grenzlinie17 · 6 months
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That one alcoholic uncle, Sakaki Deidoro.
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quirklove · 2 years
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he is trying to be patient bUT YOU ARE UNDERMINING HIS AUTHORITY HERE!!!
hero!Kai has a lot more patience than regular Kai, but... his fuse is still kinda short
especially when his S/O and his associates TROLL HIM IN HIS GROUP CHAT!!!!
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myheromedia · 11 months
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The faces of the Shie Hassaikai (excluding Overhaul and Chronostasis)
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schlechtenhunde · 23 days
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autumn-themed shie hassaikai doodles (need that chilly weather to approach faster)
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quirkwizard · 3 months
Ideas for Quirk training for the yakuza guys? Maybe throw in Gentle and La Brava?
I'll stick with the Yakuza since I have more then enough ideas for them. Plus, I really like the idea of this being part of the Hero Haul AU and this is Kai taking his gang on a retreat in order to "build team work"
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Hojo, Tabe, and Toya: Hojo would be making his crystals while Toya would be trying to pull them off of his body. In between them, Tabe would be trying to eat the flying crystals before Toya can catch them. This would train Hojo's production speed and durability of his crystals, increase Toya's range and pulling power, and improve Tabe's ability to catch and eat moving targets.
Rikiya and Deidoro: This two have a special job. They are two go around to where any one else is training and start harassing them, with Deidoro making them lose balance and Rikyia draining their energy. This not only helps train everyone else by add extra difficulty, but could help improve their own powers as well, like increasing Rikiya's drain rate and Deidoro's range.
Tengai: Since Tengai already has enough defensive power and can use his shields reactively, he doesn't really need to train those parts. What he could do is try to get better and forming moving the shields. Things like trying to slowly inch it forward to a certain point or trying to form the shield around other objects as a way to trap them within the barrier, improving his ability to control and deny an area.
Joi: Considering the only known limit of his power is the size limit of his power, he could try and take over larger objects and make them move around. He could try to take over small parts of larger objects. It be like what he did in the hideout, but on a smaller scale. Barring that, he could simply try to get better at shaping and controlling the objects, like trying to solve a puzzle box while he is the box.
Hari: Since Hari can't really train his power on other people without ruining a whole afternoon of training, the best choice for him would be to simply practice on dummies. Namely ones that are constantly moving around. This could help increase the speed and accuracy of his arrows, making the condition easier to inflict, Heck, it could even help grow the Quirk to the point where it can start working on objects as well as people.
Shin: While I do like the idea of Shin going around and asking people uncomfortable questions all day, I think his time would be served better elsewhere. Since so much of his power is based around questions, it'd be good for him to try and figure out better ways to phrase his words. He could also try and learn psychological tactics to try and dig for what would be the best questions to ask someone and how to best exploit their secrets.
Rappa: While I figure Rappa's training would involve him punching stuff, that's not the route I'm going to take. His training would involve him using his hands for literally anything else. Look, I've said that Rappa has been wasting his power and this would be a good chance. Things like rapidly doing tasks with his hands or using them to practice throwing's things. I don't care if I have to duct tape tools to his hands, he's going to do something other then punch things.
Kai: Overhaul was easily the hardest to come up with anything for. How can you go up any further from one of the strongest Quirks in the series. The only thing I could think of was the fusion aspect of his power. For all of his power, Kai's fusions seems very incomplete. Less perfection combination and more heinous hybrid. So maybe he could try practicing on some non-living objects, like trying to turn a bunch of metals into an alloy by trying to piece them together or something like that.
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badcaninecemetery · 21 days
there's a guy making you uncomfortable, so you snap your fingers and the shie hassaikai pull up to the scene.
setsuno, tabe, and hojo are tight. these three share a deep and powerful bond and friendship, as well as a deep devotion to the shie hassaikai. but most importantly they share unbreakable respect and gratitude for overhaul. so they would do anything for overhaul and the shie hassaikai. if someone's upsetting you, those three are the first to pounce forward and take care of the problem.
sakaki's all for being reckless and fun, but he'll get angry if someone's not playing along right. if you nod towards the guy and make a cutthroat motion, sakaki's getting pissed and charging forward.
mimic would take this as not only an insult to you and overhaul, but to the yakuza. he'd be instantly angry, unable to keep his cool. that guy might not last long because mimic's buff arm is flinging out and snatching the guy up by the throat— "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO OUR GIRL?"
katsukame's relationship with overhaul is that of a loyal friend and younger brother figure, so he'd do whatever necessary to protect you. he'd be very sly and snarky to the guy before he's stomping forward and taking this guy out.
rappa would be so enraged, it's not even funny. he would think it's unchivalrous and insulting to prey on someone who could be misconstrued as "weaker," making the entire situation an "unfair fight." he'd call the guy pathetic, wouldn't even waste his time. he'd just swoop you up and carry you away from him.
tengai expresses a strong loyalty to overhaul (addressing him as master overhaul and scolding rappa whenever he doesn't take overhaul seriously). his loyalty would extend to you as well, so the idea of someone disrespecting you would irritate tengai. he would simply stand before this guy, slowly shaking his head and crossing his arms. "how pathetic you are to not take no for an answer, especially to someone infinitely better than you could ever achieve."
nemoto also falls under that complete and total devotion to overhaul. someone making you uncomfortable is the same as someone making overhaul uncomfortable, which would infuriate nemoto to unspeakable levels. he'd embarrass and humiliate this man with his quirk, and he'd do it to whatever extent you desire.
kurono has the strongest bond and deepest care for overhaul. he clearly wants overhaul's success, happiness, or whatever you want to call overhaul's dream. if you're injured or upset, it could trickle down to overhaul, and he doesn't want that. he'd do whatever overhaul needed, and that would also include protecting your wellbeing.
overhaul, ultimately, wouldn't say a word to this man. he'd stretch his arm out, glove off, and meld him into something—perhaps a well? a fence? something that he could easily rearrange his body around to keep him alive but forever trapped. and, of course, he'd make sure to break those vocal cords so that no one knows what happened to him. hives line his arm and face when he turns to face you, but he stiffly links arms and walks you away, muttering. "how filthy. i can't believe he even thought he had a chance."
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angie-starz · 3 months
More art for L.O.V+E
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heron0320 · 18 days
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underratedmhapoll · 1 year
Bonus Poll - Pick a Shie Hassaikai Member at Gunpoint
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Spinner: sitting on and touching warm rocks…that’s the good stuff…
Deidoro: are you….a reptile…?
Spinner: what are you? A cop? Mind your own business.
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spinji · 1 year
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grenzlinie17 · 6 months
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✧Happy Birthday Chisaki Kai✧
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salvagevillaintalk · 3 months
New Updated MHA Nemesis Unrestrained
Because what better way to welcome the new blog than by posting the updated version of Class A and who'd I choose to have them as rivals...becuase yes.
Even now my brain still has better match-ups for some of them. This time Kaminari and Jiro!
Given this is a new blog will only be posting the line-up with the newest rivals, though if you want to check out what I had before, you can look at it here.
Deku - Shigaraki
Ochako - Toga
Todoroki - Dabi (For all three above, you likely know why already xD)
Bakugo - Muscular (Same as before, genuinely think that Bakugo beating down against one of the strongest of Deku's Rogue's Gallery who was supposed to kidnap him as a way to return the favor just writes itself)
Iida - Stain (Speedster vs someone who stops you in your tracks, both are very morally centric figures with codes on how they feel heroism should be upheld - really wished they clashed in the Final War)
Kirishima - Rappa (seriously, these guys were perfect rivals. Incredible defense veruse overpowering offense. WHERE WAS RAPPA DURING THE FINAL WAR??!!!)
Tsu - Spinner (already spoke of this in the series, but both are Heteroromorphs that dealth with ostracization and are their group's mutant support)
Momo - Re-Destro (Leader of the First Years vs Leader of the MLA, one that forged her own path as a Hero and overcome her anxiety to be a proper leadervs guy who was essentially groomed to be Destro V2 and his whole ordeal is putting himself under mass stress to be strong, even if he isn't liberated.)
Tokoyami - Twice (both struggle with keeping their powers under control and have a relationship with Hawks, so its pretty natural)
Aoyama - Kunieda (for what it's worth, Kunieda made for a scary villain for Aoyama, his loyalty to AFO made me want to know more on their relationship)
Kaminari - Tajima (Basically a match-up of two electric types of contrasting disposition, that also act as supports and backbones for their teams. Kaminari is a confident, if kind over his head, showoff that struggles with his reliability under pressure, but manages to overcome it for the sake of the right thing - for his pals. Tajima, meanwhile, is one consumed by his fear of AFO and gives in to his anxiety to the point of doing sabotaging efforts that could harm people to save his own skin)
Jiro - Shin Nemoto (A girl who could hear theoretically anything against a guy whose Quirk can allow him to always gain the truth. There's a potential for introspection on how people with these sorts of Quirks are trusted, or even distrusted. Perhaps Nemoto and her could relate to people always thinking they'll spy on them or that they can't ever speak freely? Just a thought!)
Mineta -Toya Setsuno (A villain whose had a rough love life and can steal anything against someone whose desperate for love/lust and can technically hold down anything with just his Quirk. In addition, Setsuno has low self esteem to Mineta's high ego. It's a dynamic/fight that really works)
Shoji - Chimera (a Spinner stand-in that Shoji actually fought, and lost, to before and would've been perfect to be his Nemesis)
Mina - Slice (Already have seeds of a good rivalry given how Mina ruined Slice's hair that she prides herself in. Perhaps Slice could have been similar to Mina in that both were their community's popular girls that tried their best to be defenders. But in Slice's case, those she helped eventually backstabbed her to leave her destitute, maybe even for someone else - hence why prides herself in, usually, just her power...least until she met Nine's crew )
Hagakure - Mummy (The Invisible (Wo)man versus a mummy. It writes itself and Hagakure presents an interesting dilemma to him since she's unaffected his Quirk due to her, ah, situation)
Koda - Trumpet (Yeah, still think Koda would've worked well as a shy yet caring boy standing against a cold, faux preacher)
Sero - Ending (Another person who wounded up being affected by a Todoroki and essentially waltzed through. Though while Ending became obssessed and wants to be done in by them, Sero's easygoing nature has him not revolve his life around his defeat or said Todoroki's beyond a few jabs. Basically Sero is the 'dude its not that serious' of the MHA verse that makes him prime to restrain someone whose kinda off the deep end or go against them.....and, you know, similar power sets).
Sato - Deidoro Sakaki (Scratch that. Guy who gains power from ingesting sugar, vs guy whose Quirk is stronger from ingesting alcohol makes for a far better match-up!)
Ojiro - Hakiji Tengai (A disciplined monk vs a disciplined martial artist; with the added bonus of a match of pretty 'basic' power standings: someone with a tail trying to whack a guy in a shield - it's a pairing I think could lead to an interesting way for Ojiro to win.)
But, yeah, if I had no restraints, this is who I would actually give as Class A's proper Nemesis throughout the series.
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number1villainstan · 2 years
Setsuno: Would masturbating while smoking weed be called masturblazing? Sakaki: No, it would be called highjacking. Hojo: No, it would be called weedwhacking. Nemoto: No, it's called disappointing your mother.
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quirkwizard · 4 months
I’m only asking this because I personally believe you don’t talk about it nearly as much as you want to. So you’ve mentioned a few ideas about the Herohaul AU and Eri a few times, but I’d like to expand the idea a little further. I imagine that he’d probably be a morally grey kind of hero and thus would still have formed the eight bullets as his sidekicks in a “suicide squad” villain reformation program. So how might the might the rest of the yakuza and the eight bullets work as heroes?
You are one hundred percent right. Not only do I really enjoy writing about villain as heroes, but I especially like the idea of Hero Haul specifically. I've already talked about how they'd be as heroes, but I'll go more into them as people here.
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Joi and Hari would be the only proper heroes that are part of Overhaul's hero team. As for the Eight Bullets, they would be Kai's sidekicks, but not former villains. Instead, they would be the bottom of the barrel, either barely function heroes at the lowest of the rankings or people Overhaul took in as sidekicks under his supervision. Of the two, I prefer the latter. Kai is someone who sees the potential in people, whether they know it or not. He takes what is broken and makes it work, forming these lost, undisciplined men and turning them into proper heroes. Now, this kind of process naturally results in less then stellar heroes on paper, with a lot people seeing them as a bunch of thugs that only follow Kai's orders. However, they cannot argue with results, with each member giving it their all out of sense of loyalty to please Kai. I think that fits with Kai's general disposition towards the Eight Bullets in the original story, taking these lost nobodies and making them useful, and fit Overhaul's inspiration of the Buddha, hanging out with the dregs of society and enlightening them to higher levels of understanding. Now, as for how they met:
Hari-Time Out: Kai's oldest friend and ally since their time at hero school together. Often takes the role as second in command and tactical advisor on the field.
Joi- An admittedly career focused hero who joined Kai for the money, yet still a competent and loyal partner. Handles a lot of the agents and paperwork of the agency
Shin-Confessor: Genuinely inspired by Kai as a person, especially his very honest and direct way of conducting himself, and asked to join him. Easily Kai's most loyal and normal sidekick.
Deidoro-Barfly: A bum on his way to drinking himself to death that accidently beat everyone in a massive bar brawl with his power. Tries to clean himself up, but is still considered an "embarrassment" by the public.
Toya-Pickpocket: Toya was saved by Overhaul after the attempt on his own life. Kai convinced him to instead take this chance to rebuild himself, new and better. Became of one the fan favorites of the sidekicks.
Tabe- Kai was called to the scene of the fearsome looking Tabe begging and scrounging for food from a shop keeper. He pitied Tabe and helped him out. Still wears the bag mask out of fear how he looks would scare people.
Hojo-Diamondback: Hojo was saved and healed by Kai after others tried to exploit him for the crystals on his back. His wishes to shine makes him one of the most dedicated to the ideas of self improvement.
Rikiya-Leacher: A man lacking in motivation and direction, he mostly got by on draining others to live. Unknowingly tried to take some stamina from Kai, who gave him real direction. The laziest of all the sidekicks.
Tengai-Shelter: Found by Kai using his Quirk illegally to protect himself from villains. Kai claimed Tengai was his sidekick in training and Tengai followed along with it until it stuck. The closest of the sidekicks to a proper hero.
Rappa-Ripper: Rappa made an attempt on Kai's life. That did not end well for him. Rather then having him arrest, Kai decided to welcome him into the flock, promising him plenty of good fights. Hardest to properly control out of the sidekicks.
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theplaguewriter · 2 years
I need the shie hassaikai fans here~
what are y’all’s headcanons on ages, birthdays and heights for the bullets?
I got some hcs myself but I’m curious what others think
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