missshame · 8 months
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layedovergreenery · 1 year
i just wamt to interact w cool people ill tag stuff idkkkkk
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fuckingshutup · 3 months
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aropride · 1 month
interaction i have with shocking regularity is when someone’s complaining abt someone they know and theyre like “ughh they’re 21 and dont have a job and refuse to learn to drive” and then they remember who they’re talking to (me. 21 cant work cant drive) and go like
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nevereacheaven · 2 months
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Miku binder Thomas Jefferson has hit the Pentagon (Daveed Diggs inner circle)
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thesaltyace · 2 months
Y'all I did NOT know this about Harris, and I think it's really critical that we all listen and understand as we approach this election. Video at the end.
This creator's video describes how progressive Harris was as a prosecutor -- actively going against the grain to the point she was accused of being soft on crime. Accused of being a social worker, not a prosecutor. She calls it being smart on crime. She's pushing for systemic changes to give real pathways to reintegrate incarcerated folks back into society and prevent their past from continuing to haunt them moving forward.
"Kamala's a cop" is a catchy dismissive response usually used to shut down conversation rather than add nuance. But this kind of reform is ESSENTIAL to work towards a present and future that treats incarcerated people with value.
I fell for it in 2020 and have thought "Kamala's a cop" without further inspection since - and I'm sobered by the realization that (you guessed it!) I'm not immune to propaganda.
A better system only follows liberal democracy, because library democracy allows for exploration of better systems. If authoritarianism takes hold, it will not allow for the exploration of better systems. We will have to fight tooth and nail just to try to get back to liberal democracy, and I suspect we could not achieve it in our lifetimes.
Harris isn't perfect. But she's a hell of a lot better than many leftists have led me to believe. Don't let perfection be the enemy of good. Don't let perfection be the enemy of harm reduction.
We can either help elect Trump and usher in authoritarian fascism, or we can help defeat him and pull things back in the direction we want to go. Not liking the choices doesn't absolve you from participating and doing the most good you can with the options available.
I'll link the original video in the replies. The original video has captions if you need them.
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yunisverse · 5 months
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Been thinking about my old fakemons and what good good pubbies they are.
Cerbernard's barrel is full of aged berry juice that works as a Full Heal for lost and injured mountaineers. Berrel's barrel is full of Berrel.
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greensparty · 6 months
Talking with Peter Holmström of The Dandy Warhols
Portland, OR alt-rockers The Dandy Warhols have been letting their freak flag fly for 30 years now. Seriously! The band was formed in 1994 and have consistently been releasing one psychedelic rock album after another. To coincide with the band's thirteenth studio album Rockmaker, which drops today from Sunset Blvd. Records, they began a tour a few weeks earlier. The new album is very much a rocker and it's worth picking up. Prior to the album release, they put out the single "Danzig With Myself", one of the coolest song titles in recent memory!
In my review of the band's 2019 album Why You So Crazy, I wrote that it was "the band’s best album since 2000′s Thirteen Tales of Urban Bohemia." Happy to report the new album is the band leaning into their hard rock tendencies. When I saw the band at Royale in 2019 celebrating their 25th anniversary, they played a ton of hits and dropped balloons on the audience at the end. I wrote "This band really made me believe the dream of the 90s is still alive!" When the band returned to Royale on March 5, they didn't have the balloon theme, but they didn't miss a beat. There was a brief technical glitch, but like any professional, they kept it going. This show was super special in that they were doing some new material off the album before it was even released. They also did a ton of their standards like "We Used to be Friends", "Good Morning" (one of my favorites FYI), "Bohemian Like You" (a big soundtrack song), "The Last High" and "Not Your Bottle" (a song they hadn't done in 20 years) among others.
Through this blog I've had the chance to cover The Dandy Warhols quite a bit. In 2019, I interviewed leader Courtney Taylor-Taylor via email. In 2020 I interviewed keyboardist/bassist Zia McCabe via zoom. So the next step was my first Dandy Warhols in-person interview with guitarist Peter Holmström backstage before the Royale show. He was relaxed, cool and very generous with his time. In addition to his work with The Dandy Warhols, Peter also has the side project Peter International Airport and he has played in Rebel Drones, The Mutants, and Sun Atoms! Busy guy indeed, so I appreciate his meeting with me while he was in Boston.
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Peter Holmström and me
Me: In 2020 the band released Tafelmuzik Means More When You're Alone, a 3.5 hour album! You're making a lot of musicians feel downright lazy in contrast.
PH: Honestly, that's just us being lazy because that's stuff that was recorded a while before that we had and we just felt like we needed to put something out. More for everybody else during that time.
Me: Now the band's new album Rockmaker, which drops on March 15, is a much leaner 41 minutes. Tell me about the new album?
PH: The concept was that all of the songs start with a riff essentially, which is not a new thing, but it's new for us. We mostly write songs starting with a chord change and a melody and the riffs come later. This time we decided to come up with some heavy guitar riffs and come up with some songs around that, which was a very fun exercise. I was not into it at first, the idea that it was going to be a metal record. I had no interest in that. But as soon as I figured out that it wasn't going to be metal, just heavier guitar, then I came up with plenty of riffs and we got a record made.
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cover of the new album Rockmaker
Me: The Dandy Warhols have always had a lot of rock star friends, but this new album features appearances by Slash, Frank Black and Debbie Harry. What was it like working with these icons of music?
PH: Unfortunately we don't ever get to be in the studio together. But still, having Debbie Harry sing on a song I co-wrote, that's...I didn't know that was on my bucket list! That's an amazing thing that my teenage self would be freaking out over. I'm still freaking out over it. Truly amazing!
And Slash - whoever would've guessed? That's just crazy. And Frank Black is super fucking cool! Another never would've expected that. But, hey - great!
Me: It's funny you mention bucket list because my next question is: are there any musicians on your bucket list you'd like to work with?
PH: [pauses] Yeah, of course there's lots of people. With my side project [Peter International Airport] I try to work with all of those people, because they're more the people I want to work with. But with The Dandys' it's not necessarily the ones who make sense, it's more the curveball ones that we end up with. I mean Mark Knofler - that's odd. I mean, Daniel Ash is somebody I would've loved to have been a part of this record. He doesn't seem to play on other people's records.
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Zia McCabe, Brent DeBoer, Courtney Taylor-Taylor and Holmström live at Royale Boston on 3/5/24
Me: In addition to The Dandy Warhols, you also have your side project Peter International Airport. Any chance they might be opening for The Dandy Warhols soon?
PH: No. I would do it, but Courtney doesn't seem to like that idea. He doesn't like any of our side projects opening up. And it would be exhausting.
Me: I do need to ask, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the documentary film Dig! about the friendship and rivalry between The Dandy Warhols and The Brian Jonestown Massacre. I know the band has had a complicated history with both the documentary and director Ondi Timoner, but what's it like for you to know that this film has amassed a cult following, just had the 20th anniversary treatment at Sundance and has brought in new fans?
PH: I try not to think about it too much, because it's not an accurate documentary. She told a story - a very captivating story - using real footage (for the most part) and we gained from it but we also suffered from it. Right when that came out that was right around the time the press wanted to turn against us anyway and we got just terrible reviews of our record that had nothing to do with the record. It was all about their view of who we were from the movie. Like big ones, Rolling Stone and Spin. Just horrible reviews. And then Anton [Newcombe of Brian Jonestown Massacre] got people showing up at shows and just yelling at him to get him to freak out for years. And finally it's come back around so it's about the music. So yeah, it's a weird one. Zia wanted to take part in the 20th anniversary screening at Sundance but none of the rest of us did.
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The Dandy Warhols live at Royale Boston
Me: Favorite album of The Dandy Warhols?
PH: It's a bit of a cliche but it's probably always going to be Thirteen Tales of Urban Bohemia. Just because pre-Thirteen Tales there was an innocence that got changed as soon as we had an actual hit. Then everything changed after that, including the way we recorded because that's when digital recording kind of took over. It stopped being about writing songs, then learning them, then going into the studio. It became more about building songs in the studio. There's nothing wrong with that it's just different. Because of that, there's an innocence to the magic thing that happened that we'll never go back to.
For info on The Dandy Warhols
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pangur-and-grim · 7 months
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Pangur fanart is always so fun to receive, but I do giggle sometimes at the yassification
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missshame · 11 days
"Anton Newcombe does not support  the recently screened documentary film 'DIG!'  in its currently edited form. 
Thanks for taking the time to ask how I feel about this project.  I care very much about my work, I always have, and hope that that was made clear in the film.  I have no desire to interfere with the flim makers in any way, and until very recently, I never bothered to view any of the footage.
I was shocked and let down when I saw the end result.  Several years of our hard work was reduced at best to a series of punch-ups and mishaps taken out of context, and at worst bold faced lies and misrepresentation of fact.
A perfect example is footage shown of me getting arrested in Georgia. The narration and editing suggest that I am being arrested for drug possession.  It was actually Ondi who was arrested for possession, and rightly so, as the drugs were hers.  I happened to have an expired license.
Another odd editing choice is that the footage concerning myself and the BJM in the film stops in 1997, while the Dandy's footage goes through 2003.  This leads the viewer to believe that I fell off the earth in a drugged-out downward spiral of insanity.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. I quit heroin over 5 years ago, thank God, and have been more productive than ever making albums and touring all over the world.
I would like to explain why I let this person film our band in the first place.  She asked me to be a part of a project about bands.  She listed off a number of future nobodies and agreed to come to San Francisco to meet us.  I told her that I intended to take over her movie, and introduced her to the Dandy Warhols.  I thought it would be wonderful to capture how all of the industry bullshit can destroy bands and friendships just as much as drugs and fame. When the project started, neither one of our groups had major labels, but we both knew the direction life was taking us.  I remember Ondi being very keen on all of this.
I accept that people will make up their own minds about this film when they see it.  I just feel ripped off by the "lowest common denominator" culture machine (something I don't cater to).
Please let me know if you have any more specific questions.
Anton Alfred Newcombe  1/30/04 "
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g4zdtechtv · 7 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: AOTS! - Greetings from TROMAville | 4/19/05
Throw down the drop cloths!
DONATE AND KEEP 4GTV ON THE AIR - http://bit.ly/4GTVDonate | http://streamelements.com/grupstra0/tip
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crustaceousfaggot · 1 year
Crane Wives songs will be like *folk guitar intro* ooowoahhhhhhhh ooowaoahhhhh. I am a wolf in the river. I am worried that I'm too volatile to ever be in a stable relationship. *guitar interlude with some percussion now* ooowoahhhhhhhh ooowaoahhhhh. There is ash in my hair. I am so tired all the time. I think I'm a bad person.
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erysium · 2 months
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long distance feelings
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mudkipper · 4 months
It's that time of year
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
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Simon Fairchild
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shittysawtraps · 3 months
my dog is too antisocial for the dog park so for enrichment we put her in the reverse bear trap 👍
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