#because even though i havent done one of those in a while its just One commission
skunkes · 2 months
need to find a way to let people know that I usually accept comms outside of what I usually offer, without it sounding like an invitation to ignore my pre established openings or without sounding like I Do Take Those Comms Now All The Time
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How its going
#congrats besties and gamers your clown is a fucking dumbass who decided she could do many things#tbf I fucking. Got farther with the WC au tonight with Ban#but that is a Monster Fic. its going to be like 40 chapters long#I mean Im super fucking excited about it but goddamn#debating breaking into blanks inbox for help writing its thing because I am a Fool who bit off way more than he could chew#Ill probably wake up in a fervor and write staggedduo in the middle of the night for Aspens thats just how it goes with those two#I WANT. TO TALK ABOUT. RIVALSDUO MASS EFFECT SO BAD. SOMEONE PLAY MASS EFFECT SO I CAN TALK#MY OPINIONS ABOUT THEM ARE VERY CORRECT AND YOU SHOULD ALL LISTEN TO ME#.... dont ask about what the concubine fic is about#Philza and Dream being friends??? In this economy??? fuck you they need interactions and Im giving them interactions#SV Dream is just him living cottagecore like with a lot of hurt/comfort and some StagedTrio because I miss them#I had a vaguely smutty idea with Wilbur and MerDream and its not my fault and also Blame Tired. Tired Should Always Be Blamed#but its me so it was intended to be mostly silly and wholesome#the Sap and Dream thing would technically be considered almost done/already done Im just. Terrified to look at it. Its so ugly#It was born out of anger and vague fairy tale related bullshit#We're not gonna talk about that last one. I just do not have the energy to write that anymore#It was fun while it lasted though#yes this post is an excuse for me to yell about my writing that I havent posted yet YES you have seen through my elaborate disguise#now that I rambled bit Im actually excited about working on this stuff again#even if I dont have a lot of people to talk about my writing with its nice just typing in the tags. very lovely very freeing#you should all try this. why doesnt everyone try this#wait someone is still reading this??? What the hell. Send me a chicken emoji in my askbox or something idk
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i-like-gay-books · 1 year
dont tell me about paramore in cardiff dont do it!!!!
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aita for asking my mum to clean out the kitty litter trays even though its usually my chore
i drove to doctors and work this morning, i worked 8.30 till 5 she worked 8.30 til 4 and drove home after her shift ended to pick up my dance clothes for me (i only didnt have them because i had to stay late at work since 3 people went home sick).
my friend cancelled on me for dance tryouts so i spend the afternoon crying and eventually choose to go anyway because i was excited for hiphop but by this point my head is pounding.
i get out of work, she drives me to dance and goes to get macdonalds while she waits for me to get out. halfway through dance they mention we are not even doing hiphop today not until next week (u have to pay for the tryouts btw)
i get out 7.40ish. on the drive home im thinking "fuck its almost 8 i havent done any uni study, (i have 2 lectures, a quiz and like 8 readings that need to be done today and tomorrow), i havent spent any time with our cats or cleaned their litter trays yet."
for reference we have new cats and are introducing them into a house with a dog so rn we have them in one room and let them out occassionally while putting the dog out back, while i clean out the litter trays and top them up every day, once a week we empty them completely and clean them out
so we get home and i say "would it be too much to ask if you could please do the litter trays tonight" i try to explain that i have a headache and ive still got a lot of uni homework to do and i havent spent any time with the cats so i'd play with them for a bit while she cleans the trays and then do my homework
immeadiately she starts yelling at me that shes tired, she hasnt been home from work all day, she did it last time, shes done so many favours for me already today and blah blah blah.
the way i see it, first, i clean the kitty litter trays every day and vacuum their room. she has literally never done this, she emptied out and washed a tray last week because i was sick and got home from work and passed out. i (a learner btw so im very stressed when i drive) drove us to her appt and then to work, i worked more hours than her today, i danced all night with a headache, i also have not been home all day, after being cancelled on and then them not even doing the type of dance i wanted to do and i still have to do uni work tonight so i dont think im the selfish one here.
but sitting in my cats room while they eat their dinner i can hear her storm about and slam doors because shes so mad at me but i dont understand am i in the wrong here?
also literally as i am writing this she comes out and goes "tell me when youve finished dinner so i can let the cats out. and DONT leave it too late" while my food is literally cooking as we fucking speak jfc.
i have a bit of a diary where i write when mum is mad at me because if i mention to her that she upset me it never goes well so i write it down to safely let those feelings out and as i was writing this one i just needed some clarity i really cant fathom any reason for her to be mad except egocentrism so perhaps an unbias outsider can shed light?
What are these acronyms?
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beetlebug-bii · 11 months
Part 3 of feral mc but with Belphie being released from the attic. Just imagine Belphie trying to kill mc and they just bite him. Not even Barbatos could handle the child so I highly doubt Belphie could either lol.
Feral Child Mc (part three)
MC Gets Betrayed & Bombastically Side Eyed Their Way To Beating A Bitch.
A/N: I like my writing to be nothing short of silly goofy, i also wrote this at like 4am two weeks ago and was so surprised to see it in my drafts. Did i proof read it? No.
Enjoy anyways💕
Now, you have been a menace since you've arrived
Only truly unstoppable by Diavolo, Lucifer and Barbatos on a good day
Was not one of those days
Not at all
You see
Late in the night after being very snuggly tucked in
And then duck taped to the bed
And then your pajamas stapled to the bed
And then tied to the bed
In their defense
Not a single brother has gotten a single decent night of sleep
Not since Mammon awoke one night to see your little face peeking out from the vents
You screamed at him and launched from the darkness, stealing his sun glasses before scrumbling deep into the walls
no one has ever heard Mammon scream so loudly
Needless to say they were pretty fucking done with your scrumbling
Besides, they tied Satan to the bed and look at him! A totally chill and normal member of society :D
Anyways you were built different and managed to escape
You had to check on your little friend in the attic after all, it had been a few days
Upon going in, you glared at eachother for exactly three minutes and fourteen seconds
Before he started the whole sweet act on you
"Awh hey, you can let me out now right? You can do that? Whose a good little human?"
Offense taken
You werent a dog
though you wont lie and say you havent growled back at Cerberus before...
No you know what
Who does this man think he is?
You are a child with 6 of the deadliest pacts in the world!
Wait a second
Who thought that was a good idea
You are feral
A monster
The other students at RAD cower before you
You made the Angel's cry
well whatever it's not like this is gonna come back and bite you
But you werent gonna release the bitch from his kennel
Not without a price
Mammon would be so so proud of you!
It took a lot of back and forth, but he promised 12 firecrackers, a new plushie, and a trip to the candy store
Hell yea candy
Open up oh magic lock
Oh he fucking kicked you across the room
Well that's not fucking candy
Lying prick
So this fucking incel loser started ranting about something or other
To be honest you didnt care
In fact you decided he didnt get a monologue
You were pissed off
You freed him
Were you the embodiment of capitalism while doing so?
But that doesnt mean he can just hit you
You have such a cute face
He's just mad that you're the baby of the family now
And that thought gave you a great idea!!
"I'm telling Lucifer"
Would have been your final words
Had you not been
Next thing you know he's chasing you down the stairs, grabbing you and choking you out
Not gonna lie
Was a bitch move
So you kicked him square in the jaw and started screaming, just like papa lucifer taught
Stranger danger kids
Dont release strange men from the attic in exchange for candy
It's not worth it and they are lying
So obviously you pissed off what's his name
You're pretty sure its bitch boy
Anyways so you pissed off bitch boy and he started trying to stab you with a chair leg
Which was like
So rude
And the others were like bro stop
Except more panicked you're pretty sure but you werent a crybaby bitch like this loser so you know
You had to go for the knees
You slid around him, kicked him in the back of the knees
This wasnt your first rodeo
Because you climbed on the demonic cow and grabbed the horns man
You were holding on for dear life before you just bit into his head
I dont think he even knew what to do at that point
You ruined his WHOLE SPEECH
gee I wonder why
Recounting this tale now, a few months later, you'd like to think that he was just being the most frfr brother out of everyone
You two had to be torn apart like a pair of summer popsicles
You were kicking and screaming
He was kicking and screaming
Mammon was kicking and screaming, somehow his leg got caught in between you two
It was a warzone
The hallway was destroyed
Multiple bedrooms? Just gone
The brothers?
So tired...
None of that fake shit
Deep down you know you would've won though
You still call him bitch boy💕
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
I’m baaaaack!!
Oh I’ve missed your writing, I just got dragged off due to some stuff irl and having a mini hyper fixation on Eddie Munson-
How are you dear? 🥺 everything okay? Drinking water and eating food? I hope you are!
Would love to see if you could possibly do hcs of all the different ways LJ would comfort you and show you how much he loves you as well as how he’d react to his s/o having gift giving and physical touch be her main love languages!
- 🩶 Anon
Laughing Jack comforting a reader who has gift giving/touch as a love language!
i have one other request in the inbox asides this one but i think imma save it for later since im!! tired.. im doing okay-ish? ups and downs, i will admit the past few weeks i havent been feeling right/like myself but im sure its just a funk or something.. gotta drink more water, though </3 hope you enjoy this anon!
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jack is very very clingy himself, like in an emotional sense but also a physical sense... if it were efficient he would wrap himself around you and not let go but unfortunately a lot of things in life would get inconvenienced
a majority of that clinginess comes from his abandonment issues, with only a portion just being a part of his personality
very verbal in wanting to keep you around, and while he may not out right say or ask it, i think sometimes he needs some reassurance from you that youre not going to be going anywhere
will take any chance he can to sling his arm around you, usually just draping it over your shoulders lazily while you guys hang around one another
i dont think hes opposed to hand holding, either.. he has very large hands and theyre warm... sharp claws, though
if anything you might have to ask him to give you space because he wants to spent a lot of his free time with you (and hes got a lot of free time if youre the one in possession of that little box of his); i think sometimes he can get a little overwhelming/overstimulating... i love him but personally i think he could be a little much every now and then
loves leaving you notes, usually leaves some candy with them. typically leaves them in places where he knows you'll find them, like by your keys or at the front door... likes leaving them when he knows youre about to leave for work or any other outing... will still leave them if hes the one leaving for something, although its rare that he needs to head out for something and admittedly i cant think of anything he would need to do/get done that would require him to leave briefly
looooooooooves showering you in affection, especially if you guys are in a romantic relationship; peppers you in kisses and snuggles into your cheek.. hugs, lots of hugs. will take any chance he can get to snake his arms around you. please cuddle him
so i think its safe to say that the physical touch bit is more than satisfied, on both ends
as for gift giving, i gotta say my brain is a little melted so i can tell whos giving and whos receiving, so lets do both!
if youre the one giving gifts to jack hes going to be totally over the moon...! a present? for HIM? is it christmas? is it his birthday? ...i dont.. think he has a birthday, actually... but that aside i think he would adore nearly anything you give him since hes totally obsessed with you. likely keeps it within close reach, be it in his own space, his box, or even in his hair since that functions as a means of storage in my silly hc!!
if hes the one giving gifts i think he would try to slink around to figure out what you like.. if its something more than candy then maybe... this would be one of those rare chances where he leaves the house for something, making sure not to be seen of course. which is easy when he can turn into a puff of smoke at will. honestly knowing him hes probably not going to be able to hold himself back from the gifts, so prepare to wake up to a whole pile of them in the morning... might try his hand at wrapping them but due to his claws theres some holes and slashes... but its the thought that counts..!
though if he needs to hide anything for occasions like birthdays hes not going to be able to keep it a secret... if he doesnt blurt it out hes going to be really antsy and keep checking where ever hes hiding the gifts to see if theyve been found or tampered yet
adding this in because i forgot comforting the reader!! right before i was about to hit post!!
if youre feeling anxious about him leaving or being upset with you i think he would reassure you to the best of his ability
tries to keep the mood light, likely cracks jokes while hes holding your hands... might be slightly rocking your hands back and forth or side to side
looks like the type to kiss tears away... though hes gonna have the be careful about it given that cone nose of his... though him attempting to be gentle while keeping his determination to pepper your face with pecks might be enough to crack a smile from you
literally will not leave you alone until youre smiling
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fictiontbh · 5 months
Do you have any Spring Bonnie centered headcanons or anything like that aswell? 👀
<Incorrect-fnaf-quotes, but it’s a sideblog, so I can’t ask from there
Ive been in the fnaf fandom for a WHILE so ive had TONS and TONS of headcanons over the years, ever since fnaf 1, before the lore became SO UNBEARABLE (hah... springbonnie would make that joke.)
Anyways.. onto headcanons:
I have a LOT of headcanons on Springbonnies eyes. Especially since i have an AU where they are possesed by both William Afton AND an oc of mine!
Though, lets start with BEFORE the murders, instead on how his own suit works!!
Springbonnie has a weird eye function, a strange mechanic inside his eyes.
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You see how springtrao has these clear plastic bulbs covering the outer layer of his eyes? Outlining where springbonnies more robotic and less alive eyes would usually stare? I like to imagine that its a mechanic that they have when NOT being used as a costume! Perhaps its a way to make springbonnie and its (I like to assume) Accidental AI to focus on children. Just something to keep it able to focus. Kinda like an adhd medication but for a robot to be able to NOT look around and get distracted. I like to assume they have something like that due to morbid curiosity. When used as a costume i like to think that springbonnies conciousness sort of.. not exactly VANISHES but isnt quite as STRONG, so those little like... glasses almost, arent needed cause humans are kinda better at staying focused than a curious bunny robot with adhd somehow programmed into their conciousness. Though these stay of springtrap because Springbonnie was sort of left to just rot and malfuction and grow obsolete for around 30 years before Afton came and decided to force himself in such a broken suit (while it was wet too, seriously afton, whats wrong with you?) So it wasnt able to turn them up while being worn.
I also like to think springbonnies eyes change COLOUR to match the person wearing their costume, as best as they can atleast, maybe with a tiny tiny tint of green? Buts till otherwise the same.. Brown eyes makes their green eyes brown, blue makes them blue, grey goes grey, etc etc. It follows EVERY eye colour. Which is why I like to headcanon william as having GREY eyes instead of a dull light blue (even though it IS canon in silver eyes. Tbf tho i also headcanon afton to still have his little manbun/ponytail even when the silver eyes made him NOT have that.) I like to make Springbonnie STILL able to stay alive ish kinda even after the springlocking, thought i like to imagine they cant really front much. And when they finally can it works alot like DID (Dissasociative Identity Disorder) where they will forget what happened during the times they WERENT concious. I dont like writing springbonnie alot because i havent done nearly enough research on DID but i sure would like to add it to him just because... I like leatning how to write and understand different disorders. Especially with my favourite characters!
I have a certain colour code to springtraps eyes for who is who, since again.. OC au.
Obviously, grey is most common, with william always being present.
Blue will be also common. Due to ot being the soul of my OC who happens to be very... stubborn. Not exactly vengeful but he HOLDS GRUDGES. He loves holding onto things that hurt him. Hes like the opposite of that one meme.
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He would truly just stare at you. Enraged. How could you say that to him??
Along with the changing eye colour headcanon... I like to imagine they can have both eyes different colours as well, because
1) heterochromia exists, they need to be able to mimic that!
2) it shows who is fronting out of the 3 of them!
This is the chart for how it should work really
Left is for who is FRONTING! right is for who is technically just watching over. They both have equal contribution, but not exactly the same roles.
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It will be the same as above even if all are able to have concious at the same time, just with whoever isnt fronting or watching just having their colour around there the pupil is.
Im not sure wether youve noticed yet or not, BUT! I also headcanon Springbonnie as being nonbinary!
Throughout most of this i tried my hardest to use they/them on springbonnie BUUUTTT sometimes Afton or my OC got in my head and i used he/him.
I like to imagine that nobodu decided to give the animatronics any actual pronouns oyher than It/its BUT in those old AUs people made where all the animatronics knew eachother and even all shared a restaurant, i like to imagine Springbonnie would ALWAYS be refered to with they/them because... it would be all they respond to. Not really seeing themself as a boy/girl animatronic because... to them they are just that. An animatronic. And it goes with them everywhere. Every animatronic to them is they/them and It/its. They cant really differentiate between human and animatronic but they most definitely are more human, even if they are kinda restricted by.. being an animatronic. They act very human like.
I do like to have the same headcanon with fredbear as well, though he will respond to anything. She/he/they/it... they respond! Though i personally use he/they on fredbear cause it feels fitting.
I also like to headcanon, in my au that both springbonnie and Shadow Bonnie are the same! Eventually, after the afton springlocking, both springbonnie and my oc's conciousness will split from Springtrap, sometime, and go on to form shadow Bonnie, which is entirely just a physical form of their emotions over aftons actions, so not much like them, but still them. You get me?
Speaking of them basically being the same, i like to imagine the shadow animatronics are also able to ONLY move through walls, project on walls and can morph other shadows as well, sometimes even replacing them with themselves. i like having the headcanon of the shadows going by whatever pronouns, though it still fluctuates.
Projecting on a wall or not using anothers shadow as their own? It/its.
Switching with somebody elses shadow? Copies whoevers shadows they are using's pronouns.
Though this can still fluctuate with he/him for shadow Freddy and he/they with shadow Bonnie because of who they are made of (cc, Jake, and springbonnie.)
Plus! I like to imagine springbonnie was modeled to be what the kagamines are to fredbear. Yk. Like a sibling, lover, or a mirror image! I personally like headcanoning sprinbonnie and fredbear definitely being a ship, but it changes a lot depending on the AU of mine. Sometimes its found family dynamic with the golds, sometimes they just dont have any relation other than William's and Fredbears Fursonas (as therefor friends cause I dont ship willry)
Springbonnie is one of my faves aside from CC and Plushtrap, who i also headcanon being super best friends with springbonnie!! So im glad I got this ask!! Tysvm @incorrect-fnaf-quotes!!! V sillay...
And heres some art of them just for you!
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vivisols · 1 month
digital circus 👀👀 any theories?
specifically about this shot... this shot has a lot to me!
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we get this shot of the spinning objects during the "day after day" part of the intro
theres a teapot, old record player/gramophone/whatEVER its called, flower pot (which we see start clipping through the stage), an eye, a pure white sphere and a pyramid!
maybe im reaching but i think these items represent each of the cast.. how so you may ask? WELL! (under the cut)
the eye is clearly caines since hes the ONLY guy in the show to have green eyes. also he has hundreds of all seeing eyes (as he himself said) so thats obvious. and yeah the other objects representing the other cast seems a little far fetched but it makes sense to MEE….
as for the teapot... we see those EXACT teapots during the trip both to and back from the funny dev room. now tech wise the teapot actually has a bit of history LMAO.. the teapot model is known as the utah teapot and is one of the first ever models created using bezier curves! it was made in 1975 and is typically considered a test model for rendering/testing how lighting reacts to complex curved models the only character we EVER see interact with the teapots/get tied to the teapots is pomni. so i think its safe to say the utah teapot is representing pomni! ALSO. CAINES EYE IS INTENTLY FOCUSED ON IT. could be because she's causing a whole bunch of glitches in the system…
the gramophone is interesting especially to me. i mean its REALLY detailed. like that would be polygons GALORE. unlike the utah teapot. all the promo for the vinyl record they sell has caine using a normal record player and NOT a gramophone so… its not caines! now whose would it be? im gonna go out on a limb and say its kingers. IT MAKES SENSE TO ME OK. kinger has been in the circus the longest and the other items in the circle are a LOT simpler. like a LOT a lot. it makes me think that as time goes on the computers strength/power is deteriorating which is evident by all the glitches/collision issues in both the pilot/episode 2.
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AND IT KIND OF HAS A CONNECTION WITH RETRO TECHNOLOGY??? man idk LMAO this is probably the most straw grasping ive ever done. like theyre probably not in the same episode if im being realistic….
the gramophone could also be gangles object bc gangle is like. comedy and tragedy mask. and something something theater music gramophone i DONT KNOW ☠️
the flower pot is probably ragathas. she has the most blue on her after all + shes pretty sweet. now thats a very surface level connection BUT WE HAVENT EXACTLY SEEN IT AGAIN YET so… nothing else i can add really…. im trying ok LOL
now the pyramid is obviously representing zooble. i mean. they have triangle head… and pyramid is triangle….. IN THEIR ROOM TEASER WITH THEIR PIN THEY LITERALLY HAVE ONE...
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now the white ball is ESPECIALLY INTERESTING TO ME. BECAUSE ITS SO NONDESCRIPT. it could be gangle OR jax or even kinger if i misattributed the gramophone…. personally i think its gangles because her masks are #fffff white like the ball is…
and yeah nothing here really represents jax that i can think of though maybe it will more obvious in later episodes... soooo YEAH shoutout to the "jax is an NPC" theorists.
honestly whats most likely is that everyone has an object except for pomni because she just got there LMAO 🤕 i mean caine doesnt acknowledge her arrival until AFTER she fucks up the intro….
not to mention that kaufmo had been abstracted presumably the WHOLE day and wasnt in the intro so maybe his object wasnt there because he wasnt there… yeah this whole shot probably means nothing and im just yapping about nothing xDDD
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dominic-sessa · 2 months
life update!!!!
hi hello friends good morning good afternoon good evening its that time of the month again! this isnt really a big life update like the last time bcs i just thought id list down a bunch of things ive had on my mind.
first of all, im very happy to announce that i was able to watch 16 movies last march !! exciting!! i know ive said the last time that i quit the bingewatching thing but HONESTLY im in a work from home setup and the only way to keep me inspired is by watching a movie ... i am yet to find other ways to stay inspired so watching movies will just do for now... ALSO im gonna try to update my newsletter for the first time this year and itll probably be about the movies that i saw this march that i liked ! im now comfortable with turning the newsletter to be more about movies bcs nothing major has been happening in my life lol . so pls stay tuned for that newsletter post if ur interested!
another thing is ive decided to make this blog more personal! for the past year ive made this blog to be more about movies and gifs and stuff, and as much as i love getting the notes and reading ppl's tags, im going to try and make this blog work for me this time :) hope it doesnt get annoying or something... im also in the process of fixing my about pages and tags and all. ive used tumblr since 2012 so im still struggling with the setup. LIKE yes i want to maximize the fact that you can edit html pages and its cute and lets me be creative but at the same time, im on my phone majority of the time . and i dont like being on my laptop after work because ive literally just been using a laptop the whole day. for work. im rly shy to post some stuff about me (bcs i havent done it before fr insert the tom hanks dialogue from joe vs the volcano abt doing some soul searching and coming to the conclusion that hes just boring so he stops doing it) so if u see me doing it as an attempt to fix the personal pages on my blog, im sorry! AAAND as for the gifs thing, im thinking of changing my film diary tag, one thing i really enjoy is taking note of dialogues i love from a movie so i might just do screenshots. i really miss making gifs even though most of the gifs i end up with are LQ , but it just really isnt feasible now . (also some movies are just so tempting to gif LIKEEE valley girl and everytime we say goodbye 😭😭 it physically hurts me that i cant gif josh whitehouse and tom hanks in those movies....)
ALSO im really very very happy that ive gained new followers recently. i enjoy chatting with you guys and get so happy whenever i get the notif that someone sent me an ask/message!! ive been idle on stan twt/fandoms in general so its been a really long time since ive actually... talked to people... it makes me really happy talking to u and im sorry if my happiness doesnt show in my replies/posts. as i said, its been a while since ive done this and i usually go on here as soon as im off work (when my brain is semi-fried and the words are not wording anymore) . i hope i dont come across as bored/uninterested :(
and it isnt just about fandoms too, im genuinely insterested what u guys are up to lately and all... (in a non stalker way). it just feels nice to have friends in general ^__^
SO YEA, i think thats about it :) if u've read this all until here ilysm! thanks for ur interest and lmk how ur day was! or just send me something u want to talk about !
have a nice day :)
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pansear-doodles · 1 year
Heard about a comic where Hunter tells her kid what to do when they have a seizure. It sounds cool, currently trying to find it.
Theres another ask in my inbox after this stating that youve found it. Always use my tags in my blog :) (though i havent had the comic uploaded in the other sites yet)
If you want to, i can longingly ramble about my thought process on making that comic. I know its short, simple, sweet and lighthearted, but for many things ive created for rain world, there is a meaning and story (as everything ive built around the fandom has always been self indulgence and vent art)
When i made that comic, i was sleepy as hell, promised myself to go to bed so i can work on my mass attack (surprise, i still havent done that today due to all-day school, tiredness and a 6 hour video slandering toy story 4 distracting me LOL), but ive randomly thought of the comic after making some cute sleepy doodles (that of which i wont reveal because many of these doodles are for self indulgent purposes(i promise you its all sfw for those skeptical because i just dont not want to flood my blog with similar drawings of hunter and artihunter kisses lol- im doing that all for myself at least!))
A simple doodle of hunter being a parent laying on the couch (because i was sleepy and wanted to project that comforting cushiony feeling onto this to encourage myself to sleep) but then it suddenly sparked to me that ive always wanted to explore a bit more on hunter's role as a parent now that its been long established that they are arti's spouse and chose this lifestyle.
To talk about a bit of my own personal experiences, I'm familiar with living around relatives who require medical attention and support, so I kind of wanted to put that feeling to arti's kids facing the reality that their new parent has some things that pushes them back at times health-wise. My dad is diabetic (and old- hes like in his midish 60s while im 21) and hes been having his struggles. He could not do some basic things like putting his socks on and putting on his shoes without the help from someone and generally has difficulty crouching and standing up. He has to take his meds often. It is hard to see him grow depressed and grumpier over the years, but being apart from him for college makes him realize that he misses and loves me.
My grandmother is old and i think she has alzheimers (my mom is not clear on this to me since i dont generally talk about these types of serious concerning subjects to her about her own mother). Sometimes she falls without almost no warning and has to be around someone to care for her in case that happens, and yet I recognize that despite these things, she is quite sassy and pretty insistent on doing some things herself (despite my mother recognizing the risks and yelling to her about them out of care).
My own mother, while our relationship is not perfect and while i recognize that most of her parenting stuff to me have negatively affected me for the long run, i understand that she is not a flawless human being and most of what she does to me and to my dad and grandma and to anyone shes close with- she does that out of care. She nags at my dad for shutting down business opportunities because of his anger issues. Nags to my grandma who does ignorant actions. Nags to me for- well- i have to admit that I can be lazy. But i can understand all the stress that shes going through- that she has to actively take care of so many people in her life (and i have not even mentioned my brother, who is a whole can of worms that of which im not going to detail, is included) and i sort of wanted to project some part of that stressful experience onto arti and her dynamic with the other characters.
There is some form of resolution to my mother's case though- is that she has a lot of friends who help and support her. Who light her life even when shes busy all the time and goes scampering back and forth. It eases one to know that my arti does have friends, and gourmand has been most supportive of him aside from his own wifeusband. (Which leads to that panel where gourmand is shown also helping hunter and that hunter themselves encourage their child to also ask help from others and not just from their other parent(though i am probably reading a bit too much on this projection since its also just common sense to ask any grown up for help in general haha))
But back on hunter themselves and the relations they have built on their children- you guys know I love Bluey, but not only does the show introduce to me so many lighthearted concepts and coping mechanisms, but it also portrays the relations between parent and child in a way that i find quite realistic and mature. And these kinds of portrayals teach me how to write this dynamic. Hunter is like a Bandit, but I would like to work around the fact that this is Hunter's first time as a full-on parent on a committed relationship, while also having to deal with their terminal illness.
I do not think Hunter would be *the* perfect parent, but I think they would actively try to be a good one at least, and they would understand that their kids are smart and can learn how to fend for themselves from passing on what they know (ESPECIALLY considering the setting... This is still Rain World after all despite its more forgiving nature). Its something i would have wanted as a kid growing up actually- my parents actively teaching me to prepare my future circumstances instead of leaving me to figure out most things on my own or parade me with rewards and decadence expecting good outputs from me to pay it off.
But if there is one thing that they have taught me as a child that suggested that hint that I am smart if they give me the knowledge and reasoning of: are those days when they have to work, leaving only me and my brother at the house alone. They would tell me to never open the door to strangers and I would follow that no matter what.
I think, at some point, hunter and arti would teach their kids something like that. Its a slope see. Theres this short comic ive read long ago i dont remember the name of but whose plot i remember vividly: parents in a level of a video game teaching their child how to jump progressively higher and farther until the child is able to jump high and far enough to reach the other side of a giant pit thats situated so closely to their home. Thats the type of thing id like to portray. Small steps to progressively larger ones. Being taught growing up.
Many of these thoughts seem random, and theres still so much to go on i could talk about, but it all boils down to my tism and connecting some of my personal experiences onto these characters, and experiences i wish I had growing up. I do not have disabilities (or at least i think so), but i have experiences around people with disabilities and I can understand how witnessing these kinds of events involving them can be a harrowing and worrisome experience, especially when its from someone you care about.
In all honesty, i was delighted to know that there exists a disability pride month when I logged onto tumblr one day and saw my first post talking about it. Yes! I did not know it existed before. And now i have and i am glad. Theres been lots of people educating me, outside of the fandom and over the years. I dont remember what and how i was before. My back memory trauma with someone in the past has fucked me over, but its better late than never yunno
Sorry for the long ramble and sorry for being quite dramatic. I hope my words are of some interest and in good faith to you.
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olberic · 6 months
ranking anime i’ve watched in 2023:
as expected, here’s this year’s top 10 for how much i personally enjoyed the anime i’ve watched this year. ive watched more than this, but god i watched so many bad ones…. even number 10 sucks but everything else was worse. sad!
as always thank u gifmakers for ur service 🫡 the world would be nothing without u all
10. the legendary hero is dead! (2023)
dont watch this show. it sucks and its bad. hey. come here. hold my hand. now lets just watch and enjoy the OP ok? don't worry about the rest.
9. my daughter left the nest and returned as an s-rank adventurer (2023)
i have to admit this show charmed me. its not the best thing ive ever seen but its nice. comfy. yknow? i haven't finished it but it's enjoyable. can't rank it higher until i finish it
8. sabikui bisco (2022)
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if it werent for the positively nonsensical jump in the middle of the show and the way theres just like. a lot of gaps? it’d rank higher. it’s a very cool premise for a show and i like the bisco/milo dynamic, and [SISTER] is fun as hell. it didnt wow me though overall, and while i enjoyed it i was hoping for more.
7. trigun stampede (2023)
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im sorry trigun stans i simply didnt love it. i see the appeal i really do but it just didnt hook me. i really liked the animation and the storyline. im intrigued by whatever the fuck is going on with those plants and yall have said theres a tallgirl in the next season? so i’ll keep watching. i just didnt love it
6. that time i got reincarnated as a slime (2019-2021)
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in contrast to #7, i can see why this show is weak HOWEVER i just enjoyed it. i like it. huge fan of how much gender the protag has. i love how they get new powers. i enjoy that it can be interpreted as an extremely bisexual show. it was well paced and the slime diaries OVA was a great addition. a lot of the characters really stuck with me too and its like. idk. one of my favourite isekais i guess
5. buddy daddies (2023)
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this should rank higher. its so fun. its SO fun. its silly and it doesnt take itself seriously. i laughed in every episode. the dynamic between the guys is great. the dynamics between them and the kid is great. just a really solid show if you can stand the queerbaiting. i dont even care
4. bocchi the rock! (2022)
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the bocchi side of tumblr is right this show rules. i like how real bocchi’s social anxiety feels (literally how it felt when i had it). the characters are entertaining, the show’s well done, they even have solid music (which band-based shows dont always do right!). its really funny and its really earnest and its a joy to watch
3. demon slayer: swordsmith village arc (2023)
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i included the entertainment district arc in last year’s list so this arc makes the cut. im always late getting around to watch the new stuff and i dont want to read the manga but god DAMN does this show hit different. incredible fight scenes. i loved everything they did for the hashira backstories. i love whatever the fuck is up with genya. it even gave me some akaza to sustain me for the next year or whatever. ik this show gets overhyped but its normal hyped. to me.
2. frieren: beyond journey's end (2023)
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oughhh frieren… ive only known this show for a few months but it means to much to me… i dont even wanna talk about it because its so good i just wanna watch it again. go watch frieren if you havent already its anime of the decade. to me
1. gundam: the witch from mercury (2022-2023)
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ive never seen a gundam before but i will be watched them after this! what can be said about it that hasnt already been said on this site. the romance storyline is impeccable, the fights are awesome, the moral questions it posed were excellently covered. by the end of the first episode i was speechless. by the end of the last episode i'd cried like 4 times over the course of the show. this thing made me cry to happy birthday. what the fuck
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candy8448 · 3 days
Whoa, its almost the end
One more exam
This doesn't feel real
Im actually gratefull for my school for all of those mock exams, and mid and end of year tests because this was a lot less frightening than i thought it would be, i was prepared.
But im so tired, there is a state where you dont have enough stress to perform well, the space where you have perfect amount of stress to perform well, and an area where you have too much stress so you cant perform well. I think ive just dropped down to not enough stress in this last week, im too tired to take this seriously
I feel like im in a weird haze and nothing feels real
Its a weird feeling of amazment
It feels so weird seeing only one set of revision cards left in my green folder because at the start of these 5 weeks i had two folders bursting with revision materials for each subject in my bag, and now there's just one thing left...
Our whole 14 years of education has been basically leading up to these exams... and they are no done and it doesn't feel right and it felt like secondary school would never end but now its suddenly over, and while i know that factually, i havent actually processed it, that after friday i never have to walk up that hill to school again...
I didn't expect to get this sentimental, but really for all i despise school, there was a comfort and safety in the feeling that things won't change
Im going to miss some of the teachers, they really don't deserve this school. I gave them their gifts that i made today and that felt good.
Suddenly college is going to be completely different, and its thrilling but also scary. If doesnt feel like im a "big kid" 17 year old (even though im turning very soon) and college feels like a completely different world to secondary school
Me and my friend were having like... a movie style conversation in the back of the car while it was raining, just talking abiut how things are going to be so different...
I think what im going to miss most is the fact that everyone knows eachother. I love that!
Man, our year group is strangely super close knit. We are the smallest yeargroup in the school, and everyone knows eachother's names, who is friends with who, what everyone is like, and everyone is really chill and nice, there is basically no conflict, we can talk to anyone who isnt even our friend, who we never talk to, and just have a good or cool or funny conversation and i love that! im going to miss that so much! My friend says he will be glad to be invisible but i really loved the social aspect of school, and im kind of sad that in college we are probably only going to know the people in our classes, i like knowing who everyone is in the year group. It feels weird that we are suddenly going to be away from the people we grew up with for five entire years of our lives.
My friend group as well, im scared we will go out of touch. Four of us are going to the same college as me, including me, but we might have totally different time tables, and the two others are going together to the same college, and we do want to keep playing dnd together but i dont know if we will be able to uphold that tight bond while we are seperated, im really sad about that to be honest.
One exam left...
It feels so sureal, i feel all floaty, i didnt expect to have these kinds of feeling, or thoughts.
Good luck with physics
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heyyyy💖 your wips sound amazing! Looking at 'in a west end town and dead end world like' 👀👀👀 will this be a multichap or a one shot?
And for the asks🤭 (Hope it's not too much?)
From the first one J & K and and from third one 13, 17 & 22?
HI MARI!!! i have answers for you, friend 🫵
so first off, in a west end town already has three chapter out of four out 🥹 i have one chapter left in the works, so it stilll counts as a wip?? if you'd like it to?? i CAN talk about the last remaining events tho (spoilers just in case you want to read it urself before): aziraphale and crowley's reunion. i am SO excited to show the world that bone crushing hug fr‼️ crowley has been through so much these last six years and deserves to know that aziraphale is still here and still loves him despite his mistake🫵🫵🩷 also having the reassurance that no matter what heaven or hell might do in response to all this, they'll get through it TOGETHER AND THATS ALLL THAT MATTERS pardon me. im emotional
J: What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
i gotta go for them presumed dead/fake character death thangs 🗣 i will genuinely NEVER get over it, its just so MMMMMMMM. im gonna read more of them tonight actually, this has just reminded me i wanted to. and as for writing it...the closest ive done is it comes and goes and that one kid from jersey, but not exact exact. but two of my bang fics do involve it for a little while!!! 🔥🔥
K: Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
watching characters be angry at the universe. specific, yeah, but this little trope can be molded in soooo many ways and i'll eat it up EVERY TIME!!!!!! imagine it like the "show me a great plan" scene. THAT anger, whether it be obvious or not, KILLS ME. i have crowley get close to these of moments multiple times in my fics, even if its not always noticable. sometimes that anger is masked for aziraphale. ougj
13) what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
write what you have energy go at that moment? wanna write chronologically? go ahead. wanna write the climax when you havent even wrote the first scene? right-o. wanna write one scene in the second act that makes you feel all soft inside? hell yeah. do whatever you want forever!!!!!
17) what do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
step away for a while (from either a couple days or weeks), read other fics, and shower. those are usually the go-tos, because most of time whenever i cant write its due to some external force like tiredness or boredom rather than "i dont know what to write". i know what to do, i just cant DO it because it feels like miniscule progress in comparison to what i want when its meant to be finished. doing something else usually helps :)
22) are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
first person pov, accidental pregnancy, and smut are the rock solid nos, but everything else is possible (though some things need a lot more convincing than others). and that "everything else" is very fluid. i am very attached to hurt/comfort and pain tho
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mbat · 23 days
oh i havent listened to next semester since before i turned 21 this is doing things to me. hearing him say 'start fresh with a new year' is getting to me.
i dropped out of highschool when i was 14 because i was suicidal and in a really toxic situation that would (unbeknownst to me at the time) leave me with trauma that im still sorting through to this day, and it was a choice i made that no one in my life understood or liked, especially my parents. i know why i did it, but i never got over that choice. its such a... shamed choice.
i mean, theres a stigma to it i feel like, not that i need to get into that, but also finishing school is encouraged because jobs want you to at least have a diploma i guess, but also so you can get into college and whatever
and while im not even sure i have a chance at going to college, and getting a job sounds like itll make me miserable all over again, i still want to finish school. even if i dont even pursue either of those things, i still want to finish school.
not to mention, maybe ill make friends there. my traumatizing situation left me isolating myself, i have no real life friends, especially not any of the people i used to know in school. and i didnt even get to go through any of the experiences people always talk about having in highschool, though lets be real thats probably for the best lol. i hope if i get to finish school, that ill make friends.
before i get to my point, this song also hits me because it sounds so much like trauma, i dont know how to explain it in a brief way like im doing here, but the way it feels like trauma resonates with me, and its connection to school and starting fresh next year just all around resonates with me. it felt like exactly what i needed and when i needed it.
but my point is... where i am, and in a few other places, goodwill has a program where people who didnt finish highschool can sign up for that program, and get a diploma when they finish. not a GED, or even a HSE, a diploma. but you have to be 21 to sign up for it... and i just turned 21 twelve days ago as of writing this.
and im just thinking... i can fix my mistakes. i can just go back and finish what i stopped years ago. its felt so much like all my mistakes were unfixable, something i couldnt change or help, and that id be stuck with the consequences forever, frozen in place for the rest of my life based on things i did when i was a child.
but im not. if i get accepted to this program... i can fix it. i can finally get my life back on track after 7 whole years of nothing happening in my fucking life. ive spent my entire teenage years and even into my 20s rotting away, thinking my life was over... but it doesnt have to be. it really doesnt have to be.
i kept feeling like me turning 21 was whatever, just an excuse for my family to finally take me drinking and gambling even though i dont like doing those... but its actually the best thing that could happen for me. finally, i get to continue living my life. i can finally try to go back to being a person after years of not being one.
i dont even know how to make it sound as important as it is to me. words really cant capture how much this is so fucking important to me. i get to start fresh. i cant change what ive done, but i can start fresh. im so happy.
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bentlands · 23 days
thanks for sharing your thoughts about Warren because I am also concerned. I believe in rehabilitation and I hate the prison industrial complex and capital punishment. all that horrible shit. it is fantastic that forgiveness can lead to such wonderful change and activism. I'm not saying Warren shouldn't be seen as a complex person who's actions are a result of his upbringing, but it seems that all some viewers are taking out of this is "reena is annoying and a bitch" and "poor baby Warren he's just like beccas brother 🥺" which feels so disgusting to see.
the way some viewers talk about reena makes me think that if they were at that school they might have even participated in reena's assault, you know? they are less forgiving of her mistakes than warren's. it makes me start to hate Warren because all the focus and empathy and forgiveness is going his way and NONE of it is going reena's way.
warren has been rehabilitated. he is out of prison. he's living his life. why does he need more sympathy? meanwhile, reena is still dead and people are still reacting to her as if it is the 90s. we are being fed this version of Warren that becca sees and it feels so reductive and counterintuitive to what the show has set out to do, which was apparently to bring light to the victim and her family and not turn the killer into some kind of celebrity. but yet they cast some teen heart throb to play him as a tragic character? I'm just so confused and I really hope the next two episodes can clear this up. sorry for the massive rant.
no youre good!!! i m in love with massive rants in my inbox <3
i think a main part of the way warren in the show is depicted is that he's seen through our 'narrators' eyes; who are rebecca and cam. cam has had no significant interactions with him, and rebecca has become some sort of big sister figure to him, where she sees him through rose coloured glasses, and if you take all of the show at face value, it is easy to see him that way as well, which also ties into casting a teenage heartthrob, etc. while i havent seen people hating on reena (i thankfully live under a rock known as tumblr.com and do not venture to other social medias often) its so hard to watch people engage critically with her character and not warrens. one thing the show has done (up until now, i won't spoil though) is kind of remove him entirely from the murder, which he helped commit.
again this isn't to say that i don't think he deserves to get a second chance in life, or that he doesn't have regrets, i think a key message of the show, especially at this point, is that everyone is more than the worst choice(s) they made in their lives, even if those choices are objectively horrible and cruel, and there is (or should be) an opportunity to make better ones, and that is a difficult message to convey sometimes!
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zeeposting · 28 days
stupid rambling about oc lore. warning its probably going to be very long so dont press "keep reading" or whatever it says if you dont want to read a lot
okok who do we start with. fries!
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lookie look, theres fries!! so they kind of put up a silly and carefree act to disguise their worries. what are their worries, you ask? haha. parental issues. fries has an older sibling, curly fries. uhh i actually need to develop some lore and characters so curly fries needs pronouns ermmm *stares at the video im watching for like two minutes.* xe/her for curly fries!! ANYWAYS. their parents are potato (f) and onion rings (m) and they got into arguments a lot. like. a lot. fries is maybe two years younger than curly, so fries was a lot more sensitive to it. they were always scared of the yelling and often found the most comforting place was their closet. yes they hid in the closet. curly was the only one who knew about this and sometimes would try to comfort them, but most times would just lay in xeir bed unbothered by the yelling. this ended up with potato (fries and curly's mother) leaving the family. fries' fear of the yelling carried on into adulthood.
now to skip on over to smoothie for further explanation on fries i guess!1 so smoothie uerhmmm she has 2 siblings. Lemonade, she/her, and uhh mango something hang on google helpme uhh ok anyways as i was saying, Mango Juice, he/they. mango is younger than smoothie (or Strawberry Banana Smoothie but who wants to type that 300 times) while lemonade is older. mango would often BEG smoothie to play or talk to something else while lemonade would always tease and affectionately bully smoothie. all this landed smoothie with something like anger issues! as an adult, it often gets angry at her coworkers and gets into arguments over call with them.
and now can you guess why we had to quickly switch to smoothie? heeahh. yeah sometimes it yells at its coworker which overwhelms fries. when smoothie's having an argument fries often hides in the bedroom (cheeb, fries and smoothie share an apartment) and if cheeb is there, he'll usually comfort fries until smoothie is done.
cheeb lore!??! haha you wish! yeah no cheeb doesnt get lore. no siblings though
smoothie, cheeb and fries all met in lets say uhh late middle school? yeah uhh. fries' parents really started getting in arguments when they were 14. they put up a sillier act so that their few friends didn't worry about their personal life (it was very complicated, and a few months into highschool is when fries' mother left) smoothie is the one who started the relationship like early highschool id say. smoothie and cheeb moved into fries' apartment eventually, but fries' bed didnt have room for them all soo they basically rotated someone sleeping on the couch until they could save up for a bigger bed. now they all sleep together woohoo
yeah! thats. mdbonncalds lore!!
okay who else hmm
night and spike are currently lore-less but i think inki is cooking somethng up for them
i would do scroll and quill but i feel like their lore would be best explained through writing the whole thing or writing certain scenes (couhg cough, scroll attacking inkpad, cough cough) <- wait what no who said that not me those arent spoilers at all inki doesnt even know the lore and shes practically the reason theyre still here!! i drew them once and she drew them so i was like "WOAH OC APPRECIATION??!?! THEYRE GONNA STAY!!" and. yeah! they have lore and yeah.
hmm hmm.. i could to laptop but shes basically a mephone knockoff... except featuring firey beefy die... (dont ask)
rat cage uhh i havent really figured out everything for her but i know the basis! nerd. she didnt have a home so she just lived in various alleyways and got in many fights. eventually, guess what?! her leg got cut off! because of her nerdiness she managed to find a whole lot of metal scraps and other stuff and built herself a new leg! woohoo! uhh and now she has a girlfriend. ferret cage. also they both have their respective animals, a rat named riley and a ferret named felicity. because i said so.
ok so they started out working idk somewhere shrugs and thats where they met. wet floor sign, due to having no arms (HAHA L FOR HIM!! L!!) was just used to mark out messes. mop, due to being a mop (HAHA L FOR THEM!! L!! HAHA!!) was the one who cleaned these messes. because they saw each other so often, they decided to start talking. they went on break together and stuff and exchanged phone numbers. fast forward a bit and theyre really close (though wet floor sign isnt a fan of mop's gen alpha slang but honestly finds it amusing) and uhh mop asks (that whole thing i wrote? remmeber that?) and uhh yeah they started dating and suddenly wet floor sign just. seemed depresed. so mop went over to their apartment and it was pretty much a mess. "dang bro you live like this" after talking for a bit and mop helping comfort wet floor sign, WFS (i dont want to type it anymore im sorry 😭) admits that his mother passed away eventually they get a job as janitors at scroll and quill's library hang on i have like a whole scene planned out shrieks chat hold on i cant play horse game and ramble at the same time 💔💔
ok uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so scroll and quill do something and mop (to WFS) is like "i wish we had a bond like that" (they love ecahother but they still get in playful arguments a fair amount of the time) "they're married" "so whats the next step towards marriage?" "uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk moving in" "so can i move into your apartment? :]" "uhhhhhhmhmhahahhhhhh" "okay thanks" and mop moves into WFS' apartment! woohoo! yeha. n othing more than that.
hmhmhmhm what other ocs exist... i mean i can kinda go into globe
globe time!! ryu come get ya girl (not tagged because idk if you want to read this whole thing)
so uhh one time scroll and quill went to a park. quill wantwed to get ice cream because yes and uhh globe was just. there and started flirting with scroll who was extremely freaked out. when quill got back, he was weirded out because who is this and what are they doing with his husband. uhh and then globe embarrasses herself because she was into scroll but she just cant stop thinking about him thats basically how globe was introduced!! she has no childhood lore she develops weird obsessions with those that love her, so she scares off people, which makes the obsessions worse she has two cork boards to fill with pictures of people she likes only 3 people were actually (romantically) interested in her. soda bottle cap, MG and mug (made by ryu! woohoo!). soda bottle cap was freaked out with how she has a lot of pictures of people around her house, so he left her. MG was freaked out SHOOT MY FRIEND FOUND ME IN THE SILLY HORSE GAME anwyays MG was freaked out by globes weird obsessive personality and she fearfully left her. mug, though he literally mugged multiple people and is probably a criminal, was freaked out by how clingy and obsessive she was and left her. when she saw scroll, for some reason she just. fell so deeply in love. she stalks him. she has so many pictures of him that she took (WITHOUT HIS CONSENT) and most definitely has a body pillow of scroll MASSIVE OBSESSION. she even got herself banned from their library. quill absolutely hates her.
shes tried other people, shes tried dating apps, but no one was interested. no one really loved her (romantically)
yeha thats all her lore. who else... looks at my oc list
stanley? anyone want stanley? hhhhhhmmmm nah. i dont feel like her lore rn because its not quite developed..
oh golly lets do drawing pen. alcoholic idiot
so he was best friends with drawing pad since they were young kids. eventually, theyre young adults, and playing truth or dare beacuse theyre stupid and on the side of the road. seeing the road was empty, drawing pen dared her to cross the road. but RUH ROH RAGGY!!! SPEEDING CAR COMES AND SHES DEAD. haha corpse. drawing pen is so broken by this, he doesnt know how to cope. so guess what he does? gets a drinking addiction, of course! yeah. he needs it to stay sane i guess. because if he doesnt then he sees illusions of drawing pad! woohoo! yeha. kind of a father-daughter relationship with laptop i guess.
hmm who else
who is cord why are they on my list 💀 i gotta go through this list dawg idk who half these idiots are
*stares at percy on my list*
ok whats happening uhh scratch art paper!! she doesnt really have too much lore but she does have some! so her best friend is chalk, a blue piece of chalk uhh and yk her epick marks? well. they hurt to be made most of them she made herself its something like S/H. chalk helps her not do it again and LIGHTLY did one mark, but sometimes rainbow is tempted
ok hm oh theres activity hang on save as draft!
ok uhh what else theres no one else i think... origami has no lore... theres a lot without lore. what if i go into my non-osc oc's.
my warrior cats ocs...
my star stable ocs... (star stable is silly horse game!!)
dude my last warrior cats art was of this character i just made up and made no lore for
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ok uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
waitwait what if i make up an oc on the spot with yall. and lore. ok woah my friend just came back and is in peach stuff thats cute anyways random object generator go!!
bandana? wait hmm... no im just thinking bandana ii alternate reality reroll pleas... I GOT HANDCUFFS. BANDANA AND HANDCUFFS. no inspo plus they seem kind of hard to work with (how would i draw the handcuffs?) sooo reroll again
IDEA!!! school bell. like one of those stereotypical school bells.
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like this!!
okay. im thinkinggggg he/him? very loud. very obnoxious. only a few friends, lets say uhh... lunch tray (she/her), eraser cap (they/it) and hmmmm lets make him someone whos interested in him! paperclip? paperclip. she/her. paperclip has a crush on school bell and tries to appear cool to him but fails. shes close friends with eraser cap and tries to learn how she could get him to like her but in the end she thinks she'd embarrass herself. this is becoming too much about paper clip lets go back to school bell!! so he's kind of oblivious to paper clip (adiren agreste style) (<- sorry if that reference is outdated i never finished watching mlb i got like the first few episodes of season four and i havent seen it since 😭) and he uhh... im throwing them into school because i want to. theyre in highschool. anyways school bell is like a basic jock and tries to make his friends laugh over an actual grade. paper clip finds this cute. he has some sort of a crush on paper clip but he doesnt really realize it because i like torturing my characters that are in love uhh yeha eventually paperclip convinces eraser cap to give school bell a note from her (wow a lot of names) and uhh school bell kind of confronts her but uhh in the end they date. wow a lot of lore made up on the spot!! lunch tray only mentioned once. shes the most supportive of paper clip and school bell.
chat what am i doing 😭 why is there so much about lore? wait let me find out how many words this is
i hope you enjoyed this idk if ill make more but uhh for scroll and quill if you guys want me to write like uhh... scroll attacking inkpad, the confession, the first encounter with inkpad, any other scenes im thinking of but idk how to describe. like i would just summarize it as "nightmares" but honey thats not enough context ok yeah anyways if you want me to write some of those scenes i might thumbs up emogi im done this is a lot of writing woohoo! oc lore. fun. if you want to see any of them i will (HOPEFULLY) be able to provide you with art or at least their asset!!1 any other characters i forgot feel free to ask for their lore. i dont know what im doing shrieks YEAH THATS OC LORE FOR YA!!! i forgot penny, barnes and vanille (idk her last name. the desert tissue box.) but idk what their apocalypse situation is, they just exist with brief ideas as of now the other dream characters dont have lore sorry guys ok im going to stop rambling now. bye bye!!
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