#Damn i couldn't come up with anything better xd
a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
*trying to understand WHY i feel like Vaggie would love having Susan around despite ppl hating her*
no see it's like this- there's a DIFFERENCE between someone like Susan and someone like Adam!!!
Susan, she's grumpy, stubborn, rude, insulting, BUT!!! If you give her a reason to think her criticisms weren't accurate or convince her she didn't have the full picture while making them, then she WILL change her mind!
She goes from booing Charlie's stammering speech to the Cannibals (and being all fuck you blue blood eat the rich which XD love it) pointing out how Charlie is NOT making anyone feel confident in her... but then once Charlie comes back with a rousing song, Susan listens. She chimes in just to clarify some things (if she fights for the hotel will she get to EAT PEOPLE) and once Charlie really gets into the whole fuck heaven it's time to fight back (lining up with Susan's eat the rich frame of mind) Susan switches around and NODS along with it! She changes her mind about Charlie! She follows Charlie back to the hotel and into war!
This old lady might be a piece of work but she's not an arrogant self-entitled one who won't give people a chance. She will let people try to convince her. She'll hear them out. She does change course once she feels she was wrong.
Compare THAT to an angel like Adam, who only listens so he can interrupt and laugh at Charlie. He's so convinced he CAN'T be wrong he'll scribble divine rules of getting into heaven on a sheet of paper on the fly and then act like they really ARE rules even though he clearly made them up on the spot- he submits them to court as EVIDENCE while IGNORING every other piece of contradicting evidence shown to him!
Adam isn't an asshole bc he's rude or mean, he's an ass bc he never thinks he might be wrong or should maybe change what he thinks or does. If it doesn't build him up then he won't listen to it. Arguing with him was useless- he wasn't ready to be convinced of anything he didn't already believe in.
So when Vaggie cheers for HIM dying, I think of Susan and how- to Vaggie- this old snarling cannibal lady would be like, the anti-Adam.
And the anti-Alastor too bc Susan glares and rudely lays out the truth as she knows it damn the consequences, instead of smiling while slipping lies by omission to ppl to get what she wants from them.
(a la Alastor in ep one trying turn helping out with the hotel advertisement into a favor, first by making a shitty one and then pressing Vaggie about not having anything better, until Vaggie points out that she KNOWs he'll get nothing out of the hotel if it fails anyway, meaning him helping it isn't some big gesture of trustworthiness it's literally just Alastor helping himself, dressed up to make Charlie and Vaggie feel grateful and indebted to him, which Vaggie at least has no patience for)
(add him not mentioning the dead angel thing until after he's gotten a deal with Charlie out of it, and of course miss hates-herself-Vaggie, who held back on her angel past for years to protect herself from more trauma would see too many similarities there)
(even tho one case was- as far as Vaggie can tell- a shameless power grab from Alastor taking advantage of Charlie being at her lowest, and the other was Vaggie being so ashamed of her past she couldn't stomach admitting to it)
Susan is NOT like that.
Sharp teeth is where her similarities with someone like Alastor ends. Surface level bluntness is also where her similarity with Vaggie might end too, for now
I look at Susan and see someone I think Vaggie wishes she could be.
Susan is someone who is honest. Someone who gives no fucks and isn't scared of being tossed aside (again) or being powerless
(like Vaggie and Alastor are scared)
Everyone in Cannibal town CRINGES when Susan shows up, no one looks or sounds HAPPY to see her or hear her speak up and does she seem to care? No. Do they all seem to also respect her and what she says...?
Yeah. They do. Susan is not talking out of her ass or being an ass. She's just sounding like one.
Vaggie miss "cut the crap" and "formerly an exorcist until she saw signs of how that might be wrong actually" would like having someone like that around, I think
(especially if it pissed off Alastor)
(Carmilla, who only keeps secrets to protect her family and seems to listen to advice even when she doesn't take it, would probably NOT like being challenged by a rude Susan either.... but Susan mainly just didn't want to blindly follow someone she didn't have confidence in, or fight without seeing what the reward for the risk would be. Carmilla would respect that, I think. Carmilla doesn't have time for bullshit either and also likes to cut right to the facts of a thing, as seen in her and Vaggie's meet up, so a Susan would be.... tolerable... in small doses. And worth having around. Occasionally)
(but only OCCASIONALLY, vaggie)
(charlie would probably also have to draw the line on ONLY inviting Susan over once a week or month or bi annually or so)
(it's a mental health issue and and a safety issue of Charlie not strangling Susan with her own dead fox boa when she gives an honest bad opinion of Vaggie's new wings or something)
(vaggie thinks it's hilarious)
(then again vaggie hates herself soooooo)
I headcanon Vaggie would love a Susan in her life but would need a Charlie around to balance it out~
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honoviadakai · 8 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel Characters based on how much I'd trust them to do a coffee run 🏨😈🎶👼
ah sweet Charlie
Dear sweet Charlotte
She would bend over backwards just to get you a cup of coffee, and that might be the main root of the problem
First of all, If 1 person asks her for coffee, everyone gets something. Everyone.
She's also gonna be a little overbearing
She means well, she really does
But if you only order something like a simple, small black coffee, be prepare to be brought a large black coffee, 2 large Frappes, a breakfast sandwich, a salad and a yogurt bowl
She's sweet but she be doing to much fr
Vaggie 🗡️🦋:
Vaggie is one of the best people in hell/the hotel you can ask to go on a coffee run for you
She's gonna go in, grab your order and get out asap
Where she loses a point is that she might accidentally get distracted by something she saw in a shop window that reminded her of Charlie
You can't even be that mad tbh cuz like...it is a cute outfit that she got for her XD
Other than the occasional distractions, she gets your order correct most of the time so shes a solid and trustworthy option
Don't ask him to do any favors for you
Even an innocent coffee run might bite you in the ass later
And that's assuming he even get you what you asked in the first place!
He's either gonna bring you what asked for and be really ominous about there possibly being poison in your drink(9/10 probably poisoned it 💀)
He's not bringing you anything
There is very little in between with him
He's also gonna high key judge you depending on what you order
He honestly might just get you a cup of black coffee instead of what you wanted because "It's the ✨proper✨ thing to have" 🙄
Angel Dust🕷️💕:
Listen...He means well but you can't trust him to get your order right sometimes
Hell, sometimes he'll bring you a half drunk drink cuz he just couldn't resist taking a sip 🤦🏻
He’s probably gonna forget what you asked for halfway to the café tbh
If he’s not feeling lazy he’ll call/text you and ask you to repeat your order
If he’s feeling lazy….may the odds be ever in your favor
It’s better to go with him tbh
He’ll even making it a day for the two of you
I mean who doesn’t wanna go shopping with this guy?🛍️😎
This man may be an alcoholic but he’s got job security for a reason!(Aside from, you know…Alastor 💀)
Memorizing orders is part of a bartender’s job so he’s gonna have your order memorized after you’ve said it once
He might complain but he’s out the door pretty quick for someone who just said he’d rather eat lead than go grab coffee for you XD
He also comes back quickly too
Mans does not mess around
He’s got a task to complete and he’s gonna do it asap so he can get back to the bar damn it! 😤
Efficient old kitty is efficient
…..I love this woman to death but I feel like trusting her to get you coffee is a death sentence…
If you see her preparing a coffee in the Hotel’s kitchen, go ahead and trust it, it’s probably pretty good
But sending her off to a café….
Best case scenario, she stabbed someone for their order because it was exactly what you asked for
Worse case scenario….the entire coffee goes up in flames because someone upset Nifty….
Please…for everyone’s safety….get it yourself
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
He’s a leggless golden retriever and you know it
He’s gonna agree to get you your coffee with 1000% enthusiasm
This is gonna go down 1 of 2 ways…
Option 1: egg boys
Don’t let them go
Lord only knows when they’ll be back
They will deadass come back at 3am with a cheeseburger and 5 packs of ranch
No coffee…
Option 2: Snake boy
This option…is at least more likely to get you some coffee
Here’s the problem….
Pentious is a smart guy…sometimes…
And for some reason, he just can’t seem to remember your order
So by the time he gets to the café’s doors, your order is forgotten
And instead of maybe calling or texting you…he slithers ALLLLLLL the way back to ask you what you wanted….
Please just go with him….let him feel like he’s doing a good job
Please 🙏
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getosprettyboy · 5 months
Line Without A Hook
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Pairing : Takashi Mitsuya x Reader
Tags : love confessions, pinning, fluff
Summary : Takashi Mitsuya has his first major crush on you and tries to confess to you.
A/N : hope you enjoy this XD
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Takashi Mitsuya has a crush on you and dammit is he mad about it. He can't do anything without remembering their face, their laugh, and their oh so gorgeous soul. He starts to turn red just at the memory of them. He is quite sure that all of this is probably their fault.
It's 100% their fault.
Why did they have to be beautiful? Why did they have to have a melodious laugh? A smile that could light the whole world, they were so kind, compassionate and empathetic to all. You were so perfect.
How could you fall in love with a boy like him? He couldn't give you what you deserved. All he could offer you was his heart, mind and soul, but was it enough? You deserved the world, the moon and the stars themselves
He still remembers the day he first saw you. Mikey introduced you to the gang and added you to Mitsuya's division. You were such a social butterfly, getting to know everyone and everyone liking you back, he thought how could a kind faced person be in a gang but when he saw you fight you were ruthless, your fists and kicks were strong and he meant like really strong.
After the fight ended you went to Mitsuya to check on him. Later you even nursed him at his home and met his sisters who loved you. He remembers how you so carefully nursed him.
"Your knuckles are badly bruised Mitsuya-kun." You softly spoke.
"Ouch!" Mitsuya exclaimed, taking his hand backward.
"C'mon give me your hand, are they really hurting that much?"
"Aww poor baby.” You coo.
“Why don’t you kiss the pain away?” He said jokingly, grinning
You took his hand.and brought it to your lips and softly kissed each of his knuckles. You looked at him with a grin on your face while his cheeks were tinted pink.
“There. Better?”
Mitsuya looked away from you, “Yes.”
You laughed at his behaviour, poor boy was blushing just by a kiss.
That moment for some reason really got into his brain and he kept thinking about it from time to time.
He has no idea if you like him or not but confessing to you is worth a try, But here’s the thing, he tried to confess to you, multiple times, but each time he did try to tell you about his feelings his plans got spoiled by one way or another.
Like this one time both of you were going on a bike ride with no destination in mind. His body felt hot with your hands around his waist. You both reached a scenic overlook, it was soon going to be dark and the sky was painted a beautiful orange with darkness sweeping close and you could see stars starting to appear, everything was quiet and peaceful. 
“This is the perfect time.” He thought.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something.”
“Yes?” You looked at him with eyes that twinkled like the stars.
“Umm… This has been on my mind for quite some time and I wanted to-”
“Well, if it isn’t the 2nd division captain, Takashi Mitsuya from the Tokyo Manji Gang.” Some guy said. Behind him were six more people.
“Oh fuck.” Mitsuya thought.
And that’s how Mitsuya got interrupted while confessing his feelings for you and got roped into a fight with a gang which he has ever heard the name of before.
Another time was when you and Mitsuya were in his house and you were playing with Mana and Luna when Mana went to her room to show you something and Luna went along with her sister. Mitsuya saw this as another opportunity to tell you about his feelings.
“So Y/N-” He was interrupted by a scream coming from his sisters’ room. They both got up to see what was going on. When they reached the room they saw that the blankets had fallen over Luna. Mitsuya took a breath of relief that nothing bad had happened to them but damn did he miss his opportunity.
One time he took you out for coffee and you agreed but when he was about to confess Mikey came into the shop with Draken and after so rudely interrupting Mikey had the audacity to ask him “Why the long face Mitsuya?”
Being disheartened he exited the cafe, maybe he’s not the one he thought. After walking some distance he heard his name being called. He looked back to see you running up to him.
“Can we go somewhere a bit secluded?” You asked him and he agreed.
You both walked till you both reached a park near your house. Both of you sat on the swings. You took a deep breath and spoke.
“Mitsuya, I don’t really know how to say this but I like you, like really really like you. You are smart, funny and a wonderful person. You also are so beautiful. I like you so much, you mean a lot to me. So is it possible if we could possibly start dating?” You asked, your voice unsure as your leg fidgeted.
He looked at you with eyes wide open. He has been trying to confess for nearly two months and you did it in one go.
“Are you joking?!’ Mitsuya exclaimed.
You looked down with a visible frown on your face. “I knew you didn’t like me. Well, it was worth a try.” You got up and started walking towards your house.
Mitsuya runs towards to catch up to you because he can’t believe that the person of his dreams just confessed to him. He grabbed you by the wrist and made you turn towards him.
“I like you too Y/N L/N.”
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winterpower98 · 2 months
Since you said you are open to ideas, I'm going to amnoy you with my Cursed AU + Season 5 thoughts! :3
So, I first thought about where the season could be placed into the AU...
It obviously would have to be placed before "Consequenzes of our actions", since Nuwa actively shows up there, but since Season 4 doesn't have a set place in the AU yet, I couldn't go further with my speculations xD
BUT if you set it AFTER the return of the generals (Beng and Co.), that could throw in an interesting amount of new players to mix things up. (Also I just find the idea interesting that the generals would be involved in rebuilding Flower Fruit Mountain after it got destroyed in the Azur fight).
That aside, I was thinking about how Nuwa can be a part of the AU to begin with, since in the show she seems to reside IN the pillar.
Easiest thing I could think of was, that since the pilar is now held up by every living beeing in earth, it doesn't need a "guardian" or direct "protector" anymore. So Nuwa is now just jobless and free to roam around xD
And of course, with all that free time, what better way to spend it than to try conecting with her "son"? Ya know, it's not like she, I don't know, almost let all his friends die, or anything.
I'm sure MK won't mind, and won't be conflicted at all about his "mother" hanging around. Nope. Not at all.
And welp, that's all the thoughts/ideas I have to share for today xD
(I swear, I thought more about how to incorporate season 5 into your AU, than I thought about how to add it to my AU xD
Than again, my AU is still in it's baby shoes. So it's not like season 5 will be relevante for it any time soon)
Damn, you and I had the same idea!
Season 5 is definitely going to take place before "Consequences of Our Actions" but after Ba and Beng come back to the mountain (they are gonna have fun dealing with a whole mountain in a panic as the world slowly shatters around them).
The Eclipse Twins are also going to be part of the AU in a different way than what I described in the past, but I'll explain that in more detail in another post.
As for Nuwa, we thought the same thing! After the stones get shattered and the power to hold the pillar gets shared, the Goddess is free from her confines and she goes out in the world. She's worried at first that everything is going to collapse again, but after a few weeks spent in the human realm, she slowly accepts how things have settled and even starts to enjoy walking around the mortals disguised as a human. She wasn't originally going to look for MK since her main worry was the existence of everything she had created, but after watching him fight the demon of the week he decided to go talk to him. Mostly to let him know she was in the real world now and to compliment him (in not exactly an obvious way) about how he handled the situation. She was going to just leave after that, see what else she had missed in the eons she wasn't alive, but MK was the one to suggest she stay Wan Qian Cheng (part of it was the kid's good heart, but part of it was also his desire to connect with the being that had created him). Obviously enough, the rest of MK's friends weren't too excited about that, but it's not like they were going to argue against the Goddess of Creation.
Also, I am very down to hear the ideas you have for your own AU
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
So uh.... Got in a horny mood XD and you know I'm still on a dragon patrol kick. So here's what I imagine them all acting when that time of the year strikes.
A bit of a warning for imploed dub-con/non-con, and extreme violence. I hope it's not too bad.
Imma get Greasy out of the way first because your little tid bit made me want to write this in the first place (it's terrifying, but the thought of him having to be tied down because his need is that damn strong is way too hot). As you said, Greasy gets dangerous during his heat. Before he was a part of the Dragon Family, he spent his time looking for anyone to relieve himself with. Fellow dragons as needy as him, or unsuspecting humans who had no idea what was going on. If he couldn't find anything to relieve himself, he became so frustrated, and that led to him becoming even crueler than usual; taking his frustrations out by making everyone else's lives more difficult (imagine your home gets burned down just because a dragon couldn't get his rocks off -_-). Now though, he gets chained up in the castle so he doesn't cause a rampage. The only dragons who have the strength to wrestle him down are Stupid and Wheezy (and maybe Psycho? They both are cruel feral bastards so they could go toe to toe). If any of the others come close, regardless if they had a hand in his predicament, Greasy will snarl and growl at them in anger (*cough* unless it's Smartass coming in to call in a 'favor'for them both-). If he has his own mate though, or even just a friend with benefits, Greasy will try to go after them and steal them away for the few weeks this last. Of course, he loves them so he's as gentle as he can be with them... But God damn it, they look so enticing just standing there! All he has to do is remember their existence (how they smell, how they taste, their lips and body on him), and he's already bricked up and ready to go. He might accidentally intimidate his mate/friend a bit with how much he needs them to stay, "Serás mi princesita buena y te quedarás donde perteneces." But don't let it fool you. They can easily make this dragon do anything for them in the state he's in.
Honestly, as much as he hates it, Psycho isn't really any better. Though unlike Greasy, who tries to find a partner, Psycho just chooses the path of violence straight away. He kind of acts like a hippo when he's in heat; as in you don't have to do anything to earn his wrath. All you have to do is breathe wrong in his general direction, and you either have to settle for death penalty or negotiate some of your limbs. It's bad. Psycho will even wrestle with his coven-mates. Even the giant dragon Stupid has been on the receiving end of Psycho's frustrations plenty of times (fortunately, because Stu is so hulking and huge, it barely phases him), and Wheezy has had to drive Psycho off of him plenty of times. The only one who won't receive the crazy dragons' wrath is his mate. To his chosen, Psycho acts completely different; he's nuzzling and affectionate, kneeling to them and whimpering for their attention, etc. His willing to act submissive to his mate because he loves them and trusts them and knows not to hurt them, even through his frustrated, lusty foggy head space. However, once he gets them in the nest, he starts acting more dominant; doing everything he can to keep them near and keep others away, not letting them leave the nest (unless they're with him), and being surprisingly particular about how they fuck. He'll go with any position, but he prefers having his mate down on all fours (in werewolf terms, he wants to take them like a bitch), no matter if they're dragon or human. And no matter what position, he insists on maintaining eye contact. If his mate looks away, he'll find a way to get them to look back into his eyes. All while being mostly silent; letting his hard, desperate thrusts and husky growls seak for him during these few weeks.
With those two being fucking insane, is it any wonder that Wheezy is stressed the fuck out? He's trying so hard to keep himself under control and has to intervene every time Psycho or Greasy starts shit. If any one of these dragons deserved some stress relief, it's Wheezy. But unfortunately, all he can do is find some corner for him to hole himself up, ignore the ache in his jaws with how hard he's chewing on his tabbaco, and try not to get an aneurysm everytime he hears a fight breaking out. Hopefully wherever he's at there's a window, because he will be blowing out so much smoke during this time. Even if he has a mate, he tries to stay away for their sake. He doesn't want to hurt them or scare them, regardless if they're a human or dragon (not to mention the added struggle of trying not to get them knocked up during the breeding season)... But if they approach him on their own, or the right circumstances play out for him to seek them out themselves, Wheezy is going to have a very hard time resisting the temptation that his mate is, "Fucken' hell, babydoll. 'Yer gonna be the death of me one'a these days..."
Smartass, similarly to Wheezy, is at the end of his damn tether. He's also more violent than usual during this time, clobbering his comrades if they're being idiots. Though he actually stays in the castle instead of trying to take his frustrations out on some humans. The last thing Smartass wants to admit is that this heat has gotten the better of him. So while Greasy or Psycho will try to find a village to burn down, or Wheezy will try to stow himself away somewhere, Smarty will be sulking around the place, trying to keep some semblance of normalcy despite the throbbing need to bury his cock in something hot and tight, and the way he'll snap at anyone who so much as walks too loudly. If he has his mate around, he'll still try to act like he isn't bothered by their presence at all. Though it isn't that hard to notice how his tail will curl possesively around then, or the smoldering desire for them in his eyes. Only when the others aren't around (or are just too distracted to notice their leaders' absence) will Smartass chase his mate's scent throughout his home until he finds them, "Whatevah plans you had t'night, forget 'em."
Now Stupid, despite his size, is the most friendly during this time. He does whimper and pout with the aching heat coursing through him, but he's not instinctively violent like his brother and comrades are. All Stu wants is to just make this discomfort disappear somehow. Out of all the dragons next to Greasy, Stupid is the one you'd most likely find humping whatever soft thing he could find. (He may or may not have tried approaching his friends about it. But Psycho has made it pretty clear he wants nothing to do with this, and after Stu helped chain Greasy down, Greasy isn't exactly receptive to the big lug right now). But this also means that he's the most approachable of them all during this time. Especially if you approach him with intentions on helping him. Stu is very friendly and sweet, even during this time, so you don't even have to worry about him snapping at you or trying to force you to do anything for him. So if you're in the mood for some dragon dick with no strings attached, Stupid is your best bet. Aside from the emotional strings you'll gain because god damn it, this fat dragon is just so sweet and cute even with his horniness. How can you just up and leave after a banging session?? "Can you stay? Pleeease? I don't want you to go just yet!"
Bonus for my dragoness gals. Shiny is... Well, any dragon that tries to come to her will be in for a surprise when she snaps and claws at them. Shiny knows what this time of year is for, and she is not going to let some stranger dump a sexually transmitted parasite inside her, thank you very much! The benefit of staying in her crystal cave is that the majority of dragons who try to chase her scent won't even be able to get inside without risking their wings. Yes, not even her usual fuck mate Greasy is allowed near her during this time. She loves him and knows he won't intentionally get her pregnant, but she also knows that they both can get horny enough to completely forget to be cautious. So Greasy is shit out of luck with her during this time. Shiny is torturing herself too, in a way; just because she drives any guys who approach her doesn't mean she's not aching for something to sink inside her right now. Which is why she has zero qualms with hooking up with the ladies during this time. No cock means no risk and no risk means all the fun. And if she gets with a dragoness who doesn't mind being the bottom, that just makes it even better for Shiny. Not that she'd just let them take her if her partner was a top, "You didn't really think I was going to make it easy for you? Did you?"
Poppy... Oh dear God, Dragoness!Poppy is in for a hell of a time. And not the good kind. She also doesn't want to risk a source of relief to lead to something unplanned later, so Poppy has taken the habit of holing herself up in her burrow and just counting the days until her heat passes. She'll even go so far as to hold her snout shut to try to repress her noises and mating calls to make sure no other dragon finds her. She is smart though; leading up to the heat, she'll stock up on food so she isn't starving and needing to be filled up. So any one expecting her to have to come out sometime is going to be very disappointed... Though, if Poppy was friends with Shiny or the boys during this time, she would think about possibly... Maybe... Asking them to be with her during this time? (Assuming Shiny and/or Greasy didn't hunt her down find her and asked her themselves). If she does have a mate, she won't be able to hide her want for them, no matter how hard she tries. Her will in this regard is, unfortunately, not as strong as Wheezy's, "Please, please, please! I'll be so good, I promise!"
(Bonus bonus. If Poppy was a princess cursed to turn into a dragon at sundown, the means that she has both the devils waterfall and the heat to deal with (which is a hint to her dragon side not being something that 'needs to be fixed'. Trust me, I'll expand on that more in the reblog). If it's horribly timed, she may have to deal with her monthly hell and heat at the same time. Which idk about you, but that sounds like quadruple hell to me. Her dragon heat won't let up in the mornings either, when she's human. So Poppy will still lock herself away 24/7. It doesn't help her at all when all she can fantasize about is the very beast she's cursed to turn into, and not something 'normal' like a dashing knight, or even her intended betrothed. And it is especially unhelpful when her heat is drawing near, after she realizes how alluring some of her new dragon friends are to her.)
Yeah, sorry for this bomb of dragon horny XD I hope you can still look at my profile the same way after this.
- DarlingPassion
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh my god you cant send this to me at this time of the month 😭🤣🤣 I
Oh my god oh my god.
OKAY. SO. I WANT TO WRITE THEM A L L AND HONESTLY I STILL MIGHT, BUT- We'll start with one XD And that one is-
Dragon!Stupid Weasel x PartDragon!AFAB!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You're only part dragon (Your father, and your grandmother on your mothers side, are dragons- so your mother was half and you're... a little more. But still not wholly a dragon.) so you're about half the size of the biggest dragon, and, up until this point- you never had a heat.
But now you're with Stupid. And you're in love❤, and you're mated💞. And something about his heat... activates yours for the first time ever.
Warnings: SMUT, dragon fucking/monster fucking, heat, mating, talk of breeding, significant sze difference, creampie, etc. Unedited.
You are not used to this feeling- you feel completely out of control. You are openly dripping onto the stone floor, creating a puddle between your thighs, your cunt throbbing with a need to be touched- stretched open- pounded. It is all you can do to hold yourself still; your forehead pressed firmly into the cool floor and your claws digging into the stone cracks. All you can think about was your sex, all thought and logic gone.
What is this. What the hell is this. I need- I need...
It is hard to pinpoint exactly what you need, except to orgasm. To cum and be filled until you're a sticky mess and you have babies. But how to get that?? You don't know, you cant think!-
You gasp, stretching straight up again immediately and feeling dizzy at just the sound of Stupid's voice; your brain threatening to shut off completely in that lovely burning hot way it does when you cum as you turn around to search for your mate. "Stu- "
As soon as your gaze falls on your behemoth of a mate, so tall his horns graze the cave ceiling and send stone shavings tumbling to the ground. Something about that (He's so powerful. So strong, so beautiful. Perfect for making so many strong healthy pups.) makes something flutter inside you as his glazed-over eyes lower to your wetness on the ground and light up like luminescent emeralds in the dark. You connect gazes for a moment and look at each other, just long enough to agree, then you're flat on the ground underneath him; his belly heavy, comforting on top of you and his cock as hard as iron grazing your slippery folds.
He dwarfs you- you're not even full dragon so your body is smaller then even Smartass and Psycho's are... whereas Stupid's big for even a full dragon. His broad chest is wider then 2 of yours. That's what you liked about him at the start, how he towered over everyone and made your head go foggy- but now you love him and now you're in heat, and he could crush you and- you kind of wish that he would.
He's pounding his giant length into your core better then ever, sliding between your folds and ramming himself in deep over and over; both your orgasm's building up high but remaining just out of reach. Usually it takes some time to get him to fit, but you're leaking precum like a waterfall so he's able to slip in relatively easily- though not so difficult that the familiar stretch doesn't rub you the exact right way.
He's so perfect, he's so so perfect, you think, his objectively ginormous cock burying itself in your cunt and grinding against your clit. At some point you end up on your knees, your claws digging once again into cracks in the stone floor and taking Stu from behind. Its all a blur, you don't know how you got here, all you can think about is how good this feels and how much more of him you need. How you need his cum so bad, how you'll make him all the pups he wants.
Your claws carve lines into the ground as you scrape desperately at it, rolling yourself backwards into his thrusts. You're dripping so so badly. The red hot feeling in the pit of your stomach is amazing, and his snout is buried in your neck, giving the most animalistic grunts, which reminds you its him. Stu. Your Stu. And this is not his first time- he's done this before- and he's caring for you right now. He's needy and horny too but you're his little mate, his little part-dragon who's never suffered a heat before and he has to take care of you.
When finally he pours boiling hot seed into you the feeling is so warm, so sudden and so filling your eyes widen and your breath gets hotter- smoke slipping out as you breath heavily and squeeze him even tighter; cumming for him.
... After a moment Stu pulls out gently and, still insatiable, bows down to soothe you with his tongue from behind; licking gently at your used folds with his burning hot tongue.
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un-holly-chaos · 7 months
Here it is!! (Under the cut)
I'm going to post the thing Here(on this blog), full chapters as soon as they're written folks! Until someone gives me a better idea or the book is finished xD
Chapter One
There is a point, Holly thinks, when you must accept that you are bad at everything, and that this is how your life will go. Every day you will wake up, and put a new attempt into the world, and watch with bright, hopeful eyes, as it falls apart in front of you. She has gotten very good at this, and is quite accustomed to the routine.
She put her amulet in the amulet-slot on the door of the massive, square marble building, in this otherwise empty-for-miles grassy field. The door didn’t respond, and it made her irritable. She had been walking through this ridiculously empty field for hours and hours and it had been loudly raining, and her magic umbrella kept disappearing and water would come splashing all over her head and be cold while doing so. And the door was ignoring her. She tried the amulet again, and instead of opening the door, her umbrella spell flickered again, and she got rained on some more. A gem fell out of her amulet when she removed it from the door. She held in the screams.
As she was putting the gem back into the amulet, the door was manually opened by the handle on the inside, and she was let in. The person who had been so kind as to operate the mechanics of this contraption for her, was Trudy. Trudy was decent at everything, and often let Holly in when the door ignored her.
“We need to put the handle on both sides of the door.” Holly announced. The lively bar room took no notice.Trudy shuffled awkwardly for a moment, then opened her mouth. “See, I told Baringer about that, like you asked,”
“And?” Holly glared at her.
“Well, yes. And he said we can’t put a handle on the outside of the door, because the raccoon would get in, and… you know. He just really doesn’t want a repeat of that incident.”
“Well then maybe Baringer should put up a raccoon ward like I suggested and we could have a double-sided door handle!”
“Yes, but that costs, and he has other priorities, and you’re glaring at me again, and honestly argue with him yourself next time? And I’m going to go finish my game now. Bye.” And Trudy waved and walked off to a table with people and cards, and sat there. Holly wanted to keep arguing, but she was tired, so instead she found her way to the bar. This took some doing, as it was crowded, and crowds made the bar restless, so they kept wheeling it around the room. She collapsed onto a stool, and the bartender approached her. “Randy,” she said, “I need a Dry Wine.” He didn’t say anything, but looked at her sodden robes, nodded, and stepped off to grab a bottle and glass. He returned, “We only have apple left.”
“I don’t care what flavor it is, I just want to not squelch in my boots anymore.”
He poured her a glass and set it on the bar. “So… Why don’t you just try an umbrella spell?”
“Randy,” she said patiently, “if one more person questions me tonight, I will summon every raccoon in this damn meadow, and I will caffeinate them.”
“Okay.” He said, and stood there. “So, I’m not asking, but don’t you normally struggle to summon things?”
“I struggle with all spells, now shut up and leave me alone.” She wished she could get a potion that would make the people around her tactful and perceptive. She drank the Dry Wine, which wooshed quite a lot of water out of her hair and clothes, and left her bedraggled, but dry. She sighed. Footsteps suddenly separated from the crowd, and stopped behind her. She ignored them, hoping they would go away. They sat down next to her, and belonged to her boss, Danrius.
“Hi Holly,” he said
“Danrius,” she begrudged
“Where’d you uh, put the burglar?”
”I couldn’t catch him.”
”Cool, cool. What do you mean you couldn't catch him? Cause like, call me cuckoo, but I did give you this assignment, of a non-magical burglar, and I teleported you there, to where he was, with my personal office portal, and you had your amulet and everything, and you just… didn’t catch him? I’m just making sure I understand this correctly…”
”Yes, Danrius, that’s- he got away from me.” She rubbed her face.
”Okaaaaayyy, how’d he do that? You’ve got the magic cage spell right? Did you try casting that on him?”
”Yeah, but it didn’t work and he ran, and the magic bolo spell broke on contact, and the running-through-mollasses spell just made a puddle on the ground, and then I had an asthma attack and my inhaler was empty. I filled it up at the pharmacy on my way back.” She stared dejectedly at the empty glass in front of her. There was a long pause, as this information trickled into Danrius’s brain.
”You had an asthma attack?”
”From running after him, yes.”
”Right, ok. See, this is the kind of thing I’m talking about; you don’t even think to cast a flying spell on yourself to save the trouble. Or like, use a floating disc, that’s a classic move. Look Holly, as much as I like you, I’m kind of having an issue, and if you can help me with it that’d be great, but there’s a point where I can’t put more money into an employee than I get out. You have, kind of, not brought in a single bounty this month, and there’s this guy who interviewed with me yesterday, who’s pretty powerful looking. He conjured a whole rainstorm, and it’s still going from yesterday, and as the guy who directs the hiring and maintaining of the wizards here-“
”The manager.”
”Right. As the manager, it’s my job to uh, keep people who can, y’know, consistently cast spells. It’s the main point in the job description on the application.”
”Yeah, but I can do that though, I cast spells all the time!”
”For sure, for sure. But the spell, working, is kind of the point, and if I recall correctly, last two times you brought someone in, you had one tied up in physical ropes, and the other in a pair of, how’d you put it, ‘borrowed?’ Handcuffs? And I just feel like those are pretty non-magical solutions to magical problems, and I’ve been ignoring it for a while, but there’s this guy, Theobold the Thunderous, and he shoots lightning out of his fingers.”
”Are you…? Dan look, if I get the job done, does it really need to be with magic? It just feels like semantics,”
”Somatics, Holly, and no, not really, but, he shoots lightning out of his fingers, and it’s still raining. Look, I’m not happy about this either, but I can’t afford another add-on to the payroll, so as much as it pains me to say ths, I’m gonna have to let you go. We’ve had good times working together, and I know you’ve been putting a lot of hours in, so I’ll give you a few days to say goodbye. As long as you turn in your room key tomorrow, cause I told Theobold he could be moved in by the weekend. Big thanks Holly, I appreciate it!” He stood, slapped her shoulder, and flashed his teeth professionally. Then before she could collect her words, he stepped back into the crowd and was gone.
In two hours, she would collapse face down on her bed. In fifteen hours she would be standing outside the front door, in the still-drizzling rain, trying to summon raccoons. For now she just waved Randy over and asked for a potion of inebriation while she still got free bar. It looked and tasted like rice-milk, and was fully indistinguishable from the real thing, except for its attribute of getting you quite high or drunk, depending on the day. There are more specific potions out there, but they’re more expensive, so naturally, they weren’t here. She fought around the large ice cubes for several minutes before thinking to take them out and depressedly watch them melt on a napkin. She got the next one without ice.
A good while later, she gave up trying to remember the speak-with-marsupial spell, and got up. A headrush became very noticable. It didn’t go away. She compromised, and simply willed herself in the direction of the elevators. Her body successfully took her that way, rather clumsily, but she arrived. It was a magic elevator. The kind with no walls, and a levitator platform. She stepped in, and looked up trepidatiously. The long tunnel swayed above her like a willowy tree trunk that she was somehow inside of. She felt like a bug. She put her amulet in the slot on the pedestal to make it go up. Nothing happened. She realized she forgot to actually do the spell, and tried again, with magic this time. The elevator pad slowly began to rise. She breathed a sigh of relief, and contemplated whether life would be easier beneath the bark of a tree. Her conclusion was interrupted when the pad stopped at the next floor. That was the problem with this elevator, it stopped at every floor, and you had to magic it into going again, every time. She never got it to work every time. The whole place was like that, what with doors with no handles, and elevators with no automation. Wizards were wholly pretentious, she decided. She put her amulet in again, with magic. Nothing happened. She blinked slowly, praying to the god of small mammals (raccoons were still on the mind) that this place would one day go down in wonderfully warm, dry flames. A person swam into her awareness by entering the elevator, and magicking it to go up with their own amulet. She went back to picturing herself as a bug. She wasn’t sure what kind of bug lived in trees, but if she imagined it in first person instead of third person it wouldn’t matter; except she got hung up on how many legs she would have as an unspecified tree bug.
She realized she wouldn’t notice when she arrived to her floor with her eyes closed, so she set aside her insectoid ponderings, and focused. She had no memory of how many floors she’d passed, so she checked the rune stone on the side of the pedestal. It had all the floor numbers in descending order, and each one would light up as the pad stopped there. There were only three left until hers. The person there with her got off of the elevator. She amuleted the pad, with magic.
It took her all of three excruciating minutes to get the pad going again, and then only a few tries at the next stop. She finally reached her floor, and climbed off the pad with great relief. When she felt steady again after what felt like an hour, but was definitely not more than a minute or two, she counted the doors down the long hall till she got to her room, and rediscovered the wonders of old, beat-up mattresses.
Fourteen hours later, here she was, standing in the drizzle attempting to summon raccoons, an hour late on her day’s schedule. It had taken her over an hour to pack, despite only having a duffel bag and her amulet. Said amulet steamed. She wasn’t typically a vengeful person, or very wrathful actually, but ever since she had set foot into that horrible, grand, elegant, fake-marble bounty-wizard-hub, she had been having problems with it. Everything was magic powered, but nothing was automated, so she got stuck everywhere, and hated it. She fiddled with the gem, trying to adjust the rubber band so she could try the summon again. The spells were always worse when the gem got loose, she figured it was something about keeping the etching connected like a sort of circuit. Raccoons were tree animals too, so she didn’t know why they were even here, but Baringer hated them, and they kept setting everything on fire whenever they got inside, thus the one-sided door handle.
She cast the spell again. Her amulet sparked, and after a moment the grass rustled. A small face, familiar with the allure of arson, and well acquainted with the improved flavor of stolen foods, appeared. It was only one raccoon, but it would have to do. She put amulet in door-slot, and focused her magic very poignantly. It opened. She ushered the little creature in, and closed the door behind it, walking away. The grey sky hung heavy, and the pale grass scratched against her robes, but she was an unemployed woman, and couldn’t muster anything resolute to think about it.
After a few hours the sun came out, and she felt a bit better. She wondered about the success of her raccoon, and was in a faintly good mood when she arrived at the nearest inn that night. She booked a room and slept uneventfully.
The next day she entered an actual city, and wandered about a bit. At one point she found an abandoned silk scarf on the sidewalk. It was red with nice geometric designs, so she tied it onto her belt. She bought a pastry from a gluten-free bakery, and felt optimistic about it. The pastry was dry, flavorless, and over-priced, but it was so rare she had pastries she could eat, that she didn’t mind. She decided she would refill her water bottle and find a new place to work. Who knows, maybe a flier would advertise a cool new job she’d be really good at, like taking care of lizards. She found a public drinking fountain, and gratefully filled up her water bottle. As she turned to face the city street, bustling with people and new opportunities, a damp newspaper found its way to her face, and stuck. She peeled it off, debating if it could be considered horror-enough to be the last straw. She decided to read it before she decided.
Half of it was smeared by being damp, but in the middle of the page was an advertisement looking for “Fresh Wizard College Graduates, Looking For Their First Job!” She’d graduated two years ago, and had lost three jobs since then, but she was qualified, and that was what they were really asking. “This is serendipity. This one’s gonna work, I’m gonna get this job, and not fail miserably!” she lied, to no one in particular. She felt confidence rushing through her, along with the paper pulp rubbing off on her fingers. She dutifully took the paper to the bin, and bought a new copy of the same one so she could read the address listed. It was 154th Kennings Ln, just off of Side St. She began her purposeful meander, in hopes of finding a directory board. Or one of those bus stops with the maps on them.
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nocturnal-desolation · 3 months
I feel like I have come back from the dead.
It started when I had an accident the week before and injured my knee. I'm lucky I didn't shatter my kneecap. It felt like that at first, my leg went completely numb right down to the bone, unusual impact. The injury seemed to be mostly inside under the kneecap. Better now, but I could barely walk or move it without pain, let alone sleep - because I just couldn't find a good position to put my knee - so I barely slept. Take painkillers? No, since I didn't go to the doctor, because I don't trust those salesmen very much, I had to feel it to find the positions that don't hurt… The next day I had to collect and transfer a car - that wasn't too bad, it was an automatic, I could rest my left leg at the side. It really wasn't irresponsible of me to do that. Admittedly, it was a bit rough to get into a sports car with an injured leg, heh, but the police saw me get into the car, twice actually - and they didn't say anything. Fine by me.
Later that day, still the beginning of the week, I felt sick, like a cold, or so I thought and overnight I had a splitting headache on top of it. But again, I didn't take any painkillers, so this damn headache lasted almost 24 hours, and you'd think I would have gotten up to change that, but I felt weak and was in some kind of fever dream, my knee was super hot, I remember that, not much else, which is slightly worrying. xD So I'm pretty sure I had some kind of infection and fever, but in the morning, when I was a little more lucid, I just had to take painkillers. I was already shaking from exhaustion and all that tossing and turning and pain and feverish night. The relief was heavenly. When they kicked in, I could feel it sneaking into my head, which was special. But unfortunately they put my immune system out of order… During the day I started to feel worse and worse.
So for the last week I've been sick like I haven't been since I was a teen. I'm rarely sick, usually there are many years between me being sick at all. I made some tea, it's called "Grenade" by the way, I love it. heh (it's just pomegranate and some vitamins) Anyway, I took it easy, I'm used to maybe a day or two in bed and then it's almost gone… boy, was I wrong. It got hot outside… ~30°C and it quickly got hot inside… awesome when you're chained to the bed. Took me 4 days to feel human again. Needless to say, showering and shaving was like a rebirth. I don't know what it was… I did have fever dreams that were quite mental though. I wrote them down. Some of them were so stupid. Like electrical devices coming out of my body, and I'm like, "What's that? Where's that coming from? No way." lol
Anyway, I'm alive… some people are going to be pretty unhappy to hear this. I hope that pisses them off a lot. :P
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blackjackkent · 4 months
8, 12, 17, 28, 33, 35, and 39 for your durge and hector!!
ik its alot so dont feel like tou have to answer allll of them lmao. Im very curious about rhaka 👉👈 (hope i spelled that right)
(Tav/Durge as Companion Ask Meme)
Surprising no one, I'm doing the WHOLE DAMN THING. :D I hope you enjoy. <3
Hector first!
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8. Companion/romance death reactions
Lae'zel: "Get up, Lae'zel! This is not our last fight!" Shadowheart: "I'll protect you in Selune's name, will you or no!" Karlach: "No! You don't fall here, not after everything!" Wyll: "We've more yet to save, Wyll! Get up!" Gale: "Gale, no! Hold on, I'm coming!" Astarion: "Damn it-- no! Astarion!" Jaheira: "Jaheira's down! We've got to help her!" Halsin: "Hold tight - I'll help you, Halsin!" Minsc: "I'm coming, my friend! For you and Boo both!" Romanced PC: "My love! No, please. PLEASE!"
12. Encountering a locked chest/door
"Locked. Though that never seems to bother us much."
"Selune forgive me, I suppose. If she cares about this particular lock."
"This didn't used to be a part of my day-to-day."
17. Looking in a mirror
"Gods, the road's a dusty place, eh?"
"I've never looked so tired."
"The glass didn't crack, so we have that."
28. Party banter with Karlach
(Needless to say, in a scenario where Hector is a companion, he and Karlach are implied to get together in a scenario where neither are romanced. :P Because I said so.)
(Act 1) Hector: "I must admit, I don't know how you dart around with that axe in battle so easily." Karlach: "Well, when the weapon's bigger than you are, it's challenging. Like an imp with a longsword - cute but unwieldy." Hector: [mock-affronted] "Well, luckily I do so well with just my fists instead." Karlach: "And look good doing it, too!"
(Act 2, after Karlach's second repair, if neither romanced) Hector: "Gods, it's bleak out here. I've never gone so long without seeing moonlight of an evening. It's unsettling." Karlach: "Well, I can't do anything about the moonlight, but I bet I could make you see stars." Hector: "What?" Karlach: "What?"
(Act 3, after Hector's personal quest (deciding to stay with the party rather than return to the monastery)) Karlach: "So... decided to keep slumming it here with us, eh, Hec?" Hector: [gravely] "It wasn't an easy decision - but I've changed too much. I couldn't go back." Karlach: "Well, I'm glad you stuck around. Too many things still need punching, and you put on the best show in town!"
33. Party banter with Minthara
Passing on this one for now as I have not really had her as a companion yet. I also have an open request from @zenjestrr to do Hector banter with Minthara once I know her better, so I'll answer this then. XD
35. How would your Tav/Durge greet a player character if they were a companion at low, neutral, high, or romanced approval?
Answered here for another similar meme; copied here for completeness. :D
“Are we there yet?” (very deadpan) (negative approval)
“Make it quick.” (negative approval)
“What new madness to deal with?” (low approval)
“You look like you want something.” (low approval)
“Name what you need and you’ll have it.” (medium approval)
“Sorry, let me mark my place– there. Something I can do for you?” (medium approval)
“My sibling in moonlight. What can I do for you?” (high approval - Selunite)
“Always glad to see you. What can I do for you?” (high approval - others)
“I swear you can tell when I’m feeling lonely. Hello, darling.” (romanced)
“My love. Tell me everything.” (romanced)
39. If romanceable, what lines would they say if a player character prompted them with, "Can I kiss you?"
"I will never say no, my love."
"Gods, please - I could use it."
[slightly giddily] "Ahhh... lucky me."
And Rakha!
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8. Companion/romance death reactions
Lae'zel: "Stand - the fight's not won." Shadowheart: "Get up. Your goddess watches you." Karlach: "I will not let you die." Wyll: "No. No! Get up!" Gale: "Agh-- the Weave cracks-- someone get him up!" Astarion: "Not your blood, not now. Theirs!" Jaheira: "If I must fight on, then so must you." Halsin: "No earthen grave for you yet, druid." Minsc: "Will you die with skulls yet uncracked?" Romanced PC: "If you die, I will bleed the world dry!"
12. Encountering a locked chest/door
Answered here.
17. Looking in a mirror
"I knew that face, once."
"Where did the scar come from?"
"Sometimes it looks out of my eyes..."
28. Party banter with Karlach
(Act 1) Rakha: "You fight with rage. Blind violence." Karlach: "Yeah, well, I've got plenty to be angry about. And, well, sometimes it just feels good to really let loose, you know?" Rakha: "Yes. When I think of spilling blood, it is when I feel most alive." Karlach: "You know, somehow it's way creepier when you say it."
(Act 2 - after whatever happens to cause THE reveal) Karlach: "You know, I was jealous of you for a while. Would've been nice to be able to forget everything that happened to me in Avernus." Rakha: "And now?" Karlach: "Now... I don't know. I hope you're doing okay. You've had a lot dropped on you." Rakha: "I have. And I am not doing okay. But... thank you for asking."
(Act 3 - after Gortash's death) Rakha: "It was good to see Gortash die." Karlach: "Really fed the ol' beast, did it? Tried to really splatter him up, just for you." Rakha: "That isn't what I mean. [pause] He was cruel. You did not deserve it. So I am glad he is dead." Karlach: [slightly startled] "Oh. I mean-- yeah. Thanks. Me too. [pause] Obviously."
33. Party banter with Minthara
Once again, passing this until I know Minthara better. XD
35. How would your Tav/Durge greet a player character if they were a companion at low, neutral, high, or romanced approval?
Also answered here and recopied. :D
“…” (negative approval)
“What?” (negative approval)
“Say what you must.” (low approval)
“Go on, then.” (low approval)
“Who needs killing?” (medium approval)
“I have more questions. But you may speak first.” (medium approval)
“My blade is ready. Speak your need.” (high approval)
“Something troubles you?” (high approval)
“I wish I could show you what I see. How the Weave dances around you.” (romanced)
“It calms when you are close… I thank you…” (romanced)
“Please… come back later. The blood is… distracting.” (random, when spoken to while bloodstained from battle; conversation cuts off immediately)
39. If romanceable, what lines would they say if a player character prompted them with, "Can I kiss you?"
"I would like that."
(random) "I don't... want to be touched right now. Later. Please..."
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tlgpandoramia · 1 year
Chapter One : The Mortifalia
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Notes : Hiii, after some inner struggle I decided to share some of my book in Tumblr. I'm just yearning for some feedback XD so I would appreaciate any, but please do be kind, that's my first draft and English is not my native language. Please, don't repost anywhere without my permission. Enjoy!
Word Counting : 4020k
Rate: 16+
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`'Read my words well, as I write this under some influence, I feel that my head is about to pop, no idea if all those vaccines shots put a chip, or another virus inside of me, or maybe is just that fucking MORT-09 shit scratching my brain. The doctor said I just got to avoid everything and avoid to drink too much water and take sunbath, easy for that fucker to say, I feel like my body is completely dried, even my lips are all numb and rough for lack of water, the fever is not helping either. Anyway, screw that medical garbage, all the hospitals are full like a Best Buy in a sale day, everyone is coughing blood, and some are even bleeding from the eyes, mouth, nose, ears and pretty much everywhere, is so disgusting to see that, so I prefer to stay at home, at least here I have internet, my computer and nobody looking like a weird horror story. But, the doctors gave me a shot, a vaccine of some sort, saying that it isn't one hundred percent efficient, but it should help the immune system to fight the virus, I say it is bullshit, is not doing anything and my right arm is still sore from that stupid needle.
They said that this new virus came from a plant, or a flower, whatever, is the freaking same thing. But is ugly, last week when I had to go take the shot, I saw a guy bleeding from the head, like someone had cut the top and left it to bleed, the messed up part is that it wasn't normal red blood, but dark like a can of black tint, like a midnight lagoon, the news said that this is the last stage before going into coma, then is over, you fall into a sleep and that's it.
After the shot, I started having nightmares, not the usual scary bloody clown chasing you through an abandoned factory, kind of nightmare, but some real things, like it seems it actually happened, I don't know if it was just a weak moment from my delirious mind, this fucking fever and all the stress, but I heard some feral noises, sounding like shrinks coming straight off a hellish forest. Then I woke up, and saw something through the bedroom window leading to the yard, it was a black shadow of some sort, but it had flesh underneath, it was moving in like a foggy way, giggling around and lifting itself like a cloud of gas. I was up and ready, I know this, I even remember when the trigger was pulled and the bullet hit it. I even buried it, but its always coming back, digging itself off that dirt and the grass, I see it everywhere, in the corner of my eyes, inside the pipes, struggling to get inside, pushing the door and floating around, just like that damn black fog, or spores, that I see when the ignites are on, the vacuum cleaner can't deal with that, I used it, then the next day they reappeared, but that giant human shape black fog is always coming back, doesn't matter how deep I dig it.
Yesterday I spent eight hours watching over the window, aware all the time, feeling my eyes burning and the muscles cramping, but somehow I couldn't stop it, like a sleep paralysis. That's was when I started seeing that white glow fog on every surface, just floating and existing, when I left the house they turned into those huge shining orbs on the dark sky, glowing and singing to me, chanting in a soprano voice, beautiful and peaceful, something that I didn't felt in a long time, it was like angels telling me to law down and accept my death, that they would take me to a better place if I only allow it, that feeling of being rotten from the inside vanished, even the nightmares.
I...We, all thought that this virus was just another excuse for the big pharmaceutical companies to make vaccines and earn billions, but this is different, it doesn't feel like a conspiracy theory or something, it feels real.
My blood turned black, yet sometimes I can catch a glimpse of the red color if I look hard enough.
Today is October six of two thousands and seventeen, three days after the hospital visit, the news aren't positive or hopeful, showing footage of hospital being overrun by sick people, bodies being transported in every available vehicle and being toss inside containers, some are saying that that's it, the end of humankind, between that and global warming is a tough situation to get yourselves out of it.
This Mortifalia, isn't new, I heard about it back in two thousand and six, people from all over the world used it for different purposes, some native used it the flower as a medicine, others eat it like a meal, a few beauty industry people discovered and started using in cosmetics, and not to mention how some would use it as a drug, grab the flower, smash it and mix with hot water, then just smell that thing, it would give anyone a huge high, I did that back in university years ago, maybe that's how I got it, since nobody infected came near me in years and I barely leave my house for three years. When it started becoming an issue back in two thousand and thirteen, the government said that if you took the nitrogen pills and all the vaccines, you would be fine, and so we carry on in this pandemic. In those years almost nobody died, only going into coma, millions of people went to deep sleep, some remained to recent days, I know some people had the virus in the past and nothing happened, but now they are numbers in intensive care units. A little to late, but I throw away all that had the ``dormant Mortifalia``in their formulas, the shampoos, deodorant and that cursed healing water for the skin, they always said that it was impossible for those products to infected someone since the virus within was dead, who knows...Maybe that how I got infected or the flower smelling. Is unusual to say, but I feel at peace, feeling like I could just lay down and sleep forever, the angels don't stop to speak with me, but a part of me feels that this is wrong. There is no peace at slavery, at being a puppet, I'm a salve for a thing that is controlling me, commanding me in everything, even my own thoughts, and words. No! My words are my own, shut up now, and stop whispering in my ears, telling me what to do, or is this just what I'm supposed to believe? It's controlling me, I know, just like a puppet of an insane puppet master. The smell of blood is strong coming from the next house. No, it doesn't! Maybe I should watch those angels in the sky for a little longer.'' Words found in a pre outbreak letter
The story circles to the future, two thousand and twenty seven, disclosing around survivors, one in particular being Miyako Uzume, descendant of an ancient Japanese family with roots of witchcraft and a rumor of ``Chosen by a God``, bound by a promise with a deity until end of times. ``One shall see beyond men logical perspective, blessed to not join the army of pawns that shall walk upon Earth`` An old prophecy that turned the family popular back in Japan, as nobody appreciates they.
Enough of mysticism, those word are only coming out because I fear to speak about the reality that we set upon yourselves.
Beyond the metal and atomic bomb resistant walls, lies something that would make death seems like a frail human, extermination, nothing less. The girl don't remember how the world looked outside the metal box, how most of the days were spend hiding behind the apartment and looking out of the window, never coming in contact with people of the same age or friends in general, weeks would go by and only the sight of the family members could be seen, alongside the smell of recent baked cookies and how loud the progenitor used to listen to the news, yet for her the words never made much of a sense, considering that English proved to be different from asian mother tongue. Although melancholic and boring, the past hits with a home sick feeling, coming in strong and persistent.
Most people misses the old world with all of their hearts, the daily activities, go to work, bar and parties, hear those meaningless celebrities news and the idea of just existing. An emotion not share by the child, as it may be that those were never experienced, if the inner thoughts would ever be spoken out loud, strangers would condemn, after all who could be sympathetic towards someone that believes in the idea of a pandemic world being better that the past one, overall humans grew simplistic, surviving and coping with the past takes all their time, left with no time to judge others or the path someone else wishes to walk upon, worrying about surviving another day.
Dreams of traveling, earning degrees, buying houses and last generations vehicles were crushed years ago, if one were blessed by Lady Luck an approval letter for a shelter program or an invite to live inside a Military Zone arrived in the mailbox a few days before the breaking day, half of the issues could've been dealt with it, however feeling safe also worked as an ultimatum. To be able to live inside a secure place, a citizen should proves useful, assigned to be a working member of the new society, either by attending educational institutions, tasked to a specific job or being less fortunate and work as a manufacturing worker, aiding to keep the places sturdy, maybe joining the militia, options are limited, nevertheless one still has the power of choosing, even though this power lies in two paths, accept it or leave it.
Young kids or infant born within those camps believed that the inanimate concrete and steel is a sentient deity, that shields they for the horror of the outside world, of the lands dominated by the infected, kilometers of the Black Fog covering the capitals, corruption eating away every miserable human settlement out there. Cursing someone to go to hell no longer works, now the most lucky ones wishes for others to go beyond the walls and experience how it feels out there, death penalties also ceased to exist, if one commits a crime that calls for severe punishment, then exile seems logical enough.
Hopes for an ordinary life died six years ago, a major pike of infection overwhelmed hospitals across the world, and it couldn't function anymore with millions of humans going into stasis, the point of no returning, after a few more hours the virus had full control over the host. Despite never witnessing an infected or a victim, children that grew up in shelters learned about it, The Manual describes them as ``Former humans, now in absolute control of the Mortifalia``. Diversified by five stages, all shared an importance, yet the first worries the doctors, taking place between four to six hours after a bite, scratch, breathing the spores or by simple coming in contact with infected blood, airborne took most of the victims, as they never noticed it until the last moment, some areas in cities are so deep within Its territory that the air itself is bio hazard, one dies by suffocation before turning into a Courier.
Shelters were built by the Saga Corporation, half of it were put inside major military camps, however the organization took responsibility to generate their own food, water and electricity supplies. Each party has their own objectives, the military one being to avoid infected near the borders, as a high concentration of the infection can cause a Nucleus to be form, spreading the Black Fog through the wind, even infectiing the rain and the soil itself.
Miyako rest as the youngest daughter of the prestigious virologist, Doctor Reira Uzume, a veteran researcher of the Mortifalia and a key factor for creating a vaccine, the child takes the mother word over anything, admiring her beyond compression, a woman capable of running for president, if the government worked like before, the Uzume matriarch wrote half of The Manual Of The Infection, responsible for gathering information about the virus and how to deal with it in hundred of scenarios.
The others countries remains until this day, yet details of what happened and what became of the provisional laws is a privilege meant for a few high rank officers. The USA fragmented itself in regimes called Provisional Governments, a president figure persisted, however with less power and no longer representing a political wing. With a mandate lasting three years, they need to allied themselves with the Military, Scientific or Industrial party, each with its own beliefs on how to deal with the virus and prevent humans to be extinct, and of course, making sure that the walls remains strong.
A prestige biologist, Katherine Williams sits in the White House, feeding the hope of a vaccine to save the world, whoever the truth doesn't aligned itself with this ideal. The group has the duty of maintaining the hospitals, camps and clinics, while creating ways of improving the new educational system, and worshiping the possibility of a vaccine.
Every night Miyako wonders what happened to the apartment, now laying in a prohibit area of DC, almost all were left behind, even Ren, a teddy bear given by her brother in the girl six year old birthday. On the day the world died, a group of men wearing white tuxedos knocked on the family door, demanding the four to pack it up in essential and leave for the shelter located somewhere in the capital heart, a lot of things were considered useless baggage by the agents, not allowing more that two pair of clothes and shoes, going against the orders, the oldest son sneaked away nail polishes for his sister, storing it all away inside the jacket pockets.
Once upon a time, feed the wishful think that the things left behind would feel alone and abandoned, just like she does. Through all the way to the landing spot, many people were roaming the street, some sick and wandering around, enjoying the last minutes before falling into coma, while others were protesting for a solution, gathering around the military camp protecting the white house, begging to be let inside, the scream mattered not, as none of those outside made it
That night marked the first time she left the secured place for a non medical reason, it felt engulf at some point, as the air itself attempted to crush her lungs, however the safe heaven tagged along, once more, as he promised to do each time. The vision of the round metal vault door closing imprinted itself as an intruder memory, the noise, the staff affirming in a loop that nobody should worry about anything, the smell of smoke and the red light shining, as the door closed to never be opened again, for others present there the sight worked as a reminder of hope and safety, yet for her it mold as a frightened event, locked inside a place with people that controlled the child's life since the first day.
Shelter...A fancy word to be buried inside an underground facility, in the false illusion of safety against everything the outside could throw at it, from atomic bombs to the Black Fog, the idea of holding yourself in an infection free zone, with food, water and light sounds perfect, built inside the biggest military camp in the country, as a warning to the government on who runs the show, although fools believes that the construction happened to create a harmonic relationship with the politicians.
In the middle of the cold and empty metal hallways, a Observatarium takes place, covering several meters of the gigantic room, an enormous and thin screen showing realistic videos of a snowy tundra, as a light snow falls on top of the trees. She's able to witness such landscape through the brother's eyes, again, a promise from long time ago.
Mafuyu serves as her eyes and protector since the girl came into the world, ignoring all else and silently focusing the eyesight so she can enjoy it to the max, a fake nature, yet it brings comfort.
Never allowed to try for friends, as the doctors redeem her immune system too weak to be close to others, so the young men turned into something more that just a brother, a friend, a father figure and someone who wished nothing more that her well being. The two would spend hours playing or watching television, in the beginning he didn't hesitated to believe in the sight story, and when the truth that Yuki never existed came to be, Mafuyu one more time jump to the ``It's okay`` part, talking with their parents and explaining what it meant, for the youngest they share more that blood, someone who took over all of possible roles, the burning feeling irradiating in the lower abdomen fades when she can rest her head on the teen shoulder, sure that nothing out there can bring harm to the siblings.
An imaginary gust of wind blows the Uzume hair, as the elder sibling beside smiles and laughs, revealing to be the one blowing the air, extending the playful moment to the max.
they cares not about what happened in the past or that others misses the old world, as not even the apocalypse could change the family routine, or the parents lack of attention to their children, since the beginning, he remembers the adult overworking themselves to the extreme, leaving the siblings without a guide, Mafuyu felt lost for years, not sure if those two people were his parents or just someone that shares the same blood, when Reira announced another pregnancy, he knew that the same fate waited the infant, a life of loneliness, and to never hear a parent saying ``I love you``, fearing this future, the teen took over the duty of raising a child by himself. Is no secret that the girl considers the brother as a father, showing this trust by only speaking next to him, as she craves the safety and reassurance that comes with the elder Uzume presence, and he never hide this honor that it feels to be someone comfort person.
The father, a charming Chinese men in his late forties approaches. Yi Han stands out thanks to the glorious dark hair brushed in a classic and refined hairstyle, a well chosen dark blue suit and the silk skin, leaving no space to comments about flaws, while the fellow scientists worries about work, the men prioritize the physical appearance over looking clever all the time.
How the men ignores the younger child enkindles rage within Mafuyu, ``A parent should always know where his children are``, yet the youngest replies with silence, non concern to hid the scorn growing towards the men. The siblings carries on their moment, Yi takes that as a defeat, looking over the future of the family, wondering if the methods of raising they are valid, or just a cruel way to treat an eleven year old child, a sensation of shame overcomes the men smooth persona, choosing to step away before any flaw can be shown in front of others.
The father-daughter relationship had been damaged years ago, as Yi Han refused to believed about the sight and her decision of no longer wanting to pretend to be a boy, claiming that such important decision should've been delayed due to insufficient age, blaming Mafuyu influence and the heat of the moment, the lack of support pushed her away from the him, hurt beyond word. With the head of Saga paying for everything, and how the brother hold her hand at every second, Miyako went forward with the new life, going through treatment and last year a surgery to end the circle, mistaking the corporation gesture for kindness, yet the goal strayed from that good, a way to keep the child under their wings and docile, a solution to make sure that she couldn't leave the shelter or abandoned the cause, to enhanced their trust further, the pharmaceutical company developed a tiny device into a specific area of the body, assuring that the technology would avoid the necessity of daily hormones pills. A factor that seal a bound between the girl and the company, seeing the CEO as a hero of some sort, someone that aid in the most dire moment, able to enjoy life as Miyako, a name picked by the brother. The solo demand made by the company happened to be a small thing, cooperation, and nothing more. A contract signed by the child to assist in a project to adapt the sight to soldiers, so they could hijack into infected minds and gain upper hand, despite believing in this supernatural gift, the head scientist cared not to make it a project, using it as a mere mean to an end.
One would think that the end of the world could bring people together, but it didn't, the mother spend most of the days working in the dream of manufacturing a vaccine, or at least something to retard the effect of the virus, while Yi Han makes sure that the shelter geothermal power plant remains in working order. Mafuyu takes the promise to an honorable level, even joining her in classes about electronics, mechanics, medicine and biology, subjects from the new educational system, a way to create a better future, so the new generation can grow knowing the most important lessons instead of dwelling in past history or unnecessary mathematics. Despite finding those five hours boring, she cherishes every second of it, as what follows it in the schedule its never pleasant.
When the experiment time begins, Mafuyu has to leave, not a single test is harmless, each holding their own amount of pain or discomfort. Recalling about yesterday, the scientist attempted to created a theory about how the brain connect itself with the sight, looking for a logical way to explain the ability of seeing through others eyes. A thin and silver needle penetrate through the lower eye until it reached the brain, the whole procedure took place under heavy anesthesia, yet the pain grew harder to withstand afterward, worse that an emotional hollowness, a feeling that shocked through the brain and the nervous system.
However, a worst one exist, The Helmet, or so she calls it, a metal device is introduced on the head, then electrical stimulus are send to the brain, a way to improve her eyes and recover a tiny fraction of the natural sight, it makes the body fake a scenario where each centimter of skin melts, every cell and fiber deteriorates, reaching an astonishing level of fading, only to be wake by the same pain, left with no choice, but to endure it the most brutal five minutes of the day, it happened several times, and it can't seen to get better anytime soon. The shock waves suffering is staggering, yet she judges as a necessary evil, willing to make this sacrifice, blind by manipulation and scared of the chance of Saga sending the family away from the shelter, not willed to put Mafuyu into harm ways, or to sacrifice the parents career.
Using the girl lack of direction and the endless search for a purpose to created a perfect harmony, as Miyako feels like a sheep in a forest full of werewolves, a part of her believes that the suffering can be justify, and the other she deserves the pain coming from those test.
Regardless of the brother encouragement words, remanding how important her life is, the child refuses to see in the same way, seeing herself as a pillar, holding back the corruption from crumbling under the one she loves, willing to continue with the penitence, just for a small glance of a better tomorrow.
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nicascurls · 1 year
Strangeness and Charm - Part Four
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Word Count: 2K
Summary: Season 1 AU where Andy and Kyle arrive at Charles Lee Ray’s old house before Tiffany leaves with Junior and Nica and ultimately save them. Set in 2017, two weeks after Cult since that's when the show was originally mentioned to be set and in my opinion, makes the most sense.
Notes: Procrastination is taking charge, so I wrote this instead of working on my University essay. XD Anyway, the chaos cousins make an appearance here and then some BarclayPierce bonding cause I'm a sucker for them interacting. Also their trauma deserves to be addressed. On that note, Nica's attempt in Cult is addressed in this so a warning for that.
Tags: @streets-in-paradise @losersclubisms @cult-of-dollbabies
The boys huddled together trying to peep through the gap to keep an eye on Lexy, and after some pretty excessive insistence from Nica, Caroline as well. Devon was doing his best to stay focused on what the Mayor was saying, in case Lexy needed any help but it was certainly proving difficult with the bickering cousins next to him.
"Junior, will you quit it already? You keep elbowing me!"
"Well maybe if you moved out the way I wouldn't have to keep doing it!"
"You have plenty of room!"
"Not with your bird's nest hair right in front of my face!"
"Shut up. I can't hear what's being said." Devon eventually snapped. 
"Yeah, and I can hear you three better than I can hear my mom and she has a damn microphone." Lexy hissed, turning back for a split second. 
That got the cousins to stop for a moment, they knew that they couldn't risk messing this plan up. It took practically the entire morning for the teens to convince Kyle, Andy and Nica to let them keep watch on the event and find out Chucky's plan on their own. Nica had known that she couldn't go with them even with the chair Junior found in the basement from when his father had injured himself years ago. 
The kids could see that she hated it, not being able to protect them. They had assumed it was to do with losing her family, but Devon knew it was something darker especially once Caroline was mentioned. He remembered the tragic story of her niece that he had read during his research but avoided the subject for the time being, unsure of who else knew. 
As for Kyle and Andy, they knew they couldn't risk leaving Nica alone. Not to mention that if Chucky spotted either of them with the kids, the chances were all hell would break loose. 
So they settled for waiting for the kids to update them on anything related to Chucky and Tiffany, and once they knew what was happening with the truck they would take control.
The boys' focus was drawn back to the Mayor's speech as it painfully began to come to a close.
"Is it worth calling them yet?" Jake questioned, "I know we don't know anything about where the truck is going but if it's right there maybe we can take care of things whilst everyone is watching the movie?"
"Just wait until we know she's done talking, when she finally stops bullshitting we might actually get some more-" 
"Guys listen!" Devon interrupted just in time for them to hear the Mayor's announcement from outside the building.
"- Oscar-nominated actress and professional poker player, Jennifer Tilly!"
"Oh shit! Jake, I hate to admit this but you're right. We should call them." Junior concluded as Lexy whipped her head back to face the boys. He made a quick sign to Lexy to let her know what was going on as Devon continued keeping watch and Lexy thought of a way to get her and Caroline to join the boys without causing suspicion.
 Meanwhile, the adults had remained at the Wheeler's, anxiously waiting for any news. Kyle had given Nica some of her clothes earlier in the day for her to change into and that paired with having a chair again, made a world of difference for Nica. 
All three were now in the kitchen, sharing their experiences about Chucky to see if there was any kind of pattern or clue about how to stop him this time. 
"Wait, so how much does your mom and Mike know about all of this stuff now?"
"Minimal, I can't risk Chucky trying to go after them again."
"And he has a habit of wanting to play the hero." Kyle pitched in, getting herself some more coffee.
Kyle turned to Nica in response, and rolled her eyes behind her brother's back. Nica couldn't help but snicker at the siblings' antics as Andy quickly turned to try and catch his sister before his phone rang.
"Shit, the kids." He announced before picking up the phone and putting it on speaker. They soon heard Junior's  voice over the phone, "It's Tiffany, she's here as Jennifer Tilly."
Nica's head shot up at that, eyes wide with fear.
"Okay, where are you?"
"Just inside the movie theatre." Jake informed them.
"All of you?"
"Me, Devon and Junior. Lexy and Caroline are just outside but we can see them."
The adults proceeded to listen over the phone as they tried to make out the whispers of conversation that followed.
"They're transporting the dolls from here right after the show, to Teterboro Airport." Devon fed back to the adults.
"Right, okay. What's the deal with Lexy and Caroline right now?" 
Just then they were met with the sound of the theatre side door opening as Lexy and Caroline made their way through. 
“I want Chucky!” 
“Care, remember why we were moving your barbies? We can’t trust Chucky, or any doll. They’re all fucked up.”
“You said a bad word!”
“I know I did, that's how serious this is. Okay?”
“Kids?” Andy spoke again.
“Yeah? Oh, shit, come on.” Junior responded before the sound of multiple footsteps came through the phone. Nica was getting panicked now, continuously biting her nails as the adults listened to the events over the phone, “Are you all, alright?” She questioned once the footsteps stopped.
On the other side Lexy grabbed the phone off the boys, “Yeah we’re okay, Jen- uh Tiffany was looking through the doors so we moved to a different part of the theatre.”
“Did she see you guys?” Kyle pitched in.
"Probably through the door but not where we went."
"Including Junior?" Nica asked, panicked.
"Yeah… Why?"
"Right. Junior, I think you need to head back here. If Tiffany saw you it's only a matter of time before she or Chucky come after you again."
"But surely they would be after all of us?" Junior questioned in return.
"Not Tiffany. Listen, above anything else she is possessive. She was going to leave Devon in that house but she took you with her. In her mind, the others aren't a priority but you are and she will try and 'steal you back' the first chance she gets which is why you need to get away before she finds you."
"How do you know that is what she'll do?"
"I can explain it more later but right now I just need you to trust me." Nica looked back and forth between the two other adults in the room, a silent plea for them to do the same. Which they did, they could see from the panic in Nica's eyes that she was speaking from experience, even if they didn't know the details of it.
"Okay, here's the plan," Kyle began, taking charge. "Kids, are you safe where you are right now?" 
"Yeah, we're safe." Devon responded.
"Junior you and Caroline, if possible, I'll pick you up and bring you back to the house now. You other three, stay where you are, Andy and I will come to meet you once Junior and Caroline are back here. Are you okay with that, Nica?"
"Yeah, I'll be okay with that. As long as there's no blood I should be fine."
"Got it, call us again when you're here and we'll meet you outside."
Five minutes had now passed and Kyle had left to meet the kids, leaving Andy and Nica at the Wheeler's house. Andy then turned to Nica to see her lost in thought.
"Hey," he spoke softly, causing her to face him. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." She sighed before continuing, "I just hate the idea of the kids being on their own. What about you?"
"How are you doing? You seemed off after the Chucky incident."
Andy was taken aback, he knew Nica was smart. She would've had to have been to survive Chucky on her own, but how observant she was had already managed to surprise him even in the short time since they had formerly met. Either that or he was just ridiculously transparent.
"I- he didn't try to hurt you or anything did he?" Her voice brought Andy out of his thoughts again.
"No, there was nothing like that. He just liked bringing up Harrogate." 
Nica gave a small nod, "I am sorry about that, I know it was Chucky in control but-"
"No, you don't need to apologise. Honestly, I'm the one that owes you an apology."
"I… don't understand."
Andy took a deep breath, preparing to admit the truth. He knew he had to tell her now. The longer it was left, the worse it would seem, or even worse, she would hear it from Chucky. He was terrified that telling her would mean she would never trust him, which he believed he deserved, but he had to do it. She deserved to know.
"I had managed to smuggle a gun into Harrogate and when Chucky got to me I, uh I took a shot at you." 
Once again, he couldn't look at her after admitting it, he kept his eyes glued to the floor as Nica remained quiet, slowly processing what she had just been told. "I would have killed you if the gun hadn't jammed. I'm so sorry and I get it if you don't tr-"
"Andy. I'm not mad about it, you were trying to stop Chucky. You didn't know I was still in there too."
"That's the problem, I wasn't thinking about any of that, my only thought was getting rid of another Chucky and I almost killed you because of it!"
"I wouldn't have cared." Nica admitted in a small voice. 
Andy looked at her then, prepared to start telling her that she didn't need to say things to spare his feelings but one look at her and he could see she meant it. She now had a hesitant look on her face, as if she contemplated whether to continue or stay quiet before reaching for her left sleeve with a now shaking hand. She took a final deep breath and rolled her sleeve up, revealing the still healing wound that went down her left wrist.
Andy felt his heart sink as he saw it, not even sure of how to respond.
"My first day at Harrogate. Tiffany visited and told me about Alice. Since they had got me thinking Chucky wasn't real, I believed it was my fault." Nica explained, her voice breaking at the end. 
Andy kept his eyes focused on her and saw a few tears escape her eyes, which she quickly wiped away.
"It wasn't your fault."
"I know that." She said quickly, continuing to stare straight ahead.
"I know, but I also know that doesn't stop the guilt. Although it can help more if you hear it from someone else?"
With that, Nica sniffed once and dared to look over at him with a small smile. "It does."
"You're gonna be alright now though? You don't…. Feel like that anymore."
Nica thought for a second, having people question how she felt was something she had grown used to but this was the first time in a long time that someone ment it, and she could tell.
"No, not anymore."
"Okay. But if you do, you know you can talk to me? I can't promise I'll know how to help but I'll do my best. Or even if you don't feel like that, just if you want to talk."
Nica couldn't help but smile more, "I do, and I will."
Andy returned her smile with his own, relieved that he may finally be able to help her when the sound of his phone ringing interrupted the moment.
"Yeah?" Andy began, having answered the phone.
"I'm on my way back," Kyle spoke over the phone. "Junior and Caroline are with me, the others are staying hidden till we get there."
"Right, see you soon." 
He hung up the phone and turned back to Nica who was now pulling the sleeve back down to cover the wound. She looked up to see him watching before she hesitantly asked. "Um, what I told you. Can we-"
"Keep it between us?"
She nodded.
"Yeah, the same with what I said."
"If anyone asks, the whole conversation never happened. Deal?"
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annwayne · 1 year
Hi!! I love it when you pop up in my life (timeline, lol).
Would you like to share three current thoughts you have about life in general?
Three thoughts about anything Star Wars related?
And any piece of fanart or fanfic that has lingered in your mind for ages after you first saw it? 😘
Awe well thank you! Your excitement is always fun to see, I think it's safe to say you've given some fresh life to the tcw/tbb fandoms.
Hmm. 3 thoughts about life...
I recently finished watching Midnight Mass and that got me thinking lots about the cult I was born into-what that did to me and where I am now. Also how bad people twist religious texts for their own benefit and how good believers tend to stay quiet until it's too late because of the culture.
No one's asked and I hate the whole "coming out" thing, but I learned about histrigender recently and feel in love with the term. Nonbinary and agender are sufficient to use with friends and family, but the most important person in my life knows what this term means and I'm happy with that.
Kinda lighthearted compared to the last two-but god I miss movies/tv shows that were willing to chance the viewer not following the story or noticing everything. I loved that Blackout was better the second, third time I watched it. I loved that I picked up on background dialogue that gave me exposition that I missed first time around.
Now 3 thoughts about Star Wars Oft. That's a dangerous game.
This might be controversial, but I'm not the kind of person to like every single clone. They are supposed to all have unique personalities (tcw couldn't fully flesh out every single clone so many of them feel underdeveloped imo) which means that there are clones that I don't care much for. I have my favorites, those I have noteworthy appreciation for, and then clones I don't think anything of. (go on and try to guess my fave I bet its impossiblleeeee xD)
Crosshair's story is meaningful to me because of my background in a cult. I probably think more in depth about his story than was originally intended to come through lol. The parallels though.. Especially a cult preying on insecurity? On loneliness, on the concept of worthiness?
Old republic star wars is the best star wars timeline opps sorry it's just too damn cool. (I like the space wizards)
Just one?
Mutually Assured Destruction by rubbergooseworks
The Price of Truth by Star_Killer01
Strangers in a Strange Land by sailaway
Violence-With-Respect by maskedbeliever
And this comm I got from skeltrr
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BLEACH: The Thousand Year Blood War Ep 9 Reactions and Thoughts
Overall reaction:
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I'm skipping episode 8, because when I sat down to write my thoughts about it, I realised I didn't have all that much to say about it. It's a good episode, but a low paced one that doesn't pack as many chapters into it compared to previous episodes. The main highlights from that one are all of Shinji's scenes, Grimmjow's return (and the fandom absolutely losing their minds over it, just some of the reaction had me rolling! XD)and the Zero Division making their first appearance.
For this week, OH MY!! It's another slow paced episode, but a lot happened. We've got BROTP goodness with Renji and Ichigo, Kyoraku stepping up, and of course the main event and one of the fights I have been most looking forward to seeing animate, Kenpachi vs Unohana!!
Renji and Ichigo journeying through the Royal palace - aka, the BROTP we didn't know we had all this time: we've got Renji insisting he can keep going, despite the fact he just barely managed to withstand a punch from Kirinji, then it's on to the food palace to eat up and recoup. It's here we get food critic Renji, a lot of goofy eating, and Ichigo worrying that what their doing is a waste and that they should be doing something else to train themselves for the upcoming battle; Renji points out that them recouping is part of the journey to becoming stronger, and it's here that we get a glimpse of the series' final chapters without realising it. And of course we got some of Renji and Ichigo's dorkiest face animated in all their colourful, moving glory!
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It's moments like when you come back and read them that really hit you after reading the series' last chapters. I don't think I was the only one who didn't look too deeply into why Renji was accompanying Ichigo during his recovery in the Soul Palace. I thought at the time 'that's just Renji, he's stubborn and always rearing to go'. It's when you read that final chapter with him basically dragging Ichigo to the final fight that moments like this show he was always there to support Ichigo, to ensure he made it. This guy withstood a blow that breaks most Souls in half. he barely withstood it, still trembling afterwards, but his will to help Ichigo as he had once helped him reunite with Rukia was strong enough to help him withstand it. Then he's there to reassure Ichigo when he worries if what they're doing is a waste of time. He's a true friend, and seeing it all come together in that final chapter just puts moments like this in a new perspective for me.
Kyoraku becomes the next Captain-Commander: I didn't expect this scene to affect me as much as they did. While reading the manga, I didn't feel anything much towards them, just that 'Oh, I guess he's the new head captain now'. This time though, I felt a little sad. Maybe because of how the adaption has emphasised how devastating and bleak the situation is, I realised what Kyouraku was taking on. He has a lot of weight to take on his shoulders as just becoming the First Division captain, but to have that AND a war going on at the same time...damn.
Kenpachi vs Unohana: IT'S FINALLY HERE, AND IT COULDN'T BE BETTER! The moment this scene began I was on the edge of my seat. When Unohana turned with that infamous look on her face, I got chills. And the voice acting in the this moment from both Kenpachi and Unohana's respective voice actors, just incredible. And there was this moment:
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I can't explain why this moment affected me. Maybe it's the inevitable doom of Unohana? The utter joy they're both experiencing? The sheer anticipation I had for the beginning of this fight? The in-FREAKING-credible music (more on that later) I don't know what it is, but I just LOVE this little moment in the scene. Part of me honestly expected the episode to end with the two them just clashing swords, and the rest of the fight would play out in the next episode. So, imagine my shock when it continued. I fell out of my chair I was that excited. GOD FREAKING DAMN, I LOVED IT! I love that they went for muted colours in this is scene (using black, white, and grays), because it not only helps the blood stand out, but also both characters' emotions. Unohana, despite looking like a stone-cold, calculated killer, is experiencing the greatest joy she's had in years, and Kenpachi, despite being a brute and being an overzealous fighter, expresses his admiration for Unohana and even sheds a tear while bleeding out. The lighting also worked SO WELL in this fight too, creating bright highlights and dark shadows and giving their swords glints that just show they are the main focus here, and also the main way these two are communicating with each other. Finally , is it just me or is the lighting different on both characters? I feel light it's harsh on Kenpachi, but it gleams on Unohana. And the music, THE FREAKING MUSIC! I know it goes without saying that BLEACH's music is always 10/10, but I can't even with the music used in this scene! It was so well synched up to the moment and just added to the epicness of the scene.
For next week, ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN! We're heading straight to the continuation of Kenpachi vs Unohana, including Unohana's bankai!! Please, please, PLEASE tell me we will be getting filler for this fight, I need to know and understand what Unohana's bankai does and just see these two fight more! I can't wait to see the conclusion on a few days!!
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asoulofatlantis · 7 months
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Rinoa has been in a coma and NOW the dog suddenly show up? In Esther? They were really inconsistent with this dog. It feels like AFTER DAYS suddenly the game-dev remembered that Rinoa has a dog. No idea where the dog was when we left Timber, or when we almost got blown up in the missle-base-thingy or when we were attacked by Galbadia Garden... BUT in Esther, which is immensly hard to find and without the game giving us any indication that the dog was with us, it suddenly shows up. That is stupid!
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Uh-Oh... Zell aside... I usually do not really use any of these characters. I totally forgot that we will enter the Lunatic Pandora for the first time without Squall. Shoot.
Now I am stuck fighting a Malboror with a Team that is not prepared at all. I have no control over my characters and I didn't even save the game beforehand ^^'
Wow. Somehow we survived this... well all but Zell, ironically as he is my strongest character at the moment.
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I always had trouble finding the right spots and usually barely and only by a lot of luck make it to the last point of entrance, if at all ^^' YES, even after playing this game many many times I still don't know my way around Esther. I know... shame on me and my cow but I am very bad with orientation, even inside games XD
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Oh and just so you know... no walkthrough EVER gives you easy directions, which leads to me running around in circles though ESTHER hoping I will accidentally end up in one of those damned spots at the right time even IF I use a walkthrough hat is supposed to help me.
OH! I randomly ran into the first contact-point XD
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All that stress for getting kicked out like 2 minutes later? Great!
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In case you are wondering why Präsident Laguna was not in Esther... its because he was currently in space. Checking on Adel personally, like a good (or stupid) präsident would XD
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This part is so annoying as you can not do anything but follow her and wait for things to happen.
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I can not even tell you have frustrating it was back in the day when you've realized you literally floated past Laguna XD Even when you didn't get the message yet that Squall is Lagunas son (and I wouldn't blame you, they really hid it between the damn lines...) you still have been itching to meet the real, actual non-dream Laguna at this point. And there he is and you just... couldn't do anything about it ^^'
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You are a damn lucky Bastard Laguna, that we know who Ellone even is.
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I hate to be the bitch that so honestly says it, but... he would have been better off without her. I get all the romantic ideas that come from the bullshit he pulled to save her. And guys, I did fall in love with Luna and Noctis lovestory in FF15, because the romantic in me could see it and feel it. But this ship... Rinoa and Squall... Absolut bullshit!
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Its a freaking color puzzle and before we've solved it (with Rinoa terribly under-leveled to top it off) we won't go anywhere with this spaceship that conveniently has shown up out of the blue ^^'
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Playing eyes on me at that scene while the text is rushing to fit the pacing of the song is such a waste of a wonderful song. Not that the song fits the story of those two anyway. Julia has specifically written it to fit her and Lagunas story and while these are Julias child and also Lagunas child neither their story nor their characters fit the song at all. Its so stupid.
All that forced, rushed absolutely not making sense romance aside. It was never truly clear how one becomes a sorceress. Are you born with the power... are you born with the possibility of receiving that power? Edea said she became a sorceress when she was 5, but how did the Sorceress that gave her those powers decide that she would be a good option? Its obviously can't be just any random woman nearby.
Also... what about Rinoa? Has she been a sorceress before? Ultimacia or whatever her name is, took control over her body... but that is only possible if she already is a sorceress at that point. Or at least must have had whatever else is needed to become a sorceress one day. This was something that never made sense to me an d just like a lot of other things in this game, has never been explained properly.
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She always said she has given up on Squall because of Rinoa and then later she realized she felt more like a big sister towards him... but if that were completely true, would she ask such a question? I think it would have been nice for Quistis to find actual love in this game, to give her some sort of closure. After all, the one this game started with aside from Seifer and Squall was her. But... no use complaining about spoiled milk.
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How convenient. Or rather inconvenient for us. Because if ANYONE would have noticed that sooner, we could have spared us all A LOT of trouble.
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The control of this game are so damn wonky already (remember, this game is freaking old!) but when you have to control a vehycle of any sort, its even more than a mess...
HOWEVER we are now free to use the Raknarok, which is so damn much faster and more convenient then then Garden. Tho it begs to question if we have any legal right to fly this thing, as it belongs to Esther ^^'
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Okay, okay. That scene was nicely done. In all honesty if they made it look like Squall and Rinoa are a nice couple that is madly in love and belongs together BEFORE Rinoa was in a coma, if they spend some time on making sure Squall actually spends some quality time with her. If they just made this ship more believable and more realistic then the whole rushed mess that CD3 was, would have been amazingly cute and romantic. But they didn't do much for this ship until the very start of CD3 and this this just doesn't feel right and good at all.
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Laguna might suck as a father AND a husband but its not like he never did anything for his son. Ward didn't just came her by accident and he certainly didn't help them just because he felt like it.
Anyway... I feel like taking a break now. This part of the game takes a lot longer than I remembered.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
Na!!! We survived the Ofts premiere (barely). How are you doing? How's your friend doing? Did you have to pause a lot? I did 😅
That kitchen scene between TopMew. I knew it was coming, but I still wasn't prepared. Then the whole library/bookstore scene between them. It was cute seeing Mew flustered. (Book is so good with subtle but realistic reactions)
And the ice cream scene. That was not TopMew. That was ALL ForceBook to me. 🤭
Then Drake showing up out of nowhere. I almost died. ☠️
What was your favorite scene?
ella! hi! i'm sorry for the late reply :( i wasn't here for a while. sorry :(
oh, God... tell me about it. it was a rollercoaster ride last week. it was so insane that i can't even remember anything from 12th august xD but anyway, we survived! that's what matters the most hehe.
i think i'm doing better. i was so out of my head last week that i needed to escape for a while hahaha. (sadly, we didn't get to watch it together t_t but she survived! and she screamed when she saw topmew hahahaha). i couldn't stop screaming and cussing xD hahahahaha there's just something about top that infuriates me and i still don't understand why :') how are you doing now after episode 2 aired?
same. really. it was such a surprise that we got all those in episode 1??? they should've spared us some space to breathe but i guess they didn't want us to live on to watch the rest of the episode xD but it was crazy. the urgency in the way they kissed each other? the push and pull? SO MUCH SKIN AND EXPRESSION I'VE NEVER SEEN ON FORCEBOOK BEFORE? goodness. just when i thought a boss and a babe were crazy, only friends proved me wrong.
the library scene was so sensual in my opinion? it felt like top was flirting with mew, and mew was luring top into his trap? everything; from the way they looked at each other to the convos they had, it was all crazy to me. (yes t_t p'book is really one of the best when it comes to subtlety. he's just so wonderful to watch T-T)
i like to delude myself that it was forcebook too :') the smiles were too foreign to be topmew's hehehe.
I WAS SHOCKED TOO! i thought it was ray, but it was drake :') damn, boston wasn't playing. he's just thirsty 25/8.
(my thoughts on episode 1 are gathered here but i don't encourage you to read it because it's just messy hahahaha)
my favourite scene? i think it's the library scene :) i love the sizzling tension between top and mew. mew is just so sexy and i'm so down for him. if top doesn't want him, i'm here. hahahahaha i'm going out of my mind xD
what's yours?
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advnterccs-archive · 2 years
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@countlessrealities sent; By the time the little show that had been prepared just for him was over, Rick found himself feeling dazed. His head was too light and his throat was dry. Not to mention the heat burning under his skin and the pressure coiled in his lower abdomen.
Having his boyfriend in his lap, straddling him, wasn't helping his state, but the truth was that he didn't give a damn about that. He knew how he wanted that day to end and he was pretty sure that his counterpart had similar plans, so they would both get what they wanted soon enough.
However, before they moved to the next step, there was something he needed to do.
"B-Baby, wait a moment," he murmured, grabbing the hands that had been groping at his chest. "I-I tot you something too. S-Shit, it's nothing compared to this, but...I-I hope you'll like it."
His hand disappeared inside the pocket of his lab coat, pulling out a cassette. On it there was a labelled where he had scribbled "Rick & Rick, forever a thousand years".
"I-I made you a mixtape. I-It's all songs that remind me of you," he explained, handing it over. "Y-You got me something similar on Christmas an-and...I wanted to do the same. A-Also because some of this shit describes how much I-I love you better than I ever could."
He snorted quietly, leaning in to press a sweet kiss on his boyfriend's lip. "It's not a real tape. I-I just built it to look like one. Y-You just need to set it near whatever device y-you want to use to listen to it an-and it'll automatically connect to it."
He had spent a whole night perfect the pairing mechanism, so that it could work even with analogical devices.
His hands fell back on his counterpart's hips, giving them a light squeeze. "N-Now...how about we got back enjoying your present?~"
[[ My Rick to your Rick || I guess they both decided to celebrate their first Valentine's together...but with very different ideas xD ]]
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Feeling his counterpart take his hands made Rick pause, curious to what the other had gotten him. He hadn't even thought about the idea of exchanging actual gifts. In reality, he just wanted to spoil his boyfriend a little. Do something that they'd both enjoy.
It was a pleasant surprise nonetheless. One that he certainly wouldn't complain about it. Instead, he would wait patiently and watch as the gift would be presented to him.
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As he took the cassette into his own hands, he couldn't help to read the title of it over again, letting it repeat and swirl in his mind. Rick and Rick, forever a thousand years. It was perfect. So damn perfect.
"Fuck, baby, I-I--" He felt himself go a little speechless. Something that's been happening a lot more often around his boyfriend. Though, it's not like he needed to say anything in that moment anyway.
He listened carefully to the next set of words. All he could picture was just how many songs could have fit on this device. The one he made during Christmas had a wide arrange of songs, unsure of just how many. So he could only just how much was on this one.
The little squeeze on his hips brought him back into the moment, stumbling forward into his boyfriend's chest. He smirked. "Mm, y-yeah, baby, just give me a minute,"
Gently pulling away from the embrace, he stood up and off the lap he'd been sitting on. With a soft blush covering his cheeks, he made his way over to the music player he had one. Switching off the music that played during the show he just gave. Only to set the cassette near the music player, playing the first song from the mixtape.
He wasted no time going back to the couch, sitting down on the other side of the couch. Stretching his body out so that he was somewhat laying down. His hand lowered slowly down his body, stopping just right at his crotch, using his finger to beckon his boyfriend to come closer.
"L-Looks like our gifts match, baby, we make a really good team, don't we?" He whispered, half-lidded gaze directed over at the other. "Mm, now come here, baby, I-I want you~"
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blindedguilt · 2 years
🧑‍🤝‍🧑💜💧🤝⛔🌈☀️👔☕🩹💀💬🤫(either)😨(also either)❌🚫 |[I'd have sent some others but...]|
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Family by choice/Found Family 💜 - Friendship 💧 - Friends Due to Traumatic Experiences 🤝 - Coworkers ⛔ - Reluctant Friends 🌈 - Developing Friendship ☀️ - Friends of Circumstance 
👔 - Strangers Working Together ☕ - One Muse Works in Service to the Other 🩹 - Friends Forced to Work Against Each Other 💀 - Enemies 💬 - Enemies Because of Conflicting Ideologies 🤫(either) - One Muse is Secretly an Enemy/Traitor to the Other 😨(also either) - One Muse is Using the Other for Their Benefit ❌ - Guilty by Association 🚫 - Friends to Enemies 
//Show me. Show me now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. No-
//OKAY BUT YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS honestly like //I bless 1.3 everyday for the chance to explore a solid enemy dynamic between these two because *deadass*,,, they've had it all there? Both closely or equally matched in strength, having conflicting ideologies and DEFINITELY having their moments where that divide could have resulted in a spat if leonard wasn't such a fuckin coward shaking in his boots during the garrison, but the fact OF Leonard's cowardice and guilt resulting in that and Caim not,,, being completely batshit insane, not to mention that the stakes are high enough (The end of the world) that they're really mostly just forced to get along till that's over at worst and develop some kinda small bond of comradery and/or friendship??? over it at best is great, I'll def get into that later but then 1.3 kinda comes along and asks
//What if they DIDN'T have those things holding them back? Leonard isn't made a coward by a wish to die and his extreme sense of guilt. Whatever sense that kept Caim from going COMPLETELY batshit resulted in him losing all sense completely (albeit, gradually). That, AND not only is the world no longer faced with a threat that affects both of them in the sense they need to come together, but challenges their ideologies and philosophies on life (Particularly the Pacifism vs. Warmongering aspects of it) that causes them to split completely. Set that up with the fact that (Later), they both become similarly/equally matched at a completely insane level virtue of dragon's blood, and (maybe throwing arioch into the mix as an assist trophy, though she deserves FAR more) we have ourselves literally the most metal fucking enemies ever
//... Which forever makes me sad we didn't get to see a showdown with them in 1.3. Granted, the Arioch shit was fan-fucking-tastic, I couldn't have asked for a better alternative way for him to go out, but... *Sigh* ... That's where we come in though!! We gotta write either an alternative take where they can actually showdown or like a small thing before then where they can spat briefly (? But is there even really stopping them? XD) again and match each other's strength where they're both cracked up on that blood because damn......
//That said, at the same time I really do wonder what that proper enemy dynamic would look like between them in DOD1, but that begs the question - Sure, if it comes down to a fight we all know that Caim is the last one to back down, but that begs the question - What's there to overcome Leonard's grief and cowardice and uh,,, the concept of the entire world ending to get him properly mad at Caim?
//.... Iunno. Probably Seere. XD
//Circling back, their opposite contrasting natures ALSO makes their friendship bond extremely sweet and heartwarming in a sense, both in the vein of Caim's "Guess I care about this slow dumb sack of shit now, STOP ADMIRING THE FLOWERS AND HURRY IT UP ASSHOLE" and Leonard's "He's like an angry little brother if he was sent from hell. calm down please, where the hell are you even getting all that energy? my back hurts, i want to go home"
//Of course, they have their own multitude of reasons why they wouldn't dare actively show anything that could tip off the small part that's kinda warmed up to them, though they both show it in the smallest and most subtle of ways that I feel neither would really notice in most cases, though if it had stopped happening for one reason or another they may just sit and realise how unnatural or otherwise unecessary that kind action really was, in a sense
//I like to think it's a small part of their contrasting natures they both secretly find comforting or,,,, "enjoyable"??? but not quite or even have slight envy for about the other, Caim's "I do what I want and bet you my left nut I won't care about the consequences" attitude contrasting Leonard's repression and perhaps Leonard's peaceful, somewhat hopelessly optimistic "I wish we just lived in the kind of world we didn't have to fight and deal with all this death and misery" maybe bringing Caim back to that simpler time when the broad, general view of the world really was just that for him
//Of course, it's the main thing they hate about each other, especially at it's worst - Caim's willingness and eagerness to kill and harm a bunch of children who, in one sense are innocent, but in the other provoke a certain desire in the both of them, is as shocking and infuriating to Leonard as Leonard's terror and repulsion at the same thought is to Caim which is why Leonard's Regret is literally one of the most PERFECT ally chapters in showcasing their different characters still, as far as that kind of "brother-in-arms affection" runs between the both of them, I like to think they have a certain vicarious envy in regard to those same facets.
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