#Disney Long John Silver
slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
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Saviours & Villains
Made with: Pixlr, BeFunky, Google Images and kissthemgoodbye screencaps. CLICK FOR BETTER QUALITY
Quote: Once Upon a Time
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hayleysstark · 6 months
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You got the makings of greatness in you. But you've got to take the helm, and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls. TREASURE PLANET (NOVEMBER 27 2002)
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homosatan-016 · 8 months
I don't need to explain myself to anyone, as what I'm into and what I'm not is only my business...
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So I made this.
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miraitrunks · 3 months
okay, so… here it is: a larger post of most of the treasure planet merch i’ve received but haven’t shared here. this stuff gets more and more niche/rare the further you scroll, so check it all out! let’s start from the top:
first up— we’ve got my complete collection of all the loungefly products. each one has jim on it so it was a must <3 personally the first release (middle) is my favorite but i think the pink backpack is prettier
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second up— my 20th anniversary pin as well as my cursed concepts pin. such lovely grabs <3 then we have the pin i bought off the artist Dean Grayson from his “Heroic Rides” series on etsy. it’s fricken huge!
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third— probably one of my favorites, my hallmark treasure planet cups. i got these off ebay and i have absolutely no idea what year they’re from. aren’t they so cool?! i got so many and they’re brand new. the print of jim on the cup is just top tier. “honey, we’ve got guests. bring out the fine china!” 10/10.
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number four— my jim & silver keychain toys. these are olddd! if you know me though, you know i don’t keep stuff in the packages. silver could stay, but jim definitely had to come out. he zooms forward like a toy car when you pull him back and then let him go!
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item number five— treasure planet for the playstation 2. i’m especially fond of this one considering the ps2 was my first ever gaming console that i owned myself. so many fun memories!
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number six— my japanese art promo book featuring some of the japanese voice casting! as an anime fan, collecting japanese promotional material for american media is something that i’ve always wanted to do. i haven’t gotten my hands on a japanese movie poster yet, but it’s on my list for sure. this is a pretty close runner up though! i love all the pngs used for this booklet! (sorry for my weird hand placement in some of these, as the pages folded out and it was hard to photograph with one hand)
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number seven— last one for now! i think i saved the best for last personally, but this is my disney adventures collector’s edition magazine for treasure planet back from 2002, the movie’s release year. let me tell you, this thing is such a throwback from the events of the year to the ads that come in the thing.
…AND THERE’S A WHOLE CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE COMIC IN HERE?! i had no idea! it was like striking gold! this is also one of my favorites of all the things i own. can we get a load of how cute he looks on the cover? he almost looks like he’s aware he’s posing for a magazine cover. so adorable!
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…wow, that’s all from me for now! while it’s definitely not all i own, this is just some of the newer stuff i’ve gotten since i’ve been away and/or some of the stuff i think is cooler. did you recognize any of this stuff? find anything new? lemme know!
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rawrbot · 1 year
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Some sketches of a pirate fella I did as a warmup today :)
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inkangeliguess · 3 months
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They'd be friends methinks
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cruhxx · 2 years
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You got the makings of greatness in you! Treasure Planet (2002)
happy 20th anniversary to treasure planet. I love you mwah <3
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pigsarepeopletoo · 7 months
Tried drawing what silver might have looked like realistically post whatever the fuck happened but pre prosthetics
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the-ace-reader · 1 year
I have seen/heard Tim Curry in some of the WILDEST places in my childhood.
I’ve experienced him as…
Long John Silver in Muppet’s Treasure Island (live action, pirate, villain)
Coeur de Noir / Sir William de Noir in The Secret of Moonacre (live action, lord, villain)
Hexxus in FernGully: The Last Rainforest (voice actor, spirit of pollution and death (?), villain)
Drake in The Pebble and the Penguin (voice actor, jock and bully penguin, villain)
Forte in Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (voice actor, a fucking pipe organ, villain)
Ben Ravencroft in Scooby Doo! and the Witch’s Ghost (voice actor, warlock, villain)
The Skull in Bartok the Magnificent (voice actor, the… skull, chaotic neutral?) ((side note: yes, this IS a spin off for the bat that helps Rasputin in the movie Anastasia!))
The Mouse/Rat King in Barbie in the Nutcracker (voice actor, mouse/rat king (duh), villain)
Nigel Thornberry in The Wild Thornberrys TV series (voice actor, kind of a ginger cartoon version of Steve Irwin but more incompetent, chaotic good)
Professor Calamitous in The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius TV series (voice actor, mad scientist, villain)
Like this guy… did he just look at his thriving career and say: I’m going to pick the WEIRDEST POSSIBLE CHARACTERS and make them 100000 TIMES BETTER with my VERY PRESENCE!
Like some of these movies are so niche and unheard of. Why would he ever agree to them?
Because he’s Tim fucking Curry, and he’s amazing. That’s why.
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I also always been a fan of designs of the ships of Treasure Planet. Literally there space pirate ships.
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hed-romancer · 16 days
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y'all. i watched treasure planet for the first time last week and i am OBSESSED. this boy!!! got a dad!!!
in honor of all the amazing treasure planet fanart on here, have a kinda crap screenshot redraw!
i personally love the idea that "the things they never see" could refer to all the hard work jim's doing, or to jim himself, asleep and vulnerable.
[image id: a black and white pen-and-paper drawing of jim hawkins from disney's treasure planet, asleep on top of a giant cooking pot, with john silver's jacket draped over him. to the left are the lyrics "and you see the things they never see." end id.]
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Incorrect Quote
Scroop: So... am I in trouble?
Silver, arms crossed: Take a guess.
Scroop: No?
Silver: Take another guess.
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dolls-self-ships · 1 year
Captain Hook is the only man Long John Silver ever feared not because he's big and scary or whatever but because he's the most disturbed, freaky little weirdo he's ever met and would like to stay far away from that strange man.
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tegdirbk · 1 year
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strawberrymolks-blog · 2 months
Walk with me
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artist-issues · 2 months
What do you think of Treasure Planet, particularly Silver?
I love that film's aesthetics and its focus on the value of fathers, particularly for young men. I also have to appreciate the irony that Jim's abandonment by his father, who was probably a lawful man, turned his son into a criminal while the mentorship by a pirate made him an honest man.
I like those values, too! I haven’t analyzed Treasure Planet. I think it’s a good movie, and the visuals are excellent, but I’d have to look at it more carefully before I could say what I think is objectively good and bad about it.
There’s nothing cooler than a steampunk-sci-fi take on a 19th century pirate novel animated tradigitally with a main character who looks like James Dean, with everything backed by the music of The Goo Goo Dolls. That’s just objective fact.
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