zaddyazula · 8 months
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lestatslestits · 9 months
If I had a nickel for every time in 2023 that a popular non-human character from a beloved piece of British media was explicitly stated to be non-binary while being played by David Tennant, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot. But it’s weird that it happened twice.
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
GOD i hope we get some sappy shit between Ed and Stede where they talk about WHY they love each other this season. i know they’re soulmates and they’ve been bound to meet and fall in love since time started but i’m dying to know what Ed’s favourite thing about Stede is. and i know we now have “I love everything about you” and i know we have “what makes Ed happy is you” but i want those sickening and nauseating details. like is it his smile? his optimism? his heart and soul? let them be GROSS
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rushinintolove · 4 months
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- "Fergus! You're gonna miss your cocoa, you know!" - "It's a long way down from this window. But I'm so high I'll bet I could fly." - "Fergus!"
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wistfulwatcher · 4 months
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Criminal Minds: Evolution, 17.02 Contagion | Criminal Minds, 5.02 Haunted
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plutosheaven · 4 months
David, on finding out that Crystal has her powers back: "I can't wait to be a god again."
David, one week ago, on month three of possessing a powerful psychic:
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aimedis · 1 month
teenage david & darlin' siblings au (+alive gabe lololol) | yes, this is a work in progress. i started it over a year ago and have been stopping and restarting for so long 💀 it was meant to be a multi-chapter fic (of around 15 chapters) and i never got past 4 😭😭
cw - darlin' angst, mentions of toxic relationships (quinn & darlin'), sibling arguments, teenagers doing teenager shit (sneaking out & getting drunk), lots of cursing and name-calling, no sam or any of the mates because of the high school setting
wc - 1.8k
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David never really considered himself a rebellious child, and compared to his sibling and packmates, he really wasn’t. Then again, it wasn’t as if he'd never done things he wasn’t supposed to. But those things were spread out enough for him to blame it on teenage impulse.
At least he was self-aware.
But sneaking out was one thing he could never justify to himself or wanted to do in the first place.
Yet here he was. Sneaking out.
Asher got invited to this party a friend of a friend was hosting and was told to bring whoever he felt like. David and Milo were obviously the very first and only people he thought to invite. They were the only people he knew would come with him or at the very least not snitch on him.
The situation he was now in came back to his inability to say no to Asher. Surely this counts as peer pressure.
They were at Asher's house that Friday night, under the guise of a routine sleepover. They stayed until his parents fell asleep before sneaking out the front door and into Asher’s father’s car.
The whole car ride was quite uneventful, Asher and Milo having a conversation about something while David sat in the back trying to ignore the anxiety pooling in his stomach.
It had been all of twelve minutes after they’d arrived before Milo slipped one of those cliché red solo cups into his hand. David didn’t hesitate to down the whole thing.
He heard Asher and Milo laugh at him and felt the slap on his back when he was done.
David leaned back onto the couch with a small groan, barely audible amidst the noise of the music playing throughout the house. He could already feel the tension bleeding out of his body as the alcohol heated his body.
When he turned his head, Asher and Milo were already laughing while downing their drinks with their arms intertwined.
It was gonna be a long night. 
Of course, nothing in their life goes correctly.
Of course, the night after they broke up with Quinn would be an absolute shit show. They didn’t even care that he was showing up to this party, they just wanted him to stay on the other side of the house for the next five hours while they tried to forget about him.
But when does anything go their way?
They were just sitting on the couch on their phone waiting for a friend to come back when Quinn appeared in front of them, menacing aura and all. They had half a mind to ignore him but then he just had to start running his mouth.
They only really caught the comments on them being a traitor, a worthless dog and a disappointment to everyone who ever cared about them. The alcohol in their system was making their comprehension fuzzy.
They don’t remember what they said in response but by the look in Quinn’s cold undead eyes, it pissed him off. And that made them feel good. 
Quinn kept yelling and yelling and Tank found themselves yelling back once again. They didn’t know if anyone else was paying attention to both of them and frankly, they didn’t care, if people wanted to watch how much of a clown Quinn was when he felt threatened, they could.
Tank enjoyed the feeling of being the only one to make Quinn lash out like this. 
It was kind of special.
David groans softly as he steps out of the house, the owner of which he didn’t even know, loud music pounding against its walls, not helping his budding headache. 
He pulls out his phone and forces himself to call his Dad’s contact before he can talk himself out of it.
He knew this was a bad idea
You would think being the oldest and most level-headed teenager in the pack would make him resistant to Asher’s stupid ideas. But alas, he’s just a teenage boy who was bored on a Friday night with a social butterfly as a best friend. 
Gabe picks up the phone, his voice groggy from sleep. “David?” 
“Uhm, Dad?” David winces at how nervous he sounds.
“Something wrong, buddy? Are you boys alright?” He asks, worry starting to make itself apparent in his tone and David feels guilt building inside of him.
Yeah, this was a really bad idea.
“I-” He closed his eyes and inhaled a sharp breath as his vision blurred, “I’m really sorry in advance but I need you to pick me, Ash and Milo up.”
There was silence on the other line for a moment before Gabe spoke up again, “Okay.. why?”
David had to take a few deep breaths to calm the panicked feeling in his stomach before he could continue. “One of Ash’s friends was hosting a party at their house and the three of us snuck out of Ash’s house to go. Ash and Milo are both wasted and I’m not sober either so I called you. I’m really really sorry..” 
The sigh of disappointment from his father made him wince.
“Send me the address, I’m on my way.”
David swallowed hard and nodded before realizing Gabe couldn’t see him. “Okay. Thank you.” He whispered back.
“Thank you for calling me, David.”
David didn’t say anything before Gabe hung up. He sent the house address quickly before he stepped back inside the house. Asher and Milo were in the same position they were in before he left, draped across each other on the couch giggling about absolutely nothing.
David collapses next to the both of them, “My Dad’s on his way.”
There was no reason for that to be funny, quite the opposite actually, but for some reason, Asher and Milo started laughing hysterically. David rolls his eyes, immediately regretting it because of how much worse it makes his headache, and buries his flushed face in his palms.
“It’s not even funny, I’m so dead,” Asher snickers into Milo’s side.
Milo replies with a cackle and David groans quietly.
This night could not get any worse.
David had all but dragged Asher and Milo outside when his father had gotten there, stumbling a bit himself but he got the three of them to the car where his father was standing. 
Asher and Milo’s obnoxious laughter stopped as soon as they saw their Alpha standing tall and pissed outside the house. David could’ve rolled his eyes at the way both of them hung their heads and mumbled a “sorry, Gabe”, climbing into the car with their figurative tails between their legs if he wasn’t scared shitless himself. 
He avoids his father’s eye contact as he walks around to the passenger side after closing the door. 
David expected his dad to enter the car after them and start the car and the lecture, but he looked up long enough to see him still standing against the car and watching the house. David was about to open his mouth and ask what he was doing when he saw Tank leaving the house as well and walking towards the car. 
“Sovereigns above…” Gabe sighs heavily, leaning against the car in exasperation, “Are you kidding me?” 
Tank huffs and opens the car door without looking at Gabe, “Yes, yes I know. You’re such a bad kid, you could’ve died and I wouldn’t know blah blah blah. I was gonna call you, promise.” 
Gabe seems to roll his eyes as they get into the car, “Anyone else in there I should know about?” 
No one in the car says anything so Gabe takes it as his turn to get in the car. 
David turns in his seat to look at Tank putting their seatbelt on, “What are you doing here?”
They look over at him, raising an eyebrow, “I could ask you the same thing, Davey.” They spit the nickname out like a curse. 
“Don’t call me that.” David’s look turns sour, “But I asked you first.” 
“Parties aren’t exactly your scene, I think my question is more important.” 
“You don’t have friends, who invited you?” 
“Fuck you, I have more friends than you do Mr. Grinch-looking ass.” 
“Are their names Jack and Shit?” 
“Do you want to get beat the fuck up?” 
“You can try.” 
“You ugly toad-“ 
“Wet dog-“ 
“Both of you.” Gabe cuts in sternly, “Cut it out. You’re both in trouble and you’ll both have to explain what on earth you were doing at that party without telling anyone.” 
“I think that means you and me are out of the water-“ Asher whispers to Milo.
“Both of you too. I’ve called both of your parents already.” 
“Shit...” Asher laughs anyway. Milo sinks lower into his seat as if he was trying to hide from the world, as if the gravity of the situation had just caught up to him. 
David huffs and leans back into the seat, looking out the window with a new resolve. 
He’s never hearing Ash out again. 
Gabe opens the front door and lets both teenagers into the house before himself, closing it after he enters. 
David and Tank were both still bickering with each other in the entryway as they took their shoes off. 
Asher was dropped off first, thanking and apologizing to Gabe a final time before he slipped out of the car and strolled up to his door. David saw him say something along the lines of “I’m so sorry Mommy” to the doorbell camera by the door and actually rolled his eyes that time. 
Milo’s mom was already at the door by the time Gabe had dropped him off, Tank had snorted at all the colour draining from Milo’s face as he left the car, stuttering through a “thank you, Gabe”. 
The remaining three could hear Marie yelling at him through the car even without their heightened senses.  
Gabe was silent the whole car ride home and so were his two teenagers. Up until they got home. 
“You still haven’t told me what you were doing at the house,” David breaks the silence between him and Tank. 
Tank folds their arms and leans against the wall, “And you still haven’t told me what you were doing there.” 
He rolls his eyes, “I still asked first.” 
“I still think my question is more important.” 
“My question is automatically more important than yours.” 
Tank narrows their eyes, “And why, exactly?” 
“I’m older than you,”
Tank scoffs, “Meaning what?” 
“Meaning that you answer my questions first.” 
“All because you popped out of the womb a year before I did?" 
“Well none of that’s gonna matter when I put you six feet under since you wanna be first so bad, dipshit-" 
Gabe sighs heavily, “Both of you, stop provoking each other. Phones on the counter now.” 
Both of them glare at the other before moving to set their phones on the kitchen counter with little hesitation. 
“Thank you.” Gabe nods and moves to sit at the kitchen island in front of both teenagers, “Now…”
that's all for now! there's actually a lot more of this fic/idea written, this is just the most coherent lol, let me know if you guy want more of it
if there's errors in it then that's not my problem 😁 (this will probably be a wip for literally ever lmao)
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
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“Who’s the big spoon?”
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tweeterwilbury · 4 months
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Crosby, Stills And Nash are over, says Graham Nash//Wild Tales by Graham Nash//Run of the Mill by George Harrison//David Crosby: The Rolling Stone Interview//David Crosby on twitter//Wind on the Water by Crosby&Nash, cover and back cover, 1974//The Frost by Mitski//David Crosby by Graham Nash, 1969//David Crosby on twitter//David Crosby by Graham Nash, circa 1980s.
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What's something you always wanted to write into your Eleutherophobia fic that you just never had a spot for?
David. Love him as a character, even if I hate him as a person. But if I were to put him in the series, then:
This'd presumably have to involve him making some kind of deal with Crayak. And I don't want Crayak or the Ellimist in my fic.
The consequences for everyone's reputation would be massive and catastrophic. At minimum Rachel would get canceled by the internet. At maximum, the idea of charging all six kids with war crimes would suddenly be back on the table.
I have no idea what I'd do with him after the first scene or two of him interacting with the Berensons. Killing him would be inexcusable. But if he lives, he's going to do everything from rob banks to stalk Rachel to charge Jake with attempted murder.
Either he's no threat at all (because he's still stuck as a rat) or he's a life-ruining level of threat (because he's not stuck as a rat) to Jake. There is no in-between.
That said, I'd dearly love for him to interact with Tom at some point. Just long enough for them to get into a snake-measuring contest. And then for them both to discover that king cobras aren't cobras; king cobras are called that because they eat cobras.
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
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pensivespacepirate · 2 months
eskew letting David meet Riyo at the end of Festivity is an act of self preservation in this essay i will
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judyalvqrez · 29 days
I don’t know what’s been happening with the Alan Wake tv show AMC is supposed to be developing, but if it ever does move forward, they should absolutely keep David Harewood as Mr. Door. I’m of the opinion that the games and whatever this tv show will be should be two separate entities, but having Mr. Door as the only constant between both universes just feels right.
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wrightmourmarriage · 22 days
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sorry i was looking through the genius.com website for the lyrics for What Do You Want From Me? to make some watermour esque point but then i saw this. why's he on the guitar??? what???
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your-icarian-carrion · 7 months
”I’m not mating with you sunshine!” Oh I’m so ready for this dynamic
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sabotourist · 4 months
So I was thinking about wash. I watch the show out of order, so there are a lot of scenes I haven't seen. I consider this enrichment. Anyway, because of that, I knew about his injury but hadn't watched the seasons surrounding it for a while.
I thought of it like this: wash finally accepting that his memory and skill doesn't define him, and that they don't keep him around for his ability. And that he can let go and stop fighting now. It's okay. He's released from fighting.
And then I watched some scenes. And one scene completely changed my opinion of that.
Deets under the cut:
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(excuse the screenshots, i am a fraud)
He sounds so genuine when he's saying this, too. He likes going on his misadventures with the Reds and Blues. In light of that, it's no wonder his injury would upset him. He doesn't want to lose that. Not just belonging, but the ability to just... be a trusted member of their team.
In light of that, I really don't like the idea of his injury taking that away from him. Instead I think it could represent a final shift in power.
Wash had started to take on more of a supporting role since season 11. As Tucker grew more and more into the role of a leader. Tucker had this devastating moment of reflection in s17 about it, too.
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But the season never quite got to bring this idea around to anything. I liked the ending of the season a LOT, don't get me wrong. Carolina's arc had an awesome finale. But between Wash and Tucker, this really felt like setup for something that never got paid off.
Tucker trying his best to reconcile the role of a leader. Wash wanting to stay with his team, but no longer being fit for a leader role. I think that would have been the perfect time to pass the baton, fully and properly. To tell Tucker that it isn't just because he isn't fit to lead, but because Tucker is the best one for the role.
I think in my own perfect world, season 18 would have been a very chill season a la the early seasons where they just hang out and talk with very little plot, at least for most of it. Give them all a chance to catch their breath and figure out what's what. Let Tucker and Wash have a conversation about how Tucker still looks up to Wash, about how Wash has nothing but respect for who Tucker has become. How they didn't get the best hand, but how Wash doesn't want to retire, and Tucker doesn't want him to leave, even if he's not the soldier he used to be. About how shit is fucked but they can still be happy.
And then Grif drives a Warthog through the wall right into Tucker. At that moment, the ritual is complete.
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