kosmic-kore · 3 months
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theloopus · 11 months
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I believe that God or time or whoever is testing my faith has not forgotten me. I believe… I believe…
St. Sebastian, c. 1614 by Peter Paul Rubens // Quantum Leap, S03E19 "Last Dance Before an Execution - May 12, 1971"
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jils-things · 4 months
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commissioned work done by hpe24 💚
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Dances performed for the second episode of the dance moms reboot with studio bleu that started filming in December
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gayemoji · 2 months
people need to stop telling me im good at dancing when im drunk.
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greggorylee · 1 year
fursuit dance comps are peak😻
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lovelierbitsoflife · 2 years
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v-albion · 5 months
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True Colors Au
|| Old cover | New cover ||
Basic Info
Raphael reference
Donatello / Foot Captain reference
Leonardo Cerulean reference
Michelangelo reference
Scar maps
Comics and Animatics:
Main Story(?) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (new)
A little Deal | Part 1 | Part 2
Leo backstory (animatic)
World’s Greatest Actor (animatic)
Happy Birthday (new)
Donnie and Casey
What’s your favourite colour?
First Meeting
Other art and pictures
Initial idea | Lee Doodles | Leoichi? | Cards | Nexus Cover | 🏳️‍⚧️ | Dance | Beach day | Eepy
Mikey Beta design | Runes | Post Mission Nap | Mission | Say cheese!
Donnie Beta design | Duality
Plushie | Meep | Melancholy
>> FANART? For this AU? TYSM!! <<
>> DTIYS entries <<
Big Mama’s Child
Fashion Comp
Week 2 | Week 3
TMNT AU COMPETITION Propaganda (lots of characterizations moments 👇 )
# TMNT au competition general tag
Mommy Issues Squad TM
Fancy boys
Part 1: Welcome to the Competition!
Part 2: Find Swanatello
Part 3: Open Your Shell to Find Your Wings
Part 4: Sorry I'm Late
Part 5: Cerise
Part 6: Speakeasy
Part 7: Treats and gifts
Part 8: Well Wishes
Part 9: Red Rover
Part 10: Fear’s Embrace
Part 11: Lost and Found AU
Part 12: Miscellaneous
Part 13: Nope, No Food Fight
Part 14: Reunion
Round 1
Part 15: August AU
Whoops we lost
Uh oh consequences
>>>Open the door saga<<<
Skirts and Dresses
Round 1: Strawberry Skys
Round 1: Uno Game!
Back to Main Masterpost —->
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tmntaucompetition · 4 months
The TMNT AU Comp 2024 Info Post
Come one and all to yet again another year of fun with the TMNT au competition! This time decades themed, your favorite AUS get to battle each other in spo- wait that was last year. What’s this I hear? Either by singing or dancing?! Oh golly we are going full musical for this aren’t we?
The gist of this is that there will be first preliminary rounds, which will be themed before 1920, then the main bracket will focus on 1920 and onwards!
Have fun y’all!
(Also the singing and dancing is just to parallel how the polls last year were who were winning which sport. Don’t take that too much to heart!)
Discord Server
Master Post
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Ghost Mushy May Prompts
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the mushy may prompt calendar/list is here! feel free to participate as much or as little as you like; there are 2 prompts to choose from each day, and many are easily combined. happy creating!
(accessible list under the cut)
Ghost Mushy May 2023
Day at the beach/lake; Bathtime
Crush; "I made this for you"
"Dance with me?"; Pre-/Post-show rituals
First kiss; Love at first sight
Grooming/Personal care; Hair braiding
Picnic; Snow day
Dinner & a movie; Compliments
First time; Sick fic
Massage; Aftercare
Mutual pining; Staring in adoration
First "I love you"; Unspoken "I love you"s
Lazy mornings; Sharing a bed
Comfort after a nightmare; Thunderstorms
Love languages; Sex turning into making love
Standing up for them; Displays of affection
Weird/Silly shared habits; "No one understands me like you do"
Domestic activities (ex: cooking); Flowers
Holidays (ex: Halloween); Tickle fight
Ghoul pile; Found family
Stargazing; Bonfire
Ditching chores/sneaking kisses; Body worship
Teaching a skill; Helping during band practice
Falling asleep; Watching the other sleep
Tour de-stress; Karaoke
Adopting a stray animal; Killing spiders
Breakfast in bed; Preparing the other's drink for them
Reading together; Game night
Sharing clothes; Showering together
Getting high; Wine-drunk affection
Love letters; Serenading
Reuniting; "Just because" gifts
special thanks to @askingforthesun @miasmaghoul @iamthecomet @kroas-adtam @ghouletteanon @nocturnalghoul @spoiledleaff @gayrickgrimes @comp-lady @coffeesforcatchers and others for submitting prompts!
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
look down on me like that - 6 (explicit)
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genre: slow burn enemies to lovers hatefucking coworkers au, smut (w some eventual angst)
pairing: yoongi x reader
summary: your asshole coworker min yoongi has made it his personal mission to ruin your life.
word count: 6.2k
contains: ~explicit sexual content~ !! alcohol mention, some mildly twisty conversations about consent/regretting sex (everything in this series is very consensual tho just wanna reiterate), teasing, dirty talk, VERY semi-public sex with risk of being heard/caught, fingering, lowkey fingerwarming, hold the moan, light choking, finger sucking, dumbification if you rly squint, protected sex (in the office... oop 👀), fucking against a door lmao 🙌🏻
A/N: sooooo excited to post this hehe 💜 i know this chap is a lil bit of a shorty but they can't all be 11k, and i'm trying to give y'all a mild refractory period before we launch into even more chaos 💀 AND SORRY NOT SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER ENDING..... i promise i won't keep you hanging for long 😘
read on AO3!
chapter five | masterlist | chapter seven
“So… it’s been nearly a week,” Jimin prompts just as you tip your head back to take a long swig of your beer. The bratty tone in your best friend’s voice only encourages you to chug another swallow before you set the glass back down. He doesn’t even have to say the since you fucked your coworker part out loud.
Using the provided scissors and tongs, he starts to cut up the strips of pork belly laid flat on the grill between you. “When’s the wedding? Have you named your kids yet?”
“I can’t stand you,” you whine, torn between wanting to kick him under the table and wanting him to share the meat he’s been so carefully preparing. The aroma is making your mouth water as it sizzles on the hot surface.
You settle for fixing him with your best death glare.
Jimin shrugs, unbothered. “That’s fine. I just wanna know how you’re handling the fact that you are now officially sleeping with the enemy.”
“Aht aht. Slept with.” You raise a finger to correct him, using your other hand to maneuver your chopsticks to pick up a marinated cucumber and pop it into your mouth. “Past tense.”
Jimin purses his lips, looking unconvinced. “Is that so?”
“Are you kidding me?” You make a face. “It was a moment of weakness, and now it’s done. What would be the point in letting him have it again? In letting him win like that?” You wave a hand dismissively. “Absolutely not.”
“You are so dumb,” Jimin laughs as he starts to extoll pork onto your plate. “I cannot believe you found good dick and now you’re actively declining it. After how insane you nearly went? You think that won’t happen again?”
“I got it out of my system,” you say with a proud shake of your head, popping a piece of meat into your mouth. It’s so hot it nearly burns your tongue off, but the flavor is well worth it, and you continue with your mouth full. “And I’m good. Moving on with my life.”
Jimin hums like he doesn’t believe a damn word. “And how’s that gonna work out for you in a couple weeks, when you and Suga are in Los Angeles together, breathing that sweet American air? And sharing a hotel room that just so happens to only have one bed?”
With the pork belly successfully secured on your plate, you have no reason to hold back from kicking him this time. “You watch too much TV.”
“Speaking of!” He pauses with food halfway to his mouth, dropping it back onto his plate as he digs into his pocket for his phone. “My comps finally came in for the show I’m dancing in this weekend. I’m not even going to ask if you have plans because I already know the answer, so you better fucking be there.”
You pick up your phone to see his text come in, face scrunching up as you chew. “Two questions,” you prompt. “One, I fail to see what this has to do with watching TV. And two, why did you send me two tickets?”
Jimin rests his elbows on the table, fingers laced together under his chin, somewhere in between posing cutely and looking like he’s about to read you for filth.
“Out of the kindness of my heart, because I am such a good fucking friend, I am giving you a chance for a little Business Proposal moment. Bring your Suga, see what happens.” He shrugs a shoulder. “One concert could change everything, you know?”
You grind your teeth together and reach for your drink as he uses your favorite show against you, humming the theme tune under his breath. “I really hate you.”
“You love me.”
“Unfortunately. But I am not bringing Suga to your fucking concert,” you clarify, glass halfway to your mouth. “There is a world of difference between wanting to fuck someone and wanting to spend an evening with them.”
“So you do still want to fuck him,” Jimin presses his lips together and raises his eyebrows. “Very interesting.”
“Don’t make me leave you with the bill.” You roll your eyes and down the rest of your beer in one swig.
An hour later, you’ve eaten your body weight in grilled meats and have thrown back enough beers that the world blurs gently at the edges, vignetted, as you slip out onto the sidewalk and say goodnight to your best friend.
You’d managed to convince Jimin to meet at the place that’s just a few blocks from your apartment, and it’s not a terribly cold evening, all things considered. The alcohol certainly helps keep you warm as you make the short walk back home, the still-busy streets humming and blinking soft around you.
It takes a concentrated effort to use your phone without tripping in your current state, and you thumb slowly through your texts until you land on the concert tickets from Jimin. When his words echo again in your brain, you do your best to chase them off with a frustrated sigh.
It will be a cold day in hell before you voluntarily spend an evening with Yoongi, you tell yourself. But it’d be nice to go with someone.
You’re scrolling down your contact list and lifting the ringing phone to your ear before you can decide whether or not it’s a good idea.
After two rings, the line connects, and a voice answers. “Hello?”
“Hi, Jungkook.” You giggle a little despite yourself. You’ve never spoken to your coworker in any state of inebriation before, and once his name leaves your mouth, you realize you’re a little more fucked up than you bargained for. But it’s fine, you tell yourself. You’re fine.
“Hi— is everything okay?”
You double-blink, not expecting the check-in. “Yeah, no, everything’s great.” It only occurs to you now that maybe you’ve interrupted whatever his post-work plans might be. “Sorry, I— were you in the middle of something?”
He lets out a sheepish laugh, and you imagine that his cheeks are flushed pink, the way they sometimes get after boxing class. “Nothing important. I was brushing my dog’s teeth, actually. You just, uh, usually text—”
“Wait,” you fully interrupt him. “You have a dog?”
“I have three dogs,” he corrects, with another light laugh that’s almost musical. “My sons.”
“Jungkook!” You exclaim in mock-anger. “I am hurt and betrayed that you have kept this information from me!”
“I’m sorry!” He giggles back, clearly flustered. “It didn’t come up! I’ll send you some pictures, I promise. They’re very cute.”
“You better,” you huff. “And here I was getting ready to be nice to you.”
“Oh?” Jungkook sounds intrigued. There’s a soft shifting sound on the line, and you find yourself wondering if he’s laying down in bed, phone pressed to his cheek. The image makes your heart sink a little, and you shove the feeling away to process when you’re less tipsy. “How were you going to be nice?”
You pause for a moment to cross the street, letting your fake-hurt charade drop. “Well, my best friend is a dancer, and he was booked to perform in this concert that’s happening tomorrow night. He gave me a free ticket and an extra, and I was wondering, if you’re not doing anything… if you want to go with me?”
“Yeah, for sure!” You swear you can hear Jungkook’s smile light up the phone. “That sounds awesome.”
You linger at the front of your apartment building, phone tucked to your ear, watching cars and bicyclists roll by in the neon smear of the city at night. “Awesome,” you repeat back. “I’ll text you my address if you want to come pick me up after work?” A little bubble of excitement floats up and pops in your chest.
“I can definitely do that.”
“You need to fill all this out for the Grammy’s trip.”
The large stack of registration paperwork lands on Yoongi’s desk with a resounding thud, but he doesn’t so much as bat an eye. Though you’ve put on a brave face and moved back to your desk in the lobby after the happy hour incident, you’ve still avoided any alone time with the genius in his lab, as much as you can help it.
Today, it could not be helped. Especially given your need for a change in schedule.
“And I’m leaving early tonight.” You add, trying to feign confidence, just be direct and to the point. “I need you out of here at five, Yoongi.”
He grunts a noncommittal response, but doesn’t look up from the screen of his computer. His eyes are squinting slightly at the tracks on his mixing software. You wonder for a moment if maybe he needs glasses.
You furrow your brow as soon as you process the thought—what the fuck do you care about this man’s eyesight? You give your head a subtle shake in hopes of dislodging the idea.
Yoongi waves a hand silently, as if to imply you’re dismissed.
You really don’t know what makes you say it. “Jungkook and I are going to a concert.”
At this, Yoongi’s concentration seems to falter. He glances away from the screen, head tilting slightly to one side as he eyes you. “A date with Kookie, huh? Cute. I knew you two would get there eventually.”
You’re not sure what other conclusion you expected him to draw from the information, but suddenly your face is hot. You have to suppress the physical urge to squirm in frustration, to literally stomp your feet like a toddler.
“Can you just be normal?” You snap. “It’s not like that. Not everyone wants to fuck their coworkers all the time.”
He spins a quarter-circle in his chair to fully face you with an eyebrow raised. “Does Jungkook know it’s not like that?”
You stammer at being put on the spot. “I-I’m sure he does.”
Yoongi blinks lazily at you. “Uh huh.”
Rage flares up in your gut before you can stop it. “Jungkook is a nice guy. He’s not a boundary-crossing creep like you.” The words sting like acid as they leave your mouth. 
Yoongi gets to his feet so quickly you barely have time to process it.
For every step he takes towards you, you take one towards the door of his lab, walking backwards. “You know,” he mutters darkly, “I liked your mouth a lot better when it was on my cock.”
Your back finds purchase against the closed door, and you swallow hard, refusing to show fear.  “Well, remember it fondly, because I’m not making that mistake twice.”
Yoongi falls quiet for a moment, eyes searching yours. You’re a little surprised when he takes a step back. “Do you really feel like I violated a boundary?” His voice is flat, nearly monotone, when he asks the question.
You fumble for your words, for the truth; both are hard to find. “I-I don’t know.”
He surveys you with an expression you can’t decipher. “I gave you plenty of opportunity to say no. Do you feel like you were too drunk?”
“No. I mean, I consented. I’m not saying I didn’t. I just… we’re coworkers.”
“I’m aware. You called it a mistake. Do you regret it?”
“Do you?”
He huffs a dry laugh. “You keep acting like I’m not stating it plainly here. I would love to fuck you senseless again any time, sweetheart.” The pet name is biting. “I’d take you right up against this door, if you wanted. But not if you’re going to regret it.”
Your mind swims as you try to make sense of this conversation. “What if I don’t?”
Yoongi takes a single step closer to you. “Well, then I’d ask you when you want it again.”
The expression on his face, as if he’s won some smug game, is endlessly infuriating. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction. “And what makes you think I’ll just give it up again?”
He just keeps smirking, eyes locked on you. “You tell me. I’m the one asking permission here.”
You tilt your chin up towards Yoongi, suddenly very aware of how close he is to you. Something in you pulls taught as you recall your conversation in the bathroom after he nearly came in your mouth.
“If you want it so bad, then beg for it.” The words spark between your teeth as you say them.
There’s a glint in Yoongi’s eyes, and a muscle in his jaw jumps, as if he wasn’t expecting that response. Then he slowly starts to nod. “Is that what you want?”
You refuse to look away. “Did I stutter?”
His tongue darts out briefly to wet his lips, and then he laughs an exhale, a single indignant breath. Eye contact never faltering, you watch as he drops to his knees in front of you.
“Can I touch you?” He asks. The silence of the room hangs heavy between you, roaring in your ears like white noise. Yoongi blinks once, dark lashes fluttering. “Please?”
You feel some last mechanism of inner restraint shatter as you nod.
Yoongi’s touch is deliberate but, surprisingly, not rough. His palms meet the backs of your thighs and begin to slide up, encouraging you to pull your hips off the door and allow him room, your shoulders still pressed flush against the wood behind you.
His hands keep moving, slipping under the back of your dress with no hesitation, only stopping when he finds what he’s looking for: the band of your panties, which he hooks his thumbs under and swiftly pulls down your legs, leaving the lacy fabric to pool around your ankles. You shift to kick them off and suddenly realize your mouth has gone dry.
“Do I have to use my words?” Yoongi asks, voice low. His hands retrace their path back up your thighs, but he takes his time with it now. You hate the way your breath is starting to go shaky from his touch.
“What else would you use?”
“My tongue.”
Yoongi has pushed the hem of your dress up, his mouth devastatingly close to your center and his hands cupping your ass. He stares up at you, waiting patiently for a response, dark eyes brimming with want.
You’re still not even sure of your answer as you start to say it, but then a firm knock at the door cuts you off, loud enough to rattle your brain inside your skull. Ice floods your veins as your eyes go wide.
“Min Suga?” Jungkook’s voice calls from the other side.
Your breath hitches in your chest. This can’t be happening.
“Hey, JK,” Yoongi calls, not moving from where he’s knelt on the floor in front of you, both hands still firmly grabbing your ass. “Sorry, I’ve–” he glances pointedly up at you, and it takes everything you have not to slap him when he continues, “I’ve kinda got my hands full right now. What’s up?”
“No worries, you gave me the code, remember?” Your stomach twists violently as you hear the distinct beeping of Jungkook starting to type into the number pad.
You tear your gaze away from Yoongi to your lacy underwear, in plain sight, too far away that you can’t possibly retrieve them in the mere seconds you have to react.
Adrenaline surges through you, enough to make you lightheaded, to make your limbs go numb. There’s no time to do anything. You flatten yourself against the door as the handle starts to turn and the overwhelming urge to cry rushes up into your chest.
Yoongi seems to finally take the situation seriously, because in a flash, he’s on his feet, arms caging you in on either side to push firmly back against the door. His forearms peek out from under the short sleeves of his black t-shirt— you can see the defined muscles there flex and work, the way his veins bulge under his pale skin as he presses all his weight into the door with a look of real, concentrated effort.
Fuck. You’re not sure you’ve ever been simultaneously aroused and on the verge of tears before.
“Sorry, Jungkook,” Yoongi tries again, and you can hear him attempting to keep the strain out of his voice. “I’m, uh– redecorating a bit in here. I’ve got some stuff blocking the door right now. Can we just talk like this?”
“Oh yeah, sure, okay!” Jungkook answers brightly. You squeeze your eyes shut, desperately willing this nightmare to be over. While you’re pretty sure Jungkook won’t try the door again, an animalistic part of you is still too terrified to do anything, frozen in fear at what nearly just happened.
You’re only distantly aware of Jungkook babbling on about work. “I’ve got a few questions about upcoming release scheduling, so I can know what content we need to get ready. Can you talk me through the rest of Q1 real quick? Just so I know what’s coming when.”
A shiver runs through you at the feeling of a touch, so barely-there that at first you think you might be imagining it.
Your eyes flutter open to find one of Yoongi’s large hands pressed to your throat, delicate fingers splayed over the column of your neck.
It could be aggressive, but it’s not. Decidedly not. His touch is featherlight, and he applies no pressure to your windpipe. If anything, the gentle weight of his hand is oddly… comforting. A word you would never have thought to associate with Min fucking Yoongi before this moment.
The silver chain bracelet on his wrist winks in the soft purple glow of his studio lights, and you stare at it in a daze, entranced. You can feel your adrenaline high beginning to crash: the world feels muted, faded, far away.
“Go ahead, Jungkook,” Yoongi prompts, and you wonder if you’re imagining that his voice has softened just the slightest bit.
You drag your gaze up to him as he starts to talk through scheduling with Jungkook, his tone all business. He’s not looking at you, eyes instead fixed firmly on the door in front of him, occasionally rolling up to glance at the ceiling when he’s trying to recall something.
As your heart rate starts to settle, you take a moment to drink in Yoongi’s features unobserved. The line of his jaw. The slight furrow of his brow. His full, pink lips.
Your throat jumps when you swallow under his touch, and he doesn’t look down, but his hand begins to move. His palm stays heavy over the slope of your throat, but his fingers and thumb move smoothly, tracing faint patterns over your skin, stroking along the muscles of your neck and setting every last one of your nerve endings alight.
Your eyes are heavy-lidded with lust now, and your head tips back against the door, all thoughts blotted out at his touch. Fuck, it feels good.
A gasp slips past your lips when you feel Yoongi’s other hand brush over your leg, and you pray the door is thick enough that the sound doesn’t carry. He’s still talking through scheduling with Jungkook, answering questions as calmly as ever, as his whole palm comes to rest on one of your thighs below the hem of your dress, fingers just barely teasing under the fabric.
When Yoongi finally meets your gaze, his dark eyes pierce straight through you, as if to pin you to the door. He raises one eyebrow in a silent question, and the meaning is unmistakable: another request for permission.
Arousal rolls through you like a riptide, and you’re dragged under before you can even think to fight it. The dramatics of the previous close call linger— it feels like you’ll die if he doesn’t touch you right now. The fact that you shouldn’t be doing this only makes you want it more.
You don’t look away as you nod your consent.
You spread your legs to allow him room, hips tilting up, and Yoongi slips his hand under your dress to snake between your parted thighs. Fresh desire mixes with the cotton-numb fuzz of dwindling panic in your brain, the knowledge that Jungkook is still inches away from you and talking as Yoongi’s hand approaches your center. You have to bite down on your bottom lip at the first brush of contact.
Their conversation continues on, but you don’t process a word of it.
Yoongi traces two fingers gently over the lips of your cunt, teasing devastatingly close to your clit before moving down to circle at your entrance, where he slicks them in the wetness that has already started to pool there.
He keeps his movements so slow, his touch so light; your mind belatedly catches up to realize that anything more will surely start to elicit an audible sound.
You wonder if maybe this is it, if he’s just going to torture you, his fingers running through your folds in long strokes that have your core throbbing until you can’t take it anymore. And then he laughs a little at a comment Jungkook makes and uses the moment of sound coverage to deftly press those two fingers into you.
You bite down even harder on your lower lip in an attempt to stay quiet. Yoongi’s fingers push in to the hilt, long and thick enough to fill you up entirely. It’s all you can do to keep your breathing steady— the feeling of him inside of you jolts through you with every inhale.
Desperate for movement and nearly shaking with hypersensitivity, you clench your pussy around his fingers in a silent plea for more.
As if in response, the hand around your throat just barely tightens. You don’t know whether to read it as encouragement or a warning, but it makes your eyes flutter closed all the same.
His fingers begin to curl at a truly torturous pace, and then they press so firmly into your g-spot that your knees nearly buckle.
You’re hardly cognizant of the room around you anymore, or the wood of the door digging into your back; nothing else seems to matter in this moment except the weight of Yoongi’s fingers and the way your walls grip tightly around them.
Your eyes snap open again when his other hand suddenly leaves your throat. You feel exposed without it, but you shiver all over as the warmth of his palm trails along your collarbone before traveling down the slope of your body to settle at your waist.
As soon as that hand stills, the other pulls back from the heat of your cunt, and he brings his fingers up to brush over your bottom lip. His eyes roam hungrily over your face as he asks another silent question.
You open your mouth like a reflex, and you willingly let Yoongi pet the taste of you over your tongue. Your lips close around his fingers, and your gaze stays locked with his as you hollow your cheeks to suck diligently, swallowing down your own slickness.
With a heady groan, he withdraws, leaning forward to brace the same hand against the door just next to your head.
It occurs to you now that he’s no longer speaking, no longer afraid of making noise. Jungkook must have left– you can’t say when that happened.
The returning silence of the room pulses like a heartbeat. Yoongi is hovering over you, lips slightly parted, close enough that you can feel the heat of his breath, and you swear the distance between you is narrowing by the second.
“Nervous?” He murmurs, so quiet you easily could’ve imagined it.
“Fuck me.” Your voice comes out a little hoarse.
“Hmm?” Yoongi freezes where he is, sounding almost dazed when he hums the question. Just shy of your mouth but invitingly, dangerously close.
Your hands are already fumbling to undo the buckle of his belt. “I said fuck me, Yoongi,” you snap. “Up against this door. Before I change my mind.”
The corner of Yoongi’s mouth just barely pulls up. “God, you’re bossy,” he murmurs, but then his arm is no longer caging you against the door, and he makes quick work of getting his pants and boxers pushed down.
When he backs off, you draw in a breath that’s like coming up for air.
Your head reels a little when you see that he’s fully hard and starting to drip precum: you’re not sure when that happened, either. He retrieves a condom from his wallet and makes short work of tearing it open with his teeth.
The thought of his mouth so close to yours again is terrifying in a way you don’t have words for. Before he can step back towards you, you turn and press both hands flush with the door. You reach down briefly to hike the hem of your dress up over your hips.
It’s mildly humiliating to present yourself like this for him, exposed, back arched, your pussy aroused enough to slick your thighs and just waiting to be filled again. And yet, not unlike the risk of getting caught, the shame only makes it hotter, in some twisted way.
​​Yoongi braces one hand against the door, gripping your hip tightly with the other. You breathe in shallow gasps as his cock teases your entrance, and then he slowly starts to press into you.
“Shit, Yoongi,” you whine softly, overwhelmed by the feeling of him fucking you open. The stretch of him makes your eyes roll back in your head, just as perfect as you remember, and all you can do is take it. When he bottoms out, you do your best to bite back a moan, wiggling your ass to fully sheathe him inside of you, wanting every inch.
“Fuck,” he hisses. You whimper again in response.
“We still have to be pretty quiet— these walls aren’t that thick. Guess you can’t scream my name this time.” His voice is dark, sardonic, and you grit your teeth as you look at him over your shoulder.
“Will you shut up and fuck me?”
“Didn’t realize you were my manager,” he huffs, but then he starts to thrust, hard and fast, and you choke on a barely-suppressed noise. You arch up higher to push back on him, your body begging silently for it, your walls fluttering as the thick head of his cock drags over your g-spot again and again.
Yoongi’s hand on your hip shifts, fingers splaying over the soft flesh of your ass, digging in hard enough to bruise. You inhale sharply at the sweet sparks of pleasure-pain, already edged close and losing the fight to stay quiet.
“How does it feel?”
You’re surprised by the question, and even more so at the sincerity with which Yoongi seems to ask it, voice low in his throat and a little raw. You have to scramble to find words through the haze of your impending climax.
“I-it’s good,” you manage. His hips snap into you even harder and you gasp again. “Fuck, really good.”
He exhales a dark laugh. “Yeah, I can tell. You’re squeezing me so fucking tight, shit.”
Your head nearly smacks against the door from how forcefully his cock is now pounding into your tight heat. You roll your eyes– of course he wasn’t sincerely asking. You want to kick yourself for even entertaining the idea that Min Yoongi could be anything other than a selfish asshole.
Despite that fact, his rough, relentless thrusts are enough to leave you breathless, and the pleasure builds hot and fast in your core. Your head is spinning, and a shiver rips through you when you suddenly feel his breath over your neck, hear his voice in your ear.
“Gonna think about getting fucked like this on your date tonight?”
The stifled whine you let out and the way your pussy throbs around him betray any denial you could’ve tried to make. You look back over your shoulder at him, attempting to say something, anything, and then Yoongi’s hand slips down to circle your clit and you lose the ability to think coherently at all.
“Wanna feel you come on my cock,” Yoongi murmurs, and you swear your legs almost give out.
It’s just white-hot pleasure now, and you have to clamp a hand over your mouth and sob into it as your orgasm crests, your thighs shaking violently under his touch.
“Fuuuck,” Yoongi groans hoarsely as you start to pulse around him, over and over. His breathing comes in ragged gasps that match the pace of his hips as he keeps rutting into you, until he pushes all the way in with a last grunt of effort and you milk his release out with yours.
You slump forward, heart racing, and brace your forearms on the door to let your head loll between them. Yoongi stays stationary for a moment too, the hand on your hip absent-mindedly kneading into your skin, before he finally shifts and withdraws from your still-quivering cunt.
With a steadying exhale, you slowly right yourself on shaking legs while he steps away to deal with the condom.
Once your path is clear, you don’t wait around to suffer any small talk. You move to retrieve your panties off the floor and pull them back on with the last scrap of dignity you can manage. Then you shove your dress down over your hips and cross back to the door.
You leave without a second glance back at Yoongi. 
When you emerge from the Genius Lab, you make an immediate beeline for the bathroom, which is thankfully empty. It’s only once you press your palms flat against the cool marble countertop of the sink that you feel like you can breathe again, and you have to make a conscious effort not to hyperventilate.
Your mind is racing as you take in your reflection in the mirror and attempt to put yourself back together, trying your best to look like you didn’t just get fucked against a door.
A door in the office. Because you are at work. Where you just had sex with a coworker you hate.
The realization of what you just did, how stupid you just were, hits you like a train. Fuck. You’re met with the overwhelming urge to scream at yourself. What is wrong with you? Your eyes roam over your own face, as if you might find the answer hidden there somewhere; your bottom lip is slightly swollen from how hard you were biting down on it.
Can you call something a mistake if you’ve voluntarily made it twice now– and while stone cold sober the second time, no less? And what if it’s a mistake you want to make again?
That can’t happen, you firmly tell your reflection. You won’t let Yoongi get a third strike on you, and you certainly won’t let him fuck up this job for you any more than he already has. He is now officially out of your system.
You gently smooth out your hair, and then you pause, fingertips lingering over the skin of your neck. You tilt your chin up slightly to get a good look in the mirror. There aren’t any visible marks, but you can’t quite shake the memory of Yoongi’s hand closed over your throat— the way everything in the world seemed to blink out of existence under his touch, if only for a moment.
It’s over, you tell yourself again. It has to be.
With a resigned sigh, you run your hands down over the front of your dress, then check the back to confirm there aren’t any weird stains. As much as you want to hide away in the bathroom for the rest of the day, you force yourself back out the door and down the hallway towards the lobby.
Your heart creeps into your throat as your footsteps bring you closer to the Genius Lab, and you forcefully tell yourself that it’s not a big deal. You’re just going to walk right by and head to your desk to proceed with the rest of your work day, thoroughly unbothered.
At this point you wonder why you’re even surprised when the door swings open and Yoongi practically runs into you. You jump out of his way, startled— and you are surprised to see that he has his bag slung over his shoulder and his dark sunglasses on.
“Just heading out,” Yoongi mutters, and your only answer is to keep your gaze fixed on your shoes when you brush past him and continue down the hall.
You’re sure he must be following after you, and you have to swallow the urge to interrogate him— ask why he’s leaving so early, where he’s going. You don’t care, you remind yourself. Not having him around is a good thing.
As you approach the office lobby, you glance up to see Jungkook walking towards you from the other direction. He holds up a hand in a lazy wave, and you come to a dead stop.
It’s the first time you’ve ever felt anything other than happy to see your coworker. Now panic rises in your chest, a wonder if maybe, somehow, he knows what happened on the other side of the Genius Lab door.
“I was just coming to find you,” he says as he crosses to meet you where the two hallways join and spill into the lobby.
You can tell from the look on his face that he means it. There’s no hidden agenda. Nothing to hold over your head. It’s enough to make you exhale a small laugh of relief.
“Well, you found me,” you say.
“Leaving already, Min Suga?” Jungkook’s gaze jumps to look behind you, and dread pools in your stomach. You couldn’t imagine a more mortifying exchange right now if you tried.
Yoongi doesn’t dignify Jungkook with a response, only hums noncommittally as he slips past the two of you and heads for the exit. Your stomach clenches as you wait to hear the doors open and close, praying there’s no sarcastic remark coming, praying he’ll just leave.
His hand presses flat against the glass, and then he turns over his shoulder, as if he’s just thought of something. “You kids have fun tonight,” he quips dryly. Then he pushes the door open and slips out into the hallway.
Jungkook looks a little lost. “Oh, uh, did you tell Suga that we–”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, it sort of came up. When I said he needed to leave early.” Jungkook nods, and you’re eager to change the subject. “What did you want to ask me?”
“I realized we didn’t agree on a time for me to pick you up tonight. I was thinking seven, if that works?”
Your heart sinks a little in your chest as you take in Jungkook’s sweet smile, the expectant but patient look on his face, Baby-Star-Candy eyes blinking. Your earlier conversation with Yoongi echoes in your mind like a knife to the gut.
“Actually, JK, can I talk to you? About tonight?”
“Yeah, absolutely. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, yeah, I, uh– I just wanted to make sure you knew that…” You tense up as you prepare to deliver the blow. “This… isn’t a date. I was asking you as friends. That’s all.”
“Okay,” Jungkook says simply. His face betrays no hurt feelings.
You’re rambling, unable to believe it could be this easy. “I mean, I-I just… don’t think it’s a good idea, you know? For coworkers to date.” Or fuck, a snide voice in your head adds.
Jungkook nods. “No, I totally get it, but seriously, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. I really like being your friend.” He shrugs, as if that’s all there is to it. “So, I’ll pick you up at seven?”
Relief floods through you like a balm. “Seven sounds great.”
“Cool.” He’s already reaching into his back pocket for his phone. “Can I show you pictures of my dogs now?”
At 6:55, there’s a firm knock on your door, and you squeak as you dig through the bottom of your closet in search for the right pair of shoes.
You spent most of the last hour on FaceTime with Jimin, who did what a good best friend is meant to do: viciously tear apart nearly everything in your closet while bent forward in a straddle split, warming up for his performance.
The two of you had eventually (more or less) compromised on a black t-shirt dress with a denim jacket thrown over top. Though Jimin had derided the look as “basic”, you’ve decided you’re just fine with that.
You finally find what you're looking for, retrieving your white Air Force Ones and stumbling to pull them on your socked feet as you trip out of your room and towards the front door.
You lean down to tie the laces as quickly as you can, then flip back upright, blood rushing to your head so fast you feel a little faint. You’re not sure why your heart has started to pick up speed, but you let out an exhale as you reach for the door handle, hoping it might help offset these strange sudden nerves.
You turn the handle and swing the door open to greet Jungkook with a smile– and your jaw drops at the sight waiting for you on the other side.
chapter five | masterlist | chapter seven
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mel1rose · 3 months
As flame reduces even the stars to ash, as ice seals away even time itself, as great trees swallow even the sky...
Fear not the power of darkness.
And so, we start where it all began. Come, let me show you a real happily ever after...
Word Count: 1.7k
Inspo Music: Toccata & Fugue in d minor - comp. Bach, arr. Stokowski; Thinking Time - TWST Soundtrack (aka post-overblot flashback theme part 1); Beauty and the Beast Prologue Instrumental (1991) - comp. Menken
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader, hello darkness my old friend, existential questions, spooky ambience, and the slightest hint of blood if you squint, but nothing recent.
Darkness is the only thing you know.
You can’t move, for the shadows envelop you in their embrace. You can’t hear, for the eerie silence snuffs all sound. You can’t see, for the void is all that exists.
Well, the void, and apparently you, are all that exists.
…That can’t be right.
Wasn’t there supposed to be something happening? Something important?
You wrack your brain for something, anything, that could illuminate your reason for being here. You try to remember what happened. Nothing. You try to remember how you got here. Nothing. You try to dig deeper, to the first memory you have, any memory, really, to tell you who you are. All you know is you and the void.
But one thought, strong and clear, crosses your mind.
Find them.
…Find who?
Find them, the thought insists.
Why? You ask. Why do I need to find them?
Find them, the thought insists again.
But somehow it feels right. It feels like what you’re supposed to do. But…how? You’re trapped in a never-ending, cold, dark void…
…Not for much longer.
You feel something start to grow in your heart. You look down and see light for the first time. It’s small, unassuming against the ever-expansive darkness.
But it’s there. It’s shining. It’s…warm. Your warm light.
Little by little, it expands to the rest of your body, chasing away the cold from your chest, your shoulders, your torso, your limbs, your neck, all the way to the top of your head and the tips of your fingers and toes.
This is not where you’ll stay, not if you have anything to say about it.
You stretch out your hand, finally able to move, focusing all your being on finding a way out. Your hand starts to glow, growing brighter and brighter until it bursts and fractures into a million stars. They swirl around you in a beautiful dance of light and color that almost look like…strings. In fact, the longer you look, the more shapes start to take definite form. You swear you can hear a firm, yet gentle melody pierce the silence with its rising and falling tones. The lights finish their dance in a grand flourish, coming together in a flash and a shower of sparkles to reveal a door.
You step forward and open it.
You find yourself standing in a garden. The sun is shining, the air is clear, and the scent of roses hangs on the breeze. You feel soft grass cushioning your bare feet. You hear the leaves rustling in the swaying trees and birds chirping as they fly overhead. Vine-covered walls line the border on one side while towering hedges line the other.
It’s warm, you notice. So warm.
Find them, you hear the breeze whisper.
There it is again. No time to rest, you suppose.
Guided by the breeze, you walk through the garden, stepping onto a path of mossy stones, passing beds of tulips, daisies, and dandelions. A few rose bushes guard the exit, framing a well-traveled walkway that becomes more overgrown and unkept the farther you travel away from the garden.
You don’t have to walk very far to see where the breeze wants you to go. Past a towering tree, its trunk thick and strong, you notice that the same stone wall from the garden stretches out along the path. It ends at a rounded stone archway that opens into a dark, interior hallway; the closer you are to it, the more you notice the cracks that line the archway’s surface and the increasing lack of sunlight shining down on you.
Find them, you hear the breeze whisper in a chorus of voices.
Against your better judgement, you cross the threshold into the hallway, following where the breeze takes you. Dust clouds hang in the air. Cobwebs decorate any surface or corner they can stick to. What were once grand carpets, drapes, tapestries, and tables now bear the scars of ravenous colonies of moths and termites.
Find them, the whispers on the breeze say. But the breeze doesn’t feel inviting anymore.
It feels cold. So…cold…
As wind whips past you, you rub your arms together, trying to salvage whatever warmth you had left from the garden. You look up to see the raggedy crimson drapes sway one after the other down the hallway until an old wooden door at its end slowly creeeaaaaks open.
Find them, the whispers say. You feel the return of the wind, now buffeting you from behind towards the open door and into the dark room beyond.
It’s too far for the sun’s rays to reach you here. But as you step forward, small square braziers by your feet activate with a puff of smoke one after the other until the entire room is lit by soft, blue flames.
You’ve entered a room lined with cracked columns. Frayed navy blue strips of patchy velvet limply decorate the walls, some parts stained a dull yellow. Eight pedestals stand in the middle of the room, forming a walkway towards an elevated platform accessible by worn marble stairs but covered by those same navy blue drapes like curtains on a stage. Curious, you take a closer look at the pedestals and their display of a…varied assortment of objects.
A broken crown, wilting like a dead flower despite being made of a sturdy metal. Obviously, it wasn’t sturdy enough to handle the pressure.
A curved claw, adorned with a large chasm that threatens to split it in two. Parts of it are discolored with patches of dark yellow and reddish brown. Something bad must’ve happened to the poor creature that this belonged to for the claw of all things to retain damage.
A seashell necklace, worn with holes covering its cracked surface. Its faded golden luster and threadbare black chord testify of numerous uses. Interesting choice for a display that’s nowhere near the sea.
A red gem, dulled from countless scratches. It’s still attached to a torn scrap of black fabric and the frayed remnants of a feather. Maybe with a little bit of polish it’ll look good as new?
A dagger, its blade covered with rust and threatening to fall off. Gem-shaped indents in the hilt are little more than forgotten craters in the metalwork. Pity. That could’ve been useful if things go south.
A skull-shaped brooch, the pin on the back bent at an odd angle and hanging loosely from the spring that once kept it in place. Oh come on! That could’ve been perfect for…something.
A sharp needle about a foot long, miraculously spotless and kept in good condition compared to the other objects. But upon closer inspection, there’s some slight discoloration at the bottom and a single track of a reddish brown substance that spans from the tip to most of the way down its length. This feels…oddly…familiar…maybe from a dream?
An antique gold key, its bow bearing a simple design of a raven’s skull. A strip of black-and-white striped fabric tied around the shaft droops downward as a lifeless little bow. What does it unlock?
You analyze the objects one by one, taking in all of their details and imperfections. Only one catches your eye. You return to it, inexplicably drawn to the artifact like a moth to a flame. You reach out to touch it.
Find them, the whispers say, urging you on.
But before you can make contact, you feel the wind return once again, this time flapping the drapes covering the platform until you hear fabric tearing from the force. By the time you run up to stabilize them, the frayed drapes fully separate from their base and fall to the ground, taking you with them in a puff of dust, debris, and a sneeze or two.
From your vantage point on the ground, you notice two things. One - the aged drapes are not stained. In actuality, they bear a faded yellow pattern of stars and crescent moons. Two - those drapes were covering a rather large, rather clean, rather expensive-looking oval mirror.
Golden snakes twisting around themselves form the frame, accented by a few shining rubies. At the top sits a crown of feathers, molded from the same metal that houses the mirror itself. You expect to see your reflection as you stand up, but you see nothing except an empty void.
Well, you see nothing except an empty void and a shadowy figure walking towards you.
It stops at what would be just in front of the mirror. All you can make out are long, flowing, black robes, making it appear as if it were a being risen from the shadows themselves. It holds out its bare, clawed hand towards you in a silent invitation.
Find them, the whispers in your heart say, stronger than ever.
You hesitate for a moment. You look down at your hand. You look back at the mirror. You reach forward, expecting to hit glass, but your hand passes right through the rippling surface. You take the figure’s steady hand.
As you step through the mirror, you glance all around you and see not one, not two, but seven lights, all coming from their own mirrors, all following the shadow holding your hand. Each light glows a different color at a different brightness, even compared to your own, but all chase away the feeling of dread that briefly settled in your heart at seeing the void again. You realize that you’re not alone anymore. You look back towards the figure again, each step more confident than the last.
The figure stops, turning around to face you and the gathering of lights. The same flowing robes that obscure the shadow’s body shroud its face. You hear a voice speak in your mind, sophisticated yet slightly grating, distorted somewhat by the whispers that echo its words.
To me. To them. To yourself.
The hour grows long, and time is scarce.
Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come…
And as you fall back into the darkness’ cold, soft embrace once more, a revelation crosses your mind.
You…are you, right?
No. You are…you…but…not…at the same time.
You are @$#%*&$%&^.
You are…Yuu.
And you’re about to become the meal of a large gray chimera with blue flames shooting out of its ears.
Welcome to the Villains’ world, Yuu@$#%*&$%&^
A/N: It's finally done!!! I'm so happy to share this with everyone and to actually put an idea down on paper that I've had for a long time now. I've got more stories to share, so stay tuned!
I do not own Twisted Wonderland or any of its characters; those rights belong to Yana Toboso, Aniplex, and Disney.
I do own any stories that I write. Please do not modify or repost my work.
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study-with-aura · 5 months
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Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my long days this semester; therefore, if I do not post on one of these days, it is because I barely have any time. I only got back from dance, and I am eating an almond butter sandwich and posting before jumping in the shower and getting ready for bed, so I can be there by 10pm and asleep before 10:30. 7am will be here quite shortly for another full day of studying, an extracurricular course at the library, supplemental study, and more dance. Wednesdays are actually my favorite because we have Variations.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed tangent lines + learned about arcs and central angles + practice + honors practice
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed vocabulary + started writing on my paper + read the news
Spanish 2 - Reviewed sports vocabulary + learned about Pelé
Bible I - Read Numbers 35
World History - Worked on my Enlightenment thinkers chart + read more about the Enlightenment
Biology with Lab - Played a game on genetics
Foundations - Read more about love + did my daily workout on Lumosity + learned about choosing a speech topic + chose a "how to" topic (how to become a professional ballerina) + made a five-bullet outline
Practice - 60-minute piano lesson
Khan Academy - Completed Unit 8: Lesson 2 of High School Geometry
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 80-136 of Chaos Theory by Nic Stone
Activities of the Day:
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful that ballet started back up and that all of my friends had a nice winter break.
Quote of the Day:
The problem with resolutions is they’re only as solid as the person making them.
-Crank, Ellen Hopkins
🎧Má vlast, JB 1:112: No. 2, Vltava - Bedřich Smetana
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studio-dreamie · 8 months
that ‘20s show ---- profiles
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y/n and her best buddies(eh)
the ultimate college friend group that does not escape the trials of suffering, love, drama, and weed
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member 1: y/n, kind of the only girl, 3rd year business student who is embarassingly in love with renjun, best friends with yangyang and haechan, she is a little dumb but academically great! asthmatic
member 2: haechan, twitch streamer, will die on a hill for y/n, comp sci major (NERD), a camera lover, a silly goofy dude who could fuck up wingstop anyday
member 3: yangyang, nic addict, basketball boy, business major, sneaker reseller, him and haechan are actually the dynamic duo, international student
member 4: renjun, art student, posted a video of him painting on tikok and went viral, insufferable, girls want him bad because who doesn't want a man who can actually dress?
member 5: jaemin, schools heartthrob, honestly the nicest guy on the planet…to others, father of jisung and co-parent w y/n, bio major, a girls girl at heart
member 6: jeno, business major to the core, jaemins best friend, 00 lines other roommate who goes to parties so much that he's almost never in his room but knocked out on the couch, chill guy, rice purity score 30
member 7: jisung, the youngest boy, is seen and loved by all the dreamies, son of jaemin and y/n, not into ig but got one because all of 00 line did, does not live w 00 line but is always there like their unofficial 6th roommate, dance major
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wooly-nooly · 1 month
I was watching a little comp of post malone and his top teir dance moves and i could only think about how vessel dancing and how they both just move with the music in such a raw way of dancing that is just them feeling it. Its amazing
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applejongho · 5 months
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2023 has come to a close so that means it's time for my year in review! i've been a gif maker on tumblr for more than two years now and this account keeps growing and getting so much love. im so grateful for all of my (jong)homies and mutuals that have let me get to this point and have fun along with it. like, i hit 1k and 2k followers in the same year! thats fucking rad!
i giffed a lot more this year than last and i think it's because i was finally able to get ps and vapoursynth near the end of 2022. my confidence soared as a result. not to get mushy, but this year on tumblr has been amazing because of that. :( this was the first full year i felt like a "real" and "competent" gif maker because i finally was using the tools that everyone else was using and i knew how to use them. thats a big thing for me, because for so long i struggled with figuring out how to download vs (and ps) (on mac btw) and i felt jealous that everyone else could do it so "easily." ps and vs are also really unintuitive if you dont know what youre doing so to basically brute force my way to success is something i want to pat myself on the back for. i did this. im insane. and now ive been properly expressing my insanity via gifs for over a year now that ive been so proud of! yippie!!!! as a result of my Trials and Tribulations, ive been thinking about creating tutorials for how to download ps, vs, and how to properly use ps to make gifs for those that dont even know where to begin now that i am a Seasoned user. bc i fucking get it. let me lend a hand.
but anyway.
some highights of this year that are worth mentioning:
i hit 1k followers in january! heres my 1k followers event posts
i hit 2k followers (!!!!!) in november!!!!!! heres my 2k followers event posts (so far)
i dabbled in combining ateez x (usually) alt/metal/rock songs now that i am a Confident and Certified Alternative Lady. here are those gif sets
still insane for jongho. also happy one year to biasing hongjoong. also happy almost three years of being an atiny.
i learned some new coloring tricks. i learned some new sharpening tricks. slayage all around!
below the cut are my most popular and my personal fav posts from each month this year as well as the total number of gif posts made each month!
tagging mutuals to view and to also do their own 2023 year in review (only if u want! absolutely no pressure ❤️): @yunwooz @hwanswerland @miinsang @booskwan @wifehwa
most popular: hongjoong doing a handstand
my favorite: short hair jjongie comp set
total posts made: 39
most popular: guerrilla era hong comp set
my favorite: also guerrilla era hong comp set!
total posts made: 13
most popular: cruella hair hong comp set
my favorite: red hair jjongie
total posts made: 23
most popular: driver yunho
my favorite: gorgeous brown-red long hair jjongie just standing there
total posts made: 31
most popular: barefaced ot8 (top post of the year!)
my favorite: gorgeous brown-red long hair jjongie pt 2
total posts made: 35
most popular: hong says fuck
my favorite: sparkly jjong
total posts made: 37
most popular: bouncy relay dance ot8
my favorite: guerrilla one year anniversary post
total posts made: 32
most popular: thanxx woo
my favorite: hala hala jjong
total posts made: 19
most popular: gorgeous blond hong
my favorite: dune yeo
total posts made: 22
most popular: one day at a time san
my favorite: jjong according to the tags birthday post!
total posts made: 12
most popular: hong according to the tags birthday post!
my favorite: also hong according to the tags birthday post!
total posts made: 10
most popular: hong smirking and giggling
my favorite: halazia yeo comp set
total posts made: 20
i hope that 2024 brings a lot of new opportunities for me. i'll be graduating from uni in this spring and will hopefully obtain a Big Girl Job. thanks for sticking with me, jonghomies. have a happy new year!
-- anne 🍎🐻
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