#Danny is a baby banshee
nelkcats · 2 years
Baby Banshee
Halfa is just Danny's overall classification due to him being a human/ghost hybrid. However, if we go into what species he is classified into, he is a Banshee.
More specifically, Danny is a Baby Banshee. Although some consider that the Banshees are bad luck, in reality they usually scream to warn of great catastrophes. However, because Danny was just a baby ghost he was learning it now and had random impulses that led him to scream in the most random places, he couldn't control his wail.
Realizing how weird the halfa was (a male banshee, and a ghost baby at the same time), the ghosts decided to set him up with babysitters for when he went through his ghost childhood. Due to how powerful the child was he ended up being cared for by the Ancients. Which had no problem adapting to his needs and tried to keep him out of trouble.
On one of those occasions, Danny felt the urge to go in a specific direction. He ended up in a portal that guided him to the DC universe and wailed as loud as he could, which baffled the heroes.
He was obviously a child but had destroyed an entire complex with his scream and because of that they decided it was better to contain him. Danny was confused, he was warning them about the danger! Why weren't they listening?
Constantine understood what was happening instantly and warned the heroes to get away from the Banshee immediately. Hal mocked at the wizard's paranoia and encased the boy in a bubble. Which let out a cry when he was trapped and sent a danger signal from his core.
This ended with the Justice League facing off against obviously upset Ancients who were demanding their baby back.
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
my body's aching like a knock-down drag-out
and my poor heart is an open wound A Childhood Friends Au snippet that very briefly delves into Danny's life post-accident. CW: Mild Mentions of Blood, Violence, VERY mild gore ig. Danny briefly recalls getting impaled during a fight.
What they don't tell you about being dead is that it hurts. That it can hurt. That it can hurt more than when you were alive. That when you die, the emotions you die with stick with you like a leech that just won't let go. That emotions are ugly little thorns that stick their barbs into you and grow beneath your skin; or, at least, whatever’s left of it. 
Danny is familiar with anger. It kept him warm in Gotham, when his parents weren't home from work and he and Jason were crowding Crime Alley with their presence. It kept him warm in Amity, when the fresh sting of moving was still needling into his heart and he wanted nothing more than to rip and tear into the closest person next to him.
He's familiar with violence. With fights. With death. He's seen people die in Crime Alley probably every day. From overdose, from gunshots, from stab wounds; anything that can kill, rest assured he's seen it. He's familiar with getting his own knuckles rough and bloody when other kids turn and bare their teeth at him and Jason; they're all just starving dogs stuck in a fighting pit, primed and ready to rip out each other's throats. 
Black eyes, stomped hands, bloody noses. You name it; he’s had it. Gotham is paved with the blood of her children, and Danny likes to imagine that when he was born, the doctors handed his mother a file and told her; “Take it. He’s going to need it for his teeth.” 
Danny’s mom (and dad, for that matter) was too busy trying to keep him and Jazz fed, so Danny stole the file from her drawer with Jazz’s help, and did it himself.  
He’s familiar with anger, he thought he was getting better at it these days. It doesn’t come to him as easily as it did before. Of course, that was before Jason died. 
Danny is less familiar with grief. Caring kills and Gotham kills the caring, so Danny cares very little about other people. Or he tries to. But grief hurts. His grief hurts. It hurts too much. It hurts like a bug trying to crawl out of his chest; like a rat chewing a hole through his heart. Some days he wants to dig his hands into his hair and split himself down the middle. Some days he just wants to scream. 
He’s dead. He’s dead. He’s dead. 
He wants the whole city to hear him wailing, some days. It sticks itself in the back of his throat like bile, and Danny is one wrong retch away from letting it loose. It sticks in his lungs like all the tar he’s smoked in since he was nine. It pushes and aches at his temples, in his head, like his brain is trying to swell out of his skull. His thoughts becoming so loud they threaten to commandeer his tongue.  
He has no mouth, but he must scream. 
Something they don’t tell you about being dead is that it hurts. That it hurts more than when you were alive. Something they don’t tell you about being dead is that it’s violent. That it’s bloody. Or as bloody as it can be when everyone has no blood. 
Another thing they don’t tell you about being dead, is that it’s a lot like Gotham that way.
With no threat of death, Danny’s enemies forget death itself. Blood comes easy, like water, and teeth are encouraged. Bring your own fangs to the fight. Dying is something you can just walk off. 
Danny’s been dead for three months. He can’t say he’s been walking it off easy. He’s perfected the art of turning his nails into claws since his heart was still beating, but he can’t say he’s perfected fighting other ghosts. 
Scrappy is just not enough. 
He feels like he’s back in Gotham again. Back in her death-shroud alleyways, fighting someone bigger than him. But there’s no Jason to watch his back, and Danny has to get himself out of there alone. Or he might just not get up at all. 
Black eyes, busted lips. It’s familiar to him like an old scent, Danny isn’t quite sure that he’s missed it. It’s more familiar than his fights with Dash. 
But there’s no one else who can do it but him. Not Sam, not Tucker. He can’t lose them too. He can’t. He can’t. He can’t. His heart can’t take another break, he already feels like he’s going insane. 
With no threat of death, Danny’s enemies fight like death themself. He learns why when Technus puts a street sign through his stomach one day. It pins him to the asphalt like a moth pinned by its wings. 
Danny claws at the metal like how an animal caught in a trap chews off its leg, and every move is blinding pain. He thinks he was howling, but it’s hard to tell. He couldn’t recognize the sound of his voice. 
He bleeds green. It mixes in black with the pitch blackhole in his heart, which throbs and twists and cries in time with his reckless panic. The finger-choking terror of dying again strangles out the air he doesn’t need. His blood evaporates, only to reabsorb into him. It just bleeds out again, cycling like a snake eating its own tail. 
Danny breaks his nails clawing at the metal, and eventually gets it in his mind to pull it out. So he does, and the end drips ectoplasm green as he gets to his feet. In red-vision, Danny sends the sign back with snarling, vicious fervor. The pain is irrelevant in his rage.
Only after the fight does the hole the pole left start to close. Danny doesn’t shift human until it’s gone. Unlike other injuries, a scar stays behind. Ugly; mottled, it aches for a week with every twist and stretch his body makes. He hates it. 
Being dead is agony. 
Every part of him is in pain. Every step, every word he speaks, everything he does, it is prerequisite with pain. The body is temporary, but the soul is forever, and death has carved into it with its freezing green hands and left him with never-ending heartache. It has torn from him and stolen what of him it could, and in return it’s left him with sorrow. 
His pain is his grief, and he’s sobbed in the safety of his room more times than he can count. It’s still as fresh as the day he heard the news of Jason’s death. He knows, instinctively, that it will stay fresh forever. 
In his room, Danny shoves his hands over his mouth and shrieks in whatever, muffled way he can into his pillow. It’s not enough. It’s never enough. He needs to be louder. He needs to be heard. He refuses to be. 
Being dead hurts. 
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can someone help me brainstorm the next bit?
Danny was tired. More than tired, exhausted. Danny was the kind of tired that was so deep it looped right back around to constantly giddy. He sat in his chair at the Justice League meeting with a smile on his face and a vacant stare. The others were kinda giving him weird or concerned looks while he sang Twinkle Stars in his head cause the window kept distracting him. 
He should be paying attention to Hal who was talking, but his inner thoughts kept asking him if he could ask to go to Oa with the Green Lantern sometime cause, while he has been up around Earth’s space plenty of times now he’s rarely gone on trips off planet with anyone. Just because he’s wandered off during the trips once or twice they don't like bringing him unless they can rope him in the Fenton Fishing Line(™) that Jazz converted into what was basically a baby leash. He was almost 17! An adult! He didnt need no leash!!
Well except for when that happened…But he was better at it!! He couldn’t help it.. It just seemed to happen when he used up his powers a lot with no time to sleep or snack. Especially when he was still a new death, and it hardly ever happened anymore now that he was more experienced in managing his output! No one needed to know what his true core ghost form really looked like.. It just reflected how young he was as a ghost compared to everyone else he knew is all.
Heck Youngblood was almost 100 years dead. And while YB was still physically younger, he was still considered older than Danny! Apparently being a child ghost wasn’t quite the same as being the ghost OF a child. Eventually his core form should even out to reflect his death age in time..
Speaking of which he was hungry too, maybe when he gets home he could ask Mom for some of those Ecto cookies she hid away. She’s been putting them in the new ghost proof safe so Danny can't eat them all before dinner. They weren't nearly as good as Grampa’s but she has gotten better at not turning the food into ghosts, the hot dogs attack anything that even begins to twitch so that helps.
Wait, when was the last time he’d been home? There’d been an invasion going on the last week and the League was still scrambling with all the little things that happened because of that, looting, Lex trying to kill Superman while he’s tired, Joker’s jealousy popping up in a new attention grabbing scheme, more looting from low risk villains cause no one was around to stop them. Then the Big Three plus Flash getting pulled into another dimension temporarily. 
Lucky Danny was able to track them down and get them back home, though he missed the Watchtower by a longshot and landed somewhere in Kansas.. Future Master of Space and he still had trouble getting his Gate open to begin with sometimes. Though since it was so late when they came back they got to meet Superman's parents and spend the night. They were very nice, the mac n cheese they had for dinner that night was really good..
Maybe he should go home today, he didn't feel the giddy kind of tired anymore. He felt the bad kind of tired that happened just before that happened, he needed to go home to his family, his Mom would be happy to give him all the hugs he needed and Dad would sneak him snacks and Jazz and Sam and Tuck would let him nap and play all he wants until he feels ok enough to be his human age again. Maybe he could even go bug Dan for a bit.
He hasn't taken his meds lately either now that he thinks about it.. His travel box emptied a few days ago and he hasn't had time to get more, that's one good thing about being in the JL though, their own medical care and they actually had meds that work on weird metabolisms like his. Getting his anxiety and insomnia back under control had been a godsend after the two years he went without cause the accident made them not work anymore.
Just as this plan was finalized in his head the red lights and noise that mean bad things happening flashed and Danny loudly keens, curling into himself. Everyone is rushing off except for Superman and Batman who look at him worriedly. Tears prick his eyes and hands cover his ears, Superman obviously recognizes sensory overload with how strong the man's own are and Batman has so many Robins around Danny very much doubts he can miss an over tired teen nearing his limit.
But they have a job to do so with a deep breath Danny pulls himself together and takes off towards whatever is happening before the Justice Dads can call him out on it.
The fight itself shouldn't have been that hard especially since there were only a couple of them sent, the problem was that it was against one of the rarer rogues, and a magic one at that. Gentleman Ghost, he thinks? Which is why Danny got pulled along, cause of the power set. The guy might call himself a ghost but he didn't listen to Danny. Danny was the King! Danny was used to ghosts not listening, but most of the time that was his circle of frenemies who had known him since he was a new death, they claimed special rights as the ones who practically taught him ghost culture. They were more like extended aunts, uncles and siblings at this point. Except Spectra. Fuck Spectra..
This guy was more interested in his own shit and pissed at the fact that Batman outsmarted him on something again, what he didn’t know. The older ghost didn't even give him a second look, sure Danny didn't like flaunting his title and he wasn't able to fully use the Crown’s power for a few more centuries yet when he’d grown into it ghost wise but he was tired and getting pissed off. Mr Victorian is playing keep away and Danny is the only one that can keep up with him while Batman has to dodge things like walls and cars and the occasional blast of magic.
Things went to shit when he got hit. The magic hurt, he was used to being hurt seeing as fighting was practically socializing for a ghost, but there was just enough of the underlying feeling of electricity that made him tumble that last inch over the edge. 
He screamed.
It wasn’t a long one. Not nearly enough to get the full power in, a yelp of surprise more than a wail. But it was enough to blast the ghost unconscious and throw a few cars down the street, he was able to cut it off before he did more damage but it still felt bad that it happened. 
He felt bad that Batman had to arrest the ghost on his own, borrowing his thermos and catching the geezer so they could dump him on Constantine later, while Danny sat on the ground where he crashed, curled into himself and trying not to cry too loud. 
He felt more than saw, Batman coming back over to him and petting his hair softly, he was talking into the coms to someone but Danny didn’t care right now he just wanted to sleep. Danny flails for the hand that starts to retreat from its comfort. It comes back immediately and holds his and Danny is too tired to hold on anymore so he doesn't.
To say Batman is scared when Phantom gets hit is one thing. He’d seen the halfa take worse, it was the noise more than anything that scared him. He’d seen what Phantom’s Wail could do. And whatever had caused him to unleash it had to be bad. But he was glad the kid had enough awareness to cut it off immediately, his lessons on fine control with Canary were paying off. The fact that Phantom had shown clear signs of an incoming meltdown just half an hour before would have been enough to bench the kid from coming out at all if it wasn't for Constantine offering this mission instead. While the rest of the big hitters were busy with some kaiju-like monster that popped up on the other side of the world
Constantine had probably sensed Phantom’s exhaustion if the sudden diversion meant anything, cranky as the mage was to the rest of them, he had a soft spot for the kid, him and Marvel both. The two were as strong as any of the League, but they were still kids with way too much weight on their shoulders.
It almost didn’t work, Phantom kept insisting he was fine and could help, when John saddled up next to Batman and said something about an old artifact of magic power going up in a museum today, one that could be tempting for a particular rouge to steal if the talk he heard was anything to go by. Yes Batman had faced him alone before just fine but since the kid had a similar powerset, Phantom would be a big help on getting things done faster.
And that had been the turning point there. He has talked to Phantom’s sister before. She had told him at length when Danny first joined, his little tells and how to handle them. She and (Jason?Dick?) had been dating for a while at that point and Phantom had recently been recruited. It wasn’t unusual for Batman to feel threatened, between corporate sharks and kidnappers as Bruce to the endless supervillains as Batman. But it was rare that he felt the threats against him were justified, she wanted to protect her brother, and he’d be a hypocrite if he tried to argue that.
Phantom had a dual Obsession of Protection and Space, but Protection can be interpreted and sub divided in many ways, ghosts were possessive in general to what they saw as theirs and that's where the confusion was. Danny would Protect with all his might if there was danger yes, but specifically he preferred being Helpful more than anything. Even if it was only upgrading their equipment and defenses or even just flitting around fetching them things. It satisfied him either way.
Batman took a second to assess Phantom, swiping the thermos from his belt to contain the Gentleman Ghost. Really he should ask for one for himself, intangible villains were pains in the ass to contain..
He walks back to Phantom and runs fingers through his hair, fully set in Batdad mode, but unsure if the kid would tolerate anymore until he’s calmed back down.
“Here B.”
“Can you contact Nightingale? I’m bringing Phantom back to the tower, unable to tell if he’s physically hurt. But he’s clearly having a breakdown.”
“Like mind control, or RR up way past his no-sleep threshold?”
“I’m leaning towards the latter.” Batman does not sigh, cause that wouldn’t be a Batman thing to do. He does however move his hands away to secure the thermos and hit the remote control on the Batmobile, only for Phantom to whine and latch onto his wrist.
Batman quickly goes back to soothing the teen. Getting into a position to hoist him up when he was blinded by a bright light.
When Batman blinked the sparks out of his vision Phantom was no longer sprawled on the ground, instead Batman held a handful of black coils with a tuft of white.
(jazz when she gets to the tower) “Why did you let him go out if you knew he wasn’t ok?!”
“It was either let Constantine insist on chasing a literal phantom thief under my supervision, or let him fight a giant sea monster close to Korea.”
“....Ok fair..”
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emacrow · 4 months
Batfam tried to bribe the banshee child to get their stuff back.
Originally post here.
The one to figured it out was Tim who sacrifice his first camera that he still kept from back then when he stalked batman, the other two original robins and that it still have some film left in it. It was still a bit damaged and covered in tape on the camera and on the strap.
Alfred gave danny Bruce's father, Thomas's baby blanket in exchange for his favorite spoon.
Dick painstakingly gave his zitka elephant plushy for his mask, only to watch wide eyed when danny misty breath made a form of a miniature zitka the actual elephant doing one of her favorite tricks. And no he didn't cry after he left the room.
Damian offered secretly offered one of his most cherished drawing he had kept as a child, that remind him of Danyal..
Barb offered her old Batgirl costume, the one that still had a tear in it before she became the oracle..
Bruce offered one of his mother's pearls, the few that he had left.. from that night. When he gave it to danny in his tiny hand, all he felt was a sense of cold shiver that wrapped around him like a warm yet cold hug.
Duke gave him one of his first glasses that was a bit bented when his power came in, that were left discard in his draw as a reminder.
Leaving all but Jason todd who didn't know what to give Danny to have his red hood helmet back..
He tried one of his first gun, nothing..his black jacket, nothing.. it took Jason a long time (7 months tops) to figure out what to give danny.
It was 3am in the morning that he snucked in the Wayne Manor, peeking in the newest room for their youngest adoptee who was wide awake again.
Jason pulling out something from a pouch. It was old, torn and still had charred of ashes damaged but he kept it for his own selfish reasons..
He gave danny his Robin's cape, the original one that brought memories old, good and bad..
Danny held his Robin's cape and look at it, not saying anything with his eyes glow brightly before looking up at Jason with the most heartbreaking watery eyes.
He got up slowly, and hugs Jason close, chirping softly that made Jason's eyes glow a bit, before big drops of lararus pits liquid drips down from his eyes.
Just two broken core boys comforting one another, despite the puddle of lararus pits beneath them both that glow brighter and clearer then jason ever seen lararus pits have then it usuall musky growing green form... Jason close his eyes slowly as he gently hug the ghostly boy back.
Jason will never admit to anyone of what he gave that night or why he was asleep in Danny's nest the next morning after, but he suddenly felt some kind of unmoveable weight being lifted from his shoulders..
Until he saw on the news that The Joker was found dead with his ears, eyes and nose bleeding with a horrified look on his face.
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taptrial2 · 5 months
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lalalaaaaa au time. dont tag as ship or i will end you. ik it isnt super original but something something two cakes
the gist: instead of dying later in life, both danny and vlad were stillborns and turned half ghost after being resuscitated. their parents were told they had died and they were shipped off to the pentagon as little babies to be studied. theyre the same ages as in canon, they just grew up differently
they moved to amity park after they escaped because of the high level of ghost activity, wanting to learn more about other ghosts. they don't know about danny's birth parents living there YET. they only got out in like june and the actual story i imagine starts in the september of the same year after vlad and danny learn that its illegal to not have danny in school. they're super unfamiliar with the outside world and are super weird. they're rich but only because they do crimes for money (mostly theft), and because of that and not legally existing, they only use cash
their ghost forms are in medical gear because thats the only environment they've ever known and they can't really conceptualize themselves in anything else. they wear their hair long and down to cover up the spots of hair that the scientists lasered off to have easier access to their brains.
danny learned the ghostly wail early and uses it often enough (along with a few other voice based projectiles) that he's classified as a banshee subtype of ghost. he has very strong projectiles but his punches hit like wet paper bags. vlad is well rounded in his skills and very strong, but he and danny are VERY unused to fighting and are therefore pretty bad at it.
they're eventually nicknamed by the public "the doctor ghost and his patient", eventually shortened to "doctor" and "patient".
they're very close and consider each other family, but they don't put a specific label on it like father and son. every time they hug, it's as if they had been reunited after a war. they're used to being jostled around by scientists and so are very comfortable touching each others' hair, cuddling, etc and dont quite understand other people's physical boundaries for a while. they're protective of each other to the point of violence.
i have more but i already hate when i see posts this long in main tags so i will stop. if you actually read any of this shit thanks man have some choccy milk
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halfagone · 1 year
Danny is actually super OP. Like, canonically. If you go to the wiki page for his character, there's a list of his powers and abilities, fairly standard stuff they do for every character who has it. (They give you canon instances as well, which I definitely appreciate.)
But it's not the sheer number of powers that really gets me. It's realizing how many other superheroes there are that have just a couple of these powers and are super OP with just those.
Example, powers that Danny has vs. other heroes:
Standard Super Strength/Super-Healing/Super Speed/Super etc. - So many I won't even name them all
Kitty Pride (Marvel)
Martian Manhunter (I have heard that Martians' power is more like density shifting, but you get the idea) (DC)
Martian Manhunter (again, I've heard it's more like camouflage but you get the idea) (DC)
Invisible Woman (Marvel)
Flight - So many I won't name them all
Energy Constructs
Green Lanterns (DC)
Bunker (DC)
Agatha Harkness (Marvel)
Power/Energy Absorption
Blue Beetle (DC)
Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Jean Grey (Marvel)
Thor (Marvel)
The Flash (DC)
Storm (Marvel)
Captain Marvel (DC)
Black Lightning (DC)
Static (DC)
Human Torch (Marvel)
Ghost Rider (Marvel)
Phoenix/Jean Grey (Marvel)
Killer Frost (DC)
Icicle (DC)
(Technically Dr. Freeze and Captain Cold could be considered too, but we'll tentatively leave that here for now)
Sonic Attack
Banshee (Marvel)
Black Canary (DC)
Martian Manhunter (DC)
Dr. Fate (DC)
Emma Frost (Marvel)
Raven (DC)
Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Jean Grey (Marvel)
Danny has even more powers that I haven't listed, as well as corresponding heroes/villains with said powers. Obviously some characters have more than one of these, but Danny still has all of them. And do you know an OP character that has all these powers too? Dr. Manhattan, from DC's Watchmen.
Our boy really is a baby god in the making.
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Submitted Prompts #96
So not all ghosts used to be people, some are the embodiment of concepts. By that logic places could have a ghost or spirit embodying them. But cities change, they die, they grow. A spirit can not change, they can only fade away and make way for a new spirit of a city to become.
With the death of the Martha and Thomas Wayne, Gotham’s streets turned darker, more violent, and a sense of hopelessness filled the air. Her spirit current spirit knows that she no longer matches Gotham. She knows that she’ll fade soon. Knowing that the end was inevitable she looked for who will take her place.
Gotham mourns the death of Robin, but her spirit pushes though to take advantage of the opportunity. This boy was a born and raised in Gotham’s violent shadows, but he still took up arms to bring light into her shadows and to protect her. A better successor she could not ask for.
She bleeds ectoplasm at his grave. She watches his core form as her strength wanes. She expects him to rise as a ghost. She does not expect the universe to shake and to watch a him dig his way out of his grave, his core only half formed. Half her body has faded away already or she would have phased him though the dirt. Gotham’s spirit finishes fading away, watching her successor stumble out of the graveyard. She feels peace. Gotham is in good hands. A spirit may not be able to change with their city, but a halfa genius loci can.
That’s all I got. I just really love the idea that there are different types of ghosts. I couldn’t fit it in but Danny is a banshee in this. Jason obviously here is a genius loci.
Other random stuff I couldn’t include. Kidnapping a baby genius loci and taking them away from their city is a bad idea, it prevents Jason’s core from finishing forming, and weakens his connection to Gotham. Dumping him in a Lazarus pit on the other side of the planet both makes things worse and better. On one hand his connection to Gotham damaged even further as Nanda Parbat tries to steal him to be its genius loci, on the other hand his physical wounds are healed.
When Jason returns to Gotham his connection to the city starts healing. He’ll eventually have a supernatural awareness of everything that happens in the city. The various curses on Gotham also will effect him more.
Toss up if pit madness is corrupted ectoplasm, the effect of all the curses on Gotham, or Gotham bitch slapping Nanda Parbat’s hands off of its genius loci.
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
Can we start a discussion? When it comes to Teen Wolf & Shipping. Do you know of any other age difference ships that don't get as much pushback that Sterek does? Such as Marrish, Because despite the antis complaining against it it's still in the top 3 ships of all time.
haha so we've chosen violence this morning.
@dear-massacre and i have brought this up before.
teen wolf is not the show to be watching if you're looking for "unproblematic" content. age gap ships have always been like at the bottom of issues with the show lol.
sterek is the ship that has always gotten the most push back. mostly because of it's exposure and the way the show queerbaited the fuck outta it. it's the one most people are aware of even if they haven't watched the show. therefore, it's the one that gets the focus.
hold on to your butts.
now i didn't watch s5 till the show had ended but people did find the age gap concerning and gross between jordan and lydia despite lydia being 18 at the time.
lydia turned 18 in season 4. natalie and her discuss this at the lake house i believe in time of death. this makes the birthday we see for lydia in party guessed her 17th birthday.
parrish tells jared in riddled that he's 24. by the time of 5a which takes place during the first semester of lydia's senior year 2012 she would've still been 18 and he would've been 25 because 3b was the first semester of their junior year 2011 so 5a is a year later.
jordan and lydia have a 7 year difference. while their age gap is concerning because of the power dynamics jordan wasn't grooming her and it wasn't illegal. i think the writing shifted to try to imply that they were drawn to each other because of the banshee and hellhound connection.
jordan giving those andy dwyer vibes.
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now let's take a look at thiam. a pretty popular and accepted ship.
theo is the same age as our core characters. he is in their grade and knew them when he was young.
our baby beta liam was a freshman when he was introduced so that makes him a sophomore when theo is introduced in 5a.
by the time theo and liam become frenemies the age difference between them is basically the original age difference from the pilot presentation script as derek and stiles.
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aiden and ethan were both romantically and sexually involved with lydia and danny in season 3 despite making it clear they were only pretending to be high schoolers. they may have been in their early 20s but they were adults fucking minors by deception.
danny's whole dating history is suspect too due to it being implied he had an older boyfriend and he was seen going to a gay club. like what. he's supposed to be the same age as our core gang. he did have a mild thing for matt though who was at least a peer.
there's also harris being shown to be at the rave with a much younger woman (21 he says). like bruh. this is never addressed.
mason and corey. liam and hayden. stiles and malia. lydia and jackson. allison and isaac. scott and allison. lydia and stiles. scott and kira. paige and derek.
those are all age appropriate actual canon relationships. i would also add derek and braeden too.
no one gives one episode wonder heather shit about kissing stiles nonconsensually either.
derek's age is never canonically given but like c'mon. in s1 he doesn't act that much older than scott and stiles. he acts like their peer.
jeff and the writers did age him up a bit because they realized they made derek 13 when he was involved with kate. they were uncomfortable with him that young and instead pushed it up to near 16. (still fucked).
i've seen it discussed on the subreddit (🤮) and people seem to deluded themselves into thinking derek was older when he and kate were involved. ding dong they are wrong.
visionary tells us plainly that derek and paige were sophomores (hello scott parallels) and kate got her nasty hands on him not long after paige died.
i think after sterek the most discussed age gap issue discussed is derek's seduction/enticement of erica. it was definitely out of pocket and questionable behavior on his part but it is rarely brought up by the antis that erica jumped him and kissed him nonconsensually later. or the manipulation and rape by deception jennifer commits.
notice a theme? people age up derek to try to say what kate did wasn't grooming and statutory rape and deny that what jennifer did was also rape. they'll deny derek any and all victimhood while turning it around on him calling him an abuser towards stiles and basically calling him a pedophile because of the sterek ship. antis really want to make a canonical victim of multiple instances of sexual abuse into the abuser.
or worse they'll call real life people these things over a fictional ship.
where have i heard this kind of narrative before i wonder? 🙄
besides, derek only does the steering wheel thing in retaliation for stiles using his body as enticement for danny without his permission. stiles is the one who did the bad thing and crossed a boundary. it's not nice or really acceptable for derek to harm stiles like that but there's context to the action. it wasn't random. it was pointed. he never does anything like this again and in fact spends a vast majority of his time trying to protect stiles.
nothing sexual or even overtly romantic occurred between derek and stiles in canon. their only crime was having too much chemistry.
the antis are mad because people ship sterek and it's not even canon. it's all fanon. sure i'm of the belief a deep connection and attraction is there between them but it's all subtextual and never acted on by either party.
let me reiterate this: antis are mad over a hypothetical ship of two fictional characters that never happened in the source material.
besides, by the time the show ends and i mean the last, last scene there's been a 2 year time jump. when the show ends it's 2015. stiles would've been 20 fucking years old and by the time of the movie he's in his 30s.
i think by then he'd be allowed to ride derek's dick off into the sunset if he wanted.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Banshee Star
When Ember asked him to be her duet at a concert, Danny didn't think it was a good idea, but the ghost insisted and said she was sure he had a very good voice. In the end the halfa accepted, and they passed off their ghostly appearance as some kind of exotic make-up. They were Phantom and Ember, "Ghost Stars".
Oddly enough, that was how Danny discovered that his voice was...strangely good for singing. The people around him seemed vaguely hypnotized before Ember snapped them out of said state with a solo on her guitar. People said it was an amazing experience.
Danny decided to accept more of the ghost invitations and in a very short time they had become very popular musicians - they even toured! but when they were passing through Gotham, they were stopped by the dark knight.
Batman was very concerned about the mind control he had noticed at several concerts and decided to confront the source. It was best to thwart their plans before they happened. His sons were not convinced about his deductions.
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zenzaaaaaaaaaaaa · 2 years
fics currently enjoying free real estate in my brain meat
Skydive by AriesBuenos Midoriya Izuku helps a serial killer be slightly less of a serial killer.
Residual Hope by SimplyKaren Midoriya Izuku helps a DIFFERENT serial killer be much less of a serial killer. reconcile by whatagoodegg Trapped in baby jail with a supervillain. Race against the clock to see who can radicalize who (and we’ve both had traumatic childhoods).
Apex Predator by silver jackdaw Can I get twenty more of these protective, badass, and self sacrificial little bitches.
Personality Swap AU by BelleAmant Impostor syndrome turned useful skill: the musical. BNHA/Persona 5 -
Dost Thou Even Steal Hearts? by BukuBuku Persona 5 Protagonist destroys the status quo while balancing police related trauma and the fact that God hates him. Danny Phantom/DC -
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by halfagone Jeff Bezos kinnie grows a heart raising a half-dead teenager.
Bus to Nowhere by foldingfacets Danny Phantom is homeless in Gotham, comedy ensues. DC -
in the healing of trauma by StoriesAreMagic Tim Drake gets the shit beat out of him but he's just fine babyyyyyy.
Signed Red Robin by @mediacircuspod Tim Drake tries to be a professional, ending a business relationship, much to the confusion of the family he is abandoning.
Banshee In A Well by @liverobinreaction Tim Drake can't really... die. He just also does it a lot.
How To Train Your Dragon -
A Thing Of Vikings by @athingofvikings​ 1.5 million of glorious, beautifully researched historical fantasy fiction with dragons.
Naruto/Game of Thrones -
Whirlpool Queen, Maelstrom King by cheshire_carroll Sansa Stark politics so hard she breaks ninja society a little. Owl House -
Weekend at Belos's by @watery-melon-baller So. You need to keep a regime together while hiding the leader's body (he’s your uncle) and your bird (who hates the regime) won’t stop fortnite dancing over his rotting corpse. Percy Jackson -
Constellations by liketolaugh Percy goes to therapy for suicidal thoughts and also all of the Trauma. Wildly cathartic.
Oh Yeah, No, I Totally Forgot by BlueberryLimoncello Just because Sally Jackson was abandoned by the king (of the sea) doesn't mean she has to give up on the queen (that guy's wife).
Citizens of Glass by @mrthology Turns out godhood is less of a choice and more of a duty. Star Wars -
Don't Look Back by @this-acuteneurosis Leia time travels to pre-Clone Wars times and does politics very very good.
Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns by chancecraz Leia time travels to the start of A New Hope. Complex emotions and familial relations ensue. In Which Series by Ariel_Sojourner Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker time travel to the Clone Wars and do war very very good.
Certain Point by @esamastation Obi-Wan Kenobi time travels to the Clone Wars and also does war very very good.
Civil Wars, Whistleblower Tactics... by @jackdaw-kraai Luke Sk- Sorry, Luke Lars is a very good engineer. Darth Vader approves of his new underling/adopted son. Star Wars/Assassin's Creed -
Sailing the Stars by @esamastation Desmond Miles ends up in the Clone Wars and does neutrality very very good.
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sterek-ao3feed · 4 months
Scream of a Banshee
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56516503
by Jellybean0302
Nine months pregnant Lydia is marching through the forest on the permissions of death and an injured soul. Now the pack are on a mission through the forest looking for bodies.
Words: 1657, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of When Shit Goes Wrong
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Jordan Parrish, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Cora Hale, Melissa McCall, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Kira Yukimura, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Aiden (Teen Wolf), Danny Māhealani, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Malia Tate, Jackson Whittemore, Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jordan Parrish, Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Melissa McCall/Sheriff Stilinski, Allison Argent/Kira Yukimura, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Ethan/Danny Māhealani, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes
Additional Tags: Accidental Baby Acquisition, Pregnancy, Fluff, Pack Bonding, Pack, Pack Dynamics, Pack Feels, Pack Mom Stiles Stilinski, Pack Dad Derek Hale
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camels-pen · 2 years
2022 Fic Round Up
heyoo, wanted to do this again this year. here's the 2021 round up, if ur interested
these are all Danny Phantom fics & they should be in chronological order, more or less
also ima be a bit lazy with the formatting this time around; might come back and fix it later, might not lol
Posted fics: 49
Word Count: 118,575
Formatting: Title // Event (if applicable) // [type of crossover, if applicable]
Royal Bathtime
Welcome to Lake Eerie! // Invisobang 2021
Walk, Walk, Fashion Baby // Secret Santa
a blanket for three // DP Valentine's
cuddlebug, stuck in a hug // not an event, but a valentine's fic
Backfire // Phic Phight
how to kidnap yourself for fun a.k.a. ex theatre kid vlad puts more work into kidnapping himself than in his actual job // Phic Phight
he was a skater boy, she said help me log my brother's injuries before he goes and hides like an idiot // Phic Phight
D(anny) Stabilized // Phic Phight
a kind soul, a wretched tyrant // Phic Phight
A Sound Core // Phic Phight
betrayed by tiny fumbling hands // Phic Phight
New Toy // Phic Phight
extremely flawed and ethically dubious adult has a stressful experience trying to wrangle a half-dead very drunk teenager, more at 11 // Phic Phight
Don't build hope on something broken // Phic Phight
Tolerance // Phic Phight
buckles and bends, but never breaks (no mistakes) // Phic Phight
Holy Feathers, Phantom! // Phic Phight
What ever happened to Ellie Fenton? // Phic Phight
A Haunted, Haunted House // Phic Phight
Cry of the Damned // Phic Phight
Restless Summons // Phic Phight // [DC crossover]
Cozy Cats Cafe // Phic Phight
Once Shattered, Now Whole // Phic Phight
Holiday Pay // Catboy Vlad 1 year anniversary fic
Maple Hill
how far to fall (to fall too far) // Invisobang 2022
Organized Chaos // Ectoberhaunt
Grateful // Ectoberhaunt
Banshee // Ectoberhaunt
Stasis // Ectoberhaunt
The Lesser of Two // Ectoberhaunt
Dietary Needs // Ectoberhaunt
the magic of StopGame // Ectoberhaunt
where does the day go, oh creature of grief? // Ectoberhaunt
the ostrich to your smoothie // Ectoberhaunt
Staff // Ectoberhaunt
Wraith // Ectoberhaunt
You hurt the Prince like the common ghost? Oh, jail for Plasmius! Jail for Plasmius for 1000 years! // Ectoberhaunt
A Jarring Discovery // Ectoberhaunt
Mama's Girl // Ectoberhaunt
Observant Servant Mervant // Ectoberhaunt
pour elle // Ectoberhaunt
three kids from Illinois // Ectoberhaunt // [Static Shock crossover]
Hundred to One // Ectoberhaunt
Spirit Halloween // Ectoberhaunt
Princess of the Sea // Ectoberhaunt
Puppet King // Ectoberhaunt
friendly advice // Ectoberhaunt
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eemcintyre · 1 year
The definitive autumn playlist 🍁🍂
From the jazzy and nostalgic to the hardcore Halloween and horror vibes- these are the best of the best
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"'Tis Autumn," The Nat King Cole Trio
"The a Team," Ed Sheeran
"willow," Taylor Swift
"I've Never Been There," Yann Tiersen
"Time of the Season," The Zombies
"You Sent Me Flying," Amy Winehouse
"Axman Jazz (Don't Scare Me Papa)," Squirrel Nut Zippers
"Hello My Baby," Don Meehan and the Dave Carey Orchestra
"Season of the Witch," Donovan
"Tonight You Belong to Me," Patience & Prudence
"I Put a Spell on You," She & Him
"From the Start," Laufey
"Cinnamon Girl," Lana Del Rey
"cardigan," Taylor Swift
"Orchid," Vasily Andreyev, Nikolai Nazarov
"Sweet Pumpkin," Samara Joy and Pasquale Grosso
"Jitterbug Waltz," Vince Guaraldi
"Portable Television," Death Cab for Cutie
"Little Bird," Ed Sheeran
"Baby, You're a Haunted House," Gerard Way
"Ghostbusters," Ray Parker, Jr.
"Howlin' For You," The Black Keys
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"Kill of the Night," Gin Wigmore
"Hungry Like the Wolf," Duran Duran
"Bloodletting (The Vampire Song)," Concrete Blonde
"T'aint No Sin (To Take Off Your Skin and Dance Around in Your Bones)," Lee Morse and Her Bluegrass Boys
"The Man Comes Around," Johnny Cash
"Ophelia," The Lumineers
"Jack's Lament," Danny Elfman
"Autumn Leaves," Doris Day
"Sleep Walk," Betsy Brye
"In the Room Where You Sleep," Dead Man's Bones
"Spellbound," Siouxsie and the Banshees
"Afire Love," Ed Sheeran
"My Man's an Undertaker," Dinah Washington
"Dancing in the Moonlight," King Harvest
"Autumn Dream," Archibald Joyce, Victor Makarov
"September in the Rain," Sarah Vaughan
"October Song," Amy Winehouse
"Begin Again," Taylor Swift
"Something's Haunting You," She & Him
"Dead Man's Party," Oingo Boingo
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*I do not own any of these photos/gifs*
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pomegranateteeth · 2 years
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Monster Mash | Link
Spooky holiday special edition! Halloween Party Music! | Track list under the cut
This may change since I do use this play list for irl Halloween parties
This Is Halloween - Danny Elfman // Monster Mash - Bobby Pickett // The Purple People Eater - She Wooley // I Put a Spell On You - Scremin’ Jay Hawkins // Lifetime Achievement Award - Lemon Demon // Thriller - Michael Jackson // Weird Science - Oingo Boingo // She Blinded Me With Since - Blue Fashion // Fed My Frankenstein - Alice Cooper // Every Day is Halloween - Ministry // I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters // A Gorey Demise - Creature Feature // I Was A Teenage Werewolf - The Cramps // Werewolves of London - Warren Zevvon // Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran // No One Lives Forever - Oingo Boingo // Trick or Treat - Ghost Town // Baby You’re a Haunted House - Gerard Way // When He Died - Lemon Demon // Dead! - My Chemical Romance // Spooky, Scary Skeletons - Andrew Gold // Skeleton - Ghost Town // Disturbia - Rihanna // Scary Monsters - David Bowie // Ghost - Mystery Skulls // Ghost Town - The Specials // Grim Grinning Ghosts - Ghosts // Ghosts ’n’ Stuff - deadmou5 // Sweet Bod - Lemon Demon // Cannibal - Ke$ha // Consume - Chase Atlantic // Haunted, The Cartoon Heart - Bear Ghost // Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie // Ghuleh /Zombie Queen - Ghost // Zombie - The Canberries // Zombies - Childish Gambino // Dragula - Rob Zombie // Dead Man’s Part - Oingo Boingo // Remains of the Day - Danny Elfman // Big Spooky Salvi - Hot Dad // The Evil Dab - Voicians // The Legend of the Spookyman - Destery Smith // Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell // Dont Fear the Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult // Pet Sematary - Ramones // Halloween - Misfits // Pumpkin Patch Murders - Blitzkid // Tell Me It’s a Nightmare - Kim Petras // beatlejuicebeatlejuicebeatlejuice - Life After Youth // Mothman - Skickick // My Wife and My Dead Wife - Robyn Hitchcock // Hotel California - Eagles // Pet Sematary - Starcrawler // Terrified - Childish Gambino // You’re Dead - Norman Tanega // No More Vampires Remain in Romania - King Luan // Vampier Ska - Horny Toad // Vampire - MAI LAN // Blood - My Chemical Romance // Banshee Betty - The Toilers // Witchy Woman - Egals // Season of the Witch - Donovan // Adams Family Theme // Ghostbusters theme // Stangers things theme .. Toccata an Fugue - Bach // Come Little Children - Erutan // Lullaby - The Cure // Bela Legosi Is Dead - Bauhaus // Monster Smash - Windy Crankage // My Girlfriend is a Witch - October Country // Everyday - Ministry // Tenebre - Claudio Simonetti // Ghoosbumps theme // Edward Scissorhands theme // ALEEN HOWL - Ulver // Friends in Low Places - Worthikids // Halloween - Japan
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cruelwintxrmedia · 2 years
March 2023 Media Thread Masterlist
Rocky IV
Ben 10 (Season 2)
Don Toliver - Love Sick (Deluxe)
Creed II
Don Toliver - Heaven or Hell (Relisten)
Rango (Rewatch)
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake (Relisten)
Creed III
Ben 10 (Season 3)
Iron Man (Rewatch)
Ben 10 Secret of the Omnitrix
Ben 10 (Season 4)
Ben 10
Cyberbully (Rewatch)
Dragon Ball: The Path to Power
Fortnite (Chapter 4 Season 1)
Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation
The Banshees of Inshirin
Ben 10: Race Against Time
Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens
RWBY (Volume 4)
Mulan (Rewatch)
Monkie Kid (Season 1)
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (Rewatch)
RWBY (Volume 5)
Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Saiyan Saga
The Spongebob Squarepants Movie (Rewatch)
Baby Driver (Rewatch)
Monkie Kid (Season 2)
Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
Monkie Kid (Season 3)
Monkie Kid (Season 4)
Monkie Kid
Fantasia 2000
RWBY Volume 6
John Wick
Shazam! (Rewatch)
RWBY Volume 7
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron
The Whale
John Wick: Chapter 2
RWBY Volume 8
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
JPEGMafia & Danny Brown - SCARING THE HOES
Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Frieza Saga
Trigun Stampede
TRON Legacy
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge
Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler
Halestorm - S/T
John Wick Chapter 4
Halestorm - The Strange Case Of...
Tyler, the Creator - Flower Boy (Relisten)
Tyler, the Creator - IGOR (Relisten)
Halestorm - Into the Wild Life
Avatar The Way of Water
DJ Drama - I’m Really Like That
Tyler, the Creator - Call Me If You Get Lost: The Estate Sale
Creed III (Rewatch)
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mercuriusson-blog · 6 years
are apollo kids also scared of snakes. bc. 
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