#Damon sp
destaeti · 2 months
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ind. priv. sel.      𝖉𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖊 of the vampire diaries.      wholly revised      &      resurrected by 𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖟𝖎.
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eternalxbarbie · 2 years
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve II DAROLINE
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts. Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first. And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil at nineteen and the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven. And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts. Memories feel like weapons. And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering. God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be. The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind, I regret you all the time.
It wasn’t uncommon for the two of them to avoid each other. It was usually her doing the avoiding and him simply not having the good sense to stay the hell away from her. In fact, Caroline couldn’t remember the last time that she had willingly gone looking for Damon Salvatore. He was someone that she hated with every little piece of her, not just for the things that he had done to her but also for the way that he had treated Stefan and Elena and Jeremy and...God, the list just went on and on. 
He’d at least had the good sense to look away when their eyes accidentally caught from across the room, but Caroline with no humanity was damn similar to a dog with a bone. Once she decided that she was going to do something, there was absolutely no stopping her. It was almost like a lion stalking their prey as she weaved through the crowd, her eyes never leaving Damon until she was by his side. 
“Let’s go have a chat,” she demanded, the look in her eyes letting him know immediately that this was really more of an order than a request. 
She swore that she saw him hesitate for a moment and her eyes narrowed in response. There was a sigh from Damon before he relented and he followed her out the front doors of the Empire and into the cold night air. 
“Blondie, as fun as I’m sure that you are with that little switch in the off position, I really meant it when I said I was trying to change my life around,” he started and Caroline smirked as she held up a hand to stop him. 
“You know, it’s super funny that you bring that up because that is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.” 
The blonde watched as Damon swallowed hard, but didn’t speak. Caroline wondered if he had known that this was coming. After all, everyone else had gotten their licks in, hadn’t they? Elena told Caroline exactly what she thought of her during both her stints with no humanity. Stefan had gotten to go on his tear. Damon practically lived that way for half of his life. Wasn’t it Caroline’s turn to get her own little form of vigilante justice? 
“You told me that day in my dorm room that you were going to try more to be there for Stefan but that’s just not true is it?” Caroline asked, mischief flashing in her blue eyes. 
“I mean, I was missing for weeks and from what I can tell, you didn’t bother to check on him at all during that time. And then Stefan was gone, Klaus thought we were dead, and where were you, Damon? You know, don’t bother answering because it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you weren’t there for him, again. Just like you weren’t there for him when he got out of the safe last year. No, that was me, wasn’t it? Oh, and who put him back together again after you and Elena got together? Was that.,.oh, wait, that was me too.” 
She chuckles, shaking her head. “You know, it’s fucked, really. You hated him for almost two centuries for convincing you to turn but I think that he’s probably paid for that sin fifty times over at this point. You hated him because Katherine loved him in a way that she never loved you and you weren’t even man enough to say it to him. Kind of how you weren’t man enough to tell him to his face that you were in love with Elena, that you were going to be with Elena, and when you finally get her, you break her heart too.” 
“But that’s not even scratching the surface about what you did to me, is it?”
She takes a step closer, ice instead of fire in her eyes as she watches him. There was no emotion in her face, only facts being spit forth instead of feelings and she wasn’t even close to done. Caroline shook her head as she took him in, half expecting the hatred that lived under the surface of her humanity to burst forth and flip her switch. Instead of impassioned rage, her voice was one of detached, cold calculation. 
 “Did you know that when Lucien had me in his grasp, one of his favorite things to do was go rooting around inside my head for increasingly painful memories that he could torture me with? He found a lot. I mean, Jules and Brady’s torture, Tyler’s bite, my own father. But do you know the one thing that he said was so horrific that even he wouldn’t force me to relive it? It was you, Damon.” 
She steps back, unable to stand that close without attempting to break Klaus’ compulsion and rip his heart from his chest. Distance would at least keep her from acting rashly. 
“I could have gotten past it if you had just fed on me and left me to die like you did to Vicki. At least then I could chalk it up to losing control of your urges. I could even have gotten past the fact that you manipulated me for your own means and tried to kill me the day that Katherine turned me against my will. But I cannot get past the fact that you compelled my consent from me. I have tried time and time and time again to justify it in my head, to find a reason that continuing our relationship in that manner was necessary to your plans. I have tried to think of some reason, any reason, that continuing in that way was vital to getting Katherine out of the tomb and I have come to the conclusion that even as I try to justify your bad behavior, there was never any purpose for it.” 
“You treated me like I was disposable. Like my existence, my blood, my innocence was yours to take and discard of at will. And then you basically guilted your brother and my best friend to not talk about it. Well, I’m done, Damon. I’m done being silenced and I’m done sweeping this under the rug. You know, even coming to me in my dorm room that day was a fucking tactic. You get that, right? You came to my bedroom to apologize to me and didn’t think that I would immediately be back in that moment? You, once again, blocking my way to the door and practically demanding my consent once again.” 
“So now? I’ll tell the whole fucking world what you did to me if I want. I’ll tell anyone that’ll listen because you deserve to wear that scarlet letter the same way that I was forced to wear the shame of falling into your little trap every day for the last three years. Thank God I can’t feel shame anymore. It’s been freeing to not have to think about what you did to me every single day. It’s been absolute bliss to not be disgusted by my own blood knowing that it is yours that made me the way that I have. You forced yourself into me even in death and if I could still feel, you would be able to hear in my voice just how much I hate you. I guess it’s a blessing for both of us that that version of me is gone.” 
“For Stefan’s sake, we can pretend to play nice in public but Damon? I know the truth. You will never change. You’ll pretend and you’ll try and you’ll apologize but we both know that this bad behavior isn’t some kind of fluke. It’s who you are, it’s your soul, your dark, ugly soul. You didn’t deserve my innocence, you didn’t deserve Elena’s devotion and you certainly don’t deserve your brother’s love.” 
She shook her head, starting to walk away before turning back to the other vampire. 
“Oh. I almost forgot. Merry Christmas.” 
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hazyange1s · 7 months
MC: Raegan DesRosiers
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Full name: Raegan Caítríona DesRosiers
Nickname: Rae, Rae Rae, Reggie (don’t call her that she’ll hex you)
Gender: female
Species: witch
Date of birth: November 27, 1874
Nationality: French and Irish
Blood status: half blood
Wand: blackthorn, dragon heartstring, 11 3/4 in, rigid
Hair color: dark ginger
Hair style: often worn pulled back in a loose braid or bun, though she starts wearing it down w/ her natural messy waves in sixth year
Eye color: amber
Skin tone: fair
Height: 5’5” (and some change)
Body type: curvy and toned from Quidditch/dueling
Clothing style: dark and warm colors (black, red, brown), likes heavy fabrics such as wool, velvet, and leather, prefers to dress casual in battle-ready clothes but also enjoys dressing up
likes to use her wand to keep her hair up
often wears dragon hide gloves
ring made of goblin metal (given to her in sixth year)
Other distinguishing features:
two old scars through her left eyebrow (no memory of getting them)
longer scar over the same eye (cut by a sword during the final repository battle)
LOTS of freckles
Traits: confident, hotheaded, proud, rebellious, domineering, persuasive, flirtatious
Likes: summer, history, flying, parties, freedom, traveling, independence
Dislikes: authority, swimming/the rain, silence, wet blankets, seafood
Hobbies: dueling, Quidditch, historical research, dancing, weapon-making
Fears: drowning, being forgotten/insignificant, losing control
Enneagram: 8w7 (873) sx/sp
Zodiac: Sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, leo rising
Temperament: choleric
Archetype: The Rebel
Similar characters: Aelin Galthynius, Ginny Weasley, Damon Salvatore, Bellamy Blake, Jude Duarte, Faith Lehane
Father: Marcel DesRosiers
French diplomat
Left when Raegan was eight
Massive preening asshole who despises magic
Mother: Kassady DesRosiers (Fallon)
Pureblood witch
Killed when Raegan was 15 (a victim of Jack the Ripper)
Gryffindor alumnus
Sibling: Ronan Sharp (half-brother/twin in utero)
Parents are Kassady DesRosiers and Aesop Sharp
Two months older (born Sept. 21)
Pet: Soleil
Phoenix (found in the mountain cave)
Fiercely loyal; as all phoenixes are, known to show up at odd times (whether she’s in trouble or just to harass his mom)
Friends: Diana Blackwine (childhood best friend), Sebastian Sallow, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt, Leander Prewett, Imelda Reyes (frenemies)
Boggart: her father…until her guilt over the loss of Professor Fig leads him to be her new one
Patronus: tigress
Polyjuice: turns amber and tastes like honey mead
Amortentia: cinnamon, clove, smoke, and sandalwood
Special abilities:
Ancient magic
Dark Arts (wielded “when necessary” which is really just…whenever her instincts say)
Pyromancy - Raegan is an Igneus; a species of witch that is immune to and can conjure fire at will, the trait being passed through her mother’s bloodline
Born in Avignon, France, Raegan had a turbulent childhood. While her mother was loving and kind, she often had to travel for her work - as did Raegan’s father, meaning she was often with only one parent for extended periods of time or had to be watched by one of her paternal aunts. When he was around, Marcel was not an affectionate man…in fact, he was often physically and verbally abusive to his wife right in front of Raegan and extended the treatment to her as she got older.
Eventually he discovered that Kassady had had an affair and conceived a son with another man. This coupled with his disdain for witchcraft led him to abandon his wife and daughter. So, the two moved back to Kassady’s hometown of Galway, Ireland.
However, times were tough. Her mother’s career as a dragonologist was no longer lucrative enough in the troubling times, and so they again relocated to London.
It was there that Kassady met a tragic, sudden end at the hands of an unidentified serial killer (who many suspected was actually a wizard). A newly orphaned Raegan, upon hearing the news, burned her house to the ground and wound up killing the officer who reported it accidentally.
The emotion was enough to unlock the ancient magic that had been hidden away inside of her, and just days after her mother’s funeral she received her Hogwarts letter. She now lives with her best friend (Diana)’s aunt in Scotland.
Best subject: DADA
Favorite subject: Flying and History of Magic
Favorite teacher: Hecat and Sharp
Worst subject: Herbology
Least favorite subject: Herbology and Divination
Least favorite teacher: Binns
Quidditch: Chaser (sixth year) and Quidditch Captain in seventh
As a student:
Rarely late, but she does miss (more than) a few classes in her fifth year
Detention record reads more like a rap sheet
Infamous but still respected; dedicated and intelligent
Career: Auror
Though Raegan notoriously resists authority and despises the incompetence of the Ministry, she sees working for them as an opportunity to change things. Being in on the more secretive matters going on behind the scenes of the Wizarding World (and the chance to deal with them under the protection of their influence) doesn’t hurt, either.
They likely would have fired her on her first day for her insubordination, but they can’t deny the fact that she quickly becomes one of the best they have. Really, it’s a case of mutual loathing maintained through an advantageous truce.
Eventually, she does leave of her own accord, and takes up studying ancient history and magical weapon making.
Spouse: Sebastian Sallow (m. 1898)
(thanks @rypnami for motivating me by association to finally post this months old draft 🤠)
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finalgirlsidney · 1 year
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo: shapes (in)/(sp)
Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert
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sommerregenjuniluft · 8 months
@hpsaffics feb 3 - time loop - 1117words
aka fem bartylus in their bonnie and damon from season 5 of vampire diaries arc (i made myself cry with this but also i'm on my period so who knows ksfjf)
“Hey, look,” Barty says, her head popping up over one of the grocery store shelves, “The small, pickled corn cobs you like so much are on Sale.”
Regulus doesn’t have to look up to see the shit eating grin stretching her lips as she holds up the jars of pickled corn with the impossible to miss, red SALE stickers that have been there for every single day of the past 3 months. She simply rolls her eyes and turns to grab an OJ out of the cooler, like she does every Saturday morning. Regulus believes in keeping a weekly and daily schedule in favor of not going insane, thanks a lot.
There’s a noise across the empty store that sounds like Barty put two of the jars into the shopping cart.
Regulus sniffs, ignoring the flutter in her stomach as well as the sting deep inside her ribcage.
She goes about filling her own cart methodically, absentmindedly listening to Barty mucking about wherever she is. Humming under her breath, bags crinkling, the sounds of the cart clinking against stuff. Barty has great spatial awareness in any situation except for the grocery store. 
Regulus still feels last weekend in the tender bruises along her Achillies heel. If bruises stayed that long she’d have enough evidence from a year ago to build a real case. They do not, however, so Regulus is just left with the knowledge of it and that hollow feeling in her chest like someone had a big scoop and Regulus’ heart was a tub of Ben & Jerries.
She continues down the aisle in a bit of a daze. Eggs, oatmilk, protein bars, Earl Grey, Spaghetti and Fusilli because Barty is a fussy shithead that won’t eat other forms of pasta.
They meet again in the snack aisle, Regulus rounding the corner and finding Barty curled over her cart, studying the back of a honey puffs packet.
She’s gnawing on her bottom lips, rosy mouth pursed to the side and the line between her eyebrows deep and pulled low beneath her fringe and Regulus watches some of the longer brown hair slip over her shoulder and to the front. The round muscle is bare, freckled, and so are her arms because last week Barty made it her mission to go through Evan’s closet and cut off the sleeves of his every one of his t-shirts. 
Regulus had been furious. 
She misses him desperately. Pandora and Sirius, too. The very first night she’d slept in her best friend’s bed, clad in one of Sirius’ softest shirts. Regulus doesn’t remember a time she’d wept herself to sleep so harshly. 
Barty had come and gotten her after 32 hours of refusing to leave the room and dragged her into a shower before plopping her down on one of the kitchen bar stools and making pancakes for her. Whipped cream and blueberries on the side. And then she’d left to go wherever it is she goes every single morning after breakfast until she’s returning for lunch.
She slips the strand of silky straight hair behind her ear now and then glances up when Regulus advances farther into the aisle.
Their eyes meet for a moment, mint and blue gray, clashing, getting caught in each other. Hooks sinking in, ripping at the entangled spots, and when Regulus finds it in herself to break away she feels raw. Chafed. A hotly throbbing ache. Burning.
Regulus looks around in the shelves but she isn’t really seeing any of the things. It takes a moment and then she’s taken aback when she genuinely can’t find the Ritter Sports party mix. It should be right in front of her, nestled between the Kinder stuff and the no name rows of chocolate bars. There’s an empty space on the shelf where they should sit and Regulus blinks at that spot in confusion.
Before she can do more about it the cold metal of a shopping cart grazes Regulus’ naked calf, jolting her and making her look up at Barty where she’s come closer, still lazily draped over the handle of her cart, now sporting an amused expression.
Her smirk is horribly smug and sitting a little lopsided on her unfairly beautiful face, “Lookin’ for something, Black?”
Regulus opens her mouth to respond but then Barty props her chin in one of her palms and cocks her head at an exaggerated angle, pointedly letting her gaze wander over the shelf Regulus is standing in front of numbly. And then up.
Regulus blinks again and then follows her line of sight automatically. She sweeps her gaze back around and up and then spots the chocolates where they’re perched on the very top of the shelf. Neatly set up over the row of Reezes there. 
All the way up there and impossible for Regulus to reach.
Her favorite chocolates.
Barty had taken the time to put every last of Regulus’ favorite chocolates on the top of that shelf with such care for order she’s never once applied to their pantry in the months they’d lived together back when they were a couple.
Regulus feels her browns knit, eyes burning with anger and when she looks over she watches the smile on Barty’s face turn wider. That’s about all Regulus is able to take.
Her chin starts crinkling and she feels her lips start to wobble despite the way she’s biting down on the inside of her lower one hard enough to draw blood. There’s nothing Regulus can do against the tears shooting into her eyes and the way her throat starts to clog up before, pathetically, a single sob escapes her. 
And then she’s crying. Full on, shoulders shaking with it and Barty’s smile falls.
She looks properly panicked and the cart gets shoved to the side, colliding loudly with the opposite shelf, and then she’s there to pull Regulus into a hug.
Her head hangs uselessly as she weeps into the crook of Barty’s arm and chest, deep heaving sobs as Barty cradles her head and holds her tight by the shoulders.
“Hey, hey,” Barty mumbles, voice strained, “I’m sorry, Reg, I’m sorry. I’ll get them back down.”
Regulus uselessly ruts her face into the naked skin, tasting salty shame in the corners of her lips.
“Every single one of them, I’ll get them all down, baby. I’m sorry,” she whispers, breath hot on the crown of Regulus curls.
Regulus finds her hands fisted into the material of Barty’s shirt, clutching at it numbly while she tries to swallow the sobs, “I hate you.”
Barty nods above her, “I know, baby,” and if Regulus didn’t know any better she'd think she hears shame and regret mixed into the words. “I know.”
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blueopinions49 · 3 months
Healthy/Unhealthy Type 8
Healthy Social 8
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Poe Dameron (8w7 so/sx)- His desire and devotion for the rebellion makes him a bit impulsive but well meaning. Eventually throughout the last Jedi he learns when not to fight and retreat.
Mileena MK1 (8w7 so/sx)- Her struggle to come to terms with her being the heir to the throne made her disintegrate towards 5 a bit eventually accepting her role.
Tsunade (8w7 so/sx) - She lost her way due to all her personal loss and eventually rediscover what made her gifts important. Eventually deciding to become the Leafs 5th Hokage.
Unhealthy Social 8
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Negan (8w7 so/sx)- Due I have to say much? He conquered and tortured almost all of the cast in the show. Caused an unnecessary war. But ig he deserved a redemption arc.
Kuvira (8w9 so/sp)- While her frustrations where valid she decided to conquer and take over other territory's.
Killmonger (8w9 so/sx)- Similar to Kuvira it's understandable grievance but wrong path to take.
Healthy Self-preservation 8
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Jay Pritchett (8w9 sp/sx)- Close off a bit emotionally in the beginning of the show but he got better as time goes on.
Selina Kyle (8w7 sp/sx) - Her decision to be herself main priority and live life helping people makes her more of a hero than a villain. Also she robs rich people so...
Number 5 (8w9 sp/so)- His love and devotion to his family is felt throughout show and while he can be stubborn he doesn't let that blind him from being logical.
Unhealthy Self preservation 8
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Billy Butcher (8w7 sp/sx)- He is constantly in the verge of danger and his impulsive decision making gets the Boys in trouble constantly.
Cersei Lannister (8w9 sp/sx)- Her desire for autonomy and control of her own decision gets unfocused on controlling others and using violent ways to get what she wants.
Lisa Rowe (8w7 sp/sx)- Similar to Cersei she doesn't want to control. However, she also doesn't seem to want to get better and accept herself. Eventually ending up void.
Healthy Sexual 8
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Santana Lopez (8w7 sx/sp)- While she can be rude her struggle to accept herself in early seasons had a beautiful resolution and finding love with Britney.
Michelle Mallon (8w7 sx/sp)- A bit reckless but her heart is always in the right place. She pushed her friends to always explore and live more. Even if she got them in trouble.
Damon Salvatore (8w7 sx/sp)- Starts the show angry and frustrated but eventually he integrates towards his 2 and becomes more calm and less impulsive.
Unhealthy Sexual 8
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Nate Jacobs 8w7 (sx/sp)- Pure disintegration towards 5. He is paranoid how people will feel about him once they discover who he truly is.
Claudia (8w7 sx/sp)- Sad and lonely due to the age in which she was turned she desires autonomy and love. Constantly trying to find that in Louis.
Villanelle (8w7 sx/sp)- Trying to find someone who loves her she purses Eve. The moment she doesn't have her attention she becomes violent and angry.
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
Yh same like people couldn't of thought of that if it never exsisted. IDK I'm confused if I want my SP to be a vampire like (damon salvator)..
ugh anon I had the same struggle ngl 🧍 I really had a debate with myself the other day like— should I just feed into the call of polyamory? i have lots of love to give anyways🧎imagine havin' multiple monster sps like holy shit that's literally a fanfic... gods I think I'm gonna have to fall for the temptation and build myself a vampire sp too... maybe even an entity-type sp... -coughs-john doe-cough-
DAMNIT ANON LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE 😭 (I'm not actually mad at all I promise, I'm just dramatic, pls do talk to me more about monster sps bc yes. i love monsters sm it's not even funny, it's a problem atp.)
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lilghostiequinni · 5 months
What & Who I Write For
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Request Here & Guidelines
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these are the fandoms and characters I will write for, please read the note at the end if you do not see the fandom you want.
Neteyam Lo'ak Jake Sully Neytiri Tsu'tey Tonowari Ao'nung OC Characters
Hunger Games Trilogy/TBOSAS
Peeta Mellark Cato Hadley Finnick Odair Haymitch Abernathy Coriolanus Snow Sejanus Plinth
The Vampire Diaries Universe
Stefan Salvatore Damon Salvatore Silas Jeremy Gilbert Kol Mikaelson Niklaus Mikaelson Elijah Mikaelson Finn Mikaelson OC Mikaelsons Kai Parker
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank Rafe Cameron John B Routledge Pope Heyward
Alec Lightwood Jace Wayland/Herondale Johnathan Morgenstern Julian Blackthorn Mark Blackthorn Will Herondale Magnus Bane Simon Lewis
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Steve Rodgers/Captain America Tony Stark/Iron Man Thor Odinson Loki Laufeyson Bruce Banner/Hulk Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver T'Challa/Black Panther Namor Peter Parker/Spiderman(MCU-TH) Peter Parker/Spiderman(TASM-AG) Peter Parker/Spiderman(SP-TM) Miles Morales Miguel O'Hara Johnny Storm/Human Torch
Harry Potter
Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Theodore Nott Matteo Riddle Eos Lestrange Fred Weasley George Weasley Charlie Weasley Bill Weasley James Potter Sirius Black Remus Lupin Severus Snape Lucius Malfoy Regulus Black Evan Rosier Rabastan Lestrange Roldophus Lestrange Thomas Riddle Abraxas Malfoy Orion Black
Real Life
Tom Blyth Austin Butler Tom Holland Roman Reigns Cody Rhodes
Formula One
General Lando Norris Carlos Sainz Oscar Piastri Charles Leclerc Max Verstappen George Russell Logan Sargent Alex Albon Lewis Hamilton
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen Paul Atreides
Mako Mermaids
Zak Blakely
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson Luke Castellan Will Solace Nico di Angelo Jason Grace Leo Valdez
Jasper Cullen Edward Cullen Emmett Cullen Carlisle Cullen Jacob Black Sam Uley Paul Lahote Charlie Swan
DC Comics
Clark Kent/Superman Bruce Wayne/Batman Arthur Curry/Aquaman Barry Allen/Flash
Lance Sweets Jared Booth
Arthur Pendragon Merlin Emrys
Anthony Dinozzo
Grey's Anatomy
Derek Shepherd Mark Sloan
Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
Adrien Agreste
Four/Tobias Eaton Eric
Jim Lake Jr.
If you don't see someone, or a fandom, that isn't up here, you can still request that, just know it'll take longer so I can watch or read it.
I am pretty lineant on who or on a fandom, I will most likely add it, if it's requested.
I am willing to write for female characters just know that I am not the greatest at it.
I am willing to write for Eurphoria, Saltburn, GOT/House of the Dragon characters, I just have yet to watch those that I haven't figured any sort of people yet.
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this is what I am willing and not willing to write, this is very basic because I only just started it will get more detailed as I write more
I will write for these
Fluff Smut Angst Dark Combinations of those
I currently don't have really anything I won't write for because of plans I have for a story that involves SA, but I won't write detailed SA scenes, just mentions.
But please be mindful of your requests.
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Round 1 Matchups
round 1 is separated into a, b, c and d so its a little more organized, also the polls are for a week the first section of round ones polls date have not yet bee decided
The matchups for round 1 are:
Baron draxum (rottmnt) vs. The Collector (the owl house/toh)
Catra (shera) vs. Lapis (steven universe/su)
memphis tennessee (sonic the hedgehog/ sth) vs. Jean Descole (Professor Layton franchise)
Obake / Bob Aken (Big Hero 6: The Series) vs. Gideon (gravity falls)
Jessie, James, and Meowth/team rocket (pokemon) vs. Megamind (megamind)
michael langdon (american horror story apocalypse) vs. libby chessler (sabrina the teenage witch)
Doctor dire (The Dire Saga (books) vs. Millions Knives (Trigun Stampede / Tristamp)
Yoshiya "joshua" Kiryu (TWEWY : Subarashiki kono sekai - The world End With You) vs. huggy wuggy (poppy playtime)
Charlie (Don’t Starve Together and Don’t Starve. [DST and DS respectively]) vs. DJ Octavio(Splatoon)
Jasper (steven universe/su) vs. Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug/mlb)
Queen (Deltarune) vs. King dice (cuphead)
Dr. Flug (villainous) vs. Professor venomous (ok, ko let’s be heroes)
Metal sonic (sonic the hedgehog /sth) vs. Zuko (avatar the last airberder/atla)
the beast (over the garden wall) vs. yellow diamond (steven universe/su)
Death (puss in boots: the last wish) vs. Jinx (arcane)
The Cat Army (The Battle Cats. /TBC, BC) vs. CATS (zero wing)
Niclays Roos (The Priory of the Orange Tree /TPOTOT or Priory for short) vs. Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Yzma (Emperor's new groove ) vs. Zim (invader zim)
bowser (mario) vs. plankton (spongebob)
Dante (fullmetal alchemist/fma) vs. P03 (Inscryption)
Eric cartman (south park/sp) vs. Bill cipher (gravity falls/gf)
lady eboshi (princess mononoke) vs. queen of hearts (alice in wonderland)
Heather (total drama island) vs. the red eyed demon (sallyface)
Spinel (steven universe/su) vs. The devil (cuphead)
Scar (the lion king) vs. the conductor (infinity train)
GladoS (Portal 1, Portal 2) vs. count olaf (a series of unfortunate events)
shredder, (rottmnt) vs. The cult (night in the woods)
the condesce (homestuck) vs. Spike (buffy the vampire slayer)
medusa gorgon (soul eater) vs. The lich (adventure time)
debbie jellinsky (the addams family values) vs. Yubaba (spirited away)
Shadow weaver (shera) vs. Starscream (Transformers /TF) Peridot (steven universe/su) vs. emperor belos (the owl house/toh) 
nancy downs (the craft) vs. Sevika (arcane)
Doc scratch (homestuck) vs. Vecna/One (Stranger Things )
White Diamond (Steven Universe/SU) vs. Jerry (tom and jerry tv show)
Gulusgammamon (Digimon Ghost Game) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (phoenix wright: ace attorney)
Gaea (percy jackson, the lost hero) vs. Hordak (shera)
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (resident evil 8/ re8) vs. cyrus(pokemon) 
Nathaniel Benedict | "Dr." Curtain (Mysterious Benedict Society /MBS) vs. Shego (Shego)
luke castellan (percy jackson) vs. mark jefferson (life is strange)
Shiromori (mystery skulls) vs. fiona goode (american horror story coven)
Faith (buffy the vampire slayer) vs. Marguerite Baker (Resident Evil 7 /re7)
Silco (arcane) vs. Mekhane, AKA the Broken God (SCP Foundation. /SCP)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb /PnF) vs. Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Tighten (megamind) vs. big mama (rottmnt) 
Kestro (Lego Nexo Knights /LNK or NK) vs. dr eggman (sonic the hedgehog/ sth)
S tier/Alex (S and D tier series on tik tok) vs. Theala (Not Another Dnd Podcast /NADDPOD)
Donquixote Doflamingo (One piece /OP) vs. Xie Wang / Scorpion King (Word of Honor (woh) / Shan He Ling (shl)
dr starline (sonic the hedgehog/ sth) vs. Henry (Inside No. 9 /IN9)
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica. /PMMM) vs. The Wicked Witch Of the West (the wizard of oz)
Ainosuke (Adam) Shindo (Sk8 The Infinity /sk8) vs. Willy stampler (dungons and drahond daddies/dnddads)
Negaduck (Darkwing Duck/DWD) vs. Damon gant (phoenix wright: ace attorney)
Samuel T Owen (jin: Demi-Human) vs. Ishamael / Moridin (Wheel of Time /wot)
the Master(Doctor Who /Dr Who, DW) vs. Goro Akechi (Persona 5/P5)
scarlet facinera / stained glass scarlet (marvel comics, spec. moon knight) vs. Matt engarde  (phoenix wright: ace attorney)
Skitter (worm aka parahumans ) vs. Galactus (Marvel)
Kalvaxus | Goldenhoard (Dimension 20 Fantasy High /d20 FH) vs. Monstrox (Nexo Knights | NK)
Morgan fey (phoenix wright: ace attorney) vs. The White Death (bullet train)
Magica De Spell (Ducktales (2017) DT17) vs. Aikawa Mamoru (Tenkuu Shinpan/also called High-Rise Invasion, abbreviated HRI)
Matt engarde (phoenix wright: ace attorney) vs. Zenos yae Galvus (Final Fantasy 14/FFXIV)
Scaramouche (Genshin Impact /GI/Yuanshen) vs. Manfred von karma (Phoenix wright: ace attorney and miles edgeworth: investigations)
Xue Yang (Mo Dao Zu Shi [mdzs] / The Untamed [cql]) vs. Elphba (wicked)
Gene Khan / Mandarin (Iron Man Armored Adventures/IMAA) vs. Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries)
Khan (star trek wrath of khan) vs. Janus Sanders (Sanders Sides/TSS and SaSi )
im not tagging this all.
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starnightlover · 2 years
eddie munson is one of my comfort characters too!!! mine are dean and sam winchester, damon salvatore (isn't that funny?), nick scratch, randall carpio!! my sp it's literally a lot like randall carpio i think i ended up manifesting him! it's amazing. sometimes I think what it would be like to manifest all my comfort characters irl
- 🍂
That's so cool!! I love vampire diaries and supernatural!! I was thinking about actually manifesting my comfort characters irl also!! It would be a real power trip to see them here haha
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6bugs · 2 years
i have so many thoughts about project edens garden but like one of the things i cant stop thinking about is just how sx/sp 4(58) damon seems to me. like i dont think anyone besides like 4 people i know would believe me because he tries to seem so so so logical and rational but something about him..... like the way he is so competitive, the way he bases his whole identity off of his ultimate and he tries to think of himself as different from the other ultimates and hes elitist and UGHHH HES SO SX4 it makes my BRAIN EXPLODE. if anyone has any arguments for him being an so/sp 5(48) please please tell me bcz i feel like im the only one who thinks this but i also don't know if i'm right or not ..... i guess the only way to tell is by watching him in the next chapters and paying close attention to his internal dialogue
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a blog just for my inverts and snakes (disclaimer 4 any handling pics/videos: handle at your own risk, don't emulate without experience.)
main @cyanocoraxx
🕷 🦂 🩸
click read more for my list of inverts (19/09/24)
⭐ - medically significant venom
⭐? - possibly significant, not enough research
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acanthoscurria geniculata - unnamed
aphonopelma sp. jalisco - unnamed
brachypelma hamorii - pleck
ceratogyrus marshalli - kantus ⭐
chilobrachys fimbriatus - hersey ⭐
chilobrachys huahini - unnamed ⭐
cyriopagopoeus lividus - unnamed ⭐
cyriopagopoeus lividus - unnamed ⭐
haploclastus devamatha - bridgeburner
homeoemma chilensis - iblis ♀
lampropelma n. arboricola - unnamed
lasiodora parahybana - laios
phormictopus auratus - furnace ♀
poecilotheria subfusca - pepper ⭐
poecilotheria metallica- unnamed ⭐
pterinochilus murinus - reaver ⭐
selenocosmia crassipes - bard
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colombian funnelweb (l. sericata) - cupcake
fishing spider (dolomedes spp.) -  ferryman
black fang wanderer (m. kingsleyi) - sisyphus ♀⭐?
red fang wandering spider (c. hematostoma) - vulcan⭐?
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tailless whip scorpion (damon medius) - mizaru ♂
tailless whip scorpion (damon medius) - kikazaru ♂
tailless whip scorpion (damon medius) - iwazaru ♀
thai red vinegaroon (thelyphonus sp. red) -
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scolopendra morsitans (blood red) - sukuna ♂
scolopendra morsitans (blood red) - shrine ♀
scolopendra morsitans (dragon head) - major ♂
scolopendra dehaani (sumatra pink) - eos ⭐
scolopendra subspinipes (java red) - choso ⭐
scolopendra dehaani (orange legs) - astraeus ⭐
ethmostigmus trigonopodus (yellow) - akaza
ethmostigmus austroyunnanensis - kokushibo ♀
scolopendra hainanum pling - tengen ⭐
scolopendra mutilans (green form) - gyomei ⭐
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chinese mantis (t. sinensis) - seven
joker mantis (p. picta) - punchline
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dorcus titanus - sharpshooter ♀
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dwarf wood (l. australasiae) - bargarean jade ♀
vietnam forest (h. loaticus) - hideous mass
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brazilian rainbow boa - inti ♂ (5-6ft)
royal python - latte ♂ (4ft)
rosy boa - carmine ♂ (2ft)
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"aren't you scared it will bite you" hello job. no i can't come in today. i'm being bitten by my poecilotheria metallica. yeah i'll be off work for 3 weeks. yay
"does it still have its venom" yes. who am i to deny a girl's fun? if she wants to envenomate me one day that's ok with me
"it can't love you" neither could my dad but we move
"why keep centipedes eughghgh gross" i don't have room in my house for an actual dragon so the smaller land ones will do instead
"what do you feed them" small children
"what do you do with them" we vibe. my spiders know my deepest darkest secrets and they will never tell you. on account of being incapable of human speech.
"do they sleep in your bed" yes and they size me up every night. one day they will eat me. please send help!
"how can you sleep at night with those in your house" see above. i'm never alone :)
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slushie2awesome6969 · 14 days
SLUSHIE DOES AN INTRO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??
I’ve been on here for a bit and I’ve never done an intro :0
ANYWAYS hihi my names slushie, but you can call me Max, Zim, or Damon !! :D
I go by they/then/zombie/alien (sometimes she or he but I don’t really like conforming to the gender binary ^w^) , actually sometimes if I like something a lot it becomes part of my pronouns SO TEHRE NOW YOU KNOW A LITTLE FUN FACT HSHSHSH 🤭🤭
I have ADHD, DCD (Dyspraxia), OCD, And pretty highly suspected GAD :p
FANDOMS: Bridge Kids, Kevin Spencer, b&bh, rnm, sp, IZ, Camp Camp, PJSK, Vocaloid
INTEREST: Sanrio, b&bh, Bridge kids, Kevin Spencer, rnm, sp, IZ, Camp Camp, Mummy/Daddy im a Zombie, Punk Bands from like the 70’s or 80’s (I LOVE THE SEX PISTOLS MISFITS AND DEAD KENNEDYS GRHDHHRHE), PJSK, Vocaloid, Art, evil dead/ AOD, Wayne’s World, Learning more abt my ghetto ahh rez 🔥🔥
I’m a biromantic gynosexual! :DDD
Anyways that’s all if you wanna know more abt me just ask :DD
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stellariders · 4 months
And in the extended clip of thr restaurant scene that was shown during the jason/miranda/sp interview tv insider did you cam see thr one son has aburn on his arm and carver notices
yeah so his trauma is definitely related to his scar but i wonder what damon’s is and how stella fits into that cause apparently damon and carvers struggle is something stella is at the center. that’s according to andrea but i’ve got no clue why stella is at the center of all this
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amai-no-ura · 1 year
FX Pose Typings
Blanca Evangelista
ENFJ 2w1 so/sp
Double Badger
Elektra Wintour-Evangelista
ESTJ 8w7 sp/so
Double Snake
Angel Evangelista
ESFP 7w6 sp/so
Lil Papi (he raises the bar so high I ain't gon get no boyfriend lol)
ESTP 7w6 so/sp
ISFP 6w7 sp/so
ESFP 7w8 sp/so
ISTP 8w7 sp/sx
Double Lion (very loud double Lion)
Pray Tell
ESTJ 6w5 so/sp
Burnt Snake primary - Snake secondary
ESFP 8w7 sx/sp
Stan (that mofo from season 1, coward shit)
ISFJ 9w1 sp/so
Bird primary
ESTJ 6w7 so/sp
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 years
One of the things I love about the other ships and how they’re built... is the number of dialogues that fit to Delena because they’re built like Delena. Steroline is good for it. Stefan’s wedding vows to Caroline fit for Damon and Elena. They do that voiceover conversation in 6x22 when Damon and Elena dance in the street. Klaroline (sp?) ... they have some. Benzo has a few... and while I can’t remember it word for word, Enzo has one that’s truly epic. Had he been in the series all the while, I probably would’ve liked him as much as Damon because he’s just as passionate.  
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