#spooky reader insert
bonkers-4-hatter · 2 years
Lucifer X !Chubby !Female Reader - Just a bite
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Lucifer wasn't weak by any means, but if he had to choose something that made him feel weak it would be you.
It still irritates him that a mere human drove him absolutely mad. It would've been more tolerable if you just made him angry, but no.
You drive him mad with desire, lust and dare he say love. The last being somewhat of a foreign concept to him, but the more time he spent with you, the more his heart skipped a beat, the more he wanted you to be his.
He didn't say anything, so you didn't know how he felt about you, but even so he still felt like you were teasing him with each smile, small touch and hug you gave him.
The relentless teasing his brothers would throw at him irritated him to no end, but when they would try to steal your attention away from him that crossed a line. Even if you didn't know it yet, you were his and he was going to show you tonight.
You would get together with Lucifer three times a week to study, well, more like him tutoring you in a way. Either way, it was time you got to spend with him and you cherished it.
Lucifer tapped his pen against his desk as you looked over the sheets your report was scribbled on. The way you bit your lip as you concentrated was adorable to the demon. He continued to admire you as you diligently worked on your essay for the class you both shared. Lucifer had finished the assignment fairly quickly and was just there in case you had questions.
Licking his lips, his eyes traveled up and down your body. The soft rolls and squishable flesh that adorned each inch of you made him want to see more of you.
He wanted to hold more of your softness, caress the protruding sides and even bite the doughy flesh just to elicit a moan from that loud louth of yours.
"Earth to Lucifer!" Speaking of which, your loud mouth snapped him out of his lustful thoughts.
"Yes?" He tried to sound bored as he rolled his eyes at you.
"You were staring at me…do I have something on my face?" Your hands smoothed over your face as you fidgeted a bit in your chair.
Seeing how embarrassed and shy you looked, he couldn't hold himself back any longer. Swiftly standing up from his chair he walked around his desk and grasped your soft chin in his hand gripping it so you couldn't get away.
"You've been driving me mad (Y/N), do you know that?" He could feel the heat start to rise in your face. "All my thoughts are plagued by you, your body, your lips…everything." He let out a slight growl as he captured your lips in a fiery kiss. You were sweeter than he imagined. It was intoxicating to him, an addiction almost.
He grinned into the kiss as a small moan emitted from your mouth. Your hands hesitantly wrapped themselves around his neck as he deepened the kiss.
Taking it a step further, he bit your bottom lip, his fangs sinking into the skin. Lucifer tasted your blood on his tongue so sweet like he expected. Breaking the kiss, you were a flushed mess which only made his lust filled state even more insatiable.
You leaned up trying to capture the demon's lips once more as he just chuckled at your attempt. Gripping your soft waist, he effortlessly hoisted you onto his desk as the passion continued.
He was going to sink his fangs into every supple inch of you.
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beatendeadcourier · 2 years
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He is very comfy looking I firmly believe he would give the best bedtime cuddles.
i also also firmly believe he would watch u sleep while twirling his hair
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neeneete · 2 years
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snailsnips · 3 months
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\\ umm wip or somth i dunno ┑(。・・)┍
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mysteriesmuse · 11 months
Obsessed, Devoted, & Utterly Whipped Dipped (?)👀
A/N: thinking about spooky royalty Gomez and Morticia Addams this week and I want me someone as devoted and obsessed with me as they are 😭😭🖤
Katsuki Bakugou who loves to make you swoon.
Who is absolutely, totally, completely devoted to you . . . (and whipped for you) . . . I’m talking — frequently walks past you and gathers your hair in one large hand and twirls it around his thick finger just to expose your neck to the chilly air. Likes to duck his head and give a playful nip to your ear as you slap his chest with the back of your hand. Kats who leans back and walks away with a rumbling chucke, but not before giving you a warm apology kiss and then taking the time to fan and brush your hair back to its ethereal state behind your shoulders and tucked behind your ears.
Katsuki who has you pressed against the duvet just pouring melting with adoration all over you. Slow and sensual — only to pause in your undressing and slide down to cup the back of your knee and press wet kisses up and down every inch of your shin and calf — and then your other shin and calf — leaving you feeling all hot n’ bothered but also as light as a feather as he says, “it’s because this part of you doesn’t get enough love.” And you’re left with your toes curling and thighs clenching as he presses his puffy lips up and down every inch — especially every beauty mark.
Katsuki who takes every opportunity he can to whisk you out onto the dance floor. Takes you hand in his and ducks his head so that he stares at you, eyes slightly hidden from his bangs and presses a searing kiss right onto your knuckles that are firmly grasped in the sweaty, clammy, calloused adoration that are his. Who flirtatiously takes you into a dip on the dance floor as your finishing move. He likes having been able to watch you grow more and more comfortable in it, and it’s now as you giggle with your little smile turned upside down that his chest is rumbling with glee as well. He remembers the early days where you’d sheepishly smile with your chin tucked. Nowadays tho, you let yourself grow heavy in his hold and tilt you head all the back until your neck is exposed. And Katsuki can’t help himself but to press The Most “searing-toe-curling-kiss” into the juncture between collarbone and neck — prime real estate for a vampire. And the man is giving gleaming red eyes and a charming smile when you tilt your head back up at him with round eyes. And he’s following you with a boyish shrug as if he didn’t know that giving a good suck to your neck and jugular didn’t turn you on. So you drag him by the collar (bc he never wears a tie) back to the bathroom and immediately attacking him with some of The Messiest mosquito bites Katsuki thinks he’ll ever receive — and he’s never gonna be able to send this shirt off to be properly dry cleaned once he’s buttoned it up and ready to make an exit. Because it’ll be stained from the substantial amount of your dark lipstick smeared across his chest all the way down to the navel.
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Hear me out:
I don’t follow these blogs too much, but
Bob Velseb from “Spooky Month: Tender Treats”?
WARNING: cannibalism, bloody violence, use of firearms, home invasion, toxic mindset.
* * *
When the door came flying off its hinges, you pulled the trigger.
A thunderous bang did echo within the house, followed by the jangle of the bullet casing as it bounced around the floor.
Looming in the doorway was a bulky man dressed for the cold, yet all the bullet managed to do was poke a hole in the fabric of his red turtleneck sweater.
It had been a straight shot at his heart. Any human would have been felled and lying in a dark puddle, but he stood tall and looked down his nose at the wound.
A smile was beaming across his face, the kind that made your latest meal rise in your throat and your hold on the pistol weaken until sweat beaded on your forehead.
His eyes, wild and monstrous, rolled up to yours. “Howdy, neighbour!” There was an ominous deepness and slowness to his voice that simmered with barely contained enthusiasm.
The news bulletin flashed in your mind's eye, and the line between reality and a face on a screen blurred as Bob Velseb stalked into your home.
He moved with the swiftness and quietude of a hunter, the music of Halloween at his back.
Atop his head was a pair of devil horns, plastic and red as the mask covering his hair and face. The curve of the horns formed the same crescent as the upward turn of his lips. His front three upper teeth were visible, catching the silvery moonlight in a grin that reached from one ear to the other.
A mix of saliva and blood dripped from his chin, the clear sheen of his drool having blended into the sanguine fluid in a viscous trail that fell in drops to the floor.
The pitter-patter of these droplets splattering over the floorboards rippled among the silence of the home. Its supremacy came under challenge as the breaths emanating from Bob grew into hungry, panting scrambles for air.
A pinkish tint swelled brighter inside his cheeks with each puff, and this, combined with his unblinking stare and wide-open mouth, gave the illusion of a child bursting with excitement.
Bob jerked forward in a step so rapid that it was hardly noticeable. The board creaked underfoot for just a moment, letting out a squeak like that of a mouse.
The blade, pulled taut in his right hand, bared its pointy end at the floor. It glinted in the dim light of the night, which was filtered and splintered through the shutters of the living room window.
The hulking shape of Bob was silhouetted against this window, all except for the whites of his eyes. His eyes glowed with a cyan tinge, and they strayed from you to the bowl of candy on the kitchen counter for a mere second.
“Did you know?” he mused, lapping his lower lip with his tongue and speaking with the casual freedom of friends chatting over Sunday dinner. “In some cultures, the recently deceased are eaten by their families—” he cocked his head, pupils dilating and grin stretching wider “—as a way of feeling closer.”
Bob had raised the index finger of his free hand and was jiggling it alongside his words. In that instant, he resembled a schoolteacher giving a presentation in front of the blackboard.
The smile on his face tightened into a snarl as soon as you started to creep backwards. His veneer of innocence was torn away like an unwanted curtain, and in its place was a glare, a predatory and deathly one.
“Going somewhere?” The tip of his knife was lifted in the direction of your chest. He was salivating like a dog, streaks of froth leaking from the corners of his lips.
A twitch began to infect his fingers as if he were itching to grab and hold.
You calculated the distance between where you stood and the back door. It was half the distance between you and Bob, which he went to close with an eager dash.
The blade rang as it sliced the air, and if not for a duck and a dodge, your blood would have stained the floorboards. Bob swung his knife with wanton passion and charged at you, each swing holding the weight of a brick wall behind it.
Your back collided with the locked door and rattled it upon impact. The stiff and bumpy texture of the wooden frame pressed against your skin as the full force of Bob was caught in your hands, with your fingers wrapping around his wrists and pushing them away from your head.
The pointy end of his knife hovered near your eyeball with a slight shake. Bob bore down on it with all his might, and he leaned forward so that his warm breath was fanning your face.
When his attention flitted between your eyes and the hand of yours that restrained his knife, you predicted the chomp and subsequent spike of pain that came next.
Bob sunk his teeth into your forearm as if it were a delicacy. The pressure was akin to a bear trap snapping shut around your flesh. Lines of saliva traced the length of your arm, intertwined with the driblets of blood secreted by the punctures.
He refused to let go no matter how much you squirmed and wrenched your affected limb. A yelp escaped you that made his cheeks turn red-hot, and his eyes gazed into your crinkled own as if he were seeing something beautiful.
It took you cracking him in the head with the butt of the pistol to loosen his grip. Still, Bob held on and thrust his knife at you every time you attempted to slip past him.
Just as your legs were beginning to buckle, the shrill wail of a police siren cried out in the night. Revolving stripes of blue and red skirted the shutters and painted the interior of the house every few seconds.
Bob ripped his teeth out of your arm and recoiled, head whipping towards the front door. His face contorted into a vicious scowl, and a cyan light flared in his eyes. A rumble in his chest evolved into a growl climbing high in his throat, deepening and strengthening into a roar.
He yanked himself away from you and brandished his knife at the doorway. “Don't interrupt us!” Spit flew out of his mouth, dotting the floor in uneven splotches.
Footsteps thundered across the driveway and up the doorstep, and in a flash of metal rising from holsters, a pair of police officers flooded into the living room with their handguns drawn and pointed.
“Stand down, Bob!” shouted the mustachioed officer.
Bob had a feral look in his eye, and as his body shook while his hand clenched the knife, a bloodthirsty rampage on par with a wild animal seemed all but destined.
However, Bob kept his arms at his side and his teeth to himself when the police officers approached him with handcuffs. At the chink of the cuffs latching onto his wrists, his head swerved towards you.
He was led to the doorway, where a police cruiser idled on the street with its lights flashing against the blackness of the twilight. Before Bob was forced out of your sight, his lips curled into a grin that glowed under the moon.
“See you soon, neighbour!”
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kaashallmighty · 2 years
Whatever I Have Left
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Male Reader
WARNING: bit of mary jane magic💨
You n Oscar talking😭✋🏿...
I couldn’t decide if I wanted some fluff/angst shit or a really fru fru shnookums type beat but ig we’ll see
I forgot to mention that most if not all my writing gonna be with a black/poc coded reader in mind because I’m just that nigga🤞🏿. But honestly i don’t give a fuck who reads as long as u not being a fucking buffoon abt it. . . . PEACE🫂
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The sun is just starting to set when you arrive on the beach shore. The waves crashing against the sand and the call of seabirds fill your ears as you start your search for Oscar. It had been a few days since kicking his little brother out to the streets and of course he wasn’t doing well at all. You went to his house to check up on him as you had been doing but there was no sign of him. That brings you to the beach. This is where the oldest Díaz brother is found when things get overwhelmingly complicated, his safe space. The first thing you ever learned about Oscar is that he finds security at the beach. You spot his car before you see him further down perched against the rocks.
You know Oscar hears you walk up but he decides against looking at you, focused on the ocean breeze against his skin. Plopping down beside him you pull a lighter from your pocket and the blunt behind your ear. Lighting up you stayed silent, knowing better than to try and push Oscar into talking.
“It shouldn’t be this way. I shouldn’t have to rob my own blood of a bed to sleep in.” You know he isn’t wanting a response but you turn your head towards him to show you are listening. His brows furrowed and mouth formed into a scowl as he continued.
“Cesar isn’t made for this typa life, yet because of me he’s headed in the wrong direction. We should be somewhere living a normal life where all he has to be worried about is school and teenage hormones. We look over our backs when our biggest concern should be work or our own familia running arou-”
He stops dead in his tracks. He expects you to scrutinize him like he’s betting all his worth on the most unfeasible outcome of his future. Expects you to snap him into the reality of what’s bound to happen due to the lifestyles y’all lead. Background noise fades out and plunges him into hypotheticals jumbling around in his head.
The heat radiating onto his fingers pinching the still burning blunt shakes him out of his head. With a clear of his throat and a quick glance in your general direction, he takes a slow drag of the content and hands it off to you. “Oscar, you aren’t stupid for wanting better than the gang. Aspirations make us human
“The Santos will still be the Santos long after you are gone and when the time comes that you decide step down, we’ll pick Cesar up by his mangy scruff n move to fucking Miami.” You cackle and the dopiest smile makes its way onto Oscar’s face as he watches you ramble about him not having to leave the ocean behind.
“On some real shit tho, I wanna spend whatever I have left with yo ass.” Your words come out low and raspy, but hold a hardness that would guarantee Oscar knows you aren’t spouting drug induced whims. You ash the roach in the sand and look up. Red hazy eyes meet the mocha pools finally staring back at you.
Reaching a hand out to his nape, you pull him forward, resting your foreheads together. Your fingers find purchase running along the tattoo adorning Oscar’s neck. His shoulders noticeably relax, relieved of the tension he felt. ‘Whatever you have left’ could range from a few hours to a hefty number of years. Letting your words hang over in the air, he leans further into your touch. He relishes the fact that he has another reason to want to abandon Santos life.
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lau-isa-sen · 2 years
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it was the beginning of their work, she always smiles with her mouth closed since she doesn't want to scare people, she rarely talks much
you can help me with Donations in my KO-FI
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madi-bruh · 2 years
Ok so like there was a mention of a "creepy coworker" in @enderpearlll ‘s Bob fic that asked y/n out sooooo….
Here’s a comic of like my rendition of it? It’s a bit messy and I am definitely not a writer but enjoy>:)
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I didn’t know how to format this properly so sorry if it’s like off
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tontalunar · 2 years
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Rick coming in clutch to help save the day 💪
Based off of Part 6 of My Favorite Employee by @enderpearlll
it’s soooo GOOD you should definitely go check it out! :^D
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bonkers-4-hatter · 2 years
Damien Bloodmarch X Reader - Picture Perfect
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“Dear, have you seen my glasses?” Damien came rushing into your shared bedroom in his work attire looking frazzled, his eyes darting and scanning the room in search of said glasses.
Smirking, you held up the item he was looking for as he breathed a sigh of relief before taking them from you and giving you a chaste kiss on the lips. “Thank you darling, you always save the day.” Shaking your head, he slipped the spectacles on and gathered the rest of his things for his volunteer shift.
“I shouldn’t be too long (Y/N), be sure to be ready tonight for your surprise.” You nodded as you finally decided to get out of bed and begin your morning. “Happy Anniversary darling.” With a final kiss, Damien was off and you were left in the bedroom with nothing but a dopey grin on your face. Even after three years together, you still get giddy and happy every time he kisses you, holds your hand, anything really; it’s like you haven’t left the honeymoon stage.
You moved to the neighborhood four years ago and even though you weren’t a parent yourself, you still enjoyed seeing all the father’s with theirs and seeing them grow with wonderful influences. Working at the school, you got a chance to get to know the kids a bit more as you did see them for the eight hours they were there. Damien was the first to welcome you to the neighborhood and the school, it was a nice change from the last town you were at where everyone was reserved and rude at every single interaction.
Hitting it off with the infamous goth of the town, Damien began inviting you over for tea, movie nights, dinner and soon he mustered up the courage to ask you out on an official date. You remember every aspect of it; it was at his house on his back porch, he laid out a blanket, some pillows and had various snacks, all your favorites laid out and even got you your favorite flowers. That first date was the best you ever had. Damien and yourself lounged on the comfy blankets and pillows, talked and looked at the moon as silly as it sounds, but with Damien, it felt perfect.
Some might say the date was a lazy one or not that memorable, but to you it was everything.
As the hours ticked by doing various things around the house and wrapping your own anniversary gift to Damien as well. You got him a Victorian corset and vintage top that ruffles at the collar just the way he likes.
True to his word, Damien showed up around 5:00 PM and gave you a kiss before running to change. "Stay in the living room until 7 love, it's part of the surprise." Smiling at his giddy demeanor you nodded as he ran toward the bedroom to shower and change.
With grabbing your outfit you decided to change in the downstairs bathroom real quick. After everything was ready on your end, you sat down in the living room and clicked the television on before settling down as a paranormal show started which was perfect as it would fill the hour you had left.
Just as the show ended, you heard footsteps come down the stairs. In his usual attire, Damien stood there fixing his collar and adjusting his rings. Standing, you smoothed out your outfit and went to the kitchen where he was grabbing some stuff.
"You look absolutely ravishing darling." Damien eyed you up and down as he whistled out making you flush with embarrassment.
"Now, to your surprise." Gently grabbing your hand he led you toward the back patio with a basket in his other hand. Once through the doors you smiled at the sight. Everything was exactly the same as your first date all down to the same blanket and pillows.
As Damien finished placing everything out perfectly, you rushed to hug him tight. "This is perfect Damien…thank you." Placing a gentle kiss on your forehead he wrapped his arms around you and brought you with him to sit on the blanket carefully.
"Not nearly as perfect as you, my love." Laughing, you both settled and relaxed as both of your eyes turned to the sky, the moon high and shining as bright as it was the night you both met.
Cuddling up to Damien, you both enjoyed each other's company and warmth.
It was perfect.
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beatendeadcourier · 2 years
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I'm always plagued by images of him
I NEED to beat his ass [lovely] <3
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neeneete · 2 years
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He’s so silly, just a hungry guy, a silly hungry guy I love him,
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snailsnips · 4 months
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\\ rabbit
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thel0botom1zed · 1 month
Trying out animation! (Will probably never do this again..)
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rose-lunaire · 11 months
theodore nott | halloween special
i’m honouring friday the 13th by posting the first chapter of my october series.
slytherin season masterlist
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pairing: theodore nott x gn!reader
warnings: ghosts? alcohol consumption, smoking
autumn mornings at hogwarts were supposed to be dull. dark fog creeping through the heavy curtains, muffled snoring and groaning that slowly blurred into grumpy remarks and the sound of footsteps on the staircase. it was normal. comforting. just as for theo was your careless singing in the shower. your roommates always complained how you woke them up abruptly, but for him it meant safety. it meant you were near and excited for the day. it meant that everything was alright.
you would hum while brushing your hair, your hustling would slowly wake him up. and so theo would smile at you, jokingly complaining about your morning habits. you would scoff at him, maybe throw a pillow at him in retaliation. the laughter would commence as theodore slumped out of bed, lazily getting ready for the day. people would give you weird looks while getting down to the great hall. your morning were full of laughter and playful banter that could light up even the gloomiest of souls.
“i like your voice”
normally compliments made you flustered. you would let out an awkward chuckle or two and flush a little. who knew that an innocent sentence like this could send chills down your spine?
the letters were written in perfect cursive, like by a studious second-grader or an old-fashioned professor. it looked like copied from a calligraphy textbook. but what really scared you was that it wouldn’t fade. the hazy surface of the mirror was eerily cold. you could see the dread in your right eye reflected in the dot of the third “i”.
maybe it was a silly prank? your boyfriend, theodore, wasn’t one for jokes, but it seemed like the only logical explanation. maybe he was testing out a new spell he has learnt? right, it was probably it. you could swear you had seen a glimpse of a smile on his lips as you went to the bathroom. “that bastard”, you thought, chuckling at yourself. there was no need for worry, it was just a prank. right.
“if you liked my voice that much, you could’ve just told me, you know”
nott was barely awake and visibly confused. “angel, i love you, but you sound like a choking hippogriff” he grumbled and rolled over to the other side of the bed. “no, teddy, please don’t fall asleep” panic seeped though your voice. the boy sensed it (or had enough of you shaking him awake) and let you drag him into the bathroom. it took him a full minute to realise what’s going on. “oh fuck.”
“okay, to summarise what we know now: no one has entered the dorm room since chris and blaise left. according to the archives, there is no spell that could leave such an imprint. also, it’s not potter who wanted to give you a scare. there is only one creature that could do it.” he didn’t need to say it out loud. ghost were an inherent part of every wizard’s life. they presented as an imprint of one’s soul, bound to someplace close to their heart. you’ve seen them countless times, salazar, you greeted them each morning running to class. the thing is, they were allowed to stay at hogwarts only under some conditions. “on a second thought, forget it, school ghosts aren’t hostile.”
“theo?” he hummed in response, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “what if it wasn’t a school ghost?” no, that was stupid. hogwarts was the safest place in the magical world. there’s no way an evil spirit could just march in there and mess around without any consequences. yet after six years of studying here, you weren’t so sure about it anymore. you squeezed your boyfriend’s arm.
day passed and you felt yourself becoming more paranoid than ever. always looking over your shoulder, hand clasped tightly over your wand. theodore picked up a habit of checking the bathroom before you entered. it was getting ridiculous but none of you could help it. in a desperate attempt to comfort you theo even considered consulting snape about spirits.
“i miss your smile”
the sound of your screams rocked the foundations of slytherin dungeon. it echoed through the crocked staircase, rang in the main fireplace of the common room. you were shaking. the world developed awfully sharp edges and all the lights were blinding. everything was shaking. it made you want to scream even more. suddenly your body rose from the floor. you started wiggling and kicking the air, panic seeping though your breathless struggle.
“didn’t know you’re so strong” a displeased grumble came from behind your back. your vision was so focused you couldn’t see what was right in front of your face. his features scrunched tightly, forming creases around his deep eyes. you counted two blinks during what felt like an eternity. theodore nott was carrying you to bed. he was shaking. were you shaking? it felt like the whole world was shaking with you. “calm down, love” he sighed. “skurge!” it was like a whole anvil was lifted from your chest. the boy caressed your cheek carefully, like checking for any injuries. then everything started to blur perfectly and weariness washed over you completely.
there was no plasm left on the bathroom floor. either nott’s charm was successful or there was nothing here in the first place. he didn’t like the smell lingering in the room. it reminded him of an old sweater he wore to visit grandparents’ graves. it was the odour of the chemicals used in muggle trains. feeling reminiscent of the split second before the ink spilled all over a potions essay. taste of fire whiskey before he was too drunk to ignore it. but it was the note on the mirror that made him puke.
the mirror incidents increased in frequency as halloween approached. you and theo were barely sleeping. teachers would take pity on you and wouldn’t reprimand you for dozing off in their classes. it was bad. so bad you started giving up. stopped checking the bathroom two times before entering, stopped singing, stopped looking into the mirror. the sight of your hazy eyes was worse even than the foggy messages.
slowly it started affecting your roommates. heavy and disorderly footsteps became the trademark of your dorm room. schoolwork kept piling up relentlessly and none of you could force yourselves into completing the assignments. coffee was spilled, ink filled up your cups to the brim. weekends were the real torture that commenced with student’s smiley faces and happy chatter.
“enough!” even draco was agitated from his friends behaviour. “we’re throwing a fucking party and your attendance is required” he scoffed at your disheveled appearance. truth be told he was concerned. he saw theodore skipping classes just to smoke his heart away. his precious coat grey from the smoke and muddy from late night walks by the lake. he was always brooding, but this was extreme even for nott. as for you, well, you were a wreck. too unsettled to even notice the difference theo’s behaviour. you were both constantly on edge, frantically holding hands until your knuckles whitened.
malfoy didn’t lie. it was fucking party. music blaring so loudly it almost drown out your thoughts and worries. after the second glass of whiskey you let out a broken laugh. crabb was on his fourth glass and was telling something about muggles and their weird traditions. an empty bottle became a makeshift broom that muggles use to try and become wizards. goyle was trying to hold him up, but was laughing so hard he fell to the floor first.
by midnight blaise started talking uncontrollably. it was a constant stream of words, from which you picked out particularly “ghost”, “mirror” and “freak”. turns out you and theo weren’t going crazy or at least weren’t the only ones losing their sanity. the look of terror on his face would’ve been hilarious if it wasn’t for your own worries. as your circled quieted down, a group of ravenclaws approached with their gossip. and more booze.
“i can’t believe it’s real!” exclaimed one of them. “the fuck do you mean?” theo was sobering up from anger. “the legend! i mean, don’t tell me you haven’t heard of amanda dovetail?” one look into your tired eyes and she lost her amusement. the girl cleared her throat. “so, she was a second-year slytherin. i believe she died quite suddenly after living a life of curiosity and passion for learning. many believe her spirit couldn’t give up the school of her dreams yet, so she stayed around. her energy is weak, so she chooses to come back only once in ten years. but then it’s like she’s living there all over again.”
you put down you glass carefully and got up. nott wanted to stop you, but one look into your eyes and he stayed in his place. you wanted out.
you spend the rest of the night reading charms textbooks and old students’ diaries. turns out amanda indeed comes back every october and tries to bond with the current residents of her old dorm. after all this fear and weariness you still wanted to help her. so you read out loud, slowly and patiently explaining more difficult concepts.
the next morning your notes were scattered all over the room. the first letters of each page read: thank you.
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