#Daniel Malone
spacedace · 1 year
Dp x dc idea:
Danny & Co joining the Justice League and everything...but it's that wonderful DC AU where Bruce died in Ethiopia instead of Jason and Tim decided to be Dad (TM) of Jason's Robin and runs around as kid Batman for awhile (eventually becoming full legit Batman).
Danny & Co joining up after all of that, they have only known Tim as Batman (and for fun let's make this Brian Dead where Danny & Tim are dating, or are dancing around each other, maybe Super Brain Dead because I love Kon being involved).
Anyway, Tim is Danny & the Pham's Batman...and then they ended up accidently in the normal DC universe and meet Bruce Wayne Batman and immediately are like "Press X For Doubt" about the whole thing
Danny, squinting suspiciously: who the fuck are you?
Bruce: I'm Batman
Danny: No the fuck you aren't
Elle: Yeah no way, I know Batman, Batman's a sleep deprived twink
Tim (as Red Robin) walks in
Danny: holy shit they fucking shrunk Red Robin
Tim: What??
Elle: Okay what the fuck, first Batman isn't a twink and now Red Robin is???
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zarya-gifs · 2 months
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inspirednarcissus · 1 month
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Daniel Sharman by Lee Malone for Square Mile.
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ilovejevsjeans · 8 months
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2018- Abu Dhabi- Last weekend in the Red Bull garage for a while.
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queen-rndmchick · 7 months
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The Hunger Games The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes Premiere in LA 🐦‍⬛
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filmjunky-99 · 5 months
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t h e b i r d s, 1963 🎬 dir. alfred hitchcock 'Bird Invasion Aftermath'
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randomly-a-fan · 10 months
The Deal of the “After” Life-time (Ritual and Finale)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The night finally came, and Papawise has gotten the robes for everyone who is taking part. Candyman, however, didn’t know how the ritual works; nor does he know that it involves fire. “Wait, you didn’t mention that there’s going to be a bonfire involved.” Candyman freaked out in his own characteristic way. “To bring back a human being who isn’t a demon or is invulnerable, the bonfire is the key to MJ’s freedom.” Papawise explained. “Nope, sorry, I’m not taking part of something that involves fire; I was burned alive a long time ago, well, not again!” Candyman exclaimed. “You can’t turn back now! You already gave up your Reeses’ Wrapper to make ash; if you turn back now, the ritual won’t work, and MJ won’t come back!” Papawise explained in an annoyed tone.
Malon wanted to help Candyman get over his fear, and she knows how. “Candyman, you know how my mommy is terrified of bees? Well, since you liked my mom, and she sees some good in you, she needed to get over her fear of bees a lot better. She got used to your wasps and bees, will it make a difference if you witness fire for just one night?” Malon asked, making him see from MJ’s point-of-view. Candyman sighed and closed his eyes. “I’ve admired your mom for her sweetness in baking, and her personality… I never knew that she was afraid of bees… Yet, she likes my company most times…” Then Candyman approaches the fire pit and looked over at Papawise. “I’ll do it… But not for you, but for my victim.” Candyman proclaimed. Papawise shrugged before he gets the fire started.
Aquarius couldn’t find a sitter for Kandy, so she thought of having Malon take her daughter back to her Cabin and watch over her until the ritual is over. “You think you can handle Kandy for a little bit, while we all summon your mom to come back?” Aquarius asked to be sure. “Of course, it’s no trouble; I’ll keep Kandy distracted by putting on the Winnie the Pooh Series.” Malon said excitedly while carrying Kandy back to her house; Kandy wasn’t into Disney to the slightest, so she’d try to squirm out and escape, but Malon is too strong and wouldn’t let her loose.
Dream Realm
MJ has been awfully quiet; all she did the whole time is sit on her bed. Her autism symptoms are also affective, she’s been shaky and is starting to kick her legs. Freddy came in after seeing that MJ is being more ‘active’. “Nice to see you’re gaining more composure…” Freddy sat next to her on the bed, which made MJ whimper and scooched further away from him. She screamed after she was being grabbed by the shoulders with Freddy on the other side of the bed. ��How did he do that?’. If MJ wasn’t affected by the poison water, she would’ve prepared herself for Freddy’s unexpected phenomenon, and his ways of speech, but now, MJ is like a frightened, confused puppy. “Hm… I guess the water has made your ASD worse… No matter; I know that you wanted to be free from this hell I’ve literally put you in, so, I thought we make an arrangement.” Freddy suggested.
MJ wasn’t paying attention to Freddy, but she is still listening, but Freddy didn’t know that autistic people can constantly be distracted. “Hey, you have to listen…” Freddy laid a hand on her cheek to make her look at him, but then she turned back to where she was looking. “What the fuck are you looking at? LOOK AT ME.” MJ flinched by Freddy’s tone that she started to whimper and tear up. “Just listen to my proposition, okay?” MJ nodded nervously while wiping the tears away. “Once I take you back to the real world, you will do my bidding, and remind everyone that I still exist, that way, I’ll be more powerful again. Am I being clear for you, my dear?” Freddy asked. MJ was feeling hesitant; can she trust him? Something in her head tells her to not to, but what will happen if she refuses? Will he hurt her? “If you say ‘no’, there’s no leaving this boiler room.” Freddy warned. He assumes that pressuring her will make her answer quickly and say ‘yes’. But after Freddy finished talking, she stares back to where she was staring before. “NO… ANSWER THE QUESTION YOU BITCH.” Freddy roared. MJ got so frightened that she ran out of her room to get away. “You can’t run from Freddy; This is my world, and there’s no escaping Freddy!” Freddy yelled out as he gets up to look for MJ.
Real World
Papawise got the fire started, and he got the moonlight shine down upon them. “Alright, now just remember, when MJ appears and you see her on fire, DON’T touch her; otherwise, she’ll feel the burning flames and cause some possible death. Once she’s free, I’ll restore her memory.” Papawise announced. “But what if ‘you-know-who’ comes out?” Aquarius asked. “I’m afraid you’re not going to like it; to keep Fred—uh, I mean… You-know-who from roaming the real world again, one of us has to take MJ’s place, or… Which may not happen, she has to fight him off into the fire, in order for her to be free without needing one of us to sacrifice for her.” Papawise answered. 
So, after explaining the warnings and the rules, Papawise started saying the ritual while sprinkling the ashes into the flames, where the fire changes its colours and causes the flames to rise. “Now we shall… Revive the innocent soul of ours; MJ Voorhees…” Papawise praised.
Meanwhile in the Dream Realm
“Come out, come out, wherever you are… I see you…” Freddy called out in a spine-chilling accent. MJ was tearing up while hiding in one of the lockers in fear. That is until, she saw the light-of-passage, and she was being lifted out of the hell she was in, just as the moment Freddy barged open the door, and that he saw MJ disappeared. However, he has a way up, and he knows that MJ will not survive a few seconds in the real world.
Back to the Real World
When everyone saw the fiery figure coming out from the bonfire, Jason nearly teared up, he just wanted to hug her and kiss her, but he knew he can’t just yet; especially when he isn’t sure if she’s even comfortable around him at this time. As the flames faded away, she was standing still while looking around, unaware that she was naked. Of course, Papawise was aware that she’ll come out naked, like all revivors do when coming out from the flames.
But as she was focusing on the hockey-masked figure in front of her, she panicked while trying to back away. “Don’t let her back into the fire, or she’ll burn to death!” Papawise shouted. Before anyone could save her, out comes Freddy. “SURPRISE.” Freddy shouted with a laugh. “I believe this one here… Is mine.” Freddy said as he grabbed hold of MJ by the neck, as he was suffocating her. Jason was going to wrack Freddy until MJ bravely bit him by the arm hard. “OW… You bitch!” Freddy was going to smite MJ with his glove until The Candyman charged at him. “Don’t you dare lay a butter knife on MY victim!” Because of that move, Not only was Freddy being dragged back to the Dream Realm, but The Candyman sacrificed his own life… By choice. “NOOO, SHE WAS MINE, MINE!” Freddy screamed before the fire burned out. Aquarius cried to see The Candyman gone. “He… He gave up his freedom… for MJ… Despite the fact…” Pennywise rested Aquarius’ head onto his shoulder for her to cry on. “Despite the fact that he was afraid of fire… I know…” Pennywise finished the sentence for her, while rubbing her back.
After everyone cooled down, MJ was huddled into a ball in fright, she still can’t remember anything. That is until Papawise came in on the act, like he promised. “Once I restore your memory… You’ll know who your friends were… And who your family was…” Papawise said to MJ. What Papawise didn’t mention to anyone, is that restoring MJ’s memory, also weakens him. Honestly to him, he’s got nothing to live for, with Aquarius not allowing him to see his grand-clown-kids, or letting them see him. He can’t hunt as good as he used to. He’s finished. The Grays were shocked when they saw Papawise collapse on the ground while heaving and gasping for air. “Papawise, what’s happened to you?” Pennywise asked.
Jason didn’t care what was going on with Papawise, right now, he only cared about his wife. When MJ reopened her eyes, she gasped in surprise and quickly wrapped her arms around her lover. But once the hug departed, she just realized that she’s naked, she would have screamed, but she’s still a mute. Jason took off his robe and put it on his wife to hide her ‘dignity’. Jason then looked over at Papawise, asking why MJ can’t talk. “I’m afraid I’m unable to restore her voice, all I can do is restore her memory… On the plus side, at least she’s here, and that she’s with the man she loved.” Papawise explained. Jason nodded before carrying his wife back to the cabin. “We better get back to the cabin too, to fetch our daughter.” Aquarius explained, as she was thinking about Malon with their daughter Kandy. “You go, I’m carrying Papawise back to the car.” Pennywise said, before he picked Papawise up bridal-style. “You know, this is pretty ironic, you carrying me like I’m some damsel-in-distress, which I am at this moment.” Papawise chuckled. “Shut it, you’re very heavy!” Pennywise groaned. “Sorry… Must’ve eaten too many overeating teens.” Papawise admits.
When Aquarius opened the door for Jason with MJ in his arms, she noticed that Kandy was wide awake watching ‘The Black Cauldron’, instead of the ‘Winnie the Pooh Series’ like Malon said she would. Malon has been hiding her face under the pillow the whole time, being afraid of the villain of the movie. “Kandy made you watch a scary movie did she?” Aquarius asked with a smirk. “Uh huh… She keeps screaming over the ‘Winnie the Pooh Series’, so I made her choose… And now… Could you possibly shut the movie off? Now that you’re going home with Kandy.” Malon explained then asked while shaking. Aquarius laughed before shutting the movie off for her. “Alright you naughty girl, time to go home and get ready for bed.” Aquarius said to Kandy.
Before the two head out, Kandy sensed MJ’s inability to speak, so she quickly squirmed to reach for MJ. “You wanted to say goodnight? Well, okay then.” Aquarius approaches Kandy towards MJ, expecting her to give her a kiss, but instead, she laid her hand on her forehead as her eyes glow blue. Once that’s done, she was expecting for MJ to speak when she wakes up. “Goodnight Jason, goodnight Malon… And goodnight to you MJ.” Aquarius said as she rubbed her head gently.
After Aquarius left, Malon got up to see her mom. “Is mommy okay? I know how much she’s been suffering.” Malon asked while tearing up. Jason just gave his daughter a blank stare before carrying his wife to their room to lay her down to rest. Jason was unaware of Kandy’s secret power to heal, so he’s still heartbroken, including Malon, after he have explained to her that she will never talk again. The first thing Jason did is that he gives her a big hug, and then escorted her to bed, but not her bed; he wanted Malon to sleep with her mom just to snuggle, while he takes the couch; since he’s too big and heavy for Malon’s little bed, and that it can break from his weight.
In the middle of the night, MJ heard a faint noise of Malon crying in her sleep, saying her mom’s name over and over as she was tearing up in her sleep. MJ can see that Malon was very upset over what has happened to her before. “It’s okay baby… It’s okay, mommy’s here… Mommy’s here…” MJ spoke in a soft tone, which was actually her first time she spoke since the Dream Realm experience. MJ’s mind went back to Jason, so she decided to get up and check on her husband.
She saw that Jason was just sitting up on the sofa, when he’s supposed to be sleeping at this point. MJ carefully approaches her lover when she came from behind the couch. “Hey… Sweetie…” MJ whispered. Jason jolted when he heard a familiar voice. He can not believe that his wife just spoke, he got up and removed his mask, so he can hug and kiss her. Poor Jason was in a crying mess, so MJ rubbed her husband’s back to comfort him. “I know Jay, I know… I didn’t think I could talk again either… I’m sorry for what I’ve put everyone through…” Jason shuts her up with a passionate kiss, wanting her to not blame herself. MJ took the hint and decided to not dwell on it anymore, what’s important is that she’s back and everyone is happy. “I love you Jay…” MJ said as she teared up. Jason kissed her eye that had a tear in it. They both decided to snuggle on the couch for a while before heading back to bed with Malon, if Malon wasn’t so big, they could’ve slept together as a family of three.
It wasn’t a total loss for The Candyman, he’s been giving Freddy Krueger a hard time in the dream realm. The bees were attracted to the heat in the boiler room, and they keep on getting into Freddy’s food. “Damn it Daniel! Get your bees out of here, I’m trying to eat!” Freddy yelled out. “I don’t feel like it… Try asking me later.” The Candyman suggested with a grin. The Shadow Man had to admit that it was pretty funny to see Freddy Krueger so annoyed by this change.
When Freddy was finished with his deeds on killing people in their dreams, he wanted to have a rest, only to have found some bees under the sheets. “DANIEL.” Freddy growled. “That’s it, this is the last straw!” Freddy teleported himself to the real world to talk to his ex-friend, Papawise.
Papawise gets to finally be at home with Pennywise and his family for a time, until he got his strength back. That is, until he received a knock on the window. When Papawise saw that it was Freddy, he was fumed. So, he went out to meet with him with his walker. “What do you want, Crispy? The Grays are asleep!” Papawise asked in an angry tone. “Pops… You gotta help me, Candyman is ruining my life in the Dream Realm; there are bees everywhere, and they are taking most of my soul food, they even took my bed, and you DON’T want to know where I’ve been stung at!” Freddy grieved while looking down; giving Papawise the hint where he got stung. “So… After taking MJ’s soul and try to destroy her, you wanted me to help you, in what cost? Look what your actions did to me, I can’t even walk anymore!” Papawise said in a mad tone as usual. “Compared to you, I’m like a normal human-being, thanks to you.” Papawise added. “Hey, hey, hey, it’s all in good fun. I tell you what, I’ll give you back your strength, if you help me deal with The Candyman.” Freddy offered. “Well… I suppose I could give you a hand, but FIRST… My strength…” Papawise requested. Freddy rolled his eyes before regaining his strength. “There, now you’re yourself again, now what do you suppose we do about Bee-Man?” Freddy asked.
Papawise chuckled. “I’m not going to deal with The Candyman… You will… Just let him loose, then he’ll be out of your hair, wherever you still have any… WAH HAH WAH HAH—” “Okay, okay STOP. But if I just free him, all my work will be for nothing!” Freddy complained. Papawise wrapped his arm around Freddy to make his own offer. “Hey, Crusty Fred, how about you just let The Candyman go, then I’ll give you the privilege to roam the real world again? The only condition is that you go back to your usual hometown in Springwood; your powers are only good there, doing your deeds here will only weaken you, which will make you useless. Fair enough?” Papawise said as he took out his arm. Freddy still hated Papawise, but he wanted to roam again, so he decided to shake on it.
Once The Candyman was free, he went over to The Voorhees place to go to their bathroom mirror. When Jason saw The Candyman, he decided to see him while his two girls were still asleep. Jason wanted to know how he was free, but The Candyman just wanted to go to the bathroom to return to his world. “I drove the demon mad, so I’m free to be on my way. So, if you excuse me…” The Candyman walked passed Jason, with him following. “Oh… One more thing, tell MJ, that what ever she put herself in to, I’m able to help her while I can. Tell her that.” The Candyman requested. Jason only tilted his head in confusion, but his head tilt is the answer that The Candyman will take, before he heads for home.
When The Candyman is gone, Jason decided to make his family a hearty breakfast, just how his wife will love it, and his daughter too, only, not so hearty, but with more love in his style of cooking.
The End  
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mychameleondays · 2 years
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Peter Gabriel: Us
Real World/Virgin PG7/213 143
Released: September 28, 1992
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hayleysprout13 · 1 year
A Week In The Life | Squeezing In The Holiday Shows
New year, new format! Bit of a lengthy one but it's been a busy week ---> A Week In The Life | Squeezing In The Holiday Shows
Hi! Hello! Happy New Year! I’ve really struggled with the blog in the past few months, so think it’s time for a brand new format. I’ve basically turned into a very scatty theatre reviewer, where I’d only review shows if I absolutely had to. And even then, they’d go up SO late because I’d struggle to find the motivation to actually sit down and review them. So I’m hoping this new format will allow…
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rbolick · 1 year
Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Steingruber's "Architectural Alphabet"
Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Steingruber’s “Architectural Alphabet”
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oughttobeclowns · 1 year
Review: As You Like It, @sohoplace
Review: As You Like It, @sohoplacelondon Plays interesting with gender and access
Josie Rourke’s As You Like It plays interestingly with gender and access at the brand spanking new @sohoplace “I’ll have no husband, if you be not he” Though I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive new theatre @sohoplace for sitting on the grave of the much-loved Astoria, it really is a lovely intimate space, the Donmar on steroids with something of the aesthetic of the Bridge in there too. As You Like It…
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msclaritea · 2 months
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Post Malone Releases Levi's Jeans Song Dedicated To Jewish Billionaire Running For Mayor Of San Francisco. Total and complete sellout.
"Daniel Lurie, philanthropist and Levi Strauss heir, enters San Francisco mayor’s race"
And apparently, Levi Jeans are Gay now.
0 notes
fangirlx · 8 months
Review Roundup - August 7th to October 1st, 2023
I told myself that, in this most recent return to blogging, I wouldn’t make any excuses for delays. I didn’t want to make any more posts where I’d have to acknowledge my return, because life is life and things really do happen. But August was a bit weird, and sometimes you really do have to sit down with yourself and say, “There is a problem here, and the least I can do is fix what I can and…
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inspirednarcissus · 2 months
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Daniel Sharman by Lee Malone for Square Mile.
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khaylin27 · 18 days
The Tortured Poets Department
khaylin27's version
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fortnight (ft. post malone) - jason todd x reader
2. the tortured poets department - george russell x wolff reader
3. my boy only breaks his favorite toys - jake seresin x reader
4. down bad - daniel ricciardo x reader
5. so long, london - carlos sainz x norris reader
6. but daddy i love him - fernando alonso x stroll reader
7. fresh out the slammer - oscar piastri x norris reader (part three to so long, london)
8. florida!!! (ft. florence + the machine) - logan sargeant x reader
9. guilty as sin? - oscar piastri x norris reader (part two to so long, london)
10. who's afraid of little old me - bat family x reader
11. i can fix him (no really i can) - dick grayson x reader
12. loml - carlos sainz x norris reader (part five to so long, london)
13. i can do it with a broken heart - lewis hamilton x pop star reader
14. the smallest man who ever lived - tim drake x reader
15. the alchemy - oscar piastri x norris reader (part four to so long, london)
16. clara bow - piastri-norris reader (part six to so long, london)
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thelonelybrilliance · 2 months
Fortnight ft. Post Malone = Daniel Deronda, George Eliot
The Tortured Poets Department = Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys = Emily's Quest, L.M. Montgomery
Down Bad = Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
So Long London = Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
But Daddy I Love Him = Far from the Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy
Fresh Out the Slammer = Hello Beautiful, Ann Napolitano
Florida!!! = Demon Copperhead, Barbara Kingsolver
Guilty as Sin = Crush, Richard Siken
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? = "Fan-Fiction," Tavi Gevinson
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) = Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century, Nancy Schoenberger and Sam Kashner
loml = Averno, Louise Glück
I Can Do It with a Broken Heart = Tracy Flick Can't Win, Tom Perrotta
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived = "Good Country People," Flannery O'Connor
The Alchemy = Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austen
Clara Bow = The Princess Diarist, Carrie Fisher
TTPD booklist! Connections and vibes, nothing set in stone. Credit for #4 to @itspileofgoodthings and for #14 to @thisisctrying
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