#DMT realm
posthumanwanderings · 7 months
[ Maken X (Dreamcast) - Psi Dimension (NoPlay) ]
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13thpythagoras · 1 year
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sweaterbob · 1 year
my clouds bite ☁️
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music to listen to ⚡️🛰⚡️
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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The mystery of the DMT: The ‘Spirit Molecule’ that purportedly transports humans to another realm. https://www.opindia.com/2019/07/the-mystery-of-the-dmt-the-spirit-molecule-that-purportedly-transports-humans-to-another-realm/?fbclid=IwAR2fp2hWlSgQy-pnIEtABsiETvXjPL9gQAlvzJrXe_4ikvG37fLPQKcNjIY Entheon’s Gate, Visionary Art Sanctuary Alex & Allyson Grey
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sandimexicola · 4 months
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a painting of a woman sitting in front of mushrooms, dmt machine elves, epic shamanic dmt art, android jones and chris dyer, ayahuasca, psytrance artwork, psilocybin, galactic dmt entity, entheogen, highly detailed visionary art, psychedelic trippy visionary art, hallucinogen, dmt realm
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realsheikhh · 26 days
Buy DMT online
Buy DMT online for a transcendent experience. Explore the mystic realms with our high-quality DMT products, conveniently available for purchase online. Unlock the secrets of your mind and embark on a journey of self-discovery. https://dmtnexus.net/
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pisces448 · 11 months
i forgot to do this becasue i was away fromh ome and then i was busy. but i remembered. tagged by @mauswife and @godspeedyoublackcoffee <3 thanks ladies
Last song: do it without you - jacques greene. homework music
Last show: i watched one episode of hey arnold when i took a break from reading lol. but i just finished rewatching parks and rec!
Currently reading: ummmm American government 2e by Glen Krutz. lmao. for school. but in my free time im reading Stiff: the curious life of cadavers by Mary Roach
Current obsession: space, wormholes, black holes, singularity, the way everything is small and scaled up and large and scaled down, dreams, dream realms, dream reality, alternate reality, lucid dreaming, mind palaces, shifting dimensions, parallel dimensions, tulpamancy, tibetian meditation practices, jungian meditation practices, religious psychosis, spiritual psychosis, forced hallucinations, forced schizophrenia, subliminal messaging, brain washing, declassified CIA documents about astral projection, psychotropics, naturally occurring DMT, animal - human connections, world - human connections, self - self connections, just to name a few.
@foryourhealth @dr-lychee @sleepyalienz @deeplytroubledchild @densewoods @2192395 @beintheforest @secretsinthefloor @sisyphusshrugged @sliversoakley4 @nthfunct @intercal
i cant think of anyone else. do it or dont! but ily all thanks for reading and participating
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myhauntedsalem · 2 months
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Near Death Experiences
The sensation of leaving your own body, a tunnel of light, visions of passed-on loved ones, a review of your life, a feeling of peace and well-being.
Many people have reported these feelings and sensations when lingering on death’s door. Is it a glimpse of the afterlife or just hallucinations as the brain slowly shuts down?
Many people who have been on the brink of death, and more importantly, those who have been clinically dead, have reported various strange experiences.
Reports range from out-of-body experiences (some people having seen their own dead bodies), to a tunnel of light, a sense of well-being and relief from pain to visions of loved ones who have already passed. These experiences, along with many others, are collectively referred to as ‘near-death experiences’ or NDE’s.
Although there have been many historical reports of similar experiences, it is with the advent of medical technology's ability to resuscitate people after much longer periods of ceased bodily function, that NDE’s have become more common.
NDE’s have become so common that Kenneth Ring, Professor of Psychology at the University of Connecticut, has subdivided people’s experiences into five separate stages: peace, body separation, entering darkness, seeing the light and finally entering the light.
More people experience the first stages of NDE, than the later stages.
There have been many theories of what is taking place during an NDE. Common amongst more spiritual people is that it is the transition from life to the afterlife. Many cite it as proof positive that the human consciousness can survive the death of the physical body.
Skeptics of the spiritual outlook claim that the symptoms of the NDE are caused by the brain releasing large amounts of DMT (Dimethyltryptamine, a naturally occurring psychedelic) into the system in order to prevent its host and itself suffering further trauma and shock.
It is also noted that many of the NDE ‘symptoms’ are felt by those that have not suffered life threatening events, or people in deep meditation and those lucidly dreaming. These facts are also said to prove that NDE experiences have no link to an existence, or proof of the afterlife.
However, it should be understood that many people utilize meditation, lucid dreaming and the use of DMT for spiritual practices. These practices have been used for many, many years by those seeking to better experience and commune with the spirit realms.
Even if the brain itself is causing these events, could it be priming the experiences consciousness for the afterlife?
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jellogram · 5 months
Benadryl/DPH is a fascinating drug because it doesn't like, alter your mood in the way that weed or alcohol or DMT does, and the hallucinations are usually fairly minor compared to something like LSD. It simply sends you to an alternate dimension. I can't describe it. You're just in the shadow realm. You can be fully cognizant of where you are and what you're doing and still feel like you're in fucking hades. The air is made of gelatine and you're both sleepy and absolutely wired at the same time. Long dead relatives whisper in your ear. The vague implication that there are insects nearby. Someone's watching you from the shadows. But also you're just like, couchlocked and hanging out.
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ayahuascadiaries · 9 months
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It is one of my beliefs that no one who has had a full-blown DMT trip could ever regard any belief as either totally true or totally false. In fact, what we label consensus reality is only provisionally "real" from this point of view. Most of us have heard the Buddhist tenet that "Life is an illusion." The DMT experience fully ratifies this assertion.
(Actually, "partial reality" may be a more accurate term than "illusion.") One of the most plausible explanations for how this can be is that
"reality" in this dimension is constructed by whichever neurotransmitter is currently being processed by your brain:
When one smokes or injects a substance like DMT or 5- MeO-DMT, one experiences a situ- ation where the brain sees, or chemically reacts to something that resembles its usual neurotransmitters, but is just one or two [atoms] away. So, it allows these mutated chemicals to take the same spot it usually reserves for serotonin. Both being close enough molecularly and functionally to replace serotonin, the impulses that usually get organized by serotonin now get organized by the DMT or DMT analogs... If the brain functions in a qualitatively... identical way... [with] either serotonin or DMT, then we must assume that if one is hallucinatory, then the other might be also. In this case what we call
"normal" reality may be 5-HT (serotonin) hallucination and what is undergone by schizophrenics is DMT hallucination. Or, that neither are hallucinatory in effect, but simply differing "lenses" that reveal two very real, but slightly mis-aligned realities.5
In dimensional terms, this hypothesis asserts that the realm you perceive is dependent upon any one of a series of closely analogous molecular keys. The "normal" key for this dimension is serotonin, but if you wish to enter the imaginal realms, similar chemicals will open them up to your awareness. It is significant and interesting that the most powerful of the psychedelic drugs are all very similar in structure to serotonin! Somehow I find something wryly comforting in the assertion:
"Life is just a serotonin hallucination!"
Quote from the book Psychedelic Shamanism: The Cultivation, Preparation & Shamanic Use of Psychoactive Plants
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dustheadogma · 6 months
need to be euthanized already, miss the dmt realm
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dalle2 · 1 year
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“Prompt: DMT Realm”
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Substack: dalle.substack.com
Twitter: @Dalle2AI
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crystalbrain7 · 2 years
crystalbrain-crack cocaine for the soul 1/1 NFT ethereum
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ok, so crystalbrain got introduced 2 crack cocaine by this dude in the motherfuckin' CIA in a VR simululation to train nicaraguan rebels. he had a glass pipe which he put a flame 2 and he took a hit and all of a sudden it was liek a hailstorm of nun-killings just jumped into his brain liek a complete disasterpiece of youphoric wonderfulness. this was after having a gay orgy with manuel noriega and some colombian dudes and it was a perfect moment of spectackular crack rock hitting wonder. this was not the first time crystalbrain had done drugs, no, he had smoked marijuana, tripped on psilocybin mushrooms, dosed on LSD, gotten fucking jacked on speed, taken benzos, rolled on ecstacy, inhaled huge balloons full of nitrous oxide, gone to other dimensions on salvia divinorum, snorted heroin, chugged cough syrup, gotten blown out of his mind on DMT, and this among probably hundrededs of other reasons is why crystalbrain did not live up to his full potential as a contributing member of the matrix.
but being with CIA agents smoking huge rocks of crack cocaine as a test 2 see if crack was a good idea 2 fill the ghettos of america with in order to be a proper instrurument of the government to keep poor people jonesin 4 a hit, he decidided that what his soul really, really deep down craved was an extatic union with the god…of crack. yes, crystalbrain had met his new god, and being 10 years old and fondled by ronald reagan he decided he would go on a mission 2 get every threat 2 the status kwo hooked on this incredibly racist form of cocaine. he snuck around on an alternate form of existence putting telepathic thoughts to buy roses in glass toobs in the inner cities of amerikkka and it was his complete desire that not only should everyone who was poor smoke crack, that eventually aliens would put the entire planet earth into one big crack pipe and take a gigantic hit off of the pipe and get high for liek…15 minutes. and thus crystalbrain went back 2 school and started selling crack cocaine 2 his classmates in the school bathroom.
it was not known at the tiem but crack cocaine made its way through multiple layers of existence, and so there were demons smoking crack, angels smoking crack, and there was god himself sittin' on his throne smoking a big fat dime rock of crack with his donations from churches. satan got in on the game and started smoking crack, but this was just in the judeo-christian realm of existence. there were buddhas smoking crack, lao tzu's force ghost was smoking crack, in the star wars universe obi wan kenobi was smoking crack with anakin, and everyone in the entire multiverse was having a great time getting high on crack. but then they all got addicted and started selling their assholes to buy crack, and then the DEA became an interdimensional entity and forced its way through the multiverse, and everyone got busted because they were selling and smoking so much crack.
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theomnicode · 2 years
You know, the part where Amai-mask visualizes how to kill the mercs...
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It has the same vibe as Saitama when he looks at people with intense concentration. The third eye of Saitama that Orochi said was the pressure and visualization exercise that Genos alludes to. Probably the same power that he uses when he concentrates hard in general, that being able to manipulate the metaphysical, forces of the known universe.
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The third eye (also called the mind's eye or inner eye) is a mystical invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight.[1] In Indian spiritual traditions, the third eye refers to the ajna (or brow) chakra.[2] The third eye refers to the gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment. The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras,[3] precognition, and out-of-body experiences.
Adherents of theosophistH. P. Blavatsky have suggested that the third eye is in fact the partially dormant pineal gland, which resides between the two hemispheres of the brain.[8]Reptiles and amphibians sense light via a third parietal eye—a structure associated with the pineal gland—which serves to regulate their circadian rhythms, and for navigation, as it can sense the polarization of light.
Rick Strassman has hypothesized that the pineal gland, which maintains light sensitivity, is responsible for the production and release of DMT (dimethyltryptamine), an entheogen which he believes possibly could be excreted in large quantities at the moments of birth and death.
René Descartes believed the human pineal gland to be the "principal seat of the soul." Academic philosophy among his contemporaries considered the pineal gland as a neuroanatomical structure without special metaphysical qualities; science studied it as one endocrine gland among many.
Chances are, Saitama's mental images are so strong the effects can be felt deep down on the soul level. Inner universe. Spiritual plane thingy that he can punch into.
No wonder people get scared out of their wits when Saitama is pissed off. Their psyche goes under attack. He probably doesn't even do it on purpose.
Garou probably felt some very primal fear about Earth actually getting destroyed under Saitama's divine power. Deep down in the lizard brain.
Saitama can just stare into your soul and you can just flop dead huh? If he wanted it hard enough.
Good thing Saitama isn't into killing people and violence eh? And especially not their souls.
Good question.
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Deaest Ascending Souls...please be aware of The False Ascension Matrix.
The False Ascension Matrix is a inorganic alien technology NAA that was installed into the Astral Plane (4D) and is primarily controlled in the higher sound field dimension of 5D. It is a False White Light current ( aka False Christ Consciousness light used by the Imposter Spirit) that is sourcing and manipulated from the lower Soul Matrix dimensional realms. This false white light creates an intricate webbing with many Alien Implants and bio-neurological Mind Control technology which is exerted upon the human's soul body and mind ( through use of lower frequency wave manipulation) of the human being.
Which segues perfectly into to drug use and how it is used to soul trap those on the ascension path...
The NAA Promotes Drug Use.
The NAA promote substance abuse in all of its forms in order to gain full control over the human body, especially the sexual organs and brain waves. The increased spreading of synthetic Marijuana and genetically modified marijuana, have severe impacts to bio-neurological functioning, impairing Executive Function and decision making.
Once the NAA or Imposter Spirits are involved in the promotion of drug use in a human being who is unaware of the mind control influence made upon their mental state, thoughts and cravings, these continued destructive behaviors easily lead into full blown Addiction. Addicts lose their Inner Directional Compass and thus they have very poor Discernment, and lack the clarity required to comprehend or properly assess their environments. This combination makes it easy to trick, deceive and hijack that person's lightbody, Brain Waves and belief systems.
Some Abductees are coaxed into drug addiction through the Astral Plane dreamscapes, and it has been documented that injection of these substances have been administered by entities on the astral during sleep state, in order to promote addictive controls or pavlovian conditioning in the waking state.
Drugs used in ritual can be considered a form of Black Magic. Consciousness altering substances used during rituals are used in order to contact non-human intelligences, of which most of the time are very low level spirits, demonics and reptilians. Drug use allows the astral manipulation of the subject through the lowering of their lightbody frequency to levels that vibrationally connect with that particular type of entity. Drug use in the astral, or using drugs to connect ones consciousness with the Astral Plane, allow for easy latch on by all kinds of Energetic Parasites.
All addictions or regular use of any kind of consciousness altering substance, whether alcohol, Marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth, MDMA or the many labbed substances used today in the clubbing environments, can lower the persons frequency to such level they can be used through spiritual Attachments, parasites, Possessions or taken over by a reptilian entity that uses the body as a host. Any drug use is not advised, and if necessary it is suggested to be highly cautioned, during the high risk environment during the current War Over Consciousness on planet earth.
Now let's talk Ayahuasca, which is also commonly called yagé, ....it is an entheogenic brew made out of Banisteriopsis caapi vine, often in combination with various other plants. It can be mixed with the leaves of Chacruna or Chagropanga, dimethyltryptamine (DMT)-containing plant species. 
Ayahuasca, other ceremonial shamanic plants and psychedelic drugs are high risk behaviors that invite Attachments, Addiction Webbing and Possession for human beings on the planet during the Ascension Cycle at this time.
Ayahuasca plant spirit has been hijacked by many of the dark avatars and the consortium of NAA entities that are on this planet during the Ascension Cycle looking to harvest Soul bodies and the possibility to take over the physical body. It is designed to interfere with true spiritual communication links and shut off the neurological communication functions between the persons consciousness and their higher spirit. It will install its own software programs to run the body, and brain in the autonomic functions of the Central Nervous System. It is usually an astral enlightenment program to trick the person into believing their artificially induced spiritual and altered consciousness state is real. The Ayahuasca plant is connected to a massive spirit, that has grown in size from many people being falsely lead on this path and taking it at high quantities during this time. The design of this plant ceremony in most common cases, is that the spirit of the plant is manipulated by negative forces that want the original consciousness of the person taking the drug to leave the body and/or change Timelines. The goal for the Imposter Spirit that want to take over the human body either in the current time, or in the future timelines, use the Ayahuasca plant to act as its conduit and dark portal opening to allow access into the inner spiritual sanctum of that person.
From the Guardian Krystal Star host perspective, Ayahuasca should be avoided and steps taken to understand its true energetic signature and know who is behind its aggressive promotion in the spiritual communities.
Understandably this may be hard to hear for some... therefore, take what resonates and leave the rest...
Peace be with your mind
Peace be with your body
Peace be with your Soul.
Further reading...
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betshy · 4 days
The Spiritual Significance of the Pineal Gland: Exploring Its Role in Higher Consciousness
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The pineal gland, also known as the third eye, has long been associated with spirituality and transcendental experiences. Located in the centre of the brain, the pineal gland is a small, pea-sized gland that produces and regulates hormones such as melatonin, which plays a crucial role in regulating sleep-wake cycles. In many spiritual traditions, the pineal gland is believed to be a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual awakening. The gland is often referred to as the third eye because it is said to be the seat of intuition and psychic abilities. It is believed that through meditation, visualisation, and other spiritual practices, one can activate and open the pineal gland, leading to heightened spiritual experiences and a deeper connection to the universe. In ancient Eastern spiritual traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, the pineal gland is seen as the centre of the chakra system, responsible for the integration of body, mind, and spirit. Yogis and meditation practitioners often focus on activating the pineal gland in order to achieve higher states of consciousness and enlightenment. In the Western esoteric tradition, the pineal gland is associated with the concept of the third eye and is believed to be the source of psychic abilities and spiritual insight. In the writings of mystics and philosophers such as Rene Descartes and Rudolf Steiner, the pineal gland is seen as a link between the physical and spiritual realms. Recent scientific research has also shed light on the role of the pineal gland in spiritual experiences. Studies have shown that the pineal gland produces and releases DMT (dimethyltryptamine), a powerful hallucinogenic compound that is believed to be responsible for mystical experiences and visions. This has led some researchers to speculate that the pineal gland may play a key role in facilitating spiritual and transcendent experiences. While the pineal gland's role in spirituality is still largely shrouded in mystery, many people continue to explore and uncover its potential as a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual growth. Whether through meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices, the pineal gland remains a fascinating and mystical aspect of human consciousness that continues to captivate and inspire seekers on the spiritual path. Read the full article
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