idreamofhazeleyes · 1 month
@impala-dreamer @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @spnfanficpond
15x20 is going to be re-written from what we got in the show. What follows is a possible scenerio in that re-write.
Aeryn’s POV 
I stumbled up to the nurses’ station just as my leg gave out on me. The local police officer was feet behind me saying something I couldn’t register. I barely registered the nurse was Alex. The look on her face was a mix of shock with an “oh, shit”. She moved around the counter, waving the officer away just as I put two fingers to my neck. Immediately, Alex got me into a private triage room and disappeared. Voices carried in between her and another nurse; arguing over needing to do proper triage and paperwork before taking back a patient. Alex argued that given how much blood was on me and the state of shock I was in, taking me in first without paperwork was proper triage procedure. She came back in a few minutes later with a rolling cart. 
“I called Jody,” she said as she pulled out a pair of scissors and started cutting away the bloody and ripped clothes. “She’s gonna call Sam and Dean.” 
A mental sigh of relief washed over me. Knowing Dean, he would be red lining Baby until he got here. I winced in pain as Alex peeled off my shirt and bra. A light touch to where a large gash was on my back gained a face contorting wince of pain. Damn, why did I have to pick up Dean’s sense of hiding the pain.  
“How the hell did you walk in?” Alex asked just before a cold piece of cloth was placed on the wound. 
I hissed at the stinging sensation of the cleaning liquid. “Determination and sheer willpower. You know, the fundamentals of being a Winchester.” My body slumped forward, pulling at the back wound. “A patrol car came up and got me and the two boys in. I’m surprised I managed it with a dislocated hip. I walked the cop through how to pop it back into place.” 
I hoped that the other nurses were taking care of them and working on finding their parents. The officer was bound to be doing the latter. A nurse came in with items for a blood draw. 
“Can I do a draw?” she asked. “Standard for patients.” 
It wasn’t, yet I agreed. Done within a few minutes, the nurse collected the vials and truncate. Alex asked if a hospital gown could be brought around. The nurse agreed to pass the message on. Alex continued to work on cleaning off the blood and patching up the wounds I gained from the vampire fight and escape. Eventually a second nurse came around with a gown and blanket. After sitting for a while, my body revolted in moving to shed my tattered clothes and put the gown on. Even my boots came off.  
“I’ll be back in a while,” Alex said, gathering the cart. “Get some rest.” 
A hand reached for the blanket, and I managed to unfold it before laying down. Alex came back in with a saline bag and got it hooked up. I could feel the cool liquid enter the top of my hand; getting necessary fluid into my body. She adjusted the blanket before stepping out. I wasn’t sure how much time passed before familiar voices drifted into the room.  
Heavy footsteps headed toward my curtained off room. My head turned just enough as the person entered. At first I couldn’t fully register who I saw. He must have either been in the area or raced from the Bunker to the hospital. 
“Dean?” My voice was low. I wanted to get up to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. I started to sit up. 
“Yes, love.”  
He hadn’t used that nickname in ... A wave of pain starting from my lower abdomen washed over my body. Those pains had been happening for the past few days. I had ignored them thinking they were bad menstrual cramps. 
“Lay down. I’m here.” 
Dean gave me a light hut before helping me adjust back onto the bed. He adjusted the blanket before pulling the lone chair over and sat next to me. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” he started. “I should have ...” 
“It was a simple case that turned sideways,” I cut in. “When do we ever get lucky on big cases?” 
Another wave of pain shot through my body. Everything contorted from the pain. A soft whimper escaped even as I heard Dean say something. The pain passed as a light cough came. 
“Sorry to disturb you,” a male voice said.  
My gaze went to the curtain to see a doctor standing there with a tablet in hand. 
“We got the blood test results back,” the doctor said. “Everything looks good. Though something came up. Is there any possibility that you are, or were, pregnant?” 
The cramps weren’t menstrual. My face turned and buried into the pillow. Dean took hold of a hand. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t sensed it before. Death had said I was able to sense unborn infants. Apparently there was a point where I couldn’t. Dean leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. The doctor said something about pain meds and discharge papers. I didn’t care about that. I just wanted to get out of the hospital. 
“Hey. Hey. Hey.” Dean leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. “It’s alright. We’ll get you back to the Bunker and ...” 
I shook my head. The last place I wanted to be was the Bunker. “I wanna go to Jody’s.” 
I heard footsteps and Jody’s voice asking if everything was okay. Dean asked if we could crash at her place. She agreed and disappeared just as someone else walked in. 
“Clothes for Aeryn,” Sam said.  
I felt a weight being put onto the bed, most likely a duffel bag.  
“Sorry, Aeryn. It’s some of our things.” 
I turned my head. “S’okay. Thanks, Sam.” 
He ducked out as the doctor came in with the discharge papers and instructions for care and to follow up with my general practitioner. I eased into a sitting position even as Dean started pulling out what appeared to be his clothes. I grabbed the boxers as he came around to help shed the hospital gown, stopping to see the gauze on my back. A light touch around that spot gained a hiss of pain. I managed to get the boxers onto my knees before Dean came around and helped with the sweatpants. 
One hand held onto him for a few minutes once on my feet while the other held onto the sweats and boxers. Dean stood there holding me until I was comfortable keeping my balance. He helped with putting the tee shirt on, gently pulling it down to avoid my back wound. I wrapped an arm around his as we left the curtained off room as Dean carried the duffel bag and papers. I was done hunting. The back wound from the rebar had been too close for comfort. 
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Holding On and Letting Go - Chapter Four
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The sequel to The Hand That Reaches for God
Emerson was always told that time heals all wounds, but whoever said that must’ve not lived in the world that she lived in. They must’ve lived in the time before, when the world its self wasn’t this bleeding, throbbing wound, and that time did nothing but drag out the never ending pain.
The Maklen sisters and the Winchester brothers were inseparable, their whole lives, and when the world turned red they did the one thing they knew how to do– be together. But now, the same world that pulled them together, seemed destined to rip them apart again and shatter something that was so fragile in the first place.
Chapter Four
“You lost her and it wasn’t because she was hard to hold, or love, or touch but because she was made of your absence, of all the things you ignored and all the beautiful poetry you read but failed to understand.” - R.M. Drake
-106 Days After-
“I can’t believe you married me,” Sam said, his voice low and rough against Ophelia’s neck as he held her closely. She looked beautiful, like a dream.
“You can’t?”
“Of course not. You’re way out of my league.”
She snorted, suppressing a laugh. She squeezed him in her arms, feeling tiny against his large frame. She’d always thought they fit perfectly together, like they were made to be one. She thought about the future they would have. A baby boy that looked just like Sam and two little girls. He would protect them, and they would all love each other endlessly, just like she and Emerson did. Just like Sam and Dean did. They would live next door to Emerson and Dean, because they were in love even if they were too scared to admit it. They would all always be together. It was how it was always supposed to be. “Do you think things will be better someday?”
“Better than this? How can it be?”
She rolled her eyes. She was supposed to be the romantic of the two. He was stealing her role, but she knew it was because he was happy - smitten even. They were in love. “I mean the world , Samuel.”
She pulled back from him, a blonde wave falling into her eyes. She tried to blow it away, but it just fluttered a bit and fell back into her eyelashes. He brushed it away. “You’re cute,” he told her.
“You are,” she murmured.
Ophelia had waited for her wedding day her entire life. Back at the house she grew up in, she had countless notebooks with wedding dress clippings, articles, pressed flowers, and Mrs. Ophelia Winchester written in a dozen different scripts and colors. She knew that she would grow up to be Sam’s wife someday. She had thought of everything, prepared for it all. She knew exactly what she would wear, how she would smell, what she would say, and how she would feel. She even taught herself how she would walk across that aisle without her mom. She was even able to adjust to a world that was crumbling under her feet, and make a beautiful, intimate ceremony that was so full of love she worried they couldn't contain it.
The end? That was the one thing that she never prepared for. She never imagined that it would be over long before it ever really began.
-3 Years After-
Dean left Emerson alone in the room. “Take all the time you need.”
He was far too good to her. He always had been, and she hated that she couldn’t let him love her. It just didn’t seem fair that she had this amazing man who was here and Pheli? If either of the sisters were to survive this shit show it always would’ve been Ophelia. She was the hope, and without her… what was Emerson without her? She didn’t have the answer, and maybe it was time that she found out.
She pulled off her wet clothes and toweled off, moving the curtain out of the way to look out at the empty parking lot. Everything was powdered with snow, dusted, untouched and undisturbed. It was almost peaceful if she didn’t know any better. Pheli loved the winter and especially the snow. She was all sparkles, snowflakes, and snowball fights.
Emerson pressed her forehead to the window, her breath fogging up the glass. She wrote home in the steam. She always thought that home was a place, but more than ever, she knew now that home is a person. Home was her sister. Home was the way that Sam looked at Ophelia and the soft cotton of Dean’s worn out Led Zeppelin t-shirt, it was the smell of her mom’s cookies. It was something she would never get to have again. Emerson knew that in order to belong she had to have roots, otherwise the wind would carry her away. But, roots can’t be planted in people.
Her eyes stung, threatening to spill over again, but there was nothing left for her to cry. Her chest ached with an emptiness that echoed with every heartbeat. She wondered if that was how it felt to die, if when she lost her sister she lost another part of her soul. She rubbed her chest with the heel of her hand, above her heart. She’d heard it crack inside of her louder than anything else. At first she thought it was the ground collapsing under her feet, but she was wrong. It was just all of the love leaving her body like an avalanche. All of the shattered pieces are unable to be repaired.
She pulled her fingers away from the window and towel dried her hair before digging her spare set of clothes from her bag. She slipped into her fleece leggings and buttoned up one of Dean’s flannels. She hugged the fabric to her face and took a deep breath of his scent. She didn’t deserve him. Her eyes welled up, and she tried to swallow it. What the fuck was she going to do? She didn’t have the answer. Not even close. She slipped into her boots and snuck out of the motel quietly. She needed to think, and she thought better when she could see the sky. She always had.
So Emerson scaled the building, stepping on the dumpster, and she settled on the roof in the snow. Her face turned up to the sky. Her days of denial were counting down. She wouldn’t be able to avoid it much longer. She would have to say it out loud, and she would have to say it to Dean. She didn’t know where to start. There was a lake past the trees, and if it were summer maybe they would stop for the day and enjoy the water. She stared out toward the water and sucked in her breath. The sky beyond the trees was painted fuchsia, green, deep purple. “Holy shit.” The northern lights flickered ahead of her, dancing and blurring on the horizon.
Fingers towards the sky, she reached as if she expected to be able to touch the lights. They reminded her of the glowing butterflies at the lakehouse. It felt like a sign, like hope. It felt like Ophelia.
Her eyes flickered behind her to find Sam, with his long lanky limbs awkwardly crawling onto the roof. He scooted next to her, draping a blanket from the motel around her shoulders. It didn’t even occur to her that she was cold, but as if he brought the chill with him she shivered. “I want to be alone.”
“Yeah I know. Me too. Thought we could be alone together.” He rested his arms on his knees and didn’t glance her way.
“Seems counterproductive to me.”
He shrugged. His hair was long, sweeping his shoulders, Emerson resisted the urge to reach out and run her fingers through it. Pheli would’ve loved it long. He would’ve had a Viking braid by now if she were with them. The thought made her stomach ache.
“Happy birthday,” he commented quietly as he watched the dancing lights. It was unclear if he was talking to Emerson or the lights.
“Not so happy.”
“She wouldn’t like that, you know. That you’re retreating into yourself. It’s why I’m not doing it. She is the light.”
“That's why there’s so much darkness,” she agreed.
“If Pheli can’t be here to shine we need to shine for her, Em.”
Emerson made a face of discontent and turned completely to him. “I don’t know how to do that, Sam. I don’t know how to have hope without her.”
He scooted close to her and wrapped a supportive arm around her. “You know when I married her she became part of my family, but I wasn’t just saying I do to her. I was promising to love you, too. You’re my sister in law, Emerson. That means something to me.”
“There isn’t law anymore, Sam,” she said, her shoulders tense under the weight of his arm.
He snorted with a laugh. “You know what I mean.” He sucked in a shaking breath and let it out slowly. “I miss her. It takes every bit of power I have not to fold into myself and never get back up. I’ve loved her for what feels like my whole life.” He turned to look at her, his hazel eyes were wet and reflecting the purple flecks of the northern lights. “I hate that I’m not with her, and I will never forgive myself for not being able to protect her. I just wish you would blame me more than you blame Dean. It’s not his fault. I know he loves you, and I couldn’t protect Ophelia…” A tear rolled down his cheek, and he shook his head. “So just let me do the one thing I know she would ask me to do. Let me take care of you.”
Emerson pulled her knees up to her chest. “I don’t think I know how to do that, Sam.”
“Try. For her.”
She let out a sob and rested her head on his shoulder. “I miss her so much sometimes it feels like I’m dying, but it just never ends.”
“I know exactly what you mean.”
She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I don’t want to do this to Dean.”
“He loves you.”
“I know he does. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to let myself have everything when she’s…”
“Em, maybe you didn’t know this, but Ophelia talked about your happiness just as much as she talked about her own. She always talked about how one day we would live next to you and Dean.” Sam laughed quietly and squeezed her in his arms. “Let yourself be happy. Well, as happy as you can be.”
Another hot tear rolled down her cheek, and she glanced up at him. “I can try.”
“Okay.” He nodded and placed a platonic, loving kiss on her forehead and hugged her tightly. “And Em?”
“Are you going to tell him?”
Her eyebrows came together. “Tell him what?”
He chuckled against her hair, his breath tickling her scalp. “You know what. I was with your sister for a long time. You girls are like clockwork and well… I may have noticed a change in the last few months. My brother is so focused on the now that I don’t think he’s seeing the bigger picture.”
Emerson sucked in her breath and tried to swallow a sob. “I… I couldn’t admit it. I refused, because how can I? In a world like this? Without my mom… without Phel…”
“Ignoring it will not make it go away,” he said gently, rubbing her arm.
“I know,” she murmured. “It just… wasn’t supposed to be me.”
Sam tilted her chin up to look at him. “You should tell him. If it were me I’d want to know.”
She nodded, pained. He was right. She knew he was, and she was mad at him for it. The world wasn’t fair, but it was still turning and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. “Okay.”
They stayed there for a while, enjoying the quiet, the cold, and the dancing lights on the horizon. It was a special kind of bliss that they normally didn’t get to enjoy. There was a lot of unknown due to the world they lived in, but that didn’t matter. There was nothing she could do about it, so she should focus on the known. She knew for a fact that the Winchesters would always be there. That was something she could hold on to and something she shouldn’t take for granted.
They climbed down from the roof and Sam went to her room, and she went to Deans. It was dark in the room, and he was laying on his side facing the closed window. When the door opened he didn’t move, but the lack of soft snores in the room told her he was awake. She crept to him, shaking off her boots, flannel, socks, and leggings leaving only her underwear and climbed into bed behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cold skin to his warm back.
He hissed at the chill. “Thought you were mad at me.”
“Not at you. Never at you.”
He snorted in response.
“Well, not anymore at least,” she admitted sheepishly.
“It’s okay to be mad. I can take it.”
She pressed her face to his back and kissed it gently, blinking tears before closing her eyes completely. She squeezed him tightly. “This isn’t your fault. I just… I’m in so much pain. I’m scared all the time. Even more so now.”
Dean shifted under her arms, turning to look at her, but she squeezed him tightly. “No, please don’t. I just… I need to tell you something, and I can’t see your face when I do.”
“What is it?” He asked softly, gently, sweetly.
She let out a pained laugh. “I can’t say I don’t know how it happened, because I do .”
“Emerson, take a breath. What’s going on?”
“I think… Fuck. I think I’m pregnant. It sounds insane. Asinine. This is the fucking end of the world and I…”
He had wiggled out of her grip, and he turned to face her. His nose brushed hers. “If this is a joke, Maklen, it’s not a good one.”
“I wouldn’t joke about this.”
He ran his thumb along her cheekbone. “I’m so fucking gone on you. You know that right?”
“I do,” the words slipped from her lips, barely a breath.
“How long have you known?”
“I missed my second period. I hoped it was stress… I haven’t confirmed it.”
“I’m sorry you’ve shouldered it alone. I hate that you didn’t let me in.” Dean wrapped his arms protectively around her.
“I wasn’t ready to say it out loud.”
“But now?”
“It’s not going to go away because I’m ignoring it.”
“Just like it’s dad,” he said wryly before sucking in his breath. “Holy fuck.” His eyes flickered down to her midsection.
“How do you feel?”
“I… how do you feel?”
“Scared,” she admitted. “I didn’t even think I wanted kids, let alone in this world.”
“But I’m also… I don’t know. It feels wrong to say I feel happy.”
He smiled in the darkness and kissed her gently. “It’s not wrong. It’s right.”
Dean moved his hand from her hip to her stomach, his fingers bushing over her skin gently. The motion sent chills down her spine, and her skin prickled with goosebumps. “I know this wasn’t how we wanted to do this, but Em having a child with you… that’s been a dream of mine for a long time.”
“It has?”
He brushed a hair out of her eyes and nodded. “I’d be an idiot not to want a life with you.”
“But what about Lisa? You were going to have a life with her. I saw you and Ben together. That loss was devastating for you.”
“He was a cute baby, and I loved Lis, but it wasn’t my family. Not like you are. But I guess I need to ask you something.”
“Are you having this baby? Is this something you’re ready to do?”
Emerson sucked in her breath. It had crossed her mind. Of course it had, but as she considered it there with his hand touching her abdomen so protectively that she almost felt a warmth under his palm, she knew that it wasn’t an option. She already loved the damn thing. “Yes,” she said breathlessly, her eyes welling up with tears. “I have no idea how we will make it work, but I can’t lose anyone else. I already see her. When I dream she is with us… it’s like she already exists.”
“She?” He pulled her closer. “You think it’s a girl?”
Emerson shrugged with a pained laugh. “It’s just what I see in my dreams. I have no proof of that.”
He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Then we are doing this. Fuck it. We always did things out of order so why not again? We are capable.”
“You’re insane,” she whispered. “Maybe I’m insane. Look at the world. How can we bring a child into it?”
“This kid will be so loved, and fuck, maybe Sammy is right. Maybe there is a safe haven in California where we can raise her safely. Worth a shot, right?”
Dean rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him, wrapping the blanket around them both. She felt safe there, cocooned with him for a moment. “I love you Emerson Maklen. I know you’re scared, fuck so am I. I’m terrified of what kind of dad I will be. You saw John and what he was like. Even if the world wasn’t crumbling I’d be afraid, because this is a big thing. This is an important thing. But I promise you I won’t fuck it up. I’ll protect you and the little bean with everything I’ve got. What can I do to help? Name it and I’ll do it.”
Before she could think, process, and talk herself out of it, the words flew out of her lips. “I want my sister.”
“She’s out there somewhere, Dean. I don’t think I can do this without her. I know it’s a long shot, but I need to try. I need to know we haven’t given up. Because if she was dead I would know it. I would feel it. She’s out there, Dean. I know it.”
-106 Days After-
Ophelia's hand fit delicately in Sam’s, his other hand pressing against her lower back. They were deliriously happy. “Spin me!” She demanded brightly, a smile bursting from her lips.
“Yes ma'am.” So he did. He released her back and twirled her in circles before spinning her away from his body.
She was laughing, giggles erupting from pink lips, a lock of hair falling in her face. It felt like the world had slowed down, he could barely hear the shot ringing through the trees with a crisp bang! He dropped her hand as the bullet ripped through the muscle of his shoulder. Sam fell, his vision blurring. He could hear his heartbeat whooshing in his ears as he hit the ground hard.
“Sam!” Pheli called, her voice sounding far away. She ran to him, cradled him in her arms. “Oh my god!”
He opened his mouth to warn her, but he wasn’t fast enough. Everything was still slowed down. His vision was peppered on the edges, threatening to send him into darkness. He couldn’t warn her of the dark shadowy figure behind her.
His head hit the soft forest ground as she released him from her grip. The figure behind her twisted their fingers in her hair and yanked her back hard. She opened her mouth to scream but a hand covered her lips, muffling her.
Sam struggled, trying to sit up. Trying anything to get to her, but he wasn’t fast enough. The figure took a step towards him and kicked dirt in his face, blinding him temporarily. But before the dirt obscured his vision he saw something.
The hood on the figure fell just enough for the light to catch his features. A sinister smile rested on full lips, his eyes hollow and haunted.
A/N: I know it’s been a long time since I have made any progress on this story. I’ve been in a huge writing slump and this week I found some inspiration. I love my little OFC babies, and I needed a dose of apocalypse in the wake of my real life stress. If anyone out there is still reading I hope you enjoy it, and are excited about this chapter. If not, well I enjoyed writing it and in the end I suppose that’s the point.
Coming soon: Chapter five
Catch up on Part One Here
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huntershelper25 · 5 years
Path of the Chosen Master List
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Summary: Brooke is a 21-year-old girl who’s life is flipped upside down when she receives a phone call from someone she hasn’t heard from in years. This phone call leads to events that cause her to get sucked back into the lives of two young men whom she hasn’t spoken to in 4 years. Her life is never the same. Along the way, she learns a secret about herself that not even her father had known. She is forced to face her destiny. Which path will she choose: duty or family?
A/N: I suck at summaries. I started writing this fic YEARS ago. It was posted here on Tumblr, but I have made some edits recently and have decided to repost it. This requires some introduction though. I had a thought one day of what the show would look like if there was a female character that was brought in that actually stuck around for longer than a season or two. And because the thought wouldn’t go away this story and Brooke were born. I had a lot of good feedback the last time I posted this years ago so I decided to repost it for my new followers with some edits.
Disclaimer: There is a LOT of direct quotes and scenes from the show. I do not own any of it. I only claim the character of Brooke and how she fits into the story. All else is credited to the writers and copyright holders of the show Supernatural
Warning: There is some smut thrown in randomly for the first 5 chapters as flashbacks to establish a timeline, character building, and relationships, but after that, the smut dies off. Also, let’s just assume condoms are implied. They aren’t mentioned, but let’s assume they are used.
Pairings (through the entire story): Dean/Brooke (OFC), Sam/Brooke (OFC)
This story can be found HERE
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woods2006gal · 7 years
The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragon Tattoo
“Yeah, I hear you,” Sam says, pacing around Rufus’ cabin. All the research that had been done on Dick Roman was hanging on one of the walls. Addison was sitting on the couch with her laptop while Dean was reviewing what they had found so far. “All right. Well, thanks for looking. Yep. Bye.” Sam hangs up his phone and takes a seat next to Addison. “So, Nora didn’t see any pattern to the dig sites either.”
“Yeah, cause they got nothing in common,” Dean replies, sitting on the arm of the couch. “And I got nothing from local lore fifty miles in every direction of all of them. I mean, it’s like they’re just…old dirt. What’s Dick looking for?” He pulls out the flask and takes a swig.
The lights in the room flicker. The boys stand up, pulling out their guns. Bobby appears and they aim their guns at him. “Hey, hey,” Bobby greets. “Go easy, you idjits.” The boys lower their guns. “Sorry for the jump scare.”
“So how does this work? I leave the cap off and you just genie your way out?”
“I wish it were that easy. The thing—” Bobby’s cut off when he vanishes suddenly.
The boys exchange a look as Addison glances around the room. “Bobby,” Sam calls out.
Bobby reappears in the kitchen of the cabin. “Damn it,” he lets out. “It’s hard to stay focused. I’m still kind of worn out.”
“You’ve been pretty busy for a dead guy,” Dean tells him.
“All right, listen. I don’t know how long before my next ghost nap, so let’s just skip to the skinny. Those numbers I gave you—”
“The empty lot in Cheeseville?”
“Yeah, well, it ain’t gonna be empty for long. I got a gander at Dick’s big plan, right before he Lincolned me. They’re breaking ground…” Bobby frowns. “What month is this?”
“April,” Addison answers.
Bobby sighs. “Ground’s broke. They’re building as we’re yammering. Check it out yourself. It’s all right. You guys missed it because you’ve been kind of busy killing ghosts the past few days. But Dick is about to get into the Soylent Green business.” Sam sits down at the table with his laptop. “That site will show you they’re building a biotech lab. Right? Biotech my ass. That suck is a state of the art slaughterhouse. And we’re the beef.”
“Don’t you think that’s a little bold, even for Dick,” Sam questions.
“I bet you no one will even notice. Cause first, he’s gonna dumb us all down with turducken style munchies. Make us docile.”
“Yeah, we haven’t been to Biggerson’s since that whole fiasco,” Dean tells him.
“Biggerson’s? He’s brought a list of joints ten pages long.” Dean nods, sitting down at the table with Sam. “Next, he’s gonna cure us.”
“Cure us,” Addison asks.
“All the biggies. Cancer, AIDS, heart disease. Let’s just say they got an affinity for stem cell research.”
“The, uh, leviathan real estate mooks, building that cancer center,” Dean reminds.
“They’re not hunting anymore. They’re engineering the perfect herd. Now, we’ve gone up against plenty that liked to eat a few folk in the woods. This ain’t that. This is about knocking us off the top of the food chain. This about them Levis living here forever, one percenter style, while we march our dopey, fat asses down to the shiny new death camps at every corner.”
A beep comes from Addison’s computer. She frowns, reading the notification in the corner. “Guys, we got an email from Frank,” she tells them, opening the email.
“Frank’s alive,” Dean asks, moving to stand behind her.
“That jackass, always stealing my thunder,” Bobby jokingly complains.
“‘Addison, Sam, and Dean, if you’re reading this I’m dead…or worse. This email was sent because some prince is trying to hack into my hard drive right this second. So unless it’s you, you got trouble,’” Addison reads. “Lovely. ‘My drive is full of comprising info. Your new aliases, hangouts, where you stored your car—”
“Baby,” Dean asks.
“Your car is probably fine,” Addison reassures. “Despite the fact that Frank encrypted his hard drive, we should assume that someone will eventually hack it. Oh. He put a tracking device in it.” She clicks the link and a new website with a satellite map opens. She zooms in on the pin to reveal that Frank’s hard drive was at Richard Roman Enterprises.
“Perfect,” Dean says. “It’s in the middle of the Death Star. All right, well, off to Chicago.”
“No, wait,” Bobby says as Dean stands up. “You three can’t just break in. They know your mugs. What if we mailed in the flask? Then I could ghost through the joint. I mean, it’s not like Dick can kill me twice.” The trio exchanges a look. “What, you got a better plan? Come on. Just because I’m dead doesn’t mean I don’t know how to do my damn job.”
Sam sighs. “Bobby, that’s Dick’s office.”
“I think what Sam’s trying to say is, what happens if you run into Dick and, you know, go vengeful. You know, it’s not something you can just shake off,” Dean clarifies.
“Come on,” Bobby argues. “Give me some credit. What? I’m supposed to just ride the pine?”
“Sorry, Bobby,” Sam tells him, closing his laptop and walking away. Addison shoots the former hunter an apologetic smile before closing her laptop and disappearing towards the bedrooms. Dean sighs, following them. ~*~ “This is such a bad idea,” Addison mutters as they walk up to the apartment of Charlene Bradbury. She ignores the annoyed look Dean sends her. She had barely missed the fact that Frank’s hard drive had managed to hack the web-cam of the hacker decrypting his hard drive. They reach the apartment and Sam kneels down in front of the door. After picking the lock, they quietly slip in. Addison smiles, seeing the shelf of Star Wars bobble heads. Hearing a voice, they duck into a nearby room.
Dean steps out of the hiding spot as a red headed woman opens the door. Her hair was a couple shades darker than Addison’s and she was about the same height as the hunter. Dean presses down on the door, slamming it shut. “It’s all right. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
The woman grabs a sword off a display next to the door. “Get away from me, you…shapeshifter.”
“We’re not shapeshifters,” Sam says, walking over to them. Charlie slams the sword into Sam’s side and it breaks in half.
“This is why we should always go with my plan,” Addison mutters, moving around Dean.
Dean glares at her. He grabs the fake sword out of the woman’s hand and tosses it behind him. “We’re not leviathans. Okay. You want us to prove it?” He pulls the bottle of industrial cleaner out of his jacket. “You know what borax does to them?”
“Yeah,” Charlie timidly replies.
“Sam? Ads?” They each hold out a hand and Dean splashes a bit of the cleaner on them before splashing some on his own hand. “Your turn.” Charlie takes the cleaner from and splashes some on her hand. “Good,” Dean replies, taking the bottle back.
“Who the hell are you guys,” Charlie asks, looking between the three of them.
Addison shoots her a soft smile. “I’m Addison Sloan and these are Sam and Dean Winchester,” she introduces, pointing out who was who as they sit down in Charlie’s living room. “And…we hunt monsters. If you can imagine it up, we’ve probably killed it.”
“So, you’re saying that you guys are monster hunters? So there are other monsters,” Charlie questions, pacing. Dean opens his mouth to answer. “Stop. Never mind. Just…Okay, I get how you tracked the drive. Straight GPS. But it’s still at the office. How did you find me?” Sam clears his throat and opens Addison’s laptop. He pulls up a video of Charlie sitting at her desk. “Ugh. Son of a gun jacked my webcam?”
“Welcome to Frank,” Dean tells her.
“That’s creepy, but I’ll give it to him. So, you’re telling me everything he had on his drive is true?”
“That and more.”
“Wait,” Sam asks. “How long did it take you to crack into Frank’s drive?”
“A day or so.”
“Is there anything you can’t hack into?”
“Not yet.”
“How about Dick Roman’s email?”
“Why would I…” Charlie trails off in realization. “Oh. He’s one of them.”
“No. Uh, he’s their leader.”
“So, what’s the end game? Steal our resources, make us some slaves?”
“Planet wide value meal,” Dean answers. “We’re the meat.”
“You can’t be…serious. Okay. All right. Let’s do this. What am I looking for?”
Charlie sits down at her kitchen table and the trio joins her. Addison smiles seeing the Lord of the Ring character on her desktop. “Well, for starters, uh, anything about archaeological dig sites,” Dean tells her.
“Like Indiana Jones stuff?”
"All we know is that Dick’s been digging all over the world and we need to know what he’s looking for.”
“You know, I was having a really good week. I met someone. Downloaded the new Robyn album. Everything was coming up me. Oh, crap.”
“Look,” Sam begins. “We get it sucks—”
“No, not that. This. Dick’s email isn’t on the company server. It’s on a private one. In his office.”
“Meaning,” Dean questions.
“You can’t get in it unless you have his phone or you’re at his desk.”
“So, you’re saying that if we’re inside Dick’s office, then we can hack into his email?”
“You can’t. Only someone like…” Charlie trials off. “But I sure as hell ain’t doing it. I am doing my job and…what are the chances I see everything on that drive and Dick lets me live anyway?”
“I think you know the answer to that,” Addison softly says.
“So I erase the drive first, protect me and you. Then I go back to my old life, right?” The trio exchanges a look. “What?”
“It’s not that easy,” Dean tells the hacker. “You’re on Dick’s radar, which means you don’t have an old life anymore.”
“I’m gonna die. I should have taken that job at Google.”
Sam sighs. “Look, Charlie, it’s okay if you can’t do it. I mean, you didn’t volunteer for this.”
“Totally. Exactly. But now I volunteer.”
Sam stares. “What?”
“I got to go back in anyways to wipe Frank’s drive. Might as well break into Dick’s office too.”
Addison frowns. “Charlie, are you sure about this?”
“No. But these things are gonna eat everyone I know. What kind of douchebag stands by for that? However, I have never broken into anything in real life before, so, plan?”
“You got a Bluetooth,” Dean asks.
“Yeah,” Charlie answers as the trio joins her at her small dining room table.
“Security system, can you get into that?”
“I can reroute any surveillance cameras we need.”
“All right. Let’s start with that.”
“Do you have a keycard to get into the building,” Sam questions.
“Uh, yeah, I can’t duplicate it, but I can make a fake backing, so it’ll let me in but won’t be logged into the system,” Charlie tells them. ~*~ Addison runs a hand through her hair, pulling it into a messy ponytail as she waited with Sam in the back of a black van they had borrowed. The back door opens and she watches as Dean climbs into the van. “How’s it going,” he questions.
“Great, since she set all this up,” Sam answers, referring to the laptop that Charlie had set up. Multiple shots from the security cameras inside Roman Enterprises was displayed on the screen. “Um, look.” He brings up a static shot of one of the security feeds. “See this? I can put each camera on a prerecorded loop. Once I do that, she’ll have fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes ain’t a lot of time.”
“Charlie said that if it look her longer to hack his desktop, then she deserved to be eaten,” Addison explains.
Dean nods. “I like her.”
Addison shakes her head. “No.” Dean shoots her a disbelieving look and she shrugs. “What? I like her too. So, no, you can’t fuck this new found friendship we have with a hacker by trying to sleep with her. Even Sam agrees with me on this.”
“I’m staying out of this,” Sam tells them, holding his hands up.
Dean opens his mouth to argue, but stops upon noticing something on the security footage. “Wait. Is that…son of a bitch.”
Sam and Addison exchange a confused look. “What,” Sam asks.
“Look at her bag.”
Addison zooms in on the screen and they easily make out the flask in the side pocket of Charlie’s bag. “Bobby.”
“Wait. You think he, uh…” Sam trails off.
“Hitched a ride after we told him to cool his jets,” Dean finishes. “Yeah. What the fuck’s he thinking?”
“He’s not. So what do we do? Call the whole thing off?”
“This is our only chance,” Addison argues.
Dean picks up his phone and dials Charlie’s number. “Charlie, it’s Dean.” He frowns as a singing echoes through the van. “Are you singing?”
“I sing when I’m nervous,” Charlie tells them. “Don’t judge me.”
“Judgement free zone. Listen, uh, check the side pocket in your bag.”
Charlie search through her bag. “Oh. Thank you.” They watch as she pulls out the flask and takes a swig from it. “Mmm. Good idea.”
“Yeah, no problem. Look, that’s uh, kind of a family heirloom. It’s a good luck charm, okay, so don’t lose it.”
“Copy that. Okay. Let’s do this.”
The trio exchanges a look as Charlie remains still. “Um, Charlie,” Addison beings.
“I’m having a hard time moving.”
“You can do this,” Dean tells her.
“Uh, I’m not — I’m not a spy. No, I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t.”
Sam takes the phone out of Dean’s hand. “Charlie, hey, it’s Sam.”
“I’m sorry, Sam. I’m sorry. I — I just…”
“It’s okay. Uh, listen, w-who’s your favorite Harry Potter character?”
“Uh, Hermione.”
“Hermione. Well, uh, all right, did Hermione run when Sirius Black was in trouble or when Voldemort attacked Hogwarts?”
Dean and Addison stare at Sam. “Seriously,” Dean whispers.
“Shut up,” Sam snaps.
“No, of course not,” Charlie answers.
“What did she do?”
“She kicked ass. She actually saves Harry in practically every book. And then she ends up with the wrong person,” Charlie rambles.
“Damn straight,” Addison agrees, ignoring the look Dean sends her. “She should’ve ended up with Harry. Not Ron. Hell, even Draco—”
“Uh, stay on track, guys,” Sam interrupts. “Okay, so she kicked ass, right? So, then what are you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna kick it in the ass,” Charlie replies.”
Sam smiles. “Good girl.”
“Oh, you go, dumble-dorks,” Dean mutters. Addison lightly hits his arm and he shoots her an annoyed look. The trio grows quiet as they watch Charlie enter the building. Charlie makes her way to the elevator and goes to the floor she works on before stepping off. Sam hits a button on the hacker’s computer and they watch as she steps back into the elevator.
“I’m in,” Charlie says. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”
“You’re on the clock,” Dean reminds. “Move.”
They watch as Charlie rides the elevator up to the floor Dick Roman’s office was on and steps out. “Hey, there’s a big ass guard up here, blocking the door. What do I do,” Charlie quietly asks.
“Just wait him out.”
“He’s not going anywhere.”
“Okay, uh, you work there every day. Do you know the guy?”
Charlie shrugs on the camera. “I guess. I mean, I’ve seen him.I’ve never talked to him.”
“Okay, when you’ve seen him, does he look at you or does he just kind of slide his eyes by?”
“Um…eye contact? I don’t know. He always kind of smiles a bit. I don’t really—”
“Good. What you’re gonna do is you’re gonna walk right up to him and you’re gonna flirt your way past.”
“I can’t. He’s not my type.”
Dean closes his eyes. ”You're gonna have to play through.”
“As in he’s not a girl,” Charlie clarifies.
“Oh, oh," Dean replies, exchanging a look with Sam and Addison. “Pretend he has boobs.” Addison smacks Dean’s shoulder, shooting him a disbelieving look.
“Well, I don’t know. Um...do you have any tattoos? Give him a little sneak peek there. All tattoos are sexy."
“Mine is Princess Leia in a slave bikini straddling a twenty sided die. I was drunk. It was Comic Con.”
“We’ve all been there.” Dean takes a deep breath. He glances at his brother and Addison, but knows they’re not going to give him any help. “Okay, I’m gonna walk you through this. Start with a smile.” They watch as Charlie walks off screen. “Relax, Charlie. You just got home and Scarlett Johansson’s waiting for you.”
“Can I help you, miss,” the security guard asks over the phone.
“Hey…Bill. Charlie from I.T.,” Charlie replies.
“Oh. Burning the midnight oil, huh?”
“Just like you -  I mean, when you’re not at the gym. What, do you work out with all your free time,” Dean says and Charlie repeats to the guard. Addison exchanges an amused look with Sam.
“I try to get to the gym at least three days a week,” the guard replies. “Just trying to get back to my fighting weight, you know?”
“It shows. You look amazing,” Dean says. He covers the phone with his hand. “This never happened,” he whispers to them. He uncovers the phone. “Do you ever do anything else with your free time, like take a girl out for a drink?” Sam lets out a laugh. “Stop laughing, Sammy.”
“Stop laughing, Sammy,” Charlie says. “Um, you don’t know that bar, Stop Laughing Sammy? That place is bringing sexy back. Which is easy—”
“Stop talking, Charlie!”
“Cause they kept the receipt. Stop talking, Charlie,” Charlie continues, then winces in realization. “Right. So, um, you were saying about going out, drinks?”
“Um, yeah, yeah. That’d be great,” the guard awkwardly replies.
“Cool. Pencil that in,” Dean says then Charlie repeats it. “Hey, can I ask you a favor? The ladies’ room downstairs is nasty. Can I use the exec washroom to powder my nose?”
“Yeah, yeah. Why not? Um, it's right down the hall. It’s the first door on the right.”
“I feel dirty,” Charlie mutters as she walks past the ladies’ bathroom.
“You and me both, sister,” Dean tells her.
“The eagle is landing. Going radio silent.”
“Let us know when you’re out.”
“So, guess we just wait,” Sam asks, looking between Dean and Addison.
“Nice flirting with that guard,” Addison amusedly says. Dean shoots her an unamused look. “You’re definitely getting some after that.”
“Fuck you.”
“I don’t think your date for the night would like that very much.”
A silence settles over the van. Dean and Addison watch the security footage, waiting for Charlie to pop back up on screen while Sam busies himself with filling jars with cleaning solution. “Well, this is awesome,” Dean says, breaking the silence. “You know what? New plan. From now on, we just stay in the van and send in the ninety pound girl.”
“Dean, every chopper on Earth knows our face,” Sam argues. “How many do you think are in that building? We wouldn’t make it past the lobby.”
Dean sighs. “Yeah, I know. Doesn’t mean I got to be happy about sending in freaking Veronica Mars.”
“Dean, she’ll be fine,” Addison reassures. “And if not, then we’ll go in.”
“And get as far as we can. Damn right.”
“Hey, guys,” Charlie’s voice says over the speaker phone.
“Sending you all the flagged dig files now.”
“Charlie, you are a genius,” Sam exclaims as the files start appearing on the computer.
“I know. It’s a problem. Damn it.” The trio exchanges a confused look. “Hey, Pete! Guess we’re both on deadline, huh?”
“How’s it going,” a male voice asks.
“Good, good. I’ll give you a full progress report in a few hours.”
“Great. Hit that deadline, right? Well, holler if you need anything.”
“Hey, guys, you still there?”
“Yeah,” Dean replies. “What the hell was that?”
“Oh, just my manager, the monster.”
“I can’t. I got to act normal. I told him I was working. Let’s just finish this.” Sam starts looking through the files that Charlie had sent them. “Are you seeing this?”
“It looks like Dick stopped digging days ago,” Sam responds.
“Maybe he found what he was looking for,” Addison suggests.’
“Can you check," Dean questions.
“Way ahead of you,” Charlie tells them. “Looking at travel reports, expenses. Here we go. Something in his suitcase left Iran last week. Spent the last seventy-two hours in armored cars and private planes. Whatever it is, it’s coming here for Dick tonight. So, what the hell is it?”
“I don’t know. Whatever it is, he wants it bad, which means we got to grab it, end of story.”
“Well, it’s landing at a private airport near here. Crap. Right about now. A courier’s set to pick it up.”
“What’s the exact landing time?”
“Forty-two minutes. Can you make it?”
“We can try,” Dean replies as Sam looks at a map between their current location and the airport. “Uh, all right, Charlie, one more favor, and then get the hell out of there.”
“What do you need?”
“More time.”
“Then let’s get you some. Travel department’s e-mailing Dick. Suitcase still en route, but diverted by weather and will be thirty minutes late. I’ll finish mopping you guys off the drive and get the hell out of Dodge.”
“Call us when you’re clear.”
“Text you from the border, bro.” ~*~ Addison climbs out of the beat up car as the boys rejoin her. She had stayed behind while they went to retrieve the Dick Roman’s package. She opens the trunk and Dean drops the silver hardshell briefcase in the trunk. “So, what now,” she asks, looking between the boys.
“See what we’ve won,” Dean replies. He opens the briefcase and finds something wrapped in a black cloth. He uncovers it to reveal a hunk of clay.
“Did we just steal a - a hunk of red clay,” Sam questions.
“That’s a good question. Why don’t we answer that a few thousand miles away from here, though? Now, where is Charlie?”
Addison sighs. “She hasn’t called yet.”
The trio climbs into the car and races over to Dick Roman’s office building. They run up to the doors as they see Charlie fly across the room. They rush through the broken glass doors. “Dean, he’s one of them,” the hacker shouts. Dean tosses a jar of cleaning solution onto the other man. Brown smoke steams from the leviathan’s face. Sam punches the security guard as Addison runs over to Charlie.
“That would explain it,” Dick mocks. “You’re having with the wrong crowd, kiddo.” Sam joins Addison and scoops up Charlie. They start towards the door but stop when Dick moves in front of them. Bobby appears and sends Dick flying across the room. Bobby flickers before vanishing. “All right, enough! Show yourself. Let’s do this like real monsters.”
“Dean, we need to go,” Addison says, grabbing his arm as an invisible force shoves Dick back onto the ground. They run out to the car and climb in before speeding away.
“Charlie, talk to us,” Dean says, glancing in the rearview mirror. Addison and Charlie were sitting in the backseat while Sam was in his customary seat in the front. “You okay?”
“No. Why didn’t you kill him,” Charlie asks.
“Cause we can’t yet,” Sam answers. “But we will.”
“The really evil ones always need a special sword. Oh, okay. I’m gonna pass out now.” Charlie gently falls onto Addison’s lap and the hunter lets out a sigh. ~*~ “I left your dumb flask on the back seat, by the way,” Charlie says as they walk out of the bus terminal. Her right arm was in a sling as the fall she had experience had fractured the bone. “Worst good luck charm ever.”
“Here you go,” Dean says, handing the hacker her duffle back.
“So, listen, um, we can’t thank you enough,” Sam tells her.
“Actually, you can. Never contact me again, like, ever. Deal?”
Addison laughs as she shakes Charlie’s hand. “Deal.”
“Keep your head down out there, okay,” Dean says, shaking her hand.
“This ain’t the first time I’ve disappeared. You think my name is really Charlie Bradbury? Please. So, good luck saving the world,” Charlie replies. She holds up a hand in the Vulcan salute. “Peace out, bitches.”
They watch as Charlie hands her back to the attendant stowing luggage before climbing onto the bus. “She’s kind of the like the little sister I never wanted,” Dean comments.
“We got to talk,” Sam says.
“What? You mean before we get back to the car and the flask?”
“Yeah. What exactly happened back in that lobby, Dean,” Addison questions.
“Man, if I had a free shot, I’d have bitch slapped the fuck out of Dick.”
“Yeah, but, I mean,” Sam trails off. “Charlie got her fucking arm broken.”
“He didn’t mean to do it.”
“Exactly. He’s not in control, not about Dick. That was vengeful spirit shit.”
“I know. But it’s still Bobby.”
“But if he really goes there, he won’t be anymore, and then we won’t be able to pull him back. And then what are we supposed to do?”
“I know. Look, let’s just figure out what that thing we stole is, and then we’ll figure out what the hell to do with Bobby.”
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kittycurly · 8 years
Remember - Part 2
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The next morning, he was gone. His part of the bed felt cold and it seemed like he disappeared hours ago.  On his nightstand, I found a note saying that he went for the witch as soon as I fell asleep and he’d come back as soon as possible. It was still early so I decided that it was best not to worry and take a shower and eat breakfast instead. After I did that he still hadn’t shown up. I grabbed my duffel and went to the café closest to my motel to grab some coffee. Then I saw him sitting next to Sam getting ready to pay for his breakfast. They got up and I went up to them. Sam spotted my first. “Aleah, is that you?”, he asked confused. I smiled at him and then at Dean. But his face expression was just the same as Sam’s. “Good morning” I said and gave Dean a kiss on his lips. He just looked at me startled and backed off a little. “Aleah? What are you doing here? How long has it been? Almost a year?” I didn’t understand. He didn’t seem to remember anything from last night. Not what we said, not what we shared, not even that we’ve met at all. “Don’t you remember?”, I asked him and then shot even Sam a confused look. Was that some sick game? “Dean, you seem pretty off this morning.”, said Sam then. “Why don’t we go back to the motel and you catch some shut eye. Sleep your hangover off and all.” Dean gave him a stern look. “I’m not drunk. I just can’t remember last night. That’s all.”  That stung deep inside of me. Sam seemed to notice. “Why don’t you come back to the motel with us and fill Dean’s blanks? Maybe we can figure out, what’s wrong with him.” I agreed only to have a comment from Dean followed, that he was fine.
At the motel, the three of us sat down and Sam started with some questions. “What do you remember, Dean?” The older Winchester tried to think hard. After a while he said: “I don’t know. Nothing from last night though. I remember going to that…that drink house and that’s it.” “That drink house? You mean a bar?”, asked Sam confused and a little irritated by now. “Yeah, yeah. A bar…whatever. I’m still fine. I mean look at me: This is a couch, this is a door”, he pointed to those so-called items and then he faltered a few seconds after pointing on the lamp. “And this is a light stick.” It would have been pretty funny if Dean wasn’t behaving so oddly. “It’s a lamp.”, I corrected him. He looked at me and for a second there was fear in his eyes but then he put his guard back on again. “Lamp. Yeah, whatever.”, he said, before Sam started speaking again. “Well, Aleah. Since you obviously spent the night with him. Could you tell us what happened?” I nodded and told them what happened. That we met in that bar last night and then decided to spend the night together. The only thing I left out, was the huge talk we had last night. “He was on his way to witch hunt. That’s all I know.”   “I must have been pursed then!”, yelled Dean out and gave Sam a winning smile. “It’s cursed. Not pursed.”, answered Sam and Dean’s smile vanished. “At least I remembered half the word.”, he muttered underneath his breath. We tried to research what could’ve happened to Dean the whole afternoon. We left him with something to eat and the TV on to go and even try to find the coven ourselves but nothing came out if it. “You need to contact Rowena.”, I quietly said. Sam nodded but didn’t say anything. “She’ll be the only one who could help us.”, I added and Sam just shot me a bitchface. “If she’ll help us.” We walked back to the motel room, where we left Dean. Before we reached the door, Sam stopped me. “What happened between you and Dean last night?” I shrugged my shoulders and answered: “Nothing. We had a few drinks. We spent the night and that was it. He vanished as soon as I fell asleep.” “Don’t get me wrong, Aleah. But that just sounds a bit weird. He left you months ago, to go after Amara and we haven’t heard from you since. And now you tell me that all you did was drink and sleep?”, he had a confused but curious expression but I didn’t feel like sharing. After all that wasn’t Sam’s business. “I don’t wanna talk about.”, I said then and he dropped it immediately. “I’m sorry. I’m just glad to see you back here…with him.” I smiled at him and we went inside. Dean was still watching TV. “Hey Sammy, who’s that beautiful lady you’re bringing with you? I’m Dean Winchester.”, he told me and I suddenly became very sad. He seemed to forget everything. Not only last night. But he already seemed to have forgotten about who I was. “I know, Dean.”, I said and went to the bathroom. It hurt to be forgotten. Especially after last night and all the things we shared in the past. “Why is she upset?”, I heard him ask so innocently. He just simply didn’t know. Sam left again to search for Rowena and find out where Dean had gone after he left the motel room last night.  When I came back in Sam had already decorated the room with some post-it’s to help Dean to remember the things around him. He was still watching TV and didn’t say a word, when I came in. I sat next to him and put my arm around him. I was afraid he might pull away but instead he just cuddled with me. Tears formed their way into my eyes again and I just let them fall. Dean’s grip around me tightened and he held me. Again, in two days, I thought but let it happen. “Why are you sad?”, he asked after a while and I just managed to say: “I’m crying because I’m losing someone I love and I don’t know if I can safe him.” Dean smiled at me and then he said: “As long as you love him, he’ll be safe.”
After what felt an eternity Sam returned with Rowena. Her first suggestion was to kill the witch who casted the spell and the spell would die with her but it turned out that the spell was way more powerful than we thought. The witch was already dead and the spell still held on. Dean got worse every minute now. He tried to be tough but I knew him for too long to believe that. Another couple’s hours and he’d be dead. He’d forget how to swallow and how to breath and then just die. Gladly Rowena knew the dead witch’s family and we were able to track them down. But it wasn’t as easy as we thought to take them down. Sam went there first and he left us with Dean. He probably left Rowena because he didn’t trust her and me to look after Dean. But when he didn’t come back Rowena and I decided to follow him.
We left Dean in the car for his own safety and Rowena and I got inside. I was sure they weren’t up for talking after one of us just killed their brother. But I didn’t imagine them to overpower us two at the same time. Rowena tried to cast a spell but long before she could finish it, she was dragged to a wall and unable to say anything. I took my gun and wanted to take down the witch instead but she was just too powerful and I found myself flying through the air in a second. It hurt as hell as my body collided with a table. My lungs hurt and it was hard to breathe. I managed to get up eventually but the witch saw it coming and had me against another wall with a movement of her hand. The woman took a piece of glass of the one broken mirror that smashed when we fought and held it towards Rowena. She sang a song of some ragged doll and shot the piece of glass at Rowena. She barely missed…this time. Then I noticed him coming inside. He held up the gun and carefully Dean sneaked around the corner to get a better access to shoot.  He looked at me and then at Rowena and last at the witch. She just turned around to look at Dean and laughed sarcastically. “Really? A gun?” But he held only a post- it up, which Rowena left him in the car. It said “Witch killing bullets” and then finally I heard a shot. The tight grip on me loosened and I came free. He had shot the witch. I smiled happily at him and couldn’t wait to hug him very tight when this would be over. That moment Sam came running down the stairs following another witch. Dean pointed his gun first at the witch but then also at Sam. Horror crept along his face when he shouted out: “No, no, no, no. I’m your brother. That’s the witch.” And with that he pointed out the guy before him. Dean didn’t hesitate and shot another time and again the witch. Relief washed over me. It was over. After we made sure, that both were dead, Rowena took Dean upstairs to undo the spell. We waited downstairs for them. It felt like forever. “How much do you think he will remember?”, I asked Sam shyly. He laid his arm around me and gave me an uplifting squeeze. “I hope everything. If not, we’ll have to fill in the blanks. You’re coming back with us to the bunker?” I shrugged my shoulders. I really didn’t know if I could be around Dean if he didn’t remember what who I was or what we’ve shared. But I also didn’t know if I could do the whole talk again, we’ve had the night before. Finally, they came downstairs and Rowena smiled. “Dean”, Sam beamed up. “Are you alright? Do you remember?” Dean frowned and then he gave us a confused look. “Who’s that Hippie? And that girl?” All my hope seemed to be crushed in a second. I hoped so much he’d be the same again. Sam was the first one to say something but even he stuttered: “But…but I thought you could reverse it.”, he managed to say towards Rowena. “That face is almost as the one you had when I ate all of your Halloween candy that one year. You remember?”, Dean said and chuckled when he noticed that he’s totally got us. “Not funny.”, spit Sam out and walked outside. Dean followed him but stop instantly when he saw that I hadn’t moved. “It was just a joke.”, he said worried and tried to touch me. “That’s not funny at all, you idiot.”, I said with a cracking voice. Then I found myself slapping him. Instead of turning away after that he pulled me closer and took me into a huge hug. “I missed you.”, my voice was barely over a whisper but Dean managed to hear me anyway. “I missed you too, Sweetheart. Can we please go home now?” I nodded and he took my hand on the way outside. Sam and Rowena already waited for us to say goodbye.
The drive to the bunker was mostly quiet. Nobody really wanted to talk about what just happened. When we got inside Dean came closer: “Welcome home”, he whispered inside my ear. Home… that sounded awfully calming. We decided to go to bed immediately. The catch up on everything could wait.  
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(SPN FIC) The Five Points of the Pentagram: Episode 1 | New Kids on the Block | Act 1
The silence of the main courtyard of the large college campus was only occasionally interrupted by a dog barking, trees rustling or the wishing of the winds. Not a person was in sight on the quiet night in early August, only the sounds of nature and the distant orange glow of the nearby town present, which was noticed and appreciated by janitor Jimmy Michaels, who moved as quietly across the campus as the breeze itself. Tired and feeling low, he had finished his 10-hour shift and was ready to leave for the night, though took his time so as to appreciate the peaceful atmosphere that he knew would be lost once the kids moved back in. He felt his mood lower deeper, however, as he realised that this was the only time when he felt truly at peace.
But amongst the apparent calm, shadows crept along the sides of buildings and through the whispering bushes. Slowly and steadily, they stalked the janitor, who was unaware of any break in the status quo. They waited, biding their time until he was cornered without even knowing it. Sliding along tiles, over walls and across the concrete of the path he was on now… slowly approaching and ready to pounce on this unsuspecting prey…
Jimmy stopped. He felt an odd chill brush past him, and suddenly felt quite a sickening feeling, as though he was being watched…
He turned around.
Taking a breath and turning his head back around, he tried to look past it, tried to convince himself it was just the wind and he was being paranoid. He continued on.
Immediately he was met with a searing fire of pain, staring in his chest and spreading fast through his torso, arms, legs, hands and feet, before creeping up his neck and infecting his mind, forcing him to emit a scream of anguish that struck terror in him like he had never felt. He pushed against the pain and pressed his hands onto his head with great difficulty, feeling like there was a great force of red hot ropes holding his wrists back. He continued to shriek in horror, hoping amongst his nightmarish thoughts that someone, anyone, would hear him and come to help him out of this hell that was killing him in the most hideous and cruel way possible.
But alone on the large campus so late at night, no one heard his screams in time.
Lory’s alarm screeched at her repeatedly on the bedside table. This would have been really annoying, had she not already been awake for at least two hours. Her hand finally reached out and switched it off, and she rolled onto her back to continue staring at the ceiling for a few more minutes.
Today was college move-in day for the freshman crowd. As a sophomore she had moved back into her dorm a week early, and had been spending almost every waking moment dreading the mass of new faces and difficult new classes and teachers she’d be up against. She knew all week, all summer even, she’d have to face it, especially the socialising. There was no way she could have avoided all human contact for four years. Make no mistake, she’d thought about how she might be able to enough times, but there was no way around it.
After a further five minutes of ceiling-staring, Lory closed her eyes, took one last breath, and rose up from her bed. She glanced over at the window where she could hear the noise of some new students bustling around with their parents and moving boxes. Lory let out a loud sigh and swung her legs out of bed, beginning the first few phases in facing the day.
On the farthest end of campus, a ‘67 Chevy Impala was slowly driving through the dorm house roads. Inside were two brothers, one looking around curiously, the other looking around sceptically. The sceptic-looking one let out a grunt, which caused his brother to roll his eyes.
“What now, Dean?”
Dean bit his tongue and made a face before answering. “Just don’t feel right here. Like I really don’t belong here.”
His brother let out an ironic chuckle. “Yeah, well, unless you’re about to tell me that you also put in an application to come here nine months ago then you’re not far off on that.”
“Oh, thanks.”
“I didn’t mean it like that, I’m just- I’m sorry, okay? I just meant that you’re not the one who has to stay on campus all the time, only temporarily. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Dean snorted. “Yeah, I wish that was true. I wouldn’t exactly call this job worry-free, Sammy.”
Sam didn’t reply, knowing full well that Dean was right and reminding him why they were really here, something that Sam had done his best to forget for the duration of the journey. Turning back to the various scenes of parents helping their kids unpack and move into their dorms, the sight suddenly struck a chord in Sam’s heart. Dean apparently felt the same.
“What dad would say if he saw us now…” Dean noted.
“Yeah, well, dad’s not here. We are.” Sam replied softly. Dean took it more as a comment of comfort than rudeness, and relaxed a little.
Suddenly hearing some more aggressive tones, Sam’s gaze fell upon a girl staring straight ahead with her arms crossed, standing at the bottom of her dorm house steps, facing who he assumed was her father, who was the source of the aggression and standing several feet away by his car. The interaction didn’t look dangerous, just like strict parenting, but even so that same chord was struck again and Sam felt sorry for the girl. He felt selfishly grateful when they were out of view; he and Dean didn’t need more reminders of their special family life.
Surely coming to college meant that she could escape her parents’ grasp? Did moving out not mean that she was her own person, and didn’t need to be told what and what not to do? Apparently her father had other ideas. He was standing on the farthest edge of the sidewalk from her, one hand already on the open car door, whilst she was stood by her dorm house steps. Both of them were so close to freedom, to not having to care about each other for a good few months, and yet he insisted on staying and giving her the talk of what he expected from her whilst other students and their families awkwardly walked past.
“-and we expect you to make the most of this… opportunity, you’ve given yourself. We won’t support you if you slip up, in any way, got it?”
“Yes dad, I understand.” She said flatly, trying not to sound too annoyed so as to avoid another lecture.
Her father didn’t even say anything to that. He just lowered the hand he had been pointing at her with and nodded, like he’d won. Always trying to make it a competition, she thought.
“Come on, Mike, let’s get going.”
Her father briefly looked away to the inside if the car where her mother couldn’t wait to leave. He turned back to her.
“Stay out of trouble.”
Unlike the other kids around her, it was more of a command than an affectionate little parental joke. She didn’t even respond, vocal or physical. She just watched him get in the car, and as soon as she heard the engine start, she turned around and walked up the steps into the house at last.
Breathing out a huge sigh of relief through her mouth, she was greeted by one of her three housemates, who didn’t even notice her entrance at first. She was clicking away on her flip phone, texting one of the thousand people she had already got the number of and added to her little group. She looked up at the sound of Gwen picking up one of her boxes, but immediately looked back down at her phone and continued typing before she even said a word.
“Oh, hey. We were gonna head down to the Courtyard if you wanted to come too, I guess.”
The lack of energy in her voice was outstanding. Gwen looked past it, however, and politely smiled.
“I think I’m just gonna stay here and unpack, actually, get used to my new room-”
“Yeah, they said you probably wouldn’t wanna come anyways, it’s cool.”
Taken aback by this bluntness, Gwen blinked and began busying herself by walking over to the stairs. As she started heading upstairs, another of her housemates bounded in and showed the first something so absolutely scandalous that they both burst into a fit of high-pitched giggles. Out of sight, and knowing they wouldn’t notice her anyway, Gwen rolled her eyes, leaving them to giggle away downstairs.
The room Gwen was staying in - the last in the house to be filled- was right at the end of the corridor, the sounds of hectic families (whomst, for once, she did not envy in their stress) filtering in through the open window at the end. Gwen couldn’t wait to step away from all the fussing around her, all the gossip and glamour of her new housemates, and her room offered her a wonderful excuse to be anti-social for at least a few hours.
Opening the door to her room was something that Gwen hadn’t expected to be so important to her until it actually happened. Her breath hitched for a second as this fresh start was displayed right in front of her eyes; blank walls, empty shelves and window sills, and barren notice boards for her to stick random reminders and study notes onto. Her college identity was a clean slate waiting to be shaped, and the room, stupid as it may sound, seemed to make her realise that for the first time.
She placed the box down on the floor and walked over to the window, taking in the room as she did so. She peeked outside to the ground below briefly,somehow even more crowded with move-ins than when she’d been down there, before looking back upwards and resting her elbows on the window sill. She placed her head on her arms as she took in the clear blue sky above her, barely a wisp of a cloud about.
Honestly, this might be really good. This might be my chance to take some control again, she thought hopefully. I think I can start to be myself again.
Lory came downstairs to see one of her new housemates, a girl called Meredith, amongst an abundance of cardboard boxes and plastic bags, looking lost.
“Need a hand?” Lory asked kindly.
Meredith turned to her and her face lit up. “Yeah, thanks.”
Lory picked up a few plastic bags.
“Ooh, those are for the kitchen!” Meredith said.
“Got it.” Lory replied walking over to place the bags on the kitchen counter. “You sure have a lot of stuff. Your grandma in there somewhere too?”
Meredith laughed, and Lory instantly felt happier hearing it. “I’m just terrible at getting rid of stuff. And my family are terrible at resisting giving me even more stuff. Pretty sure my mom gave me half the kitchen supplies from home, and my little sisters drew me about fifty thousand pictures of them in case I forgot what they look like whilst I’m here. Plus my dad gave me a bunch of his old clothes from when he was in college, y’know, ‘just in case’.”
Emerging from the kitchen, Lory grinned. “That’s cute. Sounds like they really care about you.”
Meredith smiled fondly, as if revisiting happy memories. “Yeah, we are pretty close, I suppose.” She said almost to herself.
It was sweet to see such love emitting from one person. Still smiling and feeling happy, Lory picked up one of the heavy boxes.
“Where to, chief?”
“Up to my room, first door on the left, thanks.”
Nodding, Lory walked over to the staircase. Catching onto a thought, Meredith turned around suddenly.
“You wanna check out the Eastern Courtyard?” suggested Meredith. “Apparently they’ve got it all: singers, performers, club sign-ups, free giveaways...”
“And have to socialise with random people before they have any alcohol in them? Yeah, no, I’m good thank you.” replied Lory, but with a playful smile.
“Oh, come on,” grinned Meredith. “It might surprise you!”
Lory laughed, continuing to talk as she disappeared upstairs. “The only thing that surprises me about this college is the free parking.”
As Lory disappeared from sight, Meredith shook her head, both amused and concerned. She rifled through one of her own boxes, feeling an oddly-shaped object that she didn’t recognise. She pulled it out, revealing a small item wrapped up in blue-grey tissue paper. Unwrapping it carefully, Meredith let out a soft gasp when she recognised the sharp curves and dents of her family crest, sized down and with a thin chain around it. She didn’t remember packing it… Her grandfather must have slipped it in when she wasn’t looking.
Meredith was only vaguely aware of her family’s heritage and bloodline. She had only really been told about it in the last few months before her leaving for college, a little by her mother, briefly by her sister, but mostly by her grandpa, who loved to go into great detail when exploring the family history. But this time he did seem different about it, like he was warning her. All this talk about ‘protect yourself’ and ‘watch out for trouble’. Meredith had assumed he only meant to say this because she was moving out, and that he was just looking out for her as she moved into adulthood.
She set the tissue paper down and took the crest in her finger tips, moving them along the small gems and edges that ran through it. It felt… strange to her touch; she expected the metal to feel cold, but it felt warm as soon as she held it, her finger tips barely grazing it before she felt the heat radiating from it. It was almost welcoming, familiar.
But it was no less unnerving. In fact, it was probably more so.
She blinked and shook herself out of it, breaking her trance. She wrapped it back up in the tissue paper. Not yet. Not in freshman week. There are enough things to deal with right now without this too.
Turning away from the bag with the necklace in it, Meredith picked up a box containing her notebooks and began the trek up the stairs after Lory. She was determined to make this week count for her, and wanted to begin in a happy state of mind, as ever.
The door sharply shut behind Gwen as she stepped back out into the fresh air. For once she didn’t care how loud it was, she knew her housemates wouldn’t notice the noise being too engrossed in themselves and random Facebook profiles (“Oh my God, her hair is unreal!”) to have any awareness. Initially she hadn’t wanted to go outside, but her housemates had chosen to stay inside being loud and generally disruptive (much to her annoyance), forcing her to go outside anyway to get away from their constant laughing and shrieking.
Wrapping her oversized dark patterned cardigan around her and folding her arms into it, Gwen began walking along the sidewalk and away from the house, in desperate need of a semi-peaceful walk, which she could have now that the streets had cleared up and most students had properly moved in. There was only a distant cluster of voices coming from one of the nearby ‘freshman zones’, of which Gwen had no intention of going to. A walk around the quiet campus seemed much more inviting. Besides, she wasn’t alone, not really; there was a cool autumn breeze that danced around her feet and made her feel safe.
After an hour of seemingly endless nagging, Meredith had finally managed to convince Lory to leave their shared dorm house and come out into the world. Despite this small victory, it proved to be short-lived as they headed down to the Eastern Courtyard and Lory’s moaning and excuses filled the air.
“Seriously, I don’t have time for this.”
“Yes you do.”
“I really don’t, I have somewhere to be.”
“I’m sure your bed is very comfy but that’s not where we’re headed.”
“I didn’t mean that.”
Meredith, being fairly patient, said nothing, though had to refrain from rolling her eyes at Lory’s constant whining. As they rounded a corner, a figure coming from the opposite direction rounded it too. When they came into view, Meredith saw that it was a girl walking alone in a large patterned cardigan. She perked up; here was an opportunity. As the girl approached, Meredith broke into a warm and friendly smile.
“Hi!” She said brightly.
The girl’s head snapped up, as did Lory’s, and Lory thought she saw panic flash in the girl’s eyes for a moment. When she saw that Meredith and Lory really meant no harm, she averted her gaze and smiled awkwardly.
“Oh- uh, h-hey.” And with that she continued walking, possibly quicker than she had been before. The girls watched her go for a moment before Meredith sighed.
“Oh well. Worth a shot, I guess not everyone wants to be friends.” She continued on, Lory following behind, still begrudging.
“I’ll bet everyone’s just like her, not wanting to talk, just wanting to get on with things. A smart move if you ask me.”
“Aw c’mon, it’s gonna be great!” Meredith replied, ever the optimist, it seemed. “You might meet some new friends whilst we’re there!”
Lory huffed. “Why would I need any more friends when you’re already soooo perfect?” She mocked with a fake smile.
“Ha ha,” Meredith grinned. “Flattery, fake or otherwise, won’t get you out of this, hun.”
Lory groaned, knowing, sadly, that she was right.
The harsh white lamplight hit the desk as Sam sat down and dumped his notebook onto the table, opening it up on a new page and immediately beginning to scribble out notes and to-dos. Dean stood behind him, admiring the room.
“Gotta say, not a bad place to crash for a few months.” He remarked. Sam ignored him, engrossed in his writing. Dean leaned against one of the walls and continued regardless, “Actually looks better than most of the motel rooms we stay in. Maybe I should try out this college thing, might get a decent night’s sleep out of it at least…”
He looked over at Sam’s reaction to the joke, but was met with his brother’s back leant over his desk. Dean sighed loudly.
“All right, something’s gotta be interesting if me saying I’m thinkin’ about signing up for college doesn’t get your attention. What’re you writing?”
“Class times for tomorrow,” Sam replied shortly.
Dean stared at him. “That’s it?” He looked disbelieving of this underwhelming answer. “God, you are such a geek.”
“I’m the one actually trying to get a degree here, Dean.” Sam replied without looking up again. “Some of us aren’t here just for the job.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, I’m gonna go find somewhere to stay for the night. I’ll call you when I’ve got a place.”
Shaking his head and smiling slightly, Dean pushed himself off of the wall and left Sam to his constant scribbling.
In the Courtyard, Meredith was walking around, talking to people, introducing herself, and generally lighting up the atmosphere. Behind her, Lory was dragging her feet, looking as bored and disinterested in the activities and sign-ups as she felt. Meredith tried to pretend not to notice, but she was starting to feel guilty for bringing Lory to a place where she clearly felt so uncomfortable.
“Hey, look!” She exclaimed, beckoning Lory over in an attempt to spark some enthusiasm. “They’re having a two for one deal at the local pizza house for all freshman!”
“Wow, better call the twelve-year-olds, they’d go wild for a deal like that!” Lory replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Meredith drooped slightly, lowering the flyer and placing it back on the table. Lory instantly felt guilt wash over her.
“Look, Meredith, I’m sorry, it’s just… this isn’t really my kind of thing. Especially since I’m not a freshman anymore. And please don’t take this the wrong way, but, you know I’m a mature student, and I just kind of feel like I’ve… outgrown this sort of deal. But don’t think that means that you shouldn’t do it yourself, or that I’m not happy, okay?”
Not being able to lift Lory’s social spirits made her feel like she’d failed somewhat, but Meredith gave a small smile all the same. “Okay. You go do your own thing.” She said encouragingly, tapping Lory’s arm briefly.
Grinning, Lory raised her eyebrows as if remembering something. “Speaking of my own thing,” she said. “I’ve gotta get to work. Have fun.”
She swished past a confused Meredith, who turned around and called after her, “You have a job?”
Lory looked back, still walking. “Yeah, I work at one of the bars in town.”
It was not possible for Meredith to look more taken aback than she did in that moment. She gaped at Lory as she continued to walk away, and when she finally opened her mouth she had to shout after her.
“You work in a bar?! One of the most social environments on the whole planet?”
“I said I didn’t like to socialise with people who didn’t have alcohol in them! Byee!” She called, the smirk in her voice very evident.
Meredith was left in the middle of the crowded courtyard, shaking her head in disbelief and holding back a smile.
Despite having not encountered anyone else for nearly half an hour, Gwen was still cringing at how awkward she had been with those two girls. They hadn’t looked threatening, they hadn’t seemed to be too giggly or gossipy like her delightful housemates had been; the one with silver hair had some pagan tattoos, so at least there was someone else she could relate to in that, and had looked really cool; the one with the bouncy, long curly brown hair was actually incredibly pretty. Perhaps that was what threw her off, they were both too cool and too attractive for her to not act like an awkward mess around them. Sometimes, Gwen really hated her stupid social ineptity to the point where she wondered if it was possible to burn it out of her soul. Permanently. Please.
As she walked along the empty streets, she finally noticed how the temperature had gone down and the light had begun to fade from the day. She also noticed how she was in a part of campus she didn’t know, which made her realise that she didn’t know where anything on campus was because the campus was huge and she’d never been able to remember where anything was on those silly little tours. So she was lost. And it was getting dark. Awesome.
Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, she thought rationally. She came from the North side, so all she had to do was walk back the way she… thought she came. That was her best option right now. Gwen placed her hands on her head and ran them through her hair, resting them on the back of her neck as she looked out over the dorm houses. Then she replaced her hands into her pockets, turned around and began to walk away.
Something suddenly didn’t feel quite right. Gwen could feel an odd change in the air that had nothing to do with the growing night. She looked around her, brows furrowed, and noticed that the trees seemed oddly still, even though she could feel a sharp breeze travelling over her skin. She sped up slightly, wrapping her cardigan tighter around herself and firmly crossing her arms.
From a silent hideout, the shadows watched her. The temptation to follow was strong… but they could not strike. Not yet.
But soon.
Perhaps Lory had been right. Meredith was starting to become tired of the number of people who had approached her as a prank or with dumb joke questions, or asking if classes started tomorrow - on a Saturday. She decided to head back to her dorm house and muster up something at least edible. Thanking the person who handed her the umpteenth flyer of the afternoon, she turned and began walking back in the direction of the dorm.
As she approached the centre, a scream broke out and echoed throughout the campus. Disturbed but concerned, Meredith began running towards the source of the scream, which sounded like it came from the Eastern Courtyard. Other students were running through the arch ways leading to it already, having clearly heard the horrible sound as well. She reached the arch way and rushed to where a crowd had gathered. Pushing through slightly, she made it to the inner edge, and almost fell backwards in shock.
On the stone ground was a young girl’s body, blood pouring out of her ears, eyes and nose, white as a sheet and veins popping on her neck and face. Several staff members were attempting to block her from view and contacting the emergency services. Students surrounding the scene were whispering, some even screeching themselves in shock, some crying. Meredith could only watch in terror. She couldn’t look away. But she felt sick and empty at the sight.
Someone suddenly came up behind her, calling her name.
“Meredith! Meredith, are you okay, what’s going-”
Lory stopped as soon as she saw the body too. She let out a deep, terrified breath.
“Oh God…” She whispered in a low voice.
She had managed to get lost and ended up in the one place she never wanted to be in the first place; the Eastern Courtyard. But as Gwen approached, that awful feeling crept up on her again, and almost instantly after she heard a horrid scream. Fearing the worst, but praying like mad that it wasn’t anything to do with the changing winds, she ran to the source. The sight she met was awful, even worse than she could have possibly imagined. She couldn’t bring herself to look away from the girl’s face, covered in bold blue and purple veins and completely sheet-white. And all the blood… The blood was deep crimson and in a giant circle around the body, spread out so far that it was a shock that the human body could hold so much of it. Gwen felt a pang of fear at the thought that this feeling and this event… was there a connection…?
Glancing over the rest of the crowd, Gwen spotted the two girls from before opposite her. The girl with the curly hair was in a state of pure shock, whilst the silver girl, who still looked horrified, put an arm around her for comfort. A sudden burst of energy emitted from the two of them that made Gwen blink suddenly and take a sharp breath. She stared at them, stunned and confused, before the silver-haired one put an arm around the other and led her away from the crowd and out of sight. Then, to her right, Gwen sensed an even stronger energy, and her head whipped in its direction. Her sight set on a tall guy with brown hair, who did not look as shocked as the other students but more… panicked. He quickly glanced around the gathering circle of students and backed out of the crowd, as two security guards stepped up to move the students back and away from the scene. A couple of them pushed on Gwen’s side too, forcing her to break her gaze on the guy, but she quickly turned and pushed herself through the crowd to get a look at the guy.
But when she emerged, he had vanished. She looked around, circling on the spot whilst students brushed past her, but he had gone. His energy was lost, and Gwen breathed. She was left confused and almost breathless at the events that had unfolded.
Who the hell were all these people?
Hiding around a dark corner out of sight, Sam had already pulled out his cell phone and had typed Dean’s number before he could even think about anything else. He waited impatiently, and when Dean picked up on the fifth ring, he went straight into it.
“It got someone. Someone else. It’s started moving again.”
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iwantthedean · 8 years
Zephaniah tried unsuccessfully to hold her tears at bay. She leaned her head against his chest momentarily before taking a deep breath and saying the thing that she knew would break him; it was a necessary break. "You're not my safe place anymore, Dean."
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notsofly · 6 years
TIB Drabble -- Drowning
@mrswhozeewhatsis @impala-dreamer @percussiongirl2017 @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @squirrelnotsam
Aaliyah finished making the journal entry about alt Kaia and the events around her and Dean’s new scar and put the leather bound book on the headboard. The past couple days had been a whirlwind. Between meeting with the few angels still on earth and Dean being back, Aaliyah wasn’t sure what to expect. Working herself to her feet, Aaliyah ambled to her dresser and pulled out sweatpants and a clean tank top. She looked to the door when a knock came. It opened as she pulled on the sweatpants. Dean appeared on the other side, a look on his face Aaliyah wasn’t fully able to read; but knew something was wrong.
“What’s up, Dean?” She pulled her shirt up and over her head before tossing it into her pile of dirty clothes. Spending years with the brothers, and countless mutual wound stitching sessions, Aaliyah had no issue standing there in a sports bra and sweatpants.
Dean shifted his weight before stepping into the room, closing the door behind him. “Can I ask you something?”
“Like what?” She grabbed her tank even as Dean sat on the bed.
“What’s it like? When Raziel takes control?”
Aaliyah half squinted in thought as she sat next to him. “It’s hard to explain. They share what’s happened, but it feels … It feels like there’s a weight there, but not heavy because Raziel’s there.”
“You don’t feel like you’re drowning?” Dean turned his eyes to his hands. “That you’re … You’re not strong enough to cast Raziel out if you wanted?”
Aaliyah shook her head even as she attempted to piece the conversation together. “There’s been times I felt like I couldn’t pull them back. Usually after a serious hunt, but that’s nothing. Seriously, Dean. What’s going on?” She sat there with Raziel on the edge of her mind. The sensation from the angel told Aaliyah this was a new thing; an arch angel leaving their vessel without being cast out.
“I couldn’t do it,” Dean’s voice was low, as if he couldn’t admit what he was saying. “The whole time it felt like I was drowning. Couldn’t get enough air to breath. I…I wasn’t strong enough.”
Aaliyah moved a hand in the attempt to reassure him, but Raziel stopped her.
“Let him…”
“Shut up. It was hard enough for him to open up at all.” Aaliyah sensed Raziel pull away just enough not to intrude. “Can I tell you something? You’re stronger thank you believe.” She chuckled when Dean shot her a ‘Did you just give me a clichéd’ look. “I’m being honest. How’d you think I managed on my own?”
“Amanda or Xander.”
Aaliyah held up a finger. “On occasion. It’s from you guys. Not only everything on hunting, but how to survive on my own. Sure, there were times I nearly died, but that didn’t mean I was weaker. It just meant I got outsmarted. Or had gone stupid.” Aaliyah looked at Dean, the feeling her little pep talk was more talk and less pep. “I’ve seen you guys bounce back from anything. All that apaco…”
“Stop.” Dean pushed himself to his feet and stepped away from the bed. “I’m…I’m not strong enough.” He sighed. “Never was. I couldn’t go without Sammy. Can’t … Can’t…”
Aaliyah eased over to Dean and felt his arm muscle tense when she put her hand on it. She met his gaze when he finally turned toward her. The green eyes she swore changed hue at any time during the day shone a green apple hue. There was something else in those eyes. Fear for sure. That fear went deeper than she wanted to admit.
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stusbunker · 4 years
Hello!!! In answer to your questions:
I'm not reading any series atm but if a oneshot pops up on my dash, I'll probably read it
I'm working on a DeanxOFC mini-series atm that is completely self-indulgent
I really just want snuggly, cuddly fluff (smut optional). The kinda fic that just leaves you feeling warm and comfy like a fresh blanket out the dryer
Nice! Self indulgent is necessary every now and again. You do have such a way with OCs.
I have never been much of fluff writer, but 2020 had me in that vein. I feel like I'm getting there, but I think I am going to get a chance to do more for Jen's Tell Me a Story Bingo.
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idreamofhazeleyes · 1 month
@impala-dreamer @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @spnfanficpond
The same scene as "Lost". Originall the idea/scene was in Dean's POV. This is Dean's pov of the same scene.
Dean’s POV 
I rushed through the halls, mind narrowed on finding Jody. She had called saying that Aeryn had stumbled into the hospital in a state worse than she’s ever seen. Sam’s voice was distant behind me as I turned the corner. Jody stood there talking with Alex. 
“Jody, Alex,” I greeted as I stepped up to them. 
“Oh, thank God,” Jody breathed as she came in for a hug.  
I accepted the hug, feeling the tension in her slip a little. Something definitely wasn’t right if she went right for the hug. “What is it? How bad is she?” 
“A patrol found her shuffling down the side of the road covered in blood and in real bad shape. Her hip was dislocated, a serious back injury that came really damn close to a permanent spinal injury. Alex…” Jody glanced to the other nurse at the station and gestured me away. “Alex said something Aeryn putting two fingers to her neck. Like a bite.” 
My mind snapped to one thing. Vampire. It made sense as it was the case Aeryn had gone to work on solo. “Can I see her?” 
Jody nodded and led the way to the room Aeryn was in. 
She was curled up on the bed dressed in a hospital gown, covered by a blanket. An IV line linked her to a saline bag. The blood had been washed away but the wounds remained. Of all the times we’ve been beaten and wounded, I’ve never seen her like this. Sure we had bad cases that set us back. Not like this.  
I stepped over to her, lightly touching her leg. Aeryn snapped into motion away from the touch, half curled in fear at the head of the bed. Time passed slowly until she seemed to realize I stood there.  
“Dean?” Her voice was low, as if she still didn’t believe her eyes. She started to move to sit up. 
“Yes, love.” I moved to her side as she moved slowly. Her face contorted in pain. I wanted to take it from her. I couldn’t. “Lay down, I’m here.”  
I gave her a light hug before helping her to lay down and adjusted the blanket. My arm reached for the lone chair in the room and pulled it over to sit beside her.  
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” I apologized. “I should have …” 
“It was a simple case that turned sideways,” Aeryn said. “When do we ever get lucky on big cases?” 
Her face contorted in pain followed by a whimper. My body moved from the chair as panic flooded my mind. “Aeryn, what is it? Aeryn?” 
A light throat clearing cough came from partially behind me. A look showed the doctor standing there with a tablet in hand. 
“Sorry to disturb you,” he started. “We got the blood test results back. Everything looks good. Though something came up. Is there any possibility that you are, or were, pregnant?” 
My mind froze. Aeryn had gone on the case while pregnant. I did my best to figure out the time line and she must have gotten pregnant a month or so ago.  
“I’ll prescribe some pain medicine and advise rest for the next several days,” the doctor said. “I’ll be back soon with the discharge papers.” 
My hand reached for hers even as she buried her face in the pillow. Every little conversation and what if scenario in the weeks before the case made sense. She knew even if there hadn’t been any actual sign. Death had said she was able to sense every human. Even those in the womb.  
“Hey. Hey. Hey.” I adjusted so I was able to give a gentle kiss on a cheek. “It’s alright. We’ll get you back to the Bunker and ...” I stopped when her head shook.  
“I wanna go to Jody’s.” 
Footsteps came and the curtain moved before Jody peered in. “Everything okay?” 
“Is it okay if we crash at your place for a while?” I asked.  
“You don’t ... Sure. We’ll head there when Aeryn’s discharged.” She disappeared as Sam appeared with a duffel bag. 
“Clothes for Aeryn,” he said, setting the bag on the bed. “Sorry, Aeryn. It's some of our things.” 
“S’okay,” she said, voice low. “Thanks, Sam.” 
He lingered for a few seconds before ducking out. The doctor came in with the discharge papers and gave instructions for general care and follow ups with her general practitioner. He left and I started pulling out the clothes, finding it was my sweats, a change of boxers, and an old tee shirt.  
Aeryn had eased herself into a sitting position and I helped shed the gown; seeing the gauze over half of her back. My hands brushed against the skin around it, gaining a hiss from her. She moved to attempt to get the boxers on, stopping at her knees. It was a team effort with the sweat pants. My hands held onto her while she stood there for a moment until she was comfortable on her feet. Tee shirt on as carefully as possible, we left the room behind, empty duffel bag in hand. Aeryn stepped in close, her arm wrapped with mine. Maybe it was time to step back from hunting. 
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The Hand that Reaches for God Part 2 PREVIEW
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I promised I would, and I don’t particularly consider myself a LIAR so here I am gearing up for part 2! I’m working on Chapter One of part 2 now. Let me know if you want to be tagged! (or STILL want to be tagged!) 
Emerson was always told that time heals all wounds, but whoever said that must’ve not lived in the world that she lived in. They must’ve lived in the time before, when the world its self wasn’t this bleeding, throbbing wound, and that time did nothing but drag out the never ending pain. 
The Maklen sisters and the Winchester brothers were inseparable, their whole lives, and when the world turned red they did the one thing they knew how to do-- be together. But now, the same world that pulled them together, seemed destined to rip them apart again and shatter something that was so fragile in the first place. 
-About 3 Years Later-
It was Christmas. At least it would be Christmas, if they celebrated shit like that anymore. 
Emerson was crouched on the roof, her gun resting on her knee as she kept watch. The world was blanketed in a soft, pink snow. She kept expecting the rain to go back to normal, but sometimes it still came out bubblegum pink. It gave the world some kind of awful candy land feel that made her nauseous. The sun was setting in the distance, kissing the horizon, creating a warm glow across the frozen landscape in front of her. 
She needed time to think, but there was never enough time. Not really. It never got any easier, no matter how much she thought it would. She half expected the pain to fade over time, but her pain was chronic and counting the days wasn’t helping. 
It was fucking cold out, and the wind whistled through the trees and bit at her cheeks, but she didn’t mind. She yearned for the nostalgia that she couldn’t bring herself to feel. She closed her eyes and let her cheeks sting and tears bite at her eyes. She used to feel like snow was fresh, a sign of innocence and rebirth-- but now she wasn’t so sure. That felt too hopeful, and if she was being honest, there wasn’t a lot of hope left to go around. 
The town was quiet, just like it had been, but she knew better than to let her guard down for even a second. Plus, she was already itching to leave and move on. She didn’t trust staying put. The only thing that she could count on was that things changed, and standing still when the rest of the world was spinning and shifting around her was a really fast way to get dizzy and fall down. 
She ran her fingers through her shoulder-length, chopped hair to shake some fallen snow out of it. Her eyes shifted to a frozen bird's nest that was tucked in the gutter of the roof, the blue speckled eggs just broken shells barely poking out of the snow. All of the birds flew South for winter. Without feathers they wouldn’t survive a night in the below zero temperatures. She just wished the Rogue’s would do the same. The cold didn’t seem to bother them, their blue lips still biting mindlessly. It sort of made sense, you couldn’t really kill something that was already dead. 
She should go back. It was time. She had been out in the cold long enough, and she knew that he would be worried. What a turn of events, that Dean had become the worrier of the two of them. It was almost laughable. If she felt like laughing. She didn’t. She felt like screaming, punching something, blowing the head off of a stray Rogue. Emerson had violence within her, pulsing through her veins the same way her blood did. It was infecting her, eating her alive. 
Catch up on Part One Here
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huntershelper25 · 6 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Mature (for the few chapters that will contain smut) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Originally Posted on Tumblr, Original Character-centric, POV Original Female Character Series: Part 1 of Path of the Chosen Summary:
Brooke is a 21 year old girl who’s life is flipped upside down when she receives a phone call from someone she hasn’t heard from in years which leads to events that cause her to get sucked back into the lives of two old friends. Along the way she learns secrets about herself and the truth about her family. She is forced to face her destiny. Which path will she choose: duty or family?
Author's note: There are some direct quotes and scenes from the show in my story. This is for continuity purposes and to show how Brooke fits into the story line. I had a dream about a girl who was part of the story and actually stuck around for longer than a season and my mind wouldn't shut up so this story was born. I do not claim anything that is directly from the show as my own. Brooke and her original story line is all that I claim as my own. There will be some smut in the beginning few chapters in the form of flashbacks to establish character development and relationships. After that the smut will die down and only pop up every once in a while. I will let you know when that is.
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marie12141989 · 4 years
Irish Eyes Are Smiling Finale
Pairings: SamxEileen (main), DeanxOFC, GabrielxRowena
Word Count: 762
A/N: So I dug around in my Google Docs and I found the last part of this story that I typed up a long time ago and never got around to publishing.
Dean reached Eileen first, he grabbed her just in time as her hand was about to touch the horses nose. Dean stumbled and luckily he kept Eileen and himself from going into the nearby body of water. The horse let out angry snorts and lowered it’s head “Dean!” Gabriel called out, Dean looked up from Eileen who was smiling up at him and signing ‘Thank you’ to him to Gabriel “Run!”. He called out, Dean turned just in time to see the kelpie charging at them. Dean grabbed Eileen’s hand and took off back the way they had come.
“They’re not going to get away.” Robert said.
“Yes they will. Gabriel use your grace to bring them closer.” Sam said, aiming the gun at the kelpie. Gabriel looked from Sam back to Dean and Eileen, he reached a hand out and both Dean and Eileen let out shouts of surprise as his grace swept them off of their feet. The kelpie made a desperate lunge towards Eileen who's left hand was stretched out in surprise.
“Sam!” Gabriel yelled as he moved Dean and Eileen higher, his yell was followed by the loud bang of a gun and the thud of a body. The kelpie landed to the ground with a thud and started to thrash around while letting out inhuman screams, Sam slowly walked up to the kelpie who began to snap at Sam in anger. He pointed the gun at the creature's head and with a few more well placed bullets the kelpie went still. Later on that night Gabriel, Dean and Robert worked together to dismember the kelpie while Sam sat inside of Robert’s house.
“I’m sorry.” Sam told her.
‘For what?’ Eileen asked him.
“I should have been the one to grab you and save you.” Sam told her looking down. Eileen shook her head.
‘You did. If you hadn’t shot that thing it would have gotten me and it probably would have gotten your brother too.’ she told him before running a hand over one of his cheeks. ‘You’re still my hero don’t worry.’ she told him with a smile.
“Well then. Do you think that maybe this hero could get a kiss?” Sam joked. Without warning Eileen pulled Sam down and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
‘Was that good enough or do you think that you deserved something better?’ she asked.
“No that was good. Not bad. But I think that I’m better at it.” Sam said before pulling her close to give her another kiss. Before either one knew what was going on they were in a full blown make out session. They pulled apart when they heard someone clear their throat, they turned to see that the other three had come back in. Gabriel had an eyebrow raised, Dean was trying so hard to not laugh at them and Robert wasn’t even trying to hide his grin.
“So I take it that you’re going to stay in Ireland for a few more days Sam?” Robert asked. Sam gave an embarrassed laugh before looking at Eileen and then back at them.
“Yeah I guess so.” Sam said, holding Eileen closer.
“Well then. I guess I’ll see you later.” Dean said, waving to Sam.
“Yeah. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do and don’t forget to pray to me or Cass and we’ll come get you when you’re ready to come home lover boy.” Gabriel said before taking Dean’s arm. In the blink of an eye the two of them disappeared and Robert made up some excuse about having to go out and cut up some more logs.
---------------------------------Back at the bunker--------------------------------
“So how did it go?” Renee asked.
“Yes please do tell. Did Samuel finally admit his feelings?” Rowena asked moving so that she was closer to Gabriel, a small smile spread across her face as she felt his arm move so that he was holding her closer.
“Kind of. Caught them making out.” Dean said as he rubbed a hand up and down Renee’s back.
“Really!?!” both Renee and Rowena shouted before bursting out into giggles. Gabriel rolled his eyes before letting out a loud sigh.
“Don’t the two of you think that you're way too old to be acting like this?” he asked them.
“Nope.” Renee said with a grin on her face.
“And who are you calling old? None of us were a twinkle in anyone’s eyes when you were created.” Rowena said, putting her hands on her hips. Gabriel shrugged his shoulders before giving her quick kiss to her temple.
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woods2006gal · 7 years
Chapter 22 — Reading is Fundamental
Addison follows the boys into the abandoned warehouse they were squatting in for the night. Sam sets the case they had stolen from Dick Roman on a table while Dean places a duffle bag on the floor. Addison drops a duffle she had been carrying and Dean shoots her an annoyed look when it lands with a thud. “What,” she questions. He shakes his head and walks out of the room.
Sam sets up his laptop next to the case. Addison joins him as he opens the case and takes out the cloth wrapped chunk of clay. “That’s a lot of fuss over a caveman Lego,” Dean says, rejoining them with a toolbox in hand.
“Yeah. Well, whatever Dick wants is bricked up inside that,” Sam replies.
“All right.” Dean takes a mallet out of the toolbox. Each of them pulls on a pair of safety goggles. Dean glances at them, then hits the clay chunk. A thunder boom echoes around them. He hits it once more and lightning flashes with the thunder. “That sound like somebody saying ‘No, wait, stop’ to either of you?”
“A little,” Addison answers.
“Yeah.” Dean shrugs and raises the mallet. “Oh well.” As he hammers away, the lightning and thunder continued. With the clay finally broken, Dean brushes it away to reveal a dark granite stone. It was carved with a series of etchings that none of them recognized. He gingerly picks it up. The etching was on one side of the stone. He sets the stone on the table and looks between Sam and Addison. They each shrug and a silence settles over them. ~*~ Addison runs a hand through her hair as she sits at the table the next morning. Sam was sitting across from her, the news playing on his laptop. Dean stands up, running a hand over his face as he moves to the kitchen. Addison turns her attention back to her MacBook. Dean rinses his face off and the metal cup on the counter moves. “Bobby,” Dean calls. “Bobby, that you?”
Sam holds up the EMF meter. “Think so. But that whole adventure at Roman’s seems to have drained his batteries.”
“So, what? We start the storm heard round the world?”
“Apparently when we broke up open that thing last night, every maternity ward with a hundred mile radius filled up because any woman in that radius that was in the last month of pregnancy went into labor,” Addison tells him.
Dean picks up the table. “Hmm. This one goes out to all the ladies. So, heavyweight signs, omens. What do we got?”
“I assume it’s writing. But we’ve never seen anything like it, ever,” Sam replies. “And it doesn’t match anything in any book or online.”
“All right, so big daddy chopper lands here, he grabs himself some Dick…and then he starts secretly underwriting university departments, pouring money into digs…all for this. Why?”
“No fucking idea,” Addison says. “What we do know is that Dick will be tearing new ones until he gets it back though. We need to find somewhere safe until we figure out what the hell we got.”
“Rufus’ cabin, then?”
Dean looks at Sam. “This time, I’m doing the shopping.”
Sam’s phone starts ringing. He grabs it off the table. “It’s Meg,” he says, before answering. “What? What?” He turns to them. “Cas is awake.”
“When,” Dean asks as Sam sets his phone on the table and puts it on speaker. “When?”
“Last night about eight,” Meg answers.
“And you waited till now to call us?”
“I’ve been busy with Cas. He’s just a tad different than when he dozed off, okay?”
“What do you mean different?”
“Hey, Seacrest, guess what, not a nurse. Just playing one on TV. Want answers? Start driving.”
Meg hangs up causing Sam’s phone to go to the main menu. “Great,” Sam says, leaning back in his seat. “So, Indiana?”
 “Yeah,” Dean replies. “Eight o’clock last night.”
“That’s the same time we broke open that brick,” Addison reminds.
Dean nods, standing up. “Pack up.” He starts to walk out of the room, but stops at the last minute and turns to Addison. “You feeling okay?”
Addison stares at him. “I’m fine.” ~*~ “We raced all the way here, and now I don’t know. I can’t say I’m fired up to see what’s left of the guy,” Dean says as they walk down the empty hospital corridor towards Castiel’s room.
“Do you think he remembers anything,” Addison asks.
“That. And I’m guessing whatever kind of hell baggage he lifted off of your plate. It’s not gonna be pretty.”
“Hey. Excuse me, folks,” an orderly says, walking towards them. “But it’s way past visiting hours.”
“It’s okay, Abel,” Meg says, walking up behind him. “I’ve been expecting them. Hello, boys, Addison.”
Meg leads them into a nearby room. They enter the hospital room to find Castiel standing by the window, looking out over the dark courtyard. “Hey, Cas,” Dean greets.
“Hello, Dean, Sam, Addison,” Castiel replies, turning around to face them.
“Look at you, walkin’ and talkin’. That’s…that’s great, right?”
Castiel walks over to the trio. He points a finger at Dean. “Pull my finger.”
Dean stares at his friend. “What?”
“My finger. Pull it.”
Dean reluctantly pulls his friend’s finger. There’s a loud crash. The lights go out and windows shatter. Castiel laughs. Addison shakes her head in disbelief as Meg turns on a nearby lamp. “Okay. Just hang on, Cas. Wait,” Dean tells the angel. “Let us catch up to you for a second.”
“So, you’re saying you remember who you are, what you are,” Sam questions.
“Yes, of course,” Castiel answers. “Oh. Outside today, in the garden, I followed a honeybee. I saw the route of flowers. It’s all right there, the whole plan. There’s nothing to add.”
“Think you might want to add a bit of Thorazine,” Addison quietly says to Meg.
“Right? He’s been like the naked guy at the rave ever since he woke up. Totally useless,” Meg explains.
“Will you look at her,” Castiel says, motioning to Meg. “My caretake. All of that thorny pain. So beautiful.”
“We’ve been over this. I don’t like poetry. Put up or shut up.”
“Okay. So, Cas, you said you woke up last night,” Sam asks the angel.
“Yes. I heard a ping that pierced me, and well, you wouldn’t have heard it unless you were an angel at the time,” Castiel replies.
Sam pulls out the stone tablet and hands it the angel. “That’s also when we opened this.”
“Oh.” Castiel examines the tablet. “Of course. Now I understand.”
“Understand what?”
“You were the ones. Well…I guess that makes sense.”
“What makes sense,” Dean questions.
“If someone was going to free the Word from the vault of the earth, it would end up being you three. Oh, I love you guys.”
Castiel wraps an arm around Sam and Dean, pulling them into a three way hug. “Okay. All right,” Dean says, pushing the angel way.
Sam awkwardly pats Castiel on the back. “Yeah, yeah. You…you said something about ‘The Word.’ Is that what’s written on there?”
“Did you know that a cat’s penis is sharply barbed along its shaft? I know for a fact the females were not consulted about that,” Castiel tells them.
“Cas, please, we’re losing ground out there, okay,” Dean pleads. “We need your help. Can you not see that?”
“This is the handwriting of Metatron.”
“Metatron,” Addison disbelievingly repeats. “Are you saying that damn Transformer wrote that?”
“No, that’s Megatron,” Dean corrects. Addison stares at him. “The Transformer. It’s Megatron.”
“Metatron. He’s an angel. He’s the scribe of God. He took down dictation when creation was being formed.”
“And that’s the Word of God,” Sam asks, motioning to the tablet.
“One of them, yes.”
“Well, what’s it say, then?”
“Uh…Tree? Horse? Fiddler crab? I can’t read it. It wasn’t meant for angels.”
“Okay, this all sounds bad,” Meg says. “What are you three jackasses doing with the Word of God? Let me that thing.”
“Back off, Meg,” Dean snaps.
“Come on, it’s my ass too.”
“Back off.”
“Damn it! Enough of this ‘demons are second class citizens’ shit!”
“Don’t like conflict,” Castiel says, then vanishes. The tablet falls to the ground, breaking into three pieces.
“What the fuck was that,” Dean asks, turning to Meg.
“You heard him,” the demon replies. “He doesn’t like conflict. He’s down in the dayroom now. I guarantee it.”
“All right, I’ll go handle Cas. Sam, Ads, will you please pick up the Word of God?”
“Sure,” Addison nods, grabbing the bag and kneeling down to the ground.
“What are you three caught up in now,” Meg asks, looking between Sam and Addison. Neither of them respond. “I deserve to know, Sam.” Silence. “Okay. Fine. I’ll hit the road, then. Let me just go get my angel.” Meg walks out of the room and Sam goes after her.
Addison rolls her eyes. “Yeah, no worries, Sam. I totally can clean this shit up,” she mutters to herself. She zips up the bag and stands up. Turning around, Addison raises an eyebrow upon seeing a teenage boy standing in the doorway. He had longish black hair. “I think you got the wrong room, kid.” The teenager remains silent. Then he lunge for the bag in Addison’s arms. She quickly spins away from him. He lunges for it once more, but she drops the bag and grabs his arm. She twists it behind his back and slams him against the wall. “What the hell are you?”
“I’m a…Kevin Tran,” he nervously answers. “I’m in advanced placement. Please don’t kill me.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Addison reassures, releasing some pressure off of him. “But why the hell do you want what’s in my bag?”
“I’m sorry. I…I don’t know. I…I just need it.”
“What do you mean?”
“All I know is that last night was I going to start writing my college admissions letter and next thing was that I needed to have that,” Kevin explains, motioning to the bag in her hand.
Addison lets go of Kevin as Sam and Meg reenter the room. She hands the bag to Kevin. “Ads,” Sam begins.
“Shut up,” Addison tells him. “Kevin, what else do you feel your instincts telling you?”
Kevin sighs, cradling the bag. “Look all I know is, this is…it’s for me. I’m supposed to keep it.”
“Good luck,” Meg mutters.
Addison shoots her a glare. “Do you know what it is?” Kevin shakes his head. “Open it.”
Kevin unzips the bag. He pulls out the broken pieces of the table. He puts its back together and a flash of light emits. The tablet is back in one piece. His hands are shaking as he stares at it. “It’s writing.”
“Yeah,” Sam replies. “Yeah, we get that.”
“What’s Leviathan?”
Addison and Sam exchange a look. “You can read it,” she asks. “That’s what it says?”
“Sort of. It hurts a little. Like looking through somebody else’s glasses, but I think it…it’s about Leviathan, how it came to be. God locked him up far away, right? Like in jail…because they’re so…they’re…they’re real, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, they’re real, Kevin,” Addison replies. “Does it say anything how to kill them? Cause that’s the problem we got right now. Well, one of the many problems we have.”
“I don’t know. It’s not like reading reading. It…it’s hard to focus on it too long.”
“Something’s up,” Meg says, her eyes going black. The lights flicker.
“What,” Sam questions.
Kevin screams and backs up against the wall upon seeing Meg’s eyes. “Kevin, it’s okay,” Addison tells him. “Meg is on our side. Mostly.”
A lampshade shatters and they turn to see a woman standing the doorway. A fluttering signals the arrival of another angel. The woman raises a hand and Meg goes flying into the wall.
“A demon whore, a Winchester, and the last descendant…again,” the female angel says. Addison takes a step towards Kevin. “Step away from the Prophet!”
“Who, me,” Kevin says, looking between the female angel and Addison with a confused look.
“Sole keeper of the word on earth. We are here to take you.”
“What do you mean, take?”
“Kill the demon and her lovers,” the female angel orders.
“That's not how it…we’re not—” Meg tries to argue. The male angel moves towards her and Meg slashes him with an angel blade.
“Where did you get that?!”
A fluttering of wings causes the angel to turn to find Castiel. “Castiel?”
Castiel smiles. “Hi.”
“You’re alive?”
The female angel glares. “You.”
“Hello, Hester.”
“You smote thousands in Heaven. You gave a big, scary speech. Then you were gone. What the hell was that?!”
“Rude, for one thing.”
“Where have you been?”
“Oh, Inias. Hester. I…I know you want something, answers. I-I wish it could be that…There are still many things I can teach you. I can offer, um, well, perspective. Here.” He holds out a finger to Hester. “Pull my finger.” Hester stares at him. “Uh, Meg will…will get another light and I’ll - I’ll blow it out again. And, well, this time, it’ll be funny and - and we’ll all look back and laugh.”
“You’re insane,” Hester states.
“Hey.” The group turns to where Dean is standing in the doorway. “Heads up, Sunshine.” Dean slams his hand on the angel banishing sigil he had drawn outside of the room. A bright light flashes and the angels vanish. “All angels blown back to their corners. We got like three, four hours tops.”
“Meg, where did you get that,” Sam asks, motioning to the angel blade in the demon’s hand.
“A lot of angels died this year,” Meg states.
“What’s happening,” Kevin exclaims, looking between the three hunters. “What’s happening?!”
“What is that,” Dean asks.
Addison awkwardly smiles. “This is Kevin Tran. He’s in advanced placement classes and he’s a prophet.”
“So, these Leviathans - these monsters are real. And angels with wings,” Kevin asks.
“They’re not angels,” Addison explains. “They don’t have wings.”
“No junk. Junkless,” Dean adds. “So, Kevin, you can, uh, read the chicken scratch on the God rock, huh?”
“Uh, I…” Kevin trails off.
“That is back in one piece, I see. And you’re saying that there’s some sort of a ‘How to punch Dick’ recipe in there somewhere?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re saying, but it seems kind of like an ‘in case of emergency’ note. What did they mean by ‘prophet’?”
“Oh no. Really.”
Addison shrugs. “That’s what that one angel said.”
Kevin’s eyes go wide. “I don’t want to be a prophet.”
“No. You don’t at all,” Dean replies.
“Guys, we’ve got to start running and hiding. Or do you want to tangle with those wing nuts twice,” Meg tells them.
“I’m sorry. Did you say ‘we’?”
“I’m on the angels’ radar now. You think I don’t need a little safety in numbers?”
Dean sighs. “All right, we’ll go to Rufus’ cabin. Kid can do his book report there.” ~*~ Addison wipes her hands on her jeans after she closes the gas station bathroom door. Her phone rings and she pulls it out of her pocket to find Sarah’s name on the screen. “Please don’t tell me you guys found a word of God,” Sarah immediately says, not giving Addison a chance to say anything.
“We did,” Addison cautiously answers.
“Shit. Please then tell me that you didn’t happen to find a prophet.”
“Well, technically he found us.”
“Shit. Shit.”
“Sarah, why would finding a word of God about the leviathans be upsetting to you?”
“It’s about leviathans?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Oh thank God. You don’t know how relieved I am to hear that.”
Addison glances around and finds that no one is near her. “You need to fill in on what the fuck you are talking about?”
“There’s more than one word of God. There’s one about demons, one about angels, one about us.”
“Me. My powers. You. Your powers.”
“I don’t have any powers.”
“The tablet has a spell that activates your powers.”
Addison stares in disbelief. “Why do they have to be activated?”
Sarah sighs. “It’s a long complicated story, Addison. And I promise to tell you all about it.”
“Did Dad know?”
Addison runs a hand over her face. She sees the others gathering by the Impala. “I have to go. I’ll call you later.” ~*~ Addison stares out the window as the piece of junk car speeds down the dark highway. Kevin was sitting in between her and Meg in the back seat. Kevin jumps and she glances over at him. “Oh God,” he says, looking away from Meg.
“What,” the demon asks him.
“Nothing. Nothing. Just…my life, my future, my girlfriend, my mom’s car,” Kevin rambles as Meg’s phone rings.
Meg pulls her phone out of her jacket. “Yeah. Yeah, Castiel. It’s me.”
“Cas,” Dean questions. “Where? Where is he?”
Meg glares at Dean. “Shut up.” She rolls her eyes. “No. No, Cas. You talk. Perth?”
Addison raises an eyebrow. “Australia?”
“What dogs? He says he’s surrounded by unhappy dogs. Oh. Okay. He’s at a dog track in Perth. Yeah, they’re unhappy cause the rabbit’s fake. Listen, we’re on highway 94, north of St. Cloud, Minnesota. Just passing mile marker 79.”
Kevin lets out a surprised scream as Castiel appears in the car. Addison lets out a groan since the angel decided to appear on her lap. “Get off,” she angrily says, pushing at the angel. Castiel light touches Addison’s nose and if looks could kill, the angel would’ve been a pile of ash.
“Kevin, this is Castiel,” Meg informs.
“You’re one of the angels,” Kevin questions.
Castiel touches Kevin’s nose. “Boop. Meg, are you hurt?”
“Shut up,” Meg snaps.
“Cas, what happened back there,” Dean asks. “Who were those guys?”
“They’re from the Garrison, my old Garrison. Looks like Hester’s taken over. We were assigned to watch the earth. Often, it was boring. The wars were very boring and the sex…you know, the repetition. Anyway, I was, uh…I was their captain. Isn’t that strange?”
“Cas, why are they pissed at us now,” Sam questions.
Castiel looks at Meg. “You know, those racing dogs were absolutely miserable. They can only think in ovals.”
Dean glares in the rearview mirror. He ignores the annoyed look Addison shoots him. “Cas, don’t make me pull this car over! Why are angels after us?”
“Are you angry? Why are you angry?”
“No, I - I’m…please, can we just stay on target?”
“There is no reason for anger. They’re only following protocol. If the Word of God is revealed, a keeper of the Word will awaken, like this…” Castiel trails off as he touches Kevin’s nose once more. “Hot potato right here.”
“Please stop that,” Kevin pleads, pushing Castiel’s hand away.
“Anyway, Garrison code dictates you take the keeper to the desert to learn the Word away from men.”
“What kind of sense does that make,” Dean argues. “He has to tell us so that we can use it.”
“That’s God and his shiny red apples.”
“I can’t live in the desert. I’m applying to Princeton,” Kevin exclaims.
“Okay, you know what,” Dean begins. “Fuck the Garrison. We the table to end Dick Roman’s Soylent Us shit.”
“If you want the Word, you’ll have to duck Hester and her soldiers,” Castiel reminds.
“But you’re on our side, right,” Addison asks.
“No, I don’t fight anymore. I watch the bees.” ~*~ Addison stares at the stack of books she had taken from Patrick’s apartment after he passed away. The books he had gathered on the bloodline, trying to learn what he could. She felt like they were mocking her. The information from Sarah had been on her mind ever since hanging up. She knew that eventually the boys, especially Dean, would start to question her. “Ads.” She looks up to find the boys standing in the doorway. “Have you seen Meg,” Dean asks.
“I thought she was with one of you,” Addison replies, standing up. Dean and Sam exchange a look before walking out of the room.
The trio sets up precautions in case Meg came back, which included painting a devil’s trap on the ceiling. Their preparation pays off that night when the demon does come back. Meg is trapped by the door under the devil’s trap. “Didn’t expect to see you back,” Sam greets, turning on the lights.
“Yeah, not without the King’s army,” Dean says, holding out a hand. “Knife.”
Meg glares as she hands the angel blade to Dean. “Typical. I save our bacon and you’re sitting here, waiting by a devil’s trap. Seriously, I just killed two of Crowley’s men. I could have gone the other way on that.”
“It’s true, incidentally,” Castiel says, appearing in the living room. “There’s other demons’ blood on that blade.”
“Look, I’m simpler than you think. I’ve figured one thing out about this world - just one, pretty much. You find a cause and you serve it. Give yourself over and it orders your life. Lucifer and Yellow Eyes - their mission was it for me.”
Dean scoffs. “So, what? We should trust you because you wanted to free Satan from Hell?”
“I’m talking ‘cause,’ douchebag, as in reason to get up in the morning. Obviously, these things shift over time. We learn, we grow. Now, for me currently, the cause is bringing down the King. And I know we’ll need help to do it.”
“Crowley ain’t the problem this year.”
“When are you gonna get it? Crowley’s always the problem. He’s just waiting for the right moment to strike. I know what I’m supposed to do. And it isn’t screw with Sam, Dean, and Addison or lose the only angel who’d go to bat for me.”
The trio exchanges a look, then Sam breaks the devil’s trap releasing Meg. “This is good,” Castiel says. “Harmony and communication. Now our only problem is Hester.”
“Well, here, we’re hidden from the Garrison, but when you killed a demon, you put out a pretty clear beacon.”
“We need better angel proofing now.”
The door flies open and the group turns to see Hester standing there with a couple of other angels. “You took the Prophet from us,” Hester angrily exclaims.
“I’m - I’m sorry,” Castiel says.
“You have failed in every way imaginable.”
“Please, Castiel. We have to follow the code. Help us do our work,” one of the angels pleads.
“He can’t help you,” Dean reminds. “He can’t help anybody.”
“We don’t need his help or his permission,” Hester says, nodding at the other angels. One of the angels disappears. “The keeper goes to the desert tonight.”
The angel reappears with Kevin. “Back the fuck off,” Addison snaps, glaring at the angels. “We’re trying to clean one of your  angel’s fucking mess. And you fucking know that!”
“She’s right,” Castiel says. “An angel brought the Leviathan back into this world and — and they begged him. They begged him not to do it.”
“Look, just give us some time, okay,” Dean asks. “We will take care of your prophet.”
“Why should we give you anything,” Hester argues. “After everything you have taken from us? The very touch of you corrupts. When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost! Fro that, you’re going to pay.”
Hester starts to Dean, but Castiel steps in between them. “Please. They’re the ones we were put here to protect,” Castiel reminds.
“No, Castiel.” Hester backhands Castiel and he falls to the ground. The other angels hold up fingers, stopping the boys from helping Castiel. “No more madness!” Hester bends over and punches Castiel. “No more promises! No more new Gods!” She keeps punching Castiel, before stopping and pulling out an angel blade.
“Hester! No,” one of the angels shouts. He grabs her arm. “Please! There’s so few of us left.”
Hester punches the angel and turns back to Castiel. “You wanted free will. Now I’m making the choices.”
Hester raises her arm. A bright light emits from her chest and she falls to the ground, dead. Meg was standing behind her, angel blade in hand. “What? Some had to.” ~*~ Addison smiles when a bird lands on the railing of the back porch. She was standing out there, enjoying the peace. The angels had taken Kevin back home but not before the prophet had given them what he had translated of the tablet. Meg had vanished and Castiel had left to go whatever he wanted. “Hey.” She glances over her shoulder to find Dean making his way towards her. He holds out a beer and she takes it. “You doing okay?”
“I’m fine,” Addison softly says, shooting him a soft smile. “Just thinking. Things seem to be finally going our way for once.”
“For now. Sam’s fine. And we finally got a way to kill Dick. The only thing left would be to figure out whatever the bloodline is.”
Addison sighs. “What if I don’t want to know about the bloodline?”
“Hear me out, Dean. Nothing has really happened since my birthday. I got the flu. That’s it. Do we really need to go digging into something that doesn’t need to be dug into?”
“Alright. We won’t dig into it.”
0 notes
kittycurly · 8 years
Remember - Part 3
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A couple days later we had found a case close by the bunker. It seemed to be a simple salt and burn and Sam already found everything only so we didn’t think it would be necessary to question people but instead we could burn the body immediately. That was until another hunter named Wally called and had ask the Winchesters for help to take one demon down. Dean thought about declining him since we already had a case on our hands but then I tried to convince him to go anyway. “Why don’t you and Sam go with Wally and help him out and I’ll do the salt and burn instead myself?”, I asked him and smiled. “Because I don’t want you to be all on yourself out there, Sweetheart.”, he answered with a soft voice and pulled me close. How could I ever forget how overprotective Dean could be? “Winchester…I’ll be fine and you know it. Just go and take that demon down with Sammy and then we’ll meet up after that.” We were standing in the kitchen when Sam walked in on us. “Aleah is right, Dean. We figured everything out by now. All she must do is salt and burn the body. That’s an easy one. I already called Wally and said we’d help.” Dean ran a hand over his face and sighed. I started smiling like a schoolgirl because I knew this look – he gave up! “Fine. Alright. You do that salt and burn but I want you to text me that you’re alright.” I beamed up and nodded rapidly. “I’ll be home before you know it.”, I said and planted a kiss on his cheek. He took my hand and gave me another kiss before he turned to leave the kitchen to pack. “Oh, and Aleah? Wipe that smile off your face before I change my mind.”, he grumbled and left. Cas came to help the brothers out as well and finally a couple’s hours later we were in the garage and ready to separate. “Be safe”, Sam said and gave me a hug. “You too”, I answered and gave Cas a hug too and saved Dean for last to kiss him.
The salt and burn was not exactly as easy as I thought. Turned out that the body was already cremated when they buried the man. So, I had to start all over again. I questioned the neighbors of the dead couple and it turned out that the wife had bought a necklace from the auction where they sold the dead men’s household. One of the neighbors also told me that Mr. Piercon, the supposed ghost, was a very greedy man during his lifetime and always afraid to be mugged. The ghost probably didn’t care that his belongings were legally sold at an auction. When I went into the dead’s couples house to find the necklace Mr. Piercon didn’t let me wait and attacked me as soon as I touched the necklace. “You’re stealing what’s mine”, he screamed before slamming me against a wall. Seriously? Why did most of the vengeful spirits became such swollen-headed dicks? After getting up, I reached out for my gun and when I finally got it, I didn’t hesitate to shoot him. He disappeared but I knew it wasn’t for long. So, I collected my bruised body and searched for the right place to burn the necklace. Soon I found a fireplace in the living room and salted the remaining wood inside it. Then I placed the necklace on the wood and lighted up a fire. Just when I did that Piercon showed up again and I prepared myself to be attacked again but right before he could reach me, he lit up in flames. After Piercon was gone I sat on the ground for a minute to catch my breath. Then I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Dean.
I’m safe. Don’t worry. Got him. A.
I waited for a response. But even after a couple minutes I got nothing back. Dean was probably busy and I just hoped that he was safe. Slowly I stood up and made my way to the car. I drove only three hours and arrived at the bunker. The bothers were nowhere to be seen. I figured it probably took them longer than thought or maybe they stayed overnight to catch some sleep. I took a shower, changed into some shirt and sweatpants and decided to watch TV until Dean and Sam would come back. I must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is waking up to the bunker door slammed shut. I got up and walk in the big hall. Sam, Dean, Cas and a blonde woman were coming down the stairs. They all looked pretty messed up. Sam excused himself as soon as he said hello and then vanished towards his room. I didn’t need to look twice to see that Dean was fuming but trying not to show it. “What happened?”, I asked him carefully.
“That was a freakin’ suicide squad!”, he blurted out. “There was more than just one demon and Wally got killed by one. After that we noticed we couldn’t kill the one we were after, because it turned out to be a yellow-eyed fucking prince of hell! Cas almost died and it’s a freaking miracle we didn’t get hurt as well.”
I looked at him and then I looked at Cas: “Are you alright?” He just nodded but also told us that he needed to go and with the flutter of his wings, he disappeared. The blonde woman didn’t say a word. I pulled Dean into a hug and he let his head rest on my forehead. “I’m glad you’re safe, Sweetheart.”, he told me and pulled me even closer. Finally, the woman stepped up to introduce herself. “I’m Mary Winchester. Dean’s mom.”, she said and held her hand out for me to shake it. Slowly I pulled away from Dean and took her hand.  “Nice to meet you, I’m Aleah Warren.” I didn’t feel like introducing me more than that, since I wasn’t sure what else to say. I could’ve said I was Dean’s girlfriend but to be honest, we hadn’t figured it ourselves out yet.  Since we came back from the witch hunt, we didn’t talk about the thing we had. Dean cleared his throat and I quickly looked at him. “I’m gonna take a shower. Is there anything to eat after?”, he asked me and I shook my head. “Not yet. But I’ll fix you something while you get cleaned up. It’s fine.” He gave me a quick kiss on my lips and grinned on his way to the shower. Before I went to the kitchen I asked Mary if she wanted to come as well. “Yeah, sure. Dinner sounds alright”, she said and followed me. In the kitchen, she offered her help but since I was just making some spaghetti, I told her just to sit down and relax after their hunt.  “So, you and my son?”, she asked. 
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iwantthedean · 8 years
"I don't expect you to understand. I know, Castiel, that you have done so much for me. You healed years worth of physical wounds and scars. Dean, though, has only begun to heal a lifetime's worth of emotional wounds and scars. Without him, I may never be truly whole again. Until you know the weight of that in your life, you cannot tell me what is and is not my responsibility."
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