maplewood126 · 5 months
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Name meaning:
Dark: fur color
Whispers: quiet, observant, hunter.
A historic feline who now resides in the dark forest. A once sweet kitten turned into a murderous serial killer after watching her mother get killed (accidentally) by her father after witnessing the two arguing. She would go on to become manipulated by the spirit of her mother who drove her to kill her own father. This set off a temporary war between stormclan and forestclan after she blamed the murder on stormclan. Soon famine would overcome the clans, causing hostility and hunger among the clan cats. She would end up watching her clan slowly starve. Taking matters into her own paws she hunted kittypets and loners and in extreme cases, she even hunted clan cats. Taking bits of flesh back to her clanmates who didnt question what it was. After the famine, she grew a hunger for flesh, eventually killing more clan cats, kittypets and loners. She was caught and exiled which angered her. Thinking they should be grateful that she was the one that kept her clan going, she created a group of rouges, many who seeked shelter, many who wanted revenge for wrong doings by the clans or those who were formally exiled. Her group got larger and larger and she grew to power, striking fear into any feline who dared to leave. She killed anyone who disobeyed her. Spoke against her or tried to escape. She constantly tormented the clans by attacking patrols or leaving corpses of dead cats. Eventually attacking camps and weakening them. It wasnt until a final battle at the forestclan camp, when Darkwhispers was finally killed by her own brother, Stagstar.
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emoryvalentine14 · 6 days
Do Newt And I Escape? - The Baby In Yellow Dark Whispers
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dark--whisperings · 4 months
✨Fic Update: Inextricably Yours ✨
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 6/6 (NOW COMPLETE 🎉🎉🎉)
Words: 25.5k
Two halves of one whole. Twin binary suns, spinning in perfect sync until the day their orbits eventually decayed and they careened headlong into one another. Really, their union was a foregone conclusion. OR Five times Obi-Wan walked in on his—regrettably enticing—former padawan masturbating, and one time he decided to help.
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darkwhisper-art · 3 months
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Era'huan, or Elk-Dogs, the companions of the wild elves of Halamor and Arigord, the Athrai.
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quiverpaw · 1 year
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they invented old men so i could be happy
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krisravencroft · 1 month
Darkwhisper Chronicles: August 2024 Update
The time has come for another update and I have a few things to say. Let's begin with the numbers:
Damnation I (The Scouring of Morthir): 41 Chapters, 896 Pages.
Thieves' Honor: 4 Chapters, 116 Pages.
Although this is a visible jump in progress, the numbers do not tell the full story. Damnation 1 is complete. By complete, I mean that everything from the prologue to the epilogue and all the chapters in-between have been written. There is nothing else I need to write in that novel. It is, for all intents and purposes, finished. There is something very apropos for me in that Damnation 1 should be the very first book I've ever completed, and that I should finish it on the night of a full moon about one hour to midnight transitioning into August 20th from the 19th. Why I have those feelings will make sense later down the road, but that is a little note from the me of now to the me of later. All that is left for Damnation 1 is to finalize it. That will, of course, be quite a process, as I have to: 1. Finish up the glossary section and consolidate it into the document; 2. Forward my existing draft to my closest friend as a test audience so I can gauge what needs refining so I can ensure my vision is executed as intended; and 3. Reread the revised draft in its entirety from start-to-finish and only call it acceptable if -- and only if -- I am not compelled to make significant rewrites or a substantial amount of minor edits. After that threshold, the book is effectively good-to-go.
I will be sticking to my guns and finishing the entirety of the First Wave/Starter Novels so they can all be published simultaneously. Although Damnation 1 is complete, it is not going to be accessible for a time. I accept the accomplishment for what it is. It is a victory worth celebration and one that puts my overall work into perspective. However, it is the first novel of a trilogy, and because of that, Damnation (as a story) is technically about as finished as the rest of the stories in the First Wave. Yet, once I can mark even one of the nine planned starter novels as "finished and finalized," I feel that the rest should come together with increasingly less struggle: barring my weird kind-of/sort-of/not-really writer's block.
As for the rest of the first wave, I have touched up a few of the starter novels I have not mentioned here, and I am planning on going back through and doing some significant cleanup on the books I have not touched in a while. I am eager to start the rest of the Damnation trilogy, though quite a few other novels are calling for my attention, as well. As the other listed novel of this quarter, I will say that Thieves' Honor continues to be a pleasure to work on, but my work-in-progress is consistently "one step forward, two steps back" for the constant need to refine, revise, and refocus the writing I do for it. I do not know for sure how the rest of the year is going to go in terms of my writing progress, but I know that this update will mark my greatest milestone yet, and we will see what comes next when I return in a few months.
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fishnamedsushi · 2 years
...can you tell us about 'A Different Sort of Knife'? 👀👀👀
I certainly can! This is my Sith Obi-Wan meets Padawan Anakin fic, AKA the Council refuses to let Anakin undertake the Trials so he decides to run off to a club down in Coruscant’s lower levels where he meets a certain golden eyed man 👀
The working description for this fic was “Anakin’s danger kink meets Obi-Wan’s Anakin kink.” It’s - ahem - NSFW 🔥 😁
Coincidentally, the next chapter should be up in a few days!
Update 11/30: New chapter is now up, enjoy 😉
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Art Fight 2024: Week 1
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Goldmask and Ringstar belong to justSimplySpace on artfight or @circus-clangen on here!
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Ravenstar and Poppyfeather belong to fallenclan on artfight or @fallenclan on here!
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Darkwhispers belongs to Maplewood125 on artfight or @maplewood120 on here!
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topwan-obikin · 6 months
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Hello there!
Here we are with the masterlist of submissions for our first edition of our fest!
This list will be routinely updated as fics who are still wips get to their end, and after-fest submissions will also be added once they are posted in the collection.
Now let's dive in and get ready for a very long and delicious list of topwan submissions!
☆ Always be my Master by jiminthestreets_bonesinthesheets @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets [Explicit - 5,402 w]
☆ Don’t Bully Anakin He’ll Cum :( by StarryAri (damndameron) @starryariart [Explicit - Fanart]
☆ The Only Sacred Part of Me by MoonyRoony [Explicit - 5,052 w]
☆ Get My Way by Darkwhisperings @dark–whisperings [Mature - 6,711 w]
☆ love’s a hand-me-down brew by amadwinter @amadwinter [Explicit - 32,029 w - chapters: 9/9]
☆ No more blind dates by jiminthestreets_bonesinthesheets @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets [General Audience - 2,835 w]
☆ Bunnywan & Nyanakin by StarryAri (damndameron) @starryariart [Explicit - Fanart]
☆ It’s Always Been You by boguspreston & StrangeLilBat [Explicit - 12,601 w]
☆ sleep won’t come the whole night through by veloursdor @veloursdor [Explicit - 11,100 w - chapters 5/5]
☆ Art by @yatsukisakura
☆ Out of Sync by grapenehi @grapenehifics [Explicit - 8,441 w]
☆ because it brings me back to you by amadwinter @amadwinter [Explicit - 12,182 w]
♥ the song has ended but the melody carries on by veloursdor @veloursdor [Explicit - 4,040w - chapters ½]
♥ to love is to choose and be chosen in return by veloursdor @veloursdor [Explicit - 11,530 w - chapters 2/8]
☆ Anywhere Else is Hollow by calico_sky @underacalicosky [Explicit - 34,682 w]
☆ life imitates art by innominatta (ineptia) [Explicit - 6,752 w]
☆ Abuse of Power by athecai [Explicit - 14,673 w]
☆ Show Their Truth by dragons_and_angels @heaven-hell-and-humanity [Explicit - 2,270 w]
☆ Tied Together With You by dragons_and_angels @heaven-hell-and-humanity [Explicit - 4,375 w]
☆ Snake in the Grass by KnockKnockOut @knockknockoutblog [Explicit - 6,718 w]
☆ Yours, Mine, and Ours by MutteringRetreats @mutteringretreats1 [Explicit - 25,026 w - chapters 8/8]
♥ there is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable by veloursdor @veloursdor [Explicit - 1,610 w - chapters 1/?]
☆ Unexpected Surprise! by StarryAri (damndameron) @starryariart [Explicit - Fanart]
☆ keep a stern hand by faultlessly [Explicit - 5,662 w]
☆ and the sun will shine upon us again by Viraha @virahaus [Explicit - 2,363 w]
☆ I Bring You With Reverent Hands by Aigoo (Tara) @aigoos [Explicit - 5,067 w]
☆ Eight of Cups by Exonerin @exonerin [Explicit - 52,514 w - chapters 9/9]
☆ Untethered Tongues by ashes0909 @ashes0909 [Explicit - 5,851 w]
☆ ART by @yatsukisakura
☆ Tame ART by @blue-lumen15 (also on ao3) [Mature - Fanart]
☆ Kalos Kagathos by intermundia @intermundia [Explicit - 7,220 w]
☆ Tethered and Bound by jiminthestreets_bonesinthesheets @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets [Explicit - 20,241 w - chapters 6/6]
☆ After School Special by hopeforchange [Explicit - 23,618 w]
♥ Ama'ya’s Dance by UsakoStar @usakostar [Explicit - 2,162 w - chapters 1/?]
♥ Home by UsakoStar @usakostar [Explicit - 5,786 w - chapters 3/?]
☆ My Son; My light by Snuggles_in_a_Starfighter [Explicit - 4,541 w]
☆ Too Hot To Handle by dragons_and_angels @heaven-hell-and-humanity [Explicit - 3,607 w]
♥ Lace by UsakoStar @usakostar [Explicit - 1,891 w - chapters 1/2]
☆ the muse: pleasure in bloom by boguspreston & innominatta (ineptia) [Explicit - 42,444 w - chapters 8/8]
☆ Serendipity by Darkwhisperings @dark--whisperings [Explicit - 6,032 w]
☆ The Divinely Made by silkenlysleep @silkenlysleep [Explicit - 6,142 w]
♥ Electric Buzzing on Your Fingertips by deathbyobiwan @deathbyobiwan [Explicit - 3,656 w - chapters 1/2]
♥ Like mine by Himboskywalker @himboskywalker [Explicit - 3,027 w - chapters 1/2]
♥ Curriculum Vitae by StrangeLilBat [Explicit - 13,461 w - chapters 3/5]
☆ the taste is oh so sweet by amadwinter @amadwinter [Mature - 3,209 w]
☆ This Sacred Skin by silkenlysleep @silkenlysleep [Explicit - 6,069 w]
☆ ART by @yatsukisakura
♥ designed for cruelty by spitfired @spitefyre [Explicit - 1,937 w - chapters 1/?]
♥ How Civilized by Quastake [Explicit - 1,557 w - chapters 1/?]
☆ So Good For Me by dragons_and_angels @heaven-hell-and-humanity [Explicit - 3,854 w]
♥ A slip of the tongue by Viraha @virahaus [Explicit - 1,835 w - chapters 1/2]
☆ some heresy by cabinetofghosts [Explicit - 2,479 w]
☆ tutelage by cabinetofghosts [Explicit - 3,239 w]
☆ Playing the Long Game by MereRauder @mererauder[Explicit - 5,332 w]
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palfriendpatine66 · 5 months
Fic Rec Friday - Smut Fics
I asked for your smuttiest fic recs and here is what you all delivered! This diverse fic list might help you find something new. Read the descriptions and then check the tags before reading. Be kind. Don’t yuck anyone’s yum. If you don’t like it keep on scrolling for something you do. I know we can do this. Enjoy! 💕
Your community sourced spank bank is as follows: please let me know if there is anything crazy in the formatting or links. Im doing my best!
Happy Wife, Happy Life - Squid_Ink: (Rexsoka) post o66, feat. heavily pregnant Ahsoka who is feeling down about how her body is changing, a feeling that is not helped by the scent of Rex's Togruta coworkers on him :3
Duchess, Degenerate, Disaster - Sendpseuds (Obi-Wan kenobi/Satine/Quinlan Vos) : Satine and Obi-Wan invite Quinlan to bed. A threesome from all three perspectives.
‘Com’Passion - wibzen: (Obi-Kenobi/Mace Windu/Anakin Skywalker) Anakin walks in on Obi-Wan and Mace Windu and is conflicted, to say the least. They help him through it.
Sell Your Body To The Night (Prostitute!Anakin AU) - Bittodeath: The whole series is one long fuck and kink fest. It includes Anakin/Cody, Anakin/Fives, Anakin/Wolfe, Anakin/Fox, Anakin/Obi-Wan, Anakin/Mace, Anakin/Quinlan
Spanking Skywalker - Maiaspen: Very obikin heavy fic but also feat. Anakin/Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan/Kit Fisto in which Kit Fisto takes it upon himself to discipline Obi-Wan’s petulant padawan
Help you to help me - you_idjits: (Referenced Quin/Anakin but only obikin action. Quin and Anakin report to the council after having taken part of a *fertility ritual* on a joint mission. Obi-Wan is definitely fine with that. Totally. So fine. It’s fine.
bound up with you - DreamingMoonlight: (obikin) Anakin asks Obi-Wan to try tying him up in bed
Fuck You Daddy - loquarocoeur; (Obikin) Anakin slips up during sex. Obi-Wan is a little shit. They fuck about it (daddy kink)
Lace Me Up, Hold Me Tight - lilredghost: (obikin) There's a little misunderstanding when Obi-Wan and Anakin are first back at the temple together, but it gets sorted out and ends up with a delicious bottom Obi-Wan in lingerie that Anakin has his way with.
Test Drive - sendpseuds (Obikin) Road head, the fic.
Serendipity - Darkwhisperings (Obikin) An accidental discovery on the holonet leads Anakin to a personal discovery about himself. And his Master. The rest, well, that's a happy accident. (breath play, praise kink, gentle dom obi-wan kenobi)
Comfort - skyl_tales : (Obikin) Omega Obi-Wan ends up nursing Anakin when he first came to him. What starts off innocent takes a turn as Anakin, an alpha, grows up (male lactation)
Lifting the fog - egeria: (obikin) By the early afternoon, Anakin knew he needed a release. A release he could not hope to find on his own. So, instead, he found Obi-Wan. or: sometimes, anakin needs his daddy (Known to convert readers to age play)
Cooking Lesson - rexismycopilot (Obikin) Anakin is a culinary student under Chef Kenobi. He finds out the hard way what happens when he doesn’t listen (non con, dubious consent, spanking)
he already acts the part of the baby, just give him the pacifier - GayCheerios: Obi-Wan and Anakin land on a strange planet, and they are all but required to try and live a life of Caregivers and Littles (age play/regression)
Obikin Kinktober 2023 - lemon_sprinkles Featuring 31 kinky one shots 🔥🔥🔥
Bath time Gwendolyn (storiesofchaos) (part of their Baby Bratty Padawan Anakin series) bath time, bratting to get fucked
Obikin Kaleidoscope | Prompted AUs - intermundia: 25 glorious chapters of prompt fills. So many different situations, all amazing! (Or anything by them. Highly recommend!)
We become the threads, intertwining - Gwendolyn (storiesofchaos): (Obikin) Or, in which Anakin knows pretending to be married to his Master and sleeping in the same bed is never destined to end well. Until it does
For Your Pleasure -himboskywalker: (Obikin) Undercover as slaver and slave,Obi-Wan and Anakin infiltrate a slaver's ring,only for Anakin's training and ability to take punishment to come into question.
Cross-Wired -himboskywalker; (Obikin) In the midst of battle Anakin's prosthesis takes damage and with no backup arm,it's a problem that needs immediate fixing.But crushed durasteel and fritzed wires equals all sorts of curious nerve responses while his master tries to disconnect the neural receptors.
Give them Blood - himboskywalker: (Obikin) In the midst of the Clone Wars Obi-Wan is bitten by an alien creature that forces him to live off human blood.During a campaign on Eadu it becomes a complication under blockade and Anakin is determined to not let his stubborn master starve.This has nothing to do with the way his stomach flips at the sight of Obi-Wan's sharpened fangs, not at all.
portrait of a female, blahzarry: (obikin)Ducking into a dingy movie theatre to hide from the enemy, Anakin and Obi-Wan get more than they bargained for
Mutually Assured Destruction - Darkwhispering & tideswept: (obikin)CEO Obi-Wan who is in a marriage of convenience with politician Satine, thinks he takes home sex worker Anakin.
Aggressive negotiations - rangarlothcat: (Obikin)Or, five times Obi-Wan makes use of Anakin's beauty in a negotiation, and one time someone turns the tables on him.
Learn your place, young one: Ragnarlothcat: (Obikin) Obi-Wan and his Padawan have just foiled an assassination attempt against Senator Amidala. Obi-Wan suspects they're about to be sent on separate missions and the very idea of it is eating him up inside, probably because he's worried Anakin will embarrass himself again. Probably that and no other reason.
The Size of the Fight in the Dog - tennessoui: (Obikin) The thing is, there's very little doubt in Anakin's mind that his master is just as in love with him as he is with his master. He just doesn't know if Obi-Wan is on the same page. But Anakin can seduce him. He's very desirable, everyone thinks so. And with the war buffeting them about around the galaxy, he can't take the risk of his master not knowing they're meant to be together. Not when one of them could die any day. Or worse, sleep with someone else.
Sordid Details Following jld_az (Not Star Wars) Chronicles of Amber
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maplewood126 · 6 months
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Humanized warrior cat oc
Humanized a huge character in my little cat universe. No she isnt based off of alastor i actually got the cannibal idea while watching a video ooon...i forget the name but it was on some kind of cannibal murderer in history. And the serial killer part because she was one of my first ever evil ocs!!!
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emoryvalentine14 · 7 days
Potions For The Baby - The Baby In Yellow Dark Whispers
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dark--whisperings · 6 months
Title: Inextricably Yours
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 1/6
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54965947/chapters/139337179
Two halves of one whole. Twin binary suns, orbiting each other until the day their orbits eventually decayed and they careened headlong into one another. Really, their union was an inevitable conclusion. OR Five times Obi-Wan walked in on his, regrettably enticing, former padawan masturbating, and one time he decided to help.
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darkwhisper-art · 10 months
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Aylanir, great stags ridden by the elves of Ard-Baile, the Zora.
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fleacoveredfur · 2 months
All Artfight Attacks from 13/JULY/2024!
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Soleil Hytharrow - character belongs to tidedaddy on Artfight!
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Darks - sona belongs to Treyhara on Artfight!
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DarkWhispers - character belongs to Maplewood125 on Artfight! ( @maplewood126 )
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krisravencroft · 1 year
An Introduction
I am Kris Ravencroft, author of The Darkwhisper Chronicles.
The Darkwhisper Chronicles is a book series that I am currently working on, and it is not yet released. With the nuances of my writing and storytelling, as well as my protective nature over my creative vision, it is possible my work will be too niche and strict to ever be formally published by a company. If such is the case, then I intend to at least self-publish, unless something catastrophic prevents even that.
I have been simultaneously developing these characters and building this world myself (and for my own entertainment and creative channeling) since my adolescent years: starting roughly between late 2011 and early 2013. It is only recently (roughly a year and a half ago from this post) through changes in my life and the encouragement of a dear friend that I have decided to tell these stories in novel form. If nothing else, doing so would allow me to immortalize my stories in writing and gift them to the friends who have known of them for a long time, but certainly, the temptation to share them with any kindred spirits that might be interested has also driven me forward: especially now that I have reached a place in my life where I am confident I can render these stories with their best possible face.
Currently, I am working on the first nine or so books in the series, seven of which I am -- at present -- writing concurrently. Internally, I dub the nine as "the starter novels/saga" or "The First Wave," as I view all of them to be perfectly valid entry points into the series which will uniquely frame how a reader engages with the rest of them. This is intentional, as with the nature of my storytelling and the diversity of tales to tell, the reader will be exposed to several main characters all at different points in their respective arcs and all driving their entangled stories forward. I currently have over twenty books planned, and in the total absence of padding, my novels are each likely to be between 500 and 900 pages if I can keep myself from going over.
The identity of The Darkwhisper Chronicles is fully fleshed out and that will be palpable in the reading experience, but pinning down how to describe the series is daunting even for me to explain. When reduced to its absolute bare-bones, it is generally an adult high fantasy and gothic horror series -- meant for veterans of the genres -- that also has dramatic (and conscious) shifts in tone, perspective, narration style, and general flavor based on not only the main protagonist of a given novel, but the driving protagonist of a given scene within said novel. These shifts can be from fast-paced and utilitarian to tranquil and contemplative; from heavy and dramatic to light and comical; from adventure to horror; and from swords and sorcery in a medieval backdrop to noir against a diet steampunk backdrop.
It is worth noting that I subscribe fully to the mindset that a protagonist is someone we follow, rather than the hero/good guy/agreeable figure of a narrative, as many of the primary protagonists will be established as flawed people at best and outright villains at worst, and depending on the perspective of the character as it influences my narration, who serves as protagonist and antagonist will shift just as often as the tone and perspective of a story.
These characters -- and the world they live in -- are very near and dear to my heart, and I look forward to eventually being able to share them with others. For now, I am going to keep track of my progress, use this blog to establish that I am well into the project, and when it sees the light of day, I can interact with those who've enjoyed it. In time, I may give updates here, but I am still thinking on it.
I am open to receiving questions, but keep in mind that I will not be sharing crucial information to the development of the series, and I want to ensure that my ideas remain mine with no room for dispute. Prior to the publication of the novels, I ask that none of the information I share here be used in any capacity, unless specifically stated otherwise.
I simply wish to document and share a bit of my journey as I write.
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