#Die große Liebe
lisaii · 2 months
Liebe ist etwas in einem Menschen zu sehen das sonst keiner sehen kann. Man akzeptiert ihn mit all seinen Fehlern. Man beschützt und liebt ihn egal was kommt oder welcher Streit gerade im Raum steht wahre Liebe bedeutet füreinander da zu sein, egal was auch immer kommen mag. Man ist ehrlich und Loyal und unterstützt sich gegenseitig wo man nur kann man macht dem anderen kein schlechtes gewissen oder irgendwelche vorhaltungen, man kämpft miteinander nicht gegeneinander. Merkt euch das und alles, andere ist keine wahre Liebe. Es ist Toxisch!
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leere-gedankenfluege · 10 months
„Ich fahr mit dir immer eine Ehrenrunde auf dem Karussell und jetzt ist es Zeit für mich auszusteigen.“
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galli-halli · 1 year
Clueso feat. Klaas - Chicago gegen den Montags Mittwoch-Blues
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Liebeszauber Ritual mit foto partnerrückführung erfolgreich 
Liebeszauber Ritual mit foto partnerrückführung erfolgreich WhatsApp: +229 98 03 32 60Liebeszauber Ritual mit foto partnerrückführung erfolgreich WhatsApp: +229 98 03 32 60Liebeszauber Ritual mit foto partnerrückführung erfolgreich WhatsApp: +229 98 03 32 60 Ein Liebeszauber ist ein bewährtes und wirksames Mittel, um einen Ex-Partner zurückzugewinnen, die Person Ihrer Träume anzuziehen, Ihre…
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harleydirkbieder · 7 months
Das große Erwachen findet JETZT statt! Dieter Broers & Matthias Langwasser
Mehr über Matthias Langwasser: 📨 Melde dich zu seinem legendären Newsletter an: https://www.matthias-langwasser.com/newsletter/ 💬 Folge ihm auf Telegram: https://t.me/matthiaslangwasser 🧘‍ Aktiviere deine Selbstheilungskräfte mit der Kristallmatte von Vitori: https://www.vitori.de/products/premium-kristallmatte?affiliate=MATTHIASLANGWASSER Mit dem Gutscheincode „Langwasser5“ bekommst du fünf…
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nerdwelt · 1 year
René Weller: Ehefrau sagt leise "Auf Wiedersehen" – Abschied naht
René Weller (69) war im Boxring ein echter Star. Nach diversen Erfolgen und Meistertiteln liegt der gebürtige Pforzheimer jetzt im Sterben. Seine Frau hat sich jetzt in einer emotionalen Botschaft an enge Freunde und Wegbegleiter des 69-Jährigen gewandt und sie um einen letzten Anruf gebeten. Das berichtet “bild.de“. René Weller: Seine Frau bittet Freunde um letzte Anrufe Maria Weller wird in…
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Who locked you up? in a cage, with a double latch? How long have you been dried? only to be left out in the rain. That you don’t speak anymore, what you think. That you don’t see anymore, what you love. And no longer live, what you feel.
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todaviia · 1 year
Ich reis seit Jahren nur noch per Zug und von Frankfurt (Main) aus kommt man auch gut rum.
Ach echt? Von da bin ich glaube ich noch nie gefahren, nur aus Frankfurt (Oder) 😂
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lisaii · 9 days
Wenn ich in meinem Bett einschlafe bist du da. Wenn ich am nächsten Tag aufwache bist du da. Du bist immer da - aber nie hier! Ich vermisse dich so sehr.
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denolicina · 1 month
Wenn du reifer wirst, merkst du, dass du nicht mehr verrückt vor Liebe sein willst. Du willst eine Liebe die dich ruhiger und gelassener macht. Eine Liebe die stabil ist, eine Liebe die Verständnis mitbringt und sicherheit vermittelt. Dein Partner sollte dir Seelenfrieden und Sicherheit geben, nicht ständige kleine Herzinfarkte und große Angst machen es könnte jederzeit vorbei sein.
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ivoovu · 1 year
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Okay here‘s the promised list of German nicknames.
Feel free to Tag other German speaking characters if you repost , I could only think of König at the moment.
Masculine words will be in blue, feminine in red. Gender neutral in green. I also put a few swear words and general German language rules at the end, including why talking in gender neutral is impossible in German. I tried to explain everything as simply as I can.
And while I‘m at it, let me put it out that, even if it‘s super obvious, you can mix up the nicknames, so even if you have a fem reader you can use fem AND gn nicknames. It may be obvious but I still wanted to point it out.
12/12/23: I‘m gonna update this, re-word some things and add other nicknames, just so you know
my (be)loved : mein liebster / meine liebste
my love/my dear : meine Liebe / mein Liebling
(however, if you were to say for example : „my dear y/n” the German translation would be : „mein lieber y/n / meine liebe y/n”)
In the same sense, "The Love of my life" would be: Die Liebe meines Lebens , even if the reader is masc. or fem. It‘s confusing, I know.
my treasure (a very German nickname) (and to a certain degree it means 'dear' as well) (you can also use it for 'honey'): mein Schatz. You can also use just 'Schatz', e.g. : „Schatz, kannst du das für mich holen?” (translation: "Dear/Honey, could you get this for me?")
baby (yea Germans use it too) : Baby/Babe
my bunny (albeit in English a very uncommon nickname, it is very common and normal in Germany) : mein Hasi / Hase / Häschen (i will explain the words with 'chen' at the end)
my angel : mein Engel / Engelchen
my bear (again I think a very uncommon nickname in English, but pretty common in German) (but I also have to mention that the nickname my bear is not something youngster use, it‘s more of a people in their 40's & 50's type of thing now) : mein Bär / Bärchen
you cutie : du süßer / du süße
you are cute : du bist süß
if you want to JUST say 'cute' or 'adorable', you can use one of these : süß / niedlich / knuffig (although knuffig is a extremely cute/adorable endearment and would most probably be used only in private) (and yes you can say „du bist niedlich / knuffig” if you wanna say 'you are cute‘ too)
a nickname that women use for their men or men for their men but rarely men for their women (probably because the men are usually the taller/bigger ones) is 'big one' (I will give the translation for the 'men for their women' regardless) : mein großer / meine große . This is mainly used when the one person is worried about the other person, e.g. : „Alles okay mein großer? Alles okay meine große?”, (translation: 'Everything okay, big one?')but I‘m sure it can be used in a normal and/or s3xual manner as well. I have also heard people call their dogs & kids „mein großer / meine große”, so do with it what you will.
little one: kleiner / kleines
To mirror the "Big one", you could also say little one, a different little one from the previously mentioned nickname. Because the "Big one" is actually "My Big One" so "My little one" would be : mein kleiner / meine kleine. I know it‘s a bit confusing but please bear with me. It‘s all about the situation. If, e.g., König says "Little one, sit down" you would write "Kleiner / Kleines, sit down". However, if in a situation he says sth like "My little one, are you injured?", the version w german words would be "Mein kleiner / Meine kleine, are you injured?“. Not that much difference except the fact that the fem version looses the s at the end, I just wanted to point that out.
good girl : gutes Mädchen (but technically you could also use : braves Mädchen)
good boy : guter Junge (other version would be : braver Junge) (to elaborate : brav means ‚well-behaved', but to translate good girl/good boy, both gut&brav can be used, so pick your fighter)
from here on out, I‘m gonna quickly translate a few nicknames which are usually not used in Germany but you can because at the end of the day it’s free game. And let me use this moment to clarify that even though all of these words are gender neutral, it is gender neutral towards the reader, that means the words themselves have a gender. But since the gender is not directed towards the reader but the gender of the other word, be it an object or living being, it is considered gender neutral. I‘ll try showcasing it with the first example.
my pearl : meine Perle (the word Pearl in German is Perle and it has a gender, it is feminine. However, when using it as an endearment or nickname, it is counted as gender neutral) (I previously mentioned the nickname 'my angel‘ and it is in the same category. Angel in German means Engel and it‘s masculine, but as an endearment it‘s gender neutral) (I could get into the why‘s and elaborate but I feel like it would cause unnecessary confusion).
my sunshine : mein Sonnenschein
my flower : meine Blume
my world : meine Welt
my one and everything : mein ein und alles
Okay I think I am done with the nicknames? If you have any specific nicknames you‘d like me to translate let me know. Also just an fyi but you can use all of the nicknames without the 'my' before it. Like, you can make a character call the reader just „Blume” or just „Engelchen”.
Now let me elaborate on 'chen‘ that‘s at the end of some words, like 'Bärchen', 'Häschen' or 'Engelchen'. Simply put, it cute-ify‘s the words. You have Bär (Bear) and Bärchen turns it into, loosely translated, 'little Bear'. The 'chen‘ at the end makes it sound more endearing and fitting for a lover, yk? You should also be aware that you cannot really add 'chen‘ to anything. I mean, of course, you could turn Regen (Rain) into Regenchen, grammatically it would be correct and it can be used as a nickname but no one would do that so it just stands out and is weird, you feel me? But hey if you wanna use that in your fanfiction, go ahead. German speaking folks will just raise their brow at it.
Now onto the swear words. Some you‘ll be familiar with if you know König‘s Voice Lines, but I still added them nevertheless.
Fuck you : Fick dich
Fuck : Fuck (Yea we just took that over from the English folks…, don‘t use just „Fick” from „Fick dich”, it is a smart move but incorrect)
Shit : Scheiße
Kiss my Ass : Leck mich am Arsch (which translated actually means lick my ass but the translation for Kiss my Ass is still „Leck mich am Arsch”)
Son of a Bitch : Hurensohn
Daughter of a Bitch : Hurentochter (though Hurensohn has become gender neutral and the more commonly used one, so you can use it when your character just got hurt or is actually insulting someone, regardless of their gender)
Asshole : Arschloch
Bitch/Slut : Hure, Schlampe
Translated it means Dog, but it’s used like how you‘d use Bitch : Hund / Hündin (tho Hündin is more popular) (Hündin is a female dog but like Hurensohn, it has become somewhat gender neutral)
Idiot : Idiot, Blödmann, Schwachkopf (though I do have to mention that Blödmann and Schwachkopf (at least I feel like?) is mainly used by little kids while adults just stick to Idiot)
Just a few swear words. What‘s next on the Agenda? Oh right, simple German rules.
Let me start off by explaining why gender neutral is so hard or impossible in German. To all of our writes here, you can ABSOLUTELY write a fan fiction, be it a 4 chapter type of thing or just a few bullet points, with a gender neutral reader if you stick to the gn endearments (could be from this list or some other). However, in real life, it works a bit different since you have to use other words to communicate with others. Let me explain it by using an example.
Someone who‘s a teacher would introduce themselves as "Hello, my Name is First Name Last Name and I‘m a Teacher". In German however, it is a bit different since the German word for Teacher is Lehrer & it means male Teacher. Female Teacher would be Lehrerin. There is no gender neutral Teacher, it‘s either Lehrer or Lehrerin. Same goes with anything else. Be it a Doctor (Arzt/Ärztin), Police Officer (Polizist/Polizistin) or a construction worker (Bauarbeiter/Bauarbeiterin). And yes, as you‘ve noticed, the female versions all end with a '-in', that‘s a good & easy way to recognize them. And even if you‘re not talking about Jobs, your gender and the other words' gender will change the way word are conjugated, and thus it makes it impossible to talk in gender neutral terms.
Next thing on the list is the way words are written. Just like in English, Names of people & places, food, nicknames etc. are all written down with the first letter being big, the rest being small. In the German language it does have a bit more importance than in English, since the difference helps us tell what is a place/person & what is a adjective etc. For example, we have this lovely sentence "In essen essen gehen." I just wrote that incorrectly so you could see my point. The correct way of spelling would be "In Essen essen gehen" (transl: Going to eat in Essen). Essen is a city but when written in small captions, it‘s the verb for eating. And don‘t get me wrong, most Germans can tell apart what word is the place/destination even if everything is written in small letters simply by the order of the words. And it‘s not like König fanfictions are all written in German, heck it’s always a few words which is FINE. So let me tell you that writing all German letters in small captions is FINE, us Germans still know what the hell is going on. This is just something I have noticed and thought I’d mention. But, again, if you write all in small letters it is not the end of the world, it’d only be 98% correct and there isn‘t really a German out there who’d be all "Aw gawd damn, they wrote all letters in small captions so now I cannot enjoy this work from the author anymore." Again, it‘s all cool, I just wanted to point it out. Stuff like nicknames, names, are all written in first letter being big. I have made sure to pay attention to that on my list.
I think I‘m done? I don‘t think I forgot anything. Again, if there are any specific nicknames, words or sentences you‘d like me to translate, hit me up. And I literally mean that, like you don’t have to worry about „Oh god will I annoy them?“, because I genuinely enjoy doing stuff like that. I can also proofread German words/sentences, just let me know what to check.
Have a good day/night & I hope this was helpful ✌️
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i4bellingham · 2 years
INSTAGRAM FILES: jude bellingham x reader x jamal musiala
SYNOPSIS: in which you and jude announce your break up and the events that soon follow after.
NOTES: please ignore the errors i made lol i freaking love doing social media au’s can you guys tell? 😍
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📍Bavaria, Germany
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❤️ 💭 ↗️      • •
Liked by alphonsodavies, jamalmusiala10 and others
yourusername froh, wieder zu hause zu sein ❤️ glad to be home again
tagged: jamalmusiala10
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user2 dortmund probably wasn't such a good place huh :/
alphonsodavies you should visit us at allianz arena soon!
yourusername will do phonzy!
user3 hasn't she just broken up with jude last month? 😟
user4 lmao she's been friends with musiala way before she even met jude 🤣
jamalmusiala10 lass uns bald mit den anderen losziehen ❤️ let's go out with the others soon
yourusername ja, lasst uns! yes, let's
user5 what on earth is happening 🙁
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❤️ 💭 ↗️       • •
Liked by jobebellingham and 986,567 others
jamalmusiala10 herzlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag an meinen seelenverwandten. du hast das grösste herz und die grösste liebe für jeden, aber es ist eine schande, dass nicht jeder das schätzt und sieht. denk immer daran, dass ich für dich da bin. ich liebe dich, nochmals herzlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag ❤️ happy birthday to my soulmate. you have the biggest heart and love for everyone, but it's a shame that not everyone appreciates and sees that. always remember that i am here for you. i love you, happy birthday again.
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername danke, bambi. ich habe großes glück, dich als freundin zu haben. cih leibe dich ❤️ thank you, bambi. i’m very lucky to have you as a friend. i love you
user2 atp i think we can say miss girl dated the wrong football player 😭😭
user3 he stopped calling her that (& vice versa) when she was still dating jude omfg my heart
user4 y/n l/n, through the eyes of jamal musiala 🥺
yourfriend lass uns bald zusammen essen gehen! let's have dinner together soon
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❤️ 💭 ↗️
Liked by yourfriend, bvbfangirl87 and others
footballwrld_ig What do you guys think? 🤔🤔🤔
Also follow us for more football-related updates, news and gossips!
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user1 lmfao that's literally jude and y/n
user2 jude cheated? 😟🙁
user3 man i used to root for them to last too ://
yourfriend just shows you can’t trust most guys these days 😐
❤️ liked by footballwrld_ig
user4 that's so hypocritical of the girl lmaoooo 🤣🤣🤣 miss girl be upset that her famous and well loved man is cozying up with diff girls when she's out there flaunting her flirty ass relationship with her bsf 🤣🤣
user5 you're so fucking stupid harvard’s knocking at your door.
user6 the difference is that j*de did it while he was still in a fucking relationship. y/n on the other hand had been best friends with musiala since they were kids and continues to be the best of friends until now. if she decides to start a relationship with him why not? she's known him longer than she's ever known jude and truthfully, musiala acts more of a decent boyfriend than j*de ever was to her 😐
user7 user6 slay bestie. roast that fatherless bitch
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❤️ 💭 ↗️
Liked by hekitike, alejandrobalde and others
yourusername and i still ride with my day one ❤️
tagged: jamalmusiala10
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user1 that caption though 😍
user2 date night 🙊
yourfriend looking stunning my love ! 😍💋
yourusername i miss you! we should get that dinner soon when you're back!
user3 after their breakup went viral more football players started following her oh my lord 🤭
jamalmusiala10 ❤️❤️❤️
user5 lmfao u forgot jude that easily? 🤣
user6 it's been 7 months bestie move the fuck on
yourmom beautiful 😍
yourfriend2 the audacity to have to look this beautiful 😩
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iwrotesomeofitdown · 1 month
Liebe Fischköppe und andere Nordlichter,
es gibt ein Volksbegehren zum Grundeinkommen. Das ist eine große Chance für Hamburg.
Tragt Euch für die Briefwahl ein:
All studies for basic income have come back with very good results. Let’s make this project happen for Hamburg and get this off the ground.
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sillyvampireboi · 2 months
Armand und sein IPad
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Die Zusammenfassung: Armand denkt über sein iPad und darüber, was er damit machen kann. 
Inhalt: very short, pov Armand, armandaniel, fluff, attempt at humour, implied murder 💀
a/n: … Ich weiß es nicht. Ich versuche alleine Deutsch lernen und ich bin ein Beginner still [: Auch, ich liebe Armand. Er ist klein, manipulieren, meow meow. 
Ich hat benutzen Google translate mit Worte also, es tut mir leid wenn die Geschichte nicht verständlich ist :‘)  Ich denke, Deutsch ist ein interessant und schön Sprache also ich will lernen es :D 
Ich bin verwirrt darüber „spiele Spiele“ . Ist es correct?? Auch, ich wollte „sitzen“ im past schreiben, aber ich weiß es nicht wie ^^‘ 
Armand mag sein iPad. 
Es kann viele Dinge machen. Mein Schatz sagte, Menschen benutzen oft das Wort „Ding“. Dieses Jahrhundert ist sehr anders als die vorherigen. 
Ich kann schicken elektronische Briefe (Daniel heißt sie „E-mails“), Video machen, Mixer bestellen oder spiele Spiele. 
Mein Lieblingsspiele sind Minecraft und Sims. Ich machte einen „Server“ im Minecraft, wo ich schöne Bibliotheken und Landschaften erstellt. Ich töte auch langsam die Menschen und— 
„Du musst große Vorstellungskraft haben.“ Daniel sagte. Ich sitze auf einem Sofa und er stand hinter mir. 
„Rashid hat Pinterest auf meinem iPad installiert.“ - Meine Liebe lachte, während ich weitermache die Menschen tötet. 
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Soo, was haben wir die Staffel alles gelernt:
-Küssen unter Zimmernachbar ist kein großes Ding
-Andere beleidigen ist voll normal und okay
-Menschen in Keller einsperren ist normal
-Klauen unter Zimmernachbarn ist total normal
-Per Anhalter zu großen Liebe fahren ist normal
-Ohne Helm fahren ist auch super, liebe Kinder
Ich glaube ich verstehe langsam, warum die Sendezeiten geändert wurden :).
Akten aus dem Stasi Archiv klauen ist okay
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