#Damian needs to be less mean and honest with his thoughts to break the curse!!!
nomaejie · 2 years
I need "beauty and the beast" Damianya AU !!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
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The Demon’s Bride (7)
So Here’s the next chapter of Demon’s Bride. I’m gonna try to finish my ficlet the Miraculous Awakens and add an update to Miraculous Future before doing another Demon’s Bride update.
I’m also trying a new method of taglist. I love that people enjoy my story and want to be tagged but the list got really long really fast. (I think by the time I had the third chapter/first ficlet out it was a full list). Unfortunately this meant a lot of the readers who had longer comments about things they enjoyed or questions in the story (things that keep me motivated to write!) wouldn’t get a tag. So I’m redoing the taglist. Some will keep changing because except for a select few that got me started in the cursed Daminette ship (god I love you people) everyone is gonna be kind of flexible. Meaning your name might get bumped in the next update.
I do try to tag these stories with (The Demon’s Bride) and (The Betrothed AU) let me know if there’s another tag I can add to make finding them easier. Believe me I know the struggle of trying to find out if a writer has updated.
One person suggested I cross post on AO3 and since I finally got an account let me know what you think. Not just would you read it but would this story be something you would download to save a copy? I do that with all my favorite works on that site and would consider it to be the biggest of compliments.
Okay, thank you all for enjoying this story. Thank you for being patient while I work out my own tag list system. Enjoy the next chapter
Beginning Previous Next Masterpost
The next morning the class ate breakfast in the hotel breakfast lounge. It was large enough that they could break into their two groups but not so large that Marinette’s group could ‘accidentally’ get left behind.
Marinette rolled her eyes as she listened to Lila continuing her stories from the day before about meeting the youngest Wayne and how ‘It was love at first sight’.
“Damian is just such a sweetheart. It nearly broke my heart to have to put our relationship on hold when mama got her assignment in Paris. But I am happy she did as I got to meet all of you. And now I have a chance to see my Damian again.”
Lila smiled slyly as she leaned closer to her slaves, “In fact, we have plans to see each other tonight. He’s going to take me on a romantic dinner date. If you can keep it a secret from Ms Bustier I’d be ever so grateful. I don’t think she’d like it if I did something by myself but I’ll just never have a chance like this again.”
Marinette had a feeling she’d strain a muscle at some point before the end of the trip, either from rolling her eyes too hard or from fighting back the urge to roll her eyes. She’d have to somehow arrange for Lila to be supervised if she actually made it out of the hotel and more than likely that duty would fall on her as her usual alternatives were in Paris.
A glance at Juleka showed that the girl was already anticipating Marinette’s thoughts and would be taking on the supervising (stalking, call it what it is) duty for Marinette. Fortunately, continued training and practice during Akuma attacks had refreshed skills instilled by the league to readiness in both girls.
“No worries girl. We got your back, unlike some people,” Alya said with a pointed glance at Marinette. Alya had blamed Marinette when her relationship with Nino fell apart and once Marinette had stopped responding to her phone messages Alya had made it her personal mission to blame the worlds evils upon Marinette.
Marinette ignored them and kept typing on her phone.
“You guys are so trustworthy. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys,” Lila smiled at them.
“Class finish up your meals we need to meet the bus outside in five minutes for us to head to the mall,” Ms Bustier called.
“Hey Nino, I forgot a jacket up in my room. I’ll catch you at the bus,” Marinette said nonchalantly as they cleaned up their dishes.
“You’re planning something,” he stated. A raised brow dared her to deny it.
“Not at all. Just have Markov do a recording would you?”
“Sure, sure. But you’re reporting this, not me.”
“Done,” Marinette agreed as she headed back to the elevators. On the ride up she pulled out her phone and sent a quick text.
M: Meet me outside the hotel? I might need a ride.
D: Why? Are you safe?
M: I’m fine right now. But if things play out like they usually do I’m gonna need a ride
D: got it
Grabbing the bike jacket she’d left on her bed Marinette hurried outside the hotel. The bus’s engine was just starting to rev when she called out.
“Wait. I’m here,” she called and ran towards the bus.
It slowed for a moment before picking up speed and taking off. Marinette watched as it drove off and shook her head. She pulled out her phone and dialed a number.
“Bonjour Commandant,” she said cheerily before he did more than greet her.
He sighed, “What happened?”
“I might of made a stop in my hotel room this morning to get my jacket before meeting the rest of the class at the bus.”
“And you were left behind again?”
“I was left behind again,” she confirmed. “I was nearly at the bus and called out for them to wait. It started to slow but then took off again. There were open windows and Nino should have Max and Markov making another recording.”
“I’ll wait for the files. You know we’re going to have to report this when you return to Paris.”
“Absolutely. This is getting ridiculous and entirely too unprofessional of Ms. Boustier. If it were any other person getting left behind they could end up killed here in Gotham.”
“Do you need us to arrange transportation?”
“No thank you, I already did,” Marinette turned to look at the motorcycles that stopped next to her at the curb.
Damian lifted the visor on his helmet and looked at her. She smiled at him and finished her call.
She looked at the second bike and rider and back at Damian.
Damian held out a second helmet to her and explained. “My father and brother’s aren’t entirely comfortable with me being alone and unsupervised with someone from the League. Todd volunteered to chaperone today.”
Marinette took the helmet and sat on the back of his bike. “Had many run-ins with Leaguer’s?”
“Too many,” Damian admitted. As soon as Marinette wrapped her arms around his waist and told him the class’s destination he took off.
Marinette smiled as she sat behind him on the bike and let herself fall into old patterns of trusting him to get them where they needed to go. Within minutes they pulled up alongside the bus. Marinette grinned as she asked him to rev the engine and get the class’s attention.
When several faces turned to the window Marinette lifted her visor and waved at the class. Just as she was laughing at their shocked faces the lights changed and Damian took off again with her laughter trailing behind them.
Jason followed behind Damian and watched as Demon Spawn pulled up next to the bus before the girl waved at the class whose attention they had gotten. When Damian took off again he had to watch as the two moved together as they wove through traffic. What surprised Jason more was Damian never turned to check the cars behind him. Instead he watched as the girl would do checks and then Damian would move. Damian trusted her to watch their backs.
They seemed to have a system down and had seemlessly fallen back into it. Like they had ridden together before? But they couldn’t have. Damian came to Bruce at 10 years old. The girl had to be about the same age so how...?
Jason let the thought go as they pulled up to Gotham Mall. Damian parked near the main entrance the class would have to go through after parking the bike and let Marinette off first. He and Jason followed suit before locking their bikes and the helmets up and waited for the class to catch up.
“So Pixie-pop, you know Demon Spawn from the League?”
Most people would say Jason didn’t know how to use tact but most people were also idiots. Sometimes when you did things blatantly and unexpectedly you would get more honest answers from others.
Marinette glanced at Damian and then turned to Jason when he nodded. “I’ve known Damian most of my life in the League.”
Jason looked at her. The answer was factual but there was undertone of meanings behind it that he was missing.
“He mentioned the League was divided into factions? Divisions?” He fumbled his question and waited to see how she would respond.
Marinette turned to Damian and spoke in a language he didn’t know. It wasn’t English, French, Japanese or Chinese which he’d learned from Bruce and Alfred before his death. Nor was it Arabic, Russian, or German, which Talia had forced him to learn after his resurrection. The closest he could compare it to was Chinese but it had a different cadence, intonations, sounds, everything really so it was completely not understandable to him.
When Damian responded in the same language Jason was less shocked. He just waited for the two of them to finish.
Marinette nodded before turning back to Jason, “The word you were looking for was designations and yes Damian and I both had one. Most trainees are given one by the end of the first year of training though it can be changed if a particular aptitude is discovered. Or if they lose enough standing with the League.”
Her eyes were a little darker, a little sadder at the mention of losing rank within the League.
“Ah,” Jason nodded and looked at Damian, “you didn’t mention you had a designation last night.”
“TT, I didn’t think to mention it last night. My designation was the Demon’s Right Hand. The heir of the Demon.”
“Makes sense since you were Ras grandson,” Jason admitted.
Marinette snorted, “the old Demon had at least five grandchildren, though no one’s sure if his son had any children so there could be more out there. And Damian was the third born. Nothing the Demon ever did made sense.”
Jason was startled. No one knew that Damian had other siblings, blood-siblings, since he’d made it sound like his trainee group were like his only brothers and sisters.
“Grandfather insisted that only the best could succeed him. Even from my early trainee days my brother’s knew I could take their inheritance from them if I was better than they were. Our rivalry,” and boy was that a loaded idea, “was actively encouraged and the only way it could end was with the deaths of our competition.” Damian grimaced at that.
“Hey, Ali wasn’t so bad. He loved his big brother.” Marinette bumped Damian’s shoulder, trying to distract him.
“Ali loved his big sister,” Damian tapped a finger on Marinette’s nose, “who got her mother to take in the kid when he began his training and gave him family. Just like his big brother.”
Marinette smiled fondly. “He’s a good kid. Did you know Talia has him doing some PR as they’re ‘rebranding’ the League? I think the American, Luthor, has done that a few times.”
Damian quirked a brow.
“He’s shown up in Paris a time or two. Mostly as PR attempts to promote ‘acts of charity’ or such. My class actually ran into him a few years ago. He made a friend with one of the girls in my class. We pass messages through her when we can,” Marinette nodded to herself, “but it’s been harder to do with the tension between my classmates.”
Before Jason could ask anymore questions the bus with her classmates in it pulled into the Mall parking lot. Strangely another car seemed to be following behind it.
Permanent tags: @mindfulmagics @ozmav @bluerosette23 @multifandomscribette @mochinek0 @northernbluetongue
@fertileleaf @evil-elf16 @scribblinggraveyard @mellownieice @mystery-5-5 @indecisive-mess-named-me @sonif50 @tog84 @g-arya @legendaryneckjudgestudent @tbehartoo @ravennightingaleandavatempus @zebrabaker @autisticlinx @moonyloonyx @hinata3487 @evil-elf16 @mooshoon @shamefullove @pepelachanel @queenmj10 @bluefyoto94 @valeks-princess @luciferge @novicevoice @vivilakitty @2sunchild2 @littleredrobinhoodlum @black-streak @interobanginyourmom @crazylittlemunchkin @alwaysnumberonetruth @nataladriana9 @that-feeling-wyn @motherly-type @jardimazul @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @peachedpocky @thesunanditsangel @daminett4life @risingmoonyue @dorkus-minimus @tired-butterfly @alenee13
Can’t find a blog: @fusser90
Okay, tag list capped out as I was scrolling back through comments on ch. 5 but the taglist is flexible anyways at this point. I have plans to update the Miraculous Awakens prologue and the Miraculous Future chapters this week. Please vote which you would like to see first. I’m hoping to get the first update posted either Wednesday or Thursday nights. (Though sadly I am suuuuuper flexible with my posting schedule. Basically I post whenever I have a chapter ready). Also i plan to wind up the Once Upon A Miraculous epilogue next weekend so that’s three chapters I’ll need to be toying with this week.
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
Always with you.
Because Kon is always looking out for Tim. 
He wakes up slowly, achingly aware of each heavy muscle keeping him anchored to the mattress as he lays on his side, each nerve ending pleading with him to just stay, just relax for a few hours, please stop putting them through so much stress.
Of course, they are ignored. He’s preparing himself from the inevitable onslaught of pain once he gets in a vertical position, when he feels the careful fingers combing through his hair. 
He can’t even blink before a heavy hand drops to his waist, keeping him still, because yeah, vigilante reflexes.
-Shh, don’t get up dude. I’m just braiding your hair. Nothing to worry about.
The effect is immediate, body going lax, mind so stupidly fast at ease it probably wasn’t healthy.
-What’re y’ doin’ere? -he mumbles through heavy lips, barely even parting them for the words to escape. 
The body behind his back inches closer, and he feels his hair being moved this and that way.
-Heard you had a rough night. Cassie showed me once how to braid her hair, said it was relaxing an’ stuff, so I thought it might help. You seriously need a haircut though.
-Go back to sleep, buddy. It’s still late. Or early, whatever.
-Need to… ‘vestigate a case… B’ce’ll be mad…
-No, you need to close your eyes and be nice to yourself. I doubt Batman is expecting a report at five in the morning when you got tossed around by Croc like a ragdoll three hours ago.
He wants to argue some more, but the hands move from the ends on his hair to his scalp in a light massage and he’s out like a light.
He wakes up six hours later, body and mind both thanking him for the extra rest, with groggy eyes and hair a tangled mess.
It’s the best sleep he’s had in months.
-Shit, shit, shit, fuck, shit. Fuck!
Tim smiles, a small line of blood dripping from his parted lips- What would Ma said if she was here and listened to that, huh? Swear jar much?
-She would be cursing right along with me and probably kicking me in the ass to do something -the meta snapped back, hands hovering over his torso where the knife was still deeply buried- Should you put pressure on it? I feel like you need to put pressure on it.
-If I do, I’ll just move the knife around. And that’s gonna hurt like a bitch.
-Fuck. Fuuuck... then, take the knife out first. That sounds like a plan.
-It also sounds like me bleeding out quicker.
-You aren’t being helpful at all! Just… Here, if I could carry you…
-Don’t fucking touch me, you’ll... make it worse with your clumsy hands.
That’s not the reason he can’t stand Kon touching him right now, but he’s in no condition to elaborate either.
-Look who’s cursing now!
-I’m allowed to. I was stabbed.
-You can just chill and keep me company -Tim sighs, head resting back against the wall he was using for support, hidden in a dark corner on the warehouse- I already sent a distress beacon, B should be here anytime now. No important organs were nicked, so I’ll be good as long as I get stitched up before I bleed out.
-That’s not comforting to hear. You suck at calming people. 
-The person in pain should be the one freaking out. It’s going to be fine, trust me.
-I trust you to lead us into battle. I trust you when you say you figured something out, no matter how impossibly weird your explanation is. I trust you when you say ‘go left’ even if all the signs say ‘go right’. But I absolutely don’t trust you when it comes to your own health. You little bitch of a liar.
-...your bedside manners suck. Now get the hell out of here, I hear the Batmobile getting closer. 
-You better survive until you get fixed up, Boy Wonder. I’ll give you hell forever if you die.
He’s sitting on the cold, hard ground when he feels the meta approaching. He doesn’t touch him, but Tim can still feel the worry basically overflowing off his body.
-It’s fine, don’t be so concerned.
-’Fine’ has a lot of new meanings when it comes from you, varying from ‘I want to cry a bit, hug me please’ to ‘I might need someone to watch over me, just in case I do something scarily stupid on purpose’.
-Those are very specific translations, for one short word. 
-What can I say, I know how to read my buddy.
-Uh huh. And what does it mean, right now?
-You might be leaning more towards the latter, to be honest.
Tim hums, eyes still on the epitaph, hands carefully arranging the flowers on top. His parent’s names staring back at him, the stone where they were engraved as cold as their eyes had always been when they looked at him.
-Good thing I have you then, clone boy.
The pressure on his shoulder is sudden, but light. Barely even touching at all. 
Tim feels it all the same, and for one brief, overwhelming second, he wonders what the fuck is wrong with him.
Quickly pushing the thought from his mind, he stands up again, turning to face his friend and give him his best shot at a smile.
-Walk me home? 
Tears are falling from his eyes, and he furiously scrubs them off with one arm, the other still shoving shirts and pants into the open suitcase. 
He’s leaving the manor, but he sure as fuck isn’t leaving his things behind. God knows what the little devil might do. He already took such a perverse pleasure in stealing everything Tim held precious, so why the hell not fuck his belongings up too? 
He probably can’t fit everything into the suitcase, but even a portion of it would be enough. Even if Damian burned the rest, or if Alfred threw it out, or if Dick gave it to charity… he would at least keep a little for himself, a bit of the boy he was while living under this roof.
He sees Kon standing on the side, from the corner of his eye, but he doesn’t stop his motions. He needs to be quick about this, while Batman and his new Robin are still on patrol. Before Dick comes back and tries to stop him or… or worse. Worse like locking him up.
-Slow down -the calm, deep voice interjets from the side, like he could hear his thoughts- They just left, you still got time.  You are going to hurt yourself like this.
-I might be a sad excuse from a vigilante -he snaps back, ignoring his friend’s advice, now trying to shove a shirt he stole from B-Bruce once. He’s taking this one even if he has to leave one of his own-, but even I won’t get injured by packing some shit. 
-You aren’t that, Tim.
-Dick seems to differ, and I feel inclined to believe one of my former teachers and literal Batman over someone who loves me too much to hurt my frail, stupid feelings. No offense.
-None taken. I’m going to break Grayson’s face the first chance I have, though.
-If you can pull that off, I’ll buy you a milkshake.
-I’m holding you up to that, bud. Now, slow. down. You might not get hurt physically, but your mind is certainly doing you no favors.
-I need to leave, I need to move.
-You need to punch someone, preferably your brothers, and then call Cassie, or Cass, or someone who’s not a fucking backstabber and ask them to come and punch them too in your name.
-That’s what you said you were gonna do, though.
-Yeah, if I get the chance. But I can’t right now, you know. Also, I’m coming with you, so… that’s gonna take a while to get around to.
Tim keeps pushing stuff, but his shoulders are slightly less hunched, more relaxed. He sees Kon moving around a bit, looking at posters still hanging on the walls, framed pictures by the bedside table he couldn’t fit and weren’t important enough to make space for, everything that once made this space Tim’s, like he’s trying to commit it to memory. Like he might never see this again.
Considering what Tim was planning to do, that might as well be the case.
He doesn’t really care anymore.
-Did you tell him about me? -finally breaks the silence his friend, pacing apparently over, as he stands by Tim’s side, eyeing the Superboy shirt Tim was keeping close so it could be the thing at the top of the suitcase once he was done packing the rest. His voice is devoid of any judgement, and Tim’s heart clenches a bit. This night couldn't get more emotional if it tried. 
He shakes his head. Timothy Jackson Drake was done with feelings.
Carefully avoiding his friend’s knowing stare, he scoffs- Of course not. I might be, as Dick kindly put it, delusional, but I’m not stupid. He would have just drugged me and dumped me into the deepest cell he could find at Arkham that wasn’t already occupied. I know I bitch about how incredibly easy it’s to break out of there, but that only applies to villains with henchmen on their payroll that can provide the manpower to devise a getaway. 
Seeing as the case looked ready to burst, he added the last shirt and closed it, fighting against the zipper for a good minute and a half.
-Okay, I’m done. Let’s get out of here. I have a parental figure to find and drag back, kicking and screaming if I need to. You coming?
-Always. Who else would talk you out of stupid shit, Rob? I’m always on your side, you know that.
When Tim sees him again, flying parallel to his motorcycle in Paris of all fucking places, he wants nothing more than to punch him.
Kon tries to talk to him about what he’s doing, what happened to Bruce, why the fuck was he doing this to himself. Tim just wishes, more than ever, that he had more control of his mind, so he could just wave Conner’s hallucination away. 
But, well, when does he ever get what he wants?
-Tim, please, just hear me out! I’m back, I…
-Yes, I can see it, you jackass -he bites back, making his way through the sewers-. You said you were coming with me, but then fucking disappeared until now. I got fucking Ra’s Al Ghul on my tail, you know? I could have used what little comfort you could provide.
-First of all, rude. Second, dude, I couldn't come. I was busy… coming back. Which brings me back to my earlier point. Tim. Buddy. Tim, I came back. This is me. Really me. Please, just… just touch me, okay? So you can be sure this is real. Rob, c’mon…
But Tim just shakes his head, and avoids both his hands and every mention of this topic, only answering back when Kon moves from that to talking about Clark and Lex, right and wrong. 
Maybe his head is trying to remind him of Bruce’s teachings, about the dangers of falling into Ra’s web, like the silly fly that heard the spider’s honey-dripping words and fell from them.
Maybe everyone’s right and he just lost it. Whatever. He know he’s right about B. His mental health can take a back seat and enjoy the storm Tim is going to break loose, and he’ll get on it in a sec.
But he can’t just listen to Kon, can’t believe him, because it would destroy him if his hopes get once again destroyed.
He’s already stretched thin, running after a man he’s not 100% sure is even alive. He can’t spare any hope of the same belief to Kon.
When he leaves the city, Conner doesn’t follow. He looks sad as Tim walks away, but he doesn’t disappear on thin air like he used to. Instead, he flies away until Tim can no longer see him in the distance. 
That gives him pause, for a second, because… that was new. Maybe… maybe Kon had actually… maybe he was...
But he steels his heart and keeps going, because he can’t chase two ghost at the same time. 
And if Kon was truly back, the Tim welcoming him back couldn't be the one with two devils and no angel on his shoulders.
He’s back in his city, feeling more like himself than ever, even with the looming threat of Ra’s revenge hanging over his head. 
He’s lighter, more at peace with himself, now full of evidence of Bruce’s situation that will grant him Justice League’s backup. Ready to throw it at Dick’s face, hopefully poking his eye with the flashdrive or harming his stupidly perfect face with a papercut.
He’s in a better place, finally. Tired, mourning the loss of two ninjas that gave their lives for his mission, and one organ less than what he had when he went away so many months ago, but… Mentally speaking, he hasn’t feel like this since before his mother died.
Enough that, when Kon landed in front of him, some quip about leather suits on his tongue, Tim felt strong enough to risk another heartbreak and jumped forward, arms circling around his best friend’s middle, hoping against hope he wouldn't just go through him like all the times in the past when he tried to hug Conner’s hallucination.
He hits a solid, steel-like chest, and his heart stops.
The meta’s arms wriggle out of his hold, and he proceeds to fold them around his tinier frame, plastering Tim to his front with a shaky breath.
Tim can’t breath. He wonders if he’s dead, too, but quickly discards the idea, because death couldn’t possibly be so warm.
-I told you, I’m back for good -his friend mumbles, arms clenching around Tim, voice breaking and heavy with emotion- Not that I ever truly left, but… 
-W--what? -he’s choking up on his tears and confusion, wanting to get away from the hug so he could look at Kon’s eyes and discern the truth, but also knowing that the mere idea of letting go would make him cry even harder- Y-you died, what do you mean you never…
He can’t keep talking, because he feels like he would drive himself into a panic attack if he does, but thankfully, words aren’t really a necessity with his Superboy.
-I told you, Boy wonder, that I’ll always be by your side. And I was. Right up until I got back to life and then I had to track you down to tell you about it, not that your stubborn ass believed me…
Moments flash through Tim’s mind, quick and merciless. All the times he laid in bed, aching and mourning, and feeling gentle fingers sooth the pain away, both in his body and his heart. Sitting on top of buildings and contemplating how easy ending it all would be, just for Kon to appear out of nowhere, yelling at him ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going until you fucking leave it, idiot!’. Visiting his parents’ graves, getting verbally attacked by Damian, getting discarded by Dick, and then a comforting voice in his ear, encouraging him forward, begging for him to not give up yet.
-No. No, those… those were hallucinations. Proof that I’m crazy. Proof that...
-The only thing me being with you after death proved, was that you have no way of getting rid of me. And you aren’t crazy, Tim. Which is a testament to your resilience, because with all the shit you have to put up with, anyone would be. But you aren’t. I was a kickass ghost, your own personal supernatural buddy slash motivational coach, not a product of your tired mind. Now, the pink haired fairy sitting by your table that one time? That was because of sleep deprivation. You need to sleep more, my dude. And now, I’m alive, I’m back, and I’m here for you, like always.
Tim can’t even attempt to control the tears. Who knew a healing heart would ache so much? He’s crying louder now that he's unbelievably happy than when he was utterly destroyed. His heart feels like it’s growing up inside his body physically now, doubling in size and stronger than ever. 
He feels like Ra’s could put his plan in motion right this second and he wouldn't give a shit. No revenge he could spring on Tim would dampen his happiness at the warmth of Kon hugging him back.
-Now, this reunion is very touching, and it was fucking time you got it into your thick head that I’m back for good, but -Tim scrunches his nose, head leaving Conner’s shoulder so he could look up at his face in confusion. The meta gave him a smile that was probably meant to be reassuring, but came out as vicious-  I have a to do list, and punching Dick Grayson has the honor of being number one. Care to point me in the right direction?
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msephy · 6 years
Truce for the Cowl - parts 11 & 12
Aaaand that’s the end for you.
Part 1 is here for those who want to start at the beginning.
You can also find the fic on AO3.
Moving around Gotham, Damian found himself almost satisfied. The Robin suit he had modified was much more armored than the pitiful excuse for a costume which had been worn by Drake. In addition to the protection, it had real gauntlets with Batman-like spikes, flexible boots and a large hood, to allow him to disappear in the shadow without constraining his movements.
Of course, he was not working alongside his father, as it should have been. Instead, there was Grayson. He had made Batman’s armor lighter, removed some of the weapons, and was still struggling with the cape. Damian knew as much because he saw him train and curse about it in the Cave. Here, out in Gotham, the difference was barely noticeable.
So at least, Grayson wasn’t a totally pitiful replacement; he would do until Damian gained enough skills to take the cowl for himself, as was his due.
They stopped on the top of a building, right in front of the Penguin’s Iceberg lounge, just to observe it for a minute. Damian stayed poised and silent while Grayson used the cowl to scan the interior of the building.
The Robin title had been his due as well, of course. He had known ever since arriving that it would be his, eventually. It had just taken more time for him to get in than he’s initially expected.
Yet for some reason, he felt relieved. And a little bit proud.
“What do you think?” Grayson asked, his too-young, too-cheerful voice contrasting with the Batman persona. “Should we let them see some cape, to put the fear of Batman to their hearts?”
“If they aren’t afraid, then they’re fools.”
“They’re criminals in Gotham, I’m pretty sure they qualify as fools.”
Damian nodded gravely. “Then, by all means, we should.”
Grayson grinned, the fool. But then, when he deployed his cape to glide toward the next building, the smile became predatory – and Damian couldn’t help but to imitate him.
Batman and Robin were back. The criminals should better be scared.
Jason found the situation rather ironic. When he’d come back from the dead, he’d wanted nothing more than make Bruce suffer – than to kill him – than making him pay for everything the old man had done wrong.
And now, he found himself travelling with a Robin – a Red Robin – his Robin – to help bring him back to life. The fact that Bruce probably was not dead in the first place didn’t count.
It should feel wrong. It should trigger him all the way into insanity – and sometimes, it did. Jason could feel his hands tremble, his breathe accelerate. He knew the signs. Maybe he’d manage to stop the crisis before it blossomed, maybe…
“I need a break,” Tim declared, closing his computer.
They were in a small hotel room in Cairo where they had retrieved an engraved stone which Tim had been analyzing for the past four hours. From the look of it, there was nothing left to do but to wait for the computer’s output, which would likely take a few more hours.
Jason tried to breathe in. his throat felt constricted. The rage was flowing in his vein for no fucking reason. He couldn’t just be bored, he was better trained than that!
“Jason,” he heard Tim call, and from his cautious tone, it was not the first time.
Fuck. His voice was rough. He swallowed.
“Do you want me to leave?” Tim asked.
Dread blossomed in his chest, constraining his throat further. He could barely rasp in some air. He must have done something, though, because suddenly he could feel a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s alright. I’ll stay. Do you think you’ll need physical exertion, or…?”
“Not. This time,” Jason managed, feeling suddenly like laughing. His Robin was carefully not asking if he wanted to break his face. “Might change. Idiot.”
“That makes two of us. Let’s sit on the ground, maybe? And I can take us a blanket?”
Jason didn’t decide consciously to grip the replacement’s wrist, yet his hand closed around it all the same. It took him a couple of seconds to realize he was squeezing it, and a few more to manage to let it go. He left a red mark behind.
“Just the ground then,” Tim commented philosophically. “Is that ok?”
“Just shut the hell up,” Jason growled.
They slipped to the ground together. It helped, somehow, feeling it underneath him. He blinked and found himself lying down entirely, Tim alongside him. He was still clutching his wrist.
It had to hurt. It was so thin, frail looking; with that pale skin it would bruise for sure. People had to underestimate the kid all the time. He’d grown, lately, and Jason knew that slim frame hid hard muscle, but other people didn’t. Tim had narrow shoulders and it was now clear he wouldn’t get much taller.
“You’re staring.”
Jason flinched. He forced himself to blink, slowly. Then, remembering faintly his previous train of thoughts, he managed – not to let go but – to loosen his hand’s grip.
“Concentrating is hard,” he said, the admission hurting less than he’d expected.
“How long does it usually lasts?” Tim asked, efficient as ever, not a trace of judgment in his voice. A good little Robin. Red Robin. His Robin.
Jason snorted. Good. Amusement was a good sign.
“It varies. This one doesn’t seem too bad.”
Tim loudly did not answer.
“What?” Jason inquired.
“We went through this already, birdie.”
“I’m wondering what would be worse,” Tim sighed. “Pissing you off with my answer or pissing you off by not answering.”
“Just spit it out already.”
His capacity of concentrating was coming back, thankfully. Jason didn’t like to have a conversation with someone like Tim without it. Besides, the – wildness – had not drawn blood this time.
“I can’t believe that I’m saying this but I’m glad you’re here,” Tim said. “Without you, Dick would never have listened. I mean, the demon spawn helped but… You gave me a name and everything. Thank you.”
Jason squinted. “This isn’t what you were thinking about.”
“It’s part of it. I didn’t think this could be possible,” Tim explained, waving his free hand around.
“You calming me down?” Jason spat.
“Us working together for any length of time,” Tim corrected.
Jason observed him silently. He felt better, now, but it would easily come back. yet, he couldn’t resist the need to press against his wound.
“Where are you getting at?”
“Right now, I need your help,” Tim admitted easily – which was not an answer. “Until Bruce is back. If you didn’t, if you don’t, I guess I’d be the one getting… moody. After Kon… my father… And now Bruce.” The shaky breath Tim took was not faked.
Jason paused. Right – he had known about those events of course but – all of those happened quite close to each another, hadn’t they? No wonder the kid had been jumpy back at the manor. And since their trip started, he’d been entirely mission-focused.
Jason had taken that for normal Tim behavior, and it was, but it was also an easy escape from darker thoughts. And didn’t he know that feeling?
“Your point being?” Jason still kept pushing.
“Asking for help is an option,” Tim finally dropped.
Jason tensed all over. He was not – he didn’t need – how dare he!
“You insisted,” Tim reminded him, his voice coming from far away.
Jason tried to focus on the words, not to think about – fuck him. He had no right. No right.
“Jason? Are you alri… no, fair enough, that’s a stupid question. Can you still hear me?” He must have managed to nod, because Tim kept going. “Fine. That’s good, I mean. I’ll just keep talking, alright? Just tell me if I have to…”
“Shut up.”
Silence fell. Not entirely, though; there was still the sound of the two of them breathing. In. And out. Jason blinked. The rooftop was white and dirty. The floor solid below him.
“Maybe next time I shouldn’t insist,” he forced out.
“I meant it, you know,” Tim answered, suicidal little shit. Surprisingly, Jason felt endeared rather than furious, this time. “You know that something is wrong. And you know not acting on it is stupid.”
Well at least the little red robin hood didn’t think Jason was unintelligent. Or willing to lie to himself. He might believe more in Jason than Jason himself. But then, wasn’t that his role?
“I’ll consider it,” Jason heard himself say, and quickly added, not to dwell on it, “after this shitstorm with Bruce is over.”
“Obviously,” Tim answered. “I told you. I need you, here.”
Jason closed his eyes. Maybe if the kid said that often enough, he’d believe it.
Notes: It’s not really an ending, but I don’t think I’ll manage to get this fic further and, in any case, we already know how Bruce comes back. Let’s be honest, I never knew where I was going with this XD I just liked the idea.
In the end, I think it’s fitting that a fic about a relatively short period – the Battle for the Cowl – is relatively short, itself.
I wish I’d managed to balance the last chapter a bit better between the four characters but, well, Jason’s issues are more complex than the others’, except maybe Damian. But again, the comics themselves cover how Dick manages to reach out to Damian and how Damian himself really becomes Robin, so I don’t feel like I should rewrite it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the fic!
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cas-backwards-tie · 7 years
What A Destiny Ch. 3
Jason Todd x Reader soulmate au
Series Summary: You’re not from this universe, yet you somehow ended up here… in a universe you’d always wanted to escape to, yet feared the consequences of. You’re not here by mistake but who’s to say?
Chapter Summary: Kara has put herself at jeopardy telling Dick and Jason the truth about Y/N’s existence, something Batman warned against. Kara and Dick want nothing more than to help a furious Jason with the help of some friends find and rescue his soulmate.
Warnings: Yelling, Cursing, Unnecessary Rude Attitudes, Anxiety, Panic, Fighting, Violence, Forest Fires, Arson, Injuries, Blood, Pain, Magic and Feinting.
Catch Up Here: Chapter One, Chapter Two  
A/N: So due to a great response and demand I’m continuing to write this, however, past where Jason and his soulmate actually meet I’m not sure entirely where to take this so if anyone has any ideas or things they’d like to see, please suggest them to me <3 It’d be much appreciated... now, enjoy! :D
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Kara pulled out her phone as she flew from the Watchtower to Bludhaven, “Dick, there’s something you need to know. I need your help.” 
3rd Person POV
“Wait, wait, wait.... Repeat that to me again, but slower this time.” Dick holds his hand up in the air for dramatization, his eyebrows furrowed, slightly shaking of his head.
“O-okay! So I was at the Watchtower and a couple of weeks ago, probably a month by now if I’m being honest-”
“Get on with it!”
“- there’s this girl we found who came from another universe and she’s Jason’s soulmate! There! That’s all I know!” Kara’s words still came out more rushed than Dick probably would’ve liked but her message still got across to him.
“You’re sure about this?” Dick asks, cautious as this tale seems super far-fetched and if they want Jason to believe it at all then Kara will need to tell the whole story.
“Positive.” She affirms, nodding her head.
“Let me get Jason over here, first. Stay here.” Dick quickly unlocked his phone and dialed Jason’s number as he moved to the other side of Kara’s apartment, wanting Kara to hear as little of the fighting that’d pursue as she could... but then again, Dick just remembered she has super hearing, so of course his effort would be almost pointless... I suppose it’s just the thought that counts.
Jason’s  POV
“You didn’t tell anyone you came here, right?”
“Wha- no? Why? Should I h-”
“Were you followed?”
“What? No, Dick! What the hell is going on? You’re freaking out like a kid who’s trying to hide something from their parents.”
“Well, that’s kind of exactly what’s going on.” Kara plays with her hands as she approaches slowly from the next room, presenting herself.
“Let me guess,” I chuckle to myself, “you messed up big time, and you need my help?” I pause after the words come out of my mouth, my brows furrowing, “No, that wouldn’t make sense. Why are you here?” Pointing and shifting my body to face more towards Kara, arms folding themselves as I’m curious as to why I was drug here even more now.
“Well this is my apartment, so it wouldn’t really make sense as to why I wouldn’t be here? Why are you guys in here?” Kara makes a weird face, shrugging as her palms face the ceiling.
“I was just trying to figure that out...” I don’t have patience or the time for silly games, “I swear if you only brought me here for some sort of silly gam-”
“Jason you need to sit down.” Dick walks over to me, pushing on my shoulders to get me to sit down but I don’t budge.
“Why?” I shift my gaze from a nervous Kara to a panicked Dick, which doesn’t help considering, “You never act like this Dick, what is going on?!” I start to raise my voice accidentally, their nervousness getting to me.
Just as Dick is about to answer there’s a knock at the door and a few thumps outside on the fire escape. “You set me up!”
“I didn’t!” I watch as Roy steps through the fire escape and into the living room. Turning around I watch as Kara answers the door, the Teen Titans as well as Tim and Wally step through.
“Is this an intervention? I’m really flattered Dick, really...” Panic and worry begin to flood my system as there must be something going on if this many people were invited to the party. I try to put off that I’m calm by taking Dick’s suggestion of sitting down.
“Long time no see,” I get up to hug Roy as he approaches.
“Yeah, well, when you get the call that one of your best friends needs a hand and is into something serious, you gotta wonder what he’s gotten himself into? How’ve you been?”
“T.T if we can get on with this meeting.” Damian interrupts as he squeezes himself between Roy and I to sit on the couch when he literally could’ve just walked around us.
“Right... so... uh, Jason this isn’t exactly an intervention-”
“I knew it!” 
“-uh... yeah... well, Jason we found your soulmate.” Dick announces, taking his seat on the armchair across from me. My soulmate? I want to yell at him, to scream, to tell him he’s a liar but I know that Dick would never lie about something like this... let alone joke about it. He still had his soulmate and everyone knew how much he protected and cared for her.
“Congrats Dude! That’s awesome,” Beat Boy slaps my back with a huge grin on his face. 
“We came all the way here for this?” Raven questions quietly from the other end of the couch.
“Yes... and no. Jason’s soulmate is... well,”
“Kara you need to tell the whole story... everything, this time.” Dick instructs her as she sits up straighter, pushing herself to sit on the edge of her seat.
The first thing I think after Kara announces her story is that... it makes sense. It really does... considering Tim and Bruce still haven’t found their soulmates, which consequentially caused me to doubt the existence or even potential meeting of my own... it makes sense that the only reason is because they were from another universe. However, how could two people from separate universes be intertwined? Why in God’s name would he do something like that? It doesn’t make any sense. How did she even get here?
“Jason? Are you okay?” I focus back in on my surroundings as someone is waving their hand in front of my face.
“W-what? Yeah... I’m fine, it’s whatever.” I sit back, letting myself be engulfed by the couch as I had no idea when I even sat up to the edge of my seat.
“It’s whatever? This is your soulmate we’re talking about Jason.” Roy says surprised, turning to look at me.
“Jason, everyone, the reason why I called you all here was so that we can come up with a plan to break her out.” Dick informed everyone.
“Break her out of The Watchtower? Are you frickin’ kidding me Nightwing?” Tim asks from his position of sitting cross-legged on the floor.
“Look, we have both Kid Flash and the Flash... it shouldn’t be too hard. We also have Starfire, Arsenal and even Supergirl-”
“No way!” Kara puts her hands up in defense.
“What? What do you mean ‘no way’ Kara, you’re the one who brought this to our attention! The least-”
“The least I could do was bring it to your attention Dick, you didn’t hear the consequences Batman said he’d lay down if anyone told.” Dick seemed to contemplate this for a moment before acceding.
“Fine... we have enough people already.” 
“Enough people? You better have a damn good plan Nightwing.” Roy stammers as we all tense a bit at the thought of losing a person.
“I have a plan, here it is.” Dick lays out the plan on paper, mapping out everything which is to go down within exactly an hour, no more, no less. Thirty minutes in and out, no problem. Those were the riskiest missions of all. I didn’t like the odds or the sound of this.
“Okay, Supergirl, Flash, Kid Flash, are you in position?” We receive the a-okay from them as Supergirl had relinquished the fact that she’d at least help us ‘get in’ if not help with the actual fight.
“Arsenal, are you locked and loaded?” Roy gives us a thumbs up from the portal he’d been sent through. 
“Raven, do you think you’ll still be able to get this done?” Raven nodded as she seemed to be preparing herself for what was to happen next. “Whenever you’re ready Supergirl...” Dick gave the que and it seemed as if everything happened in slow motion.
Supergirl enters The Watchtower using the teleports, granting us access as both Flash and Kid Flash race inside to at least get my soulmate out of her cell before The Watchtower starts to lock down.
Arsenal starts a fire outside the entrance to The Watchtower with flaming arrows as he shoots them from the hill. By the time they realize what’s going on it’ll be too late. Once Roy is done starting the fire he hops back through the portal into the living room to join us.
“Go!” Dick shouts as Raven teleports the rest of us into The Watchtower. 
Looking around the room for the thousandth time I end up staring at the bright florescent lights on the ceiling. Shutting my eyes I return to looking at the cool desk in front of me. I wonder what everyone else in this universe is doing right now... where’s Jason? What’s he doing? After all he is my supposed ‘soulmate’. What about Damian, or the Joker or even I don’t know... Alfred?! I wonder what Alfred does all the time when the boys aren’t home... surely you can’t clean forever.
Yawning, I feel myself dozing off as best as I can with the frickin’ sun always shining in my room, making sure I don’t know whether it’s day or night because I’m a supposed villain which could break out if I knew the time of day apparently.... SIKE! The hell if I were to-
I feel a whoosh of air before I feel as if the world’s spinning and turning, which consequentially churns my stomach and makes me heave for air when it finally stops. I close my eyes as my heads bobs back and forth, threatening to roll back.
Composing myself I look up to see a hand out-stretched to me, waiting for me. “Come on! We don’t have much time!” The man whisper-yells at me in a worried voice as I realize who it is and what just happened! I’m free! I’m no longer hand-cuffed and it’s all thanks to Kid Flash! IT’S WALLY! IT’S WALLY WEST! “Wally!” I say a little too loud as he helps me to my feet. Wally looks taken aback from my comment as confusion streaks across his face for only a moment.
Finally I register the sounds of... fighting... coming from the main living space in the next room, the main room. We were in the hallway where the next turn off leads to the room I’d been in only three times. It held The Watchtower’s couches, monitors and even the teleports. Grunts, rushes of air and fists meeting fists can be heard loudly even from this distance. There’s something going on. I’d never seen Wally here before!
I watch over his shoulder as a blur of green, orange and yellow are thrust through the entrance to the main living quarters into the wall of this corridor. As rubble flies and lands close by I wince, cowering as I gasp. Quickly standing back up, looking over Wally’s shoulder to see if the person is okay I’m met with a red-clad figure who briefly glances at us and back to the man who’d just crashed into the wall. It’s The Flash...? But even from the dark, as well as this angle I can already tell it isn’t Barry. I’ve spoken to Barry and this isn’t Barry... who is this? There’s another Flash? “You need to take her and go! I’ll distract” 
My eyes widen as I realize what he’s said but it’s too late, we’re already running. Well, he is. I am not. As we make our way to the entrance from the corridor to the main room I feel myself being dropped. “Oww....” I say reactively, the fall not really having hurt. “Wally!” I turn to see Wally grimacing, his face frozen in a scream as he clutches his head in his hands. What the hell is going on? I look every which way to try and find the source of Wally’s pain but can’t find it as when I turn around I’m met with green balls of light, streaks of lighting, flying, bodies, arrows and sounds from every direction.
Looking between the fights I finally stop to stare at the only people in the room not moving. One is surrounded by a dark purple, almost black circle of.... I have no idea. The other meets my gaze as he starts to run over to me. I start to panic as I think he’s going to rush me until I realize who it is. The symbol- the jacket- the boots- the.... this is... it’s him. It’s Jason Todd.
For the second time in less than ten minutes I grab the out-stretched hand and am hauled up quickly to my feet as Jason grabs my hand tightly, starting to run. “HEY!” I try to turn and look at who yelled but am drug away as Jason starts to run faster. I gasp as I realize what’s going on.
I can’t tell who is who or what is going on specifically but I know what’s happening. He’s breaking me out. I gasp as I realize this, trying to see specifically what is going on around me. “OW!” I stop running, my arm being tugged hard as Jason realizes I stopped. “Come on! Hurry!” In a swift movement I hardly process, he swipes his arm under my legs and continues running.
Reaching who I know recognize as Raven we’re instantly engulfed and closed into a bubble of, well, raven. Shutting my eyes I feel my chest tighten and constrict at the pain, making me curl as much as possible in my position, into a ball.
Opening my eyes the bubble fades and we’re in a completely different place. It’s a cluttered apartment I notice before Jason lies me down on the couch. “You’re bleeding” I wince and cry out a small ‘ow’ as Jason’s hand passes over my thigh, where it looks like I was scraped by some sort of weapon. “Sorry,”
“No... it’s okay. I.. I just say ow when something happens, it’s like a reaction- it doesn’t actually hurt.” Jason’s face contorts to one of confusion before he gets up to leave.
“That’s weird...”
“Yeah, well I’m a weird person, so...”
“Raven, help me look for the first aid kit.”
“I could just heal her.”
“Right.... please, if you wouldn’t min-”
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be polite?”  Raven looks back at Jason as he kneels down beside me.
“Uh... well you heard wrong, now, please!” Jason says with a little more urgency as Raven waves her hand over my leg, chanting words I don’t know but would suspect to be Latin. I want to shut my eyes as this honestly is scary... but it’s also so intriguing and foreign that I want to witness if her spell will work or not... Of course it will, what am I saying?
As Raven retracts her hand the cut is healed and completely gone. No scab, no bruise, no scar, nothing. My mouth hangs ajar before I realize what’s just happened. “T-than-thank you.” I try my best to smile but am utterly terrified. SHE COULD FUCKING KILL ME IF SHE WANTED, RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW!!!
A foreign feeling washes over me which I would’ve only imagined is how someone feels before they pass out, and concluding from the blackness at the rims of my eyes I’d say I was riiiigggghhhh.....
My eyes roll behind my eyelids as I try to wake myself up. I feel an ache in the left of my neck as my hand comes up to try and rub it... groaning out I try to sit up but can’t. Falling back against the couch I finally gather the courage to open my eyes and sit up at once. The first thing I see is green. Bright green. A green boy... a green, boy? What? My face contorts into one of concern, fear and confusion, the look stays on my face even as I recognize the culprit as Beast Boy. I can’t scream but the hum I realize continuously rises in volume as he doesn’t move away from the few inches separating our faces. 
“Beast Boy, what the hell?! I told you to get away from her for exactly this sort of purpose!”
“Yeah man, what the hell?”
“Come on....”
Multiple responses are heard throughout the room as Beast Boy jumps off the couch, moving away from me to sit on an armchair across the room. Taking a deep breath I furrow my brows, a tad scared from earlier, not to mention I don’t even know who else is in the room.
Turning to the voices I swallow thickly, a mental lump stuck in my throat. My lips draw into a tight line as I try not to smile, freak out because of excitement or grimace and frown. “How’re you feeling?” Jason sets down his drink and walks over, crouching next to me as he places a hand on my shoulder.
“Aww, who knew he could be so caring?” I try not to laugh at someone’s quiet comment as Jason looks intently into my eyes, seeming to try and find a gestural answer or sign.
“I... I’m... I’m fine.” I can’t help the growing smile on my face as I look at him. Quickly averting my eyes I look up at the ceiling, then to the window in front of me, then to bed which is to my left.
“Alright, well...?” I continue staring at the bed as I lie my head on the back of the couch, finally able to relax. After a few moments Jason continues, “I don’t know your name... Woul-”
“It’s Y/N.” I finally turn to take another glance at him, worried that this won’t last. Worried that I won’t see him again, that I’ll wake up or this whole ‘thing’ will be over. His eyes are not blue like everyone says... well, some say they’re green, too... but they’re not either. His eyes are more of a grey than blue. They’re like the sky right as it’s turning into a thunder storm, the deep sea as it’s tossed about during a terrible storm in which you’d be worried about your boat sinking and yourself drowning... drowning like I am into his eyes. His eyes are deep, like an ocean, like the sky... you’ll never find exactly what you’re looking for and it hides the emotions he clearly doesn’t want you to see. I’ve only known him for a moment of my short life but I already know of the things he doesn’t want me to see.
“I’m Jason... Jason T-”
“Todd.... I know.” I state out of habit, quickly realizing my mistake, turning my head away in embarrassment. He’s practically like a celebrity! I don’t know him! If I said I do then that’s weird! He’s gonna think I’m weird, he’s gonna think I’m-
“How do you know, Y/N?” He’s turning my face back towards him as he searches my eyes, my soul. “Y/N, I need you to tell us what happened. I need you to tell us how you got here and why the Justice League took you and didn’t let you go?” Now I’m the one searching for answers before I turn to look at the rest of the people slowly gathering around.
“How do you...” I trail off until I find one of them. “It’s because of you. You told.... You know what he said would happen, right?!” I feel a burning sensation behind my eyes as I know tears are starting to build up. “Why? Why would you?”
The kryptonian remained quiet, head sunken to the ground. “Kara, why?!”
“I... I couldn’t let him do that Y/N. He can’t do that! It’s not right to keep someone from their soulmate and Jason deserved to at least know.”
“How do you know her name?” a voice emerges out of the crowd but I don’t bother to find it’s owner.
“Because.... because I know all of you.” 
“Y/N, how?” Jason crouches enough to look into my eyes as everyone’s now standing. Jason grabs a hold of my hand, holding it tenderly.
“It’s a long story,” I sigh, looking back to the ground as I hope they won’t make me do the same thing Batman did... for months!
“We’ve got time. Please, sit down and tell us...” I hear a soft voice say as they approach, making me look up. I freeze. My brows twitch and I let out shaky breaths through my nose as I smile. I bite my lip and return my face to a scowl as I look away.
“Fine” I sit down on the couch as Jason sits next to me, still holding my hand.
“Would you like anything to drink? Or eat? We have pizza.” The same man suggests as I say ‘yes’ to everything... as ‘it’d be nice’.
“Batman... The Justice League, they already made me tell them everything. I already did and they made me go through everything again and again and write down and draw out everything I knew. Please don’t make me do the same. I’ll make it short but I’ll tell you everything.” I take a deep breath before I continue.
“First of all, to make things clear, I’m from a universe where all of you exist, the only difference is... you guys are all comic book characters.... you have comic books here, right?” I ask doubtingly. Everyone nods and I continue. “So yeah, I know who you are.”
“How I got here... I’m not exactly sure... I woke up in the middle of a clearing within the forest. It was dark, it was pouring down rain as there was a thunderstorm going on. I was soaking wet in my pajamas as the last thing I remember was falling asleep. When I woke up I scared scared, there was thunder and the lightning was close by. Seconds would pass as the lightning got closer and closer and I could hardly see anything. Lighting was the only thing that allowed me to see where I was going. I heard the motors coming... probably from the Batmobile now that I think of it, and I ran. I ran as fast as I could through the woods, tripping, getting cut, running as fast as I could because I was terrified. I didn’t know where the hell I was or what I was doing out in the woods. There are no woods near my house so I was confused and scared and I hate the dark. Eventually I was surrounded by the League... later they told me that it was because there was a energy shift at that location... which was their reason for searching, as well as a heat signature, me, that they were looking for.... The reason why they wouldn’t let me go is because I knew about all of you... about this universe, about the others... they wanted to know EVERYTHING, so yeah... they also said that if anyone else got their hands on me then it’d be catastrophic, so... yeah.”
“I mean honestly they said they’d let me go eventually but I don’t know if I believe that... They were trying to find a way to get me home but something stopped them and I don’t know what. Once they found the tattoo then they stopped. They said it had to be no coincidence that I showed up, adapted to a universe which HAS soulmates and got the tattoo.”
“In my universe we unfortunately don’t have soulmates... nothing. It couldn’t have been random that I just show up and randomly get a tattoo with Jason’s name on me... so I think they were testing... they were trying to figure out how it happened. How I adapted.” Eventually I end that part of the story and get to the fun part. Batman had me do the same thing in The Watchtower... tell everyone what I knew about them... also remembering to state that just because I know this doesn’t mean it’s true.
I go across the room, pointing to each person and naming everything I knew about them, their quirks, personality, previous and all relationships- let’s just say Starfire’s was a little awkward for everyone in the room- and their known likes and dislikes and my personal favorite fact about them. “Damian Wayne Al-Ghul... Robin, was to-be the heir of The League Of Assassins-”
“was?” Damian asks from the ground, his harsh green eyes seeming to pour into my soul, judging them. 
“Well... depending on the universe and if the League still exists then yeah... once Ra’s Al-Ghul dies then you’d be the... head? The Leader? Definitely not King but... yeah. You get my point.” Damian seems to approve as he nods, encouraging me to continue.
“... Personal favorite ‘fact’.... is that you’re supposedly really caring, sweet and thoughtful to the ones you care about” I smile as Damian seems to try and shrink away, not liking this thought and trying to push it off as a false as they were, only headcanons.... which I had to explain earlier.
“Timothy Drake... Robin, Red Robin, Joker, JJ and... yeah, that’s it.”
“JOKER?!” Everyone shouted incredulously. 
“Okay... thank god we’re not in that universe.” I sigh, letting my head roll back before continuing.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN, JOKER?!” Tim shouts from his position on the floor next to Damian.
“Well... in one universe, when you were Robin you got kidnapped by Harley and the Joker and they turned you into one of them... Joker put some sort of genetic chip in your neck and could make you transform into him... it... it was weird and really didn’t make sense because really? How would you guys not notice a chip in your neck after all those years? Like, what the hell? Also I guess I should’ve known we weren’t in that universe as Jason and Damian are here.”
“Yeah... anyways, personal favorite fact.... this is hard to be honest, because you’re the one I know the least about. I’d say it’s probably that... you’re really caring! You can tell by everything that’s happened with Stephanie.” 
“Jason Peter Todd... I’d... uh...” I fidget with my hands as I try not to look at Jason in the eyes. “I’d, uh.... rather not say here.”
“What? Why?”
“It’s just.... I really... it’s not anyone else’s business, really.”
“But you could tell us everyone elses’ business?” Damian interjects.
“It’s okay... it’s nothing... nothing they don’t already know... well, maybe not Raven or Beast Boy or the Flash and Kid Flash but still... you can go on.” 
“Are you sure?” I swallow, glancing up at him in the eyes, checking to make sure this is what he really wanted.
“Okay.... but it’s not pretty.”
“Haha, yeah... I’d doubt it.” Jason puts his hand on my thigh, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.
I clear my throat before continuing... “Jason, Peter, Todd... what can I say about you?” It’s hard to gather all my thoughts with everything I know about him. “You were what some might call a ‘street-rat’, then you got caught trying to steal the Batmobile’s tires so Batman, I don’t know how... took you in. You became Robin but were according to Bruce, the most reckless and he didn’t know whether or not you’d one day become a criminal if you didn’t get a handle of yourself... Honestly it really depends... in some universes you were said to be the one that Bruce loved the most out of all of his sons... but, there’s others where you wouldn’t know because of everything that’d happened.”
“I mean, I already know we’re not in the Arkham Knight universe because you don’t have the ‘J’ on your face, but... yeah... also looking at you and Dick the only reason I knew it was you was because of your outfit... but looking at Dick now I could probably tell because of the hair or eyes. The only reason I mention that is because you don’t have your white streak which everybody loves. Well, I could see why you don’t but everybody loves it so.... yeah... I think there were some universes where you just didn’t have it? I don’t know... but yeah.”
“What did you mean by I didn’t have the ‘J’ on my face?”
I feel my shoulders sag a bit as I get ready to tell him. “Well... in the Arkham Knight universe... when you were taken by the Joker, he didn’t kill you. He tortured you... he still beat you with a crowbar... he, I don’t know... he did a lot... but he took one of those... those thing you burn cows with, a cattle prod? I think that’s what it’s called... and he burned a ‘J’ into your cheek. You hated it, but honestly, even if you had it I wouldn’t. I would’ve told you to try and think of the ‘J’ for Jason instead of Joker. Joker sent Bruce a video of him ‘killing you,’ but he didn’t really. He brainwashed you to hate Bruce and you came back as Arkham Knight, with the help of Scarecrow you guys tried to kill Bruce... and I already know you and Bruce still exist in the same universe so I know we’re not in the Arkham Knight universe. I’m pretty sure you end up killing him, but I’m not sure... I never saw the ending but I know that you reveal yourself to him as alive and become the Red Hood.” 
You continue to talk about Jason to longer than you’d talked about anyone else. Eventually you get down to your favorite fact. “Well... okay so somewhere I read it actually changed but I refuse to believe it. It was said that your favorite food is Chili Dogs and honestly, I loved that because I love Chili Dogs too... and besides, who has bread as their favorite food? Like what the hell? That’s just so basic and lame.” You end up making everyone laugh at this, lightening the mood from the darkness you’d spoken of just a few minutes prior.
After everything is said and done everyone besides Dick, Kara and Jason leave.
“Seriously! Send me a text soon.. I wanna know how everything goes, alright?” Jason hugs Roy tight one last time, promising to send him a text soon before he walks back over to join the triangle you, Dick and Kara stand in.
“You know he’ll be after you soon, right?” Dick asks.
“Yeah... I was hoping that maybe we could go somewhere for a while... and if he does come...”
“-Then you can always call me. Or Kara, you’ll help them right?” Dick turns to her.
“Of course! I just want to say I wish you the best of luck and please, please don’t hesitate to ask for help. Jason we can’t let him take her back.”
“Trust me... if there’s one thing I’m doing. I am NOT letting Bruce take her back to that place... trust me.” Jason wraps his arm around you shoulder, making you blush and try not to smile as you’d never had someone do that before.
“Thank you,” you tell Kara, thanking her for her offer and suggestions.
After goodbyes and promises that you’ll meet again and have brunch or some sort of get together with both Kara and Dick, Jason leads you out into the hallway. “Let’s go home.”
“Yeah... and I promise it’s not some sort of cardboard box.” Jason jokes, making you crack a smile as you feel you can’t laugh at his self-decrepitating jokes. 
@comicbookworm , @flamesembrace , @miss-mia-rae , @stevette60 , @greenie-or-glader
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stay--satan · 7 years
The So Called Graysons - Dick Grayson x Reader
9&13 with Dick Grayson Prompt 13 with Jason pleaseee
- 9. “You’re not cursed” - 13. “I can’t get pregnant”
So I've decided to go with Dick boy on this one since it came first, hope you all enjoy it!
"Do you mind in telling me what's bothering that much?" The blue eyed boy tells as soon they get home "It's nothing, okay? I overreacted" you say not looking in his eyes trying to make yourself busy Dick frowns his brows helding you by your arm "Hey, hey wait" you look down not being able to stare "Did they said something to you?" "No, I just really wanna leave. I'm tired" you gave him a sleepy smile getting rid of his embrace and going straight to the bathroom. He wasn't conviced
You both went to a Wayne dinner to celebrate Selina and Bruce's engagement. Though the night went smoothly, during the toasts Damian and Tim made a joke that had got to your nerves during the entire night. Of course all you did was sitting and keep your mouth shut while Dick laughed and give you a kiss in your cheek, but you felt awful and they didn't had any guilt on this, but still... "Well, Jason is dating, I'm good with Stephanie, Damian here is good with Bruce and Selina so what more could we ask for?" "If we get a Grayson baby maybe we could start to campaign as family of the year" Damian said smirking to you and Dick who blushed and giggled. You held your breath. It was a simple and innocent joking, but you knew better. You were married to him for a year now, being together for the last 5 years had taught something: Dick Grayson was a complete different person with kids. You had noticed, how smiley and giggly he gets whenever he sees one. He lived to save them as Nightwing and giving a pep talk later, it was the best part of the job as he says. Starring at your ceilling late that night, you thought about if he knew. I mean, he never asked you anything, but he couldn't control everyone around them asking stuff. She only looked at him answering "We don't have that time right now". But now, with the Titans help and the entire Batman crew behind them, his Nightwing job was less heavy than it was 5 years ago. He only left for mission for no more than 2 days and whenever envolved guns or heavy armory, they'd put Jason on his place so he could be safe to his wife. They already had a fight over this, but Dick's say it was his choice, he couldn't afford loosing her. So they had this huge time, and everytime he walked in the room, you feel like he's gonna be so bored for not changing your routine that you just kept quiet the entire time. "Now you have insomnia?" he says in a sleepy voice turning to her. You smile "Go back to sleep, blue" he smiles over that stupid nickname you have given to him "What's in your mind?" he puts his hands over your hair and you close your eyes over the sweet touch "I just want you to be honest with me" you say not having control over your words. He sits on the bed starring at her confused "Did I did something wrong?" You smile over his worry shaking your head "I mean, our entire fear over getting married was that we would fell in a stupid routine and get bored..." you sit across from him being careful with your words "Aren't you tired?" Dick Grayson let his laugh fill the room thinking that was a silly joke, but when he sees your worried and scared face he recompose "What's up with that?" he says softly with her "Is this because Bruce? Are you getting worried because of Bruce Wayne?" "No" you sighed in stress "I'm.." "Y/N we lived through so much for me get bored now." Dick leans to you "Yes, we are a routine but I like this to much for changing anything. I'm honestly too old for that 'Dick we need to save the world' thing where I almost die every week." he kiss her softly "Do you think we can go over another 40 years with each other?" you say and he smiles over that "We better be, I won't let you getting out of my sigh. Honestly, who'd be bored of this pretty face" "Honestly I don't know if you're complimenting me or just filling your ego" he laughs again and she embraces him "When we have kids, make sure he or she doesn't end with your flirting or confident skills" he says laughing in her embrace. Your face freezes again, you smile fakely to him and make a excuse to go to the bathroom but he holds you by your arm "Why everytime I bring that up it looks like you're about to faint or yell at your pillow?" "I can't get pregnant" your voice comes out in a loud whisper "We can't have kids." "Y/N sweetie, you don't have to be scared about this. I'm gonna be there the entire time" "Richard for the love of god, could you hear me once? I can't have kids. That's the point" Dick looks at you with desperate in his eyes, licking his lip trying to come out with words "It started when I was a kid. My mom, she... She did something to me" you walk in circles in the room trying to not be affect by the memory. Your mother was a cientist that looked for a formula that could create clones, of course you were her first experiment. "And I didn't want to tell you sooner because I was afraid that you wouldn't be with someone who is cursed" "You're not cursed." he leans to you putting your hair behind your ear so he could look at you better "Maybe it didn't affect you that much..." "I've had abortions before, Dick" you say feeling ashamed for hiding this for so long. His hands falls off your face and you knew it. He couldn't even face you "When?" he says serious turning his back to you "Three years ago and then again after we got married." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because it was hard enough to handle by myself, I couldn't even imagine if it happened with your expectations on it!" He turns back to you noticing he's crying still out of words "I'm sorry Dick. I wasn't fair to you not telling this sooner. If you wanna leave, I won't blame you" you go back to sit on the bed. He's still standing in front of you, it was a surprise when he kneeled "The only thing I have to blame is me not being there for you." he carees your face looking in your eyes "It's not your fault, I'm sorry I made you through this" You give away a little corner smile at his melted face. You kiss him deeply hugging him so tight he could break.
A few months later, during his Nightwing patrol he found a 10 year old boy trying to steal his bike wheels. He takes the boy home, giving him a propper bath and caring. You didn't had to think twice about letting the boy staying over and Dick was over the moon with his family. His family. The Graysons.
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