#Dean Tweedle
shuubah · 2 years
When fluff is life, and Luka the angel stands above all! 💜😤
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ciaossu-imagines · 9 months
Ikerev & Zombie Apocalypse?
Of course, anon dear! I'm so, so sorry this took forever to get back to you but if you're still reading, I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons I thought of for this AU!
Okay, so we're going into this with me forewarning everyone. By it's very nature, a zombie apocalypse AU is going to get dark, gritty, angsty, and probably a little fucked up and as I love getting the chance to get angsty and dark, you know things might get fucked up here and there with some of these headcanons. If that is not your cup of tea or something you think might bother you, it might be better for you to stop reading.
So now that we have that out of the way, if you're still reading, let's get this all started. So, in my head, this AU is less of an actual alternate universe. I still very much see this set in Cradle, with the same universe existing of Magic and the Magic Tower and the different armies. However, I don't see the armies as still really fighting each other - they are at peace and the Magic Tower, though definitely still shady as fuck and definitely still up to no real good, isn't thought of as an absolute threat. Everything seems good and peaceful and that's part of the real set-up of this AU.
So, to get to the real meat of this AU. So, everything is nice and peaceful. Life seems idyllic. But then things start to change. The Magic Tower, still headed by Amon Jabberwock, is doing what the Magic Tower always does - experimenting with the Magic Crystals, seeing what can be done with them. Their latest experiment is working with the crystals and humans to see if, by ingesting bits of the crystals and thus integrating them into the human body, they can enhance the boundaries of what a human body and mind can do. The experiments seem to be well-meaning, are sold as looking to find cures for aging, for disabilities, for anything bad that can possibly happen to a human body or mind. What they're really after, or at least what Amon wants them for, is to create his own army of superhuman soldiers to conquer Cradle, though not even his followers are really privy to that fact.
Too bad the experiments seem to be failing. Most of the humans experimented on are dying…and then things seem to change. Things start to appear to be going well and the Magic Tower rejoices and gets inspired to really test even further limits of the experiment. The long and short of it though - these new Crystal infused humans? They're super-strong, seemingly impervious to all harm except complete decapitation to sever the connection of brain and body, with superhuman senses…oh, and they all go insane. Like, their brain goes bad - all limiters are taken off and they start to act solely on impulses and basic desires instead of any rational thoughts or logic. They're extremely violent if threatened at all or if something stands in the way of one of their wants. They experience extreme hunger at points and if food isn't readily available….well, humans are a source of meat too. They crave sex, food, shelter, warmth, liquid. Some of them retain enough of their personalities to have cravings for things they especially loved before the experiments as well.
The worst thing? Though they start as mindless, they quickly seem to link up into some sort of hive-mind and they start enhancing their numbers. If they don't outright kill, they forcibly turn others into beings like themselves by forcibly feeding them crystals. If the person survives this, they join The Hive.
It starts in the Tower. Amon willingly joins The Hive, makes himself the Head of it. Dalim, being a Disciple of the Tower, is in this initial first attack by these creatures. Terrified and no longer trusting in Amon, Dum does do the right thing in the end and tries to ensure that the experiment dies in the Tower, that none of the infected escape the Tower. He helps get other Disciples out but unfortunately, he succumbs to an attack by several of the infected and gets forcibly recruited into The Hive.
The infected surge out of the Tower and it's not too long before the peace of Cradle is completely shattered and things become a full out 'zombie apocalypse'. The armies each do their best to fight The Hive and protect the citizens but still steadfastly refuse to join forces with each other until much later on in the story.
I see Jonah as being one of the first to die. It's not because he's not strong and more than a capable fighter. It's because he's just genuinely someone who doesn't have a lot of common sense. His death comes in the first wave of the infected out of the Tower. He chose bravery and doing his duty but, after seeing other soldiers downed and even seeing some be forcibly infected, his ego and lack of common sense really did him in and he gets slaughtered and eaten.
Though he'll last throughout most of the story, I do see Lancelot dying. It's his death that inspires the two armies to join forces and come together, actually. The thing is, as a magically strong person already, the Hive (and Amon, their leader) didn't want to kill Lancelot. No, they became almost obsessed with changing him, with making him a part of the Hive. Though Lancelot was strong and clever enough to hold them off for a long time, while saving someone else whilst in the midst of battle, he was left vulnerable for long enough to be force fed what was needed to ensure he would eventually turn. Though the only one who was aware of this was Kyle, who steadfastly maintained that they would find a way to save Lance, Lancelot knew what needed to be done. He told Sirius and Harr the truth of what had happened and begged his two best friends to do what needed to be done - to kill him.
Sirius was the one to actually end up doing the deed. He'd already lost most of his family and by that point, had seen enough other people die. He'd been so strong up until that point and he'd inspired so many people to keep going with his never give up attitude, his optimism that things would get better, and his hard work. But after that, after being forced to kill one of his oldest and dearest friends? He sure kept trying, so hard, but the fact of the matter was that after that, Sirius really started to give up. Another major story event really did him in and he almost recklessly charged into the next major battle with The Hive and was taken down. Those close by at the time said he seemed almost relieved as The Hive killed him.
That other major story event? It has to do with Harr. Harr was a Magic Tower Disciple who had abducted his position the second the Tower started experimenting on humans. It was just something Harr could not handle, could not get behind, so he left. He did his best to keep his eye on things with the Tower though, worried about what might happen. When the worst does happen, Harr feels immense guilt for not having done more to stop this from happening. He becomes obsessed with finding a cure for those infected, with stopping this with as little bloodshed as possible. Loki helps him, as does Kyle, who also becomes obsessive about finding a cure.
As the days and weeks go by though and they seem to be getting nowhere, Kyle starts drinking harder and harder and becoming more and more reckless in his efforts to learn more about the infected. He needs test subjects and by the time the armies manage to trap and transport an infected person to him, not only have they suffered major casualties, but the infected in question is normally dead as well. Kyle becomes tired of seeing people die and being helpless to stop it and he directly goes out into the field. Dead infected specimens aren't helping; he needs a live one and becomes bound and determined to get one. While trying to do so, Kyle gets captured and changed.
The newly infected Kyle is feral and attacks his former comrades, killing Loki. Between Loki's death and Kyle's change, combined with watching Sirius kill Lancelot just the day before, Harr cannot handle things anymore. It's too much and his brain just can't deal. Harr takes a dive, head first, from the place this all started - the Tower itself. He's dead upon impact with the ground, quick and painless, but dead nonetheless.
Because the idea, while horrible, was too delicious to resist…I really do see Dean being brutally savaged and beaten to death by his own infected brother. The sibling rivalry had carried over enough in the infected Dalim's mind for the need to kill his brother to be a major desire of his.
Now, I have always kind of headcanoned that Mousse has narcolepsy. Obviously he doesn't have a route so I don't know for sure if that is canonically true but I see that being his undoing in this AU. He gets infected in his sleep very early on in the story.
Oliver becomes very useful though. He devotes himself to making weapons and traps and fortifying buildings to become shelters. Though he doesn't go into battles himself and is very protected, he's such an important and integral part of everything.
I do see Edgar, Fenrir, and Seth becoming rather famous as front line warriors against the Hive. All or any of them alone become major targets of the Hive because of how many infected they take out and how integral a part of survival in this new world they become.
After Lancelot's death, Blanc and Ray become co-leaders, trying everything they can to gather and ensure the safety of all non-infected individuals. Blanc keeps an eye and really dedicates himself to ensuring the non-infected are safe and taken care of and that shelter, food, water, and basic needs can be met for everyone while Ray leads the more military side of ensuring continued life and safety for the survivors.
Zero ends up specializing in rescue missions, in getting groups of non-infected people to safety, and really ends up becoming Blanc's second in command. Luka, meanwhile, stays under Ray and does fight…Luka's biggest regret in everything though? That he couldn't save his brother. So he becomes foolhardy and reckless at times, taking risks he shouldn't, because to him, if he can save even just one more person…maybe that will take some of the guilt away, absolve him even a little. Even just a smidge.
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shatcey · 6 months
I have finished Revolution (children's routes aside)!
OMG! I can't believe I've spent more than a year on this game.
I started when the game was no longer supported by the developers, so I only have the main routes, and you know… It's so difficult. I've thought to drop it a few times, but I don't like NOT finishing something… It's annoying and itchy, and I'll keep thinking about it over and over again… So it's easier to finish and then forget about it once and for all.
So… Before I leave my final words about this game, I would like to say a few words about the twins. My last route was Dum/Dalim, so it would be fair to talk about them.
To be honest, I don't remember seeing Dean very often… He was, of course, in the "through the looking glass" routes, but aside from that… not certain. I just remembered… Zero or Edgar. I remember their duel, and Dean was there…
I didn't see twins together very often. But every time I saw them, they denied that they were related. And I thought it was the same as Luka, who always said he wasn't related to Jonah…
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They are literally a mirror image of the same picture, except for the hairstyle… Someone was too lazy to draw them a little differently and decided to cheat…
And it's hilarious to see how synch they are…
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And now... will be a spoiler...
But suddenly...
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So Dean doesn't remember anything, and Dalim is just playing along… From that moment on, I begin to doubt that Dalim is a villain at all…
And the more he pushed Alice away, the more obvious it became that something was wrong. Real villains do what they like, they could toy with people (push and pull), but they don't push them completely away from themselves.
So it wasn't a surprise to find out that he was just being manipulated.
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It reminds me of Seth…
Some of his words are reminds of a completely different character… from another Cybird game…
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I wish I could add another spoiler…
I know how strange it may look… but Dalim is pre-version of Gilbert. Starting with his way of manipulating people's actions (Dalim's army of fans), continue his constant interest in studying and finally self-devotion to the brink of destroying his own health for the sake of his goal. This is so weird… I still find it hard to believe, but they have too much in common to ignore it.
And I know I wanted to talk about the twins, but ended up talking about Dalim. So let's get back to Dean. He is very smart and makes pretty accurate assumptions based on very little information.
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Yes, you are totally right, my angel is a very stubborn idiot who decided that he should be a sacrificed goat.
And I love that he never turns off the teacher-mode… I would like to see him in a romantic relationship… Alas…
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And at the end of the romantic ending, Alice says that nothing changes between the brothers at all. At least something never changes…
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ikemen-obssessed · 1 year
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mans birthday previews are giving the impression dean’s just dalim as a teacher😭
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
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♥ Pairing: Elysia Vos x Dean Tweedle
♥ Event: Kinktober
♥ Day 4: Punishment
♥ Warnings: Smut; deep throating a popsicle;
♥ wc: 1.4K
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“Miss Vos, we brought you this as a thank you!”
It was a thoughtful gesture, perhaps a little too thoughtful. The trio of boys lingered in the hallway, watching her with lust filled expressions. Elysia pretended not to notice as she slowly licked up the length of the popsicle, perched atop a desk in the front row of the classroom. It was cute how the attention was stuck on her
However, it wasn’t their attention that she was putting on a show for.
“If you’ve time to stand around the hallway, you’ve time to return all these books to the library,” Dean said, making the boys jump at his sudden statement. His hand hovered at the chalkboard, not pleased to be interrupted while planning out his next lecture.
A chorus of yes sirs was mumbled and the boys took the exorbitant number of books off the desk and scurried off with disappointed expressions.
“They were harmless,” Elysia said, sucking on the tip of the popsicle, and pulling off with a pop. She tucked a strand of her raven hair behind her ear, keeping her eyes on the strict professor.
Dean set the chalk down, turning his gaze to her. He was fully aware of her intentions. “Have you completed grading all the tests?” It wasn’t appropriate behavior in his opinion.
“I did, and filed all the paperwork in the office, and made an organized list of all the materials you asked for.” She’d finished hours ago, efficiently and timely. It was one of her many talents, and a lot of the reason Dean agreed to be her preceptor.
“Then our work in the classroom is complete. I’ve some tasks in my office to be done next.”
Ah yes. Even though he taught summer lectures, like today, Dean also began preparing for the new semester. Incoming students required a syllabus and a variety of other information like perquisite reading. It was all to be prepared and mailed before the beginning of the year. She’d heard that he was the only professor to do so.
Elysia swirled the popsicle around her tongue, humming an old Cradle tune. It was frustrating to get no reaction. Her instructor could hide his emotions better than any man she’d ever met. She was the exact opposite, or so she’d been told. “I found the reference book in the restricted area of the Cradle Library, with the original letter from the old monarch.”
Ah, that got his attention.
“The head librarian informed me that it had been misplaced,” Dean replied, frowning at the memory. He’d given quite the stern lecture over mishandling an ancient record. A valuable teaching tool for his history lesson.
Elysia grinned, slipping between him and the door to his private office, blocking him from unlocking it. “Misplaced? More like stuffed behind a bookshelf that required a lot of squeezing and stretching to reach. Some kid probably thought it’d be funny to leave it there. Aren’t you oh so pleased that I found it? I spent hours on my hands and knees searching for it.” She pushed the tip of the popsicle against her lips, violet irises peeking up from under dark lashes.
“Miss Vos.”
“We’re not with students.” The woman didn’t like being called miss by him. It was too formal. Her friends called her Ellie, since she wasn’t a fan of her full given name. Expect when he was the one saying it...
Dean reached out a gloved hand, cupping her cheek gently for a moment, then slipping his hand back into her silky hair. “I’d be more pleased if you’d cease acting like a desperate escort while on campus. Your behavior is the reason there are so many rumors about us.” He jerked her by her hair to move her away from the keyhole, swiftly unlocking the office and tugging her inside.
“Ouh!” He wasn’t gentle, but Elysia liked it. “Is it really a rumor if it’s true?” It was one of her favorite pastimes to rile him up. The two were secretly together. Things would become complicated if the school became aware, there would be paperwork, and she’d likely be reassigned a new instructor.
Neither of them wanted that. Dean didn’t dislike having her assisting him as she understood his teaching method and learned quickly. The girl could even predict what he needed and acted accordingly. However, she also managed to sneak into his heart. And she enjoyed finding ways to turn him on.
Securely in the private office, Dean released her, not bothered by her mumbling about how it hurt. “Take off your panties.”
“I’m not wearing any.”
The professor’s sharp gaze drilled down at her. Her cheeky grin and little shake of her hips to make the hem of her skirt brush over the tops of her soft thighs only made the bulge in his pants throb. He was absolutely furious that she’d been in his classroom, flouncing around the students, bending to pick up dropped items, standing at his side... in that summer skirt.
His silence only prompted her to taunt him. “Do you want to check?”
“Come here.” Dean settled on the couch, waiting for the woman to comply as he knew she would. This is what she truly wanted. Gloved fingers lifted her skirt enough to confirm that she had been truthful.
Elysia hummed with satisfaction, grinning while still enjoying her popsicle. “I wouldn’t lie about-”
A swift smack to her thigh cut her off. “Quiet. I don’t want another word out of you, understand? On your knees.” Dean almost hated the way her willingness to obey made his cock twitch. Mint irises full of trust.
He disliked messy things, but even so, he took the popsicle from her hand. “Tongue out. I’ll hear no complaints.”
A shiver swept over her body. Elysia opened her mouth as he asked, accepting the tip of the sweet, strawberry popsicle against her tongue. The first few strokes were gentle, the cool tip gliding over her taste buds.
Dean pushed it further into her mouth, causing her to elicit a sinful gag. “You’re getting low marks for that, Elysia. I’ve seen you take me much deeper than that.” He could barely sit still, watching her take it down her throat over and over. It took all his self-control to continue the punishment.
Her fingers dug into the material of his trousers at his knee, using him to keep herself steady. She didn’t dislike anything he did, so long as his attention was on her, but Elysia longed for more physical contact. Each thrust of the popsicle makes her pussy throb with need for Dean to touch her.
The professor could read her easily. “It’s unsurprising that you aren’t sorry at all for your actions.” He could think of quite a few ways to make her beg, but he decided to be lenient, out of his own need to feel her on his cock.
Elysia licked her lips when he disposed of the rest of the popsicle in the trash can. “I’m sorry.” There was no attempt to sound sincere. She liked to entice him this way, making him desperate for her body.
“I highly doubt that.” Dean rose from the couch, towing the woman along with him until he bent her over the desk. Was this rewarding bad behavior? He should make her wait, drag out the pleasure that she sought. It must be the heat of the summer that is fogging up his judgment.
Her pussy was prepared for him to push inside her, warm walls welcoming to his size. Dean shoved her skirt up around her waist, landing a smack on her bare ass. “Be a good girl, Elysia, and listen to my instructions from now on.”
“Yes, sir-”
Dean chuckled, knowing that she would do so only if it benefited her sexual desires. He didn’t mind having to teach her over and over. His fingers dug into her hips, holding her steady as he pounded into her. Thick walls were the saving grace of his brutal pace. Elysia moaned and cried out his name as she came around his cock within record time, a testament to how needy she’d been the whole day.
Work would be postponed for the remainder of the day. Dean would have to focus solely on his assistant and exploring her body to give them both a release that had been built up for a while.
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ragyragd0ll · 4 months
That's it, I'm writing their routes myself.
And I'm posting them on my Tumblr. And I'm talking about writing both wonderland routes, and looking grass routes. For every single character that doesn't have a completed route for either.
If any of y'all got screenshots of limited time event stories, even if it's just a single line of dialogue, no matter how trivial that piece of dialogue looks, gimme it please. I want the best possible understanding of each character before I begin.
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duckyfann9871 · 2 months
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Dean is president of the “I hate men” club in cradle.
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tteotlma · 7 days
Brewing Emotions
- tension and unspoken feelings finally come to a head.
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Sam Winchester/Reader 2.1kw
a/n: i wrote this after finishing spn over the summer. can u tell i love tension.
tw: mild violence mention, mild sexual content (kissing), emotional distress
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The drive back from Wheeling, Illinois to the Bunker was an excruciatingly silent drive. It seemed as though everyone was steeping in their misery, and it was gonna be hard to shake off.
A family of Djinn’s were plaguing the city with missing persons for the past three weeks, and by the time the three of you showed up – there was more bloodshed than expected. Turns out the Djinn were running this operation for way longer and tens of lives were lost.
The three of you tried to save the remaining five survivors but because they were so weak, not all of them could be saved. Much to Sam and Dean’s dismay, only two walked away.
Of course, you were devastated as well but having been a solo hunter far longer than teaming up with the boys – you learned the hard way that losses were inevitable.
You were also less emotionally constipated than the other two, so you knew the better way to feel better was to surround yourself with things that bring you joy. But tweedle dee and tweedle dum here like to sit and stew in silence.
You were able to get them to talk here and there for the first few hours but your efforts ultimately fell short and silence took over. Exhaustion took over and you just let the silence be. During the car ride, you stared at the back of Sam’s head trying to stop yourself from reaching out and touching him in some way. Especially running your hands through his hair. You didn’t know if it was because of your feelings for the man, or because the act of petting lowered stress levels but whenever you found yourself feeling troubled you always found your hands in the man's hair, and vice versa.
Sure the science article was about animals but – potato, potato.
Instead you just crossed your arms and tucked your hands into your armpits, closing your eyes to try and get some shut eye.
The first person to say something was Dean, when the car pulled up to the Bunker.
“I’m gonna wash up.” He huffed, as his leather jacket squeaked against the leather seat while shimmying out of the car.
Perfect, you and Sam could prepare a meal while Dean washes up. You were about to reach out to Sam when he sprung out of the car.
“Hey Sam-” you rushed, following his steps in unloading the car. “Why don’t we-”
“Actually, I’m feeling a little grimy so I’m just gonna wash up too.” He mumbled, lugging the duffel bag over his shoulder, and walking away.
“Oh, okay.” you whispered, trying not to sound dejected. You entered the bunker and everyone made a B-line for their bedrooms.
Throwing your backpack onto the ground, you started undressing wanting nothing more than to just step under hot water and let it burn the tension away from your shoulders.
By the time you were done, you were already feeling much better. Your pajamas felt softer and cleaner than the stale outfit you had been wearing for the past two days. Your hair no longer felt stringy and greasy, and your skin felt exfoliated. Now to top it all off with a nice warm cup of tea.
You startled, seeing Sam standing in the kitchen.
“I thought I wasn’t gonna see you until tomorrow.” You said, giving him a soft smile as you walked up to him.
“Uh, well we hadn’t eaten anything since that rest stop about seven hours back.” He returned the same smile, before beginning to chop vegetables. You nodded, placing a swift hand on his shoulder blade as you passed him, to let him know you were walking behind.
He cleared his throat, and a small smile spread on your lips.
“I’m making tea,” You started, “would you like some?” Opening the drawer in front of you, an array of colored boxes splayed out before you.
“Sure, I’ll just take a cup of whatever you’re having.”
You took the small red box out the drawer, placed it on the counter and opened the cabinet above you to get your mugs. You grabbed your favorite, and when you went to grab Sam’s you realized it wasn’t in the usual spot next to yours. Pushing around the mugs, all that could be heard was the ceramic clinking together.
“You need help there?” A small scoff escaped his mouth.
“Your mug isn’t here.” Ceramic still clinking, standing on your tippy toes to try and get a better look.
“That’s okay just grab any other one.” He said, throwing the chopped vegetables in a large bowl.
“But you like that mug,” He turned to look at you. “I swear I put it here when I did the dishes.”
“Maybe someone used it.” He obviously wasn’t convincing you that another cup could be used so he put down the knife with a chuckle and walked towards you.
You could feel his presence loom over you as he stood behind you – barely able to feel his warmth on your back. You tried not to move a muscle.
“Yeah look it’s right here,” He said, reaching into the only shelf you couldn’t reach, and behind a large bowl he pulled out a dark blue mug. He looks down at you as you turn to grab the mug.
“Well, that’s not where I put it.” you mumble, taking the mug from his hands.
Inspecting the mug, to make sure it’s clean you notice Sam falls silent. You look up at him and catch him looking at you – quite intently.
Heat rushes up the back of your neck, and you give him a little smile hoping to god this tension building up isn’t just your imagination.
“Are you okay?” You ask under your breath. Sam blinks and shakes his head clearing his throat.
“Uh, yeah, yes I am.” He spits out, and he steps away. The cool air swooping in and taking place where he previously stood. He goes back to chopping vegetables in silence. His kurt answer leaves you thrown off, so rather than respond you choose to join in the silence and fall into a sort of rhythm beside Sam as he preps the salad he’s been working on as you work on the tea you offered.
As Sam shakes the bowl to mix the dressing, you could feel his warmth and you wanted nothing more than to step closer, under the impression that maybe his warmth could take away these remaining forlorn feelings.
"How'd you like your tea?" you ask, steeping the leaves.
"Like I said, whatever you're having." He puts down the bowl and turns to look at you. You shift your eyes towards him, then away when you feel his gaze boring into you.
As you grab the honey and a spoon, you turn to get some oatmilk from the fridge. Suddenly, you realize Sam is no longer behind you but beside you, his chest at eye level. You startle and look up.
"You okay?" His eyes never leave your face.
"Yeah," is all he says, his gaze unwavering.
Shifting uncomfortably, you begin to look anywhere but at him. An unbearable longing aches within you to touch him—to feel the rough texture of his shirt beneath your trembling fingers, to inhale the faint scent of his cologne mingling with his skin's warmth. You yearn to be enveloped in his embrace, to feel his strong arms wrap around you, pulling you close until his steady heartbeat thrums against your chest. Every fiber of your being screams for that connection, that solace, that undeniable closeness.
Your hands clench and unclench at your sides as you look down, the weight of his gaze becoming too intense.
"What is it?" Your voice barely rises above a whisper, afraid to break whatever spell he might be under.
He remains silent. Instead, he steps closer, fingers trailing lightly along the hem of your shirt. He moves even nearer until his chest is mere inches from your face. His hand circles around to your lower back, slowly pulling you in. The movement is so gradual you're barely sure you're moving at all. It's not until you feel Sam begin to lean in, his arm wrapping fully around your waist, that you realize he's been wanting to touch you just as badly as you've been wanting to touch him.
Your breath catches in your throat as Sam's arm tightens around you. Your already small world narrows even more to just the two of you—the warmth of his body, the sound of his breathing, the faint thrum of his heartbeat. You finally allow yourself to raise your hands, letting them rest tentatively on his chest. You slowly look up at him.
"I-I'm sorry, for brushing you off earlier," he says, a glint of remorse in his eyes.
Your hands move to hold his face, thumbs gently caressing his cheeks. "It's okay," you whisper, maintaining the intimate atmosphere between you. "You don't have to apologize."
You watch as Sam presses further into your hands, his eyes closing. A breath of relief leaves his lips, the tension in his shoulders visibly easing. The vulnerability in this moment strikes you, making your heart swell with affection.
Studying his face, your hands glide into his hair, gently pulling him close. As if by instinct, Sam buries his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. His hands, initially at the middle of your back, slide down to your hips. He tries to bring you closer, but you're already pressed against him. Instead, your hips align more firmly with his as he holds you there.
The sound of your shaky breaths mingles with the scent of his cologne. The warmth of his body envelops you, and the gentle tickle of his breath against your neck sends shivers down your spine. Time seems to slow, each sensation heightened in this intimate embrace. It all feels like a dream—a long-awaited, exquisitely real dream.
Sam's fingers flex slightly at your hips, as if reassuring himself that you're truly there. You respond by carding your fingers through his hair, relishing the softness beneath your touch. The world outside fades away, leaving only this moment, this connection that you've both longed for.
Sam pulls away to look at you, his eyes searching your face. You lightly tug at the hair entwined in your fingers, a silent gesture of affection. Without a word, Sam begins to lean in. His lips brush against yours, feather-light and questioning. Your stillness is all the encouragement he needs.
Years of unspoken feelings finally come crashing down as Sam captures your lips in a proper kiss. He pulls you impossibly closer, one hand cradling the back of your head as if afraid you might slip away. His lips part slightly, and you seize the moment to nip gently at his bottom lip. Sam responds by deepening the kiss, and you meet him willingly, your mouths moving in perfect harmony.
A soft noise escapes him, echoed by your contented sigh. The kiss grows more passionate, your shared breaths becoming ragged. Sam's hands, which haven't left your body, slide down until his fingers find the bare skin at your hips. He kneads the flesh there, his touch both tender and desperate.
The intensity builds with each passing second. Sam's kisses grow more insistent, more passionate, mirroring the longing you both have harbored for so long. The forgotten tea steeps on the counter, the abandoned salad wilts - neither of you notices or cares. There's only this moment, this long-awaited connection, consuming you both entirely.
"Hey, did you guys make any—" Dean's words cut off abruptly as he entered the kitchen. "Well, alright Sammy!"
You and Sam spring apart, both flushed and breathing heavily. Dean stands in the doorway, his eyes wide with surprise before a knowing smirk spreads across his face.
"About damn time," he chuckles, shaking his head. "Don't let me interrupt. I'll just grab a beer and go."
As Dean rummages in the fridge, you and Sam exchange sheepish glances, a mix of embarrassment and barely contained laughter in your eyes. The spell of the moment is broken, but the warmth of it lingers.
Dean grabs his beer and heads out, but not before throwing a wink over his shoulder. "You might want to take this somewhere more private next time. And Y/n? Your tea's probably over-steeped by now." He chuckles.
As Dean's footsteps fade down the hall, you and Sam look at each other trying not to laugh, the tension dissipating. Sam reaches out, taking your hand in his.
"So," he says, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth, "about that tea..."
You squeeze his hand, your heart light despite the interruption. "I think we might need to start over," you reply, unable to keep the grin off your face.
As you move to prepare fresh tea, Sam's arm wraps around your waist, unwilling to let you go just yet. You lean into him, savoring the closeness. The night may not have gone as planned, but it's ended better than you could have imagined.
pls leave comments/feedback! i luv hearing ur thoughts!
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misty-moth · 1 year
✨Ikémen Birthdays/Zodiacs✨
I decided to put the Ikémen suitors’ zodiac signs together, and put mini-summaries of each sign.
This also has all of their birthdays in order.
Divider: kgymz
Last edit: Aug 23, 2024
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Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
~Competitive but insecure~ There is nothing an Aries cannot achieve once they set their mind to it—no mountain is too high. However, you will also find them nursing a hidden imposter syndrome that can chip away at their confidence if allowed free rein.
-Ray Blackwell, Mar 23
-Vincent Van Gogh, Mar 30
-Oliver Knight, Apr 5
-Musashibou Benkei, Apr 7
-Sasuke Sarutobi, Apr 10
-Nico Meier, Apr 12
-Rio Ortiz, Apr 13
-Fenrir Godspeed, Apr 15
-Leonardo Da Vinci, Apr 15
-Motonari Mouri, Apr 16
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
~Loyal but stubborn~ Loyal to a fault, a Taurean is the most reliable person you can have in your corner when the chips are down. However, they have a stubborn streak a mile wide and can hold a grudge like no one else, so make sure you don’t cross them.
-William Rex, April 24
-Theodorus Van Gogh, May 1
-Sirius Oswald, May 7
-Minamoto no Yorimoto, May 9
-Nobunaga Oda, May 12
-Albert Burckhardt, May 17
-Luke Randolph, May 19
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
~Versatile but impatient~ Throw a Gemini to the wolves, and they will come back leading the pack—the air element in this sign means that they can adapt easily to any situation. But their fuse runs short and once they run out of patience with someone, there is no wiggle room for second chances.
-Arthur Conan Doyle, May 22
-Harrison Gray, May 30
-Kajiwara Kagetoki, June 2
-Vlad, June 6
-Seth Hyde, June 10
-Clavis Lelouch, June 17
-Osamu Dazai, June 19
-Dean Tweedle, June 20
-Dalim Tweedle, June 20
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
~Passionate but uncommunicative~ Behind the brooding fortress that a Cancer has erected to protect themselves are abundant reserves of deep, undying love and loyalty. Pity that few will get to experience it because they aren’t the best at communicating what is in their hearts.
-Ranmaru Mori, June 27
-Ellis Twilight, July 4
-Akihito, July 7
-Yukimura Sanada, July 7
-Kyle Ash, July 17
Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)
~Confident but dominating~ Born to be under the spotlight, there is nothing that this lion enjoys as much as being the cynosure of all eyes. However, this innate conviction that they are always in the right means that they can often run roughshod over others’ feelings and sentiments.
-Silvio Ricci, July 23
-Nasu no Yoichi, July 23
-Kanetsugu Naoe, Aug 1
-Leon Dompteur, Aug 1
-Alfons Sylvatica, Aug 8
-Yoshimoto Imagawa, Aug 13
-Napoleon Bonaparte, Aug 15
-Adachi Morinaga, Aug 18
-Lloyd Grandier, Aug 22
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
~Perfectionist but self-critical~ Meticulous, organized and diligent, if the world were to end tomorrow, you would want a Virgo to lead the march into the new dawn. However, that pesky niggle of self-doubt in their head means that they are often harsher on themselves than anybody else can be.
-Edgar Bright, Aug 23
-Luka Clemence, Aug 24
-Matthias Ausprink, Aug 24
-Masamune Date, Sept 5
-Kurama, Sept 6
-Liam Williams, Sept 6
-Francis Drake, Sept 7
-Robert Branche, Sept 9
-Blanc Lapin, Sept 10
-Yves Kloss, Sept 16
-Sebastian, Sept 22
Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
~Empathetic but indecisive~ If you are looking for someone to lend a comforting shoulder during times of distress and truly put themselves in your shoes, ring up the first Libra in your contacts. This empathetic side of theirs can sometimes get derailed by their inability to make up their mind, compounded by a fear of confrontations, which means that you never truly know which side they stand on.
-Mitsuhide Akechi, Oct 4
-Tamamo, Oct 5
-Licht Klein, Oct 9
-Nokto Klein, Oct 9
-Zero, Oct 10
-Darius Vogel, Oct 14
-Louis Howard, Oct 16
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
~Intense but secretive~ The fiery, intense personality of a Scorpio can make any time spent together a wild, dizzying ride. But while they will go the extra mile to take care of your emotional needs, they remain notoriously secretive about their own—good luck cracking open the spine of this closed book.
-Comte De Saint-Germain, Oct 25
-Galileo Galilei, Oct 31
-Chevalier Michel, Nov 1
-Mitsunari Ishida, Nov 6
-Giles Christophe, Nov 11
-William Shakespeare, Nov 11
-Azel Radwan, Nov 13
-Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Nov 14
-Kicho, Nov 15
-Jonah Clemence, Nov 18
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
~Spontaneous but flighty~ There is no storyteller quite like a Sagittarius—they can have the entire room hanging on their every word. But while they can show you grand dreams, it can sometimes be hard to pin them down and make them deliver on their promises.
-Roger Barel, Nov 23
-Shingen Takeda, Dec 1
-Byron Wagner, Dec 7
-Harr Silver, Dec 12
-Jude Jazza, Dec 13
-Gilbert von Obsidian, Dec 21
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
~Goal-oriented but unforgiving~ Not everyone can conquer the world but if a Capricorn were to set out to do it, nothing would deter them until they had accomplished their goal. With a personality that is hardwired in practicality, they can often fail to appreciate nuance and are known to be unforgiving of others’ mistakes.
-Kitsuji Sueharu, Dec 24
-Isaac Newton, Dec 25
-Jean d’Arc, Jan 6
-Kennyo, Jan 7
-Lancelot Kingsley, Jan 11
-Taira no Shigehira, Jan 16
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
~Philosophical but detached~ A deep-thinker with a humanitarian streak, an Aquarian has grand plans to change the world. Shame that they left the party early though because their reclusive nature makes it hard for them to establish bonds with those around them.
-Sariel Noir, Jan 20
-Alyn Crawford, Jan 23
-Leo Crawford, Jan 23
-Elbert Greetia, Jan 27
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jan 27
-Ieyasu Tokugawa, Jan 31
-Kagari Amagase, Feb 7
-Mousse Atlas, Feb 10
-Charles-Henri Sanson, Feb 15
-Kenshin Uesagi, Feb 18
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
~Whimsical but over-sensitive~ If you are looking to escape the mundane everyday grind, a Pisces’s imaginative mind can whisk you away into a realm of fantasy. Their kind, nurturing personality can prove to be a double-edged sword though, because their overly sensitive heart is easily wounded, further compounded by a tendency to play the victim.
-Keith Howell, Feb 20
-Victor, Feb 20
-Loki Genetta, Feb 22
-Ibuki, Feb 27
-Johann Georg Faust, Feb 29
-Nika Schwarz, Mar 2
-Ring Schwarz, Mar 2
-Keiji Maeda, Mar 3
-Jin Grandet, Mar 5
-Abe no Yasuchika, Mar 15
-Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Mar 17
-Rayvis Harneit, Mar 19
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malachiexists13 · 2 years
Gay Or Nay?: Ikemen Series Edition
86% voted yes, 14% voted no, so here’s the post. Reminder that these are MY impressions of the characters, and this is entirely a joke. No need to take me too seriously. If you disagree with me, that’s fine. No need to argue, just make your own post. 
Also small spoilers for my ikemen ocs series.
Ikemen Sengoku
Nobunaga Oda 
Have you SEEN his right and left hand men? He’s either an ally or bi-curious. Can’t decide. 
Masamune Date 
He flirts with Mai to hide his homosexuality /j 
Nah, I’ve seen how he admitted that he’d kiss Nobunaga. He’s gay. Bisexual if you please, but gay. 
Mitsuhide Akechi 
Is that even a question? Have you somehow not seen the way he flirts with Hideyoshi? Let’s be honest, he’s bisexual. 
Keiji Maeda 
Idk him well enough to judge that. 
Hideyoshi Toyotomi 
I know a lot of people are going to want me to say Hideyoshi is gay because of Mitsuhide... But honestly, Hideyoshi gives me the vibes of someone who says gay shit without realizing its gay. He seems more like a very supportive ally to me. 
Ieyasu Tokugawa 
Idk but I can see him as like, panromantic or something. He also screams femboy to me but we dont talk about that 
Mitsunari Ishida 
Confused ally <3 
Ranmaru Mori 
Confused ally pt.2 + closeted ace 
Yoshimoto Imagawa 
Gay (they try to push so hard that he’s pretty, and no straight man is supposed to be that pretty /j) 
Sasuke Sarutobi 
Nerdy gay 
Kanetsugu Naoe 
Either indifferent so like, some kind of mspec or somewhere on the ace spectrum, maybe both, not too sure 
Yukimura Sanada 
Awkward gay (secretly dating nerdy gay) 
Kenshin Uesugi 
That one token straight guy who no one is completely sure that he’s straight or not. 
Shingen Takeda 
In my brain, major flirt = major bisexual so- 
I’ve seen other people write him as like, indifferent or pansexual so I’m leaning towards that 
Wdym? He’s homophobic- (THIS IS A JOKE. NO HATE TOWARDS KENNYO) 
Motonari Mouri 
Kinda gives me either disaster bisexual or ace/aro vibes. 
Ikemen Revolution
Lancelot Kingsley 
Gay but in the closet about it 
Jonah Clemence 
Confession time: I thought he was a woman at first LMAO- 
Edgar Bright 
He’s straight and an ally, but enjoys teasing the others 
I dont think he’d care tbh 
Kyle Ash
Didnt realize he was gay until after he started dating his boyfriend 
Ray Blackwell 
His whole thing about freedom and living how you want to or whatever makes me think he’s bi 
Sirius Oswald 
He’s an ally <3 
Luka Clemence 
Shy gay 
Fenrir Godspeed 
Overly supportive ally (especially since his gf is MTF) 
Seth Hyde 
Everyone thinks he’s gay, but correction he’s pan 
Harr Silver 
He’s pansexual 
Loki Genetta 
I dont know him well enough?? 
Blanc Lapin 
He’s straight, maybe a little curious tho 
Oliver Knight 
He’s another ally, gives me the vibes of someone who would punch a homophobe in the face for insulting his friend 
Mousse Atlas 
I chronically forget he exists, so idk 
Dean Tweedle 
The gay twin 
Dalim Tweedle 
The straight twin that gets confused for the gay one 
Ikemen Vampire
Napoleon Bonaparte 
As far as I’m aware, in history he had two different wives and he kissed the tsar (even apparently said if the tsar was a woman, he’d make him his mistress soo--) Napoleon definitely isn’t straight 
He’s straight and hates everyone equally (/j) 
Leonardo da Vinci 
Arthur Conan Doyle 
WHORE- this is a disaster bisexual 
Vincent van Gogh 
the supportive straight brother 
Theodorus van Gogh 
the angry gay brother 
Isaac Newton 
Too anxious to question his sexuality 
Jean d’Arc 
I like to joke that he’s bi but denies it because he hates men 
William Shakespeare 
not too sure tbh 
Osamu Dazai 
another disaster bisexual 
Comte de Saint-Germain 
I feel like he’d be omni. Like he doesn’t care, but still has a slight preference. Also supportive father figure <3 
Serious gay 
I pondered on this one for a long time.. and I still have no answer 
Johann Georg Faust 
Closeted gay who suffers with internal homophobia (i literally wrote a oneshot for him where this was the main premise-) 
Charles-Henri Sanson 
another bi guy 
Ikemen Prince 
Leon Dompteur 
straight but supportive 
Chevalier Michel 
Bro, it’s CANON that he’s pansexual (I think- idk. I played his route when it first came out in english so its been awhile) 
Yves Kloss 
I feel like he’s bi but doesnt really talk about it 
Nokto Klein 
He’s too slutty to be ONLY into women 
Licht Klein 
Straight but an ally 
Clavis Lelouch 
gay ass clown 
Jin Grandet 
Luke Randolph 
Sariel Noir 
I feel like he’s straight but also an ally, like he doesn’t care but absolutely will NOT tolerate homophobia 
Rio Ortiz 
Gilbert von Obsidian 
Silly little gay man <3 I can see him as like, pan or something. 
Keith Howell 
Excluding his “other” side.. I can see Keith as straight, but a supportive ally 
Silvio Ricci 
He’s homophobic (secretly not straight but in denial) 
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ikeromantic · 10 months
Alice in College pt 2
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An IkeRev Central characters AU! Written for my IkeRev 1K Celebration, a boarding school AU was the poll winner. Approx. 2700 words. 2/6
Part 1
Alice startled as the office door swung open. Dalim was sitting behind a huge mahogany desk, a slight smile on his face. “Hey! What are you doing here? This is supposed to be for teachers.”
“I’m sorry?” The blond’s brow wrinkled. 
“Dalim -” She gave an exasperated sigh. Clearly she was in the wrong spot. She reached for her notebook.
“I see. You’ve confused me for that hooligan.” 
Alice looked up. “What?”
“It happens all the time. I really don’t know why. I’m nothing like him.” The blond stood with a grimace. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dean Tweedle. And I’ve prepared your schedule for this term, so why don’t you take a seat?”
She realized then that his clothes were completely different from Dalim, his hair carefully styled. A bunch of small differences that separated the . . . “Are you brothers or, or cousins or something?”
“Absolutely not. We are in no way related.” Dean frowned and sat back down. 
“Oh. Well. Sorry then.” She felt a little surprised by his reaction, but this place was strange and maybe in Cradle it was totally normal for two people to look practically alike. She sat in the seat across from Dean. 
“Excellent. Let’s not bring it up again.” Dean smiled at her again and steepled his fingers. “You are in the unlucky position of being a midterm transfer. That means we’ll have to work extra hard to get you caught up.” He pulled a stiff sheet of paper from a file on his desk and handed it to her.
Alice stared down at the class schedule in dismay. There were thirteen subjects listed, along with 2 study periods. “Umm, Professor, this says my first class is 7am?”
“Please, Alice, call me Dean. And yes. You’ll have double the subjects this term, double the homework and studying.” He sounded almost gleeful. “It will be quite a load, but I am sure you’re up to the task.”
“You are?” She blinked up at him, feeling off kilter. 
Dean smiled even more brightly. “Of course. You’ll have plenty of help in your study halls and lots of time to focus”
Alice looked down again. She had some subjects she recognized, like history and speech, and others that were strange. Crystal theory and metaphysics. “Ummm. Can I switch some of these? Like . . . phys ed? In London I took band . . . and . . .”
“I’m afraid not. This schedule is perfectly balanced and includes all the coursework you’ll need to progress.” He reached across the desk to pat her hand. “We’ll have you caught up in no time.”
His touch was warm and gentle, and it did kind of soothe her nerves. 
“Thanks.” She flipped the notebook open to tuck her schedule away. The pages inside were full of tight, scrawled cursive in chaotic lines. No map. No blank pages. Alice realizes immediately what must have happened. That rude Amon guy had her notebook, and she had his. Great.
Dean was still smiling at her. “You should spend the evening getting acclimated to the school and grounds. Breakfast starts at 5am and you’ve got Crystal Theory bright and early. Don’t be late to class, hm?” 
“What? Oh. Right.” She shut the notebook. “Could you tell me how to get to the library from here? I think I left something there.” Hopefully Amon was still around. She’d trade him his notebook for hers and get her map back.
“Already getting some study time in? Wonderful.” Dean rubbed his hands together. “It’s not too far -” He gave her directions and saw her to the door. 
Alice tried to follow his instructions. Left to the stairs. Take a right at the second landing. Then . . . was it take the first stair up or the second? Had he mentioned a second? She passed a roped-off corridor as she made her way down the empty hall. Maybe it was the third one? A sound made her stop in her tracks, and turn.
Someone was moving in the dark hallway beyond the rope. She caught sight of a face beneath a dark hood, wild strands of pale hair, glowing ember-colored eyes. “Amon?” 
He turned away, ignoring her. 
Alice pushed past the rope and went after him. This part of the school did not look like it was in use. There was a sign that said, ‘ No unauthorized entry’ and then a little ways further, ‘No students allowed beyond this point.’ But it seemed Amon definitely went this way.
Many of the doors were shut and locked. In open rooms, she could see dust cloths thrown over desks, the magic lamps emptied of crystals. She wouldn’t have minded exploring a little more - curiosity was a weakness of hers - but Amon was hurrying on ahead and she needed to catch up. 
“Amon! Wait! You - you have my notebook!”
If he heard her, the words didn’t even give him pause. He ducked into one of the rooms and out of sight.
Alice paused on the threshold, feeling nervous for the first time on this little chase. The arch above the door was scorched, the paint peeled and blackened. The room beyond was full of strange shapes, some covered with greying cloth and others, just looming shadows. “Amon?”
No reply. Maybe he was hiding from her. She walked in, moving cautiously. The covered figures were statues, she thought, peering under one of the covers. And past that, strange looking equipment. Huge round vats of glass so big she could swim in them if they were full. Metal tubing that curved and arched into spiraling designs sat atop a series of tables, and then there were things she couldn’t begin to imagine the use for. 
She leaned forward, peering at a rack of tools. Or, she thought they were some kind of tools. Handles with - something covered her eyes. 
“Guess who, princess!” A low, teasing voice tickled against her ear. 
Alice pulled away, knocking several things onto the floor. 
Somewhere from the shadows, another low voice hissed a warning. “Stop making so much noise! Someone will notice.”
“I’d make less noise if you didn’t say hello by grabbing me.” Alice glared toward the darkness and then turned her gaze back toward Dalim. He smiled at her smugly despite her glare. “What are you doing here? I don’t think students are allowed in this area. There was a sign.”
Dalim gave a shrug. “Just working on some stuff.”
“Tell her to go away.” Amon stepped from a darkened alcove, his expression one of extreme displeasure.
“Umm, I am pretty sure you can tell me yourself. And anyway, I’m not here to hang out. You took my notebook.” Alice held out the black notebook she’d taken on accident. “Trade back?”
Amon tried to swipe it but Alice jerked it back out of reach. 
“I can’t believe you don’t want to hang out with us!” Dalim plucked the notebook out of her hands. “You really just came down here to give this back?”
“No. I am here for my notebook. It’s got a school map in it. And - and Harr gave it to me. As a gift.”
“How sweet.” Amon rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed sigh. He held out his hand to Dalim. “Thanks for getting that for me.”
Dalim gestured toward Alice. “Give her the other one.”
“You’re joking.” Amon glared at the blond. 
“If you please? I’ll just take it and leave you two to your top secret boys’ club or whatever.” Alice put her hands on her hips. 
“It’s not a boys’ club,” Amon spat back without moving his gaze from Dalim. “I’m researching something so fantastic that it would destroy your tiny little banal brain if I tried to explain it to you.”
Alice rolled her eyes. “Look, tryhard, you aren’t scaring me. I don’t care what you’re doing up here. I just want my notebook back. It was a gift, and it’s useful. So stop dragging this out. I’d like to get back downstairs before dinner is over.”
Dalim leaned forward and whispered something to Amon. 
After a moment, Amon nodded. “Fine. I’ll give it back.” He pulled open his messenger back and rummaged around until he came up with a familiar looking notebook. He flipped through it quickly, as if checking for something, then held it out. “For you, Alice.” His smile was mocking.
Dalim nudged him. 
“Yeah, ok, and I’m sorry I gave you a hard time.” Amon sighed. “Good enough?”
“For a first try.” Dalim grinned. “Sorry about him, Alice. He was raised by wolves. Anyway, you want to see what we’re working on? It’s pretty impressive. Probably get us top scores in magical theory.” He raised an eyebrow, “And you’re pretty new to magic, right? So I know you’ve never seen anything like this.”
Alice snagged her notebook and tucked it under her arm with a frown. “Honestly, I don’t care what you’re doing up here. Besides, didn’t your friend say it would melt my brain?”
“I didn’t say melt -” Amon started, but Dalim interrupted. 
“He’s just being dramatic. Come on, I’ll show you. I don’t get to show off very often.” Dalim pulled a crystal out of his pocket and it flared to life, lighting the room. 
“Fine.” Alice wasn’t entirely ready to forgive either of them for being jerks, but she was curious. 
Amon smirked. “Come on then. I don’t have all evening to play tour guide.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her along after Dalim.
His hand was warm and oddly comforting, Alice thought. And this close, she could smell his scent, a heady mix of sharp, herbal scents that wasn’t unpleasant - though it was unusual. She wanted to dislike it, because it was Amon, but couldn’t help leaning into him. So much so that when he stopped, she bumped into him. 
“You don’t need to be so close,” he muttered, letting go of her hand and taking a step away. 
Dalim raised an eyebrow. “Right. So, princess, this is it.”
Alice turned to look where he was gesturing, her eyes going wide. She didn’t know enough about magic to know what she was looking at, but Dalim hadn’t lied. It was impressive. Cauldrons and glass vats full of glowing, multi-hued liquids and swirling smoke. Magic crystals with wires and tubes connecting them to blinking switchboards with turning gears.
“What is it meant to do,” she asked in a voice quiet with awe.
“That’s a secret,” Amon smirked. 
Dalim settled onto a stool. “Afraid you’ll have to earn our trust if you want to know more. But I’m glad you can appreciate how special it is that we shared it with you.”
“Is this for . . . a school project or something?”
“Something,” Dalim said just as Amon snapped, “None of your business.” 
Alice shrugged. “Ok, fine. But I can’t be terribly impressed if I don’t know what it does. Might just be all show, no function.”
Amon was gearing up for an insulting reply when Dalim held up a hand for silence. “I hear something,” he whispered.  
Then, from the distance, “This is an off-limits area! I know someone’s back here and boy are you in trouble.” 
“Dean!” Amon and Dalim glanced at each other. Then they were moving. Quick and silent, they ducked back out into the shadowy room. 
Alice tried to follow them, but her legs were shorter and she didn’t know the way. In a few turns, she’d lost them to the maze of halls and fabric covered displays. She crouched behind a table to get her bearings, breathing hard as much from exertion as excitement.
“Got you.” Dean’s face came into view with a flash of pale blue light. He looked surprised and a little disappointed as he realized who, exactly, he got. 
“Hello again, Mr. Tweedle.” Alice gave him a small wave. 
He frowned at her and then looked around. “Where are the others? Who are you here with?”
“It’s just me, I’m afraid.” She gave him what she hoped was an honest smile. Alice didn’t care if Amon and Dalim got into trouble, but she wasn’t about to turn into a snitch on her first day. 
Dean let out a breath, a frown line forming between his brows. “I could’ve sworn I heard . . . well . . . I suppose . . .” His gaze came back to her with an unexpected sharpness. “I’m rather disappointed in you, Alice. You’ve been here half a day and already getting into mischief.”
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Tweedle. I got turned around and then - then I let my curiosity get the best of me.” Alice hung her head guiltily. “I knew I shouldn’t have gone past the ropes, but I wanted to know what was back here.”
“Please, call me Dean, Alice.” He cleared his throat. “You’re quite lucky you didn’t come to harm. Some of the old equipment here is quite unstable.” He held out a hand to her. “Come along.”
She took his hand and let him help her up. “Is it? I wasn’t even sure what all this stuff was. Half looks like an art display and the rest, like something out of a mad scientist’s lab.”
Dean quirked a smile. “It would have been better for you to come ask myself or one of the other TA’s than to sate your curiosity through trespassing. But I can’t fault an inquiring mind.” He patted her head. “This floor is full of old laboratories our research students used to push understanding of magic in Cradle. Unfortunately, some of the experiments went too far and created unexpected problems. For the last few years, we’ve been working on unraveling some of the more dangerous magical fields and disarming the equipment, but much of it is still dangerous.”
“I see.” Alice wondered if maybe Dean was exaggerating the dangers - or if Amon and Dalim didn’t understand how dangerous this floor was. 
“I hope you do. We wouldn’t want to lose another -” his words dissolved into a shout of alarm as one of the nearby contraptions began to glow. 
Alice couldn’t make out what it was under the white sheet, but she could feel the crackle of strange energies in the air. Then without warning, something burst. There was a loud pop and the sheet - along with whatever lay underneath - came flying toward them. She held up her hands to ward it off, shouting. “No! Stop!” 
The sheet covered equipment froze mid-air and then clattered to the floor with a bang. The tension in the air released with a pop, and a sudden skirling in the air. Alice stared at it anxiously. 
Dean looked from her to the pile and back again. “Interesting.” He took her arm. “We should hurry lest anything else wake up.”
She wasn’t about to argue. Alice wasn’t sure what had just happened, but she wanted to get far enough away to reflect on it in peace.
The two of them made it to the stairwell without any other lab equipment taking offense at their passage. Then Dean led her down to the dining hall. He’d been quiet for the walk, contemplative. But here at the door, he paused. 
“I’d like to tell you the experience was its own punishment, but I’m afraid I can’t let your transgress go so easily. Rules are rules, you know.” He smiled at her gently as if trying to take the sting out of his words. 
“W-what does that mean?” Alice fiddled with her skirt, not meeting his gaze.
Dean took a breath, his eyes narrowing. “I’ll have to assign you some extra work to keep those idle hands busy. I think, perhaps, detention with Mousse each morning for the next week will do. And if not, I’m sure I can find some additional studies for you.” He sounded almost glad for it.
Alice risked a glance at his face and found that he was still smiling, and his gaze was bright. “I guess I understand?”
“Excellent. Just let me know if you find yourself with too much free time. I have some excellent ideas already.” 
“Thanks, Mr - uhm, Dean. I’ll go see Mousse first thing.”
“Six in the morning, on the dot.” Dean was definitely enjoying this. 
Alice nodded. “Right.” This was not the start she’d hoped for, but it could be worse. Maybe detention with Mousse would be fun? She kept telling herself that as she filed into the dining hall for dinner with the other students.
Part 3
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stephaniejuhnay · 11 months
Community fans, what is your favorite slightly obscure quote? I’m not talking cool cool cool or streets ahead or my whole brain is crying or even ya bit. I’m asking for deeper cuts. Either bc they’re funny or bc of their delivery or both.
Here are several of mine:
“Worth ittt.” Troy, Aerodynamics of Gender
“The…Soul Train awards…were tonight.” Troy, Social Psychology
“Ooooohh, I cannot.” Shirley, Horror Fiction in 7 Spooky Steps
“I know who Sean Penn is! I seen milk!” Professor Kane, Biology 101
“This means trace the call Rhonda!” Dean Pelton, Basic Intergluteal Numismatics
“No soft serve?!” Dean Pelton, Course Listing Unavailable
“Guys, what makes you think I can convince Chang of anything if I can’t even convince you not to make me do it?” Jeff, Environmental Studies
“Daammn, and the winner for best adapted Oscar burn goes to Jeff Winger for ‘oh snap, the man who went there.’” Chang, Epidemiology
“Paint?? Ball??” Elroy, Modern Espionage
“Desperate deans call for deansperate measures.” Dean Pelton, Modern Espionage
“By zooks, what sort of jackassery is this?!” Professor Whitman, Debate 109
“No to everything you both said!” Britta, Urban Matrimony and Sandwich Arts
“Did someone say Pegasus? A word I understand in every language.” Abed, Advanced D&D
“Jeff! I hope you’ve got an army of raisins because I’ve got a major scoop!” Annie, Investigative Journalism
“Well nice fix Tweedle Dumb and even Tweedler Dumb!” Pierce, Communication Studies
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ikemen-obssessed · 1 year
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tw/ fat shaming
being called fat irl and by an otome character i am living it up😍
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thatrandomartistjavi · 2 months
Actors that were in Alice in Wonderland media and where you might know them better from. Part 3: 2000s-2020s
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3(you're here!!)
American McGee(2000)-
Susie Brann as Alice: The Groke from Moominvalley(2019) Roger L. Jackson as the Cheshire Cat(and many others): Ghostface voice from the Scream franchise Mojo Jojo from The Powerpuff Girls Hol Horse from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Jarion Monroe as the Caterpillar: Dr. Kaufmann from Silent Hill
What's the Matter with Hatter(2007)-
Lewis MacLeod as the Hatter: Sebulba from Star Wars Episode I- The Phantom Menace Principal Brown/Rocky Robinson/Mr. Small/Miss Simian/the Doughnut Sheriff from The Amazing World of Gumball(season 1)
Caterina Scorsone as Alice Hamilton: Dr. Anelia Sheperd from Grey's Anatomy Matt Frewer as Charlie the White Knight: Russell Thompson Sr. from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids! Panic from Hercules Pink Panther from The Pink Panther(1993) Chaos from Aladdin the Animated Series(the one exception to the No one time characters rule because I love Chaos) Kathy Bates as the Queen of Hearts: Margaret "Molly" Brown from Titanic Tim Curry as the Dodo: Dr. Frank N. Furter from The Rocky Horror Show/The Rocky Horror Picture Show Wadsworth from Clue Mr. Hector from Home Alone 2- Lost in New York Long John Silver from Muppet Treasure Island Pennywise the Clown/It from It(1990) Hexxus from Ferngully- The Last Rainforest The Cat King from The Cat Returns Taurus Bulba from Darkwing Duck Nigel Thornberry from The Wild Thornberrys Chancellor Palpatine from Star Wars- The Clone Wars S.I.R. from ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter Harry Dean Stanton as the Caterpillar: Balthazar from Rango Brett from Alien Brave Hearts Lion from The Care Bears Movie Timothy Webber as the Carpenter/Alice's dad: The Apprentice from Once Upon a Time
Malice in Wonderland(2009)-
Maggie Grace as Alice: Irina from Twilight- Breaking Dawn Shannon Ruthenford from Lost Nathaniel Park as Harry Hunt: Master Edward Gracey from The Haunted Mansion(2003) Pam Ferris as Duchey: Miss Agatha Trunchbull from Matilda
Tim Burton(2010)-
Johnny Depp as Tarrant Hightopp: Edward Scissorhands from Edward Scissorhands Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Victor Van Dort from Corpse Bride Sweeney Todd from Sweeney Todd- The Demon Barber of Fleet Street(movie) Rango from Rango Helena Bonham Carter as Iracebeth of Crims: Emily from Corpse Bride Ms. Lovett from Sweeney Todd- The Demon Barber of Fleet Street(movie) Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter franchise Mme. Thénardier from Les Misérables(2012) Fairy Godmother from Cinderella(2015) Anne Hathaway as Mirana of Marmoreal: Mia Thermopolis from The Princess Diaries Haru Yoshioka from The Cat Returns Red Puckett from Hoodwinked Jewel from Rio Fantine from Les Misérables(2012) Crispin Glover as Ilosovic Stayne: George McFly from Back to the Future Matt Lucas as the Tweedles: Sparx from AstroBoy(2009) Benny from Gnomeo & Juliet Gerarld Prodnose from Wonka Nardole from Doctor Who Frances de la Tour as Aunt Imogene: Madame Maxime from Harry Potter franchise Leo Bill as Hamish Ascot: Headmaster from Cruella Marton Csokas as Charles Kingsleigh: Lord Celeborn from The Lord of the Rings Lindsay Duncan as Helen Kingsleigh: Queen Annis from Merlin(2011) Tim Pigott-Smith as Lord Ascot: Sir Philip Tapsell from Downtown Abbey Geraldine James as Lady Ascot: Marilla Cuthbert from Anne with an E Michael Sheen as Nivens McTwisp: Dr. Griffiths from Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue Aro from Twilight-Breaking Dawn Aziraphale from Good Omens Alan Rickman as Absolem: Hans Gruber from Die Hard Severus Snape from Harry Potter franchise Judge Turpin from Sweeney Todd- The Demon Barber of Fleet Street(movie) Stephen Fry as Chessur: Narrator from Pocoyo Master of Lake-town from The Hobbit Barbara Windsor as Mallymkun: Blonde from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Timothy Spall as Bayard Hamar: Nick from Chicken Run Mr. Poe from A Series of Unfortunate Events(2004) Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter franchise Beadle Bamford from Sweeney Todd- The Demon Barber of Fleet Street(movie) Paul Whitehouse as Thackery Earwicket: William Van Dort from Corpse Bride Michael Gough as Uilleam: Alfred Pennyworth from Burton Batman and its sequels Elder Gutknecht from Corpse Bride Christopher Lee as Jabberwocky: Saruman from The Lord of the Rings Dr. Wilbur Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Pastor Galswells from Corpse Bride Imelda Staunton as Talking Flowers: Bunty from Chicken Run Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter franchise Knotgrass from Maleficent Aunt Lucy from Paddington Jim Carter as the Executioner: Mr. Charles Carson from Downtown Abbey
Wonderland the Musical(2011)-
Janet Dacal as Alice Stetson/Cornwinkle: Carla from In the Heights Nikki Snelson as the Hatter(2009-2010): Brooke Wyndam from Legally Blonde the Musical Kate Shindle as the Hatter(2011): Vivienne Kensington from Legally Blonde the Musical Jose Llana as El Gato: Chip Tolentino from 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Karen Mason as the Queen of Hearts: Tanya from Mamma Mia!(musical)
Royal Opera House ballet(2011)-
Steven McRae as the Hatter: Skimbleshanks from Cats(movie)
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland(2013)-
Sebastian Stan as Jefferson: Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier from the Marvel Cinematic Universe Keith David as the Cheshire Cat: Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog Husk from Hazbin Hotel President from Rick and Morty Glossaryck from Star vs the Forces of Evil King Andrias Leviathan from Amphibia The Cat from Coraline Goliath from Gargoyles Arbiter from Halo 2 Millie Bobby Brown as Young Alice: Eleven from Strangers Things John Lithgow as Percy the White Rabbit: Reverend Shaw Moore from Footloose Lord Farquaad from Shrek
Ever After High(2013)-
Cindy Robinson as Madeline Hatter: Sirene/Psycho Jenny from Devilman Crybaby Leap from LeapFrog Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde/Operetta from Monster High(2010) Amy Rose from the Sonic franchise(since 2010) Wendee Lee as Lizzie Hearts: Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bepop Konata Izumi from Lucky Star Lisa Lisa from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Nefera de Nile from Monster High(2010) Bekka Prewitt as Kitty Cheshire: Bela Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village Robbie Daymond as Alistair Wonderland: Megumi Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen Raymond from Ok K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Jesse Cosay from Infinity Train Ice Prince from Fionna and Cake Stardust Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom Karen Strassman as Bunny Blanc/Queen of Hearts: Miyuki Takara from Lucky Star Olivia from Lego Friends Elissabat/Catty Noir from Monster High(2010) Rouge the Bat from the Sonic franchise(since 2010) Josey Montana McCoy as Chase Redford: Kaeya from Genshin Impact Neighton Rot/Victor Frankenstein from Monster High(2010) Paula Rhodes as Courtly Jester: Stacie from Barbie- Life in the Dreamhouse Scarah Screams/Sirena Von Boo from Monster High(2010) Macaron Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom Julie Maddalena as the Cheshire Cat: Venus McFlytrap/Robecca Steam from Monster High(2010) Marc Grane as the Mad Hatter: Mr. Zurkon from Ratchet and Clank
Dora in Wonderland(2014)-
Mel Brooks as the Hatter: Professor Max Krassman from The Muppet Movie Vlad Dracula from Hotel Transylvannia 2 Alan Cumming as the White Rabbit: Floop from Spy Kids The Emcee from Cabaret(1993,1998) Sara Ramirez as the Queen of Hearts: Calliope Torres from Grey's Anatomy Queen Miranda from Sofia the First
Through the Looking Glass(2016)-
Sacha Baron Cohen as Time: King Julien XIII from Madagascar Signor Adolfo Pirelli from Sweeney Todd- The Demon Barber of Fleet Street(movie) Uncle Ugo from Luca Matt Vogel as Wilkins: Big Bird(since 1998)/Count Von Count(since 2013) from Sesame Street Uncle Deadly/Floyd Pepper/Sweetums/Lew Zealand/Crazy Harry/Camilla the Chicken/Robin the Frog from The Muppets(since 2008) Kermit the Frog from The Muppets(since 2020) Rhys Ifans as Zanik Hightopp: Xenophilius Lovegood from Harry Potter franchise Curt Connors/The Lizard from Amazing Spider-Man Richard Armitage as King Oleron: Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit Hattie Morahan as Queen Elsemere: Enchantress from Beauty and the Beast(2017) Kyle Herbert as Young Bayard: Big the Cat from Sonic Frontiers Wally Wingert as Humpty Dumpty: Almighty Tallest Red from Invader Zim Time from Disney Infinity 3.0 Riddler from Lego DC Super Villains/Batman-Arkham Hank Pym from Avengers- Earth's Mightiest Heroes Jon Arbuckle from The Garfield Show(2008) Renji Abari from Bleach
Alice By Heart(2019)-
Colton Ryan as Alfred Halam/White Rabbit: Connor Murphy from Dear Evan Hansen(movie) Wesley Taylor as Harold Pudding/Hatter: Sheldon Plankton from Spongebob Squarepants the Musical Honorable Mentions that have no footage of them playing the characters: Mike Faist as Alfred Halam/White Rabbit- Connor Murphy from Dear Evan Hansen(musical) Ben Platt as Alfred Halam/White Rabbit- Evan Hansen from Dear Evan Hansen Phillipa Soo as Tabitha/Cheshire Puss- Eliza Schuyler from Hamilton Anthony Ramos as Angus/Caterpillar- Phillip Hamilton from Hamilton
Come Away(2020)-
Angelina Jolie as Rose Littleton/Queen of Hearts: Maleficent from Maleficent Lola from Shark Tale Tigress from Kung Fu Panda
Alice's Wonderland Bakery(2022)-
Audrey Wasilewski as Dinah/Three Anne: Tucker Carbuckle from My Life as a Teenage Robot Arlene from Garfield(2009) Ortensia from Epic Mickey franchise Stealth Elf from Skylanders Megan Olsen from Infinity Train Craig Ferguson as Doorknob: Gobber from How to Train Your Dragon Owl from Winnie the Pooh(2011) Lord Macintosh from Brave Eden Espinosa as the Queen Valentina of Hearts: Cassandra from Tangled the Series Bobby Moynihan as Tweedle Don't/Dill: Panda from We Bare Bears Louie from Ducktales(2017) Dude from Descendants Donald Faison as Harry the March Hare: Christopher Turk from Scrubs Max Mittelman as Cheshire Cat: Saitama from One-Punch Man Plaqq from Miraculous Ladybug Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5 Red Velvet Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom Arataki Itto from Genshin Impact George Salazar as Dad Hatter: Michael Mell from Be More Chill Grover from The Lightning Thief Musical Mandy Gonzalez as Mother Rose: Nina Rosario from In the Heights Yvette Nicole Brown as Mama Rabbit: Coach Roberts from Inside Out 2 Lesley Nicol as Iris: Mrs. Patmore from Downtown Abbey Merle Dandridge as the Silver Queen: Alyx Vance from Half-Life Marlene from The Last of Us Ana Gasteyer as Kiki the Caterpillar: Betsy Heron from Mean Girls Lamorne Morris as Dandy: Winston Bishop from New Girl Christopher Fitzgerald as Thistle: Boq from Wicked Ogie Anhorn from Waitress Matthew Moy as David of Spades: Lars Barriga from Steven Universe Shroomboom from Skylanders James Monroe Iglehart as Oliver the Onion: Genie from Aladdin on Broadway Asmodeus/Vortex from Helluva Boss Zestial from Hazbin Hotel Kausar Mohammed as Ms. Parvaneh: Yasmina Fadoula from Jurassic World- Camp Cretaceaus/Chaos Theory Cleo de Nile from Monster High(2022) Mark Williams as Ribbitton: Arthur Weasley from Harry Potter franchise Horace from 101 Dalmatians(1996) Karen Fukuhara as Sakura: Katana from Suicide Squad(2016) Glimmer from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power(2018) Kipo Oak from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Isabella Abiera as Milly the Carpenter: Hazel from Infinity Train Dee Bradley Baker as Jabbie the Jabberwock: Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb
Rise of Red(2024)-
Leonardo Nam as Maddox Hatter: Felix Lutz from Westworld Kylie Cantrall as Princess Red of Hearts: Dani from High School Musical-The Musical The Series(season 4)
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
(★) Ikemen Revolution Masterlist (★)
Finally got to making this masterlist too-, i'm no longer writing for ikerev so this is just a easy way to access all my older fanfics. Know that some of these are horribly inaccurate to the lore as some of them were wrote before i learned more of it.
Last updated: 11/21/2022
Total works: 15
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Ray Blackwell
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1
Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Fenrir Godspeed
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1 Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Luka Clemence
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1 Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Seth Hyde
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1 Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Sirius Oswald
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1 Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Lancelot Kingsley
Older sibling hcs pt.2 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Jonah Clemence
Older sibling hcs pt.2 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Edgar Bright
Older sibling hcs pt. Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Older sibling hcs pt.2 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Kyle Ash
Older sibling hcs pt.2 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Blanc Lapin
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Oliver Knight
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Loki Genetta
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Harr Silver
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Mousse Atlas
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Dalim Tweedle
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Dean Tweedle
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
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Here will be the complete list of Kinktober fics! It's a busy month but I do plan to complete all the fics by mid november. Please enjoy!
18+ Only!
Day 1: Consensual Somnophilia
○ Sleeping Beauty || Licht Klein x Reader
○ Heat of the Night || Aika x Ran Haitani
Day 2: Friends with Benefits
○ His Benefits || Keisuke Baji x Reader
○ Princess in the Sheets || Lucia Von Obsidian x Nokto Klein
○ Round and Round || Mikey Sano x Reader
○ Stress Release || Gilber von Obsidian x Emma
Day 3: Office
○ Office Distraction: Koharu x Hajime Kokonoi
Day 4: Punishment
○ Summer School || Elysia x Dean Tweedle
Day 5: Stuck in the Wall
○ Call My Name || Xiao x Reader
○ Fantasies || Kumi x Kazutora Haneymiya
Day 6: Begging
○ Break Time: Leonardo Da Vinci x Reader
○ Pretty Please || Novi x Yves Kloss
Day 7: Aphrodisiac/Sex Pollen
○ Flower Dust || Hiromi x Shuji Hanma
Day 8: Overstimulation
Day 9: Roleplay
○ Chaperone || Erina x Ryusei Satou
○ Extra Credit || Heizou Shikanoin x Reader
Day 10: Cockwarming
○ Overly Competitive || Edgar Bright x MC
○ Broken Rules|| Aika x Ran Haitani
Day 11: Blow Job
○ Counterattack || Shinichiro Sano x Reader
Day 12: Bath/Shower
○ Slipper Hands || Sariel x Reader
Day 13: Sex Toys
○ Roll of the Dice || Fenrir Godspeed x Reader
Day 14: Massage
Day 15: Caught Masturbating
○ Boss's Orders: Hajime Kokonoi x Reader
○ Hands On || Leonardo Da Vinci x Reader
Day 16: Window/Balcony
○ Beastly Demands || Chevalier x Reader
Day 17: Brat Taming
○ Model Employee || Kazutora Hanemiya x Reader
Day 18: Outdoors
Day 19: Quickie
Day 20: Deep Throat
Day 21: Bondage
○ Research || Albedo x Reader
Day 22: Breeding
○ Full House || Comte x Reader
Day 23: Fingering
Day 24: Edging
○ Teacher's Pet || Dean Tweedle x Reader
Day 25: Public
○ Can't Wait || Thoma x Reader
Day 26: Squirting
○ Feels so Good || Sanvi x Childe
Day 27: Car
Day 28: Electro Stimulation
Day 29: Rope Play
Day 30: Hand Cuffs
Day 31: Fuck Machine
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