#Daniella Pick
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Couples Night @ The Golden Globes Awards - 2023.
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flowers-for-em · 2 months
picking daisies on sundays - liana cincotti
bestfriends to lovers and fake dating??? i love this book sm (yeah its a lil cringe and there are some mistakes cause its self-published but i still love it sm) adjsh anyway idk wtf is up with the blurryness of the wm but wtv
@nqds, @maybxlle, @lxvebelle, @xo-zozo, @reminiscentreader
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goth-automaton · 6 months
Do u have a favorite OTP/OT3?
Hmmmmm, depends on a fandom tbh – I'm usually a multishipper and it's pretty hard to me to pick favourites... But let's ponder that a little:
Definitely NeroV. I like a lot of DMC ships, but that was the one, that really got me into it. Plus I think they really fit each other. 💜
Otasune, sweet Arceus, Otasune! While I'm not against other ships with these two, I personally ship Solid Snake and Otacon only with each other. My beloved disaster husbands. T^T
Sonadow. Sonic is a fandom, where my shipping has no borders, but this one is a classic and I love their dynamics. ^^
When it comes to KH I'm team "fuck it, we ball!"... But lately I've gotten really fond of Luxord/Vexen. Unfortunately, so far I'm the only author on AO3, who's writing for them. XD Also, Larxene/Aqua, I think they're neat. ^^
I absolutely adore Tifa/Aerith, they're so cuuuuuuute! 💜
In BNHA I'm strong DabiHawks shipper, but I'm fine with shipping Dabi with others too (Hawks? Not so much).
Oh, and in Pokemon I love shipping Raihan with Piers. Or Leon with Piers. Or a threesome. Also, Guzma/Piers. And Guzma/Plumeria. 💜 (wait, isn't the last one only het ship on this list? ^^")
And now time for my two absolutely most favourite ships!
Hanch (Drakengard 2)/Daniella (Haunting Ground)!
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Does this ship make any sense? Nope, they aren't even in the same game. Do I still adore my traumatised psycho PS2 horror lesbians? Oh, yes! 💜
And the ship to rule all ships:
I don't ship waifu with anyone else. Just. Nope. She's mine! 😤
Thank you for the question! 💜
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ugisfeelings · 1 year
i love being a fake fan i still haven’t watched s&b but i have seen literally every single cast interview and i think everybody should clap for a little crows spinoff so frederick james carter can stay employed or else ill burn down the basement that they run n*tflix in 🤗
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wildestdreamsblog · 17 days
Latibule Spinoff: Elysian
Pairing: Doctor/Mafia!Kim Seokjin x Intern!Reader 
Warnings: Yandere behavior, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: Ahhhhh sorry for the late update (Daniella was swamped) but thank you for anticipating this story! I hope you like this and please reblog if you do! Also also also. Have u seen how handsome Seokjin in in every content he releases…I am unwell
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Masterlist, Part VI of __
Jung Hoseok was looking at him with visible disgust in his face. The fucker did not even attempt to hide it as he watched his hyung drank another shot of alcohol.
See, he could have drunk alone but this particular mafia prince decided to disrupt their fairly peaceful dinner when he sauntered in with an expensive bottle of whiskey that could feed a community from the price alone. Their conversation was abruptly cutoff when he placed the bottle on the dining table with a thud before proceeding to pour the content in a glass, and then drinking straight from the bottle like the lunatic and eccentric man he was proving to be.
Suffice to say, he was starting to get concerned at his hyung’s actions. He was a man of manners, priding himself to always be in proper decorum and holding himself at such a high esteem. The way he had been for the past few days were anything but the man he claimed to be. It wasn’t only Hoseok who found this peculiar. Park Jimin was nibbling his lower lips in worry, a habit he had from his childhood and was not able to shake off until now.
The brothers, sans Yoongi who was declared missing and presumed dead, all watched as their oldest hyung ignored them and instead, focused on his drinking while actively glaring at his phone as though the silence was offending him.
“This is familiar,” Taehyung commented with his deadpanned voice and continued eating his steak like nothing was amiss, uncaring of whatever was happening outside his dinner he specifically requested from the chef because Seokjin was not in the mood to prepare their usual dinner. “This was you more than a year ago.”
Jungkook looked at knife Taehyung was using as a pointer with a pout. “I didn’t reach that level of patheticness, thank you very much!”
“He’s right, Taehyung-ah,” Namjoon butted in, his hand patted Jungkook’s back.
“Thank you, hyung-“
“He was worst.”
Kim Namjoon enjoyed chaos, it was apparent. He thrived in it, but his cool demeanor and his strictness made it seemed the opposite. The brothers knew better. He wasn’t the straight A student people perceived him to be. Nope, he was much worse with twisted sense of justice and humor.
It can be seen by the way he calmly sipped his wine, the corners of his mouth curling into a subtle smirk as Jungkook exploded and Taehyung dodged the chicken thrown his way. Hoseok, ever the pacifist, didn’t know where to focus his attention to: the two youngest bickering on his one side, or the oldest who had just opened yet another bottle of whisky and was drinking straight from the source as though he had a spare liver and was testing the limits of his current one.
On the other hand, Jimin was on the corner with his phone plastered on his ear. “Hello, bear? Where are you? Come pick me up, I’m scared-” He paused as he listened to the response on the other end. “Hello? Bear?”
“Fine! I’ll just join my favorite hyung!” Jungkook pointedly said as he neared Jin who quietly passed him a glass of whisky. “You’re my only brother now.”
Seokjin suddenly lunged at his phone the moment it dinged with an alert, only to suddenly curse at it much to the surprise of the brothers. The force from which he slammed his phone on the table caused the expensive dinnerware to fear for their lives. Jimin timidly picked up the phone he threw across the table and read the message aloud.
“Dear Doctor Kim Seokjin, I hope this email finds you well. We wanted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on your well-deserved nomination- what is this? Are you mad because your research is nominated for a nobel prize?”  Jimin turned to his hyung with a frown on his face. He swore his brothers were becoming weirder and weirder as the days passed by. He was the only sane one here, truly.
Of course, it was perfectly sane to threaten any man who came too close to his bear, Jimin reasoned to himself. Or that he purposefully got injured in assignments whenever he felt like her attention was straining away from him.
Seokjin nodded, grumpily resting his chin on his fist. His thick dark brows were pinched together as he cursed at the message. “Stupid awards.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened in realization, “Ah, I get it now. You don’t want award, you want noona.”
This again, Hoseok thought. There was no way his hyung was acting this way because of a woman. He knew his hyung. He was disgusted by women and didn’t find them particularly interesting. In fact, he acted like they didn’t exist and Hoseok thought it was because of his mother. He waited for the denial that he was certain would come…until it didn’t.
Seokjin was silent. The man just literally sat there and drank his alcohol as though he had no plans to deny Jungkook’s ridiculous claim, much to Hoseok’s surprise.
“If you want her so bad, why don’t you apologize already?!” Jungkook shouted, shaking Jin’s shoulder. Ever the competitive one, he caught up to the volume of drink Seokjin intake and now it showed through his loud voice and sluggish movements.
“I already did, you idiot!”
“So she didn’t forgive you! Deserved!”
“As a matter of fact, she did!” Seokjin screamed back at the youngest, the vein in his neck protruding and his ears reddening.
“Then what is the problem, hyung?” Namjoon prompted, even he couldn’t make sense of why he was acting the way he did.
“She forgave me!”
“And that’s…the problem?” Hoseok asked with a tilt in his head.
“Because?” Jimin prompted, sensing that Seokjin was struggling to articulate his feelings.
“I don’t just want her forgiveness-“
“And they said I was the different want who couldn’t differentiate one emotion from the other,” Taehyung said in a deadpanned manner.
“I realized I don’t want forgiveness. I want-“
“-Her?” Jungkook finished.
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Seokjin immediately snapped; his voice was defensive but there was a telltale pause, a moment of hesitation that betrayed his true feelings. He continued, his voice rising with each word, as though he was trying to convince himself as much as the others. “I don’t want her forgiveness. I don’t want her to text me again. I don’t crave her attention. I don’t imagine us running towards each other in a field of flowers somewhere in Amsterdam. And I certainly don’t want her to be the mother of my children!” His voice broke with emotion, and with that final outburst, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, leaving the others in stunned silence until the resounding slamming of several doors broke them out of their stupor.
You were deeply focused on your phone that you didn’t notice a certain someone standing in your way. You admitted that it was a bad habit of yours to be so utterly unaware of your surroundings nor the danger that it contained when you were thinking of something. It was later in the future when you discovered just how unsafe it was.
You certainly couldn’t have avoided bumping into him, but he could have– and yet, he actively chose not to. The collision could have been avoidable given the sparse amount of space around. It was five in the morning and the hospital lobby was not yet busy. Your pace was not even hurried and he was literally standing there and watching you with his dark eyes enter the hospital lobby. It wasn’t until you collided with his surprisingly broad chest did you notice him. You would’ve stumbled, maybe even fallen, if his hands hadn’t gripped your shoulders, steadying you.
“I’m so sor—” you began, but your words trailed off as your eyes landed on him. You had been expecting a stranger, but instead, you found yourself looking up at Kim Seokjin, someone you had seen not long ago (more than eight hours to be exact).
You blinked up at him, slightly dazed, as he looked down at you with something warm and unexplainable in his eyes. There was a subtle change in him, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was. But it didn’t matter. He wasn’t your concern anymore.
Not your monkey, and definitely no longer your circus.
You pulled away from him immediately. However, you noted that there was a hesitation in his touch before he let you go. It was brief and yet, you were sure it was there.
"Sorry about that," he said, his voice smooth and calm. The corners of his mouth curled up in a faint smile, making his eyes twinkle with a touch of amusement.
“No, I should have been paying attention. My apologies, Doctor Kim,” you replied formally, drawing an invisible line between the two of you. Maybe if you did that, you could go back to the way things were before everything got so complicated. Right. It was just correct that you started acting professionally when it came to the Chief. He was, after all, your boss and you had embarrassed yourself enough. If you wanted that stellar recommendation, then you’d have to get your act straight.
You smiled at him and that was when he lost his. You bowed and proceeded to walk away from him, your attention back to your phone as though his presence could no longer affect you. There was something telling him that maybe it was true.
How could you just…brush him off like that?
How could you just go on while he was beating himself for pushing you away?
And how could you expect him to just accept what he found to be unacceptable?! He wasn’t Kim Seokjin, a trained Mafia prince, renowned doctor, billionaire, and the worldwide handsome for nothing.
“Ah!” he groaned dramatically clutching his chest where you had bumped into him, his voice echoing through the quiet hospital lobby. He made sure it was loud enough to grab the attention of everyone around him, including the staff. They immediately ran over to check on him, their eyes wide with concern.
You paused, frozen mid-step, feeling the eyes of the entire room shift toward Seokjin. You could sense it—theatrics. This was exactly the kind of scene you had wanted to avoid, but of course, Seokjin was never one to let things go quietly.
"Doctor Kim! Are you alright?" one nurse asked in a panic, while another was already dialing someone—probably a medic. Someone even was screaming emergency as more people gathered around him.
You sighed deeply, closing your eyes for a moment to summon whatever patience you had left. He left you no choice. Had you leave, you would look like a bitch. Turning on your heel, you walked back to where Seokjin stood, still clutching his chest as if he were on the verge of collapse. His eyes met yours, sparkling mischievously despite the serious expression he tried to maintain.
“Really, Seokjin?” you muttered under your breath.
“Doctor Y/N, your negligence caused serious physical injury not only to anyone, but to our very own and beloved Doctor Kim!”
You flinched at the HR Department head before sneakily shooting Seokjin a hard glare. Seriously, he sent you to HR just because you bumped into him?! How petty could he be?
The answer to that was too petty.
Even petty couldn’t even begin to describe this!
Seated across from you, with an exaggerated pout, Seokjin held a warm compress to his chest as though nursing a life-threatening injury. Next to him sat the HR Department head, looking utterly serious.
"How are you feeling, Doctor Kim?" the HR head asked him, to which Seokjin gave a pathetic little whimper.
"I'm recovering," he replied, dramatically wincing as if your minor collision had left him grievously wounded.
You clenched your fists, fighting the urge to scream. This man is unbelievable! You weren’t just in HR because of a bump. You were in HR because Kim Seokjin wasn’t ready to let you go. Or was it his ego that couldn’t let go? You thought for sure that it was probably the latter.
“Did you even apologize, Doctor?” the HR head asked, her brow raised and eyes filled with judgment.
“Of course I did—” you began to explain, but before you could finish, Seokjin interrupted with a dramatic sigh, leaning further into his chair.
“It feels like she wasn’t even sorry,” he muttered, his voice dripping with exaggerated hurt.
Your jaw clenched, anger bubbling just beneath the surface. You shot him another glare, your patience wearing thin. “I literally apologized right after I bumped into you,” you protested, your voice tinged with frustration.
The HR head frowned, turning her disapproving gaze back to you. "Doctor Kim seems to think otherwise," she remarked.
Seokjin's lower lip jutted out in a pout as if your mild collision had ruined his entire week. He clutched the warm compress on his chest more theatrically, glancing at you with puppy-dog eyes.
This was so beyond ridiculous, but you had no choice but to play along for now. "I apologize again, Doctor Kim," you said stiffly, the words forced but necessary.
He shook his head slowly, “I don’t think I can function well this week…”
Of course, the HR head ate up his performance without hesitation. Her face twisted in concern as she asked, “How can we make this better, Doctor Kim?”
Seokjin didn’t miss a beat. He lifted his gaze toward you, looking up through his lashes with the faintest smirk hiding beneath his pout, as though he was plotting something.
You braced yourself.
“Well,” Seokjin began, his tone measured and sweet, “perhaps if Doctor Y/N could make amends...by spending a little more time making sure I’m alright. After all, accidents can have lingering effects,” he added, his voice a mixture of innocence and something else entirely.
Your patience snapped. “I bumped into you. You’re not a fragile vase!”
But he wasn’t going to let this go that easily, and judging by the look on the HR head’s face, you were stuck.
“Enough. Because of the inconvenience you caused to Doctor Kim, you are suspended for a week.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock. Suspended? For bumping into him? This couldn’t be happening. Your brain raced as you tried to process what had just been said, but all you could focus on was one fact—you couldn’t afford to be suspended. You literally couldn’t afford to lose a week’s salary.
Your crestfallen face almost made Seokjin stopped this act, but he couldn’t lose you. At least, not yet, he thought. Not until he figured out why his heart was fucking hurting when you weren’t around. Or why he was up all night because the thought of you leaving his life made him tossed and turned all night. Or why he was acting like a devious, Slytherin brat (something Jimin would surely was) just to keep you beside him.
“Or she could just assist me the entire month it’ll take me to recover-”
“Whole month?!” you repeated, dumbfounded at what your ex-crush was saying.
Seokjin’s eyes blinked innocently, as though he wasn’t pulling the strings of this ridiculous charade. “What?” he asked, tilting his head slightly, as if he didn’t understand the problem. “This way, you’ll get paid. Plus overtime. Plus premiums. Plus dinner with me everyday. What more can you ask?”
You stared at him, your jaw hanging open as you tried to process the audacity of his proposal. The way he smirked, leaning back slightly with a look of self-satisfied victory, only served to increase your frustration. This was outrageous, but somehow, you knew he was serious.
“Are you kidding me?” you finally managed, your voice barely above a whisper. “You can’t just—”
“Actually, I can,” Seokjin interrupted smoothly. “And I will. Unless you want to risk a suspension that you clearly can’t afford. It’s your choice.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but the words caught in your throat. Seokjin had you cornered. He was offering a solution that, while absurd and humiliating, was far better than the alternative. And the way he leaned in, as if he was sharing a secret, made it clear that he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Well?” he prompted, still wearing that smug grin.
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elderwisp · 4 months
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On Repeat - an oc tag
rules are pretty simple, pick as many (or as little) oc's as you'd like and find a song that you relate to them the most! feel free to mention why too! o and tag some more ppl too! that would be cool! i tag: @goldenwaves @acidheaddd @dejasenti99 @earthmoonz @moonfromearth @stinkrascal @matchalovertrait @lynzishell @sirianasims @vicciouxs @gvaudoiin-tricou @smulie @living-undead @pralinesims @lucidicer @literalite @nepotisim @mattodore @madebycoffee @daniigh0ul @changingplumbob @yukikocloud @cinamun @moonwoodhollow @youredreamingofroo @acuar-io @raiiny-bay
deep dive below ⇣
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Frances Dubois:
Something about the whimsical instrumentals backed up with the haunting vocals almost reminds me of someone stuck in a loop. There's repetition in the chorus that solidifies that feeling. I also like the juxtaposition of the French lyrics, like the second singer is aware and has a desire to change. When I think of Frances, I envision someone in limbo and part of that is the inability to make a decision. She finds herself stuck, in a way, her anxiety makes the decision for her because doing nothing is something. Whilst Icarus has helped nudge her into making decisions such as aiding her in graduating, speaking to Atlas, and supporting her in her audition. there's still this internal desire to make that move on her own. The first time we see her do that is when she decides to kiss Icarus, which in a way, pushed her back into her loop as it didn't end well. As of current events, she's avoided him since.
↬ sometimes - mattyeux and princess chelsea
Daniella Álvarez:
This song to me encapsulates someone who has had to be independent at a very young age. The beginning opens with spoken lyrics, "She asked me who's taking care of me, I said, 'I take care of me'" and whilst incredibly empowering, there's always that question of how did we get here? Dan is the eldest of two younger siblings. In fact, there's quite the age gap between her siblings and if we look at Valeria, she also looks just as youthful. Dan is the product of an unplanned pregnancy as well as a bit of a narcissistic mother. The disorderly environment in which she's been given, learning to be a caretaker of her siblings and the constant pressure of success has lead her to have self-sufficient character. Whenever I think about her dynamic with her friends, I'm reminded of this scene, and she's the glue that is trying to hold the chaos together.
↬ taken care of - suzi wu
Kai Castillo:
Christ this song is so good. The instrumentals backed up by the vocals, feels a bit somber. Throughout Tessellate, Kai hides behind the fact that he has these feelings towards Atlas and they've started to bubble over into jealousy as Atlas's relationship grows with Kai's sister, Taryn. I also love that there are a lot of comparisons here to Lucifer Morningstar and religious elements. Kai's relationship with his religion is somewhat of a paradox as he is a closeted gay man to his parents, his sister and church. In fact, he does a lot of things that would bring quite a bit disapproval. He's unforthcoming, somewhat suspicious because his secrets have given him a reason to be. His story is of one that falls from grace.
↬ i am the antichrist to you - kishi bashi
Atlas Dubois:
While Paul Julian Banks narrates a song about struggling with addiction, I noticed there's a bit of a different beat in comparison to the rest of Interpol's songs. The tempo is much slower, as if exhaustion has set in and we're barely moving along. When we meet Atlas, it's at the beginning of a fresh start, not really knowing what has happened prior. Slowly throughout, we pull back minor details that entail his complex struggles with addiction. What initially started out as a bit of fun, became all consuming, allowing any given opportunity to be a reason why he should use. The bridge of this song also discuss the contrast between himself and his partner discovering his addiction for the first time. There's also a change in his tone during that that I find to be so neat! It does remind me a bit of his relationship with Taryn. I do know that addiction lasts a lifetime, and that love doesn't solve it all, but I also know that right support is the most important.
↬ rest my chemistry - interpol
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 7 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu brings you in as one of her maids, at least, that's what you thought she brought you to the castle for.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, depression themes
Tags: flirty, fluff, slow burn, smut, angst.
Notes: Part 7!! Yet another angsty chapter! Poor reader is heart broken
Click here for the rest of the series
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The sound of the breakfast bell wakes you up in the morning, your head is pounding and your eyes feel swollen. That's what you get for crying yourself to sleep. To your surprise, you're not sad or broken hearted when you wake up. In all honesty, you feel nothing. A feeling of numbness resides in your chest. The breakfast bell rings again and you stay unmoving in your bed. All motivation to get up is nowhere to be found, you pull the duvet back over your head and fall back asleep.
Alcina enters the dining room as the girls appear from their swarms. She immediately notices that your chair is empty, thinking to herself, and secretly hoping, you're just running behind this morning. When the second bell rings and you're nowhere to be found, Alcina redirects her guilt into frustration.
"Where's y/n?" Cassandra asks.
"I don't know, I haven't seen her since dinner last night." Daniela says.
"I walked her down to the kitchen last night," Bela says. Alcina freezes and tries to keep her composure as she listens to her daughter speak. "She seemed weird, like something was bothering her."
"Did she say anything when you got to her room?" Daniela asks.
"No, well, I didn't walk her all the way to her room." Bela says quietly, looking over at her mother, expecting to be reprimanded for letting you go by yourself. Alcina releases a breath she didn't realize she was holding, relieved her daughter didn't witness the maiden leaving her chambers and turns her attention back to her breakfast. "But I walked her to the top of the stairs! I mean her room is only like 50 feet away and no one else was around!" She says preemptively defending herself.
"Mom you're not gonna yell at her for letting y/n go back to her room by herself?!" Cassandra says.
"Really! I got in so much trouble for walking away from her for two seconds and Bela gets away with totally abandoning her?!" Daniella argues.
"She was fine! If anything would have happened I would have heard it!" Bela argues back.
"And it would have been too late if that crazy maid jumped out and stabbed her!" Daniela yells.
Images of Stefana standing above you with the knife in her hand flashes before Alcina's eyes as she tightens her grip on her wine glass.
"Mom I can't believe you're not doing anything about this! It's SO unfair!"
More images flash before Alcina's eyes, this time of Mother Miranda dragging you into the lab and experimenting on you. Having to watch on helplessly as you cry out for her as you suffer. She can picture the sinister smile Mother Miranda would have across her face, watching Alcina slowly break as she watches you die.
The girls continue to argue, quickly wearing down Alcina's already limited patience as they get louder and louder.
"ENOUGH." Alcina roars. "This conversation is finished, I don't want to hear another word about it."
"But mom!" Daniela and Cassandra say in unison.
"I said enough." She hisses.
The girls fall silent and quietly eat their breakfast.
Alcina picks at her plate, her appetite is suddenly lost but she tries to keep up appearances so the girls don't question her any more than they already have.
"Good morning my Lady." Zina says as she walks into the dining room.
"Good morning Zina."
"Has y/n not joined you for breakfast this morning?" She asks, mildly concerned.
"I suppose she hasn't." Alcina says.
"Would you like me to prepare a tray and bring it to her chambers?"
"Oh! I can bring it! I want her to keep reading to me!" Daniela says.
"Absolutely not." Alcina says to her daughter, once again turning her fears and guilt into frustration and anger. "If she doesn't want to join us for meals that's her decision. I will not be giving anyone special privilege's or making more work for my staff to accommodate laziness."
The girls exchange looks, surprised at their mother's response.
"As you wish my Lady. Is there anything else you need?" Zina says.
"That's all."
The remainder of the meal is oddly quiet as the girls exchange looks while Alcina's mind drifts off.
After breakfast the girls congregate in the library.
"What was that?" Cassandra asks.
"Wow mom really wasn't in a good mood this morning." Daniela replies.
"They're both been super weird. I asked y/n about it last night and she just made up some 'it's been an off week' response, but I could hear her heartrate increase so she was definitely lying."
"You think they got into a fight?" Daniela asks.
"I doubt it, I mean they weren't even really together. What's there to fight about?" Cassandra says.
The door to the library opens and they hear Alcina humming to herself, the girls burst into swarms and scatter.
You wake up a few hours later, glancing over at the clock you realize it's almost lunch time. The thought of eating makes you nauseous, the numbness in your chest still lingers, solidifying its place in your body. Every ounce of you wants to stay in bed but your bladder is begging you to move. Reluctantly you get out of bed and walk into the bathroom to pee. You splash some water on your face after you wash your hands and look in the mirror.
"Wow I look like shit." You say to yourself.
Your eyes are still a little puffy and the dark circles under your eyes are more prominent than ever. Flashes of memories from last night appear, the young maidens face, her shaking legs, the look of surprise, then shame on Alcina's face. A pain shoots through your chest that steals your breath for a moment. The pain disappears as quickly as it appeared, the numbing feeling returning to its place. You make your way back into the bedroom, pulling the thick curtains closed before crawling back into bed. The lunch bell rings as you drift back off to sleep.
The maids serve the women of the castle lunch, Alcina catches herself staring at your empty chair, snapping out of it when her meal is placed in front of her. She lights a cigarette and takes a long drag from it, blowing the smoke out of the corner of her mouth. Aside from the clicking of silverware and the faint crackling of Alcina's cigarette, lunch is unusually quiet.
After lunch Alcina makes her way into her study, the last thing she wants to do right now is more work but she has a business to run and she can't fall behind. It takes her twice as long to do her paperwork because she keeps getting distracted. Every time she hears a small noise she pauses to listen closely to see if it's you. Once she rules out that you were the source of the noise she strains her ears to listen for your heartbeat. When she's finally able to find it, she listens to it for a minute. It hasn't changed in the last few hours so she assumes you're asleep. Alcina continues this pattern for the majority of the afternoon, she tries her best to focus and put a dent into the paperwork she has to do but its no use. Abandoning her work for the time being she makes her way back to her chambers.
She sheds her hat and gloves and paces back and fourth, running her fingers through her hair, struggling with the war waging inside of her.
In your bed you wake up again, grateful to realize most of the day has passed. You hear the familiar sound of heels clacking against the floor, the sound of Alcina's bedroom door opening and closing. Hearing her pacing back and fourth in her chambers you find the rhythm oddly soothing and you close your eyes once more.
Alcina immediately notices a change in your heartbeat, she pauses for a moment to listen and continues to pace. Your heartbeat slows once more, it dawns on her that you can probably hear her pacing in her chambers as your breath begins to match her steps. A small smile crosses her face for a moment knowing she was able to bring you some peace. The smile quickly fades and is replaced with a scowl when she realizes the thought that just crossed her mind.
A low growl rumbles in her chest as she grows frustrated with herself. She grabs the bottle of wine off of her vanity and makes her way into the bathroom to draw herself a bath.
"To hell with the glass." She thinks as she drinks straight from the bottle.
After shedding her clothes, jewelry and hair pins, she lowers herself in the tub and closes her eyes, the warm water soothing her. The relaxing sensation only lasts for a few minutes when she hears your heartrate pick up once more. Her ears focused on you, she hears you walk across your room, probably into your bathroom. As hard as she tries she can't seem to stop herself from listening to your heartbeat. Aggravated, she slides down into the tub submerging herself completely under water. Grateful that the water filling her ears was able to mute the sound of your heartbeat, she finds herself momentarily envious of her brother Moreau, living under water must be nice since he probably doesn't hear a damned thing. Although she does shake her head at the ridiculousness of being envious, of Moreau. Out of the four lords Alcina finds him the most pathetic, a simpleton, his only redeeming quality in her eyes is the fact that he's an excellent physician.
Alcina breaks through the surface of the water and runs her hands through her hair, combing it away from her face.
Alcina turns to see Bela standing at the door of her bathroom.
"Come in."
Bela takes a few steps into the bathroom, Alcina watches her as Bela notices the bottle of wine sitting on the floor next to her. Alcina closes her eyes and rests her head against the tub, acting as if the wine bottle was never there to begin with.
"Do you need something draga?" She asks.
"We wanted to know if you were going to join us for dinner?"
Alcina opens her eyes and looks at her daughter, confused.
"The dinner bell rang a few minutes ago." Bela says.
"My apologies draga, I must have not heard it." Alcina wonders how long she was under water for, it must have been for longer than she thought if she missed the dinner bells. "Yes, I will be joining you."
Bela looks at her mother with concern.
"What is it sweetling?"
"I don't want to pry," Bela says, looking down at her feet. "But, are you okay? You haven't been yourself lately and Dani and Cass and I are worried about you."
"Fetița mea dulce." Alcina says, reaching her hand out towards Bela's. (My sweet girl) Bela steps forward and takes her mothers hand into hers. "I am sorry that I worried you and your sisters." She says, stroking the back of Belas hand. "Rest assured I am fine. The stress from work has taken its toll this week, is all."
Alcina doesn't know why she even bothers trying to lie to the girls, especially Bela, who's basically a walking lie detector test. She sees the look in Bela's eyes when she knows her mother isn't telling the whole truth but Bela decides to not push the issue. Alcina rationalizes her half-truth with the fact that her daughters don't need to know the details of her love life.
"I will be down in a few minutes draga." Alcina says giving Bela's hand a small squeeze before letting go.
Bela heads downstairs and Alcina dunks herself under the water once more before getting out of the tub. After drying off she slides a nightgown over her body and wraps one of her luxurious floor-length robes around her, tying it tightly around her waist. She fixes her makeup, even though most of it washed off in the tub, she refuses to go downstairs bare faced, it's bad enough she's showing up to dinner in her robe. It's something she very rarely does and usually only happens after a particularly bad or stressful day. Alcina pins her damp curls and wraps a silk scarf around her head, giving herself a once over in the mirror before deeming her appearance just barely acceptable for dinner and goes downstairs.
"Good evening girls, I apologize for my tardiness." Alcina says as she takes her seat at the head of the table.
"Its okay mother." Bela says.
"We waited for you!" Daniela says.
"Well, some of us did." Cassandra says, eyeing the large bite missing from Daniela's dinner.
"Shut it Cass!" Daniela yells at her. "I bit into if before we decided to wait!"
"It doesn't matter!" Cass yells back.
"That is enough." Alcina says sternly as the girls fall silent. "I appreciate you waiting for me. Please, eat. I'm sure you girls are hungry."
As the girls go to dig into their meals Daniela interrupts.
"Wait, should we wait for y/n? She hasn't eaten all day, she must be hungry."
"What makes you think she's showing up now? She hasn't left her room all day, idiot." Cassandra snaps.
"I don't think she's coming Dani." Bela says, sympathetically.
Daniela looks over to Alcina.
"Eat." Alcina says to her.
Just like the two other meals of the day, dinner was unusually quiet for the Dimitrescu family.
The night carries on as you continue to lie in bed, you hear a faint buzzing noise in the distance and realize it's getting louder until it sounds like it's in your room.
Daniela emerges from the swarm standing next to your bed, for a moment you're grateful that you're facing the other direction.
"Y/n, can you keep reading me the book we started last night?" She asks softly.
"Not tonight kiddo."
You feel guilty, but all you want is to be alone.
"Aw, but-"
"Dani," you say as your voice lightly shakes. "Please." The last word leaving your lips as a whisper, trying your best to keep your voice steady and tears at bay.
All you wanted all day was for the nighttime to arrive, but now that it's here the numbness in your chest fades back to the familiar feeling of heartbreak and sadness.
Daniela disappears into a swarm of flies and leaves your room. You hold tightly onto your pillow as tears soak into the pillowcase.
After dinner Alcina locks herself in her chambers for the night and writes in her diary.
How could she miss every meal today? How incredibly selfish.
She writes, trying her hardest to cling to anger and frustration, desperately trying to keep it from forming into guilt and sadness.
Is this how she repays me? After I brought her into my home, I clothed her, fed her, put a roof over her head, after I gave her work, gave her a purpose that wasn't raising those children. After I rescued her from that awful house and that pathetic manthing she called her uncle, after I protected her, from both that wretched maid and Mother Miranda. After I cared for her, nursed her back to health, after I lov-
Alcina's breath hitches when she realizes what she's writing.
After I loved her, after I-
Tears begin to roll down her cheeks and onto the page.
After I broke her heart, after I hurt her so deeply.
"Oh goddamnit Alcina." She says quietly as she becomes frustrated with herself, her tears falling faster.
What have I done? Could I ever forgive someone if they did to me what I've done to her? I don't think I could. How could I know that I could ever trust them again?
I wish so deeply that Mother Miranda never set eyes on her. Never suggested to use her in her experiments. Even if it was just to give me enough time to figure out how to keep her safe from Mother. If I just spoke to her, told her how both I love and fear Mother Miranda, how I could never repay her for giving me my girls, how I yearn for her approval, how deeply I want her to be proud of me yet how I hate her for turning me into what I am.
If I only told her my true feelings for her. Told her how I feared for her, how I only wanted to keep her safe. I fear it's too late and the damage is too great for her to ever speak to me again. Never have I regretted something to deeply in my life.
Closing her diary, Alcina covers her face with her hands.
The following morning you wake up to the smell of breakfast. Confused, you roll over and see a tray on the nightstand beside your bed, assuming you slept through the breakfast bells. You know you have to eat, but truthfully the thought of food makes you want to puke a little. Reluctantly, you grab a piece of toast and take a few bites and toss it back onto the plate. The numbness in your chest is back and you're almost grateful for it, since the alternative seems to be crippling heartbreak and sadness. After crying yourself to sleep for the second night in a row, you've grown tired of the feeling.
Walking into the bathroom you stare at the shower. You feel a little grimey from laying in bed all day yesterday and you know you should jump in but the amount of effort it's taking just to convince yourself to get in is exhausting. Fighting the numbness and urge to climb back into bed, you shut the bathroom lights off to bring you some comfort and get into the shower. The hot water sooths you as it runs over your body. A fleeting moment of relaxation is stolen when the numbness breaks, flooding you with heartbreak once more. Grateful the running water seems to drown out your sobs, you slide down the shower wall and sit on the floor as the water pours over you, letting out the sadness you've been keeping in. After some time you feel like you've run out of tears to cry. You take a deep breath and stand up and make your way out of the shower. Once you're dried off you put on a clean pair of pajamas and once again climb back into bed.
The next few days go the same way, you wake up with the breakfast tray next to you, you eat a few bites of the most simple item on the tray and roll back over. You're either asleep, or pretend to be, when the maids come in and switch out each barely touched tray of food with the next meal. Like the meals prior, you take a few small bites and give up. The numbness in your chest only grows, making its way down to your stomach where it steals most of the little appetite you have left. You feel it spread through your limbs, making it almost impossible to pull yourself out of bed for the most simple tasks. Each night the numbness falls away allowing the desperation and heartbreak to eat away at you. You're grateful you're not crying yourself to sleep anymore, but you've cried so much the last few days you're probably too dehydrated to produce any more tears.
Your absence doesn't go unnoticed by the girls or Alcina when you continue to not show up for each meal. After the first day Alcina made sure each meal was brought up to you to at least try and get you to eat. Every time a tray was taken away she noted how little you've eaten and her concern for you only grew.
The girls keep coming into your room and trying to talk to you, it breaks your heart to act so cold towards them but there isn't a ounce of you that wants to talk to anyone. After another visit you pull yourself out of bed and lock the door hoping it will keep them out and you crawl back into bed.
Some time goes by and you hear the door handle jiggle, you hold your breath for a moment and release it when it stops and you hear footsteps retreating. Glancing over at the clock you realize it's just passed dinner time and it was probably a maid bringing you your meal.
Alcina makes her way towards her study after dinner, she's barely gotten any work done the last week, too distracted and distraught. She was hoping to talk to you when you came out of your room but she's concerned you may never leave. Deep in thought she passes Zina with your dinner tray, heading back towards the kitchen.
"Zina why was that not brought to y/n's chambers?"
"Good evening my Lady. Her door was locked, I was just on my way to retrieve my spare key."
"Why do you not carry it on you?"
"Will all due respect my Lady, if I carried every spare key you've given me on my person it would take me twice as long to complete my tasks I'd be so weighed down." She says with a smile.
Alcina lightly chuckles.
"I suppose that's fair. I'll take the tray to her, I have a set of spare keys in my chambers. No need for you to make your way all the way down to the kitchen and back up."
"It's no trouble my Lady-"
"I insist."
"Of course."
Zina hands the tray to Alcina, what Zina needed two hands to hold Alcina can easily carry it with one of hers.
"Have a good evening my Lady." Zina says with a small bow.
"Good night Zina."
Alcina goes to her chambers and gets her set of spare keys and makes her way to your door. She takes a deep breath before placing the key into the keyhole and unlocking the door. After another breath she opens the door and steps through the threshold.
As you lay in bed you can hear someone fiddling with the doorknob and you her a small "click" as the door unlocks. A moment later the door opens and you're enveloped by the scent of Alcina's perfume. You never thought a scent could invoke such strong emotions but as soon as you smell her perfume your heart feels like its breaking all over again. You miss the scent, you miss how the scent was at its strongest when your head was curled into her neck, how safe you felt in her arms, the way her fingers ran through your hair, how her soft, cool lips gave you so much warmth when you felt them on your skin. Truthfully, you miss her, but your heart is still too broken, too hurt to do anything about it. You hoped that she just happened to be passing by when the maid opened the door but you hear her heels on the floor, slowly stepping towards you and you see her shadow cast across the bed. If your back wasn't turned you don't think you would be able to stop yourself from staring at her.
Alcina walks into your room and can immediately hear your heartbeat increase, it brings her some comfort to know you knew it was her entering your room right away. She takes a few steps forward and stands there for a moment, hoping you'll turn towards her.
The tears begin to build in your eyes and you try your hardest to hold onto them until she leaves. Part of you so desperately wants her to scoop you up into her arms and hold you and the other part of you wishes she'll walk away and leave you alone forever.
Alcina hears your heartbeat increase. She picks up the lunch tray and realizes you didn't even touch it. Replacing it with the dinner tray she looks over at you again. She reaches out to touch you and goes to speak but stops herself, slowly dropping her hand. Releasing a shaky exhale she turns to leave.
You hear Alcina pick up the lunch tray and replace it with the dinner tray. She sounds like she's about to speak as you hear her shift but she stops herself. The lump in your throat grows so large it's nearly choking you when you hear her release the shaking breath she was holding back. The sound of her footsteps get further away as she heads back towards the door; you hear her open the door and the sound of a slight shift, knowing she turned around to look at you once more. Holding onto your sobs for dear life one manages to escape a second before the door clicks shut. Once you hear the click the floodgates open and you cry, you cry harder than you have the last couple of days. Angry, hurt, heartbroken, you want to hate her. There might be a part of you that does, but you also miss her. Part of you wants to hear her side, let her explain why she did what she did, another part of you doesn't want to hear it.
Right before she ducks out of the room Alcina turns to look at you again, she can hear your heart pounding. She ducks out of the door and right before it clicks shut she hears a sob escape from you, the sound crushes her. After she closes the door she hears you begin to cry again, harder than you have in a few days. With a pain in her chest Alcina leans against the wall and slowly slides down until she's sitting on the floor, placing the tray next to her. She brings her knees to her chest and tears fill her eyes. As she wipes away a tear that fell she hears a noise and looks down the hall, a maid had just come out of one of the rooms. Realizing the noise was a small gasp, the maid was not expecting to see Alcina, no less sitting on the floor in this state. Freezing for a moment, the maid doesn't know what to do.
"Go on." Alcina says, nodding in the direction the maid was heading.
The maid quickly makes her way past Alcina.
"Take this to the kitchen please." Alcina says, picking up the tray and handing it to the maid.
"Of course my Lady." The maid quietly says.
Alcina turns so her hat is covering most of her face but she's able to catch a glimpse of the maids face. Along with the slight look of fear, the maid gives Alcina an empathetic look as she takes the tray and walks away.
Once the maid is out of view Alcina leans her head back against the wall and looks up, trying to blink away her tears.
"How do I fix this?" She says quietly to herself.
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Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, clashing personalities, exclusion, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: moody boy Curtis Everett x bubbly, plus-size reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your second day isn’t as intimidating. You find your desk by yourself and even remembered your honey bear mug! You tuck your bag underneath as your computer boots and check your phone for any updates from your blog. Nothing special, just a hobby.
You yawn and sign in, taking two tries to remember your credentials correctly. You check the shared calendar and see that you have a meeting after lunch with IT. Daniella mentioned you had to get your security passes before the end of the week, that’s probably what that’s for.
You swivel back and forth as you open up your training list. You’re making good progress. You think. You don’t really know. It seems like a lot and despite feeling as if you’ve run a marathon, there are only a few ticks marked off.
Before you dive in, you need a pick-me-up. You really liked that butterscotch coffee but you might try something new. You enter the kitchen and wait behind a woman you don’t know as she brews her coffee. When she’s done, she returns your ‘good morning’ but doesn’t stop to chat. Must be a busy day.
You place your cup on the tray and pick out a French Vanilla pod. You don’t really know what the difference between regular vanilla and French vanilla is. Maybe the French stuff is fancy. Ooh la la.
You hum as the coffee grinds. It sounds angry. Well, it is probably the most overworked fellow in this place. Every day, seeing the heart caffeine hounds, having them poke his face, and glare until he does his jobs.
It’s a machine. Your mother always said you put a bit too much empathy into objects without sentience. Well, your English teacher shouldn’t have made you read that book about Electric Sheep or whatever.
Your cup is full and you grab it, focused on putting the lid on it to keep it nice and warm. As you turn, you fail to stop in time. Your hand knocks against the man’s chest and you gasp as coffee splashes onto his dark shirt. Not much as you manage to block most of it but enough to make him grunt and step back.
It’s him! Oh no. You’ve upset him again.
“I’m sorry, mister,” you say as you hold out your dripping cup, “I didn’t hear you. You sure are quiet.”
He grumbles and stomps to the sink, slamming his mug down as he snatches paper towels from the dispenser. You bite your lip nervously and near. You keep your cup from dripping onto your light blue cardigan with the little white clouds.
“Can I have some–”
He wipes his hands and shirt with a growl. He swipes up his cup without and answer and moves around you to the coffee machine. His cup hits the tray hard and he jabs the screen as it beeps at him in demand of a pod. He takes one and peels open the package before shoving it inside.
“I’m really sorry,” you say as you dry off your cup and fix the lid firmly, “you snuck up on me… like a wolf.”
He shakes his head and looks at the ceiling. He’s tall, his posture is straight and unbending, making you more conscious of your slouching. He wears all black that day, it makes him look lean, and the silver rings shine around his fingers. You only then notice the stud in his ear.
“Oh! I like your earring–”
“Why are you talking to me?” He snarls without looking at you.
You recoil and sputter. You’re not being rude. You’re just trying to be nice. He reminds you of that guy in university who used to call you airhead.
“Because… I wanna?” You say with a shrug, “I still didn’t get your name.”
“Look, I’m not interested in making friends. I come in,” he takes his cup from the tray, “do my work,” he points at you past the porcelain, “and I mind my goddamn business.”
He turns and strides out, another beastly sneer rolling out of him. You furrow your brow and pout at the door. Tammy enters with her own mug, a bright pink thing with a picture of Dolly Parton on it. Ah, you get it, 9-5.
“Ugh, that man is always in a mood,” she says.
“Yeah…” you agree thinly.
“Try not to get in his way. Five years and he’s never said a word to me. It’s too bad, he’s not bad on the eyes.”
You don’t acknowledge her last sentence. It’s not very appropriate for the workplace and she’s married. Quite happily as she only ever talks about her husband. You tell her to enjoy her coffee and go back to your desk.
Maybe you should just steer clear. Eat at your desk or somewhere else.
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fried-peaches00 · 6 months
Late Night Talks
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Teylan x Sarentu Reader
Ratings: SFW, a little fluff, a little angst
Word Count: 800
Spoilers for the beginning of the cloudy forest story arc!!!
Kczz…kz…”Hello…” Kcz
The soft static buzz of the walky-talky resting at your side interrupted by a timid voice whispering meekly into the night rouses you from your sleep. While the rest of the resistance gathers around the fire to enjoy a meal and a moment of rest in light of the first — albeit small and mediocre — victory since being flushed from the Kinglor Forest, you retreat to the living quarters. After another long day of close calls with increasingly agressive beasts both feral and RDA alike you chose to revel in the warm lights, tapestries and bean bags among the barrack-like bunk beds. Just as you had barely drifted to sleep to the sounds of distant laughter and soft conversations your walks-talky buzzes to life. 
It takes you a moment in your stupor to orient yourself, picking up the comms device much like you used to a phone in you TAP days,
”Hello?” You exhale, rubbing your face.
kczvvv…” I miss you…”
You jump to sit upright, becoming unsteady and light headed in the process. You would know that voice anywhere. You heard those same three words on long stretches of being with the Zeswa or deep in the Kinglor Forest, far from the Dyer’s Bowl and resistance headquarters. 
“Teylan!” You wince realizing how loud you were. These days his name was a grimaced at, a slur almost. Blinded by his loneliness and naivety, his actions were responsible for the death of many friends and loved ones. You haven't heard from him since that first day when you escaped the helicarrier, no matter how often you chatted into the void of the walkie talkie static on long nights spent trekking among the trees. After so long you had begun to fear if he had done something stupid, permanent,
”Teylan, are you okay? Where are y-“
”I don’t want you to come for me, I’m okay for the night… I just… I need to hear your voice.” He sighs shakily. He berates himself with shame for even entertaining the idea of contacting you after what he’s done let alone going through with it, you can hear it in the hesitation between each fragmented sentence. It takes every fiber in your being to not insist you should bring your boy home,
”Okay, only if you promise you’re alright.” You bite your lip, leaning to get a better view of the hallway through the shelves acting as dividers for the sleeping quarters. 
”I miss you too, Teylan. I worry about you a lo-“
” I never should have done it!” He explodes, feedback from the walkie-talkie piercing through your skull,
”I wanted us to be together again and was blinded by my own stupid-Stupid!” He sniffles, taking a few shallow breaths,
”And now… We were further apart than ever… People died because of me. My friends died. Hajir and Daniella. I miss them.”  You hear him take a strained sob,
”An- And I’ll never get to see you again…” He whispers, breaking your heart. You can’t imagine him alone in some computer terminal, cold and lonely upon his own exile. He should be here, with you, warm tucked under your arm. Or at the very least celebrating with the rest of your friends, filling his belly with good food the Kama’tire and Zeswa bring from their homes,
”Breath, Baby. Take a deep breath.” Teylan heaves a few shallow, painful sounding, breathes before taking a shaky sigh,
”You know that’s not true, Teylan, You can have your space but I won’t let you stay away forever.” You murmur, looking towards your pouch containing the paper RDA map you recovered from an abandoned base; laden with marks for searched locations and clues of Teylan’s whereabouts,
”I can’t lie to you, honey, you fucked up big time.” You wince hearing him whimper into another set of sobs,
”But you aren’t the only one. Nor, Priya, and shit. Alma fucked up the worst… I can’t bring myself to burden you with this right now but at this point I just want to move forward.” A moment of heavy silence hovers, dampening the joyous chatter of your friends and teammates across the hideout, leaving you alone with the memories of your clan's demise and standing on the grave of your mentor. You can’t help but wonder if Teylan feels the same weight in whatever far off crevice he’s concealed himself in, 
“I just want the RDA gone, Teylan. I want you home…” 
It’s another few moments of silence. Followed by many more. It sounds like this conversation is over. You settle back down into the blankets and beanbags covering the cold metal floor. With a sigh, your resolve is set,
”Goodnight, Teylan. I miss you too.”
It doesn’t matter where he’s hidden himself away. You have decided you would take to the skies. No matter how many days, weeks, months it would take— You would bring your boy home. Whether he likes it or not,
”I love you, baby.”
And those four words were all he needed to hear.
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turcott3 · 7 months
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mason mctavish x fem! reader
warnings?: cursing, allusions to smut, lowkey hate this, and fluff
positions fics masterlist
~tell me what’s your motive?~
“fuck.” mason yelled at the tv, losing yet another match on fortnite. you laid with your legs in his lap, his arms lightly resting on them.
“do you think maybe you should take a break?” you ask, giggling at his frustration.
“well, yeah i probably should.” he says tossing the controller on the couch next to him, running a hand lightly up your thigh.
“we have group dinner at 7. go get ready we have to leave in like 30 minutes.” you remind him and he sighs.
“do we have to go?” he asks, removing your legs from his lap and picking his legs up, laying his head on your chest.
“yes mason, we have to go. we said we’d be there.” you giggle, toying with the tight curls on his head.
“help me find an outfit.” he says standing up, lending you a hand. he sits on the bed as you dig through his closet tossing clothes to him to put on.
“okay i like this one.” he says looking in the mirror.
“yeah, looks good to me.” you say walking up next to him. he wraps a light arm around your waist and pulls you to his side.
“look at us.” he says and you giggle. you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t practically head over heels for this man. the worst part was that you couldn’t exactly tell his feelings for you. you knew he liked you but you couldn’t tell what his actual motive was, and god was it horrible for you.
“okay let’s go.” you say, removing his hand from your waist and kissing him on the cheek. you arrive at dinner perfectly on time meeting a few of his teammates in the parking lot and catching up with some girl friends. once you’ve all arrived you find your way inside, mason pulling your chair out for you.
“okay gentleman.” you say.
“gotta make a good impression.” he giggles, placing a hand on your thigh. you had full intentions in drinking tonight, sex was already on your mind. you couldn’t wait to get back to his apartment and you weren’t even drunk yet.
“so y/n, how have you been? i feel like i don’t see you much.” leo asks across the table.
“i’ve been good! busy working sadly, but good. how are you?” you reply, placing your hand on top of mason’s and squeezing it.
“i’ve been good, im glad daniella could make it to be here tonight.” he smiles, hugging onto his girlfriend who you’d grown quite fond of since you met. the service was quick, you got your food very quickly. you were grateful because that meant you didn’t have to sit at this awkward dinner for hours on end. except, it wasn’t actually awkward. you were just buzzing, bordering drunk, and feeling self conscious about it.
“mason.” you mumble.
“what?” he replies, running a light thumb over the skin of your leg.
“can you finish your food?”
“what’s the rush?” he asks with concern.
“i don’t feel good.” you half-lie.
“okay.” he says waving the server over for the bill. mason hands him his card without looking at the cost and takes his final bites. when the server returns with his card, you bid leo and daniella goodbye and quickly find your way out of the restaurant.
“i’m sorry for making you leave. i’m a little buzzed and bloated. i feel ugly i just wanted to leave.” you state apologetically.
“you’re not ugly, you look beautiful. it’s okay, we can go back to my apartment, get you into some pajamas yeah?” he says, returning his hand to his place on your thigh.
“i’d like that.” you blush, appreciating how he was caring for you.
you laid in bed breathlessly, your buzz still lingering even after the unbelievable hour of sex you just had. mason hated seeing you feel insecure or bad about yourself and always found a way to fight it.
“do you need anything? a shower? a drink?” he asks, stroking your hair lightly. his aftercare was always what you looked forward to most after fucking. he never disappointed.
“no i’m okay thank you though.” you sigh, just simply enjoying this moment, not knowing how long it would last.
“mason?” you ask after moments of silence.
“can i ask you something?”
“sure can.”
“how do you feel about me?” you ask indirectly.
“well first of all, i love being around you. you’re smart, funny, sweet, beautiful. what else is there to say?”
“no no like, ugh. i don’t know.”
“are you trying to ask if i have feelings for you?”
“pfft what? no i wasn’t, but i mean if you wanna answer that question id appreciate it.” you giggle, relaxing into your lingering buzz.
“is it not obvious that i like you?”
“no, why do you think i wanted you to answer the question?” you reply, smacking him on the chest.
“i’m always touching you, i call you beautiful, i buy you things. what could be clearer?” he asks with a deadpan face.
“hey relax, i’m half messing with you. i like you too but i think you knew that.” you smirk and he finally cracks a smile.
“yeah i knew.” he giggles.
“why didn’t you act on it?” you scoff, sitting up abruptly and moving your straddle his hips.
“i was t sure the extent of your likeness for me.” he says before you bend over and connect your lips sweetly.
“i think that should say enough.” you say sitting back up again.
“fuck y/n.” he sighs, placing his hands lightly on the outside of your thighs.
“what mason?”
“i don’t think i like you actually,” he pauses and your heart stops. you climb off of him and sit next to him.
“did i do something wrong i-“
“no no, y/n you’re drunk stop.”
“tell me mase.”
“i don’t think i like you, i know i do. in fact i don’t just like you, i love you. i love you y/n and i wanna be with you. i wanna wake up next to you every morning, i wanna see your posts with the wags, i wanna hear about your day and your work. i want to love you all the time.” he confesses to you, joining you sitting up.
“mason i don’t even know what to say.” you reply, wrapping the brunette in your embrace.
“you don’t have to say anything. i couldn’t keep that from you anymore and im sorry if you don’t feel the same way.”
“no no mason i do. i love you too. i’ve been head over heels in love with you for a while i can’t sit here and lie to your face.” you giggle and he smiles, relief washing over his face.
“so you’d be my girlfriend?”
“absolutely i would.” you reply, jumping into his arms.
“what a fucking relief.” he says lowly.
“y/n mctavish, change my contact name babe.”
“on it.” he giggles in response, picking up his phone from the nightstand, seeing his lockscreen for the first time. i picture of you and him in your mirror the day of dux in tux.
“awe.” you say and he turns to you.
“oh, my lockscreen?”
“i made it my lockscreen because i couldn’t stop looking at it. you look so fucking perfect.” he says directing your attention to the phone.
“i don’t even know how to accept your flattery but at least now i know all your compliments weren’t out of pity.”
“oh never baby, never.” he giggles, kissing your cheek delicately.
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tessa-liam · 2 months
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🌟 If You Love Her, chapter 13
Marabelle Series
As Drake climbed into his truck and drove on, his thoughts wandered. He found himself wondering how Liam was handling the recent events in his world. He knew that his friend had a lot on his plate, and he hoped that he was taking the time to process everything. Yesterday, he knew Liam felt comfortable with his lifestyle. But today? He was Cordonia's crown prince. Tomorrow, he will be the King. Masterlist
🌟 All is Fair in Love and War, Round 2
Maxwell was lost in his own thoughts when his phone vibrated, signifying a new message. Maxwell picked up his phone and read the text from Daniella. She was inviting him to attend the opening of her new dance studio. Maxwell smiled as he remembered the time he spent dancing with Daniella at the palace. He replied to the text immediately, accepting the invitation.
After replying to the text, Maxwell put his phone away and laid back on the lounge chair. He closed his eyes and let the warm sun soak into his skin. His mind wandered back to his days of dancing with Daniella, and he couldn't help but smile. He had really enjoyed spending time with her, and he hoped that maybe there could be something more between them. Round 1
🌟 A Romance in Greece, chapter 14
Turning the Page Series
The setting was stunning, with the Aegean Sea providing a breathtaking backdrop. The guests were greeted with glasses of champagne, and Riley and Liam mingled with their friends and family.
As the sun started to set, Riley noticed that Daniel and Matteo had not arrived yet. She began to wonder if there had been any delays, but as she was about to text them, the guests heard the sound of a motorboat approaching the shore.
Riley gasped as she saw the two grooms arrive on the boat, looking dashing in their tuxedos. The guests cheered as the two men disembarked and made their way towards the ceremony venue.
📌 @choicesficwriterscreations @cfwcmod-lucy @selina012
📌My tag lists: @bascmve01 @busywoman @kristinamae093 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kingliam2019 @ao719 @alj4890 @emkay512 @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @malblk21 @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia @dutifullynuttywitch @charlotteg234 @lovingchoices14 @jared2612 @walkerdrakewalker @imashybish @703cowbarn @irisk12 @thesvnsins @fadingreveries @delmissesryanandcassi @rafasgirl23415 @umccall71 @thosehallowedhalls @queenwalton @choicesficwriterscreations
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ryeriy · 11 months
warnings: foul language, slight smut, fluff
a/n: I've been slacking on these I'm so sorry 😭
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"Do I like fine?" I asked my friend, Daniella. I was looking in the mirror of our dorm looking at myself.
I was staring at myself from all angles in the mirror making sure it looked fine. Daniella got invited by her boyfriend, Mark Estapa. He and the Umich hockey guys are hosting a Halloween costume party and she's bringing me with her. Even though her boyfriend invited her to go. My costume is a one-piece Spider-Man suit that was a zip-up with my converse. Daniella and Mark were going to be Lola and Bugs Bunny from Space Jam. It's cute.
"Now how do I look?" She asked me. I looked at her and I smiled at her.
"So beautiful. My little sexy bunny," I teased with that. We both laughed as we grabbed our phones before heading out the door.
"You sure Mark's going to be okay if I come?" I said. "What if he doesn't want me there?"
"It's fine y/n! Plus there's going to be a bunch of other people there who they invited. Like you!" Daniella said. Reassuring I was going to be fine.
"If you say so," I sighed as I parked on the curb of the street. "This the house?"
"Yeah. Well, it's a few houses down out we can park here. It will probably get real busy." I nodded my head.
I parked the car and got out grabbing my phone and the keys. Locking the car before I put both of those in her purse since I wasn't wearing one. We walked onto the sidewalk towards the house. When we had entered she was greeted by her boyfriend, Mark.
"Hey babe," Mark said. Pulling Daniella into a hug and kissing her on the forehead.
"Well, don't you look nice in your costume!" Daniella said while looking at him. "Knowing you, you probably would've not dressed up," They both smiled at each other.
"I see you brought a friend." He said.
"Oh right! Mark this is my friend y/n, y/n this is my boyfriend Mark." She said while introducing us.
"Oh! You're the one girl my best bud hates!" He exclaimed. Acting as if he found a way for world peace.
"Nice to meet you too?" I was so confused. "Who's your friend exactly?"
"Edwards. Ethan Edwards," he said to me. "He said you too have just always been rivals or something?"
As he said that I saw a man with the same Spider-Man costume come up to us. I looked up at his face and there he was. "There he is!" Mark said. He and Ethan shook hands and did that "bro hug" thing.
"Oh great."
We were both wearing the same costume at the same party. This was just wonderful. I don't know how my rivalry started with him but it just did, I guess. This makes everything worse.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the devil herself," he said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He looked me up and down while biting his lip. "You don't look that bad, besides the fact you copied me," he let out a soft chuckle.
"Oh please! I've had this picked out for months now!" I exclaimed.
I didn't even notice that Mark and Daniella had left and Ethan and I made our way to one of the walls of the living room. If you were standing on the opposite side of the room it would look like a couple in matching outfits were flirting with each other. That is the complete opposite thing what we are.
"Just admit it y/n, you love me! We both know it! You can stop hating me because I sure as hell don't," he chuckled again.
I let out a chuckle but it slowly faded as I heard him say that second sentence. "Wait, what are you saying?" My tone of voice changed.
I noticed that he was standing right in front of me looking down at me. I'm looking up at him.
"I've never hated you. I've always loved you. I guess we just had secret love but acted like enemies?" He said while looking at me.
"Who said I love you?" I asked him. My voice grew softer and weaker. His male gaze has possessed me.
"Me." He placed one of his hands on my face, cupping it. The other was on my waist.
I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck as he kissed me. It felt like the longest kiss ever. We both pulled away from each other. I looked him in the eyes, he was looking right back at me. "Don't say you don't love me now," he said while laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with him.
"Maybe I do," I smiled at him. He smiled back at me as we both laughed.
"I'll take that as an I love you so much I'll love you forever and ever." He said while laughing. I playfully shove him and kiss him on the cheek "I said no such thing." I smiled at him.
31 days of Halloween
join my taglist
mentions: @hischierhaze @67-angelofthelordme-67 @jackhughes-86 @huggy-hischier94 @trevorzegrizz @francesfarhadi @cole-mcward48
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igglemouse · 7 months
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The sun cast its golden hue over my new town of Oasis Springs as it brought in the hopes of a new day. The simoleons from yesterday a reminder of my success and also what might be possible for me here.
But while I considered my last food sale a financial success it was certainly a failure socially. My mystery guy did not stop by which had me wondering if perhaps I had failed my first impression. Maybe that's not it? Perhaps the waffles left a lingering ill taste on his lips and he's decided my little offerings are just not enough?
Or...maybe he's taken?
I chomp down on my waffle with that thought bouncing through my head. That was far more likely, wasn't it? He was very handsome and I could tell he was brimming with confidence, the odds of a man like that being single? Very very low.
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Later in the day, after a shower and some cleaning, my phone rings and it is someone I've met through my food stand but it's not the person I hope. It's Daniella, the girl I met yesterday who came by a little too late for a plate.
After introductions she tells me that she wishes to be my guide for the city. Hinting and teasing at private parties that she can drag me into and perhaps I'm far too eager to tell her I'm down for it because the mysterious tone she takes on after that kind of worries me.
Honestly, I was just being nice. A girl needs friends, doesn't she?
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I head outside and set up. Calling out the usual. Waffles, tortillas, brownies, three dishes that were becoming an early staple of mines.
If only the air wasn't different. Less hurried, less eager, and less people. Perhaps it was too dry and just a little too hot but the result? Ninety-six simoleons.
The weight of my daily gains was both light and heavy. I didn't quite reach my goal but I was thankful for every simoleon made. It was a reminder that success would not be achieved in a straight line and that there would be ups and downs along the way.
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The sizzle of my pan brings me solace and a promise of a future to come. The simoleons will be there. I'll work hard, I'll learn a new recipe every day, I'll get better and better to where my skills cannot be declined.
I am a student of flavor and my latest design, simple sliders, are sure to help me have my best day. After all, they are small, easy to plate, and even easier to eat. Perfect dish for a food stall, someone can drop their simoleons off on the table and take one to go. If only they are good.
I take a bite, letting the flavors dance around in my mouth. When it comes to any sandwich it's about creating the perfect mix of meat, bread, veggies, and condiments and I think I've hit the spot. It's a small confirmation of my work but not the final one. That test will come with my customers, of course.
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The day stretched on with the promise of little which was expected. I figured I would sit down and find something to eat. Maybe even go to a bookstore and pick up recipe books? Something like that, have a quiet night in and prepare for tomorrow.
The ping of my phone presented another idea. The gym. With the curious man whose been lingering on my mind. When he asks I tell him maybe but we all know my curiosity and quite frankly my desire to see him again will not allow me to decline this invitation.
I'm just surprised he was able to find my number?
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When I arrived at the gym I wondered how I had ever missed it. It stood large and looming over the busy street, the other businesses clearly benefitting from the crowd that it drew.
Once inside I met our mystery guy and he wasted little time leading me upstairs, claiming that a session would begin soon and he did not have time to waste.
The session? Yoga.
Fortunately, the class was small. Two others, including him, and he of course took a mat behind me. I laughed inwardly but a man will be a man I suppose? If he's going to admire the female form then I suppose I'd rather it be mines than the girl next to him at least.
Either way, the session starts and reluctantly and clumsily I follow the instructor. She starts with easier poses of course. Breathing exercises, she called them, which were more about relaxing and finding your mental center.
Eventually she would move on to more difficult ones. Stretching out legs and balancing on one foot. Nothing impossible for a beginner but I do think we both looked like fools trying to keep up.
We end on the flat of our backs, eyes closed, and letting our muscles find their natural states. Yoga is a lot harder than it looks but I admit it does feel very rewarding? Perhaps it is something I could get into? Especially if our mystery man is into it...
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When I first step foot in this gym my first thought was how chilly it was inside. I almost wondered if I should have brought a coat! Now, I'm thankful for it, the cool air was far more welcome after our little workout and I was thankful that it kept my brow from glistening with any sweat as Pascal (that's his name by the way, so no longer a mystery guy to me) pulled me over for a conversation. A 'get to know each other' conversation, by the way, and thankfully in Selvadoradian so that saves him having to hear my terrible accent.
"So why this?" I ask. "Why yoga?"
"Orders of the captain," he says casually, as if I'm supposed to know what that means. Is he a sailor or... "He says it helps with the flexibility, prevents injuries, and helps with mental focus. All important on the field."
The field? I was still confused until I thought on it a moment longer. He's talking about a sport.
"I kick a ball for a living," he assists, that confident tone of his pulling me in closer.
So this is who I sat across from, Pascal Alcocer, a name that in itself seemed to carry a significance to it. At least to him. To me it was but another name. I think he liked that, he liked that I was ignorant of who he was. Perhaps it's why he's interested in me.
"You've never heard of me? Truly?" he seems sincerely confused. I just stare at him and shake my head. Revealing that I'm really no big fan of sports ball. Oh, don't get me wrong, fútbol as it is called back home is massive but it simply never pulled me in. It's just a bunch of people kicking a ball around in the end.
"I'm sorry," suddenly I feel ignorant. Here is this great athlete, presumably, setting out time to get to know me because he feels like I should already know him. "I just don't watch-"
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"No! Please! Frida, is it?" I nod and bite down on my lip, my name seemed to slip so naturally from his lips. "It's refreshing, actually."
I am sure it is. If he's a big time athlete I can imagine he has women buzzing around him daily. Throwing themselves at him, begging for a moment of his attention and wanting a lot more. The more I think about it, the more I dislike it. Dating a man like this would be stressful, wouldn't it?
As I think about it he tells me more about himself. He's a young player with a lot of promise, a 'midfielder', he tells me. That word is filled with pride. I have no idea what it means but I can tell just by how he says it that its a special role on the team, perhaps like that of a sous chef? Either way, he says he plays for Oasis FC which again has little meaning to me beyond the fact that he plays for a professional team but he assures me he's not the big deal some make him out to be.
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"I still have lots to prove. I don't quite have that big contract yet but everyone thinks it's a matter of time," he leans back as he says this, realizing that he's spent most of the time talking.
"Sounds like a lot of pressure," I say finally.
He gives me a stern nod and waves away that thought entirely. "I'd rather have the expectations to be great than be regarded as a failure...so, what about you?"
"Oh," where do I go from there? "I just opened up a stall and hope to see where it goes?" Watcher that sounds so lame in comparison. "I just enjoy cooking I guess and-"
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"You are adorable, do you know that?"
Well that has me chewing on my lip again and has my face feeling a little warm.
"I-I like you too..."
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I find the comfort of a bar soon after, too restless to head home and needing a drink to think on the night I've had with Pascal. First impression? I was impressed.
Sure, the man was so full of confidence that it was bordering on cockiness but I have a feeling that it takes pure arrogance to become a professional athlete.
It was also very clear that was into me. After all, he sought out my number and invited me to a gym and made sure he had a good look of me. Should that make me happy or should I worry that he's a teeny bit pervy?
I don't know. The good thing about a drink is that it allows me to not overthink any of what happened and look forward to seeing him again which, according to him, will be sometime tomorrow...
Episode List - Next
The wonderful public gym lot is by @streneesims
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studywgabi · 6 months
I'm a Method Cashier!
And this was a role I could really sink my teeth into.
Okay, so, first of all, to work at Store there are 2 online applications, an online training course, 3 questionnaires for your references to fill out, 3 interviews (2 alone and 1 group), a background check, an unpaid 4-hr. orientation, a drug test, a pacer test, a polygraph test administered by an F.B.I. agent (and not like the sexy ones on Criminal Minds), a blood oath, and you have to be able to put on lipstick like Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club. Jesus, there are less requirements to be elected president. And a cult wouldn't make you jump through this many hoops to join.
My Marketable Skills: I'm a warm body and I'm not an asshole. I'm not going to say "we should hang out outside of work" to my coworkers or mouth off to the customers. Basically, you should hire me because you could do a whole lot worse.
But I couldn't just say that. I couldn't just be honest. It had to be, with tears glistening in my eyes: "It has been my lifelong dream to be a cashier at Store. Cashiering is my passion. I have 3 Ph.D.s in Applied Cashiering, Cashiering Theory, and Experimental Cashiering from Harvard University's School of Cashiering, and I completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Oxford University's St. Cashier Cashiering College. I have 97 years of experience in the field."
So, I get there, for the first interview, in my silly little outfit, mostly stolen from my mom's closet. I walk in and say excuse me to the first employee I see. She clutches her chest, looks bewildered, and says "excuse me" back.
Gabi, apprehensively: "Hi, I'm here for an interview, could I speak to a manager please?"
Employee #1, startled: "Yeah." She walks off and I assume I'm meant to follow her.
My dead name sounds vaguely similar to the name of a character from a classic poem you read the Wikipedia summary of in ninth grade English class. The first five letters are the same, but the character's name ends with an a, and mine with an e. Anyway, while we were walking, we introduced ourselves and she said, and I've never have cause to use the word "chortling" before, but if there was ever a time, it was then, "Well, your mother must have been a big The Poet fan, huh?" (as if I've never heard that one before). I mustered a polite chuckle and said nothing.
Employee #1, sneering: "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
Gabi, wishing for death: "No, I know the poem."
Employee #1, under her breath: "Big deal."
The rest of the walk is silent. We turn a corner and see a boy about my age. She starts calling his name, he fully makes eye contact with her, and then turns and speedwalks away. She keeps calling after him and picks up the pace to reach him, but he outruns her. No need to watch the documentary through your fingers, the antelope is safe this time. It turns out he wasn't even the manager, because I meet her next. The interview goes okay and I get the second one. I ask a different employee this time. She says into her walkie-talkie, "Anthony, Daniella is here for an interview, do you want to deal with that?"
Anthony comes be-bopping up to me at 1,000 mph. When he's still several aisles away, he calls out "Hi, Friend!!" in an acoustic guitar-playing youth pastor voice. He leads me to the office, racing down the aisles like there's an serial killer revving a chainsaw behind him, and by the time I catch up in my pencil skirt and heels, I'm panting and sweating. Maybe this is part of the interview: seeing if you can keep up metaphorically and literally. The weakest shall be sacrificed.
Tony asks me, not why I want to work at Store, but why I want to work in general, as if earning money to eat is a casual hobby, like knitting. He asks me if I've applied anywhere else, like Store is a jealous girlfriend. Then he asks me if I have any questions, and I know you're supposed to have something, so I pull a couple out my ass. After he answers them, he asks if I have any more, and, thinking I'm out of the woods, I say not for now.
Anthony, ominously: "You sure?" Slowly pan back to Gabi.
Gabi, brightly: "I'm sure I'll have more during orientation if I'm hired, but I think I'm covered for now. Thank you!"
(Beat.) Anthony: "Well, you know, I'm just gonna give you some advice: you really should have more questions. But don't worry, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you a little bit more about how the Store family does things."
45 minutes later, he asks for a third set of questions, and then, believe or not, a fourth. Sir, this is my interview. You're not a celebrity guest on The Fucking Tonight Show. If you're so desperate for me to ask you questions, why don't you apply to this job? Or do like the rest of us and pretend you're on Ricki Lake talking about how brave you are to share the story of your divorce from Tim McGraw and how it inspired your new album, "Warm Regards, Gabi," currently topping the country charts while you shampoo your hair.
Three business days later, my email: "Congratulations! You have been selected to join the Store Family! Please report for orientation next Wednesday at noon."
Another day, another dollar.
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ironicfury · 1 year
RE8 1970s Themed Halloween Party
I had a random thought that prompted this fever-dream idea. Bear with me:
Karl Heisenberg is obviously dressed as Elton John. He looks fabulous and knows it. He tries to play around on Alcina's piano. Not surprisingly, she is not amused.
Sal Moreau tries to go as Jack Nicholson. He unfortunately picks the version of Jack seen in The Shining, a movie released in 1980. He should know better. He gets no points.
Mother Miranda is Phyllis Schlafly and no, she will not be explaining her costume to the masses.
Alcina Dimitrescu is Cher... Donna technically was supposed to take this costume, but between Alcina's ego and Donna's shyness, clearly Alci was the only one who was capable pulling off this fabulous costume... extra tape necessary and thankfully included.
The girls dressed up as the Charlie's Angels. Unfortunately, they missed the memo on it being 1970s theme, so they're dressed up as the 2000 Charlie's Angel's film... tbh, Daniella actually did know it was supposed to be 1970s themed but she wanted to be Drew Barrymore's character and couldn't stand the idea of Bela being Farrah Fawcett, so... no points here either. Cassandra chases Daniella/Drew around a bit with her sickle for this one, but she would've done that anyway. Bela just fluffs out her hair and pretends she meant to merge Farrah and Cameron's character, anyway.
Donna and Angie play the mother-daughter duo from The Exorcist. Unfortunately, Donna insists on keeping her veil on, and Angie doesn't act any different than normal, so aside from Donna's 1970s outfit, it doesn't look like they went to a bunch of effort. Donna doesn't care, and Angie's too busy being a pyro to mind much, either.
The party devolves as Alcina and Karl fighting over who won the costume contest ("There WAS no contest," Mother Miranda mutters, shaking her head with her hand on her head). The party finally ends when Angie sets Sal on fire ("My draperies!" Alcina cries as Sal runs around on fire, threatening to set her decor ablaze. "Ugh, fried fish," Karl mutters disgustedly while high-tailing it out of the castle. "Haha, fishy burning, fishy burning," screeches Angie as Donna tugs her away).
Happy Spooky Season, all!
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champagneskates · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About: Dylan Larkin
Find the Master List here
Biographical Info:
Born: July 30, 1996 in Waterford, MI
Sun Sign: Leo
Moon Sign: Aquarius
Drafted by Red Wings in 2014
Played one season at U of M
Married to Kenzy
Has a Bernedoodle named Ellie
Off Ice Lore:
Roomed with Zach Werenski at Michigan. Had this exchange with him at the 2022 ASG
LOVES the band Coldplay
He is a Mom Friend -- he has a whole horde of early 20's NHL'ers that he seems to adopt in the summers, most notably -- Trevor Zegras, Cole Caulfield and the Hughes Brothers.
Apparently Very Good at golf and his summer camp boys resent him for it
Also apparently Very Bad at NHL 2024 and was banned from playing it by unnamed teammates on the plane.
Well dressed, likes pinstripes (see here and here) but he has a hockey butt
Has been described as "the heart and soul" of the team
He was named Captain in 2021, becoming 37th Captain in Red Wings history
Due to COVID restrictions, he didn't get a Captain ceremony like he should have but he got a ceremony the following season and how he didn't sob, I'll never know (because I sure sobbed)
Signed an 8 year contract extension with the Red Wings in March '23
Winged Wheel: The Dylan Larkin Story (if you watch one Red Wings media piece, let it be this one)
April '23: Mic'd Up
September '23: One on One (ft. Daniella Bruce)
Gifs/Tumblr Posts:
Dylan knocking David Perron over
Dylan Larkin on face offs
He’s a Survivor
Fantasy Football pick (Sept ‘23)
Zach and Dylan hanging out again (2023)
This hype vid (that I will likely attach for every player because I Love It So)
(This is a work in progress so pls feel free to send things in)
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