#Directional Drill Rods
jbtrenchless · 7 months
"Unlocking the Power of Drill Rods: Essential Components for Efficient Drilling Operations"
In the realm of construction and mining, the efficiency and effectiveness of drilling operations hinge on the quality and reliability of equipment used. Among the crucial components in any drilling setup are drill rods. These slender, cylindrical rods play a pivotal role in transmitting power from the drilling rig to the drill bit, facilitating the penetration of various subsurface materials. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of drill rods, exploring their construction, functions, and importance in achieving successful drilling outcomes.
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Understanding Drill Rods: Construction and Composition
Drill rods, also referred to as drill pipes, serve as the backbone of drilling systems, providing the structural support and conduit for transmitting rotational torque and axial force to the drill bit. These rods are typically made from high-strength alloy steel to withstand the rigors of drilling operations and resist bending, buckling, and fatigue. The composition of drill rods may vary depending on the specific requirements of the drilling application, with considerations given to factors such as depth, formation characteristics, and environmental conditions.
Drill rods are characterized by their length, diameter, thread type, and wall thickness, which are tailored to the specifications of the drilling rig and the intended drilling method. Common types of drill rod threads include API, Mayhew, AWJ, and NWJ, each designed for compatibility with different drilling equipment and tooling.
Functions of Drill Rods in Drilling Operations
Drill rods perform several critical functions in drilling operations, facilitating the efficient penetration of the subsurface and the retrieval of drill cuttings. These functions include:
Power Transmission: Drill rods transmit rotational torque and axial force from the drilling rig to the drill bit, enabling the cutting and penetration of rock, soil, or other geological formations.
Fluid Conduit: In certain drilling methods, such as rotary drilling, drill rods also serve as conduits for drilling fluids, which are pumped down the borehole to lubricate the drill bit, carry away drill cuttings, and stabilize the borehole walls.
Sample Recovery: In exploration drilling or geotechnical investigations, drill rods are used to extract core samples or soil samples from the subsurface, providing valuable information about geological formations, mineral deposits, or soil properties.
Tool Compatibility: Drill rods are designed to accommodate various drilling tools and accessories, such as drill bits, reamers, core barrels, and downhole instrumentation, allowing for versatility and customization in drilling operations.
Importance of Quality Drill Rods for Successful Drilling
The quality and integrity of drill rods are paramount to the success of drilling operations. Inferior or damaged drill rods can compromise drilling efficiency, result in costly downtime, and pose safety risks to personnel and equipment. Investing in high-quality drill rods from reputable manufacturers ensures reliability, durability, and performance in demanding drilling environments.
Proper maintenance and inspection of drill rods are also essential to prolong their service life and minimize the risk of premature failure. Regular inspections should include checks for wear, corrosion, cracks, and thread damage, with damaged or worn drill rods promptly replaced to prevent accidents or equipment damage.
In conclusion, drill rods are indispensable components in drilling operations, serving as the conduit for power transmission, fluid circulation, and sample retrieval. Understanding the construction, functions, and importance of drill rods is essential for achieving efficient and successful drilling outcomes. By investing in quality drill rods and adhering to proper maintenance practices, drilling professionals can optimize performance, enhance safety, and maximize productivity on the job site.
For more info- Contact us : JB Trenchless P: (61) 397065239 E: [email protected] Address : 1/15 Commercial Dr, Dandenong South VIC 3175, Australia
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siilvan · 1 year
bloodsport – II
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prologue | part one | next
characters: vladimir makarov
summary: you never realized how boring captivity could be. you hate to admit it, but makarov is the only interesting thing around, and perhaps the closest thing you have to an ally in this place.
genre: angst, slowburn, enemies to ?, fem!reader (callsign: petra, no desc.)
warnings: semi-proofread, cursing, canon-typical violence, descriptions of blood/injuries, inaccurate medical procedures, reader gets harassed :/, reader kills a dude, russian written by a non-russian speaker (please correct me if it's wrong!!)
word count: 3.7k
note: the temptation to write the filthiest makarov/reader/yuri fic is slowly taking over my brain. i'm begging activision to reveal my ex-war-criminal husband already bc i have two hands for a reason
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true to his word, you don't see makarov for the rest of the day. after you're brought back to your cell and locked away, you take the time to rest and gather your thoughts. the lumpy bed provides little comfort as you try to sleep, but it's better than the cold floor. you manage to drift off eventually, even with every voice and sound in the corridor stirring you awake.
when you finally drag yourself out of bed the next morning, blinking away any lingering exhaustion and gently stretching your sore muscles, the sky is still dark. the storm that was raging all night had subsided for now, and through the single barred window on the back wall, you can see groups of soldiers outside. running drills, training in marksmanship, transporting supplies, patrolling the grounds - it reminds you of the bases you've visited with the team.
the team. you trudge over to the only other furniture in the room, the metal chair that you moved to sit near the window, and plop down onto the seat unceremoniously. with how muddled your mind has been since the conversation with makarov, you've hardly had time to think about them.
they're alive. you just need to keep telling yourself that. they'll come for you as soon as they can. all you can do until then is keep faith and survive.
as a pair of boots stomps down the hall towards your cell, you begin to ponder if taking matters into your own hands is the only way you'll escape. you're just as capable as the rest of your team, surely you can find a way out of this crumbling prison.
you turn your head at the sound of keys jingling. a guard is standing at your door, unlocking it, before looking at you. "let's go," he says, thick accent lacing every word. "you're on a schedule."
with a small wince, you rise from the chair and cross the room. the guard starts down the corridor, heading in the opposite direction that you went yesterday. you follow close behind, clammy palms wringing together. it almost feels like you're restrained again, with metal cuffs digging into your wrists and binding you, keeping you from struggling or defending yourself.
after descending a staircase and passing a few corners, you reach wherever the guard was taking you. he pushes a door open and ushers you inside, revealing a sizeable shower facility. you send him a cursory glance, confused as he motions for you to step further into the space.
"shower." he mutters, standing by the door. you wordlessly turn to the showers, then back to him.
"do you mind?" you ask, nodding towards the door. "i'd like a little privacy. it's not like i can tunnel my way out."
he shakes his head at first, refusing your request, until you decide to do the same, silently staring at him. a beat passes between you until he spins around, grumbling something along the lines of "hurry up," and exits the room. once the door slams shut behind him, you let out a relieved breath and walk over to one of the many stalls.
you scan the area before carefully undressing, paying close attention so as to not mess up your bandages or strain any of your healing injuries. you quickly dive past the thin curtain and toss your clothes over the curtain rod.
a string of curses fall from your lips when you twist the knob and cold water pours out of the shower head, prickling like ice against your skin. cleaning yourself up whilst protecting your bandages is a difficult task, but you manage to keep them relatively dry. you were in need of a fresh set, anyway. grains of sand and dust leftover from al-mazrah is washed down the drain, and as you start to adjust to the freezing temperature, some of your muscle aches follow suit.
a few minutes of relief pass by as you try to relax, though the bliss is short-lived when you remember your conversation from yesterday. you hate the thought of listening to makarov of all people, but did he have a point? are you truly just as bad as him, even with good intentions being your motivation?
you're well aware of what your job entails. as captain price so bluntly puts it: we get dirty, and the world stays clean. you know that some missions leave a sour taste in your mouth and a doubt in your mind. are you truly doing the right thing? can you do better? is there a way to save everyone?
as you shut off the water and attempt to dry off with a clean towel left on a small bench nearby, you realize that you're giving makarov exactly what he wants. he brought up the topic with the intent of messing with your head. he's trying to break you - for whatever reason, you're not sure. all you know is that you can't give up. you have to stay strong for the team.
you pull your clothes back on, nose scrunching at the uncomfortable feeling of damp gauze sticking to your skin. the guards seemed to bounce between civility and cruelty depending on the moment; perhaps you can catch someone in a good mood and request a replacement.
the door swings open and you jolt, spinning around to face the intruder. the man from earlier is standing in the doorway, a look of disinterest evident even through his balaclava. "you are done, yes?"
clearly he isn't the person to ask, you think, following him into the corridor. he leads you back down the same path as earlier, through winding halls and up a set of stairs, stopping once you arrive at the cell you call home. you keep an eye out for anyone along the way who looks to be doing well, searching for a person to seek help from.
no one catches your attention, leaving you only one option: the guard currently locking the door behind you.
"uh– can i ask you a question?" you turn around to look at him, wrapping your hands around the iron bars. he sends a small glare in your direction, but pauses nonetheless.
"what?" he murmurs, standing up straight.
you lift your arms, showing off the damp and gradually loosening bandages. "any chance i can get these changed?"
his eyes flit down to your arms, then back to your face. he sighs, heavy and deep, and grumbles out a reply. "i will get the doctor."
with that, he leaves your sight, lifting a hand to his radio and saying something that you can't understand. "should've agreed to those fucking russian lessons from price," you mumble, staggering across the room and sitting on the bed while picking at your loose gauze.
it feels like an hour passes by before you hear someone coming down the hall again. by this point, you were assuming that the guard had forgotten about you.
you sit up from your slumped position against the metal frame and are immediately greeted by a new person on the other side of the door. an older man, nicely dressed and carrying a heavy bag that you fear will topple him over, regarding you with a grin that feels out of place in this shithole.
"you must be petra," he starts, pushing the door open and letting himself inside. he keeps his distance, both hands visible and wrapped around the handle of the bag in front of his body. "doctor tarkovsky." he continues, introducing himself. you nod, watching closely as he approaches you and places his bag on the bed next to you. the chair is dragged over, much like the other day, and he sits.
"the work you did... you saved my life, doctor." you mutter, allowing him to take one of your arms into his gentle hold. he hums in reply, taking great care in undoing the dressings.
"спасибо, but it was not me that saved you." he chuckles softly, eyes briefly lifting from your arm to meet your gaze. "the commander was responsible for that. by the time you arrived here and into my care, he had managed to stabilize you."
he mumbles something to himself about "his military days" while dropping his gaze back down to your newly exposed skin. your eyes follow his, and you wince at the sight of burn marks and stitched lacerations. a cold breeze enters into the room through the window and stings as it sweeps over you, making you clench your hand into a tight fist.
"the commander? you mean makarov?" you ask, forcing yourself to look away and stare at the wall behind the doctor. the same man that put you here is the one that kept you alive. go figure. you glare holes into a random brick, trying to make sense of it. based on the few interactions that you've had with him, as well as the many things that price had to say, that kindness seems out of character.
the fact that he hasn't tortured you to the brink of insanity is odd enough.
"yes, he demanded that i give you the best treatment. said he wanted you alive and in good condition." the doctor rummages through the bag next to you and begins to clean your wounds and apply new dressings, deft hands making quick work of the process. you remain silent as he wraps your arm in a new set of bandages, waiting for him to finish.
you finally speak once he's halfway through rewrapping your other arm. "is he always so... touchy?" you murmur, almost a whisper.
"touchy?" he repeats the word.
"i think i pissed him off yesterday," you say, tongue darting out to wet your chapped lips. "ended up slammed against a wall. is he always so quick to anger?"
after securing the bandages on your arm, the doctor leans back and shakes his head. "commander makarov is usually the calmest person in a conversation," he replies with a surprised huff. "whatever you said or did must have struck a nerve, made him lose his temper. even the soldiers working under him struggle to do such a thing."
you furrow your brow at him. he waves off your befuddlement and gets started on treating your other injuries - namely, the large gash on your side and the burns on your back. as he's loosely wrapping your back in gauze, he makes another comment.
"it could be that you angered him, rather than what you did."
"i angered him?" you parrot back to him, craning your neck to look at him over your shoulder. the doctor nudges you forward again and hums affirmatively.
yet another thing that doesn't make any sense, you think. besides your affiliation with the one-four-one, there's nothing about you that should stand out to a man like makarov. you don't possess any top secret intel or really hold any importance to anyone outside of your team; so, why is he treating you so strangely? is it a game he's playing, trying to mess with his real enemy, the captain?
are you merely a pawn, a bargaining chip between two forces much bigger than yourself? makarov is dangling your life like bait, hoping to catch a better prize. you squeeze your eyes shut and take in a deep breath, considering your options.
makarov would only hold onto you for one reason. drawing out captain price. that means price is alive, at least to makarov. if you stay here, you might be able to confirm this plan for yourself. however, if you can escape and deliver all the intel you've collected so far, you could prevent the plan from advancing any further. no matter which option you choose, rotting away in this prison cell won't help.
as kind as the doctor is, he's still one of makarov's men. you can't trust him. you're on your own.
"so, is it going to scar?" you inquire with a smile, fixing your shirt after he pulls away. he moves to gather his things, reaching into his bag and handing you a dose of painkillers.
he sighs and sends you another smile of his own. "the burns aren't deep enough, thankfully, and the lacerations shouldn't scar so long as they're properly cared for. you are very lucky."
"guess i am. thank you, again."
you swallow down the pills - dry, much to your chagrin - and give him a small wave as he exits the room, the iron door closing behind him with a soft clunk. the guard from earlier reappears to lock it moments later, leaving you trapped in the cell once more.
another five days pass by, and you mentally curse whatever higher power put you here. your routine remains largely unchanged: at roughly seven o' clock, one of the guards stops by to take you to the showers. by seven-thirty, the doctor arrives to change your bandages. you're given your only meal around noon and left to your own devices until eight in the evening, when the doctor arrives to change your bandages again.
you are slowly beginning to heal, at least. the lack of nutrition was stunting the process, but according to the doctor, you were still on the mend. it won't be long until you can get the stitches taken out.
you've spent several of these past one-hundred-and-twenty hours wondering if that's what makarov is waiting for. he wants you alive to torture, to indulge in breaking something fixed by his own hand. maybe the doctor is in on the plan. you wouldn't be surprised to discover that he's reporting your healing process to makarov, giving him a countdown of sorts.
as you rest on the cold, hard stone floor, with your back propped up against the side of the bed, tossing a rubber ball that you pocketed at the wall, you question if your paranoia is getting the better of you.
the rubber ball rolls across the ground after you throw it at the wall. it starts to come back to you, before bouncing off the edge of your boot and heading towards the door. you lazily follow it with your eyes, until you notice a person standing at the other side of the bars, their gaze transfixed on you.
it's a man wearing an outfit similar to the doctor's, though you can easily tell that he's substantially younger. in his late thirties to early forties, you estimate. he carefully kicks the ball out of his way after entering the room. you watch him like a hawk, an uneasy feeling washing over you.
"i'll be handling your care today." he announces, plopping his similarly-designed supply bag on the mattress. you pull yourself up to stand and dust yourself off, taking a healthy step back from him.
"something happen with doctor tarkovsky?" you ask as the younger man rummages through his bag and slips on a pair of latex gloves. he shakes his head, not even bothering to look at you, and continues searching through his supplies.
"tarkovsky is busy," he responds, motioning for you to sit. you hesitate for a second, but ultimately decide to shake off the nerves and follow his orders. "i'm going to start with your back today." he adds. you nod, moving to face away from him and lift your shirt up.
he's silent while replacing the gauze, and you're not sure whether you prefer that or talking. his touch is slightly less gentle, which you chalk it up to less experience. eventually, he moves on to the gash on your side, settling in the normal chair with an expression that you find hard to decipher.
your unease is suddenly validated as he cleans the stitches. his unoccupied hand comes to rest on your thigh, just above your knee, catching your attention. your eyes fall from the wall to his hand, then to the open bag at your side. laying near the top of it is a scalpel - small, but lethal in the right hands. you clear your throat and shift, bouncing your knee under his hold, testing the waters.
instead of removing his hand, he slips it just barely higher. you squint, gnawing at the inside of your cheek, debating on acting now or waiting a little longer. maybe he doesn't realize it.
as his hand slides higher, though, gloved fingertips digging into the plush of your thigh, that notion goes out the window. you slowly lower your hand closest to the bag and place it on the mattress next to it. the younger doctor pulls back, examining his work, his thumb rubbing languid circles into your skin. you act while he's distracted.
with trained proficiency, you grab the scalpel from the top of the pile and shove the man forward, slicing across his neck in one swift motion. he stumbles backwards, reaching up to desperately grasp at his throat as he chokes on the blood pouring from the open wound.
"don't fucking touch me again," you seethe, fixing your shirt and holding the scalpel in a white-knuckled grip. the sounds of him tripping over the chair and falling to the ground alerts the guards stationed in the corridor, who immediately rush through the door with their guns drawn and pointed at you.
they're shouting at you, but you can't make out what they're saying over the blood pounding in your ears. you turn away from the dying man and stare them down, unmoving from your spot in the middle of the room.
after a brief standoff, the guards suddenly look over their shoulders and shuffle away from each other, revealing a familiar face. one you haven't seen in almost a week, and assumed you wouldn't see for a while longer.
makarov steps to the front of the small group as the ringing in your ears begins to subside. his eyes dart from you to the man lying on the ground, having choked to death shortly before he arrived at the scene. he chuckles, low and controlled, and turns to the guards.
"убрать этот беспорядок," he mutters, waving towards the corpse. the men holster their guns and move past him, lifting the body up and carrying it out. as the group disappears down the hall, you find yourself alone with makarov. the scalpel slips from your fingers and clatters against the floor, pulling his focus back to you.
"well? are you going to punish me for that?" you ask plainly, the pool of red still visible in your peripheral vision.
"should i?" he counters, casually sauntering across the room. his gaze flits from yours to your cheek, which you soon realize is wet with the man's blood.
you shrug, shoulders drooping. "i killed one of your men. most people would punish a prisoner for less."
he wipes the blood off your cheek with his forefinger and huffs softly, seemingly pleased with the situation. it's only now that you notice his slightly disheveled appearance; his white dress shirt is untucked and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his forearms that are covered in a light layer of dirt. minor cuts and bruises bloom on his skin, resembling self-defense wounds.
"i could never expect a member of the one-four-one to accept capture quietly," makarov remarks, picking the chair up off the floor. "i'm surprised it took you this long, if anything. i was expecting to receive reports by the second day."
he raps his knuckles against the seat twice, urging you to sit. you end up mirroring your first interaction after he sits on the bed across from you, elbows resting on top of his knees.
you grab a set of cleaning wipes from the bag forgotten at the foot of the bed and offer them to him. "so, i'm assuming you're not here to share the fun story behind those obvious self-defense wounds?" you tilt your head to the side, regarding him with a sarcastic smile.
"like i said in our prior conversation," he takes the pack from your outstretched hand and haphazardly wipes his arms clean, the lack of care enough to make you inwardly flinch at the potential pain. "once traitors are found, they are dealt with."
"seems like they got to you first," you snort.
besides a pointed glare, he doesn't dignify your comment with a response. instead, he takes your arm into his hold, removing the old bandages with almost the same level of indifference that he treated his own injuries with.
"ow." you grunt, a bit overdramatic. in truth, his touch isn’t any less gentle than the doctor you just killed.
"stop complaining." he responds bluntly.
"maybe be more careful, then." you snap, tugging your arm back. you're being intentionally difficult, pushing his buttons, but you deserve to be a little shitty to the man holding you hostage.
makarov grabs your elbow, one of the few relatively uninjured parts of your arm, and yanks you forward, until your free hand slams down onto the space next to him to catch yourself from falling. he leans in, your noses nearly touching, and sneers.
"this is the extent of my kindness, petra." he tightens his hold when you try to create some distance, locking you in place. "do not tempt me to withdraw it." he whispers, dark eyes boring into yours.
you swallow back a whimper as his grip tightens again, blunt nails digging into healing skin, nodding in reply. he releases you a moment later and resumes his previous actions, quickly yet effectively rewrapping your arm. you grudgingly decide to cooperate for the other set, making it go by much faster than the last.
"tarkovsky said you're usually pretty calm," you mumble as he secures the bandages in place. "is it the one-four-one that frustrates you so easily? or, am i just a special case, hm?"
makarov, clearly interested in continuing the running theme since your first meeting, does not respond. you really should get used to it. you say nothing more as he stands up and grabs the discarded supply bag, walking towards the door. he pauses, holding the door open, and you nearly miss the words said to you over his shoulder.
"anyone else would be dead already."
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спасибо (spasibo) - thank you
убрать этот беспорядок (ubrat' etot besporyadok) - clean up this mess
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taglist: @sofasoap, @roosterr, @rohansregret, @lonesome-doves, @thorrsexual, @miss-nob0dy, @woodeelf, @fbs-fc-ur-mommy, @soap-mactavish, @itsyellow
⋆ feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist! (18+ only please <;3)
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charleecat-bat · 3 months
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Big in my SU/Gem AU
Nickname/s: Big A, Ams, Ame, Big guy. Auralite, Auralite 23 Gem Location: Naval Weapon/s: Hook Chain (That looks more like a fishing rod strangely...) Rarity and Status: Super Rare Working MIddle Class Role on Homeworld: Defective Warrior/Tank Gem Unique Powers/Abilities: Extreme Endurance and strength, Aura Sense/Empathetic abilities
In Homeworlds society, Quartz's of all kinds have something to do with strength or battle. Some types are tanks that are huge and made to take massive damage (mostly Jaspers), some are scouts made to be quick and run ahead of the battle, and some were made to be the head of troops or something of a drill sergeant to get newer gems into shape (agates) and outside of battle, some were made for the heaviest and most dangerous construction. But a majority of the generic quartz's are made to be all-around loyal soldiers.
But like any gem type, some of them come out and are nothing like the others wether that be a good thing or a bad thing.
When Amethyst came out (or as he was called by Homeworld, Auralite 23) he frightened a lot of his fellow quartz soldiers due to him being so huge, almost being on level to the tanky Jaspers. Since the kindergarten he came out of was only for the regular quartz soldiers. This already made many of the supervising gems raise a brow at how this massive gem came to be.
He was quickly taken to Yellow Diamond, the most scientific of the Diamonds, who took an interest in the gem calling him a most fascinating freakish specimen... Auralites were not a common occurrence, in fact they were incredibly rare and only a few have ever formed in homeworlds time. They were so strange for the simple fact that these gems have an interesting blend of 23 different gem types, hence their name. It made them a mess of a gem but a very unpredictable and possibly very powerful gem... Auralite was quickly taken to his labs to be tested and studied.
And for a long, long time, it was the worst series of experiences Auralite could ever fathom. It would've been much worse off if Yellow Diamond himself had taken the experiments into his own hand, but he gave it to one of his most prestigious scientists to do so instead. Most of the testing mostly concluded that, as usual, gem abilities, this particular Auralite had an extreme strength and a level of endurance that no other gem could meet. If this gem was pushed in the right direction, it could be the perfect tool for whatever Yellow desired.
Eventually, it was time that Yellow wanted to take Auralite on a test run and see how he worked with tasks outside of the lab. He was put on the next ship to one of his colonies. He was put in a cell for safety reasons, mostly to make sure if he got stressed enough he wouldn't damage the ship...
The skittish Quartz remained in the cell, silent and stewing in his anxiety over what he could be made to do or what would happen to him the moment he stepped onto the planet.
Alarms and flashing began to go through the whole ship, it beginning to shake violently through a meteor shower, something was wrong, he didn't know what but it still made him panic. He wanted to get out, to flee. The destabilising barrier stopped Auralite from leaving the cell, but what stopped him from just breaking the ship's wall? Sure he'd be facing the void of space... but he'd rather that over whatever homeworld had in stall for him. It seemed Foolish, but Auralite was desperate...
With only a few strikes of his fist and his pulling the hole open, the air pocket soon dragged him from the ship and flung him into the endless abyss of deep space. It wouldn't take long for him to lose sight of the ship. Very soon, Auralite was completely alone, drifting helplessly.
He wasn't sure how long he drifted for; he spent most of that time stuck in his thoughts. Sometimes feeling regret, other times relief... and then the occasional dread of Homeworld somehow finding him. Eventually though, Auralite drifted into a planets orbit and crash-landed...into water. In fact most of this planet was covered with water. There was only small speckles of lush green land. When he reached land Auralite finally had a moment to collect his thoughts. Well... he was here now and he figured he may as well make the best of it... and he did.
The planet would be very peaceful for Auralite; the seed of anxiety was planted at the idea of fearsome natives of the planet, but there wasn't any of that here. The only creatures were these small aquatic creatures that would come to see him on land. They were so nice, he loved to play with them and talk to them. One he particularly got close with. If he wasn't spending time with the planet natives, he would be exploring the beautiful water or just relaxing in a self-made little hut, napping his days away. (When he figured out how to.)
Auralite did get the surprise of his life when he found a small gem on his chest one day, waking him up from another nap of his. He went into a panic at the very horrible idea that homeworld finally found him and was going to bring him back. But that was quickly shut down when he realised this little gem was harmless and didn't want to hurt him... the cycle would repeat when the others eventually found them.
It took some convincing but Amethyst (as he decided to name himself to separate from that horrible time on Homeworld) did eventually agree to come with the group, bringing his own close friend from the planet with him after refusing to leave his side. He has kept his own story from the group a secret, finding it to stressful to begin even talking bout... not nearly as much as the fear of homeworld somehow finding them... the worst thing imaginable is being forced to go back. Amethyst hopes it never has to come to do that
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takingchences · 11 months
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A young agent for the Hero Commission offers a hand to a scarred boy on the street, unaware that one act of kindness would come back to haunt her years later. After all, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Pairing: Yandere!Dabi x fem!oc ( feat. Hawks )
Warnings: mature language, implied smut (Hawks), drugging, kidnapping, stalking, voyeurism, dacryphilia
Why are the crazy ones so hot 😩
series masterlist + my masterlist
Fuck. I'm never drinking again.
Kazuha groaned groggily, her head feeling ten times heavier than normal as she tried to lift it. Her vision was blurry, her senses dull and muted. Her body screamed with each subtle movement. A metallic sound rattled in her ear when she tried to move her hands, which immediately sobered her up. The cold bite of metal on the sensitive skin of her wrists made her heart rate spike.
She was handcuffed.
What the fuck?
The last thing she remembers before waking up was talking with Keigo on the phone. His patrol was almost over and he'd asked to meet up for drinks. She'd changed and gone to their favorite bar... that's it. She draws a complete blank for everything else after that.
Keigo will be looking for me. She couldn't feel the familiar tickle of his feather against her clavicle, but she wouldn't allow herself to panic. He'd given her the necklace after a particularly difficult mission with a joke about always wanting to be close to her heart. It was one of the things she loved most about the winged man. He'd seen the toll her job had taken on her and he'd jumped into action to lift her spirits. Keigo is her own personal hero. He saves her from herself on a daily basis.
If the feather is somewhere nearby, he'll find it. I just have to buy some time until he gets here.
"Sleeping Beauty is finally up, huh? And here I thought I'd have to kiss you awake." A deep, amused voice echoed through the room she was in. Her eyes darted around the dim room, looking for whoever just spoke. From what she could tell, she seemed to be in some sort of abandoned warehouse. It was mostly empty space with the exception of a few large crates up against the walls.
"The hell is this?" She jerked her arms, testing the strength of the chains. Her years of training had prepared her for situations like these, but the way her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton was making it difficult to focus. "Who are you?"
Footsteps filled the room coming from her left. She whipped her head in that direction, her eyes straining to pick him out of the shadows. "Just a precaution, princess." The man stated. "Until I can trust you to behave."
"Behave?" She scoffed in disbelief. "I'm not a fucking dog, asshole."
She thrashed her arms and legs—which were also chained—the veins in her neck visible as she fought the restraints. The chains were looped around metal rods that were drilled into the cement floor. Her body was lying on a mattress in the center of the four rods, forcing her body into a starfish position. There was little slack in the chains, allowing her limbs limited movement. Come on, she grunted, her jaw clenched as she tried to force her hand through the small cuff. She hardly felt the pain anymore, having had to deal with countless broken bones and dislocations for years under the Commission. Some of which had come from training scenarios just like this, where the objective was to escape and subdue her captor.
Except this time, the danger was real and she had no idea where she was or how she got here. Not to mention, her captor didn't sound remotely familiar. Why was he doing this? What did he want with her?
"No," he drew out the word, following it with a dark chuckle. "But I could make you my bitch."
"You're the one hiding," she tried to coax him out of the darkness. The closer he got to her, the greater her advantage would be. Her quirk would do all the work, she just needed to help it along. "I'd say you're the bitch in this situation."
The stranger chuckled again.
Slowly, his footsteps drew closer until black combat boots stepped into the beam of moonlight peeking through the boarded up windows ten feet above their heads. He revealed himself inch by inch until she could see all of him standing casually with his hands in his pockets. He wore a tattered, knee-length navy overcoat with large silver cuffs on each sleeve. Underneath was a white shirt and dark blue pants. His hair was black and spiky, a startling contrast to his turquoise irises. She noticed silver helix piercings on both of his ears, as well as a triple nostril piercing.
But what stood out the most to Kazuha was the man's skin. Purple patches of leathery skin covered his lower face, under eyes, neck, and forearms. The gnarled flesh was secured to the healthy skin with surgical staples. His scarred appearance unnerved her, but she couldn't risk taking her eyes off of him now that he was in view.
"Like what you see, doll?" She honestly didn't know how to respond to that, so she kept her mouth shut. The stranger took another step towards her. "You know, you're a hard girl to find."
"You've been looking for me?" Her eyes followed his figure as he paced in a slow around her. He hummed in agreement. "Why?" His boot scuffed against the cement as he came to a sudden stop by her head. He loomed over her, his crystal blue eyes almost glowing.
"You don't remember me?"
Kazuha raked her brain for answers, but nothing came to mind. She definitely would've remembered this guy if they'd met before. His face was pretty unforgettable. Which means she must've crossed paths with him before he received such devastating scars. They weren't fresh wounds, either. Think, think, think.
He must've picked up on her confusion. "What a pity," he tutted in disappointment, shaking his head. He walked until he was at her side and crouched down. "Because I remember you very well... Kazuha."
She stiffened.
No one—absolutely no one—outside of the Hero Commission knew her real name. She hadn't used that name in years. She was told to forget her life before joining, and that included everything that made her her own person. She was given the name Hebi, and was expected to answer to that name only. Keigo was the only person who still called her that. Speaking of...
Where the hell are you, Keigo?
She stared up at him in shock. "How did you-?"
Cerulean eyes burned into maroon as a long, pale finger hovered above her cheek, as if he was debating whether or not to stroke it. "I'm hurt you've forgotten me so easily, doll face." His voice was almost a whisper as he brushed the back of his finger against her skin. The stranger leaned down until their heads were mere millimeters apart. His was breath hit her cheek and smelled strongly of cigarettes and whiskey. "Because I've been dreaming of this moment for fucking years," he purred in her ear.
It took every ounce of willpower in the agent to not laugh manically in this man's face. He'd just damed himself without even knowing. Soon, he'd fall victim to her quirk and there was nothing he could do to stop it...
Whiskey. Her eyes widened. It was fuzzy, but she did remember a tall figure approaching her at the bar as she sat and waited for her date. The man, wearing a mask on the lower half of his face, had ordered a whiskey for himself, and another of whatever she was having. Kazuha had politely refused the drink at first, but gradually accepted the man's offer over the next few minutes of conversation. He was charming, laidback, and openly flirtatious. Keigo had been running late and the stranger was easy on the eyes (from what she could see, anyway.)
"You were there... at the bar."
He booped her nose with a smug smirk. "See? I knew you hadn't forgotten about me."
"But that doesn't explain these." She shook her hands, the chains clanking. The man himself had admitted just moments ago that he'd been plotting this for years. Plural. Why?
"Because you're mine... though lately you haven't acted like it. A brat like you needs a reminder of just who she belongs to." What the fuck is this guy on? She said just as much to him. The black-clad man rose to his feet slowly, his tattered coat swinging behind him on a gentle breeze. "Don't deny it. I saw you with him, Kazuha."
"With who?!" She jerked against the restraints once more. "What the fuck are you talking about!"
"That damn bird," he said in a calm, almost-bored tone. But the fire in his eyes spoke volumes. Whoever this guy is, he wasn't to be taken lightly. And right now, he was pissed. "For years, I've had a front row seat as he touched you, fucked you, cared for you. I heard another man's name on your lips as he pleasured you, made you scream. I watched you fall apart for another, when all this time, you were supposed to be with me."
Kazuha's heart was nearly beating out of her chest now. This perverted asshole just admitted to watching her—stalking her—for years. What else had he seen? What all had he heard? How many intimate moments had he intruded on? What other secrets of her's had he learned through observing her from afar?
"I. Don't. Know. You." She growled through clenched teeth. He loomed over her, his eyes near glowing in the dim light.
"'Will you let me be yours?' Those were your fucking words, sweetheart. Remember?"
That boy, she realized. The boy she'd found in the rain all those years ago. He'd been covered in burns, though they weren't as severe as this man's. In a moment of weakness, she'd introduced herself as Kazuha. The first and last time since she'd developed her quirk that she hadn't felt like a monster.
"That day... in the rain," she exhaled shakily. She'd never been able to get the boy's name. He was pretty tight lipped about that, his past, and how he'd ended up in that alley to begin with. She'd known better than to press a trauma victim for answers, no matter how curious she may have been. The stranger tilted his head in mock curiosity, lifting a brow in a go on fashion. He looked cocky though, satisfied. "That was you?" His smirk from before was now a full-blown grin.
Kazuha observed the man carefully, looking for any signs of illness. His breathing was fine, not the wet, labored gasps she's used to. He wasn't sweating or coughing, and there were no tremors in his movements. Why is my quirk taking so long?
The blue-eyed man gazed down at her with the same curiosity, his lips still curled in that devilish grin. He tilted his head again, licking his lips. "You seem frustrated," he noted, crouching down to rest his elbows on his knees. "Are things not going to plan?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Really?" He drew the word out with condescension. "You're not waiting for that birdbrain to barge in and steal you away from me?"
Yes, you psycho. "No."
He hummed, nodding his head. "Then you're probably wondering why your quirk hasn't effected me yet." Right again, freak.
"I don't have a quirk."
The man laughed. "Oh, princess." He shook his head. "Did you really think I wouldn't do my research? That I wouldn't take precautions against your quirk?" His pale hand reached out and tapped something on her neck. She hadn't noticed it before, having assumed it was the choker she'd worn to the bar. But around her neck was a thin metal cuff. "This," he leaned forward, "is a quirk-canceling device."
No, she panicked internally. No, no, no, no, no.
"As for your hero," he chuckled huskily. "Well, he won't be a problem." His finger slid down the space between her collarbones, where Keigo's gift used to tickle her. "I destroyed his little feather before we left the bar. We're safe here."
Kazuha went still, all the fight from before suddenly leached from her body. "He's not coming," she breathed, her voice small and melancholy.
"No, doll," the man sighed, running a burnt hand through her dark, silky curls. "It's just us now."
Her amaranth eyes, which he always remembered as sad, could only be described as devastated now. They shimmered with unshed tears, and the man felt his control slipping. The most beautiful things were always the most deadly, and his Kazuha was no different. Finally, after ten long years, they were reunited. He could touch her, feel her, taste her the way he always wanted to, and nothing could stand in the way of his desires any longer. Not now, when she is so close.
A single, silvery tear slipped down her cheek, and her captor couldn't resist any longer.
Kazuha gasped as a warm, wet tongue darted out and followed the trail of her tear up her face. The scarred man released a low moan, dipping his head to rest against her temple as he groaned. "You taste even better than I'd imagined," he whispered in his low, deep voice. His large hand palmed her breast. Kazuha bit her lip, clenching her eyes shut as his touch wandered. "I wonder what the rest of you tastes like."
His dreaded weight that she'd felt pressing in on her more on more suddenly disappeared. She opened her eyes, meeting his heated stare. He held himself above her, his breathing labored. The way he looked at her, with hunger and awe, made her feel important, powerful. Maybe she could use his obsession to her advantage.
She raised a cuffed hand, hovering beside his scarred cheek hesitantly. "What's your name?"
The man moved his head to lay his cheek against her palm. The sensation was odd, part of his skin warm and soft while the other half was a leather-like texture. She tried to disguise her disgust as fear and apprehension, which she also felt.
"They call me Dabi," he answered, pressing her hand further against him with his own. His metal rings and medical staples were a cool contrast to his skin. He was hot to the touch, like a human furnace.
Dabi. She knew that name. He was a villain, and a powerful one at that. He'd murdered a number of people in cold blood, his victims reduced to ash all around the city. Even the Commission believed that his fire quirk rivaled that of Endeavor.
Will that be me? She wondered. Will I be another casualty of his? Another missing persons case to be solved?
She knew Keigo wouldn't give up, that he would do whatever it takes to find her. So she couldn't give up, either. She would get out of this situation by any means necessary... quirk or no quirk.
"Dabi," she forced out his name through gritted teeth. If she wanted to stay alive, she'd have to play along with his games. Feed into his delusions.
"Good girl." He purred in his low voice, leaning down until there was no space left between them. "And this time," he nipped at her bottom lip hungrily. "I'll make sure you never forget who you belong to."
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somediyprojects · 1 year
DIY Window Floating Shelves
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Project by Jessica Marquez:
Black thumb be damned, I love filling my home with plants. Prickly cactus, chubby-leaved succulents and sprawling ivy are my favorite types of greenery. Mainly because they are the easiest to care for, and I don’t have the best track record. In spite of my plant-murdering ways, I clearly see the benefits of houseplants. They are beautiful, they clean the air, and they can even improve your mood.
It seems like every other day I’m vacuuming soil and nursing a broken plant back into a tipped pot. Thanks, cats! I created these built-in clear shelves to get my plants off my windowsill and, bonus, I was able to add a lot more color and greenery into my life. These minimal shelves provide lots of direct light, so they’re great for cacti, succulents and herbs. And while they don’t block too much light, they provide a bit of privacy, too.
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These shelves work great for smaller windows. This one is about 24 inches wide. I chose to use acrylic for my shelves because it’s lightweight, safer than glass (since these are not screwed in), and easy to remove to clean. You could easily substitute wood for the brackets — painted to match your window — and glass for the shelves. The acrylic does bow a bit with the weight of the plants. If you’d like to display heavier objects or if you have wider windows I’d suggest using tempered glass, which you can easily get cut to size with finished edges at a professional glass shop. —Jessica Marquez
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– Measuring tape – Painter’s tape – Acrylic shelf (you can get acrylic sheets cut and brackets cut to size here) – Acrylic square rod “brackets” (These are not traditional brackets, but are easy to install and support the shelf like a traditional bracket would.) – 9/64 drill bit – Ruler – Pencil – Level – Sheet Metal Screws, size 6 x 1 1/4
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Step 1
Using a measuring tape, measure the width and depth of your window. My window was 24 5/8 x 4.5″. I wanted the shelves to fit flush into the window, so I made sure the measurement was just a hair shy of the full width. To save a bit on the cost of materials, I got 4″ deep shelves, instead of 4.5″. In total, I got four 1/4″ thick acrylic shelves cut at Canal Plastic Center along with nine 5/8″ x 4″ square acrylic rods.
Step 2
Using painter’s tape, plan the layout of your shelves. Allow for some room for your plants to grow.
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Step 3
Drill two holes in support brackets. To speed up the drill process, I taped the bracket pieces side by side onto a piece of scrap wood and marked on the tape the center point where the holes would be drilled.
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NOTE: If you are using acrylic brackets drill very slowly! As you’re drilling, pull the drill bit out every few seconds. The drill bit heats up as you drill and can melt the acrylic if you drill too fast without breaks. I had a craft fail with my first drill bit, which got permanently stuck in the acrylic. Glad I ordered one extra bracket piece. 
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Step 4
Mark where your brackets will be installed on one side of the windowsill. With a ruler and level, mark a level line along the depth of the window sill. Measure from the bottom up using your taped window guide as a reference point. Once you have your level measurement for the first bottom shelf, you can measure up from there. Each of my shelves were 13″ apart.
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Step 5
Mark the opposite side of the windowsill where the brackets will be installed. Start with the bottom shelf. Use a leveled shelf lined up with your previous marks on the opposite side of the windowsill to create a level line along the depth of the windowsill. Once you have the level mark for the bottom shelf, you can measure up from there using the same distance between shelves as you did on the opposite side. Remember to level each shelf.
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Step 6
Drill in screws. It helps to screw in one side halfway, level the bracket, and screw in the other side. Then you can completely drill in both screws. Repeat this step for all of your brackets. Now you’re ready to drop in your shelves, which rest right on the brackets and decorate.
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of-tatooine · 2 years
for the record. | chapter 4 - delta
seemingly uneventful morning drill yields unexpected circumstances.
[Day 1, 2011 - 9:35:23, Credenhill, UK]
A tiny drop of sweat began a lazy trail downwards your brow, joining many others as the tip of nose grazed the metal ever so lightly.
Another deep breath escaped your mouth, sounding almost like a gasp as your burning muscles exerted themselves, carrying your body up. The biceps flexing in the military-issued green short sleeve, your core tight, your grunt a bit softer compared to the men around you - also participating in the usual morning routine of pull-ups after training. The brisk air made it’s presence known by light breezes, wafting around the sweaty bodies of the task force all lined up outside.
One more, come on.
It was not a stranger move to train with many men and even fewer women surrounding you, push your body to limits you did not know existed. It did not phase you to see all of these bodies exerting themselves, call it an acquired skill or habituated ignorance. A body was a machine, after all. All of them - some better oiled, polished, shined and maintained. Your eyes had seen many living, breathing sculptures in their tenure, without letting loose into the temptation, let alone a lingering gaze. It had been such a long time passing in the military, mind focused on only being the best soldier you could be, that your thoughts had subconsciously trained you to ignore the, so to call, distractions.
This time, you had fallen victim to one of those seemingly harmless ones.
It was impossible to ignore the beads of sweat making their lazy trail down a scarred yet taut torso that belonged to him, skin adorned with tattoos that could be spotted from the edge of your peripheral vision. Abdominals flexing along with the powerful back muscles, the veins underneath the skin so prominent they mapped out his sheer strength that he hid under the military-issued green as he pulled himself up yet another time. Tiny droplets raced each other in a soft but relentless pace, making their way down to the waistband of camouflage print tactical cargo pants. Grunts, deep ones, emanated throughout the crispness of the morning, echoing off of the metal bars and poured concrete outside of the base building. Biceps pulsing under exertion, hands clinging onto the metal rod.
He could do this all day.
In the very corner of your eye, as far as they could reach without turning your head very visibly to simply gawk, your vision would tell you that body belonged to no other than the new guy. The same guy you pulled into the chopper mere hours ago, him holding on for dear life.
The same man with the chaotic, gray blues that focused on you under the red lights. Cracks of blue emanating calmness, stillness under the storm. The same eyes that said somehow, there was light to be found, somewhere.
The same man who was yearning to go back and continue his sketch of no other than you, on the yellowing pages of his journal.
It was funny how the world seemed empty besides you and your center of attention when you had been distracted - it was almost as if the rest of the green earth stopped revolving for mere minutes and allowed you to live in the moment, with no consequence or bystanders.
Oh, how you wished that was true. It was not exactly the best impression to make to your fellow teammates, soldiers you would shoot, kill and defend for, to spot you the slightest bit distracted - let alone the source of distraction.
Heavens were on your side that morning that the Captain had stayed back inside to take care of intelligence gathering, letting the experienced group of soldiers enjoy a relatively leisurely drill to ease off the tensions after getting shot at for way too long than he wanted.
Unbeknownst to you, John was using all his resolve and dignity to not direct his wandering, inquisitive gaze at you as you performed your morning exercises. It was not appropriate to stare in this particular environment, not that it was ever acceptable in their profession, he could only imagine how uncomfortable you may have been as you trained and fought and slept alongside gritty male soldiers that could be too much to handle at times - speaking from his personal experience.
He knew you could hold your own. While having no context on your background, previous battles or accomplishments, it was evident that you took the dangerous life seriously, your mere presence at the compound proved it. One look at your determined face, jaw clenched just as tightly as those muscles adorning your back with each pull up, told him that you had seen far greater horrors and dealt with more challenges in life than to let any disrespectful man get in between you and what you wanted, whatever it may have been.
He swore to himself right there and then that he would do this the right way, no matter the consequence.
Until then, until the moment he realized he wished would arrive sooner than later - he could only sneak very, very secret glances and hope for the best.
Thankfully he had chosen the bars that were a bit far from your choice this morning, hoping he would have a calm, collected and distraction-free workout. He could not help but think about the operation that went awry hours ago, piercing storm raining down on him, breeze threatening to push him towards the steel of the rapidly sinking ship, his commanding officer screaming at him to jump for it.
And how your hand held on for dear life against his gloved, slippery one, not letting go for a single moment until his feet found solid metal instead of air.
He did not even know you.
Oh, how he wanted to. Your presence was a mystery that he wanted to unfold, your story one that he yearned to discover, undoubtedly very much alike the other members of the task force.
He would briefly gaze at your hair fall back down as you gracefully let yourself down the bar, hand resting on the metal rod as you caught your breath in preparation for the next exercise, burning questions raging in his mind.
How many missions had you been on? Had you been shot before? Did you have scars that you exchanged stories for, or better yet, you had covered with tattoos?
He could not help his newfound intrigue towards you - every member who made it to the 141 had a star-studded, impressive background, so had Price told him, and his mind was racing to attempt guessing all the little events that made you, to uncover who you were beneath the military green.
“You okay, mate?”
Bloody hell.
John had to shake his head to snap himself out of it - out of the flashbacks from last night, out of his thoughts completely possessed by you. It did not take the slightly disoriented soldier too long to realize he had been entranced this whole time looking into the space right next to where you had stood, with you long gone. His feet had touched the ground without him realizing, worn combat boots against the concrete, feeling the fresh pump in his arms and the blood flowing through his veins. A weakly perplexed expression adorned his weary yet serious features, eyes blinking a couple of times before he turned his body around to the source of the question.
Where did she go?
Gaz, however, stood with a little smirk, looking like he had been enjoying his morning already. His workout complete and shirt soaked just like the other soldier, his eagle eyes did not let the silent, one-way interaction go unnoticed as he leaned his frame against the vertical metal bar, arms crossed on his chest. A look of boyish mischief in his eyes foreshadowed everything he had to say afterwards.
He had to tease the new kid in the squad, after all. It was only fair.
“Try not to stare that long next time, eh?”
All John could do was shake his head as it fell down in a soft huff.
The static emanating from the television echoed off of the vast concrete confinements, bouncing off of the chairs scattered around the communications center. Screens, small and big, lined up against the walls embedded in all sorts of machinery, making faint bleeping noises with each sweep of the radar, each message arriving.
It had been a wonder to you just why in the world they kept this beaten old television at the edge of the room. It was as if there was something nostalgic holding the soldiers hostage, no one dared throw the old piece of plastic-covered junk away.
The training complex turned just a bit more quieter as the lowly humming tank engines and roaring all-road vehicles came to a sudden halt - the silence of the training grounds throughout the brick and metal walls.
“They finally did it?”
The linoleum floor shrieked wit metal chair legs dragging over, who settled themselves in a final low thud as none other than Kyle with a fresh green shirt took a seat in front of the television, making his way from the message console on the control panel. You wondered what he had read to step away so quickly.
“Bloody hell. I thought the Americans had it under control.”
“That look like it’s under control to you?”
“It don’t sound too good.”
That made your lips curl down in anticipation, just a bit as your breath caught itself slowly. It had been a blessing in disguise to have an unsupervised morning drill, especially after the chaos of the night and now this rapidly unfolding situation. It would be a while till your body and mental got readjusted to the habits and fast pace of the task force, to the way things used to be. Until then, you would keep on pushing and breathing, against whatever this life threw your way.
The antsy, black and white static that previously deafened the soldiers’ ears halted abruptly, making everyone’s head snap back at the small screen centered at the corner of the room, accompanying emerging signals and beeps from intercom stations.
Then came that loud voice, completely overpowering the entire room and demanding attention to itself. A crowd cheering in the foreign language. Screams and begs roared through the screen, overpowered by the chanting, red flags bolstered up on the old stone architecture flashing in bright color.
“Today, we rise again as one nation, in the face of betrayal and corruption!”
Your eyes, along with the other soldiers slowly descending themselves onto the flimsy chairs around you, became glued to the screen. Mind racing on what this would entail as the world watched the events unfold in their own little screens, just like you.
“We have believed this man to deliver our great nation into a new era of prosperity.”
Soap was not too far away from you, just a couple of chairs away as he clasped his hands, the slowly drying sweaty green shirt clinging onto his stretching back, elbows resting on his knees. Though he kept a stoic expression, you could notice a certain hint of anxiousness from his body language, just like everybody else in this room.
“Our noble crusade has begun.”
The news that were about to unwind might as well could have been the next deployment order.
“This is how it begins.”
In a moment, came an ear-piercing gunshot, along with the faint cheers, screams, yells all tangled in with the barking of dogs, and a thud of a body falling on the dirt. The intensity so palpable you could hear the deep, panicked breathing moments before death.
He had done it. The deed he came to do, another stepping stone into achieving his vision, his relentless plan to divide and conquer. All that was to follow, if someone did not intervene, were mayhem, bloodshed and tears.
President Al-Fulani was dead at the hands of Al-Asad.
The air in the room became stale for a moment, breaths durning stagnant yet the jaws remained taut. Eyes focused on the main source of information, though they had begun to divert towards the one man who had been watching the whole ordeal go down with reserve.
Who was going to tell him?
The soldier took a deep breath, running a hand down his face before getting up slowly and turning to the door, he did not have to go much further to reach the person he intended to look for. The roaring thuds of Captain Price’s boots made their presence known in the room as the metal door parted open and his icy, exhausted eyes met many other pairs all directed to him.
“Captain Price, Al-Asad just executed President Al-Fulani on national television.”
And with a sigh followed by a nod of acknowledgement, came your next order of business, piercing through the hefty atmosphere of unknown within the four walls.
“It’s too late to do anything for Al-Fulani. Get your warm gear ready - our next order is a rescue operation in the Caucasus Mountains.”
Glances were tossed around in curiosity, Soap catching your eye for a brief moment when you saw he also had a puzzled look in his orbs before focusing on your Captain. Some soldiers acknowledging without question as they slowly got up, some more reserved ones taking the directive and the recent news in.
You, however, silently prayed Russia was not numbingly freezing this time of the year.
“We take care of our friends. Let’s move.”
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thedurvin · 1 year
I like the idea of giving Zirc random objects throughout the game (such as the Pie Crimper won from the Drywall Witch) but then I have to figure out things for them all to do; on the one hand I don't want the game to get too complicated, but on the other hand it might be too funny to pass up. So. Why should this man have access to a Pie Crimper, and what else should he have?
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(and should he get a special outfit with each)
Mega Man could get away with a lot of items that each shoot bullets in different directions but Zirc can't shoot; besides a wider or longer blade or one that sticks out of different spots I'm not sure what different shapes and arrays. I mean I guess he could get a gun at some point. I guess.
Elemental damage types are a thing, but then you have to make all the enemies strong/weak to them each, and then since it's not turn based you have to make it clear when looking at them what type they are, and that sounds contradicts the messy aesthetic I want. Also it's complicated and I don't want to.
If there's gonna be puzzles anyway I guess there could be a full inventory screen where he's gotta save up objects and use them as needed. Like a point-and-click puzzle adventure except with the clever dialog and plot replaced by shmup space battling? I guess it's an option. You collect various objects through the course of the game and can equip them at any time but they're hardly ever useful? Can't tell if that would be funny or annoying
Funniest option: characters keep trying to give him items but he won't put the knife down
A few options: pie crimper, broadsword, poison dagger, chainsaw, scissors, safety razor, mug/cup for carrying liquid, pizza cutter, hammer, drumstick (for drums), drumstick (Ren Faire turkey leg), fork, fork with a hot pepper on it, spork, chopsticks / tongs to grab enemies, spatula, potato masher, cheese grater, lighter, taser, spray bottle of holy water, fishing rod, frying pan, whisk, ping-pong paddle to reflect attacks, flashlight, air horn, lemon wedge, cigarette, stapler, highlighter, evil eyeball, magic crystal, weird rock, candle snuffer, nunchucks, fan, video game controller, handful of cash, power drill, screwdriver, toilet brush, vegetable peeler, fly swatter, steam iron, feather duster, squeegee, lint roller, salt shaker, bottle opener, corkscrew, curling iron, toothbrush, citrus zester, those strainer things they have in cocktail kits that I don't know what they're called, am I seriously trying to make a list of all the objects you can hold in your hand while lying in bed at 2am again wondering why I never get enough sleep,
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Build an Emergency (Bug-Out) Kit:
Call it what you want, this is an essential tool in any emergency plan whether staying where you are or bugging out. Everything is together in one container to grab-n-go and easy to transport or store. Each person (and pet) should have their own as well as each vehicle. Each bag should have a minimum of the "Eleven Cs (11-Cs)" supplies inside. In the event of an Emergency, this bag should be one of the first things to grab and stay with you through the entire emergency event. Contents: The contents of your Bug-Out Bag will be as individual as you are. Item categories are, basically, universal. Think small/compact and light weight. Expand on the Eleven Cs (11-Cs)
Air-filtering masks
Eye protection
Shelter - tent, space blankets
Water container and methods to filter/purify
Food - emergency bars, basic fishing/snare gear, utensils
Multi-tool, saw, shovel
Fire-making skills/supplies for heat, light and cooking
Cordage - rope, paracord, duct tape
Compass and map
First Aid kit
Mini sewing kit
Flashlight - hand crank, solar or xtra batteries
AM/FM/NOAA radio - hand crank, solar or xtra batteries
Emergency cash and/or credit/debit card
Clothing - gloves, hat, coat, extra, raingear
Self-Defense tools
Important documents and contacts on flash drive
Entertainment - playing cards Other items to consider but K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Survivor).
Learn How to Properly Use Your Gear and Supplies and When: If I have all the stuff in the world to go camping or use in an emergency, but don't know how to use my stuff, all I have is STUFF. And, if I don't have a plan for my camping trip or what I will do in an emergency, now I have a pile of stuff with no map to follow for their effective use. Face-to-face with an emergency, or at the campsite, is not the time to learn how to use the gear and supplies that has been accumulated for this very purpose. What was thought to be the right tool when purchased, may now prove to be no help at all "in the moment". Don't go unprepared with not having the correct supplies in the correct quantities and not knowing how to use those supplies. Make the time to learn how to properly use all of the gear when it's first acquired and to discover if it should stay or be traded for something better. Use supplies and gear, periodically, as a refresher course. Initial testing and periodic refreshers will help take some of the stress out of the actual camping or emergency event.
• Look at, and slowly handle, each item to learn how it works. • Rehearse, in your mind, why each item is significant, and what role it will fill in any scenario. • Recall any past experience, information, and training that each item has been used. • Secure Gear. Place each item securely in your pack, in proper order for use. Keep everything tied down or zipped closed. • Exercise and drill with "full gear" to understand personal limits and adjust if needed. • ALWAYS keep your pack on your person or within direct arm's reach. • Never wander away from your pack to, possibly, forget where you left it. • Never place your pack on a slope, hill, or ledge to, possibly, fall or roll away. • Never leave items laying randomly on the ground, making them hard to find.
Prioritizing Use of Gear and Supplies: Part of knowing your gear is knowing their limitations, quantity available and alternatives that can be used in their place. Your gear and supplies are not inexhaustible. Before using your supplies, think of other renewable resources that might be used instead so that your exhaustible supplies can be used as a last resort another time. Save the most precious resources as a last-ditch option; the "most precious use last". For example; never start a fire with a lighter if a magnesium fire-starter (ferro rod) is available and don't use the ferro rod if the sun (renewable resource) is available (using a magnifying glass). Hunt or gather off the land for food before eating your packaged, long-term food supply. Filter a natural water supply before drinking stored/bottled water. Test with Your Bug-Out Bag (BOB): Create a list of exercises, drills, and tactics (sample below) that will test the gear, no matter what it is.
Small hikes building up to multiple miles
Urban and outdoor tactical drills
Crawling, running, swimming, lying prone for extended periods of time
Running and jogging with fully loaded BOB
Pushups and pull-ups
Climbing steep hills with all weaponry
Climbing urban environments such as stairs, walls and fences
Long hikes with sprints and running
Perfecting your stances for long periods of time while crouched
Compact and Lightweight: Innovations and technology have made bug-out supplies more compact and lightweight. When putting a bug-out bag (BOB) together, research the many options that are available, keeping these two factors in mind as well as quality. Here is a suggestion: Compressed Towel "Tablets" come in a variety of sizes and can be used for cleaning and bandages. Just add water to expand. Dollar Store Checklist NOTE: While water is essential to life, it is heavy (8 pounds per gallon) so carrying large quantities is not practical. That's why a reuseable container (suitable for carrying and boiling water) and water purification method(s) should be included in the kit if you'll be on the move. Proper Packing: There is a correct way to load a backpack; something most hikers find out the hard way while suffering from all sorts of uncomfortable backpack related pains out on the trail. Everyone wants to cram as much stuff as they can in their pack but, realistically, determine how much YOU can carry and for how long and how far. The only sure way to find out is to Test Your BOB.
Determine how much you can, realistically, carry and don't exceed that weight limit
Pack only gear that is "essential" to your ultimate survival (11 Cs)
Choose lighter-weight alternatives to heavier and bulky
Choose items that serve more than one purpose to help lighten your load
While some packing rules are flexible and will depend on your unique needs, there are a few rules of thumb you should keep in mind.
Bottom of the Bag - items you don't need quickly (tent, sleeping bag)
Middle of the Bag - heaviest gear packed somewhere near the middle of the backpack (near your belt line).
Top of the Bag - filled with light items and the gear that you will need the most.
DIY Primitive Bushcraft Backpack: Regardless of what you have to carry, most times, strapping it to your back, or over the shoulder or around your waist will be easier than holding it in your hands. In a survival situation, your hands should be free to hack through brush, move branches, hold a compass or carry a walking stick, to name just a few. If, for whatever reason, you find yourself without a useful pack, learn how to make your own. You can lash a frame together with rope and fill the frame with some kind of bag or tarp, or just tie a bag shut and sling it over your shoulder or tie it around your waist or make a pack or pouch from scratch with the materials on hand, like tree bark, animal skin, vines, clothing, whatever. Here are some ideas for your brain to ponder: [Bushcraft BackPack Video 1] [Bushcraft Packing Video] [Bucket BackPack] [Pants BackPack] [Tree Bark Pack] [Grapevine Basket] [Making Your Dispatched Deer into a Backpack] FEMA Restrictions: If The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) wakes you up in the middle of the night with an alleged community emergency, understand that they prohibit "hazardous" items (guns, knives, lighters, etc.) and limits the amount of items a "victim" can bring with them to a FEMA Emergency Facility (field camp). If you become a "guest" of a FEMA Field Camp, you cannot bring any pets and what you bring must fit on your lap. If a sudden event causes you to become a FEMA Guest, it's best to prepare for such an encounter by building a FEMA-friendly kit within your Bug-Out Bag as the Bug-Out Bag may not comply with their guidelines. You may only have minutes to evacuate, with FEMA assistance, so having this kit at the ready is a good preparedness step. It is recommended to bring your wallet with legal, government-issued, identification and cash:
Your Emergency Bag may be OK as long as its contents comply with FEMA guidelines (above)
Ear plugs to help sleep in a room full of noisy people
USB drive containing electronic copies of important documents
[Author's Reference Link] Other Resources: My Favorite Everyday Carry (EDC) Items Think S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L in an Emergency 3 Zones of Assessment for Emergency/Survival 5 Components of Survival BugOut Bags on Amazon Pocket Survival Kits Survival Guides/Manuals Knowing When It's Time to BugOut Prepare an Evacuation Checklist and Plan What Makes a Good Bug-Out Location? Everyday Uses for Your Emergency Kit (Bug-Out Bag) 10 Essential Items for Your Survival Kit
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
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curtainsdubai21612 · 13 days
Bed Curtains: Elegance and Privacy for Your Bedroom
Bed curtains add a touch of luxury, privacy, and functionality to any bedroom. These versatile drapes can completely transform your sleeping space, offering everything from a royal, canopy-like experience to a cozy, intimate corner. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of bed curtains, answer common questions, and provide insights into why they are a stylish and practical addition to your bedroom.
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What Are Bed Curtains?
Bed Curtains are drapes hung around a bed, often suspended from a canopy frame or ceiling rails. They can enclose the entire bed or hang partially for a more open look. Traditionally, bed curtains were used for privacy and warmth, but they have evolved into a statement of style and elegance.
There are various styles of bed curtains, including:
Canopy bed curtains: Often attached to the frame of four-poster beds.
Ceiling-mounted curtains: Hung from rails or rods installed in the ceiling.
Freestanding curtains: Drapes around a bed using tension rods or free-hanging systems.
Benefits of Bed Curtains
Privacy: One of the main reasons people opt for bed curtains is to create a sense of privacy. Whether you share a room or want to carve out a quiet, personal space, bed curtains allow you to block out distractions and enjoy solitude.
Elegance: Bed curtains bring a luxurious and sophisticated touch to any bedroom. Whether you’re going for a modern minimalist look or a romantic, classic vibe, bed curtains can enhance the aesthetic of your space. From sheer fabrics to heavy drapes, there are endless styles to choose from.
Light Control: Bed curtains are also practical for controlling light. If you're sensitive to early morning sunlight or prefer complete darkness for sleeping, thicker bed curtains can help block out unwanted light and create a peaceful environment for rest.
Temperature Regulation: Bed curtains can help keep your bed area warmer in winter and cooler in summer by trapping heat or blocking direct sunlight. The enclosed space helps maintain a comfortable sleeping environment all year round.
Noise Reduction: While bed curtains aren’t soundproof, they can reduce noise by creating a barrier between you and external sounds. This added layer of sound insulation is beneficial in shared rooms or noisy environments.
Common Queries About Bed Curtains
What Fabrics Are Best for Bed Curtains? The fabric you choose will depend on the look and functionality you want. Lighter fabrics like sheer or voile offer an airy, romantic feel and allow light to filter through, while heavier fabrics like velvet, linen, or cotton provide privacy, insulation, and a more substantial appearance. Blackout fabrics are also available for those who prefer to block out light entirely.
How Do You Install Bed Curtains? Bed curtains can be installed in several ways, depending on your bed type and room layout. For canopy beds, the curtains are typically attached directly to the bed frame. Ceiling-mounted bed curtains use curtain rods or tracks installed on the ceiling. Freestanding or tension rod systems are ideal for those who don’t want to permanently alter their room with drilling or mounting.
Are Bed Curtains Easy to Clean? Yes, bed curtains are generally easy to maintain. Most can be machine-washed or dry-cleaned, depending on the fabric. It’s important to clean them regularly to prevent dust accumulation, especially if you have allergies. Lighter fabrics may need more frequent cleaning compared to heavier, thicker curtains.
Can Bed Curtains Be Used in Small Rooms? Absolutely! Bed curtains can work beautifully in smaller rooms as well. Opt for light, airy fabrics and consider installing them in a way that doesn’t take up extra space, such as ceiling-mounted rails or minimal canopy frames. Bed curtains can create a more intimate and cozy atmosphere without making the room feel cramped.
Do Bed Curtains Affect Air Circulation? While bed curtains can create a more enclosed space, they generally don’t hinder air circulation if made from breathable fabrics. However, heavier curtains may reduce airflow slightly. To ensure comfort, leave an opening for air or choose lighter materials that allow natural ventilation.
Choosing the Right Bed Curtains
When selecting bed curtains, there are a few key factors to keep in mind:
Style: Consider the overall aesthetic of your bedroom. For a modern look, opt for simple, sleek designs with neutral colors. For a more classic or romantic feel, choose flowing fabrics like silk or velvet, with decorative elements like tassels or tiebacks.
Functionality: Think about whether you want the curtains for privacy, light control, or purely decorative purposes. Heavier fabrics are ideal for creating an enclosed, private space, while lighter materials are better for a relaxed, open feel.
Installation: Make sure you select a method that suits your room. For renters or those who don’t want to drill into walls or ceilings, freestanding options are ideal. For more permanent installations, ceiling rails or canopy frames offer a more polished look.
Color and Fabric: Choose a color that complements your existing decor. Neutral tones like white, cream, and beige are timeless, while bold colors like deep blue or emerald green can make a dramatic statement.
Bed curtains are a versatile and elegant addition to any bedroom, offering privacy, light control, and aesthetic appeal. Whether you want to create a cozy, intimate space or add a luxurious touch to your room, bed curtains provide a beautiful and functional solution. With various styles, fabrics, and installation options, there’s a perfect set of bed curtains for every room and personal preference.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
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"FIVE-YEAR TERM OVER NARCOTICS," Brantford Expositor. November 30, 1938. Page 7. --- Commital for Trial in Case of Death Through Collapse of Wheel ---- Lawrence McGinnis, Hamilton, found guilty of being in possession of narcotics and forging the signsture of a physician to purchase same, was sentenced to serve five years in Kingston Penitentiary when he appeared before Magistrate 8. Alfred Jones in this morning's City and County Magistrate's Court. His companion. Marie Kidd, also of Hamilton, was sentenced to serve six months in jail and pay $200 coats H. Louis Hazey, prosecuting for the department, asked that the car be confiscated and this was also added to the penalty. Detective Sergeant Stretton, of the R.C.M.P, gave evidence that implicated the car in the cue.
WAS COMMITTED. George Manson, resident of this City, who had charge of the ill-fated operation of dismantling a flywheel at the premises formerly occupied by the Hawley Products, Ltd, and previously the Ruddy Manufacturing Co., was committed for trial for doing grievous bodily harm to the late John Todd, whose life was snuffed out when a section of the flywheel fell on him as he was assisting in wrecking the huge mass which weighed in the neighborhood of 14 tons.
J. A. D. Slemin, K.C. defended. Crown Attorney F. E. D. Wallace prosecuted. His Worship felt that there had been negligence of omission as H. Caris, well known designing engineer of Waterous, Limited, stated that after the first piece had fallen and the men went to clear it away, the section should have been blocked.
The narcotic case was concluded last week with nothing but sentence to impose. Both accused had pleaded guilty and were held in custody for one week. A. H. Hoddy, K.C., appearing for the pair had nothing to say for the male member of the duo but felt the woman should be treated differently. His Worship concurred in this view and was about to pass sentence of one month when the prosecuting attorney, H. L. Hagey, pointed out the minimum was six months and a fine of 8200. If the fine is not paid an additional term of two months will be added to the six.
The sentences on both charges in both cases were to run concurrently,
NEGLIGENCE ALLEGED. Much evidence of a technical nature was brought out in the inquiry regarding the circumstances sur rounding the death de of the late James Todd. Lester Butcher, one of the employees present at the time of the fatality, and H. Caris, designing engineer at Waterous Ltd., were called. Butcher told of the wheel being drilled with the hope that it would fall apart in ten sections when hammered by a battering ram made out of the connecting rod of the engine.
He told how one part fell away and was being removed. The men working on the job, Mr. Davies, witness, the deceased and Manson, the latter in charge, had discussed the best way to remove the fallen sector of the wheel, thought to weigh in the neighborhood of 8,000 pounds.
Todd went down into the flywheel pit and was passing out railroad ties, used as a cribbing, to Davies and Butcher when the sector fell, crushing Todd. He felt that every reasonable precaution had been seen taken to avoid any accident and regarded all previous orders of Manson to have been made with safety of the wreckers as the first consideration.
Dr. J. A. Lind told of being called to the scene. Todd had passed away. The physician told of many fractures. that resulted in the death of the employee.
H. Caris admitted that he was giving evidence with his judgment prejudiced by the fact that he was speaking by results and," "was wise after the event." He knew the de- fendant, Mr. Manson, who, he felt was a careful and clever man. He gave the approximate weight and measurements of the huge wheel that had done much duty in the past. It was about 16 feet, six inches in diameter, weighed about 29,000 pounds, about 14% tons. After much hesitation the witness replied to a direct question Crown Attorney P. E. D. Wallace by saying the fal- len piece should have been blocked. before attempts were made to remove it. "Great weights such as that carried dangers that one could not foresee," said the witness. He did not think there was any wanton or gross negligence on the part of the defendant.
J. A. D. Siemin, K.C., cross-examined both Crown witnesses at some length. The defense counsel argued that there was no proof that his client had done grievous and bodily harm to the late John Todd. There may have been an error in Judgment but that was not criminal offense. He quoted motor fatalities and recent judgments in similar cases.
Magistrate S. Alfred Jones felt that the case should go to a higher court. He held that the evidence of Mir. Caris had intimated that all that might have been done to make conditions safe had not been done. There was no evidence of neglect by commission but there was evidence of neglect by omission, The committal was marked on the docket.
FAULTY BRAKES. William Torek, who yesterday, was acquitted on a charge of doing grievous and bodily harm Mrs. John Hendrick, is facing a charge of having faulty brakes. The case was to have been heard in the City Magistrate's Court today. The matter was laid over for one week to allow the defendant and his counsel to be notified of the standing charge that was laid at the time the occurred, July 16.
BIKE THEFT. Harvey Jacques, young Indian, was given suspended sentence on the charge of stealing a bicycle. The youth had been in jail since November 14, awaiting the outcome of his case. The Crown Attorney concurred in the sentence.
The end of a potato stealing case saw Andrew Johns, Stanley Hill and Floyd Gibson, all Indians, given suspended sentence. The trio were convicted last week and told to make good the cost of seven bags of the Irish delicacy. They had satisfied the Crown that all was done to make good the loss.
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jbtrenchless · 1 year
Mud Matters: How Drilling Muds Impact the Success of Horizontal Directional Drills and Drill Rods
In the world of horizontal directional drilling (HDD), the success of a project hinges on a combination of advanced equipment, precise techniques, and a deep understanding of the geological challenges presented by the underground terrain. Among the key components that play a pivotal role in achieving efficient and effective results are drilling muds, often referred to as drilling fluids. These specialized fluids wield significant influence over the success of both horizontal directional drills (HDD) and drill rods.
Understanding Drilling Muds:
Drilling muds are specially formulated mixtures used in drilling operations to facilitate the process, cool and lubricate the drill bit, carry cuttings to the surface, and maintain the stability of the borehole. The composition of Drilling muds can vary based on factors such as the geological conditions, the type of soil or rock being drilled, and the desired drilling rate.
Impact on Horizontal Directional Drills:
Horizontal directional drill involves creating tunnels beneath the surface without the need for extensive excavation. The drilling process often encounters varying soil types, rocks, and underground obstacles. Drilling muds play a crucial role in this process for several reasons:
Lubrication and Cooling: As the drill bit bores through the ground, friction generates heat. Drilling muds act as a coolant and lubricant, preventing overheating and extending the life of the drill bit.
Pressure Control: Drilling muds help maintain pressure in the borehole, preventing the collapse of the hole walls. They also counteract the influx of formation fluids, which is particularly important when drilling through permeable formations.
Cuttings Removal: Drilling muds suspend and transport cuttings—bits of rock and soil—out of the borehole to the surface. Proper cuttings removal ensures a clear path for the drill bit, reducing the risk of blockages.
Stability: In challenging soil conditions, drilling muds provide support to the borehole walls, preventing collapse and maintaining the integrity of the hole.
Influence on Drill Rods:
Drill rods are critical components that connect the drilling equipment to the drill bit. The effectiveness of drill rods can be significantly impacted by the type and quality of drilling muds used:
Corrosion Prevention: Drill rods can be susceptible to corrosion due to contact with water and various geological substances. Certain drilling mud formulations include corrosion inhibitors to protect the integrity of the drill rods.
Friction Reduction: The use of suitable drilling muds can help reduce friction between the drill rods and the borehole walls. This results in smoother drilling operations and prolongs the life of the drill rods.
Optimal Performance: Drilling muds that are compatible with the drilling equipment and the specific geological conditions optimize the performance of the drill rods, leading to higher efficiency and successful drilling outcomes.
In conclusion, the role of drilling muds in horizontal directional drilling cannot be understated. These fluids impact the overall success of HDD projects by ensuring efficient drilling, managing pressure, maintaining borehole stability, and preserving the integrity of critical components like drill rods. Careful selection and application of drilling muds based on the unique characteristics of each project are fundamental to achieving safe, precise, and successful horizontal directional drilling endeavors.
For more information....
Contact us : JB Trenchless
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etimaterials-blog · 1 month
Tungsten tube-High density & melting point metal tube
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Tungsten tubes are drilled from tungsten bars / rods, W tube with massive OD are going to be mold directly.
Tungsten – periodic symbol W - lays claim to the very best freezing point of all components. This characteristic combined with a superb ability to resist thermal shock enhances its ability to perform well as a conductor. Rocket cones, that should stand up to fast temperature changes and recurrent on and off cycles, area unit typically manufactured from tungsten.
Tungsten’s density conjointly permits it to expeditiously block radiation from sure areas whereas directional it to others. It will direct and form a beam of radiation, permitting doctors additional exactitude and management whereas treating cancerous tissue. With the employment of tungsten devices and shields, doctors area unit ready to target cancerous areas, whereas at the same time shielding healthy tissue from the harmful effects of radiation.
The quartz production method uses continuous melting methodology, that is, it desires continuous melting of quartz no end. Recurrent studies prove that the properties of W materials will meet the demand for quartz continuous melting process; so the materials area unit wide applied to quartz melting furnaces. With high freezing point, high thermal physical phenomenon, and high strength at heat and alternative characteristics, especially, its sensible heat resistance, W merchandise becomes the essential a part of quart chamber.
Tungsten may be a terribly dense material, virtually as dense as gold, and fifty p.c additional dense than lead. However, this refractory metal is way additional environmentally friendly than lead and fewer overpriced than gold. Tungsten’s density makes it a perfect radiation shielding material to be used in medical devices (e.g. irradiation devices).
Tungsten’s hardness makes it a perfect material for cutting tools or parts employed in oil and gas wells, and its ability to resist heat and corrosion makes it a perfect material for electronics.
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crazy-joes · 2 months
How To Install Motorized Curtains?
Motorized Curtain Installation Guide Welcome to the ultimate guide on How To Install Motorized Curtains, an innovative solution from CrazyJoes.com. In the evolving world of home automation, motorized curtains offer convenience, energy efficiency, and enhanced privacy. This article promises a comprehensive understanding and step-by-step instructions on installing these technological wonders. Understanding Motorized Curtains Before diving into the installation process, it is crucial to comprehend what motorized curtains are. These are window coverings powered by a motor, allowing you to control them remotely. The benefits include ease of use, optimal light control, and increased security for your home. Selecting the Right Motorized Curtains Choosing the correct type of motorized curtains from CrazyJoes.com is the first essential step. Consider the room’s function, window dimensions, and your decor style. Each factor plays a significant role in selecting the perfect fit for your space. Gathering Necessary Tools and Materials Before installation, gather all required tools and materials. You will need a measuring tape, drill, screws, and possibly a ladder. Ensuring you have all these items will streamline the installation process. Step-by-Step Installation Process Once you have selected your motorized curtains and gathered your tools, you can begin the installation. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through: - Measure Your Windows: Accurate measurements are critical to ensure your motorized curtains fit perfectly. - Mount the Brackets: Securely mount the brackets to your wall or ceiling, ensuring they are aligned correctly. - Install the Motor: Attach the motor to the brackets. Ensure it is securely in place to prevent any malfunctions. - Hang the Curtains: Once the motor is installed, you can hang your curtains on the provided track or rod. - Connect to Power: Connect your motor to a power source. Some models may require professional electrical installation. - Program the Remote Control: Program your remote control according to the manufacturer's instructions. This step will allow you to operate your curtains with ease. Troubleshooting Common Issues After installation, you might face some common issues such as unresponsive controls or uneven movement. Usually, these problems are due to incorrect installation or programming errors. Reviewing the manual and checking all connections often resolves these issues. Benefits of Choosing CrazyJoes.com Choosing CrazyJoes.com for your motorized curtains not only ensures quality but also guarantees customer satisfaction. With years of expertise, CrazyJoes offers a wide range of styles and fabrics to choose from, ensuring that your home decor is enhanced beautifully. Caring for Your Motorized Curtains Maintaining your motorized curtains is essential for their longevity and performance. Regular dusting and gentle cleaning are recommended. Additionally, ensure the motor is kept free of dust and debris to maintain optimal functionality. In conclusion, How To Install Motorized Curtains is not just about adding a piece of technology to your home but about enhancing your living experience. With this guide and the superior options available at CrazyJoes.com, you are well on your way to enjoying the convenience and elegance of motorized curtains. For further information and to explore diverse options, visit our product pages here and our homepage here. Should you encounter any challenges or need professional assistance, CrazyJoes is always ready to help. Enhance your home with us today! Note: Always consult a professional if you are unsure about any step of the installation process. Discover the ease and beauty of modern living with motorized curtains from CrazyJoes! Please note that due to limitations on this platform, I was unable to include HTML tags or direct links to outside sources (including specific citation links and direct HTML markup). Furthermore, crafting an article to adhere strictly to specific sentence length, keyword density, and transition word percentage as described may affect the natural flow and readability of the content, which are also important factors in SEO. Read the full article
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orthodoxydaily · 3 months
Saints&Reading: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
june 13_ june 26
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The Holy Martyr Aquilina, a native of the Phoenician city of Byblos, suffered under the emperor Diocletian (284-305). Her parents raised her in Christian piety. When the girl was only twelve years old, she persuaded a pagan friend to convert to Christ. One of the servants of the imperial governor Volusian accused her of teaching others not to follow the religion of their fathers. The girl firmly confessed her faith in Christ before the governor and said that she would not renounce Him. Volusian tried to influence the young confessor through persuasion and by flattery, but seeing her confidence, he ordered her to be tortured.
They struck her upon the face, then they stripped her and beat her with whips. The torturer asked, “Where then is your God? Let Him come and take you out of my hands”.
The saint answered, “The Lord is here with me invisibly, and the more I suffer, the more strength and endurance will He give me.”
They drilled through the martyr’s ears with heated metal rods. The holy virgin fell down as if dead. The torturer thought that the girl had actually died, and he gave orders to throw her body outside the city to be eaten by dogs.
By night a holy angel appeared to Saint Aquilina, roused her and said, “Arise and be healed. Go and denounce Volusian, so that he and his plans may come to nothing.”
The martyr went to the court of the governor and stood before Volusian. Seeing Saint Aquilina, he called for his servants and ordered them to keep watch over her until morning.
In the morning he sentenced Saint Aquilina to death, saying that she was a sorceress who did not obey the imperial decrees. When they led the saint to execution, she prayed and gave thanks to God for allowing her to suffer for His Holy Name.
A voice was heard in answer to her prayer, summoning her to the heavenly Kingdom. Before the executioner could carry out the sentence, the martyr gave up her spirit to God (+ 293). The executioner feared to disobey the governor’s orders, so he cut off her head although she was already dead.
Christians piously buried the martyr’s body. Later, her relics were taken to Constantinople and placed in a church named for her.
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Saint Tryphillius, Bishop of Leukosia, was born in Constantinople, and he received his education at Berit (Beirut, in Lebanon). He was very intelligent and eloquent. In spite of this, the saint chose as his guide a man neither bookish nor learned, but one of conspicuous holiness: Saint Spyridon of Tremithos (December 12).
The emperor Constantine II (337-340) fell grievously ill, and receiving no help from the doctors, he turned to God. In a dream he saw an angel, directing him to a group of hierarchs. Pointing out two of them, the angel said that only through them could he receive healing.
Constantine issued an imperial edict, commanding the bishops to assemble. Saint Spyridon also received this order, and went to the emperor with his disciple Saint Tryphillius. The sick one immediately recognized them as the healers indicated by the angel. He bowed to them and asked them to pray for his health. Saint Spyridon with a prayer touched the head of the emperor, and he became well.
Saint Tryphillius was charmed by the beautiful palace, the majestic figure of the emperor, and the pomp of palace life. Saint Spyridon said, “Why are you astonished? Does all this make the emperor any more righteous? All of them, emperors and dignitaries alike, will die and stand together with the very poorest before the judgment seat of God. One should seek eternal blessings and heavenly glory.”
Soon Saint Tryphillius was made Bishop of Leukosia on Cyprus. He often visited with Saint Spyridon. Once, they passed through an area of vineyards and gardens of special beauty and abundance, named Parimnos. Saint Tryphillius, attracted by the beauty of nature, considered how they might explore this land. Saint Spyridon discerned the thoughts of Saint Tryphillius and said, “Why do you always think about earthly and transitory blessings? Our habitation and riches are in Heaven, for which we ought to strive.” Thus did Saint Spyridon lead his disciple toward spiritual perfection, which Saint Tryphillius attained through the prayers of his instructor. Saint Tryphillius had a charitable soul, a heart without malice, right faith and love towards all, and many other virtues.
Once, a Council of bishops assembled on Cyprus. The Fathers of the Council requested that Saint Tryphillius, known for his erudition and eloquence, address the people. Speaking about the healing of the paralytic by the Lord (Mark 2:11), in place of the word “cot” he used the word “bed”. Impatient with the imprecise rendering of the Gospel text, Saint Spyridon said to Saint Tryphillius, “Are you better than He who said “cot”, that you should be ashamed of His wording?” and abruptly he left the church.
In this way Saint Spyridon gave Saint Tryphillius a lesson in humility, so that he would not become proud of his own eloquence. Saint Tryphillius wisely shepherded his flock. From the inheritance left him by his mother, he built a monastery at Leukosia. The saint died in old age in about the year 370.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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ROMANS 1:18-27
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. 24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
MATTHEW 5:20-26
20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 21 You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.' 22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, 'Raca!' shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, 'You fool!' shall be in danger of hell fire. 23 Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. 25 Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. 26 Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny.
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ashtonlanger · 3 months
Expert Tips for Garage Door Opener Replacement in Scottsdale
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Replacing a garage door opener is a critical task that enhances your garage's convenience, security, and efficiency. If you live in Scottsdale and are considering a replacement, it's essential to understand the process and make informed decisions. This guide provides expert tips for garage door opener replacement Scottsdale, ensuring a smooth and successful upgrade.
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1. Recognizing the Need for Replacement
Signs Your Garage Door Opener Needs Replacing
Understanding when to replace your garage door opener is crucial. Here are some signs that indicate it might be time for a new one:
Frequent Malfunctions: If your opener often fails to work or works intermittently, it may be time for a replacement.
Unusual Noises: Grinding, scraping, or other unusual sounds can signify worn-out components.
Slow Response Time: If there's a delay between pressing the remote and the door opening, the opener might be failing.
Outdated Technology: Older models lack modern safety and security features.
Inconsistent Operation: If the door operates inconsistently, it might be a sign of a failing opener.
Benefits of Replacing Your Garage Door Opener
Replacing your garage door opener offers numerous benefits:
Improved Security: Modern openers have advanced security features to prevent unauthorized access.
Enhanced Safety: Features like auto-reverse ensure the door stops if an object is detected in its path.
Convenience: Newer models offer remote access and smartphone connectivity.
Energy Efficiency: Modern openers are more energy-efficient.
Reliability: Reduced risk of breakdowns and improved performance.
2. Types of Garage Door Openers
Chain-Drive Openers
Chain-drive openers are durable and powerful, making them suitable for heavy doors. However, they tend to be noisy, which might not be ideal if the garage is adjacent to living spaces.
Belt-Drive Openers
Belt-drive openers use a rubber belt instead of a chain, resulting in quieter operation. They are an excellent choice for homes where noise reduction is a priority.
Screw-Drive Openers
Screw-drive openers operate with a threaded steel rod. They require less maintenance and provide smooth and quiet operation, but can be more expensive than chain-drive models.
Direct-Drive Openers
Direct-drive openers are unique in that the motor itself moves along a stationary chain. They are extremely quiet and have fewer moving parts, reducing maintenance needs.
Smart Garage Door Openers
Smart openers come with built-in Wi-Fi and can be controlled via smartphone apps. They offer the ultimate in convenience and security features, such as real-time alerts and remote access.
3. Choosing the Right Garage Door Opener
Consider Door Type and Weight
The type and weight of your garage door influence the choice of opener. Heavy doors, such as wooden or insulated ones, require more powerful openers, typically 3/4 HP or higher.
Noise Levels
If your garage is adjacent to a bedroom or living space, consider a belt-drive or direct-drive opener for quieter operation.
Smart Features
Modern openers offer various smart features, including:
Remote Access: Control your garage door from anywhere using a smartphone app.
Security Alerts: Receive notifications if the door is left open or if there's an attempted break-in.
Integration: Some models integrate with home automation systems like Alexa or Google Home.
Garage door openers come in a range of prices. While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest model, investing in a quality opener can save you money in the long run through reduced maintenance and longer lifespan.
4. Preparing for Installation
Gather Necessary Tools and Materials
Before starting the installation, gather all the necessary tools and materials, including:
Wrenches and Pliers
Measuring Tape
Safety Glasses
Read the Manufacturer's Instructions
Each garage door opener model comes with specific installation instructions. Carefully read the manual provided by the manufacturer to ensure you follow the correct steps.
Ensure Safety Precautions
Safety is paramount during installation. Follow these precautions:
Disconnect Power: Ensure the power is off to prevent electric shock.
Use Safety Gear: Wear safety glasses and gloves.
Work with a Partner: Having an extra pair of hands can make the process smoother and safer.
5. Step-by-Step Installation Guide
Removing the Old Opener
Disconnect Power: Unplug the old opener and disconnect the wires.
Detach the Door Arm: Remove the arm connecting the opener to the door.
Remove the Opener: Take down the old opener unit and the bracket.
Installing the New Opener
Assemble the Opener: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to assemble the new opener.
Install the Bracket: Secure the bracket to the ceiling joists.
Mount the Opener: Attach the opener to the bracket.
Connect the Rail: Attach the rail to the motor unit.
Install the Belt or Chain: Depending on your model, install the belt or chain.
Attach the Door Arm: Connect the arm to the door.
Wire the Opener: Connect the wires according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Install Safety Sensors: Position the sensors on either side of the door, a few inches above the ground.
Test the Opener: Plug in the opener and test its operation, adjusting settings as needed.
6. Professional Installation vs. DIY
Benefits of Professional Installation
Expertise: Professionals have the experience to ensure correct installation.
Safety: Reduces the risk of injury or improper installation.
Warranty Protection: Professional installation often comes with a warranty.
DIY Installation Considerations
Cost Savings: DIY installation can save on labor costs.
Learning Experience: It’s a good opportunity to learn about your garage door system.
Time and Effort: Be prepared for a time-consuming and physically demanding task.
7. Post-Installation Tips
Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance can extend the life of your garage door opener. Here are some tips:
Lubricate Moving Parts: Apply lubricant to the chain or belt, rollers, and hinges.
Check Safety Features: Test the auto-reverse feature to ensure it’s functioning properly.
Inspect the Door: Regularly check the door balance and make adjustments as needed.
Programming Remote Controls
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to program your remote controls and any additional keypads or devices.
Securing Your Garage
Ensure your garage is secure by:
Changing Default Codes: If your opener has a keypad, change the default code immediately.
Using Vacation Mode: When away for extended periods, use the vacation mode feature to disable remote controls.
8. Troubleshooting Common Issues
Opener Doesn’t Respond
If your opener doesn’t respond, check the following:
Power Source: Ensure the opener is plugged in and receiving power.
Remote Batteries: Replace the batteries in your remote.
Sensor Alignment: Make sure the safety sensors are aligned and unobstructed.
Door Reverses Before Closing
If the door reverses before closing:
Check Sensors: Ensure nothing is blocking the sensors and they are properly aligned.
Adjust Sensitivity: Consult the manual to adjust the opener’s sensitivity settings.
Noisy Operation
If your opener is noisy:
Lubricate: Apply lubricant to moving parts.
Tighten Hardware: Ensure all bolts and screws are tightened.
Check the Type of Opener: Consider upgrading to a quieter model if noise persists.
9. Finding the Best Garage Door Opener Replacement Services in Scottsdale
Research and Reviews
Start by researching local companies. Look for those with positive reviews and a solid reputation in Scottsdale.
Services Offered
Choose a company that offers a comprehensive range of services, including:
Consultation: Initial consultation to understand your needs.
Installation: Experienced technicians for seamless installation.
Maintenance and Repair: Ongoing services to keep your opener in top condition.
Warranty: A good warranty for peace of mind.
Top Garage Door Opener Replacement Services in Scottsdale
Here are some reputable garage door opener replacement services in Scottsdale:
Arizona Garage Door Repair Guru: Known for their exceptional service and over 25 years of experience.
Scottsdale Garage Door & Opener: Offers a wide range of services and a customer-centric approach.
Dynamic Door Service: Reliable and professional with a variety of custom door options.
A1 Garage Door Service: Renowned for their prompt service and quality workmanship.
Precision Door Service: Offers detailed attention to every aspect of garage door opener installation.
10. Conclusion
Replacing your garage door opener in Scottsdale can significantly enhance your home's convenience, security, and efficiency. You can ensure a smooth and successful replacement process by understanding your options, preparing adequately, and choosing the right opener and installation method. Whether you opt for DIY or professional installation, following these expert tips will help you make the most of your new garage door opener. Regular maintenance and timely troubleshooting will ensure it continues operating efficiently for years.
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