I am now thinking more about the Jurassic Park/World - Animorphs crossover AU (Dinomorphs?). It has stuck in my head like a bad song and I can't get it out.
InGen and any of the other companies involved with making the dinosaurs would be taken over by the Yeerks almost as soon as the Yeerks arrive. These companies have biological engineering capabilities approaching the level of the Arn, but on a much better planet. The Yeerks would be salivating over that.
Following on from this: Hybrid dinosaurs like the Indo-series Rex and Raptor or the Stegoceratops from the video games are probably Yeerk projects. The Yeerks are looking for ways to create more shock troops to unleash on the Andalites.
Similarly, we could expect to see even more interesting hybrids involving alien DNA. Velocihorks and Pterotaxxons and Geddosaurs. I imagine most of these hybrid projects would be failures that illustrate the depravity and utter inhumanity of the Yeerks, like the failed Aquatic Hork-Bajir project.
Dinosaur-controllers, mostly with medium-sized dinosaurs that can function as guards or shock-troops but aren't too big to fit inside of Yeerk ships. As much as Visser Three would love to have Tyrannosaur-Controllers on the payroll, they're just too big and their arms too tiny to be useful to the Empire on a day to day basis. (I imagine this is the same reason the Yeerks can't deploy the giant monsters on the Hork-Bajir homeworld to other planets - their spaceships just can't hold the critters, there's not enough room.)
Visser Three, of course, would have all the big dinosaur morphs. He can bypass the "too big to fit" limitation thanks to Alloran's morphing ability.
Because the Yeerks have to use smaller dinosaurs in their ships and Yeerk Pools, the Animorphs could still use their regular battle morphs (or in Ax's case, his normal Andalite body) for a lot of the fighting, if they aren't able to acquire dinosaurs themselves. And if Visser Three turns into something too big for them to handle, they can do what they usually do and run.
If the dinosaurs have escaped into the wild before the Animorphs get into the war, then smaller dinosaur morphs could be acquired at Cassie's barn.
Following on from the last point - if Cassie has any mid-size theropods at the Barn, or if there are any at The Gardens, then Tobias definitely gets stuck as one of those instead of a hawk.
How would the chimeric DNA of the dinosaurs affect morphing allergies? What if Rachel burps up a Baryonyx or an Ankylosaurus because it has the part of the crocodile DNA that she's allergic to in it? Is this how we find out Jake is allergic to Tree Frog DNA?
Toby and the Free Hork-Bajir adopt a dinosaur early on. I don't know what kind yet.
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eyesoftheholder · 7 months
theres a demon in my brain telling me to rewatch dinomorphs and to make a new iteration i cannot fall victim to said demon
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kaban-bang · 8 months
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Eijiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
A/N: Your quirk is dinomorph meaning you turn into carnivorous dinosaurs such as a T-rex, Spinosaurus, etc.
Your dad is the well-known hero Godzillo but, when you were born you didn't look anything like him or even like your mother. Well, as far as a quirk went your mom told you that you didn't look like either of them. They believed that you were born quirkless. They took you to doctors and found out you had Autism so that took their attention away from your supposed lack of quirk. It was like this for five years with your mom taking you to different doctors and appointments for speech therapy, programs, special schooling the whole thing. You remember being friends with other kids who thought like you. Those who didn't like touch didn't like their things touched, and they didn't understand certain things that adults told them to do. One day a janitor grabbed the tape recorder that you liked to rewind to listen to the sound and threw it out. You were so angry and you didn't realize that you had changed. You turned into some weird creature. The other students were both scared and intrigued. That was a crazy day that day. Both of your parents were called and they had to explain what happened and that's when you went to the doctor. You were determined to have a quirk! You had a combination of your mom's and dad's quirk. Since your dad was basically a carnivorous dinosaur and your mom's quirk was transformation you got a combination of both. You can transform into any kind of carnivorous dinosaur! It was so cool 
"Dad that's so cool! I can turn into a big, strong, and cool dinosaur like you! All because of mom's quirk!" You were excited and did extensive research about quirks. Quirks always fascinated you so you would do as much research as possible about them and would write them down in books. 
"I think you would make a better hero than me." You laughed hugging him as close and tightly as you could. He hugged you back since you hardly hugged but when you did you always wanted to be hugged back. You started talking about everything you found out. He never minded when you talked. Neither did your mom
"Do you want to tell me what you found out too?" You nodded your head at her gesturing for her to come. All three of you sat down on the couch as you grabbed your books and showed them what you did. "This is amazing sweetheart."
That was the beginning of your collection of notes. Every time you found out something new and different about quirks and other heroes you would write it down. You went to Aldera middle school where you met a quirkless bullied kid named Izuku. He didn't have any friends and this scary kid with a cool and strong quirk named Katsuki was the main one bullying him. Izuku liked to write in his books and mumble a lot. You decided to be his friend and after a while, the two of you bonded over the notes and books you guys had. The two of you remained friends and got even closer even after you accidentally found out about him and All Might. Izuku told you everything and made you swear not to tell anyone. You took friendships seriously so your lips were sealed. The two of you applied for U.A along with Katsuki who wasn't happy about it but, he couldn't do anything about it. The two of you took the practical exam where you saw a cool boy with black hair and red eyes use a hardening quirk to cut down the robots left and right. He was so strong. Fast forward to the first day of classes and you looked for Izuku and the kid with the hardening quirk. You saw him but, he was different. he had dyed his hair red.
"E-excuse me, hello?" The boy turned to you with a toothy grin and waved
"Hey! My name is Ejirou Kirishima! What's your name?" You were nervous, you didn't plan this far ahead and you didn't want to mess up 
"U-Um, my n-name is Y-Y/N L-L/N. I remember seeing you at the exam. Y-you had black h-hair but the red is nice now! It fits!" You were quick to reassure him not wanting to mess up "Your q-quirk is so c-cool. You were beating r-robots left and r-right! Can we be f-friends?" Your dad always taught you to be straightforward. Hopefully, it didn't backfire like it always did. Well besides Izuku. Ejirou stared at you and just as you were about to walk away because you thought you messed up he stood up quickly causing you to flinch in surprise. 
"Of course, we can be friends! You're so manly already! I remember you from the exam too! You turned into a cool dinosaur and were knocking down the robots too! You're the one with the cool quirk!" You smiled as the two of you talked for a bit before you went back to Izuku to talk to him. 
That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship turned crush. You didn't mean to get a crush on him but, you did. He was so nice and genuine. He was very good at reassurance and knew how to read people. You didn't like how he was friends with Katsuki but, Katsuki tolerated him. You didn't like that. You knew he only respected everyone because they had quirks, quirkless people were less than dirt to him. That needed to change if he wanted to be a good hero. Enough about him, Ejiro managed to befriend the behemoth which somehow solidified that he was the one for you. You knew he was gay but, you weren't sure if you were his type. 
"Izuku-kun?" Izuku turned to you gesturing you had his attention "Do you think I am Ejiro's type?" He blinked turning to look at Kirishima ignoring the way Bakugo glared at him before turning back to you 
"You are literally everything he likes. Trust me when I say he can't stand to be with Katsuki like that. He's a good friend but, boyfriend-wise? He will kill him." The two of you laughed. That was a joke you understand but, there were a lot of other sayings you didn't understand. It's okay though. Your friends and Ejirou didn't mind. 
"So should I tell him and hope for the best?" Izuku hummed before nodding his head 
"of course. Even if by some stupid idiotic chance he does not like you back he will be nice about it and me and you can watch your favorite documentaries and eat your favorite ice cream. Is that a deal?" You thought about it before nodding your head. Satisfied the two of you paid attention to the rest of the class until it was lunchtime. You made it to the cafeteria and you were nervous. You had lunch so you sat down at the table with the dekusquad looking over waiting for Kirishima. When you saw him you decided to talk to him. You made it over to him and tapped him on his shoulder. 
"Yeah Y/N-kun?" You told him to use your first name.
"Can I talk to you for a minute? I promise to be quick." He nodded his head getting up and moving over to a secluded area in the lunchroom. 
"What's on your mind Y/N? You can tell me anything" He was very close to your personal space and you didn't mind it 
"U-um, I was wondering, if, um. I know you, like guys, uh." This was hard "D-do you want to go out? Um, uh, like boyfriends? I want to be your b-boyfriend-" You were cut off by him pulling you in for a bruising hug.
"You're so cute! I thought I was going to have to ask but, I'm so glad you did! I would love to be your boyfriend! I'm so happy!" He hugged you some more before letting go knowing how you are about your space.
"Can we start off slow?" You were excited but, you needed time not wanting to mess up. He grinned all teeth on display.
"Of course! You're worth everything!" 
What do you think?
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thicc-astronaut · 11 months
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Decided to make a more realistic dinomorph of the anthropomorphic dinosaur I posted last night . Used the same colors and everything.
Mostly doing this for practice with animals and 3-D figures
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darkglassstudios · 1 year
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Darkglass Sojourners are proud to present a much requested form, the Dinomorph! For those who might want to be a raptor for a couple days, great for hunting vacations. Lasers are an optional feature
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catgirl-kaiju · 2 years
Hey…we have the same last name
Oh, wild! Hello fellow Forester 🤝
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spadefish · 4 years
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you know what actually i DID finish these pics between comms at some point... patrons saw these sketches like... last month or the month before
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buckyrevolution · 4 years
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Faaaaccccttttsss 💯💯💯💯😂😂#powerrangersdinocharge #itsmorphintime #dinochargeready #powerrangersday #powerrangers #deadaf #happyfriday #icannoticannot #dinodriveactivate #dinosupercharge #dinosuperdrivesaber #lmfao #powerrangersday2020 #monsterinstinct #powerrangervillians #thestruggleissoreal #dinomorpher #dinomorpherblast #itsanerdsworld #nerdsrule #energizehaunleashthepower https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcxS1Pp0uH/?igshid=8ttt4nvfwovf
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theclockworkkidart · 4 years
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Redrew the first Jojo fanart I made (almost) exactly a year ago. Of Diego Brando the Dinomorph. 
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creatingquirks · 4 years
Quirk matchups: set fifteen
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aliensandpredators · 7 years
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Dinomorph! by artist RJ Palmer
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wyrmguardsecrets · 7 years
So, we might not get raptor catform or direhorn bearform, but Zandalari travel form...? A RAAAAPTOOOOOR!!!! DINOMORPHING POWER TROLLS!!
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dinomorph-kaiju · 4 years
This is the third time in the decade+ I’ve been on Tumblr that I’ve changed my user name. Previously howarecatsreal. I am now...DINOMORPH-KAIJU!!
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
A/N: Your quirk is dinomorph meaning you turn into carnivorous dinosaurs such as a T-rex, Spinosaurus, etc.
Your dad is the well-known hero Godzillo but, when you were born you didn't look anything like him or even like your mother. Well, as far as a quirk went your mom told you that you didn't look like either of them. They believed that you were born quirkless. They took you to doctors and found out you had Autism so that took their attention away from your supposed lack of quirk. It was like this for five years with your mom taking you to different doctors and appointments for speech therapy, programs, special schooling the whole thing. You remember being friends with other kids who thought like you. Those who didn't like touch didn't like their things touched, and they didn't understand certain things that adults told them to do. One day a janitor grabbed the tape recorder that you liked to rewind to listen to the sound and threw it out. You were so angry and you didn't realize that you had changed. You turned into some weird creature. The other students were both scared and intrigued. That was a crazy day that day. Both of your parents were called and they had to explain what happened and that's when you went to the doctor. You were determined to have a quirk! You had a combination of your mom's and dad's quirk. Since your dad was basically a carnivorous dinosaur and your mom's quirk was transformation you got a combination of both. You can transform into any kind of carnivorous dinosaur! It was so cool 
"Dad that's so cool! I can turn into a big, strong, and cool dinosaur like you! All because of mom's quirk!" You were excited and did extensive research about quirks. Quirks always fascinated you so you would do as much research as possible about them and would write them down in books. 
"I think you would make a better hero than me." You laughed hugging him as close and tightly as you could. He hugged you back since you hardly hugged but when you did you always wanted to be hugged back. You started talking about everything you found out. He never minded when you talked. Neither did your mom
"Do you want to tell me what you found out too?" You nodded your head at her gesturing for her to come. All three of you sat down on the couch as you grabbed your books and showed them what you did. "This is amazing sweetheart."
That was the beginning of your collection of notes. Every time you found out something new and different about quirks and other heroes you would write it down. You went to Aldera middle school where you met a quirkless bullied kid named Izuku. He didn't have any friends and this scary kid with a cool and strong quirk named Katsuki was the main one bullying him. Izuku liked to write in his books and mumble a lot. You decided to be his friend and after a while, the two of you bonded over the notes and books you guys had. The two of you remained friends and got even closer even after you accidentally found out about him and All Might. Izuku told you everything and made you swear not to tell anyone. You took friendships seriously so your lips were sealed. The two of you applied for U.A along with Katsuki who wasn't happy about it but, he couldn't do anything about it. The two of you took the practical exam where you saw a cool boy with black hair and red eyes use a hardening quirk to cut down the robots left and right. He was so strong. Fast forward to the first day of classes and you looked for Izuku and the kid with the hardening quirk. You saw him but, he was different. he had dyed his hair red.
"E-excuse me, hello?" The boy turned to you with a toothy grin and waved
"Hey! My name is Ejirou Kirishima! What's your name?" You were nervous, you didn't plan this far ahead and you didn't want to mess up 
"U-Um, my n-name is Y-Y/N L-L/N. I remember seeing you at the exam. Y-you had black h-hair but the red is nice now! It fits!" You were quick to reassure him not wanting to mess up "Your q-quirk is so c-cool. You were beating r-robots left and r-right! Can we be f-friends?" Your dad always taught you to be straightforward. Hopefully, it didn't backfire like it always did. Well besides Izuku. Ejirou stared at you and just as you were about to walk away because you thought you messed up he stood up quickly causing you to flinch in surprise. 
"Of course, we can be friends! You're so manly already! I remember you from the exam too! You turned into a cool dinosaur and were knocking down the robots too! You're the one with the cool quirk!" You smiled as the two of you talked for a bit before you went back to Izuku to talk to him. 
That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship turned crush. You didn't mean to get a crush on him but, you did. He was so nice and genuine. He was very good at reassurance and knew how to read people. You didn't like how he was friends with Katsuki but, Katsuki tolerated him. You didn't like that. You knew he only respected everyone because they had quirks, quirkless people were less than dirt to him. That needed to change if he wanted to be a good hero. Enough about him, Ejiro managed to befriend the behemoth which somehow solidified that he was the one for you. You knew he was gay but, you weren't sure if you were his type. 
"Izuku-kun?" Izuku turned to you gesturing you had his attention "Do you think I am Ejiro's type?" He blinked turning to look at Kirishima ignoring the way Bakugo glared at him before turning back to you 
"You are literally everything he likes. Trust me when I say he can't stand to be with Katsuki like that. He's a good friend but, boyfriend-wise? He will kill him." The two of you laughed. That was a joke you understand but, there were a lot of other sayings you didn't understand. It's okay though. Your friends and Ejirou didn't mind. 
"So should I tell him and hope for the best?" Izuku hummed before nodding his head 
"of course. Even if by some stupid idiotic chance he does not like you back he will be nice about it and me and you can watch your favorite documentaries and eat your favorite ice cream. Is that a deal?" You thought about it before nodding your head. Satisfied the two of you paid attention to the rest of the class until it was lunchtime. You made it to the cafeteria and you were nervous. You had lunch so you sat down at the table with the dekusquad looking over waiting for Kirishima. When you saw him you decided to talk to him. You made it over to him and tapped him on his shoulder. 
"Yeah Y/N-kun?" You told him to use your first name.
"Can I talk to you for a minute? I promise to be quick." He nodded his head getting up and moving over to a secluded area in the lunchroom. 
"What's on your mind Y/N? You can tell me anything" He was very close to your personal space and you didn't mind it 
"U-um, I was wondering, if, um. I know you, l-like guys, uh." This was hard "D-do you want to g-go out? Um, uh, like boyfriends? I want to be your b-boyfriend-" You were cut off by him pulling you in for a bruising hug.
"You're so cute! I thought I was going to have to ask but, I'm so glad you did! I would love to be your boyfriend! I'm so happy!" He hugged you some more before letting go knowing how you are about your space.
"Can we start off slow?" You were excited but, you needed time not wanting to mess up. He grinned all teeth on display
"Of course! You're worth everything!" 
What do you think?
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bh6-fanfictionfeed · 6 years
The Trials of the Dinomorph and Superheroes
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Act00p
by superkoola
Corssover between Jurassic Park and Big Hero 6, Incredibles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Avengers, and Spider-man. A young Dinomorph, a human that can turn into a dinosaur, has been enlisted to be a future leader of the tribe thanks to his ability to transform into any creatures of Sorna. He'll have help from superheros from another dimensions to complete his trials...
Words: 490, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Jurassic Park Original Trilogy (Movies), Big Hero 6 (2014), Big Hero 6: The Series (Cartoon), Incredibles (Pixar Movies), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Velociraptor, Compsognathus (Jurassic Park), Pteranodon (Jurassic Park), Gallimimus (Jurassic Park), Hiro Hamada, Honey Lemon (Marvel), Go Go Tomago, Wasabi-No Ginger, Fred | Fredzilla, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Bob "Mr. Incredible" Parr, Helen "Elastigirl" Parr, Violet Parr, Dash Parr, Baymax (Marvel), Donatello (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Leonardo (TMNT)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Act00p
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