#Diet management trends
pharmanucleus1 · 6 months
Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market: Cutting-Edge Trends, Insights, and Opportunities
 Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Size (2023 to 2028) 
The size of the weight loss and diet management market is projected to value USD 432.4 billion by 2028 from USD 270.9 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 9.8% during the forecast period. 
Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Share Insights: 
Based on diet, the F&B segment had the major share in the weight loss and diet management market in 2022. 
Based on equipment, the fitness equipment segment led the market in 2022. 
Based on services, the consulting segment held the leading share of the market in 2022. 
North America had the dominating share in the market share in 2022. 
The European region accounted for a notable share of the worldwide market in 2022.
Maintaining weight at a healthy level can be challenging for some people due to the body's complex genetic system. In addition, medical conditions, lifestyle, and diet, among others, are some of the factors that may contribute to weight gain in people. 
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The growth of the weight loss and diet management market is majorly driven by factors such as the increasing obese population, companies' promotional strategies, rise in disposable income, affordable cost of surgeries, and an increase in the diabetic population. 
As per the World Health Organization, the obese population has doubled since 1980. In 2014, approximately 13% of the world's population was, and more than 600 million adults were obese. Additionally, obesity is linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight. However, obesity is preventable, and diet changes and fitness/physical activities can help reduce extra fat. Severe obesity can be treated through weight loss surgery (Gastric Bypass Surgery and Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy). 
The prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing worldwide due to a lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating habits, which is anticipated to result in the growth of the weight loss and diet management market. 
Child obesity has increased manifold over the years. According to the Childhood Obesity Foundation, approximately 150 million children have obesity, and the number of obese children may alarmingly rise to 206 million by 2025. Cases of childhood obesity due to hormonal problems are sporadic. In children, the total number of hours of inactivity increases as they spend a lot of time watching television and playing computer games. Overweight or obese children are more likely to be obese as adults and are more prone to developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease early. Worldwide, the number of overweight children (under five years) is estimated to be more than 41 million; about half of these children live in Asia. As a result of this trend, the demand for healthier diets is expected to increase worldwide. It is expected to provide significant growth opportunities for actively operative stakeholders in the market for weight-loss products and services. 
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The growing concern among people regarding health and wellness also fuels the growth of the weight loss and diet management market. 
The COVID-19 pandemic taught people the importance of being healthy and increased awareness of weight loss, obesity, and diet. During the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the announced lockdowns and travel bans, physical activity was lacking among people, resulting in weight gain. In addition, factors such as the growing number of bariatric surgeries, rising adoption of weight loss and weight management programs, increasing disposable income in developing economies, sedentary living, and growing government initiatives to educate obese people are anticipated to showcase a favorable impact on the market growth. Furthermore, the increasing number of bariatric surgeries in major markets worldwide is expected to increase the number of bariatric surgery equipment and other products needed for these procedures. 
High costs associated with low-calorie food & beverages, misleading promotional strategies, adverse effects of weight-loss supplements (liver damage), and side effects of weight-loss surgery (dizziness, nausea, bowel obstruction, and diarrhea) are a few of the factors hindering the market growth. Despite less stringent regulatory guidelines, the weight loss and weight management industry face challenges in adhering to regulatory guidelines for producing and marketing weight-loss products, particularly nutritional supplements. Because of the additional processing required for low-calorie products, low-calorie foods and beverages are generally more expensive than high-calorie foods. Besides, a low-calorie product contains vitamins and minerals, making the diet rich in nutrients. These factors add little value to the weight loss and weight management market, and the increasing adoption of low-cost/no-cost alternative products may slow down the growth of this market. 
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Impact of COVID-19 on the weight loss and diet management market: 
The emergence of COVID-19 has positively impacted the weight loss and diet loss management market. As a result, people are becoming more health-conscious and unable to perform outside activities, and the demand for weight loss supplements, including green tea, has increased.Furthermore, as a result of the increased COVID-19 outbreak, nearly 88 percent of companies have encouraged their employees to work from home, resulting in a significant decrease in people's physical activity, resulting in weight gain and related problems, which is expected to propel the weight loss and obesity management market growth over the forecast period. 
COVID-19 patients and those on the road to recovery rely heavily on nutrition. The body gets weakened during COVID-19, and the effects last days after the symptoms have subsided. As a result, consuming the right sort of food is critical for a complete and quick recovery. The main goal of a COVID patient's diet is to eat items that will help them rebuild muscle, immunity, and energy. Complex carbohydrates are abundant in whole grains, including ragi, oats, and amaranth. Protein-rich foods include chicken, fish, eggs, paneer, soya, almonds, and seeds. Healthy fats such as walnuts, almonds, olive oil, and mustard oil are advised these days. In addition, turmeric milk should be had once a day to enhance immunity. However, the Weight Loss and Diet Management Market is quickly reaching pre-COVID levels. A healthy growth rate is expected to be driven by the V-shaped recovery in most developing nations. 
Weight Loss and Diet Management Market - By Diet: 
Food & Beverages 
Diet Supplements 
Based on diet, the food & beverages segment is expected to account for the most prominent share of the market during the forecast period. The growing consumer awareness of low-calorie foods and beverages in developing countries and the rising population of obese people in the APAC region fuels the segment growth. 
Weight Loss and Diet Management Market - By Equipment: 
Fitness Training Equipment 
Surgical Equipment 
Minimally Invasive/Bariatric Surgical Equipment 
Non-Invasive Surgical Equipment 
The fitness training equipment segment is projected to witness significant growth during the forecast period based on the equipment. In addition, people are getting more health-conscious; therefore, the demand for weight loss supplements and the performance of outside activities have significantly increased. 
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
i don’t hate myself in the sense that i think my body is broken or unhealthy or anything like that but it does disappoint me incredibly to know that i’m always going to be big and lumpy and unattractive no matter what
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rebeccablogs · 6 months
Relax in the hour
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leilakisakabiri · 1 year
Try Not To Laugh Challenge (Pedri)
Summary: You and Pedri are co-workers who are paired up to do a video for the Barcelona Instagram account - the only thing is you’re dating and both bad at hiding the feelings. 
Warning(s): none
A/N: Please send in any requests if you have any. 
Word Count: [2035]
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You stared at the email in disbelief. Just your luck. 
You were currently being asked by your manager to meet him on the training grounds to film a video for Barcelona’s Instagram page with Pedri. 
Big no. 
Originally, Gavi was supposed to film the video with him but had to cancel last minute as the shoot he was doing with Nike was taking longer than anticipated. 
Because of the short notice, the players had already been sent home, with only Pedri remaining after practice. 
This led to you getting an email from your manager to step up and take the role as you were the team’s social media intern. 
You didn’t want to turn him down, one because he was your boss and technically you weren’t even sure if you could without getting fired, but two also because you hadn’t seen Pedri all week and a small part of your brain, that was filled with all the mushy gushy feelings missed him. 
The two of you had met when you started your internship with Barcelona the summer prior, he had just been ending his second year as a professional, and you had just ended your second year of college, thus landing the internship as a result.
Initially, things had been pretty awkward between the two of you. You rarely ever saw the players, often being thrown headfirst into the research aspect of social media marketing, such as trying to predict trends and analyzing raw data. It wasn’t until 5 weeks later that you had your first encounter with the boy. 
You had walked into the break room, which to be fair was more of a snack room than anything else, the tables filled with different assortments of food.
Once there you noticed that there was only one other person present. A brown-haired boy on the other end of the table, looking intently at what appeared to be muffins.
You chose to ignore him at first, deciding to see the spread of food the Barcelona staff had brought in for everyone today. Your eyes locked on the pizza, and your body filled with excitement. 
You were a big fan of pizza. 
There was only one slice left and it was calling your name. 
You grabbed a plate and made your way over, reaching out, just as another hand stole the pizza. 
You looked up, ready to fight for what was rightfully yours, making eye contact with the boy from earlier. 
He spoke first “Oh my bad. Did you want that?” 
You cleared your throat, ready to stake your claim, but instead only came up with “Oh no, no worries.” 
God damn it Y/N. You really need to grow a backbone you thought. 
The boy looked at you, “Are you sure, you can have it if you want.” 
He held up the limp pizza and you both watched as the cheese slowly started to separate from the sauce. 
“I’m good. Thanks.” 
The boy nodded before moving along the line.  
You looked back over at the food, you had skipped breakfast earlier this morning as your boss asked you to come in earlier than expected so you didn’t have time to grab anything.
As you were contemplating whether to eat a muffin or an apple your stomach began to growl. 
You felt your cheeks grow hot as you desperately prayed the boy standing just a few feet away didn’t hear it. 
“Okay, clearly you’re hungry. Just take the slice, really I don’t even want it, it’s bad for my diet.” 
You wanted to die. You finally met someone who looked around your age and the first thing you did was embarrass yourself in front of them.  
You turned around to face the boy, he was once again holding the pizza in his hand, but this time he was stretching it out to you as a peace offering. 
You looked at him as he gave you a warm smile. 
“Split it?” You asked. 
The boy grinned, “For sure.” 
After that, whenever you and Pedri saw each other in the hallways you always made sure to stop and say hello. Eventually, those hellos became walking with each other back to your respective cars whenever you ended at the same time. Those walks then became lunch breaks, and before you knew it you were spending so much time with Pedri, you were surprised no one else had picked up on it. 
“What do you tell your teammates when they ask where you go?” you questioned, sitting beside him in the empty conference room as you shoveled yogurt into your mouth on a random Friday afternoon. 
“I say that I’m talking to my mom.” he admits. 
You laugh out loud, reaching over to hit his shoulder, “No way haha. They believe that?” 
Pedri rubbed the spot where you hit him, pretending it hurt, “Well they’ve never questioned it.” 
“Aww but doesn’t Gavi miss you?” You asked, making a kissy face with your lips, purposely trying to annoy him. 
He groaned at your antics, pushing your legs that were rested on his lap away, “Oh fuck off. You know there isn’t anything going on.” 
You giggled. Recently someone had started a rumor on the internet that Pedri and Gavi were madly in love and once you had caught wind of it you had brought it up every chance you could, never getting enough of Pedri’s angry face, which in all honesty did not look even the slightest bit intimidating. 
“Can’t say the same for us.” Pedri spoke, effectively cutting off your giggles. 
You straightened in your seat, “What?” 
“Oh c’mon you clearly have a thing for me.” He spoke again. 
This time you fully sat up. While it may have been true that you were harboring the slightest, and i mean the slightest of slight, feelings for Pedri, there was no way anyone was ever getting that out of you unless you were literally chained to a wall fighting for you life. 
Maybe not even then. 
“Not even a chance.” You huffed looking at him as he grinned back at you. 
He leaned over, hands finding their way to your shoulders as he squeezed, “Awh c’mon Y/N you’re telling me you don’t even have the tiniest of feelings for me.” 
You raised your eyebrows at him, “Why so curious? You got a crush on me or something?” 
Now it was his turn to shrink away. 
“What? No, of course not.” 
“Then why are we talking about this?” 
You peaked at him through the corner of your eye, you couldn’t tell if you were imagining it or not but you swore you saw the smallest tint of pink on his cheeks. 
You were right, he definitely had a crush on you. That all led you to your current position now, where you and Pedri had been dating in secret for 6 months, not wanting to risk telling anyone and you losing your job, since it was against company policy for employees to date when there was a power difference, which in this case there was since Pedri was a player and you were an intern. 
Debating it over in your head, you decided to go and just get it over with. You just hoped you and Pedri would be able to keep it undercover. 
You both failed. Miserably. Throughout the shoot you kept feeling Pedri’s eyes on you when they shouldn’t have been. For example, when your manager was explaining the rules of the game behind the camera, you could feel Pedri’s gaze directed towards you, and when you turned to look at him, he gave you a smile that made your insides melt. 
It had been just over a week since the two of you had last seen each other, with the team going off to compete in a different city for La Liga, and you staying back to keep up with work at home base. You weren’t even able to Facetime as there was never a time where both of you where free or away from everyone else. 
You had missed him a lot, and it seemed he had missed you just as much. 
“Ok so do you two understand the rules?” Your manager asked. 
You gave him a thumbs up before turning to Pedri.
You both walked over to the water bottles, reaching down to collect them. With your backs turned to the camera, Pedri leaned over and whispered, 
“I missed you this week. Wish you were with me.” 
You sighed, glancing over at him, “Me too.” 
You both parted before you could say anything else, standing opposite to each other after being handed flour tortillas. 
“Ok so just try to hit each other with the tortilla’s and we’ll be good.” 
You had a mouth full of water as you tried to communicate with Pedri about who should go first. The boy stared at you with a confused look. 
You started doing the motions of rock, paper, scissors, and finally he understood. 
You won, and started moving closer to Pedri with the tortilla raised as he kept moving backwards. 
You had to choke back a laugh as he almost tripped over a lighting wire, turning your body away from him and closing your eyes so you wouldn’t have to see the look on his face. 
You urged him back towards you, and he took hesitant steps forward. 
You pretended to be surprised, and looked at something over his shoulder pointing for him to look. 
Stupid boy. Literally the most classic trick in the book. 
As he was mid turn you slapped him with the tortilla on his cheek, the noise of water sprurting out of his mouth and silence that followed after sending you into hysterics. 
The water spilled out of your mouth as you laughed, “Oh my god, I can’t believe you fell for that!” 
Pedri glared at you before giving you a light push as you leaned over trying to catch your breath. 
“This is what I get for trusting you.” 
You stood back up, tapping his cheek empathetically, “You’ll survive.” 
He pulled your hand away from his face, but let his hand rest in yours for a second too long before he dropped it. 
“I’ll get you back for that.” He warned once again taking his position across from you. 
You smiled sweetly at him, “I’d like to see you try.” 
The game went on like that for another 2 rounds before your manager called it quits saying that there was enough footage to post. 
You were drenched from head to toe when he had finally called cut, and you had a disgusted look on your face. During the last round, Pedri had purposely lost and spit water all of your face. 
You had shrieked jumping away from him, but he grabbed your wrists trapping you from getting too far as he drenched you. 
“Pedri Ew! So gross!” You groaned once he finished giving you a mini shower. 
He gave you a cheeky smile, “Told you I would get you back.” 
You rolled your eyes turning to face the camera, “Can we be done yet?” 
Your manager laughed behind the camera, “All good.” 
You smiled once more at the camera before saying bye and letting Pedri finish off the video. 
Once everything had wrapped and you had dried yourself, Pedri came over to you. 
“That was fun!” 
You groaned, walking alongside him as you made your way to your cars, “For you maybe.” 
“Oh c’mon Y/N, don’t be a sore loser.” He retorted, bumping your shoulder with his. 
“I didn’t even lose!” You exclaimed. 
Pedri’s eyes twinkled at he looked at you, “That’s not the way I remember it at all.” 
“Then you must have amnesia.” 
He laughed at your comment, “You know what would probably cure it?” 
“Some kisses.” 
You once again rolled your eyes at Pedri’s cheesy words, but felt your self smile regardless. 
“Fine, but you get nothing if I beat you to your car.” You shouted already taking off in a sprint. 
You heard Pedri yell after you before he started chasing you, “Not fair!” 
You laughed to yourself, feeling so grateful that you had found someone who was just like you. 
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mariacallous · 3 months
It’s almost that magical time of year that the Humane Society of America likens to a “natural disaster.” Kitten season.
“The level of emotions for months on end is so draining,” said Ann Dunn, director of Oakland Animal Services, a city-run shelter in the San Francisco Bay Area. “And every year we just know it’s going to get harder.”
Across the United States, summer is the height of “kitten season,” typically defined as the warm-weather months between spring and fall during which a cat becomes most fertile. For over a decade, animal shelters across the country have noted kitten season starting earlier and lasting longer. Some experts say the effects of climate change, such as milder winters and an earlier start to spring, may be to blame for the uptick in feline birth rates.
This past February, Dunn’s shelter held a clinic for spaying and neutering outdoor cats. Although kitten season in Northern California doesn’t typically kick off until May, organizers found that over half of the female cats were already pregnant. “It’s terrifying,” Dunn said. “It just keeps getting earlier and going later.”
Cats reproduce when females begin estrus, more commonly known as “going into heat,” during which hormones and behavior changes signal she’s ready to mate. Cats can go into heat several times a year, with each cycle lasting up to two weeks. But births typically go up between the months of April and October. While it’s well established that lengthening daylight triggers a cat’s estrus, the effect of rising temperatures on kitten season isn’t yet understood.
One theory is that milder winters may mean cats have the resources to begin mating sooner. “No animal is going to breed unless they can survive,” said Christopher Lepczyk, an ecologist at Auburn University and prominent researcher of free-ranging cats. Outdoor cats’ food supply may also be increasing, as some prey, such as small rodents, may have population booms in warmer weather themselves. Kittens may also be more likely to survive as winters become less harsh. “I would argue that temperature really matters,” he said.
Others, like Peter J. Wolf, a senior strategist at the Best Friends Animal Society, think the increase comes down to visibility rather than anything biological. As the weather warms, Wolf says, people may be getting out more and noticing kittens earlier in the year than before. Then they bring them into shelters, resulting in rescue groups feeling like kitten season is starting earlier.
Regardless of the exact mechanism, having a large number of feral cats around means trouble for more than just animal shelters. Cats are apex predators that can wreak havoc on local biodiversity. Research shows that outdoor cats on islands have already caused or contributed to the extinction of an estimated 33 species. Wild cats pose an outsized threat to birds, which make up half their diet. In Hawaii, known as a bird extinction capital of the world, cats are the most devastating predators of wildlife. “We know that cats are an invasive, environmental threat,” said Lepczyk, who has published papers proposing management policies for outdoor cats.
Scientists, conservationists, and cat advocates all agree that unchecked outdoor cat populations are a problem, but they remain deeply divided on solutions. While some conservationists propose the targeted killing of cats, known as culling, cat populations have been observed to bounce back quickly, and a single female cat and her offspring can produce at least 100 descendants, if not thousands, in just seven years.
Although sterilization protocols such as “trap, neuter, and release” are favored by many cat rescue organizations, Lepczyk said it’s almost impossible to do it effectively, in part because of how freely the animals roam and how quickly they procreate. Without homes or sanctuaries after sterilization, returning cats outside means they may have a low quality of life, spread disease, and continue to harm wildlife. “No matter what technique you use, if you don’t stop the flow of new cats into the landscape, it’s not gonna matter,” said Lepczyk.
Rescue shelters, already under strain from resource and veterinary shortages, are scrambling to confront their new reality. While some release materials to help the community identify when outdoor kittens need intervention, others focus on recruiting for foster volunteer programs, which become essential caring for kittens who need around-the-clock care.
“As the population continues to explode, how do we address all these little lives that need our help?” Dunn said. “We’re giving this everything we have.”
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Mm would Yves enjoy taking baths with his darling or no? I’ve been thinking about this myself because I really am not sure myself, while it could be really romantic and intimate (without anything sexual happening) I also get the vibe that he’d be uncomfortable with undressing in-front of his darling or being naked probably because he just hates the feeling but also because of all of the scars that he may have and that might open up a whole other can of worms.
MM! Maybe that’s a part of the reason why he drugs the reader during sex, so they don’t notice certain parts of himself and just simply focuses on the pleasure 🤔 thoughts?
TW: Suicide mention, self harm, body mutilation
Yves doesn't like being naked to anyone. Not even you. He didn't like how his skin looked, but most horribly: wounds that changed into healed scars takes time, seeing them reminded him of his age which he despises.
It doesn't mean that you would never see him nude, though. At some point, you will "accidentally" walk in on him changing because Yves "forgot" to lock the door.
You will see a massive, hideous scar spanning over his chest and back. Of course, you would ask what it is. Yves would take this opportunity to educate you on the dangers of not protecting yourself against deadly UV radiation.
That is true, he was tormented by melanoma for many years due to his excessive tanning and recklessness regarding suncare. Bronze skin was all the rage back then, he was a young, dumb boy who wanted to follow the trends.
You rarely noticed the chaotic, wispy scars on his arms that were caused by whips. Deep scarring on his wrists and ankles from rusted metal chains. Cigarette burns, other cuts, iron branding, scars done in intricate shapes and wounds that are too violent, too manmade, too self inflicted to have been done by skin cancer.
It is no secret to you that his genitals were mutilated and the surrounding flesh is in similar conditions, they're perfectly functional, but anyone could tell that Yves has been through harrowing physical and mental trauma.
Yves's nagging lecture about how you should always wear sunscreen and avoid the rays would already drive you out of the room to question the other ones.
It's always a wonder how he keeps his face, hands and feet flawless. But once upon a time, he was just like anyone else, he had severe acne that would leave him in tears over how ugly he was and how painful the blistering could get. His assailants would ruin his beautiful countenance either due to jealousy or due to some other sick reasons. He had melanoma on his face, the aftermath was made up of tears and a plethora of failed suicide attempts.
Yves wasn't supposed to have his hands functional after how he would physically defend himself or fight with them. No one could count the number of times a blade has cleanly gone through from the front of his palm to the back. He was no stranger to the feeling of being burnt, he had his pinkie and ring finger fused together after being exposed to extreme heat. Yves survived a fire and an explosion in his lifetime.
His feet, goodness, his feet. He walked through broken glass regularly. It was bound together and flogged almost daily, he had nasty infections that cost him his toenails. For a while, he was limping due to how damaged it was. Yves was lucky that he managed to save them before he knew he had to amputate both.
But, they are all seemingly untouched. You wouldn't believe that these three parts of his body went through horrific situations, there isn't even a blemish!
Well, he valued his face, hands and feet more than any other part of his being. Yves placed his all into fixing them, countless reconstructive surgeries, drugs, diets and grafts, all thanks to thousands upon thousands of his innocent, unwilling victims. If it weren't for them "donating" their precious lives for research, transplants or otherwise, Yves would have been a gruesome sight to withhold.
He could eradicate the rest of his scarring if he wanted to. But he's a lot more mature now, anything can be covered by his tops, pants and dresses aren't worth the effort anymore. You and Yves think his smile is beautiful, his fingers feel nice massaging your scalp and he can walk without wincing in pain, that's enough for him.
But back to the main topic, Yves wouldn't take baths with you- He would gladly bathe you as your caregiver, he would be fully clothed as he scrubbed you from head to toe. You might find it strange that he would rather suffer from wet clothes than showing you what's under his turtleneck despite knowing how it looks already.
You can't just try and purposely intrude if you know he's changing clothes or taking a shower. Yves would scold you for being very rude for breaching his privacy, and he would drone on and on about the importance of consent for hours. Of course, he does this after he kicks you out of the room to get fully dressed.
If you want him to be present in the bathroom with you when you're showering, he will be there. Fully clothed. If you're insisting that he joins you, he will. Fully clothed.
When it comes to sex, yes, he drugs you to heighten the pleasure. And it was mentioned that a blanket must be draped over you and he at all times. But these also serve the purpose of blinding you towards the stories his skin could tell. Yves doesn't think you're ready to know, you're too emotionally immature. You couldn't handle the distress no matter how casually or carefully he would word it.
Yves had an entire lifetime to get over it, and he did, but you don't. And that is alright with him, you don't have to know. The past is in the past, Yves couldn't care less about what caused him to look so disgusting. He wants you to hold onto that priceless, priceless innocence and naivety as much as you can.
All he wants you to do now is to relax and have fun. Enjoy the climax and forget the insignificant world around you. To know that you are loved until the very end and beyond. He wants you to smile, to giggle and to take great delight in his tender, loving kisses.
That is what he wants to do as well.
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𝑆𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘! 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑊ℎ𝑜 𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑠
Song Inspiration: Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars, and "Everything works out in the end" ( especially that one and that damned trend in TikTok)
Insipirations: this, this
Warnings: Dumbledore Slander, Reader calling Voldemort "Noseless Bitch", a whole lot of angst at the end, fluff in the beginning.
A/N: I changed my phone and no one told me how hard it's to text on a big and tall phone, I'm crying frustratedly but I'll manage.
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"𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑦 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑏𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑑."
-Gᴀʏʟᴇ Fᴏʀᴍᴀɴ
Sirius Black never felt like he could finally breathe.
It wasn't the rhytmic one his lungs already did by itself, no. It was the breathe of freedom, of all the tortures he went through and goes through to end and have his own life.
Away from his parents and their stupid ideals, if that was possible.
And his wish had come true. When he went into the train that would change his whole life, the 11 year-old boy Sirius wasn't aware what was waiting for him in there.
Three friends that would become his family, and a girl that would become his everything.
After he met and befriended those three boys and settled down with them, he still felt... empty? He wasn't entirely sure at that time, but the older he had gotten, the more he swore that his soul and heart already knew that it was missing its other part.
And that part came in the shape of a girl with unruly hair from running, panting from running to reach the train on time.
"May I seat here- Oh, it's full... I'm sorry to-" you stuttered out nervously, suddenly having the eyes of the four boys made you nervous as you started to take a step back. You were worried you disturbed them by how silent they were but was shocked when one with dark hair shook his head and patted the seat next to him.
"No, no, not all! Here, all the others are probably full anyways, we can fit!" James insisted hurriedly as he pulled Peter towards himself and you smiled, putting your trunk next to the door as you sat down beside the black and brown haired boys who you knew to be Sirius and Remus later when exchanging names.
And you pretended your heart didn't flutter when Sirius smiled at you before he showed you a cool rock he found before he arrived in the gar, as all of you laughed together and hoped that all of you would be in the same house.
Now, you were both a Marauder and also not. At least not in the way the other four were. They loved, even adored, pranking people and running away as chaos ensued whereas you rather sat back down and watched, sometimes assisting them and most often than not, help them out of detention. Because as they always liked to point out Minnie loves you more than any other student even though she refuses the claims of her having favourites.
Which was, in a way, true since she never gave you detention even if she knew the truth behind you standing before her desk with a bored look.
"Sometimes, I wonder how you can be friends with those four Miss Y/L/N..."
"Believe me, professor, I've been asking the same for four years now."
But, behind that golden student persona, laid another personality of yours. One that you didn't show around much but proved you to be a true Marauder...
Your snarky comments.
"I still don't understand why you are having a diet, love? Can you say it again?" Sirius asked as he eyed your plate with... a disgusted look as you frowned and hit his chest playfully. He wore his usual soft and boyish smile as he always did with you and leaned on his hand as he stared at you softly.
"Because I have a large tummy, Sirius, and stop calling me 'love'... It makes every girl here get mad at me." You groaned while continuing to eat, leaving Sirius confused as fuck.
Because, why would you think that the soft tummy he always adored to lay his head on was something to get rid of?
What was this abomination of behaviour?
"But... where will I sleep on? Who will I cuddle with?" He made his best puppy eye imitation as he wobbled his lip under your unimpressed eyes.
"I'm not gonna go and change my whole body, Sirius. I'm just gonna loose some weight. Stop being... dramatic." You had to contain yourself at the end of your sentence at how offended he looked when he let out a huge gasp, making you worry about his poor lungs, as he flipped his hair away. But... It was always nice to see him "agressively" motivate you and cheer for you, since y'know... He was your crush for the past 2 years or so. There were times you wondered what he really saw in you worth to cheer so loudly for, but then you realized how he just showed a rock he found to you when you were 11 and...
It made sense.
Sirius Black, behind that Casanova attitude, was trully a puppy. Adorable and full of love to give... Even if he did it by flirting.
"Then... don't get me wrong, but why are you eating that couldron cake?"James cheekily exclaimed from in front of you as you squeezed your eyes at him threateningly and pointed to him. "You are walking on thin ice, Potter... Any minute that I can go to Lily and-"
"Oh, is that Y/N having another cheat day I see?"
When all of you turned to look at where the voice came from, both you and James didn't back down from spitting a curse at the sight of Julie.
One of the many girls who fought for Sirius' attention and then insulted him when he didn't accept it( which was a shock to not only you and the Marauders, but to the whole school because why would he deny her so suddenly when he was the one flirting with girls all the time?)
Remus did know why, but Sirius made him swear to never talk about it so now, he was just watching as Sirius completely made a fool of himself in front of you every time you were near and snickered to himself.
Now, you were a simple girl who had simple priorities. If someone were to have a problem with your friends, they would have to face you... Just like how you gave hell to those gits who made fun of Remus at your first year and still continued to haunt them. "Getting cheated on by your boyfriend I see?" You noncholantly told her as you took a huge bite of your cake and looked at her with doe eyes as Sirius spurted what he was drinking as he choked, Remus watching you proudly as James' jaw hang open, all of them staring at the girl who had no chance to bully you as usual as she blushed and stuttered, suddenly feeling cornered.
No one had stood up to her after all, which was probably the reason why she had an ego as big as her ass and zero personality like her brain.
"Excuse me?!"
"Yeah, you are worried about the wrong person eating a cake, Julie, because your man is out there eating someone else's cake!" You spitted angrily as she ran away to find wherever her boyfriend was, completely sure that you were fucking with her...
Which you weren't.
"That's my girl." Sirius proudly said as he looked at you in complete adoration and you blushed. Sirius always knew that you were different, different to him and with him. The bond between you two was simply different, more deeper than the one he had with others, especially James.
He didn't let anyone braid his hair, and fall asleep on him( also doimg the same to the other one) after all. Or listened to gossips you had and even adding more to it... Or daydream about them all the time, wondering how it would feel like to kiss-
It was you why he dropped that old persona of his and now was a commited man to you... Not that you knew about that.
His entire focus was now on you, he always followed you around like a puppy and did everything you asked for... or didn't ask for, because in his eyes, you were royalty and you deserved to be treated as one. He carried your books, got you treats from Honeydukes and let you braid his hair which said enough of his feelings already.
And it was cute in your eyes, really. The way he flushed when you beamed at him and thanked him... It would have been better if he didn't demand a kiss every time he did that but, yeah. And who were you to deny that whenever he would be left dazed after those cheek kisses?
Though you always did as he asked with a cheeky smile and cute booping to his cheek, those were the times you wished you could be cruel enough to hit his head with a heavy book because of how much they made your heart beat faster and dream about him... or loose sleep because of thinking too much.
Were all of these a game to him? Was this real? Was he playing with you until he found someone else? Why would he love you that way? Would you two ever end up together? What would his lips feel against your-
Either way, your life was pretty amazing and a bliss even though the female population of Hogwarts hated you with some exceptions. Such as Lily, Mary, Marlene, Pandora and Dorcas.
Yep, Gryffindors really attracted the Slytherins for some reasons.
"In your dreams, Sirius, In your dreams..." you patted his back softly and whispered in his ear which made him sweat and blush, watching you walk away with Pandora on your arm while giggling at something she said. He was left absolutely flabbergasted while staring after you, dreamily looking with his head on his fisted hand as he played with what was on his plate.
"Definetly my future wife..."
Then, he continued to tease you with that nickname which would always end up in a bickering which was a common occuring in the Halls and classes, which often made the teachers get curious why, and he lived for those moments when you barked at him with an embrassed frown because he could get to watch you since you never realized what was happening around you when you were angry.
"Stop calling me that Sirius!"
"What the hell are they screaming at each other for?" Remus asks to James as he reads his book without lifting his eyes as James munched on his sandwich. He shrugged his shoulders. " The usual. Him not confessing his feelings and all."
Which was becoming a lot to bear watching as Sirius would always follow you around... which ended up with a book on his head all the time.
But, even if you were seemingly irritated by him and his clinginess, it was quite the opposite. You couldn't start your day without seeing that goofy smile as soon as you got our of your dorm, or watch hım roast someone who made a mean comment about you.
Or that time when he fell from his broom in Quidditch practice because you were wearing his number and name on your back and... he felt a certain way which made him loose his balance and fall as you giggled, thanking Lily internally for convincing you to do that after saying how much Sirius liked you.
His good looks, his attention to everything about you and his fun and kind personality were what drew you to him and you knew from the moment you first met that you would end up together, or you would fall for him.
But what made your feelings get stronger was his... enchanting, beautiful and big eyes. They were so full of love, adoration, and most of the times, mischief. They showed what he always felt at the moment, what he thought and they were trully the mirror of his bright soul. You really loved them the most about him, when people would always praise hım for his good looks, you always pointed how pretty and expressive his eyes were, only to those who knew how to read him.
The first time you said it so casually yet lovingly as you patched hım up, was the day he actually confessed his feelings after getting teary eyed. Because for the first ime, someone looked past his looks and saw his soul and how much weight was there sitting uncomfortably on his heart, waiting to be lifted by someone else... Someone who understood him, and how lucky he was that the person was you as he kissed your lips softly.
And you believed in his honesty by looking at his eyes and accepted to have a date with him, knowing full well that you would fall for him.
You just didn't think it would be him falling for you harder with each passing day.
Seeing their two friends, completely different than each other, being so happy made all the Marauders and the girls happy for you two. Only negative side affect was that seeing ghe absolute simp Sirius had turned to be.
"Okay, folks, it was nice to have you all but I gotta go!" He slapped his knees joyfully as he got up from the cushion in the Common Room with a happy smile while his friends looked at him weirdly.
"Where are you going? You never pass a hanging out together!"
"Miss wife wanted to go stargazing, I can't say no to her-"
"The-the what now?!" James' jaw hang open as the girls awed at Sirius and how in love he looked at the mention of your date and how he called you his wife, making him blush deeply as he smiled. It wasn't a secret that Sirius was one hell of flirty man, especially more than usual now that you two dated, but they didn't know he was smitten with you that much.
Enough to already plan calling you his wife one day.
He shifted his weight from foot to foot anxiously at the teasing eyes of his friends' eyes, the girls praising him for caring so much about you as James took a silent note to learn Sirius' tricks. He felt his cheeks heat up slowly as the awes rose up more, making him stand up abruptly and run away from the common room.
"Uh... Nothing! Gotta go, see you later guys!" He ran away as soon as possible with a heart beating harsh and hard against his ribcage, a heavy blush on his usually pale cheeks. It wasn't like he was ashamed for his actions, hell no! He was so damn lucky to have you, so grateful for you to have accepted him after your date and so lucky for finding someone who... understood him.
From the very moment when you two met.
He still remembered how anxious he was at the sorting ceremony. Your group in the train promised to always talk to each other and hang out no matter which house you guys were sorted in, and he still remembered how you noticed his anxiousness as the ever careful girl you were.
That was when he told you about his family after you sat down in the station, arriving to the school and letting others go. He knew it was way too early, but he also knew that you must have heard some things about them anyways and still befriended hım quickly without a worry.
He told you how he wanted to be sorted in Gryffindor, just to piss his Slytherin family off, but was scared of everyone's reaction since his family didn't have the best reputation. He was afraid of the Slytherins' reaction if he was sorted in a different house, and also the reactions of the house he would be sorted in since he was... seen as evil.
No matter which house you are in, we will be here Sirius, was what you told him as you held his hand thightly in yours and hugged him, squeezing him to yourself as he stood frozen for a few seconds...
Before he hugged you with tears in his eyes.
And indeed, you were right. The Slytherin side of his story was proven right but the other one never happened. That was the first time he realized how you always knew what would happen as he ran at you and hugged you happily with a twirl, making you also laugh at his happiness.
It would be years after that moment that he realized what that skipping of his heart meant as he hugged you and let you tug him towards the table where he was greeted by his friends as he held your hand under the table, feeling secure and safe for the first time...
Breathing for the first time.
He would always feel those insecurities and fears, no matter how long it had been, and would fear fighting alone and putting you in danger now that everyone knew just how much you meant to him but when he reached to where you were waiting for him, he knew that the promise ring in his pocket was very worth every problem you two might face together even if his friends would tease him to hell and back for being a simp.
This was real, he felt real and that ring would forever be the sign of it.
He was being emotional again, wasn't he?
Him being an absolute supporter of yours was no joke, though James and Remus often teased him with it. But they knew why he was so clingy and always with you.
Sirius never really felt true, unconditional love. And if he could show it with being a "simp" and always hanging off of you, he would do it because then... It would mean that yes, he was here and he got out of his torture and was living his best life.
But, of course as the goofy person he is, he didn't show that sentimental side of him and rather used it... to scare you by jumping on your bones whenever he saw you or showing that clinginess at its best.
For example when you speak with Lily or any other girls excitedly about a movie in the muggle theaters as Lily would suggest to go there all together and he would casually come and offer to come with you guys- because he knew for sure that the word would reach to his mother and piss her off, knowing that she wouldn't be able to do anything about it since he no longer was the heir-
Or he would always pull you to his lap as the Marauders planned their next prank while you especially made sure that they would let go of poor Snape, and let them do whatever they wanted to do, as he played with your hair and nodded absentmindedly, looking at you in a daze as your hand rubbed his chest lovingly, ready to do whatever made you happy.
Holding you thightly to never let go of you.
Now he knew he was protective of you, but he just couldn't help it. You were so kind so sweet, and unique. You caught the attention of many others, and that was something he couldn't let happen.
Not that he was jealous, of course not. He was the Sirius Black, why would he feel threatened by some boy?
"Sirius, what are you doing?" You turned your head to look at him as he laid his head on your shoulder, nibbling at your sensitive skin and leaving hickeys.
"Hmm, nothing love... Just kissing you."
"I can see that, enjoy it then~" you let your hands twirl his curls softly as your other one took the wand out of his hair and let the rest of it fall down on his shoulders gracefully. He smiled naively at you, not aware of the devious plan you had in mind...
Before you grinded on his lap. Hard.
He whimpered into your neck as you smirked, faux worry lacing your voice as your hand slipped inside his shirt from his collar. "What is it, love? Are you not feeling good?"
"You little minx, you are doing it knowing what it does to me..."
"Hmm, maybe?" You innocently said with a tilt of your head and smiled at him cutely as he groaned.
"I'm gonna get back-"
"Can you guys stop making out in front of us? There is family and children!" James yelled out as he closed his eyes alongside with Peter as Remus just continued to eat his chocolate without a care...
While James was peaking at you both through the gaps of his fingers.
"Shut it, Potter." Sirius huffed out as he pulled you with himself and right towards his dorm, feeling...
For the first time, uneasy.
Both because of something he couldn’t explain and the war raging just outside of the school as Voldemort got closer.
But, as the man he was, he chose to ignore it. You both were strong and had each other, there were many other wizards and witches fighting alongside you and if shit went down, he wouldn't care and just disappear with you.
They could take everything from hım, down to his riches and even his life.
But not you, Merlin not you.
Because as much as he denied, Sirius was dependant on you. His heart and soul craved you, called for you and you were the heart and soul of him. You were the reason he kept going, the reason he believed that all of this would end one day.
You were the reason he woke up for the next say as he watched your peaceful face and body pressed to his and imagined a... Family life with you.
And for those dreams to come true, to have a little you running around and after hım happily, nothing would happen to you and he and you would walk away from this War together, hand in hand with plans for the future you get to have with him..
The answer would be something he would never want to know, one that he feared.
One that destroyed him and whatever was left of him as he was left with the broken shards of his once happy picture...
All because of his arrogance.
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When tragedy hit the Potters, Sirius' first thought was to go and find that rat that gave their place away. He knew people blamed him for it, and he also blamed himself for not listening to your warnings about Peter and how he seemed... Off.
But he didn't care about the past anymore. He didn't care about his mistakes or what they brought to him...
Frankly enough, when he was supposed to care about it the most... he didn't, and there was only one thing in his mind: Revenge.
But all thoughts of seeking his revenge went out of the window when he reached the house of his friends, and was met with a note from none other than Voldemort himself, his sarcasm and triumphant voice almost reaching to his ears from the note on the yellow paper.
You should have listened to your wife, Black. Maybe then, she would have been alive to save you all...
Sirius sank on his knees on the ground right before the house of the Potters, his bestfriends, as he crumbled on the pavement with the note still in his hands as he looked at the dead body of his best friend, eyes unmoving and dead, knowing that Lily was also dead somewhere in the house.
It was Voldemort after all, he would have made sure to destroy anyone who could danger his plans.
"Why... Why did you have to do it, love?! W-why?!" He yelled as angry tears left his once shining eyes, the eyes you always complimented hım whenever you looked at hım.
Now, they were glimmering with tears, sadness and grief of loosing his loved one, his one and only.
He lifted his head in agony, his heart squeezing painfully inside his chest as his hand thightened around the fence, his ring weighted him down gradually and looked at the night sky as if something would suddenly help him out of this hell.
But he knew it was a futile attempt, the sight before hım was enough proof of that.
And he was left with the consequences of his mistakes.
"Why did you leave me to remember you for longer than I have known you... We-we," he coughed up harshly at the constrict his throat did, hitting his chest as if the pain would somehow make it not feel real. His eyes widened suddenly at remembering the locket around his neck, bringing it closer to his face as your smiling face came to his view and he tearfully smiled back, his finger trailing over your happy face delicately with eyes squeezed in pain and lips pulling up to form an "O", as if there was something in hım that wanted to say a millions of different hings but was forced to shut up.
He remembered how he teased you for being such a simp for him that you bought this locket for yourself, so that you kept him close to your heart ( as if he wasn't just as equally if not more enamoured by you) and you rolled your eyes at him at that time, telling hım that he would always be in your heart until you died and even then, you would love him forever.
He regretted not telling you at that time that he loved that little necklace more than anything and his heart beated painfully full of love at your adoring gaze. He regretted not telling you how much he loved you and how you would never get out of the confines of his heart even if you died, that he would never be able to forget your voice, your face and your love.
After looking at it for quite some time, only sobbing and swinging back and forth deliriously, Sirius let out one final heartwrenching cry of your name as he collapsed fully and laid there until the others found him.
"We had dreams together, why did you h-have to... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for failing you! Please forgive me!"
Now, his life was once again incomplete. There would no longer be the lingering warmth your body gave off even after you got up long ago to prepare breakfast for both of you.
There wouldn't be his coffee and breakfast waiting for him on the kitchen table with a cute note from you.
He wouldn't be able to prank you by scaring you as you screamed bloody murder and he ran away all around the house laughing like crazy.
There would be no more late night dates on his bike as you both stopped at a hill and made out for hours, watching the stars together.
There would be no more snuggling while watching movies together as you scolded him for eating all the popcorn.
There wouldn't be laughter that gave hım hope and enough will to fight more.
There wouldn't be soft-spoken pillow talk after a passionate night, imagining your future and how one or two children who had his eyes and curls and your smile and personality would be so nice as the image of you playing with them while he took pictures would make hım smile and got teary at it.
There wouldn't be a lover who understood him and was there for him before anyone else would.
There wouldn't be an... another you to love.
And it was all his fault.
In the end, Sirius Black was left alone, as a mad man after the woman of his life was taken from him.
He was belittled by his entire family, couldn't protect his brother and as a result lost him, his best friend was killed by one of his friends and the blame was on him...
And now, he was left to rot in Azkaban, unable to take care of his godson, everyone thought he was guilty...
But none of them hurted him as much as the promises he couldn't keep, promises of a bright future and a safe place, always protecting you... to you, to everyone.
And now... He was left as the shell of the man he was, he lost the love of his life, unable to love you and cherish you like he promised in his vows, the meaning of his meaningless life. He promised to give you a life full of love and peace, he promised he would even buy that cottage-like house you both dreamed about.
In which you always replied with: "As long as İ have you, everywhere is home to me."
He would often tease you with kisses every time you did this, knowing that it was just a simple act to hide his tears from you- because holy shit, there was someone who loved hım that much and he got to have that for the rest of his life! He was really going to have the life he always wanted, with the love of his life, and he proved to everyone that he wasn't like his parents!
He was ready to have a family, marry you and have a life away from the war and everything, prove to whole world that he wasn't anything like his family.
But now, all of his dreams were... gone. Just gone, alongside you.
The Marauders once was James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene and Y/N... Jolly students who either wrecked havoc or amazed people with their quick wit and smartness.
Then slowly, to six, then five. And now... Only three, with one of them refusing to ever talk.
And never again, mon amour would ever leave his lips in a soft spoken whisper as he kissed your forehead with both of you naked underneath the blanket, even if he hated French since it used to remind him of the pureblood nonsense to him but now, it was rather something he used to fluster you and see the cute blush on your cheeks.
He had no one to call as his family any more, my wife leaving his lips early in the morning like an ancient prayer.
Only thing he would remember for years even after Azkaban would be your last words, written on a simple note before you took on your journey to find Voldemort before he reached to the Potters, your friends, and get them killed.
Even when he begged you not to.
And it would be only years after that event, 12 precisely, that he would learn you found one of the Horcruxes and destroyed it just like his brother.
I know the path I had taken is dangerous, my love... But when you arrive to my side, which should better not be too soon, I will be waiting on that house just a bit away from the hill, just like we dreamed about...
I will always love you, and guide you like a lighthouse when you loose your way, Sirius, my greatest love.
Please don't loose yourself for revenge. Our deaths are not your fault, especially mine. Because I know for sure that you will blame yourself for it. It was my choice to do what I did, so that when that noseless bitch faces his equal, he would loose for sure.
Just... Live for me, and for Harry. He will need you a lot and if you learnt anything from this... Don't listen to what Dumbledore says even a second and get Harry away from him. To him, we are just pawns in his game and he doesn't care whether we die or not.
And... know that as I die, you will be my last thought, my dear husband. You were,are and will always be the greatest thing to ever happen to me and I am proud to be your wife even it was for a short time.
I love you, Sirius Black, the one who made my life better, my husband.
And as he cried his eyes out, screaming your name from the top of his lungs as his engagement ring swing around his neck, laying on the cold floor of his cell, he felt nothing.
He didn't feel his heart, his brain... his soul anymore. You were the only thing keeping him going, the only thing that brightened and warmed his heart with your childish laughter, you were the one that gave him hope for waking up the next day in this damned war...
And you were the only smart one to realize what Dumbledore always planned for them, without a single care for their beings, and who the real traitor was alongside your friend .
But as he replayed your last words in his mind like a mantra, there was a new fire, a scaring new, spiteful fire that he never had even when he saw his friends' dead bodies, only when he learnt of his little brother's death, did it start slowly... But your death was the reason why it had become the size of a Fiendfyre.
He might be a loser in everyone's lives, and his mother might have been right about that part of him, but... There was one thing everyone, including his parents forgot about:
There was a reason they were called "The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black" and there was a reason he was born as one.
But for now...
For now, he would wait. Silently. Crying until the day he gets to meet you once again, never daring to take his life since he promised and he... had to keep at least this one.
For now... He would let the rage slowly consume him until he wasn't the Sirius he once was.
For now, he wouldn't feel anything except sadness and pain, mourning your death until the day he died.
For now, he wouldn't feel.
Except only the cold tiles of the ground he was seated, knees close to his chest... And the screams of despair and pain of other prisoners in the Azkaban.
A chuckle leaves him emotionlessly, as he clutches his ring.
He was trully a loser.
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project-sekai-facts · 9 months
do u think there will ever be an event where they directly address haruka's eating disorder? obviously they do target heavier issues like in n25's story and i feel like it would be really good to show her getting help and addressing the dark side of the idol industry especially since proseka has a fanbase that has a lot of younger people (at least globally) who are easily influenced into following trends like dieting </3 or is it not feasible since its a jp game?
i know prsk is generally good at addressing serious topics but this is one that i've always wondered about. mainly because although it's very apparent, whenever it comes up it's played off as a joke. Like "oh no haruka's ordered the entire menu and minori can't manage it all". Other than that it's usually treated as an impressive thing that haruka's so dedicated to being an idol even after quitting asrun and how professional she is.
Now that she's doing idol work as a full-time thing again, I could see her dieting maybe getting more intense. If they were going to actually address her eating disorder seriously at any point, I think that's how it would happen. Although they might just throw a "Haruka's so dedicated and professional" comment in and call it a day again, I don't know.
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chewiiez · 10 days
idol! idol! idol au part two!
let’s actually discuss the jw scandal, since everyone was curious (✯ᴗ✯)
in the original tgcf, we know that one of the main ways jw manipulated/tortured xie lian was through isolation! the xianle war being a indirect factor into making mq leave, and fx being forced to leave by xl because he was in such a bad state mentally due to the hallucinations. hc has to leave, too, because he was but a mere ghost flame. in those weakest times, was when xie lian truly lost his sanity, was tortured beyond belief. and that’s the sort of route i want to take with this au.
let’s reiterate: on the survival show, because the unfolding of events there is super important. mu qing being brought back was a great decision for most, but for some toxic ot3 stans, he becomes their punching bag. to isolate xie lian, jw takes the first step: getting the other members out of the picture! and with his ceo fingers, he strings together a bullying scandal.
if you don’t follow kpop or other idol industries, a bullying scandal is basically your reputation in the mud. bullying scandals have ruined so many idols’ lives, especially the false ones. dispatch, paparazzi, will post whatever clout they have, and netizens will devour it, and proceed to harass said idol. to create a false scandal would mean that jw has guaranteed mq’s exit ticket, because him staying in the group would affect their reputation. remember the shackle on mq’s wrist? yeah, with a few threats to the other member’s safety, jw manages to make mq leave the group. 
and just like in tgcf, mq soon becomes hated by the other 3 members, because yeah, the scandal, proof, and fabricated texts looked legit. and finding a lawyer…was tough. soon, mq’s insta is gone, and any support for him (except for a few of his genuine stans) is wiped off the timeline. all we see is #justiceforx3 and #kickmqout trending. 
following the canon order, feng xin is next. another toxic part of idol culture is diets. and my headstrong belief is that feng xin would say “fuck you” to the diets and build his muscle his way. (diets can be interpreted as the cultivation method xl+mq were on, too.) when jw threatens him, and forces a same fate on feng xin, feng xin realizes he must leave: to make sure he can still stay in contact with xl, redeem himself and talk to mq, and file a fucking lawsuit. because no way in hell is fx letting jw off the hook. i haven’t developed this part yet, but thinking about fx hinting at hc about how something is wrong, and hc catching on to jw’s sus behaviour. 
x4 is no more. jw has almost succeeded. the only thing blocking his way? gege’s #1 believer, hua cheng. threats don’t work on this guy. hc alerts xl, who isn’t stupid, guys. he pretends to play along, but is really secretly recording all these conversations as proof to present in court. 
meanwhile, fx meets with a solemn mq, who refuses to talk to him, or do anything idol related. he finds that mq’s mom died, which put him in an even worse situation. like every post-canon tongulu fix-it, fx slowly realizes his mistakes, but mq also realizes his lack of communication. a slow romance is perhaps in the works, but the more important part? saving xl. once mq is let in on the plan, he reveals every small detail he’s collected, from evidence proving him innocent, and snippets of conversations he recorded, to strict, unfair, diets. 
and just as xl is about to finalize the details of his solo contract, hc whisks him away (with full consent). A very controversial figure has sent some data to dispatch, and the shit has hit the fan, because suddenly the mq stans are out of hiding, with full reciepts. a once-in-a-lifetime event occurs, where fxmq stans bond together to make threads upon threads of mistreatment. oddly anonymous accounts leak texts, voice snippets, and other proof of fake bullying scandals and the general mistreatment x4 has faced: whether it be line distributions, restrictions, or other things. it is a chaos. bad for jw, but just amazing for x4.
jw is arrested, held at trial where he pleads guilty. jail, jail. #weloveyoumq, #weloveyoufx, #weloveyouxl, #weloveyouhc are the top 4 trending tags. #foureverswithx4 is everywhere. x4 mends their relationship tentatively, they reopen their social media, and sign contracts under YH entertainment, the same producer on their survival show, Yushi Huang’s company. 
XI4NLE is back, better than ever.
and that’s the jw scandal (*´ω`*) wdym i spent a lifetime on this haha...ofc not...
next is song recs and lime distributions, as well as dynamics :D
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acti-veg · 7 months
is veganism making any progress? or worldwide are people eating more meat?
It depends what you define as 'progress', to be honest. Global meat consumption is still increasing, as people who have historically been too poor to afford to eat much meat are switching towards more westernised diets, particularly in Asia. The balance will have to shift on that at some point though, because there isn't enough land, water and resources on earth to sustain a population who all eat a meat-heavy diet. There isn't even enough to sustain it at current levels.
Many surveys point to the fact that most Europeans are reducing their meat intake, the amount of meat purchased in the EU has fallen dramatically and it is expected that this trend will continue over the next ten years. Plant-based options have enjoyed rapid expansion but that is slowing now as the market stabilises after the initial boom, I think it’s likely it is oversaturated now and that we’ll see some companies go bust. There will probably be a lot of ‘veganism is dying!’ media coverage about that but it’s to be expected after what was a 400% increase in some countries. The number of vegans is also definitely increasing rapidly, though exact numbers vary depending on who you ask.
In terms of success, we're nowhere near even close to achieving animal liberation or universal veganism, but I think that is an unlikely goal within our lifetimes. That isn't the only way to measure the success of a political and social movement, though. I always like to use the Occupy movement as an example; they didn't overthrow capitalism but they got the idea of the 1% vs the 99% into the public conversation and it has never really gone away. They increased class consciousness, certainly in Britain and the US, which is a kind of success all by itself.
Similarly, words like speciesism and the evils of animal agriculture is much more widely discussed now. I see this myself, ten years ago I was still trying to convince people that cows need to be pregnant to produce milk. Tumblr is a bit of an exception because the community are extremely conservative when it comes to animal rights, but in the wider world, particularly on the left, animal advocacy is much more socially accepted, and most leftist protest organisations are populated by a great many vegetarians and vegans.
Veganism is definitely making good progress so long as your expectations aren’t unrealistic. You’d be surprised how few people globally need to take up a cause before it’s advocates can enact real, lasting social and legislative change. The civil rights movement is a great example of that. We have to manage our expectations though, and animal rights is uniquely challenging as a cause due to how ubiquitous carnism is and how dominant the animal agriculture industries are. Still, we're in a dramatically better position than we were ten years ago.
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rebeccablogs · 6 months
B U N K E R - Relaxing Futuristic Ambient with Immersive 3D Rain [4K] ...
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mrfancyfoot · 1 year
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Obey Me! Prompt: Freckles
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The headcanon:  Living in the sunless Demon Realm, demons don’t naturally have freckles.  They might have spots and stripes and tattoos and makeup and other demonic features, but most are unfamiliar with how sun exposure is actually the cause of skin freckling for humans and angels.
The boys might have seen freckles on prior exchange students from the Human Realm, but MC is the first one they’ve really cared to notice them on.  And they’re fading.
Featuring Lucifer, Mammon, Asmo, Satan, Diavolo & Gender Neutral MC.
Rating: G Warnings: None
My headcanon collection
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Since day one of their arrival, Lucifer has kept tabs on the health of MC.  However, he doesn’t intervene unless he believes that MC may be ill or in the way of harm.
MC’s been getting paler over the last couple of months and it has not escaped his notice.
He begins taking careful note of whether MC is getting enough vitamin D in their diet, going so far as to ensure that shared meals at the House of Lamentation are full of the nutrients their human needs to remain healthy.  If MC seems down or out of it, they’ll promptly find themselves whisked off to get a prescription for vitamin supplements to make up for any deficiencies they might have from now living in the Demon Realm.
He remembers the adjustments he and his brothers had to go through after they fell.  For most of them, it meant changing their diets, though Asmo in particular despaired over the loss of the spattering of freckles over across his nose and cheeks as he feared his beauty was fading.
It might not bring their freckles back, but he’ll be damned if MC becomes unhealthy on his watch.
Luke is also looking a bit more pallid these days.
He might have mentioned something to Lord Diavolo about MC and the angels looking overly pale these days due to the lack of sufficient sun exposure they’d normally have in their own realms.  It was only coincidence that a trip was soon planned to spend some time in the sun at Lord Diavolo’s private island.
He might not say anything, but seeing MC happy and healthy is a source of Pride for him.  He’ll admire from afar if they manage to get MC’s freckles back.
“Yo, human!  Where’d all ya spots go?”
It took him a while to figure out what was changing, but being in charge of their human means he needs to notice these things!
He freaks out at first thinking it means that MC is getting sick.  Even after explaining it to him, he’s a bit skeptical that it doesn’t mean that MC is unwell.  He knew that humans could have spots cuz he’s seen them during his time in the Human Realm,but he never knew it was because of the sun.  Now that he thinks about it now, though, it makes sense with the changes some of the brothers went through after the Fall.  And the little pipsqueak angel also seems to be significantly more pale.
He internalizes this for too long before finally mentioning something to Lucifer.  “Hey, maybe a trip out to that island would do them some good, yeah?”
Lucifer shot down a trip to the Human Realm just to go to the beach…but he’d see about organising a group trip to the Demon Lord’s private beach.
“Oh, darling, you’re looking so pale these days!  Are you feeling alright??”
Asmo’s one of the first to notice the sun-kissed color of MC’s cheeks and freckles fading the longer they’re in the Demon Realm.
It reminds him of part of his own transition after the Fall.
He drags MC to his room whenever he can to make sure that they’re keeping up an acceptable skincare routine.
There’s a specialty spa he loves to go to because it has tanning booths.  While normally scarce in the Demon Realm, they are popular in areas where Human Realm spa services and aesthetics are more on trend.  He uses them to get just the right amount of sun-kissed glow and dainty flecks back to his skin.
He’ll suggest they go there sometime and might drop a hint that they even have tanning there, though he’d never pressure MC into using them.
If MC likes the suggestion, Asmo will want them both to make a routine of going together.
He’ll be overjoyed when MC’s cute freckles start making a return.
Asmo is one of the first to jump onboard for plans to go out to Lord Diavolo’s private island.  He’ll never miss a good opportunity to get in some sunbathing (and pictures of him sunbathing for his Devilgram).  He’s one of the ones sure to remember sunscreen and insist on lathering up MC - it’s not sexy to get all red and burned from too much sun!
If MC is involved with Asmo, he’ll lay sweet kisses all over them for each freckle.
It was less that he noticed and more just that he’s aware that it’s something that happens with many humans and angels when they spend significant amounts of time staying in the Demon Realm.
Being born to the darkness of the Demon Realm, however, he did not realise the cause of the change being connected to the sun - or lack thereof.
“Ah, that’s…intriguing.  I’ve never come across such a thing discussed in any of the books I’ve read about human anatomy.  Is it painful to lose them?”
He scours books on skincare for humans and reads up on the effects of too much and too little sun exposure.  There sadly isn’t a whole lot written on this in the Demon Realm, yet.
Satan is the one that suggests that MC maybe should be seeing a doctor regularly during their stay to ensure that their health is being properly looked after.  After all, the human health books advise that routine bloodwork can signal of issues developing long before outward appearances may reflect a problem.
If MC doesn’t care of their freckles fading, then he doesn’t care, either, though the little spots remind him of the spots that some cats have. They're cute.
Is genuinely very concerned when he notices MC’s “spots” fading away.
They’re the first human exchange student that he’s become close enough with to notice such a thing happening.
He knows that many humans can have all kinds of spots; some many, some few; some dark, some light.
But he didn’t know they could start fading away.
Does it mean their precious exchange student is ill??
He asks Barbatos to assist him in finding books that might provide the answer, but they don’t have much luck.  It seems to be a phenomenon little reported on within the Demon Realm.
He isn’t sure how to approach it, so is just blunt about it one day when he and MC are enjoying some private time together, “I don’t mean to alarm you, MC…but I noticed that your spots don’t appear to be quite as plentiful as when you first arrived here.  Have you been feeling well?”
Is relieved when he’s told that it’s a normal thing to occur due to the lack of sunlight that the Demon Realm has, but is equally upset that he’s inadvertently been the cause of this.  The health of his exchange student is one of his highest priorities while they are under his care.
Even if MC is getting sufficient nutrients from their diet, Diavolo is skeptical that their freckles fading isn’t inherently a sign of bad health.  He tells Lucifer that they’ll all vacation at his island over Spring Break.
Is disappointed that a few days in the sun won’t be enough to ensure that MC’s freckles will come back and not fade again.  So that just means they’ll have to plan more sunny trips!
Maybe he should make a mini sun for MC.
Is skeptical that tanning beds are sufficient for the same desired effect but will confer with Asmo to find the best and safest options to explore with MC.
MC’s spots are one of his favorite features if they’re involved with the Prince.  They’re one of the cute unique things that humans can have.  They might be from the sun but they’re like having a face and body full of stars like the night sky.  He could spend hours lying together with MC and gently tracing them.
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Send me prompts~ ❤️❤️❤️
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Ok but aliens reacting to Human Reflexes:
I don’t know if I’m late to this trend or anything but if Earth is indeed a death-world, let’s just say for this instance it is, Humans have developed reflexes because of the constant danger living on Earth imposed. Our world is wonky and dangerous, so we adapted. So imagine aliens surprise when we show up one day on a ship as a new recruit for the team, (Not really a specific job or anything the new Human is around for various reasons. No one knows them all because the keep changing and making more), and all is going as normally as it usually goes with the Humans, and one team got a human that is not easily startled, so the crew makes a game out of who can scare the human. (Everyone is terrified of the human, and are really glad that they are allied every time someone tries to do it) and one of the aliens actually manages to startle the human and they are shocked by how the human reflexes are. Since most of the advanced sentient life forms are probably prey species, [since creatures who have a lot of meant in their diet would probably not get along very well] so, this alien successes in triggering the human reflexes, and this is how it goes down: Alien: *does what their species does to scare off predators to startle the serious human* Human: *Immediately launches a counter attack and almost injurs the alien* “HOLY SHIT ZEKRATEL, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU FUCKING DO THAT?!?! I COULD’VE HURT YOU. Your really freaking fucking lucky that I managed to stop the reflexes in time.” Zekratel: *their species version of crying & cowering in fear while human is getting of them from holding a knife to their throat.* “W-w-wha-t w-was-s t-tha-at…… Henry…” A different alien named Alezeb: *is helping Zekratel up and recover* What is a ‘reflex’, Henry??? Henry: *standing up* A reflex is a built in thing for humans. It’s our bodies reaction to what it perceives as dangerous, or a threat. That’s what happens when your species evolved on a death world. We don’t control it, but luckily I was able to catch it in time to not hurt Zekratel.” k. CNN. The entire fucking crew (minus the other human) that saw it: “What the fu-?”
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Au where Kyle finds out he’s a chubby chaser and is dismissive of WHO is he attracted to, instead chasing after Clyde, Lisa Burger and Henrietta.
Eventually he manages to get a date with Clyde (his first choice) and Stan warned him that if he keeps repressing his feelings he is going to hurt himself the most. Kyle acts indifferent to what Stan says trying to ignore Stan’s indirect suggestion cause Stan actually knows who he actually want’s.
Anyways, Kyle takes Clyde to casa bonita in hopes to keep his mind distracted and believes Clyde would like it, however Clyde complains about literally everything (mostly the service) so it was plain awful. And cuts things off after.
His second option was Lisa Burger reason why she was his second option is because she’s a brunette and he has thing for them. So he asked her out.
However she was too into makeup, diets and magazines; nonstop talking about any recent trend. It had Kyle bored after 10 minutes talking about Ariana grande.
He then goes after Henrietta, it was quite a chase for her (which he kinda likes; cause the previous attempts were easy bait and he prefers a challenge over something being handed to him) so after successfully managing to get a date with her, he immediately rushes to prepare everything having a exciting feeling in his stomach cause he feels there’s a connection between them and that it could actually work out. But during that he stumbles across Cartman while coming out from walmart.
Cartman’s messy hair stood out, his pjs still on as if he didn’t bother changing into his casual wear to go pick up some groceries. He had sandles with socks on, he couldn’t help but look at him dumbly as Cartman dismissively walks pass him to get inside the store. He gulp’s as seeing him made time go slower and feeling completely nauseous every time he’s around.
He curses himself and goes straight home.
His date with Henrietta went pretty well, and actually managed to keep it going for two weeks. Though Henrietta had her moments “goth” there was a lot of her she hid from her fellow goth friends. She was into musicals, pop music, comedy and like the drums.
However this wasn’t enough for his heart to stop aching every time he hang out with his friends, the times he spent with Cartman. And he knew deeply inside why he felt that way but he wasn’t planning to admit it anytime soon.
Though, during the period of him dating Henrietta he found his feelings stronger and difficult to manage as he always somehow ended in some mess with Cartman. He’d sometimes prioritize answering Cartman’s call over his girlfriend, he’d pick Cartman’s side over choosing to go on a date with her. Even in his thoughts Cartman hogged everything.
He’d find himself sometimes awaiting a reaction from Cartman the times he “unintentionally” shoved his relationship on to him. He liked annoying Cartman for being single but he also craved the attention from him.
He dumped Henrietta after two months cause he wasn’t feeling it anymore and went after Clyde AGAIN.
During this period Kenny admitted wanting to pursue Henrietta and asked if it was cool for him if he did; he genuinely didn’t care and he shrugged in response which concerned Kenny. Kenny gave him a talk about being more honest and open when it comes to his feelings, however Kyle took this as aim for his real romantic interest.
He had enough that both his closest friends have gave him “the talk” and then comes Butters to add to the pile doing the same exact shit after he caught him watching Cartman tackle Stan while playing football.
Unlike Kenny and Stan, Butters was the most direct, shamelessly adding that “Eric could reciprocate your feelings if you were more honest, Kyle” as if Cartman had any better choices? Of course he’d accept him, no one else would dare ask Cartman out.
So he thought.
And it’s a whole ass drama from there jsjsjs
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hergrandplan · 2 months
Hey Nina 💜,
I was wondering about 🌀❄️🌩️ for the writer asks.
Hope you're having a beautiful day!
Hi Sophia, I hope you're having a wonderful day too!!
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
Simply because @bigalockwood shared her end of the deal... (like hers, I am writing summary right now, no other part of this fic exists yett but... it will. this summary is a lot less long though so i apologize if you expected more sakldgj)
If there's one thing you can be sure about when it comes to a Simon Eriksson music video, it's that Wille's going to be in it, one way or another.
Or: despite growing protests of directors and producers, Simon and Wille do everything in their power to get Wille a cameo in every. single. music video
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
okay i took the longest time debating over what to share and mostly, whether im not plugging this fic that won't go up for months too much but.... have the first few passages of a fic that i'm way too excited about
“I’m going to the Oscars, of course I’m going to bring my best friend as a plus one.”
The video cut to a shot of Felice Ehrencrona, former-actress-turned-food-influencer, walking arm in arm with former Crown Prince Wilhelm, laughing at some joke the audience wasn’t privy to. Simon scrolled past it, onto the next video, the same trend but a different person. “I’m an older sibling, of course”. He closed the app, choosing to stare out the window, watching the LA skyline pass by instead.
Why the Oscars thought it a smart idea to also start inviting influencers, despite the backlash other award shows like the Grammy’s and even the MET gala had received over doing exactly that, was beyond him.
It’s not like anyone actually cared enough about them, and people would only complain about it online.
Plus, what right did they have to be there? It was an award show for actors and actresses. And sure, Felice had done some acting gigs in the beginning of her career, but that was years ago. Inviting influencers took the whole prestige out of it. And to bring the former crown prince with her on top of that? Ugh.
Simon already found it hard enough that he had to deal with actual celebrities who’d probably manage to complain about every minor detail, and now he had to deal with influencers as well? Who somehow had gotten the thought in their head that they were even better than anyone else?
And not to mention a former crown prince, who probably had everything that ever happened to him, every opportunity, just handed to him on a silver platter, and who had never been told no or what he could or couldn’t do.
Maybe Simon should also hop on the trend.
“I’m going to be working at the Oscars, of course someone is going to yell at me because I brought them a regular coke instead of a diet.”
What a glamourous life he had.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Simon sat down on the couch next to Wille, the widest grin possible on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. “I met someone. And I’m pretty sure he’s the one.”
“You said that about the previous guy. And the guy before that. And the guy before that.”
“Yeah, but this time I’m sure of it.” Simon fell back against the couch cushions, and ran a hand through his black curls. “He’s sweet, and considerate, and incredible in bed. I mean the way he–“
“Okay, okay, I do not need to hear you go on about your sexual escapades again, please. Where did you meet him?”
Simon’s hand got stuck in his curls, and he blushed. Actually blushed, and that’s how Wille knew the answer.
“Please don’t say the club.”
Simon didn’t reply.
“Simon, we talked about this. Not every guy you fuck is the one.”
Come ask me about WIPs! (and i have too many so repeats are fine)
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decorworks · 1 month
The Power of Plant-Based: A Guide to Veganism
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Veganism has gained significant traction in recent years, and for good reason. It's not just a passing trend; it's a movement that aligns with our desire for a healthier, more sustainable planet. By adopting a plant-based lifestyle, individuals contribute to their own well-being while making a positive impact on the world around them. The power of plant-based living is becoming increasingly evident as veganism is not just a dietary choice, it's a lifestyle that encompasses compassion, health, and environmental consciousness. Discover the principles of veganism, the health benefits of a plant-based diet, its environmental impact, ethical considerations, tips for transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, and addressing common concerns. 
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What is Veganism? At its core, veganism is a philosophy that seeks to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty, whether in diet, clothing, or any other aspect of life. It's an ethical stance that promotes compassion towards all sentient beings and recognizes the interconnectedness of humans, animals, and the environment. Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet Embracing a plant-based diet can have profound effects on our well-being, and there are significant health benefits: Nutritional Advantages: Plant-based diets are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, providing essential nutrients for optimal health. Disease Prevention: Studies have shown that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Weight Management: A plant-based diet, when balanced and varied, can support healthy weight loss and weight management.
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Environmental Impact of Veganism The environmental consequences of animal agriculture are staggering. By adopting a vegan lifestyle, we can significantly reduce our ecological footprint.  Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By eliminating animal products from our diet, we can reduce our carbon footprint. Conservation of Resources: Animal agriculture requires vast amounts of land, water, and feed. Shifting to plant-based alternatives allows for more efficient use of resources. Preservation of Wildlife: Animal agriculture is a leading cause of deforestation and habitat destruction. Choosing plant-based options helps protect biodiversity and wildlife habitats. Ethical Considerations Ethics is at the core of veganism. By adopting a vegan lifestyle, we actively express our compassion for animals and advocate for their rights. Veganism encourages the use of cruelty-free alternatives and challenges societal norms regarding the treatment of animals. Tips for Transitioning to a Vegan Lifestyle Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can be a gradual process. Here are some tips to help you navigate the journey: Gradual Changes and Substitutions: Start by incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet and gradually eliminate animal products. Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping: Plan your meals in advance and explore the abundance of vegan options available. Stock your pantry with wholesome plant-based ingredients. Seek Support and Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, join vegan groups, and seek support from friends and family who understand and respect your choices. Addressing Common Concerns Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle often comes with questions and concerns. Let's address some common ones: Protein Intake: Plant-based diets can provide ample protein through sources such as legumes, tofu, tempeh, and quinoa. Nutrient Deficiencies: With proper planning and a varied diet, vegans can meet their nutritional needs. Pay attention to sources of vitamins B12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. Social Challenges: Dining out or attending social events as a vegan may require some adjustments. Communicate your dietary preferences in advance, and be prepared with vegan-friendly alternatives.
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Vegan Recipe Suggestions Here are a few easy to prepare and delicious vegan recipe suggestions to try: Vegan Buddha Bowl: A colorful and nourishing bowl packed with a variety of vegetables, whole grains, and plant proteins. Black Bean Tacos: Flavorful and satisfying, these tacos showcase how classic dishes can be made vegan without sacrificing taste. Overnight Oats: A simple and nutritious breakfast option that can be customized with your favorite toppings and flavors. Lentil Bolognese: A hearty and comforting meal that highlights the protein potential in vegan foods. Additional Resources For further exploration of veganism and its benefits, here are some recommended resources: "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger: A comprehensive book that extensively covers the health benefits of a plant-based diet. "Forks Over Knives" documentary: A compelling film that explores the correlation between diet and disease, highlighting the power of plant-based nutrition. The Vegan Society website: A comprehensive online resource for anyone interested in veganism. It offers a range of information from basic principles to practical advice, recipes, and more. "Earthlings" documentary: A thought-provoking film that sheds light on the ethics of animal use in various industries, encouraging viewers to reevaluate their choices. Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle is not just a personal choice but it should be a conscious decision to make a positive impact on your health, the environment, and to do your part in protecting animal welfare. Start living a plant-based lifestyle and contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate world today. Every step you take on this journey matters. Embrace the power of plants, explore new flavors, and savor the incredible benefits that veganism brings to your life. Read the full article
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