#Diwali light
eitheoo · 11 months
Buy Best Neon Light on Diwali at Best Price Check Now
When it comes to adding a touch of magic and vibrancy to our surroundings, few things can compare to the mesmerizing glow of neon lights. These luminous wonders have been a staple of modern design for nearly a century, and their appeal has only grown stronger with time. Neon lights are not just a means of illumination; they are a form of art that evokes nostalgia, captures attention, and transforms spaces into something truly enchanting.
The Birth of Neon
Neon lights, often associated with the flashy signs of the 20th century, were first created in the early 20th century. Neon is a
noble gas that can emit a brilliant, colorful glow when an electrical current passes through it. Georges Claude, a French engineer and inventor, was the first to commercialize neon lighting in the 1920s. His invention marked the beginning of a new era in signage and decoration.
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Versatility and Customization
One of the most captivating aspects of neon lights is their versatility. Unlike traditional incandescent or fluorescent lights, neon lights are incredibly flexible in terms of shape and color. Artisans can bend and shape the tubes to create intricate designs, letters, and even complex artworks. This adaptability has led to the extensive use of neon in a variety of settings, from classic roadside signs to contemporary interior decor.
The wide spectrum of colors that neon tubes can produce allows for almost limitless creativity. Whether you want to create a warm and inviting atmosphere with soft, warm tones or make a bold statement with vivid, eye-catching colors, neon can fulfill your vision.
Neon Art in Pop Culture
Neon lights have played a prominent role in pop culture for decades. Their appearance in film and art has made them iconic symbols of urban life. Classic films like "Blade Runner" and "American Graffiti" have used neon lights to create visually striking and memorable scenes. In the world of art, artists like Bruce Nauman and Tracey Emin have used neon to convey powerful messages and emotions in their works.
A Beacon of Expression
Neon lights have the unique ability to serve as a beacon of expression. They can transform an ordinary storefront into a captivating destination, drawing customers in with their allure. Neon signs can communicate a brand's identity, showcase its personality, and create a lasting impression in the minds of visitors.
From the red neon heart of a vintage diner to the luminous "Open" sign in a cozy bookstore, neon lights have an incredible power to connect with people on an emotional level. They evoke a sense of nostalgia and remind us of the simplicity and charm of days gone by.
Sustainability and Modern Neon
As concerns for the environment have grown, neon lights have also evolved. Modern neon lights are becoming more energy-efficient and sustainable. LED neon lights, for instance, mimic the vibrant glow of traditional neon but consume far less electricity and have a longer lifespan. This innovation allows for the continued use of neon aesthetics while reducing the environmental footprint.
Neon's Enduring Allure
In a world filled with ever-evolving technology and design trends, neon lights have managed to remain relevant and alluring. Their timeless appeal, a blend of art and function, continues to captivate our senses and ignite our imagination. Whether it's the neon-lit streets of Las Vegas or a small, charming cafe in a quiet neighborhood, these radiant wonders have a way of making our world a more colorful and exciting place.
In conclusion, neon lights are far more than just a source of illumination; they are artistic expressions that captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impression. Their history, versatility, and enduring charm make them an integral part of our culture. From vintage signs to contemporary art installations, neon lights will continue to illuminate our lives with their vivid colors and artistic flair for years to come. So, next time you spot a neon sign, take a moment to appreciate the artistry and creativity that lies within its luminous embrace.
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deesi-academia · 11 months
are you diwali? because you light me up <3
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ask-spiderpool · 2 years
considering it's diwali, the festival of lights for hindu people i want to take this opportunity to have wade wear a saree to REALLY show off his hips
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Happy Diwali, anon!! ✨
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dorkthoughts · 2 years
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Diwali moodboard<3333
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nidhi-writes · 11 months
Deepavali - Great power comes with great responsibility
Growing up in the southern Indian state of Tamilnadu, where Deepavali is celebrated cause of Narakasura’s Defeat by Krishna. Each year I heard the story of how and when it happened, why Krishna killed Narakasura, and how cruel he was.
As the adult age struck I started to work with people from many parts of India, surprisingly that's when I heard that the story of Deepavali/Diwali which they celebrate is very different from the one I did.
Some specified that it celebrated the cause of Lord Rama and Seetha’s return to Ayodhya
Some Specified that it was celebrated cause of Ravana’s Defeat by Lord Rama.
They were surprised when I said in Tamilnadu it is celebrated for the reason I mentioned above, some were quick to point out how wrong I was and how one should know one's true culture and blah blah blah.
It was hard to explain culture and practices vary throughout our country and that's the beauty of it, there is no right or wrong cause every path and every practice leads to the same destiny. Our paths may vary but the destination is one.
So I wanted to read more about this one-line story I heard about how Krishna defeated Narakasura and the origin of it. And man if I say it made me cry, weep.
To dive into this story we have to travel from Kaliyug to Krita(Sathya) Yug
When the earth was in the hands of destruction by the asura Hrinyaksha and to save the earth and defeat Hrinyaksha, the almighty Vishnu took in the form of Varaha, as both Hrinyaksha and Varaha fought, Varaha overpowered Hiranaksha and at the end defeating him and also restored the earth to its original position in the universe
Varaha defeated Hiranaksha with ease and his only exertion was a drop of sweat, which fell to the ground. From that drop, a young warrior rose, his name was Naraka.
Is that when Bhoodevi and her heartbeat as a mother, her eyes watered at the scene of her son rising from her Swami’s drop of sweat. How could she not love him as he is her son, with love Bhoodevi hugged her son and smiled at how strong and a warrior he was. Bhoodevi turned and asked her Prabhu Varaha that her son should be invincible. Varaaha pulled out one of his tusks and gave it to Naraka saying he could use it as a weapon whenever he was in great danger.
Naraka accepted the weapon provided by his father and felt immensely blessed and ready to go to seek his fortune, as his father provided him advice on how to use the power to do only good.
‘Uphold Dharma’ said Varaha and Bhoodevi blessed her son as happy tears fell from her lotus-like eyes.
Just like any mother, her heart is filled with love and confidence for her son. She does not doubt her son becoming powerful in all three worlds and being just like her Swami. Varaha looked at Bhoodevi and smiled at her nodding his head as if he knew what she was thinking, but his smile didn’t seem to be filled with confidence.
Varaha smiled, his son will be powerful but the question is will he uphold the dharma to do good things, will he use his powers to be righteous, cause great power comes with great responsibilities.
As the yugas rolled one by one from Krita(Sathya) to Treta, to Dwaparyug. Lord Vishnu again came down to earth in the form of Krishna, Yadava. He vanquished his Uncle Kamsa and continued to restore dharma on the earth.
Just like the yugas rolled down, Naraka also grew very powerful, as he conquered everything from heaven and earth, he was drunk with power. That's when he snatched the celestial earrings from Aditi, the mother of Devas.
Amid the chaos, Indra the lord of devas sought Krishna’s help to vanquish Naraka. Upon hearing this Satyabama, one of the wives of Krishna, who is none other than Bhoodevi herself, got devastated and her heart ached along with anger boiled on how her son turned out. Her confidence in her son now made her feel like crying a river but as a Bhoodevi she had a job first that is to accompany her swami and solve this problem.
Both Krishna and Sathyabama left Prag-joyitisha-pura on Garuda. But entering the Prag-joyitisha-pura was not easy as the capital has four layers to its defence, The chief defender of Naraka’s capital was Mura, who was so confident that no one could penetrate the defence he had set and was relaxing deep down at the ring of defence.
But can anything be against Parandhaman himself? Krishna took down each defence layer at ease thus causing violent ripples in the water. Mura woke up from his slumber, enraged rushed out to defend and attack Krishna. Mura fell fighting against Krishna who then earned the name Murrari, the enemy of Mura.
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Upon hearing the chaos outside Naraka Narakasura himself came out and started to fight against Krishna. The fight went on day and night causing extreme chaos and it became very difficult to say who was winning. As Naraka still had the weapon provided to him by his father Varaha, he took out the deadly tusk and threw it on Krishna, who got stuck by the tusk into his chest and fell unconscious. Naraka let out a victory cry but an enraged Satyabama picked up the bow and started to fight Naraka with so much anger. Naraka was shocked and continued to fight Sathyabama not knowing her real identity just like he did with Krishna.
Sathyabama’s eyes turned red flashing anger and her love for her son was now completely overshadowed by the monster he had become. Amidst the fighting, Krishna woke up and saw Sathyabama fighting and smiled at her. Naraka is shocked to see how Krishna is now awake, no other being can able to be alive after being struck by the deadly weapon, if Krishna is alive then he must be none other than Lord Varaha himself, his father.
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Naraka fell on his knees and his father's words rang into his ears ‘Uphold Dharma’. He realized that he had failed his father's words and surrendered to Krishna, who used Sudarshana chakra at Naraka.
As his life slowly leaves Naraka he subconsciously surrenders himself to Krishna and Sathyabama. Sathyabama who was Bhoodevi born again, rushed to him and held him. The cries of sorrow, hurt, love, anger everything heard in her. As she helplessly held her son whose life slowly leaving him, Krishna silently watched the reunion of mother and son. As the tears fell on his body he found light in his dying moment. The darkness has been lifted as the dawn broke.
That day is celebrated as the festival of lights, Deepavali or Diwali, which signifies that we have to emerge from darkness to light.
@whippersnappersbookworm  @harinishivaa @thelekhikawrites  @willkatfanfromasia  @yehshuhua  @arachneofthoughts  @vibishalakshman @nspwriteups  @thirst4light  @hollogramhallucination   @celestesinsight ​  @curiousgalacticsoul  @themorguepoet @tranquilsightseer
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phantomprose · 11 months
Love and Lights ✨🪔
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shadowseductress · 10 months
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Today is the first day of the annual wonderful holiday of Diwali ! The beautiful autumn Hindu festival of light! of light over darkness, good over evil, peace over war, friendship over enmity... we need the light now more than ever…
[Mary Elaine LeBey]
* * * *
“This is a day of celebration! Today, we are divorcing the past and marrying the present. Dance, and you will find God in every room. Today, we are divorcing resentment and marrying forgiveness. Sing, and God will find you in every tune. Today, we are divorcing indifference and marrying love. Drink, and play that tambourine against your thighs. We have so much celebrating to do!”
― Kamand Kojouri
[alive on all channels]
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
headcanon that james swore that he's never going to die during a holiday. back on the 31st of october, he was celebrating diwali, a holiday that brought him close to his natal lands, to his blood family, for the first time with his wife, the woman he'd love forever, and his newborn son, hari, the boy he loved like the light of his eyes
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seastarlily · 11 months
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Art of SpongeBob and friends celebrating Diwali.
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sheeeshvangi · 11 months
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I recently purchased 新完全マスター for the 読解 section of JLPT. I've heard amazing things about this book and I've used a bit of the N3 version of it before. I'm honestly a bit nervous about it since it's a very difficult book but I'm sure it's going to be really helpful.
I got it from Goyal Publishers, I'd definitely recommend their site to anyone in India who would need books for any foreign language.
Enjoy this very blurry picture of the book with beautiful lights in the background since it's Diwali!
I hope everyone has a great festive season. 🤍
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theamoristwriter · 11 months
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light and love ✨
Diwali '23
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y0urtemptation · 11 months
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Happy Diwali 🪔✨🩵
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peasunflower · 2 years
Yeah diwali is about firecrackers, diyas and new clothes and lanterns, but it's so much more. It's also about dressing up with your bestie while fighting over who was late, and watching how every balcony is adorned with festive lights flickering, it's about jhumkas and bindi and about making tiny paper lanterns, and clicking 17k pictures, and smiling and laughing with family, and complaining about calories to mum while sneaking out another kaju katli. Diwali <3
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quillinhand · 11 months
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his-heart-hymns · 11 months
Wishing you a Diwali filled with the radiant glow of joy, the sparkle of laughter, and the warmth of cherished moments.Happy Diwali! 🪔✨
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