice weakly replied. They took a sharp breath. “I think… This is the end, Dain.”
Dainsleif pushed his hair out of his eyes. Most of his hair clung to the sweat on his face from trying to allow everyone escape the chaos from the archons.
“Hey, Dain?” They spoke, using every opportunity to say Dainsleif’s name because they didn’t know when it would be the last. “Thanks for staying with me.”
The blonde protector hummed. He exhaled and stared at the orange haze afar. Rubble crashing the ground and the booming sounds of giant spears crashed the ground, forming pillar like structures. Strong winds pushed buildings and people around as they screamed desperately trying to hold to the ground. 
Dainsleif sighed. He stood up, ignoring the screaming fatigue. He placed his hand on the boulder and leaned his forehead on it. He made a decision.
He closed his eyes and breathed, “I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah…” their voice quieted. “I’d like that.”
Dainsleif clenched his jaw tightly and leaned away. He backed up and tried to look over the towering rubble. He clenched his fists. He quickly dashed away with light footsteps.
You sat against the rock, hearing his footsteps become quieter. You stared at the crimson sky. “I’ll see you around.”
“What did you see in that one Lumine?” Paimon floated around the traveller, curious.
The unusually dull knowledge capsule glowed yellow. Some purple leaked through. It was found in the depths of a domain connecting to irminsul.
Lumine pondered, placing the gem in her bag. “I’ll think about it. I don’t know if I wanna tell you!”
“Hmph!” Paimon stomped the air, “No fair!”
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alexlesuagz · 2 years
@alexlesuagz finally posts the (Late) birthday DTIYS, wowee-
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Congrats to all that voted on my poll! DTIYS has won!
I decided to do @skrunklynoodle ‘s Crimson Order! Jones AU x Dangerously Yours: Masquerade because I am in deep art block and needed ideas-
So, uh, yeah. 😃
Anyway, rules:
Both traditional art and digital art are allowed!
Coloring is appreciated, but not required!
No tracing, stealing, or AI art allowed!
There’s no winner or deadline to this! Take as much time as you need!
You don’t have to do the whole comic — I just posted the whole thing to see who had the balls to take the challenge 🧍
Unfortunately, you are not allowed to change, add, or remove any characters if you decide to draw, sorry </3
Feel free to post on any other site, just please put in a note that this was a DTIYS-
If you do decide to do this, then please either tag me in the finished art or use the tag #alexslatebirthdaydtiys!
Have fun!
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the-prsc · 1 year
Hello and welcome to the one and only interactive Prog Rock Survival Competition (definitely not a Lord of The Flies/Hunger Games rip-off)! We are your hosts, @probably-not-mig (Host Mig, aka The Good Host) and @theprogrockbstheorist (Host Violet, aka The Evil Host). 
This account chronicles a hypothetical situation in which we place a bunch of prog bands in the woods (include map) and have them try to kill outlive each other. It’s essentially a theoretical survival competition, except there isn’t a lot of actual surviving. Yeah. There can be only one winner, so if killing off hypothetical (and fictional, btw) versions of your favorite musicians isn’t your thing, uhhh… you should probably leave now. It gets bad. We’ll be doing real-time updates on the hypothetical situation, along with some prediction polls, journal entries, comedy routines, and whatever other things we come up with. 
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Map of the arena (art by @zralokx!! Go follow him)
Do note that this is meant to be purely for entertainment and therefore purely fictional and hypothetical: nothing posted should be taken seriously, and is not an accurate reflection of anybody named. This never happened, will never happen, and should never happen. For all intents and purposes, this is really sort of a parody, so if your favorite musician is like… a murderer in this, it’s important to the plot, and not a statement on our opinions on them as a person. 
Furthermore, this sort of takes place outside of time. Nothing chronologically makes much sense: the lineups are all wonky and there are references from all over these bands’ careers. Just assume that everyone is 1) alive when beginning the “game”, and 2) in their physical peak. We have also factored out drug/alcohol addiction, mostly because we had already finished the plot by the time we thought of that.
Anyways, on to our cast of characters/bands! It’s a small list, and we would have loved to include more, but then it would be much longer and we would’ve needed to kill off more of them, which would’ve diluted the quality. If your favorite band isn’t listed, honestly consider yourself lucky. 
We have:
ELP (The lineup is in the name)
Genesis (the “classic” prog lineup)
King Crimson (Larks’ lineup)
Rush (do I really need to specify?)
and of course...
Yes (Tales linup)
There will also be surprise appearances, to be revealed later!
We recommend reading from Day 0, however if you’re only interested in the game, you can start at Day 1. We will be keeping this as a pinned post as the game goes on, and updating it with links to all of the daily updates. 
Are there any rules to this game/hypothetical situation/clusterfuck? No, not really. It is completely safe for work, but questionably safe for your mental health. We will reveal that there is ONLY ONE SURVIVOR. Did it have to be that way? That’s up to you, the reader. 
One last technical note, all of our posts will be tagged as both #progrocksurvivalcompetition and #prsc (an abbreviation of the first tag). If any of you end up making fan art of this, or have Thoughts on our little thingy, you can use those tags! Once again, we are Host Mig and Host Violet, and let the game begin! Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Day 4 Special Report: The Conglomerate (Day 4)
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
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And so, the champion of the 2023 Chuunibyou Showdown is the our Main Bracket winner, the Sinful Crimson Fallen Angel of Judecca himself, Anghel Higure! Congratulations! Our other winners are as follows:
Loser’s Bracket Victor: Grimnir (R2 Loser’s Bracket Winner) Round 1 Loser’s Bracket Winner: Ichiban Kasuga Round 3 Loser’s Bracket Winner: Rintaro Okabe “Too Old For This” Bonus Poll Winner: Don Quixote
This concludes 2023’s Chuunibyou Showdown! Fear not, for this is not the end of all things — Fate decrees that this clash shall be held once more in a year or so. Not only that, but I shall maintain this venerable blog to rally forces to vote for chuunis in other battles!
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61 notes · View notes
rocklemania-2024 · 6 months
Friendly reminder that Round Two is ending!!! We have 4 upcoming Round Three matches, which will determine our semi-finalists, then 2 semi-finalist matches, and finally the finals! In order to commemorate the ending of Round Two, let me know which band you predict will take the winner of Rocklemania 2024! Also comment on how accurate your predictions have been so far for the matches!
I will be posting another poll shortly on how accurate your predictions have been!
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Dapper f/o tournament bracket
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Shouta Aizawa and Akiko Yosano
Bracket 2
The seeds are fully randomized, I tried making sure there weren't too many front runners in either half.
Whether or not you know an f/o and their source, I welcome yall to vote. You can vote however you choose whether it's based on how much you like the character as a ship or just enjoy the description of them. The first poles are being posted tonight.
Kaveh and Erza Scarlet
Bracket 3
Kaeya Alberich and Diluc Ragnvindr
Bracket 4
Shichiro Balam and Sinbad
Bracket 5
Noé Archiviste and Zhongli
Bracket 6
Sherlock Holmes and Edgar Allen Poe
Bracket 7
Qrow Branwen and Beelzebub
Bracket 8
Bracket 9
Rogue Cheney and Leviathan
Bracket 10
Shinobu Kocho and Rex Beach
Bracket 11
Mollymauk Tealeaf and Elsie Crimson
Bracket 12
Benimaru and Osamu Dazai
Other half bracket
Bracket 13
Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Kojiro Nanjo and Rook Hunt
Bracket 14
Meis/Gueira and Fyodor Dosteovsky
Bracket 15
Chain Sumeragi and Olivier
Bracket 16
Mammon and Malleus Draconia
Bracket 17
Shiro Ogami and Arataki Itto
Bracket 18
Steven A. Starphase and Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
Bracket 19
Yuri Briar and Lumen Judge
Bracket 20
Jae-ha and Ban
Bracket 21
Chuuya Nakahara and Idia Shroud
Bracket 22
Sesshomaru and Vil Schoenheit
Bracket 23
Xerses Break and Diavolo
Bracket 24
Leona Kingscholar and Ruenti Salvatore
I generated an f/o tournament to do. I decided to include most of the listed f/os, though did take out some to make it a little shorter and even since I have 59 all together. May do a single poll of the ones not included?
Bracket 1
Simeon and Vash the Stampede
Second round winners are gonna compete together. The third round has three winners for either half and those three are gonna compete. Winner of the three person rounds are gonna compete for the champion of this blog.
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