#Damon Salvatore one shots
wholoveseggs · 1 month
Kinktober '24
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Hello darlings!
This is my first Kinktober, and I’m excited to do something special for all my lovely followers! I’m aiming to post every day in October (wish me luck!). Each piece will be short and sweet, ranging from 500 to 1k words.
Rules, character list & kinks list below the cut...
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I'm excited to take your requests until the 27th of September! After that, I'll be putting together a schedule for what I'll be posting each day.
When making a request, feel free to choose your favorite character, add as many kinks as you’d like {but don't be greedy}, and specify the reader’s gender, sexuality, or pronouns. No need to include any graphics or gifs—I’ll be creating custom headings for each fic.
A quick note on dubcon: I keep it light—nothing beyond a kiss or some gentle touching without consent. No rape scenes. If you’re looking for something rough, it’ll need to be consensual.
Most importantly, have fun and get creative! If there’s a kink you’d love that’s not on my list, just let me know. But please remember, I don’t write anything extreme, degrading, or that strays from canon {e.g., scat play, mpreg, non-con...}
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If you’d like to use my list to create your own works, be sure to tag me—I’d love to read and reblog them!
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starlightandfairies · 6 months
Hiiii I hope you don’t mind me requesting again! I love the one you did for me! It made me incredibly happy.
May I request a Lorenzo St. John x female reader? This time I was thinking of a lot of fluff and hurt/comfort? If that’s okay of course. Again, human reader please. This time reader is very stubborn and always acts tough. She dislikes supernaturals a lot. She’s friends with Elena and her group.
One day reader gets kidnapped and threatened by an enemy vampire if the Salvatore’s. The brothers save her, but once she gets home she starts to panic and cry because she’s had enough and doesn’t know if she can take anymore of the supernatural drama. But Enzo stops by her house to ask for a favor and the reader acts like she’s fine but it’s obvious she’s been crying and he tries to comfort her, despite her not liking him much.
Ahhh sorry this is long again! I just have so many ideas….um ignore this if it’s too much. I hope you have a wonderful full day and night!!
Description: The reader is kidnapped by an old enemy of the Salvatores and as tries to pretend that everything is okay but fails at doing so.
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
I honestly got so excited when you requested Enzo! Thank you for requesting again and yay! I'm so happy the other one made you happy. I'm glad! I'm honestly not happy about how this one turned out but I hope you still enjoy it regardless.
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Last name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 1,358
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First Person's POV
Once I turned 18 I promised I would leave Mystic Falls for good. This town is a goddamn beacon for chaos and danger. I wouldn't even be surprised if a hole to the end of the world opened right in the centre of town. One thing I hated more than maths was the supernatural beings that thought the world revolved around them. Of course, I loved Caroline, Bonnie and Elena. I tolerated Stefan and Damon but the others... the others it depended on who they were and what they've done. I tried my best to stay away from the chaos that the group got themselves into, sometimes it was relatively easy and other times it was damn hard. 
Every day I make a bet with myself about if it's gonna be an easy day or a damn hard day. I made a bet that it'll be a damn hard day. I don't know what gave me that feeling, it was just that uneasy feeling when I woke up this morning and considering that the Salvatores had been kidnapped and beaten the last few days, I just assumed that the streak of unpleasantness would continue. 
Heading towards the town square, I stood, waiting for the girls to show up, putting myself on edge due to the sudden paranoia that someone would be out to get me. 
I don't know how it happened, or when it happened but I woke up, tied up and sitting on a mattress laid across the ground. I refused to cry, I would not let myself be seen as weak and give whatever asshole decided to use me as fish bait. 
"Y/n... Y/n... Y/n..." I stared angrily at the figure, recognising the person as a Traveller, I rolled my eyes and stared at the figure flabbergasted as he slapped me. 
"I need the Salvatores to come here, I see them with you, so here we are," I grunted through the rag, groaning as he pulled it from my mouth and went to speak but was literally hushed by the twit. He put his damn finger on my lips with a tut to silence me. 
"Listen here... I don't care about how you want to run your damn mouth, I don't have the time, all I care about is bringing the Salvatores here and following the plan." 
"And that would be?" 
"Oh, how mature," I muttered, hissing in pain as his fist collided with my face, I took another breath and smiled at the man showing that I didn't care and that it didn't faze me at all. I grunted as he shoved the rag back in and proceeded to pace the room. I couldn't help but flinch as the door slammed open and within the blink of an eye the Salvatores easily dealt with the guy and the adrenaline seemed to take away my thought processing and I ended up back home without really realising it. 
I took a shower, got into my pyjamas, plopped down on the couch and that's when it all came out. I could feel my hands begin to shake, a tightness in my chest formed that made it hard to breathe. The tears came cascading down, the whole room seemed to spin and I couldn't stop my sobs from escaping. I do not want to go through that again, I do not want to be kidnapped and hurt. I can't go through that, this is all too much, maybe I should just move away? Get away from the town of death and suffering. 
I couldn't tell you how long I had been crying for, I couldn't even tell you how the panic attack stopped or if it even stopped. I was sitting in a pool of tissues, I had already nearly gone through an entire box, I don't think I've cried this much before, I can't think of a time when the pain has been this bad. 
I jumped hearing a knock on my door, I quickly and roughly rubbed my eyes doing my best to make the tears go away and hope that whoever it was wouldn't need anything from me. I forced a smile to my lips as I opened the door, surprised to see the lovely Enzo there, he was a vampire I liked and I will admit there are times when I prefer him over the Salvatores but also just like most of the supernatural my tolerance normally ran low. 
"Enzo- hi."
"Hello, gorgeous... listen I need a favour-" The vampire cut himself off, he glanced around to the living area and then back at me. I did my best to keep smiling, not wanting to let my guard down. 
"Gorgeous, what's going on?" 
"I'm fine Enzo, listen I've got a busy day tomorrow and as much as I'm sure the favour cannot wait I cannot help you today." I tried closing the door on him, groaning as he easily stopped it and slipped into my home. I bit the inside of my cheek, finding it harder and harder to continue pretending that I was okay. 
"You've been crying..." 
"N-no I haven't. I said I am fine." I tried to make my words more pointed, hoping he'll truly believe that I was 'fine' but Enzo is smart and it was clear that my bullshit lies weren't enough to convince him. 
"Talk to me, please." I wrapped my arms around myself, shaking my head, the tears inevitably coming, I could feel my lips quivering and my body shake as the sobs escaped my lips. I could feel Enzo leading me to the couch, he brushed away the tissues and sat beside me. 
"Y/n... what's going on? What happened." 
"I- one of the travellers took me and used me as bait to draw in the Salvatores... I can't deal with the supernatural any longer... I don't want to go through that again. This- this anxiety, I can't... I won't go through that again. I'm so scared Enzo, I can't keep pretending that I'm fine because everyone looks to me because they think I'm tough but the truth is-" I let out a sob that would prevent me from going on any further without struggling to voice my concerns. I shook my head, angry with myself for blubbering in front of Enzo. 
I felt him wrap an arm around me, he lightly rubbed my shoulder, against all my wishes, I let myself curl against him. At that moment I didn't care about who was comforting me, all I cared about was seeking someone who would offer me the comfort I clearly needed. 
"I can make it easier for you- I can... if you're comfortable, I can compel you... I can make it go away." I considered, that maybe it would make it easier to just disappear... make it easier to get away from all of this. I was about to allow him to do that but then I thought of Bonnie and Caroline and Elena... I couldn't do that to them. 
"N-no, no. Thank you." 
"If you ever change your mind... I know we aren't close, I think you don't like me at all but I'll make it go away. If you ever want." I took a few deep breaths, nodding and appreciating that Enzo would do this for me even after knowing that I wasn't his biggest fan. 
"I don't not not like you but- it's not important right now." 
"You know, you know gorgeous... I still think you are pretty tough, you know it's okay to cry and it's okay be worired." It felt reassuring to know that, I never wanted to let anyone down and I wanted them to know that I am strong and I am tough. That these things won't bother me or effect me.
"Means a lot to me."
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roses are red ~ damon salvatore;the vampire diaries
word count: 2936
request?: yes!
@faithiegirl01​ : “Hi amor mio!! I’ve read though some of your other works and I absolutely love them. I was wondering if I could request a Hanahaki Disease fic with either Jasper hale, Damon Salvatore or possibly Steve Harrington? I’m just absolutely obsessed with these fics so so much right now. Useally I have a full blown summary to what I want with imagines, but this time I kinda just wanna let the artist do their thing. The only thing is that I don’t really like smut, but you can put it in if you want, I myself would just skip over that part. You don’t have to take this if you don’t want to, I just think it’d be a cute fic idea and that you’d write it very well.”
description: in which she develops a disease after realizing she’s in love with one of her best friends
pairing: damon salvatore x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of a fatal sickness (Hanahaki Disease)
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It was the way he looked at her; like he needed her more than the air he breathed. Like she was the most beautiful thing to ever walk the Earth. Like he wanted to worship the ground she walked on.
I wish he would look at me like that.
I don’t know exactly when I realized I had a crush on Damon. I had known him since he and Stefan moved to Mystic Falls. Of course, I thought he was attractive when I first met him, but I didn’t think of him in any sort of romantic way. At least, I didn’t think I did.
Until he told me he had feelings for Elena. Then, I started to have this bitter feeling towards Elena whenever she was around, especially when Damon was with her. It was like her very presence alone made me irritated and I couldn’t be around her for very long. Eventually, I was able to put two and two together to realize what was going on: I had fallen for the age old cliché of unrequited love for a friend who loved someone else.
It was so hard. I couldn’t just avoid Damon, he would know something was up. But watching him fawn over Elena when she was head over heels for his brother was extremely difficult.
Like right now, sitting at the bar in The Mystic Grill, watching Damon look at Elena and Stefan with this lovesick puppy look on his face. It was enough to make me want to order the strongest drink the bartender was allowed to give me.
“I’ll have what she’s having,” Damon said, finally tearing his eyes away from Elena and Stefan.
I rolled my eyes and muttered, “You have to get over her.”
He looked over at me. “What?”
I shook my head, realizing what I said would surely cause a fight. “Nothing.”
“No, tell me.” He didn’t sound mad, just genuinely curious. I could’ve made something up, or insisted it really was nothing. I could’ve easily avoided any sort of conflict.
But instead, I said, “You need to get over your feelings for Elena. It’s kind of sad to watch you pine over your brother’s girlfriend.”
The bartender passed us our drinks. I immediately downed the contents of mine, wincing at the bitter taste and burning feeling of the liquid running down my throat. Damon took a moment longer to drink his.
“You think I haven’t tried?” he asked. “To get over Elena? You think I want to feel this way about my brother’s girlfriend?”
“Drinking and having meaningless sex isn’t ‘getting over’ her,” I pointed out. “That’s just coping mechanisms. You need to actually move on.”
“I’m fucking trying,” he snapped. “But it feels impossible. She’s all I can think about. And she’s always at our place because of Stefan, which makes it worse.” He paused to take another sip from his drink. “Besides, it’s not like there’s anyone in this town that I would consider dating.”
His words felt like a knife through my chest. I could feel a lump forming in my throat, but I couldn’t let him see me cry. If that was how he felt, then fine. But it didn’t make his confession hurt me any less.
I ordered another strong drink before saying, “Well, maybe you should try at least. It’s annoying to watch you go after your brother’s girlfriend when she’ll never feel the same way for you.”
A tense silence fell over us. Damon downed the last of his drink before standing from his chair. He pulled some money from his wallet and threw it down onto the counter. I watched as he left the restaurant in a huff. Elena and Stefan shared a look before looking over at me, but I turned away before they could lock eyes with me. I had to admit, what I said was harsh. Maybe I shouldn’t have said it the way I did, but I just felt hurt. Not that he would know that, but my pain wasn’t making me think straight.
I took my drink and downed half of it in one mouthful again. The minute the bitter liquid was gone, I started to cough. I thought maybe it had gone down the wrong way, but then the coughing became harder until it felt like something was coming up in my throat. I quickly ran to the bathroom and collapsed next to the toilet just as something finally came up. I spit it into the toilet and sat back. I was absolutely shocked at what I had seen.
Several flower pedals floating in the water.
A few days later, I was sat in my doctor’s office. After the first time at Mystic Grill, I had started coughing up more flower pedals. Even in a world that included vampires, werewolves, and witches, I had a feeling that throwing up flower pedals was not normal.
I thought my doctor would want to run some sort of tests to see what was going on, if he even believed me at all. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t. I barely believed it and I was the one experiencing it. But when I told him what was going on, his face dropped. I suddenly felt very nervous by his reaction.
“Miss. (Y/L/N),” he said. “This is...very serious.”
“I kind of figured,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.
He didn’t seem to appreciate the joke. “(Y/N), this is an illness that’s still very new. We don’t know too much about it yet because it’s very rare.” I sat up a little straighter, my heart starting to pound. “What we do know is that it’s called the Hanahaki Disease. It was first noted in Japan, thus the name being a combination of two Japanese words. There’s not a lot known about how someone gets it, except the fact that unrequited love is involved.”
Are you fucking kidding me?! I’m throwing up flowers because of my crush on Damon?!
“So, what can be done?” I asked. “There has to be a cure or something discovered for this, right?”
The look the doctor gave me didn’t give me a lot of hope. “There’s been attempts at a surgical procedure that will remove the flowers from your respiratory track.”
“Attempts?” That doesn’t sound promising.
“Well, the procedure works. The thing is...it takes away your feelings for the person you have unrequited feelings for. Feelings you will never get back. Which may sound like a good thing, but that includes friendly feelings. With this surgery, you’ll just become apathetic towards the person you had feelings for.”
Okay, that was definitely less than ideal. I would love to lose these romantic feelings for Damon. It would make seeing him fawn over Elena a lot less hurtful. But, if it took away all feelings for Damon, including friendly feelings, then our friendship really would be over, and I didn’t want to lose him as a friend. That was the whole reason I hadn’t told him I liked him in the first place.
“That’s the only way to get rid of this?” I asked.
“The only other way is if the love is reciprocated, and I mean romantically not just in a friendship way.”
Well, that’s not happening.
“Can I think this over?”
The doctor gave me a look that I could only describe as pity. “You can, but try to come up with a decision soon. This illness is fatal if left for too long untreated.”
That should’ve been enough for me to agree to the surgery on the spot. My life was at risk so the solution would be a no brainer to anyone else. But there I was, days after my doctor’s visit, sat in my house with no decision having been made. My condition was getting worse. I could barley go a few minutes without coughing up a flower. I knew I must not have too long left before the fatality of the illness finally got me. Again, that should’ve been enough for any normal person to choose the surgery immediately. however, I couldn’t make that decision when I knew it would mean I’d lose Damon.
I had been holed up in my room and basically pushed my friends away. I told them I wasn’t feeling well, but I didn’t go into any specifics. They still reached out to check on me, but I didn’t respond much.
I hadn’t heard from Damon at all since that night at Mystic Grill. That was probably for the best. Talking to him right now, considering my condition, was probably a bad idea and I’d prefer him hating me if I died over him knowing I was dying because I had feelings for him.
I was in bed in the darkness of my room when I heard a knock at my front door. I ignored it, thinking it was a salesman or something, and figuring they’d just go away eventually. But, when I didn’t answer, there was another series of knocks, followed by the doorbell ringing repeatedly. I sighed, which turned into another coughing fit and a few bright red pedals landing on my floor. I groaned and reluctantly pulled myself out of bed. It seemed whoever was at my door was not leaving until somebody answered. Maybe if it was someone annoying I could just cough some flowers on them and scare them away.
But when I opened the door, it wasn’t a salesman on the other side.
It was Damon Salvatore.
“You look like shit,” he commented.
“Thanks,” I croaked, followed by another coughing fit.
Damon’s face suddenly became serious as he reached out for me. “Jesus, you really aren’t doing well.”
“No, I’m kinda dying,” I responded before I could stop myself.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
“No, Damon. I’m literally dying.”
I felt him tense. I started coughing again, this time actually coughing up a few flower pedals. I caught them in my hand before letting them flutter to the floor. Damon looked at them in a mixture of shock and confusion, before wrapping his arms around me and guiding me into my own house. I let him take me to my living room, and we both sat down on the couch. Damon took one of my blankets that I always left on the back of the couch and wrapped it around my shoulders.
“What did you do to make yourself start throwing up pedals and apparently be on the verge of dying?” he asked. He had one arm around me, and I let myself lean into him. I knew this was probably very bad for me, for my condition, but if I had little time left, I was going to allow myself to have this one moment with Damon.
“It’s some sort of new illness,” I said. “Something that starts with an H, a Japanese word I think the doctor said.”
“Geez, should I be worried about being so close to you then?”
I smiled. For the first time in many days, I was actually able to smile. “It’s not that kind of illness. The doctor said it...it stems from unrequited love.”
There was silence. I realized Damon had been running his hand idly up and down my arm. It felt nice. Despite having kept him away for so long, I was realizing now that I really did need to see him one last time. To just have one final moment of somewhat normalcy with him.
“So...you have feelings for someone...they don’t like you back...and now you’re dying?” Damon asked.
“Apparently so,” I responded. “It’s something rare, but it’s been happening.”
“Who would be stupid enough to not love you?”
I knew that shouldn’t have hurt me, but it did. It hurt because I knew he didn’t actually mean that. Not in the way I would’ve wanted him to. But I really, really wish he had meant it that way.
“Someone who is already in love with someone else.”
“Ah,” Damon said. “That’s...that’s rough.”
I nodded. “I guess you know how that feels.”
“I guess it’s a good thing I’m a vampire and can’t get these sorts of illnesses then.”
“Lucky bastard.”
We both started to laugh, until I started coughing again. This time, it was a lot harsher of a cough, and I coughed out more flowers than I had ever at this point. I hunched over as the flowers came up in my throat and fell onto the floor. My chest burned with every harsh cough, and part of me wondered if this was the end. Was I going to die next to Damon? The irony of that was not lost on me.
I felt his hand against my back as I finally stopped coughing. There was basically a bouquet of flowers at my feet now. It could’ve been beautiful if these plants weren’t the thing that was killing me.
Damon pulled me back so I was in his arms again. My eyes felt heavy suddenly, so I rested my head in the crook of his neck and let them close for a second.
“Can I tell you something?” he asked.
“Now is the time to,” I mumbled back. “Who knows how much longer I have left?”
I meant it as a joke, but I could tell he didn’t appreciate it as much as I wanted him to.
“I’ve never loved Elena.”
My eyes popped open and I quickly sat up to look at him. “What?!”
“Okay, I can’t say never,” he clarified. “I did have some feelings for her when I first met her, but then when she got with Stefan and...and when I met you...those feelings went away.”
“When you met me?” I asked. He nodded. “Damon...are you...are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
He wasn’t looking at me now. “Depends. What do you think I’m saying?”
“Are you trying to tell me that your feelings are for me, and not for Elena?”
He didn’t respond, but he didn’t have to. His body language said everything. Damon Salvatore loves me, not Elena Gilbert.
There was a million and one things running through my head. I had no idea how to even respond to that. I was sure this was all some sort of hallucination caused by the disease. Like I was getting to see the one thing I wanted more than anything before I died.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I asked. “Wait, no, more important question: why did you always act like you were so in love with Elena if you never were?”
“It felt easier than trying to admit to you that I had feelings for you,” he said. “I knew you never would’ve looked at me that way because you saw me as a friend. And Stefan had already clocked that I had feelings for Elena when I first met her, so I figured I would just lean into that until I could find someone else that captured my attention the way you did. But I couldn’t find anyone else, because there isn’t anyone else who makes me feel the way that you make me feel.”
He barely had the final word out before I was lunging at him, pressing my lips against his. It was a forward approach, I’ll admit, but I couldn’t stop myself. It was the words I had been waiting to hear from him for so long, and now that I was finally hearing them, it was like I didn’t have control of my body. I acted before my brain could process what we were doing. It took Damon by surprise, but it didn’t take him long to start kissing me back. He moved me so that I was actually sat on his lap, my legs on either side of his. His arms pulled me as close to him as I could get.
We kept kissing like that for so long that I didn’t even notice the heavy feeling on my chest had lifted, or the fact that I hadn’t been coughing up flowers anymore. I was so lost in Damon that I didn’t realize that the disease had been cured. I didn’t realize until Damon pulled away from our kiss and looked at me in shock. “Holy shit, you look so much better.”
“You don’t look sick anymore.”
I stood quickly and rushed to the nearest mirror. He was right, I didn’t look as sickly anymore. And I felt like I could actually breathe again.
“Whoa, that happened fast,” I murmured to myself.
“How did it happen?” Damon asked, appearing behind me. “I thought it was an unrequited love thing?”
I turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. “Damon...do you really not know who I was talking about earlier? After I literally just threw myself at you on the couch?”
I could literally see the gears turning in his head until his eyes lit up. “Me?!”
I chuckled and walked towards him. I cupped his face in my hands and leaned upwards to kiss him again. “Yes, stupid. I was talking about you.”
“You almost died because of me?”
“Kind of, but also because I was too chicken to tell you how I felt. But I’m not sick anymore.”
“Thank God for that.”
He pulled me in for another kiss. I never wanted to stop kissing him. I had never felt so good in my entire life. I just wanted to pause in this moment and live it over and over and over again.
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Can’t Sneak Out
Damon Salvatore x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Prompt: “Not on my watch!”
Summary: When yet another massive supernatural threat comes to Mystic Falls, Y/N is ready to go out and help the rest of the Mystic Falls Scooby Gang beat it. Unfortunately, a bad cold ends up messing with their witchy-woo enough that they need to stay home and rest, instead. Since Y/N is the kind of person to go out and push themselves to the limits anyway, Damon's been tasked with keeping them home and resting, and he's taking his job very seriously.
Word Count: 1,604
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Damon, if you don't get out of my way-"
"What? What are you gonna do? You're sick as a dog right now Y/N, you couldn't even hex me if you tried!"
I growled in frustration and threw my hands up in the air. "Our friends are out there risking their lives right now! I can't stand being cooped up in here, so get the hell out of my way."
"Ugh!" I threw my hands up in the air, but Damon didn't budge. I huffed and stomped around a bit, but his expression didn't soften at all. Finally, I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine. If you're gonna be such a pain in the ass, then I'm gonna go take a nap instead of spending time in here with you. Goodnight."
I spat the last word, then turned on my heel and headed for my bedroom. In truth, I had absolutely no intention of taking a nap. I just needed my babysitter to think that was the plan so I could sneak out behind his back while he wasn't paying attention.
I slammed my bedroom door behind me, then rustled the sheets loudly like I was flopping into bed. I waited a few beats, ruffled the sheets again like I was laying there and trying to get comfortable, then waited again. Finally, when I decided I'd waited long enough, I crept across the floor to the window.
Slowly, carefully, and like I'd done more than once in high school, I eased the window open. It was completely silent, and I stepped out onto the roof with practiced ease. I walked to the edge of the roof and eased over it until I hung on by just my fingers, my feet dangling above the porch. I still really didn't feel great thanks to my cold, so it was a little harder than usual, but nothing I couldn't handle.
Finally, when I felt confident in my position, I let go and dropped down to the porch in triumph.
I found Damon standing in front of me with his arms crossed, staring at me and clearly not impressed.
"Did you really think that trick was gonna work on me?" he deadpanned.
"Dammit Damon! Get out of my way, I'm going to help my friends."
I tried to storm past him, but I didn't get very far. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, then started heading for the front door of the house.
"Not on my watch!" he said, his tone entirely too cheery for the mood I was currently in.
Once we were back in the house, he dumped me unceremoniously on the couch, then started heading for the kitchen.
"You lay there and rest," he ordered. "I'll make you some soup or something-"
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I finally demanded, shouting despite my sore throat as I popped back onto my feet and glared at him. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and stared back at me with a raised eyebrow, but my scowl only got more fierce.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his tone making it clear he thought I was being crazy. I clenched my fists and took a few furious steps towards him.
"I mean, who the hell are you, because you're sure as hell not being Damon Salvatore right now!" Damon scoffed and rolled his eyes, and I knew he had some witty retort on the tip of his tongue, but I jumped in before he could say it. "I've personally seen you cajole Bonnie into the middle of danger and heart-stopping spells when she's on the verge of death. You'll send Matt off to be bait with no defense at the drop of a hat. Tyler, Caroline, even Stefan! If they can be of help, you don't try to stand in their way, even if they should be resting instead of world-saving. But with me? You're a helicopter parent!"
"Y/N..." he warned, taking a few steps towards me. We were almost face to face now, but I wasn't stopping at all. In fact, I was just getting started.
"No, I mean it!" I cried. "I have a cold, and yeah, it might make it harder for me to throw down like I usually do, but it's not like I'm completely bedridden! And yet here you are, barely letting me off the couch for some fear that I'll drop dead if I do more than breathe! So why? You just want to get on my nerves that badly, that you've decided to keep me from helping our friends? You want to mess with me? So much that you're here, stopping me from sneaking out like a high schooler in a teen movie, instead of helping your brother fight something that could very well kill him? Why the hell would you do that?"
"Because I'm in love with you!"
He shouted it back with the same frustration and exasperation that I'd had in my tone. He'd been getting more and more worked up as I'd laid into him, and apparently he just couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N, alright? So much so that I'm here, making you soup, instead of with my brother. So yes, I am hovering, but it's because I care. And because you don't know your limits at all. The number of times Bonnie's had to step in to save you from an overwhelming spell when you're healthy is so high I can't count it on one hand, and if you go out right now and push yourself past the point of no return, I'd never be able to live with myself for letting it happen. Never."
I just stared at him as he finished his speech. He was breathing hard, and it was clearly my turn to say something, but I couldn't process the confession I'd just received. After a few moments of stunned silence, I finally managed to choke out the obvious.
"You're in love with me?"
"Yes, Y/N. I'm in love with you. And I know you hate me, but-"
"Whoa, whoa, wait. I don't hate you. Damon, I've never hated you. I mean, I've definitely wanted to kill you a few times, but... but I actually like you too. Like, a lot." My heart beat faster at the admission, even though Damon had literally just told me he felt the same way.
"Yeah. Yeah, really. At this specific moment, I'm a little frustrated with you, but on the whole? Yeah."
Damon stared at me for a few seconds, his blue eyes piercing mine and an expression of awe on his face as he took me in. Then, in a flash of vampire speed, he crossed the room and wrapped me in his arms. I laughed as he pulled me to him, a devilish smirk on his face.
"Well, in that case, I don't want to waste any more time," he said. He leaned in to close the distance between us, aiming for a kiss, but I put my hands on his shoulders and stopped him. He raised an eyebrow in silent question.
"I have a cold, remember?" I said. "I don't want to get you sick."
"Sweetheart, I have fantastic news for you. Vampires don't get sick."
"Wait really?" He nodded. "Holy shit that's awesome!"
"I agree."
With that, he leaned in again, and this time I didn't stop him. It felt a little crazy to be kissing Damon Salvatore, but I also absolutely couldn't say I minded. Even if Bonnie was going to kill me for it later.
After a few seconds, we broke apart. Even if I couldn't pass my cold to Damon, I was still sick, and I just didn't have the energy for a dramatic, romantic make out session after a confession of love.
Thankfully, Damon could tell. When we pulled apart he kept his arms wrapped around me, then smiled at me, blissful happiness written all over his face.
"Wanna watch some dumb movies while I make us some hot soup?" he finally asked. I sighed, leaning into his chest.
"That sounds perfect."
"Good. C'mon, let's get you to the couch." He kissed the top of my head, then walked me over to the most comfortable spot on the couch. I settled into the cushions and blankets as he started queuing up one of my favorite movies. I smiled to myself as I watched him, feeling a sense of peace and belonging I never would've thought to associate with Damon before.
"This is gonna sound really lame," I mused as Damon finished setting up the movie and then headed for the kitchen. "But honestly, this is my ideal first date."
I heard Damon snort from the kitchen, and it only made me smile wider. And just like that, I found myself perfectly happy to sit here with Damon and rest a little. The dangers and challenges of Mystic Falls would still be waiting when I was healthy, after all. And now I'd be facing them with Damon as my partner instead of my adversary.
We were going to be unstoppable together. The supernatural world would have to watch its back.
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theconstantsidekick · 3 months
Lit Cigarettes (Part 2)
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester x BestFriend!Reader, Damon Salvatore x Stefan Salvatore x Sister!Reader (these are the main ones, there are too many others to tag) Genre: Fluffy angst
Summary: While Sam berates Dean for his choice of very pathetic reply, Y/n tells her brothers about said pathetic reply.
(Set after the events of Supernatural season 4 and yes, Y/n's dated a bunch of TVD characters.)
a/n: The two conversations are happening parallel-y, hope that makes sense?
Warnings: Smoking, mentions of smoking, more romanticisation of smoking, a lot of that yes, sorry. Don't smoke kids. Semi-explicit content? IDK, there's kissing.
Part 1 is here.
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It’s only when they’ve crossed the Mystic Falls border does the silence in the Impala break.
“You’re an idiot,” Sam tells him. 
The car stops abruptly. “How long have you been awake?” Dean asks, taken completely off guard.
“Long enough to call you an idiot,” Sam answers before he opens the door to the back seat, exiting the vehicle. Dean takes a second to realize that Sam’s making the walk towards the passenger seat. 
Dean pokes his head out of the window just to be petulant and screams, “THAT WAS A PRIVATE CONVERSATION, you sneaky son of a bitch!”
Rolling his eyes, Sam opens the passenger seat door and gets inside., “You really think I didn’t know about it?.”
“Know about what?” Dean asks as the dumbest dumb person to ever exist as he starts the car back up again.
Sam looks towards him, and his eyes are louder than any words can ever be. His eyes are screaming at him, calling him the dumbest guy to have ever walked the earth. But then he says, “She’s been in love with you for 15 years, and I’ve been her best friend for 14 of them. You really think I’d need to eavesdrop on your conversation to figure it out?”
Dean opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it and instead asks, “14?” He’s facing the road now, too embarrassed to face his brother.
“The first year was rough, we got off on the wrong foot,” Sam explains. “I think I was mostly just pissed at her for fawning over you like you hung the moon. Not the point. The point is, I don’t need to overhear a conversation to know that she loves you. Everyone and their mother knows that she’s in love with you.”
Dean stays silent for a second, because he doesn’t know what to say. What the fuck is he supposed to say to that? He… He doesn’t know what to say to that. 
“It was still rude, bitch,” Dean says lamely, because like he said, he doesn’t know what the fuck else to say.
Sam just laughs, without any humor but all the passive aggression in the world. “What was rude was saying—”
“He’ll pick you up on tuesday!?” Damon yells, mouth agape, hands covered in flour and sugar. 
“And what did you say to that?!” Stefan asks from where he sits on the kitchen counter, watching his brother and his adopted sister try (and fail) baking a cake for his birthday. 
“I said I’ll see him Tuesday,” Y/n answers with a magnificent amount of shame. She can see both her brothers are about to launch into an all out assault of questions, but she is categorically not in the mood. She cuts them off before they can even start. “He didn’t really give me a chance to say anything else, he just got in the car and drove off, okay?”
“Honestly, I don’t even think I can blame him,” Damon retorts, urging a cocked eyebrow from the other two Salvatores. “I blame you,” he says pointing his goop drenched whisk at her. “It’s your fault for falling in love with a NSYC reject.”
She just rolls her eyes and goes back to cleaning up the mess Damon’s creating at every step of his cake making process. “Do you really think you should be saying that? When you look like you could enter a Gerard Way Look-Alike Contest and win?”
While Damon makes the most absurd voices known to mankind (and vampire kind), Stefan just lets out a soft chuckle. “Okay, okay,” Stefan tries to calm them down. “Let’s just go over the events of the night again, shall we?”
“Can we please not?” She pleads.
Stefan carries on unfettered. “So you told Dean Winchester, the man of your dreams that you love him and he said he’ll see you Tuesday?”
She exhales audibly, “Yes… more or less. Yes. That’s how it went.”
“The fucker doesn’t deserve an announcement of love, if you ask me,” Damon counters, hands back at work, mixing the goopy and frankly probably unsalvagable cake mixture.
“That’s probably why no one asked you!” She throws back, throwing away the paper towel in the dustbin. “AAH! I just needed to say it, okay? Fifteen years is a very fucking long time to keep something like this to yourself. I needed him to know.”
“But you’d told him already, didn’t you?” Stefan counters. “Before he got dragged to hell?” She flinches at the mention of the incident—the memories are far from pleasant—but nods in agreement. “What did he say back then?”
“I know,” she tells them.
“You know what?” Damon asks, face souring at the sludge in his hands. Then he sneakily (not sneakily at all) grabs a bottle of Bourbon and empties almost half of it into the cake batter, mixing in the liquid.
“No, he said that,” she replies.
“Said what?” Stefan questions.
“He said, ‘I know’!” 
A look passes between Stefan and Damon and then Damon does the honors, “If nothing else, you gotta hand it to that Timberlake-wannabe, he’s got a great track record of having the shittiest responses to someone professing their love to him.”
“What the fuck else was I supposed to say?! I was about to be dragged to Hell!” Dean defends. “It’s not like I had the ability to focus on anything else.” He’s a fucking liar—his focus was definitely not on being dragged to hell when she said what she did. But Sam doesn’t have to know that.
“Anything, man! Literally anything else!” Sam countered, frustration evident in every single inch of his movement. And it’s always times like these, when Dean begins to think if Sam would side with him if he were to actually have a fight with her. Would Sam keep hunting with him if she decided to part way? “You are such a fucking dick!” Sam remarks. So no, probably not. He’d pick her over his brother for sure.
Dean can’t help but cower a bit at the strength of Sam’s annoyance. “I wasn’t trying to be,” he tries. “I just thought… when in doubt, Han Solo that shit, you know?”
And that apparently is the worst thing to say. “What is wrong with you, Dean? You know, you really are Dad’s son! ‘Cause my God. There’s only one other man who is so incapable of handling their emotions, and somehow, you’re even worse than him.”
Dean doesn’t appreciate the insult to their father but he lets it slide on account of Sam being really fucking angry. “Fine! If you’re so great at this chick-flick shit then tell me what should I say to her. You tell me and I’ll say it to her on Tuesday?”
“Tues—seriously?!” Sam’s veins are about to pop out, Dean thinks. The man is so fucking angry with Dean right now that he’s genuinely worried that he;s about to bust the vein on his temple. 
“What?” Dean throws back, cause actually he has no other fucking response.
“You know, I don’t even get what she sees in you. She’s crazy smart, and talented and funny. She’s so freakin’ funny!” Sam says, and Dean has to agree with all that. She really is. “There’s so many amazing people who’re just dying to get even one shot with her, and yet, she’s stuck on you!”
Dean’s jaw clenches. “Then why doesn’t she go after one of those amazing people?” 
“I don’t have a single clue,” Sam answers.
“What do you mean? She did give it a shot with one of them, didn’t she? Derek What's His Face?” Hale. Derek Hale. Dean knows his name by heart.
“Derek Hale. Yeah, Derek was pretty great,” Sam agrees, leaning back on his seat.
“Then what happened?” Dean is trying not to sound too curious about it. And if his grip tightens on the wheel, enough for his knuckles to go white, no one has to know about it.
“I’m not sure. I thought it was going great with him but she broke it off with him when we were at Stanford,” Sam tells him, eyes out on the barren road, looking so puzzled, you’d think he was talking about the mysterious phenomenon of raining toads. 
“When she dragged you to Stanford,” Dean corrects him, because as much as he'd like to know, the topic is so not his favorite. Neither is this one but it’s… It’s older and the wounds have since healed, become scars.
At his words, Sam’s confusion is gone in an instant. He sits up straighter—as straight as a giant can in a ‘67 chevy Impala. He turns to Dean with something like defense burning in his eyes. “She didn’t drag me to Stanford, Dean!”
“Yeah, right,” Dean brushes it off. “You and I both know, that’s some horseshit. She went there and you wanted to follow her, like you always did.”
“No. Dean,” Sam calls his name in a way that urges him to turn. Once he does, Sam continues, “I didn’t follow her to Stanford. I—I didn’t go to Stanford for her, she went to Stanford for me!”
“Dude, she was the valedictorian. She got into 20 different Pre-Med programs, and at least 12 of them were better than Stanford. She just went there cause she knew I wanted to go,” Sam word hit Dean like a tonne of bricks. “And well,” Sam turns back to look at the road again. “She also kinda went there for you.”
“For me?” The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Sam sighs before he says, “She thought that maybe if she were there it would be easier on you cause you’d know that she was there to look out for me.” He smiles then, a small sweet thing. “She went there for you.” What the actual fucking fuck?
Sam turns to him again, and somehow “Don’t get me wrong, she went there for me, but she went there for you too. Everything she does, she does for you.”
“That is—and I say this with all the love I have ‘cause you’re the only Salvatore left other than that dick over there—that is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard,” Damon comments. 
She pushes a buttered up cake tin towards him and says, “Must be a genetic trait then, passed down from generations. Seeing as the only other Salvatores I know are still, to this day, hopelessly chasing after a girl who looks exactly like one Katherine Pierce.”
“ELENA IS NOTHING LIKE KATHERINE!” Both her brothers shout out in unison.
She has to smile at that. “Not even the—” she points at her own face as a demonstration.
Both of them just pass her a look filled with ire. She smiles wider. 
“At least we have hope,” Damon defends, pouring the ungodly mixture into the cake tin. “What’s your fucking excuse?” 
“I don’t have one!” She really doesn’t. “I just—I just feel the way I do, I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Move on!” Damon tells her.
“For once I agree with him,” Stefan says from the counter behind them. His words are softer than Damon’s, they always are. Stefan’s always understood her dilemma just a little bit better than Damon. She thinks it might just be because Stefan understands the feeling of helplessness a little bit better than their brother ever can. “You really should move on.”
“I want to,” she tells him, with all honesty. “I really, really want to. Don’t you think I’ve tried? I tried! With Derek, with Alaric… and it was working. It really was, until he rejected me.”
“Rejected you?” Damon mocks. “I think it was barely 4 months ago that Alaric died in your arms confessing his undying love for you.”
“Damon,” Stefan reprimands. 
“What?” Damon counters, clearly annoyed as he turns to look at Stefan. Stefan, however, just shakes his head, telling him in his small gesture to stop it. The wound is still too fresh, don’t touch it yet. And that’s exactly why despite being fond of Damon a little bit more, Stefan will always be her favorite brother.
“I am not ready to touch that topic with a ten-foot pole so I’ll side step that and tell you that I have tried, extremely hard to move on, and if I could do it. I would. It’s not like any of this is fun for me,” she tries to make them understand.
“It’s not as hard as you make it out to be either,” Damon comments and his voice is somehow softer than before because this isn’t a jab. This is more wishful thinking, she thinks. Damon, for all his nonchalance, hates seeing her pining for Dean. Not just because he doesn’t like Dean but also because he’s seen the most of it. He has always been her drinking companion on endless  nights. Pouring her one drink after the other, knowing no other way to sooth the pain on her features. He loves her differently than Stefan does. He would’ve killed Dean by now if he thought that could be a legitimate solution. He’s way more violent in his protection of her than anyone else.
Taking the cake tin from Damon, she opens the oven and shoves it in. She sighs audibly before she says, “Look, I have made my distaste for the Elena situation quite clear already—”
“And it’s still fucking unreasonable,” Damon retorts.
“You’re making me agree with him twice on the night before my birthday, now you’re just being rude,” Stefan chides, smiling.
“She pulls you both in opposite directions, which leaves me in the middle where I’m stuck and neglected!” She can see that both the boys are ready to fight her off on the matter all night but she doesn’t want to. “BUT that’s not the point I’m trying to make here. What I am trying to say is that, with Elena, you both feel what you feel. It’s undeniable and inescapable. You could let go of it even if you tried. You both know what it feels like to be hopelessly in love with someone with your entire being.” When both men stay silent, she knows they agree. So she continues, “Can you at least both do me the courtesy to try to understand that that’s how I feel about Dean? That maybe—”
“—She doesn’t know how not to be in love with you, you know?” Sam says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world. Like he isn’t breaking Dean’s world apart in half. “I mean, it’s definitely not easy for her.”
“Watching him flirt with a girl at the bar while I sit in a shady corner, drowning myself in Bourbon,” she says.
“Watching you come back to the motel, covered in hickeys, and sometimes watching you not come back at all,” Sam says with so much pain, Dean thinks maybe he sat with her on those nights. And then it clicks for Dean why he’d see his brother with bags under his eyes in the mornings after.
Her jaw clenches, she fidgets with the “It's always someone else. Either it’s a cheerleader or—”
“—A receptionist at a motel or anything with a pulse at a bar,” Sam says.
“It’s always someone else and it’s never me,” she notes solemnly.
“And it is so fucking painful to watch,” Sam notes.
“It feels like someone’s tearing my heart out and stabbing it in front of me with a fork just to play with it.” She can’t help but smile sadly at the accuracy of that description. “He smiles those smiles that charms the pants off of everyone. And I have to see it, because try as I might, I can never look away. I can never look away from the way he touches them because I can’t help but imagine how it would feel like to be touched like that… touched like that by him. I can never look away when he smiles like that. Which just ends up hurting a little bit more.”
“I’ve had to watch it over and over again for a decade and if it hurts me this much I can’t even imagine how much it hurts her,” Sam tsks so simply. As if he isn’t burning Dean from the inside out. 
“I just wish he—”
“Weren’t so loud about it. If you weren’t so loud about it I think it would be easier maybe?” Sam muses. “But then again, maybe it wouldn’t be. Not that she’d ask that of you, she knows it’s not fair to you so she would never ask you to be any other way than you…” And then he sits up again, facing Dean, and Dean has to try his best to keep his poker face intact, “But I can! So, I’ll do it for her—Dean, please can you be just a little less loud about it?” Dean turns to Sam at that and somehow the action is mistaken by Sam as an offended one. “I’m not asking you to change, just… I don’t know, just don’t do it in front of her. Don’t flirt with the cheerleaders while she’s sitting right next to you, you know?”
And man, Dean might be the one whose vein is about to pop now. “What is up with this cheerleader bullshit? She said it too? I wasn’t that fucking back in high-school!”
Sam just sighs in annoyance, “You ignored her Dean.” Dean’s about to protest, but Sam cuts him off. “And I don’t think it was intentional on your part. It was the first time you weren’t an outcast and it was so much fun to fit in, I felt that way too. But she… She was two years ahead of people her age. And that really doesn’t fly well in a small town like Mystic Falls, you know that. I mean, you were in her class, man! You know that the only person who ever talked to her was you but then you got so lost in the high-school of it all that you just ignored her.” Sam shakes his head. “It wasn’t your fault, you were young but it really wasn’t fun to watch either.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Dean defends very very lamely. “I never meant to hurt her, ever.”
“That’s what sucks about all of this. I know he never does any of it to hurt me, but…”
“But it still hurts anyway?” Damon provides, comforting and gentle. 
She nods with a sad broken smile as she says, "To be in love—”
“—And to be hurt, is to be made perfect,” Sam quotes.
“Shakespear, As You Like It,” Dean notes, to Sam’s utter surprise. Which, wow! He reads! And besides, it’s… it’s Y/n’s favorite of the Shakespear plays. Of course, he knows what it’s from.
“Sucks that it has to be this way,” Sam notes calmly, now looking out the window at the passing trees. “I know it’s not your fault, I really do. I also know you really care about her. I know that too. But I just wish I didn’t have to watch my best friend be in love with someone who doesn’t love her back.”
Dean’s had enough. He sees red. “WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?”
“What?” Sam almost balks at Dean’s sudden outburst.
“You and Y/n keep saying that, again and again, and for all that is un-fucking-holy, I can’t fucking figure out who the fuck said that? Who in the name of fuck told you that?”
“Dean—Dude! What are you talking about?” Sam’s eyes are wide and confused.
Goddamn it, Dean thinks. “Who the fuck told you, EITHER OF YOU, that I don’t feel the same way?”
There is silence then.
It stretches on for a minute but it feels like an hour to Dean.
“Are—are you serious?” Sam finally questions.
Dean clenches his jaw. “You don’t think I have better things to lie about than this?” He’s being snarky but he can’t help it. It’s been a long fucking drive.
“Then—” Suddenly Sam’s excitement level shoot the fuck up. “THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING DRIVING AWAY FROM MYSTIC FALLS?”
There are reasons. Dean knows that there are. There was a solid reason why Dean decided to drive away after dropping her off without saying a (meaningful) word. But try as he might, Dean Winchester, cannot for the life of him remember what the fuck it was. 
He clicks his tongue, “Good question,” Dean comments before his hand finds the gear shift, and he swerves the car around.
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“I am just saying that you cannot ignore it. It’s not a fictional concept. There have been countless tests on the subject matter,” Y/n argues. They’re at the Salvatore Boarding House and the party is in full swing. She’s got a glass of Bourbon in one hand and an unlit cigarette on the other.
“On rats,” Bonnie throws back, smiling.
“Dogs too,” Matt adds from behind her. She smiles at him for the support.
“That doesn’t mean it works on humans,” Tyler cuts in from the couch.
“Of course it does. It’s not a baseless theory. It’s the core facet of every training, ever. You do something good, you’re rewarded, you do something bad, you’re punished,” she explains. “Some people even go as far as to call it parenting.”
Everyone lets out a soft laugh. 
“But it doesn’t stick, not always at least,” Caroline counters.
Y/n nods, “Fair enough, it doesn’t. But doesn’t negate the fact that the pavlovian response is quite a real phenomenon. I mean, it’s well known. It’s quite literally used in conversion camps—mind you I do not approve of the abhorrent abuse of it—but that’s what they do. They show you something very straight, that according to their disturbing homophobic beliefs should make you feel aroused and don’t shock you. Then they show you something very gay, that makes you feel aroused and then they shock you. It tells your brain that somehow feeling aroused at this particular thing is dangerous. Then they do it again and again and eventually the entire process just trains your brain to be scared shitless of even thinking of being aroused, because well if you do, you’ll get—”
“Electrocuted,” Elena finishes.
Y/n clicks her finger and points at her. “Doesn’t work though,” she states, as someone plucks the cigarette out of her hand but her point is almost at the end of being made. “Doesn’t stop you from being queer, nothing ever can stop you from being queer.” The cigarette is placed back into her hands. “Queer is who you are, and queer is who you fucking should be.”
She takes a drag.
Y/n turns instantly at the sound of that voice. 
“Dean,” she breathes out.
Dean Winchester and her lit fucking cigarettes.
It’ll be the death of her. 
“I thought you had a quota of like 5 cuss words a day,” Dean says with a smirk. Somewhere behind him she can see Sam but her world doesn’t really know how to focus on anyone else when Dean is standing so close to her—barely a couple inches between the two. “I thought you would’ve used them all up… after the conversation in the car.”
“It’s past 12,” she tells him dumbly. She can’t be blamed. WHY IS DEAN BACK HERE? It’s not Tuesday, is it?
There’s a few seconds there, which are just silent. He’s looking at her and she’s looking at him and it’s just silent. Sure, there must be a party in the background but she doesn’t really remember it. His eyes are so beautifully green, she can’t think of anything but The Great Gatsby. She can’t think of anything but the green light at the end of Daisy Buchanan's dock across the bay from Gatsby's mansion. The green light which represented Gatsby's hopes and dreams, particularly his longing for a future with Daisy.
“What are you—” she begins at the same time as he says, “I wanted to—”
Their words get jumbled up.
“You go first,” Dean suggests.
She gulps, quite noticeably apparently because Dean follows the motion of her throat with his eyes. “What are you doing here?”
He smiles then, unabashed and wide. “I should have gone first. Would have saved us time. I was gonna say that I wanted to talk to you…” he answers her question. 
“Oh,” is all she can muster.
“Can we do that somewhere… not here?” He nods over to the audience they have gathered.
She wants to look at what he’s motioning towards but she can’t really pull her eyes off of him right now. Instead she just says, “Yes… The courtyard.”
Dean nods and looks at her waiting.
What’s he waiting for? 
Until Dean just raises his brows with a soft smile and then she remembers. 
“Oh yes, courtyard, let’s go,” she says. And she’s about to grab his arm to drag him off but realizes that both of them are full. She looks from the cigarette to the beer. Thinks for a second—decision made, she downs the beer and places the bottle on the closest flat surface.
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“What are you doing here?” She asks again once they’re at the courtyard. They are face to face again, but she has actively decided to put a couple of steps worth of distance between herself and the man of her dreams. For precaution.
“I had to see you,” Dean replies.
“Thought you were gonna see me Tuesday,” she chastises with very little heat, taking a drag of her cigarette.
But apparently Dean takes it to heart. “That—yes! That’s what I am here for. That is the stupidest thing I have ever said. Actually, no scratch that, that’s the second dumbest thing I’ve ever said, ‘I know’ is first.” Confused, she scrunches her forehead. So he explains, “When I was being dragged to hell?”
“Oh,” makes sense, she muses. She shrugs then another puff before she says, “When in doubt, go with Han Solo.”
Dean shakes his head but he’s wearing a smile which she can’t really place. “Yes but it—it was dumb, and I’m sorry.”
“No, no, Dean. No. I am sorry. I put you in a very weird position at a very, very wrong time. It was my fault,” she tells him, and she means it. “Even today, I dropped a whole freakin’ bomb on you without any preamble. Your response made sense considering the condition. I’m sorry to have put you in that position to begin with.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Dean says and his words carry so much determination it makes her shiver.
She waves it off or well, tries to. She has to take a couple steps back, pulling her arms across her chest, she leans on the steps just behind her. She takes a long drag before she asks, “Is that what you were here to do? Say sorry for your response?”
Dean nods. “Yes, and to ask you,” he takes a few steps towards her, “I had to ask you…”
“Ask me?” She urges.
“Did you mean it?”
And she has to roll her eyes at that, drawing on her cigarette again. “What kinda question is that?” 
“A serious one,” Dean says evenly.
“Fine, yes. Of course, I meant it.”
“You don’t regret it?” Dean questions.
“What?! No!” The idea seems so silly to her she can’t even come up with a sarcastic remark for it.
“And you still feel that way?” Dean asks, with a hint of… is that fear in his voice? “Do you still…?”
The night is quite forgiving to them. The moon is out but not in full force, otherwise there would be one less party guest and one extra dog in the boarding house. Her birthday party fell on a full moon night, sadly the patent group werewolf, Tyler, had to skip that one. 
But tonight’s not a full moon, it’s a crescent moon. Shining quite bright, bathing Dean in its light. That along with the warm yellow of the garden lights makes him look ethereal, she thinks.
“15 years I’ve loved you, you think I’ll be able to get over it in three hours?” She throws back.
“A yes or no would do,” Dean rebukes.
“Yes,” she says, sighing. “I still feel that way… but…”
“But I think… I think I’ll try to move on…” she acquiesces, a long inhale of smoke, a shorter exhale of the same.
“Why?” Dean bites.
She pulls back a bit before answering, “I understand that the position I put you in isn’t entirely fair. And well, it isn’t great for me either, is it? It would be better for both of us if I just tried to move on… for good this time.”
“Don’t move on, damn it!”
And that just pisses her off, she throws the cigarette on the ground, butts it with all her fury. “What? Is this some sort of fucking ego trip for you? Look at the hopeless girl in love with me?”
“2 out of 5 cuss words already used. The day’s barely started and you’re left with only 3,” Dean comments with a smile that makes her want to punch his lights out.
“Quit it!” She yells. “You just making fun of me now? That’s just fucking cruel, Dean.”
“2 left,” Dean states but at her glare he takes another step towards her. “I don’t want you to move on.”
“Why the fuck not?!” She’ll probably punch this guy very soon.
“Cause I don’t want you to.”
“Why not? You just want me to stay madly in love with you, keep watching you chase after girls at bars and keep letting my heart break? You want me to keep dying bit by bit, is that it?” Her voice breaks a little at the end.
“No. Of course not! But if you moved on, it would kill me, so I can’t let you do that, Y/n. I can’t.” Dean tells her. 
She doesn’t understand any of this. What even is happening.
“I think you’ve finally lost your mind. Hell has clearly gotten to you. You’ve gone mad! What do you want me to do, keep falling deeper and deeper in love with you, torment myself day in and day out when I know that you will never love me back. What is wrong with you, Dean? What the f—”
“Listen to me,” he cuts her off. “You really need to listen to me cause you’ve got just one cuss word left for the day and what I’m gonna say you might need it for that.” He breathes in, slow and deep. “I never said that.”
“Never said what?”
“I never said that I didn’t love you back.”
She… What?
Wait what?
“What do you mea—?”
He cuts her off again. “I saw you 15 minutes before you saw me.” She’s so confused she thinks she might just cry. And it’s all made worse because Dean takes a few steps closer to her. The gap is nowhere near as secure as it was when this conversation began. “I was getting out of the car and you were…” He smiles, so beautifully that her heart aches. “You were smoking, of all things. At the ripe old age of 13, by the way.”
“My parents had just died like, 6 months ago,” she defends like it matters at all.
Dean smiles all the same. “Smoking your first cigarette. That’s how I saw you, and you were—you were smoking that like a champ, honestly. I think you took four drags, before you decided it was too much and then butt the entire thing. You then began your mission to hide it like they were porno mags under your bed that Stefan and Damon could discover any moment.”
“Porno mags would’ve caused less trouble,” she comments absentmindedly.
He smiles wider then. “Fair enough.” He nods almost to himself. “But yeah. I saw you 15 minutes before you ever saw me. So, I’ve been in love with you 15 minutes longer than your 15 years.”
She doesn’t think she remembers how breathing works.
“I have been in love with you since the moment I saw you. And every single day I wake up and I think I could not love you more but then something happens, you laugh at some joke or you talk about how democracy is a concept built on the idea of inequality, or you sing karaoke at some bar or you just are, you just be and I just… I fall harder in love with you. Every moment I spend with you, is another moment where I find out that I can love you more than I already did.” Dean laughs then. “I was stupid, I was so stupid. I kept thinking that I couldn’t have you. I kept thinking that I shouldn’t even try because what would be the point? I was never gonna quit hunting and this life—it’s filled with so much shit. I thought there was something really bad around the corner, so how could I drag you into that mess with me? So I just—I never thought that I could have you but then I died! I fucking died, Y/n. And now apparently there is a goddamn apocalypse around the corner so clearly bad things will happen no matter what! Then why the fuck should I have to go through all of that alone? Why should I have to go through that without you? I can’t do it. I don’t fucking want to.”
He doesn’t want to.
She’s dreaming, isn’t she?
“I didn’t know, though,” Dean says sheepishly, with apologies all over his face. “I never fucking knew how you felt. Of course I didn’t know. I wouldn’t have—All the girls, all the bars, they were just—I didn’t think I could have you, I didn’t think you’d ever want someone like me so I wanted to numb the pain, I never thought I was hurting you in return. I wouldn’t have—”
She takes a step towards him. They are now standing too close, chest pressed into chest. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” Dean argues, still feeling so guilty that it’s almost painful to watch.
“It’s okay now,” she clarifies. “Do I get to have you now?”
“Obviously! Of course! I’m yours. I’ve always been yours, Y/n. Only yours—”
She cuts him off by pressing her lips on his. It’s a small, tentative thing, mostly to try it out, but also to shut him up. And shut up, he does. 
She pulls away, not too far, never too far, just enough to look up at him. 
Then Dean Winchester smiles. Wide, and cocky, and flirty and beautiful.
He pulls her back in, hands on caressing her jaw so gently that a part of her thinks maybe she was made of porcelain all along and everyone forgot to inform her. Because he is being so soft with her, his lips on hers are tender but there is so much love in every movement that she can taste it. 
Her hands find his hair, and she plays with the soft spikes, pulling him closer, and perhaps it’s her hunger for him or maybe his for her, but tenderness gives way to passion. They are all hands and lips and desperation. He’s grabbing onto her for dear life, pulling her closer and closer as he wants her whole and maybe he does. She understands though, because she’s holding onto his leather jacket like if she lets go he’ll vanish and urging him closer too. It’s mindless and mindful at once.
Lips slotted together seaking out all that they’d been wanting for, for the last 15 years.
Dean’s hand travels down to her thighs and instinctively she knows to jump up. He grabs her easily as she wraps her legs around him. It’s hungry now, they are so very hungry now. It makes her moan, Dean, ever the man of opportunity, takes that moment to slip his tongue in. Their tongues dance together in a heated embrace. She can’t help herself, she’s seeking some release from the tension building inside her, so she grinds against him, only for both of them to pull away, moaning in sickening pleasure.
And she can’t help it, she laughs. “Fuck.”
Dean laughs too. Pressing his forehead to hers. “That’s all of them, sweetheart. You’re out of cuss words for today.”
“That might be a problem considering the state you’re in,” she grinds against him again, to tease him, to feel him, to have him, cause she can now. 
Dean groans before smiling again. “Fuck me, sweetheart. I can cuss all I want, you’re the one who’ll be in trouble.”
“Maybe I want that?” She smiles.
Dean laughs again. “God, I love you so fucking much.”
She kisses him again, it’s a sweet, loving little thing. “I love you too, Dean.
Find Part 1 here.
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theprenderelliepalace · 4 months
Damon Salvatore x fem!reader
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Summary: Y/N drops some books off at the Salvatore residence, she expects to find trouble, being the odd one out and everything, she doesn't expect his name to be Damon Salvatore.
Warnings: For mature Audiences, themes of assault, drunk Damon (well isn't that new? Said no one ever.), uh, does a 'takes no shit' !reader count as a trigger?, Elena being a mysterious plot point
Words: 1.7k
I watched Elena Gilbert make this weird expression at me... Caroline was saying something stupid, Bonnie was arguing with that judgemental gleam in her hazel eyes, but what caught my attention, was that foreboding purse of Elena's lips. The furrow of her flawless brow, the way her eyes sparked with something that scared me. It was almost hidden, she smiled wryly in my direction. Her eyes like daggers that penetrated my skull, it made me shiver; as I felt like I had been stripped bare of anything that belonged to me in that moment. Any ground or loyalty I had in our friend-group, I knew was gone, with the flick of Elena's hair behind her shoulder- my other friends hadn't even realised yet, but they would. Come morning I would be a stranger, even to my closest friends since kindergarten. I would be on the fringe of everything I used to know.
I was 12 when I stopped hanging out with the most popular girls in Mystic Falls. Strangley, I never regretted that day. What I had seen in my closest friend, that unexplainable glint about her that still gave me nightmares, had opened my eyes to something dark in the shitty little town I'd spent my entire life in. I said I'd never regretted that day, that was until the vampires came...
"Yes Care, i will be there before dark." I pinched the bridge of my nose, willing the annoying voice on the other end of the line to go bother someone else. "No, I did not tell Stefan." I responded dryly. Elena was in danger, yet again. Klaus was on the prowl, for the daggers, for Elena's blood, for all of us... And Caroline was bugging me about my communication skills. "Well seeing as I'm dropping these old spellbooks for Bonnie at the boarding house, I figure, 'Hey, why not kill two vampires with one study session from hell." I groaned internally as Caroline got heated over the phone. I slammed the back door to my dad's old Toyota corolla, opening the drivers side and collapsing into the leather seat. "Then take it up with someone who cares Caroline. Sorry, I'm driving through a tunnel, on an airplane, while hanging up the phone."
I can't even remember what I did with my phone, all I know is that I started my engine and reversed out of my driveway, heading for the outskirts of the town and towards the infamous Salvatore residence.
It had been 4 goddamm years since I called those girls my friends. I had seen an entire 'nother leap year, in the time it took for these bitches to deem me useful. I travled with my mom, Rome, Paris, India, Africa. I would've gotten my high-school diploma six months ago, if I hadn't had to move back to this ancient cesspool of a town.
And don't misunderstand me, that is the time it took for my life to go to crap. Vampires, the Salvatore Brothers, Elena... I shuddered in my seat, clenching my hands around the wheel as I thought about her.
I was so lost in my thoughts, that I jumped when I reached the boarding house. It was tall and looming, with an ominous darkness catching the corner of my eye. I sighed as I parked, readying myself for the chaos of the two people I despised more than Mystic High's Queen Bee. You see, in the last 6 months I had discovered something about myself, I was perceptive. Yes, I have always been a little more aware than perhaps usual, but it was more than that. I was something supernatural, I didn't know what but I did know that I could see magic, hear a vampires nearly imperceptible heartbeat and feel the forces of nature that others couldn't even dream about.
It was strange, knowing you could see other people when they never expected to be seen at all. I could read their faces, know their tells, pick apart their lies. It was why I was suddenly on the Mystic Falls supernatural hit-teams most wanted list. I could see. I scoffed as I pulled the back door of my car open. Heaving the heavy books into my arms, shifing my weight into my lower back as I ambled up the porch steps to the front door. If all these people needed me for was my sight, then these assholes should really get their eyes checked.
The door was already open, I ducked in sideways, trying to keep my balance while toppling books inched out of my grip. "Let me take those off your hands." I audibly groaned, the voice that assaulted my ears was silky smooth, like fine wine pouring into my ears.
"Damon, look what the bat dragged in." I couldn't see him over the pile of scripts and dusty memoirs of old witches, but I could hear his stupid smirk as he took the pile away from me.
"Still as snarky as ever Y/N. Didn't your mummy ever teach you to be nice to charming men who carry your books?" Anyone else wouldn't have noticed the foe-disdain in his voice, or the slight quicking pace in his pulse, of course, I'm not anyone else.
"Oh! That's what the karate classes were for." I looked at him now, this tall,brooding, Greek God of a man was attracted to me. Stupid I know. That's what I thought too, but I've never been wrong. Especially not since I came into my powers. Normally I would take the shot, go for it, but I had no chance. He was in love with his brothers girlfriend, a stupider decision if you ask me.
"Glad I've only ever seen you in action once or twice then." He smirked. I walked past him and into the living room. The fire was roaring, as I often found it was when Damon was alone on a Thrusday through Sunday afternoon. Where he was the rest of the time, I hadn't had the stomach to ask. I laughed unconvincingly.
"Didn't I almost shoot you in the face when you first tried to use me as a human pincushion?" He set the books down with a thud on the ornate coffee table. I set mine down with a far greater deal of grace. He frowned at me.
"Details, details. Besides," He took a step towards me, he smelled like alcohol and something else..."the way to a vampire, is always through his heart." He grabbed my hand, gently at first, clinging onto it as I tried to pull away. He made me touch his chest, it was firm and rising jaggedly with air he didn't need.
I glared at him. "You're drunk. Go leech on something else," i paused "leech." He laughed, it sent shivers down my spine, his eyes were deadly and cold. He pulled me flush against him. I wasn't unused to this radical "Damon Behavior", but there was something wild about his eyes. Something needy. To be honest, maybe I was needy too.
"Someone should teach you manners little lady." Or maybe not. I timed it perfectly, jutting my elbow out from between us into his diaphragm, he caught my arm, blocking it and shifting my upper body to the right. His lips found my ear, his breath tickled as he whispered into my hair. "One day that mouth of yours will bite off more than those pretty little lips can chew.
"Someone should teach you the modern cure for the insufferable womanizer." I spat. Then suddenly- I was on the couch, the fire crackled so loudly in my ears I thought my head would explode. Damon was leaning over me. His ebony hair feathered against his forehead, his lips were inches from mine, our breath mingled into each other. I felt his body become hotter above me, it was almost startling compared to his cool demeanor at the door. "Damon, please. Use at least one brain cell to think about this stupid decision you're making-"
He cut me off, "See that's the thing Y/N, you talk to me with that foul little mouth of yours and think it's okay. No one talks to me like that." For the first time in an agonizing ten minutes he looked away from me. "I never let anyone talk to me like that. But its like this-" if we had been having this conversation like normal people, I would've smiled at the hint of Italian in his accent. "I do let you. You drive me crazy. I hate you for that."
I tensed. "Well people who hate each other don't treat one another like this. So one of us is lying." I don't know if I knew who was lying to themselves between the both of us, but maybe that would give me enough of a chance to distract him and then-
And then he was kissing me. It was deep and firey. He moaned against my lips as he parted them with his tongue, his grip around my waist tightened as he explored my mouth. It all happened so quickly, I barely began to understand what was happening before "I don't like lying Y/N."
What the hell was that?
He bolted away from me and was on the other side of the room so fast he was only a blur. He started to say something, probably to shout at me in his drunken stupor, but I was quicker- "Did you say that out-loud?" I asked, I was breathless and disgusted and fascinated all in the span of 5 seconds.
He made a face at me. "The hell, "did I say that?" He mocked my question,he was agitated, borderline disbelieving. "I was in the middle of kissing you, moron. I did not say that. What the hell did you do?" He held his arms close to his chest, obviously he felt as violated as I did. I scowled at him.
"Then, moron, did you think it?" He looked at me with big, blue, question- filled eyes.
"Y/N?" Shit, Bonnie, i glanced to the door. I turned back to the fireplace and the leather-clad, bad boy vampire was gone. I pinched the bridge of my nose... worst timing ever Bonnie Bennet...
What the hell just happened?
Ta-da! Ooo la, la... I'm a sucker (haha, get it?) for mystery and suspense.
Did you like the little nudge towards something Elena related, without having to deal with like, Elena..?
But chill, there will be a little bit of everything for all you shippers.
I don't know where I'm going to take this story yet, so feel free to Ask, or request or whatever and maybe things will turn in your favour... :0
Read pt 2 here: Read part 3 here:
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lia1512 · 1 year
Elijah Mikaelson x wife reader
Flirtatious Damon Salvatore
Mystic Falls had always been a town steeped in secrets, from its deep-rooted vampire history to the enigmatic creatures that roamed its dark woods. But among these mysteries, there was one that had endured for centuries—a love story that transcended time and supernatural boundaries.
Elijah Mikaelson, the noble and stoic Original vampire, had been married to you, his beloved wife, since the days when you were both mere mortals. Your love had endured the test of time, from your human days to your transition into immortality. Through every trial and tribulation, you and Elijah stood by each other's side.
It was a crisp autumn evening in Mystic Falls, and you found yourself at the Mystic Grill, a place that had become a familiar haunt over the years. You sat at a corner booth, nursing a glass of wine and awaiting the arrival of your husband. Despite the passing centuries, he still possessed an uncanny ability to keep you waiting.
As you gazed out the window, lost in thought, you couldn't help but reflect on the nature of your relationship. The eternal bond you shared with Elijah was both a blessing and a curse. While your love had remained constant and unwavering, there were moments when the weight of immortality pressed upon you, reminding you of the sacrifices you had made.
Lost in contemplation, you failed to notice the arrival of a charismatic stranger who had just entered the Mystic Grill. Damon Salvatore, with his dark charm and devil-may-care attitude, had a knack for drawing attention wherever he went. He sauntered up to the bar, casting a glance in your direction.
You, however, remained oblivious to Damon's advances, your thoughts consumed by the past and the future. The memories of your human life, your marriage to Elijah, and the sacrifices you had made to be with him played like a vivid movie reel in your mind.
Just as you were about to order another glass of wine, a smooth voice interrupted your reverie. "Excuse me, miss. You seem a bit lonely over here. Mind if I join you?"
Startled, you turned to see Damon Salvatore standing beside your booth, a playful smirk on his face. His piercing blue eyes sparkled with mischief as he extended an invitation.
You offered a polite smile. "Actually, I'm waiting for someone."
Damon leaned in closer, his charming grin never wavering. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but he seems to be running late. Mind if I keep you company until he arrives?"
Before you could respond, the scent of a familiar cologne reached your senses, and a tall figure approached your table. It was Elijah, impeccably dressed as always, his piercing blue eyes locked onto you. He had arrived, but he didn't intervene immediately.
Damon, still unaware of who your husband was, continued his playful banter. "Looks like your date has finally shown up."
Elijah, ever the picture of restraint, chose not to reveal his identity. He merely nodded politely at Damon, his eyes never leaving yours. You felt a mixture of emotions—relief at seeing your husband and curiosity about how he would handle the situation.
As the evening wore on, you engaged in polite conversation with both Damon and Elijah. Damon's flirting grew bolder by the minute, but your loyalty to your husband remained unshaken. You knew the depths of Elijah's love, and you trusted him implicitly.
However, as the night progressed, Damon's advances became increasingly intrusive. He reached across the table, his fingers brushing against your hand as he made a comment about your beauty. You withdrew your hand instinctively, but Damon's audacity only seemed to grow.
Elijah, who had been observing the exchange with a quiet intensity, finally reached his breaking point. His usually composed demeanor faltered, and his jaw clenched. The centuries of restraint that he had practiced were now challenged by Damon's impudence.
"Damon," Elijah's voice was low and filled with a dangerous edge, "I believe it's time for you to leave."
Damon, who had been enjoying the game of cat and mouse, finally noticed the shift in Elijah's demeanor. He looked from you to your husband, his cocky grin fading slightly. "Who are you to tell me what to do?"
Elijah's blue eyes bore into Damon's with an intensity that sent a shiver down the vampire's spine. "I suggest you depart before I decide to remind you."
It was the underlying threat in Elijah's words that finally convinced Damon to back down. With a grudging nod, he pushed himself away from the table and walked away, casting one last, resentful glance in your direction.
As soon as Damon was out of earshot, Elijah turned his full attention to you. He reached across the table, taking your hand in his with a gentleness that belied his earlier anger. "My love," he said, his voice filled with regret, "I apologize for my tardiness and for allowing this situation to unfold."
You squeezed his hand, your love and understanding evident in your gaze. "Elijah, you need not apologize. I trust you implicitly, and I knew you would handle it in your own way."
A small, grateful smile graced Elijah's lips as he brought your hand to his lips, pressing a tender kiss to your knuckles. "Thank you for your unwavering trust, my dear."
The incident with Damon Salvatore had served as a reminder of the complexities of your immortal life. While you and Elijah had endured countless challenges together, it was moments like these that reinforced the strength of your bond. In the face of temptation and adversity, your love remained unbreakable, a beacon of hope in the eternal night.
As the night continued, you and Elijah enjoyed a quiet dinner together, the warmth of your love eclipsing any lingering shadows. In Mystic Falls, where darkness often reigned, your love story was a testament to the enduring power of love, and it would continue to shine brightly through the ages, a guiding light in the eternal night.
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imaginefan · 1 year
Damon Salvatore X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 776
Requested: Anon
Request: You're sneaking around dating Damon, but Katherine finds out and tries to black mail you into threatening to tell everyone. (I'm not sure where else to go with this other that that) one shot.
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You and Damon had been dating for a little while now and despite everything, people were still finding it hard to trust him, you didn’t blame them you were the same before he started trying to prove himself to you, since then he had saved you on many occasions and has not lied either (as far as you know). Damon was the one who had asked you to keep the relationship a secret, he said that he wanted you to get to know him for who he was and for the rest of your friends to learn to trust him on their own merit, some might have called you naive but you wanted to give him a chance.
Kathrine had become the new problem for you and your friends and while you were trying to stay out of the way given the fact that you were human she still managed to find you when you were on your own, it was one of the rare occasions that Damon hadn’t decided to meet you. “There you are!” You assumed that she was trying to pretend to be Elena but you had seen her already and even without having seen her this morning you would have known that she wasn’t Elena. “What do you want?” You asked. “You know who I am?” She asked. “I know that you're not Elena.” You said as you got out everything that you needed to start studying. “Alright then we can get down to the good stuff.” She smirked as she sat down at the table folding her hands together as she looked at you, “I know about you and Damon.” She said with a smirked and you looked at her for a second before going back to your notes. “Okay…” You mumbled as you started jotting down the things that were worth studying as you waited for her to speak again. “I’ll tell them.” She said as she leaned on her hand, you looked up at her again and shrugged. “What do you get from that?” You asked. “Well nothing apart from hurting you, but if you want me to keep the secret all you need to do is be my little spy.” She said and shook your head. “Go ahead and tell them, I never wanted to keep this a secret.” You answered, she looked at you for a second before sighing. “I really thought that was going to work, you're human so I have to be careful about where I hurt you otherwise they’ll all be asking questions.” She murmured more to herself than anyone else as she stood up and walked around the table to stand next to your chair. “I guess you can play off a broken arm.” She reached out to grab your arm but before she could come into contact with you someone else grabbed her. “Don’t even think about it.” You recognised the voice as Damon's; he pushed her away as he put himself between you and Katherine. “Damon, why are you ruining my fun?” She asked “I thought she was just your human toy… Surely you can still play with her if she’s a little broken?” “Get away from her.” Damon said again and this time she tutted before turning and walking away.
Damon turned to you once she was gone crouching and taking your face in his hands “are you okay?” He asked, looking over your face and hands for injuries. “Damon, someone's going to see Jeremy and Matt work here.” You reminded him. “I don’t care, answer me are you okay?” He asked drawing your attention back to him, you nodded once and he let out a breath. “What did she want?” “She wanted me to work as her spy, she probably thought that because I was human I’d be the easiest to manipulate but she tried blackmail first.” You explained. “What?” He asked. “She’s probably going to tell the others about us, I don’t know how she found out but she did.” You shrugged. “Don’t worry I’ll find a way to fix it.” He promised and you pulled back to catch his eye. “I’m not worried.” You said, his eyes shifted across your face as if trying to find a tell that you were lying and when he didn’t find anything he nodded. “Then we’ll deal with it.” Damon said as you nodded, he started grabbing all of your stuff and putting it in your bag. “What are you doing?” You asked. “You're coming back to the boarding house, you can study there.” He said. “Fine.” You said as he took your bag and followed you out of the door.
Requests and general question!
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blondie20000 · 6 months
Wait No More - Damon Salvatore x Bonnie Bennett
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Bonnie wasn't sure what brought this on. It could be the few drinks,it could be the flirting, but for once in her life, Bonnie decided to follow her heart instead of her head.
It is a bold move. The witch wasted no time in straddling the vampire and locking her lips with his.
At first, Damon's eyes widen in shock. Surprised by the sudden of events but his face soon relaxes, and he responds to her kiss.
The kiss deepens and turns passionate. A groan escapes Bonnie's lips when Damon pushes his tongue down her throat.
Bonnie can feel his smirk against her. Suddenly breathless Bonnie pulls away to catch her breath.
"So..." Damon raises an eyebrow. "Where did that come from?"
The smirk remained on his face but his eyes are curious. Bonnie runs her hand through her hair and sighs as she thought the question through.
"I'm not complaining." Damon adds his smirk widening. "It was a great kiss."
She raises an eyebrow at that.
"Only great?"
He leans back in his seat and gives her a knowing look.
"No dodging the question Bon."
She again sighs.
"Well..." She shakes her head. "Life is too short ya know? Especially our lives."
"Not for a vampire it's not."
"But for me it is." She nods. "With everything that's happened, all the people we lost..." She takes a deep breath and exhales heavily. "I realize now if we want something we should just go for it we shouldn't let fear hold us back. Do it before its too late because once it's gone it's gone." Bonnie looks down into those swirling pools of blue. She pushes down the emotions that threaten to overwhelm her. "I'm tired of always being too late, missing so many chances, putting everyone's happiness before mine...Now I am putting myself first and doing what I want. If I don't do this now I fear I may never get this chance again." She rests her hand on his chest. Her eyes glisten with tears. "Damon."
Her throat closes up. The words she wants to say are stuck on the tip of her tongue. Damon leans forward and rests his hand on her cheek.
"I get it." He said quietly his face now serious. "My whole life I've been waiting. Katherine, Elena...You." Her eyes snap up at those words. Damon swallows. "You have no idea how much I want you Bon but..." Another swallow. "I didn't want to screw up our friendship...This what we have it's special and I don't want to lose that."
I already lost so much. He thought.
"You won't." Bonnie places her hand over his. "I'm not going anywhere." She assures him.
He smiles at that. He goes to kiss her again. Bonnie soon follows his lead. Their lips press against each other. The sweet cherry from her lipstick made Damon moan. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her towards him. The kisses soon turn heated, the hunger they had for each other all pours out.
He whispers her name as he kisses along her neck and jawline. Bonnie angles her neck to give him better access.
Eventually the vampire pulls away and stands up. He offers his hand out to her.
"If you want to of course." He smiles.
Bonnie can see the hope in his eyes. Beneath his mask, she can see fear as well, fear that she will change her mind, fear of rejection, and fear of another heartbreak. Bonnie knew those feelings all too well. For years, she has watched boys hook up with her friends, listened to her friends gossip about their boyfriends, boasting on being the popular girls in the school. Bonnie would always listen and smile, but deep down, she longed for that certain someone, a desire to be loved just like her friends. Out of everyone, Bonnie never thought she would find that in Damon Salvatore.
Bonnie couldn't stand the older vampire in the beginning she thought he was a jerk, an asshole but as she got to know him, she saw a complete different side to him. They bonded during their time in the Prison World. Sparks flew between them that neither side wanted to admit. Despite their situation, Bonnie had to admit those times she spent with Damon were the most fun she had in a long time. Also, during that time, Damon became soft with her. He took care of her, ensured she was fed, warm, and he did everything he could to make her smile and lift her spirits. It was in those moments where Bonnie started to develop feelings towards him, feelings that went deeper than simply being friends.
Now, it is time for those buried feelings to rise to the surface.
With a nod, Bonnie takes his offered hand and allows him to lead her to the bedroom.
A gasp of surprise, Bonnie suddenly finds herself on the bed with Damon on top of her.
"Thought I'll skip the bridal style." He grins, his eyes rake her up and down.
She smiles, feeling amused.
"Cheesy delivery not your thing?"
"Nope, it's just..." His blue eyes bore into hers. "I couldn't wait any longer."
Bonnie looks up at him. She places her hand on his cheek.
"Wait no more." She said her smile turning into a grin.
Damon's eyes darkened at those words. The permission to take her, love her, devour her consumed his mind. Within seconds he tears open her blouse.
Her jeans, panties and bra follow soon after.
A sharp intake of breath, eyes raking her body again Damon sits back and admires her. He studies every part of her. Her wavy hair, her olive green eyes, her plump lips, her perfectly shaped breasts and curves.
"So beautiful." He thought out loud.
"What was that?"
"I mean..." He waves. "It's not bad I've seen better."
She gives him a playful slap on the arm. He grins and climbs back on top of her.
"Touche." He chuckles.
He tried to play down his feelings but Bonnie can see the awe on his face. He looks at her like she is work of art, a Goddess. In the past Bonnie would usually feel quite embarrassed when being the center of attention but now she enjoyed it. She loves the way he looks at her like she is only person in his whole wide world, she loves how only she can make him feel like this. Flustered and needy.
A moan then escapes her lips as Damon kisses her stomach. His kisses soon turned into strokes. Each stroke from his tongue sends a spark through her. A jolt of electricity. His hot tongue on her cold sweaty skin makes her shiver. She suddenly became tense when he wraps his mouth around one of her hardened nipples and bites down on it.
She curses out loud when he pulls at her nipple. He sucks, bites and teases her nipples. He then drags his tongue down her belly towards her vagina. She is trembling by the time he reaches her entrance. His hands go on her thighs to ensure they stay open.
With a glance followed by a wink Damon runs his tongue along her folds. Bonnie suddenly gasps as his tongue goes inside her. When his tongue pushes past her folds Bonnie immediately reaches out and grips on to his hair. She tugs hard at it as he hungrily licks her up and down.
Bonnie wraps her legs around his head causing him to moan. She pushes herself against his face. This gets another moan from him.
His tongue flicks rapidly over your clit. While he did that he pushes his index finger into your heat.
"FUCK!" Bonnie screams as he starts to thrust her with his finger.
Soon another finger goes in which causes an increase in the volume of her moans and cries. This encouraged the vampire to pick up the pace. He goes faster, pumps her harshly and enjoys the sweet sounds that came spilling from her lips. She curses his name and holds the strands of his hair tight in her fist.
Eventually Damon removes his fingers. He rises up to his full height, the fingers he just fucked her with are up in the air shining with her cum. With a devilish grin Damon slowly draws his fingers into his mouth. He sucks on them, closes his eyes and groans out loud. His reaction sent made Bonnie weak to her knees. He opens one eye the blue in them sparkling with delight. He then withdraws his fingers, he stays silent as he goes to remove his clothing.
"Damm Bon Bon." He then said. He tilts his head, his eyes are blazing with passion. "You should have warned me."
"About...What?" She replies with a shaky breath.
"That once I get a taste of you..." He draws the words out slowly. Tension builds up as he returns between her legs. "...I will not be able to stay away." His grip is tight on her legs. His breathing turns into pants. "You are like a fucking drug. I can't get enough of you."
"Are you gonna beg?" Bonnie teases him. "Beg for more?"
She trails her foot along his torso. She felt his muscles clench under her touch.
"Struggling Salvatore?"
She sits up, her foot still stroking his body. She keeps going until she is several inches away from him. Damon's eyes lock on to hers. Bonnie bites her lip as she takes in his tense form.
Her lips curling upwards, Bonnie mutters several words. Seconds later Damon finds himself on the bed. As he looks up he sees her looming over him. She is grinning, laughing at him. Damon pretends to look annoyed but he couldn't help but be impressed.
"You little bitch."
"You mean witch?" She trails her hand along his face. She then grips his chin and pulls him slightly forward. "You are not the only one with tricks up their sleeves."
"Magic show and sex? Sign me up." He laughs.
Her eyes lower to his dick when he said those words.
"Can't have a magic show without...the wand?" She said.
Damon grits his teeth when she strokes his length. She then wraps his her hand around it. Victory dances in her eyes when she realized how hard he was.
"Expected more fight from you Damon."
"Well...I did it for you. Screw waiting remember?"
"Screw." She let the word hang in the air for several moments.
"You." He finished the sentence.
"And you will be screaming my name." She said.
Damon's eyes widen.
"Bonnie Bennett! I am liking this new you."
Bonnie is not going to admit out loud that only he brings out this side of her. This cheeky, naughty side. She is surprised herself by this change in behavior but when she is with Damon she likes to have fun, she likes to be cheeky, she likes to make him laugh. The amusement in his eyes now sends a wave of warmth through her.
Suddenly feeling excited Bonnie moves on top of him. Once Bonnie is in position she then lowers herself down on to him. A low moan escapes her lips as she pushes Damon deeper and deeper inside of her. Bonnie leans forward and lifts her hips slightly before getting Damon deep inside again.
She started of slow at first but once the couple found their rhythm she then went faster. Damon curses as Bonnie continued to rock him. He smacks his body against hers and he rolls his hips into hers causing her to whimper.
Her palms flat on his stomach, her breath turning into short gasps Bonnie goes faster, she pushes into him harder.
"BONNIE!" He cries out her name. Hearing her name on his tongue caused Bonnie to shake.
Nails now digging into skin, Bonnie lowers her head causing her hair to fall in front of her face.
"No." Damon pushes her hair back. "I...I wanna see your face. Your...lovely...lovely face." Then another curse. "Fuck!" Damon squeezes his eyes shut.
Bonnie looks down at his tight expression. He is barely holding on she can tell. It brings out a smirk from her.
"What happened to looking at my lovely face?" She asks.
His legs are shaking like hers now.
"Open your eyes Damon...That's right eyes on me."
Bonnie goes down on him. Her breasts press against his chest. A choked gasp comes from him. His wide eyes look up and Bonnie saw a trace of the vampire in him. Most people in Bonnie's position would run away by the sight of the monster but Bonnie refused to move because she knew Damon would never hurt her. Damon would never hurt the ones he loves.
Her heart warms at the thought.
But the fire in the bottom of her belly burns.
Bonnie knows she is close now.
Sensing her emotions Damon cups her cheek. There is no humor on his face his smile is genuine, full of happiness. Happy to be with her and making love to her.
"Ready to pop?" He asks.
She laughs at his words.
"Sure." She then said.
He tightens his hold on her.
"Ready?" He said his voice breathless now.
Bonnie nods.
"I am."
The couple continue until they both reach their climax. Bonnie is the first to let go. A shudder courses through her body as she lets it all out. Moments later Damon follows. He grinds his teeth hard as he spills all over the sheets. Once the couple are done they both collapse, exhausted.
Damon takes Bonnie's trembling form into his arms and places the covers over them. He kisses her head and cherishes her scent. Bonnie raises her head and smiles at him.
"Not bad not bad." She said.
He pulls a face at that.
"Not bad? Come on Bonnie you were having the time of your life."
"Hmm." She pretends to think it through. "There are areas that need improvement..."
Damon cuts her off as he pulls her in and kisses her. Bonnie kisses him back. A bubble of laughter breaks out out of her.
"Yet you like to judge me?" She said.
"I was joking before."
"Uh huh." She runs her hand along his chest.
Damon rests his head on top of hers. They stayed like that for a while. Feeling content.
But Damon eventually breaks the silence.
"It was amazing." He admits his voice a whisper.
Bonnie looks back up again and slowly nods.
"It was." She agrees.
The End
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Could do a damon short where it is the day of the Mystic falls pageant and y/n is haveing douts about it because she is not like her sister but damon helps her get though and wins it
I have faith in you
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Caroline insisted that we both enter the Padgett but I don’t really understand why. I don’t see the point in dancing around in a dress for a title and a crown. But I am doing it because it will make our mom happy. Slowly walking down the long staircase in the red dress I was wearing my gaze met Damon standing at the bottom of the soars whined made me confused. “Damon, what are you doing. I thought Matt was my escort.”
“Quarterback got hung up with work. So I thought I could step in his place.” He offers me his hand leading me down the last few steps and into the room with the other girls and guys.
He intertwined our hands together where we began moving our feet across the floor. My gaze dropped to the ground where he spun me out and back into his chest. “I don’t like these things very much.”
“Why’s that, Y/n?” He asked me staring softly.
Dropping my gaze to the floor I didn’t want to really tell him because he would probably find it dumb. “Caroline asked me to be in this dumb thing. But I don’t want to do this cause I know she will probably win or someone else. So why do both Forbes girls need to compete.”
"So what is the real reason you don't want to compete in this Padgett?" The raven haired Salvatore brother asked, spinning me out of his chest.
Spinning back into his chest it took me a second before I answered the vampire in front of me. Mostly because I did have feelings for him. My sister said he wasn’t a good guy and just used her when she was still human. So that was what was detouring me from telling him the whole truth. “Damon, I…I don’t feel like I am good enough to beat the girls here. Or even my sister for that matter. I’m not the one who even caught your eye.”
“Is that what you think, Y/n?” He asked raising his voice at me making me avoid his gaze until he broke through the girls dancing leading me back into the building not caring if we messed up the event. “Cause you’re completely wrong that I didn’t notice you. Because I noticed you first.”
Blinking at him I almost couldn’t process it. “Damon, I - why didn’t you say something before now?”
“Because you’re sister basically threw herself at me. And you didn’t so I just went after her. And I’ll walk, away if you don’t feel the same way-“ I cut him off without thinking I crashed his lips onto mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepened it.
He moved one hand up to my face and his other went to my waist kissing me back. Leaning against his embrace where we finally broke the kiss. “Let’s get out of here. Cause this Padgett isn’t our thing.” He nodded taking my hand in his vamping us back to his house.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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delicatenightfury · 2 years
Something New
Vampire Diaries one-shot (short)
Pairing: Salvatore brothers x sister!reader
Summary: y/n has been a vampire for a long time and is looking for a change
Author's Note: please don't steal my work! I don't own the Vampire Diaries characters, but this is my own idea.
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“What’s going on here?”
y/n rolled her eyes.
“They’re groceries, Damon. I know you’re old, but I would honestly think you would recognize food.”
“No need to be sassy about it.” He grabbed a box and showed it to her. “Though I don’t think hair dye is edible, even for vampires.”
“What’s the big deal?”
“I’m just curious! Why did you buy hair dye?”
“Can’t a girl experiment with a new hair color?”
“Sure, I guess so, but I’m just confused as to why.”
“Do I need a reason, Damon?”
“What’s going on here?” Stefan asked, stepping into the kitchen.
“Mind telling Damon to lay off?” y/n replied, going back to putting the groceries away.
“What did you do now?”
“Wait, since when is this my fault?” Damon questioned. “I was just curious as to why our dear sister purchased hair dye while she was at the store.”
“It’s her choice, Damon.”
“You’re not at all curious? She has amazing hair! Why does she want to dye it?”
“Artistic choice?” y/n said, frustration evident in her voice. “Boredom? Having the exact same hair for a hundred years? Looking the same for a hundred years?” She glared at the older Salvatore from over her shoulder. “I don’t age, and I’m getting sick of looking at the same face every single day. I want something new and different.”
“We’re supposed to be blending in, trying to act normal, remember?”
“Yeah because you’ve done a great job of that, Damon.
Damon rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
“So you think a bright new hair color is going to do it for you?”
“It’s at least a start,” she growled.
y/n forcefully shut the fridge, shoving her way past Damon to get out of the room. She sped to her bedroom, needing to get away. She ran a hand through her hair out of frustration.
She had been living with the Salvatores for years. They referred to each other as siblings, but the truth was that Stefan and his friend Lexie had helped her out when she first transitioned and had allowed her to travel with them. That meant she also had many interactions with Damon. Eventually, they came up with the story that she was their sister. And she loved living with them - she wouldn’t trade them for anything - but sometimes they had a habit of being overbearing.
y/n sensitive ears picked up approaching footsteps, and while she couldn’t see them, she could tell who was approaching. y/n turned around and walked into Stefan’s waiting arms. Out of the two brothers, y/n always got along better with Stefan.
“Why is he such a dick sometimes?” y/n muttered, making Stefan chuckle.
“Because he’s Damon.”
y/n shook her head a little before sighing.
“I’m tired of hiding.”
“I know. We’ll figure something out for you, y/n.”
“Don’t bother.” The two pulled away. Damon waved his phone a little at them. “I just called Caroline. She should be by soon with the necessary stuff to help you out.” He tossed y/n the box of dye she had purchased. “I expect to see a picture when it’s done.”
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noobiestnoober · 3 months
A Complicated Love (Reader x Damon x Elena)
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The story is set in 1994 Prison World, when Y/N (female) is a character in TVD who is stuck with Bonnie and Damon and starts developing feelings for Damon Salvatore and vice versa, despite Damon being still in love with Elena.
This is my first time posting a one-shot fanfic. I hope you enjoy it. <3
Prison World
Y/N didn't anticipate that she'd find herself in such a place as Prison World, a desolate, eerie double of Mystic Falls. It was supposed to be another Mystic Falls mission, with her tagging along with Bonnie and Damon. They found themselves in this alternative dimension, lost in the fight for survival, and most desperately struggling to find a way out. Days turned into weeks, and finally, weeks into months. During all of this, Y/N looked to Bonnie and Damon. They developed a connection out of difficult circumstances, and mutual reliance on each other's strength went beyond friendship. Weeks became months, and Y/N, well aware that Damon had affection for Elena, began to harbour feelings for him.
It complicated their bond even more now that they shared their days with another prisoner in the world: Kai Parker, a sociopathic but kind-of-charming guy who seemed to be thoroughly dangerous. Kai took an interest in Y/N from the first day, and his flirtatious ways and smooth talking made Y/N's skin crawl. Damon saw how Kai wouldn't let up with the flirting, and he felt something rise inside him towards Y/N, but he would shake it off.
One evening, Damon stood in between Kai and Y/N when Kai pushed too close.
"Stay out of it, Kai," Damon's eyes flashed furiously.
Kai grinned, flinging his palms up in a fictitious surrender. "What? I'm simply enjoying myself a little.”
"Fun's over," Damon yelled. "Get someone else to torture."
Kai turned to leave, grinning, and Y/N thankfully glanced at Damon,"Okay, Damon. I appreciate your help, but I can manage Kai."
Damon eventually turned to look down at her, "Yes, you can take care of yourself. I know. I don't want you to suffer, though.”
A wave of feeling came over Damon like a tsunami when he gazed into her eyes at that same instant. He cared about Y/N deeply, more than he had allowed himself to admit. It wasn't just about protecting her; it was about falling in love with her. He found himself in love with Y/N, and the thought both exhilarated and terrified him.
They eventually succeeded in getting out of Prison World and back to Mystic Falls. Now entangled, their complex feelings overshadowed their relief at returning. Elena was completely unaware of the growing bond between them as Damon and Y/N struggled to balance their newly formed feelings against the implications of their return.
Salvatore Boarding House
One could cut the tension in Salvatore Boarding House with a knife. Damon was pacing and agitated, his unusual vulnerability taking precedence over his confidence. Arms crossed, Y/N stood by the hearth, trying to make sense of the tornado of feelings rolling deep within her.
"You can't love me, Damon," Y/N said. And even her voice seemed to shake a bit, "You are in love already!"
Stopping his incessant pacing of the room, Damon slowly faced her, and his deep, piercing blue eyes contrasted fiercely, “Who said I could only love one person?”
The heart in Y/N leaped furiously. While she knew Damon had a difficult past with Elena, she also knew he harboured affection for her.
"Damon, this treatment isn't fair to anyone. This is unfair to Elena, to you, and to me."
Damon took a step closer, his expression earnest, "Y/N, I can't deny my feelings for you. But loving Elena doesn't lessen what I feel for you. My heart is big enough for both of you."
She could feel a lump developing in her throat. "This is much more complex. This will be hurting a lot of people."
Damon takes her hands in his, “Maybe. Love is never easy, I've learned. It's a messy thing with twists and turns, but that makes it more real. In the least."
Tears formed in Y/N's eyes as she looked at him for any signs of hesitation, “Are you sure? That this might… work out? And that we'd be able to move past these feelings without completely falling apart?"
With that, Damon tightened his grip just a bit, "The real question, Y/N, is: Do you love me?"
Y/N's breath hitched. She had been avoiding this question, afraid of what it might mean. But Damon was right in front of her, his vulnerability exposed, and she could not dispute the facts, “Damon, I do, for sure. Still, I fear that..."
Damon drew her into his arms and held her there, "So am I. We could, however, manage to go through this together. Someway."
Y/N felt him open, in his arms at last, felt the warmth and power of his hug, and buried her face in his chest, “I know I want to be with you, even though I don't know what tomorrow may bring."
Heart pounding with both terror and hope, Damon kissed the top of her head, "You and I will work everything out. One step at a time."
They knew the road would be difficult, but they had each other to inspire them to face whatever came next. Just as they were about to turn around, they heard a soft creak. Both turned to see Elena at the room entrance, her face white, eyes widen in shock, and shining with moisture. She had heard everything.
"Damon," Elena whispered, and her voice broke, "Is it true? Do you love Y/N?"
Damon's heart sank at the hurt in Elena's eyes. He let go of Y/N and took a step towards Elena, "Elena, I..."
Elena shook her head; tears streamed down her cheeks. "I thought… I thought we were working things out. And now, I don't know what to think."
Y/N flinched, stepping back. She couldn't bear to come in-between Damon and Elena. Partly feeling guilty.
Damon struggled with conflicting emotions, "I really do love you, Elena," Damon said in a raspy voice, "Still, I love Y/N as well. Even though it didn't happen as planned, it did. What can I do!?"
With a wipe of her tears, Elena tried to gather herself, "You're going to have to choose Damon. This isn't fair to any of us."
He looked helplessly from Elena to Y/N. He had loved them both. He loved them both deeply, yet he was unable to hold onto them both. He had to make a choice, and it was tearing him apart.
At last, Damon muttered, "I need some time to think." His voice was almost audible above a whisper, "I have to think what is best for every one of us."
Slowly nodding, Elena says in a sad tone, “You take your time, Damon. Please do not keep us waiting for too long.”
Elena turned and left, and Y/N watched, both relieved and saddened. She knew that it was far from over, and whatever choice Damon made would change their lives forever.
Standing there by himself and torn, Damon understood how difficult and messy love was. And someone would suffer no matter what decision he took.
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starlightandfairies · 9 months
The Vampire Diaries Masterlist
This is my Vampire Diaries Masterlist, if you want the main one, click the link below and if you want to request something also see the link below. All my works are either, fluff and/or angsty. No Smut. Request are open!
Please let me know if any of the links don't work
Main Masterpost
Enzo St. John
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Lonely Nights:
Reader experiences many lonely nights and Enzo is finally the person to be the desire comfort.
Stubborn Emotions:
The reader is kidnapped by an old enemy of the Salvatores and as tries to pretend that everything is okay but fails at doing so.
Damon Salvatore
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Drinking Buddies:
Damon and reader share stories over a couple of drinks.
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klausysworld · 1 year
𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕤
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>>>>>>the first time I went to comic con and met Joseph morgan
>>>>>the second time I went to comic con and met Joseph morgan
____Joseph Morgan____
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___Elijah Mikaelson___
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____Kol Mikaelson____
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_Rebekah Mikaelson_
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___Damon Salvatore___
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+any other characters i may write for in the future <3
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wallowslistener · 1 month
w h o i w r i t e f o r
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spencer reid, aaron hotchner, derek morgan, jennifer jareau, elle greenaway, & emily prentiss.
damon salvatore, stefan salvatore, caroline forbes, klaus mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, & bonnie bennett.
elliot, fezco, rue bennett, & lexi howard.
stanley barber, sydney novak, & dina bryant.
max mayfield, robin buckley, lucas sinclair, mike wheeler, eleven, steve harrington, nancy wheeler, & jonathan byers.
IT ;
bill denbrough, richie tozier, beverly marsh, & stanley uris.
jess mariano & tristan dugray.
jj maybank, john b, pope heyward, sarah cameron, & kiara carrera.
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ferparkerr · 1 year
Preference TVD
How did you meet…
They met one night in mystic falls, he was playing pool while you were waiting tables
he called you a waiter and you approached him and when he looked up and saw you
He found you very hot and attractive so he smiled flirtatiously at you and asks for a Bourbon
you also found him very handsome and hot
and throughout the night whenever he could he would look at you and smile seductively, and he would also flirt with you in a not discreet way
and throughout the night whenever he could he would look at you and smile seductively, and he would also flirt with you in a not discreet way
You met at the dance that the Mikaelsons organized.
He saw you come in with your beautiful dress and you seemed to him the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.
you discovered him looking at you and I appreciate you very handsome so you gave him a flirtatious smile, he smiled and approached you and he invited you to dance, they were together all night dancing and talking
you discovered him looking at you and I appreciate you very handsome so you gave him a flirtatious smile, he smiled and approached you and he invited you to dance, they were together all night dancing and talking
They met at school in the typical movie scene, where you were the new girl who was going with her books in hand, who almost ran to her class because you got lost and you were late, but you were so distracted that you bump into someone , all your books fall on the floor, he helps you with your books and helps you get up
and when they both look up they both smile nervously
he found you very cute and tender
you thought he was a cute and sweet boy
you thought he was a cute and sweet boy
You were in the mystic falls drinking in the bar, since your boyfriend had cheated on you and you need to distract yourself and get very drunk, and so maybe you stop thinking about your idiot ex.
So you were drinking and suddenly a guy sits next to you, you look at him curiously and see that he is a very handsome guy
He also found you very sexy and beautiful
he sees you as sad so he makes a joke and little by little he starts talking
he sees you as sad so he makes a joke and little by little he starts talking
They met on a blind date that Caroline organized, at first it was somewhat awkward, since Caroline was watching them very covertly and by that I mean that she was not discreet at all, luckily Elena saw her and took her away
after that they started talking
I appreciate you very cute, charming, kind and chivalrous, and above all very attractive
he found you very interesting, nice, happy and sincere, and he thinks you are very beautiful
Little by little they see why Caroline thinks they would be a good couple and because she forced them to have that blind date and neither of them regretted going to that dinner, quite the opposite.
Little by little they see why Caroline thinks they would be a good couple and because she forced them to have that blind date and neither of them regretted going to that dinner, quite the opposite.
you were working in a karaoke bar cleaning the counter when a customer sits on a stool in front of you I gave you
he was very cute and sexy
He asked you for a drink and while he drank his drink he looked and made fun of those who went up to sing
you found it very funny and silly
From time to time he flirted with you, since he thinks you are very pretty and hot, he would not miss that opportunity with such a sexy girl
so he stays all night keeping me company while he flirts with you and makes you laugh
so he stays all night keeping me company while he flirts with you and makes you laugh
That day you were replacing your sister at her job as a waitress, you were taking an order for two coffees when you accidentally collided with someone spilling the coffee on him, a tall, good-looking man in a suit, you were very sorry to have collided with him and having soiled his suit, he was very chivalrous and kind, he told you that it did not matter
He was in the place for a long time and you could feel his gaze a few times and when you finished your shift you brought him a coffee to apologize again, but he insisted that you sit down and they talked like that for a long time
to tell the truth you found him attractive and elegant like no man you had ever met before
for him you were very beautiful and clumsy which made you look very cute in his eyes
for him you were very beautiful and clumsy which made you look very cute in his eyes
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