#Dean Wichester fanfiction
ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Hunters, Vampires and Bears. Oh my!~ Supernatural Imagine
Trigger Warning: Mentions of violence, gore and cursing.
A/N: My first try at writing something to do with the show Supernatural. This is set from Season four about the 66 seals and Lucifer.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Ophelia (Female Reader)
Link to Ophelia headcanons
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The tap turned on and off in the bathroom, Ophelia frowned unable to discern the cause of the electrical circuits failing, taps turning on and off by themselves and the brief cold tempertures that came and went while it all happened. She didn't think much of it at first because she had dealt with ghosts, spirits in the past. Not like these ones, but similar to it at the very least. She sat on her motel bed crossing her arms rather confused and tired. IT wouldn't let her leave and she couldn't get out while this happened. They were at a standoff that had lasted at least three of four days already. Whoever or whatever it was didn't seem to care about the effects it would have to the people around the room let alone Ophelia.
"This world isn't like my own, it seems to have things that latch on longer than they should and the humans here are that much weirder," She thought to herself pacing around the room, "The last creature that spoke to me mentioned something about seals and a demon that called itself Lucifer. As much as I say I have no clue what they're talking about. It gets their tempers hotter than a boiling kettle."
Ophelia sighed thinking harder about this factor, pondering about what to ask the next time they decided to show up again. Which they have, two of them a blonde standing in front of her with a smirk firmly planted on her lips. White eyes, a demon to be sure and a powerful at that.
"You're not like those other demons that have already been here, you're a lot different, your eyes are white and not black for starters. So who are you and what do you want?" Ophelia asked her pacing around her in a circle inspecting her closely.
"You're a hunter aren't you?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
"You're nothing like the ones I saw,"
"No I wouldn't be. My world doesn't have demons or angels."
"Well this is your world now, so get used to it."
"No, I don't think I will."
Ophelia and this white eyed demon glared at each other for what it felt like a dozen centuries or maybe even longer. Ophelia struck first and the fight shook the ground around them. The fight with Lady Maria was more exciting than this one and Maria had more finesse than what she saw in this demon she's currently fighting. Ophelia's white hair seemed to glow underneath moonlit sky and she's only getting started.
"I don't plan on killing you by the way," She stated after her hunter's axe collided into the demon's body sending her into the wall of the house that is only a few miles away from them, "I'm stalling, so tweedledee and tweedledum get here or you can leave and lick your wounds somewhere,"
"Sam and Dean will kill you, I just want to watch it happen." Castiel got in the way and with that they were gone.
"You could have gotten yourself killed," Dean yelled clearly upset. Sam looked angry arms crossed and Bobby said he didn't want to talk to her for a while.
"I can handle it Dean, I have been hunting these types of creatures long before you were born,"
"That's not the issue Ophelia," Sam interjected, "The problem is that you lied about it,"
"I didn't lie about it, you just never asked and I never told you. So how the fuck is that lying?"
"From this point onward you stay here," Dean says pointing to Bobby's house.
"I don't think so, you can't go around telling me what I can or can not do. I have done way more for you in the terms of making you into a lethal hunter, I made you those quicksilver bullets and used my own blood to make them. I even gave you a shotgun to use them. What more do I need to do to prove that I can handle it."
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crackheadcastiel · 2 months
Deans dick grows every time he tells a lie like Pinocchio and when cas finally sees it it unrolls out of his pants like a fruit by the foot
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laurie-stark · 5 months
Only A Moment
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(not my gif)
Summary: Another hunt goes wrong, but this time it leads to some...unconventional release of anger.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI
Pairings: Sam Winchester x OC
A/N: you guys on tumblr deserved this too
Once again, the drive back to the motel was silent. A knife could slice right through the tension in the air, and Kath was tempted to try. Bobby had sent them on another demon goose chase, this time in Minnesota. They made it out without a scratch, but only barely. The demon was stronger than average and possessed the body of a little girl. And demon or not, no one wants to hurt a little girl. To Sam and Kath, the answer was obvious. Sam could trick shot the demon back to hell in less than five minutes and they would all be on their merry way. Dean said no. After an hour of back and forth between the boys, Sam decided he was old enough to stop listening to his big brother. The little girl was returned home to her parents before the night was over. And the night was far from over. 
Kath bit her lip in the backseat of Baby the car. She glanced nervously between the two brothers. Dean was stiff as he drove, going well above the speed limit. Sam had his head leaning against the window. It was not often that Kath disagreed with Dean. For most of their lives together she’d follow him blindly. It was second nature. But Sam’s addiction was something they could not find a middle ground on. Dean didn't understand. He was human after all. He didn’t have a disease coursing through his veins. He wasn’t created as the product of all things good and evil. He did not understand. 
The moment Dean pulled into the parking lot, he unleashed weather greater than God on his baby brother. Kath sighed and ran a hand over her face. This was not helping. At this point in their journey, Sam was not in the mood to be chastised. He had saved them, saved everyone. Dean should be grateful. Sam got out of the car while Dean was mid-sentence, slamming the door on his way into the motel room. 
Dean had about a million rules when it came to Baby, and slamming her car doors was a felony. Kath inhaled sharply, not because the sound of the door scared her, but because she could literally see Dean’s face turning a bright shade of red. If she squinted she could see steam coming out of his ears. 
“That little shit!” Dean said, gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles. He moved to get out of the car but Kath stopped him.
“Dean stop,” she said, putting a hand on his arm. “You know as well as I do that we were trapped. If Sam hadn’t done what he did then we’d all be as good as dead.” 
Dean was not listening. “That’s not saying much since Sammy’s already halfway gone to hell.” The sentence stung Kath and it wasn’t even aimed at her. To anyone else, the idea of going to hell was a passing thought. Coming from Dean though, Kath couldn’t believe he’d say something like that. Not after the thirty years Dean endured. For Sam, she might add. Kath opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out. And Dean was already halfway into the motel room. 
Kath entered the musty motel room to the brothers having a catfight. They were shouting so loudly that Kath couldn’t make out what was being said. She almost got trampled by Dean as she walked through the doorway. He pushed past her, got into his car, and drove off into the night. It all happened so fast that Kath got dizzy. She got a grip on her footing and gently closed the motel door, locking it with a click. Sam was pacing across the floor with his hands in his hair. 
“Don’t let him get to you Sammy, he doesn’t get it,” Kath said. She took a few steps towards him so he would stop pacing. It always made her nervous. Sam stopped in his tracks. His hands dropped to his side and he stared at her blankly. 
“Can you shut up?”
Kath’s jaw dropped. In all their years of bickering and pissing one another off, he had never once told her to shut up. In fact, Sam told her on numerous occasions how much he valued her opinions. She was shocked. 
“Well fuck me for trying to be helpful!” Kath threw her hands up in defeat. “You are such an asshole, you know that?” 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you,” Sam muttered under his breath, ignoring Kath’s asshole comment. 
“What?” Kath asked, not hearing what Sam said.
“I said you’re full of shit,” Sam responded. “You think you know me? You think you understand what I am? You have no idea what it’s like to be…to be this.” Sam gestured to himself. “I’m poisonous Kath.” 
“Do I need to remind you that you’re not the only one who learned life-changing information? There is no part of me that’s human! I have been a walking vessel from the moment I was born Sam. So fuck you for saying I don’t understand.” 
The vein in Sam’s forehead was beginning to grow, which meant Kath was really getting under his skin. Normally she wouldn’t dig herself any deeper, but he was rude to her when she just wanted him to know she cared. He had it coming. 
“At least I can say I’ve got some good in me. You’re closer to evil than I’ll ever be.” 
Sam closed his hands into fists. He brought one up to his mouth to bite his tongue. Although his stature would never show it, Kath’s statement hurt Sam down to his core. It was in his nature to be evil and he fought against it in his every waking moment. 
Kath stared at Sam through furrowed brows. She waited for him to respond, to retort with a snarky comment about how she was acting like a brat or a princess or one of the other thousand remarks he’d made before. His silence scared her. His posture was furious, but his eyes were hurt. She knew she had taken it too far. 
“Look,” Kath started. “I’m sorry. We’re both exhausted. Let’s just forget about it.” She didn’t wait for a response. Kath stepped past him to go take a much-needed shower. With one wrong footstep, she accidentally pushed her shoulder against his. The impact made Sam stumble sideways. She hadn’t meant to push him, but he didn’t know that. He was fed up with her and the way she made him feel. Like he was worth something and worthless all at once. 
Without thinking Sam grabbed hold of Kath’s right arm tightly. He pulled her towards him, her back flush against his chest. He felt her inhale sharply. He leaned his head down to the space between her chin and her shoulder. Kath could feel his warm breath tickling her neck. 
“What are you doing?” Kath asked, trying to wriggle out of his grip. Truthfully, Sam didn’t know what he was doing. All he knew was that he was angry and she was there. And from the way her hips pressed back against him, he could tell she wanted something as much as he did. Sam loosened his grip as Kath twisted her neck to look up at him. Kath’s eyes were wide with confusion, Sam’s looked at her with desire. Their lips were dangerously close to one another. Something in the air snapped and it was unclear who made the first move. But the next thing Kath knew, she was kissing Sam with force she didn’t know she was capable of. 
Sam’s hands were all over Kath’s body, turning her so that she was facing him completely. He brought a hand up to cup her chin, tilting it upward so he could get more access to her mouth. All of Kath’s better judgment had flown out the window. She let Sam devour her, tongues clashing and hands flying. The kiss took all the air out of her lungs. Sam leaned back to let them both take a breath before leaning down to kiss her once again. Clarity washed over Kath as she inhaled and suddenly she was very aware of what was going on. She pushed both hands against his chest, putting some much-needed space between their bodies. 
Sam and Kath stood on opposite ends of the motel room. The light above them flickered in time with their laboured breaths. What the hell was that? Kath was unsure, but deep down she liked it. Something inside her burned and ached for more. She stood a little taller, shoulders back a little straighter. Her mind was clear this time and she took one long stride towards Sam. In one fluid moment, she pulled his head down to hers and their lips met again. This time, it was Kath who enveloped Sam in an embrace. The sudden movements made Sam stumble backward until his back hit the wall behind him. He braced his weight against it, letting it hold him up so he could focus his strength on kissing Kath. Neither one of them knew where all this passion was coming from, but they weren’t exactly eager to stop it. Sam groaned into Kath’s mouth as her fingers tangled in his soft hair, tugging ever so slightly. Kath smirked inwardly at that, making a mental note to do that again later. 
Sam’s hands were erratic, travelling from the nape of Kath’s neck down to her waist. He wanted to explore every inch of her. The tips of his fingers made their way underneath her tank top. She gasped at the contact and pressed her body closer to his. She could feel his heart racing underneath his shirt. She wanted, no she needed to feel him. She had never done anything like this before. Sure there was the odd townsboy she’d meet on a hunt, but she had never done anything more than kiss them. She had no idea what she was doing, but at the same time, it felt natural. Kath broke the kiss hastily and started to tug on the hem of Sam’s shirt, signalling that she wanted it gone. Sam slowly placed his hands on top of hers, stopping her. She looked at him confused. Wasn’t this the natural next step? 
“Do you want this?” Sam’s voice was low against her neck. Kath nodded. “I need to hear you say it, Kath.” In all that she knew about sex, she wasn’t aware there was supposed to be talking. Could Sam not feel how badly she wanted this? 
“Please,” Kath said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Sam pulled back in surprise. “Please?” He echoed, almost mocking her. A dark smirk fell across his face and he tilted his head sideways. “I can work with that.” 
Sam’s hands grip Kath’s hips tightly and he walks her backwards towards the motel bed. She almost trips over it, landing flat on her ass with Sam towering over her. She is reminded of the last time they were alone in a motel room together like this. She’d wanted him then too. Now she could have him. 
Sam gestured for Kath to move up the bed and she complied. He was impressively large above her. He began to crawl towards her, leaving a trail of kisses up her body as he went. When he reached her mouth he paused and took her in. Kath looked different below him. Fragile, but not breakable. He took her mouth once again, this time bringing his knee between her legs as he did. Kath moaned into the kiss as Sam’s body contacted the place where she was most sensitive. Her body had a mind of its own. She ground her hips against Sam’s thigh. Sam felt his chest seize as she did. He kissed her deeply, then began making his way back down her neck, sucking on the sensitive points. He knew he would leave marks in the morning but right now he did not care. 
Kath was making the most beautiful breathy noises Sam had ever heard. He’d give anything to get her to continue making them. Shirts went flying and Sam’s mouth travelled back down the way he came and eventually, he slid off the bed onto his knees. Kath propped herself onto her elbows to get a better angle of him. Her breath caught in her throat when Sam took hold of her hips and dragged her toward the end of the bed. She let out a small yelp. Sam chuckled. 
“What are you doing?” Kath asked for the second time that night. It occurred to her then that they had no idea when Dean might come back. Sam’s hands ran the length of her legs and the thought left her mind. All of her thoughts, actually. Sam slowly began to unbutton Kath’s jeans. Her heartbeat doubled. As if he could sense it, and maybe he could, Sam stopped. 
“Is this okay?” He looked up at her with his puppy dog eyes. She smiled down at him. 
“Yeah,” she breathed. Sam continued to unbutton her pants, taking an excruciatingly long time. Kath fought the urge to whine at him to hurry up. Once Sam had undone the final button, he tugged at the hem of her jeans. 
“Lift.” It wasn’t a question. Kath lifted her hips and to her surprise Sam pulled her pants and underwear off all at once, leaving her completely exposed to him. The sight of Kath’s naked body made Sam’s mouth water. He stayed motionless by the edge of the bed for some time, just taking her in. She was beautiful. Kath felt herself grow a little embarrassed just laying like a pig on a platter. She sat up and scooted towards Sam, pulling him closer to her. He nestled between her legs while her arms linked around his neck. She took the opportunity to study his face. Loose brown curls fell around his face, and she was playing with the ones at the nape of his neck. Kath took to examining his face with her hands, tracing his eyebrows down to his nose and over the one freckle on Sam’s cheek. 
“What are you doing,” Sam asked in a mocking tone. He gave her a smile that let her know he was kidding around. 
“Just looking,” Kath shrugged. 
Sam ran his hands up Kath’s sides and over her shoulders. “You nervous?” 
“A little,” Kath said, breaking eye contact. “It’s just been a while.”
“Have you never…?” 
“Not never, just not…everything.” 
Sam’s demeanor changed completely. His hands dropped from Kath’s shoulders and he pulled away from her. 
“Oh my God, we can’t, I can’t be your first time.” Sam stuttered over his words. 
“Sam, I don’t care about that,” Kath said. 
Sam started pacing again. “I mean, how have you never? Not once?” 
“When would I have had the time to check this off my bucket list?” Kath asked. “I’ve been hunting  for half of my life, sex isn’t really on the table.” 
Sam stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Kath, who was still naked on the bed. 
“Then how the hell did you learn to kiss like that?” He asked with both hands on his hips. The question caught Kath completely off guard. She started to giggle, which then turned into full belly laughs. Sam let his guard down and laughed with her. When they had both settled down, Kath rose to her feet.
“We don’t have time to care about romances Sammy. The most I’ve ever hoped about my first time is that it’s with someone I trust.” 
“You mean that?” Sam asked after heaving a sigh. 
“Do you think I’d be standing buck-ass naked in front of you if I didn’t?” 
That was an answer enough for Sam. Without another word, he bent down to pick Kath up by her thighs. She yelped as her feet left the ground and she was tossed haphazardly back onto the bed. Another laugh escaped her when she bounced. 
Sam was quick to bring the moment back. He kissed her fiercely, framing her head with one hand and running the other along her bare thigh. With each stroke, he made sure to inch closer and closer to where he wanted to touch Kath the most. He could feel her growing impatient below him and relished in the power. Kath stopped kissing him and finally let out the whine she had been holding in.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked innocently. Kath only frowned in response. Sam gave her thigh a tight squeeze which caused Kath’s breath to hitch. “Tell me what you want from me.”
“Touch me, Sam.” 
Sam needed no further instructions. He gingerly moved the hand on Kath’s thigh to the depths between her legs. He didn’t have to look to know how wet she’d become for him, but God did he want to. Sam quickly positioned the two of them so he was sitting against the headboard and Kath’s back was against his chest. She was almost sweating from the anticipation. She let out the sweetest sounds when Sam’s fingers finally found her. He started off with a gentle circular motion over Kath’s clit. The sensation was sending waves of pleasure throughout her entire body. Kath sighed and let her head fall back against Sam’s shoulder. Sam brushed the hair out of her face with his free hand. He continued to work Kath into a tizzy and eventually slipped a finger inside. Kath had experienced this before with other men, but those moments did not come close to this. She felt like she was a fire and Sam was the fan that kept her burning. 
Sam coaxed another finger into Kath’s entrance. She moaned excessively as he curled his fingers inside her, brushing them against that sweet spot. 
“You feel that angel?” Sam said into Kath’s ear. 
“Mhm!” That was all Kath could get out. 
“No one’s ever made you feel this good have they?” Sam grinned as Kath shook her head furiously. “And to think that I’m the one who gets to take you, you must be really desperate.” 
Kath’s moans were getting higher and more frequent. Sam felt her core pulsing against his fingers. The tightness in his pants grew. Even in her state of bliss, Kath still had the ability to push her body against Sam’s for the sole purpose of getting him harder. The groan Sam let out was reward enough. In retaliation, Sam continued pumping his fingers in and out and watched Kath get closer to her edge. Just as she was about to fall over it, Sam removed his fingers from her. The loss of sensation left her feeling empty - and entirely unsatisfied. 
“What the hell?” Kath whipped her head back to look at Sam.
“You really thought I wasn’t going to take my time with you?” Sam gloated. He brought the fingers that were just inside Kath up to her mouth, tapping on her lips gently. 
“Open,” Sam commanded. Kath did as she was told and Sam filled her mouth. She took his fingers perfectly. “Atta girl, you see how good you taste? I want a piece of that.” 
Kath’s eyes widened at the thought of Sam being…down there. That was further than she’d ever gone before. 
Sam manhandled Kath into his lap and she straddled him easily. She bent down to kiss him and Sam could taste her on his lips. The desire to have her almost made him dizzy. He pulled away and cupped her face with both hands, looking at her with pleading eyes. 
“Kath please,” he begged. “Please let me taste you.” 
Kath blushed. “Well if you want to that badly,” she said. 
“You have no idea.”
Before she knew it, they were right back where they had started, with Kath lying on the edge of the bed and Sam kneeling before her. The temptation to eat her out for hours was strong, but the urge to make Kath squirm was stronger. Sam began to place small kisses along Kath’s inner thighs while his fingers lazily danced through her folds. She was a whimpering mess. Kath’s hand found Sam’s hair and she started pulling desperately on it so that he would do something. 
“You have no patience, you know that?” 
“Sam, please!” 
“Please what?”
“Touch me!”
“I thought I already am,” Sam smirked. 
“I could touch you here.” He pressed the pad of his thumb against her clit. 
“Or maybe I could touch you here.” His finger traced the outline of her entrance. Kath was moaning loud enough to wake the entire motel. 
“Or maybe…I could do this.” 
Kath’s vision went white. Sam pushed two fingers back into her while pressing his mouth to her clit simultaneously. She cried out and her hands flew down to his hair. She was tugging on it as though she needed to for dear life. Sam groaned against her and the vibrations sent a shiver up her spine. Sam matched the pace of his fingers to that of his tongue and brought Kath closer and closer to her edge in waves. 
“Oh my God!” Kath exclaimed. “I think-” 
Her words were cut off by her moans. The final wave finally crashed over Kath and coursed throughout her entire body. Pleasure from her core extended all the way to her fingertips. She was writhing like crazy and Sam had to use his free arm to pin her down. Only once Kath started to come down did Sam take his mouth away from her. 
Kath was panting heavily. Sam used his discarded shirt to wipe Kath off his mouth, although he knew he’d be savouring the taste forever. He gave her a moment to come back to reality and discarded his pants onto the floor. He joined her back on the bed in just his boxers. Sam lay propped on his elbow beside Kath, absently drawing circles across her arm. Kath eventually came to and noticed the state Sam was in. 
“Where did your pants go?” She asked in a very serious tone. 
Sam laughed at her confusion. “We don’t have to keep going,” he said genuinely. 
“Please don’t stop.” 
Sam’s eyes darkened and he leaned down to capture Kath in a kiss. They became a tangle of limbs and tongues and teeth. Sam pressed his hips against Kath’s and she could feel his hardness against her core. The desire that filled Kath’s head was almost unbearable. She began to push her hips upwards against Sam’s. He shuddered above her and buried his head into the crook of her neck. He trailed kisses down it and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder. Not enough to hurt, but enough to make Kath’s head swim. 
“I need you,” Sam breathed into her neck. 
“Then take me, idiot,” Kath said back. 
Sam pushed off of her to remove his boxers, his cock springing upwards as he did. Sam got off the bed quietly to dig through his duffle bag. He pulled out a condom and slipped it on effortlessly. Kath shamelessly checked his ass out while he had his back to her. 
He was above average for sure. Kath couldn’t help it when her jaw dropped and she stared at him. Sam chuckled at her and gripped her chin. He moved her head from side to side as if he was deciding on something. 
“Hmmm, no,” he murmured. “We’ll put that pretty mouth of yours to use another time. Tonight I’m going to take you until you’re screaming.”
Kath had no idea how to respond to that so she didn’t. She simply laid back down on the mattress and watched Sam tower over her once more. He kissed her once, then tapped her thigh. 
Kath gulped, then slowly began to spread her legs apart. Sam sunk in between them. The tip of him was pressed against her entrance and Kath’s heart began to race again. Sam held himself up with one hand and used the other to line himself up with Kath. He kissed her again, this time tenderly. 
“Are you ready?” Kath nodded. “You tell me to stop and I will.” 
Kath nodded again and closed her eyes. She opened them again to the feeling of Sam’s thumb tilting her head up. 
“Nuh-uh,” he said. “I want you to watch.” And with that, he pushed himself into Kath. Her jaw went slack and a gasp slipped past her lips. Sam let out the most beautiful moan Kath had ever heard. The feeling of Sam stretching her out took some getting used to, but Sam gave Kath ample time to adjust. He waited for her signal to start moving. Kath took a few deep breaths and then nodded. 
Sam started off with slow, gentle thrusts. This was Kath’s first time, of course, he wanted her to remember it. But with each movement, Sam’s ability to control himself slipped away. He kissed her feverishly and trailed his free hand down her arm to grip her wrist. He pulled her hand above her head, pinning it there with his own. The gesture made Kath euphoric. She could tell he was beginning to lose his grip. Now it was he who was holding onto her for dear life. 
Kath was nothing if not a nuisance. She knew that if she reached her free hand up into Sam’s hair he’d snap. She knew that if she tugged on the loose curls that hung by the nape of his neck she might need help walking tomorrow. So naturally, she did it anyway. Sam groaned desperately into her shoulder and the grip on her hand tightened. 
“Kath,” Sam warned.  
“Just let go,” Kath assured him. 
“I can’t.,” he said through gritted teeth.
“It’s okay,” she promised. “I won’t break.” 
Sam tried to hold on for her sake, but eventually his mind cleared. His thrusts became harder and faster as he took her with a force she didn’t know he was capable of. Still, she trusted that he couldn’t hurt her. They moved in sync together, like a choreographed dance. Kath felt the fire begin to grow inside of her. Sam was hitting the right spot over and over and over. When she couldn’t hold on any longer Sam leaned down and placed a kiss below her ear. 
“Come for me, angel.” 
Kath’s body shook underneath Sam as she fell over the edge once more. Pleasure crashed through her and she was close to tears. Sam’s pace didn’t slow, but the strength of his thrusts did. The hand that was once holding her own gently cupped Kath’s cheek. She opened her eyes and found Sam looking into them. His hair fell around his face, framing it perfectly. His skin was flush and he held an expression that Kath couldn’t place. Time around them slowed with what Sam said next. 
“You are so beautiful.” Sam came inside her soon after.
Kath’s heart seized. The euphoric feeling that flooded her brain moments ago was gone. She was not expecting that from Sam. She was used to his snarky remarks, even the names he called her were usually laced with sarcasm. What he said was genuine. It was vulnerable. It was not what she had signed up for. 
Sam pulled out and flopped onto his back next to her. They were both panting, sweaty messes. 
Sam let out a breathy chuckle. “That was something.” 
Kath stayed silent. Sam took it as post-sex brain fog. He got up and headed to the bathroom to clean up, leaving Kath alone with her thoughts. When Sam returned, she quickly stumbled into the bathroom without so much as a look in his direction. 
Kath looked at herself in the mirror. Her bare chest was decorated with purple marks. Her skin was flustered and beats of sweat trickled down her neck. 
What the hell did they just do? 
Kath splashed water from the sink on her face and finished cleaning up. When she left the bathroom the first thing she did was find her discarded clothes. She folded them carefully and put them on one of the motel chairs. Kath pulled her pajamas from her own duffel and pulled them on. Despite the pit in her stomach, she still made a show of bending over to pull the flannel pajama pants on. She could feel Sam’s smirk burning into her back. 
Sam was sitting against the headboard of the bed he and Kath had just christened. That was some of the best sex he’d had in, well in a very long time. He studied Kath carefully as she pulled her pajama bottoms on, making sure to check out the ass she put on display. He flipped the blanket over so she could get into bed next to him. To Sam’s surprise though, Kath made a bee-line for the other bed. 
“What are you doing?” Sam asked. It seemed to be the question of the night. 
“Going to bed,” Kath responded curtly. 
“Come here then.” Sam patted the spot next to him. 
Kath looked at Sam’s hand, then at him, then at his hand again. She shook her head. 
“No, I’m not sleeping with you,” she said. 
“You just did,” Sam responded with a smile. 
Kath’s expression did not change. “No. We’re not, I’m not…This isn’t going to be a thing. It was just a moment.” 
Sam’s demeanor stiffened. “Oh. Okay.” 
Kath got into her bed and turned away from Sam. At some point during this night Kath had stopped being Kath and started being Sam’s. She hated the feeling that was growing inside her chest. It was just a moment. It had to be just a moment. 
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miss-madness67 · 11 months
Intimate Caress (Dean)
A lazy day with your lover.
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One of your favorite activities to do between huntings is spending the day with your boyfriend, cuddling in his bed while you watch a movie. The bunker doesn’t really have any modern electronics, like a TV, so you usually watch the movies on your laptop, which is an incredibly good excuse to be near Dean.
Tonight, you decided on an action plot, though you aren't really paying attention because Dean's ministrations on your waist as he hugs you are too distracting to really focus on anything else. Normally, you would be all over him by now, since it's impossible to resist his touch. Today, however, you really really want to have just a normal lazy day without other innuendos in mind. You just want to be held by him and do nothing. So, that's why you do your best to try to ignore the hand that travels from your waist up to your chest slowly. His caresses are almost innocent and, if you didn't know any better, you would assume he isn't trying to go for anything more. But you know Dean Winchester, and you have learned to recognize his different touches. This one is not an innocent one.
“Dean…” There’s a clear complaint in your tone, but you can also notice some hidden desire.
The bastard must realize it too because the grazes only become more heated against your skin. He chuckles in your ear when an involuntary shiver runs down your spine. “Stop it.” Your plea is so weak, that you’re not surprised when he only increases his fervor.
“Shhh, you took care of me yesterday” he huskily whispers in your ear, “let me take care of you now.” Your resolution melts away. Next time he touches you, there’s not an ounce of resistance.
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marjorie189 · 9 months
🌸 V Party games (truth or dare etc) - with Sam Winchester🥰🥰
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Thank you for the request anon!
I've been wanting to write for someone new in a really long time! So, here it goes hope you enjoy!
Y/N’s POV:
There had been a couple of unexplainable back to back deaths in a small town in Louisiana. 
It sparked our attention when, all the papers could come up with was “a small town mystery.” After the same exact incident happened various times. 
“So we know that in all four times the deaths occurred at night, with these kids all around the same age, and their bodies have all been nearly torn apart like animal attacks…” I spoke aloud the facts and what we know so far to Sam. 
“Which is near impossible because it all happened while they were asleep. It’s not like a wild life animal could go into a house, specifically into their rooms without being noticed,” Sam responded. 
I then say, “And once any sort of noise would cause someone to think there was something in the house, it would be too late because they were already dead.” We reinform, to one another. 
“It doesn’t make sense.” Sam huffed, letting his head fall down into his hands. Rummaging his fingers through his hair. 
“Maybe a vengeful spirit?” I spit out. 
“But who is the question, if that is the case?” Sam asks, clearly at the edge of his seat. “All four victims have had it the same. Why would it start? Who would want to hurt them? It doesn’t make sense…” Sam trailed. 
“Well let’s take a break. Let’s see what Dean comes back with and then we’ll all play back again. Sound like a deal?” I say. Closing our journals/books and putting away the crime scene photos that clearly showcased the puncture wounds on the neck and deep clear stroken tears all over the victims chests.  
“Yeah, okay, let’s clear our heads.” Sam said, closing his laptop. 
Sam leaned back against his chair and I could feel myself under his gaze. 
“How about we play a game?” Sam smiled. 
“Ok, like what?” I let out a giggle.
“Truth or dare.” He declared. 
“What, like we’re a group of kids sitting around a campfire?” I smile, letting out a laugh. 
I look at his brown orbs and our laughter sync together. 
“But go on, I’m waiting,” I swiftly move my hand, indicating for him to start. 
“Truth or Dare.” He asks the infamous questions. 
“Hm. Truth,” I announce, waiting patiently for his response. 
“If you would have to choose one hunter to be partners with for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Me or Dean?” Sam questioned, always curious. 
“What?! What kind of question is that? Both of you bring unique qualities to this hunting life and I wouldn’t be able to pick between one or the other. Like who would be out there speaking to families, while we’re here doing research, if I only had to choose one of you guys? Well, it would probably be one of us if it was a two-man job, but that would mean more work for a duo. So my answer would be both of you guys, because we have a system that works for us,” I manage to explain. 
“Ok, I’ll accept that offer. Makes sense. Now your turn,” Sam smiles. 
“How do you feel now that I’ve joined you Winchesters? Do you like it? Pros? Cons? Do you hate it? Because I can leave if one of you doesn't like it,” I ask curiously. 
“Well, you didn’t even ask ‘truth or dare’” Sam teased. 
I instantly feel my cheeks warming up and a shy smile forming. 
Sam let out a laugh, as I softly kicked him under the table. 
“I was going to pick truth anyway.” He chuckled. 
“I think you’re a great fit for us because sometimes Dean and I need someone apart from him and I to talk to and spend time with because we’ve spent our whole lives together. And let's just say we can get on each other's nerves sometimes. Your personality also goes really well with ours because you can easily slide into our conversations and understand our humor. Or when things are getting too deep or serious you know how to meddle your way to help us. You just know us so well. It’s not like with a stranger or with someone we don’t feel comfortable with, we’d tend to keep to ourselves or be someone we’re not. With you we can be us and we don’t have to hide. I don’t think we’d be able to do another hunt without you anymore. You’re great with book research, hands on research, and combat. You’re not just an extra set of hands, you’re family!” Sam sweetly ended his answer. 
“Aww, You’re going to make me cry.” I say, slightly tearing up. 
“Oh and that! You balance us out because you’re a woman. Well you already know we grew up in a household of men, so we never got female treatment throughout our lives. So that’s nice. Talks about crying and being sensitive. Dean is more open to that now that you’ve been here. Also the cooking is amazing! Or when we’re sick, you somehow know what to do. It’s nice to have that because we always grew up without any of it. So thank you. Also just to reiterate, women aren’t just that, you’ve brought much more than that but having a woman in our circle has been healing in a way I never thought we needed!” Sam expressed. 
“Well, I’m glad I could be of help,” I grin, knowing how appreciative they were. 
“Ok, truth or dare?” Sam asks. 
“I'll choose dare, to switch it up a little,” I smile. 
“Yes! Ok, perfect. When we go out to eat later with Dean, I dare you to add hot sauce under his pie!” Sam smirks.
My mouth opened wide once I heard the dare. 
“Do you want him to kill me?!” I yell from across the motel’s small table. 
Sam laughs loudly. 
“Oh I hate you!” I say rolling my eyes. “We’re not playing this game anymore!” I grunted. 
“Ok fine, I’m ok with that. As long as you do the dare I’m happy!” Sam jokes. 
“We can play another game. Kiss, Marry, Kill!” I say. 
“Ok, Leonardo DiCaprio, Henry Cavill, or Pedro Pascal,” Sam inquired. 
“I’ll kiss 90’s Leo, kill Pedro, and marry Henry!” I easily answered. “Your turn, Shakira, Anne Hathaway, and Emma Watson,” 
“Oh, that’s hard! That’s a tough one.” Sam remarks, deep in thought when the phone rang. 
I answered Dean’s phone call, while Sam decided on an answer. 
I put him on speaker. 
“Hey Dean, how did it go?” 
“Ok I was talking to one of the families and they mentioned the name Dana Wilson. Apparently it was one of their friends that died in a woods accident. I talked to one of the friends that are still alive and it turns out they left Dana in the woods as a joke and she got attacked by wolves or bears. They kids weren’t sure, so they left the body.” Dean exclaimed. 
“Vengeful spirit!” Both Sam and I said as we looked at each other. 
I really enjoyed writing for Supernatural! I'd love to write more for this fandom!
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I'd love for you to request! Thank you <3
taglist: @annab-nana @hoodpankow  @alaynahope714  @jeyramarie  @lemur46 @taylathornton @hoelesslyt
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fandom-strumpet · 8 days
That moment when you can’t find the fanfiction trope you’re craving so you just have to write it yourself 😩
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wilbur-rabbit · 2 years
We Are Soulmates: Chapter 5
Criminal Minds/Supernatural Crossover
Summary: The final installment of my "We Are Soulmates" series!
Paring: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Word Count: 6k+
Warnings: death, angst, fluff
Life Changes Masterlist
A/N: This will be the last chapter of this series. Thank you to everyone who read it. I appreciate it so much!
I might come back to this later and add to it but I'm not set on it yet.
I hope you enjoy! Please like and reblog!
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Dean, Sam, and Cas all stared down at your lifeless body, tears streaming down their faces. The BAU gathered behind them; Morgan and Rossi joined after chaining the man up to a pole in the barn, tears in their eyes as they all looked down at their boss and friend losing someone he loved again in the most brutal manner.
Dean turned to look up at Cas, “Bring her back,” he demanded. At his command, everyone’s eyes shot to him and the angel.
“Dean,” Cas whispered. “I–,”
Aaron cut him off, “Can you do that? Bring her back?” a tinge of hope in his voice.
Cas looked down at him, before turning to Dean. Dean raised to his feet getting in Cas’s face.
“Bring her back,” he growled. He had lost too much family in his lifetime. He couldn’t lose you; you were his sister. He was supposed to protect you, just as he was supposed to protect Sam and Cas.
“You know I can’t do that,” Cas whispered, squeezing Dean’s arm. The mournful look on Cas’s face highlighted the pain of his statement.
Dean brushed him off. “You’ve done it before.”
“Dean,” Sam said softly through his tears. “He’s right. His powers aren’t what they used to be, and we just depleted them with the spell to find her. He won’t be able to do it.”
Dean stared at Sam for a moment, knowing he was right but not wanting to believe it. He then turned and looked down at Aaron.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked. “He’s right.”
Aaron’s tears started flowing again as he looked away from Dean and down at your face. A sob racked his chest before he buried his face in your hair. Everyone stared at Aaron as he broke down. Morgan wasn’t having any of it though.
“You’re telling me that an angel can’t bring her back?” he said. “There must be something you can do. You guys made a cure for a monster,” he gestured back to the man chained to the pole, “and opened a portal to get us here but you can’t bring someone back from the dead? Seems like a load of shit to me.”
Dean opened his mouth to snap back at Morgan, but Sam interrupted him.
“Wait,” he said, putting a hand out to Dean to stop him, then turned to Cas.
“Do you remember when we went back to the 1800s to get phoenix ash and the Colt?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Prentiss muttered, as the BAU, including Aaron, looked at him in disbelief.
“Yes,” Cas answered, his brows furrowed not knowing where he was going with that statement.
Realization dawned on Dean first, “Oh shit,” he said looking at Sam with wide eyes. “That might work.”
Cas caught up right afterward, “It definitely could.”
“Do you guys mind sharing with the class?” Rossi asked.
“I can siphon power from human souls,” Cas responded.
“Excuse me?” Reid said.
“You can do what?” JJ asked at the same time.
“I must touch the soul; it is extremely dangerous to do so but the human soul is pure energy. It could give me enough power to bring her back.”
“I’ll do it,” Aaron answered automatically.
“Now wait a minute,” Rossi said. “Shouldn’t you think about this?”
“There’s nothing to think about.”
“You should think about it,” Cas said. “Touching your soul will be like putting my hand in a nuclear reactor. I must do it very gingerly,” a pause, “Or you will explode.”
“No,” JJ said, “There is no way you can go through with that.”
Aaron looked around at his team, then looked down at your lifeless face. “I have to try.”
 When you opened your eyes, your heart sank to your stomach. Tears were already forming as you rose from the couch you were laying on. The familiarization was still there, as if you picked everything out yourself, from the paint color on the walls to the furniture, but this time it doesn’t give you a jarring feeling because you had been here before. You slowly spin around the room taking in more of the details than you hadn’t been able to the first time. Now tears were sliding down your cheeks making the task difficult, and sobs started racking through your chest. You gave up on taking in the room to bury your face in your hands as you fell to your knees on the carpet.
You were in heaven. The same heaven from all those years ago. The heaven that you would one day share with Aaron, but because of your fear you wouldn’t be able to get a life with him on Earth. You wouldn’t see Sam and Dean again. Maybe not even Cas. Your shoulders shook harder as you continue to sob. The guilt and regret weighed on you, making it hard to breathe.
You don’t know how long you knelt there, trying to get in enough air but eventually, your breathing started to calm down and you were able to lift your head from your hands. You roughly wiped the tears off your face. Even though it felt like your whole world was pulled out from under you, it truly wasn’t all bad. You would share this heaven with Aaron whenever he died. You didn’t know when, but it would happen.
As you were taking in deep breaths to keep yourself calm, you noticed a picture hanging on the wall. Upon seeing it, you scrambled to stand up and get to the picture. The frame had been repaired since last time, no longer broken on the floor. Someone had placed it back on the wall.
Your hands shook as you took it from the nail holding it up. It is the same picture from before, you and Aaron together, his arms wrapped around you from behind and bright smiles on both of your faces. A tear landed on the frame and a mixture of a sob, and a laugh slipped past your smiling lips. You traced along Aaron’s face with a finger. As much as it hurt, you found comfort in the fact that one day you would see him again and you would get to share this place for eternity.
The thought comforted you and you brought the frame up to cradle it to your chest as you looked around the room. You saw the same pictures from last time but now you recognize the people in them. A disbelieving laugh escaped you when you saw a picture of you dressed in business casual, your arms around Aaron and Agent Prentiss. The rest of the Behavioral Analysis Unit was there too, arms around each other and smiles on their faces. There were more pictures of you and the agents of the BAU. There was one of you and a blonde woman with glasses, both of you laughing. Your smile continued to brighten as you made your way down the wall. There were pictures of you, Sam, Dean, and Cas. Some were in the bunker but others were in a house that looks strikingly similar to the one you were in now. Aaron was in most of the pictures with them too.
As you got to the end of the wall, the original picture of you and Aaron was still clutched to your chest, when the last photo on the wall brought you up short. It’s of you and Aaron sitting on a couch. Aaron had one arm wrapped around your shoulders the other around a boy that looked to be thirteen. You didn’t recognize the boy, but he looked similar enough to Aaron that you wonder if he was his son. The boy was smiling brightly at the camera. Aaron, on the other hand, was looking down at you with a soft smile, and love was shining from his face, taking your breath away. You were looking down at the bundle in your arms. You saw a hand coming from the swaddled white blanket, reaching for you and the look of love on your face mirrored the one that Aaron was giving you and the child in your arms.
A baby. You would have had a baby. Tears started to flow down your face again. You had never thought of having children before, never thinking it was in the cards for you but now, you have never wanted anything more than to experience that picture firsthand. The loss you felt at that moment was almost too much, and you slid down the wall. You don’t sob this time, but the tears didn’t stop as you looked around the home you were supposed to have through blurred eyes. The sight became too much, and you leaned your head back against the wall, clenching your eyes shut.
As you sat there in your grief, your body started to tingle from your heart and made its way down your limbs. You blinked your eyes open in confusion and they widened at the light that was coming from your chest. You didn’t have time to panic as the light enveloped you and everything went black.
When you started to come to, your body felt light. The pain from before was gone and you felt at ease. You were surrounded by a warmth that soothed you, arms holding you against a warm chest. You still felt sticky and wet, the feeling taking away from the comfort of the embrace you were in. Labored breathing came from next to you, the only sound in the room. You pulled in a deep breath and something warm and woodsy filled your senses. You turned towards the scent, a tang of metallic mixed in but elected to ignore it.
Upon your movement, you heard several gasps, one coming from right above you. You started to blink your eyes open, wanting to stay in this warm cocoon but needing to see what was going on around you. The first thing you see was red, deep red staining a button-down shirt. Your eyes shot up and Aaron is above you, holding you to him. His eyes were wet and soft, the loving look he gave you something you feel like you’ve seen before but can’t place. His lips were pulled up in a small smile you couldn’t help but replicate.
The realization that what you just saw all over Aaron’s chest was blood caught up with you and you shot up in his arms your face almost level with his as your hands gingerly moved over his chest looking for a wound.
“Hey, what is wrong?” Aaron asked you gently, as he grabbed your hands to stop your frantic movement, his thumbs sliding across your wrists of their own accord. Any other time the action would have comforted you.
“You are covered in blood,” you said, your voice high in panic.
“Y/N,” a voice said behind you.
You turned to see Dean kneeling next to you with Cas, who looks exhausted. Sam was standing behind them with the rest of the BAU.
“The blood is yours,” Dean gulped, “You died.”
You looked at him in confusion for a moment before the memories of the valravn’s torture flashed through your head. The last thing you remember before coming to was Aaron calling your name. You shook off the bad memories before turning back to Aaron. He released your hands and wrapped his arms back around you slowly as if making sure that was something you wanted. You welcomed it, leaning into him, and brought a hand up to his cheek. You now saw past his loving looks and noticed how exhausted he was.  
Still leaning into Aaron, you turned slightly so you can look at Sam, Dean, and, Cas.
“What did you do to bring me back?” you murmured, the three of them seeing the fear in your eyes. “Please tell me you didn’t make a deal.”
Dean was already shaking his head, “No deals here,” he reassured you.
“Aaron and Cas brought you back,” Sam told you.
You looked at Cas, studying him before turning back to Aaron. You search his face for answers, and it only took you a moment to put the pieces together. Cas couldn’t bring people back to life anymore, not without some help.
Your eyes widen almost cartoonishly, “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?” you demanded. “You could have died.”
Aaron doesn’t say anything at first. He studied your face, eyes gliding over your features. He brought one of his hands up to cradle your cheek, then leaned forward pressing his forehead to yours. You closed your eyes; your fight went for the moment with him so close. You felt his warm breath against your lips, a hint of mint hitting your senses.
“If I didn’t,” he whispered, only for your ears. “You wouldn’t be here right now,” his words are forced out as if the very thought pained him.
You heard him gulp. One of your hands moved up to his chest the other still cradling his cheek. You gripped the material of his shirt right over his heart.
“I couldn’t live with that,” he continued. Tears were starting to burn the back of your eyes when you felt something wet fall on your cheek, and you knew he was crying too. You pulled back to look at him and the tears you see cause your own to fall and your heart to squeeze. Your eyes traveled down to his lips on their own accord before shooting back to his. His eyes were molten, and they warmed you from the inside out, a fuzzy feeling blooming in your chest. The hand that was cradling your cheek pulled you towards him slowly, giving you time to say no.
Yes, you nodded slightly to him. Your answer would always be yes.
He leaned forward, lightly running his nose against yours causing your body to tingle before he closed the space between you and finally sealed your lips with his. The first touch of his lips sent a jolt through your heart, and you know you will never be the same.
No other man will ever be good enough.
You brought both of your arms up around his neck pulling him impossibly closer. His arm that was holding you against him with a hand on your back, wrapped completely around you and he pulled you to him until your chests were flush to one another.
Even with your need to be closer to one another, there was nothing frantic about his kiss. He moved his lips slowly against yours, memorizing the feel of them against his, never wanting to let you go. He put all of the love he felt in his heart into the kiss and you match him, hoping he understood the apology in the way your lips kiss his bottom one. He took a shaky breath at the action and slowly pulled away. He didn’t want to get carried away.
You, however, chased his lips, giving him a soft peck before allowing him to pull away. You stared at each other with adoring smiles on your faces like the lovesick couple that you were.
“Are you guys done making dopey eyes at each other?” Morgan interrupted you. You both look over at him. He had a bright smile plastered on his face as he looked at the two of you, the look was such a huge contrast to your last interaction with Agent Morgan. You looked to the rest of the group of people, your family, and Aaron’s. They all have smiles on their faces as they looked at you and a memory pulled at the back of your head of the people in the room you only know from an interrogation room. You chased the memory, a flash of you smiling at a camera with the member of the BAU, your arms wrapped around each other, but it is gone before you can fully grasp it.
“You guys are still covered in blood,” Rossi pointed out.
“Yeah, you probably want to get cleaned up,” Prentis chimed in.
“And my sweetness is waiting outside with an SUV so we can take him in,” Morgan gestured to the guy still chained to the pole, causing the guy to glare at him.
You turned back to Aaron, and he saw the question clear in your eyes. “His sweetness?” you asked.
Aaron chuckled. “You’ll see.” He kissed your forehead before helping you to your feet. Once the two of you were standing, he wrapped his arm around your waist tucking you against his side and the two of you headed out of the barn with your families.
Several years later, you were sitting on a sofa, in a house, you and Aaron had fallen in love with as soon as you had seen it, a small baby cradled in your arms. A baby girl. She gripped onto your index finger and giggled up at you as you talked to her. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have made it here, as she stared up at you with amber eyes so much like her father’s.
You heard the front door open, and feet scrambled in running towards the living room you were sitting in. Jack rounded the corner, his backpack from school still on his shoulders. He quickly took it off before carefully coming to sit next to you on the couch.
“How is she?” He asked, looking down at her. You watched his face light up when he saw she was awake, her eyes now on him.
“Hi, Amelia,” he said softly, reaching out to stroke her hand. “How was your day?” she garbled back at him.
As Jack talked to his little sister, you looked up to see Aaron leaning against the door frame, a soft smile on his face. You smiled back at him when your eyes met his and he walked over to take the seat next to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, and you leaned into him.
“Can I hold her, Mama?” Jack asked, looking up at you with wide, excited eyes. The first time Jack had called you that, it had melted your heart, and honestly still did. You had told him that you never would replace his mom, but you would always be there for him and would be honored if he wanted you to be his mama. He had told you that he could have more than one mom, but that he would always love his first mom.
“Of course, sweetie,” you told him, and Jack automatically put his arms in the formation you and Aaron had shown him the first time he held his little sister.
Once Jack was holding Amelia, you leaned back into Aaron, and he kissed the top of your head.
“How was your day?” He asked as you leaned your head against his shoulder.
“It was good,” you replied, both of you watching Jack talk to his baby sister about his day. “She took an hour nap today, so I was able to get some things done around the house.” You turned to look up at him, “how was yours?”
He didn’t respond right away, instead of staring into your eyes for a moment before his gaze shifted to your lips. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against them, lingering for a moment before pulling away, effectively making you dazed.
“I was able to catch up on some paperwork, which was nice,” he started rubbing your shoulder with his thumb and you placed your hand on his thigh. “I was ready to get home though.” Aaron had only been back to work for a week since his paternity leave ended. Luckily, he hadn’t been called on a case yet.
You and Aaron sat in comfortable silence as Jack talked to his sister. After everything that had happened that brought you and Aaron together, you had used the money you had been saving up for years from the pool and poker games to move into an apartment down the street from Aaron. With how quickly everything had gone, the two of you didn’t want to rush your relationship any more than it already had been.
You had gotten a job as a waitress to cover your rent and Penelope, who had looked vaguely familiar when you first met her, had cleared your name, and Sam and Dean’s, in the national database. Once she did that, you had enrolled in the FBI academy shortly after. You had your GED but had to take some strenuous tests for them to accept you. You now worked in the same building as Aaron and the rest of the BAU, but your job was in Linguistics. Because of your background with the Winchesters, you had extensive knowledge of other languages and cultures, even though some of them weren’t useful for your job. You mostly consulted on different cases throughout the Bureau, sometimes from the office and sometimes you went out in the field.
You had worked with the BAU several times and you still weren’t used to how stoic Aaron, or Hotch, which you called him while in the field, as compared to when he was away from work.
It was around this time, a couple of years after you and Aaron had initially met that you decided to look for a home together. You were practically living at his apartment anyway, only going home when he was on cases, and sometimes not even then, especially with how quickly Jack had taken to you.
You had told Aaron in more detail about the heaven the two of you would eventually share but hadn’t gone over exactly what your home there looked like. As soon as you had walked into your current home for a showing you had squeezed Aaron’s hand and told him that was the one. He had fallen in love with it too after seeing the entire thing and the two of you had put an offer in that day.
It was later that day during a celebratory dinner, Aaron, Jack, and you had made together, that Aaron dropped down on one knee and proposed. The two of you hadn’t talked that much about marriage so you had been surprised when he asked. However, that didn’t change the on slot of tears and resounding yes to his question.  You had thrown your arms around Aaron as Jack had cheered.
The sounds of Amelia crying brought you out of your thoughts. You sat up and opened your eyes from your resting spot against Aaron’s shoulder. Jack was looking up at you.
“Mama, I think she is hungry,” he told you and you smiled lovingly at him.
“It is about time for her to eat,” you said. “Why don’t I take her, and you can go get started on your homework.” Jack supported her head until she was nestled in your arms. “Your uncles Sam, Dean, and Cas are going to be here this weekend, so you want to make sure you have all of it done.”
“Yes!” Jack cheered and ran off to complete his homework.
Once Jack was out of the room, you settled back in Aaron’s arms and started nursing your baby. As you nursed, Aaron places his finger under your chin and tilted your face so he could kiss you. You sighed against his lips and chased them when he pulled away. He chuckled and pecked your lips again.
“What was that for?” You asked, staring lovingly up at your husband.
“Because I love you,” he replied, which brought a grin to your face like it did every time he said it. “And how good of a mother you are to Amelia and Jack.” The loving look he gave you made you feel warm and fuzzy, and you couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him again.
“I love you too,” you murmured against his lips.
After the two of you pulled away you both looked down at your daughter nursing, adoring smiles on both of your faces. Aaron stroked the dark hair covering her head while keeping you close to his side with his other arm. Jack had always looked more like Haley, but you saw some of Aaron in him too. Amelia, however, was the spitting image of Aaron, with her brown almost black hair, dark amber eyes, and adorable dimples.
“Your family’s going to be here this weekend?” He asked, still looking at your daughter.
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay,” you said, looking up at him. “Dean said they were pretty close by, and they should have the case they are working on wrapped up by Friday. I was going to talk to you about it first, but I knew Jack would be really excited.”
Aaron squeezed your shoulder, “I think it’s a great idea,” he said. “They are welcome whenever.” He leaned over and kissed the side of your head. “Dave was talking about having a get-together at his place this weekend, having your family there too will make it complete.”
“That sounds awesome,” you agreed. “I’ll let them know next time I talk to them.”
Aaron nodded and the three of you sat in comfortable silence as your daughter finished eating.
On Saturday night, you and Aaron walked hand and hand, his other arm holding your daughter cradled to his chest. Jack ran in front of you as you walked into Rossi’s backyard where the rest of the team was gathered. When they saw you, Aaron, and most importantly your daughter, they gathered around you, cooing at her.
“She is the most adorable thing to grace this planet,” Penelope was saying as Amelia gripped onto her finger and smiled, which appeared to melt her heart if the look on her face was any indication. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“We are glad you guys could make it,” Dave said, giving you a side hug. “With the craziness of a newborn, we weren’t sure if you would.”
“We would never miss a party at your place,” you reassured Dave, who had become somewhat of a father figure to you in the past several years. “Thank you for inviting Sam, Dean, and Cas. They should be here soon.”
Dave clapped Aaron on the shoulder, “They are always welcome; they are family too.”
The sentiment made your eyes glisten, and you gave Dave a nod in thanks as Emily came in for a hug. The next few minutes were spent catching up with the members of the BAU. Emily, JJ, and Penelope were already planning the next girls’ night. It had been a while since you had been able to go out with them, and you had missed it.
Morgan was holding your daughter at this point, Penelope talking to her over his shoulder. Aaron had wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side, while your arm was wrapped around his waist. The two of you were talking with Spence about a movie festival he had gone to the previous weekend and how intriguing he found it.
“Next time there is one let me know,” you told him. “I love movies, but I’ve never been to a movie festival before. I’ll go with you if you want company.” You and Dean had always loved watching movies together and you missed it. Spence’s eyes lit up at your statement and he started talking about one that was coming up in a few weeks. You had to listen carefully, he was talking quickly in his excitement, one of the things you liked about Spence.
Aaron stroked your shoulder with his thumb as you and Spencer discussed movies you both liked and had enjoyed in the past. As you were talking with Spence, you heard a commotion behind you and turned to see your family arriving outside. Dave was closest and went over to greet them, hugging the three men. You excused yourself from Spence and you and Aaron walked over to them. You had to stop yourself from laughing at the look on Cas’s face when Dave pulled him into a hug too.
When you reached them, Dean automatically pulled you into a hug.
“Long time, no see,” he said.
“No kidding,” you laughed. “We haven’t got to see you guys since Amelia’s birth.”
You noticed the glance that Sam and Dean shared before Sam went in to hug you and Dean greeted Aaron.
“It has been too long,” Sam said, as he squeezed you.
You pulled away from the hug, “I get it. You guys have responsibilities. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to miss you when you’re away.”
“I know,” Sam said. “We miss you too.”
You gave him another smile before, turning to Cas and pulling him into a hug.
“You’re keeping them in line, right?” you whispered in his ear.
He huffed a laugh in return and pulled away. “As much as I can.”
You chuckled, “Yeah, I get that.”
The rest of the BAU had come up to greet your family. You had been surprised, yet ecstatic with how well the two groups had come together. With your family’s background, you were worried that Aaron’s work-family wouldn’t accept them, but that hadn’t been the case. You were all a big family now and you couldn’t be happier.
When Jack noticed his uncles had arrived, he ran over to greet them.
“Uncle Dean!” he exclaimed as he threw his arms around Dean.
Dean scooped him up into his arms. “Hey, kiddo! How’s it going?”
Dean was Jack’s favorite of your family, a fact that Dean was more than happy to brag about whenever he got the chance. As Jack talked his ear off about everything that had happened since the last time they had seen each other, you watched in delight at the two. Dean had always been great with kids, even if he didn’t like to admit it and they made him happy. You hoped one day he would get to have a child of his own.
After Jack was done telling Dean all the things he had gotten to do since seeing him last, he was quick to hug Sam and Cas. He started talking their ears off right away. You couldn’t help but laugh.
When the rest of the BAU was incorporated into the group, Dean clocked his niece right away.
“There she is,” he said, heading over to Morgan and taking a hold of one of your daughter’s hands. She automatically wrapped her little fist around his finger, causing him to grin.
When Morgan offered her over, Dean was quick to take on holding duties.
“You look good with a kid, Dean,” you said.
He gave you an exasperated look, knowing where the conversation was going because the two of you had discussed it before.
“Maybe one day,” he said, gazing down at your daughter. “I’m fine with spoiling your kids for now.” He grinned up at you and Aaron.
“And spoil them you do,” Aaron said, with a small smile. Whenever they were in town, the three men always had some type of gift for Jack and now Amelia. You were surprised they didn’t walk in with one this time.
“We are slacking this time,” Dean chuckled.
“You don’t have to bring them gifts every time you come,” you responded, not for the first time.
“Oh, I know,” he said. “We have something else this time.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, while Dean turned and gestured to Sam and Cas to come closer. Sam was still holding Jack and brought him too.
“We have decided on something,” Dean started. “And I think you will be happy.”
You gave him a confused look, while Aaron gave you a squeeze. You shifted your eyes up to him and he just gave you a smile that always made his face soft and gestured back to Dean.
When you looked back at the three men they all had grins on their faces.
“We are moving here,” Dean said.
Your mouth dropped. “What?”
“We are going to take a back seat on hunting for now. Take on some of Bobby's role. And we decided we wanted to be closer to everyone.” Sam finished.
“You guys are moving here?” Jack exclaimed, with wide eyes.
When Cas gave him a nod, Jack yelled out a loud, “Yes!”
Everyone couldn’t help but laugh.
The next several minutes were spent with everyone hugging and talking about how exciting Sam, Dean, and Cas being closer was. The smile on your face didn’t go away.
The rest of the party was spent eating, drinking, not for you, and visiting. Seeing everyone was great and you were excited that your family would finally be close again. Your daughter was also passed around the entire night, everyone taking turns holding her, except for when you had to take her to breastfeed her. When you brought her back out, Aaron held her for a while, rocking her as she fell asleep. The sight of him with either of your children always warmed your chest.
You hadn’t felt this happy in a long time.
When Jack was practically asleep standing up, even though he tried to deny it. You and Aaron decided it was time to head home. After your goodbyes and promises of seeing everyone soon, you and Aaron headed out to your vehicle, him holding Jack and you carrying Amelia.
When the four of you got home from Dave’s party, everyone was ready for bed. Amelia was already asleep in her carrier that Aaron brought in and Jack had woken up enough to walk in by himself and headed upstairs to his room right away. You and Aaron took Amelia upstairs and laid her down in her crib together, both of you kissing her on her forehead as Aaron held her.
“Goodnight, love,” you whispered, as you stroked her cheek. Aaron told her goodnight, placing a kiss on her forehead before laying her down in her crib. The two of you went to Jack’s room to check on him and he was already under his covers knocked out.
You smiled up at Aaron at the sight and his lips turned up too. Aaron softly closed Jack’s door and the two of you walked hand and hand to your bedroom. The two of you got ready for bed in comfortable silence, changing into your pajamas, and brushing your teeth side by side, before getting under the covers together.
Aaron pulled you into his arms right away, bringing you to rest against his chest. You sighed in contentment at the contact and rested your hand over his heart. He stroked his fingers against your arm.
You laid there reflecting on the day, before turning and pressing a kiss against Aaron’s chest. He gave you a squeeze and you looked up at him. His amber eyes were warm and soft; the love you saw radiating from them would have made your knees buckle if you had been standing.
“How did I get so lucky?” you whispered.
“I was thinking the same thing,” Aaron murmured, rubbing your arm.
Your eyes trailed down to his lips and you couldn’t help but lean up to capture his lips with yours. You moved together in sync, Aaron’s hand moving up to cradle your face as he held you close to his chest, while you weaved your fingers into his hair. You loved the feeling of his soft locks, and you knew he loved it when you played with his hair. With an expert swipe of his tongue against your bottom lip, you gasped, breathless. He took the opportunity to explore your mouth as if he didn’t already know every inch of your body. You clung to him giving as much as you were getting but you had to pull away to catch your breath.
As you both panted, staring into each other’s eyes, he leaned forward and skimmed his nose against yours, barely touching, before leaning in and placing a kiss against the tip of your nose.
You giggled at his action and a smile spread across his face, his eyes shining.
“I love you,” he murmured.
“I love you,” you returned before leaning in and capturing his lips again.
Your life hadn’t turned out how you expected but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
If you would like to be tagged in any of my work, let me know!
Tags: @everything-you-dont-wanna-be, @dark-night-sky-99, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @alinasophie, @thespottedcreature, @theravingloony, @wanniiieeee, @cosmo724, @xoprincessmel, @rachelccollier, @jori21, @spenciepoo338, @malindacath, @sunshinexhotchner, @hotchnerxo, @breadforhowl, @thenewnormalforensicator
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rockhoochie · 3 years
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Dean x Reader Flashfic (WC: 879)
Dean gets home sometime in the middle of the night. After a quick shower he slides in bed next to you, all warm skin and damp hair, naked. You're awake - you have been since the Impala rumbled into the garage. But you feign sleep a little longer, reveling in the way his touch feathers along your skin, in the soft kisses he dots from your shoulder to your neck.
"Honey, I'm home," he whispers, his breath hot against the shell of your ear, his fingers skating over your peaked nipples. You sigh as he takes your earlobe between his teeth, the hot-cold rush of desire cutting through the last of your sleepiness. His teeth drag along your jawline as his hand travels down, his palm sliding over the give of your stomach, fingertips creeping lower.
"Put me out of my misery and spread those gorgeous legs for me…"
You languidly obey, opening up for him, breaths becoming ragged as he cups his huge hand over your sex.
"Been waiting for me, huh?" he says, drawing a single finger along your folds. "All spread out and naked, so nice and wet for me already…"
You whimper and roll your hips, chasing his touch and needing more. The bed dips as he perches over you, his lips brushing against yours, one thick finger fiddling much too gently against your clit. Arching your back you card your fingers through his hair, gasping as he sinks his finger into your waiting cunt. 
"Shh…" he breathes, catching your bottom lip between his teeth. "don't want Sam to know what I'm doing to you…" He gives your lip a playful nibble before dipping his tongue into your mouth, kissing you with unrushed fervor, humming with satisfaction as he slips a second finger inside of you.
Fucking hell, he knows exactly how to touch you - all the right pressure on the right places, where to push and when to pull. He pumps in and out, brushing your g-spot and scissoring his fingers, working your tight pussy open while he brands a path of hot nips, licks, and kisses down your body. When he draws his fingers out you hear his lips smack.
"You know I actually crave the taste of you?" he says, pressing your thighs against the mattress. "Those panties you wore the night before I left...the ones you kept on while I played with you till you came? Had to take 'em with me."
He kisses your inner thighs and slides his fingers back inside, muttering the most delicious filth you've ever heard as he presses against your sweet spot and suckles your clit.
"Loved smelling you whenever I could...even held em in my hand when I jerked off, thinkin' about pulling them to the side while I fuck you, how pretty your tight pussy looks when it's dripping wet and full of my cum…"
Every word he's whispering against your cunt shoots currents of liquid heat through you, the syllables wrapping themselves into a tight coil in your core.
He chuckles, low and wicked, and pushes a third finger inside. 
"So fuckin hot how soaked you get for me. You're close aren't you? Yeah, I can feel it...the way your pussy's dripping and squeezing my fingers...gonna squirt for me sweetheart?"
He seals his lips around your clit and sucks, flicking the hard bud with the tip of his tongue. You teeter on the edge, right at that point where your brain is telling you it's too much but your body insists it's not enough. All it takes is the buzz of Dean's growl against your slick, pink flesh and you let go, vision going white, ears ringing, unable to hold back the cry that rips from your throat. You come hard and wet, the obscene squelch of his fingers slamming deep inside your pussy merging with the decadent moans he's making as you soak his face. He keeps going until you're coming again...and again...until you tug at his hair and urge him to stop.
His body slides up yours, the length of his thick, hard cock sliding between your drenched folds. With one smooth thrust he buries himself in your heat, fucking you slow with obvious restraint.
"...feel so good...fucking incredible…God, I love you…"
You twist and shift your weight, urging him onto his back. You can just see his face in the darkness, eyes half-lidded, mouth open, head back as you ride him. 
"You're so beautiful…" he rasps, running his hands over your breasts, down to your hips. "Love how good you ride me, how deep you take you take my cock...fuck…"
Taking your hand, he laces his fingers with yours. "Come on baby, one more...come with me…" The thumb of his free hand lands on your clit, driving you toward the brink of another climax. "That's it...oh fuck...fuck yeah, I'm gonna come…"
Together you come undone, riding each other through it, until your movements slow and you collapse on top of him.
At some point, you're vaguely aware of him pulling out, and sliding out from under you. Between gentle kisses and whispered "I love you’s" sleep takes its chance to settle in. Gathered in each other's arms you drift off, exactly where you're both meant to be.
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winchest09 · 3 years
When You Know - Chapter Seven
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Pairing: Daddy!Mechanic!Dean Winchester x F!Reader Word Count: 4596 Summary: Dean Winchester is a family man. He is happily married, living with his wife and their only daughter; Adeline. They are his entire world. So when his little girl comes bursting through the door unhappy, and convinced she will never find love again, his reassurance inadvertently takes them both on a trip down his memory lane. All in a bid to convince her that when it’s real, you’ll know. Rating: 18+ Warnings: Fluff, swears, daddy!Dean, a little argument - like gotta squint to see it. A/N: I hope you love chapter 7! I also want to say a massive thank you to my wonderful @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​ for being my wonderful beta, and for kicking my ass where needed. __________________________
Get four weeks ahead on Patreon! __________________________ When You Know Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Let me know your thoughts!
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“Ahh!” Adeline squealed, clutching the photo to her chest as she looked back at her dad, her eyes gleaming. “I can’t believe you asked mom to move in with you at the Grand Canyon! You’re seriously raising the bar.”
To this, Dean laughed because, being honest, he wasn’t one for grand gestures or anything like that. He just remembered the feeling that encapsulated him at that moment in time when he stood next to his girl on their first vacation; he just didn’t want to wait another second longer to take the next step with her.
“I didn’t plan on asking her there and then. It just sort of happened, it felt right,” he began, shaking his head slightly as a small crease appeared in his brow. One that was gentle and not at all intimidating, and was soft as he looked over at his daughter. He wanted to explain the importance of sentiment over value. “But one of the things I love most about your mom, is that I could have asked her, snuggled up in bed and the answer would have still been the same. It’s not about the material value that is attached to the gesture, but the gesture itself.”
“That’s so sweet,” she sighed, before sitting up a little straighter and pulling the frame into view. “See, that’s the kind of love I'm looking for. The one that’s pure and selfless; where all you see is each other.”
His daughter said those words with a tint of sadness, the gleam in her smile lost as she stared down at the picture of her  mom and dad. His heart ached a little; he hated seeing his little girl downtrodden and dejected. He much preferred to see her beautiful face lit up like the dawn on a fresh morning. The whole purpose of this story was to help lift her spirits, to let her know that she has time, that she doesn’t have to worry or panic because her love will come in time.
“It’s out there. For everyone,” Dean reaffirmed, his voice soft and gentle as he continued to watch his daughter place the photo onto the coffee table in front of them, her finger delicately tracing the wide grin on her mothers lips slightly before she sank back into the couch.
“Maybe,” she mumbled, her hand automatically reaching for a pillow to cuddle for comfort. It was an action she had done ever since she was small; she would find an item closest to her for a hug, whether that be a stuffed animal, a blanket or a cushion. Her mother was similar, only she preferred the solace that one of his hoodies could provide, or that of her duvet from the bed.
“Your mom told me this story once,” he started, his soft gaze resting on her features as she listened intently, “it was about that there once was a time where humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and–”
“-and a head with two faces,” Adeleine interrupted, her lips upturning into the wonderful smile that Dean loved to see. It was then she sat a little straighter, her fingers playing with the cotton twists on the edge of the pillow. “It’s what Aristocles, or Plato as he’s well known, talks about when referencing soulmates. Fearing their power, Zeus split the humans into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. But, he also said that love is born into every being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together and it tries to make one out of two, wanting to heal the wound.”
The mechanic sat there a little dumbfounded. He knew his daughter was smart; something he had been aware of ever since she was old enough to start school but even now, there were moments when she would absolutely floor him with her knowledge. He was so damn proud of the woman she was becoming, of the person she was at that moment. Smart, thoughtful, kind, beautiful; he had to wonder sometimes how on earth he was responsible for making half of her.
Ever since she had learned to read, her nose had been stuck in the pages of a book. When her eyes were too tired to read the words, Y/N would be by her bedside, reading the magical stories aloud. He would often find himself hovering outside of the room, just to listen to the way his wife brought the story alive. He would lean against the doorframe, his back to the wall, arms folded across his chest and close his eyes. There were many occasions where his wife would transport him to another world with the way she read, her voice changing for the different characters, her enthusiasm infectious. When Addy was born, there were moments throughout his life where he swore he had fallen in love with her all over again, and if he had to pinpoint any, that would definitely be one.
Y/N was also one for knowledge; she had a fascination for fables and folklore, found enjoyment in what could have been and what could still be if you believed in that sort of thing. However, Greek Mythology was the main focal point of her interests. She spent hours learning about the legends and tales that were often spoken about in that culture. So to see that same dividend in their daughter, that made his heart swell all the more.
“You are so like your mother, kiddo,” Dean complimented softly, reaching a hand across the sofa to nudge against her knee. “Please, don’t ever change.”
“Thanks dad,” Adeline smiled, a look of heartfelt wonder shining back at him, almost as if he had just given her the highest of compliments.
“But my point to that story is that if you believe in such a myth, there is someone out there for you,” he continued, moving their topic of conversation back on track.
“Who would have thought that you would be one for legends and folklore,” his daughter teased, her tongue cheekily peeking out from between her teeth as she stared at him, knowing the response she was about to receive.
“Hey, I liked to read that kinda stuff too from time to time,” he defended, a little frown joining his eyebrows together in jest, as a smirk pulled at his lips. It was the truth; Dean never made it known that he was a big reader, but there were many occasions where he would sit and read something cover to cover.
As a young boy, he would often lose himself in different texts, spending his lunchtime in the library at school before he became popular. He then swapped his afternoon hobby for hanging out in the cafeteria or out in the yard with his friends, wooing girls and earning himself his first ever girlfriend. Yet, when he got home, he would pull out one of his latest fictional finds from under his bed and complete a chapter or two. That love for words got lost throughout the years, but as soon as he met Y/N and he found himself surrounded by the many different creative worlds, he couldn’t help but give into temptation once again. He would wait for her to close up the shop, sitting in the comfiest leather chair on one of the balconies, a book in hand with a smile on his face.
“So, did it take long for you and mom to move in together?” Adeline’s question pulled him from his memories, and he had to pause for a moment, as he tried to remember the dates. But after only a minute, he simply shook his head.
“Not at all, not really,” he admitted. “In fact, as soon as we got back from Arizona, we stopped off at my place where I collected some stuff and went to live at her apartment. It was more convenient considering we both worked in Kansas City, but on the weekends we went to mine.”
“But I thought mom said that you were getting somewhere brand new?” She enquired. She wasn’t wrong, and that was originally the plan but of course for a new home,  you needed a deposit which in turn meant there had to be some spare money. Something that neither of them had much of at the beginning of their ‘living together’ venture.
“Well, we saved up every spare bit of money we had until we reached the point where we could start looking,” Dean continued on, one hand coming to gesture around the room they were sitting in. “It took us about a year and then, well, you’re sitting in our first and last home.”
There was a brief pause, one where his daughter slowly sat up straighter and looked around the space, her jaw dropping just a touch as she looked at him sceptically. “This was your first house?!”
Dean had to smirk a little harder at that. There were many who didn’t believe that this was their first home that they bought in their twenties, but of course, that was life. He and Y/N were hardworking and dedicated to each other and their goals. There were no more date nights, no more luxuries. Every dime they had spare went into the savings jar for the building he was currently sitting in and if he could go back in time, he would not do anything differently.
“Your mom wanted her forever home from the get go, and when we came to a viewing for this one, well she fell in love with the structure, and character of this building. So we made an offer and apparently it was meant to be,” Dean told her in a fond tone, the expression he was wearing was as warm as a summer's day.
“That’s amazing,” Addy breathed, her look astonished as she continued to look at the living room as if it was a place she had never truly seen before. “I bet you guys loved being in here together at the beginning.”
Dean chuckled, the vibrations low and deep as he let her words sink in. “Kid, let me tell you something. They say there are three pivotal points in any relationship that truly test you as a couple, and if you can get through them, you can get through anything.”
“Really? Like what?” his daughter immediately quipped, a frown now creasing her brow as she waited for the answer.
If only she knew, he thought, another small ripple of joy escaping him as he thought back to that day when they finally got the keys to the house. Of course, there were arguments and obviously, there had been times when one of them had slept on the sofa due to numerous reasons but none of them will ever compare to the strain and stress a couple goes through when facing those three hurdles. And he will stand by them until the day he is on his deathbed.
“Moving in together, planning a wedding and having a baby,” he explained, reeling each one off by tapping his fingers. His daughter's confused expression only deepened however, obviously not understanding why on earth any of those would cause considerable hardship. “Addy, trust me when I say that if you can build flatpack furniture with the love of your life, you can get through anything.”
“Oh come on,” she snorted, loudly, the now bewildered frown replaced by a genuine form of amusement. “It can’t be that bad!”
She has no freaking idea. To that, Dean swivelled on the sofa, his legs now crossed beneath him as he rested his elbows on his knees, his hands gesturing towards her as his not so little girl waited to see what the big fuss was about.
“When you’re surrounded with random bits of wood, a million screws, a stupid little metal tool that is provided to put it all together, the really vague instruction manual and your mother thinking she knows it all-” he started, his eyebrows raising as his expression continued to remain serious, “- oh, it can be a trying time.”
Adeline just laughed however, her head thrown back a little and the mechanic could only assume that she was picturing this event in her head. “What were you building?”
“A wardrobe,” he simply stated, shrugging his shoulders as he watched how she rolled her lips together, attempting to stop another burst of giggles to pass them. “But not just a two door one, oh no. Your mom bought this long four door one, with shelves and drawers.”
“So what was so bad about it all?” Addy was now sat in the same position as Dean, her legs crossed beneath her, the pillow still clutched in her lap. Her forefinger played with a loose thread in the fabric as her eyes stayed trained on those of her fathers.
“You’ve met your mother right?” he stated simply, shaking his head as though that was the most obvious answer in the world. “Bad with directions, gets a certain notion in her head and that’s that?”
Adeline couldn’t stop the laugh that left her, both of them grinning from ear to ear through the joy they were sharing. “I’m sure she just wanted to help!”
“Well, let me tell you how she helped…”
April 6th, 2004
It had already been a busy morning; Dean and Y/N had spent their time loading up the removal truck with their combined boxes from both apartments and handing their keys back to their respective landlords. They sang a mixture of AC/DC and Seger on the drive over to their new home in Bonner Springs, Kansas. The couple were high on life, smiles wide across their faces, excitement flooding their very being as they started this brand new chapter together. The house was perfect for them; it had four bedrooms, a large kitchen plus diner, 2 bathrooms, a living space and a spacious office. The backyard was also sizable, something that his girlfriend adored as she talked about hosting barbeques for family and friends. They were lucky, as the place needed a lot of hard work. It had deteriorated over the years but they both knew that with some love, this building would come alive again. Just like her bookstore.
Once they pulled up on the driveway, Y/N jumped out before Dean had even switched off the engine, and she ran to the front door. The keys were jingling in her grasp as she bounced on her feet waiting for him to catch up. Together, they placed the metal in the lock, their fingers slowly entwining as they opened the door to their future. It was silent, apart from the distant sounds of traffic and the birds that chirped in the trees. Stepping inside slowly, he watched as his love looked around the empty hallway, an expression of awe and wonder resting on her features. It didn’t take long for the excitement to take over and she raced back out towards the van, already pulling open the back in search of their belongings. Of course, Dean joined and between the pair of them, it only took just a little under an hour to transfer everything into their new home.
Now, the rooms were full of containers that were marked with their respective place, just waiting to be unpacked. Y/N stood with her hands on her hips surveying everything that she had to do. Dean’s eyes landed on her as he brought in the very last box, sliding it onto the counter in the kitchen before he made his way over to her, his arms sliding around her middle as he rested his head on her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck as he planted a soft kiss against her skin. He heard how she hummed in contentment, her fingers coming to rest over his wrists as she leaned against him.
“I can’ t believe that all this is ours,” she spoke aloud, her words as gentle as the breeze that filtered through their home from one of the open windows.
“Neither can I,” Dean returned, feeling the exact same way. “But we worked hard for it, sweetheart.”
“I know but still,” his girlfriend continued, gesturing to the space around them.  “This is forever.”
“And a pretty damn perfect one,” he replied, his words low and soft as he turned her around in his hold, lifting his head from her body to stand straight.
She smiled up at him, her eyes glistening with excitement and he couldn’t resist the urge to cup her cheek in his palm, his fingers hooking just behind her neck as he pulled her in for a kiss. Their lips met and her hands became trapped between their two bodies, his arms now wrapping tightly around her frame as he allowed himself to fall deeper into the delirium Y/N’s mouth was providing. This was his heaven; he would happily die right here, in her arms and he wouldn’t regret a single thing. He didn’t want it to ever end as her kisses were like honeyed magic, putting him under a deep spell that always sent him into some hypnotic trance because he always found himself chasing her mouth after she pulled away.
“Hmm,” she hummed against him, her palms flat against his chest as she looked up into his eyes. “So what room should we start with?”
“Bedroom,” Dean mumbled in a quick response, his fingers digging that slightly bit harder into her skin. “Definitely. It makes the most sense.”
“Of course it does,” Y/N chuckled softly, glancing up at him from under her lashes, her touch warm against his henley covered torso before she stepped back out of his grip. “Then onward to our chambers, good sir.”
“Yes ma’am,” he agreed quickly, hot on her heels as she ran up the wooden stairs and towards the master suite where they would spend every night resting.
As they entered the space, they stood side by side as they took in the mountain of a job that was waiting for them. There were cases, duffle bags and more boxes than they could note; all waiting to be unpacked. There was a moment between them that was spent in silence as the couple made a mental plan on how to combat it. In the corner, there were stacks of unbuilt furniture needing to be built. In the middle was their mattress, and next to it was their new bed frame that was awaiting construction. Surrounding all of that were specific contents from both of their apartments; make up, underwear, shoes, clothes, picture frames and more.
“We could make a fort with all of these,” Dean surmised, his hands on his hips as he looked at the sea of cardboard that littered the master suite. He was already picturing building a little domain around one of the chairs, popping a television in there for optimum comfort.
“And pretend it’s a saloon, and I'm your dirty wench?” Y/N replied with a coy smile, moving towards where some flat packed furniture was resting against the cream colored wall.
“The thought is getting more tempting,” he fired back, his words fluid as a song as he watched her hips sway as she walked, his teeth coming to bite his bottom lip.
When she turned, her fingers resting on top of the waiting piles of wood, she cocked her head to the side and rolled her eyes playfully causing him to let out a low rumble of amusement. She always knew what he was thinking, he didn’t even have to say the words out loud. “Come on,” she encouraged, pulling a pair of scissors from her back pocket and slicing away at the plastic binds that kept the furniture protected. “We’ve got a wardrobe to build.”
“Eugh,” the mechanic groaned, throwing his head back before he faced his girlfriend again. “Can you not just live out of the cases?”
“No, Dean. Not even a little bit.” she laughed, snapping the plastic as she started to unwrap the new piece of furniture. “Come on, it won’t take that long. It’s flat packed! Instructions are inside. It will be up in no time at all.”
“If you say so,” he grumbled. He gave her a look while he walked over towards her, one that said he wasn’t entirely convinced that it would be no trouble at all.
Still, it had to be done and he liked to think that he was very useful with his hands and that he was quite skilled at building things. Yet, as he pulled out all the pieces, the screws and the small L shaped metal key, he started to worry that this might be a little bit more complicated than he thought.
Wanting to save face, he told Y/N that he ‘got this’ and that she should start to unpack stuff for the kitchen. He would have this wardrobe built in no time at all; or so he hoped. Truth was, the instructions were stupid, the key was flimsy and he was slowly running out of patience. He had cursed his girlfriend under his breath a few times, wondering why the hell she couldn’t have bought a two door wardrobe instead of this four door, cupboard and drawer structure. Just as he got one side secure, the other would come loose and collapse, leaving a stream of expletives falling from his mouth.
“Do you need any help?” Y/N’s soft voice made him look up from the pile of wood he was currently surrounded by, plus the set of drawers he had actually managed to build in which he had to join up with the rest of the item eventually.
“No I’m fine,” he grumbled, pride taking precedence as he once again looked down at the awful instructions. He was holding together a corner piece when he then realised the tool he needed was out of his reach. “Actually, can you pass me the hex key?”
She looked visibly confused as she stepped closer to him, her eyes scanning the floor around her as if the thing would magically make itself known. “The what?”
“The little thing that is shaped like an L,” he reconfirmed, nudging his head in the direction of where it was. But she was still bewildered.
“I don’t know what that is, Dean!” she huffed, dropping to her knees to scan the carpet for what he needed, taking a little longer than he wanted. He couldn’t help the frustrated growl that left him as his hand started to ache from holding the furniture together while waiting for what he required. It was then that he noticed it next to her right leg; his girlfriend had completely missed it.
“It’s there, next to your foot!” he exclaimed in frustration, a small puff of air leaving his nose as he shook his head. “Jesus, Y/N!”
“Well excuse me for not looking up the names of the tools,”  she grumbled as she picked it up and held it out to him.
Dean promptly snatched it off of her before he took a deep breath, slotting the metal into the head of the bolt so he could begin to tighten it. “It’s flat packed, she said. Will be up in no time at all, she said.”
“Shut up,” Y/N automatically fired back, not impressed by his mocking tone but he could only add a low chuckle, trying to ease the tension that was building between them. He didn’t want this to turn into an argument, not on their first day in their new home, even though he was feeling incredibly frustrated.
Still, by biting his tongue and after a lot of swearing and grunting, he had finally managed to finish building the wardrobe, the wooden structure standing proudly where Dean had built it. His girlfriend had continued to help but she quickly realised that he was quite happy to continue on his own unless he specifically asked for assistance, something which she tried to accomodate to the best of her ability. While she wasn’t providing an extra set of hands, she actually began to sort out some of the other boxes.
“And we’re done,” he sighed, after sliding in the last shelf. He wiped his hands down his sweats before he rested them on his hips, looking over his masterpiece.
“That looks really good, Dean,” Y/N complimented before looking around the room, and he knew she was making a mind map of where she wanted it to reside. He rolled his lips together to prevent any words leaving them, knowing they would only cause an argument, but internally he was chastising the fact that she hadn’t made that decision before he started piecing it together.  “Let's move it back against this wall.”
Thankfully, the place she had chosen for it to rest wasn’t too far away from where it was standing now. So, between them, they managed to slide the wooden piece of furniture across the carpet until it was fully resting against the concrete. Once most of the heavy lifting had been done, his girlfriend moved back a little to take it all in, wanting it to be perfect.
“How’s it look?” Dean asked as he rested one palm against the side of the wardrobe.
“It needs to go left,”Y/N mumbled and he nodded, moving to wrap his fingers around the wood to get a good grip, before he began to move it. Yet, almost immediately, her voice stopped him in his tracks. “NO, MY LEFT NOT YOUR LEFT.”
“Y/N, you said left,” he replied, his tone louder and more frustrated as he shouted back, “LEFT IS LEFT!”
“Well I meant right!” she shot back, albeit a little sheepishly as she tried to hold back a chuckle after noticing Dean's very unimpressed facial expression.
“Jesus fucking christ,” he muttered under his breath before placing his hands back into position, and moving it in the direction she originally wanted, his muscles straining under the weight. “There, how’s that look?”
“Perfect,” she smiled, “thank you.”
Without waiting, she moved quickly across the carpet and placed her soft lips upon his cheek, the motion enough to calm any storm that swirled about his conscience, allowing his frustration to disappear and letting in the feeling of accomplishment and pride fill its place. The way she looked at that moment, her smile pulling at her cheeks because of something he had built and had made her happy, was all worth it.
“Now, how about we go and order some lunch from that burger place you like?” she proposed, her fingers lacing through his before she began to pull him towards the exit of their bedroom.
His stomach rumbled at just the idea, the thought of having one of his favorite meals as one of their firsts in their home, just made the day even more perfect. He vowed from that point on to at least try to not get as frustrated when it came to building any kind of flat packed furniture in the future. Seeing Y/N smile and being the cause of that was one of his few goals in life; he never wanted to be the cause of her sadness.
So, fastly joining her side, dropping her hand in favor of sliding his arm around her waist, he kissed her temple before he whispered into her ear, “I’d say that’s a pretty damn good idea.”
——————————————– Chapter Eight  ——————————————– A/N: I really hoped you enjoyed chapter eight! Thanks so, so much for reading. Let me know what you think if you have the time <3 Tag list is open! If you want to be tagged, then let me know HERE :)
Tags will be separate <3
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cowboysandpilots · 3 years
Different Types of Love
Warnings: All the Wincest.
Word Count: 480
Buy Me A Coffee | It would mean the world to me. <3
"Are you in love with me?" It comes out blurted like Dean hadn't meant to say it, but that can't be right because Dean means everything that he says; he always has.
"Am I in love with you?" Sam repeats the question with a frown like he doesn't understand it. "What kind of question is that?"
"A reasonable one!" Dean almost yells it because there's no way that Sam doesn't see what he's talking about, but he'll ask again if he has to. "Are. You. In. Love. With. Me." He repeats it like Sam is slow, and if this were any other talking point, he knows that Sam would be so angry, but he still stands there, stunned.
"No, Dean. I am not in love with you. You're my brother."
Dean sighs, and this was feeling more and more like that kid at the sleepover that would always try to talk their way out of truth or dare. "Fine. If I wasn't your brother, would you be in love with me?"
Sam is starting to wish that he had had his own car, so he didn't have to ride with Dean all the time. This question is beginning to make him feel sick, but if he's lucky, he can play it off as carsickness. The truth is that Sam had been in love with Dean since they were teenagers. Since Sam was thirteen and he first asked Dean what love was, and Dean had explained it the best he could at the time. Thirteen-year-old Sam had thought, 'Yeah, I feel all those things about my brother.' and just ran with it.
He has no idea what the hell he's supposed to say now as an adult. Now that he has a more firm grasp of what love really is and its different types. On the one hand, if he says yes, the truth, he could admit yes to both, and they could be together like Sam wants them to be so bad. On the other hand, yes again, Dean could tell him how gross he is, how he's a freak, and Sam would be absolutely destroyed even if it was in a scenario where they weren't brothers. If Sam said no, that would shut it down right then and there, officially closing the door on any romantic life they could have together, and Sam would be just as destroyed.
He's so deep into his own thoughts that he doesn't notice Dean pulling the car over or the fact that it had started raining. "I'm gonna need an answer here, Sammy." His brother's rough voice is the only thing that brings him back.
Sam swallows thickly and gives one single nod. "Yes."
Dean puts the car in drive and pulls back out on the road before moving his hand over to squeeze Sam's knee.
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jawritter · 4 years
Safe. Warm. His...
Request: Are you taking requests? If so would you possibly write a one shot with Dean where the reader is in little space and just wants to cuddle and nuzzle her head in his neck and give him lots of little kisses and play with his hands? It’s just superrrr fluffy 🥺🥺🖤
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Language? Nothing else really...
Word Count: 872
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!
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It had been a very long hunt, it took way longer than expected to wipe out that damn Poltergeist, and it had left you and Dean with your share of bumps and bruises. 
By the time it was over, you were both just done. Mentally and physically exhausted.
Sure, you had both hunted worse things out there, especially Dean, but for some reason the fact that the damn thing seemed to be targeting children in the house, and just being hard as fuck to get rid of to begin with had just drained the two of you more than any Demon or whatever else you all seemed to face in this life. 
The hotel room was small, smaller than the ones you normally stayed in. 
Mostly because the town was small, and you didn’t exactly have a bunch of sleeping options. This place basically had a bar, a gas station, and a shitty ass motel room that you were pretty sure Dean was paying for by the hour and just not telling you so that you wouldn’t get totally grossed out on him. 
In all honesty, you were just done, and Dean was done too. 
Sam had elected to stay out of this hunt, and you were secretly glad. You loved Sam, but the boy was huge, and in the currently sleeping situation it would make things really hard right now…..
That, and you wanted to spend as much alone time with Dean as possible. 
Lately in fact, it’s all you wanted to do.
The two of you had been in a sort of awkward relationship for the past year. 
You don’t remember how it happened, it just happened one day… and neither of you tried to stop it, it just was.. 
You heard the shower door open, and Dean crossed the room to the small bed that they claimed was a queen, but honestly was more of a full sized bed, and flopped down next to you.
“You okay?” he asked you, looking over at you with his head propped up against the headboard…
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you tell him. 
Reaching over you grab his large hand in your own, lacing your fingers together, his hand basically swallowing yours, his calloused fingers brushing against your skin, the light dusting of freckles covered his hand and just about every inch of skin he had showed themselves more tonight in the shitty motel room lighting than they normally did. 
His touch was warm, and that’s what you craved most, warmth… His warmth…
That body heat that came from just Dean that nothing else could seem to imitate.. 
Dean wasn’t much of a cuddlier, you guess that he’d just been through too much to waste time on something like cuddling, but it’s all you craved from him…. 
Tonight was no exception…
Dean seemed to sense that tonight had been harder on you than other hunts, his piercing green eyes searched yours as his tongue peaked out and licked across his lips. You could practically see the wheels turning in his mind. 
“Come here,” Dean said, his voice tired and rough, the exhausting events of the day seemed to be weighing down on him just as heavily as they were you. 
Maybe, even though he never wanted to admit it, he needed it too….
Dean pulled you close to him, turning on his side and tucking you into his large body like you were his favorite pillow, pulling the covers around you both and letting his warm body swallow your small frame. 
You nuzzled your face into his neck, inhaling him deeply, letting Dean engulf you in just him…
The warmth of his body seemed to soak it’s way through your skin into your very soul as his hands made little random patterns along the bar skin of your arm and down across your back. His lips made little trails over whatever part of your neck and shoulder he could reach. 
There was no great need. There was no hurry, no hidden agenda. It was just whispered affirmations and unspoken promises that he was there, and wasn’t ever going anywhere. 
Your lips trailed over his neck and he shuttered a little against you, sighing deeply in contentment.  
In that moment, just the two of you laying there together, wrapped up in and around each other. It was more intimate than anything you had ever experienced, You felt closer to him in a whole new way. 
That’s the way you stayed the whole night. 
Even long after Dean drifted off to sleep with you wrapped up tight around him, you lay there playing with his hands, tracing the little freckles that dusted the skin there, memorizing everything. Every small scar on his knuckles, every little perfect imperfection that made up Dean, and you were sure you could die right here, and you would gladly accept that fate, because this was your home, wrapped up in Dean’s hold. Safe. Warm. His. 
You made a promise to yourself that the two of you were definitely going to be doing this more often, because there was no place you’d rather be than right here in Dean’s arms, and you knew he needed it too, even though he didn’t admit it to you out loud. This was his home too… 
Tag List: 
@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​
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crackheadcastiel · 2 months
Does anyone else remember when people used to link playlist (usually on 8track or SoundCloud) to their fics to listen to while reading to set the mood or match what was written?
I miss those
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whoresforremuslupin · 4 years
and I
can’t help
falling in love
with you
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miss-madness67 · 8 months
The Colts (Dean Winchester) Part 4
I try to live the normal teenage life; school and parties.
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Being friends with Dean Winchester is more complicated than I anticipated. Not only do I have zero experience having friends in general, but he attracts a lot of unwanted attention. As it turns out, despite me not paying that much interest to him in the first place, Dean is considered part of the popular kids. Not as in the stellar golden boy that Fred is, but as in bad boy vibes type of guy. He drives a cool car, flirts with girls, and doesn’t care about school. Or at least, that’s the image that he gives, since I’ve come to realize reality is much more complicated.
Ao3 / Patreon / Wattpad
Taglist: @sweetwerewolfqueen @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @perpetualabsurdity @deanswaywardgirl @seppys-return-to-madness @desimarie12 @hobby27 @mrspeacem1nusone @coppernickeldime
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amelia201 · 4 years
SPN AU where everything's the same but holy water is actually lube
Don't worry, Dean's got a discount at the sex shop.
He changed holly water to lube after his dad went missing in S1.
He never explained it to Sam, but Sammy was to distraught to notice and then kinda rolled with it
In fact, Sam might not know the consistency of water
Demons know Dean is bi when he starts throwing lube at them
They are, however, severely distraught
When they go to their company mandated phaychiatric assesments in hell (where their appointments get rescheduled at the last moment after waiting in line for 5 hours, it is hell after all), they talk about how it makes them upset
"I just don't get why he would shame is like that! Is it because he is so repressed?"
Demons are all gay, that's why they are in hell
God is actually CW manifestation
Demons' phsyciatrist is actually Freud (also in hell)
He is like "guys,you need to get this guy to an appointment with me asap. Also, while you're upstairs, grab me a Dracula analysis through my POV"
First 3 seasons just demons trying to get Dean help
Dean goes to hell cause he actually got an appointment with Freud
Cas gets him out but not before a real breakthrough
First thing Dean says to Cas "hello there, pretty boy, my dick is huge, also who are you?"
Cas just stares at him, but pays the $978,876,899 co-pay
Hell is actually under America
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cnfsd-bisexual · 4 years
Well, twist and shout had an extreme emotional reaction from me at 12 and again now, 5 years later, at 17.
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