#David lanz
ladybugpeace · 10 months
My first post #David Lanz
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aquoteamusetheword · 11 months
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The Music of My Life
“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” ~ Debasish Mridha
I remember when I fell in love with music, rock music. It was when my very cool uncle Lynn returned home from Vietnam. He had a reel-to-reel tape deck and giant headphones (hence the picture). This is when I first heard Iron Butterfly, King Crimson, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Warm, to name a few… I was hooked.
My Mom and stepdad loved music too. Our road trips always included loud signing with the windows down. I will never forget the Christmas when I received my first stereo. I still know my first two vinyl albums; Supertramp ‘Breakfast in America’ (a favorite even today) and John Lennon / Yoko Ono ‘Milk & Honey’.
Many Friday and Saturday nights were spent playing bumper pool in my friend Stephen's basement. We had a car 8 track player wired to a set of speakers. The only 8 track we had was Bad Company ‘Burning Sky’, I still know every word to every song.
Eventually, we purchased a CD player for the house. My mind was blown when I listened to the full digital recording that was Dire Straits ‘Brother in Arms’, I am sure our neighbors enjoyed it too.
In the event that someone under the age of thirty-five is reading this, I have some explaining to do. Here is a brief history of pre recorded music in my lifetime. In my early childhood vinyl LPs were what we listened to at home. The only option for the car was the 8 Track. If you don’t know what an 8 Track tape is, imagine a case twice as wide and twice as tall as your iPhone. It made up for its clunkiness by pausing and changing tracks in the middle of every other song (usually during the best part of the song). Finally, cassettes arrived, they were roughly half the size, played on both sides and you could record LPs on to them (I know the technology is overwhelming). CDs ushered in the digital age.
Believe it or not, we used to hear a song we liked on the radio, actually drive to the music store, browse the CDs, find the one with the song on it, pay $12.99 (if it was on sale), hope the rest of the songs were good, spend and hour recording it on to cassette so that we could listen to it in the car, this was a far cry from “Alexa, shuffle the hits of the eighties…”
I worked at Musicland when I was in college. After school, my first 'real' job was to manage the one in Brookwood Village in Birmingham. This store was the number one Jazz and Classical location in the entire 2000 store chain. We played it every morning and I learned to love these genres as well. David Sanborn ‘Straight to the Heart’, David Lanz ‘Cristofori’s Dream’ and Nigel Kennedy ‘Vivaldi’s Four Seasons’ are all still in my rotation.
It was here that I met the sweetest older man, Stan. He walked the mall a few times a week and he knew and loved classical music like no one else I have ever known. He was in the middle of the long and arduous task of buying CDs to replace his LPs as they were being released. I had his list and anytime a we received one of the recordings on CD, I would give him a call. We often had lunch in the food court, he taught me about classical composers, I taught him about Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Stan stopped walking the mall. I left two messages about new arrivals and he didn’t show. I was concerned and missed my friend. A few days later a man entered the store and asked for me, I introduced myself. He told me that he was Stan’s son and that his father had passed away. I never even knew that he had cancer. I will never forget the next words from his mouth…” my dad wanted me to tell you how much he appreciated your talks and you calling him, and he wanted you to have this.” He handed me an LP wrapped in brown paper. We embraced, he departed. I went to the back, shed a tear and unwrapped a pristine copy of ‘Meet the Beatles’ on Apple records, still in cellophane. I have never even had it appraised, to me it is priceless.
“Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things” ~Psalm 98:1
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lioriel · 1 year
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Sometimes, between the tinnitus, kid noise, generalized anxiety, and medication... you just got to take a shower, listen to the Norwegian Rain Suite by David Lanz on loop mode, and paint for a few hours.
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therealadwarren · 5 months
Eagle's Path (1987)
David Lanz & Paul Speer
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strangedreamings · 2 years
I just wanted to share one of my all-time favorite instrumental pieces -- "Cristofori's Dream" by David Lanz. The title refers to the inventor of the piano.
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captainhancock727 · 2 years
David Lanz & Paul Speer - Bridge of Dreams
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esmecuckoo · 1 month
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Cover for NYX #6, which led to someone asking Jackson Lanzing which Dazzler song was each main cast member's favourite song.
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newx-menfan · 2 months
NYX # 1 Review
After weeks of waiting, spoilers, comic leaks , and “The Krakoan’s” identity being very brutally obvious…it’s FINALLY HERE guys! The CLOSEST we will probably EVER get the a NXM book!! JK!!😆
The issue starts with Kamala monologuing about her recent acceptance to an after school program in NY to Bruno, who is currently in Amsterdam. (I’ll fully forewarn everyone and be transparent that I only read Kamala when G Willow Wilson was writing the book 😬…so Kamala fans MAY need to help me out a bit, lol) 
Kamala literally runs into Sophie and they go to Prodigy’s lecture…(no offense to Prodigy…but Sofia’s a bit right…the lecture COULD use a little more finessing, lol…)
Sophie gives him shit and Kamala realizes she’s friends with the “cool kids” now, who pointedly go out of their way to embarrass and humiliate their teachers (not that Bruno or Miles isn’t cool, Kamala…)
It’s interesting that in some ways DAVID is going the academic, “through proper channels” route…but it also makes sense considering some of his characterization during NXM: AX…(and why a certain character is the PERFECT FOIL for him, in this storyline!…)
David- who, while calling out characters like Josh…was also a bit of a “rule follower” in a way that certain OTHER characters DEFINITELY weren’t…
Any, Sophie convinces Kamala to go clubbing with her and they run into Anole bartending. Anole gets accosted by some patrons screaming about a mutant “terrorist”. (Also…I really LOVE Sophie swearing all the time 😂🤣…I guess her polite way of sassing has changed after “Riot at Xavier’s” and being dead lol)
Kamala and Sophie get kicked out of the club while defending Anole (I guess they��re not having a “brat” summer….☹️). Kamala then dons her Ms Marvel suit and calls David…sorry… Professor Alleyne… to help unlock a phone (the interaction IS super adorable!) and we learn that the guys at the club are committing crimes and pinning it on mutants. (Or so it would SEEM! Foreshadowing!!)
While on the phone, Laura attacks and brakes Kamala’s phone, because Laura is kind of a dick, telling her she’s chasing “ghosts”. (This is why Laura doesn’t have consistent friends guys 😒🤣)
Laura’s characterization…isn’t great… (Laura you were LITERALLY ON a teen X-Men group…you LOST the right to call anyone “kids”!)
Kamala then tells Laura she needs to get a life (which is kind of TRUE…). 
FINALLY…after all the filler…we get to the STAR!…who people have been desperately WAITING FOR…
KRAKELLION! (Sorry @ thestomping-ground …but I’m stealing the name because “the Krakoan” sounds terrible lol)
In one of the COOLEST, MOST AWESOME panels ever (I am really NOT biased)…Krakellion ARISES…ready to enact revenge on the FLATSCANS!!
In HANDS DOWN, ONE OF THE BEST SCENERY CHEWING MONOLOGUES EVER WRITTEN (told you, I’m not biased!), Hellion more or less just calls into question Kamala’s movie to comic book mandated retcon… (Feel like he should have leaned more into the “Emma/Ms Marvel call out of 2006”…but I am not judging, Hellion…)
Kamala then saves the helpless flatscans on the subway- but is then forced to reckon with the fact that humans will ONLY support her because they don’t know she’s a mutant. The minute she’s outed- that hero worship will ultimately go away. ☹️
Kamala then meets up with Sophie and they talk and have coffee (Wait a minute… Kamala is an inhuman too? I thought that couldn’t happen and that’s why Quicksilver had such an identity crisis while married to Crystal??…I told you guys I’m kind of out of the loop on Schrödinger's newest mutant/inhuman…🐈‍⬛😬😂🤣); Kamala also having a mutant friend is adorable…
We transition to the Krakellion walking in some shadowy penthouse, giving Empath shit on the telecom (Brownoses shouldn’t throw stones, Empath! Also Hellion did LOTS of COOL stuff in NXM, OkAy Empath?!) and we see the new….Hellfire Club?…Hellions?…Council??…. Hopefully that gets cleared up in the next issue….
(Also…I bet you 100 bucks Empath FORCED Hellion to drop the name “Hellion” because he couldn’t stand being “Hellion and the Hellions” to Julian lol- Not Julian’s fault he picked the superior name! 😂🤣🤣)
(Also- can anyone tell me what the QR code is- it won’t scan on Kindle and I am waiting on my paper copies ☹️)
Obviously… I am biased; but this has been one of the few X-books I have been excited about in a while! 
I know people LOVED “Krakoa era” X-Men… but I am personally happy to see return to a more “Astonishing/Mutant Town/Morrison X-Men” type of story.
I am also happy to see a return to a more “Tom Taylor/Tamaki” street level Laura; as much as I whined about Taylor’s representation in the past… Laura really does work better when she’s more low key…
After years of sitting through “Wolverine and the X-Men” style books…it’s nice to see characters like Prodigy or Hellion being treated AS ADULTS and with narrative care.
The writing is fine; there are moments where I think it could be tighter, but I do think it definitely has its moments and will definitely get better as the writing team goes on and gets more used to the characters voices.
I KNOW people are going to complain that this seems more like a stealth Kamala solo…and while I DO think there’s some validity to that argument (it’s focus is DEFINITELY on Kamala and getting stubborn “Inhuman fans” like me to accept her as a mutant….); I am mostly fine with it, since that seems to be what it takes for fans to get a “New X-Men: Academy X” book.
The biggest complaint I have is unsurprisingly Laura- we’re still sadly in the “Talon-esque”/ “Laura written as Wolverine” representation. Hopefully this gets better the more they feature her…but I do fear this era
will be very disappointing for Laura fans (I haven’t heard much about the Gabby/Laura mini either!)….
More and more I am thinking Laura and Julian are in cahoots- possibly Laura didn’t want Kamala involved because of her emotional connection with Julian…. It may just be that she wants to try and reform him; to give him the same chance he gave her…but I think more than likely she’s using Julian to spy on Empath. (Also because I can’t envision Manuel and Julian standing each other for more than five minutes lol)
Is Tag helping Hellion? I feel like Tag SHOULD be helping him, since they’re bros and Tag literally got blown up in a school bus… (Also his powers are cool…)
The BIGGEST question is- Is Hellion blasting “brat” through AirPods under that helmet? Is he having a “brat summer”? Is “Mean Girls” his favorite song? …(someone needs to make a “Hellion/brat YouTube fan vid” like they used to in the 2000’s 😂🤣… @romulanslutempire …?)
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Outsiders #2 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly and Robert Carey. Variant covers by David Marquez and Serg Acuña. Out in December.
"'Monsters of the Unknown.' What hidden tragedies lie inside the Forever Storm of the Enlil Triangle? On January 1, 2000, a storm kicked up near the Enlil island chain in the mid-Atlantic. And it never stopped. As a West Point cadet, Kate Kane encountered something monstrous in those turbulent waves…and now, she is returning to face it alongside the Outsiders! But can she control her desire for revenge in the service of Luke Fox’s mission of understanding? What secrets will they discover deep beneath the monster-filled waves of the Enlil Triangle? And how will the Outsiders survive their encounter with the monster-hunting specialists of the DC Universe: the New Challengers of the Unknown? This new, boundary-breaking dive into the secret history of the DC Universe is just beginning!"
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smashpages · 21 days
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IDW prepares for ‘Star Trek: Lore War’ in 2025
Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Christopher Cantwell and Davide Tinto take the bridge for a crossover event next March.
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geekcavepodcast · 4 months
Marvel Comics Reveals "Venom War" Issues and Tie-Ins for August 2024
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The Venom War is about to kick off with both Eddie and Dylan Brock vying to be the sole Venom host and past and present symbiote characters will be forced to pick a side. The Venom War has been building with Al Ewing's laying the groundwork in the current Venom run, but the war will spill out into it's own comic and tie-in comics / issues.
August will see the release of:
Venom War #1 (of 5) from Al Ewing and Iban Coello (on sale August 7, 2024) in which father and son Eddie Brock and Dylan Brock are both determined to be the one true Venom.
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Venom #36 from Torunn Gronbekk and Cafu (on sale August 14, 2024) sees an older Dylan Brock - Old Man Venom - time travelling in order to guarantee the correct victor in the Venom War, with his first jump taking him into Spider-Man's history.
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Venom War: Spider-Man #1 (of 4) from Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Greg Land (on sale August 14, 2024) puts Spider-Man back in the black suit. After all, Peter Parker was Venom's first host and maybe he is the best choice.
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Venom War: Carnage #1 (of 3) from Torunn Gronbekk and Pere Pérez (on sale August 21, 2024) has Carnage rallying his own troops. His own plans may even involve that little "deadly-to-symbiotes weapon he discovered in CARNAGE #8."
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Venom War: Venomous #1 (of 3) from Erica Schultz and Luciano Vecchio (on sale August 21, 2024) has Black Widow picking a side in the Venom War. Black Widow is looking into those "horrific experiments Alchemax has been running based on their symbiote program… but she isn’t the only one! Natasha’s old teammate from her Secret Avengers days, now known as Agent Anti-Venom, is also on the case!"
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Venom War: Zombiotes #1 (of 3) from Cavan Scott and Juan José Ryp (on sale August 28, 2024) follows a new strain of symbiote that can reanimate the dead and change the living with just a bite. "That’s right—zombie symbiotes making symbiote zombies!"
(Images via Marvel Comics - David Baldeón's Cover of Venom War #1, Cafu's Cover of Venom #36, Greg Land's Cover of Venom War: Spider-Man #1, Salvador Larroca's Variant Cover of Venom War: Carnage #1, Leirix's Cover of Venom War: Venomous #1, and Juan Ferreyra's Cover of Venom War: Zombiotes #1)
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keo6323 · 3 months
es ist nie zu früh oder zu spät für den Valentinstag, wenn die Karten so unfassbar romantisch sind
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graphicpolicy · 21 days
Star Trek: Lore War obliterates reality in March 2025
Star Trek: Lore War obliterates reality in March 2025 #comics #comicbooks #startrek
The single most devious mind in the universe has won. Commander Data’s evil brother, Lore, has used the Orb of Destruction to obliterate all of reality and remake it in his image while declaring himself its God. Now that Lore has claimed the ultimate victory, what happens next? IDW Publishing is thrilled to announce Lore War, the compelling crossover event that has been planned since the Star…
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comicbookclub · 22 days
'Star Trek: Lore War' Crossover Event Brings Together Years Of IDW's Comics
IDW has announced Star Trek: Lore War, a new crossover event coming in 2025 pitting the entire universe against Data's evil brother.
Begun, the Lore War has. Or at least, the war will kick off next year, as IDW has announced their next big Star Trek crossover event: Star Trek: Lore War. First teased at the end of today’s Star Trek #500, Lore, the evil version of Data, is using the Orb of Destruction to obliterate the entire universe. At first, he literally remakes the universe in his image but realizes that’s no fun. Instead,…
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comicbookclublive · 22 days
'Star Trek: Lore War' Crossover Event Brings Together Years Of IDW's Comics
IDW has announced Star Trek: Lore War, a new crossover event coming in 2025 pitting the entire universe against Data's evil brother.
Begun, the Lore War has. Or at least, the war will kick off next year, as IDW has announced their next big Star Trek crossover event: Star Trek: Lore War. First teased at the end of today’s Star Trek #500, Lore, the evil version of Data, is using the Orb of Destruction to obliterate the entire universe. At first, he literally remakes the universe in his image but realizes that’s no fun. Instead,…
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itsnothingbutluck · 4 months
Barmherzigkeit, Liebe und Loyalität gelten überall auf der Welt als moralische Werte. Was aber sind dann die vielzitierten westlichen Werte? Und warum kritisiert Richard David Precht das Etikett westlich? Die Geschichte der Menschenrechte lässt sich bis in die Antike zurückverfolgen. Menschenrechte sind aber vor allem mit einem Namen verbunden: mit dem des Philosophen Immanuel Kant. In dieser Folge sprechen Markus Lanz und Richard David Precht über den großen Philosophen, eine wertegeleitete Außenpolitik und die diplomatische Kunst der leisen Töne....
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