#Death wiish
dancing-heart-pony · 1 year
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Pride Art, Day 17: Blank + Lesbian Parents
Blank, as in BlankGamePlays? 👀 and his Moms, the only female egos I could think of!? 😅 Peevils & Death Wiish!
((I haven’t drawn any of these characters in YEARS! 😨))
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Vira-gab smolders
I drew the demons eyes I'll give more info about em later since some stuff has been updated
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xoxoemynn · 2 years
So in the span of what was likely only a couple of hours at most, Ed:
Returned to the Revenge knowing the English were ready to just make it explode
Also returned knowing that if they didn't make it explode, they would most certainly execute him specifically on account of him being Blackbeard and all
Took the blame for Nigel's death, knowing once again that would be a death sentence
Act of Graced the hell out of the situation and physically blocked Stede from the firing squad
Moves to do so again when Chauncey is all "no for real raise those damn rifles"
And don't think I didn't AGAIN how he remained very much in front of Stede when Mr. Wavy Blade started freaking them all out
All BEFORE he metaphorically signs away his life for Stede.
And then Izzy actually thinks saying something like "think what you're doing" is going to make a difference. The man has one thought iand it's "protect love of my life Stede Bonnet at all costs" smh.
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puppet-master-anti · 7 years
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Signe as Harley Quinn I quite like this.
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bunnysarts · 6 years
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Drew myself its not great but get I tried also dose anyone want information on the girls for my dark youtuber au? I still need to figure out Pam's dark version but I got wiishu and amy mostly done
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jenovacomplete · 3 years
there’s a part of this book where doughty describes how, as a child, she found herself obsessed with the macabre -- how she’d lie awake at night, waiting for her mother to get home, imagining that she had been killed; splattered all over the pavement, ground beneath burning rubber and gasoline. it’s a part i really like, mostly bc i was also That Kid n i think we should be able to be more open abt this kind of stuff
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sasorikigai · 3 years
“  your bandages— you’re bleeding through them.  ” ( Scorched Souls; cause this screams floofy angst XD )
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BLOOD RELATED PROMPTS || @swordsxandxshadows || accepting
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || When the morning breaks, and the taut skin over his pectorals tighten from the dryness coaxed by the sun, to surround him in insufferable, blinding light, Scorpion would deeply ruminate and see all the signs of Shirai Ryu ending, all over again, with nothing prevailing and never resurrecting. A new life, far away from this wretched, condemned one full of scorched blackness and suffocating smoke of blackened moribund death, as he still recalls crawling on his hands and knees, fatally bleeding out and drowning in the most grievous pain, his toil becoming worthless, as if he has never existed. Scorpion wiishes he could say that his whole life was black and white, that the good moments were great and distinguished, and more defining than the bad. 
Scorpion still yearns for Death’s gentle hand, coaxing him into nonexistence, even as he somehow endures and survives through in Life’s warm embrace. For he will always find himself in broken places, and somehow mend all the scattered and sundered pieces whole. That way, even such unravelling disintegration will make him whole, more whole than he had ever been. 
Upon the ripples of their shared soft night, the stillness envelops Scorpion like a coffin; there are no breath sounds here, but the roots of his excruciating ache painted with smears of ferrous crimson, unhinged and swallowing him in encompassing fire. How such fire ablaze claims his body and soul, heightening the chaos, as the contradictions of feelings and actions that unify all this mess into a beautifully perfect char-harmonious pile of ashes. The path of Scorpion’s life always had been ineffably remarkable, filled with destruction and renaissance of his entirety. And they always will be, as the waning currents of his essence submerges Scorpion beneath the waxed transparency, lest his expression remains inscrutable and unafflicted. 
“My body should be used to exist in melodramas in a way it does not take in other genres, the fallibility, nor the capacity for hurt. Lest my proverbial pain manifests into a somatic ache in my chest; a glorious, throbbing reminder of the bounds of my heart, which too often overruns.” Perhaps Hanzo Hasashi still has so much pent-up love and affection that he couldn’t ever give away for shame that this level of exquisite, excruciating intensity will overwhelm. For his love knows no bounds, no price, no catch, and Death could not nullify nor make it utterly naught. 
As brittle as his being becomes, trying to hold himself still like a glass overflowing with pain; with some of it spilling onto him, into him, forever marking him without setting him up for heavy blessings and miracles. Scorpion would rather be cradled in an endless torment, lest his many thoughts keep boiling in his mind. “I am not concerned of my physical wounds, my beloved, but I continue to feel chained from within, trapped in the mayhem inside my head. For I live constantly drenched in dread, and at times, I would have rather be lain in a coffin than enduring the viciousness of my subconscious as I continue to ache with the loss and despair, as retrieved memories of brutal onslaught festers my contentment and happiness with you.”  ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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g1r1t1n4 · 3 years
Yamaguchi, Denki and Todoroki?
yamaguchii first!!!
How Ii Fee1: my dude, my guy, the man who iis quiite c1ose to me- ii 1iike hiim :D]
Shiipped wiith: tsukkii, kyoutanii [maddog], kageyama somewhat
Non-romantiic OTP: hiim and yachii- bestiies ii say
Unpopu1ar opiiniion: kiind of more popu1ar but he wou1dn't be a11 shy wiith who he 1iikes, ii thiink he'11 treat them norma11y but stii11 be s1iight1y more soft
One thiing ii wiish had happened: ii wiish tendou apo1ogiized to hiim, but at the same tiime ii understand the purpose of that now, onto denkii!!
How ii fee1: aaaaaaaaa ii 1ove hiim, he's my guy
Shiipped wiith: jiirou, miidoriiya, shiinsou
Non-romantiic OTP: hiim and present miic cou1d tota11y gossiip iin eng1iish
Unpopu1ar opiiniion: kamiinarii's "stupiid mode" wii11 one day 1ead to hiis death, eiither by an acciident or by e1ectriicutiing hiis braiin
One thiing ii wiish to happen: more iinteractiion between hiim and 1iitera11y anyone ii have 1iisted as a romantiic shiip
fiina11y, todorokii!!
how ii fee1: he's chii11 (hehe), ii 1iike hiim
shiipped wiith: SERO, miidoriiya, iiiida
non-romantiic otp: hiim, tsu, and uraraka are adorab1e together
unpopu1ar opiiniion: he'11 need therapy before even thiinkiing about datiing anyone
one thiing ii wiish to happen: endevour diies todorokii gets everythiing he wants 1mao
no typing quirk version below:
yamaguchi first!!!
How I Feel: my dude, my guy, the man who is quite close to me- i like him :D]
Shipped with: TSUKKI, kyoutani [maddog], kageyama somewhat
Non-romantic OTP: him and yachi- besties i say
Unpopular opinion: kind of more popular but he wouldn't be all shy with who he likes, i think he'll treat them normally but still be slightly more soft
One thing i wish had happened: i wish tendou apologized to him, but at the same time i understand the purpose of that
now, onto denki!!
How i feel: aaaaaaaaa i love him, he's my guy
Shipped wiith: jirou, MIDORIYA, shinsou
Non-romantic OTP: him and present mic could totally gossip in english
Unpopular opinion: kaminari's "stupid mode" will one day lead to his death, either by an accident or by electricuting his brain
One thing i wish to happen: more interaction between him and literally anyone i have listed as a romantic ship
finally, todoroki!!
how i feel: he's chill (hehe), i like him
shipped with: SERO, midoriya, iida
non-romantic otp: him, tsu, and uraraka are adorable together
unpopular opinion: he'll need therapy before even thinking about dating anyone
one thing i wish to happen: endevour dies todoroki gets everything he wants lmao
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breaniebree · 3 years
Chapter 283 was great! Harry turned 17- what a milestone! The interviews (actual interviews, not Skeeter crap) were very interesting to read. Now I wiish I could see all those cover photos Colin clicked, especially the Witch Weekly one XD
Dragomir's death was so sad :( poor Althea. I'm bubbling with anticipation to see what happens to Dumbledore. Fingers crossed for Fawkes 🤞
Harry and Zee's tattoos are so beautiful. Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter.
Hi, Anon!
Thank you! I know, I wish I could see the photos too but we know they were awesome! Poor Althea indeed. Thank you, I'm glad you loved the tattoos.
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dancing-heart-pony · 6 years
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Spooky Prompts, Day 31: Vampire 🧛🏻‍♂️
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Spooky Prompts
Vampire Wiishu is my favorite version of dark/evil Wiishu!
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+homestuck hunger games siimulator part 3
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+aradiia has a weapon
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+everyone’’s siingiing.. better than kiilliing each other ii guess..
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+nothiing really exciiting here
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+there goes serket.. fiinal two here..
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+porriim wiins!! you go you funky liittle vampiire
+kiinda wiish aradiia had won tho
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+death summary.. 9 days iin total..
+thiis is the fiinal part of the siimulator posts for now,, ii may do one wiith humans and extra characters.. ii”ll defiiniitely make some art for thiis.
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I'm curious has anyone made a dark gab/ dark Mika yet? I really wanna see if anyone's come up with one I feel like Mika would have a pretty cool dark ego (I just really like making egos for people lol)
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cosmicspitfire · 4 years
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Here’s a little background about 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖂𝖎𝖎𝖘𝖍.
We started out as a forza group of friends back in the beginning of the year during the COVID-19 quarantine. Originally, we were just a group of friends drifting around and cracking jokes. Our Founder, Will, decided to make us into a forza crew that drifts, races and taking pictures. Growing our base on Instagram and adding more members as we go, we have now a base all over the US, Canada and Australia. Our Founder decided recently to turn this forza crew into a real world car club!
Our chapter presidents being Bryant, Trevor, Sacha, and Taylor (our co-founder), we plan to keep expanding our car club to more places!
Please spread the word around!
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callousinfamy · 4 years
Honestly I hated Jamil in the manga and anime, but your Jamil actually make me like him and your different verses make me feel a bit bad for him
On or off anon, come tell me ONE thing you like about mun or muse. Bonus: Tell me why you like that one thing. Everybody needs a confidence booster sometimes.
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   ( I usually like the villains more than heroes usually so I didn't really mind Jamil from the get go but seeing the slight look into his past I could see why he is how he is. Idk whatever happened to his parents(most likely al tharmen probably killed them like judar’s idk) but seeing as how he was introduced to a member and they taught him about treating slaves and stuff it really warped him and turned him into the person he is portrayed as in the series. I think he was made to believe he could grow up into someone great so he was intrigued but they took him down the wrong path and mindset. If it wasn’t for Al tharmen being in his life since he was an impressionable child he probably would of hopefully took a better path. Who knows? 
I am just sad that Ohtaka didn’t explore him more. It sucks, I just picture more and think about how it must of felt growing up like that and at the edge of death after being told he was nothing special like what his teacher said and foolishly believing he could become someone like a king. Jamil may be a heartless bastard but deep down there is more to him. He’s just warped by what he was taught growing up and how he was raised to think. That’s why I wiish to explore more with him and I am so very happy you like my portrayal! And yeah I feel bad for him too tbh! Al tharmen is terrible!! 
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anon-anti · 5 years
(Ye. And honestly, I won't stop those who have a death-wiish. ;3)
( I need to make time to  give some arse woopen >:0 )
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reyarey · 7 years
I was honestly just thinking about this and how they’re relationship would go. And I just thought “Why the fuck not?” So here it is! AntiSepticeye X Death-Wiish(Evil Wiishu)!
AntiSepticeye. The terrifying, glitchy copy of the ever popular JackSepticeye. Many people had different interpretations of him. Some making him a lovable father or brother or son, others turning him into a deranged killer that holds no sympathy for anybody. This is my interpretation of him.
Cuts running up and down his arms and a long, horizontal stroke of blood across his neck. He always stuck to black skinny jeans ripped at the knees and a black, short-sleeved shirt that was ripped at the hems of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt. He strolls around in black and white converse and puts half-inch gauges in his ears. His normal hair is like Seán’s: Salt and peppered light brown, except he kept the top of his head a very dark green. The scariest part about him is his eyes. His right iris is a bright, grass-like green surrounded by a void-black sclera, unlike his right eye is a disgusting, infected-type green sclera with Seán’s piercing blue iris. His laugh can send shivers down your spine and if he catches you, he will force you to run, hide, get all the help you can. But he will always catch you. He’s chasing you for sport. He sports multiple sharp kitchen knives that vary in design and he can glitch them in and out of existence at will. Why carry them on yourself when you don’t need them?
He has a specific schedule that changes whenever he feels it’s time to scare Seán’s viewers again. He wakes up in the morning, makes some food, then goes out, changing how he looks so he doesn’t draw attention. You’ll always see him scanning the crowd at 10 in the morning, looking for something; or someone. Once he finds that someone, he follows them, watches them. Until he finally approaches them…
And kills them, plays with them, does whatever he desires with them.
There was one day when he spotted somebody that was quite familiar. Her hair was a dark, dark brown that hung down no lower than her shoulders. She had a squarish face and a fair complexion. He found it hard to look away from her eyes, her eyeliner flying away to her temple into a slightly curved wing on each side. Her eyes were a dull hazel that shone brightly in the right lighting. She was wearing a baggy black sweater that read “Misery is all the rage,” black leggings that barely went as far as her ankles, and she walked with a purpose in black, block heels, like she had somewhere she needed to be.
Intent for a fun day, he followed her. She went to the park and sat down on a bench, staring down the crowd almost like he had. She turned towards his direction and Anti took to looking at all the couples strolling down the small concrete roads in the park, past ponds and people who decided to take their dog on a walk. He didn’t notice that she had spotted him and was staring him down. He looked towards her and she quickly looked away from him. She stood up and walked through the park and through the city, leading Anti away from the crowds and to a warehouse that stood tall.
She strode inside and he followed. The metal doors creaked when he pushed them open. The warehouse was filled with wooden boxes that looked to have been there for years, sagging with the amount of rain-water that had dripped from the ceiling. It was dim due to the fading light from outside, the few windows letting a few pink and orange rays filter inside and showing just how much dust polluted the air; showing just how much blood had dried on the floor. It was now that Anti noticed the smell of decay that bounced off each wall and collapsing box to his nostrils. It was enough to make a normal human vomit and run, call the police, anything.
But not Anti. Anti wasn’t even human, after all.
“Oh.” he chuckled, the echo coming from any and all directions. “I’ve picked a special one haven’t I.”
There was a stinging pain in his right shoulder and he inhaled sharply. He could feel her warm breath on the back of his neck and her laugh began loud and fell pointedly down to a low giggle.
“I didn’t know you were following me until the park.” Her accent was familiar too. Why couldn’t he place it?
It took only a second after she pulled it out of his shoulder before he realized he had been stabbed. But that didn’t matter to him. It would take much more than that to kill him. He turned around, and he was met with a sight to behold.
Her eyeliner had turned to a blood red color and dripped down to her jawline. Her eyes were wide and glazed over, almost like she was a corpse walking, but her pupils were pronounced and seemed to jump out of her eyes. The veins gripped her sclera and her eye shivered with each passing moment. She had tossed away her sweater to show a black tank-top that held tightly onto her torso. As Anti kept looking her up and down, he saw that she had also taken her heels off, preferring to proceed barefoot.
“Well, aren’t you just a sight to behold.” he stated as she scanned him much like he did her.
“You aren’t too bad yourself. You’re just missing a little… something.” She thought for a moment. She let her blood-dripping knife fall out of her fingers. Anti expected a clatter, but only heard warping, like shaking a metal sheet, as the knife fell through the floor.
He watched her leap onto a pile of boxes and leap from one to another like a gymnast. “I know.”
She disappeared behind the boxes and reappeared behind Anti. “Blood.” Her voice was warbled, kind of like the sound it made when the knife disappeared, except this time it was like she was underwater and the pitch of her voice was adjusted up and down.
Her knife hit open air and she stood, confused. Had she hallucinated him? No, that’s not possible.
“M͟ớr̷͢͟e͝ ͠b̨͡l̴̶o͡͠o̢͜ḑ̵ ̢̛y҉̕͝óư ̶s̡̧͢a̢͡͏y͟?̵̧” Anti’s voice was glitched, skipping forward and rewinding and coming back to the present. He traced her waist. “Į'͜l͘͠l̶ ͡g͟į̴v͢͏e ̷̡͢yo̢̡u̷ ̧͝m̵̷̴ó͜͝r̶e̷͘͘ b̸̡̕l͏͟o̵͏o͞d̴.̛͜”
She spun around, swinging the knife wildy until she saw him, what he actually looked like. A black goo was dripping from his right eye and mouth, staining and getting caught in his teeth as he smiled his big toothy smile.
“All entities like us have human counterparts, but not all humans have entity counterparts. So…”
Anti glitched to a far wall then inches from her face. “Who is yours?”
He towered over her, but she didn’t seem phased by the great difference between them.
“I was wondering the same about you.”
Anti hopped back and took a sophisticated bow. “My name is AntiSepticeye. Human counterpart Seán William Mcloughlin, AKA JackSepticeye.”
“Oh, that’s where I know you.” she commented. “Death-Wiish. Signe Hansen, also known as Wiishu.”
She gingerly stepped forward and looked up at him. His eyes had changed from their green, black, and blue to Seán’s white and blue. She just stared, then pouted after a few moments. “Aw, I liked your eyes before.”
“Well, maybe you’ll like this better?”
Anti leaned down and placed a kiss to her lips, fingers gently lifting her chin up. His free hand moved to the side of her head and she wrapped her arms around his waist lightly. Both pairs of eyes fluttered shut and they just stood there, taking in each other’s taste, scent, enjoying it. It was almost like the blood and decay surrounding them didn’t exist. They broke for a split second to catch their breath, but they connected again. Death-Wiish broke the kiss and jumped up, wrapping her legs over his hips and connecting the kiss again. It grew heated and they held each other close, Anti keeping her up with one hand below her hips and the other pressed to her lower back.
“Let’s go to my apartment.” Anti breathed.
“Okay.” Death-Wiish replied.
Anti glitched them to his apartment and he dropped her onto his couch in front of his tv. He climbed on top of her and reconnected the kiss.
“Movie?” He asked in-between.
“Not yet.” she panted, gasping when he bit her lip lightly.
He pressed his forehead to the cushions next to her head, then laid down on his side, wrapping his arms around her and stroking her hair.
“You’re getting blood in your hair.” Death-Wiish stated with the hint of a chuckle.
“And I didn’t get any on your clothes?”
“They’re black, sweetie, it’s not noticeable.”
Anti lifted his head and rested it on his arm. “Oh, so we’ve already reached nickname status?”
“It’s never too early for nicknames.” she giggled.
God, she’s adorable.
“Which movie, darling?”
“You got Princess Bride?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
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