#Dangerous Foods For Dog
monkoodog1 · 2 years
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Dogs are our adorable little pals with beautiful souls. For them, the sole purpose of their existence is to be with us and shower their unconditional love on us. A person who has a pet dog is blessed with a natural antidepressant; cuddling and licking their stress away! We know how much you love your dogs and we are here to help you eliminate the dangerous foods for dogs that may harm your furry best friend.
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doberbutts · 2 months
I would feel bad for the mice that get caught in my traps if it were not for the fact that I have now killed 3 in the span of 2 hours to the same trap. I feel like if you keep sending members of your family out to forage for food and they keep going "ooo! Yummy peanut butter :)" to the same very obvious trap in the same location, at some point that's kind of on you.
So now my reaction to walking into the room and seeing the exact same trap with yet another mouse inside is "...idiot" instead of "poor thing".
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time traveled to like a month before he meets dazai atsushi and confused as hell akutagawa who doesn't know why he's not killing the white haired boy who showed up to his apartment randomly and now wont leave
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blightowl · 2 years
Cat Humphrey, disturbed, perturbed: WHAT ARE YOU?!?
Guinea Pig Oreo, unfazed: dude chill out
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arlo-venn · 2 months
y'all i slept for 21+ hours uninterrupted? haven't done that in a a while.
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banchie · 1 year
i dont care what anyone else says tsats is everyhting ive ever wanted!!!!!! theyre so silly!!!!!
there such cringe boys!!!! and theyre learning how to be people!!! and we get to see how much nico loves and embraces the immortal and the monster parts of their world!! something that we saw in them main series' with hestia and the trogs and hazel and the skeletons and jules-albert!! something that we see in this book with the gray ladies and epiales and the trogs again and amphitemis and menoetes and the cocoa puffs!! hes always been soft and kind and good and silly!!!
we get to see will growing with nico instead of just changing him!! so many fan interpretations are of will being a therapist and just leading nico to the light and fixing him but that didnt happen!! will is set in his ways and headstrong and stubborn and its so so good bcs hes a teenage boy who's had too much responsibility and he's learning to accept other people's truths!!
we got a new look at hades and persephone!!! and of bianca and maria!! and we got canon nico being mr.d's favorite!!!!! we got stupid jokes and nicknames and teasing and hugs and physical contact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why are u people mad at this (rhetorical)!!!!!!!
also now nico has a pack of fucked up dogs that follow him around and eat pancakes. are u jokeing me. are u kidding?????
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Neeeeedd to move on from the current fictional thing of interest come onnnnnn brain please let me out this is so fucking inconvenient....nnnnhhhh
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alo-piss-trancy · 4 months
I wanted to talk about it but I didn't feel right telling my friends elsewhere since a couple were trying to lose weight (safely) for health reasons, but I saw at the doc today that I gained about 5 pounds ;u; Which despite trying really hard is the most I've managed to put on in a few years since all the Health Hell started, so I'm really glad & hope it sticks!
I still need about 10-15 lbs more to be at my healthy goal weight but if I can keep this, it's a good sign we might finally be getting the worst of my illness/flare-ups under control c':
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should I go to to sleep its
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but if I go to sleep the weird horse outside will eat my bones :(
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puppyexpressions · 9 months
Christmas Hazards for Your Dog
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We've put together our top tips to make sure you’re in the know about how to keep your four-legged friend safe this Christmas season, so your dog can enjoy the festivities too!
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Which parts of a Christmas dinner can I give to my dog?
Providing your dog is healthy and is not allergic to the following foods, it’s safe to feed your dog a little bit of these foods at Christmas:
turkey meat (no skin or bones)
salmon (fillets or cooked in spring water are preferable to smoked salmon)
lamb meat (no bones)
green beans
Brussels sprouts
mash potato (best without added butter)
new potatoes
sweet potatoes
Note: New foods should always be introduced slowly, as too much can cause an upset tummy. Foods high in fat or salt should also be avoided.
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Toxic Christmas food for dogs
Christmas is the time for eating, drinking and being merry, but lots of our favourite festive foods are toxic to our dogs and should be kept well out of paws reach:
chocolate – chocolate is toxic to dogs and even small amounts can cause serious illness. Find out what to do if you think your dog has eaten chocolate.
Christmas pudding and mince pies – grapes and dried vine fruits, including currants, sultanas and raisins, can cause severe kidney failure if eaten
onions (and garlic, leeks, shallots and chives) – these all belong to the allium species of plant and are poisonous to dogs whether cooked or uncooked. Avoid feeding foods that include these ingredients, such as gravy.
alcohol – alcohol has a similar effect in dogs as it does in their owners. Make sure your dog can't help themselves to any unattended alcohol left lying around.
macadamia nuts – macadamia nuts can cause lethargy (tiredness), weakness in the back legs, increased body temperature, tremors and stiffness
leftovers – don’t be tempted to give your dog leftover Christmas food – they can include hidden ingredients toxic to dogs and mold in leftovers can make them ill
sweets – many of the sweets we eat over Christmas, such as candy canes, contain a sugar-free sweetener called xylitol, which is poisonous to dogs
Important: If you think your dog has eaten something they shouldn’t, contact your vet for advice.
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Are real Christmas trees poisonous to dogs?
The most common types of Christmas trees including pine, fir and spruce are not highly toxic to dogs, but oils they produce and the pine needles that drop from the tree can pose a risk. Not only can the sharp pine needles get stuck in your dog’s paws, they can also cause a mild stomach upset or blockage if eaten.
If you have a dog but would like a real Christmas tree, you can opt for a non-drop variety – just remember to never leave your dog unsupervised around the tree.
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Dog proof your Christmas tree
Christmas trees can have hidden dangers for your four-legged friend – here’s our top tips to keep your dog safe around the tree.
Keep decorations out of paws reach
Decorations such as baubles and tinsel can cause a dangerous stomach blockage if swallowed. Hang Christmas tree decorations up high to prevent mischievous paws (or tails) from knocking them off, and remember to never hang chocolate decorations as chocolate is poisonous to dogs.
Don’t leave presents under the tree
Christmas presents lying under the tree can be too tempting for our four-legged friends – especially if the gift is edible! It’s best to keep wrapped gifts out of paws reach, as wrapping paper can cause a blockage in your dog’s tummy if too much is eaten.
Keep fairy light cables tidy
The wires on fairy lights can be tempting for your dog to chew. Keep any cables out of your dog’s reach and remember to switch them off at the mains when they’re not in use.
Always supervise your dog
Whether you have a real or an artificial tree, it’s always best to supervise your dog around the Christmas tree, so you can spot mischief before they get themselves into trouble. It may be a good idea to keep your dog out of the room completely while you’re out.
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Christmas poisonous plants
Christmas plants make the season all the more festive, but these traditional Christmas plants are toxic to dogs:
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Stress in dogs at Christmas
The festive fun can get a little overwhelming for our four-legged friends – here are our tips for a stress-free Christmas with your dog.
Get to know the signs of stress
You can help your dog to deal with stress by understanding the signs – this will allow you to be aware of when the festivities are getting a little too exciting. 
Don’t dress them up
Dressing up might seem fun for you, but remember that your dog will find it stressful. If you want to get your dog involved with the festivities, you could try making them a homemade Christmas present of their own instead.
Provide them with a safe place
Christmas brings with it lots of guests, but too many can be stressful for your dog. It’s best to prepare for visitors before they arrive, by providing a safe space for your dog to retreat. This could be a quiet room or a den – just make sure it’s somewhere where your dog can’t be disturbed, and remember to provide them with their food, water and any familiar toys, so they have everything they need in their safe space. This also applies if other pets are visiting your home.
If you are expecting visiting children during the Christmas period and your dog isn’t used to their company, take a look at our advice on keeping your dog and visiting children safe.
Stick to a Christmas routine
Routine can often get lost in the chaos of Christmas, but sticking to the routine that your dog is used to, can help minimize stress. Try to make sure your dog eats at the same time, still goes on the same amount of walks and has plenty of time to rest – Christmas can be tiring for our four-legged friends!
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 years
honestly every single day im shocked at how lucky we were with jaxx. he’s not got any of the typical pittie/staffy aggressiveness with small animals or children whatsoever. how did that happen
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
aaaaand today my niece’s grandmother ended up in hospital bc she ate something she Knows she’s allergic to bc her other granddaughter Insisted she eat the thing she made, and since they’ve never bothered to say no to her before and, apparently, rank wilfully eating something she knows she’s allergic to and wasting the health service’s time over just saying no to a 5 year old, a trip to a&e was necessary. 
I literally can’t believe people sometimes. I mean I can. But I wish I didn’t. 
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agayconcept · 1 year
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eggbagelz · 1 year
It is occuring to me that not many ppl will enjoy the actual contents of the roadtrip au
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hi-im-dazey · 2 years
Food for Animals
Food companies should start putting pet safety info on their products.
Like, let's say I have some freeze dried peach slices (which I do and they are delicious, btw) But I have no clue if it's a race between me and certain death if the furry floor cleaning system gets to a fallen piece before I do.
So, of course, I ask google, (they are safe, don't want to leave you hanging there)* But eventually google starts wondering if I even like my dog or buy actual dog food for her, etc. And with Cats they always tell you cats won't eat things that aren't food, which is true, they seem very capable of telling when a thing is poisonous. Then you see people online feeding, or losing vital, life saving seconds where they should be ripping tomato based product out of their little doofus' mouth so they can take a picture of the smol crime of pizza theft.
So then this person finds out that either they've been letting their cat eat something that is HORRIBLE for cats, OR that the sauce has ZERO actual tomatoes in it. And you of course run into the google problem with cats, too. Also your cat is an obligate carnivore, the only non animal things it should be eating are catnip, cat grass, silver-vine, and whatever is in stomach of small prey they catch. So if you are giving them little bits of lunch meat, are your sure it doesn't have fillers they aren't supposed to ingest?
ALSO for years people just blindly assumed Peanut butter was a safe, no-brainer, treat for doggo... then suddenly some brands have Xylitol and could kill your dog... I mean WTF?!?!
So here's what I think food companies should do:
On the bottom of the packaging, under the nutritional panel, maybe with the dietary markings or just under them, and be just a a little Cat/Dog/Rodent icon with a green check or a red x to let pet owners know quickly if they are buying or choosing a product that needs to be stored out of reach for animals, or is safe for treats (like peanut butter, I'm not even buying a brand that will kill my dog --I mean why is that even a thing? And my dog doesn't even really like Peanut Butter as a treat.) TL;DR Food packages should say if the ingredients are safe for the furrier members of your family
*My dog did not like the peach slice, btw.
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feralwifey · 2 years
I love that I give my dog raw bones and even more I love telling other dog owners about it especially those who feed pedigree which has sugar in it 😊
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