#Did someone other than his asshole Dad leave voice recordings and books for him to read?
brucenorris007 · 2 years
Who. Taught. Knuckles. Speech????
All y’all going on about Sonic being nonverbal in his early years, KNUCKLES LITERALLY RAISED HIMSELF.
He survived purely on the basis that basically nothing on Angel Island could kill him and his own wits
He was otherwise completely alone with only other nonverbal company for YEARS, probably close to a decade before Sonic and Tails came along
My only working theory is that Eggman used the entirety of his abandoned pursuit of a teaching degree to give the Echidna a grasp of language before Sonic caught up to the crashed Death Egg
This would also explain the unfortunate instances of occasional sexism from Knuckles in some of his earlier iterations; Eggman would tell you nowadays that he was never That Guy, but he absolutely was and still is That Guy
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Seven. Part 2
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Slowly opening my eyes, the sun is shining all in my face and interrupted my sleep. Lifting my head up seeing Robyn stood at the balcony doors just looking out from them, she could have actually just stepped out, but I guess it is time to wake up for me. Clearing my throat as I stretched out, Robyn turned away from the balcony to look at me “morning” Robyn’ sweet little voice, she sounds so cute “morning” I sound bad “did you purposely leave the curtains open so the sun could wake me? I think you did” Robyn made her way over to the bed “erm, maybe. Well I want to enjoy Jamaica, so I don’t want us to sleep in even though I am so tired” she sat down on the edge of the bed, placing my arm behind my head “I’m tired too, that is down to sex” placing my other arm just on Robyn’ lap “you naked under this?” She nodded her head, which made me grin “I mean I’m not going to tell you that we going to have sex now but I’m just smiling, how are you feeling?” Playing on the ties of the robe, she is making me so happy right now “erm, ok. Well I am not sick I guess but I am ok I would say, but I haven’t ate. I did read into it and they say it’s the first trimester that this happens, but it will get better eventually, I think this baby is a pain in the ass already. But this baby is very different from the first time around, I feel like the first baby was a different sex, they say boys are the weaker sex so it may have been a boy. I am just guessing now” nodding my head “don’t say that what if this is a boy again and he can hear you” I shushed her “you’re so annoying, get up so we can have breakfast, dramatic as hell” Robyn got up from the bed, I smiled so wide just watching Robyn walk off, she is really the love of my life.
I have been to some beautiful places thanks to Robyn of course, I have many more places to visit but I am experiencing such beauty in the morning in Jamaica “better than Barbados this” I knew to say it because Robyn is about to get her flag out “don’t make me get you kicked out of my country” I snorted laughing “you took the bait, I am joking of course. But it’s beautiful right? You have to admit to that at least, you can’t just front like that and say it ain’t beautiful when it is” Robyn is not happy that I said that “Barbados is better and you’re not allowed back in my hometown now” I snorted laughing “you’re unbelievable, but if we talking this is my roots though, Jamaican and I have Irish” Robyn is not interested, cannot say anything bad about Barbados “you a whole white man Chris, so now you Irish. But is this the first time here for you, I mean if this is my hometown well where my heritage is from, I would be here. I am so glad I was bought up on the island, imagine having to live that life in America” now she is being petty “imagine being an exchange student” staring at Robyn and she just stared at me “you are an asshole” she laughed “but my mother never really bothered with it, well my dad so we just left it alone. And yeah, I am so light skinned but I’m black and people struggled with that, I’m sure you probably felt the same, because you’re light skinned as hell too” me and Robyn both are “I did get bullied for things you wouldn’t think, like my skin colour, my forehead. My nose and it was stupid, but it happened and now I think back to it these bitches just wanted to be me, you know. And now I’m working with puma, I am working with fashion designers, I am being called beautiful for things I did get bullied for, I wish no child gets that because I could have been depressed and you know, killed myself about it and it didn’t help when I got to your ugly ass school, but you were there. I am so glad you came late that day, I was your punishment” Robyn giggled “I hated it, I was like I have to walk around with you. I was so mad but then I got to know you, life is good” I grinned, I am happy “be honest, like we are adults now. Did you actually like me when you first time saw me?” I know I did, I was shook “when I first time saw you Chris, you’re eyes just lit up seeing me. I think at first with your attitude because you was so moody with me I was like oh god no, this boy is not going to be nice to me so I just followed behind you like a lost child and then after you loosened up I fell for you because you was so kind to me” rubbing my chest smiling “I was an asshole, I don’t blame you on that” I don’t know how she could like me.
Drinking champagne for breakfast is what kings do, because that is what I’m doing “what? You’re jealous because you can’t” pouring the champagne in the glass, noticing Robyn recording me so I drank from the bottle. Moving the bottle back “this is how kings drink in the morning” holding the bottle up to the camera “you’re stupid” Robyn moved the phone down “you posting that? You know you can see my ring in that, or don’t you care?” Robyn shrugged so that means she don’t care “I am putting it on my story, mornings in Jamaica. That is what I put, I mean I wouldn’t post me, I look terrible without makeup” placing the bottle on the table “also no more drinking, I am not dealing with you drunk” Robyn pointed at me, I saluted her “gotchu, alcohol hits hard in the morning” not even going to front, I feel it. I let out a burp “no more” she said again “I won’t, relax. So I was looking because we need to do pregnant friendly things right? So I set up a few things for us to do, private of course” I won’t say it to Robyn, but Jamaica is better than Barbados, the views here are amazing and the hotel is so much better too. I won’t say it again because she will ban me from her country altogether “that’s cute, and Dennis sent me a link. He’s already processed the photos and selected ones he thinks we should post, he says that these are magazine worthy, but I said I am not selling them, it’s not what I want. I will post these because I want too” she has a point; I agree with her with that but if she can make money out of it, why not.
Stood behind Robyn as she is scrolling through the pictures, these some cute ass pictures right here “you seen them all?” Putting my tee on “kind of, getting there anyways. You know what, since putting that video of you being a fool I have had people ask me are we married, I haven’t confirmed or denied it though, I just feel like I want to keep it a secret. I feel like when people see you happy they want to bring you down and I don’t like that feeling. I just want to keep us quiet, I don’t know, what you think?” She asked for my advice “why do you care if nobody is happy for you? Talk to me, what is going to upset you the most?” Walking around Robyn, pulling the chair out and sitting down “I do care when it upsets you, they will attack you and say things, I mean you have felt the shit with just dating me but marrying me, I just feel like people will attack my bubble. I mean there will be more happy people than anything, but I don’t know, what do you think? I will listen to you, please tell what to do?” Turning the laptop to me, seeing the picture of Robyn and I sat together at the evening event, so much love in Robyn’ eyes and I love that about our pictures, flicking through to the ones where we are walking down the hall “Dennis wasn’t lying about these pictures, these look like they come from a wedding magazine, I mean I for one look so good” Robyn grinned at me “how about I post your face for Puma, get you modelling” shaking my head “I am just saying, I think let us enjoy our honeymoon and then we will think about posting it. I think we should do it, but let’s forget this and go and have some fun yeah?” I think Robyn is really in two minds with this “ok, we will wait it out, but I want these pictures framed at our house, they are beautiful” nodding my head agreeing, she is right, they are beautiful.
We finally left the hotel; I mean after ages we finally left the hotel room and are in the car to go to my little adventure I did for us “why does your dick look big in the shorts” lifting my butt up and pulling my shorts down “better? These are baggy as hell actually” Robyn placed her hand on my thigh “I better enjoy wearing my bikinis because I won’t be able too soon” Robyn poked her lips out at me “I know, but it’s all for a good cause. Do you feel your body changing?” I asked, I mean she may feel it “I do, I feel it a lot. You like my bikini though, you like the clear swim wear I got on over my bikini” nodding my head “I do, of course I do. I mean I am always going to say yes” I chuckled “I would hope you would tell me the truth, oh we here?” Robyn pointed out “we are, you feel nervous yet?” Robyn turned away from me to look outside the window “we are rafting!?” nodding my head “I mean not us but someone is going to do it for us” Robyn looks so excited “oh my gosh, this is amazing, so quiet around here too” the car came to a halt “that is because I booked it off, I said I want it to be private for us from this time, I paid extra for this. You excited?” she seems it “I am, this is amazing. I can already imagine how beautiful the scenery is going to be. Can I leave my bag in the car? I can yes, I mean I don’t want to drop my things in the water. You have your phone?” nodding my head “yeah, he is waiting here for us” I pointed out.
I feel like all the workers came out for us which is funny to me “welcome, I am your raft captain miss Rihanna” he shook her hand first, I mean who am I, the spare part of course “thank you” she shook his hand “and you sir, welcome” he gestured for us to get on the raft “I am about break my ass with these slides on aren’t I” I didn’t think this through “you want to get on first” I gestured “no, you get on first and you help me on, you hold it steady” the guy is just watching us go back and forth “I step on first, hold it still. Don’t be scared” he laughed, I could do it but I want to be careful with Robyn. She is sensitive and I don’t want anything happening to her, he waved us on. It was nothing for him, he just jumped on the raft. Stepping on the raft “oh this moves” the guy got his hand out to me “come friend” grabbing his hand as I stepped on it “see, you’re ok. Just be easy” turning around “I do not trust you oh my god, get the fuck outta here Chris” Robyn laughed “I trust the captain more then you” I feel offended now “Robyn quit playing, come” holding my hands out to her, this guy just come up to Robyn “hold my hand, I won’t let you fall” she is such a pain for this, she held the guy’ hand and then mine as she came onto the raft “shake this thing I will scream” shaking my head knowing damn well I will not be doing that, helping her to sit down on the raft.
Placing my arm behind Robyn, this river is so beautiful. I made the right choice in this because it’s so beautiful and peaceful “I am still annoyed that you didn’t trust me, if like I would let anything happen to you” Robyn shushed me “I was thinking what if there is crocodiles in this water” side eyeing Robyn “now why would you say that? Stupid, there won’t be” there is rafts coming back down the river slowly approaching and are going by us, there is a little girl on the raft with her parents, her parents stared so hard and then realised “Rihanna, oh my god” the lady said ever so loud, Robyn’ fault she is busy waving at the little girl “hey baby” the little waved back as the raft went by “well this is fun” there other rafts going by us have clocked on now “why couldn’t you just not wave at the girl” I questioned “she was too cute, she waved at me first Chris, oh my gosh. How adorable was she” she was cute “but still, you got your fans wanting to swim over to us now” I pointed at them “we love you Rihanna, oh my god” licking my lips just watching them just take pictures, Robyn did respond by waving “quit it now, it’s about us” this was really her fault in this, she caused the drama.
We reached the end, which is a nice meal out here, it’s actually very peaceful here with nobody around besides the workers “please picture together with your wife” I looked dumbfounded “how did you know?” I questioned “your honeymoon, see you forgot. But we want to put you on the wall with all the famous friends” letting out an oh, he is right I did say honeymoon “Robyn, come. Take a picture for the nice man here” I pointed, Robyn is busy looking at souvenirs “I want some things, you got money on you. I left my bag” digging into my pockets “I do twin, let’s just take a picture for him” Robyn made her way over “of course, Captain has been so good and I felt more safe with him then my husband” she playfully rolled her eyes “whatever” placing my arm around Robyn and held her close as he took the picture “you want a picture with her too” I asked, I think he did “oh please” I knew that, moving away from Robyn. Taking the camera from him “thank you” holding the camera up “smile” taking the picture of them “thank you and I wish you both all the blessings on your new journey for the three of you” he took the camera from me, Robyn and I just stared at each other confused “what?” I said confused “how?” he smiled “I sense things, her aura. You both will have a happy and blissful marriage. I see the future; it will be a girl you both have. And I see you both having three kids, maybe four or maybe that forth is because you lost one, but I sense four but it’s vague with the fourth. Happy memories for you both, thank you for these pictures please sit and eat, I will wait for you at the bar” he smiled walking off, this guy has took me out, what the hell just happened.
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80s-roger · 4 years
Not On My Watch (pt 7)
Pairing: Dad!Roger x Mum!Reader
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summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with roger had its ups and downs but laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. On summers he has the right to be with her for two weeks.
catch up: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
masterlist //dialogue prompts
taglist: @madeinheavxn @namelesslosers @stacymaytaylor @drwse @cherries-n-rocknroll
words: 3,336
warnings: some tense in the middle hehe and woman talk.
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It was around seven in the morning. Your head was dizzying and took you ages to get out of bed after blaming the wine for the headache you're feeling now. Roger was a sleepy angel with his blonde messy hair and his back covering his bedside. You had to fix and prepare yourself for work. It's nice going to work from Tuesday to Friday but the work you put in within these eight hours as an accountant in the bank, is exhausting.
"Roger, I have to go..." you knell next to him, softly playing with his hair. His face was turned against yours, you could see him sleeping deeply. What a cutie he was.
"Mmm?" He asked on his sleep, without being aware of what you said.
"Babe?" You kissed his forehead. You haven't done that for ages. Your relationship starts involving again. After the short name you called him, he opened his eyes and seemed kinda lost.
"Wh- where are you going?" He asked again after stretching himself.
"I have to go to work..." you explained.
"I can drive you off." He offered himself.
"No, the public should not see us together, you know, the paps." You narrowed your brows. They always annoyed you.
"Yeah, that's right... I'll have to go to work in a couple of hours too. I'll call you from there. I think I have your office's phone number," he scratched his head and looked at you focused.
"I think you do, yeah. We'll see each other later?" You asked, wishing to be true.
"What a stupid question, of course." He smiled and came closer to you for a kiss. "Laura will be here when you arrive." He slightly squeezed your cheek.
"Nice." you stood on your feet again and attempted to walk away but his hand stopped you.
"Last night was amazing. So refreshing for us, right?" He stated, waiting for your approval.
"Couldn't agree more." You laughed.
"You look so freshly fucked by me, I can see that." He joked and a giggle escaped your mouth.
"Is that visible?" You asked, checking yourself at the mirror.
"Yes, you're happy." He wasnt laughing anymore, he was serious about it and with that, you turned to him smiling. It's true, you were feeling happy. You were happy everytime he gave you pleasure. You give him soul and body, he gives you pleasure and happiness after it. You wanted to feel like that. You needed it by him. You didn't say a word. Just a simple smile to him and it made his day and yours too.
Your work to bank was going to be productive but an unpleasant surprise sooner or later would ruin it all.
At your launch time, you walked with your colleague, Mary, at the bank's restroom, where you can calmly drink some coffee and chat.
"I tried to reach you last night but you wouldn't pick up." Mary started and sipped a little of her coffee. "I was thinking you'd come over at my place to drink some wine and listen to jazz." She added.
"I wasn't home actually and I don't think I'll be again." You nodded your head in refusal while the little spoon you used to mix sugar with coffee was thrown at the sink.
"Wait, you're moving out?" She asked confused.
"Basically I'm moving back to Roger's house. I was living there before the divorce." You answered.
"Holy s-" she was a little louder than she wanted to be but she already covered her mouth with her hand. You made her the shush gesture with your finger. "Holy shit!" She whispered close to you fully excited. "So you two are..." she winked.
"Yes, I think so." You smiled.
"I'm so happy about it, I mean you look happy too, I haven't seen you like this since..." she stopped. "Wait, I haven't seen you like that." She came a little closer to your face trying to check your eyes. "What happened last night, naughty girl?" She winked again and teased your arm. She was open about her relationships to you and so were you to her. She's probably the closest friend you have.
"Mary, that's personal!" You laughed trying to hide your excitement.
"It wasn't so personal to you telling me about R/N's poor sexual skills." She sarcastically raised her brow.
"Yes because he lacked on that, I wouldn't come if I didn't masturbate after-party, y' know?" You hinted and she totally understood. "I wanted to share this problem with you."
"Too pity, he only likes flexing around his cars but on sex, poor guy..." she started. "But you know, I never liked this man. How come you, Roger Taylor's ex-wife and current girlfriend date a man like R/N?" She reminded your standards and she was right. It was all about your image and your dignity.
"I guess I was too hurt by Roger, I couldn't see clearly. I always loved him." You stared at the floor and sipped from your cup.
"And you're back again which is perfect than before. I'm sure Laura will be happier." She smiled.
"She already is." You nodded and smiled back.
"Hey ladies, you have some work to do out there, what's taking you so long?" A colleague of yours, came in the room demanding you to get back to work.
"Sure, we're going back, sorry for that." Mary took the lead and left the room, now both of you went back at your posts.
At the studio
Roger was on studio with Brian and John, fixing their instruments before starting recording. Freddie was yet to be seen so John asked, knowing what was happening. "Everything alright?"
Roger finished fixing his drum kit and turned to John's side, "If you're talking about last night, you better be sure about it. What about Laura?" Roger asked.
"Vera drove them off to school earlier, she said she will pick them up. She'll be in our place." John replied.
"Oh nice then, sure, I'll pick her up, I'm thinking of a fancy dinner with Y/N and Laura at some restaurant." Roger was arranging a dinner with his beloved family, thinking something big.
"Oh, I'm curious to find out!" John smiled.
"Rog," Brian took part in the conversation, coming closer to his bandmates. "You should book a table if you're going to do what I'm thinking." He pressed his hand on Roger's shoulder.
"What do you think I'm going to do?" Roger asked confused.
"Sweet lord," John gasped. "Wait, you're not going to propose her again, right?"
"Why not?" Roger asked in disbelief.
"Roger, it didn't work all this time. Just because you spent two days together doesn't mean you'll be like that again." Brian was negative about Roger's thought.
"And why not? I changed my mind, I was immature, I know. But now I'm different." He tried to defend himself.
"Roger, she might feel pressed if you propose her again." John was trying to explain.
"No she won't, she won't see R/N again, I know it. She ran to me the moment he raised a hand on her." Roger protested.
"He what?" John was shocked. "Y/N would never let a man hit her, what are you talking about?" John couldn't believe his ears.
"Her cheeks were burning when she ran to me and-" Roger was feeling tense.
"Roger, you won't let him get away with it, will you?" Brian crossed his arms.
"What can I do? I am not the one who was assaulted." Roger loudly said, feeling ready to explode.
"Who was assaulted?" Freddie's voice echoed in the studio and his bandmates' gave him a death stare. "What? I'm not late." He arrogantly raised his brow and smoked a bit of his cigarette.
"We were having a conversation about Roger and Y/N." Brian made a briefing of the situation.
"Oh, I'm all ears, did you have sex?" He winked to Roger.
"Yes we did, but that's not the thing." He shook his head in total confusion.
"Alright, alright, what's the matter? I heard about someone getting assaulted?" Freddie asked concerned.
"Yes, Y/N was. He spied on her on Sunday night because she didn't want him to stay there." Roger started.
"Oh, you drove Laura off that night, didn't you? At her flat." Freddie asked, recalling the facts cause he was there that afternoon, at Roger's house.
"Correct. So, Laura kind of wanted me to stay and Y/N made her the favour, but I prepared our ground, I fixed a drink she was relaxed and we ended up making love." Roger felt like missing you right now.
"Oh, that's, that's good!" Brian commented.
"Yes, it is. And what happened next?" John asked, trying to learn all the details. They all wanted actually.
"Well yeah, the next day things were a little awkward between us but in the end it wasn't anymore. That asshole, went at her home, raised a hand on her and my girl ran to my place." Roger said.
"Who the fuck does he think he is?" Freddie gasped. He was nuts.
"She obviously ran to her shelter." John made a romantic comment
"She won't leave it unpunished, will she?" Freddie asked.
"I don't know." Roger thoughtfully said.
"Well, fucking call her," Freddie yelled.
"Stop yelling at me, okay? I'll do it." Roger yelled back and Brian with John shared a laugh.
Roger grabbed the phone and dialled your office's phone number. He was impatient to call you, but at least he had a reason to do it. You picked up from the other side, too busy from your work. "Hello?"
"Y/N?" Roger's voice was unsure and unsteady. He barely spoke to you on the phone. He would call at his early days while on tour.
"Roger? Hi!" You smiled after recognizing his voice. "Are you at the studio?" You stopped archiving loan papers and focused on him.
"Yes, Freddie just arrived." He tried to remain calm.
"Oh, tell the boys I said hi." You giggled.
"Of course." Roger cleared his voice before getting to the topic. "So um, about yesterday, when R/N appeared at your flat, will you sue him or something?" He asked fully concerned about your safety.
"How come asking me this?" You asked confused.
"I was talking to the boys about it, I needed some advice. Will you sue him?" He asked.
"I don't know, Roger. I don't think he'll appear again. Not after what happened. I guess he knows we are starting over." You explained.
"But what if he appears?" He asked.
"Don't panic me, please. I don't want to work in fear."  Now that Roger gave you a reason to be scared, it wouldn't leave your mind that R/N would come again to hurt you. He has shown some red flag signs at the time but you never really paid attention because they weren't a big deal.
"I just care about you, y/n. I want to feel sure that you're not getting hurt or approached by him." His voice lowered but his head was thinking many things.
"Nothing to worry about. I'm happy that you called." You changed the subject trying to talk about something else.
"Um, y/n?" He asked while playing with phone's wire.
"Yeah?" You playfully asked while opening clients' folders to verify their deposits.
"I was thinking if you'd like us to go for dinner tonight, as a family." He finally said kicking out his stress.
"That would be great!" Your eyes got wide opened. You liked the idea.
"Perfect. We'll talk about the details when we get home. I mean, at my place." He clarified.
"Sure. Do you think I should move out?" You asked.
"Yes, come where you were staying first. At my house. I'll help you with that." He offered his help which you couldn't deny.
"Nice then." You said. "Y/n, can you sign these client's papers, please?" A female voice was heard from the back.
"Should I hang up?" Roger asked.
"Yes, we'll talk later! Bye!" You were rushing to hang up.
"Love y-" you hung up and left Roger wondering if you heard his last words. "You." He ended it, being sure now that you didn't hear that. "How did it go?" Roger asked Fred.
"Better than I thought." Freddie giggled.
Recordings today, finished earlier than expected, Queen brainstormed more than usual, making some good progress. They were free to go.
"Should we go to the pub downtown?" Brian asked.
"Sure, I haven't planned anything," Freddie answered and John nodded.
"Roger?" Brian turned to the drummer.
"Go and I'll catch up with you." He smiled and they all left the studio.
Roger was on his way to the bank you work. He parked at the opposite corner waiting for you to finish your work. He wanted you to join him and the rest members at the pub, like the old times. But an unpleasant surprise gave him all the negative vibes he had gathered for a long time. It was R/N who was suspiciously walking towards the bank. Roger knew something was wrong. He carefully checked the road before crossing it.
You were ready to leave, said bye to your colleagues and at the entrance door, the man you used to date for a short period of time stood at your sight.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" You asked trying to remain calm.
"What do you mean what am I doing here?" He let out an evil smile. "I'm here to pay my fucking bills." He was ironic. He didn't mean it literally.
"We're over, R/N. Deal with it." You had to remain quiet and calm. You work there. Gazes started to turn to you two, making you feel embarrassed. You attempted to walk away but his hand stopped you. He was holding a newspaper photo; probably from The Sun, it was Roger and you in it. Oh shit, here we go again you thought. The press smelled gossip.
"You ran to your rock star husband? Wasn't I enough?" He shouted pointing out the photo. It was you and Roger five years ago, exiting a club in the city, but the title caught your attention: Roger Taylor and y/n  y/f/n spotted together after divorce!
"Stop shouting, I work here!" You warned him to stay quiet but he wouldn't. He was risking your job permanent position.
"You don't need to work when your rich husband can give you a luxurious life!" He mocked you and now he pointed to Roger, ready to read the article out loud. "Queen's drummer Roger Taylor was recently reported sharing a not-only-steamy kiss with his ex-wife but a steamy night at his place in West London" Clients and colleagues turned around and saw you standing there fully ashamed and embarrassed. Of course, they knew who you were married to. You really wanted to die. You couldn't handle the situation. "You want me to continue?" He asked with a smile on his face.
"Fuck off." You whispered close to his face and he seemed to enjoy it.
"I think I'm the one who should have said this." He raised his brow. This man is a pure toxic thing. "You take cocks like they're dinner or something, is that your talent?" His voice was louder than expected and all you could do was slap him. That sound was probably heard to the restroom inside. He was pushing the limits and your boss came out of his office, staring at you shocked.
"Mrs Taylor I think you should discuss your personal issues somewhere more private, don't you think?" His voice was strict and you thought that being fired is the most possible scenario.
"Yes, of course, have a nice evening." You tried to walk fastly out of the bank but a gentle hand stopped you. You looked who it was and it was Roger.
"She's not Mrs Taylor. Not yet." Roger defended your place, with R/N, your boss, your colleagues and the clients standing there with their mouths wide open. "Boss, how on earth do you let your employees be disrespected like that?" Roger came closer to him but you tried to stop him. "That asshole right there disrespected your employee and you did nothing!"
"Roger, please stop, I'll lose my job, fucking stop!" You tried to pull him back but he wouldn't do it. "Stop!" You yelled and then he stopped and looked at you.
"I'm trying to defend you." He whispered at your face, he noticed how upset you looked.
"Please. Everyone's looking at us. Let's get out of here." Your eyes begged him to leave as soon as possible.
"And what about this asshole?" Roger pointed out R/N.
"He can't do anything, let's go, please." You wrapped your hands around his arms, not letting go. You walked out of the bank and the man followed you. Oh, shit.
You were walking towards your cars, but R/N wouldn't leave like that, without provoking Roger. He would lose temper in any second.
"According to the musician's neighbours, the previous night was like some Queen concert. Really loud." He was reading out loud the article and Roger looked at him with his one and only death stare.
"Roger please, let's go, don't give him the satisfaction, he's trying to make you lose temper! Don't hit him!" You stopped him. Now people from the bank and pedestrians would whether at Roger and you or R/N.
"What would y/n 's  y/f/n  current partner say about today's hot issue? Can't wait to see more! This couple is so promising. Whether married or not, they never fail to excite us!" He laughed after reading the article. "They paid me thousands for this article. What do you think?" He asked.
"What?" You asked shocked.
"I'm a journalist, you knew that. But I'm also a jealous and a possessive mate, I don't like my partners to fuck around." He came closer to you. He was threatening. Roger would kill him at any second.
"But you hit me. You weren't violent, you despised that." You answered.
"I surely despise violence. But violence brings violence. You betrayed my trust." He yelled.
"That wasn't a reason to hit her!" Roger yelled back.
Paps noticed the drama and clicks were already heard. You were about to be on headlines tomorrow morning.
"But you fucked her! Aren't your groupies enough?" R/N shouted.
"Shut the fuck up! They're taking photos of us and they'll have us on headlines tomorrow, I don't want that!" You pushed him but he wasn't playing.
He was about to push you back but Roger protected you, standing in front of you and getting on hands with R/N.
Three policemen noticed the tense and ran through your place. "What's going on here?" One of them asked.
"He's a random man saying weird things, he won't let us leave!" Roger lied.
"He fucks my wife!" R/n lied back.
"What the hell, you're not my husband!" Your life was such a drama right now, you wanted to go home and hide under your pillows.
"Enough sir, we'll have to keep you at the police station today. You caused enough trouble today. Let the celebrity man with his wife go to the court." The policeman was aware of yours and Roger's status. Roger's fame probably saved your asses for now; Not including your boss firing you the next day, though.
"Um, are you alright?" You asked while hugging Roger.
"Yes. You?" He pulled away to check on you.
"Kinda..." you were feeling upset. You just had to play it cool.
"Listen, the boys are waiting for us at the pub we met, mind joining us?" He whispered at your ear, not wanting the paps to hear you.
"I think I'll need a drink to calm down." You nodded.
"Alright, get on your car and follow me, we'll have to get rid of everyone. They'll follow us." He kissed your lips and that was the second the clicks were heard the most.
Roger smiled at the cameras, acting as if nothing happened and finally drove off.
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we all know that i will cling to my “jackson’s parents are trash” headcanon until my last dying breath, but every once in awhile i like to imagine things being a little bit happier. so. talk to me about stiles giving jackson the first healthy relationship he’s ever had and inspiring him to work on things with his parents. stiles sitting through awkward family dinners and pushing the three of them to say what they need to say. stiles telling jackson how proud he is of him with soft kisses.
ugh UGH hell yes 911 send somebody bc this post killed me. it killed me because it would be all Jackson and his personal growth. it would be Jackson who decides to work on his relationship with his parents, it would be Jackson who learns what love is from Stiles, it would be Jackson who is left with more good days than bad and that confuses the fuck out of him, because it would be Jackson that realizes one day that his baseline isn’t angry anymore. and he tries to thank Stiles for that and instead Stiles just flicks his forehead and shakes his head because “oh no, you can’t give me credit for that. it was all you, baby.” because it WOULD BE ALL JACKSON.
Well, it would be Jackson and his supernatural senses. 
it does start with Stiles though, and that Jackson is 100% sure of. it starts with Jackson picking up the phone, maybe six months into them dating and seven into being a werewolf (they moved fast, so what?) to a hysterical Stiles on the other line, begging and pleading for Jackson to come pick him up from his house, he’s locked himself in his room and Jackson doesn’t even wait before breaking a land speed record in his Porsche, leaving tire marks on the lawn and almost knocking over Ms. Fitzpatricks mailbox when he takes a turn (way) too fast. 
He gets to Stiles house just in time to see Stiles make the drop from the lattice outside his window to the ground, and throws his door open as Stiles dives into his car, literally burning rubber as he backs out of the driveway and floors it onto the road. Once Stiles is calmed down enough to talk, Jackson pulls over—some fifty miles away from either of their houses—and pulls Stiles into his arms.
It would have been something small that escalated into something big—like, Stiles would have just told the Sheriff about the supernatural and the Sheriff would have been pissed, and he would have been yelling and Stiles would have been yelling back, and then someone would have said something about Claudia and the yelling would have immediately upgraded to screaming, voices ripped raw as things are thrown at walls (never at one another, but things should not be thrown in general). It breaks Jackson’s heart, it reminds him of the fights he had with his parents, and he would be terrified for Stiles from the moment they crashed at Jackson’s place to the moment he asked Jackson to drop him off.
But Jackson is a good boyfriend so he would oblige. He’d drive Stiles home and step out of the car when he realized the Sheriff was still home. He’d be a second too late to say something when the Sheriff throws the front door open, and his claws would slice through the metal of the hood of his car when Stiles took off—but it would be toward his dad, not away from him, and Jackson would be blindsided when they both collided in a hug, apologizing to one another, crying, and thanks to his supernatural senses he could hear every word and smell every tear. 
He had thought that kind of fight would be it for Stiles and his dad, those kind of fights were it for Jackson and his parents, but they were both just... hugging and apologizing. It blew his mind. Moreso, it made him think.
He’d lay his thoughts bare for Stiles, as he always did, one evening as they were watching a movie on Jackson’s too-big TV in his too-big bed in his too-big house. He’d ask Stiles how they did that—how they just apologized. He had tried a few times with his parents, but the moment the fight was over, they acted like it had never happened, so he had just started to get angry about that, too. How did they just talk, and forgive one another, so easily?
Stiles would give him a totally bizarre look, and when he spoke, it would be slow and guarded (as though he couldn’t tell if Jackson was honestly confused or if he was about to make fun of Stiles for being close with his dad) but he would go on to talk about how important communication was to the pair of them, and how they hit their breaking point after his mom died, and how they knew they were the only family they had left so they had to make it work, even when they didn’t want to.
Jackson would just stay silent as Stiles spoke, tugging the other male closer to his chest. He didn’t think he had any family left. But maybe it would be worth a shot. 
He is Jackson, though. He’s not Stiles. So he doesn’t try to worm his way into it, he doesn’t go for the coy tricks, he just comes outright with it and walks into the kitchen the next morning when his parents are making breakfast. 
“I want you both to meet my boyfriend. Properly. So I invited him to dinner on Friday night. He would probably demand pizza, but I’ll get him to compromise to pasta. Don’t...” and he would let out a long sigh as both of his parents stare at him, slack jawed in shock. “Don’t forget about it, okay? It’s important to me.”
And he would turn out of the kitchen and pretend he didn’t notice the dropped spatula or the twin looks of shock. 
Dinner would go as well as anyone would expect, meaning it’s awkward and stilted and there’s only a few jokes that actually makes anyone laugh. They have pasta and spumoni for dessert and Jackson kisses Stiles goodnight before he drives home (Jackson would be meeting him later, once his parents were both out, but that was not a part of the night he wanted to broadcast). When Stiles leaves, Jackson turns to them both, and it’s like three baby deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming train. 
“Well, he... he seems nice.” His mother would speak first, and it’s the kind of sentence in the kind of tone that would usually make Jackson bristle. He would be a half second away from snarling at them, telling them that it didn’t matter what they thought, to can their niceties and their fucking lies and—
and only then would he realize that her heartbeat didn’t stutter once. 
She genuinely thought he was nice. 
Somehow, that was the biggest shock of the evening.
“He is nice. He’s... way too nice. He’s great.” Jackson probably looks as shocked as they do as he speaks, and his father seems to take the momentum and run with it. 
“He seems like he really makes you happy. It’s a good thing, Jackson. It’s good to see you happy like that, I’m... glad.” and it’s another sentence that Jackson would have put money on being a lie, but just like his mother, his father wouldn’t have a heartbeat out of place. So Jackson would nod, and wish them a good night, and practically book it to his room to call Stiles before the shock wore off and he passed out. 
By the time he falls asleep, he can barely register his mom crying upstairs. He’s made her cry before, of course, but this is the first time that she seems happy about it. 
Nothing is perfect, though, and nothing good lasts forever. They would seem to be locked in a dance of two steps forward and one step back. They would have a few great nights and then a meltdown fight, and then his parents would ignore it and it would get even worse and it would feel like they were right back to square one. 
Now, though, he had Stiles in his corner, silently nudging him to “communicate, Jacks. God, do you know how hot communication is?” and no amount of growling could get Stiles to change his mind, so the day after their next blowup, Jackson would sit down in the kitchen and demand that they talk about it. And once they recovered and said “Jackson, we don’t have anything to talk about”, he would take a deep, calming breath like Stiles had taught him, and—
and he wouldn’t smell anything. There was no malice in the air, no anger in their emotions, nothing but some confusion between them and burning bacon. They both honestly, legitimately that the fact they had all been screaming at one another last night was magically forgotten because... what, they had gone to bed and woken up the next day?
Jackson would literally leave in a state of shock, and he’d approach Stiles immediately and “Stiles I was all fucking wrong about them oh god” and Stiles would be like “what, they’re actually great people? not likely” and Jackson would be like “what? no, they’re just a totally different kind of asshole. still not in a good way.” and Stiles would be like “Jackson there is literally no such thing as a person who is an asshole but in a good way” and Jackson would be like “uh, yeah there is, that’s you” and Stiles would laugh and punch him and then kiss him. ANYWAY.
It would be as much of a shock to his parents, honestly, that Jackson had Feelings that Didn’t Go Away and it would probably take Stiles sitting in on a dinner a month to moderate conversations in a healthy way. Which, of course, would be really weird for his parents at first (”Jackson, sweetheart, Stiles is nice but he’s a child, not a therapist” “mother if you don’t talk to him about these things in person I'll only give him my side later on”), but they would both latch on to Stiles like a lifeline the moment they realized that he was fluent in Jackson speak. 
(the first few explanations that Stiles gave they actually laughed at, like they thought it was a joke. but the minute they turned to Jackson, who was bright red and stone faced and unable to meet any of their eyes, they both sobered up so fast it gave Stiles whiplash. it was a little dramatic, but if it got through to them, Stiles was okay with it.)
that time that Jackson stole his dads truck? was to go practice lacrosse after dark on the school field, where he knew his Porsche would get stuck, because he thought if he got good enough to be captain again his parents would come to a game. that time that Jackson dumped Lydia out of the blue and demanded that they change the locks on the house? because he didn’t think he could trust the one person he had given his heart to at the time, but he couldn’t risk breaking that last tie between them, just in case. the time that Jackson had come back from the winter dance after dawn, with blood spatters all over his tuxedo? 
“Jesus, his best friend had almost died. Have some compassion, you assholes.”
Stiles looked as shocked as they were, but before he could apologize, Jackson was laughing.
It would be another few months before they were finally comfortable around one another. Not great, not by a long shot, but comfortable enough that Jackson’s parents knew they actually needed to take the first step in talking with their son, and Jackson would usually actually give them a complete answer.
it wasn’t perfect, and it might never be, but it was progress. and Jackson was happy enough with that. 
one night over dinner—Stiles and Jackson’s one year anniversary—his mom has a question. “okay, so wait, what did we do wrong when you started to shred your sheets?” she asks, and Jackson and Stiles look baffled, before waiting for her to elaborate. “you know, like a year ago, maybe a little more—right before you two started dating—I used to do the laundry and find Jackson’s sheets completely torn up. Well, no, not torn, because they were cut perfectly smooth. It was like you were hacking away at your bedspread with a pair of kitchen shears.”
Stiles chokes on his coke, putting two and two together, trying not to laugh at the mental image of brand new baby werewolf Jackson accidentally clawing at his sheets. Jackson just groans, his face bright red, head on the table.
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datleggy · 5 years
A hazing you say, to you say, do tell us more please.
oh839ruef it is 6am and im still drunk from the nite before so forgive this mess but u asked for it >:]
TK hasn’t been sleeping well at all; just a bunch of restless nights in a row, all of these thoughts keeping him awake.
Thoughts of his ex boyfriend—almost fiance’—thoughts of his father’s diagnosis—what would he do without him in his life?—and of course, those pesky little thoughts called addiction, which never really leave his subconscious, not even on the good days…
He ends up falling asleep in one of the trucks when he’s supposed to be cleaning, but God, he can’t help himself, he’s exhausted and the cushions are so warm and inviting.
Only minutes later Judd and Marjan come across TK, who’s sleeping soundly, (for the first time in over a week, though they wouldn’t know that) instead of doing his work, and the conniving begins!
They call Paul and the probie over.
“This is team building,” Judd tells Paul, when he asks, not for the first time, if they really think this is the best idea. “A little hazing never hurt nobody.”
Marjan, who’s grinning from ear to ear, agrees wholeheartedly. “Yeah, c’mon! Hurry up with the hose probie!” 
One moment TKs resting peacefully and the next he’s being forcibly dragged out of the rig, giant arms wrapped around him so tight it’s impossible for a half awake TK to wiggle his way out of them.
“Wakey wakey sleepy head!”
He barely has time to react when he’s suddenly being hosed, the water pressure enough to fully wake him. Coughing now and struggling against whoever is holding him still, TK only manages to break free when another set of strong hands grab hold of his shoulders and pull him away from the harsh spray of water hitting his face and chest.
“That’s enough, you guys tryna’ drown him?” Paul shakes his head, grimacing as he looks down at the kid in his arms. TK is soaked through and through.
TK coughs into the crook of his arm, gasping for air. When he finally looks up at the rest of the crew, Judd is expecting some kind of animosity, but what they get instead, is a mischievous grin, “You guys know payback’s a bitch, right?”
Matteo instantly drops the dripping hose like it’s on fire and tries to defend his actions. “They made me do it!”
Marjan huffs, putting away the phone she’d been using to record the whole thing up until now, glaring at the probie. “Scaredy cat.” then she turns around and points the finger at Judd, grinning. “Anyway, it was all his idea.”
Judd raises a brow at her, acting betrayed. “No loyalty, huh?”
Paul pats TKs wet shoulder and sighs, “I tried to stop them, if that’s any consolation.”
TK coughs again, rubbing at his chest, “I mean, a little warning woulda’ been nice.”
Paul raises his hands, “Hey man, you might be canoodling with a cop, but I’m no snitch.”
TK is less than thrilled by all the teasing ‘Oooh’s’ and ‘Aaah’s’ that follow Paul’s comment. “Yeah yeah,” TK’s cut off by another cough. And then another, and another. And after a few more coughs TK realizes he can’t stop, his chest tight, and fuck.
He remembers being six and suffering from asthma up until the age of ten, maybe.
But it’s been over a decade now since his last attack, this can’t be that, can it?
“Hey man, you alright?” Judd reaches for TK, a hand on his shoulder, brows knitted in concern.
TK continues his coughing fit, but manages to shake his head no. The air around him feels thin and his chest is starting to hurt.
Judd blinks, “Shit, you’re not pullin’ my leg, are ya’?” He looks to Matteo, who’s standing there looking about as petrified as he feels at the moment, “Something’s wrong, get Captain Blake, quick!” he orders.
Probie wastes no time, practically tripping over his own two feet in his haste.
Paul helps Judd get TK into a sitting position on the floor, guiding him with gentle but firm hands. “TK, look at me, just shake your head yes or no, do you have asthma?”
TK gasps for air between his bouts of coughing, he shakes his head no but realizes that’s not completely true, “When,” he pauses to cough, wincing and clutching at his chest, “When I was little.” he admits.
Marjan curses. “I’m gonna’ get Cap.” She’s not sure what that’s gonna’ do—she doubts Owen has a spare inhaler from when his kid had asthma over ten years ago, handy on him—but she’s seen the way the two interact, if nothing else, the older mans’ presence will help TK feel a bit less panicked.
Both Captains get there at almost the same time, one after the other, both bending at the knee to get face to face with the young firefighter.
Owen doesn’t have to ask what’s wrong, when he sees his son, because the scene is all too familiar, though it’s been years since the last time it happened. “It’s an asthma attack.” he tells Blake, “He hasn’t had one since he was ten.”
Blake nods, already digging into her kit for a rescue inhaler. “TK, open up, I need you to take two puffs, breathe in slowly for five seconds and try to hold your breath for ten, it’ll help the medicine get into your lungs, can you do that for me?”
TK nods anxiously, letting her press down on the inhaler. He tries to do as he’s told but ends up coughing up the puffs before they can be fully absorbed. “S-sorry.” he can’t catch his breath and the wheezing is only getting worse.
“It’s ok, you’re gonna’ be ok, let’s try it again.” Blake helps him a second time, with Captain Strand now behind TK, rubbing up and down his back encouragingly. “Ready? Slow breath TK, slow breath, c’mon.”
This time TK is able to hold his breath long enough that he can feel the albuterol taking effect on his lungs. Dizzy with relief and beyond exhausted by the exertion, TK nearly falls backwards.
Thankfully Owen is there to catch him, wrapping his arms around the kid carefully and breathing out his own sigh of relief. “Jesus TK.” That’s another gray hair for the books.
TK pats the arm around him, “I’m good.” he assures his dad, though it comes out breathy and short. But he is fine now, just tired, and frankly, embarrassed about having an asthma attack of all things, in front of the entire crew. He tries to get up on his own two feet but the moment he’s standing upright another dizzy spell hits him and if not for Judd who steps in to support him, he’d have ended up right back down on the floor again. “Thanks.”
Judd looks down at him, guilt etched onto his features. “Don’t thank me, Christ kid, I’m the reason all this happened. Shit.”
“What did happen?” Owen asks, looking like a disappointed dad as he stares at his team, all of whom are looking down in shame.
TK rolls his eyes, though it’s hard to act like it was no big deal when he’s still holding onto Judd like a day old calf who just can’t seem to get his legs under him yet. “Dad, it was nothing, it’s not their fault, I—” he doesn’t want to admit the truth. That it’s all the nights of little to no sleep for over a week now that exasperated his asthma, and that the hazing thing only helped push it that little bit over the edge.
“It was my fault.” Judd cuts in, seeing the look of conflict on TK’s face. “I thought a little hazing wouldn’t hurt, but it was stupid as hell and childish and it nearly got TK killed.” he turns to the younger man in his arms. “I’m so sorry man, that was reckless—”
Marjan interrupts, squeezing TK’s shoulder from the side. “It wasn’t just Judd, I ran with it too, I’m sorry TK.”
Paul and Matteo take responsibility too, gathering around TK to apologize.
Though the Captain is grateful that the crew are seemingly handling this among themselves, he still feels the need to say something. “Hazing is for college fraternities and has no place in the work place, and I hope this is the first and last time we need to have this conversation, do I make myself clear?”
This is followed by a chorus of guilty little “Yes Captain”’s.
Hours later, when everything has calmed down and most everyone is in their own bunk, getting ready for bed, TK finds himself in the kitchen, making himself a pot of coffee.
Paul joins him as he’s about to take his first sip. “Nuh uh.” Paul snatches the cup away and pours it down the drain. “That is not what you need.”
TK would be offended if he had the energy, but as it is, he’s just too tired. All that comes out is a faint, “Hey, that was mine.” and it comes out whiny.
“I’m making you some tea.”
TK huffs. “I wanted coffee.”
Paul clears his throat, already boiling the water. “You know…if you ever need to talk, we’re all here for you.”
TK looks away, biting his bottom lip. “I’m fine.”
“If you say so. I just think you need reminding that it’s ok not to be fine sometimes, and it’s even more ok to talk to someone about it, even if all the other person can offer is an ear to listen.” he goes about preparing the tea, throwing in a spoonful of honey for good measure.
TK takes the warm mug, grumbling about his coffee all the while. After a few sips he looks up at Paul, who’s sitting on the stool with his own cup of tea. “I um, it’s not a big thing, I just haven’t really been sleeping. It’s just…” he knows his dad hasn’t told too many people about his cancer yet, and he doesn’t want to go spilling the beans. “It’s a lot on my mind lately, that’s all. And then last week my ex sent me this stupid text telling me I still had some clothes at his place, if I wanted to go pick them up—what the hell am I supposed to say to that? It’s been over three months, why now?”
Paul shakes his head, sipping his tea. “That asshole.”
TK lets out a surprised laugh at the amount of righteous anger in Paul’s voice on his behalf. “Right?!”
They spend a good hour just talking—mostly shit about his ex, and then shit about some of Paul’s exes, and then about life in general—and before he knows it, TK’s downed his entire cup of tea and his head is laying on his arms on the countertop, and his eyelids are so heavy he can barely keep them open.
He hears voices above him, but they’re quiet voices, “Hey big guy, wanna’ help me get him to bed?”
“Yeah, I got sleepin’ beauty.” he can’t mistake that Texan drawl for anyone else but Judd, and soon he feels himself being lifted into a pair of strong arms, and he knows he should be embarrassed to be carried off like this, but he’s too tired to really care and Judd’s surprisingly gentle.
He’s laid to bed and for the first time in a long time, he sleeps soundly throughout the night.
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ffsfinneas · 4 years
Changes ( The O’Connells )
with @billiepeilish​
When: Earlier today
Where: The O’Connells’ house 
Finneas: After the festival was over, Finneas came back home, to stay with Melissa. The baby was almost coming and he didn't like the idea of her being all alone if she went into labor. After making sure Melissa was settled down okay, he decided to go to his parents not only because he hadn't seen them in a while but also because he wanted to tell them about Melissa and his new relationship. He could only hope that their reaction was be better than Billie's because even though he understood her position, he hated that his sister didn't trust him enough to believe that he could make his own choices and support the fact that he was happy. By now, he was over it though, he didn't want to argue with her over it anymore and he could only wait and hope that his little sister would come around. Arriving at the house, Finneas let himself in with the spare key that his mom had given him when he moved out. The house was too quiet and that's when he heard Billie talking, he guessed on the phone with someone. Finneas frowned at the words that were being said and walked towards her bedroom, knocking on the door as he waited for her to open up. Even though he was upset and a little angry, he wasn't going to just burst into the bedroom like a crazy person, he tried his best to stay calm, because that's how he was.
Billie: To say Billie was angry and hurt at the situation with her brother was an understatement. She really couldn’t believe that finneas didn’t even try to understand where her concerns were coming from. But instead dismissed it for some girl who had him wrapped around her finger. It wasn’t something Billie liked to see. But when her brother legitimately never came back around after weeks went by, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Prior to the festival Billie reached out to a handful of new producers. If finneas wanted space from her, she’d surely give it to him. No sense in working with someone, especially your brother, when they don’t want you around. She made sure to make all her appointments after the festival because she didn’t it want it to affect their last performance together. All day she was on phone call after phone call with different producers. And while they were all nice and kind to her, none of them really stuck out to her. Not yet at least. She was on her next phone call, finally vibing with a producer, Lee Major, who produced one of Jay-Z’s album. “Dude yeah, I like the direction you could go with that! I can definitely send you some recording samples I did a few days ago that I’ve been sitting on because I didn’t have anyone to run it by. I already started working on my new album, but I can take anything that I wrote and shift it to work with you and you can produce the next album if that’s cool?” She said to Lee Major, only to be cut off by a knock on her door. Continuing to talk, Billie opened the door to see finneas standing there. She was not expecting him over. “Uh, Lee, let me call you back?” She asked as she clicked her phone off and turned around, walking over to her lyric book and shutting it closed. It was a small gesture but she didn’t want to finneas to see the new things she had been working on while they weren’t speaking. “Mom and dad won’t be home for another few hours” she said coldly as she pushed past her brother and grabbed the car keys, trying to make way to get out of his space.
Finneas: Finneas would've understood if Billie wanted to work with another producer because she wanted to do something different from what they have been doing, if she wanted to get new experiences with someone else. But he knew this wasn't the case, she was letting go of him because of their argument, something that had nothing to do with their professional life. And without even talking to him first about it. Finneas didn't want to let it show just how hurt he was by this situation but the sadness in his eyes would've been obvious to Billie, they knew each other well enough to know when one isn't okay. "You're gonna drop me? Just like that? And working with another producer?" He asked as he followed his sister out of the bedroom, walking up to her and getting between her and the door. There was no way he was going to let her leave the house without them talking about this first. "You're going to pretty much throw away everything we did, everything we worked for because of an argument? One that doesn't even have anything to do with our professional life?" He shook his head, he never thought it would go this far or that it would get this bad. "We need to talk and you're not leaving this house until we do."
Billie: The younger female let out as exasperated sigh when Finneas stepped in front of her and blocked the door. "Oh my god, are you serious?" She said in an aggravated tone as she rolled her eyes and put the car keys back down on the table. "Being dropped sucks, right? Super cool of you to care when it comes to our professional lives but not our own personal relationship." The girl fired back, with clear hurt laced through her words. She was already on the verge of tears, but instead she turned on heel and made her way back to her bedroom, stopping momentarily to pull out her phone so she could text Jordan because she could feel her anxiety begin to bubble up.
Finneas: Finneas let out a sigh at her words, shaking his head. "I never dropped you, you're the one who couldn't accept the fact that I was finally happy again!" He watched as she left the living room and went back to her bedroom, following behind her. He wasn't going to let her lock herself away, they really needed to talk about this and try to solve things, he hated to be mad at his sister because even though she might think otherwise, she's still the most important person in his life. "I care! I really fucking care but I thought you needed the space to think about it." He paused, shaking his head. "Look, I get it okay? I get it why you were so worried and so against this, but you have to trust that I can make my own decisions, Billie. This isn't about choosing her over you, you know you'll always be the most important person in my life." Finneas remained on the doorstep, not wanting to invade her space.
Billie: The singer rolled her eyes when she heard just how happy Finneas was, as if that was the reason why she was against the relationship. Shaking her head, Billie stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to face him. "You? Care?" She asked really calmly, absolute disbelief showing on her features. "Tell me how during all of this you showed me that you cared about me, Finneas? Because this whole argument we're having is because I care about you more more than you give a fuck about me." Her voice was sturdy but calm at the same time. She knew she was on the verge of a huge panic attack and needed to keep her cool. Something she once trusted her brother with helping her through, she no longer felt. "Yeah, and you gave me my space. So much space that I need to get a new producer." She said as she waved the brand new lyric book in front of Finneas to show him how much writing she had done since they stopped talking but never went over because their personal relationship had clearly affected their professional one.
Finneas: Finneas shrugged his shoulders at her words. "What did you want me to do? From the beginning you showed how unsupportive you were, how much you hated the idea of me being with her without even giving it a chance. Yeah, I get it that you don't have to meet her if you don't want to, that's not even the point. I never said you had to meet her, I only suggested that you could." He paused. "I fucking care about you and if you really believe that I don't then obviously you don't know me at all. I'm here now, aren't I? And I'm trying to fix it but I can't if you won't let me." He stepped into the bedroom this time, he knew his sister and he knew she was stressing herself out too much, he knew how this would end if they keep arguing like this. "Because I thought that's what you wanted! You know you could've come to me at any minute of any day and I would be there for you. You're my sister, you'll always be my priority." He paused. "What do I need to do to prove it to you? Do you want me to end things with her?" As much as it would hurt, Finneas would break it up because he couldn't lose Billie. As much as he liked Melissa, if sacrificing his happiness was what it took to keep his sister in life, then he would do it. "I don't want to lose you. And I'm not talking about being your producer, if you want a new one then get a new one, but I don't want to lose you as my sister, my best friend."
Billie: The younger girl watched as her brother took a step inside, her brows furrowing at how anxious she was getting. Yes, her brother knew exactly what to do to help bring her down, but right now he was the cause of this anxiety and she was trying to control it the best she could. She had her phone opened up to Jordan's number if she needed to call him. "How unsupportive I was? By caring about how you're throwing your life away to take on issues that you shouldn't?" She said, taking a step back to throw the book on her bed. "You say I could have come to you but if the roles were revered, you know damn well you wouldn't have came to me either" She said as she shook her head. Billie rolled her eyes, her only attempt for holding back tears. "Do I want you to break up with her? Yes. But it's too late for that now, Finneas. When I told you that you should have broken up with her in the beginning, that's when you should have done it. But now? You can't do that. You leaving her now after you're already balls deep for her would make you an asshole to her. You made your bed, now lay in it. But don't you dare come to me when she breaks your heart or goes off on you." She said, her tone filled with pain. She did care about her brothers happiness, which is why she went so hard on protecting him.
Finneas: Finneas shook his head at her words. "I'm not throwing my life away, that's what you don't get. I'm not going to be a father, Billie. Melissa made it pretty clear to me that if I didn't want to have anything to do with the kids than I wouldn't have to. But they're apart of her life and she shouldn't be crucified over the fact that life fucked her up so many times." He sighed, he knew she was right, he wouldn't have gone to her either. "Maybe, but I also wouldn't have tried to find a new producer without even talking to you first." Finneas crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down at the floor. He knew she was right, Melissa would hate him if he broke up with her now, but did he have a choice? He was about to lose Billie, the one person who matters the most to him. "Yeah, you're right, I really like her and she really makes me happy. I'm the first person in years that she trusts enough to let into her life, she's not just using me Bil. But I'm not ready to lose you, I can't lose you. There's no point on anything if you're not around, if I can't share the good things and my happiness with you." He paused. "She won't break my heart. And she's not using me, she's not that kind of person. I know you're worried about me and my happiness, you think I'll get my heart broken again but I'm pretty sure you would think this of any girl I might date because you know how fucked up I was after Claudia. You have to trust me and my judgement, I really appreciate your concern but I don't want us to argue over this anymore, I want my sister back."
Billie: "You think I don't like her because she has kids? Are you insane? Is that what you've been telling people? I don't like her because I don't think she's good for you. Period. It has nothing to do with her kids." Billie rolled her eyes and shook her head, not wanting to talk to Finneas anymore. It was like they were going right back to square one where he just threw his assumptions on her and didn't even bother to listen to what she was saying. "I dont care, Finneas. Do whatever you want. It sucks when people don't talk to you about things, right? Imagine how I felt. But you showing me you only cared to work on this because our profession with each other was at risk? That fucking hurts, Finneas." And that was it, Billie felt the tears she was holding back stream down her face. These past few weeks without her brother was absolutely horrible. And even if she wanted to change it she didn't think it was possible for them anymore. And it was killing her inside because she never ever wanted to lose her brother.
Finneas: Finneas shrugged. "That's what you told me, that she wasn't right because she had kids with two different guys. And why don't you think she's good for me, Billie? Tell me then, you don't even know her." He said, shaking his head at her words. That was what he thought since their argument, that Billie thought she wasn't good for him because she already had two kids and just needed someone to be a dad for them. That was why he was so angry at first because he knew that wasn't the case at all, Melissa made it pretty clear to him that he didn't have to deal with her kids if he didn't want to. "I'm here! I'm talking! But I need you to talk to me too. We weren't talking before, we were fighting and that's not healthy. But now, I think we both had enough time to calm down and talk like actual adults." He sighed. "This is not about our profession, I don't fucking care if you get a new producer! Yeah, it fucking hurts that you're replacing me but if you think that's what best for you and your career then do it. This is about losing my sister and that shit I can't handle." Finneas shook his head and looked down, feeling his own tears coming to him as well. "I don't know what else to say or do to fix this. If I knew this would happen, I would've stayed fucking single for the rest of my life."
Billie: "It has nothing to do with the kids though. It's *her*, Finneas" Billie said shaking her head. "I'd absolutely never blame the kids for her actions and lack of responsibility. My issue is with her and only her" The younger girl let out a heavy sigh as she just couldn't really grasp why her brother wasn't worried about this situation. "I'm not asking you to stay single forever, Finneas. I'm asking you to be smart. If you think you aren't about to play daddy to these kids, you are sorely mistaken. Those kids are gonna fall on to your shoulders as if they were yours, no matter what." The singer made her way over to her bed and sat down, pulling the comforter over her as she curled herself into a little ball. "I just know deep down this is a mistake. But do whatever you want. I don't want to have a say anymore in this because it doesn't matter what I say or think. You're gonna do you and you're adamant about making your own mistakes, so go ahead." She said softly as she laid her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes.
Finneas: Finneas sighed at her words. He understood though, where she was coming from, why she was so worried about him and this relationship. But all he wanted was for her to trust his judgement, to believe that what she's afraid of won't happen. "Look, you don't have to meet her if you don't want to, but if you gave it a chance you would understand." Finneas would never force his sister into doing something she didn't want to do or that she wasn't comfortable with, but it really would've meant a lot to him if she at least tried. "I won't Billie. The kids' fathers are in their lives. The unborn baby, the father is Melissa's best friend, they tried dating at some point but figured out that they worked better as friends. She didn't plan to have two kids from two different guys and maybe you're right, maybe it was irresponsible of her and she should've been more careful but she shouldn't get judged for the rest of her life because of it." He shrugged his shoulders, moving over to sit down on the bed. "I don't want to argue anymore. I appreciate your concern and I understand where you're coming from, but I'm just asking you to trust me and my judgement. She makes me really happy Billie and she's making me feel loved again."
Billie: "I'm not gonna meet her, Finneas. Nor am I going to give her a chance. She makes you happy? Fine. But I don't owe her any of that. I don't trust her or her story. I'm not judging her, I'm stating my opinion based on facts and her actions that no one asked her to do but herself." Billie said sternly as she looked over to her brother who was now sitting down next to her. "This is gonna change a lot between us. A lot. We can work together, but our closeness now is gonna have to stop. You're my brother, but I'm not gonna be around someone when my opinion doesn't matter. We'll just keep things between us strictly about the music, and that's it." She said in a defeated tone. Billie knew in her heart that her brother was making a mistake. But she didn't want to be around anymore when he was with someone she had such a terrible gut feeling about.
Finneas: "Okay, I hope one day you'll change your mind about it when you realize just how serious we are about this but I respect your position." He didn't say anything about her words, there was no point on continuing to speak about it because he knew Billie wouldn't change her mind about this, she was too hard headed. Finneas stared at her for a few moments, he couldn't lie, her words felt like someone was stabbing him through his heart and ripping it out. No matter what, Billie is the most important person in his life and he can't lose, he didn't know what he would do if he lost the connection they had with one another. "You really mean that?" He asked, turning his head to look at her. "Your opinion matters Billie ... do you want me to break up with her? I'll do it if that's what it takes to not lose you Billie. I can't lose you." He paused. "You know you're the most important person in my life and that's never going to change. I'm sorry if I made you feel like your opinion didn't matter or that I was trying to force you to do something that you didn't want to do. I guess I just thought you were gonna be happy for me and I got caught off guard by your reaction."
Billie: Funny enough the talk about his girlfriend wasnt the hard part. The talk about their personal relationship on the other hand? This was hard. Since the day Billie had any kind of memory, Finneas was her best friend and role model. She wanted to grow up to be like him, as smart as him, as kind as him, as thoughtful and considerate as him. But this whole experience showed her that at the end of the day, he initially chose someone else over her. And it killed Billie more than she could explain. But she was trying her hardest to use this as a learning opportunity and to grow from this. "I do, yeah." She was lying, because Finneas was the most important person to her, but this was about growth. "Finneas, if on day one you had told me you didn't like Jordan, I would have rethought my whole relationship with him. You breaking up with Melissa now, months later, isn't what I want for you. That ship has sailed, I told you that. You're in too deep with her now. We're blood. And this whole thing just made me realize I had to rethink everything our relationship stood for. That I gotta take a step back and let you go a little."
Finneas: If this is what Billie wanted then Finneas couldn't do anything else but to respect her choice and her position. It hurt like hell, it hurt more than any break up or anything else he ever went through but if this was something that she needed to do, then Finneas would have to deal with his pain by himself and let his sister go, grow up. One day it would happen, he knew it but he just hated that it happened like this. "I would never tell you that I didn't like him without even knowing him, I gave him a chance. And he's good to you, I've never seen you this happy before. You would see the same happening to me if you would just look past her situation." He shrugged his shoulders and stood up from the bed, making his way towards the door. "You do what you gotta do Billie. If this is what you need then I'll respect it. I'll just be your producer from now on." He told her before opening the door and walking out of her bedroom, making his way out of the house as well and leaving.
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ddproductionsw77 · 5 years
Mother’s Little Helper
Fandom: IT Chapters One & Two
Pairing(s): Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak)
Characters: (Major) Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, (Minor) Maggie Tozier, Greta Keene, (Mentioned) Ben Hanscom, Wentworth Tozier
Rating: T (If language, drugs or alcohol offend you, M)
Description: Whirling around, he slammed his fist into the wall beside his door hard and, for good measure, did it again. His knuckles throbbed painfully and he felt his eyes burn as tears filled them. Turning, he fell back against the wall and allowed his legs to go out from under him. Sliding to the floor, he put his head down in his hand that didn’t hurt, leaving the one pulsing with pain on the ground beside him.
Author’s Note: I mean, it’s Reddie but it’s really just about Richie and his childhood… going into why his parents are the way they are in my AU. The title comes from The Rolling Stones’ song by the same name. I’d think Richie’d be a fan.
Richie Tozier fiddled with the corner of the prescription in his pocket, walking down the alley between the Corner Street Drug and the record store. He lightly bit his lip, trying to keep himself from smiling like a dumbass. He was going to see Eddie and, better yet, have a damn good excuse to. Eddie always got twitchy when Richie showed up just for the hell of it but this time he could simply shrug and say he had a prescription he needed filled, wasn’t his fault.
Richie’d never been so fucking thankful for his mother’s Valium dependency before.
Turning onto the sidewalk, Richie jogged up to the door of the pharmacy, pulling it open and slipping inside. The little bell over his head rang out but he ignored it, ducking into the nearest aisle to get to the pharmacy counter. Looking around he couldn’t see his boyfriend immediately but didn’t think too much of it. He knew Eddie was working, so he rang the bell on the counter for assistance.
Then, because he was bored, rang it once, twice, three times more.
“Okay! Okay! I’m coming!” He heard his favorite voice snap from behind a shelf of prescriptions, “How can I— Richie?”
Eddie came around the shelf and glanced around, moving quickly to the counter where he covered Richie’s hand to stop him from dinging the bell again. Giving his boyfriend an unamused look, he lowered his voice, “What are you doing? You know Greta’s working right now, too, dumbass?”
“I don’t see her,” Richie looked around before returning his gaze to Eddie, eyes wide and innocent, “Besides, I just came to drop off something for my mom. You’re the one holding my hand, Eds.”
“I am not!” Eddie argued before glancing down at his hand still covering Richie and quickly pulled it back, “That’s not holding hands. That’s stopping you from acting like a spastic asshole.”
Richie sighed, bring his hand up to rest his chin in his palm, “Such a sweet talker, it’s no wonder that I—“
“Do not,” Eddie hissed, shoving Richie off the counter and pointing at him with a glare, “Finish that sentence. Not in here.” His eyes darted over Richie’s shoulder.
With a sigh, Richie looked behind him to see Greta Keene lazily stocking the aisle with bandages and dressings a few yards away. If she’d turned her head, she’d have seen his entire attempt at flirtation with his boyfriend a moment ago. Rolling his eyes, Richie turned back to Eddie, having the good sense to look just a bit apologetic.
He pulled his mother’s prescription from his pocket and slide it over to his boyfriend, “I just came to drop this off, I swear.”
Looking down at the paper before flickering his gaze back to Richie, Eddie took the paper and turned around to file it away for when Mr. Keene can in and could fill it.
Richie felt someone smack his arm hard enough to possibly bruise and looked over to see Greta Keene passing him, opening the half door to let herself into the pharmacy. “Sup, Loser.”
“Well, if it isn’t Derry High’s next Queen Bitch,” Richie remarked with a sarcastic smile.
Greta spun around to give him a mocking look, “What brings you in, Tozier? Finally goin’ on Adderall?”
“Actually, I think I picked something up from your mom last week, just seeing if I can get something to help with the itching,” Richie quipped back, shooting her an unamused smile.
Greta pursed her lips, “Well, I guess you’d come by it honest, wouldn’t you?”
Eddie returned but Richie didn’t move his attention to him, keeping his gaze on Greta. Narrowing his eyes, Richie shook his head, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Greta shrugged, “Like father, like son, right? Except you’re just talk while your dad actually does it.”
Richie felt Eddie’s eyes snap toward him but he continued to glare at Greta, “What the fuck are you talking about, Keene? The bleach for your hair messing with your head again?”
Greta laughed in a cruel, cold way, “I’m talking about your dad coming in every other week to pick up a box of extra large rubbers with that pretty little dental assistant of his hanging off his arm. You’ve seen him, right, Ass-brak?”
Richie spun to look at his boyfriend, who instantly looked away at his hands.
“Aww, not such a good friend, huh? So sad.” Greta mimed crying before flipping him off, “Later, freaks.” With that, she went back to the store room, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Leave me the fuck alone, Eddie,” Richie snapped, turning around and leaving, making sure to slam the pharmacy’s glass door shut behind him. Ducking back into the alley, Richie made it a few paces before kicking hard at a discarded milk crate, sending it down the alley. Clenching his fists, he made his way back home.
His father’s car missing from the driveway just added to his anger.
Slipping into the house through the back door, Richie took the stairs to his room two at a time until he reached the door at the end of the hall with FUCK OFF craved into the wood. He’d used his father’s pocket knife to carve it when he was 11. It had hurt to breathe for a week afterward.
Slamming the door shut, Richie went straight to his old record player, finding the album he was looking for from his book shelf and putting it on. Turning up the volume as loud as the system would go, Richie began to pace the length of his room, the haunting beginning of A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours by The Smiths filling his brain. The sound nearly—nearly—made it impossible to think.
Unfortunately, it didn’t completely block all thought out.
“Richie! Sweetie, time for school!” His mother’s musical voice called from down the stairs. Finishing tying his shoes, Richie hopped off his bed and rushed out of his room and down the stairs. He was six and it was the first day of First grade and Bill, Stan, and Eddie were waiting for him.
Maggie, a kind, warm smile on her face, stood waiting for him in the kitchen. She laughed, taking in his bright orange overshirt that he’d put over a clashing blue Soft Cell t-shirt. Shaking her head, she ran her hand through his hair, “Well, don’t you look handsome?”
He grinned up at her, “I’m ready, Mom!”
“Well, then,” She nodded, pinching his cheek softly before taking his hand, “Let’s go, My Little Love!”
Richie shook his head hard.
He didn’t want to think about that. He didn’t want to remember it, wished he could scrub it away from the recesses of his brain where it lay in hiding, always popping up at the very worst times to remind him of—
Nope. He couldn’t go there. It didn’t matter anymore, none of that mattered anymore. So there was absolutely no fucking point in torturing himself think about it. That part of his life was over and it was all his father’s fault… And maybe his a little too.
“Why, hello, Richie!” Leslie, the receptionist at his father’s office greeted him as he passed through the front door. He was ten and had just gotten off school, a block away from his father’s practice. His mother had told him at the start of Fifth grade a month ago that every day after school he was allowed to walk to his dad’s work and when the office closed, dad would drive him home.
It was boring as hell, but he’d promised her he wouldn’t wander or follow one of the other guys home, so every day he lazily did as he was told.
Leslie gestured behind her, “Your father is in the exam room, go on back. He isn’t with anyone right now.”
Richie nodded, giving Leslie the thumbs up, “Keep it cool, Les.”
The woman laughed and shook her head as he passed.
He knew the way to his father’s exam room well. He had to make the walk every six months, after all, for his regular teeth cleaning. Having a dentist for a dad had some advantages, he guessed. Mom was sure happy to have one for a husband, at least.
Going around the corner, Richie slowed, hearing something coming from down the way where the exam door was closed. It sounded like voices, hushed like they were trying to not be heard but not doing such a hot job. Cocking his head, Richie glanced over his shoulder.
His dad got pissed when he interrupted appointments… but Leslie had said he wasn’t with anyone, hadn’t she?
Stepping closer, he could better hear the voices. One was definitely his father… it took a moment but then he recognized the other. Dawn. That pretty lady that worked for his dad. She helped clean his teeth last time his dad had brought him in. Relaxing, Richie picked up his pace again, going to the door and opening it.
He froze in the doorway, confused for a moment what he was looking at. His dad was standing with his back to him, Dawn sitting on the counter in front of him with her legs wrapped around him. She had her hand tangled in his dad’s hair and Richie realized suddenly that they were… were kissing but it was more than just that, he thought. Dawn’s shirt was on the counter beside her and his father was touching her…
What the fuck, Richie had time to think before instinct took over, making him back up and slam the door shut before he saw anymore. He heard the pair inside fall silent as he continued back until he bumped into the wall behind him.
His dad… His dad was cheating on his mom.
No! No, he didn’t want to see it again!
Whirling around, he slammed his fist into the wall beside his door hard and then for good measure, did it again. His knuckles throbbed painfully and he felt his eyes burn as tears filled them. Turning, he fell back against the wall and allowed his legs to go out from under him. Sliding to the floor, he put his head down in his hand that didn’t hurt, leaving the one pulsing with pain on the ground beside him.
That’d been when his life went to shit. When he caught his father with Dawn.
He’d left the office after that and started home alone, only for his father’s car to pull up beside him a block later. He’d ignored him at first until his father had rolled down the window and yelled at him in a way he never had before, Richard, if you don’t fucking get in this car right now, I’ll fucking run you down.
He’d glared but he’d gotten in the damn car.
And that’d been the first time his father had ever hit him. Right after he’d gotten in the car. Just reached out and struck him in the ear so hard that his head had smacked right into the window of the door he’d just shut. Then his father had grabbed his collar and jerked him forward hard enough to create whiplash.
You say a word to anyone, I’ll fucking kill you. Do you understand?
Sitting on his bedroom floor, Richie could still almost feel his father shaking him so hard his glasses had slipped off back then.
Do you fucking understand?
He’d said he did… And he had never said a fucking word.
Startled from his thoughts, Richie realized someone was pounding on his bedroom door. Standing up, he threw the door open, “Can’t you fucking read?”
His mother stood there, her eyes narrowed, “Turn that damn trash down!”
“It’s not trash,” He argued, “It’s The Smiths. Strangeways, Here We Come. You’d think you’d like it, quite a few references to drugs.”
“Think you’re funny?” Maggie hissed at her son, in a flash she reached out and snatched Richie’s chin, digging her fingernails into his skin so deep he squirmed, “Well, I just think you’re an insufferable pain,” Her grip tightened, “In my,” Tightened more so that Richie’s eyes watered and he was sure she’d broken the skin, “Ass.”
She released him, scratching down his skin and making him yelp. He looked at her, glaring, and brought his hand up to his chin to check if it was bleeding. Just a bit. She pointed at him, “If I have to tell you again, I’ll throw that fucking thing out of the window and shove you out right after it. Now, go.”
Glowering and clenching his teeth, Richie turned around and pulled the needle off of the record. Looking over his shoulder, he threw up his hands, “Fucking happy now?”
She glowered back before turning on her heel and going off down the hall. Once he knew she was far enough away, Richie yelled after her, “Fucking shrew!”
All he got in response was the sound of his parents’ bedroom door slamming shut down the hallway. Rolling his eyes, Richie went to his door and closed it again. He started to drum his fingers on his thigh and instantly regretted it, his hand throbbing painfully. Looking down at it, he noticed a bruise already starting to blossom over his knuckles, one of which was cracked.
Sighing, he fucking prayed to a God he didn’t believe in that it wasn’t broken.
Several hours later, Richie lay on his best friend’s bed, picking at the ace bandage she’d only just wrapped for him moments before. Beverly sat at her vanity, applying her mascara very carefully so she wouldn’t have to re-do her eyeshadow. The room, with its lavender walls covered in various band posters and sketches from Bill and a few of Bev’s own as well as Ben’s mock blueprints, was filled with the distinct scent of pot and the sound of Come Together off of the Abbey Road album.
They’d already listened through all of Sergeant Pepper’s, which meant Richie was now feeling much better than before.
“Stop that,” Bev said sharply, eyeing Richie in her vanity mirror.
Richie dropped his hand, which had been on the verge of unwinding the ace bandage around his other fist. Looking over at Beverly, he blinked at her, “Where the fuck are you even going?”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Beverly shot him a look, “I told you, Ben’s coming over in a little while.”
“When the aunt is away, the boyfriend comes to play,” Richie mocked in a singsong voice and got a hair brush tossed at him. The opening cords of George Harrison’s Something started up and Richie picked up the brush, examining it and quipping, “Ever fucked Ben to this song?”
Beverly turned around to smirk at him, “Actually we prefer The White Album for that, record one, second side.”
Richie sat up, “Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her, “Hot.”
Smiling, Beverly brought her knees up and rested her chin on one, eyeing Richie, “You okay?”
“Why the fuck wouldn’t I be?” Richie asked, bringing his pointer fingers up to the corners of his mouth and pulling them up into a smile, “See? I’m just fucking peachy.”
Beverly cocked her head to the side, “Well, the last time you came over for weed and The Beatles it was because you were pouting that Stanley wouldn’t let you go to the movies with him and Bill.”
“It wasn’t so much the rejection that hurt,” Richie lamented with a sigh, “As it was that they picked the one fucking movie they knew I wanted to see. Pair of dickbags, honestly.”
Beverly gave him a mocking look of sympathy, “Poor thing. My point was that that was before you and Eddie hooked up. Why aren’t you pouting to him?”
“Eddie and I didn’t fucking hook up, you make it sound like it’s just sex,” Flopping back onto her bed, Richie took a moment to listen to the transition from Something to Maxwell’s Silver Hammer and reached out to the already rolled joint in the ashtray on Bev’s bedside table. He lit it and took a long drag, puffing out the smoke as he shook his head, “And I told you, I’m not pouting.”
Beverly shook her head, “Yeah, because lighting up your third joint isn’t you pouting.”
“Exactly,” Richie said, holding out the joint to her. She sighed and reached forward, taking a drag off the joint as he said, “It’s me having a fucking party.”
Beverly laughed, smoke going everywhere, “You are so fucking high.”
He grinned at her, taking the joint back. What he was was sedated, which was exactly what he wanted to be right then. Hard to think too much under sedation. Hard to hurt too bad under sedation, too. Taking another drag, he waited till he was seeing spots to let his breath out, “I think I’m mad at him.”
“Who?” Beverly asked, running a hand through her hair. She was growing it out for the time being and it was to her shoulder blades, like fire turned to silk.
Richie inspected the burning end of the joint, “Shit, who were we just talking about, Red? Eddie. Eddie Spaghetti, My Love, My Life… Do you know that song?”
“I know it’s ABBA,” Beverly said, a look of distaste on her lips, “So, I know I’ve never listened to it.”
“Eddie likes ‘em,” Richie mused, still staring at the joint, “Plays ‘em all the fucking time up in his room. Now ABBA,” He grinned at Beverly, “ABBA I’ve had sex to.”
Bev scrunched her nose, “Beep, beep, Trashmouth. I don’t think Eddie would like you running around saying shit like that. Why are you mad at him, anyway?”
“Think I’m mad at him,” Richie emphasized before sighing and giving Beverly the joint, “You know he’s got trust issues?”
“Eddie?” Beverly asked and Richie nodded. She shrugged, “I mean, I can see it. He’s never talked to me about it, though.”
“Yeah, like I’m pretty fucked up, I know that but he doesn’t believe me half the time I tell him that I love him. He always thinks I’m joking or some bullshit and most people would recognize that even I’m not that fucked up,” Richie started, narrowing his eyes back up at the ceiling. The record reached the end of I Want You (She’s So Heavy) and he heard Bev get up, stubbing out the joint, and flip it to the second side.
“So, I don’t understand how he can feel that way and then fucking lie to my face,” Richie asked as the plucky start of Here Comes The Sun played.
Somewhere to his side Beverly sighed, “I don’t know either, Rich. I do know that the best way to figure out would be to go and talk to him.”
“He’s probably still at work,” Richie argued, shaking his head.
“You underestimate how long we’ve been in here,” Beverly came to sit on the bed beside him, running her fingers through his hair and looking down into his eyes, “He got off an hour ago, which means, Tozier, that you are officially out of pot and out of excuses not to go and work it out with your boyfriend.”
Richie sat up, leaning back on his arms, “Fuck you, Bevvy.”
Kissing her cheek as he stood, Richie grabbed his jacket from the floor. Beverly waved to him as he headed for the door, “Fuck you, too, Rich.”
Eddie’s bedroom window was open, a warm yellow spot in the purple twilight. Richie felt his heart clinch, knowing full well that that window was left open just for him, a silent invitation softly saying Come on up…
He wished he’d had just one less drag as he clambered up the old trellis, his limbs feeling ten times heavier and his reactions ten times slower. At a snails pace, he managed to get up, sitting silently on the window sill for a second, watching his boyfriend sit at his desk with his back to him.
Eddie had such great shoulders… It wasn’t fucking fair.
Knocking lightly of the wood frame, Richie clambered in and nearly caught he foot on the sill, barely managing to right himself as Eddie turned around in his chair. He watched him nibble at his lip and felt his heart skip a beat.
Fucking get your shit together, Tozier, His brain snapped at his heart, We’re supposed to be pissed at him, remember? Not fucking in love with him.
But that was the problem wasn’t it? Even while mad at him, Richie was in love with Eddie. Always would be.
Eddie looked him over, eyebrows coming together, “I thought that maybe…”
“I wasn’t coming?” Richie finished, pulling his jacket off and cringing when he accidentally used his hurt hand to tug at it, “It was either sleep here or sleep at home. I picked the lesser of two shit shows; sorry to disappoint.”
Crossing his arms over his chest, Eddie rolled his eyes, “Don’t be a dumbass, Rich, I wouldn’t have left the window open if I didn’t fucking want you here. I just, I mean, you’re obviously upset with me so—”
“Upset?” Richie asked, shaking his head, “Nope, not upset. Pissed off? Yeah, a bit.”
Eddie sighed and took a step forward only pause, cocking his head to the side and reaching out to grip Richie’s sleeve and bring it to his nose. He sniffed before lowing Richie’s hand, still keeping it in his grip, “You smell like weed.”
Richie jerked his hand away, snapping his fingers and feigning disappointment, “Dammit, and here I thought I’d get away with it.”
“Get away with it?” Eddie asked, shaking his head and looking a little hurt by Richie jerking away from him, “There’s nothing to get away with, I don’t give a shit if you get high. But I know you usually only do it at a party or when you’re sad and I also know you weren’t at a party so—”
“So, you think I must be sad?” Richie cut him off, moving away before turning back around to face Eddie, “Well, my boyfriend did lie to my fucking face. Put a bit of a downer on my day.”
Eddie shot him a cool look, “I didn’t fucking lie to you!” He glared for a moment longer before his gaze flitted down to his socks, adding more quietly, "I just didn’t tell you.”
“And you don’t understand how that might have pissed me off?” Richie asked cooly from across the room, spinning on his heel to lean against Eddie’s bookcase. He glowered at his boyfriend, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
Eddie looked to the side, his lips slightly parted and he shrugged, “I didn’t say I don’t understand.”
Richie watched him, feeling all that hot anger and bitter betrayal pooling in his chest.
“You don’t, though,” Richie said, looking down at his hand and messing with the ace bandage as he shook his head. “You can’t. Not about fucking this,” He looked up to meet his boyfriend’s confused eyes.
“Because I just didn’t tell you,” Richie echoed pointedly, “Not so nice, huh?”
Eddie didn’t respond, instead just looking up at him with a clearly apologetic look and Richie felt his stomach twist in spite himself. He wanted to be mad. He wanted to argue, to yell or tell Eddie to fuck off… But how could he look into those big brown eyes and do any of that?
He and Eddie argued. They fought all the fucking time but they were never, ever, really, really angry with each other. Bickering was just one of the many ways they said I love you or I missed you or I need you. And the moment Richie looked into those regretful, worried eyes all of that came back to him. He couldn’t fight with Eddie.
Not for real, at least.
Richie shoved off of the shelf and went to Eddie’s bed, sitting on the edge and looking at his injured hand again instead. He knew he probably looked like he was pouting, just like Beverly had said early but he couldn’t bring himself to give a fuck. Any fight, any anger had swept away and now he just felt lonely and empty.
A beat later, he felt Eddie sit beside him and watched as the other boy gently reached over and took his hurt hand, lightly tracing his fingertips over the exposed skin of Richie’s fingers. Richie shivered, eyes flickering up to meet Eddie’s.
Looking over his face, Eddie’s eyes lingered on the scratches, now scabbed over, that his mother had left on his chin, before returning to his eyes, “What happened?”
Richie turned his head away, staring at one of Bill’s sharpie doodles on his bright red Chuck Taylor and shrugging, “Nothing, I’m fucking fine.”
He heard Eddie sigh in irritation, “Well, you didn’t have a fucked up hand or face when you stormed out of the pharmacy so that’s bullshit. I’m guessing it was your mom, that she scratched you. What I can’t figure out is what happened to your hand. Did you hit something?”
“Punched a wall,” Richie said after a moment silence stretched between them, “I told you I was pissed off.”
“And you told me I don’t understand why,” He felt Eddie softly touch his cheek, gently turning his head toward him until Richie was looking him in the eye, “So, why? This,” He gestured to Richie’s hand with his free one, “Isn’t just me not fucking telling you something. I know it’s not.”
He did, didn’t he? Because of course Eddie would know. Eddie always fucking knew.
It was one of things that made him so fucking infuriating. And so fucking wonderful.
“Do you remember my mom?” Richie started without completely meaning to.
Eddie’s eyebrows drew together, “What do you—“
Richie cut him off, shaking his head and making Eddie drop his hand from his cheek, “I mean, do you remember how she used to be? Because she wasn’t always— She used to be fucking awesome, remember? It was me and her against him but she was always on my side.”
After a moment, he heard Eddie say, “Kind of?”
“The first time my dad ever hit me was because I caught him fucking his, get this, dental assistant in his office. Different dental assistant now, I guess, because I know he fired Dawn after that,” Richie let out a humorless laugh, “And he told me that if I said anything, he’d kill me and he slammed my head into a window. I was ten and obviously a fucking idiot so I believed him.”
He looked back at Eddie, shaking his head, “And I never said a fucking word.”
Shifting his neck in agitation, Richie shrugged, “But my mom, she wasn’t drunk or drugged up then and she wasn’t an idiot so she figured it out anyway. And when she did, dad just assumed I’d snitched and beat the shit out of me. And when he did, mom realized I had known and I hadn’t told her a damn thing.”
He took a deep breath and Eddie reached out again, pushing his hair away from his face and biting his lip as he waited for Richie to go on.
“He betrayed her.” Richie gestured to himself, “I betrayed her and she started up with the drinking and pill popping and—“ Anger bubbled up his throat again so he had to swallow to stop himself from yelling and bringing Eddie’s mother running but he couldn’t shut himself up now. He went on, “And it can’t get worse, Eds. Last time when he pulled this shit, I lost her and I don’t have anything left for him to take and if the fucking universe finds some way to make it all even more shitty then it is now, I don’t know—”
Eddie threw his arms around Richie the second he heard his boyfriend’s voice break. Shoving him back on the bed, Eddie laid next to him and hugged him so hard it was nearly painful. Somehow that made it even harder to stop himself from breaking and Richie’s vision blurred. He squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck, breathing in that distinctly Eddie smell, something like laundry detergent and soap but also nothing like those.
They stayed locked together, Eddie running his fingers up and down Richie’s spine for what seemed almost like forever. Eddie wished it had been forever when he felt Richie’s warm, shaking breath leave the skin of his shoulder cold.
Running his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair, he looked over to meet his gaze with a look of complete heartbreak, “You’re going to be okay, Richie. And what happened then, what happens next, none of it is on you.”
Richie sighed, rolling away to lay on his back, shoving his glasses out of the way to rub his eyes. He shook his head, covering his face with his hands and feeling even more tears coming.
Eddie snuggled into his side, tracing the shell of Richie’s ear with the tip of his nose before whispering, “You didn’t betray her, Rich. She betrayed you. You’re the kid and you did what any kid would. She was supposed to be the mother and she fucking failed you, not the other way around.”
Eddie pushed Richie’s hands away from his face, pulling his head toward him and capturing his lip with his own. Climbing on top of his boyfriend, Eddie deepened the kiss, feeling Richie’s tears on his own cheeks before breaking away so that their noses brushed. “Come on, Trashmouth, talk to me.”
Staring up at Eddie, Richie shook his head, “You’re going to regret saying that.”
Reaching up to wipe away his tears, Eddie shook his head, “I don’t think I will. I always want you to talk to me. Fuck, never stop talking to me. I’d rather put up with you spewing the bullshit you always do every second for the rest of my life then just let you hurt,” He shrugged, slowly smiling a little, “Besides, you’re ten times less annoying when you’re rambling about real problems and not your dick.”
“Yeah and a million times more boring… C’mere,” Richie nodded to Eddie, gesturing him closer.
Eddie dipped his head, kissing Richie like he would fucking die if he didn’t. Richie returned in kind.
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wanheda0313 · 5 years
This is the Anne Boleyn rant. Excuse the formatting. The assignment was about seeing if a historical figure was a hero or a villain and it needed to be done in first person. I hope you learn something from this
Divorced, Beheaded, and Died. Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. He’s Henry the VIII, he had six badass wives and I say he ruined Anne’s life. Her name is Anne Boleyn and despite what the history books say about her. She am not a villain. 
The history books paint her as a villain. As someone who seduced Henry to get to the throne and then slept with 5 men, including her own brother. To understand her story and how historians are wrong, we need to go to the beginning of her life. 
Anne Boleyn was born on the 5th of May 1507 at Hever Castle (Or May 1501 at Kent castle. We don’t actually know when she was born due to a lack of records being taken from before 1538). Her parents were Thomas Boleyn, who was the first Earl of Wiltshire, and Elizabeth Howard, Catherine Howard’s aunt, which made Anne and Henry’s 5th wife, first cousins. Guess losing your head runs in the family. She had two surviving siblings. Mary Boleyn and George Boleyn.��
She was sent to Margaret of Austria, who was a noble lady who ran a school for the children of royals, wealthy and influential nobles in 1513 when she was 6. Her father believed in all his children getting the best education he could get for them which led Mary and Anne both getting a similar education of what George received. It was described as a centre of high culture for the youth of the nobility. She was assigned a Tudor tutor to help improve my French since that’s usually helpful when you’re in a French-speaking country, but she also learnt many other skills such as mathematics, dance and music. Because of this education, she was offered a place in the French Court where she joined her sister, Mary.
She was a maid of honour under Mary Tudor, my *sarcastic voice* lovely husband’s sister until she left the French court to marry a lord. Henry was furious and instead of Mary, Anne and Mary served Queen Claude of France. She was surrounded by art and culture at the French Court something when Anne became Queen Consort, she brought to the dreary English court. Anne, from 1514 to 1521 was spent severing Queen Claude of France until she was summoned back to England to marry an English noble - James Butler. This was a political marriage to settle a dispute over land and the title of Earl of Ormond which James’ family wanted. But both families couldn’t agree upon terms of what both families would get so the marriage fizzled out. Another reason for Anne returning back to England was the diminishing alliance between England and France
Anne soon became apart of the court of the royal family in 1522. She became one of Catherine of Aragon’s maids of honour just like her sister, Mary. I know the Tudor times weren’t very creative with their names. Her job as a Maid of Honour was that I helped her get ready in the morning and helped her throughout the day with small tasks. The usual. During this time, Mary Boleyn, was a mistress of Henry. 
When Anne arrived at court she was with another guy, Henry Percy but his dad the Earl of Northumberland refused to support the relationship (And fun fact would actually be involved in the down fall of Jane Gray). So during the autumn of 1526, Henry noticed Anne and decided that he would pursue me as his next mistress and stopped seeing her sister, Mary. 
He sent his first letter that year... He sent 17 letters over the course of 7 years from when he first courted Anne to when they got married that survive to this day. The surviving letters are kept in the Vatican archives. In one of these letters, he asked me to be his official mistress to which Anne said yes. Soon his lust turns into love and he finally decided to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon in order to marry Anne.
He wrote to Pope Clement VII to annul the marriage on the basis that in Leviticus it states “If a man shall take his brother’s wife, it is an impurity. He hath uncovered his brother’s nakedness; they shall be without sons (25:5)” As Catherine was married to Henry’s brother, Arthur before he died. Then 7 years later married Henry VIII. Henry wouldn’t be able to have heirs due to his marriage to Aragon, thus endangering line of succession and the future of England. He so far he didn’t have any male heirs. 
Obviously, if you know history, then you know how this turns out. The pope rejected Henry’s claim for annulment. This lead to Cardinal Wosley getting kicked out since he wouldn’t annul the marriage between Catherine and Henry and a new cardinal was chosen. And the rise of Protestantism in England as England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in order for Henry to divorce Catherine and Marry me. 
On the 25th of January 1533, Anne married King Henry in a secret ceremony as Henry was still married to Catherine of Aragon. It was small and had the most trusted members of our councils. It was a long time waiting. 7 years it took from us meeting for the first time when to then when they became husband and wife.  
 Three months later on the 30th March 1533, Catherine of Aragon was made Dowager Duchess of Wales and her daughter Mary was kicked out of the line of succession and no longer called Princess Mary. She was now called Lady Mary. Aragon’s status as queen removed. 
Two months later the 23rd of May, Henry and Catherine’s marriage was annulled by the newly appointed Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer and Henry’s marriage to Anne was declared valid. Then Henry and Thomas were excommunicated by the pope. 
At the end of the month, Anne was coronated at Westminster Abbey as Queen Consort of England which is just a fancy way of saying though she was queen, she has no real power. There was a four-day celebration to celebrate me becoming queen. During this time, Anne was pregnant with Henry’s heir.  
And on the 7th of September, Anne had a beautiful baby girl. She named her Elizabeth in honour of Anne and Henry’s mother. Elizabeth Howard and Elizabeth of York. Anne was thrilled at the birth of a healthy baby but Henry hoped Anne would provide him with the son he so desperately wanted. 
Anne would never give him son. This caused arguments within the marriage. As well qualities that Anne had which were desired in a mistress were things that were not desired in a wife. My intelligence, my affinity for politics and my forward nature were deemed useless when Anne married Henry. To be replaced by total devotion, subservience and to be seen but never heard.  
Soon, the public started to blame Anne for the tyranny that her husband’s government was starting to implement. She was seen as the person who was to blame for leading Henry down a path of sin as if Henry or any of his advisors would listen to anything she’d have to say about how to run the country. 
She wasn’t a very popular queen among the people who were loyal to Catherine and their catholic faith. And this is solidified by the fact when on the 8th of January 1536 when Anne and Henry we’re told that Catherine of Aragon died they wore yellow to her funeral. (sing along if you know the words…. CATHERINE WAS A MASSIVE-). The two did wear yellow to Catherine’s funeral but it was simply due to the fact that yellow was a traditional mourning colour for Spain, the country where Catherine grew up, not to celebrate that she was dead.
Around this time, Anne became pregnant again. She knew this time that it had to be a son but around this time Henry was knocked unconscious, Anne must’ve been worried that she sadly miscarriage a boy. She had a rapid amount of pregnancies but then miscarriages. Most historians say that Anne had two stillborn children after Elizabeth died. One of them being a son. 
After Henry’s fall, he started seeing one of Anne’s maids of honour, Jane Seymour just as he had done with Anne. Jane became his mistress. Henry declared that Anne seduced him into the marriage as if he didn’t spend 7 years trying to court Anne but whatever. Go off, I guess.
On May the 2nd 1536, I was arrested and taken to the Tower of London to await my fate. In my last letter that Anne wrote, she wrote of my innocence of my charges to Henry and pleaded with him to spare me. Anne was 28 years old. 
In history, she’s considered a villain for apparently sleeping with 5 different men, including her brother George Boleyn. Though there is little proof of this that is actually credible. And for seducing Henry into marrying me which then caused breaking England away from the Roman Catholic Church and creating a huge religious reform that had a history-changing impact and launched Protestantism into the mainstream. And created the Church of England for which Henry was the head of that’s true. 
The only confession provided was by Mark Smeaton, a very talented musician, though it took him being tortured on the rack to say that he was Anne’s lover and slept with her at Greenwich 13th May 1535 (Yeet my birthday) even though at that date Anne was at Richmond Palace (Yes the same Palace which Anna of Cleves was given) which is over 4 hours away. Very credible indeed. 
All the accusations didn’t add up to what actually happened. Apparently Anne was sleeping with Henry Norris, a courtier at Westminster when she  was recovering after Elizabeth’s birth with several eye witness’ and doctors saying she did not leaving my room. But other than those two pieces ‘evidence’ nothing was there. Anne never slept with my brother. 
Regardless of the evidence, 4 of the men Anne  was accused of sleeping were found guilty of adultery and treason as they were also accused of conspiring with Anne to kill Henry. Again there wasn’t any proof for these charges. Sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered by a jury of 27 peers all unanimously saying guilty. 
On the 15th of May 1536, Anne and her brother George stood trial, accused of incest, adultery and high treason. Her uncle Edmund Howard (Katherine’s asshole of a father) and her own father, Thomas Boleyn were apart of the 27 jurors who sentenced Anne to death by saying she was guilty on all counts. George and Anne were sentenced to be executed by beheading. 
Anne was beheaded on the morning of Friday the 19th of May 1536. She was reported to have worn a red petticoat under a loose, dark grey gown. In one last act of kindness, a french swordsman was my executor. He cut off Anne’s head in one slice. It was said that Anne joked with him saying since her head is so small, it will be easy to chop her head off. Elizabeth, would’ve two years old when someone told her Anne was never coming back home. 
Henry announced his betrothal to Jane Seymour that day as well. Not even bothering to come and see Anne die
Just as the historian, yes in the afterlife we can still see what’s going on (And six the musical you're doing great sweetie minus how you portray me. I'm disappointed) Paul Gallico said, ‘You learn eventually that while there are no villains, there are no heroes either. And until you make the final discovery that there are only human beings, who are therefore all the more fascinating, you are liable to miss something.’
Anne was never a villain in history but she was no hero either. She was a simple human being who tried her best with a king hellbent on getting a male heir. And she paid the price for failing to do that with her life.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
I’m sorry you’re still feeling exhausted.  I hope work wasn’t too terrible today, and that the weekend lets you rest up a bit (if you get normal weekends.  working in retail I try not to assume.)  Also, this is likely to just be a short(-ish) collection of unconnected musings, but I felt like sharing them anyway, and really you should be used to that from me at this point.  XD  So, first off that tree painting is GORGEOUS.  I mean, I tend to be kinda partial to that whole tree silhouette type aesthetic, so I’m probably slightly biased.  But still.  (And the background shading… <3 )  Also, ngl, the backlit keyboard keeps making me think of that video of Henry Cavill assembling his new computer that’s making the rounds.  That is not meant as a complaint of any sort, mind you, merely an observation.
Speaking of hot scruffy dudes who are actually massive dorks, did you SEE Ian’s most recent Insta pic?!  (the non-cowboy hat one)  Omg, I don’t know why he keeps complaining about how it’s starting to look like TW Season One hair like it’s some sort of bad thing.  (The longer the hair, the better the grip you can get. […uh…wait, what?… ’>.> ])  That pic just screams OUAT sequel to me.  Out here looking all shaggy and windblown and peaceful and content.  Proud Alpha Dad Peter spending quality time with his family/pack.  How very dare he spring this on an unsuspecting public with no warning?  I was not prepared.  (Also, Sinqua and Holland commenting on it just ups the adorable factor that much more.)
Also, was looking at a few sites lately in consideration of ordering a few more masks for work, found this print on one of them and almost laughed myself absolutely stupid.  I don’t know why it was just so funny to me, but I hope it cheers you as much as it did me.  Btw, it’s available on an impressive variety of items, including two types of notebooks, t-shirts, mugs, blankets, pillows, beach towels, shower curtains, rugs, bath mats, several styles of bags, phone cases, and assorted types of wall art (sadly not on a mask, however.  I was deeply disappointed.)  I can see any number of items ending up in the Haleargentski household, bought by assorted non-wolf members for assorted wolf members, because they are a family of assholes.  (I feel like the first gift was a travel mug to Peter from his darling husbands, then a t-shirt [on black ofc] from Peter to Derek, and then it just all snowballed from there.)
Today’s literally-just-appeared-out-of-nowhere-wtf-brain thought is (much like the French maid thing) definitely of the nsfw variety, so consider yourself duly warned if you have a shift today.  Because I mean we talked about Chris and Noah using toys on each other, but why should Peter get left out of the fun?  There are plenty of ways for him to enjoy them, too.  Like, pretty much the initial spontaneous thought was “Peter getting pulled into someone’s lap and being pegged within an inch of his life until he comes screaming down the throat of whichever one is going down on him at the same time."  And I was just like "not sure what this has to do with this video of how to make a ukelele out of colored pencils, but continue."  But like, no really.  Peter being knotted in one of them while the other uses beads or a (vibrating) plug on him?  (Which one is the asshole who momentarily turns the vibration up high enough that they BOTH can feel it?)  Or using those, or some kind of prostate massager, while he’s tied up and watching them with each other?  Bonus points in that situation for anything remote controlled.  See just how good his control really is.  Equal opportunity toy usage is what I’m saying, basically.
Also had a thought inspired by a pregnant friend and her fiance raving about a local pizza place’s monthly special, which is a pickle pizza (no really).  I may or may not have asked her if she had it with ice cream (I totally did, but apparently she’s past that point.)  So I was wondering about any weird or specific cravings the boys have while pregnant.  I remember Chris having a thing about chocolate pudding in the flashbacks.  Was it only a certain type of pudding, or would any kind do?  Were there any others he had?  Did he have the same ones with Ben or different?  What about Noah?  What sort of cravings did he get, if any?  And did they vary between sets of twins?  Did anybody go the aforementioned pickles and ice cream route?  Anybody dipping fries in Nutella?  Onion straws in peanut butter?  Doritos in cottage cheese?  Anybody eat salsa straight out of the jar?  Did anybody get any sudden absolute need for a specific fast food at two in the morning?  Or suddenly want a type of snack food only carried at one truck stop halfway past the next town?  Anybody spend several days eating nothing but veggie trays, including ones they normally can’t stand?  Anybody develop a temporary aversion to certain things, like coffee (feels like it would be a terrible thing for either of them)?  Did Peter cater to their every whim in any and all of these situations?  (I already know that answer.)  Did either one ever get demanding about it, or did they go the more passively-wistful-won’t-stop-mentioning-it route?  Side note; did anyone (not family) ever catch the wrong end of hormones now backed by even more combat and/or magical ability?  (Debbie at the bake sale best step off or she gonna regret a number of her life choices.)
Uh…I think that was the last of the random swirling questions/musings/headcanons for now…  I hope you feel a bit better today, and that the time off (I think you mentioned some time off?) is helpful.  Enjoy your time with your friend (that was this weekend, right?).  If you’ve got ideas for writing stuff, but are having trouble getting them down, would making quick notes/reminders, or voice recordings, for later help?  Like, so you don’t worry about losing them, but aren’t forcing yourself to do something you don’t feel up for at the time?  Either way, congrats on keeping up with the journaling (and the pretty, pretty art), and I hope tracking everything proves helpful.  And remember, other people’s bullshit issues and hang-ups are in no way your fault (no matter what they try to tell you), and you deserve all the good things.  Take care!  *Hugs to both of you!* 
Yeah, honestly I think I hit that point in my life again where my battery is drained and I can’t restart it. Which is how I got my burn out at first and working towards another one. Heh but I also don’t want to give up now and just keep working for a little longer because my contract expires at the end of September and yeah.. 
Aww gosh thank you, yeah I really like how that one turned out! It was better than expected.
Btw if you’re into Zombie apocalypse stories (I am) you should definitely check out The girl with all the gifts. It’s so brutal but also interesting, I definitely enjoyed that. (And it was research for my own book)
Lol I love this keyboard and this laptop, really, it was the most expensive thing I ever bought but it’s so worth it. Still runs super smooth after 2 years. I don’t think I’ve seen that video of Henry though. 
And omg yes I did and it’s the best thing. he looks so SOFT omg. I def got  OUAT S2 vibes from that. And OUAT vibes. Also that pic of him with Colton, omg. Those were the best!
THAT PRINT!!!! I nearly snorted coffee out of my nose this morning but managed to swallow it down just in time. My work computer would have suffered caffeine damage otherwise XD.
But yeah, that becomes a running gag for sure!
Because I mean we talked about Chris and Noah using toys on each other, but why should Peter get left out of the fun?  There are plenty of ways for him to enjoy them, too.  Like, pretty much the initial spontaneous thought was “Peter getting pulled into someone’s lap and being pegged within an inch of his life until he comes screaming down the throat of whichever one is going down on him at the same time."
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*cheff’s kiss* 
Oh the images are so good. Remind me to write them out in detail tomorrow after the zoo trip.
Also parking the pregnancy cravings to answer tomorrow since it’s past midnight and I should catch some sleep before I need to be up again. But I will definitely type that HC out.
Side note; did anyone (not family) ever catch the wrong end of hormones now backed by even more combat and/or magical ability?  (Debbie at the bake sale best step off or she gonna regret a number of her life choices.)
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Ohhh Debbie’s toast. Because yes, Noah’s magic is that much stronger when it’s fueled by pregnancy hormones and Chris turns into a very protective hormonal fighting machine. Low center of gravity has advantages when you’re in a squabble with the Karens.
And yeah, I have four days off right now. Which means I don’t have to work until Thursday again. Which is awesome!
But yeah work wasn’t too bad, I had to do one bad news conversation which fucking sucked since there was nothing I could do and nobody I could get a hold off to fix the problem for that customer and it was just a waiting game. I hate those conversations. I honestly do.
Most of it was quiet though and I got to leave an hour earlier due to the quiet day. So that was good. And I watched a movie while being paid (The girl with all the gifts) so that was pretty fun too XD
I actually voice record a lot already. I find it really helps with clearing my mind and I write a lot of stuff down. But I appreciate the tip!
Lots of cuddles from me and Mo and I hope your day went by well. <3
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fiction-boys-rule · 5 years
I Got You
Pairing: Shane Walsh/Sage(OC)
Warnings: drowning, swearing, fluff
Summary: Shane reluctantly lets Sage go with Daryl into the woods to search for Sophia, unaware of the unfortunate event that will follow. While on the search with Daryl, Sage suddenly gets put in danger, forcing her to be separated from Daryl and the rest of the group.
    Before joining Rick's group and meeting Shane, I had never believed that being in a group with other people was paramount to being successful in surviving the hell bent apocalyptic world that humanity has to live in now. Up until meeting the group that I am a part of now, I had dealt with the consequences of the zombie apocalypse by myself. Sure, I had encountered many dangers and setbacks of being alone, but I never thought that I would feel the need to change my survival skills in the future.
     One hot day while scavenging for water, I found a small shack and I woke up to a crossbow being pointed at my face. That was my first introduction to Daryl. He had convinced me to join his group and I soon met Shane and Rick, who gave off strong leadership roles. A few months after joining the group, I became disliked by many. I was commanding and defensive, and speaking your mind without limit was frowned upon by many. But I ended up catching the attention of someone I never would have expected to be interested in me. Shane and I soon became close friends and he and Rick supported me and defended me with the group and my opinions regarding crucial decisions for the group.
     About two months ago, Shane and I were sent on a run by Rick and we ended up getting pretty hot and heavy inside of an abandoned building. I refused to take it any further physically and was surprised when Shane respected my decision. Since then, I have seen a much gentler side of Shane than I had ever expected. We managed to keep our relationship pretty secret for a while, mostly since I wanted privacy and Shane is one of my first actual boyfriends. Following the reveal of our secret, people have been much more wary of me and many have stopped openly defying and judging me. I would say I like it this way, but I don't like that it took for me to get in a relationship with an ex cop to gain respect and fear from everyone who hates me.
     Truthfully, I would say Daryl and Shane are my only friends. I have always been more of a socially closed off person and I don't tend to trust easily. But I am fine with spending most of my time helping Rick and Shane with anything they need. In this time, people can be a liability. The fewer people you are close to, the better off you are.
"Need help with that?" Daryl asks.
"No, I'm good. Do you want any help later today with your search for Sophia? I know you hate people worrying about you, but the thought of anyone going alone into those woods is pretty batshit crazy and stupid."
"Guess I'll be batshit crazy then."
"Daryl, seriously. I don't have much to do around here anyway. Shane always has me on a tight leash and it's about time I start going out and doing things myself. Without him always looking over my shoulder."
"I'm leavin' when the sun starts to set. Meet me at the stables."
I nod, walking into the house and setting down the basket full of plants and other herbs.
"Maggie, I seriously don't know why you make me do this. Half of these plants I just guessed with because they all look the same. How can you read books about plants?" I hold up the book of natural remedies and she grins.
"Hey, Sage. I just wanted to take some work load off my dad. He has been drainin' himself too much. Which means it's about time I start leadin' around here. I'm sure you did fine. Even if you did that bad, practice makes perfect."
"Whatever you say. Need any more help?"
"No, your lesson on making the remedies will be tomorrow." she grins.
I groan, faking annoyance. She laughs as I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room, seeing Rick sitting on a couch.
"We're all out there busting our asses and you're in here relaxing on your ass?" I grin, sitting next to him.
"Well, look who's talkin'. The girl who came in here to sit her own ass down on the couch."
"Smartass." I tease.
He chuckles, laying back, "Just so you know, I'm goin' back to workin' once Carl is out of the woods."
"You do know we are technically out in the open and the woods are kind of far away from the house?"
He grins, "Who's the smartass now?"
I smack his shoulder, making him laugh even harder. I missed that sound. He's been through so much and I feel so bad for him and Lori. The group doesn't give him enough credit.
"How is he?" my voice softens.
"Gettin' better every day. Just wish he would get better faster."
"Patience, Rick. He lived at least."
"I know. I know." he mumbles.
"Well, this lazy ass needs to go work. Do you know where Shane is?"
"No idea. Don't exactly keep tabs on anyone anymore. How are you holdin' up? I know you like to help, but don't take on too much responsibility."
"Well, who else is going to be able to lead without you doing it?"
"Already thinkin' of usurping my throne, Sage?"
"Honey, I've already taken it."
We laugh, a foreign sound I still have to get used to.
"I'm actually going with Daryl to go searching in the woods. I don't feel good with him going alone. Too much shit going on up here with him," I point to my head and shake it.
Rick nods, sighing, "I know. I would talk to him but he won't listen. Carol is very grateful though."
"Let me know if I can do anything for you as your temporary replacement for the throne. It feels like we don't talk enough."
"Yeah…" he mumbles.
"Alright, well I am going to get going. I'm here for you, Rick. With anything you need. We all are."
"Thank you." he smiles.
I leave, striding out of the house and heading to the pastures. I spot Shane on top of the RV, talking to Andrea. I keep walking, reaching a hill near the woods and stopping at the top. I sit, inhaling the fresh breeze that blows. My hands grasp the grass, and I exhale.
"Hey, baby." Shane greets.
I open my eyes and smile up at him, patting the spot next to me. He sits, groaning.
"You're getting old." I tease.
"And you're not gettin' any funnier." he remarks.
He laughs and I smack his arm, snickering.
"Well, I'm your asshole."
"Sadly." I tease.
He scoffs, grabbing my forearm and pulling me closer. I pull away, smirking. Standing up, I watch as his eyes stare up at me with a mischievous look in them.
"Can't even take a joke." I say.
"Me? Who became abusive when I said the truth about their humor?" he smirks.
I gasp, crossing my arms and walking away. His hands wrap around my waist and pull me back.
"Let go, Shane!" I exclaim.
He laughs, pulling me further back and he falls to the floor, dragging me down with him. I laugh, yelping as we hit the floor. He groans, hands never releasing me. I try to fight him off, pulling at his hands and attempting to roll away.
"Nah, you ain't goin' anywhere." he whispers, tickling my stomach.
"Shane, stop it!" I plead, laughing and rolling to the side, almost crying from laughter.
He climbs on top of me, hands wandering my body and tickling me even more.
"Shane, stop it!" I yell, making him laugh even harder.
Finally, his hands stop and he falls to the side. I exhale, attempting to catch my breath. I look to the side, staring at him. He is on his side, leaning his face on his hand and looking at me with a boyish grin.
"Fuck you." I mumble.
He smirks, grabbing my hand.
"So abusive." he whines.
"Should have thought about that before you made a move on me in that abandoned building."
"I liked you too much to keep actin' like a friend, Sage. You were too important to pass up. I like you, a lot. More than all of your abuse."
I laugh, smiling at him.
"Any plans for today?"
"Going to help Daryl with the search for Sophia in the woods."
Shane frowns, "You're goin' with him?"
"Yeah, I'm supposed to meet him soon at the stables. I felt bad letting him go alone and no one else has the balls to do what he does."
"I'll just tell Andrea to keep watch and that way I can go with you-"
"Shane. No. I'll be with Daryl. I'll be fine. Plus, we spend all day together. A few hours apart won't kill us."
"Are you sayin' you hate spendin' time with me?" he asks.
"You sure do love to take what I say out of context."
He smirks, and I roll my eyes.
"Plus, I could learn some very useful tracking skills from Daryl. Shane, you need to stop worrying so much. You're going to start getting gray hairs that show how old you are getting from all the stress you put on yourself."
He sighs, looking off towards the farm.
"Hey, I just don't want you overworking yourself. Just like you keep me in check, I need to do that to you too."
He looks back at me, smiling slightly, "Yeah, I just like you. A lot."
"Yeah, you said that already."
He rolls his eyes, "And I don't like you doin' all this stuff. But I guess you're right. Between the gun lessons I'm givin' you and Daryl's trackin' lessons, I feel more confident in you."
"You weren't confident in me before?"
"Now look who's takin' my words out of context."
     We laugh, and he grabs my hand, running his thumb across it. I grab his shirt, pulling him forward. He grins, moving on top of me. Leaning down, he kisses me and I still get that giddy and nervous feeling when we do this. I grab his neck, pulling him down. He groans, moving his leg to have a better position. He pulls away, kissing my neck and chest.
I sigh, combing my hands through his hair, relishing in how soft it always is. He exhales, groaning softly when I lightly scratch the back of his head.
"I love when you do that." he whispers.
"Oh, I can tell." I say.
We laugh, pulling away and sitting up on the grass.
"Andrea and I are due for another run soon. Wouldn't be fair for me to disapprove of you goin' with Daryl. I trust him."
"Yes, what a hypocrite you can be." I tease.
Laying my head on his shoulder, his hand goes around my shoulders.
"I'll be okay."
"I know." Shane mumbles.
"For the record, I like you too. A lot. Even though I don’t say it as often as I should."
"No worries, baby. I know you do. I know." he kisses my forehead, making my heart swell.
"Well, I should probably get going. I don't want to be late and make Daryl stop letting me tag along."
We stand, walking together back to the farm. Arriving at the stables, I release Shane's hand.
"Be careful, alright? Listen to Daryl, for fuck's sake."
"Okay, I know. I'm not a little girl."
"But you can act like one." he smirks.
I gasp, "Thanks, asshole."
I walk into the stables, but Shane pulls me back. His eyes hold a peculiar expression in them when I look up at them.
"I like you. A lot. Come back in one piece, okay?"
"Alright, I will. This is what I'm talking about when I say that you're going to start getting gray hairs from all this stress, by the way."
"I know, I know," he rolls his eyes.
Looking around, he leans down and kisses me. Pulling away, he smiles.
"Don't be late."
"If anything, you're going to make me late." I tease.
I smile one last time at him before walking in. Daryl is at one of the far stables, petting a horse.
"Yeah. Are we taking a horse?"
"Yeah, goin' to cover more ground. I would give you one of your own, but-" "Trust me, you don't want to do that. I am very inexperienced in that field and am not to be trusted."
"Alright then, get on."
We get on the horse, heading into the woods. The silence is enough to make me uneasy.
"I think I should check out the river bank. You never know."
Daryl huffs, "I don't think that's a good idea." "Daryl, at this rate, we'll be here all night. Come on."
Daryl sighs, stopping the horse.
"Fine. Don't wander off. Holler if you get in trouble. Here, take this knife."
     I get off, walking towards the river. I twirl the knife in my hand, sighing to relax my body. I near the edge of the river, the loud sound of the current speeding past filling my ears. The water from the recent spring downpours have made the river a deadly current that drags everything along with it. My feet crunch the gravel and the water crashes along the rocks. My steps falter when I spot something bright on the rocks in the river. I slowly approach leaning forward to catch a glimpse of the item. 
    A bright pink shoe is nestled between two rocks. It could be Sophia's. I should probably get it and take it back to see if Carol can say if it is Sophia's. I sigh, slowly stepping on a rock at the edge. The frightening conclusion comes into my mind that maybe Sophia fell into the river.
     I hesitate, looking back to the woods. Maybe I should tell Daryl. But I decide against it, fearing that the shoe will float away. I step forward, slowly progressing towards it and stepping carefully on the rocks to not slip. I reach the shoe and reach forward, straining my arm to reach it.
"Sage!" Daryl yells, startling me.
I turn, seeing a walker in the water with its hands reaching for my foot. Daryl jumps off the horse, making his way towards me. I turn too fast, and my body leans backward. I lose my balance, and fall backwards.
He isn't going to make it.
I fall into the water, gasping as the cold water soaks my back. I hold my breath as I fall in the water, body in a state of shock from the freezing temperature of the water.
'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.'
A sinking feeling occurs in my stomach when a terrifying reminder enters my mind.
I can't swim.
I swing my arms, reaching for something, anything. Opening my eyes, they sting and it's useless, I can’t see anything. My foot scrapes on something and fuck, the pain.
My head resurfaces, and I don't see Daryl anymore, I just hear the loud current. I take a quick but deep breath before my body sinks back down.
'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This is how I die. This is it.'
My body feels heavy and my mind is telling me to keep going, but my body is protesting.
Suddenly, my body feels weightless. I reach, grasping, but I only grasp air.
I want to scream, but nothing comes out. I am blinded by bright light and them my back hits something hard. My ears are ringing and fuck, my head is throbbing.
I groan, breathing heavily.
"Fucking shit," I groan, grabbing my back. I wipe my eyes, looking around. I landed on a rock. Turning slightly and ignoring the pain from my neck, I see that I fell down a small waterfall into a small creek.
"Just my fucking luck." I whisper.
    I lay back down, body on fire. I don't want to move, I can’t move. A strong gust of wind blows, making me shiver. I exhale, looking to my left. A set of bigger rocks leads to an embankment with trees and some shelter. I exhale, gasping as I attempt to sit up. My whole back throbs in protest and I look up, seeing the sunset. It's almost going to get dark. I bite my lip, sighing. I lay back down, afraid to move. Hopefully the rock will be my protection for the night.
    I don't sleep the whole night, afraid that if I fall asleep, I won't wake up again. Every small sound in the distance makes my body tense up and heart race. The pain has reduced to a permanent throb that surrounds the back of my head and neck. My back stings and my body is cold, so cold. I sigh, closing my eyes. I look up at the sky, admiring the bright moon. Shining without a worry in the god damn world. I hope no one is out looking for me. I hate when anyone sacrifices anything for me. The group will do just fine without me. I don't think I can say the same for myself.
Faster than I thought, the sun comes up and fills the creek with golden light, making the water shine and gleam.
I slowly slide off the rock, standing in the shallows. My vision from my left eye is slightly blurry, making me extra wary of my surroundings.
"Follow the sun back home…" I mumble, staring at the sky.
I should have paid more attention during Rick's lessons.
    Walking through the limited forage, I find myself in an area with more clearings, making me anxious. I don't feel very comfortable with being so easily open to being spotted. My feet maneuver themselves easily through the foliage, accustomed to Daryl's lessons and Shane's instincts. I freeze when I hear rustling in the bushes ahead. Crouching, my eyes narrow and my heart pounds.
Rick appears, looking warily around the area. I frown, starting to stand. Rick flinches, raising his gun.
"I'm not dead yet."
He scoffs, lowering his gun and walking towards me.
"You are truly something else, Sage."
"I've been told. Now help me up. I can't stand."
He chuckles, grabbing my elbow and helping me up. He then embraces me tightly in a hug, making me cringe.
"Careful, Lori might come out all of a sudden and beat you over the head with a stick."
"I'll take the hits for you, Sage. Don't worry about that." Rick pulls away, grinning.
"Please tell me Shane didn't go on some vigilante mission to find me."
"He almost did. It took a few of us to hold him back. Daryl tried lookin' for you and came back when it got dark. Shane lost his mind, tried goin' at it with Daryl."
"Fuck," I mumble, "some things never change."
"Shane went with Daryl to go lookin' for you. Don't know when they'll get back."
"What are you doing out here alone? You should be back at the farm taking care of Carl."
"Lori's got it. Didn't want you stayin' out here for longer than needed."
"Rick, you really have to let go of some of that cop mindset."
"Easier said than done."
"Oh, I know. I have to deal with Shane, remember?"
Rick chuckles lightly, shaking his head. We finally make it back to the farm and if Rick hadn't been with me, I would have screamed with joy.
"Hershel's goin' to help you and you'll get better."
"But Hershel should be helping Carl, and I don't want to-"
"Stop bein' as stubborn as me. Come on, let's get inside. You need help."
I sigh, holding on to him tighter as we walk towards the house. Carol and Lori look up, smiling. They come over, hugging me. My back responds with a paralyzing sting, but I hug them back nevertheless.
"Alright ladies, if you'll excuse us, Sage needs to get looked at."
I pull away, smiling lightly as I walk into the house with Rick. Glenn shakes his head and Maggie cries with relief, giving me another painful hug. Hershel walks in, beckoning me into the spare bedroom.
"A little privacy please," Hershel turns to Rick.
Nodding, Rick exits the room and Hershel starts to pick and prod at various parts of my body. I wince when his fingers squeeze on a certain part of my head.
"Slight concussion. You feel like throwin' up?" "No, but my left eye is blurry."
"Hm," he says, moving to my neck. I wince, inhaling.
"I got some medication to give you. No sleepin' for another few hours. I got some ointment for your back but other than that, only time will tell. Just try to rest-"
"Without actually resting." I finish.
He smiles, "Exactly. I'll be back."
I sigh, biting my bottom lip. My luck sure hasn't run out. I hear footsteps and turn, seeing Shane at the door. I smile, patting the space next to me. He walks over, kneeling in front of me. His eyes search my face, hands grabbing mine.
"I'm fine." I mumble.
He nods, leaning in and kissing me. My hands grasp his hair, accustomed to the motion. He pulls back, leaning his forehead on mine. He sighs, thumbs rubbing my neck.
He kisses my forehead before standing and sitting next to me.
"You got some god damn luck."
I laugh, leaning on his shoulder, "Yeah. Guess so."
Hershel walks in, handing the ointment to Shane.
"Rub it on her back. As much as she needs. Make sure she doesn't fall asleep."
Shane nods, glancing over at me. Hershel leaves and I smirk, "Well, put those hands to work."
He scoffs, shaking his head. I turn and Shane pulls up my shirt. I flinch when the cream makes contact with my skin, my back stinging more than before.
"Want me to stop?" Shane asks.
I shake my head, sighing. After a while, the feeling turns to a numb one and the feeling of Shane's hands on my skin is more soothing than painful. He pulls my shirt down, setting the ointment aside. I try to stand, but falter. Shane grabs me, pulling me back down gently.
"I got you. Don't worry. I got you."
His hands make their way into my hair as I settle against his chest.
"I got you." he hums, rocking me back and forth.
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space-age-bachelor · 5 years
The Blue Bits (1/?)
Man Up AU that I can’t get out of my head
Will wished he’d been quiet while on the phone with Natalie. This random stranger across from him didn’t need to know all about his love life. Especially since the guy looked like he was bursting at the seams with something Will didn’t want to hear.
“I’m sorry, I just overheard, and,” he said and brandished his book like some kind of weapon, “You really should read this.” The book looked like something Will would never pick up, the blue cover proclaiming it “Six Billion People and You: A Guide to Meeting Your Mate in the Modern Word.” 
“Great. Awesome,” He nodded, scooping out the last bit of his smoothie, “Did it, you know?”
The stranger’s eyes brightened, “Did it what?”
“Change your life?” Will smiled patronizingly, but he didn’t pick up on it.
“Maybe,” He looked a little sheepish, “It hasn’t made it worse, and I believe in giving everything a chance. I think it could help.”
He recoiled. They were strangers on a train, this wasn’t the conversation that Will had signed up for, “That’s alright.”
“I’d lend it to you, but I need it for my date tonight.”
“Are you worried you might get bored?”
That might have been a step too far. This man was maybe a foot taller than Will and could easily snap him in half. Not that this would stop Will from continuing to agitate the man. He didn’t have the best track record of avoiding avoidable confrontation.
The stranger tensed, his grip on the book tightening, “No, it’s so we can recognize each other.”
“Blind date,” he mused, “And he will wear a flower in his lapel, and you’ll be carrying a copy of Anna Karenina with a rose in it.”
All he got was a blank look in response. Obviously more of a book reader than a movie watcher. 
“You’ve Got Mail,” Will explained, deciding he was ready for this to be over, “Good luck on your date, and don’t be too harsh on whoever set you two up.”
He pulled the black moleskin out of his bag, a canvas backpack he thought fit his personal aesthetic. Jay would kill him if he passed on writing his speech for their father because some asshole thought he needed to read a self-help book. If only he hadn’t forgotten his headphones back in his apartment.
If only this man would just leave Will alone, “You know blind dates tend to go well if the person setting you up actually knows you.”
“And I’m sure you tell all your friends if you snore in your sleep.”
“Read it.”
“No.” Will shot back, almost offended by how much this obviously meant to someone who didn’t know him. 
He kept arguing, “It’s an international best seller.”
“So’s the bible and I’ve done pretty well without reading that.”
The man rolled his eyes as if Will being difficult actually mattered in his life. “I think you need it.”
He growled in frustration, “Why do people keep saying that?” It was a rhetorical question, and he didn’t want an answer.
He got one. “Well, maybe if everyone is saying it, you should listen to them. They probably know something you don’t.”
“Actually, I need you to shut up and mind your own damn business!” Will wasn’t proud of breaking like this. He was loud, but he didn’t like losing his temper on public transportation. Screw Jay’s cop mindset. Next time he was going to Uber. If he got murdered, it was worth it to dodge another prick trying to give him dating advice.
The prick finally stood up to go. 
Will looked up to glare at his back as he left, but something else drew his attention. He’d left that stupid book behind. 
He picked it up out of pure curiosity. It had to be an incredible book for someone to feel so passionate about forcing Will to read it. It was well worn, probably read dozens of times, with a napkin poking out as a bookmark. A napkin that had an angry face with red hair drawn on it. 
He tore open the book to about halfway through. Chapter Seven: Your Negative Thoughts Are Ruining Your Life (And Everyone Else’s)
It wasn’t a conscious decision to change the guy off the train. His feet just started moving on their own, pushing him after the bastard. He had no idea what he’d do once he reached him. 
Maybe he’d hit him with this monster of a book and run away as fast as possible. Maybe he’d actually get his thoughts in order and chew him out for commenting on Will’s life when he had no idea who he was. Maybe he’d just start crying. It was really anybody’s guess.
He paused for a moment in an attempt to catch his breath and refocus on his target, but for a large guy, he disappeared quickly. 
“Where the fuck are you?” he muttered to himself, scanning the street surrounding the train station. 
“I’m not that late, am I?” A new man said from behind him, startling Will into turning around. He was grinning as if he’d just made an incredible joke. “I’d tell you that I left with enough time, but that would make it harder to explain the speeding ticket I got on the way here.” 
Will just stared at him. He was attractive. A little shorter than Will, with a beautiful smile and these light blue eyes that just lit up with humor. He’d never seen this man before and had no idea what was happening.
“Hey,” he tried to continue the conversation, only faltering slightly at Will’s blank expression, “Great way to recognize each other, you know. Though meeting by the tree helped a lot.” He laughed at his own joke, and with every second was just making himself more and more endearing. 
Will was clearly missing something. There was some crucial detail for why this man was talking to him that he just didn’t have. He felt rude, but he had nothing to say.
“I never know how to say hello in these situations. Should we shake hands? Hug? I don’t know what’s too intimate or too formal.” He shrugged, panic beginning to really set in as he rambled on, “How about a high five? Just break convention completely.”
He held up his hand and Will complied. He didn’t know what else to do. Not that the man wasn’t giving him the opportunity to say something, but whenever a break came, Will was just even more lost than he’d been a few seconds earlier.
Luckily, Will’s phone decided to ring. It was Jay, or Nat on Jay’s phone. He wasn’t late yet, but neither of them trusted him to remember which ice cream to buy. 
The man’s eyes widened, “Is that you’re emergency call already? I haven’t even resorted to horrible pick-up lines yet. Not that I prepared any. They’re just still floating around from high school...college...last week.
“Here,” he held out his hand, and for some reason, Will gave him his phone. He let a complete stranger answer a call from Jay. “Hello, concerned caller. Everything’s fine. We’ve met. I’m not a serial killer, and we’re optimistic moving forward. If that changes, I’m sure you’ll get a text as he’s making an escape out the bathroom window. Thank you for calling. Have a nice night.”
He hung up and handed back the phone, his smile just a little brighter. “Okay. Book, check. Tree, check. Blind date, check! All were missing is a couple of ‘red-no-crimson roses,’” he paused, pointing between their books. Matching copies of Six Billion People and You: A Guide to Meeting Your Mate in the Modern World. “You know to tuck into the pages?”
It clicked. This beautiful man, who just quotes You’ve Got Mail without any hesitation, was the bastard’s blind date. The amazing smile and friendly jokes were for the dick who thought Will needed a self-help book after over hearing one phone conversation. 
“You know, I don’t normally talk this much, feel free to stop me at any moment.” He bit his lip and glanced over Will’s shoulder, “or we can just move past all this awkwardness and go get a drink along the river?”
He was bright and hopeful and Will knew that this was so stupid. He had to be at his dad’s in less than an hour, and he wasn’t the ripped young guy he met on the train. This wasn’t his date. 
But he looked at Will with those eyes and that face, and held out his arm, “It’s like the book says: what are you waiting for?”
He was a complete idiot. “I’m waiting for you.” He slid his arm into the complete stranger’s and they started off towards the river, Will trying desperately to silence the voice in his head that kept saying he was making a huge mistake.
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walkerismychoice · 6 years
Not So Different After All (Logan X Colt)
Book: Ride or Die
Pairing: Colt Kaneko X Logan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Gabi can’t stomach tending to Logan’s injuries, so someone’s got to do it. Unfortunately for Colt, that someone is him.
Note: This is an alternate version of the scene in chapter 5
Tag List: @tmarie82 @boneandfur @lizeboredom @choiceswreckedme @debramcg1106 @choiceslife
Word Count: 1575
"Logan, I'm so sorry." Gabi ghosts her fingers over his face and he winces at the featherlight touch. "You didn't have to do this for me."
"Yes, I did." Logan replies affectionately.
Colt rolls his eyes, a little disgusted by the sappy display. "As touching as this is, you need to fixed up, man if you don't want those injuries to get worse. I'm sure your little girlfriend would love to play nurse."
Gabi glares at Colt but before she can say anything back, Logan jumps in. "Gabi, I've got a first aid kit up in the loft. Will you come help me out?"
Gabi shakes her head. "I wish I could, but I get really squeamish around blood. I'd probably pass out and get my own head injury. I'm sorry Logan."
"Ximena, Toby, Mona? Anyone able to help me?" Logan pleads.
The three of them look at each other and then Mona smirks. "I think it's best if the three of us stay here and run interference in case Kaneko comes back. Colt, looks like that leaves you."
Colt wonders if this is some sort if twisted conspiracy to make him and Logan get along, but if that's the case, they can forget it. No use trying to play nice with some punk kid who hopefully won't be around much longer, but he'll help just to appease them for now. "Fine. Let's just get this over with."
"Great." Logan says flatly, rolling his eyes. "Let's go, Nurse Ratched."
Colt follows Logan up the stairs. He's not trying to stare at Logan's ass hugged perfectly by his form fitting jeans, but it's right in front of his face. He almost forgets momentarily the cocky asshole it's attached to. So what if he's hot? That's pretty much his only redeeming quality.
Once upstairs, Logan flicks on an old lamp and retrieves the kit from a cabinet. "Here." He thrusts it roughly into Colt's hands and sits on the edge of the bed.
Colt sits on the couch next to the bed to survey Logan's injuries. He's got some good cuts and bruises on his face, and Colt notices a deep gash near his collarbone extending under his white t-shirt. "I think you better take your shirt off, so I can check everything out."
Logan smirks. "I usually require a litte foreplay before I start taking off my clothes."
Colt narrows his eyes. "Do you want my help or not?" He's so not in the mood for Logan's sarcastic remarks.
"Okay, okay." Logan winces as he lifts the dirty, bloodied shirt over his head. Colt doesn't fail to notice Logan's nicely sculpted upper body. A spark flickers in Logan's eyes as he looks back to Colt. "You can close your mouth now before you start drooling."
"I wasn't...whatever," Colt mumbles with no basis to protest further. He was totally gawking at Logan's shirtless body and he got caught. He realizes he's too far to reach Logan from the couch so he gets up to join him on the bed. "Don't worry, I'm not trying to make a move on you. I'm just too far away over there."
Logan chuckles. "That's too bad," he jokes, or so Colt thinks. It's difficult to discern from his tone. Logan hisses as Colt starts to dab the cut on his collarbone with peroxide saturated gauze. "Ouch!"
Colt eases up but continues to clean the cuts. "Sorry, but that's about as gentle as I can get. I'd kiss it better, but I'm not your mother."
Logan's expression hardens. "Don't mention my mother," he snaps, but then his features soften slightly. "It's a sore subject."
"I get it. Same here," Colt confesses.
Logan scoffs. "Like you have anything in common with me. At least you weren't living on the streets when you should have been in high school. At least have a parent who loves you and wants the best for you - who can afford to send you to college and give you pretty much anything you want. And you don't even appreciate any of it and would rather throw it away and come back here, for what?"
"Fuck this." Colt throws the bandage in his hand down on the bed. "You know nothing about me, and I don't need to listen to you telling me how good I have it. You can fix yourself."
"Colt, wait." Logan grabs his hand as Colt moves to leave. An unexpected tingle of electricity from Logan's touch travels across Colt's skin. "I didn't mean it like that. Can we please finish this?"
He's not sure what compels him, but Colt reluctantly sits back down. Maybe it's the vulnerability in Logan's voice, or that if Colt were in that position he'd need help too. He nods but doesn't say anything, and after an awkwardly long pause, they both seem to realize at the same time that Logan is still holding onto Colt's hand. Colt pulls away, clearing his throat and starts to bandage up the rest of Colt's wounds.
Logan is the first to speak again. "Not to dig myself a deeper hole, but I feel like I should explain a little better. Your father has done more for me than I could have ever hoped for. He took me in when I had nowhere to go, gave me a job and some direction, but still I am completely envious of you. He's been kind to me so far, but the second I mess up or put his crew at risk, he could cut me out for good, just like that. He's the closest thing I've had to a father figure in a long time, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking we are family. That's what you are. He loves you unconditionally and wants a better life for you than this. I'd trade places with you in a second if I could."
Colt takes a deep breath and mulls over Logan's words. To hear Logan is jealous of him throws Colt for a loop. All this time he's been jealous of Logan for taking a place in the crew he thought should be his. But after Gabi at the drive-in and now Logan here basically saying the same thing, Colt might be starting to believe it. Whether he agrees with his father or not, deep down Colt knows Kaneko loves him. Colt tips his head up and looks into Logan's crystal clear blue eyes as if really seeing him for the first time. "Heh. And to think I was jealous of you too."
"Of, what? My devastatingly handsome good looks?" Logan laughs, trying to lighten the mood.
"Definitely not your modesty," Colt quips, choosing not to dispute Logan’s comment because he is fucking gorgeous. But Colt's been told more than a time or two how hot he is. "And for the record, I know I'm not half bad to look at either."
Logan's eyes darken as he keeps his gaze fixed on Colt. "No, no you are not." A wicked smile briefly flits across his lips.
Colts looks away as he rises in his cheeks and he checks Logans injuries over one more time and thinking of something to change the subject before he embarrasses himself further. "So...you and Gabi seem to be spending a lot of time together."
Logan frowns and Colt instantly regrets bringing her up. "Gabi's a nice girl, and I really do like her, but...I don't know what she's doing with a guy like me."
"Oh." Colt neglects to hide the disappointment in his voice. For a split second he thought he might say something cheesy like, 'she doesn't compare to a guy like you.' What the hell is wrong with him. He still hates Logan, doesn't he?
"She deserves to go to college and meet someone more like her...And I need someone who can keep up with me and really gets where I'm coming from." Logan tilts Colt's chin up, looking him straight in the eyes. "Maybe someone more like you."
Every sensible part of Colt is telling him to run down those stairs and not look back. He and Logan don't get along and would never be a good match in any way, shape or form. Logan probably has a concussion and doesn't know what he's saying. Any yet... Colt licks his lips and leans in towards Logan like a moth drawn to a flame. Logan closes the distance, his lips brushing against Colt's ever so softly.
"Logan!" Gabi's voice calls from the top of the stairs, suddenly jolting them apart.
"Hey, Gabi. What's up? Colt was just checking me over and making sure I'm good to go."
"Oh, are you done?" Gabi asks Colt. "I need to get going soon before my dad flips out."
Colt shakes his head up and down. "Yep, he's good as new. He's all yours." Colt starts to turn and then looks back at Logan blankly. "I've saved your ass twice tonight, you owe me."
"That you did." A sly grin spreads across Logan's face. "I'll definitely have to make it up to you. Goodnight, Colt."
A shiver runs down Colt's spine at the implication of Logan's promise, while Gabi looks on, seemingly none the wiser. "Goodnight." And with that he walks down the stairs not knowing if everything has changed between them, or if this is a momentary lapse in judgment that will be all but forgotten in the morning.
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dolanmedown · 6 years
Beauty and the Beast (E.D.)
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Author’s Note: Heyy so this imagine took me so long and made me have a brain fart but it’s finally finished sorry for any typos.
Requested: No
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Curse words
Prompt: Beauty and the Beast inspired
                                                                                                                 Different. That’s how people described you to be. You were a different type of person than most people at your school. And you were ok with that.
You never found interest in what the majority did. Football games, drinking and smoking, none of that amused you. Instead you found your head buried in a book that sucked you in for hours. You had visited the school library more times than any person before, since typically no one really goes to the library this day and age.
But you didn’t care. You always found a sense of comfort in reading that you never had before. Your mom would always read to you before you went to sleep. She always had a book in her hand whenever she was home. Maybe that’s where you got it from.  
But your dad said you guys were different. You were so fearless, so smart and intelligent yet so gentle and caring. According to your father, “your mother could only be one of those things depending on the day. But you, you’re all of them. You’re beautiful.”
“Actually, I’m known to be different.” You said, closing the book that was on your lap with a finger still in the book so you’d know what page to flip right back to.
Your father practically scoffed. “Nonsense. You’re unique. And that’s something no one will ever take away from you.”
Your father would always tell you that your beauty ravished from the inside out. And you thought that to be true. But you could tell there was something else that made many guys like you. Especially this one guy who wouldn’t leave you alone.
“Yo babe wait up.” There was only one person who said that to you every morning on your way to your second period class. George.
He seemed to be infatuated with you, and the very idea of love to him was just having himself between a girls legs. You pulled your binder closer to your chest hiding where his eyes were drawn to most of the time whenever you talked.
A hand reached out to touch your arm and you turned around and were faced with a huge stack of weeds that seemed to be picked from the school parking lot.  
“Are those supposed to be flowers?” You asked stepping back from him as the dirt on the roots started to fall.
“Well, no. This is a way to win you over. When you come over my house there will be nice flowers set up. So,” he stepped closer and pushed the bunch of weeds into my hand, “Come over tonight?”
You pushed the weeds back into his chest. “I will never go over your house George. Sorry.” You turned and walked away to your class as he just stood there with his friends surrounding him.
“Bro she just turned you down again. That has to be a record of some kind.”
“Shut up. She’s just playing hard to get. She’ll fall into my traps soon.”
Ugh. Go to George’s house? Date George? What a disgusting thought. You wanted the real type of love. The love that was similar to those in a book. Maybe those are only stories in the books, but you wished of a love story. Not a sex story.
You weren’t exactly quite sure why George was so obsessed with you either. Many people weren’t. He was one of the most popular guys at your school and he wasn’t bad looking either. Girls pounced on him like he was their last supper and he ate it all up. He loves attention and that’s the one thing he’ll never get enough of. Along with you.
But you were just a simple girl who loved to read.
When the bell finally rung for lunch, students raced to the cafeteria to meet up with their friends and talk about drama and so on and so forth. You walked in the opposite direction of them to the school library where you went every day for lunch.
You pushed open the familiar blue doors and went into the library to the same spot you went every day. It was right next to the librarians desk since you two had lunch together.
“Hello Mrs. Mulligan.” You said, sitting down and pulling your lunch out of your bag.
“Why hello there Y/N. Looking beautiful today as always.” She complimented. You smiled at her to thank her as you thought about her.
She was a little old lady, around 63 years old. Most people wanted to retire at that age but Mrs. Mulligan loved books. She’d said the only way she’d ever leave this job is the day she couldn’t walk to this job. She loved it and had been working in this school for over 40 years.
You and her had many similarities. You were both book worms, both had lost someone dear to them, and both enjoyed quiet and peacefulness over the loudness and wildness.
Not to mention Mrs. Mulligan was gorgeous when she was younger. She had shown photos of her in high school one day after you had shown her your senior photos and she was simply gorgeous.
“Oh but not nearly as beautiful as you my dear. You have something no one else has. You have dignity.”
She always said how back in her days it was so common for people to love books. But now no one ever came into the library besides you and maybe two other people.
“Is anyone here today?” You asked, taking a might bite of your apple.
“One person I believe. He comes in pretty often but he chooses to be in the back.”
You wondered why, but then remembered not many people liked to express their likings, especially if they had to hide them because they felt embarrassed.
“Oh.” You continued to talk as you made your way around the library, looking for a book that interested you.
You came across a book that interested you and went to grab it when another hand came across to grab it as well. You looked up at the figure whose hand also reached for the book and saw a 6’2ish guy who turned away so quickly you weren’t able to see his face. Before you knew it he snatched the book away from you forcefully causing you to lose your balance and stumble back into the bookshelf a bit.
You regained your balance and he was gone.
Such a beast.
Sixth period was the last period of the day for you and it was your favorite. English. You loved english and your teachers seemed to love you more. You were the only student they had that really understood the books the assigned. You were also the only student that was able to make those connections and references to life.
You didn’t even try to be one of those kiss ups that people made you out to be. You were just so fascinated by English and literature that you got it so easily.
So when your teacher asked you to stay after class for a minute you weren’t scared like every other kid would be.
The bell rung and you stayed the extra minute like your teacher asked.
“Y/N, you are my best student when it comes to English. I was wondering if you could help tutor someone who struggles a little more.”
“Oh. I don’t know.” You said honestly. You weren’t sure if you wanted to tutor people.
“You just have a way of explaining the text and literature that makes it easy to understand. And I’ll give you service credits.” You sighed, knowing full well you would give in anyways.
“Sure thing.”
“Great, are you available tomorrow after school? It will just be in the school library.”
“Yes that’ll be fine.”
“Great, thank you so much Y/N.”
“Anytime.” You walked out of the class and out of the school. What had you gotten yourself into?
2:35. The person you were tutoring was already making a great impression. You didn’t realize they were late as your head was buried into a new book you picked out earlier at the library. At around 2:40, the library door slammed open, causing you to jump. You looked at who you were tutoring, and it was the same person who snatched the book from you at the library.
Ethan Dolan. You knew who he was. He was in your English class freshman year. You never knew what he was like since he either never showed up or didn’t care.
You were confused to say the least. Why would Ethan want tutoring for English? He hated it. Unless Mr. Alceri forced him to show up? You weren’t sure. But you were sure he didn’t want to be here.
He took the chair that was the opposite side from you. Although it wasn’t that far away, it was still a good distance that made it a bit harder to help him. But you didn’t mind. You preferred to keep your distance.
“Let’s just start by reading the chapter we’re on now. Page 14.” You both read in silence, and you became so intrigued into the book that you almost didn’t hear Ethan nearly growl.
“I don’t understand this shit! It makes no sense to me!” He exclaimed, clearly frustrated.
“What part don’t you understand?” You asked, looking up from your book to look at him. He shook his head and almost chuckled at your question.
“None of it. These stupid romance books are a fucking joke.”
“Ok well maybe you need someone to explain it to you. Here I’ll show you.” You said, getting up to go over to him. You bent over near him so your book was in front of both of your faces. It had sticky notes on almost every page to help you for your reports.
“Get that book out of my face.”
“What?” You asked, clearly confused by his demand.
“I said get the fucking book out of my face!” He yelled, grabbing the book and throwing it away. For the first time since you’ve met him you feared him, and you quickly grabbed your book off the floor before grabbing your bag and leaving the library.
Never in your life have you been that scared before. You were always one to be brave, fearless. But he just had something that was so beast like about him. Your heart was still beating out of your chest as you walked down the familiar hallways to leave the school building. You were telling your English teacher tomorrow there was no way you were tutoring anymore. At least not him.
What an asshole. You couldn’t believe you were going to waste your time trying to help someone who just you like that.
You passed by the boys locker room and held your breath, as every time you walked by it smelt like body odor and too much cologne. You heard voices and you knew it was just the basketball team. They always had practice at 2:30-4:30, which meant their practice was just around over. And when they turned the corner, you were face to face with George and 2 of his other friends.
“Aye baby, you came to see me? I’m a little sweaty right now but that’s how we’ll be tonight anyways.” He said.
Your face twisted with disgust from both the smell and words of him. He’s gross.
“Get away.” You spoke. You were in no mood to have to deal with George and his crew.
“Come on girl you don’t wanna have a little fun?”he asked, grabbing your arm to pull you closer.
“George leave me alone.” You said, pushing him off of you. He suddenly became angry and grabbed both of your arms so you couldn’t go anywhere.
“What did you just say?”he asked. You weren’t scared. You knew he was trying to be cool in front of his little macho men. But you didn’t have your chance to defend yourself.
“She said leave her alone.” A deep voice spoke. George released his grip on you and you took the opportunity to take a step back before turning around. Ethan.
“Oh and look who we have here. Ethan Dolan. Look buddy you don’t scare me. You wanna fight, let’s go.” George said.
“Don’t. He’s just trying to instigate. That’s all he does.” You said, putting your arm in front of Grayson to stop him. You weren’t sure why George would want to fight Ethan. Ethan was at least five inches taller than him, and two times more muscular as well.
“Yeah listen to your little bitch. I just can’t wait until she’s face down on my bed as I’m fucking her until she passes out. Who’s bitch is she now?” George asked. Once again your face twisted with disgust but Ethan took this opportunity to lunge at George.
They went on the floor and Ethan was definitely winning until George’s 2 other friends jumped in and attacked Ethan as well. All you saw was Ethan practically throw them away from him and they got up, looking at Ethan. He stood up and the next thing you know they all ran away from him.
You watched Ethan slowly walk over to the lockers. He seemed to be in pain as you heard him groaning.
He turned around and slid his back down the lockers, closing his eyes as he landed on the floor. You started to walk away but stopped and turned back towards him. No matter how much you disliked someone, you hated seeing people in pain.
“You have to get up for me.” You spoke softly. “I can’t help you if you don’t stand.”
He grudgingly grabbed your hand and you helped him up with whatever strength you had. You had your arm around his strong, muscular back as you led him back into the school library. You knew there was a first aid kit somewhere in there that could help you clean Ethan’s cuts.
You got him settled on a chair as you fiddled around to find the first aid kit. Her office. It was definitely in her office. You went to open the door to her office but it was locked. Normally she would’ve been here, but since she was able to go home at 2:30 there was no need for her to be here at 4:18. You thought for a moment and had an idea.
You got the bobby pin that was holding a strand of your hair back out of your hair and held it in between your teeth to separate the flat side from the jetted side. Taking the flat side you slid it into the lock, wiggled it around a few times before hearing the familiar click. Turning the door handle once more you opened the door to the office and turned the lights on. You retrieved the first aid kit from her office and closed the door, making sure it was locked before going over to Ethan.
You studied his face for a moment to look at the cuts as your mind wandered. His lip was slightly cut open, but the bigger cut was from the side of his face where he looked like he was clawed.
“Not the good girl I would’ve imagined.” He spoke, referencing to the stunt you just pulled.
“You have a big scratch on the side.” You said disregarding his last comment. You began pouring hydrogen peroxide into a cotton pad to clean it.
“Yeah I know. Such a pussy he can’t even fight with his hands he has to use his nails.”
You frowned at the language he was using and he noticed, stopping what he was saying before sitting up straight. You pressed the cotton pad to the side of his face before he pulled away.
“Ow!!” He practically roared.
“Would you let me clean it?” You snapped.
“It hurts!”
“It’s only gonna hurt more if you keep moving!”
“This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t storm out.”
“And this wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t scare me out!” You almost yelled. He seemed taken aback by this, not knowing that you were more scared than angry. He still didn’t say anything and let you cleaned his cuts, his jaw clenching at the pain that lasted for 15 seconds.
After you cleaned it you went to put a tape over the cut so it didn’t get any bacteria into it but Ethan pulled his head away, indicating he didn’t want. You shook your head disagreeing with his choice but at this point you didn’t care.
You went to put the first aid kit under the cabinet and turned back around to see Ethan gone.
Whatever. Closing the library door, you walked out of the library and school before getting in your car.
Your phone buzzed as you were getting ready to go to sleep. You looked down to see your friend calling you.
“How was it?”she asked as you answered the phone.
Your head went back against the cushion as you shut your eyes.
“You don’t wanna know.”
You agreed to tutor Ethan again today. You had a feeling that you would be able to actually help him. And maybe you were crazy, but you had a feeling he would change his demeanor. It would just take time.
Today he wasn’t that late, and he didn’t sit that far away from you. Granted it wasn’t ideal to help him, but it was better than the last time.
You didn’t waste any time and opened up right to the same page you were on the previous day, page 14. You began to read it when Ethan cleared his throat.
“I uh- I just don’t get what this is saying.”
You looked up and saw his face, his eyes not dark and empty as they were before, but rather confused. Maybe that’s why he hated English, because he just didn’t get it. You slowly and hesitantly got up, waiting for him to protest you moving closer. But he didn’t, so you sat next to him.
“Here, let me show you the way I look at it.” You said, and started explaining what you grasped from it as simply as you could to Ethan. You tried to stay on topic about explaining the first part of the book to Ethan, but you couldn’t help yourself. You began to go off about the different love books and romance you read, connecting each one to this. You started talking about they way these love books affected the way you look at love and life in your eyes. You just went on and on, but you weren’t stopped once. Ethan listened to you intently and actually held on to every work you said.
“Oh my God I just spent 10 minutes rambling, I’m sorry.” You said, a slight blush starting to form on your cheeks as you looked down at the book.
Ethan shook his head, indicating he didn’t mine. “It’s fine. You actually helped me understand the book a little better.”
“Really?” You asked, a little too excited.
“Yeah.” You smiled, proud of yourself and started to read the book again as half a smile crept onto Ethan’s face.
To say the truth, Ethan was still completely lost. He understood what you said, but the book was still so confusing to him. How could these people do all this for some love? It sounded pathetic to him.
But you got so happy when he said you understood it, and the way you got shy when you went on a ramble made Ethan so intrigued. He didn’t have the heart to tell you he was still confused. He mentally cursed himself for lying to you, because as you read on he couldn’t tell you what was happening. But mostly because he was starting to change for you. He felt himself get butterflies in his stomach and wanted to punch them out of him, but he knew he couldn’t help it as much as he wanted to. So he looked at you, and then looked back at the reading. But his mind wasn’t focused on the reading, it was thinking about a million other things.
You were tutoring Ethan again today. The whole day you kept thinking about it, and you weren’t sure why.
Sure you weren’t.
Ethan opened the library doors and slid into the seat next to you.
“Hey.” He said, making you jump out of your seat. You had no idea he was there, because as per usual your head was buried into a book. He laughed as you rested your hand on your heart.
“Holy crap you scared me.”
“Holy crap?” he asked. “Have you ever said a curse word in your life?”
“I mean yeah I say them. But not a lot. Or ever for that matter. Only when I’m really mad.” He laughed again.
“You’ve been hanging out with old ladies too much.” You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him.
“First of all, I have other friends. And secondly, old people can be very cool. Mrs. Mulligan is my bro.”
He shook his head and put his head in his hands. “Oh my God don’t ever say that again.” You laughed as he joined you.
“Ok come on, we have to start reading,” You encouraged. He groaned but still opened the book to page 45. Making great progress here.
You started reading and thought everything was going fine until Ethan abruptly stopped you.
“Ok I’m sorry but I’m really lost.”
“Don’t be sorry. Just tell me where I lost you.”
But he didn’t give you a specific answer. He looked down before looking at you again.
“I never got this. I just said I did because I didn’t think you’d be able to understand.” He fiddled with his fingers and you looked intently at him. You felt bad. Clearly he wanted to understand this, he just wasn’t getting it for whatever reason. You wanted to help him.
“Talk to me Ethan. You know what?” You asked, sliding the books to the edge of the table before it crashed on the floor.
“What-” he started to ask before you cut him off.
“Who cares about this project right now. Ethan this could be the key to me helping you. Please, just, talk to me.” You practically begged. He looked down and sighed before looking back up.
“I never felt loved before. I never felt like I was wanted or needed. Even in my family. My parents could give two shits about me. They care more for my brother and sister than me. I mean they’ve always considered me to be so independent and everything but maybe I don’t want that all the time. I guess I don’t understand these books in English because they’re all love books and I never felt like I’ve really been loved in a while.”
He finished his speech by looking at you. You looked up and searched in his eyes. You searched for that cold expression you’ve seen many times.
But you didn’t see that. You saw a gentle, truthful brightness that came from his eyes.
“So you understand the books that have to do with drama more than love?” You asked.
“Yeah. But when have we done that? Never. So annoying he chooses these stupid romance books so he thinks he has a chance at his relationship.” He scoffed, referring to our teacher. You frowned.
“I don’t get it. How do you understand love so well? You don’t have a boyfriend.” He asked.
“Uh how would you know that?” You asked, defensive.
“Oh right I forgot, George.” He joked, a soft smirk forming.
“Ugh. He disgusts me.” You said.
“Why is he so obsessed with you?” He asked. You shook your head not knowing the answer to his question.
“I couldn’t answer that because I have no clue. I mean there’s nothing in me that he couldn’t get from any other girl in this school.” Ethan opened his mouth to say something but decided against it.
“He hasn’t bothered me since that day you chased him away.” You said. “Which reminds me, I never got to thank you. For you know, making him leave me alone.” You said.
He simply shook his head, as if it was no big deal.
“I never got to apologize. I’m sorry for scaring you out that day and throwing your book. I never meant to make you scared. I’m just so used to people running away from me instead of trying to help.” He said, looking down. He almost seemed embarrassed.
You went to put your hands over his, but you stopped. Instead you took one hand and grabbed one of his. He looked up and you saw his eyes move down to the lower part of your face before looking back into your eyes.
“You know I’m always here to help you, right? Let’s start from the beginning,” you guided him and went to the other end of the table to pick up the book that had fallen off the table.
That had started the almost daily occurrence of the library meet up. Every day at around 2:30, the library would be empty besides you, him and Mrs. Mulligan.
It became easier for you guys to become closer. Spending almost every day with each other, you were only bound to develop feelings neither of you knew about.
You were also able to discover that part of him that he had never shown the anyone. The loving, caring and soft part of him. He hated to show that side to anyone, but around you it was so easy. He didn’t want to scare you away because he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
Now it’s Friday, and you’re both sitting there finishing up the last chapter of the book.
“Thank god this is the last chapter,” Ethan spoke suddenly, interrupting your inner voice reading the words on the page.
“Why? Sick of this love book?” You teased. He looked at you and frowned, disagreeing with your statement.
“Not quite. I’m just sick of Mr. Alceri trying to relate it back to his pathetic love life,” he remarked. You couldn’t help but to let out a soft scoff, slightly laughing.
He was actually sad this book was ending because he didn’t know what it meant for you both. Although it was the end of the book, he was praying for a beginning of something great.
At the last tutor session for the book, you put some classical music on your phone.
Ethan looked at you like you were crazy. “What? It helps me relax!” You exclaimed. He laughed and shook his head.
You got up from your chair and he looked at you again.
“This makes me want to dance.” You said, extending your hand out for him to grab.
“I don’t dance.” He said, rather sternly.
“Come on, everyone dances!” You exclaimed, grabbing his hand and attempting to pull him out of his chair. He stayed put for a while as you struggled to make him stand. You finally stopped and stared at him, silently pleading. He saw those big, bright puppy eyes and he knew he couldn’t say no. He reluctantly got up slowly out of his chair and you nearly squealed in excitement. He chuckled a little, amused at how excited you got.
You waited a moment to hear the music and the beat it was on. Finally you were able to grab his hands to start to dance to the music.
He stared at you before going along with your movements. He was so gentle. You were so small compared to him he was afraid he’d break you. His hand covered a majority of your back as he softly placed his hand there, and the other in your hand as you both held it out.
You danced to the slow beat peacefully, as if there was no rush and you had nowhere to be. As if time stopped for the both of you to have this moment. You were quite impressed with his dancing. It seemed to come to easily for him. He could say the same for you.
“I learned to dance when I was 8. My father taught me so I wouldn’t be embarrassed at the Father-Daughter Dance.” You said. He laughed before starting his story.
“I never really learned,” he began. “I remember just always wanting to dance. Just comes naturally I guess.”
You could definitely agree with that. He seemed to do it to effortlessly you were swept off your feet, both figuratively and literally.
A slight giggle escaped your lips as he spun you around, his arm tight around your waist while your legs dangled in the air, hair whipping around your face due to the fast twirl.
He watched your face. Studied your face. He always waited to see that radiant smile you gave. He watched the ways your eyes would change, the way they almost grew and got brighter as you would both read the same love story you’ve been reading for the past month. He watched that love story turn into real life. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he knew.
He knew the day you didn’t show up to the tutoring at the library. You never got sick. Maybe once every two years. But you somehow ended up being so sick you couldn’t get out of bed to go to school.
Your head was killing you, you had the heat chills you didn’t eat for 2 days, you threw up God knows how many times. Your dad was debating on bringing you to the hospital.
The funny part was you had never missed a day of school before, but you were so sick you couldn’t formulate a thought in your head to let Ethan or Mrs. Mulligan know ahead of time.
Ethan remembers walking into the library, expecting to see you sitting there, already taking a sneak peek at the chapter you were supposed to read together. But the table was empty.
Maybe she’s running late, he thought. But you got out earlier than him, that’s why you were always waiting for him.
“She’s not here. Her dad emailed all her teachers. She’s quite sick .” Mrs. Mulligan was shocked herself and a bit worried, but the email from your dad calmed her down. However Ethan, not so much.
His face showed expressions of being worried and sad. He didn’t realize the effect of seeing her every day. She became the one thing he looked forward to seeing. He could feel himself smiling and his heartbeat getting fast every time he thought of her.
He wanted nothing more than to go see you and make sure you were ok. To drive you your house and stay there and see your face and just be there for you. But reality kicked in, and he realized that was so unrealistic.
“You care for the girl, don’t you?” Mrs.Mulligan asked.
“More than anything.” He replied quickly. He didn’t have to think about it. He loved you. And everyone could see it. Mrs.Mulligan nudged him a bit and he looked down to look at her.
“What are you waiting for? You don’t get any younger boy.”
He dropped you out of the air so your feet were on the ground again, his hands still securely on your waist. Your hands were resting on his bulging biceps, much bigger and muscular than you would’ve thought.
“I love you.” His eyes scanned yours back and forth as he breathing almost stopped.
You were fearless. You weren’t afraid to say what you’ve been wanting to say for the past few weeks. You looked deep into his eyes, those bright eyes that attracted you since the first time you really looked at him.
Your heart was beating fast but you didn’t waste any time.
“I love you too.” You could’ve sworn he released a breath he was holding.
“I’ve waited my whole life to hear that.”
And that was all you needed before you kissed. You felt the same gentleness, caring, and loving that was there even when this all started.
Because one day, you’ll change. Some change for the better, others for the worse. But you’ll meet the thing or person that changes you forever. Ethan met his change in his life, and no one has ever seen him quite like this.
He went from this dark, mysterious creature to one of the most loved people in a heartbeat. And all it took was a time.
A tale as old as time.
Song as old as rhyme.
Beauty and the beast.
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crewhonk · 7 years
We’ll Talk Tomorrow.
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1,838
Warnings: Implied smut, Swearing, (a little bit of angst at the end?)
Pairings: Billy Hargrove X You
Summary: In the early stages of your relationship with the Keg King himself, you happen across information that may change things.
When you parked next to Billy Hargrove in the spring of ’84 you never thought anything would come of it, but when you found him pummelling Tommy H. on the side of your 1970 Ford Escort you knew you’d finally have to interact with him.
“Stop, stop! What the hell do you to think you’re doing?!” Pulling the two apart, you glared at both of them. Billy, only four inches taller than you was breathing hard and was wiping away the blood that was falling into his eye. Tommy, who was half a foot taller than you, was already having bruised bloom across his face and his lips were cut in several different places because of the chunky rings Billy was wearing.
“He was talking to Carol behind my back.” Tommy snarled, stepping closer to you and jabbing a finger in the direction of his opponent.
“And you think beating Billy up is going to fix it?!” You replied, pushing him away from you with your pointer finger, “take a walk, Thomas.”
“But he had no right to be talk—“
“Take a walk. Thomas.” You said, staring him down until he rolled his eyes and turned on his heel. You had known him since you were little fetuses, and while you had never been close with him, your gentle nature forced people to listen to you when you put your foot down.
You heard a barking chuckle from Billy, and your head whipped towards him with a fire in your eyes. “You.” You growled, stalking up to him and stopping once you got toe-to-toe with the Alpha. “You had no right to beat his face in, you bastard. You were in the wrong. You had no right. We graduate in two months and then we’re being sent out into the real world where there is no detention and no second chances. Grow. Up.”
Since you had put Billy in his place, he couldn't stop thinking about you. He thought of the fire in your eyes, he thought how the power rolled off you in waves, and he thought how beautiful you and your spark would look on top of him. How much he would love to draw breathy moans from your throat, and how much he would love to make that fire spark in your eyes.
He could not stop thinking about you.
So when you walked past him without so much as a glance towards you, his eyes followed you until you were out of sight. They followed the way your hair bounced with every step, and the way your hips swayed, and GOD he wanted you and whatever he wanted, he got it. He pushed himself away from Tommy and Carol to follow you down the hall and when he got to your locker, he rested his hand above your head.
“Hey.” He crooned.
“Um… Hello?” You said, raising an eyebrow and continuing to grab books that you needed for the day ahead of you. You knew he had stopped focusing on girls, and you knew his eyes followed you through the halls, so while you weren’t too surprised when he approached you this morning it wasn’t something that you exactly wanted. “Can I help you?” You asked, sighing and leaning against your locker and looking at him through your lashes.
“You kill me, you know that Y/L/N?” He sighed, pushing your hair behind your ear and pulling lightly in your turquoise dangly earring. You waved his hand away and fluffed your hair back over your ear despite the burning in your cheeks.
“I’m honestly not.” You pushed past him and headed upstairs to your biology class. You knew he was following closely behind you, and you knew he was looking at your ass. “Take a picture dude, it’ll last longer.” You turned to him and glared down. He smiled widely and placed a hand on your hip, rubbing his thumb in circular motions.
“Could I, Doll?” You glared and slapped his hand away from you before bolting upstairs and losing him in the crowd.
Okay. The lost puppy tactic was growing on you, honestly. He followed you around the school and hung around the record shop you worked at, asking you questions about records you didn't even know existed. He brought you your favorite coffee (he found that out through your best friend who was so shocked that she couldn't even think of the word ‘no’) every other day. He was nothing but charming to you, and the people you cared about so when he asked you to be his prom date (he bumped up his grades from a D- to a solid B simply to impress you) you couldn’t help but smile widely.
“Green.” You grinned.
“What?” He blinked.
“My dress is emerald green, Bill.” You had never seen the boy smile so widely in your entire life.
“Excuse me?”
You found out Billy’s dark side when you told Nancy later that day when you were tutoring her in English. She said that in November they had gotten together for a Dungeons and Dragons session and while she and Jonathan left to pick up their Chinese food order Billy had dropped by and lost it on Steve when he found Max alone with him and the black boy, Lucas. He had pushed Lucas against one of the Byers bookshelves so hard that the boy had chipped his left shoulder blade. He then turned on Steve and beat him so much he was left with a swollen face and a concussion that put him out of school for a week. You had remembered seeing Steve on his first day back, and being so afraid for his well being that you actually had nightmares about it for three days after.
You didn't realize you had been crying until Nancy reached across the table and wiped away a tear from your cheek.
“Do you mind if we cut today short? I need to take care of something.” You whispered, stone-faced. She only nodded and you slammed your books shut, shoved them into your bag, and pushed your chair away when you stood up—making it scrape on the floor, leaving marks. Surely, the librarian would have your head (you and Nancy were here every Tuesday and Thursday in the same spot) but at this point, you were seeing red.
You stormed to your car and pulled out of the parking lot without even buckling yourself up into your seat. You sped through Hawkins, through the winding roads and swinging through the roads to avoid potholes that had been there for years. Unhinged, and unhinged and scary. Immature and how could you have not seen it. He was aggressive to everyone besides you and was kind to those you cared about (excluding Steve) just to.. to what? Get in your pants? You were a fool who was wearing rose-tinted glasses and it wasn’t fun anymore. You weren’t having fun.
You arrived sooner than you expected, and you glared at the house for about five minutes before you even thought about getting out of your car. When you did, you stomped up tot he door and banged the side your fist on his door until a sweaty Billy opened the door. Any other time you would be breathless and blushing at his wet skin and at the curls clinging to his face. He smelled like a man. Pure, unadulterated man. He had a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, which was curled into a seductive grin.
“You make me blush more than any other person in the state on Indiana. You make my heart race, and you make my stomach do The Thing. You follow me around like a puppy and it's charming and it makes me feel like there's a radiator in my chest. You make me feel like every other girl in the entire school and that’s not okay with me. It’s not okay with me because you're a horrible person. I don’t know what you're going through at home or in your head because you have this macho cardboard cutout you hold in front of yourself but whatever it is, it’s no excuse to be a racist asshole who breaks kids shoulder blades and beats in peoples faces. It’s not okay with me because I don't know who you are and I can’t start something with a stranger.” You said, face red and flustered.
“You know me, Kitten. You know me.” His voice broke.
“No, I don’t. It’s been two months and I haven't met your parents. I don’t know if you guys eat dinner together, or if you know how to throw a baseball. I don't know if you have family game nights, but how you talk about your sister I doubt it. I don't know where your mom is, or if you have a good relationship with your dad. I don't even know if you have a pet, or have ever had a pet. Do you have a fish? I wouldn't fucking know,” You punched his chest without any gusto and continued doing so until you started putting effort behind it.
“Kitten. Baby girl. Princess. Please.” he said grabbing your waist and pulling you towards him.  You resisted against hugging him but stepped closer to him nevertheless.
“What do you want from this?” You stepped away from him to motion between the two of you with your hand. “Have you just been leading me on to fuck me? Is that all you wanted? You thought I was just playing hard to get and- and you thought I was something to conquer? What do you want from this, Billy.” You whimpered, leaning against the post of the porch and staring at your feet.
“I’m not good at this.” He said after a moment of silence. You looked up at him. “I’m not good at relationships. I don’t have a good relationship with my family. I don't have good relationships with girls and I don't have good relationships with any of my friends. The only good relationship I’ve ever had was with my—“ He took a breath and stepped closer. He put a hand up to your neck and swiped his hand across your cheek. “I’m scared I’m going to fuck this up. I really like you and it makes me feel like a little preschooler and I don’t know, baby. It started out with wanting your body. And then you started giving me the time of day and something changed. When we were having milkshakes it was the first time I wanted someone to stick around— and yeah. I’m an asshole. I’m racist, and I’m a dickhead who doesn’t handle emotions because I haven't had any good influences in my life.” He whimpered.
“That doesn’t excuse your behavior, Billy.” You sighed, leaning into his hand.
“I know, but that was old me. That was November me and now it’s June and we’re graduating in two weeks and I really like you, Y/N.”
“I need to think, okay? Please.”
“Please.” You whispered, turning away and walking to your car.
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imadethisatage11 · 3 years
Live-blogging my reaction to Spiral: from the book of saw
Spoilers under the cut
TL;DR: my overall review is that it was good but I’m going to go watch DPS to cleanse me
- ok so that woman got robbed and for what
- I had to pause to find out who this detective’s actor was Bc it was driving me nuts and it’s MCMURRAY FROM LETTERKENNY???
- love that they’re gonna fuck up this train conductors day lmao
- LOVE genuinely that we’re back to looking gritty and having an old tv play the video and having some rapid cut camera work early 2000’s vibes I embrace you
- why does the voice sound like that,, I wasn’t expecting John but why is it so non threatening now it’s literally just Some Guy™️
- I am glad I paid $15 to listen to Chris Rock talk about Forrest Gump. Worth my money and I mean it genuinely I love Chris Rock he’s great. Stream Everybody Hates Chris on Hulu
- “Z?” Zeke who just had his cover blown: this MF
- “do I look like a fucking Jamaican nanny?!” I- 😀🤚🏽
- ayo Max Minghella
- Chris Rock falling just short of being convincingly aggressively cynical Bc he is Chris Rock with the voice of Chris Rock
- it sounds like he’s setting up jokes that don’t have punchlines and instead they’re just like,, mediocre cynic cop dialogue
- while looking at some pretty fucking intact teeth: this bum is gonna be pretty hard to ID
- I mean I guess the homeless don’t have dental records but were you not even gonna try?
- I’m very pleased Chris Rock put on gloves before handling the strange package I love actually smart character choices that would make sense for them to make
- I.e. the cop knows how to properly handle unexpected unmarked packages delivered to the precinct
- “I thought the jigsaw killer was dead” “well if it’s another copy cat…” another wait is that referring to Logan (which Logan pinned on the other coincidentally crooked cop whose name I’ve forgotten) does that imply Logan only did like? The one trap? And hasn’t been active? Just waited ten years after John died recreates the one trap he was in and then stops?? I mean don’t get me wrong if movie wants to ignore Jigsaw (2017)’s existence I’m game but like what
- also why do the packages look like they’re wrapped in Tiffany boxes lmao
- oh yay they did run dental
- Chris Rock is an asshole but they should go with protocol if that’s what they’re doing
- ordering a man mid piss out of the men’s room to yell at Zeke
- does conflict of interest matter when the whole precinct knows the victim?
- uncomfortable stand-offs with your ex while at the home of a grieving friend
- Samuel L Jackson!
- “I could’ve killed you!” “What are you talking about, I have the gun!” *SLJ pulls a gun out* “I could’ve killed you”
- daddy issues
- “you think this is linked to John Kramer?” Bruh you think it’s NOT??
- ik this is SO far fetched but I rlly hope this movie tells us wtf happened to Dr Gordon. I’m sure it won’t but a girl can dream
- “should we tell Zeke?” “Fuck him” I get you guys don’t like to work w him Bc he’s an ass but like. You’re just not doing your jobs now you’re just proving he’s right that you’re untrustworthy
- splitting up and not telling ppl where you’re going is the number one way to get kidnapped or murdered but way to go cop instincts
- what is this Chinese finger trap ass shit
- love the blue tones tho very Saw
- all it needs is to become uncomfortably green
- fun fact I actually watched the first saw w my friend who is red green color blind and he said it looked AWFUL and I was like oh yeah everything is blue tinted like twilight blue tint and later it’s green just FYI (he thought that made significantly more sense than whatever shit ass color palette he was perceiving)
- being mad at your son for turning in a dirty cop Bc now you’ll have to mess with internal affairs
- and then assaulting someone??? SLJ is an even worse asshole lmao
- another Tiffany box bound in twine maybe it’ll be one of those cheesy diamond heart necklaces
- HELLO what is that ugly ass pig puppet
- also the voice is so stilted did the killer use fuckin text to speech so they couldn’t unscramble the voice like they did to Hoffman?
- cops finding dead pigs, a little on the nose
- oh so this dude has a history of “fuck it” ok well screw that guy then
- SLJ deserves to be pissed at that cop for letting Zeke get shot but like what an unhinged man he threatened to kill him and then actually assaulted him HOW did he EVER get in charge to begin with
- ok wait is Zeke actually the only decent cop (inc his dad but maybe excluding the newbie)
- that is a truly gruesome way to lose fingers tho I must say but he deserves that shit
- wait did the trap not go fast enough or was there a way for him to do that faster and I missed it
- like should he not have hesitated Bc there was a time limit or was it just rigged
- cuz the machine had to pull them off he couldn’t just cut them quickly
- so are they just gonna leave broken leg Dude there or
- also just now I tried to talk abt this movie (so far) vs Jigsaw (2017) to my mom and I got too excited and referenced some character names she didn’t know and she shut me down and said she didn’t care 😀
- live-blogging to my, like, five followers that compromise one one (1) person that knows me IRL, one (1) Sawtual, and a handful of ppl only here for my main DPS content to fill the void of emotional parental neglect. What a great website
- oh no did the rookie die :( he was actually sweet
- I feel like he was too important to kill offscreen tho
- like they’re TELLING us he .. was skinned.. but was he REALLY
- Chris Rock having a revelation: AH FUCK
- everyone else at the crime scene: ….
- favorite thing abt movies that were already gonna be rated R is when they’re like “well if we’re already at R we might as well say fuck”
- she has to SEVER HER SPINAL CORD? Why was she deemed the biggest asshole
- also how on earth was this trap portable it IS in their basement right
- transporting the hot wax is just what gets me
- Chris Rock rn: are you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?
- was this abt his dad the whole time???
- does it count as live blogging when I do one big post instead of several small ones lol I just want it to be avoidable for ppl who are just here for Dead Poets Society
- man’s fully abt to cut his arm off like barely even hesitated long enough to notice the bobby pin he could pick the lock with
- there’s a body here suspended
- not hanging mind you
- but covered and suspended
- and I bet it’s the newbie
- ah damn it’s Pete that’s disappointing
- it’s possible the trailers just made him seem more important than he was
- why are they punishing Zeke for reporting a dirty cop and having his career accordingly ruined like he did the right thing and already suffered for it? This killer doesn’t like crooked cops?? Why does Zeke have to be tortured by hearing this dude die like that’s what they want isn’t it?
- I think it’s too late pal
- the glass trap was pretty fucking cool though
- I didn’t think he was a MURDERER but I KNEW he was alive
- I’m terrible at guessing endings but it makes viewing more fun
- honestly,, do it Chris Rock ACAB
- “you want me to kill cops?” “No, fuck no, just the bad ones”
- what a fun villain though
- I have no idea what the Ultimate Game Plan™️ is here though is he gonna make him kill his dad? I mean his dad does suck but making a dude KILL his DAD? That is a tall order Max Minghella
- ok but literally why wouldn’t you listen to him here shoot the target??
- ANGIE! It WaS aNgIe
- killing this man is not correct justice anyway Zeke
- shot the target! Good man
- groovy of them to play the Hello Zepp soundtrack rn
- oh shit what’s going on SLJ knows what it is
- oh.. w o w. Brutal way to go. Very heavy handed imagery
- and that’s all I guess who the fuck knows what’s up w Doctor Gordon
- and I guess Max Minghella is just gonna get away now but tbh Chris Rock only seemed truly mad at him for involving his dad
- nice rap remix to the OG Hello Zepp score very cool credits music
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esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 8)
Hello, fronds, apologies for the brief hiatus, but I had to pause the reading/liveblogging because I was busy finishing my novel. YEP, I FINISHED WRITING MY BOOK, WHOOO! And then it was December, and there was Christmas, and traveling, and retail job at Christmas, and Star Wars, and what little time I had to myself I spent chilling because I was exhausted, but ANYWAY, I’M BACK, FRONDS, LET’S GET ON WITH THIS.
Part 8 encompasses pages 557-666 (previous parts) 
whooooops where did I leave off, OKAY INTERLUDES
Why...why are we doing anything near Aimia? Listen: Axies the Collector is cool, but two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat was waaayyy too far over the horror line for me. I do not want more of this.
So...there’s a third storm? But this one is stationary and around Aimia?
Whoa, that sure is a side effect of Soulcasting... #yikes
Or is it not soulcasting? Is it something Radiant?
Oh fuck. Fine. This is fine. You know, the previous Stormlight books didn’t have this much body horror in them.
Ahh, shit, wasn’t there an Oathgate on Akinah? I don’t want a direct line to  two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat.
“the creatures that accompanied the spren” So...like......their Cognitive shadows? the versions of them still in the Cognitive Realm even as bits of them manifest visibly in the physical? Or...something else?
I’m sorry, did they just...die?
What the
What even is Aimia, really?
Mmmkay, actually, I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know the secret of Aimia, I am not interested in being EATEN by two-thousand-cremlings-in-a-trench-coat.
Genuis!Taravangian is an asshole. I’m not surprised, I’m just. Stating a fact.
!!!! Are his secretary and the Dustbringer a thing? Are they together? Get it, girls!
I still don’t trust the Dustbringer.
Aslo “the most likely to accept their cause” Why? Is the “cause” like...destroying the world? I don’t remember if we know the Diagram’s endgoals.
...There’s a danger line for the “too smart” end of the sliding scale? Smart.
Also his name is Vargo? Vargo Taravangian? hehehehehe
I think I hate him.
Dumb question: if Taravangian wants to take over Alethkar--presumably so he can take over the world--then aren’t he and Dalinar working toward the same goal? They both want a unified Roshar. So why kill Dalinar instead of working with him? The logical solution is to work with him, since he’s more charismatic and has a higher chance of actually succeeding, and then kill him off after he’s succeeded in laying the groundwork, and take over from there?
Not that I’m encouraging this, I’m just saying: Taravangian needs to sort out his priorities.
“kill those children” seriously, fuck this asshole, what a douchecanoe.
Also Renarin the wild card HECK YES.
The farming question can be easily answered: Progression.
Not all the Radiants’ powers were battle powers.
“the part of the world that mattered” OH FUCK YOU. That’s not how it works. It’s not about deserve. It’s about having the ability to help, which gives you the responsibility to help. If you can, then you should. No exceptions. No “matters”. Everyone matters. Everything matters. Everyone deserves to be saved.
Except maybe Kylo Ren, but that’s a different story.
Buddy. Odium already made a deal. He wants out of it now. Also he’s not a spren or a god, so why should your pathetic rules hold him?
Oh. Duh. Somehow I didn’t connect Listeners and gemhearts? But of course they do. How else would they bind spren? They infuse their hearts.
Oooohhhhh snap, they done got possessed.
Aw, Venli...things not going your way anymore?
Idk, I should feel bad for her, but I don’t? She brought this on herself. And on her friends. And on her sister, who is still dead. This is her fault.
“The listener gods were not completely sane.” I mean, idk what you expected.
Though, neither are our gods, so I guess we can’t talk.
Seriously, what did Alethkar do to them?
Oh. Wait. Where was Jezrien from? King of the Heralds, right? Prooobably his idea to make the OAthpact? His fault they were bound? That’s probably what Alethkar did to them...
Oooh, the new epigraphs are from the library at Urithiru! Heck ye, Radiant archives!
Though Taln and the Stonewards need to take a chill pill on the self-sacrificing front, apparently.
(Eks would be a Stoneward, pass it on)
Wait, no, hold on--the whole of part three with no Moash pov? But I’m WORRIED about MY BOY.
I’m unnecessarily suspicious of literally every guard that’s not Bridge Four. But particularly of this Rial guy. What is he, Bridge Thirteen? I don’t trust him. At all. He’s too...glib? with Dalinar to be a proper bridgeman. Around other bridgemen, fine, but with Dalinar? I don’t trust it.
I’m with Navani. “The greasy man is...unfitting.”
ooohh, Dalinar...... he “reminds him of friends from the old days.” Tho, bud, how many of those died, betrayed you, or left to become ardents?
Dalinar should know by now to just...not trust people implicitly. Always question.
I really, genuinely can’t imagine how awkward Kaladin and Shallan’s excursion to Theylan City was. Didn’t they fly? Shallan was probably all SCIENCE!! about it and Kaladin was definitely grumpy “let me fly in peace” boy. Nerds.
Sorry, hold on--you’re counting on Kaladin “Impulsive” Stormblessed and Adolin “Disaster Bi” Kholin to make sure Elhokar doesn’t do anything stupid? That’s like asking two kittens to babysit the new puppy.
“I can’t afford to lose you.” AAaaahhh
omg, no, don’t give Kaladin land. What will he do with it? Turn it into the Land of Misfit Bridgecrews?
Five times...so what’s it been, 50 days? Not even? That’s so little time!!
“Or is someone else receiving [the prayers] instead?” ...Isn’t that just the most chilling thought.
There has to be an explanation beyond “The Heralds are nuts” for Shalash to be erasing herself from visual records.
I’m sorry, rockbuds blossom? and have fragrance? Stop and smell the rockbuds?
“I am a diplomat.” Yeah, and I’m a rockbud.
How is Taravangian such a good actor? Or is he really this emotional on days when he’s not a raging asshole of a genius?
Aw yis, non-hereditary monarchy! I love!
“Does it involve punching someone?” It’s Dalinar, so, what do you think?
“Stone-sinew, Herald of Soldiers.” But...Taln’s focus is bone? Ishar is sinew?
I suppose “Stone-bone, Herald of Soldiers” would be a little too ridiculous-sounding...
brb, changing my url to “stone-bone-herald-of-soldiers”
“It was as if Odium had a grudge against this one in particular.” SAD ABOUT TALN FOREVER: THE MEGAN STORY
I s2g Dalinar is the most Extra son of a bitch in all of Roshar.
HOw do I prove I’m not trying to take over your country? I know! I’ll let you stab me through the chest! This is the BEST IDEA.
oooooooo Tension, maybe?
Also his special power--resonance? right?--is listening and that’s delightful. Or...I’m guessing that’s what it is.
Heck ye, Renarin!
“Strength and passion, the Vorin way.” In other words...Honor and Odium....hmm
So it’s Kaladin, Elhokar, Shallan, Adolin, Skar, Drehey, and...who? Some other bridgemen? It’s gonna be a fun roadtrip, tbh.
Buddy, Shallan ignoring her problems IS a problem! Don’t support this impulse! Don’t encourage this!
omg of COURSE Adolin hates flying. Nerd.
“No wisecracks about missing boots?” No, because that wasn’t funny.
“First assess the area for danger, get the lay of the land. Then gawk.” I LOVE MY SON SO MUCH, WHAT A TRAVEL NERD, BUT ALSO #SAME BRO
...we knew that Elhokar had a kid, but every time I’m reminded of it, I get really weirded out. He’s not old enough to be a dad.
PLease meet up with Moash. Please. I’m dying. My crops are failing. My skin is dry. Help me.
the advantage of living through Bridge Four is that you can sleep well anywhere? Well, I mean. I GUESS That’s an advantage. Sort of.
OH of COURSE it’s an Unmade. We do have eight more of those to encounter and deal with.
Whose is this though? Kaladin’s? Or are Elhokar or Adolin finally going to manifest?
(This is assuming that my theory about there being one Unmade for each order of Radiants to defeat is sound.)
Elhokar is trying so hard to be good.
Also Shallan is mean to Kaladin again, news at nine. *rolls eyes*
So, it’s going to be Kaladin’s Unmade then.
Elhokar, you know that the more you tell yourself you’re going to fail, the more likely you will? Stop it. Have confidence.
“Adolin made you want to laugh with him.” Yeah, he doesn’t punch down.
Also, the Kadolin is REAL, and I’m living.
Kaladin really is too good for this world.
I’m sorry, the fancy lighteyes’ gated villas have guards to keep the refugees off their perfectly manicured lawns? Fuck that. Fuck them.
“I needed someone I’d trust with my life, or more. So I brought us to my tailor.” THIS CHILD IS A DISASTER AND I LOVE HIM
Oh snap! we’ve made it halfway through the book!
“Even his voice was adorable.” HONESTLY, people who don’t ship Shadolin: how? It’s so pure and good and supportive and wonderful!
How did Aesudan know the parshmen were voidbringers? And why did she order them killed only to desert the city?
I suppose fabrials do trap and use spren, right? So it makes sense that the yellowgold...voidspren? would be offended by that sort of...I guess, spren enslavement? Sort of? But why are they so concentrated here? Which Unmade is it and what does it do other than corrupt other spren? and influence people.
How To Corrupt Spren and Influence People, a new bestseller by Odium, found in stores near you!
“I am the only one here who has confronted one of the Unmade directly.” Yeah, you, the Kholin bros, and most of Bridge Four who protected you while you did your thing. But sure.
Kaladin, when will you stop seeing your brands as part of yourself and let yourself heal?
Aw, I’m proud of her, admitted Veil is--oh. “They are both equally fake.” Hon, no... please. Talk to someone about this.
Aharietiam, or as I like to call it, “that other stupidly long and impossible-to-pronunce “A”-word.”
Sorry, but the fact that Shallan takes pleasure in pissing Kaladin off-- “he glared at you in the most satisfying of ways” --is really....gross. Uncomfortable. I’m not here for it.
Like, yeah, teasing is fine, but like... if it strays over from teasing into Actively Pushing Someone’s Buttons Just to Make Them Angry, then it’s BAD, okay? It’s really bad. I can say from experience: it’s very bad.
Well, I mean, that explains why no one’s come back from the palace.
“As a connoisseur of things that have killed me...” honestly. what are we up to now? Poison bread. Shipwreck and drowning. Run through with a sword. Dear god, child, you need to be more careful.
Kaladin making bad puns and smiling is giving me life though. Petition for more.
So, the Skybreakers and the Windrunners did not get along? Justice vs. Honor, I suppose...not unexpected. Especially is one is corrupted.
Isn’t Ishar...Bondsmiths? Herald of Luck? Are you sure?
“He is now as mad as the rest. More, perhaps.” Yeah, I got that vibe from Edgedancer.
Shit. Of course he set himself up as a god-king.
(He and the Lord-Ruler should make t-shirts.)
Dangit, Ishar founded the Oathpact, so bang goes that theory about Jezrien and Alethkar and the listeners.
“The Stormfather hated to be misquoted.” Pppfffft.
HECK YE, Bridge Four got a sword!!
Also omg Navani invented alarm clocks. Bless her.
She packed him lunch! BLESS THESE ADORABLE NERDS. God, they are ridiculous.
Dalinar hitching a ride to Azir with Jasnah and her just going, “Byyyeeeeee” and leaving him alone is HILARIOUS to me.
I wonder if the color of the gemstones in the epigraphs correspond to the radiant orders. Like, if the Windruners recorded in sapphire, and the Lightweavers recorded in garnet, etc.
Okay, I went back and checked, and that seems legit. I’m going to guess that’s been #confirmed by people who finished this book earlier than me, but listen.
“covered by a magnificent bronze dome” Lift voice: “boobies” Me: snrk
OMG, he brought them an essay, that’s magnificent. Especially because they all had to write essays to apply to be king. Or.. Prime? WHATEVER THAT’S HILARIOUS AND I LOVE AZIR SO MUCH
hello, I love Jasnah, this is news to no one, but girl wrote an essay in rhythmic meter and *melts*
...the Azish parshmen negotiating for pay is...very Azish of them. And the Alethi parshmen gathering for war is very Alethi. And the Theylan parshmen sailing off into the sunset is very Theylan of them.
HA, Dalinar just said the same thing in the next paragraph, go me.
“The crazy spren who lives in the forest.” 1. I love Lift a lot. 2. uuhhh...we know the Heralds are crazy, and I assumed Odium was crazy, but Cultivation, too?? Is ANYONE here sane anymore?
oh wow they agreed.
didn’t...see that coming. Not with so much book left.
Every time I’m reminded that Adolin is only, like, 24yo, I have to tell myself that I was about that old when WoR came out and he’s not actually a child.
Anyway, 12yo Adolin is a gift. “Neat!” this kiddo aahhh
“It was gratifying to see how much one could accomplish in both politics and trade by liberally murdering the other fellow’s soldiers.” PUNK!DALINAR NEEDS TO LOOK AT HIS LIFE AND HIS CHOICES AND RECONSIDER HIS WORD CHOICE AT THE VERY LEAST
hugs are un-Alethi. this is why they have so many issues. they are emotionally constipated from lack of hugs.
“The other son” fuck you, punk!Dalinar
also “she’d never be a great scribe” yeah, that’s ‘cause she’s left-handed, you Vorin jerks
haaaa, he has a point. That even if he and Gavilar know that he wouldn’t ever betray Gavilar for the throne, Gavilar’s advisors aren’t stupid and will find reasons for Dalinar to be...elsewhere.
“Storms, I don’t deserve her, do I?” NO YOU FREAKING DON’T
tbh, I’m not even sure present-day Dalinar deserves her. Like, he’s better now, but he’s still... a soldier. He’s still a strategist. And Evi deserves a soft, gentle person who loves her.
Evi deserves the world, tbh, and I’m Upset because she’s going to die and I’m going to be Sad.
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