#Dean's Widower Arc
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drulalovescas · 5 months
Dean screaming at Sam: now you might be able to forget about that BUT I CAN'T!!!!!!!! is absolutely insane actually. because what was the reason other than to show how Dean's grief over Cas is DIFFERENT from Sam's???? what was the reason other than to highlight that Sam might be able to forget about it - because he lost a friend. While Dean CAN'T forget about it because he lost the love of his li -- [gunshots]
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strawlessandbraless · 4 months
imagine having your widower arc
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before you have your divorce arc
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honestly who’s doing it like them
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imagine the man you love dies and the next day the world around you looks as beautiful as this
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vendettasfanfictioning · 10 months
oh my fucking god dean had to carry cas' body to get him onto the pyre he had to carry all of cas' dead weight while the grief still clung to his shoulders he wrapped up cas' body himself and when sam mentions the meadow, he says it's where dean spread the ashes, excluding him and jack because dean wouldn't have let anyone else handle cas so dean had to be the one to carry cas from the house table to the pyre they all lost something in cas, a friend, a protector, a father, but dean lost half of his soul that night oh i am unwell and unstable with these thoughts—
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zombiecastiell · 4 months
rewatching season 7 and realizing that was the first widow arc 💀
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while i will always love and appreciate the bisexual dean winchester agenda, i truly believe that if he was raised differently—or maybe if he grew up today instead—that boy would have been gay. like his love for women in a romantic/sexual context was always such a caricature and was continuously used as a symbol of masculinity that played against the roles assigned to him by his father growing up for the sake of suppressing any queerness he might exhibit. now whether that suppression was purposely written into his character or was a reaction to the character they had created, i’m not sure, but it’s there regardless.
i don’t mean to dismiss the love he felt for cassie or lisa, but particularly with lisa, i’m not sure he was ever in love with her, despite the fact that he did care for both her and ben. i get so frustrated watching the end of s5 because him going to her house and his perfect “apple pie life” being with her in suburbia genuinely came out of nowhere and i’ve never understood a) why it had to happen, and b) why it had to be lisa. but thinking about it in this sense, she was the closest thing he had in his life to everything he was raised to believe he should want by one john winchester, who lost his perfect wife, perfect family, perfect apple pie life and sent all of them down this path in the first place. so of course to dean, his happy ending would be with someone like lisa. but that’s the important part. someone like lisa, not lisa herself. he may have had love for her and he may have been able to picture a life with her, but it wasn’t necessarily because she was everything he wanted; she was a symbol of the things that tore his family apart and so to be with her felt like he was finally able to put some of it back together. and that makes me so sad for him because all of that is a result of the sense of responsibility ingrained in him growing up by john, not something he wanted for himself.
but back to his general attitude towards women, there was an excellent post that said he only acts like the typical womanizer he has a reputation for being around women deemed “stereotypical” by the misogynistic perspective. otherwise, he tends to take on a fairly brotherly role; he doesn’t tend to pursue any women he can “take seriously,” and is more intimidated or impressed by them than anything else. with the exception of cassie (which was pre-series and we never got full context for in the first place), he only ever pursued women with whom he would have a definitive ending—by that i mean women who he knows he’ll never see again or who would have a clearly defined role during the time they’re together that wouldn’t threaten the status quo. and yes these could also be the traits of a commitment-phobe or someone chronically on the move, but for one, sam doesn’t tend to do the same thing (see ruby, amelia, and eileen), and for two, given the things i mentioned already, it makes me consider it more of a result of him not actually being interested in women romantically.
his reaction to women when not purposely used as the butt of a joke or to perpetuate the “womanizer dean winchester” agenda is often so innately fraternal, caring in a way that doesn’t have any expectations behind it. and when there is a romantic context, so much of the relationship can be attributed to the way john raised him and the beliefs he has as a direct result; it’s never simply been built on the foundation of love.
every time he is dismissed as this macho het guy, it also dismisses so much of what makes him a wonderful character, and yes a lot of that is his queerness. so in a world where he didn’t grow up with roles and responsibilities that shaped him into someone he knew his dad hated and forced him to create this character for himself in order to survive? i think he would have been gay and he would have been okay with that.
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touchstiel · 1 year
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a painting? no. a widower.
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nostalgicbones · 4 months
pad around when i get home / i guess a lesser woman would've lost hope / a greater woman wouldn't beg / but i looked to the sky and said P L E A S E
( youtube | my amvs )
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insanesonofabitch · 9 months
Carrying Cas is one of, if not the most intimate gesture Dean could ever bring himself to do for him, it’s the closest they could ever be, and it’s only when Cas is DEAD and he’s ALONE and there’s nobody else to see—not even us—that he gets to do that.
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ilostmyshoe28 · 6 months
Sam: Hey, do you have a bag i can borrow?
Dean: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they’re specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.
Sam: Literally all you had to do was say no.
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fallenangelblade · 3 months
you prepare the body of the man you love for cremation. it’s the most intimate way you’ve ever allowed yourself to touch him.
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drulalovescas · 3 months
Things I will never be normal about: Dean dropping to his knees by Cas' body. And staying there??? When his brother ran to face the Devil's son. Alone????? But Dean didn't. He just dropped to his knees. Shattered. Unable to leave his husband's Cas' body
And people have audacity to say Dean wasn't in gay love with the angel
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roublardise · 5 months
Destiel | Dark Paradise
some widower arc, anyone?
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he's thinking about the fact that he gets to see dean again here
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cha0ticlesbian · 4 months
I’m so conflicted because I totally sympathize with Dean and am devastated about Cas but he’s being such an ass to Jack it’s so upsetting and is a total double standard because Sam went through the same thing he was the freaking Antichrist and Dean was willing to save him… so if anything this is just bad writing and mischaracterization of Dean in my opinion
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