#Danny had his friends from the start while Vlad was left to rot
hello-im-not-a-possum · 4 months
The more I see on my dash about how much more sense it makes for Sam and Tucker to be endgame the more annoyed I am that it didn't happen.
Also My two cents on how Sam and Tucker make more sense as a couple than Sam and Danny is that the outcome (Happy couple with half-dead best friend third wheel) mirrors the college trio but would show how much Vlad and Danny differ from each other despite their similar circumstances. Where Vlad becoming a halfa ended the college trio's friendship, the everlasting trio's bond grew stronger as Sam and Tucker stuck by Danny's side and did their best to help him out, so where Jack and Maddie hooked up and Vlad resented it, Danny would probably be surprised at first but be happy for them.
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Misunderstandings and Miscommunications
Back at it again with some
✨️ Shenanigans ✨️
Brain rot.
Here goes.
So Danny finally tells his parents the truth (Phantom Planet not happening in this AU) and due to his anxiety and fear takes their disbelief and horror and yelling (not mad or angry but like worried yelling) as rejecting him.
They had rejected Vlad a few weeks ago when he had been caught as Plasmius but they only rejected him because they had found out he had been trying to kill Jack in order to get to Maddie and had been hurting Danny behind their backs while also trying to get him to denounce Jack as his dad, it had nothing to do with him being part ghost.
They do love Danny and are just horrified their invention had killed their baby boy and that they had been trying to hurt him for a last few years because they didn't know he was Phantom (but the clues, oh the clues were staring at them in the face now, how blind they were to it oh.)
Due to Danny's panic he runs off into the Infinite Realms in order to hide with one of his ghost friends but.... he runs into some trouble (Skulker? Walker? idk pick any) and gets tossed in a random portal that had opened up.
And finds himself in the DC verse.
Danny accidentally falls into a huge battle as well and when he spots the heroes trying to protect the city he fell into from some huge evil villain he helps out despite his own emotions (it helps distract him from what he 'thinks' happened between him and his parents)
And once he's done helping he books it cause he need to process everything and doesn't stop when the hero he helped out called out to him, and phases out and turns invisible if the hero tries to stop him to talk. It isn't long until Danny is in a new city and finds some more people to help from villains and evil, and he starts using it to distract himself.
Basically Danny aimlessly wanders around and starts helping anyone to keep his mind off the thought of never being able to go home again.
Meanwhile his parents are PANICKING about not being to find Danny after he runs. They try calling his friends, but the moment they hear the Fenton's say they know about him being Phantom they too jump the gun and think Danny was rejected. They both yell, not letting the Fenton's say anything, and let slip Danny most likely is hiding in the Infinite Realms (aka the Zone) if hes not in Amity.
Tucker and Sam immediately hang up and call Jazz, whose at college, before the Fenton parents could and tell her what happened. And Jazz isn't happy.
Despite being so smart and willing to give their parents so many chances to change their views on Ghosts, she's not a child anymore and isn't going to let them hurt Danny (they don't want to). She starts making her way home to give her parents a piece of her mind.
But by the time she gets there, driving all night, her parents are missing and she finds a video message on the computer from Tucker explaining they had snuck into the house to go into the portal to try to find Danny only to see the Fenton parents suiting up and going into the zone with the Specter Speeder and Boo-o-rang keyed to Danny. "No doubt they're going to hunt Danny down, we're going to try to slow them down and find Danny before they do Jazz! We left an extra Boo-o-rang behind keyed on Danny's signature come help us when you get this message! Take Danny's Specter Bike I made sure the keylock is off!" (Let's pretend Tucker tinkered with the design of the Specter Speeder and made some bike versions, with Danny and funnily enough Johnny 13's help, it was fun bonding thing they all did)
Jazz is even more livid after that. Takes a few things and heads to the portal as well, hopefully to find Danny first before her parents.
By the time Jazz finds the portal that opens to the DC verse she's in Gotham, runs into Red Hood (and helps take down some gang goons but in the process her Boo-o-rang gets busted in the scuffle) and basically they talk. She asks if he's seen any runaway blue eyed black haired young teens around and Jason jokingly says "Nope but we better find him before the Big Bad Bat takes him and turns him into a Robin."
Jazz is very confused.
The Fenton parents are of course making a menace of themselves... They're driving around (which is a warning enough if Jack is behind the wheel) trying to find Danny to explain that they do love him and to come back home, and when they do find Danny he freaks out and starts booking it again (right as he actually stopped to talk enough with a hero too). The heroes of the DC verse whose meet Danny and those that heard about some young 'meta' teen whose been helping out and is very powerful, take note how scared and panicked he looked when facing the two and things get worse when they take note how... careless they are going after him (cause we know the Fenton's get a little extreme) and add the fact they look like mad scientists too (they haven't been sleeping well since Danny ran off)
So the DC heroes start assuming the worse for the young teen hero...
It gets even much WORSE when Tucker and Sam, who are hot on the Fenton's heels as well, show up and eventfully tell them what happened (or what they think happened) when they gain their trust.
Basically, a lot of miscommunication happens.
Danny thinks he needs to be on the run from his parents and is helping out in the DC verse to keep his mind off his own breaking heart from the rejection (if you wanna make it serious maybe have his actual core in danger from the rejection or something). And is nearly adopted by every hero who see's this sad ghost kid.
His parents are labeled mad scientists (kinda are) who are hunting Phantom down to end him or experiment on him but they actually DO love him and just want their son come back home. (due to being Fenton's they do kinda accidentally cause a lot of mayhem in their wake)
Tucker and Sam are trying to be amazing friends and stopping the Fenton's from hurting their best friend but much like Danny they are a bit too caught up in their emotions to realize the truth of what happened and may or may not alerted the JL and JLD why Danny is on the run in the first place. (when they had down time to find out where they were they found out about the meta protection laws and is kinda using that to get Danny help)
Jazz is in Gotham, has no way to track Danny down at the moment, is talking with Red Hood (coughAngerManagementcough) about finding her brother and saving him from her parents before they do anything to hurt him. Cue Red Hood (and maybe with the help of the Outlaws) helping Jazz go find her brother.
This can be serious but I mostly see it being silly with nothing but shenanigans and a lot of miscommunication.
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 11: Villain - Sinners Are We Chap. 1: I’m Kinda Glad That You’re Evil Too
When Danny goes down, so does everyone else. Including one Valerie Gray. And Dan couldn’t be happier.
Danny Fenton’s life had gone to shit and it didn’t take long after for Valerie Gray’s to follow right behind. Like Danny, she had lost her entire genuine social circle. All the other kids at school certainly weren’t friends of hers that’s for sure. And when Danny went with Vlad? Both of them seemed to just disappear in the wind.
Honestly? She was furious he hadn’t taken her with them. Wasn’t she practically family? Didn’t both of them value her? Vlad said time and time again how proud he was of her and how important she was to him. Danny had loved her once, and had stayed a strong friend after. Yet they both left her behind to rot. Danny, she could forgive, he had lost everything and nearly died; but Vlad? No. Sure she had her dad, but their relationship was strained at best, toxic at worst. He hated what she did and was meek. While she had a violent streak a mile long and loved to fight ghosts. Combine that with all three of her only friends and the one man who supported her vanishing in the aftermath of a fiery explosion, and she became a walking bomb of anger and resentment.
School didn’t help either, none of them gave a damn about the trio after the initial shock and gave even less of a damn about her. If anything, she became the new target for the torment all three had faced. Difference was? She hadn’t been about to tolerate that. Which eventually lead to a quick and unpleasant expulsion due to repeated and violent fights. Her shattering Dash’s knee had been the breaking point for the sports-obsessed school, and she couldn’t have been happier.
Screw the lot of them.
And what was she going to need schooling for anyway? She was a hunter. Now she was free to do that without the distraction of school. Which only led to her feeding her aggressive side. To her fighting more and more. Which her dad was having none of. Because then she had been around him more too, and that led to more fights. Which, her father put his foot down on after she threw a lamp through their stupid thin walls. So that left her out on the streets, with the only family she had left telling her to stay the Hell away. It was at that point she started to resent people more than ghosts.
Because what had ghosts really taken from her? Nothing at this point. Sure that damn dog had got her dad fired and ruined her clothing. But it was humans who abandoned her as a ‘friend’ and ‘family’. It was humans who had harassed her at school and sneered at her on the streets. It was humans who were the mean ones.
The treatment of her as the huntress didn’t help things either. Jack and Maddie, though strange and even dangerous, were likeable and friendly. Red was not. Especially since her grieving tactics seemed to involve taking things a little too far more often than not. She had been stupid proud the first time she managed to actually destroy a ghost, but the first time she did that publicly? The town reacted with nothing but abject horror. Crucified her as a murderer and danger to society. They didn’t reject her though. Of course those pricks didn’t, they needed her. She was the only line of defence against the ghost onslaught.
And eventually she decided: you know what? Screw this whole fucking town. You can all burn for all I care. And stopped giving even an ounce of a damn about bystanders or damages. She was just here to fight, that was it. End of story. If someone died in the crossfires then that wasn’t her problem. These people didn’t deserve for it to be her problem. Fuck every last one of them.
Then her ‘father’ really screwed her over, revealed who she was. The girl behind the mask. And all Hell had broken loose. People would cross the street to avoid her, which only pissed her off. The motel was suddenly perpetually full and any place that could get away with refusing her service did. Eventually, she had to resort to petty theft and death threats just to get a decent meal.
She was absolutely done. Done with this damn town. Done with the stupid people in it. Done with humans. At least a ghost she could pound the crap out of. And they, the ghosts, respected and feared her for it. Good. And she’ll let those ghosts destroy that stupid town, it was retribution as far as she was concerned.
And that’s when she met him again, as she was walking down a deserted road away from the only home she’d ever known and one that had scorned her. And he had looked different. In a way much similar to her. Less friendly. Less kind. Less helpful. Actually...
He had looked like a monster.
All sharp fangs and claws, forked tongue and flaming hair. Red eyes. He couldn't fool a blind man into thinking he was ‘good’ with the way he looked then. Add in the deeper voice as if puberty was a thing ghosts experienced. And the really stupid thing? The first thought that had popped up in her mind was that he was kind of... hot. Which was ridiculous. And she remembers the conversation they had then. Him floating down to stand on the ground with arms crossed and a mean smirk across his face.
“Well if it isn’t the Red Huntress”, quirked a mocking eyebrow, “come looking to hunt me down?”.
She had rolled eyes, “hardly. Unlike the others you aren’t pathetically easy to beat the shit out of”.
That had gotten him to more genuinely raise his eyebrows in slight surprise, “oh? And what if I just so happened to be on my way to Amity? What would you do then, little hunter?”.
She had known that was a threat instantly, she hadn’t known just how serious of a threat it had been though. “Ha, like I care. Raise that miserable place to the ground for all I care”.
He had actually laughed at that, loudly, and uncrossed his arms to shrug exaggeratedly, “well I’ll be. Wasn’t it your ‘sworn duty’ to protect them? That town and it’s people? Whatever could they have done to change your mind”, he had actually looked slightly impressed then, “you are impressively stubborn after all”.
“Hmmm, let me make a list. Oh wait! I don’t care. Those people are dead to me”.
“Oh? And what of ghosts?”.
She had stared at him for a bit then, though had never been able to figure out what the fuck his angle was. “Punching bags that talk back. Might have destroyed a few. What’s it to you”, she had scoffed, “not like you like ghosts either”.
He had laughed again, almost sounding like a cackle, “fair enough, Huntress. Can’t say I haven’t destroyed a few myself”, then smirked and leaned forward menacingly, “what if I said I killed Vlad? Or your dear sweet little Danny”.
She had scoffed, not believing him for a second, “that’s bullshit and both of us know that”.
He shrugged and leaned back, “hardly. Though fine, I just blew up the guys mansion. Didn’t bother confirming any corpses”.
She had squinted at him, the nonchalance had made it clear that he was being honest that time, “yeah well, that man can rot too. He turned his back on me, so fuck him. Fuck people honestly. And what? Did ghosts finally tick you off enough to want them obliterated. Join the fucking party”.
He had smirked and laughed, the smile had been honestly charming; not that she admitted that at the time. “No. I just want to see everything burn, roast marshmallows in the flames, and dance in the aftermath”.
“Well that’s ghostly of you, Phantom”.
He had rolled his eyes very exaggeratedly, “it seems you’re no different”, he had walked close and gotten his face in hers, “so who’s the ghostly one here? Seems you’ve turned your back on your kind. And here you’re supposed to be the ‘good human’”, she swore he purred then, “you know, that almost makes me disappointed. You were always my favourite. Not like any of those other idiots stood a chance”.
She had huffed and refused to back up from him, “agreed. And I don’t think I even have to point out you were my favourite target”.
“And now?”.
She glared at him, “those people have done worse to me than you ever have. I told you, screw them”, and smirked a little, “what? You gone deaf over the years?”.
He had tilted his head back and laughed loudly again, she hadn’t remembered him ever laughing that much or smiling that much. “Damn!”, and looked to her with that stupid cocky smile, “in that case, want to watch it burn together?”.
She had squinted at him more, “what are you playing at”.
Phantom had just rolled his eyes and walked past her, “as I told you, you were always my favourite, Red”. And wasn’t that a mindfuck?
She had turned her head back to watch him walk, looked back to the direction she had been going, and then made a decision that would change everything.
Screw them. Fuck them. This was just. This was what they deserved. They were going to burn and she was going to enjoy the flames.
She had turned on her heel and stalked after him, determined anger in her eyes and a small mean smile on her face. He had looked back to her, at the sound of her footsteps, and full-on cackled before grinning wild and malicious.
In another time, Amity Park would have been the last town standing. Heralded by a hero standing against her long time enemy. But this time, the charred twisted mess of debris, blood, and guts was the spark that started the fire that would set the whole world ablaze. Brought about at the whims of a duo with stained hands twined together doing the waltz across the remains; grinning and laughing all the while.
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Runaway Chapter 1
Vlad Masters x reader
Summary: Danny and Jazz have an estranged older sister, you, that had an accident in the lab that was almost entirely her parents’ fault so she left, started a life, and moved on. Overall, everything was great. Until that damned reunion, that is.
Word Count: 1142
Y/N Fenton was long estranged from her parents after an incident when she was twelve that ended up making her less than human--half ghost to be exact. She left her younger brother and sister behind to go to college in Wisconsin but kept in touch with them. Her parents, not so much. Since then, it’d been five years, and she’d been married for three--not that anyone knew about that little detail. She’d also abandoned her last name for a false one to keep her parents from finding her, but in getting married she took her husband’s, making the fake one irrelevant. He knew that her discarded name was a lie, but he never pried into what the real one. That was her business, and he respected her decision to have nothing to do with her parents. Other than that there were no secrets between them. Not even his own ghostly half.
It was a day Y/N hadn’t particularly been looking forward to: her husband’s 20-year college reunion. That they were hosting. And having his ex-friends and their kids stay in their house rather than a hotel like normal people. Needless to say, she was a little annoyed at the situation in general. The amount of flak they would catch from their age difference alone would make the next few days a living hell for both parties.
She curled into the couch unhappily when she heard the doorbell that announced their guests’ arrival. Her fingers tightened on her husband’s wrist. “Do we have to?”
“Given the fact that they are already here, I’d say yes,” Vlad chuckled. “I’ll go let them in so you have a few minutes to brace yourself.” He leaned down to kiss her sweetly before exiting.
“At any rate, my wife is waiting in the sitting room. It’s been a slow morning, and she’s having a hard time getting up and around,” Vlad informed them as he escorted the Fentons to the mentioned room. He jumped when Jack clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“V-man! Why didn’t you tell us you got married?!”
Jazz added, “And the news hasn’t even heard about it!” while Vlad gritted his teeth.
“I didn’t tell you because it wasn’t any of your business after you let me rot in that hospital alone for ten years!” He took a few gasping breaths to calm down before his eyes started flickering red and betraying his secret. “To answer your question, we’ve been married for three years. I would advise against pissing her off. Isn’t that right, darling?”
Y/N’s gaze was only on her husband as he rounded the corner of the couch to enter her field of view. “Absolutely,” she smiled at him as she accepted his offered hand to help her up. She turned to introduce herself, “I’m--” and immediately broke off when she recognized her family, “leaving,” she finally managed and started moving towards the hall that would lead her to the solace of their bedroom.
“Y/N, wait!” Danny called, chasing after her.
Vlad quickly found himself pinned to the wall via Jack’s forearm across his throat. His eyes flashed red and his fangs took up residence in his mouth; he only bothered to return his eyes to their human state. The fangs would come in handy as a weapon if things came to a head. “What in hell do you think you are doing?”
“What are you doing with my daughter?”
“Your daughter?” Vlad echoed. 
“You didn’t know?” Jazz questioned. “Y/N’s our older sister. She stopped talking to Mom and Dad when she went to college . . .”
“I know the story,” Vlad snarled. “I just wasn’t aware that your idiocy almost killed someone else, let alone the fact that it was the woman I love and. Your. Child!” He shoved Jack away from him. “I understand why she didn’t tell me about who her parents were.” He straightened his suit. “Ring the bell and Elliot will show you to your rooms. I believe I need to talk to my wife before we have this little . . . confrontation.”
Outside the room Y/N was running to (the master bedroom), Danny finally caught up to his sister. “Y/N!” he cried one last time as he snagged her hand. “Why are you ignoring me?” They’d always been close, even after she left. He even knew her secret about her ghost half.
She sighed. “Because before I knew it was you guys coming I was perfectly happy with my life and my husband. I especially don’t want you and Jazz of all people second-guessing my choices.”
“As long as that guy makes you happy, I don’t care! He seemed cool even for an old guy!”
A laugh left her as she elbowed him. “Shut up.”
Their joy calmed quickly, and Danny’s face fell. “Listen, Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you. Something happened a few months ago--”
“There you are!” Vlad’s voice exclaimed. Even Danny--who didn’t know the man well enough to be able to read all the nuances of his facial expressions--could see the worry ease off Vlad’s face as soon as he saw his wife.
Y/N leaned into his touch when he reached her and caressed her cheek. “Here I am,” she echoed. “Danny and I were just talking.” Her e/c gaze returned to her brother’s. “You were saying?”
His eyes widened. “W-well, uh . . . It kinda involves the, uh, thing . . .”
“He knows about that, Danny. Jack caused an accident in college that did it to him, too.”
Danny’s jaw dropped. “So there’s three of us?!” He seemed to catch himself. “I-I mean--”
Y/N’s eyes flashed to a glowing yellow. “What. Happened?”
“I-It was my fault. They were so sad that the portal wasn’t working, so I went inside . . .” When he looked up at her his eyes were glowing neon green as if to prove that his story was true. “I’m sorry.”
Again, she sighed, eyes reverting back to normal. “I’m not mad at you. Are you okay?”
“Yeah! I’m totally fine now. Mostly in control and everything. The only downside is all the ghosts are after my hide.”
“We’ll train you,” Vlad volunteered. “Once you’re more experienced they’ll back off.” Bright blue eyes widened as Vlad smirked. “Trust me.”
The teen’s face lit up. “Really?!” At their nods he hugged them both. “That’d be amazing! Thank you!”
Y/N laughed once more. “Come on. You’re probably tired after being in that stupid RV with them for so long; I’ll show you to your room. We can talk more tomorrow while Vlad mingles,” she turned around to wink at her husband as she walked with Danny down the hall. She could only hope that flirtatious little move would keep her little brother from realizing just how deep the pit of terror in her heart had gotten.
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dpjustified · 5 years
Bingo #5
(disclaimer: fanfic not headcanon)
(#5 Themes: Tucker punches Vlad, Vengeful Babes platonic version don’t kill me, Ghost Hunger with Vlad instead, and Dissection)
Dani growled at the man in front of her from her prison cell.
He was dressed in a suit, as usual, and was eating a steak. This steak, however, was different in that it was glowing green.
“Ah,” the man said, exposing his fangs. “Are you hungry? I’m sorry, want a taste?”
He cut a square and walked over to the cell, sticking it through the bars. She knocked it away in disgust.
“How can you eat ghosts, Vlad? When did this...happen to you?”
“It’s no different than normal meat, my darling little badger.” For some reason, he started calling her that again. He hadn’t since...she called him Father.
A crumpled form in the corner spoke up. “What are you doing this for? Let us go!”
“Ah, Valerie. Don’t worry, I have no interest in human meat. You should try this too. Fresh from the hunt. This ghost had the power to switch human body parts. It was no friend of yours. In fact, I only eat predators these days.”
“A...” Dani took a moment to throw up.
Valerie exclaimed, “You eat humanoids?”
“Like I said, it’s perfectly normal. You don’t know what you’re missing. The taste of it on your tongue, the exuberance you feel, the power flowing in your veins-” Vlad was simply glowing until Valerie cut him off.
“I don’t care if you get a power up from these things or not. You’ve gone too far, Vlad. And you can’t kidnap us, people will find you!”
He snapped his finger and a ghostly clone pushed Valerie from behind right into the bars.
“Are they, really? Vlad reached through the bars and stroked her chin. “Maybe for you, my dear, but not for this street urchin. And besides, didn’t you two barge into my house talking about how you wanted revenge? After all I did to help you with your revenge, Valerie, I’m hurt.” He turned to Dani. “You should be grateful you get to live in the first place, Danielle. I made you.”
Dani wiped her mouth and went right up to the bars to stare him down, even though her courage was shrinking with each passing second. “Technically, without stealing Danny’s DNA you wouldn’t have been able to make me in the first place. And I was never the one you wanted. I was a mistake. Somehow you made a girl instead, and all the boys kept dying because they were less stable than I am. Than I...was before Danny saved me. We’re here to severe this bond, Vlad. And yet, you’re doing even worse things. Do you even have a heart anymore?”
“Ah, yes, of course I do. You know, this tears me apart more than you know. I’m doing this for your sakes, ladies. And I’ve always had such sympathy for you, my daughter.”
“I am not your da-”
“Unloved, unappreciated, without a home. We’re more alike than you know. And yes, if you can’t come to my side alive, then I shall have to kill you. I’ve always been curious about how your meat tastes.” Vlad wiped the drool from his mouth and Dani shuddered.
“Wait!” Valerie said, pushing away Vlad’s clone to wrap Dani in her arms. “I won’t let you do this. I am her family. Danny and his friends are also her family. She is not alone. Don’t you dare lie to her.”
Dani sobbed. After being on the streets for a few months, she had run into Valerie again, who insisted she stay with Valerie and her dad. It didn’t take long to convince him either. She was officially Valerie’s sister. But what Vlad did to warp her mind all this time, she couldn’t escape from it and frequently locked herself in her room to escape. Valerie thought confronting Vlad and giving him a good pounding would set Dani free. But this...was such a mistake. Did eating ghosts make Vlad stronger?
“Are you even half human anymore?” Dani cried to him.
Vlad looked down at himself and then back up. “Looks like it.”
“But, you have claws, and fangs, even in your normal form! Are you addicted? You’ve got to fight it!”
He reached over with one clawed hand before gripping it with the other. “Ah, that’s the problem. Once you start you can’t stop. Anyway, it’s time.”
“No!” Valerie cried. “I won’t let you.”
She got up as Vlad’s clone approached. She wrestled the clone before another one appeared, throwing her back and pounding her with fists.
“Leave her alone!” Dani cried, blasting at the clone. It blocked with a shield. The other clone pushed her down and kicked her until she coughed up blood. Then she felt a prick in her arm. Soon her vision blurred.
“Don’t worry,” Vlad said. “You won’t lose consciousness, but I have dulled the pain. I’m not heartless, honest.”
“Leave her...” She heard Valerie’s groans as a clone picked her up and put her on a table. With a shock, she was forcefully turned into her ghost form.
Vlad stood over her, leering with a sick look on his face while picking up a scalpel.
“What shall I have first...I suppose I’ll start here.”
She could only watch as he slit her upper arm. It was surreal, watching herself bleed without much but a dull sensation in her head.
It was only when he started slicing muscle that she screamed. He punched her.
Then, all of a sudden, arms reached behind Vlad and snapped on a belt.
Vlad elbowed behind him, and tried to tug it off. He looked low on energy.
“Who?” Vlad whirled around. “Why didn’t the security system notify me? Daniel? I thought I took care of you-”
“It was your plan, wasn’t it?” said Tucker, who looked a little scared standing there, even though he adopted a power stance. “Drugging Danny. He’d been sleeping all day. I’m so glad Valerie at least left a message on his phone, but no, no one counts on  me, do they. And by the way, your security is a joke.”
“T-Tucker...” She could barely hear Valerie’s voice from the cell. “You...”
“Yes, I, Tech genius, has arrived! And I thought ahead too. I’m aware of what I can and can’t do. And right now, I can beat you.”
Vlad struggled to get up. His fangs and claws were still present. “Oh yeah? You and what army? You admitted to me that Danny Phantom is out of order, didn’t you. What can you, a spineless, no powered, geek, do to me?”
Tucker stared. “I can do this, you piece of trash!” He punched Vlad with enough force to knock him down. Vlad tried to sit up, but Tucker got on top of him and pounded him again, and again, and again.
“Don’t touch my friends, and don’t touch my Dani!”
“...My?” She managed to say.
“Hey, you’re cute. You didn’t know? I’ve been hitting on you for a while. But don’t reject me right now.”
She looked down from her position to see Vlad’s face unrecognizable. It was satisfying.
Valerie hobbled over to them. “Finally, with the clones gone I could pick the lock. Dani, you’re hurt!” Valerie grabbed a tablecloth and wrapped her arm in it.
“Oh, don’t worry Val, I’ll heal.” She tried to laugh.
Tucker and Valerie unbuckled her from the table and then fought over who was going to carry her. Tucker eventually relented and let Valerie have the honors.
She smiled. Before this, she didn’t really know how loved she was.
When they were moving to leave, a ghost in a fedora came out of the portal.
“You rang?” said Walker, staring right at Tucker.
Tucker pointed to the sorry state of Vlad on the floor. “Isn’t this guy committing some ghost crimes or something that you can take him in for?”
After eyeing the room, including the trash can full of rotting ghost corpses, and the presence of the transformation ghosts have when they become cannibalistic, he nodded. “Sure he is. Thank you for the report. We’ll have to take him in for intense rehabilitation. Once we drain him of his powers, he’s looking at a 5000 year life sentence.” With his powers, Walker generated a chain that wrapped around Vlad, then he dragged him into the Ghost Zone. He poked his head out of the portal again briefly. “Make sure you follow the rules, stay out of trouble, and eat your dinner on time.” Walker then left.
“Well, well, well,” Tucker said, facing Valerie who now had Dani on her back. “This is why you never should go anywhere without having a backup plan, wouldn’t you say.”
“Oh boy,” Valerie said, rolling her eyes. “I sure learned something today. And how did you call Walker anyway.”
“Oh, after some misunderstandings, apparently he’s my grandfather?”
Valerie blinked. “O...kay. Now let’s get home before my dad finds out.”
Dani managed a smile. “I love you guys.”
I really, really am loved, aren’t I?
(What, did you like it?)
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freshwater--mermaid · 6 years
Ersatz Ch 24: A Tourist in the Waking World
Danny felt restless, standing so near to the Ghost Zone, but forced himself to focus on the task in front of him.
His increased 'curiosity' in his parents' research had the unintended effect of both making his parents proud, and causing his mother to insist that he help them with their latest studies.
His participation was limited to following exact instructions from Maddie about where to cut or what tools to retrieve. He was strictly not allowed to handle the ghosts otherwise, due to the risk of them escaping when being transported to and from the exam table.
Currently, Maddie was hovering beside him, watching his movements closely after instructing him to slice an ectoplasm sample in two.
Readjusting his grip on the scalpel, Danny lowered it toward the green blob. It had been taken earlier that day from one of the captured rats, and now Maddie wanted to test the sample against various temperatures.
She would start with both extremes; one half was to be frozen, while the other would be brought to boiling point.
The sharp blade cut neatly through the sample, splitting it down the middle. It was clearly beginning to rot already, its glow entirely gone. Maddie frowned as she noted this on her clipboard.
Danny wanted to shudder in revulsion at the memory of the acrid, old ectoplasm he's desperately eaten not too long ago. He was glad for the steady supply of new ghosts that had been roaming about recently. He never wanted to get that hungry ever again.
It had Danny feeling almost regretful that soon Halloween would pass, and the ghost sightings would dwindle back down to a minimum. He'd taken to hunting down any small ghosts he could find each night, easily tracking them with his parents busy in their lab most nights. And upon asking his mother about the exact functions of the Fenton thermos, he'd happily discovered that it could hold multiple ghosts at once, releasing them one at a time. He had used this knowledge to begin collecting the little spirits he captured for when he needed them.
However, one thought brought down his happy mood each time his mind wandered to the ghosts he had stored away. If there were this many of them pouring through the portal every day, then how many more were possibly lingering on the other side. In his home. With his body.
Danny's eyes were pulled once again to the closed metal doors, and he fought to stand still as his mom went about collecting the samples. His grip tightened on the scalpel, wishing vehemently that they'd forget about their stupid tests and go out ghost hunting for the night. Who cared what temperature did to ectoplasm, anyway?
Closing his eyes, Danny turned his head away and stepped back from the table. He looked toward his father's side of the lab. Jack was upstairs taking a snack break, and the finished ecto rifle sat alone on his desk, gleaming under the bright lights. The sight of it did not improve Danny's mood.
Maddie clearly didn't need anything more from him, fully absorbed in her work, and Danny had no interest in watching the experiment unfold. He stretched out his arm and dropped the blade onto the metal table with a light clang, removing his gloves and heading silently for the stairs.
Nothing upstairs could hold his attention, either. His father's loud eating and the buzz of the television got on his nerves within seconds, and he quickly walked to his room.
There he ended up sitting on his bed, staring down at his ever-growing pile of due assignments. At this rate he was going to start failing classes.
'Oh well.' he thought despondently. 'What's the point of keeping up with school? As soon as the next mandatory physical comes up I'm screwed, anyway.'
And there was the final nail in the coffin. The cherry on top of this pile of negative thoughts that had been plaguing Danny lately.
The realisation that his secret was temporary.
It had come to him just a few days ago, when he'd been standing outside the school awaiting his friends' arrival that morning. They had both walked up, laughing at some joke or piece of conversation that Danny wasn't listening to. What had caught his attention were the visible streams of breath that both teens exhaled as they spoke. They were also shivering quite a bit, arms crossed over jackets to keep out the sharp chill that Danny hadn't even been aware of. He himself had worn a short-sleeved shirt that day, forgetting to bring along his old hoodie.
That moment had sparked off the self-consciousness and worry. How was he supposed to fit in with everyone when he couldn't even remember to breathe or maintain a pulse, let alone react to the weather?
Sam had been right. Her statement from weeks before coming to haunt Danny. Eventually the clues would outweigh the doubts. People were seeing ghosts now. They were becoming part of Amity Park's day-to-day happenings. Soon it would take no leap of faith to suspect that the creepy kid who didn't make little spirals of visible breath might be dead.
Would his parents be the ones to find out first, he wondered. Maddie's keen eye could so easily pick up on the evidence if she took just one moment from her work to actually look at Danny. Even when she fretted over him, face filled with concern, she never seemed to actually take him in. He knew it was because of her guilt. The pained guilt that never really left her since the incident at Vlad's home. And as much as it saddened Danny, it was a great advantage to his current situation. He needed that distance between them; it was probably the only thing keeping her from noticing all of his increased oddities.
How would she react, knowing that he was dead. Knowing that he had died in that portal she had painstakingly pieced together over so many years. Would she be hurt? Would she cry and fall to the floor and plead his forgiveness for getting him killed? Or worse still. Would she see an opportunity. A chance to study an advanced form of ghost. One more powerful than any spectre she'd come across in her entire life. Maddie couldn't even comprehend a ghost like him. He'd gotten as much from her long lectures as she plucked samples from the little squawking rats. There was just no way in her mind that a ghost could possibly be so human as to actually fool her. He'd nearly smiled at her when she gave that confidant comment.
How would it feel to shatter that self-assurance? Would it feel gratifying, or just horrible.
Danny figured the latter, and rubbed a hand hard across his face. He frowned down at his textbooks, unable to take sitting still any longer. He had to get out and clear his head.
In the open air he could forget who he was, all of his problems scattering into the wind, seeming less dire. He could shirk his way around any future doctor appointments, and he could copy his friends' homework, and soon his parents would take to the streets once more, in search of new test subjects.
They were running out of the little blobs and rats, surprisingly enough. They had taken most of them apart completely, with Danny present to observe or lend a hand on a few occasions. He did feel sad for the small creatures, but couldn't help but be fascinated by everything his parents were discovering about the ghosts.
Sadly, since the test subjects were all so weak, Danny wasn't sure how well anything he learned from them would apply to himself. When cut open, they contained only globs of ectoplasm, while Danny could most definitely feel the intact bone structure beneath his skin.
And the lunch lady had organs. Green, misshapen organs, but definitely internal structures.
Danny hovered over an empty street, a hand drifting down to press against his stomach. He wondered what his insides looked like now. Not that he'd volunteer to be sliced open. No, best not to follow that line of thinking.
Shaking his head, Danny shot upward, flying around absently, no destination in mind.
A sudden burst of light caught his attention, his head whipping around toward the source. Even from several blocks away, the Fenton ghost shield shined like a beacon.
Curiosity and worry drew him back toward his home, though Danny assured himself it was most likely more little ghosts running amok. Maybe he'd get a chance to catch one before his parents got to them.
As he neared the house, careful to stay in the darkness, a white line swam across the ground below, moving swiftly away from the Fenton residence. Its strange shape and movement bewildered Danny, and he followed after it to get a better look.
The white creature lurched to the side, fading into a nearby home. Danny flew to the building, debating whether or not he should follow.
Screams from within ended his internal debate, and Danny quickly turned invisible before diving through the wall. What he came upon was like something out of a cheap scifi horror movie.
A teenage girl, clad in only a short nightgown, stood cowering in the corner of her bedroom. A disturbingly large, glowing snake raised up as it hissed at her. Its long fangs dripped as it opened its jaws wide, advancing on the girl.
Flying forward, Danny grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the way as the snake lunged. She was just as scared by the invisible grip on her, however, and immediately began to scream and flail about.
Danny grimaced at her in annoyance, grabbing her other arm and lifting her off the ground, planning on flying them both out of there.
That was when the door flew open and the lights turned on, revealing a burly man standing in the doorway and wielding a baseball bat. The man lost all bravado as he took in the sight before him. His daughter, hanging suspended in the air as she kicked and screamed. And a very big snake coiling up on the other side of the room.
For a few seconds he stood there, frozen, only his eyes moving as they swept back and forth between both spectacles. He was obviously deciding which target to go for first, and soon made his choice.
Apparently an invisible foe was less intimidating than a large, reptilian one. The man leapt forward and began swinging his bat wildly in the air around his daughter. When one swing came too close to Danny, he couldn't help but let out a startled "Hey!" in response.
The shout gave all three of them pause, but then seemed to ignite new strength within the father. He gripped the bat in both hands, swinging hard toward where the voice had come from. The strike landed, hitting Danny directly on the head.
Reeling, he dropped the girl to the floor, focusing on remaining unseen as his vision blurred. As it cleared, he could see that the snake was once again rising up, intent on continuing its attack.
Seeing no other option, Danny clenched his teeth and shot forward. He collided with the snake, grabbing hold and turning them both intangible. They flew upward and out of the house, into the open night air.
Danny quickly released the writhing ghost, shivering in revulsion as he put distance between them. The creature coiled around itself in the air, baring its long teeth at Danny and letting out a loud hiss.
Not waiting for it to make the first move, Danny charged up a ball of energy in his hand, sending it at the snake.
It connected, sending sparks of green dancing along the scaled body. The snake cried out and curled up tighter, muscles tensing. Danny realised too late what it was doing, and as he readied another blast, it struck out at him.
The energy in his hand shot off into the sky as he tried to dodge. One of the fangs sliced into his side as the snake dove past him. Blood began soaking into his torn shirt, and Danny pressed a hand against the wound, watching as the snake continued its descent, landing on the street below and winding away.
Danny glared at its retreating form, ready to follow after and get some revenge, when a loud blast sounded off from behind. A large green streak sailed over the snake's body, barely missing it.
"I see it, Maddie!" Jack's voice arose from the dark street below. "It's making a run for it!"
Danny turned invisible once more, following after the snake as his father tried to catch up. He didn't want the snake attacking more helpless people, and since his dad looked to be alone, he also didn't want him to get hurt. He imagined what those long fangs could do to a regular person.
Flying lower, Danny fired off small, quick shots at the glowing white creature. It began swerving widely on the road in an attempt to avoid him, but a few blasts hit, causing it to halt in the middle of the road.
An approaching car's headlights shone on the huge ghost, and the driver slammed their brakes, tires squealing, before quickly reversing and turning in the opposite direction. The snake watched after it, distracted.
Danny began charging up a more powerful ball of energy in his hand, but it dissipated as another large blast of green hit the snake dead on. It's white skin bubbled, peeling away as it flopped around it pain.
Jack had reached them, and Danny quickly glanced down at himself to make sure he was still invisible. Small drops of blood falling from seemingly nowhere was his only give-away. Hopefully his father wouldn't notice.
Jack didn't, and he grinned widely at the stunned snake, his ecto rifle propped up on his shoulder. Danny felt a thrill of fear as he realised that it was the new, improved model. It took a moment to power up for another attack, a high singing emanating from the gun, getting louder. The blast sounded almost like a canon, and Danny flinched away from it, flying far back as the ecto blast hit the snake again.
This time full chunks of the ghost's body flew off, splattering across the road. Danny felt the fear from before falling over him again, stricken in place as he watched the upper half of the animal writhe about on the road. Jack had definitely not been lying when he said he wanted to give the gun more power. It seemed he may have even overdone it.
But Jack didn't seem interested in capturing this particular specimen tonight. Instead, he charged the rifle up, striking his target a third and final time. The glow from the weapon cast shadows over his dad's face, morphing his grin from its usual bright beam into something sinister and malevolent.
There were only white and green bits of the creature left smeared across the black asphalt. Jack laid his gun on the ground, walking toward the remains with a proud stride. Danny turned and rocketed out of there, fearful that the man would soon take notice of the blood slowly collecting on the sidewalk.
The only thought passing through Danny's head as he flew was that he never, ever wanted to be on the barrel end of that gun. Ever.
He could still see the Fenton shield shining brightly, and groaned aloud. Giving up on returning home for the night, Danny began flying to the nearest safe place he could think of.
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Tucker really didn't like being woken up to someone's hand clamped over his mouth. Especially when the owner of that hand was floating over his bed and looking down at him with glowing eyes.
The high pitched scream that followed was muffled by Danny's hand, and the hovering teen barely stifled his laughter as recognition dawned in Tucker's eyes.
The boy was less than thrilled, batting Danny away and sitting up.
"What the heck, dude?" he said lowly, reaching for his glasses so that he could glare at Danny properly.
As soon as he did, though, his gaze zeroed in on the red staining the lower half of his friend's shirt.
"What happened?" he asked, his voice rising.
"Calm down, it's stopped bleeding." Danny replied with an easy smile, his feet touching down upon the carpet noiselessly. "Soon it'll heal up completely. But I need to borrow one of your shirts for now."
"Yeah, sure." Tucker said, feeling faint as his eyes stayed glued on the wound.
Danny rifled through Tucker's closet briefly before pulling out a shirt. He then peeled off the ruined one, wincing as it caught on the dried blood.
Tucker muttered a few choice words and looked away as the long slice in Danny's skin was revealed, traveling in a nearly straight line across his stomach. Fresh blood leaked out in thin trails, and Danny frowned down at himself.
"Be right back." he said, disappearing through Tucker's bedroom wall.
He stepped inside the bathroom, where he knew Mrs Foley kept a well-stocked first aid kit. He'd need to bandage over the wound before it healed, or risk staining the new shirt as well. Danny wished it would get on with it, already. The persistent stinging was getting on his nerves.
When Danny returned to Tucker's room, the other teen was already laying out thick blankets across the floor, throwing one of his pillows on top. He scrubbed tiredly at his eyes as he went back to his bed, climbing under the covers with a yawn.
"Should I even ask?" he said as he removed his glasses.
"I'll tell you and Sam about it tomorrow." Danny promised, sitting down on the makeshift bed and pulling out his cellphone.
"I've got an alarm set so that I can get back to my place before Jazz tries to break my door down, so I'll be gone by the time you wake up."
"Cool." Tucker mumbled, already half-asleep.
Checking his alarm, Danny set the phone down and laid back against the blankets, pulling one over himself. He let himself relax, floating adrift in his own thoughts. It may not have been the night sky of Amity Park, but being out of his own home was still freeing somehow. Eventually he fell asleep as well.
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Halloween day was heralded in with the sight of costumed kids walking to school. All of the banners and posters that the students of Caper High had worked on days before were now displayed all over the walls of the main hall.
Danny had barely managed to make it out of the house with an angry Jazz trying to "get him into the holiday spirit". She herself was dressed up as a doctor, and had been downright scandalised when Danny had commented that he didn't feel like dressing up. She had immediately begun trying to force different last-minute ideas onto him. In the end he managed to dodge the bed sheet, purple wig, and cat ears, making it out the front door in his plain jeans, shirt and hoodie.
He arrived at school to see Sam and Tucker waiting for him. Sam wore darker-than-usual makeup, her eyes overtaken by thick black. Her lips were dark red, with two little streams of fake blood running down the corners. She was clearly going for a spider theme, with little black and red arachnids adorning everything from the pattern on her dress to her jewelry. All of her earrings were little spiders and cobwebs, and there was even a spider hairclip resting on the unshaved part of her head.
By contrast, Tucker looked very out of place, standing next to her in a white long-sleeved shirt and jeans. He and Sam greeted Danny as he approached, and Tucker smirked heavily as he gestured at himself.
"Go ahead, ask me what I am." he said, already laughing.
"What are you?" Danny humored him.
"I'm a ghost!" Tucker held both arms out. "Get it? 'Cause they look like normal people!"
Sam rolled her eyes as Tucker cackled at his own joke. Danny couldn't help but smile as well. The three friends ascended the front steps and entered the school. The hallway was filled with kids admiring each others' costumes, and the trio had to do a bit of maneuvering before they could reach their lockers.
"Hey, one of you guys let me borrow your English homework." Danny said, spinning his combination into the lock.
"Danny." Sam scolded. "You have to stop ditching out on our study afternoons."
Danny bit back his reply, which was that he had better things to do. There was no way that wouldn't come across as mean. So he silently opened his locker and began putting away textbooks.
"Hey," Tucker spoke up from Sam's other side, his voice lowered. "Did that cut heal over yet? You still have to tell us why you crashed at my place last night."
Sam whipped her head between the two boys, eyes widening. Danny quickly held up both hands and smiled reassuringly at them both.
"Yes, it's gone. Not even a scar. And also yes, I'll explain the whole story at lunch."
Concern flickered behind Sam's eyes, but knowing that he couldn't very well talk about it openly in the hall, she didn't press the matter. She quickly moved on to a new subject as they headed down the hall.
"So are you going to be sticking around to help set up the haunted house tonight? Not that it can even be called that at this point." Sam asked, disappointment sharp in her voice.
Danny's sympathy for her, as well as his desire to not abandon his friends again, warred with the fact that he wanted to be back at his house by that afternoon. His parents would not spend Halloween night cooped up in their lab, and would instead take to the streets to hunt out any remaining ghosts. That would leave the Fenton portal unguarded, for the first time in too long.
"I can stay to set things up and hang out for a bit, but then I have to leave." Danny finally answered.
Sam opened her mouth to reply, but stopped short as her gaze flickered to something behind Danny. A pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders, but before Danny could react they quickly pulled away. He turned around to see Paulina rubbing her arms and frowning at him.
"Danny, you're freezing!" she exclaimed.
"Uh, yeah. They keep it way too cold in this place." Danny replied, shrugging.
Paulina blinked at him for a moment, before Tucker stepped in between the two, a big smile on his face.
"Wow, your costume is amazing!" he said, clearly not needing to feign the admiration.
Paulina blushed and giggled, hands gripping her skirts to give them a twirl. She wore a long, multi-layered victorian gown. Its pale pink fabric was complimented by white gloves that went almost all the way up each arm. The finishing touch was an elaborate crystal necklace that sat neatly upon her shoulders. She glowed a few moments more under Tucker's gaze before turning her attention to Sam.
"I can't wait to see your little haunted house tonight! It's going to be so cute!" she beamed at the goth girl.
"Thanks again for helping out, Paulina." Sam returned the smile, albeit with less shine.
The warning bell put an end to any further discussion, and everyone headed for their home rooms. Paulina followed behind Danny, and he could feel her stare as they neared their classroom.
"Are you feeling sick, Danny?" she asked. "You've been quiet a lot lately. And you're like really, really cold. Maybe we should skip this class and go hang around out back. Some time in the sun should do the trick!"
"No, I'm fine, Paulina. Really." Danny answered, entering the classroom.
Lancer was already there, and his reminder of the annual haunted house drowned out any further words Paulina may have had. Danny slouched into a seat near the front, his mind already drifting off, while Paulina joined a few of her friends at the back.
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Tucker and Sam shivered as they listened to Danny finish his story about the encounter with the snake, minus a few details regarding how much his father had creeped him out, or the reason he'd gone flying in the first place.
"And thankfully they had the shield lowered by this morning. I flew into my room just as Jazz was threatening to break my door down." Danny smiled at the mental image of his sister ranting to his empty bedroom.
Tucker shivered, this time not from the cold.
"Giant ghost snake. Like we needed that in the city."
"So your dad really killed it? Like, completely?" Sam asked, frowning.
Only she would show open concern for an oversized ectoplasmic reptile. Danny honestly expected to find her standing outside of his house one day protesting the experiments his parents did on their captured subjects.
"Yeah, I guess he didn't have a Fenton thermos with him." Danny said, fingers picking at the worn end of one of his sleeves.
"Well, now that story time is over can we go back inside?" Sam asked, arms crossed tightly over her chest.
"It's your fault for wearing that dress." Tucker smiled.
"I look awesome." Sam replied with a theatrical flourish of her hand. Her eyes then turned back to Danny, quirking an eyebrow.
"And what are you supposed to be, anyway? A ghost like Tucker?" she smirked.
"Didn't feel like coming up with a funny costume idea." Danny shrugged.
Accepting the nonchalant reply, Sam led the way back into the building.
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Sam stared down at the little jack o' lantern display she and Tucker had made weeks before, now sitting on a table near the doors. She turned and looked out over the rest of the room. The large cafeteria was dimly lit, with the hand-crafted decorations hung up by her, Danny and Tucker. Fake cobwebs and little spiders were also spread around, along with the Biology class's skeleton propped up on its stand.
Various students stood around drinking punch and sampling the snack table, involved in their conversations. Lancer was the official chaperone for the event, and was clearly fighting to stay awake and alert as he sat in his chair. Tucker and Danny stood nearby, holding plates and looking bored. Tucker's plate was empty, and he occasionally stole a cookie from Danny, who didn't bother to even pretend to eat.
Sam couldn't help the bitter disappointment that still welled up within her. She'd wanted this year's haunted house to actually live up to its name, and not just be a social hangout like every year past. But without financial aid from her parents she'd just not had the money to achieve her goal. She was still refusing to talk to them, sending glares their way as they passed by in the halls of their home.
Tucker could be heard laughing, a pair of confused-looking students staring at him. He and Danny had been asked a few times that day just what they were supposed to be, and each time Tucker was all too happy to answer.
"We're ghosts!" he'd say, breaking off into a new bout of laughter, uncaring of the bewildered reactions of the other students.
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Danny looked toward the clock hanging against the far wall. Halloween night had officially begun an hour ago, and his parents were probably halfway across Amity Park scaring trick-or-treaters. He really hoped the police didn't get involved this year.
He wanted to stick around and help Tucker and Sam clean the place up after everyone left, but knowing that the portal was unguarded was making it hard to stand still. He swore he could hear his old body calling for him, letting him know just how long it had been since he'd paid a visit.
He quickly gave his goodbyes and apologies to his friends before exiting out the back of the school. In the dark shadows he went invisible, lifting into the sky and flying as fast as he could toward home.
He'd been half-expecting to find a stream of ghosts pouring through the portal, what with how Vlad and his parents built up this night as a peak for ghostly activity. But as he dropped into the lab, he found it empty and silent, not a spirit or person in sight.
Relieved that he would get a night of peace, Danny quickly entered the portal. The other lab was empty as well, but Danny's mood was quickly torn down when several blasts were heard nearby.
Danny flew through the shadowed home, ignoring the call that urged him to go upstairs. He looked up the stairs, frowning as he turned and headed for the front door. Whoever was messing up his time here was about to have their butt blasted to the other side of the Ghost Zone.
Flinging the door open, Danny's eyes swept across the void landscape. Another blast rang out, and an arc of deep purple flames shot off into the distance.
Danny lifted out of the doorway, rising up over the walls of his house. He had to blink a few times to fully take in the sight that greeted him several yards away from Fenton Works.
"Mr Masters?" Danny shouted out in shock.
His cry drew the elder man's attention. His expression looked nearly as surprised as Danny as he looked at the boy. His opponent, a hulking ghost in armor, took the opportunity to strike out with a ball of flame. It hit Vlad in the chest, and he was sent backward from the force of it. The flames bit into his skin and clothes. His shirt was singed in places while the skin around his neck and chest blistered a painful-looking red.
Realising that he had to help, Danny dove over the rooftop, gathering energy into his hand and throwing it at the strange new ghost. A part of Danny's mind took a moment to admire the guy's style. His shiny black armor with purple flamed accents was definitely cool. He honestly looked like something off of Doomed.
In one smooth maneuver, the ghost pulled out his sword and struck Danny's ecto blast, sending it sailing away.
"Another fool dares to challenge me?" his voice echoed out from within the shadowed helm.
His unseen gaze held Danny for a second, before he turned once again to Vlad as the man sent two waves of ectoplasm toward him.
"Stay back, Daniel!" Vlad cautioned as he continued his attack.
Danny heeded him and backed away. He still sent out blasts toward the other ghost, hoping to distract him. Unfortunately he was a skilled fighter, dodging easily around the attacks while still focusing his attention primarily on Vlad.
He unsheathed his sword again, swinging it toward Vlad. The man dodged around him and sent out a line of ectoplasm. It solidified into a blade of his own, and Vlad began using it to block the incoming strikes. Danny noted how Vlad was completely on the defensive now, focusing solely on keeping the enemy's sword from hitting him.
They were both completely ignoring him, and Danny decided that this freed him up to move in closer, focusing a large ball of energy in between his hands. He neared the armored ghost and sent the charged energy right into his back. White sparks danced along the armor, and the ghost let out a cry.
His shadowed face turned toward Danny, who suddenly realised that it might have been a bad idea to get this close. He loomed over Danny, casting the boy in shadow, and raised his sword.
And then Vlad was swooping in from nowhere, sending a close-ranged blast at the ghost with one hand and grabbing Danny with the other. He flung the teen out, continuing his fight as Danny spun around dizzyingly.
After a few seconds he managed to right himself, annoyed and confused as to why Vlad had knocked him away. Did he think Danny couldn't handle a fight? Danny frowned at the man, who was once again displaying some cool powers by creating a shield out of ectoplasm, blocking the incoming blows. That annoyed Danny, too. Just how was he able to do that?
"Enough of this!" the ghost thundered, startling Danny out of his thoughts. "You have wasted enough of my time."
If at all possible, the ghost's efforts doubled, and Vlad was barely evading blasts of flame and the strike of metal against his shield.
Danny flew back toward them, not willing to let Vlad struggle on his own, despite what the man might think. He flew around the two as they battled, firing off quick shots as he went. As the minutes dragged by, Danny was grateful that they were in the Ghost Zone, or surely he'd be exhausted by now. Still, he wished this fight would end soon. He had only a few hours to spend here before his parents returned, and he did not want to sneak through the lab with them present again.
Frustrated, Danny dove in closer, powering up a second large ball of electricity. If he could stun the ghost again, then Vlad might be able to land a strike. That could be all they needed to end this fight and turn this guy into a floating mass of ectoplasm.
The powerful blast hit across his chestplate, shocks traveling across it, and the armored ghost nearly dropped his sword.
A low growl emanated from the shadowed face, and quicker than Danny could blink his opponent was practically on top of him. He swung the sword up in an arc, and Danny dove backward, just out of reach. The hulking ghost kept up his momentum, following after Danny as he retreated, bringing the sword in a second time.
Danny could distantly hear the sound of Vlad calling his name in alarm as the edge of the sword made contact with him. It went through him, leaving no mark, and Danny had but one second to look down at himself in bewilderment.
And then everything went black.
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Danny's eyes rolled up into the back of his head, his body going limp and drifting downward.
Vlad cursed the child for his foolishness, glaring at the knight as he turned back toward him, no doubt planning on delivering him to the same fate. He had dearly hoped that Danny would be too distracted to come here this night.
As the ghost charged him, he dropped and flew under him, heading right for Danny. He grabbed hold of the slowly falling boy and flew toward the nearby lair. He dropped quickly all the way down into the lab, gritting his teeth in frustration. The knight would be following behind in mere moments.
He could not leave Danny to float helplessly about unattended in the Ghost Zone. There were still many small spirits hiding around, who would not pass up an opportunity to steal bites out an unconscious ghost.
It seemed that the knight would gain access to the human world, after all. Vlad had hoped to avoid that. Not for the sake of the citizens of Amity Park; it would only be one night, after all, and then the ghost would be bound in slumber for one more year.
But a supernatural attack on such a large scale would attract certain attention. Attention that Vlad hoped would never set its sights on this little city. Too much was here that could be discovered, namely Danny and the portal. And neither was exactly hidden.
Vlad had truly hoped that by engaging the knight in battle, he could have kept him away from the portal's pull just long enough for Halloween night to pass. He'd known it would be a close fight, and that getting cut with that sword was a high risk. What cruel fate had deigned that Danny's lair materialise so damnably close to that castle…
He had no more time for grim thoughts. As a crash sounded from above, Vlad dove through the portal and into the lab. He ascended into the boy's bedroom, dropping the unconscious teen onto his bed.
With his eyes closed and mouth slack, he looked as if he were simply sleeping. But Vlad knew better. He knew that Danny's mind existed in a cage now, and that only Halloween's end would release him.
He hoped that the boy's mind survived the hours to come. After all, one couldn't exactly mentor and mold a child who's mind had been shattered beyond help.
Vlad made a mental note to increase his observation of the boy after this night. If Danny slipped up and revealed himself, it would have far-reaching repercussions.
A roar reverberated through the house, shaking its foundation. Vlad turned away from the child, knowing that he'd need to draw the knight out of the Fenton home and into the streets. After that, he might as well stick around and watch the events unfold. It was sure to be an interesting night.
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