skunkes · 2 months
need to find a way to let people know that I usually accept comms outside of what I usually offer, without it sounding like an invitation to ignore my pre established openings or without sounding like I Do Take Those Comms Now All The Time
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radical-dadical-rafael · 11 months
thinks so much abt Tim Stoker and the lonely
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sanjerina · 3 months
Not to go off, but:
- structural, racial, and financial inequalities make it next to impossible for some parents to parent effectively (because they’re working six jobs and/or are in prison and/or are chronically ill);
- their kids go to understaffed and underfunded schools who are expected to provide not just education but also child care, mentoring, mediation, and twelve other unfunded mandates to support their students;
- the kids wind up trying to parent themselves and counsel their friends in schools that are not following through on their IEPs, not providing effective classroom management, and not able to keep sufficient adults around for supervision — and schools are thence full of dysregulated children. many of them high as balls, who do not feel safe;
- and our health insurance companies give me and my colleagues in community mental health like 8-12 therapy sessions to fix alllll of that and refer them out to community supports that either don’t take public insurance or straight up don’t exist.
(Plus we still don’t agree on best practices for teaching people to safely use television and the internet, much less these damn smartphones, and our brains are still running hardware from 150,000 years before the Neolithic Revolution.)
So not to kvetch or anything? but I think the rich assholes who have been profiteering off of the aforementioned inequalities should be obligated to spend a few billion dollars to fund some smart people who have been trying to actually fix, like, literally any part of this.
I ranted yesterday at the end of this post about C-PTSD about the extensive damage chronic stress and chaos does to brains. We have set up a system in which this damage is almost unavoidable for a vast number of people, and it’s only snowballing out of control as the generational trauma continues to rack up. (This shit was already endemic when I was a kid, and I’m old enough to be some of these kids’ grandparents.)
We continue to ask more out of workers, more out of children, and more out of their schools, and while thank GOD people are finally talking openly about the impact on mental health, community mental health centers designed to patch you up and send you back for more systemic damage are … not gonna be enough.
Like, it’s something! Therapy will and can and does help! But if you are sensing the game is rigged, I am here to validate the shit out of that for you.
And yet. And yet. We go on. Gotta haul on that moral arc and bend it. 💛
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flowerinjuries · 1 year
Hi darling I enjoyed your kink post and I’d like to ask for Mark lee type of bf, thank you
mark lee as a boyfriend…
the soft side:
was super shy around u at first and hesitated to initiate any skinship, but as u two got closer he’d be the type to always have one arm around your shoulders and mess your hair up by playing with it all the time
even though he’s pretty chill and rather quiet around strangers, he won’t hesitate to do small things for you like order for you
but he’s also really protective of you so if anyone messes with you he will 100% tell them to fuck off
mark lee hates to see you upset, so he does absolutely anything he can to see your pretty smile
he loves to buy stupid knick knacks at stores that remind him of you
and he also always picks up your favorite snacks whenever he’s at the grocery store
i wouldn’t call him a romantic person, but he always has you on his mind and enjoys doing small things that bring you joy
this boy loves to make you laugh
you never tell him when his jokes are shitty though because he laughs so hard at them it’s contagious and his laugh is your favorite sound in the world
when he makes you laugh along with him it’s like winning a gold medal in his mind; he takes pride and joy in the fact that he’s the one that gets the pleasure to see you so happy and comfortable
mark loves to be your big spoon when the two of you cuddle, even if he’s smaller than you he doesn’t care
he wants to be the one that makes you feel secure in his arms - it’s not much of a possessive thing, more so he just loves the feeling of wrapping his arms around you and making you warm
this is how the two of you fall asleep the easiest.
he loves to call you “babe” or “baby” and you call him the same
however if you baby him too much he might pout a little (even though he secretly enjoys it) - he loves being your baby boy
mark talks about you ALLLLL the time, this guy does not shut up about you
it gets so bad that when he’s not around you, his friends can sense his sadness and suggest he go to you instead of stay there with them
you and mark are each other’s other half - he’s your sun and you’re his moon
he loves it when you wear his clothes (specifically his hoodies)
it’s become such a habit of yours that you often playfully argue over who owns what
sometimes you both plan on wearing the same thing on the same day - spoiler alert, mark gives in and always lets you wear it instead of him
besides, he thinks anything looks better on you anyway.
a relationship with mark is really easygoing and fun - you two always feel relaxed around each other and very rarely argue - you will eventually get so used to each other you barely need words to communicate
the not-so-soft side (nsfw/18+):
as i’ve mentioned previously, i think mark lee is 100% a switch when it comes to sex
he’s not insanely kinky since your relationship is very chill
it’s usually your decision who should dom when you have sex: 50/50 chance it’s you, same odds it’s mark
the sex is relatively soft and quick, but god mark knows what he’s doing no matter the position or role he’s in
this guy fucks so hard
loves it when you tug on his hair and beg or demand for more from him
he usually always gives you what you want
makes you cum so many times
but he doesn’t dare to edge you
both of you love oral sex - it’s just become a huge part of your relationship
he loves to taste you and to him, sex isn’t sex without going down on you first thing
your moans are his encouragement and he strives to always make you moan as loud as possible
he always leaves cute lil hickies between your thighs <3
runs his hands all over your body and whispers such lovely praises
he just wished you could see yourself how he sees you: the most beautiful person in the world
even if he insists he doesn’t want it, you beg him to let you suck him off or fuck your throat
he loses himself at the sight of you begging and pleading, he fears he might cum in his pants
sucks in his breaths and bites his lip as you give him head while you’re on your bruised knees
you turn him on so so much
your big eyes looking up at him always bring him to heaven
he’s so desperate for more, and the two of you spend the rest of the night doing whatever you want
whether that means fucking until dawn or falling asleep in the tight embrace of mark lee’s arms: you decide!
and that’s what i think it’s like to have mark as a bf!!!
if you enjoyed reading this pls don’t hesitate to send me more asks about any nct member! i always need inspiration <3
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onesidedradiostatic · 19 days
"if he had the same power level as an overlord he WOULD STILL BE AN OVERLORD we see from alastor that selling your soul does not negate overlord status therefore husk likely lost his status from losing power"
Exactly! Overlord STATUS, its really more of a societal title!! Overlords WOULD take away that status, regardless of power, if the Overlord's soul was taken! Alastor still being an Overlord isn't much of an argument when no one knows his soul has been sold. (With the exception of Husk, who's likely under orders not to mention anyway.) MOST LIKELY, Husk lost his status because he sold his soul, not lack of power.
"idc if he saved some power through his deal, he still lost enough to lose overlord status"
(See above for latter argument)
This is me being picky with words and lyrics but if Husk had only saved SOME power through his deal, I feel like the lyric wouldve been "to save some power" and it wouldn't change the beat too much. So, it would seem like Husk did manage to hold onto all of it or at least a vast majority, not a small quantity!
"and val has his smoke, cover the room in that shit and husk can TRY not to breathe that in."
BZZZT WRONG! See previous argument: environmental damage. WHAT ROOM? Husk can blow those walls WIIIIIIDE open and let alllll that smoke out. A great advantage bc Husk's got long range weapons and can still attack while airing the room out. Val would be shooting BLIND. Husk just has to aim at the center and not even need to be 100% accurate because EXPLOSIONS.
"bullets are also faster than cards. val wins."
With his EYESIGHT? With his smoke covering a hella lot of his vision? Even with four gattling guns he'd be lucky to be aiming in Husk's general direction.
as far as we know, overlord status is determined by the number of souls an overlord owns. we KNOW husk gambled his souls away and from that we KNOW he lost the power gained from those souls and as far as we know we haven't seen him with any and he himself definitely doesn't consider himself an overlord anymore. "Exactly! Overlord STATUS, its really more of a societal title!! Overlords WOULD take away that status, regardless of power, if the Overlord's soul was taken!" is an incredibly bold assumption. we do not know this. as far as we know overlords are demons that reach a certain number of souls owned.
no comment on the lyrics I genuinely don't think him not saying "some power" means anything it makes just as much sense to just say "my power", but this entire line is confusing to begin with. my impression was he sold his soul to save his power from being completely lost after he gambled all his souls
not if the smoke reaches him first and disorients him
and oh my god I'm too tired to debate all this I just think it's ridiculous to think husk, an ex-overlord who's hit rock bottom, can beat val, a current overlord with heavy power and influence, one on one. are we trying to diminish val as a threat here
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wisehearts · 2 months
in what position do you think mike cums the fastest? what about will?
For mike, as simple as it is I think early on doggy style really does it for him just because it's such an overwhelmingly horny experience to watch your dick disappear inside your best friend, and with an ass like will's that's rippling on every thrust and flushed red and slick and every gay guy's dream I don't think it takes him long at alllll 💀🤭 HOWEVER I personally love to think he becomes obsessed with will's reactions and seeing his expressions and it really riles him up seeing the effect he has on him, so doggy style just doesn't cut it there (until they get a mirror and he gets the best of both worlds)
will... is harder to pick a position for, for some reason! I immediately wanna say cowgirl because I just truly believe he loves it but I think that's more his favorite than what makes him come fastest.
I think I'm gonna lean towards any position where he feels compressed or weighted, so like mastery or missionary but specifically with his legs over mike's shoulders/lifted up in general. it's like a comfort thing too maybe. having mike stuffing him but also pressed close, or arms locked around him, panting into his ear, eye contact - like if all his senses have mike around him I can see him flying over the edge very quickly :)
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thebearer · 9 months
Teddy + willow personality headcannon plzzz 🙏🙏🙏
teddy has a loud personality. very sweet, very kind, but loud and dramatic. every feeling she has is big, but that's not always bad. like when she's happy, it's that kind of happiness that radiates and makes you happy. she's forever making your bad days better with her little sunshiney personality.
she's fearless in a sweet (but terrifying) way. like carmen "i would rather die than have human interactions esp with strangers" berzatto walking with teddy through a grocery store??? she's speaking to every single person. carmen is like omfg please no but she just loves to talk, isn't scared either. really isn't scared of much. everything she does, she just does it without much thought or care about it or esp too much worry. carmen is like who's kid is this lmao...
which leads me to my next point. she's got a lot of mikey traits. richie says it a few times, "that kid is alllll mikey right there", but really when teddy gets older. it's very clear to carmen. maybe it's bc of the age difference between him and mikey, he didn't really know or remember his brother as a young kid. really only has memories of mikey when he was a pre-teen and older. he starts to see it and it scares the ever loving shit out of him. she's loud, and fearless, and bold, and a little sneaky and rebellious. she's got a million friends it feels like, and can just get a long with anyone and everyone.
willow is the polar opposite of teddy at first glance. i mean, it makes sense she'd be calmer and quieter- you weren't sure what a kid with more energy and personality that teddy would be like. willow was always a freakily calm baby and child. like just the definition of unbothered. she didn't cry much at all as a baby, really just content.
willow is a lot like carmen. she likes things a certain way. doesn't argue much with teddy, but will over rules. always has that way. she's quick to tell teddy "those aren't the rules" or "teddy, you can't put those together, that's not in the recipe" when they're playing in their little play kitchen. she's detail oriented that way, but she also never misses any detail. the BEST gift giver bc she notices and remembers everything- just like carmen.
she's not overly quiet or shy, though she doesn't go out of her way to necessarily talk to people like teddy does. she will talk, and will go do the things she wants to, but isn't like dying for social interaction if that makes sense? like not insecure or shy or anything, just content with her circle even if it's small, and fine being alone too. she'll play by herself when she's little, but if teddy wants to join her, that's great too kinda vibe.
teddy really enjoys cooking, with sydney the most. she likes learning- finds it fascinating. she likes learning about how if you mix this with this you'll get this, and all the different things that go together.
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purpleinksplotch · 2 months
Little Golden Showers - volume I (Warning: Piss kink, 18+ only)
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WARNING: As the title suggests, this is a piss kink fic. Piss kink/omorashi in general will be a common occurrence on this page so if that's not your thing don't follow me. Any hate or kink shaming will be deleted and/or ignored.
Buuuttt if it is your thing feel free to send me hard thoughts on SKZ piss kink -- or any SKZ hard thoughts (I usually write sub SKZ but I can be flexible). I'll do a pinned post shortly with the kinks I'm uncomfortable writing (there's not many I am a heathen lol). In the meantime, enjoy this first instalment!
Peeing on their chest/stomach
Asked you to do it as a joke, didn't expect you actually would
But once you say yes he's surprised by how much the thought turns him on
Loves how filthy it is, but is also someone who really values emotional connection and trust and the fact you're willing to be this vulnerable with him makes him so hard
"Come on babygirl, I can see you need it so bad."
Pulls you into his lap and probably gets too excited and starts prodding your bladder trying to make you let go
Once you do the man is in heaven, moaning and biting his lips never taking his eyes off you as you soak his abs in deliciously warm piss
The second you're finished he's flipping you onto your back and fucking you until the bedpost breaks
Lee Know
This is alllll about the control for him
Enjoys the omorashi side of it more than the actual pissing (although he likes that too)
Would make you drink so much water you're about to burst, then tell you you're not allowed to let go until he says
"Be patient kitten, I know you can be good and hold it for me."
Wants you whimpering and squeezing yourself so you don't leak... and then he pushes your hands aside and teases you with his fingers
If you let out an accidental spurt of pee he spanks you
Only when you're on the verge of tears with desperation does he allow you to let go, laying back and offering up his perfect body for you to make a mess on
Gently grips your chin so you have to maintain eye contact the entire time
He's usually a big softie for you, but he can be a hard dom when he wants to be
This isn't something he'd necessarily want to do all the time, but he likes experimenting
Wants to feel needed, and what better way than when you're desperate for release?
"Does my bunny need to go? Do it on me baby, I'll catch it all."
Has his strong arms around you the entire time, as if he's trying to squeeze every last drop out of you
Unlike the others he closes his eyes when you actually start peeing on him, so he can enjoy the warmth and the feeling of wetness
But he holds you close to him and presses kisses to your neck while you let go
Was 100% his idea
Wants you to ruin him in every way possible, but what he loves about pissing is that you're marking him as yours in the most primal sense
Strips naked and spreads himself out before you, his beautiful cock flushed red and straining before you even approach him
Definitely wants you to take a more dominant role and talk to him, might even taunt you
"Yes... Want to feel dirty, please make me yours."
Lets out the most sinful moans when you finally splash his stomach with pee
Throws his head back and bites his lips
Will definitely be stroking his cock using your piss as lube unless you order him not to
The most enthusiastic of them all (with Hyunjin a close second)
Is already hard the second pee is mentioned
Can never decide whether he prefers peeing on you or being peed on, but anything involving piss makes this man see stars
Cannot keep him quiet for love nor money. A moaning, whiny mess
"Baby, baby please I need it! Want you to piss on me, please please please."
Literally screams the second you pee all over his tiny waist. Toes curling, babbling, shaking, gripping your hips hard enough to bruise
Your bladder has more stamina than he does and he's painting your ass and back with come before you've finishing pissing
Sweet angel is a kinky bastard underneath
Loves absolutely anything that allows him to feel close to and intimate with you, and the fact that this is something so private and just between the two of you really gets him going
When he's the one peeing, he likes being edged to the point where he can't hold it anymore, but when it's you he wants it to be relaxing and sensual
"Let go baby, it's okay. Love you so much."
Deep moans the second you start peeing
Can't resist kissing you and holding you close to his body during
If he's feeling brave, he might even slip his hand between your legs so your stream soaks his fingers
Would 100% eat you out afterwards if you wanted him to, just worships you
Similar to Lee Know, he likes the omorashi aspect
Wasn't sold on the pissing at first, but you worked up to it - straddling his thigh in the shower and letting your pee dribble down his legs. Then him doing the same to you
Enjoyed it more than he thought he would
The part of him that hates mess is his biggest barrier here, but when you're so needy and desperate and in his control he can't help getting turned on
"You need it that bad? It's only a few glasses of water, is your bladder that weak?"
Brings out his dom side, will tease you so much before finally letting you go and is a bit mean (adores you really though)
Will deny it to his dying breath, but has very sensitive nipples and loves being in a cold room then having your warm pee splash over them. Makes him moan so loud (until he claps a hand over his mouth)
We've all seen the baby alpha Innie fics
The idea of being pissed on, or pissing on someone else, initially freaks him out - but more because he's worried that liking it would make him dirty-minded and you'd judge him for it (even though you were the one to suggest it, silly boy)
Eventually he says he wants to try it, and it brings out something feral in him
If you beg him to allow you to let go, he's going to lose it
Prepare to be choked and have his famously long fingers digging into your bladder until you explode all over him
"Oh yeah, just couldn't hold it could you? Gonna punish you for this."
Like Chan, will be pounding into you immediately afterwards while you're still dripping
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thethirteenthcrow · 2 years
tbh i would love any kind of internet security list you could provide whenever you have time! :)
*kracks knuckles*
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▷ use firefox, not safari or edge and Definitely Not google chrome;
▷ always use duckduckgo as your regular search engine. even w the extensions below you’ll see that none of them will light up bc duckduckgo is awesome and doesn’t track u;
▷ go to your add-ons and get these extensions (alphabetical order):
— adNauseum (fake-clicks on every ad it detects a bunch of times so the company's analytics will be all fucky-wucky and it will cost companies lotsa money)
— cookie autodelete
— decentraleyes
— disconnect
— don’t track me google
— duckduckgo privacy essentials
— hoxx vpn proxy (free, although limited, vpn)
— https everywhere
— localCDN
— privacy badger (redirects your trackers babey!)
— privacy possum (falsifies data so it costs companies as much money as possible)
— TrackMeNot (does randomly generated searches on random search engines so it hides what you really search for AND makes analytics all fucky-wucky)
— uBlock origin (superior adblocker)
— WhatCampaign (swaps out google analytics with fake shit, do you see a pattern? once again! the analytics are, repeat after me, fucky-wucky!)
▷ other add-ons that i do recommend but have nothing to do with tracking/adblocking:
— auto tab discard (closes ur tabs after long time no use, mend it to your own settings);
— bitwarden (one place to keep all your passwords, would not recommend putting Very Important ones like your bank account there but, like, tumblr works);
— dark mode (automatically makes websites dark, isn't perfect but it's nicer than being blinded by every Wikipedia page at 3am when you're losing that sense of existence and what is and isn't real anymore)
— firefox multi account containters (sort your tabs babey! give cute colors to your tabs, separates them from work/personal/shopping/etc.)
— google docs dark mode (turn off dark mode and use this one for docs, works amazingly)
— grammarly
— honey (save money, use honey ;))
— mind the time (keep track of how much time you've spent on a tab)
— reddit container and facebook container (two seperate add-ons but keeps your reddit and facebook stuff separate from the rest)
— reverso context (for my fellow bilinguals who sometimes Do Not Know the words and then there they are)
— shinigami eyes (it's a starting extension but it tries to hide transphobic and other anti-lgbtq+ stuff from your view. when you see something's slipped through, you can report it to them so they hide it from other users)
— simple tab groups (sort your tabs in groups with names n stuff)
— sponsorblock (also a starting extension, but hides sponsored-moments from youtube videos and makes you enjoy the content you're there for, not the 783rd hello fresh or raid shadow legends ad. it's user-driven, so be sure to submit the moments where there is sponsored content to help other viewers!)
— tranquility reader (if u don't want to be overwhelmed by all the functions on a webpage and just. read. the. damn. text.)
— unpaywall (a MUST for all students or people in research-driven workfields. read those paywalled items and articles! learning should be free! another option for this extension is 12ft ladder)
and those are all the extensions i currently have on my firefox. if you have any recommendations, drop 'em in my inbox and I'll add them to this list!! hope this helps you out!
small reminder that adding more extensions might make your firefox slower, but trust me, is alllll worth it.
stay safe out there on the big wide web that wants to know everything about you. don't tell them more than what you want them to know xx
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thenumber-e · 12 days
Wifeyyyyy! Tell me about Craig's sports Hobbies? Or Hobbies in general:3
ok feeling shitty rn so this’ll (hopefully) get my mind off of stuff
anyways oh boy there are SO many of these that i have this is gonna get long i think
starting off with sports, i feel like he’d be an active guy. not like gym bro buff craig kinda stuff you see, he’s definitely a lanky beanpole. but i feel like he does a few sports so has a bit of muscle
first off, basketball. i’m a truther for this one, i don’t see it a lot tho. like, i hc him as being pretty tall, and i don’t have much like canon advice to back this up but that and the fact that there’s a basketball in his garage in tsot- but i think it jus fits him tbh. and also because it’s funny, he’s a total fucking loser nerd, but since yk i’ve gotta stick to canon sometimes, he’s technically popular and attractive, he definitely has like a jock alter-ego or smth stupid like that LMAO
he definitely seems like a hockey guy. like- the enforcer is so him. he’d totally wanna beat people up just cus he can. also i think he’d be a really good skater- i think he’s a pretty well balanced person physically. also, i see kyle as doing hockey, and they’re definitely close. i just see them being friends making sense, so now theyll have a sport together. also- because im insane, ike does hockey too and kyle and craig help him practice
i believe i’ve seen this once, but yk. i always see boxer tweek and don’t get me wrong i love that, but i feel like craig would continue doing martial arts afterwards too. like he’s canonically a violent and angry guy, but he’s kinda mellowed out, and i feel like that’s him just holding it back or smth cus he gets in trouble alllll the time. tweek also probably scolds him for it. but i feel like it would be a good way for him to get out any extra emotions, because he is NOT good at expressing those. also, back onto lanky criag, he’s got long limbs, and i feel like that’s good for someone to do martial arts (trust me im projecting) also, that’s also why he has good balance i feel.
alright, done with sports, just normal hobbies.
starting off, he’s 100% a music guy. i see stuff about him preferring podcasts over music, but i see him as a total music guy. in @panicatthecourtx more recent posts, she kinda went over that stuff, but because yk, im the craig ceo i’ll go over it too. i call it dad rock cus thats what my dad listens to, but he definitely listens to nirvana, ac/dc, weezer, that kinda stuff. he’s just a nerd. but i feel like he’d also have music as a way to vent in some sort of way? idk if it makes sense this is just how my brain works, but when he’s stressed, overstimulated, or just down in the dumps he zones out and just listens to music. he’s also just a nerd
space, duh. he could go on and on about that shit for hours. he can make every constellation, am every galaxy, all the nebulas, and basically anything. especially black holes. they fascinate him, he finds them so interesting and yk. is a nerd about em. ik it doesn’t really tie in with space stuff but i’ll put it here, he definitely loves conspiracy theories, especially ones about aliens and stuff. he thinks of his own all the time. especially about other space related things. also, back to conspiracy, death absolutely fascinates him. he just want to know what happens after that.
this is a basic one, but sleeping. he’s the heaviest sleeper ever, literally sleeps 24 fuckin 7
he’ll never admit it, but he kinda likes school. not because he likes sitting around all day or listening to teachers drone on and on, it’s because usually he can talk about things. in classes he enjoys, it’s his favorite thing ever. i also see him as that one kid who literally never studies or pays attention and yet has all A’s in every class.
he’s 100% a reader. he can zone out and not lay attention to anything. he gets lost in books all the time and it’s so nerdy but he loves it. it’s almost like an escape from reality which he likes. he’d never admit it, but he frets stressed pretty easily so he enjoys the way to just be alone in his own world. this also ties in with the music hc- he probably listens to music while reading. he also just zones out a lot in general
this also kinda feeds into music headcanons but he skateboards. he just gives me 90s grunge/kurt cobain vibes and youll never change my mind on this. he thinks he’s so fuckin cool but he’s just some random ass lame kid but he gets away with it cus he’s mildly popular or whatever. but he definitely has a little mini skateboard for stripe
why do these headcanons keep feeding off of each other? i dont know but yk its ok. craig fucking loves mini things. it’s definitely iconic, cus my craig is really tall and has big ass hands. but small things remind him of tweek (my tweek is like 5’8 so compared to him yeah kinda short) but he’s just gay and loves anything and everything that reminds him of tweek
i’ve also realized i don’t need a really detailed description for everything so yeah uhh (don’t mind this it’s my train of thought)
he collects shit he has the most random stuff in his room. random lego pieces he found that he thought were cool, a shit tom of rocks, different leaves, little trinkets, anything space related, stickers, just stupid stuff. those are just the basics, but he has soooo much stuff
he loves making detailed lists and ordering them and stuff
going on hikes he loves hiking he just loves the outdoors tho
stargazing is a must. he loves it and has specific times and places for them
from like a singular scene in like on episode, he plays the fuckin violin cus he’s cool like that yk. because friends, he and wendy practice together- a friend headcanons that she plays the flute, so yk it works.
hanging out with friends is a must. especially clyde they have the bromance ever they’re so lovey dovey best friends
it’s like 2am and i’m getting lazy so here ya go this isn’t even half but alas it’s ok so have fun with my stupid ass spews ty for ur time
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pavelkaramazov · 1 year
my preliminary and disorganized Beau thoughts under the cut!!!
I loved it, as I knew I would, but I am very much still processing. This is not going to be a very coherent post by the way, so please don't expect that of me. The first like hour of this film was the funniest movie I have seen in a very long time and there were lots of laughs in the theatre. Seeing this while high as fuck on 4-20 was wonderful.
One of the biggest things that stands out to me is that there is literally no character development in this film. There's definitely plot development, and new information unlocked, but what does Beau do about this information??? nothing. He remains more or less exactly and completely the same. Which lends itself nicely to a narrative about purgatory.
Also this movie leaves me with lingering feelings and thoughts about how horror is alllll about witnessing others misfortunes and comedy is the same thing. When something mildly bad happens to your best friend everyone's first instinct is to laugh.
Ari Aster and Joaquin Phoenix both thrive in making people deeply uncomfortable so when they work together its just magical. There were moments that made me feel sooooo uncomfortable it was UNREAL I was flattened out in my seat like I was when I saw skinamarink. Specifically just soooo much stammering/crying/moaning/mumbling/screaming/groaning/noises.
This movie also was kind of a montage of every kind of nightmare?? Your therapist works for your mom and sends her recordings of all your sessions, running in the street naked, trapped somewhere and no one will let you leave, urgently need to say something but can't speak, very long boring narrative happening that makes no sense and is going nowhere and leaves you with a vague sense of dread, etc. Very specific and familiar kinds of nightmares.
I'm not necessarily saying that this was the meaning of the film or that it had any inherent meaning at all, but Beau seems to live in the world that your social anxiety WANTS you to believe is the real world. And watching things play out like that is like.... a reflection on how ridiculous it would be if that was actually how anything worked at all. And watching someone who is so victimized by everything and simultaneously so pathetic and unable to self advocate is like. kind of a wake up call. Leaving the theatre there was a lingering feeling not unlike the feeling of waking up from a ridiculous nightmare and thinking "it's never that serious"
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lyloneliness · 3 months
A lil Fyodor theory after chap 113 ✨
Hey! For those who already read the chapter 113 of bsd... Fyodor has a scar right? And I won't even bring back alllll the theories that explains he's alive and why on the table... But let's say Fyodor is immortal.
In the present he has the same face as in the untold origins and we're all on point to say he doesn't age. And if he died in Bram's castle, he probably revived in some kind of way right? But there are many kinds of immortals in fiction, and I think that Fyodor isn't the type that heals, at least not exactly. There are two possibilities I'd like to explore :
maybe reincarnate with a whole new body...
his body's 'time' just turns back* to a precise point : the point of his 'first' life (well he isn't dead but you get it) when he looked like he always do. The scar would just disappear as his body turns back to its 'reset point', and he'd certainly grow a new arm.
*For further detail on the logic of that, just search into Eri's power in MHA
As for what happens to the old body or the sectiones arm, we don't have any clues to figure that out yet.
But if the 2nd possibility is true, does that mean his mind too turns back to the reset point? Or does it just exist underneath as a checkpoint to 'when' the body should turn back? Either way, that would mean a part himself is still the way it was at that time.
But seeing Fyodor as we know him, I dont think he forgets what happened prior to his 'death'. Which implies that both state of mind coexist within him : the him from that point of his life, and the him from the present. Doesn't that remind you of something?
Yes. His ability.
He's much different from the Fyodor we're used to, and a lot of people's reaction when seeing him in chap 107 was "He looks so innocent! ". And that would make sense! I mean, it's his ability that brings him back to the checkpoint... So wouldn't it also be his ability's role to keep a trace of 'what' he's supposed to turn back into?
Thanks for reading!
PS: idk if some of you read or watch Undead Unluck, but it's kinda like Andy and Victor : the old one is brought back sometimes and the two of them coexist without getting along
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gendrie · 1 year
on a thematic level i get WF as the last stand location vs. the others. its the place where it all started, but it does seem like a logistical nightmare
if the battle happens in the south that means only 2 povs truly need to move long distance: bran and jon. and jon? has to go south anyway to tell everybody else wtf is going on. so, what? hes gonna hustle all the way to wherever-the-fuck to meet with dany and then drag everybody alllll the way back to winterfell?
if the battle happens up north that means like at least 6 povs have to haul ass from their various locations. plus!!!! all their numerous allies and armies (100,000+? people just w/ dany) have to march too which will weaken everybody before the battle even starts. stannis is barely hacking it and thats pre winter conditions. it’ll get even worse when the wall is destroyed. the invasion starts at that point which gives the others a major headstart on everybody. 
like it doesnt make any sense lol why not cut the others off at the neck?? harrenhal would be a useful base for everyone bc its legitimately large enough to house all of these people too. the isle of the faces is also the perfect hq for bran to fight from. 
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pencilpat · 3 months
what are you’re headcanons for Virgil? 💜
Of course anon!
Virgil loves DIY! He made his own hoodie, he is a typical alt kid mending and patching things from the thrift store. I think that, while emo is his favourite fashion and music type, he also really loves goth music and style.
The dark side fallout happened right before Accepting Anxiety rather than after. Janus had plans about showing Thomas all the repressed aspects of himself even back then, and Virgil was the easiest to grapple with, so he was sent out on the front lines. He wasn't supposed to bond with everyone. He wasn't supposed to become friends, family, with someone else, with the others. And after tension built and built and Janus's abandonment fears consumed him, it just collapsed into a fight. Virgil decided that, really, no one wants him at all, and all he does is hurt and inconvenience every other side. So he ducked out. You know the story from there.
Virgil and Roman are only recently getting along better but they're trying. Virgil's love language is sharing his interests, and he tries to find crossovers between things they enjoy. Roman struggles with that because in his view there isn't much overlap at all. Most of their hangouts involve rewatching Nightmare Before Christmas over and over. But also! Makeup!! They do each other's makeup for fun alllll of the time. Also making clothing for each other!
THIS SIDE IS AROACEAPL!! Virgil is so aroaceapl coded to me, or at least demiromantic/demisexual and friendship neutral aplatonic. He never seems to enjoy the words 'I love you' or any implication of love being given to him. He doesn't seem to enjoy relationships in general, though he has let exceptions happen. Virgil seems very romance repulsed for himself but the second it's for Thomas's romantic life he is out to battle as Bravery for the sake of that anxious man's heart.
Speaking of, Logan is also VERY aroaceapl coded and in my mind they are in a queer romantic relationship, they love each other in a way that doesn't make sense as any currently known type of 'love'. They need each other and they make each other feel nice - Logan is someone that Virgil genuinely likes to be around, which is rare for him. They get each other's struggles and I think they could talk each other down from anything. And neither of them could ask for anything better than someone who understands.
Patton is also someone Virgil has felt love for. At first both of them mainly thought it was a familial bond, but given both of theirs' issues with comprehending romantic feelings, it was soon found to be more. Attraction gets very complicated when you're aro, ace, and aplatonic. It can be so confusing when you do like someone, and you'll often try to categorize them as something different like family or community. Virgil being demiromantic and Patton being aro confused and muddled things. But they really just care about each other either way, and they just let themselves... be. To just care for each other in whatever way they can in the moment and leave their feelings undisclosed.
Vee-man's favourite bands are MCR, All-Time Low, and A Day To Remember, but he's not as pure of an emo as you'd expect. That modern day tiktok emo music? He is a sucker for that stuff. And I want to kick his ass for it.
When they were a kid, Virgil was only known as Fear and he was a little shadow person. Like a tiny boogeyman! Really, the personification of what a kid finds scary rather than his current being made of all those adult worries. He age regresses for stress reasons and reverts to that form when doing so.
That's what I can think of right now, like with the Roman post I'll edit if I think of any more later.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
hey Sid! any thoughts on the “jill physically ages slower because of her t virus infection” stunt that capcom has decided to pull?
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Angels, the lot of you <3
Yes the most recent stunt with Jill is infuriating, we all agree with this. The reason for it, at least in my opinion, is that this is a mix of several individually infuriating things culminating in a mistreatment of one of Capcom’s most popular characters for, conceivably, no reason
Reason number 1 why it sucks: It’s laziness. Instead of modeling a new version of Jill from a face model or even from her preexisting design, they decided to use the Jill that was made for r3make. Timeline-wise, they are using a version of Jill Valentine from 17 years ago. Jill is 41 now. She would not look identical to her 24 year old self. But because the people making this movie didn’t feel like putting in the effort for a new design, they decided to reuse this asset and call it a day
However this isn’t the first time Capcom (and its associates since apparently people get mad when I say “Capcom” as if this project is completely separate from the company that the IP belongs to) has reused assets in a lazy way. I have bitched about it a lot, and I will continue to, but the heavily anticipated DLC to Resident Evil: Village is 90% premade assets. Two, maybe three enemies are original? All sets and character models and outfits and props and weapons are things that have been in other games (mostly Village) though. So is this behavior of reusing models and that being deemed a job well done disappointing? Yes. But it isn’t surprising.
Reason number 2 why it sucks: The nonchalant excuse as to why Jill does not age shows a lack of care for canon on the part of whoever decided this lore addition was in any way appropriate, consistent, or hell even coherent in any way. The explanation goes “Jill has always harbored a sense of justice and responsibility, but when she was captured by an enemy during the incident at the Spencer residence, she was subjected to T-virus infection and mind control, causing her to instead aide in the act of bioterrorism. Even after Jill was rescued by Chris, the viral side effects lingered, affecting her body's cell division, and while this suppressed her aging, she also had to contend with the mental after-effects.” Which is fucking bullshit. The T-virus has no side effects that would lead to anything like this. The purpose of the T-virus is to be infectious and to give its host extreme durability and strength. None of that correlates to the physical halt of aging. Not only that, but Jill wasn’t even subjected to T-virus infection WHEN Wesker kidnapped her. She was subjected to a mind control drug. The T-virus was dormant in her system since her infection and curing in Raccoon City in 1998
However once again this is nothing new. Rewriting canon/not understanding canon is something RE has done before. I could go into depth about ALLLLL the things Shadows of Rose did that contradicted a lot of pre-established ideas (rapid fire: HWS still operating under the same name 16 years later, Chris legit asking a teenager to be part of a military group, an infected individual getting to attend public school, none of these line up with the already established world we know) but I’ll be more lenient and talk about RE6. Leon calls the President in that game, Adam Benford, his “friend.” However Leon also states that Benford was the one who recruited Leon into US-STRATCOM which, if you’ll recall, is something Leon was blackmailed into when Sherry’s life was threatened. If Benford was the one to do that, how would Leon consider him a friend? How does his blackmail regarding Sherry never come up despite them both being in this game?
Reason number 3 why it’s sucks, and the biggest one: Women aren’t allowed to age. Plain and simple. Men are, women aren’t. Women are supposed to be young, always, and we’re just supposed to accept that.
Okay okay I’ll elaborate. With a list of RE women and how I think literally every single one falls victim to this
Rebecca is the youngest member of S.T.A.R.S. when we first meet her, in fact she’s so young she just became a legal adult (which makes 26 year old Billy hitting on her 100x creepier) and before Vendetta, 0 and 1 were her only appearances, this kid-aged girl. I won’t get into how misogynistic her treatment in Vendetta is btw but that’s also there
Claire Redfield is a staple of this series but she does not age much. We see her last (in game form not manga form although the manga made Claire look stupidly young there too) in Revelations 2 where she seems to have grown up, but with 2, CV, Degeneration, and ID, she’s always got a very youthful appearance and almost always a red jacket because y’know this is that young girl from the first game. The cool, hot red jacket and her high ponytail (that’s kind of a “young” look imo) is frustrating
Sherry Birkin stopped aging at 20 for no reason other than to look young and hot yet still at a legal age for all male players playing this game (and possibly so she looks Jake’s age? Which makes no sense because they could’ve made Jake any age but w/e)
Sheva Alomar, Chris’ partner in 5, is Sherry’s age. Even when this woman is meant to be Chris’ equal, she’s still young and attractive
Helena is even younger than Sherry, by I believe 5 years, and she’s Leon’s partner for 6.
Mia Winters is a beautiful young woman who’s being contrasted against the horrors of RE7 and gets a cute domestic housewife role in RE8, where she is shoved aside, given blue eyes (to make her look prettier I assume since her eyes were brown before) and quietly never mentioned again after the ending despite her daughter being a protagonist for the DLC
Oh yeah and Rose Winters is 16 when she goes on her journey because yeah women have to be young this is the standard.
Even as much as I hate the Lords in RE8, Miranda is still a woman over 200 years old who is youthful and beautiful, along with Lady D despite presumably also being very old.
The only “old” women in this series who actually appear that way that I could think of off the top of my head were “the hag” from 8, who is supposed to be unsettling, and Marguerite Baker from 7 (Eveline’s “grandma” form doesn’t count) who again is supposed to freak you out in her appearance and demeanor.
Jill fucking Valentine is now the latest in this list of character assassinations. My biggest, and I really mean biggest this time, problem is that all of this is fine. Capcom signs off on these lore-breaking explanations and half-assed projects because it doesn’t matter to them. Because they know we’re gonna check this out no matter what. It’s Resident Evil! It’s really big stuff for this series! Why wouldn’t you watch it? You can overlook something as simple as Jill’s appearance, right?
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ANON WHO WAS TALKING ABT WHAT MUSIC SUGURU LISTENS 2 ,,,,,, i pose 2 thee ,,,,,,,, r&b n rap ,,,,,,,,,,,
2 me hes a big kendrick lamar, de la soul, 2pac, aaliyah, alicia keys, erykah badu fan ,,,, just cuz thats who he is 2 me !!! he reminds me of those deep greens, warm browns, n the taste of earth on ur tongue ,,,
but he can appreciate The Classics DEF !!!!!!! he has a big appreciation 4 ALL music me thinks ,,, [and its a personal little hc of mine that he can play bass guitar, drum kit, AND cello ,,, as an orchestra kid ,,,, my opinions r CORRECT] [also hed probably play some rlly low instrument like ,,, tuba or bass clarinet] [satoru would play the trumpet . hed empty his spit valve on sugurus head .] [hed also play violin and be ANNOYINGGG abt it . all violins r annoying asf . [i play violin]]
honestly i think hes just attracted 2 slower, warmer music ,,, like stuff ud listen 2 in the kitchen at 11 pm and the lights a nice warm color and the leftover smell of takeout lingers in the air while you and your lover sit right next 2 each other
OH and satoru would like tyler the creator he was at camp flog gnaw i was there i saw him TRUST [ignore. ignore the racist allegations i free him from those shackles by the power vested in me as a melanated individual] i feel like hed rlly like outkast but only their SUPERR popular stuff, like so fresh, so clean or ms. jackson
also sugurus def a numetal fan . and goth ,,,,,, SUGURU IN TRAD GOTH MAKEUPPP OH MY GOHDDDDDDDDDD and w the piercings ,,,,,,,
going back on him having appreciation 4 all music i mean ALLLLL music . if u go thru his playlists half of them r in languages he doesnt even know but he LOVES them ,,,,, im thinking some songs in yoruba, sanskrit, somali, telugu, spanish, māori, hawaiian ,,,,,,,,,,,
OKI FINAL THING . big Big BIGGGG punk music fan ,,, his whole thing is abt doing whats right for the world and the people around him, and thru that he gets in2 the punk scene !!! yay !!! :3 prob likes bikini kill, xray spex, or the muslims ,,,,
AHHHHHH YOUR BRAIN …….. i’m surrounded by geniuses left and right 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 THIS IS CANON TO ME NOW BTW!!!!
you’re SO right i really think sugu is such a music guy……. loves EVERY kind of music for sure i hadn’t considered rap & rnb until now BUT THAT MAKES SOOOO MUCH SENSE …… “deep greens, warm browns, n the taste of earth on ur tongue” <- THIS IS SO SUGUCODED I CRIED…….
and !!! the classics too !!!! I AGREE SO HARD ON THE INSTRUMENTS i’ve always seen him playing either the bass or the drums but CELLO?????? is so unbelievably bigbrained. plays it for sure. and our pretentious little satoru….. for SURE a violin player and i think piano too. AND TRUMPET PLEASEEE WHY DOES THAT MAKE SM SENSE 😭😭….. he strikes me as the kinda guy who used to listen to nightcore religiously and i think sugu would find that personally offensive to the industry
honestly i think hes just attracted 2 slower, warmer music ,,, like stuff ud listen 2 in the kitchen at 11 pm and the lights a nice warm color and the leftover smell of takeout lingers in the air while you and your lover sit right next 2 each other
YEPPPP YEP ….. you can’t see me but i’m agreeing so hard my hands r shaking THIS IS HIM!!!! slow n warm music …… kitchen music …….. just . dreamy and tender …………. 😔😔😔 he’s so …..
ANDDD i agree on literally everything else too. i only know like half of these artists bc i’m embarrassingly unknowledgeable abt music but i trust your opinion w my life …. oh great orchestra master ………… (that’s so cool btw imho anyone who plays any kind of instrument is the Coolest person in the universe i’m so in awe) HE WOULD SOOO BE IN THE PUNK SCENE …… and he absolutely listens to all kinds of music no matter the language . i can see him picking up bits n pieces from the languages too bc that is our multilingual king 🤞 no matter where he is or who he’s talking to he fits in perfectly w any kind of music-loving crowd…. everyone loves him sb he goes to concerts and makes so many friends without even trying. that’s our guy.
tysm for sharing this w me i’ve decided that you’re objectively correct <333 akutami once said that suguru was “a liberal arts guy for sure” and i think abt it every single day . our artistic king . i love him.
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