#Dethklok – kill you
mikhalson · 1 year
I don't want to have to kill you
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svetzzi · 7 months
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junkh3ad · 8 months
guys i might be going off the fucking rails here because i woke up, saw this picture of Pickles and had a fucking EPIPHANY. So as we see, this is Pickles (DUH) in Snakes N Barrels. Right? Right. SO. He’s facing us in this picture, so his sides are switched. His left is our right. Got it? GOOD BECAUSE THATS IMPORTANT.
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So, in my tired state it hit me. If Snakes N Barrels was (assumed) in the 80s, then there’s a very fucking good chance that his ear piercing being on his right side was either a simple thing that doesn’t mean anything (i doubt that because everything has meaning in this god forsaken show) OR. Or it matches the times and if you have any knowledge about subtle gay signaling in the 80s, a single right ear piercing was to represent being gay
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Like i said this all came to me in a frenzied state, freshly awaken and still too hot from slumber but IM TELLING YOU. NOTHING IS AN ACCIDENT.
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mochimellowd · 4 months
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God be my witness, I shall never yeild 'til we come face to face.
Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reward!
And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flame!
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digitizedworld · 9 months
So the song "Kill You" was written by Snakes and Barrels. It's a good fucking song. But that guitar solo in the middle. Pickles played the guitar for the band so either Pickles can play that fucking good or Skwisgaar added his own version with Toki's rhythm of the guitar parts for the song. Which wouldn't surprise me, especially since Pickles was suing the band for the rights to all the music and, knowing Charles, won. This means Dethklok could update the song. Makes me wonder how it sounded before they, possibly, changed it.
Sorry, that thought popped into my head yesterday while listening to it. Anyway...
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 1 year
Me when I remember that Army Of The Doomstar was actually the ending to Metalocalypse and Dick Knubbler and Stampingston and Orlaag and Salacia are actually all dead and it wasn't just a silly little prank.
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1nj3ct10n · 7 months
they killed me so bad w this one I listened to it on repeat when the album dropped bc???
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ganjamonster11 · 5 months
nother shitty doodle of the stupid fuckin puffball :3 (follow up post of my planet pissed oc critter)
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me after pinging the same person for the twelfth time today cause my autistic ass can’t like something normally
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lizzardthing · 10 months
i have slept on this thought debated posting it and decided i should- hot take. if your blorbo is a canon Shitty Person, it’s gonna weird me out and rub me the wrong way if in conversation and stuff you don’t want to talk about any bad opinions they have or bad things they did in canon. If your blorbo is a bad person, you LIKE THEM INCLUDING THAT. It is literally fine to be a fan of someone fictional that is morally ambiguous or straight up bad. But if you don’t wanna talk about it or think about it, i’m gonna assume you’re the same way with people in your real life. And that’s Wierd.
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psychocharlie · 1 year
Electric Dream Machine 2.0
Disclamer: the song I used here is NOT mine. The song is called Kill you by Dethklok. All rights to the song belong to Dethklok and Brendon Small. Please don't throw me in Mordhouse's secret prison for this, I used it just for fun. The post with song lyrics is here and the previous AU post is here.
The day after that conversation about Uncle Jack, Charlie doesn't show up at Paddy’s. Dennis thought he had managed to calm him down and put the matter to rest, but apparently it didn't go as smoothly as he'd hoped.  
When Dee asks about Charlie's absence, Frank shrugs and talks about trying to get him out of bed, but he didn't want to go and said he'd stay home in bed. And in fact, the oldest member of the gang assures him, he's been kind of weird and moody lately, and even stopped playing Nightcrawlers. A heavy sigh completes the last words, and Frank's frustration is visible to the naked eye.
– Anyway, – he continues, – I figured I'd better leave him alone, the guy deserves a day off. 
Mac rushes to go check on his best friend, but Dee stops him: 
– Where the fuck you going, asshole? Frank said our guy's in a bad mood today and you got the empathy of a toothpick.
– YOU THINK YOU BETTER, BITCH?! – Mac is outraged, he immediately turns to yelling, and the usual Gang’s bickering begins. Dee retorts that, unlike Mac, she has no plans to go bothering Charlie, who just needs to be left alone for today.
Dennis watches this silently with his arms crossed over his chest. Yes, he wants to see Charlie. Yes, he needs to find out how he's doing and try to calm him down somehow. But he's already too wary of spending too much time with Charlie, especially for Mac. Mac is possessive and jealous of everyone. He’s jealous of Charlie because he's his best friend; he's jealous of Dennis as his roommate and, almost obviously to Reynolds, as the object of his unrequited crush. And because of his jealousy, he becomes increasingly unstable. So Dennis didn't want to provoke him any further and kept quiet.
– Will you two just shut the hell up for a second?! – Frank didn't often raise his voice, but he was really tired of Dee and Mac's pointless arguments, and his concern for Charlie seemed to get the better of him. – You two are just going to piss him off, so unless you want something thrown at you on the way in, stay out of it. – Frank stops talking for a moment, opens a beer can and turns to Dennis. He takes a big sip and looking at him a little too intently. – If you want to go and check him out, let Dennis go. You have a strange way of calming him down, – the man says that words directly to him, – maybe he'll even want to join us at the bar afterwards.
And that's it. This is exactly what Dennis was waiting for, without interfering in the Gang's arguments. That things would somehow work out so that he would be sent to Charlie's and he wouldn't look suspicious in his concern for the janitor. 
– Yeah, you're right, I'll go see him. 
Only Mac explodes with resentment again, like a kid who's been robbed of his candy.
– But Charlie's my best friend! 
– Nobody takes your best friend away, you prick. - Dennis snorts and heads for the exit, thinking that he should do something to distract Mac before he gets even more irritated.
When Charlie hears a knock at the door, he hesitates to open it, and Dennis stands under the door for another five minutes, knocking and begging Charlie to open it. He finally gives up and lets the visitor in, but immediately returns to his couch without even looking at him, muttering «don't bother me» instead of saying hello. 
A very peculiar picture appears before Dennis's eyes: Charlie, wrapped in a blanket, sits on the edge of a couch that looks like a battlefield, with a synthesizer and a coffee table piled high with some junk. On the table are two half-empty cups of what looks like very strong brewed tea, empty beer bottles, an open can of glue, a can of spray paint with a sock on it, and most importantly, a notebook covered with incomprehensible scribbles and crooked drawings. Charlie was writing something down, but no one could make out his notes but himself. Well, maybe Artemis, if she's lucky.
Dennis looked from the messy table to Charlie himself, disheveled, unwashed, with red, watery eyes and a face stained with colored markers. Charlie Kelly had always been known for his disregard for personal hygiene, but now he looked as if he hadn't washed his face since he was born. And he was clearly wasted from the chemicals and alcohol. 
– Hey, buddy, what are you doin–
– Shh! Shut up, and let me work, I told you! – Charlie shushes him and starts tapping his fingers on the table. Not paying any attention to Dennis anymore, he mumbles something to himself, barely audible. – I don't want to...have to...kill you.
Reynolds can barely hear anything, and he moves closer, listening to his friend's faint murmurings. – They'll fnd out... I... feel blue, – Charlie slurring some words and quickly sketches something incomprehensible and schematic in his notebook, lest he forget. 
– Are you writing a song? – Dennis connects the dots, sits down on the couch next to his friend, and gently touches his shoulder. But Charlie, lost in the creative process, seems to have forgotten that he's not alone, because the touch startles him so much that he jumps up, screaming. 
- I'm sorry, man, it's okay, it's me. It’s just me. – Dennis frowns, a little startled by this sudden and intense reaction, and moves away from Charlie so as not to stress him further. The disheveled man still doesn't answer the question, instead he brings the jar of glue to his nose and inhales a few times. He hands the jar to Dennis, grumbling to himself that he can't think of a follow-up. 
Dennis resignedly accepts the glue, closes his eyes and breathes deeply over the jar, trying to ignore the swarm of restless thoughts in his head, mixing with Charlie’s quiet mumbling.
– Like to take all the skin off your face.
Dennis opens his eyes and places the glue on the table. His hands are shaking. He seems to got out of huffing glue, which is why his head starts spinning so quickly after just a few minutes of deep breaths he makes over the glue jar.  And the dizzy head makes the whole thing even more surreal. 
He looks at Charlie: his movements are jerky, sometimes he taps his drunken fingers on the synth keys, playing something, but he's displeased – «no, no, no, not like that, it sounds like shit!» – and he looks like a big sad moth under his old brown blanket. – Like to take all the skin off your face.– He repeats it again, picks up the melody, and finally seems to find the right sound, because a triumphant smile lights up his face. He plays the melody again, repeating the same line a third time, tasting it.
Mesmerized, Dennis watched the process, no longer interfering. There's something beautiful about this spectacular sight. 
– Like to smash all your... brains, – Kelly continues to mumble, scribbling crooked letters in his notebook, but this time he has some difficulty. – Like to smash all your brains... all your brains... Shit! – man slams his fist on the table, unable to find the right words, and the beer bottle falls and breaks. But the sound of breaking glass suddenly evokes some interesting associations in Dennis.
– Like to smash all your brains with a... vase? – Dennis asks quietly, touching Charlie's hand with his fingers to get his attention. His touch is as gently as possible. The janitor's eyes widen, and he stares at Dennis for a few seconds, his pupils so damn dilated that his eyes seem almost black.
– Like to smash all your brains with a vase. – He repeats Dennis' sentence twice, tastes it on his tongue and nods contentedly. – Yeah, yeah, that's good!
After that, Charlie stopped seeing Dennis as a stranger and even perked up a bit, allowing him to join in the creative process. Lines are written, fanciful pictures are drawn in Charlie's imagination, a simple but appropriate melody follows the words, and Dennis feels like he's stuck in one of his strange dreams. The pictures Charlie's imagination paints are both strange and bloody. It's unlikely, Dennis thinks, that he himself could come up with an epithet about a fly laying eggs in a dead body, but Charlie, with his abstract imagination and strange ideas, does, and Dennis really likes these macabre line. 
He gives in to the urge, and during the simple playback between these lines and the next, he jumps off the couch and dances around singing «Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!» like those old glam rock songs he used to listen to in college. Well, not just in college. He still likes to listen to good old Guns n' Roses, Kiss, Mötley Crüe, Queen and of course his main idol since he was a teenager – David Bowie.
And Charlie, unexpectedly, appreciates the impulse, nods enthusiastically and smiles at Dennis, letting him know that he'll leave it in the song. Later, Dennis adds a few more «danceable» moments to Charlie's lyrics in the same way, enlivening them and giving the otherwise somber lyrics some drive. But the author himself doesn't mind, he starts to have fun either, even though he continues to pour his anger into the lyrics. And Dennis belatedly, but still realizes for whom and what about this song is written. 
He does, but he keeps distracting wasted Charlie with more cheerful melodies. Kind of therapeutic, huh? There's a reason Dennis studied psychology. It works.
Charlie's song is creepy and bloody, but not in a realistic body horror way, but in a cartoonish way: absurd in its cruelty and non-obvious methods and instruments of murder. The mere desire to break his face with ice cream cone is worth a lot. Weird, cartoonish, but undeniably violent. For some unknown reason, Reynolds finds Charlie's out-of-the-box thinking very inspiring. And the whole situation - writing a song together, Charlie, gloomy and now cheerful, glue, spray paint, beer, disheveled hair, dancing together – it all seems so vaguely familiar to Dennis, as if it had all happened once before... a very long time ago. But it all feels so pretty familiar. He's sure he's seen it before.
– Oh, that was a great song, man, –Charlie says, almost falling on Dennis due to the amount of inhaled chemicals and beer in his bloodstream. But at least he's quite happy now. – Thanks for helping me out. I like the way it turned out. 
And then Dennis remembers why this moment seemed so familiar. Years ago they had written and even performed Dayman in a similar way. Oh shit. – Yeah, that song is real rock 'n' roll, man, you're a talent! Too bad Electric Dream Machine doesn't exist anymore, we could even play it on stage.
– Noooo, – mooed his friend, already half on his shoulder, shaking his head languidly from side to side. – No one can hear this song. Only you. You know why. You know. – Charlie's voice becomes more and more slurred as he slowly falls into a sleep of exhaustion and glue. 
The smile fades from Dennis's face, erasing any trace of his former mirth. The song, though it was catchy and fun despite its somber lyrics, still reflected real emotion, serious emotion, and was a heartfelt wish from Charlie for Uncle Jack, who totally deserved it. 
When Dennis looks at Charlie again, he is already asleep on the couch, hugging the blanket with a silly smile on his face. At least that makes Dennis happy, at least he's not dreaming about something creepy and bloody. He finds another blanket on the floor, covers Charlie and moves the junk-filled table and the synthesizer away from the bed so that his friend won't knock it all over when he gets up to take a leak. Then he leaves quietly.
– Hey, Dennis, did you go see him? How's he doing? Still won’t leave the house?
Of course, Reynolds is greeted with questions when he comes back. He calms everyone down by saying that Charlie is better now, but he fell asleep, which is why he didn't join him at Paddy's. The gang is somehow satisfied with this answer and he's left alone. 
But Dennis still has some lines from Charlie's new song running through his head. And he can still see his friend's sleepy but momentarily serious face repeating «You know why. You know». And then Uncle Jack's face appears. Deep in his thoughts, the man doesn't notice that he's humming.
– I don't want to have to eat you 
   I won't fit into my swimsuit.
– What are you singing there? – he's called out by Dee, who's already slowly getting ready to go home. 
– Mm? – Dennis flinches in surprise and shakes his head. – Nothing, just a song, Dee. Just a song.
Dee shrugs and just walks away while Dennis stares at her leaving for a long time. Then he turns around and goes into Paddy's office, locking the door behind him. There he goes through the drawers for a long time, goes through old newspaper, takes some, also takes scissors, a sheet of printer paper and starts to cut something out. 
After a few minutes, he has a crooked inscription made of different-sized letters  cut from newspaper headlines, which says: «I know what you did».
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k1ngj0ve · 2 years
For the people that havent heard this song in a while, since its not on spotify
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lampmeeting · 14 days
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Just a couple weeks until the end of September, so you know what that means!
Kloktober is almost upon us! 🎃🦇
What is Kloktober?: An incredibly zazzy event taking place in October where we celebrate all things Metalocalypse. There’s a prompt for every day of the month to interpret as you see fit! Draw, write, cosplay, make memes, whatever you like - all forms of participation are welcome!
How do I participate?: Make your totally brutal creation inspired by the day’s prompt and post it using the tag #kloktober2024 - it’s just that simple! Post it here, post it to Twitter, post it to AO3, post it to Instagram, wherever you usually post your creative stuff!
But am I allowed to–YUP, ANYTHING GOES! There are no wrong answers during Kloktober! ✨ However you decide to interpret a prompt, it's valid! If you only want to do a few days, or even just manage to do one, that’s also completely valid. Please don't burn yourself out or stress, this is for fun!
What if I don't vibe with one of the prompts? No worries! If there's a prompt that doesn't suit you, please feel free to reach back in time and choose a prompt from a previous year's Kloktober (2023, 2022, 2021, or 2020). And as always, if you have any questions about anything, hit me up!
(plain text version of the prompts are below for anyone who needs them!)
your favorite character
your favorite relationship
horror movie crossover
dressed to kill
use a self-insert or OC
road trip or drug trip
furryklok or demonklok
a favorite headcanon
use someone's parents
bravery or cowardice
inspired by your culture
tattoos or piercings
use a Halloween treat
one year after AOTD
costume party or sleepover party
use the ghost of a dead character
palling around with another band
what if they never got famous?
Abigail Appreciation Day!
use two character who never met
too much booze or too much sugar
Dethklok as a different music genre
fix them or make them worse
inspired by a metal song
post-apocalypse or cyberpunk
bring back a one-off character
conspiracy theory or propaganda
birthday or funeral
YOUR choice!
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citrus-soju · 7 months
I absolutely love the development of Dethklok.
Nathan “I can’t do apologies” Explosion apologized to the woman and the fans he wronged without thinking about it twice. Nathan “I write only brutal music” Explosion, the man who wrote the song that saved the world. Nathan „no caring rule“ Explosion, who was the most emotional after losing people, and wouldn’t give up on Murderface. Nathan Explosion, the man who transformed from the fist into the hand.
Pickles „y’all are douchebags“ the Drummer, the one who let his bandmates sleep in bed with him because they needed his comfort. Pickles „calling Toki our brother is weird“ the Drummer, taking on a parental role and referring to everyone as his brothers. Pickles „fuck Seth“ the Drummer, making peace (more or less) with him for the sake of his band. Pickles the Drummer, the man with the biggest heart underneath that shell.
Toki „I always hated you Skwisgaar“ Wartooth being the one to save him when he’s unconscious and knowing what he wants to say. Toki „I hate children“ Wartooth age regressing and giving into his inner child, admitting he likes all those cute and fun things. Toki „going nonverbal around my parents“ Wartooth was strong enough to say his final goodbyes to his father (more or less). Toki Wartooth, the guy who showed his strength by becoming softer.
Skwisgaar „Don‘t Touch“ Skwigelf, allowing Toki to hold onto him for comfort and reaching out for his bandmates to comfort them as well. Skwisgaar „Just Kill Yourself Murderface“ being the one who figured out something is wrong with him. Skwisgaar „fuck you Toki“ Skwigelf putting so much effort into saving Toki, and then helping him „becomes goods“ at music again. Skwisgaar Skwigelf, the gentle giant who just struggles to show it.
William „what if I act out for attention“ Murderface, isolating himself from his bandmates to suffer in silence so he doesn’t worry them. William „I don‘t matter for the band“ Murderface finding his role in the band (as well as the bass becoming so much more prominent in the AOTD music). William „Idgaf about anybody“ Murderface dedicating the Song of Salvation to Knubbler. William Murderface, who found self respect and respect for other people on the way.
And also… Magnus Hammersmith, who realized his mistake. Magnus Hammersmith, who had spent years full of rage and bitterness, regretting and wanting to reconnect. Magnus Hammersmith, realizing he was in the wrong.
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ldknightshade · 6 months
how to write a morally grey character (and keep them from being a total bore)
so. your other characters have a “clear” distinction of good and evil - that is, from your perspective, your other characters have a distinction of good and evil that aligns with your own and would generally be considered by societal standards to fall under one of two groups… but now you want to make a guy that breaks those boundaries.
look no further.
i. myths
first step is giving them a balance of good and bad traits
1. every character should have this???
2. every trait works on a sliding scale; when amped up to 11, good traits can become bad ones
those who are morally grey are unpredictable
to YOU and those they interact with, maybe… if they do not have a clear moral code of their own, of course they’ll seem this way. but they’re actually quite predictable if you actually comprehend what their motives and values are.
example: Herbert West from Re-Animator’s only motivation is re-animation of the dead. this may be evil to some, noble to others… but is it unpredictable? not really. i think we all know not to trust this man around corpses.
example: Charles Foster Offdensen from Metalocalypse’s only motivation is ensuring the health, safety, and happiness of Dethklok. he goes incredible lengths (war crimes, literally) to do so; this is evil to some, noble to others… but it he unpredictable? not really. if Dethklok is in danger, then he has dropped everything to save them and is doing so as we speak.
they’re relatable / more human
see above examples. moral greyness is not inherently relatable; in some cases, it would be argued that they shouldn’t be. either way, their moral greyness does not make them any more or less human than any other character. their moral greyness makes them morally grey and that’s that.
you need to show them doing both good things and bad things
wrong. you need to show them doing things that align with their personal motivations and values. if your character wouldn’t do it, why force it? this goes both ways.
they need to be sympathetic / have understandable reasons
anyone saying this is afraid of making characters truly morally grey. sympathy is not something that defines morals, anyway; but regardless, sugarcoating their actions and motives by making them a poor little meow meow on purpose is… bullshit. if every morally grey character was sympathetic, fiction as a whole would be dull.
ii. values
this is the real meat of it. what does your character value? is it something practical, like revenge or power? or something wackier like the previously mentioned examples?
clearly define the values your character holds and how it shapes their goals.
iii. motivation / lengths
now… how hard does motivation hit them? how far do they go? where do they draw the line? is there a line for them?
would your character lie to meet their goals? cheat? steal? manipulate? maim? vandalize? kill?
even amongst those, is there specific lines they won’t cross? would your character go as far as killing, but draw the line at children and animals?
and amongst those lines… what would make them cross it? does your character value honesty, but would lie to protect someone? are they a pacifist… but believe followers of certain schools of thought deserve a baseball to kneecaps and won’t hesitate to act on that?
draw out the line for them and then examine their exceptions. this is what will make it seem to other characters that their morality is a roulette wheel; when, in actuality, there is a line of logic that your morally grey character is following.
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wellome-wrd · 5 days
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Hmm.. More Nickles? Mmmmm..
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vampirerealll · 8 months
I LOVE NOTICING LITTLE THINGS IN DETHKLOK SONGS!!!!! LIKE, I've recently discovered that Hatredcopter isn't the only song that Pickles sings on. You can hear him sing in Givin' Back to You and Blazing Star, which I'm sure everyone knows, but it makes me smile. Hearing his voice in Kill You makes me so incredibly happy. I love hearing Skwisgaar talk in Murder Train a Comin'. I love noticing how Toki and Skwisgaar switch parts in The Duel, and the panning between speakers itches my brain perfectly. I love the fact that Toki cannonically plays keyboard in the studio, and you can hear him in Castratikron, Go Forth and Die, and Bloodbath. I love you, little details in Dethklok songs 🥰🥰🥰
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