#Cyberfantasy WIP
jellisdraws · 7 months
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So anyway, I started blastin’
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pink-wisp · 4 years
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wip wip
i really should be posting these things on weds but itll be finished by then lol. this started out as Aro’s primary weapons, her legs, glaive and whip then... idk.
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draphrawrites · 3 years
Fic Updates!
This is a more thorough update of all my published WIPs and their current statuses! Updated July 23rd, 2024! 😊
✨Split between my SFW and NSFW accounts ✨ 
🔹 SFW 🔹
180 Degrees (Dabihawks, time travel)
Chapters published: 5
Update planned: Updated 05/28/24
A Matter of Perspective (DabiHawks, modern magic)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: On backburner for the moment but not discontinued!
A Pirate’s Life for Me (Pirate AU series)
Fics published: 3 (two sfw, one nsfw)
Update planned: on the back burner for the moment, but have another 3/9 fics either done or mostly done in this series! They’re just not in order 😅
A World Apart (TouKei, Little Mermaid AU)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: on the back burner right now, but possibly in the Fall since I have part of the next chapter written!
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Kacchako, intern rivalry)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: on back burner for now, but not discontinued
Everybody LoVs Me (MiruDabiHawks, crack)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: have final chapter partially written, on back burner for now
hit and run (Dabihawks, injury+forced proximity)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: updated 04/21/2024
Last Ones Standing (MiruDabiHawks, PacRim series)
Fics published: 1
Update planned: next fic is partially written (about 2-3k)
Lines Crossed (Dabi rescues Bakugou when kidnapping goes sideways AU)
Chapters published: 50
Update planned: Updated 07/23/2024
Project Trigger (Dabihawks, cyberfantasy AU)
Chapters published: 3
Update planned: Updated 03/16/2024
Sanctuary (Dabi saves Eri AU)
Chapters published: 10
Update planned: Updated 07/10/2024
Slow Burn (Firefigter!Touya & Hero!Hawks AU)
Chapters published: 7
Update planned: Updated 06/11/2024
Ten Years Gone (Dabihawks, amnesia & childhood friends)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: Next chapter started, just need time to brainstorm
Time and Again (MiruDabi, post timeloop)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: On backburner for the moment but not discontinued
The Murder of Touya Todoroki (Dabi/Makoto, mystery)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: chapter 2 completed, awaiting editing
This is our “get along” shirt (TouKei, pining and intern rivalry)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: Have about 2k of the next chapter finished 👀
Unstoppable Force, Meet Immovable Object ( Dabi & Natsuo, accidental road trip)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: Have the entire next chapter outlined, just need time to write it
When the wolf is at your door (invite him to dinner) (Dabihawks, role reversal & fake dating)
Chapters published: 6
Update planned: updated 05/21/23
Yeet Cute (Dabihawks Actor AU)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: updated 11/05/2023
🔸 NSFW 🔸
A Pirate’s Word (Part of the pirate series)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: On the back burner for now, but not discontinued 🏴‍☠️
a hero and a villain walk into a bar (MiruDabi accidental pregnancy)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: have the first chunk written from Miruko's POV, just need to start on Dabi's
Compromised (Dabihawks, Virgin Dabi, Honeypot Hawks)
Chapters published: 7
Update planned: updated August 10th!
In For A Penny (Dabihawks, 5+1 bottom Dabi)
Chapters published: 3
Update planned: Next chapter is outlined!
it’s me, hi (Dabihawks, bodyswap)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: soonish?
loving you is a losing game (Dabihawks, angst set before the war arc)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: End of the year! I wish it was sooner, but it’s a long chapter and involves a LOT of emotions.
That’s all for now! This list does not include other WIPs that are currently unpublished (of which I have several 😂), just the published WIPs so you guys can know when-ish to expect updates! All of these are subject to change, as life happens and hobbies suffer for it. 
That said, thank you all for your support! Hope this helps 😊💖
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jellisdraws · 1 year
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jellisdraws · 6 months
Patreon update today with a new time lapse! Check it out (its free)
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jellisdraws · 2 years
Wip Whenever
Been a long time since I’ve done one of these but thanks for the tag @captastra !!!
Will post some work from the revisions I’m doing to one of my wips atm and hope that that is ok
“Stop!” The gun leveled towards her chest, and at this range the chance of a miss would be nonexistent, “Ma’am your protection against deadly force was nullified when you snuck a class C hidden weapon aboard this vessel. Now, will you comply?”
Jack stared at the bot for a long moment, mouth open, “Oh.”
“Will you comply?”
“So you knew…How far did you say your friends were again?” The grin splitting her lips destroyed the mask of false indignation. She almost could have laughed.
”I don’t suppose you let me just squeeze by you, would you?”
“I’m taking you into custo-“
Hand to hand fighting programs spun up in her cyberbrain as she launched herself towards the corpro-bot’s left side with the moves of a practiced martial artist, spinning and slamming her flat palm against the gun, the alloy of her prosthetic right arm clacking heavily against the plastics of the weapon.
The gun jerked as the bots heavy arm was shifted by the blow and it's finger tightened, releasing a loud burp and a short spray of bullets into the corridor to ricochet off the floor and sleeping pods. Releasing the gun with one arm the bot swung at her, the mechanical arm denting the bulkhead with an ominous creak as Jack ducked the wild attack.
“Comply!” The voice from it's chest yelled with frustration, “I am calling for assistance! Target location-“
“No reinforcements,” Jack said as she moved in once more, “please!”
With a swift flip of her mechanical wrist her hand folded back into the confines of her arm and the eight inch Aether-Infused titanium blade sprang forth. She lunged, carving through the arm holding the gun. The swift slash cut deep into the ceramic armor and severed runic connections inside, the arm fell limp and the weapon to clattered across the hall. A tinny curse exploded from the bot’s chest as it attempted to grab her; she spun away, blade sweeping up to carve a sparking trail through the lens of the Corpro-bot’s face.
“Better luck next time chrome do-OH”Her gloating was cut short as the bot’s long arm lashed out and caught her in the chest, slamming her down the hallway to impact a sleeping pod and careen to the floor. ‘So they armored up the faceplate since last time… ow.’
Heavy footsteps made their faltering way toward her as she groaned on her back, feeling pretty sure she had just broken something expensive. ‘Though most parts of me are expensive, anymore.’ She rolled to her feet and barely got her arms up to block another heavy swing, her arm-blade slicing into the assaulting limb, wrenching free as the bot pulled back, fist cocking to turn her pretty horned head into pretty horned pulp against the bulkhead.
In that split second Jack lept forward on her mechanical leg, the chips in her cyber brain accelerating her augmented body to move faster than any natural fighter could hope to achieve and with a heavy crack, punched her blade forward deep into the armor of the Corpro-bot’s chest.
It crashed back onto the floor, pulling her with it and nearly knocking her breath from her as she met the floor with bone rattling force...again. Sparks flew as the tinny voice began to speak and arcano- tech began to whir to a halt, indicating she had severed something vital. ‘That was close.’
“Destruction of property has been added to your docket, and use of deadly force will be employed by all uni-” the voice cut to static before the whole machine whirred to stop, the violet aetheric glow fading to blackness.
Jack stood, catching her breath again, and in the heavy silence made her way over to the sleeper pod, which was riddled with bullet holes. Silence from within. She opened the hatch, expecting the gore-splashed worst, but found the pod fortunately empty. A sigh of relief. That was not something she needed on her conscience.
As she closed the pod the light swoosh of a door opening down the aisle caused her head to jerk that way, inky eyes scanning frantically. Two, three, four more corprobots filing down towards her, heavy feet clanking on the hard floor. The lead bot raised it's weapon. ‘And just one was that much of a pain? Time to fucking go.’
Tinny voices called out after her but Jack wasn't listening. She began to backpedal towards the door, casting a sending spell from her neural communicator. A ringing began in her ear as her call connected.
“Cmon, Cmon!” She urged, rushing through the portal and into the next cabin of the starliner. A burst of gunfire came from behind her, bullets whistling by, the sharp crack of a ricochet. Someone screamed to her left but she was too busy sprinting for her life. The ringing persisted.
“C’mon! Pick up! Pick up!” the old fashioned ringtone continued to mercilessly mock her. She risked a look over her shoulder. The corpro-bots were running after her, a phalanx of arcano-tech out for her blood. And they were gaining.
“Oh, not good.” She gulped, picking a corner at random and bolting down the hallway there, headed for the interior cabins of the ship.
“What's not good?” came a sleepy voice in her ear, “Where are you? Do you know what time it is here?”
“OCK! Oh thank fuck. I need an exit route, now.”
“Are you sure it can't wait? It's like 4th cycle before sunrise.” Oculus said around a yawn.
“I'm being shot at!”
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“If I die, I am going to kill you!” she swore at her handler.
Another yawn, “Yeah yeah, I'm pulling it up now. Which Starliner did you take?”
Jack ducked down another corridor, “The Solar Phantom Cruiser Dauntless. Booked under the name Maribel Park.”
“Pulling you up,” There was a pause as keys clicked, “ Wait, I’m seeing you stowed a side-arm? You had a gun, and you gave it up? Among the most accomplished agents of corporate espionage in the Unified Systems, knowingly being chased by a crazed farming cult, and you stowed your firearm? For this I lose sleep?”
“Yeah yeah, have your fun old man,” She said, edging down to the corner of the hall and peeking around. Nothing. Out the window the Gate inched closer, the Starliner patiently waiting it’s turn to warp. She slipped across as the tapping of runic keys coming through the spell-link paused.
“Old? Im only in my 200’s!” Indignation tinged the rough voice in her ear.
“Yeah, well you're as crotchety as all the hells put together,” Jack teased.
“Fuck off Jackie, it's too early for this,” Ock said, but Jack could hear the grin in her handler’s rough voice.
She steadied her breathing, “Just help me out will ya? I couldn’t find a reliable forger for a fake license on the fly and the guards wouldn't take bribes. The new security bots in Kigaren star ports have integrity programs installed.”
“All Corp made bots have integrity programs installed Jackie.”
“Then these ones just have sticks up their butts, I don't know! Just find me an exit, please. And, if I live, I’ll buy you those noodles you like when I get back.”
“That sounds more like the girl I know. Ah- ok, so blueprints. Looking though now, It seems you have two real options. Go find your gun-”
“Do you want me to kill you?”
The sound of heavy footsteps began moving up the hallway- tinny voices issuing orders, getting closer.
“Let me finish sheesh. Or get to the bridge and get through the Gate before they can black bag you. The warp should play enough havoc with their power sources to give you a shot of getting off that tub. Bots need to shield their arcane cores to remain functional during Gate travel, which means-
“If I can get the ship into warp before they expect it, I can fry them and dust out before they know what hit them! You’re a genius Ock!”
“Thats why they pay me the big bucks, little miss. Just remember that you need to-”
But Jack wasnt listening. She had already ended the spell and shifted direction, running down the hall full tilt as mechanical feet pounded onto the steel floor after her.
Aaaaaaand that’s that. I’ll see about adding a cut somewhere. For now I’ll keep it going by tagging @shadoedseptmbr @pigeontheoneandonly @swaps55 @headspace-hotel @wolven-writer and anyone else who may be interested. But remember no stress and no worries, this is just for fun :)
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jellisdraws · 6 months
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I wanna swim with you
Sit down, have a drink on me
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jellisdraws · 8 months
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A surprise Jack that willed herself into existence.
Excited to line and color this
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jellisdraws · 8 months
WIP Whenever
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It’s been a while since I posted anything from my Cyberfantasy WIP so…
The helm was a vision straight out of the last century of star cruisers , retrofitted into something more functionally modern. It's dated darksteel panels were accented with rust red ironwood, and a full suite of leather chairs and stations sat vacant on either side of the conically shaped room. In the middle of the room where an old timey captain's chair may have sat, a 12 foot tall, 8 foot wide inky black egg shaped pod was welded into the floor, it's sleek sides seamed with glowing strings of runes. Past the navigation egg, the circular front viewport glowed with the purple hue of the light spilling from the Gate, the traffic ahead of them mere dots of black with their own aetheric glow of main thrusters, slowly idling their way forward, waiting their turn to warp. Wires and cables humming with magic running out of the base of the pod disappeared under the floor panelling - Was that… mahogany? - and reappeared where they linked into the various navigation and control stations across the bridge. Advancements in cognition-enhancing alchemy, magics, and technology like Jack’s own implanted cyberbrain now allowed the entire suite of operating systems for a starship like this one to be controlled by one person- a fact not lost on the starlining corporations.
Now that Automaton Intelligences were calling for equal treatment as kith, and even the corporate funded governments were having to give way in order to appease their constituents both organic and manufactured, it was far cheaper to just maintain the fewest employees possible and focus on guild busting tactics. Paying for stimulants, overtime and legal payouts when things went wrong was far cheaper than paying a living wage and hiring Shipboard AI to supplement helmsmen. The pilots guild was more or less a full fledged insurrection anymore, hijacking, blockading and destroying Corpo ships across the Unified Systems. They supposedly maintained sleeper representatives across the various starliner companies, those willing to quietly recruit new guild members or crash starships into trade hubs in firey protest. Split between the Corpos bearing down on them and the Guild’s aggressive recruiting tactics, every pilot and helmsman Jack had ever met had been either stupefyingly boring or batshit insane. She hoped this one counted among the former.
(Rest under the cut)
A voice floated out of the Comm rune on the egg, “Hey, just a heads up we’re about T minus 16 minutes to warp. Not to put too much pressure on you, but non essential systems will be going down as we warp, standard procedure, and they wont be back on till we’re headed into final approach.”
“Right.” Jack said, edging around the pod, trying to get a view of the person inside
“It's weird you know, I don't remember logging a request.”
Jack froze, waiting for alarms, waiting for the doors behind her to open, but the voice continued, “ Sometimes I forget about the small stuff though, or maybe it's an old one- glad they're finally sending someone to deal with stuff like this,” The voice was dreamy- like their attention was largely elsewhere- which Jack supposed it was; flying large scale starships was consuming work.
She finally scooted in front of the navigation egg, peering through the layers and layers of projected information and glowing sensor displays on the glass of the viewing window into the beautiful reflective eyes of a mermaid. She smiled dreamily at Jack as she floated gracefully in the suspending fluid of the egg. She was around 4 feet tall, with a slender feminine torso covered in opalescent white scales that shifted into a curling, ridged neon yellow seahorse tail. Her pale green curls were trapped beneath a pair of headphones she had pulled around her neck- the cord of which disappeared into the top of the egg. Her eyes were the color and quality of mercury, sitting prettily in a heart shaped face. She had a prominent tattoo of an incredibly buff orcish man in a navy cap and not much else along her sternum. Down the sides of her neck and collar Jack could see her gills filtering. Jack had to remind herself to look the woman in her eyes.
“Hi there,” Jack said.
“Yeah, hi,” returned the dreamy voice through the pod, though Jack couldn't see the Mermaids lips move, “Feel free to do what you need to do, We got about- oh… just under 14 minutes now.”
“Right. I don't suppose we could speed that up?” Jack asked
“Speed it up how?”
“Most ships have thrusters I believe, they are used to provide thrust. I would like there to be more thrust.”
Jack unfolded the titanium blade from her hand and pressed the tip into the glass of the navigation egg with what she hoped was a menacing click, her black eyes meeting the Mermaids mercury ones, “Im hijacking the ship.”
“Oh, Okay.”
“‘Okay?’ What the fuck do you mean, ‘Okay’?”
“I was acquiescing.” the mermaid said.
“I just told you I was stealing the ship. Why would you acquiesce to that? Who says acquiesce anymore?”
“I dunno. Protocol I think.”
“Protocol says to agree to hijacking?”
“I need to be through the Hyperlane gate as fast as you can get us there…?”
“Madolyn.”said Madolyn the mermaid.
“Madolyn, hi. My name is-”
An explosion rocked the cabin as the doors in the rear blew open with a wild squeal and cracking of metal and ceramic, with a shower of blue and purple arcane sparks. The Corprobots began to force their way through the exploded doors, kicking and twisting burning out of their way.
“JACK GATHOWAY YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND NON COMPLIANT.” came a loud tinny voice followed by a short burst of gunfire.
Jack yelped and ducked behind the egg as bullets ricocheted around the cabin, struggling to flatten herself against the convex surface.
“Now please Madolyn!” She yelled
“Just feel free to call me Maddie!” she said cheerfully, righting herself in the tank and pulling her headphones back up around her ears. She began to wave her hands fluidly though the fluid, and the ship responded instantly. Jack felt herself pressed firmly into the smooth hard surface of the egg as gravity shifted in response to the acceleration. An echoing crash and the sounds of cursing revealed a corprobot had fallen off of it's feet and tangled the legs of the others.
Jack looked frantically in front of her, the aetheric glow of the gate was huge and all encompassing, trying to stay stuck behind the egg as Maddie swung the starliner in and out of traffic, avoiding the ships trundling there as she continued to accelerate towards the gate.
“Stay where you are!” came a corprobot voice, and then more gunfire, Jack hissed as a ricochet skimmed past her forearm, slicing the skin like a red hot razor. The bots were spreading out, making the precarious cover she had found increasingly tenuous. Between the shouting and gunfire she could hear Maddie cheerfully speaking to someone,
“Thats right Raxxus Control we have been spacejacked, and the culprits are accelerating us directly into the Gate!” A pause, “Nope, it does not seem like re-establishing control of the vessel will be possible.” She gave Jack a thumbs up, and Jack returned the gesture with a weak smile.
A Metallic hand grabbed Jack by the ankle and ripped her out of her hiding spot and she yelled, swinging and kicking, slamming her knife repeatedly into the torso of the corprobot holding her, the aetherium infused titanium sinking into the thick ceramic armor over and over until the bot fell in a shower of purple sparks. More gunfire from the bots- TING! A bullet lodged itself in her metal leg, she almost could have laughed until another one took her in the shoulder and she spun over the controls landing with a bone rattling THUNK on the other side of the defunct console. Maddie was still speaking,
“That's right, we are a passenger vessel, so firing on us is out of the question unfortunately. Eject them? I don't have the authority to do that sir, Im so sorry. Listen we’re about to hit the Gate, it's been lovely to talk to you- what was that? Collision?”
Jack’s eyes widened as she turned to look out the front viewport to see the prow of Starsailer emerge from the gate, followed by its masts and sails, a huge galleon from the ancient days of spacefaring, it's Draconic figurehead looking as surprised to see the Starliner as they were to see it. Maddie hewed the ship hard to port, but it was too late. Jack felt it shudder beneath her before the impact came and she was thrown across the room. She slammed hard into the ceiling, navigation egg, floor, egg again. As the starliner bounced off of the hapless Starsailer’s shields and directly into Raxxus Station itself, metal and glass and ceramic buckled as the momentum of the ship ground it further and further into the Gates’s superstructure. Jack felt the shuddering reverberations of arcane explosions before she saw them, massive roiling purple flames being ejected out of the gate with increasing intensity as the starliner crashed into it before the momentum of the spinning structure caught them and flipped the disintegrating ship entirely and the purple aetheric glow overtook all.
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jellisdraws · 1 year
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Keep coming back to Jack and my Cyber Fantasy WIP. Gonna keep rendering and playing with this one, test how far I can try pushing the background, maybe try going for a lineless render.
I’m having a blast with art recently and I’m so keen to try stuff and really push what I can do and learn everything I can (mostly by trial and error lmao) my official commission list keeps getting pushed back but I am accepting commissions right now so I guess hit me up if interested?
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jellisdraws · 2 years
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Sketches of the Crew from a Sprawl game I modified and ran and a bonus Jack close up cuz she’s my gal.
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jellisdraws · 4 years
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by @pigeontheoneandonly , thanks so much! I’ll tag you back ;D as well as @thedarksideofseokanori @eldritchblaast @alexandrintea and anyone who wants to share!
Ive shared pieces of this on here before, but this is a bit updated. From my CyberFantasy WIP
*          *          *
Chapter 1: Jack rips a hole in the Universe. ( part 1)
Date:561 Post Unification.
Location: Raxxis Hyperlane Gate.
While the prospect of using arcano-tech to warp a starcruiser halfway across known space might be exciting to some, Jack found her attention far more consumed with the Corpro-bots trying to kill her.
The starcruiser was slowly jockeying it's position up in the traffic heading towards the Hypergate, and Jack could see ships of all different sizes out the long thin windows, idling in empty vacuum as they waited for their turn to warp to their intended destinations. Raxxis station itself spun endlessly around the superstructure of the Gate - this was somehow vital to the operation of portal technology, beyond just providing artificial gravity- but Jack couldn't remember why; it wasn't important at the moment anyway. She hustled down the aisle past the innumerable sleep pods, rubbing blood away from her stinging neck. The bots had ambushed her and had tried to inject a virus into her implant, fortunately her firewalls were up to date and after a few seconds of flickering vision full of alert messages, she had shut down the invasive program, cut her way free of the black bag they had been stuffing her in and had slipped her captors. 
As she ran she cycled programs in the background of her implant, searching the files for anything that might help her fend off her attackers. Corpro-bot’s might be slow, but they were relentless and built out of the most durable stuff fabricated in the combined universe. She had no illusions who would win in a straight up fight; she was going to have to be clever about this. A glance out the window showed the Gate and the station growing ever closer, The purple glow of the swirling Aether tinting the steel and chrome hallway she found herself in.  She jogged lightly down the aisle, feet making an uneven sound as they impacted the floor. Even years after her reconstruction and physical therapy, she didn't enjoy the vibration and feeling of her prosthetic pressing up into her hip with every other step. She arrived at the end of the aisle, sidled up to the airlock and slammed the open button. The door opened with a hiss to reveal a Corpro-bot, looming over her small frame. ‘Well fuck.’ Looking like a seven foot tall living suit of armor, it’s ceramic plates slid noiselessly over it's inner mechanisms as it turned to face her. As it faced her she could see the small purple flare of light beneath the round solitary lens that dominated most of where the things ‘face’ would be. She could hear the slight whirring and watched as the lens focused on her. The bot’s arms cradled a compact submachine gun.
Jack’s momentary shock turned to indignation as she spotted the gun.
“Well thats fucking bullshit!” Jack said pointing angrily at the weapon, “The Starline made me stow mine!”
“You are being detained for 251 counts of corporate espionage against  the Harmonic’s Agricorp, comply or this unit will be forced to terminate,” came a tinny voice from the bot’s chest. 
“No!”Jack argued, still mentally cycling her program chips, “I’m pissed!  What provision did you invoke to get that piece of hardware on here? That’s some underhanded shit!”
“Your location has been logged with the other units, they are converging now. Will you comply?”
“Will I-? Have you been listening to me at all? I know my rights under the espionage regulations act of P.U. 545, and I’m invoking my right to a level playing field!”
“You- what?” the voice emanating from the Corpro-bots chest seemed to lose a veneer of it's robotic professionalism, “Ma’am, I assure you, Harmonic’s Agricorp is fully within it's right to use deadly force to detain you, even if that involves bringing class D weapons onto a privately held starship.”
Jack scowled, eyebrows drawing together over inky black eyes and she advanced angrily on the robot, the very picture of righteous indignation, “I’ve committed no violent crime! Chemical injections causing unconsciousness or jamming needles i’ll happily contend with, but this? This is beyond the pale! Your brandishing of a firearm is an egregious-”
“Stop!” The gun was leveled towards her chest. At this range the chance of a miss would be nonexistent, “Ma’am your protection against deadly force was nullified when you snuck a class C hidden weapon aboard this vessel. Now will you comply?”
Jack stared at the bot for a long moment, mouth open, “Oh.” “ You all did your research didnt you?” A shit-eating grin split her lips as the mask of surprise slid from her face, “Well that makes this part a bit more awkward.” 
Hand to hand fighting programs spun up in her cyberbrain as she launched herself towards the corpro-bots left side,  spinning and slamming her flat palm against the gun, the alloy of her prosthetic right arm clacking heavily against the plastics of the weapon with superhuman force. The weapon jerked as the bots heavy arm was shifted by the blow and it's finger tightened releasing a loud burp and a short spray of bullets harmlessly into the corridor and one of the sleeping pods. Releasing the gun with one arm the bot swung at her, the mechanical arm denting the bulkhead with an ominous creak as Jack ducked the wild attack. With a swift flip of her mechanical wrist her hand folded back into the confines of her arm and the eight inch Aether-Infused titanium blade sprung forth which she used to carve through the arm holding the gun. A swift slash cut deep into the ceramic armor and severed runic connections inside causing the weapon to fall, clattering to the ground. A tinny curse exploded from the bot’s chest as it attempted to grab her; she spun away, blade sweeping up to carve a sparking trail through the lens of the Corpro-bot’s face. 
“Better luck next time chrome do-ohshit”Her gloating was cut short as the bot’s long arm lashed out and caught her in the chest, slamming her down the hallway to impact a sleeping pod and careen to the floor. ‘So they armored up the faceplate since last time… ow.’
Heavy footsteps made their faltering way toward her as she groaned on her back, feeling pretty sure she had just broken something expensive. ‘Though to be fair,’ she mused,‘most parts of me are, anymore.’ She rolled to her feet and barely got her arms up to block another heavy swing, her arm-blade slicing into the assaulting limb, wrenching free as the bot pulled back. In that split second Jack used her mechanical leg to leap, far more quickly than any organic limb could achieve, and punched the blade deep into the armor of the Corpro-bot’s chest. 
It crashed back onto the floor, pulling her with it and nearly knocking her breath from her. Sparks flew as the tinny voice began to speak and  arcano-tech began to whir to a halt, indicating she had severed something vital. ‘That was close.’
“Destruction of property has been added to your docket, and use of deadly force will be employed by all uni-” the voice cut to static before the whole machine whirred to stop, the violet aetheric glow fading to blackness. 
Jack stood and made her way over to the sleeper pod, which was riddled with bullet holes. Silence from within. She opened the hatch, expecting the gore-splashed worst, but to her welcome surprise found the pod empty. A sigh of relief. That was not something she needed on her conscience. 
As she closed the pod the light swoosh of a door opening down the aisle caused her head to jerk that way, inky eyes scanning frantically. Two, three, four more corprobots filing down towards her, heavy feet clanking on the hard floor. The lead bot raised it's weapon. ‘Time to go!’
Tinny voices called out after her but Jack wasn't listening. She began to backpedal towards the door, casting a sending spell from her neural communicator. A ringing began in her ear as her call connected. “Cmon, Cmon!” She urged, rushing through the portal and into the next cabin of the starliner. A burst of gunfire behind her, bullets whistling by, the sharp crack of a ricochet. Someone screamed to her left but she was too busy sprinting for her life. The ringing persisted. “C’mon! Pick up! Pick up!” the old fashioned ringtone continued to mercilessly mock her. She risked a look over her shoulder. The corpro-bots were running after her, a phalanx of arcano-tech out for her blood. And they were gaining.  
“Oh, not good.” She said, picking a corner at random and bolting down the hallway there.
“What's not good?” came a sleepy voice in her ear, “Do you know what time it is?”
“OCK! Oh thank fuck. I need an exit route, now.”
“Are you sure it can't wait? It's like 4th cycle before sun up.” Oculus said around a yawn.
“I'm being shot at!”
“I’ll take that as a no.” 
Another yawn, “Ok I'm pulling it up now. Which Starliner did you take?”
Jack ducked down another corridor, “The Solar-Phantom cruiser Dauntless. Booked under the name Maribel Park.”
“Pulling you up. Wait, I’m seeing you stowed a side-arm? You had a gun, and you gave it up? The most accomplished agent of corporate espionage in the Unified systems, knowingly being chased by a crazed farming cult, and you stowed your firearm? For this I lose sleep?”
“I - actually that's fair,” She edged down to the corner and peeked around. Nothing. She slipped across as the tapping of runic keys came through the spell-link. 
“Wait really?”Surprise tinged the rough voice in her ear, the clicking of keys paused.
“No. Fuck off Ock. I didn't have the cash to pay for a fake license on the fly and the guards wouldn't take bribes. The new security bots in star ports have integrity programs installed, what an annoying world we live in. Just find me an exit, please. If I live, I’ll buy you those noodles you like.”
“That sounds more like the girl I know! Ah- ok, so blueprints. Looking though now, It seems you have two real options. Go find your gun-”
“Really Ock?” 
“Let me finish sheesh. Or get to the bridge and get through the Gate before they can black bag you. The warp should play enough havoc with their power sources to give you a shot of getting off that tub. Bots need to shield their arcane cores to remain functional during Gate travel, which means-
“If I can get the ship into warp before they expect it, I can fry them and dust out before they know what hit them! You’re a genius Ock!” 
“That's why they pay me the big bucks, little miss. Just remember that you need to-”
But Jack wasn't listening. She had already hung up and shifted direction, running down the hall full tilt as mechanical feet pounded onto the steel floor after her.
‘Now it gets fun.’
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jellisdraws · 4 years
Here’s the prologue from my current project. It’s been a long while since I’ve worked on it so I’m rereading again as a way to try to motivate myself and I figured I’d share here too and see what y’all think. Eep!
It wasn't supposed to go like this. Not face down on the wet concrete spasming in pain, half paralyzed as some corpo-asshole half the world away took all control of her artificial limbs from her. Warning messages flashed across her vision, alerting her to her elevated heart rate - she was perfectly aware of this - and that her licenses to her current hardware were being revoked one by one - sadly, also not news; she could feel that too.
She convulsed as another wave of electricity pulsed into her body from nodes in her metallic right arm. She tried to focus, to move the limb as the doctors had taught her in rehab, as she now instinctively knew to. Just focus! The prosthetic forearm split as the eight inch titanium blade hidden within extended to spark against the hard ground uselessly. She wanted to scream as the pain arced through her but it came out as a strangled gurgle- she could feel her reinforced ribs on her right side squeezing down on her lungs. When the fuck had they even added that modification? Her right leg was nothing but dead weight, crippling her further as she tried to use her organic limbs to crawl, not that it was any use; they would be coming.
A strangled moan, barely sounding like her voice at all, scraped from her lips as she clawed her way forward. The panic was seizing her chest now, cutting her thoughts up like confetti and scattering them away. Her eyes were streaming from pain and fear, blurring her vision.
“Get up. Get the fuck UP! Gotta warm them- have to get moving. MOVE. I've got to-,”her panicked thoughts pulsed in time with the rushing of blood in her pointed ears.
The heavy throbbing of Arcano Anti-Grav thrusters arriving somewhere behind her made her redouble her efforts to crawl further down the tight dirty alleyway. She could feel her clothes getting soaked and filthy in the dank slurry of unmentionable liquids slicking the ground. She heard the sound of a heavy vehicle door sliding open and multiple pairs of boots impact the alleyway behind her. A grunt as a man was hit by the smell. Footsteps. Another strangled sob escaped her.
Her nails skittered along the ground, fingers scrabbling through garbage to find purchase, she pushed forward with her good leg, foot slipping in slick waste. She hated the hollow feeling of her artificial leg vibrating against the ground. She felt hands firmly grasp her ankles, tried to scream-her chest! She could feel herself choke, she couldn't breathe; they were killing her! They pulled her back, scraping her chin raw and she could taste blood and bile. She tried to kick free, failed miserably, heard the low laugh, knew her efforts were futile. She twisted, searching for something, anything she could grab, use to resist. Nothing.
Another figure loomed over her, grabbing her arms, she wriggled pulling her arm free and drove it back into something satisfyingly soft. A pained curse exploded behind her head. A brief sense of satisfaction was followed by a blinding explosion of stars across her vision, a warning sign declaring she was concussed scrawled across her eyes -she was going to have words with whoever designed this system. She was flipped onto her back looking up at the three figures silhouetted by the headlights of the Hovervan shining down the alleyway. Impossibly far above them, past the brick and steel of the buildings rising hundreds of meters into the air she could see a thin strip of sky: clear blue and mocking.
“Never free. I’ll never be free. I’m so sorry,” She mourned silently. Aloud, stuttering from the convulsions coursing through her, she said, “I've-got a shock absorbing skull, assholes. Y-you’ll h-have to try harder than th-that.”
“Jack Gathoway, you have been found noncompliant. Your debts have been transferred into the holding of Quantus technologies. An examination of your income stream reveals you are currently unemployed and have no way to pay down your debts. All personal property including but not limited to your current personal and physical enhancements are to be repossessed by Quantus as collateral against said debts. Do you understand this? We are legally allowed to take silence as an affirmative.”
Jack shuddered and managed to pull her good hand into a rude gesture.
The shit-eating grin stretching across her lips went slack as one of the silhouettes stepped forward, rough hands grabbing the horns extending from the sides of her head, and slammed her skull against the grimy wall with enough force to crack the brick, knocking her insensate to ground. Blackness took her, overcoming all, even the concerned message scrolling across her eyelids.
B: ‘Where are you?’
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jellisdraws · 4 years
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by the ever lovely @thedarksideofseokanori thank you!
I tag @swaps55 @pigeontheoneandonly @eagleruckus-blog @headspace-hotel @artsekey @memoraoblitus (feel free to ignore)
Cyber fantasy WIP
“Jack frowned, eyebrows drawing together over inky black eyes and she advanced angrily on the robot, “I’ve committed no violent crime, chemical injections causing unconsciousness have special provision, Your brandishing of a firearm is an egregious-”
“Stop!” the machine gun was leveled, pointed directly towards her chest and at this range the chance of a miss would be nonexistent, “Ma’am your protection against deadly force was nullified when you snuck a class C hidden weapon aboard this vessel. Now will you comply?”
Jack stared at the bot for a long moment, “Oh, you all did your research didnt you.”
A shit-eating grin split her lips as the indignant mask slid from her face, “Well that makes this part easier then.”
Hand to hand fighting programs spun up in her implant as she launched herself forward towards the corpro-bots left side, spinning and slamming her flat palm against the gun, the alloy of her prosthetic right arm clacking heavily against the plastics of the weapon. The weapon jerked as the bots heavy arm was shifted by the blow and it's finger tightened releasing a loud burp and a short spray of bullets into the corridor and one of the sleeping pods. Releasing the gun with one arm the bot swung at her, the mechanical arm denting the bulkhead with an ominous creak as Jack ducked the wild attack. With a swift flip of her mechanical wrist her hand folded back into the confines of her arm and the eight inch Aether-Infused titanium blade sprung forth which she used to carve through the arm holding the gun. A swift slash cut deep into the ceramic armor and severed runic connections inside causing the weapon to fall, clattering to the ground. A tinny curse exploded from the bot’s chest as it attempted to grab her; she spun away blade sweeping up to carve a sparking trail through the lens of the Corpro-bot’s face.
“Better luck next-”Her gloating was cut short as the bot’s long arm lashed out and caught her in the chest, slamming her down the hallway to impact a sleeping pod and careen to the floor. ‘So they armored up the faceplate since last time… ow.’”
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corpusupir · 7 years
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Fantasy map I just started for my cyber fantasy world Trylocke. . #cyberfantasy #cyberpunk #fantasy #Trylocke #corpusupir #art #sketch #map #fantasymap #wip #gamersunite #gamerlife #game #pencil #gamer #worldmap (at Kelowna, British Columbia)
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