#Dean Winchester loves a rainbow
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If rainbows can come out for Dean Winchester then so can you…
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Inspired on this
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xlllleda · 1 year
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🌈Happy pride month🏳️‍🌈
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ladyrandombox · 1 year
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A Pride month comic 🌈I meant to finish this in June, but life/unexpected life stuff got in the way. Anywho enjoy!
P.S. taste the rainbow🌈
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my destiel and castiel rock mandalas I commissioned from @randomslasher :D
so pretty 😍😍😍 I love them 🥰🥰🥰
(non spn related design under cut)
I also got this pre-made one :D
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this is my first attempt at destiel inspired art. it's not exactly how I wanted it to turn out, but it's not bad either so I figured I'm comfortable enough to share it with the internet.
(i love Cas' left wing tho, the right one's a bit off, heaven knows what it's up to, probably Dean's fumbling around with it, feathers can be itchy, i guess)
(also i wanted to add some bi pride for Dean, but couldn't find a good way to do so, so now there's just this weird dot on his arm/butt/whatever lol)
(and the trees a bit out of perspective tbh hahaha, but look how cute Cas is showing Dean the universe)
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seasononesam · 2 years
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carveredlund1k: September 22nd (colorsnatural)
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
and Jack said let there be gay
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and it was good
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stephstars08 · 5 months
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deansraspberrypie · 2 years
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It's Perfect 🥹 ❤🥰
📸: Robbie Thompson
Edited by me: @deansraspberrypie
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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tiktaalic · 4 months
s1 dean: it's not gay to suck a dick or three or ten you're just making sure you're not gay
s2 dean: getting notes from my team that sometimes it is gay to suck a dick . i would like to formally announce that i never did that. and i never would.and also i'm masc. i'm masc. i'm literally masc.
s3 dean: too busy with dying to think about being gay i'm pretty sure.
s4 dean: really enjoying that cas is unaware of social norms so that dean can oscillate between preening when he teaches him how to be a man (+1 masculinity for being more of a man than cas +1 masculinity for being so much of a man that you can teach others how to do it) and. taking advantage of the no social norms thing to rationalize his OWN behavior with cas because he knows cas isn't going to call him on it not being normal which MAKES it normal because there is no one to refute that.
s5 dean: much of the same but there are now emotional stakes in play because they Are friends he is now Emotionally attached in a real way to this man he was engaging in one way gay chicken with.
s6 dean: mfw my brother tells me to be normal so i marry a woman. ratchets him all the way back to i have never liked a man and i never will.
s7 dean: very similar emotionally to endverse dean / s14 dean in my mind. kind of in the same place as s6 dean but crucially s6 dean was sad and wet and s7 dean is walled off and apathetic. attraction to men does not factor into his worldview.
s8 dean: he literally was in a foxhole with benny and got a spraytan and had a gay thing. this man begrudgingly puts one (1) rainbow ornament on his christmas tree after sending out christmas cards of him embracing another man while their gay ass dog sits at their feet. the sticking point HERE is "cas doesn't feel stuff like that".
s9 dean: We Cannot Get Into All That but. they literallyyyyyyyyy had to make cas sleep with a woman and get banished forever to sidestep The Implications. which are. dean winchester would fuck the gay angel given the FIRST opportunity. i'd probably fuck cas but my brother is dying so idrc about that rn. etc. this is a man who is conscious of his attraction to 1) men and 2) cas and WOULD act on it given the chance.
s10 dean: this is where it gets love triangle-y with crowley and cas. this is because dean DID fuck crowley and WANTS to fuck cas. textually. this is where he stands. moc dean has sex with men and doesnt care because hes normal. POST moc dean is like. the same sex attraction was a metaphor to show that i was evil and corrupted by the mark.
s11 dean: i'll be honest. i remember fuck all about season 11.
s12 dean: his mom is around which means he will not be out. this is also. iirc? where dabb gets his grubby little showrunning hands on things. which of course. means dabbification. which of COURSE. means destiel eating plain toast and raising a baby domestically. which. of course. translates to dean using cas as a girlfriend stand in. which. imo. is reflected in dean's mindset. like s12 dean is aware that cas is the most important person in his life, and he is not interested in deviating from that formula with a woman at all.
s13 dean: gay man realizing the love of his life is dead and he never said or did anything -> gay man whose love of his life comes back so he doesnt have to grapple with the consequences of never saying anything and they can jump back into pseudo relationship.
s14 dean: this is a gay man coparenting with a gay man and telling his father that he has a family. has accepted his fate as a life long ambiguous bachelor who lives with a man and sometimes sleeps in his bed nonsexually. very much dead inside staring down the barrel of throwing himself on a grenade does not have Time to push the boundaries of his relationship.
s15 dean: too many twists and turns to get into in the stinger of a post.
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impala-dreamer · 5 months
Stay With Me
A Supernatural Story
~Dean is into his second bottle of whiskey, desperate to drive his problems away. But he knows deep down, the booze isn't what he truly needs...~
Dean Winchester x F!Reader
1,390 Words
Warnings: Bittersweet Angst
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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In one fluid motion, he cracked the seal on the new bottle of whiskey and plopped back down into his chair. The old seat groaned and the wheels rolled back a bit, sliding with the force of his weight over the polished floor.
Dean poured himself another healthy shot and stared down into the glass, enjoying how the light from the glowing table beneath set the crystal aflame. His lips turned in a half smile and he sighed.
“If you hold it up to the light at the right angle, you can see a rainbow.”
Y/N’s voice hit his ear and he lifted the glass to his lips, smiling even wider as she came into view.
Dressed in his old green flannel and seemingly nothing else, she leaned against the archway, arms and bare ankles crossed. He looked up and licked a drop of drink from his lips, savoring the taste and the way she looked. Her hair was a beautiful mess, the day’s makeup smudged around her eyes like she had meant it to look that way. Her mouth still held a faint stain from her faded lipstick and she pouted as he stared, driving his mind towards unholy thoughts.
“Rough day?” she asked, pushing off the tiles to walk slowly towards him.
“You should know,” he sighed around the rim of the tumbler. “You were with me.”
Y/N nodded and pulled out the chair across from him. “True.”
He eyed her over the glass, loving the way she sat down so delicately only to slump against the back of the chair. She leaned back and kicked her feet up onto the map, toes casting a shadow over Brazil.
“But really, it wasn’t that bad,” she teased. “Not bad enough for a second bottle of bourbon, anyway.”
“It’s whiskey,” he corrected.
She shrugged. “Same thing.”
Dean shook his head and set the glass down, fingers lingering on the sharp edges of the design. “Not true. Bourbon is always whiskey, but whiskey ain’t always bourbon. This is just straight up, get ya drunk, forget your life for a few hours whiskey.”
She knocked her feet off the table and turned to face him head on. “And why would you want to forget your life, Mr. Winchester? What’s so horrible lately that you’d want it to go away?”
He laughed sadly, bowing his head, avoiding her eyes. “Oh, you know me. Just being overdramatic.”
Y/N leaned forward and set her clasped hands in front of her. The ring he’d given her glinted in the warm golden light from below and Dean’s gaze was locked on the antique silver and brilliant red stone.
He remembered when they saw it in that little shop outside Paramus. The old hippie behind the counter told them that carnelian was special, used for protection and to ward off evil spirits. Y/N had laughed so brilliantly when she heard that, rolling her eyes at the thought of a cheap little ring keeping the demons away. Her smile had been so beautiful that Dean doubled back later that day and purchased the ring for her.
She never took it off.
“Dean Winchester, you are never overdramatic,” she asserted. “Medium dramatic, sure. A little crazy sometimes? We all are. But never overdramatic. Under dramatic if anything.”
She winked and Dean’s shoulders relaxed, his heart melting for her like it did every time she was close by. He was quiet for a long moment, just studying her face. Memorizing the way the lights and shadows played on her cheeks, the unique line of her nose, the fan of lashes curved over her pretty eyes. She was engraved in his mind, her face always hiding just behind his closed eyes.
“Under dramatic, huh?” He took a sip and let the whiskey burn his tongue a bit before swallowing. His mouth was mostly numb by now, but the little bit at the roof of his mouth still felt and that feeling needed to be punished.
“You know I’m right,” she grinned and sat back. “I always am.”
Dean chuckled and drained the glass. “Sure are.”
It was an old joke between them. She was always right no matter the situation, no matter the topic being discussed. The unwritten rule was that even when wrong, Y/N was always right. She also seemed to win every single competition and argument. A smile could get her out of trouble, a pout would break him enough to roll over and let her win. Every single time.
“You’re damned right, Winchester. I’m always right.” She dipped her chin and stared at him, gorgeous eyes peeling back the mask he so often hid behind. “So, spill. What’s wrong?”
Dean licked his lips and tried to look away. “I’m fine.”
She clicked her tongue. “Bull. What’s going on?”
Again, he tried to tear his eyes away, but he was locked in her gaze, trapped by her voice. “Nothing.”
With a huff, she stood up and kicked the chair away with her right foot. It coasted across the floor until it hit the wall and spun around on itself.
Slowly, she walked around the table and perched on the edge next to him. He closed his eyes for a second, breathing in the sweet smell of her. Faint coconut and something sugary filled his senses and Dean leaned back with a squeak of antique coils.
Y/N reached for his glass and Dean watched as she lifted it to her lips, held her breath, took a long sip. She shivered as it burned down her throat and coughed gently.
“This is terrible,” she laughed, setting the tumblr back down.
He nodded. “It’s not great.”
“So, what’s got you trying to kill your liver with the worst fucking whiskey I’ve ever tasted?”
She wiggled a bit to get more comfortable, spreading her knees just enough to touch his leg with her toes. He melted into the touch and fought back a fresh wave of tears.
He knew she wouldn’t let it go until he confessed, knew she’d keep on teasing and prodding until he gave her what she wanted. But he couldn’t say it aloud, couldn’t let the words leave his head and fly out into the world.
If he did, she would leave.
He needed her there, just for a little while longer.
Needed to smell her coconut lotion, feel her toes on his thigh, see her sweet smile. He needed to hear her say his name in that sweet, secret tone she only used with him.
A single tear slipped through his defenses, sliding carelessly down his cheek.
Y/N gasped under her breath and reached for it, wiping the wet away with the soft pad of her thumb. “Oh, baby… it’s ok.”
Before she could pull away, Dean grabbed her wrist. He wrapped his fingers tight around her arm and held her there, letting her heat fill his mind, soothe the pain.
“It’s not OK, Y/N/N,” he whispered. He closed his eyes and took a breath, one last drink of her air, her being. “I- I don’t want you to go.”
She leaned forward, dropped a kiss to the top of his head. “I have to, Dean. You know that.”
Drunken tears flowed freely; his throat closed tight. “Please,” he begged, close to choking on his grief. “Stay with me. Just a little bit longer…”
Y/N sighed and slid down off of the table, her hand still locked in his. “I’m sorry, baby. I have to go.” She chewed her lip and smiled softly. “But I’ll always be with you. I promise.”
Green eyes rose to her face. She was haloed in something brighter than the Bunker’s lights, something sacred, some glow cast down from Heaven.
“Please… Stay with me.”
Her image began to fade but her smile never did.
Dean closed his eyes, kissed her hand, whispered her name into the empty room.
She was gone again, drawn back into his memory, a ghost only in his whiskey addled mind.
He knew she wasn’t really there when she appeared- he’d set the pyre ablaze himself. But still, whenever he met the bottom of a bottle, he’d dream her up and feel her spirit around him. Nights like these he wondered if maybe, if somehow… she had stayed with him.
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2024 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!) @alwaystiredandconfused @babysimpala @beardburnsupersoldiers @chenshemesh1 @cosicas-cuquis @deans-baby-momma @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @impalaspixie @jackles010378 @kazsrm67 @k-slla @leigh70 @lyarr24 @nancymcl @peachy-vans @pizzagirlxnsfwx @rachiem4-blog @sexyvixen7 @suckitands33 @the-wounded-healer05   
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Canon Destiel Timeline Masterpost
I wrote this all in a fugue state while listening to Green Grow the Lilacs on repeat so forgive any mistakes. @gay-fae ask and ye shall receive
So much has happened in the long and storied history of his fandom so I've decided to try to document it. I've started by looking up every time that canon destiel, destiel event, misha collins, jackles, or some other search terms have spiked on Google and cross referenced them with tumblr or twitter posts from that day. I know a lot of this is Misha stuff, but he does tend to be the one to say things
November 5th, 2020: Season 15, Episode 18 "Despair" airs and Castiel declares his love to Dean. The presidential election, Georgia turning blue, the presumed retirement of Vladamir Putin, Dabi from My Hero Academia, Ouran Host Club season 2, Sherlock season 5, the president of Bolivia being attacked with dynamite, ongoing BLM protests, a twitter artist making racist art of Ted Bundy, Hetalia returning, a dead man being elected Representative for North Dakota, V for Vendetta, scientists discovering a "hell" planet that rains rocks and has lava oceans, and half of Europe being in lockdown all became tumblr news around the same time. Some of these are true, some not.
November 8th, 2020: Misha Collins, in a panel with Richard Speight, states that the confession scene was a "declaration of homosexual love", and that when Castiel goes to the Empty, it is an example of the "Kill your gays" trope.
November 19th, 2020: The finale airs and it is not well loved to say the least. The episode is short, Dean dies by falling on a nail to death fighting vampire clowns, and there are several characters left with dangling unresolved plot threads and arcs, including Castiel. The car is in heaven though. There is very little heard from the cast and crew, if anything.
November 22nd, 2020: Misha Collins, in a livestream, tells a fan that Castiel and Jack are remaking heaven together, Cas has his wings back, and they are rainbow-colored. He had, however, mentioned the rainbow wings before.
November 24th, 2020: The Spanish dub of the confession is released and a "rogue" translator has written "Y yo a ti" or "I love you too" as Dean's response. Destiel goes canon in Spanish. Tumblr stops working as a result.
November 25th, 2020: tumblr user @thebloggerbloggerfun claims Jensen Ackles said "I had a member of the film crew record the confession scene on my phone for me" #unsourced #releasethetapes
November 26th, 2020: Misha doesn't appreciate the rogue translator, but walks that opinion back later the same day
November 27th, 2020: A "leaked" Italian dub of the confession scene shows a mutual confession.
November 28th, 2020: President Obama follows a destiel account on Twitter
November 30th, 2020: The supposed "Italian dub" is revealed as a fake created by user @iotiamo using sound clips from other parts of the Italian dub on show.
December 1st, 2020: Twitter user @mothdean says "misha I know you have a stan acc and spy on us so can we have a hazel update please"
December 3rd, 2020: Misha tweets about Hazel snoring and this is taken as possible confirmation of Misha's secret stan account
December 11th, 2020: A script from Cas's perspective leaks. It says "We see Cass's POV of Dean again - his face drawn, drained of hope. But still beautiful. Still Dean Winchester."
December 16th, 2020: Newsweek runs an article about an article that Misha wrote about the Lewinsky affair while interning in the Clinton White House in which Misha comes off as rather thirsty for Bill
December 20th, 2020: All Supernatural related materials disappear off the CW's website due to a copyright dispute with Warner Brothers
December 31st, 2020: Mishapocalypse redux
February 9th, 2021: Spn cast members Chad Lindberg and Samantha Ferris tweet about a party at the Roadhouse and it grows to become a full Destiel wedding
February 16th, 2021: @steveyockey made a fairly benign post about Jensen Ackles. The notes went wild in a variety of ways and started a rumor that Spn writer Steve Yockey was dead
February 20th, 2021: Steve Yockey is not dead and he should say it
March 3rd, 2021: The German dub drops and it is also romantic in tone
March 6-8th, 2021: A virtual con happens where Jensen discusses Chaos Machine and Jared says he wants to be in their next project. They also show that WAP video. Jensen is giving full mountain man preparing to play Soldier Boy.
March 10th, 2021: The French dub is released. Cas says, "I love you, Dean" and Dean now responds, "Don't do this to me, Castiel"
March 13th, 2021: The company Amazon tweets about Castiel and Misha Collins asks if they ship Deancas or Wincest. Subsequently apologizes.
March 16th, 2021: Misha says he can't speak as Castiel because Warner Brothers" specifically forbade it. #cwsniperconfirmed
March 17th, 2021: Sam and Eileen are getting married! I have no idea how this came about but I'm happy for them
March 23rd, 2021: Chad Lindberg and Samantha Ferris claim on Twitter that the Roadhouse party was about Valentine's day and not a wedding. Ferris specifically said that she worked on the show and that people tried to make Dean/Cas into "something that it wasn't", She also stated she doesn't "know what queerbaiting is" and that it was due to an "agenda". This led to #deanisbi trending on Twitter and Tumblr.
March 31st, 2021: Some possibly fake leaked scripts come up for sale on eBay. Also, Jensen is Batman.
April 1st, 2021: Mishapocalypse redux
April 6th, 2021: Leaked scripts from the 2 final episodes pop up and have several mentions of Cas in them that were omitted. Dean even thinks about Cas's confession when confronting Chuck.
April 18th, 2021: Scripts from seasons 12 and 13 leak. These include scenes from after Cas's death
May 17th, 2021: Jensen's band Radio Company releases an album including the song Watching Over Me
June ~5th, 2021: Misha says at a convention that Watching Over Me is about Castiel. Jensen neither confirms nor denies this when asked about it
June 11th, 2021: It is announced that Misha is publishing a book of poetry
June 18th, 2021: The Russian dub airs and Dean's line is changed to "Don't you dare, Cas"
June 24-28th, 2021: Jensen and Daneel Ackles reveal that they are making a Supernatural prequel series following John and Mary Winchester (a story that NOBODY was asking for). Jensen will reprise his role as Dean and will narrate. Misha hints that he would like to be involved, as do Ruthie Connell, Samantha Ferris, Matt Cohen, and Julie McNiven (the perils of having a cast of mostly immortal characters). But Jared Padalecki first says that he is happy for the Ackles's, he later said he was "gutted", then responded to Robbie Thompson's tweet calling him a "coward" and saying "what an awful thing you've done". The next day, Jensen and Jared both do damage control and say they'll always be brothers
July 17th, 2021: People are asking if Destiel will be canon in Space Jam, Misha's poetry book's cover is revealed to lukewarm reviews and people are talking about a particular poem about piss, and Perfume Genius releases an article that is a self-insert vore fanfiction about having sex with Jensen Ackles
August 2nd, 2021: Perfume Genius is at it again with "Last Friday, I had my eyes removed by Jared Padalecki". No, I do not know why she is doing this.
August 9th, 2021: Destiel fics hit 100k on Ao3. Misha tweets his support and people remember that he sometimes reads fanfiction and theorize he has an A03 account
September 1st, 2021: Misha makes his first Tiktok. There is a short intro before he calls cut, walks behind a screen, and strips his clothes off
September 3rd, 2021: Jake Abel uses Michael and Adam to help sell his hot sauce brand
September 4th, 2021: Misha confirms that the love between Castiel and Dean was "reciprocated"
September 9th, 2021: A clip of the real Italian dub of the confession scene goes viral as it is revealed that, unlike the Spanish dub, they change the line to "ti voglio bene" or essentially "I love you like family". Misha responds with a video saying "Ciao Italia, ti amo" with the subtitle "Love is love in any language"
September 21st, 2021: Misha drops the fact that one of his poems is from Castiel's perspective.
September 30th, 2021: Jensen will be appearing at a con on the same day as Misha and not with Jared for "professional reasons"
October 4th, 2021: Misha responds to a fan's tweet by saying that Jensen has "crazy eyes and a knife in his pocket"
October 10th, 2021: Daneel posts a picture of Jensen intently reading Misha's poetry book in front of a roaring fire on Instagram. Misha responds that he misses them even more
October 12th, 2021: Jensen is cast in Rust, a (rather ill-fated) western and Misha says "Yippie-ki-yay" and calls him a stud in the comments
October 16th, 2021: Denvercon. Jensen and Jared reunite for the first time since THE INCIDENT
April 24th, 2022: Misha Collins says in terms of being an extrovert, an introvert, or a bisexual, he joked "I'm all three". This led to the internet celebrating Misha's newly revealed bisexuality.
April 25th, 2022: Misha Collins comes out as straight. Oops!
June 19th, 2022: According to Misha, Dean's heaven was supposed to be at the Roadhouse with all his friends and Cas was going to be there with him
November 7th, 2022: Misha calls Elon Musk a snowflake
November 12th, 2022: Tumblr starts planning another Mishapocalypse
January 24th, 2023: Jensen and the cast of the Winchesters throw Dean Winchester a birthday party, including wearing silly little hats
February 26th, 2023: At JIBcon 11, Jensen sings an improvised song about an angel while Misha sits cross-legged on the floor looking up at him
April 1st, 2023: 10 year anniversary of the Mishapocalypse
April 16th, 2023: A year after his bisexual whoopsie daisy, Misha says that Warner Brothers asked him to "let it go" and keep pretending to be bisexual.
August 23, 2023: Rogue Spanish translator is revealed to not have gone rogue at all but instead to have followed the script he was given, confirming the existence of a mutual love confession that was cut at some point.
If you can remember any events and dates that I haven't found, please let me know and I'll add them! I haven't really rounded out 2022 and 2023 yet.
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My Turn
Sam and Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: you’ve been spending too much time with Sam, so Dean brings out an old tradition to get some more time with you
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“Move your head, moose, I can’t see!”
“Moose? You’ve been spending too much time around Crowley.”
“It’s not my fault he’s locked in our dungeon.”
“Would you just focus?”
“I don’t need focus to beat you, Sammy.”
Dean wandered into the living room of the bunker where his siblings were squabbling.
“Mario Kart?” He questioned. “Since when do we have Mario Kart?”
“Since we went out and bought it yesterday,” Sam answered. “And our delusional baby sister here actually thinks she’s better than me.”
“This is the third time in a row that I’ve gotten first place, Sammy. I don’t think; I know.”
“Yeah well, you’re gonna eat your words right after you eat this.”
“No no no don’t you dare-“
It was too late. Sam sent the blue shell hurdling towards you, and just before you passed the finish line it spun you out, and Sam managed to squeeze by you.
“Aw come on!” You whined, but when the awards page shone on the screen, a smirk broke out on your face. “Ha! Even your treachery couldn’t beat out my victory!”
“Hey, you may have won the gold, but I won Rainbow Road.”
“If that makes you feel better, I’ll let you have that,” you taunted.
“Hey we got another controller?” Dean asked. “I think it’s time I show you both who the real champ is.”
“Here, take mine,” Sam stood. “I’ve gotta do some research in the library.”
“I wanna come!” Sam grunted in surprise when you leaped off the couch and onto his back.
Dean watched Sam carry you out of the room, an unpleasantly familiar feeling bubbling up in his stomach.
The three of you had always been inseparable, but lately you and Sam had been stuck together like Velcro.
He wanted to spend more time with you, but he wasn’t sure how to get you away from Sam.
Then suddenly, an old solution came to him.
Sam looked up in surprise when Dean took baby Y/N out of his hands.
“Hey,” he grumbled, but Dean just smirked.
“Mine,” he insisted, carrying you over to his bed and sitting down with you. “You’ve been hogging her attention all afternoon.”
“She’s not a doll, Dean,” Sam protested.
“Complain all you want, but it’s my turn.”
“What are you-“
Sam shushed his brother as he gently lifted three-year old you out of Dean’s hands.
“Mine,” he smirked, cradling your sleeping form in his arms.
“Dude, c’mon, you can’t just-“
“Shh, you’re gonna wake her up. Suck it up, jerk, it’s my turn.”
Sam rubbed his face, willing his eyes to stay open.
“You feeling any better?” He asked quietly, to which you shook your head.
“I’m back, and I got food,” Dean announced as he stepped into the motel. One look at Sam, and he frowned. “Did you get any sleep?”
Sam stood and moved away from you to speak to Dean.
“Her fever spiked, I’ve been trying to bring it down.”
“I’ve got her now, you go get some sleep alright?” Dean walked over to where you were positioned on the couch and lifted you into his arms, carrying you to his bed.
“You sure?” Sam yawned.
“Yeah,” Dean insisted. “It’s my turn.”
Dean shook his head to clear it of the memories as he marched into the library.
“Hey Dee,” you greeted.
“Hey,” he reciprocated with a smile as he stepped up to your chair, leaning down and lifting you into his arms.
“What the-“ you protested, and Sam butted in with a-
“What are you doing?”
“Mine,” Dean insisted as he started towards the living room.
“Dude what the heck?” You asked, but Sam started to laugh.
“Dean she’s not three anymore.”
Dean just grinned.
“Complain all you want, but it’s my turn.”
“What was that?”
You demanded as Dean dumped you unceremoniously into Baby’s passenger seat.
“That was me taking you out for a drive.”
“I’m pretty sure that was actually kidnapping.”
“Kidnapping?” Dean scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous, you love going for drives with me.”
“Dean, you picked me up and dragged me out here, I think that’s called kidnapping,” you frowned. “And what did Sam mean when he said I wasn’t three anymore?”
Dean chuckled, “You don’t remember? When you were little, and one of us was holding you for too long, or spending too much time with you, the other would just kinda…” Dean searched for a word. “Steal you, I guess you could say. You loved it, I think the attention kinda went to your head.”
“So you came in there and carried me away like your favorite doll or something because Sammy was hogging me?” You giggled.
“Hey, don’t let it go to your head again,” Dean grumbled.
“You know you could’ve just asked.”
“I asked to play Mario Kart and you guys dipped. Figured I’d try a more traditional approach,” Dean smirked.
“Sorry,” your voice suddenly got more somber.
“Nah nah, none of that,” Dean demanded. “I didn’t come out here looking for sympathy, I came out here looking for a good time.”
“Ok then,” you grinned suddenly and reached to turn on the radio. “Let’s have a good time.”
You gasped in surprise when you felt yourself lifted off the ground the moment you stepped into the bunker.
“Dude, seriously?” Came Dean’s voice from behind you.
“Hey you started this game,” Sam retorted. “I’m just continuing it.”
“Hey guys,” you huffed. “Why don’t we just all hang out?”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Ha! Take that, now I’m winning!”
“Wanna bet?”
“Oh you did not,” Dean groaned when you nailed him with a red shell, passing him quickly before beating him to the finish line.
“I do believe that’s the end of round 17,” you smirked. “And as you can see from the tally marks, it ends in my favor, so suck it!”
Sam grumbled, “I think someone’s ego needs to be knocked down a peg.”
“You’d have to beat me to do that,” you laughed.
“Or,” Dean interjected. “We could finally give up on this and watch a movie.”
“You’re just saying that because you know you’ll never win.”
“Oh no no no,” Dean argued. “That taunt might’ve worked with me eight rounds ago, but I mean it, I’m done.”
“Fine,” you grinned. “But winner gets to pick the movie.”
The boys grumbled, but relented.
Two hours later, the credits rolled and Dean looked over to see you fast asleep on the couch. He stood and moved to pick you up, but Sam beat him to it.
“Hey-“ Dean began, but Sam cut him off.
“Uh-uh, go on I’ve got her. It’s my turn.”
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Shh! Pt. 2
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Summary: The hangovers are very real for Dean and Y/N. Will they notice the artwork on the fridge?
Pairing/Characters: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Warnings: None. This second part is pretty much all fluff too.
Word Count: 2,693 (This part was a bit longer than the first. Sorry!)
A/C: Okay, so the first part of Shh! was actually just supposed to be a one shot, fic request. But I got a fair few requests for a sequel about the morning after, and I wanted to know what happened too. So, here it is. Lol! I had a lot of fun writing the two parts to this little story. Hope you have fun reading them. ❤️
It was requested that I tag @arcannaa if I made a second part. So, here ya go, lovely. Let me know if you'd like to be added to one of the tag lists linked below. ❤️
Part 1 is here || Main Master List || Tag Lists
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The Next Morning:
Dean's groan was deep and long and ended in one word. “Fuck.”
“Shh…” Y/N held her head in her hands as she sat up. “Why are you so loud?” She asked, and her voice sounded as dry and cracked as the Sahara. 
“No, you're so loud.” Was Dean's witty rejoinder as he sat up beside her.
They both turned their heads to look at each other and groaned again. Y/N looked around the room and her brow creased with confusion.
“Why am I here?”
Dean grunted. “I'm a little too hungover for an existential crisis.”
Y/N pursed her lips, side eyeing him. “No, idiot. I mean why am I here in your bed? Why aren't I in my own bed?”
Dean rubbed his hand down his face. “Well, your bed is about 2 hours away, which probably explains the sleepover.”
Y/N hummed her agreement and pointed at him, conceding the point. “Yeah, I guess neither of us was in the best shape to drive.” She paused and then scowled. “We didn't, right? I mean, we didn’t drive home.”
She squinted at Dean who was shaking his head. “Nooo…” His tone said that was impossible, but then he tilted his head. “Right? There’s no way we would have been that stupid.”
Y/N shook her head and then stopped when the room started spinning. She rubbed her temples with her fingertips. “No, we must have taken a cab. We must have.”
It was silent while both of them tried desperately to remember something from the night before.
Dean sat up straight. “Rainbow Connection!” He said suddenly.
Y/N turned to look at him again and one eye brow was raised. “Are you stroking out?”
Dean waved at her. “No, the cab. I remember we took a cab cause I remember being in it and singing ‘Rainbow Connection’.”  He closed his eyes. “I really don’t remember why though.”
Y/N gasped softly, remembering something. “Rambeau.” 
Dean opened his eyes to look at her and his expression was all confusion. “Uh…Rocky II. We just naming Stallone movies?”
Y/N made a sound of disgust. “No, B - E - A - U, Rambeau, not Rambo.” When Dean still just stared at her blankly, she sighed and rolled her eyes. “It was the driver’s name, remember. But you thought he -”
“ - said Rainbow!” Dean finished, snapping his fingers. “Right! That’s when we started singing it.” He nodded, happy with their mental sleuthing, and then he shook his head.
“Man, I hope we gave him a big tip.”
Y/N chuckled and then took a big breath. “K, I need coffee, stat. Like a vat of coffee, like, this is a  hook-it-to-my-veins kinda situation.”
Dean grunted his agreement and they both pushed themselves up from the bed with a painful groan. Dean grabbed Y/N’s wrist as they were leaving the room. “Wait, do you remember…did we talk to Sam last night?”
Y/N just shrugged. “Dude, I have no idea.”
“Huh…I feel like we did.” Dean said quietly as he padded towards the kitchen with Y/N trailing just behind him.
When they got to the kitchen Y/N collapsed onto one of the seats at the table and cradled her head in her hands.
Dean walked to the coffee maker and his face lit up. 
“Oh, thank god for a little brother who gets up at the butt crack of dawn to go running to nowhere in particular. He made the coffee already!” He grabbed two cups and brought them and the pot to the table. 
Y/N inhaled deeply, pulling the aroma of the coffee into her lungs. “Do you have cream?”
Dean made a face. “Cream? God no; this is a black coffee household, Y/N. You should know this.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled. “Yes, of course. Only manly black coffee for the Winchesters. How foolish of me.”
Dean shot her a grin and nodded in the direction of the fridge. “Might be some milk in the fridge.”
Y/N groaned again as she dragged herself up and stumbled blindly towards the fridge. She looked back at Dean as she pulled open the door. “I swear to God it feels like my muscles are about two minutes away from seizing up all together.”
Dean chuckled as Y/N looked into the fridge and shook her head. “There is nothing resembling milk in this fridge.”
“In the back?”
“Dean, there is no ‘back’ to this fridge. You’ve got three beers and leftover pizza that’s harder than the cardboard box it’s in.” She said as she peered inside. As Dean began rummaging around at the coffee station, she picked up a piece of the pizza and banged the crust against the box.
“That’s just sad.” She muttered.
“Score!” Dean called out just as Y/N closed the fridge door. “Found something called Coffee Whitener! Not CoffeeMate, it’s literally just called coffee whitener.”
Dean’s face fell into a frown. “Actually, I don’t know how old this is.”
“Might be from the fifties.” Dean mumbled. “Cause for the life of me I can’t remember Sam or I ever buying -”
“Dean!” Y/N yelled.
Dean grimaced as her shout made his head pound. “What? Jesus, why are you yelling?”
Y/N was pointing at the fridge door. “What the fuck is this?”
Dean set down the coffee whitener and walked over. “What the fuck is what?”
Y/N just kept pointing as Dean came up beside her to see two wrinkled up pieces of paper stuck to the fridge.
As he read the words he felt his heart clench. He read both letters twice.
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He looked at Y/N slowly and couldn’t read what her expression was saying. He shook his head. “I - I mean, I dunno. Where did they come from?”
Y/N shrugged. “I don't know, but that’s my handwriting and…that’s yours. Do you…I mean, do you remember writing them?”
Dean shook his head. “No. I don’t remember. But, I mean…it must have…I mean, it had to be some kind of joke, right? Like we were messing around? Just some kind of drunken joke?”
Y/N was looking away from him, but he shrugged again. “I mean, don’t you think?”
She nodded and her face was scrunched up when she looked at him. “Had to be, right?”
He felt his heart plummet even as he nodded. “Right?”
“Yeah, we were just being stupid, fucking around.” She concluded quietly.
He nodded again. “Yeah.”
They were quiet for a minute before Y/N pointed towards the table. “So, did you say something about 1950’s coffee whitener?”
Dean forced a chuckle. “Yeah, come try it out, if you dare.”
They sat at the table and Dean poured them both coffee. In the end, Y/N just took a bit of sugar in hers, not willing to be a guinea pig for the decades old, mostly chemicals coffee whitener. 
Silence reigned between them, neither of them able to push aside the words in the letters. Finally, Y/N couldn’t take the awkwardness and, pushing her coffee cup aside, she stood up.
“I should probably get going. I gotta shower and change and, you know, try to feel like a human again.” She said with a stilted laugh.
Dean nodded. “Yeah for sure. I’ll drive you.”
Y/N waved him down as he started to stand. “No, no. Don’t worry about it. I’ll just take the bus. There’s one that comes at 11:00. I’ve taken it before.”
Dean frowned. “Why the hell would you take the bus when I can just drive you.”
Y/N tucked her hair behind her ears nervously. She knew she wouldn't survive a two hour car ride, sitting so close to him but knowing she was never going to get any closer.
...it had to be some kind of joke, right? Dean's dismissive voice echoed in her mind.
So, she shook her head at him. “No, it’s okay. This way you can just rest and feel better. I like the bus. You know, I just put my music on and chill the whole way.”
“Right.” Dean said sardonically, trying to keep the hurt out of his voice. “Cause you know, if I drove you, we’d definitely be listening to an audio book about the sixteenth century Christian Reformation. No music in my car.”
Y/N laughed nervously. “No, I know…but…”
Dean just nodded again. “Yeah, okay. Well, have a good two hour bus ride, I guess.”
Y/N smiled. “I will. I’ll uh…I’ll call you.”
Y/N cleared her throat. “See ya.” She said with another plastered-on-smile as she left the kitchen.
“Yeah, see ya.” Dean answered quietly.
About an hour later Dean was still sitting at the kitchen table nursing an ice cold black coffee when he heard the bunker door slam. A minute later Sam walked into the kitchen in his running clothes, sweating and still breathing deeply. 
He went to the sink to fill up his water bottle as he looked back at Dean with a smirk. “You look ill.” Dean just grunted and Sam chuckled as he took a sip of water. “Where’s Y/N?” He asked.
“Went home.” Dean answered shortly.
Sam frowned looking towards the fridge where the letters still hung.  “Didn’t you guys see the letters?”
Dean’s head came up quickly and he stared at Sam. “What do you mean? Why do you know about them?”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Who the hell do you think hung them up there?”
Dean shook his head, anger in his expression. “Why the fuck would you do something like that? Y/N saw them and freaked.”
“I’m telling you. She saw what I wrote and couldn’t get out of here fast enough. Wouldn’t even take a ride home.” Dean said sullenly.
Sam set his water bottle down on the island, hard. “Oh my god!” He growled. “I might actually strangle you both.” When Dean just continued to frown at him, Sam shook his head. “Didn’t you each read the other’s letter? You guys wrote essentially the same thing to each other. Because you’re both so into each other. Jesus Christ.”
He pushed two hands through his damp hair. “I figured once you both saw it written out right in front of you, you’d realize that you’re both a couple of dumbasses!”
Dean shook his head. “No, she didn’t mean what she wrote. She thought it was some kind of drunken joke.”
Sam scowled. “She told you it was just a joke? She remembered writing her letter?”
“No, but I asked if she thought it was a joke and she said yeah, it had to be. Had to be because she has no interest in me like that.”
“Did she actually say that?” Sam asked, speaking over the end of Dean’s sentence, “Or did she just go along with you when you suggested it was a joke, because that’s what she thought you thought?” 
When Dean didn’t answer Sam growled again in frustration. “For fuck’s sake this is ridiculous. I’m just gonna spell it out for you.” He walked over to stand in front of Dean at the table. “Y/N is madly in love with you.”
Dean scoffed, but Sam sliced his hand through the air. “No, shut up. She is in love with you and you are in love with her, and if you asked one single other person who knows you both, they’ll tell you the exact same thing. Because it is glaringly, abundantly, stupidly obvious, you dumbass. Now go find her at the station, tell her the truth and watch how quickly she tells you she feels the same.”
Dean was frowning. “That's not gonna happen.” But he could feel a spark of hope at his brother’s certainty.
Sam just glared. 
He threw up his hands. “Okay, I’ll go.” He stood up and walked towards the door, stopping on the top step to look back at Sam. “But when she rips my heart out and I lose my best friend, you’re gonna be the one who has to deal with me.”
Sam rolled his eyes and pointed. “Go.”
All the way to the bus station, Dean was running through scenarios in his mind. As he parked outside, his watch said 10:50; was she already gonna be on the bus? Would it be like one of those horrible romcom things, where he had to chase her down through the crowd and then confess his love on a bus full of people. And if he did that, was Sam right? Would she love him back, or was it going to end up as - less funny romcom, more tragic farce? 
He had the scenario half imagined in his head, but when he walked through the doors he was reminded that the Lebanon bus station was actually quite small so, no running from terminal to terminal looking for her. There were only two bus stalls outside to begin with, but also, she was sitting calmly on a bench just across from the door.
He walked towards her and her eyes got wide.
Fuck, I can’t do this. Why the fuck am I doing this? Dean thought over and over.
He stopped in front of her and she looked up at him, her face puzzled. “Dean? What are you doing here?”
He jammed his hands into his jacket pockets and rocked up on to the balls of his feet; he shrugged. “I don’t know, I just thought…I really wanna give you a ride home.”
Y/N frowned and lifted a hand towards the small ticket office. “I already bought my ticket.”
“Well, get a refund.”
“Why do you want to drive me home so badly?” Y/N asked loudly, frustration tinting her words.
“Why don’t you want me to?” Dean answered even louder.
Y/N let out a huff of air. “I don’t want you to not…I don’t not want…I want not t -” She broke off with a cry of frustration. “Ugh!!”
She looked up at him and her gaze was confused and questioning. “Dean, what is going on here?”
Dean shuffled from foot to foot for a minute, until Y/N started to speak again and he cut her off.
“The letter was true.”
He spoke quietly and he wondered if she’d heard him. He wasn’t sure he’d have the courage to say it again; as it was, he was staring at the ground, his stomach in knots.
He shook his head and finally just decided it was all or nothing.
“My letter. What I wrote. It was true. I mean, it was drunken idiocy, but…” He raised his head and looked at her. “It was true.”
He wasn’t sure, but he thought he caught relief in her voice, so he smiled at her and gave a resigned nod. 
“Yep. You are my good day.” He said, paraphrasing his letter. “I want kisses from you.” He paused a beat. “And also sex.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Sorry.”
Y/N’s smile was bright and beautiful as she leapt up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank god.” She bit her bottom lip and then quoted her letter. “I hope you will kiss me. All the time.”
Dean felt like his chest might actually burst from happiness as he grasped her waist and pulled her close. 
“I can do that.”
He pulled her tight against him, capturing her lips in a kiss that he’d waited for for a very long time. 
Y/N felt lightheaded with joy and with the headiness of Dean’s kiss. His lips were soft and searching as they pressed tightly to hers, and she opened to him immediately, reveling in the deep groan that tumbled out of him as he sank his tongue deep into her mouth. 
They clung to each other, endlessly kissing, sharing breath and stealing each other's moans. Neither of them were one hundred percent sure they weren’t just in a very vivid dream, but both of them were determined that if it was a dream, they didn’t want to wake up. 
The loudspeaker came on announcing that Y/N’s bus was boarding, but neither of them heard it, and neither of them cared. The ticket agent who’d sold her the ticket called out to her.
“Miss, your bus is leav-”
But her coworker interrupted her. “Shh! Are you crazy? Do you see the man kissing her? Trust me she does NOT want to be disturbed.”
She wasn't wrong.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @alwaystiredandconfused @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma @luvr4miya
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @hobby27 @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96
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book-place · 1 year
Arts and Crafts Disaster
Warnings: blood, papers cuts, slight cursing, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Castiel x reader platonic, Dean Winchester x sister reader, Sam Winchester x sister reader
Request: hello :))) I have a request!! Can you do a castiel x child reader where castiel has to babysit child reader again, but child reader somehow injured themself and dean and sam come back from a hunt to a crying child reader and a panicky cas? thanks!! love your stories btw<33
Request by: @homowholikespace
*not my gif*
Summary: Cas is back to babysit again
A/N: There’s some references to a past work of mine —> Of Cats and Angels; Also, yes paper cuts do hurt that much. No, it’s not dramatic
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Cassie!” You cheered as soon as the angel landed in the bunker's library, hurrying over and wrapping your arms tightly around his leg in a hug.
“Hello, Y/n.” He greeted, patting the top of your head fondly.
“Thanks again for watching her, Cas.” Dean spoke up, striding into the room as he slung a duffel bag containing all he would need for the upcoming hunt over his shoulder.
“It is no problem.” He answered the eldest Winchester honestly, nodding along as you already began babbling to him about one thing or another.
Dean gave him a smile, clapping him on the back before trailing after Sam, who had walked up the stairs and out into the garage moments ago.
The two of them were going out on a hunt a couple miles away, so they called up their angel friend to babysit you once more. Considering the last time had been a success, save for the newfound kitten that now roamed the halls of the bunker.
“Say ‘hi’ to Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens, Cassie!” You demanded, presenting the cat up to him as soon as your brother disappeared.
“Hello, Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens.” He echoed, reaching out a finger and gently scratching the small thing behind its ear.
You grinned up at him, satisfied, and set the cat free on the ground, “What are we gonna do today?” You asked eagerly.
From the look on your face, he could tell you were hoping that today would end with you gaining a new pet again. But he couldn’t let that happen, he doubted your brothers would let it slide again. It was pure luck he got away unscathed after they found out about Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens last time.
“How about some arts and crafts?” Castiel suggested.
After the last time, he had done some research on what children liked to do, and this was one of the top results he had found.
You squealed, nodding up and down happily before skipping off to go get some art supplies Sam had left in a nearby closet for you and returned with a box filled to the brim with different papers, colored pencils, markers, and crayons.
You happily dumped them on a table and you and Cas set to work, a determined silence falling over the two of you like a blanket.
Working side by side, you each were laser focused on your own projects at hand, Castiel trying to draw a rainbow with the perfect mix of colors, and you working hard to draw a family picture of you and your brothers- featuring Castiel and Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens, of course.
This went on for hours. Every time one of you finished your drawings, you wouldn’t find it satisfying enough, and would crumble it into a ball, toss it into a nearby wastebasket, and start over. There was definitely something admirable about both of your determination to get your pieces of art just right.
Finally, a wide grin broke out onto your face as you stared down at your paper, “Cassie! Cassie, look! I did it-“ You whipped your paper into your hands all too quickly to try and show the angel your finished product. The material sliced across your finger in such a way that it began to bleed immediately. Paper cut.
Both of you stilled for all of a minute, until the pain stung harsh and fast and tears began to fill your eyes.
You began wailing right away, sticking out your wounded hand as if it was infected, and Cas’s panic quickly filled his silent void.
“Are you alright?” He asked hurriedly, “What can I-“
You just kept bawling though, the sting of the paper cut that dug deep fresh in your pain.
Poor Castiel had no idea what to do. He had never been in this situation before. Sure, he could reach over and easily heal you with a touch, but all logic seemed to fly out of his mind the second you began sobbing.
“Hey! We’re home!” As always, Dean and Sam burst in at just the wrong moment.
The second your cries reached their ears, they flew down the stairs in a blur of movement and panic, very similar to Castiels, not stopping until they were right in front of the two of you.
“What is it?” Dean panted instantly, “What’s wrong?”
With a wobbling lip, you held out your scarred finger to them, and they both let out simultaneous breaths of relief.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Sam cooed, shoulders relaxing as he scooped you up into his arms, letting you burrow your face into the crook of his neck, “It’s okay, you’re alright.”
He lead you off to get a bandaid and Dean whirled around to face Cas as soon as he was out of sight, “What the hell, man?” He demanded.
The angel shrugged helplessly, “Just a moment ago she started crying very loudly and I didn’t know-“
You and Sam entered back in the room, hand in hand, as you wiped your eyes and nose with the back of your sleeve, calming down significantly.
“Are you alright?” Cas immediately asked in concern.
You nodded shyly, focusing your eyes on the ground as you shuffled your feet up and down.
Sam smiled down at you softly, squeezing your hand gently in reassurance, “She’s alright, just got a bit freaked out, that’s all.”
You sniffled slightly, gently letting go of Sam’s hand and walking back over to the table, lifting up your drawing- very carefully this time- to show the three men your hard work.
“Wow, great job, kiddo.” Dean praised instantly, reaching over and ruffling your hair, emitting giggles from you.
Sam grinned, studying the drawing of himself, “The hair is spot on.” He remarked.
“It looks wonderful, Y/n.” Castiel told you honestly.
All four of you were standing in a line in the picture, holding hands and wearing bright smiles, Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens of course hanging a couple inches above all of you in the air, doing so with the powers you were convinced he had and just never used when you were all around.
Idjits 👟- @ineedmorefanfics2 @roseblue373 @popfishjr
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