starlingdrawz · 8 months
Meeting Donald - Wakkie comic (part 2)
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certified3nakin · 3 months
Just finished the DuckTales finale (I was specifically waiting to re-binge the show to watch it). Crying screaming.
Like. I already knew the big twist but. Still
(me ranting about SPOILERS under cut)
Okay first of all
Not Disney trying to write off Lena and Webby as 'sisters'. Like bro give up. We're not blind
As a major Webby fan, the finale destroyed me. I knew the twist but the whole way she handled it? The way you could hear the concern in her voice?? Her asking "who am I"???
Peak angst, but also poor girl
I wish we had season 4, I really want more of the kids unresolved trauma, especially Webby's new potential identity crisis with being a clone, and whatnot
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thetreewhispererr · 2 years
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I’m still not very good at drawing the animal characters actually as animals but I think I’m getting better at it :)
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thechaseofspades · 2 years
I love that everything I'm seeing these days is art book stuff. Although I'm kinda trying to avoid it because mine comes in tomorrow and I want to experience it "blind."
Well, as blind as you can be for the art book of a show you've seen a dozen times!
Come on UPS it's been sitting in the next town over for a day and a half why can't I just go over there and pick it up!
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soyouareandrewdobson · 11 months
Nintendo-vember Level 2: Howard and Nester: How you are not supposed to pay tribute to a comic
Ahhhh, Nintendo Power. Published by Nintendo of America from 1988 till August of 2012, this magazine was part of the childhood of many Nintendo fans. A magazine that functioned as a gaming guide, advertisement for new games and just fun overall for people enthusiastic for Nintendo.
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While we did not have Nintendo Power like that where I am from, we had a similar magazine called “Club Nintendo”, which ran from the 90s up till the early 2000s (2002 to be precise), after which it unfortunately got unceremoniously canceled. I had access to these issues thanks to relatives who enjoyed them a lot and honestly, I enjoyed them too. Very informative, highlighting many games and filled with some really fun comic stories here and there.
Now, Club Nintendo wasn’t entirely like Nintendo Power though. For example, among our comics in the magazine we did not have the subject of today’s post: Howard and Nester.
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Now for those unaware who they are, a short explanation: Howard and Nester were the characters of a short series of comic strips from the very early days of Nintendo Power. Howard was an adult business man with a bow tie that Matt Smith may like, while Nester was a ten to eleven year old redhead NES player. In other words, he was a little shit.
Howard himself btw was based on Howard Phillips, initially a warehouse manager for Nintendo of America, who at a very young age (he was only in his 20s when he started working for Nintendo) joined the company and would play a major role in the marketing of the NES launch in America. He was also an avid videogamer of the “olden times” so to speak and was Nintendo of America’s spokesperson number uno. Liked by many within the industry, he did however eventually leave Nintendo in 1991 (at only 32 years old), to pursue careers in other companies. Which did not work out quite as well, according to Wikipedia. Though he is still hanging around, kicking, playing and working in the industry, for some german firm no one really knows about.
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Man, he even looks kinda like the eleventh Doctor.
Anyway, back to the comic itself: The comic strips were essentially just meant as short, two page fillers ad would feature the caricature of Howard Phillips and Nester, the later supposed to represent Nintendo fanboys, finding themselves in environments related to a current videogame and dealing with whatever situation. Most of the time just ending in some comedic pratfall for a rather impatient Nester to suffer.
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Then, after 25 strips, Howard, in relation to Howard Phillips leaving Nintendo, also left the comic, resulting in the thing ending and Nester going on some mini adventures on his own.
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Now honestly, reading those strips I don’t think they are really bad. Howard as a character is rather supportive, there are small hints to games they thematically integrate in the comics here and there and some of the scenarios are kinda fun. Plus even the linework is okay for this sort of comic.
However, I genuinely think that Nester is a little bit of a shit. Especially in his first two strips.
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He just comes off as smug and a bit of a know it all. Believing he is better than Howard, not grateful for any advice and trying to come off like he is an expert in the eyes of younger, impressionable kids.
Oh god, he is Dobson!
Though that may be what adds to the pratfalls he suffers then. In addition, I am a bit baffled by what games they supposedly star in or how some of the games they talk about are executed in comic.
I mean, the Ducktales comic for example has nothing to do with Ducktales really aside of the moon duck enemy thing kinda being in it (though that may have been related to Disney telling them not to use Scrooge)…
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And then there is the fact, that a comic based on the Golgo 13 game was made.
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You know, THE Golgo 13? The game based on the famous manga about an assassin for hire?
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I mean, what next? A comic based on them in the setting of Home Sweet Home? Though that may have been cool.
It is just, I can see how the duo left some impression on early readers, but I can’t see how they could get quite the appeal, that back in 2008 Nintendo Power would release THIS comic, featuring a now adult Nester talking to his son about the good old days. A little manga-esque like tribute, some people enjoyed.
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Not so much You know who though, who decided to draw instead THIS comic in order to “honor” the two and the style of the comic. And in doing so just ended up showing that he kinda never understood the character of Nester, nor the concept behind the original tribute in the first place.
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So, why does the comic suck? Because it is just an excuse for Dobson to project his own shitty opinion about how Nintendo “dishonored” the origins of the characters he claims to love onto Nester. All while making also both characters accidentally come off as losers and creepy. Particularly Howard comes off as horrible in the comic. After all, based on the set up established via the first two panels, I can only assume that the guy kidnapped a ten year old boy against his will and put him into cryostasis. Separating him from his family and friends, only to thaw him up again twenty years later. And for what? To show him how far games have come since then?
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I get that the comic is supposed to be a joke (though I see nothing in it that makes me laugh), but… well..
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For that set up is rather unfortunate and feels more like it should be part of some existential horror story about someone finding themselves completely displaced in time and seeing, how their disappearance tore apart their loved ones. I for one rather ask myself, what happened to Nester’s parents? Were they accused of killing their son and send to prison? Did they commit suicide? Did Howard just kill them to get to Nester in the first place?
And the “motivation” to freeze him -I want to show you how games are played in the future- is just… that doesn’t even feel like a plan. I am genuinely at loss for words to explain the “logic” that Howard must have had and how none of that helps “the joke”.
Like look, the idea that Howard would e.g. pull out some magic item or machine to show Nester how in the future games are played and giving him a bit of a cultural shock only to return back to the present, feels like a set up that could have worked. But this is not the set up of this comic. This comic has Howard use an extreme measurement to achieve his goal, that comes just off as psychotic.
But hey, why bother elaborating on the ramifications of Howard having tortured a child like that (which feels like a great disservice to the real Howard Phillips), when there are games to play.
Or rather, complain about, because that is the only thing Nester does, starting from his shock at seeing Link now having blond hair.
Which is stupid as shit. I am sorry, but considering the kid had been on ice since the late 80s according to this comic, I think his first reaction to seeing game graphics from around 2008 would be “holy shit” as a result of a cultural shock. Not the fact that Link now has blond hair.
Also, way to prove how Nester is only a phony Nintendo fanboy, because he calls Pit by the name of Kid Icarus
See, little trivia bit here: The tendency of calling little Pit (btw, one of my favorite characters in the Nintendo canon ever since I played Uprising. I love that little shota) Kid Icarus, came mostly because of the awful Captain N: The Game Master cartoon from 1989, which named him by his game title. All while the game was a stable of the NES library since 1987 and Pit’s name was a stable in its freaking manual
Look for yourself: Page 7.
Also, getting riled up over Mario not being from Brooklyn when that was NEVER a point in the actual games anyway or Link’s hair color?
Hm, doesn’t that sound familiar…
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Look, I am not much a fan of Nester based on the strips I saw, but it would be obvious even to Helen Keller, that Nester here is not himself. He is a stand in for Dobson and his shitty opinions on how Nintendo “betrayed” the old NES fans by making Mario and Co more marketable and ignore their “true and honest” origins. The “real” Nester based on the strips comes off to me more like someone who would freaking geek out at seeing his favorite game characters being these detailed, cartoony badasses fighting equally great villains.
After all, playing as Link who can ride on a horse and fights a giant sized pig demon? Mario throwing planets at Bowser? Mario and Link duking it out with other heroes? Seeing Pit and Palutena in Smash Bros Brawl? Which btw came out in January of 2008, so Nester complaining about not seeing Pit- oh I am sorry “Kid Icarus” would be inaccurate too.
The point I am trying to make is, that if you grew up with the bare minimum presentation some NES games had, you would be gushing over anything “modern”
Heck, considering the sort of stuff Nester played or was into in the comics, he would likely drop the Wii once he learnt about stuff like God of War, Ratchet and Clank and other “badass” and “cool” games other consoles can offer.
But no. Nester is simply overwhelmed with the concept of 3D and “realism”. Though lets be real here, I think realism in videogames is an oxymoron, independent of what console we talk about. I mean, what is e.g. “realistic” about Mario, Sonic, God of War, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil etc? I know at least half a class of biologists who cry each time a new Resident Evil scientist comes off with a new variant of the virus.
Anyway, he is so overwhelmed, he simply just wants to go back to the old days and the game he used (or rather “use”. Btw, great job at even failing at simple past tense) to play.
Only loving the Nintendo Wii once Nester tells him about the online shop and that he can play on it the same shlock he already likely has memorized before Howard put him into cryostasis and as such deprived him of a proper childhood.
Meaning that Howards “plan” to show Nester the future of gaming failed, because instead of embracing the new while also loving the old, he simply rejects the former and embraces the later even more tightly, putting it on a pedestal the same way Dobson does.
Which frankly, is one of the aspects I find the most annoying about Dobson in general when it comes to Nintendo. I get it. He grew up with the NES and I admit, the console had some really great games that build the corner stones of many franchises and the Nintendo empire.
But, and you can crucify me for saying that, by modern day standards (or heck, even standards set up by the follow up console, the SNES) the NES era was kinda bad and many games, even a lot of the classics, can’t stand the test of time as much anymore than they once did.
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Before you burn me on the stake, let me explain: I myself grew up with the SNES and GameBoy as my first consoles, so I never played the NES games, even though I was aware of them through Club Nintendo. Only in recent years, thanks to the NES mini and some game collections I downloaded on the PS4, I got to play some of the classic games. And frankly, I think a lot of them suck in some regard. Like the technical limitations of the time, the at times unfair programming to make certain games extra hard and how quick you can actually get through the game once you know what to do, make some games a bit of an underwhelming experience.
Granted, unlike Dobson I will admit, that my opinion is very biased. Coming from my own love of the SNES, as well as decades of playing other games too, including sequels to many of these starter games that managed to polish up things in term of gameplay and presentation. And there is no denying, that there have still been many great games on the console by Nintendo itself, but also third party publishers such as Capcom, Squaresoft, Enix or Konami.
Kirby, Mario Bros 3, Megaman 3 up to 6, Ducktales, Castlevania 3, Contra, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Earthbound are at least some titles that come to my mind.
But it was also the console that gave us stuff like the LJN published videogames, got a shit ton of unnecessary equipment like the Power Glove, established the term “Nintendo Hard” and frankly, I find myself unable to genuinely play the NES Zelda games or Kid Icarus without feeling them quite underwhelming and a bit flawed. So bottom line, I think it was important, I think good stuff came out of it, but it was only the first steps into the right direction. The NES learnt how to walk, so the Switch could run.
Dobson meanwhile worships the era like it was the greatest thing ever, never topped and shoves his opinion into Nester’s mouth. Resulting in the strip’s entire message boiling down essentially to the following:
The past was greater than what we have now and is the only thing I love. Oh, and fuck you for making me try new things.
Which is ironic, coming from the person who among other things would claim that such a behavior is toxic years later. Going onto rants how Kylo Ren is such a nostalgic nerd and criticism of “toxic fans” when he ranted about Star Wars – The Last Jedi and that critics of it are all Nazis. Even though Kylo is the one saying “let the past die”.
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There is also just the fact, that the comic obviously misses the idea behind the original Howard and Nester tribute comic from Nintendo Power.
Like sure, the comic in the magazine was flawed. The manga inspired art work wasn’t that great and Nester felt like he grew up into the sort of young adult who made videos on youtube in the late 2008s, trying to emulate the AVGN by reviewing old NES games and acting like he is hardcore for enjoying “The Wizard”. All while being in reality more of a dork, especially in the eyes of a son that actually comes off as way older than he likely should be if Nester is only in his late twenties or early thirties.
But I think that was kind of the point. Making Nester more a caricature of the “gaming nerd” of the time period, while also indirectly playing a decent tribute to the old days and showing Nester having gotten older, though not necessarily wiser. But considering his kid seems to be doing okay, I doubt he is that terrible of a dad.
Which begs the question though, what is it about the comic that pissed Dobson off that much? The “manga” style? Granted, I think they could have gone more with a style akin to what the original comics had, which is the only thing Dobson has going for his page, that I can actually appreciate. But it could have been worse.
Is it the idea of Nester actually changing as a person, growing up? I mean, considering how allergic Dobson was often times to the idea of change (except when it was related to dumb reboots that may piss off republican strawmen in his head), I could actually believe that.
But if that was what pissed him off and his idea was to make a comic doing a tribute to these two the “right way”, Dobson failed miserably. Because all he did was make Howard come off like a psychopath for freezing up a kid to show him some games and Nester like a moron who can’t appreciate positive change in the media he consumes. All because Dobson was rather focused to vent his own frustration about Nintendo through their mouths, rather than respectfully draw a story with them. Something he even admitted
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The artwork may be decent here, but the writing is a failed assignment.
The most ridiculous thing about that being, that either some time later or before, Dobson made a way better comic starring NEster, that actually gets the vibe of the original
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And before someone claims I can only complain and not bring some alternative to the table how to execute the comic, here is what I may have done:
Start the comic as Howard and Nester in the Back to The Future NES game, supposedly having just finished it. Only for Nester to end up playing with the controls of the DeLorean and in doing so transporting him and Howard into the future. Materializing in 2008, they then learn about the actual positive things happening to videogames ever since , though Howard may also learn to some degree about the bad stuff whe he reads up an article titled “Rise and Fall of videogames” or something related to Jack Thompson). Have Nester for example geek out about Smash Bros, question what a Pikachu is, hitting himself in the head accidentally with a Wii Remote, but overall try to also give a positive message to it all.
Like Nester befriending  bunch of kids via Wii playing. The comic then ending with the two travelling back to 1988, Nester all pumped up about the prospect how great videogames will turn out in the future -perhaps also being a bit impatient at the prospect to wait 20 years to play Smash Bros Brawl again- while Howard muses about the things yet to come. The final panel perhaps being set in 2008 with an older Nester looking over a little brother who befriended by accident his younger self, challenging the younger one to a rematch he had “lost” in the past.
I know, sounds corny as fuck, but it at least would nullify the entire “I kidnapped you and froze you up” implications of the original comic by Dobson.
Now, unlike Dobson, I do not intend to leave a bitter taste in the mouth of the readers, so I want to end this post on a sweeter note by informing you about the following:
When Nintendo Power eventually ended on issue 285 in December of 2012, someone at the editorial team must have remembered Howard and Nester, because they decided to have this little two page comic in it.
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Nester, drawn in the classic style, as a way more well adjusted adult than in the 2008 comic, reminiscing about the magazine that he owes his existence and had brought him many hours of joy. His son helping him accept that it may be over for the magazine, but that the enjoyment will never 100% go away. Even adding a little framed bow tie in the background of the last panel, symbolizing that in hindsight Nester likely came to appreciate Howard as more than just an annoying mentor sort of figure. All before heading out to play a new Mario game with his son. Leaving the past behind but close, while embracing the future.
A comic, that in my opinion hits on the sweet “bittersweet” spot of such things as Fullmetal Alchemist or Amphibia. Giving the “story” a proper wrap up and assuring people that it is over, but that the characters themselves in a way are -unlike Dobbear- never gone.
And if you want to read all the strips of Howard and NEster, here is a link to the archive I found for this post.
Level 2 is done. Time for some bonus round and then the next level soon. Cause now we are really going deep into his whinning over the superiority of the old Nintendo canon
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barneysbigstompers · 2 months
Undertale (short amount of time)
My Littple Pont
Looney Tunes (more specifically the 2011 rendition)
Tom & Jerry (shocking)
Elevator Hitch
Dead Platw
Married in red
Cold Front (please recommend more racheldrawsthis games please)
Solarballs (shhhhhhh)
South Park
Sally Face (Somewhat)
Ok Ko
Murder Drones
Total Drama (All of them.)
Descendants (all 3 I don’t like the latest ones)
Mob Psycho 100
Saiki K
The Music Freaks
Smiling Friends
Inside Out
Spiderman (Soecifically ITSV and ATSV)
Smiling Critters (Idgaf if Dogday is overrated I LOVE HIM.)
Gravity Falls 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
Friday Night Funckin
Camp Camp
Scott Pilgrim (Comic + Anime)
Steven Universe
Kindergarten (olease please)
Hunter X Hunter
Spooky Month
Monster High 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Adventure Time + Fiona and Cat
Captain Underpants
Amphibia (I haven’t watched since s2 ep1 wonder what I missed 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔)
Turning Red
inside job
Welcome 2 Hell 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
SVTFOE (I do not like Starco im so sorry I actually don’t like no ship from this show I just want a slice of life please please please ☹️☹️☹️☹️)
Moral Orel
Chucky (the movie and the television series I haven’t watched s3 tho)
Genshin (not rlly tbh)
did I say camp camp.
Danganropa I GUESS
Anyways love all Simons 😋😋😋😋
Class of 09
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adhdvsautismbracket · 2 years
i’m the anon who sent in the question asking about your blorbos and OH MY GOD. YOURE ALSO A DEWEY AND WEBBY FAN?? THATS SO AWESOME OMG I SO HOPE THEY GET IN THE BRACKET I DIDNTEVEN THINK OF THEM AHHHH they are so silly omg. i love ducktales 2017
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nerdyunicorns101 · 1 year
Been thinking a lot about Adventure Time’s themes and it made me beg the question: What are scenes in animation, film or tv, that make you cry no matter how many times you watch them? Here are a few of mine:
1. Plenty of scenes in The Lion King lol, 2. The final scene of Gravity Falls, 3. Anne saying goodbye to Sprig in Amphibia, 4. Perrito comforting Puss in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, 5. Anything involving Carl and Ellie in Up
Well, yeah, everything you listed, 100% (especially Up lol). But also:
The entire last, like, 20-30 minutes of We Bare Bears: The Movie (don't want to spoil the movie but AHHHH it makes me feel so many emotions)
The last scene of the DuckTales 2017 episode The Last Crash of the Sunchaser (when I was super obsessed with DT17 that episode always felt like a punch in my stomach)
All of TGAMM's Home Is Where The Haunt Is ("I love you, Scratch" "love you too, Molls" 😭)
Anytime they bring up Ohana in Lilo and Stitch (especially towards the end of the movie)
The end of Luca (specifically, like, very very last scene)
The end of the WOY episode "The Wanders" (no comment)
The ending of the Tangled the Series episode Queen For A Day got me (Varian was always my favorite... so... yeah)
That's kinda all I can think of right now. I know there's definitely more though :D
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fresh-toaster · 4 years
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“I just do not wish to date an earth... male” 
Y’all, this episode was amazing and Penny and Della were so good I love them 
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stargaze-sunflower · 3 years
I wrote more Dewey and Louie bonding! I hope you like it! :]
Ao3 Link     Word Count: 1184
Having been slightly taller than usual for a few hours, Dewey was now having a bit of trouble using his legs as he normally would. Not enough trouble to where he couldn’t walk, thankfully, but enough that it was a mild annoyance, especially with Louie snickering at him and Huey hiding a grin every few seconds. He was just a little wobbly, that was all. He was readjusting.
They hadn’t stayed at the resort for very long after returning the spring breakers to their original ages. No one had wanted to be near the pool for any longer than they had to, given what had just happened in it. It’d been nightmare fuel, for sure, along with being stuck in a pool floaty awaiting instantaneous old age. Not that Dewey had expected anything else from an adventure with his family; this was probably actually pretty tame in comparison to some of the other things they’d had to deal with.
Anyway, nightmares and trauma aside, they’d eventually decided on leaving, and Scrooge had said his goodbyes to Goldie, smiling like a sap the whole time. Yuck.
As mentioned before, Dewey’s legs were being less than cooperative, what with his brain being confused at the two sudden changes in height he’d experienced that day. He couldn’t help but be mildly surprised whenever his feet hit the ground sooner than expected as he walked, and that slight confusion caused him to stumble more than once.
It was irritating, and his brothers teased him a little, but they also caught him whenever he lost his footing, and made sure he was steady before letting go. It made him feel warm inside, even as he glared at them playfully and stuck his tongue out at a smiling Louie. They were annoying, but they were his brothers. He wouldn’t trade them for the world.
They finally all made it back to where Launchpad was waiting with the plane, and Dewey climbed aboard and sunk down into a seat with a single triumphant laugh. Webby plopped down into a seat on the opposite side of the plane and almost immediately fell asleep. From what he understood, she’d had a pretty rough day herself. She deserved the rest.
Huey went up to the front to talk to Scrooge about the aftereffects of being young and then aging rapidly, and Louie sat down next to Dewey just as the plane started to take off. Dewey swung his legs back and forth a bit as they climbed higher and higher into the sky, trying to force his mind to get re-used to his normal height.
“You know, I think part of Huey’s problem with today was that you were taller than him,” Louie said casually, giving him a little grin. “It’s always been his dream to be tall.”
Dewey glanced towards where Huey was listening to Scrooge’s rambling – earnestly taking notes in his guidebook – and huffed a laugh.
“Don’t remind me,” Dewey said, his mind quickly being overtaken by the memory of Huey with freakishly long legs. “His dream is my nightmare.”
“And today, your dream was his nightmare,” Louie pointed out, sliding down in his seat a bit as he made himself comfortable. “It drove him crazy that you insisted you were oldest.”
“Yeah, well, he takes being oldest way too seriously,” Dewey complained, not as irritated as he might’ve been, a few hours ago. “We’re triplets, it hardly matters!”
“Then why did it bother you so much?”
Dewey turned to frown at Louie, who was smirking back at him. Why did brothers have to be so annoying and perceptive? It was inconvenient, really. Dewey sighed.
“I guess I just wanted to be the big brother for once,” Dewey said, staring down at his slightly aching legs. “I thought it’d be fun.”
Louie hummed in response, yawning soon afterwards. Dewey felt the corners of his beak tug upwards; Louie was always tired after an adventure.
“And was it?” Louie asked, eyes half lidded.
“I mean, I guess,” Dewey replied, his brow furrowing. “It was more work than I was expecting, though.”
Louie shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”
“Right,” Dewey said, finally leaning back in his seat and settling in for the ride. “And neither do I, now that I’m not the big brother anymore.”
“Maybe not the big brother,” Louie mumbled, obviously half asleep already, “but you’re still a big brother, y’know.”
Dewey blinked, taken off guard, and the warm feeling in his chest from earlier came roaring back, wrapping around his heart like a loving hug from an old friend. It almost hurt, with how pure it was.
“Oh,” Dewey said. “Oh.”
He hadn’t forgotten, exactly, that Louie was younger than him, it just didn’t cross his mind very often. He was usually too busy thinking about he was younger than Huey. He’d spent all day trying to prove himself as ‘big brother’, and he’d sort of overlooked that he’d actually been one all along.
Because Louie was independent, sure, but he also cried at TV shows, and put his hood over his head when he was upset, and held onto Dewey’s arm when he was spooked. They were triplets, yes, but Louie was still his little brother.
Dewey thought that he suddenly understood Huey a lot better.
“Louie, you— Oh.”
Whatever he’d been about to say was cut off as he looked over and saw Louie fast asleep and lightly snoring, his head unfortunately resting against the back of the seat at a pretty uncomfortable angle. Dewey found himself continually impressed by the conditions in which Louie could sleep; him and Huey had found him sleeping in a cabinet once, back when they were living on the houseboat.
Dewey laughed softly and gazed at his sleeping brother with a fond grin. His younger brother seemed to be quickly developing the habit of saving the day and then immediately going to sleep. If Louie hadn’t figured out what was really going on at that resort, who knew where they’d be.
Dewey envied that, a little bit; the fact that sleep came so easily to Louie. He himself could never fall asleep after an adventure; he was always too excited and energetic. Usually about this time, him and Webby would be enthusiastically talking about whatever had just happened, but even she was exhausted after the day she’d had. Dewey made a mental note to ask about it later; it seemed like it would be an interesting story.
Returning his attention to his brother, Dewey slowly and carefully guided Louie’s head to rest on his shoulder, attempting to at least get him into a more comfortable position. Louie sighed softly against his neck, shifting a bit, leaning his full weight onto him before dropping back into deep sleep. Dewey grinned happily, feeling like he’d done something right, like he’d done something good.
From the front of the plane, Huey caught his eye and smirked at him, something teasing but proud shining through his gaze. Dewey rolled his eyes good-naturedly – careful not to move his shoulder too much – and settled in for the long ride home.
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lireb-librarian · 2 years
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[image ID: an animated gif of the waterfall statue from undertale, which has been given an orange umbrella]
*You remember that Undertale really did hit you when you didn't expect it, recently.
*Dished out a suckerpunch of it's theme, brining some unexpected tears after a long dry spell.
*You did the dishes before and the cycle of using them and needing to rewash them will come again but now is now.
*Futility has no hold on you when sleep is faced as inevitable. And with it, rest anewed for you, too.
*You're filled with determination.
*File Saved.
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clusterduck28 · 3 years
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astro-b-o-y-d · 3 years
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violyns · 4 years
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I see you👀👀
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waveypedia · 4 years
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yikes... this hit different after astro boyd
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reesiereads · 4 years
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