eddawrites · 2 years
I don't know which network gods have declared that the secondary couple in a show should be the more interesting one, but it almost always is.
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aflawedfashion · 3 years
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Lucifer Series Finale | 6x10 | Partners Til the End
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delicatefalice · 3 years
lucifer really went from being alone to finding a family and grew together and individually together with all of them
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claustarkalways · 3 years
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fictionalnation · 3 years
So I watched Lucifer till S3 and they killed off Charlotte? I understand why it was necessary for the plot and she seemed the easiest character to kill off but its also shitty, why not have it be one of the immortals and they come back or something. It felt awful because i loved her and Dan. Anyway, it definitely made me lose interest in the show. I read the rest of the show on Wikipedia rather than watching it. I might watch the upcoming season but eh idk it just feels annoying how much they revolved it around Lucifer and Chloe and overall wish other characters were treated more justly.
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casimania · 4 years
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— Ruta Sepetys, Between Shades of Gray (insp.)
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lucifer character’s as john mulaney quotes
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honorable mentions…
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Father Frank
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Father Kinley
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Cain/Chloe - Cain/Lucifer
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lux-i-fer · 4 years
Richard would be the boy’s first name, followed by ... the name of Charlotte’s father, maybe, so... Richard Alan Espinoza?? Or whatever was the name of Richards Sr.
Dick Alan Espinoza. Huh that sounds like either a very good stage name or a very bad fake ID name lol
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lassieposting · 5 years
Are you still doing that domestic ship thing? What about Charlotte/Dan?
domestic ship meme!
send me a ship and i’ll tell you:
who reaches out to new neighbors
honestly, neither. they both work such ridiculous hours and spend so much time at the office/precinct that they usually only realise someone new has moved in when the neighbours come to talk to them. or they’ll get stopped in the driveway by a friendly stranger on the way to/from work. 
who remembers to buy healthy food
both of them. they’re a very healthy, fit couple. they have super busy schedules and jobs that take up a lot of their time, so honestly it’d be easier to live off fast food, but they’re both into exercise and proper nutrition, so they’d rather make the effort to cook for themselves. 
who remembers to buy junk food
dan. charlotte lost custody of her kids while mom was wearing her meat suit, so the only kid in the house is trixie. so she’s the only one who really eats junk outside of dan’s pudding fixation. 
who fixes the oven when it breaks
dan. he’s always the handy one. he likes feeling like he can fix something in charlotte’s life, even if it’s something small - he likes being able to take some of the worry off her. if she’s home she’ll sit and chat with him while he’s working. 
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
charlotte. she needs something to look after once she loses custody of her kids. sometimes it’s dan, and sometimes it’s trixie, but sometimes she doesn’t have either of them on hand, so she keeps a hardy little rubber plant in her office. 
who wakes up earlier
they both get up stupid early to work out before getting ready for work. like they always know exactly what time the sun comes up. sometimes charlotte gets up even earlier, if she’s had a bad night. but dan’s the later riser out of the two of them. charlotte averages four hours of sleep a night; dan prefers to try for a nice healthy seven-eight. 
who makes the bed
neither of them. charlotte pulls the quilt over the sheet when she gets up, but doesn’t really make the bed. when the sheets need changing, it’s usually dan; laundry was his chore during his marriage with chloe and he just sort of does it automatically for charlotte. 
who makes the coffee
charlotte. she’s got expensive taste and she’s fussy about her beans, whereas dan is used to precinct coffee and will drink any old swill, so he lets her deal with her fancy, obnoxious coffee maker and super specific coffee preferences. 
who burns breakfast
charlotte, deliberately, because dan’s waffles are better. 
how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
a lot of the time, they don’t; because of the sheer amount of prep work and shit involved in being a lawyer, dan is often still at the gym when charlotte leaves in the morning. 
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home
charlotte comes up behind dan and wraps her arms around him, just to lean into him for a minute or two. murmurs hey. dan knows better than to come up behind charlotte, it’d just freak her out. so he greets her with a cheek kiss and pulls her in for a hug.  
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
dan. despite the machismo he’s actually pretty romantic. charlotte’s a pretty materialistic girl, and she’s not spending so much money on herself now that she’s trying to be good, so he likes to get her little trinkets and surprise presents he can leave on her desk for her to find. 
who picks the movie for movie night
they usually cycle through what’s on the skybox until they find something they agree on. dan’s pretty easy to please so it’s often charlotte that makes the final decision. dan’s a pretty “sure, if you want” kinda guy.
their favorite kind of movie to watch
buddy cop comedies like hot fuzz. charlotte was a cop before she was a lawyer, so she likes films that take her back to a simpler time and make her laugh. and dan likes to watch charlotte laughing, likes to see her when her eyes don’t look quite so haunted.  
who first suggests a pillow fort
dan. charlotte is talking about things she misses doing with her kids and pillow forts come up. her kids are getting a bit old for all that now but it’s something she misses from when they were younger and she was much more involved in their lives. dan offers to make one for her the next time it’s his turn to have trixie.  
who builds the pillow fort
both of them plus trixie. dan is the chief structural architect; charlotte contributes style and fancy fabrics. 
who tries to distract the other during the movie
they talk a lot during movies anyway, swapping anecdotes and jokes and stories. they hold hands a lot too, just casually, dan doing the little strokey thing with his thumb back and forth across charlotte’s knuckles. or she’ll rest her hand on his thigh or her head on his shoulder. they’ve both been through some shit - divorces, kid drama, supernatural bullshit - so it’s nice for them to just have that easy affection with someone they really care for. 
who falls asleep first
usually dan. charlotte tends to lay awake for a long time dwelling on shit, mostly her hell loop, and tries not to fall asleep because she’s afraid of having nightmares. dan’s deep breathing when he’s asleep is soothing for her and she likes to lay her head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat as she’s getting too tired to stay awake.
who is big spoon/little spoon
charlotte is the little spoon, and also a really restless sleeper; she has a lot of nightmares and tends to get up a lot, call lucifer, sit mindlessly in front of the tv, etc. dan’s a pretty deep sleeper, so it’s like a 50/50 toss-up whether he’ll wake up when she pulls away from him. 
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Lucifer Alphabet (bonus round)
↳ Danlotte
I want you. All in. The whole deal.
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For the ask, Lucifer!
the character i least understand: Eve. Don’t get me wrong I like her, but she seriously left Adam so she could be ‘’herself’’ with Lucifer and she was once again behaving the way she believed Lucifer wanted her to behave, which according to her was the reason why she and Adam didn’t work.
interactions i enjoyed the most: I always enjoy the Deckerstar scenes, season 4 most than any other season. But I also always enjoy all kinds of combination between the cast, they are all great together.
the character who scares me the most: None of them actually.
the character who is mostly like me: Ella, without a doubt. Except for the religion part. I’m not religious at all.
hottest looks character: All of them.
one thing i dislike about my fave character: Well... Lucifer does have a habit of making everything about him. But to be fair, most of the time he’s right.
one thing i like about my hated character: The acting. I couldn’t stand the shady priest, but the actor was amazing.
a quote or scene that haunts me: Definitely the scene with Chloe and Lucifer and the axe, and the scene where Lucifer attacks Cain because he hurt Chloe, all the times that Lucifer literally died for Chloe, their last scene in season 4, Amenadiel seeing his destroyed wings...
a death that left me indifferent: Marcus Pierce/Cain. I couldn’t care less.
a character i wish died but didn’t: All the characters I wish they died did it, so I can’t complain.
my ship that never sailed: Maze and Amenadiel I guess? I was very into them in the first season, I kept waiting for them to get back together in the second season. But it’s ok, because I love Maze and Eve and Amenadiel with Linda, so I’m cool. I can live with that. But I am still heartbroken over Dan and Charlotte, so unfair.
Thank you! :)
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omgluciferlover · 6 years
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Quintessential Danlotte
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mfstgeeks · 6 years
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delicatefalice · 3 years
really happy that lucifer unlike a lot of shows gave all of their characters happy endings that made sense wish more shows knew that happy endings is so much more satisfying
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chardwic · 6 years
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New Couples that I Ship from the 2017-2018 TV Season Part ½
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whathelluci · 6 years
Oh my god, I’m so happy it was confirmed that Charlotte is alive in this universe. Please let Danlotte live happily ever after together (please please please!!!!)
Okay so Ella with the tattoos isn’t on Boo Normal like I thought she did. She used to stole cars and in this universe she’s like a car engineer or something. That means she’s not our ‘hugs all around’ Ella we know and love. 
Will Neil Gaiman as God confirm that he was really God Johnson in 2x16???
I mean, honestly Neil Gaiman as God. That’s like, a level higher than Stan Lee level.
Obviously Deckerstar will meet one way or another in any universe
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