navysealt4t · 2 years
live laugh think about hawaiian monk seals and get sad :(
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p4r4syte · 1 month
its boiling hot rn so heres some lost boy hcs. what i think theyd do/be like in summer (mildly suggestive?)
pls add comments, ill add to it :3
David :
•avoids everyone. i know vampires are cold blooded but no doubt these mfs get agitated during summer. David the worst. he’d be sat there, coat discarded with a pissed off expression. still smoking. god forbid he doesnt smoke
•will even get pissed off with Feeding Time™️ because the bloods warm so he’d just disappear for days on end. hiding away. basically hibernating
•Is Extremely Snappy. he will go for anyones throat, doesnt even matter if youre together (god forbid mates), he’ll be avoiding you just in case but will Bark at the boys given any chance
•”he wouldnt hurt a fly” HE WOULD!!!!!! Fuck That Fly Do Not Invade My Personal Space
•will only calm down once hes cooler, he would genuinely have to piss off to the sea (or i imagine the cave has a watered in area) ((only dwayne knows about it but he let david in on it)) or hes sulking in a damp, desolate part of the cave. just waiting for the summer to end
•only one of the boys that can speak to david during this time is dwayne because of how hes empathetic towards his Boys. Marko And Paul Will Be DropKicked On Sight.
•sleeps upside down, near the darkest most secluded park of the cave. there isnt any air, theres no breeze. he doesnt care, he just wants to, fester. Leave Him To Fester
Marko :
•becomes more feral than he ordinarily is
•he Will be dangling from the ceiling, trying to catch any breeze that rolls in
•he will also be chilling with the pigeons, they find the coolest places in the cave to rest so Why Not?
•the summer heat will also be giving him unneeded energy. he WILL be playfighting with paul and then laying there overheating and gets pissed off once paul tried to interact with him again. Cant You See Im Warm? Jesus.
•will find endless cool drinks on the boardwalk once it cools down during night. itll give him no sustenance and he’ll be pissed off that he has a headache tomorrow but. Mmm Slushie :3
•still eats hot food and will complain about how hes warmer now than before he ate the food. yes he knew beforehand. no he wont stop. let him complain
•him and paul sit shirtless in the centre part of the cave, eating ice creams and then getting pissed off once theyve eaten them all (or theyve melted)
•calmer than david, less irritated than dwayne, less energetic than paul
•sleeps in a random, small part of the cave because the air rushes straight through (he followed the pigeons)(he learns many things from them, this is one of the many great things he found out)
Paul :
•please calm down. its Hot. Get The Memo
•continues his antics, just with, less clothes.
•the ONLY motherfucker thats actively trying to interact with everyone else
•he doesnt get it, god bless. not a single thought in that head x
•is also smoking. sat on that fountain (the cold marble against his back), trying to yell to the others (they ignore him) speaker blasting music (its pissing everyone off)
•the only one that actually leaves the cave (until he convinces marko to get slushes with him. then hes no longer going alone)
•a nuisance. a pure fucking mosquito of a man. he’d be stuck to you if he could, please don’t let him you dont know where hes been (various ponds) (hes upside down in a shrub) (dont help him)
•hes a boombox blaster, weedsmoking, white rum drinker in summer. or whatever he can get his hands on. but best believe he’s living it up even if he doesnt make it out the cave most nights
•sleeps drunk in the fountain, naked. Hey, Its Cool. What Do You Want From Me?
Dwayne :
•is the only one who Actually attempts to cater to the rest
•he knows exactly how everyone is and as much as he Needs To Rot too, he needs to check on everyone first
•only person hes really checking on is david lets be honest
•after finding david and just, checking, he’ll find his own section of the cave. not too far, within ear distance of Everyone in the cave
•he’ll just rest there for a while, just dangling, all sweaty
•sometimes he has enough energy to chill with paul and marko but quickly loses it after a while. paul is Way too much for him in this heat. Hes Markos Issue Now :)
•he is the only one that will remind the other boys that they need to eat. it may be hot, but you still need to eat. cue moody david, hyper paul, sweaty and overstimulated marko and coping mother dwayne
•doesnt speak to anyone, literally not at all, because hes just Too Hot™️ so he’ll just pull your hand to what he wants, guiding you to what he needs
•sleeps alone, in the centre on the cave. just above where they all gather, so he can hear everyone but is just far enough away to get peace. oh, hes also naked.
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 9.
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you lay in bed tapping your fingers rhythmically against your chest.
geez i thought this break wouldve been good for me, but i cant stop thinking about the incident.. you think sighing softly. 
you sit up as you fidget with the wrap still secured around your arm. "i cant wait to go back to school so i can be distracted from all of this.." you mutter. 
hearing a low grumble from your stomach, you look at the clock "its only been 4 hours since i last ate a snack..  i cant eat something else right now again.." you grab your water bottle and start chugging to get rid of the hunger.
 "just a couple more hours and ill be back to school..!" u groan slumping back down in the bed.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sit quietly deadpanning as everyone speaks about the incident, nevermind... i hate this school- let me go back home you grumble leaning back. 
suddenly you feel a slap to the back of your head "ouch.." u grit glaring at the blonde boy behind you. "what was that for?" you ask agitated.
 "for invading my personal space genso" he grins playfully, "i dont want your body anywhere near mine."
 "glad we both agree on one thing" you remark as you roll your eyes. "remind me to do the same thing to you the next time you get to close- but with a boulder instead." you state smiling as you turn around.
 before bakugou could start spewing curses at you mr. aizawa walked in. ironically, this time he wasnt in a sleeping bag- but instead wrapped in bandages from head to toe.
man he must be sweating buckets under there..' you think as he stands behind the desk.
 "as you all know.. the UA sports festival is just down the corner.." starts mr. aizawa before the class butts in.
 "wait.. wouldnt that be a bad idea after the villians snuck into to our training facility..?" asks jirou as she raises her hand lightly, " i mean- what if they do it again? we'll all be in the same place so it'll be easier for something bad to happen.. " 
 "yes, but the administration thinks it'll be a good way for us to show that we handled the situation fine and our school is safer than ever," he pauses, "plus this is a huge deal for UA students and so it cant be cancelled because of a couple of villians.." he looks down, "our schools sports festival is watched all around the world; not only by fans but by pro heros themselves. this is the opportunity to show off what makes you unique and why your a good candidate to be a hero. this festival allows students to be scouted as side kicks which therefore helps on their way to becoming future pros." he narrows his eyes, "that means none of you should be slacking off on any of your training. class is dismissed." he waves before walking out.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you let out a sigh staring at your hands as mr. aizawas words repeat in you head. i cant let any opprotunity to train go to waste from here on out.. its my chance to strengthen my control over my quirk and show it off to the pros..! but.. i dont have much time, and theres so much to do.. you close your eyes and lay your face in your hands.
 "hey y/n- everything alright?" asks kirishima as he puts a hand on your shoulder. you look up and quickly put on a fake smile as you nod. "dont stress out too much man.. we have time to train- and besides youre already one of the best students here..!" he exclaims showing off his sharp teeth.
 "thanks kiri... that means a lot.." you smile before standing up and grabbing your bag. "eat well.. ill be in the gyms if anyone needs me" you add before walking off.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
as you walk out of the gym lockers and into the main room, you let out a quiet prayer requesting that bakugou wouldnt walk in like last time. you take a quick sip of water before putting on your headphones and walking to the squat rack.
finally..! a long awaited leg day! u think happily as you rack up your weights on to the bar. stepping in front of the bar you reach back and wrap your hands around the cool metal bar, letting out a quick breath you lift it off the machine and ready yourself to squat.
as you squat, you dont hear bakugou walk in since your music was blaring into your ears. you set the bar back into the machine and add another 10lbs to each side of the bar before repeating your squats.
unbeknownst to you, a pair of eyes were watching you from behind as you squatted (at that fat gyatt fr-). you put the bar back to the machine and step away from it. you shake your legs out as you turn and realize bakugou was in the room next to you.
 "how- how long have you been there..?" you ask breathlessly. you fidget with the end of your shorts as you pull the ends down slightly awaiting his reply.
 "since you started squating on the machine.. " he replies unbothered, "but im here to fight you." he restates.
 you let out a groan, "this again? bakugou- for the last time im not fighting you..!" you throw your hands up frustrated, "your wasting my training time by pestering me with these questions of yours!" 
he takes a step towards you, "strength training will do nothing for you during a fight other than make you hit harder. but to hit a person you have to know how to get there first." he runs his hands through his hair, "you cant expect to let your quirk do all the work for you and pass out after overusing it all the damn time.. " 
you hated to admit it, but he was right. you were relying solely on your quirk to get out of situations and it wasnt benefitting you in any way. "okay maybe you arent wrong- but im still not fighting you. next thing i know ill end up burnt to a crisp." you chuckle.
 he lets out a grin, "thats why we're gonna do hand to hand combat- no quirks allowed. just pure combat wisdom and power" he gives you a challenging smirk, "sound easy enough now genso?"
 you let out a low curse as you feel the competitive urge come to you, "fucking.. fine!" you look at him, "but we dont kill each other all right?" 
 he nods, "yeah, yeah whatever.." he waves his hand dismissevly. "lets just get started" he lets out a predatory smirk before getting into a fighting stance.
god what have i gotten myself into..?
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 next part: pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
Bean Eclipse Au has my love and seeing any post makes me very happy but now I want to get to know your Space au a little. May you give us some funfacts about the characters to get to know them better?
Aw thank you! I'll do my best describing some things! Its been a moment where I dont know what ive said about them on here. ((The ladies, are by @nekojaf so if u want info on them you gotta ask her!)) First, We got Eclipse (yes thats his name, unless we go au hopping its-)
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-He's a captain of his own spaceship (however its mostly a ship that can house just a handful of people.)
-He's self confident, he's got leadership qualities and doesn't stand down often. However can be a huge flirt (as Beige unfortunately deals with). -I've mentioned before but Eclipse (like other models of his kind) are far more Emotive than the previous models.
-Eclipse is the reason Lunar has a collection of plushies. The guy is very good with sewing. -He's not familiar too much with the 'Star' like SAMS' Eclipse is. At least not currently. He's far more concerned with other things.
-His relationship with Earth is rather... interesting. He may be vocal about not wanting to speak to her but its mostly cause she's like a mom who tends to baby him. (Although he can't blame her frequent check ins.) -Most people avoid him, but that's cause he's made an interesting name for himself.
Lunar, my BOY who started this whole au actually.
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-The space suit was given to him by Eclipse. Who may have taken it.
-He comes off as sweet, but don't think less of him in comparison with his brother. He's mischievous as well, and cunning when needed.
-Far better at keeping his emotions in check than Eclipse.
-Unlike Eclipse (again) he's actually rather good at y'know. Getting the girl.
-However, he is younger than Eclipse. In part not as experienced with the whole line their apart of.
-Rather handy with his shots, but better at driving. Also has a bit of a name for himself.
-Cannot actually believe how his brother acts around Beige from time to time. He's judging his brother immensely everytime. Just let her clear the hyperdrive so they can go!
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-It should not be a shock he's still a scientist in this au. (Mad scientist Sun would say...)
-But in part of that, its due to being part of a Space Camp. He's suppose to be in charge of the sciences of how rockets run. However he uses most of that to make his own things.
-It usually does end up with the kids handling it. Unless Sun gets involved. Kids love the anti gravity chamber a lot.
-Also in this AU he is still AroAce.
-However since Sun and him are under a company, they don't usually leave the Camp. They can't really.
-Moon has made a Star.
Sun, sweetie my darling.
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-Although him and Moon run the Camp together, Sun mostly handles the kids. (Although, Sun more or less just doesn't want them getting hurt cause of Moon's experiments.) -He's been having trouble with some outsiders makings noise lately but it's usually something he can handle. The dome around the place keeps the camp relatively safe (and Safer with Moon's additional technology)
-He goes by his own checklist, although the one from the higher ups isn't something he wants to fully deviate from. It's kept things running, and their own job secure.
-He may be dressed up as a Spaceman, he's uh... not actually one. At least not by astronaut standards.
-They don't talk to other models of themselves.
-Earth and Sun usually can talk for hours. However, he tries not to keep her too long. She's got others to check in.
Bloodmoon, yes it's him!
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-The possibly second youngest.
-He's the only model of his type that... well Ruby's seen actually.
-An avid fan of Invader Zim, due to many movie nights he's had with Ruby. (In an effort to help him learn some things about people...without being near too many.) -He doesn't understand why he needed clothes, unaware of his own autonomy.
-Unfortunately for everyone, WAS destroying planets and ships, destruction in his wake. No one could keep him contained. Until Ruby. But she's not really trying to contain him.
-His curiosity mainly keeps him in check, at least in regard to his learning program. He still seeks some chaos, even if it is on a isolated ship in the meantime.
-Comet Boy! Danger, do not engage.
Angel, y sweet sweett bababyyy
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-Probably the oldest? He's quite a mess it's hard to tell.
-Has been passed around here and there from job to job so he's very well versed in many skills!
-Earth finding him again was a blessing. She thought she lost him. Incredibly thankful for Cosmo.
-Is far more interesting in helping Cosmo than being helped. He's survived quite a bit!
Killcode, don't you forget my giant man.
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-Was made by Moon, or from Moon. In doing so, he's got a few quirks he picked up.
-Such as... He's actually less violent. However able to withstand radiation, rocket blasts, high velocity impact, mundicide... Assumingly.
-Incredibly Tall. A normal person would maybe feel incredibly intimidated by how much he towers.
-A darling cook, he mostly has to kneel for that though. Not many ktichens he's been in are for his height.
-He's a rather calming personality, has no qualms to start fights.
Earth and Solar Flare (or welll... the ACTUAL Sun)
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-Two AI's made for well.. as you guess the Earth and the Sun.
-Earth is as expected to be motherly, warm, stern with her own wants. While SF has less expected results of being rather recluse, cold, to the point and selective in their interactions.
-Earth is partly why the actual planet is far cleaner. With her being actually forthright about the planets condition. It helps if theres someone who may be disappointed if you throw your trash on the ground, or company's dumping waste. She may have been made, but she more or less is her own being. Most don't mind since her main concerns usually fall with her own planets affairs. That doesn't mean she doesn't have concerns of other places.
-SF was made as a safe bet to monitor the sun. However, hue to unexpected AI developing their own personality. SF doesn't fairly speak to much anyone aside Earth. He rather feels she's better at relaying information than he is. Ironic, they find.
-Recently some reptilian android has started to make some impressions on Earth, SF doesn't normally hear her talk about individuals like this aside the 'children' she oversees.
-Earth also ended up supervising the celestial and eclipse models. Attaching to them far more than expected but due to- [The Rest is too glitched to make out.]
Well that was more typing than I thoguht it'd be. But me and Neko have quite a bit of art. The main inspiration for a lot of it is retro futurism. But thank you for asking! You also got Earth in there too. My sweet lady I love her.
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jester089 · 10 months
If request are still open i would like to request an scenario, if not you can just ignore it
Jax with an fem s/o who is very sweet and optimistic, always thinking on the bright side, always with an genuine smile on their face, being the bright happy character in the circus.
She hides a dark secret on her room, one that she doesnt want anyone to know, not even Jax, like everytime Jax or the others tries to go near reader's room, she will go like: "get away from there." With a full dark tone and her "genuine" smile never threaning to leave her face.
She will stay strange for a few days, strangely quiet, avoiding Jax after the incident and she is not the so bright character until some weeks pass by and she is all normal again.
If confronted, Reader will go like: "Its nothing to worry about Jax. Just dont go near my room."
Ill leave it up to you to decide what the secret is, Have fun!
Keep out
I will do my best. I don't know how messed up you wanted it to be. So naturally I went as dark as I could. I want Jax to suffer. I want him to wake up each day and worry about what I will do. But also like kinda hot tbh. Their is like gore, and touchy subjects in this. Just be warned.
Jax x Happy Reader with a secret. Tw character death, gore, manipulation, sadism.
You were a little ray of sunshine. One that Jax always insists that he hates. But he's fooling no one with the gentle hold around your waist he always seems to have. Or how he never so much as insults you and will berate someone if they do. It's the poorest kept lie that he insists is true. You and Jax have a surprisingly normal relationship. Your options while here are limited but you two do many common but nice things together. Taking walks, ranting about random things, movie nights (always at his place), him "pranking" someone and you freaking out because of it. It was normal. It was nice. You were a really good partner to him. And him to you. Only thing he wanted to know was about your room. You always answer his questions with a smile but when he brings up your room you visibly darken. He's be lying if he said he wasn't curious. And worried. Are you cheating on him?! So he searched and found a key to your room. Once he had a way in he started pestering you about your room more hoping you would tell him yourself not wanting to invade your privacy but needing to know. You never did though. So he with key in hand walked up to your room. He bribed Gangle with the promise of no "pranks" for a week if she distracted you for a while while he snoops around. When he opened your door he was surprised... Your room... Is completely normal. He walks in and looks through your things finding nothing weird or concerning. "Maybe their just really protective over their personal space?" He was going to leave before he noticed a small box under your bed. He picks it up and opens it. It has a key? Weird. Oh wait. He saw a keyhole under your desk. He walks over slides the desk out of the way and tries it. It fits and opens up a secret door that leads to a stairway down. Now that is weird and concerning. He goes down the stairs and freezes. Their's a cut open Kaufmo on a metal table he has strangely realistic organs hanging out. And abstracts In cages. He looks at them. Theirs a skinny tall one with bunny ears, a short with a jesters hat, one dressed in a tattered and glitchy dress, one that looks mismatched and random... Jax swallows his fear and starts looking around. Surely you have a good reason for all this. Right? I mean your such a happy person. He finds a lot of notes from you. About how apparently you were a murderer before you came here. About how you made the abstracts from a glitch you found while looking for an excuse for people going missing. Them being the prefect reason that people just, disappear. About how you act like you're dating people, like you love them, so they'll trust you. About how you've done this so many times and everyone just thinks you keep getting unlucky with your chosen partners. About how Jax was your next. "Hey lovely. What'r you doing down here? You know I don't like people going in my room." He jumps at your soft voice right in his ear. He slowly turns to you already shaking and sweating. The door he came in from is closed. "Aww. Come on. Talk to me. Good communication is key in relationships you know." You have that voice. The loving, sweet, lighthearted voice you always have. But you're dumping a mangle Kaufmo into a meatgrinder while talking. You wipe some black blood off your face then smile at him. You walk over to the operating table and gently pat it. "Come on over love. Take a seat. I've made it extra comfy just for you~!" He doesn't move... You frown and walk over placing a gentle kiss to his cheek. "Ok how about this. Sit or I will draw out your death so much more. I was thinking like a day of keeping you alive with your organs hanging out. But I can easily make that a week. Or more. So just come and sit." You place another gentle kiss to his cheek then lead him to the table.
You sprint into the main room startling everyone with your panicked tone and tears streaming down your face. "Everyone! Jax abstracted! I-I locked h-him in his room but... B-but I... I... I-is it me?! Am I the problem?! Everyone I date abstracts. Everyone I love dies! Am... Am I the reason!" Pomni and Gangle walk off to find Caine while Ragatha comforts you whispering encouragement and how it isn't you. You just keep getting unlucky. "The ragdoll seems to be the main one keeping that jester alive. It would be fun to watch Pomni slowly lose her mind after the doll is gone. That sounds good. I'll do her next. Then I can have some alone time with Pomni once she's gone off the deep end and everyone will just think she abstracted. Half the work double the fun! Oh Ragatha. Such a people pleaser. So caring, so loving, so trusting, so gullible. I wonder if she's meat or fluff inside? Can't wait to find out."
(This felt gross to write. It felt wrong. But I honestly feel like it turned out pretty good. Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted. But you left the secret in my hands. So I did what I wanted to. And now you know not to do that. Ever again. Cause it'll turn out weird and gross if you do.)
xoxo, Jester
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For both Rowan and Ags, from that latest ask game:
1, 5, 8, and 10, plus the additional questions of "What’s the thing they’re into that they’re most embarrassed/conflicted about?" (Hobbies, interests, kinks, etc)
( @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not )
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
R: context, baybe! Am i at a merc bar? Timbiqui Dark. I hate the stuff to be honest, but one has to keep up appearances.
Drinking on someone else's dime? Call me old fashioned, but i do enjoy an Old Fashioned. I like'em fixed with maraschino, and give the glass a spritz of absinthe before you pour. Fun fact: a surprising number of bartenders dont know that maraschino is a liqueur, and put a bouquet of fuckin cherries in your drink. Tha dinguses.
At home? I'll keep it simple, usually some combo of soda + spirits. Im particuarly fond of sasparilla and Yukon Jack.
A. I enjoy my drinks hot, not cold. Coffee with tequilla, hot coco with tequilla, tea with tequilla... you get the picture.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.) 
R: my pride wants me to say it was at my mamma's teat, but... nah, lets drop the kayfabe for a sec and be real here. I cry, a whole fuckin' lot more than i admit, and nowhere near as much as i should. We joke and pal around and measure our dicks at each other, but in the end? We kill people. We visit incredible violence on our fellow human beings, and that should take a toll. And if it ever stops taking a toll? Its time to retire.
That doesn't exactly answer the question, so... last time i cried was a few nights ago. @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not was gettin' me up to speed on the hundred years of history i missed out on, and i managed to hold it all together till i got back to my bunk. And then i broke down sobbing. Part of that was just, pent up stress from the goddamn meatgrinder of the Clan invasion. I lost almost everything- the war, half our company, nearly everyone we knew outside of that shitty ass Invader that misjumped us here.
But hell, y'know what? Ive still got that other half of my company. I still have Agata and Joana, i still got most of Fursona's Fusiliers around. Hell, i'm even reignitin' something with Remus... look, all those good things, that ive still got? Cried for that, too. It aint all gotta be tears of sorrow, you can cry for the good things too.
A: August 20th, 3028. Got pepper sprayed at Melissa and Hanse's wedding.
8. Describe the place where they sleep. (ie what does their safe space look like. How much (or how little) care / decoration / personal touch goes into it.)
R: whoo boy. Just cleared out ol' Ronnie's quarters on the Pony. Its not got much decoration yet, just the barebones cot and whatnot. Lots of stab marks in the walls and furniture from when i get bored...Kept his desk though- solid oak, from Samantha. And uhh... maybe a couple of pinups of Kamea Arano... and Candace Liao... and Hanse Davion... and-
A: Like Rowan, I've just moved quarters- her old room in fact, since I'm the XO now. I have my rock collection up on some shelves I put in- I like to get one rock from each celestial body I visit, unique if possible. Theres also stab marks all over the place that I'm filling in, thanks for that by the way Rowan.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
R: Pistol, hormones, sunglasses. In that order.
A: I no longer have my katana from my time in the DCMS, but I do still have the wakizashi that paired with it. I still wear it, for luck.
Bonus: What’s the thing they’re into that they’re most embarrassed/conflicted about? (Hobbies, interests, kinks, etc. Gets into self-image vs how they want to be perceived vs what compels them anyway, plus backstory.)
R: Conflicted, specifically. The tough-as-nails merc persona is... its hard to keep up sometimes. I want to be vulnerable around those I love, but i have trouble turning the macho down. Its paid in dividends, over the years, in bonus c-bills made and fights avoided, but it's also taken its toll on me. And... i didnt let myself feel what i wanted to feel around someone who i now realized i loved- and still love- very much.
A: Sometimes, on my worst nights, I- I still think about my time in the DCMS. And its like I'm still there, never left, and couldnt leave if I wanted. And I dont feel scared or trapped by my superiors or my culture, or horrified by the things I'd done for the Combine. I dont feel anything but mild pride and nostalgia. I don't like those being the things I feel about that time.
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thetentsystem · 7 days
Syscourse will never end.
I am not being a doomer by saying this. Its just the truth. Syscourse is a constant thing. It wont be the same forever, but it will still be syscourse.
Based on the system survey i did, anti endos and pro endos would most likely still fight over these things.
in the survey, many anti endos answered that if endogenic plurality were proven, they'd still have pro endos in their dni and ask for their own space, which is reasonable. However with blogs like sophieinwonderland, a reactionary who actively invades anti endo spaces and actively harms pwCDDs, that would most likely not happen.
Heres a pro endos explanation on why they do not follow sophie, also more proof of my claim. [ QUESTION: do you follow sophieinwonderland? why or why not? ]
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[IMAGE ID: Nope. Her behavior towards anti-endos shows absolutely zero care for pwCDDs. Her "plural future" doesn't include pwCDDs she doesn't like. I'm all for a future where we accept people who experience multiple selves for whatever the reason may be, but she's harming her own community AND the CDD community. Hard pass. /END ID]
Some pro endos would still most likely fight for endogenic plurality if it was disproven, though most would change their stance accordingly. Heres some proof of that from the survey.
QUESTION: Hypothetically, if endogenic plurality were proven to not be a true thing, what would you do?
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Highlighted part adds proof. [IMAGE ID: first, i'd question how it was proven. i don't think it's possible to prove that a subjective experience of self is not real, but i'll entertain this. if it were proven beyond any doubt, and with 100% certainty and zero margin for error, that it's not possible to perceive one's own self as more than one, i'd change my stance accordingly. but it's literally impossible to prove that someone's perception of their self is "untrue" so whatever lol /END ID]
This anonymous user states that they would question it at first, then change their stance accordingly, which is fair.
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[IMAGE ID: At this point, it's also just not going to happen that EVERY form of endogenic plurality is going to get disproven. There's been studies on authors with living characters who act as self-autonomous and several on tulpamancy and thoughtforms. There is either way something obviously going on. Even if it might turn out to just be thoughtforms or just be subconscious, that's still real. /END ID]
This anonymous user states that it is very unlikely and near impossible.
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[IMAGE ID: Nothing different. /END ID]
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[Image id: probably nothing, honestly. i think i'd still be chill with endos. for the most part they're not hurting anyone, so i don't see any reason that it matters to me if they're not "real" /END ID]
This might actively harm the commuity, however.
(if you typed any of these out and dont want them shown, lmk!)
In the end, syscourse is a never ending loop.
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eddies-sweethearts · 1 year
nightshade [1]
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"you two really deserve each other, you know that?" the words seethe out between thin lips. "the freak and the witch".
eddie x y/n
follows the events of s4. multichapter.
tw: parental death, bullying, show level violence/horror/paranormal, smoking and drug use. dont smoke cigarettes kids, its gross.
y/n uses she/her pronouns but is otherwise description free except for clothing aesthetics. minors dni.
“You want something, freak?”
Jason Carver stood; a smug, tight-lipped look screwed onto his face like he was the almighty savior of Hawkins, Indiana. Your tolerance for him, already at a baseline low, was long gone after being forced to listen to his insane, egotistical ramblings at the pep rally that morning. And now, here he was, puffing up his tiny chest at Eddie. You always hoped one day someone would put him in his place. Jason was nothing more than a future high school has been, though you were the only one who apparently realized that fact. Sure, Eddie gave him the occasional jeers and taunts, but it wasn't enough. You wanted to see him crumble.
“Hey Jason!” you shout before the words fully formulated in your mind. The usual deafening chatter of the cafeteria lulls. Heads snapping to look at you, Jason's included as he whips his head around, spotting you in the back of the open room. Your feet atop the cracked off-white table, worn Doc Martens leaving a scuff mark where they were perched, leather clad arms folded in front of your chest as you fix the jock with a cold stare. You could feel the pairs of eyes boring into you, tongues held behind sharp teeth as they waited to see what you were going to do next. This was a far departure from the way you normally keep to yourself, moving about the day as if you didn't notice a thing going on around you. You gave off an air of being completely unbothered, untouched by the world you inhabited. If only they all knew how hard you work to seem so detached. This sudden outburst was granting you far more attention than either Eddie or Jason's usual antics had gotten. A heat erupts throughout your body but whether it was from the annoyance you couldn't hold back any longer or the attention you consistently avoided, you weren't sure.
Letting out a big, loud snap of your gum, you grin. “Why don't you shut the fuck up, dickwad?”
A scandalized gasp echoes through the room. Jason's eyes narrow at you in that way he thought was intimidating. All it did was make you angrier, resolving you even more to wipe the floor with his pompous face.
“What'd you say to me?” he asks hotly.
You kick off from the table, chair toppling backwards as you stood. Heads follow you as you walk forward. Eddie practically turns his entire body from where he was still standing on top of the table, following as you move towards Jason. You let your hips sway naturally, casually, as if you were just walking over to ask him about science class.
“I said,” your gum snaps, punctuating each word as you repeat, “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”
Standing directly in front of him the cloud of overused cologne he was doused in engulfs you. He smells like the mall department store's makeup counter. You watch as the apple of his throat wavers slightly, and that almost puts a real smile on your face.
“You two really deserve each other, you know that?” The words seethe out between thin lips. “The freak,” his eyes fell to Eddie momentarily before darting back to yours, “And the witch.”
You let the old taunt roll off you. It's been thrown at you in spits and through whispers so often that it's meaning barely registers anymore. Eddie, never one to miss a chance to poke a growling bear, sticks his tongue out in response, hands on his head to make horns like the devil himself.
“Prick,” Jason spits, turning all his ire back on Eddie as if you aren't the one invading his personal space.
You grab Jason by the jaw, chipped black nails digging slightly into his cheeks as you draw him closer, speaking in a near whisper. “Don't act like you don't think about me late at night, Jason. Munson might wish I'd give him a chance,” your gaze slides towards Eddie as you control Jason's head, making him look, too, at the way Eddie was watching you with manic glee. “But you?” you twist Jason back, forcing his eyes to meet yours. “You wish I would destroy you." The apple of his throat bobs, and behind his eyes something like fear and recognition flickers. "Didn't you know?," you whisper, "witches can read minds.”
Releasing him roughly, you push Jason just enough to make him stumble over his chair. He lands in the seat with a hard thud and a dumbstruck look on his face that he tries to fix before anyone notices. The other jocks don't move beyond staring at you and then back at Jason as he rubs at the indents your nails made. You hiss at them, smirking at the way one of the younger ones jumps. They really are terrified of you.
Adrenaline courses through you like fire. You definitely need a cigarette to calm you down before the next period starts. You leave Jason and his cronies, heading for the cafeteria entrance. You look at Eddie's table as you walk by, biting your cheek to hide a smirk at the way he was beginning to terrorize some girl, screaming about killing kids or whatever he was going on about. You hadn't really been paying attention to what he was doing before Jason interrupted and annoyed you. Maybe some people thought Eddie was obnoxious and awful, but you liked that he never seemed to shy away from being exactly who he was, even in the face of scorn.
You could hear Jason's voice getting louder as he starts to taunt you already twisting the narrative so it doesn't seem like he was three seconds away from wetting his pants. You turn your middle finger up to the whole room as you exit for the girl's bathroom.
The bathroom is dark and dank, graffiti etched across the walls and into the back of stall doors. More than a few epitaphs were about you, but you stopped reading them a long time ago. You stride across the room, kicking over the janitor's bucket that was permanently being used to catch a leak dripping from the ceiling. One foot up on the bucket you stretch up to crack open the filthy window, throwing your chewed up gum outside. You put the bucket back in its place before wedging yourself in the corner, one foot up on the sink. Digging into your boot you pull out the lighter and cigarette you keep hidden in there. Lighting up, you take a calming drag in, letting your head fall back against the cracked tile wall and closing your eyes. You stayed like that for awhile, dark lipstick staining the cigarette each time you bring it back up to your lips, the water drip-drip-dripping into the bucket the only sound rippling through your perfect solitude.
The door slams open, forcing you to wave away the cloud of smoke from your last exhale frantically as you hide the cigarette behind your back. Chrissy Cunningham stands at the entrance, arms clutching tight around her chest, watery eyes staring at you. Or rather through you, like you weren't even there at all. You nod at her, hoping for some kind of camaraderie, just two girls hiding away from all the high school bullshit in a grimy bathroom. You wonder how her parents would feel seeing their perfect daughter surrounded by filth. Her eyes are hollow, haunted as her chin tucks into her chest and she pulls the stall door shut without so much as an acknowledgment that you exist. You take the cigarette out from behind your back, pulling another slow drag.
It stung. Hawkins was the loneliest place in the world. Everyone so paranoid, so afraid of anything that they saw as different. A deck of cards, that's all it had taken to ostracize you. You'd been playing with them the way your mother taught you to, but it frightened the adults because it wasn't what people here did. The rumors engulfed you. You lost friends. Mothers crossed the street with their children if they saw you walking towards them, conversations went silent as you walked by, only bothering to murmur when people thought you were out of ear shot. You'd leaned into it though. If this town was going to treat you like a pariah you might as well give them something to wonder about. So you wear your clothes darker than most would like, and listen to music that was too loud and too angry. You hiss and you cackle and you glare at everyone, even when your heart is breaking because their eyes never fully meet yours.
You debate fishing a second cigarette out of your boot as you flick the ash from your current one into the watery bucket. When the door swings open a second time, you don't even bother trying to hide your smoking, letting a cloud linger in front of you. Being yelled at by a teacher would at least be a good distraction from the tightness in your chest.
But it's just Max Mayfield. She looks back towards the door like maybe she ought to leave, but then she winces, putting her hand up to the side of her head.
“I don't bite, promise,” you say to her, edging out the harshness you've grown accustomed to speaking with just a little, so she knows you mean it.
“Sorry,” she says, pulling out of whatever pained her, “Didn't expect anyone to be in here.”
“I won't tell if you don't,” you wave your cigarette at her, the slightest grin settling on your lips. Relaxing, Max throws her backpack up on the sink to dig through it. A bottle of Tylenol appears and she dry swallows two pills. You watch as she clutches the sink in front of her, staring at herself in the mirror. You wonder what she sees there, if she feels the same kind of twisted hate that overwhelms you whenever you look at yourself for too long.
You take the last drag of your cigarette, stubbing the rest out on the bottom of your boot. Kicking the bucket back over, you perform your balance act once again and flick the butt out of the cracked window. You start to make your move to leave when the sound of Chrissy retching catches both yours and Max's attention.
“Hey, you alright?” Max speaks up first, looking at the stall with concern.
“Y-yes I'm…I'm fine.” The shake in Chrissy's voice, punctuated by the sound of her spitting, isn’t very convincing.
Tentatively, Max steps towards the stall. “Okay, um, are you sure?”
“Please just go away.”
Max looks to you, awash with concern and uncertainty. You don't know her very well, except that her step-brother had died in the mall fire last summer. You always thought Billy was a bit of a show-off and an asshole, but Max seems like an alright kid. It's okay, you mouthed to her, nodding your head towards the door. She waits until you lean back against the wall before finally giving you a nod of acknowledgment and leaves the bathroom.
“Are you deaf? I said go away!”
The outburst startles you. You hadn't made any noise, and even if you had you doubt Chrissy would've heard you over the sound of the toilet flushing. You start to think maybe you should have left, that whatever Chrissy is doing really isn't any of your business but something holds you rooted to that spot.
Your brows knit together, unsure if you heard her right. Leaving your bag on the floor, you take a quiet step forward. With every step closer the light above the stall Chrissy is in flickers. Before you can even approach the door, she's screaming.
“Chrissy!” you yell for her as her screaming becomes erratic.
“Go away! Go away!” she shouts over and over again, but it doesn’t really seem like she's yelling at you. You're honestly not sure she even knows you're there at all.
“You're really freaking me out now, just come out of there. Please!” The light flickers violently, matching the way Chrissy's panicked cries echo through the room. Too scared to reach for the door, all you can do is plead for her to stop.
And then it does. You can hear her panicked breathing as the stall opens and she steps out tentatively. “Did…did you see that?”
You didn't even realize how fast your heart had been pounding in your chest. Your shoulders, rigid with tension, dip ever so slightly as you clutch the nearest sink for support. You try to steady your own erratic breathing. “Are you fucking high? Are you having a bad trip or something?”
“Forget it,” she says sharply, wiping at her eyes. You didn't mean to anger her, but you have no other explanation for what happened. “Why are you still here anyway? I told you to go away.”
A bitter laugh escapes you. “Fuck me for being concerned, I guess,” you grab your bag roughly from the stained floor. “Contrary to popular belief, I'm not actually heartless. Not that you would remember that.”
“I'm sorry.” For a moment, she sounded like the girl you used to have sleepovers with.
“Whatever,” you shrug, reaching for the door handle just as the bell rings.
“Y/N!” Chrissy's hand catches your upper arm, forcing you to look at her. “Can we talk? After school?”
You should be angry at her or scared or something but all you feel is sad when you look into her eyes. You don't know what she's going through but it must be horrible if the way she was screaming is any indication. “Yeah, okay,” you agree, reluctantly. “Meet me by the old picnic table in the woods.”
“Thanks,” she exhales with relief, letting go of you. You follow her out into the hallway, jostled by the crowd moving to their next class. You watch until she's fully disappeared from your sight, unable to shake the last lingering sense of fear that’s storming through your chest.
Sitting on top of the old picnic table, your right leg anxiously moves up and down, foot drumming on the bench as you fiddle with an unlit cigarette between your fingers. The thought of talking to Chrissy had been gnawing at you through the rest of the school day. Maybe it was a prank, payback for what you did to Jason during lunch, but the sounds of Chrissy screaming in the bathroom echoes through your mind. Something was horribly wrong and you really don't know how you fit into it. You slide the cigarette back into its holding spot in your boot, picking instead at a piece of wood sticking up from the table until it pinches you.
“Shit,” you mutter, sucking at your finger. The sound of leaves rustling catches your attention and you stare into the tree line until Chrissy emerges, breathing hard as if she'd been chased there.
“You okay?” Standing and stepping down from the table, you look at her worriedly. She nods through her labored breathing, fingers running across the dainty chain that adorns her neck. “Chrissy…what is going on with you?”
“I-I don't know. I don't know,” she shakes her head, hands coming up to cover her face. You'd never seen her so distressed.
“Hey,” you say, gently, reaching out to put a hand on her shoulder but thinking better of it. “It's alright.”
“I'm losing my mind, Y/N. Something awful is just…” she looks behind her suddenly, her voice trailing, “…hanging over me.” Nothing appears in the woods except a squirrel hurrying up a tree.
“No one is going to see us out here, if that's what you're worried about,” you say, begrudgingly.
“It's not that. Sorry, I just…I don't know how to explain anything.”
“It's fine.” She isn’t making a bit of sense, and she isn't your friend, but you find yourself wanting to put her at ease, somehow.
Silence passes between the two of you, stiff and chilling. You walk back to the picnic table, reclaiming your seat on top of it and pulling the cigarette back out. You light it up, feeling your nerves calm from the first pull. You don't like the energy surrounding you, the way it feels heavy and claustrophobic, even under the open sky of the woods. You were starting to think something really was hanging over Chrissy, and now, it hung over you too.
“Do you still have those tarot cards?” Chrissy asks suddenly, hands fidgeting in front of her.
You can't help the wide eyed look of surprise you give her, knowing full well what happened the last time you'd brought the deck out with her.
“Could you maybe, I don't know, could you do a reading for me? I think maybe it'll help me explain what I'm seeing. What I think I'm seeing.” A gnawing thought in the back of your mind wants you to tell her to fuck off, that she wasn't going to bait you into another excuse for this town to hate you, but she looks at you with such earnest desperation rounding her eyes that you can't help but feel she was being sincere. She is asking for your help even though you are the last person she’d probably ever turn to if she needed it.
You want to probe her more to understand what she was even talking about, but another rustling of dead leaves catches the air around you, making her jump.
“Whoa! Sorry,” Eddie chuckles when Chrissy bounces off his chest. “Didn't mean to scare you.” He softens after taking in her fully terrified face. “You okay?”
She nods, but then looks back at you. “Y/N?”
“Come by tonight. After the game.”
Chrissy smiles at that, exhaling a breath she had been holding. “Thanks,” she says, sincerely, giving Eddie a smile too before leaving you both alone.
“So that was…weird,” Eddie drawls, watching as Chrissy goes before approaching the table. He shrugs out of his vest and jacket, laying them down on the bench next to your feet. “Didn't know you two were close again.”
“We're not,” you answer slowly, pulling your cigarette from your lips to offer to him. Callused fingers slide against yours as he takes it happily, mouth fitting over the stains from your lipstick. “And what do you mean 'again'?”
“Didn't you two used to be best buds?” His words blow around the cigarette in smoke. You reach out snatching the cigarette back from his lips and putting it between your own, inhaling deep and slow. “You did that whole cheer thing at the talent show,” he looks up from rummaging through his black lunch box to mime pumping pom-poms in the air. You can't help but laugh.
“How do you remember that?”
“Honestly,” he grins at you, nose scrunching up, “I have no idea why I remember it, but I do. It was pretty cool. Can't really imagine you in a cheerleading skirt nowadays.”
“Oh yeah?” you smirk, nudging the skin of his knee that pokes out from his ripped jeans with your boot. “What can you imagine me in then?” You swear his cheeks blush where you can see them through the curtain of hair that hides most of his face while he's still bent over the lunchbox. You inhale on the cigarette again, letting out a snort as you exhale, “Wasn't as cool as you though, was it? Shredding on that old beat up guitar, screaming lyrics absolutely no one could understand.”
“Oh so you remember too?” Eddie raises his brows, smile brimming as he brings the joint he was rolling to his lips. He licks the paper, tongue darting out in a way you can't help but think about as obscene. You lean back on one hand, shrugging as you look away from him, not letting a smile fully form on your lips as you flick cigarette ash away from you both. “You must’ve had a crush on me,” he teases, nose scrunching as his head bends towards you.
“A girl never tells her secrets,” you quip, looking up at the sky, or at least the patches of grey you can see through the tree tops, avoiding his eyes. Your cigarette dangles loosely between the fingers of your right hand. You listen to the way Eddie flicks open his own lighter, foot fidgeting into the leaves next to you. You think you feel him staring at you, but you don't dare take your eyes off of the heavens above you. “Do you think I'm scary?” you ask out of the blue.
“Terrifying,” you can hear the grin in his voice, but when you finally look back towards him, Eddie’s eyes are on you, considering you with sincerity. “Maybe to Jason and those idiots, but,” Eddie pauses, laughing to himself and easing the moment before continuing, “I've seen you crying over that girly book so I know better than to buy into your act.”
“You were sworn to secrecy about that Munson!” You stick your cigarette out at him like a threat.
After your mother’s death, you used to wander around when you weren't ready to go back to your empty house. It was how you found the picnic table, and it quickly became your preferred spot to waste time at. Sometimes you did homework, but more often you just sat and enjoyed the peace. You didn't think anyone else knew about it, convinced yourself it was a secret all of your own, the one place you could go without anyone’s eyes boring holes through you. It was a surprise when Eddie turned up one afternoon. You'd hadn't even noticed him standing there, you were so engrossed in the book you were reading.
“That for O'Donnell's class?”
“Fuck!” you'd yelled, closing the book quickly and wiping at your eyes.
“Whoa, are you crying?” Eddie's mouth had dropped open, the corners of a snarky grin widening to reach his eyes. “Is this proof that Y/N L/N has a heart?”
“Shut up, Munson!” you yelled, embarrassment heating up your cheeks, “Shut up or I'll tell everyone you have tickets to see Kenny Rogers in Indianapolis!”
His eyes had widened, mouth dropping from his enamored smile to a shocked circle. “How the hell do you know about that?!”
“My dad says your uncle is super excited, he won't stop singing the songs during their breaks.”
Standing before you now, Eddie throws his hands up in innocence, joint held between his ringed fingers while he smiles at you incredulously. “I haven't told a soul, sweetheart.”
“Sense and Sensibility is very emotional,” you mumble, sticking the cigarette back between your lips as Eddie lets his hands down, his smile not fading one bit. When he leans in towards you, you could smell the mix of mint and tobacco on his breath. He takes the cigarette from you.
You go to grab it back but Eddie catches your wrist. Grinning down at you, you can feel the pad of his thumb swipe against your pulse before he lets your hand go. For just a beat your heart stammers and the whisper of a desire to lean forward and kiss him strums through you. You shake it off. You know how everyone sees you, even if Eddie doesn't act like it. Until you can escape this town it’s better to keep everyone at arms length, or further.
“For what it's worth, you're not scary either,” you say. You mean for it be teasing, but you say it with all the sincerity you feel. Eddie looks at you with those stupid brown eyes, contemplating you as if you were something wholly new and different from what he'd been looking at before. He takes a few steps back, sticking the newly rolled joint behind his ear, his frizzy hair hiding it. When you push away from the picnic table he holds your half smoked cigarette back at you. Instead of taking it you close the space between you with a large step, coming in so close you can see the faintest hint of stubble along the edge of his jaw. You reach up, and Eddie stares at you unblinking. Your fingers brush against the hair at his temple as you pluck the joint from his ear. A surprised "oh," comes from him, but he doesn't make any motion to stop you. You mock curtsy, "Pleasure doing business." He bows, playing along.
"Hey, um," Eddie calls to your back. "If you're not doing anything tonight while you're waiting for Cunningham, Hellfire is short one member."
Your right foot steps backward to pivot, grounding you as you sway with the offer Eddie's just shouted out. "I'm not really good at games. I can't even get through a round of Monopoly."
"It's not really like that," Eddie quiets, fingers twisting around locks of hair, covering his mouth as you stare at each other. He's so different from the fearless boy standing up on the cafeteria table, mocking the world while simultaneously daring it to taunt him back.
"Maybe," you say having to push the words passed the hard lump in your throat that was begging you to stay quiet, to keep your head down and stay safely hidden away. His smile in response was wide and effusive. You turned, before he could see the smile of your own break through, hard late winter grass crunching under your steps as Eddie shouts the time and place to your retreating back.
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barbietoiles · 5 months
Well if it was swimming with a raft "nager avec un radeau" is totally correct, just not that common mdrrrrr
Yeah our words are weird like who decided that a banana would be "UNE banane"??? My take is that you just learn the pronouns of the words by living your life and earring people talk about these words, but there is no logic to just guess if it's "un" or "une" 😭
In school students often laugh saying that to guess a Spanish word, you have to take a French one and add "o" or "a" at the end (so students often make up words if they don't know the translation lmao)
But for us it's also much more difficult than in English for the gender neutral pronoun ; since in English everything is genderless, you can say "they are tired"
In French, you would say,
for a masculine pronoun : il est fatigué
for a feminine pronoun : elle est fatiguée
so for a gender neutral pronoun : iel est fatigué.e
it's called "inclusive writing"! As you can guess old people and far-right ppl are totally against, saying it's denaturing our language and bla bla bla but in fact, my teachers use it a lot in email to address a big group of students and include everyone like " à tous les étudiant.e.s". Bc we have a dumb rule that we learn in primary school that "masculine win over feminine" (le masculin l'emporte sur le féminin) meaning that if you have 10 girls and only 1 guy, you still have to say "ils" in plural. So with that it's easier to include everyone in written form !
And yep I never really watch multigaming before twitch tbh, there are only two men that can makes me watch league of legend, and they are etoiles and kameto (I don't understand a single thing 🫠)
(The space invader does look better on pc, he even has small codes to help him jump!)
No logic to it.... i see i see.... you live and you learn.... pain. I must listen to etoiles and baghera well!
The "take a french word and make it spanish" is hilarious and also quite cute kkkk. Its like my sister, who makes english words by saying latvian words in an english accent. And ALSO!! I KNEW IT i mentioned to an irl friend that im learning french and that learning spanish beforehand helped a lot because theyre similar and they said "french and spanish are nowhere near similar". SUCK IT BABY, i know what im talking about!!
The inclusive language looks a bit silly with the full stop lol but i think its clever. -é.e. i can choose to be é or e or . , very nice kkkkk. But yeah, old folks will complain about anything, the pissiness of latvian folks when a "no gender" bathroom is mentioned can be UNREAL (though usualy all the angry people are on the internet loll). Cant imagine how it would be if we tried doing inclusive language lol. (Or maybe we could just do a "oh its like russians ono dont worry about it" reasoning lol)
The "male over female" is a whole rule??? Oh my D: its usual to have the masc form be kind of considered "default", but thats crazy..... We use the "viņ(š)(a)" writing very often in emails and documents, its not considered progressive at all because its what we were always using pretty much? But the masc word always comes first. And ive noticed a phenomenon of masc even being considered "gender neutral", because to kind of neutrally address someone you COULD address them in the plural form, but problem is we also have gendered plural lol. So usually the masc one is used to kind of make the person "gender neutral". Its hard....
Theres going to be league of legends? Oh no... one friend played it all the time and it looks so boring ;u;..... well, its etoiles i dont care if game is boring i can get distracted by his shitty facecam mdr
(Also, im using mdr now, its so fun. Saying it out loud is good "r" practice kkkkk)
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kyreeeeee · 2 months
literally let me be mad in peace stay out of my space i dont go invading ur socials. i could. i know them. even the ones im not blocked on. but i dont go near them. why? bc im not a dick. its THAT easy. leave me the fuck alone.
0 notes
fkyumerica · 6 months
they tried to make me a garbage mexican
how fast do they swing
that time together
then theyre in at the bar
back is the queers, right front more bisexuals when they  it, families on left
and queers, any age i am their age hi
and sex too whoa were the same
and when the boy stomped off stage they went right and attacked to left
no and me
notice the crows at the right after
nuts crowd
she was the gayest wife
i dont want her i want to take care of the kids
then them gay
i will take care of you all
when they invaded
it never happened yet
at us
gays around us
then insane since
and no its you
to all of them
i mean they outnumbered us
by 10s
each family
holy crap you do what you want
and one says it
each fucking time
where do they attack
with a young one
or shes it
saw one
gay eyed through window to another queer
mexicans their pedophile kids
stayed short for it
and dumped mom
hey dad
if a female is going
and shes always in the car
i gay let it out
come in
and cum smell in the doorway of a house
and shit cum in doorway of a hut
and underground, leeches
in cum
oh no!
it was really dirty songs and was them
put it in her ass
always singing it
and them too their sons
my cock feed her
the blow up doll was it
and i want her
their fuckign dream date
any height
one word
he was vince mcmahons dad
then mary
her mom is his thing in the video
he said
and he is james corbin
how old too wtf
50 when they had them
then 65
to him
they kept having a gay island and she come over and hop
i sit down and have another one
same outfit
shit on ass
looked like shorts with the hair
men had boxers
of shit
and hair
and a smoke line right
coming out but being in the woods
it made one haha
water bed store
then shopping complex
to mexican store
lincoln park
by fort st
fake the rest
their family did it
kept building too
and if his dad sees dirt near houses
he road paves it all together
saying he can come in and fuck them all
scare crow
disney world
charles lee ray again
we inbred too
let him do what he likes
they are all that
and his family
the rest
and might of got together by now
who who
and a group together
are inbreds
mated before marilyn manson
even at 5
and pedophiles
blow her up
dress on her
i wanna see the gay
john wayne gacy
oh no
their spook
micky and minnie scared
that was it
tko in dope water
black again
shit on them
Thu 7:28 PM
he stole the deed, that shit was made up then too, paper work
my dad ddid
owns the place
one beer fight
who gets jo
weird shit
come on down
they were
than greg
it is fucking weird
90000 hockey players nodding after i said something
jimmy was rickys dad and looked really fucking gay
it was jos family
what is he looking at
agnes the insane bitch
angela see i told ya
penny sent her at me
no do it to penny she had kids
cut off my hair instead
penny married gay
i didnt
and she went insane
agnes did
at soccer
i dunno what this is
the back of my hair was cut off
4th grade photo
new dyke style
and kept doing it to everyone
then it was all women gay talking like space ghost
brak show
cells family
ryan/chad/android 17/marilyn manson
yea do it
he was messing around with posh spice
sit down
we can make school happen
he could of been alix's dad with cheryl
police officer instead of biker
and choo choo the son needs to hook his caboose onto them and go with them after
and make it it again
kill out and destroy lincoln park housing
and the wild
missle blow up house party all the big housing things
that plan went better then too
and here toot toot i dunno boats
youre gonna let kevin live?
said he is his dad
cowboy boots
they killed trunks instead
of dikes
and their family
inbred cell
of the area
cut open angela with the scissors
after grabbing her
she is my mom carrie said she wanted to marry her
carrie is any gay
it was retard talk
and they would always go over to it
what you say
if they didnt do it to me they did it to her
cut off her hair
and she hid had a kid
with her mom went gay with her mom was in the truck too
is erin burna
tried to hide around me in a video
we found another mallory
and jim
your gay free daughter heather
is dead
and keri ann
diner gal
no you dont serve us
she said we can fuck her boyfriend next
not together
then they live next door
giving birth now told us to do it i wont stop
retard cant be raised either
bad generation
they all die
and they mate again too their parentss
and in house bar she did it
filled america
wtf eww
norman rockwell painting
work em too
did not shut up either
with all of them
everywhere since
and the crowd behind her only the blacks are her family
they bleached her oh they want her this hot shit
what is it
didnt know either
that many
they sprayed after
to look like her
you are kidding
new kids group huh
they will be nicer
and cant walk in
they didnt have a key either
he fucked up
when i get knocked out i give it away
fell down in love to fuck it from the back he's gay and they monkey shriek say it
that her husband
yea a jim
i wore freds hair, he was dead too
live aid woodstock, watched his dad die, his hair fell and curled
then his family saw it in my mouth
and cried
well lets do hers
meant sex
stephanie mcmahon was selena
i got her to sit front row
and shot her
keep asking me for more the guy said
her dad
and the guy with the camera in the daughter photo
is him
yea get hot baby
her entire life
gwen stefani
named her to shoot her in prison
didnt care
do it
to blow up the rest
then in boats
with their dad again
that was the boat before black
you keep getting prettier then bleach them
get to be alone
with him
loved you the most
say it or
keeps getting darker each generation
she dated
and goes with
in a car
every time
is this
yes yes yes
to more drugs after
and angela got cut
fool you too
and before the boat inbreed
do weirder shit
then bleach
show it
wont die
gwen stefani
then leave
without the tounge ring
fill it fill it i dunno feed her
fake ass fat suit
whose he
leave it too
fat suit
is it he
it smells like piss
they are all outside for this to happen again
she got out of the cars
18 of her
and are pissing themselves
making this moment happen again
at gas stations
then car ride
to the next to the next to the next
to get together
and have to have a child together now
and raise it with them
to import
and reign supremee some day
said it
i might sell this soem day with a truck
and i dont care
and have 800 kids that defy 1,000
and this when the infants meet and are born too
baboo said no
and men come out
no no no look out
pass the boat over
we're leaving
gotta fuck outside again
fora child and money from her
we made it up
we screaming won something
into the mouth of the other women too
she is screaming
to hide it
another piercing
in her ass
this time
to shake the cheeks
going gay made hotter shit for them to do apparently
now all learn it
is this all the demon shit was
go around again
then back
try and live
and do it again everyday till you look pissed off
and forget
do drugs to forget
and the new wives hot
and leave with drugs this time
then steal next
for who
leave him outside
it happened people
living in cars
train rides
they did it
filder basket
expected a punch
choke slam
she got lipo
fred died
shaved head
the rock
is her
and she gay put a lot to sleep
we are kids now
got em drunk
dad live
wtf whoa
all i do is find sean again or something
and i dunno ryan eat
Thu 8:25 PM
tell me when there is wrestling again
with the older stars
and i will go
i dont remember how
Thu 8:40 PM
shit came off the ground again
they kept pumping their own fetus in them and they were the men
to stand up still
and awake
last one had to live with people
women still went and loved them
and gave up everyone
older age and inbre
were it
guys go on fours after they do drugs
the pebble said it
gave shirts to who
i dunno dons
names of women who would walk in bikini, under wear, and naked, and fuck in the woods then too names were taken down, this is one of their sons
were wild woo i can do what i want
i fuck up your life
i would show you her too
his mom is black
they went white then
would put his dick in his dad
and id unno on the ground
some are white
Thu 9:08 PM
those stomach guys
stare and they say see she he uses its power to live
off dope now
got up
now go attack
sasquatch shit
and the old
their inbred family
so they get up and forget
those guys huge guts
and those gwen stefanis hand them guns
they gave them their hair done
free college to the old
then they go right
our kids had kids then
4ft didnt leave him
constant head
looked 16 tight
no 7
was 18
problem? and him too
lets ssteal the church too and all the money
his dad sting was proud
and smaller
fake football and all
leon was his wifes dad, ryans wife
gay here too
your dad too right
then no
we dont date
what about me adn my dad
and they said they stole it all for everything in their families
wtf yea us alive
and we dont care how you raise us were people too
and yea he can jizz it out
where ever
Thu 10:23 PM
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oh hell yea
1:06 PM
shoot the dogs
mick foley
i shot 120,000 beagles in one day
and abbies
are you bringing them over
they ruined the houses
shit in the basement
bodies too didnt throw in truck when it was there
and stole too
fake judge
flooded with shit
black mold
appliances still plugged in
and electricity s
why are you saying yes
you people are disgusting
you dont go out after you have sex
penny did
you look like whores
you do the surgeries too to hide the infants
no she cant live
take what
there she is fucking bradley
no you dont go past my house to fuck it near me to look like me
you said what to her
go in my house
no no
you dont
hey tom
your daaughter
fucking him too
pregnant on drugs
all wrong
gave her permission to what
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cryoriku · 1 year
feellikeimgonnaconstantlythrowupallthetimmeeeee never emotionally got to recover from my last situation bc the person just wanted to pretend like it didnt happen instead of resolving it and didnt realize because we just numbed tf over it but that entire safe space feels fucked plus a lot has changed in the small time we couldnt talk to anyone really and i chase it but i cant keep up to stay relevant and cool and funny and we're blurring as hell and work is FINE but my stupid mentally ill brain is breaking from working full time (which would be bad enough but also all the training is done from home) i wont stop shaking and i just wanna cry but we move out soon and need the money. im venting so much on here and i don't want to be but without a safe space and without a therapist (because my stupid boss won't give me a schedule to even make appointments in and when i make them ahead of time she gets upset) i have nowhere else to go. i dont expect people to reply to this i just need it out. this is so miserable. none of our interests are engaging or comforting us right now either.
i wish id never left florida. i have less here than i had there. i wish i stayed and played as some bimbo at a bar in the keys until some rich man swooped me up and told me he wanted to take care of me. i probably wouldnt then if all my needs were met but if i ever had to go inpatient then i know i could without actively making my situation worse by devoiding myself of money that couldve went to food or rent.
i dont want to die. i want to disappear. but i think its gonna only get harder to keep myself alive. its cruel to say this because i know how emotionally abused and controlled we were as children but it feels almost sick in retrospect knowing then how suicidal we were when we had food on the table and hot showers and no bills and now. no because we didnt even get that bc of roxas's consistently borderlining ed i swear was spurred by our parents comments and having our near naked body checked to make sure we werent cutting or hiding anything (yeah, dont let your suicidal baby get therapy or comfort them or anything, take away their phone and friends and invade their privacy nonstop because fear and deprivement will DEFINITELY make it better)
our youtube career better kick off as soon as we are in an apartment and start paying the bills because . hey! have i mentioned being demiromantic sucks ass! its 7am. i have got to stop typing. im going to get food or keep sleeping.
edit: i decided to lay in bed longer then birthgiver entered the room and im reminded i dont have room to have mental illness i need to grow up and get the fuck out of this house because i cant keep living like this her not gonna say more on this or im gonna explode.
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3dayweeknd · 2 years
men do not care about respecting anyone’s boundaries (aka my father)
tbh i might be overreacting but also maybe not because boundaries
ok likee. my dad is very physically affectionate which is like whatever its not his fault and i know he misses me when im not home i just. need some space bro. like hugs are whatever if u ask but like. the other day i was eating dinner and he came and sat next to me but the problem wasnt the sitting net to me its that he put his plate like literally in my space like imagine if there was imaginary lines for everyone for like where your own plates and stuff go like im saying he put it in my space and then scooted like right next to me and faced towards me and talked into the side of my face and like all i asked was can i have some space and he was so fucking offended like actually taken aback. its not even the first time i expressed that i needed space. and immediately he was like “no”. what the fuck do you mean “no” you’re going to violate my boundaries and invade my personal space out of spite because i hurt your feelings by having boundaries and by not wanting you breathing down my neck??? i wasnt even like mean about it i just wanted to eat in peace. that actually made me mad because if youre saying u  just miss me and want to be near me but dont respect my own boundaries then you dont really give a fuck about what i think and what i want then. this is all about you then and you only care what YOU want. its actually baffling the audacity of men. and then today all 4 of us went to church and nobody wanted to sit next time him but he always manspreads into our space so they made me sit next to him. and he wanted to hold my hand which im usually fine with but today i just really didnt want to and i kept like NOT holding his hand and then he literally picked up my sleeve to move my arm into his space. wtf.  and i tried not to let him sit on literally the same chair as i was on and i put my purse between us and spread my feet and he crossed his legs into my space and his shoe was literally on me. and like i KNOW he’s getting the signal but he doesnt give a fuck. and then i put my hands in my pocket and then he just started rubbing me knee. I literally fucking cant like when i get irritated my senses are heightened/sensitive and any sort of touching like that makes me so fucking mad. and then when we were standing my hands were still in my pockets and he put his OWN HAND INTO MY POCKET. like ACTUALLY what the fuck. and then he held my arm in between his hands so i couldnt even move like i was itchy and i couldnt move to get it. he literally knows i dont want to be touched he just doesnt fucking care and then whenever i verbalize it hes all butthurt like im deliberately not allowing it to hurt him. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU ITS LITERALLY NOT ABOUT U
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videostak · 2 years
pac man atari 2600 review
funny that pac man atari 2600 is hated universally but like for the wrong reasons like the game sucks no question atleast compared to the original pac man (i personally think the 2600 version is a lil fun in a sorta old way once u get passed its flaws tho obviously pales compared to actual pac man or the 2600 ms. pac man port ) anyways anytime anyone talks abt the game like in youtube video essays or for historical reasons they always mention that all 4 ghosts flicker and are never on screen at the same time and are “invisible” so u will die randomly without knowing what killd u but like if u actually play the game this isnt tru. it looks that way in videos online cause the framerate isnt matched up so it makes it look like the ghosts are flashing randomly but in the actual game they just flicker consistently enough for u to always kno where they are. plus if ur playing on a CRT the afterimage is constant in a way where it rly isnt even noticable. but like regardless of CRT or not by no means do they flicker enough to die due to not seeing them or any bs like that. its always so weird seeing what i believe to be smart ppl bringing that up when its not even true to any1 whos actually played the game. but what is the actual problem with the game is that the ghosts (or pacmans) hitbox is wayyy to big so u dont have that level of swiftness and danger thats in the arcade. u also dont turn corners as quick as in the arcade so like half the time u die is cause of turning and having a ghost catch up to u and barely touch u and kill u. actually 100% of the time thats how u die cause the maze is v poorly constructed and is all turns and it doesnt seem to be designed with any strategy in mind. thats the other problem of the game is the maze. like the original was designed so u could devise routes and was made where there were areas that would free u up from the ghosts pursuits temporarily. but the 2600 maze is constructed of tons of tiny random walls that theres not rly any times where ur freed up. its weird to see every1 complain abt the graphics and sound design and whatnot when those dont even matter compared to the actual problems. like its an atari game so when i see ppl complain abt those aspects it seems so fkn fake for them to turn 180 and have praise for the rest of atari. like ok pac man on atari doesnt have the best sound design and a lot of atari games have great sound design and whatnot but most ppls complaints of pac mans graphics are more based around limitation than actual sounds and graphics. like the sounds are a bit sharp and wear thin and the graphics are v bland but so was space invaders graphics on atari and so was circus atari. sooo ya thats my review of pac man on atari. its fun in small doses but the hitboxes and the maze design ultimately tire. o ya also like regardless how good u are ur bound to hit a wall in terms of progress cause the ghosts speed up like in the arcade and after they reach a certain speed its like impossible to even maneuver them cause they just touch u on every turn. like u can not get anywhere near them at all which is impossible so u can only go so far unlike the original pac man and ms pac man where u can always outrun them thru strategy.
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shoutoismybaby · 4 years
Omega Shame Part 1
Summary: After spending most of your life on suppressants and ignoring your second gender, you finally decide to embrace who you are with your alphas support. But what happens when your alpha Bakugou walks in on you nesting and sparks memories of your past trauma?
warnings: ABO, Nesting, ANGST ending with fluff,
Nesting. This was something you hadn't even attempted since you were but a small pup. Both suppressants and fear had kept any desire for this activity far away from you, until a couple months ago. That was when you got a courting proposal, your first ever.
It was a necklace, and not just your typical alphas 'just learned how to make jewelry with string'. No. This necklace required welding, a skill you had no idea about, but that just made sense for your alpha to poses. The chain was a simple silver, leading down to a locket with intricate holes on its top layer, creating an almost explosive like design. The cloth that sat inside was a ruby red color that matched the alphas eyes, and the scent it held was strong of caramel and ash.
Of course if Bakugou was to make a courting gift, his was going to be the best you had ever seen.
You had wasted no time in placing the necklace around your neck, relaxing as his scent filled your nose. It was from this point that you knew Bakugou would make an amazing alpha for you. After all, if he put so much effort into the courting gift, you could only imagine the effort he would put into courting you. Even then in typical Bakugou fashion, he passed all expectations.
It started with the way he would make you lunches, walk you to wherever you needed to go, and made sure to give you a thorough scenting only after he got permission. He always showed concern for your physical and mental wellbeing, stopping you from pushing yourself too hard in training and even scolding you for your self deprecating jokes.
“No one gets to talk down about my omega. Especially not my omega.” He had growled at you once. Again Bakugou did something unexpected, making your omega purr at a growl.
It felt so nice to have someone who cared about you. Someone who encouraged you to stop hiding your second gender from everyone but those in your own class. Not that you had even let your class discover on purpose, but the stressful situations class A had gotten in over the years did wonders for wearing off suppressants and scent blockers. 
He, along with your other classmates, had been building up your confidence in your secondary sex for years now. Bringing you to the realization that being an omega didn't mean that you were weak or any less than betas or alphas. Momo and Ochako were omegas after all, and they were some of the strongest people you knew. So once you had gotten an alpha your omega was basically begging to be set free, and you didn't feel like you had to deny it anymore.
So here you were, after 3 months of being off of the medications your hormones and instincts were finally leveling back to normal. It was something you had never experienced before, but you had Bakugou to help support you along the way. That's why you needed his scent in your nest. No matter how nauseous you felt walking into the young alphas room while you knew he was training, your omega refused to continue the day without at least one peice of his clothing. More than that and you were sure you would be sent into a panic attack. You had no idea how he would react to you doing this. Would he be disgusted? Angry?
Ironically the only thing calming your thoughts was to continue building the nest. Pillows upon pillows methodically shoved between various stuffed animals and blankets became nest shaped as the time passed. Soon enough you were left with just one item left, one of his favorite skull shirts. You had wanted to take something he would miss less, but they weren’t drowned in his scent like this one was. You sat back into the middle of your nest to take a thorough look around. You didn’t want to take too long to decide a place for it by now as you were getting tired. Not to mention you were going to go out on a movie date with Bakugou so you also needed to get ready for that. You would have checked the time if you weren’t so fixated on your task, and that would turn out to be a huge mistake.
You had finally found the perfect place for his shirt when you heard your door open from behind you. In the middle of slipping the clothing item over your pillow you froze as your heart began to race. Your omega knew it was an alpha before you knew who it was and she let out a chirp before you could stop it.
All you could remember was the first time this had happened, an Alpha walking in on your nest. You were seven, not old enough to even present as an omega but tendencies could show early in childhood. You were excited and happily humming as you arranged your blankets, stuffed animals, and your parents best smelling clothes into small yet sturdy walls in the shape of an oval on your bed. You couldn’t help but feel safe, like you would no longer fall off your bed in the middle of the night, or that monsters or other intruders would quickly avoid hurting you once they got just a single sniff of your parents alpha scents. You were proud when you were finished and immediately snuggled into it for a nap, only to wake up to the scent of rotting eggs. A clear indicator your father was both near and very angry. All the yelling and trashing of your hard work that happened next was just a blur. But you could remember how you felt the entire time so vividly. The way your lungs seemed incapable of taking in air, the trembling of your hands and especially the weakness in your knees. Most of all, you remembered the absolute terror as your safe space was invaded. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as fast as your heart would allow it, and you could only sit back and watch.
It was that day that you first became aware that there was something wrong with you. Something gross, weak, and worth hating.
That’s why even when the scent of Bakugou filled your nose, your heart still didn’t slow down. In fact, it only sped up when you finally turned around to look at him, all of the hope you had gotten by convincing yourself he would be happy you were embracing yourself quickly diminishing. His brows furrowed more than normal and his mouth was set in a deep scowl, slightly open just enough that his naturally large canines poked out.
He was angry.
“Do you not know how to answer your fucking phone?! You were so eager to force me to agree to this date and then you don't even respond when I-” Your thoughts were racing far too fast to actually hear what he was saying. Your omega could only think of one thing, your alpha was angry with you. You messed up and now he was angry with you. It was just like your parents, you should have listened to them when they told you it was stupid to nest.
But you had worked so hard on it, and it made you feel so good. You didn’t want your nest to be torn apart again. The smell of smoke wafted from the alphas' palms as you were too caught up in your memories to really hear him. Hear how he was angry with you for forgetting about your date, angry that you had stood him up and too busy being upset to even notice that you were sitting in a nest. The smell of smoke invoked just another event in your mind, one that happened when you had first presented as an omega at 13. Something that caused the damn behind your eyes to finally break.
“PLEASE DON’T DESTROY MY NEST” You Omega sobbed, distressed chips flooding from your chest like air. “Please, please!”
Your outburst startled the Alpha into silence. He could only stand there and watch as his omegas scent was filled with fear as she wiped at her eyes aggressively. A first he was confused, letting his body pump out comfort pheromones instinctually as he let himself observe the situation. You were dressed only in your school uniform, clearly having been building the nest that surrounded you from the time you entered the dorm room to when he had burst into your room, now far past dark. You were trembling too, body curled up in on itself as you hiccupped and begged.
“Please, I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorryyy! Just please dont destroy my nest.” Your voice cracked and it resonated painfully in his ear and his heart dropped. Why did you think he would destroy your nest? Sure he wasn't the best alpha but he wasn’t a monster. Did you really think he would destroy the one place where you felt safest? A weight grew in his chest that left as a deep growl,
“Here.” He growled, “Probably best if we just end this bullshit.”
This was all your fault. If you hadnt built this stupid nest in the first place, or even started crying like a fucking baby then this wouldnt have happened. But you were a weak omega, and just like your parents said, no one can love someone so weak. Especially not someone as powerful as Katsuki. You shouldn’t have let yourself believe that they were wrong for even a second. You had thought that Bakugou would be the one who would love you for who you truly were. But that was naive. No one could love such a burden. No one could love you.
The drop of the crafted bracelet to the ground seconds before your door slammed, leaving you alone once more in your room, proof enough of that.
Your parents were right.
A flame of anger lit in your chest. Why were you so unloveable just the way you were? Why couldn’t you just be different? Why couldn’t you be an alpha like your parents had wanted?
You could feel your nails extend into claws as the hair on your body raised. You glared at the soft material weaved together around you as hot tears built up behind your eyes. This time instead of being fueled by fear they were fueled by rage and resentment.
You were so angry. So angry at youself, at your weak omega, and especially at your stupid nest. You couldn't help but let a couple tears fall as you let your anger get the best of you, and you didn't stop it until you were heaving in the middle of your disaster of a room. Surrounded by torn pieces of fabric and the other contents of your room scattered by your tantrum, you finally let yourself breath. 
You turned around to see the item you had been avoiding, your pillow with bakugou's shirt. With a deep breath you grabbed a hold of the object, digging your claws into its plush softness. The caramel ash smell that permeated the air only helped to break down the remaining bits of your anger. And you didn’t want to be left alone with your despair just yet.
With the release of your breath a ripping sound could be heard. The shirt split and cotton popped out from the opening like popcorn. Once you had successfully dissected what had been a comfort item you threw it somewhere away from you and took another deep breath.
Now you were finally alone. Just you and your reality. You could really feel how much pain your omega was in as your hair began to lower and your normal nails returned. You had heard about this pain before. A deep one in your chest, heartbreak. Your omega seemed to curl around that feeling. Of rejection. Self hatred. That no one would ever need you, let alone want you. You could feel yourself start to slip into the limbo of numbness and searing pain.
An Omega Depression.
You remembered learning about it back when you were in middle school, most people were beginning to present as their second sex. Your teachers had emphasized how important it was to get medical attention at the first signs, you knew how dangerous it was, but all you wanted to do was lay there on the floor. You were tired, and what was the point? No one cared about you, not your parents… not Bakugou. Your throat strained painfully at that thought. Bakugou didn’t want you, and it was your fault.
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fantasticfangirl21 · 2 years
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here we are, a bit late for day one but nonetheless here is our entry, not well edited yet so dont @ me its late at night lol 
Day one: Fear/Warmth: McDonalds TW: Anxiety attack, poor eating habits... uh think thats it let me know if theres more I need to add
Logan was studying in the dorm, as usual. Honestly the day has been quite boring. He had no class today and was rather bored, after all he had already studied this material weeks ago and the test wasn’t for another week. He was altogether feeling burnt out. Logan sighs and closes the textbook, his roommate should be arriving home soon, perhaps they could spend time together. Logan could use a change of scenery. …Wait, had he eaten today? He has been doing school work all day but doesn't remember doing anything beyond that. 
It was then that the dorm room door opens, causing Logan to jump slightly. A student in a black and purple patched jacket rushes in quickly, shutting the door a bit too abruptly behind him. 
“Ah Virgil, I was hoping you would return soon. Would you like to go-“ Logan stops talking as Virgil moves straight past him, instead ducking under the desk on his side of the room. Logan blinks in confusion, staring at Virgil’s work desk, why would he dive under the desk. Logan approaches slowly and carefully, when he reaches the desk he can hear it. Panicked breathing. Logan can hear Virgil's quick choked breath stutter as he desperately tries to inhale and exhale properly. He doesn't want to invade Virgil's space, that may make the attack worse. Instead he taps on the wood above Virgil’s head, the top of the desk. He taps five times, then seven, then eight. It takes a moment for Virgil to realize that Logan is tapping out a breathing exercise. He struggles, trying to follow the pace, choking multiple times as he tries to follow. 
After a handful of moments he manages to loosely copy the exercise, the rushing in his ears dulls some as his vision clears a bit. This allows him to see Logan who is now crouching beside him, still tapping on the wood for him. Virgil meekly meets Logan’s eyes and Logan’s heart breaks. Virgil's eyes are red from crying, tears have etched trails of black makeup down his face in tear trails that make him look even more upset. Logan's eyes soften considerably and he can barely fight the inexplicable urge to pull him in his arms and cuddle him until he feels better. But friends don’t do that so he won’t. Plus he doesn't want to overwhelm him. 
“Virgil? May I touch you?” Logan asks softly, offering a hand to Virgil slowly. Virgil eyes the hand, he's shaking quite a bit and though his breathing is better it is still nowhere near even or okay. Not to mention he still has tears trailing down his cheeks and dripping onto his jacket. Before Logan can ask again, Virgil moves. “AH-” Logan exclaims, shocked to his core as Virgil is no longer under the desk, but now curled around him, shivering like a leaf and clinging to Logan like a lifeline. “Oh… okay.”  Logan slowly lowers his arms around Virgil, securely encompassing him in an embrace. Logan runs a hand up and down Virgil's back comfortingly, Logan's other hand finding its way into Virgil's hair and running through it gently. His purple curls are soft to the touch, far softer than Logan had imagined- not that he imagines such things. Virgil is still shaking but Logan could feel him relax slightly at the hand in his hair and on his back.
Virgil's breathing finally maintains a normal pace again, his head pressed to Logan's chest, he can hear Logan's heartbeat. It's soothing, he counts his breathing with the beats. Not to mention Logan's scent, something earthy, grounding… like pine, maybe with a hint of coffee. An interesting combination but one that Virgil has never been able to get enough of. And never been able to get this close too, not unless he was on Logans bed doing homework or drawing like he does sometimes while Logans studying. Neither of them were really ones for physical- well anything. They were as close as friends could be. Friends. Right. 
Virgil shakily tries to shift away from Logan, pulling back from him, “S-sorry I- d-didn't mean-n to i-invade yo-ur spac-” Virgil can't finish his shaky sentence because Logan gently presses him back down against his chest again. “Oh- Lo- what um- what are you-” Virgil tries to ask, only for Logan's hands to brush through his hair again, silencing him as he relaxes into the touch. 
“We can remain like this if you would like. It seems to be helping you currently and physical stimulation can be comforting to ground one during panic attacks.” Logan says evenly, basically creating an easy excuse for why he didn't want to move. “Would you like to tell me about your day? Or particularly what is bothering you about it?” Logan asks gently. “Not really… just a bad day I guess. Showed up late to my first class because it was raining and I walked to class. My professor called me out on it and embarrassed me in front of the whole class. Forgot I had a test in my next class and was panicinging to much to even try to focus on the test… I can't figure out what I want to do for my art project and it's due soon. I have an english essay due too and a report in science and when I went to walk back here I had my headphones in but ran into two loud guys on accident and I don't think they were mad but then they started hitting on me and calling me “emo nightmare” and freaking “JDelightful'' which I think was a heathers reference but then they were blocking the sidewalk and you know how I hate walking on grass and the green one started saying something about kinks and the red one was yelling something about that being inappropriate before getting closer and saying something about my hair and I just- I don't know it was way too much so then I lost it when I got back here and- and yeah… then you did the whole tapping thing and I invaded your personal space and you told me to stay and now… now were here I guess…” Virgil mumbles, finishing his story but staying curled against Logan, counting his heartbeats until Logan speaks. 
“Mmm, I'm sorry. That does sound like quite the day.” He responds. Virgil sighs, “Yeah… it's pretty alright now though…” Logan is quiet for a bit, clearly contemplating something. Virgil doesn't interrupt, besides sitting like this with Logan is rather warm, he wouldn't do anything to disrupt that. 
“Let's get McDonalds.” Logan says suddenly, sounding more like a definite and less like a suggestion. Which made zero sense, especially considering- 
“Don't you hate McDonalds because you don't trust the ‘sanitation or health of the food’?” Virgil asks, repeating a bit of the conversation the two had weeks ago when discussing the food Virgil had brought home to the dorm after a stressful test-filled day. 
“Yes, well, your impeccable memory aside, I have noticed that when you have a bad day you tend to get greasy food because you have a high metabolism and rarely eat lunch anyway. Thus you know that eating poorly wont cause negative weight gain. I also noticed that you have stopped eating McDonalds here in the doom after our friendly debate over it a few weeks ago. Though I have noticed salt on your hands a handful of times you return home, particularly after a bad day. This leads me to believe you just eat it somewhere else before you get back so that you don't worry me. Seeing as you currently have no salt on your hands now I can easily say that you have not yet had mcdonalds and synonymously have not had lunch either. And it's two in the afternoon. Lunchtime.” Virgil blinks for a moment, genuinely shocked and touched by the amount of care and attention Logan had put into Virgil. Virgil slowly shifted from where he was laying against Logan's chest to look at Logan. Logan saw Virgil’s awe and couldn't suppress the blush that perked up into his cheeks at how adorable the expression looked on his purple haired roommate. “McDonalds?” He repeats, it's a question this time but Virgil doesn't need to hear it.
His awe fades and there is a brief moment of something that flashes through Virgil's gray eyes. Logan tries to place it, almost like mischief- before Logan can finish the thought there is a strong pull to his tie, yanking his hight advantage down to the man in his arms. Virgil's lips are on his… soft, sweet, and eternally surprising to Logan, who believed he hadn't done anything to warrant abnormal– dare he say romantic gestures from his closest companion. 
To Virgil he had done everything. He cared. He noticed. Not to mention he was goddamn intelligent and hot. Virgil is blushing as he separates, he drops the tie and rubs the back of his neck avoiding the nerd's eyes in fear of rejection. “I- ha sorry I'm not really sure what happened there I um- got nervous I guess ha we can- we can pretend this never happened because well because it probably didn't I was stressed or whatever and you dont like me ha so- um yeah- yeah- I…”  Virgil's eyes flicker hesitantly back up to see why Logan is being so quiet all of a sudden. Virgil can't stifle the laugh that escapes him, nor can he hide the blush on his cheeks. Logan seems to be frozen, staring with the dopiest, dorkiest smile imaginable and the brightest blush on his cheeks. Virgil waves a hand in front of his face, snapping him from his stupor to focus on Virgil again. “I- uh hi.” “Greetings and Salutations.” Logan responds, smiling and blushing still on his face, though this time they were directed at Virgil, causing the other to stay blushing. “You um. You okay?” Virgil asks, shifting awkwardly in Logan's lap as the other looks down at him in pure, uncut adoration. 
“Yes, Virgil, I have emotions for you that are in no way platonic.” Logan says, his smile is still there, as is the blush, making Virgil's insecurities think he is joking at first. 
“Ha, wow L, really telling it to me straight.” Virigl attempts to play it off, only to get the most adorable look of serious confusion from logan. 
“No, you are misunderstanding. I am very much a homosexual Virgil, I am telling you I am gay. And currently, I am very gay for you specifically.” Logan says, clarifying for Virgil. Virgil tries to make sense of this. Yes Logan was always very to the point, yes he always spoke his mind and was adorably clueless on most pop culture references. Of course there was also no doubt in the fact that he always managed to simultaneously send Virgil's stomach into a torrent of butterflies and ground him with the warmth of his voice. 
“No that's not what I- I didn't mean you were straight I um- wait… ‘for me specifically’ what does that-'' Virgil tries and fails to voice his thoughts, Logan interrupts with a crystal clear question. 
“Would you like to form a romantic relationship with me?” Logan asks simply, not wanting to cause Virgil any more mental strain around the subject or Logan's words. “If that kiss was driven by stress and panic then I have no issue with you saying no. But typically actions like that are thought about in the mind before being acted upon or triggered by a stressful situation. In which case it is important to note that I have had inexplicable feelings in relation to you that Patton referred to last week as a ‘head over heels crush’ which I am still unaware what that means but-” Logan tables, it's possible Virigl will say yes, there is nothing gainst that of course, him misunderstanding things is a likely circumstances, especially considering this is Logan. He frequently makes these mistakes… Virgil stops his words and his thoughts with a single quiet word. “Yes.” Virgil says, causing Logan to pause. The two stare at each other for a moment before Logan smiles again, leaning down this time to meet Virgil's lips. This kiss is deeper, more emotion flows between the two, breaths sealed in promise. When they part, they are both smiling, Virgil's anxiety and Logan's burnout forgotten. 
“McDonalds?” Logan asks with a smirk. 
“McDonalds.” Virgil replies with a grin.
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